How to Use Instagram What Is Instagram? Instagram is a free mobile app that you can use to share photos with your friends and family. It’s meant for use on iPhone and Android mobile phones. Instagram is a type of social networking, like Facebook and Twitter, but it has fewer features so it’s easier to use. Some people set up their Instagram account using their real name, but for privacy many people use just a nickname.
Why Would I Want To Use It?
Create an album of photos to show your friends and family around the world. Or, never post a photo – just enjoy looking at other people’s pictures. To make this easier you can “follow” friends and celebrities. You can “like” someone else’s photo, and add a comment. Tap a “hashtag” in a caption or comment to see similar photos. For example if you tap #cats, a new Instagram page shows all other photos that have been given #cats.
Instagram has other features like posting videos and “tagging” the people in a photo. To keep things simple, this document describes only the features that are most popular and easy to use.
What Does Instagram Look Like? At right is a photo that “pigmypanther” posted 2 weeks ago. Below the photo you can see: The username of a person who liked this photo (lzuranski). The caption pigmypanther gave this photo. A hashtag (#cats) pigmypanther included in the caption. A comment that was added by someone else (lzuranski). At the bottom of every Instagram page are icons you tap to see and do other things. For example, tap the home icon to go to your Instagram homepage, where you’ll find every photo posted by you and the people you follow.
How to Use Instagram
What About My Privacy? The only personal information that you must give Instagram is your email address, and no one else will see it. Still, you should always be careful when using the Internet. A few suggestions: When selecting your Instagram username, you may not want to use your real name. Take the usual precautions with your password, like keeping it confidential. By default the photos, captions, and comments you post on Instagram can be seen by millions of people around the world. So think twice about using personal information – about yourself or anyone else – in a photo, comment, or caption. For example, don’t post a photo of your driver’s license. Don’t say you’re home alone. Do refer to your friends by their Instagram username instead of their real name. Instagram has features that can make your account either more private (letting only the people you approve see your photos) or less private (showing the exact location where your photos were taken). For more on privacy features see the example in Task 10: Learn More About Instagram.
What’s In This Document? Listed below are the features explained in this document. They’re grouped into “tasks.” Each task has an overview, numbered steps, and examples that illustrate what you might see and want to do. Important: What you see on your phone may be slightly different from what’s shown in this
document. It depends on variables like the type of phone you have and whether the Instagram software has changed since this document was written. This document was written using an iPhone 4S and the Instagram software that was current on April 22, 2015. To use Instagram you must complete Task 1 and Task 2, and in that order. After that you can do (or not do) any of the other tasks, and you can do them in any order. Task 1: Install the Instagram App on Your Phone.................................................. 3 Task 2: Set Up Your Instagram Account and Profile Page ..................................... 4 Task 3: Find, Follow, and Block Other People .................................................... 10 Task 4: Like, Comment, and Delete Comments ................................................... 14 Task 5: Post Your Own Photo and Caption ......................................................... 21 Task 6: Change or Delete Your Photo or Caption ................................................ 25 Task 7: Use # (Hashtags) and @ (Mentions) in Captions and Comments ............. 27 Task 8: See the Activity on Your Photos ............................................................. 33 Task 9: Use Instagram on a PC or Tablet ............................................................. 35 Task 10: Learn More about Instagram ................................................................. 39
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Task 1: Install the Instagram App on Your Phone Unlike the other tasks in this document, this one has only general instructions. That’s because the exact steps vary depending on the type of phone you have and how you have it set up. There is never any fee to download (or use) the Instagram app. Be sure you download the right one – other apps have similar names. Before you begin: You’ll probably need to know your password for the App Store (for iPhones) or Google Play (for Android phones) to download Instagram.
To download the Instagram app and install it on your phone: 1. On your phone, go to App Store (for iPhones) or Google Play (for Android phones). 2. Search for Instagram. Note: There are other apps with a name similar to Instagram. This is the one you want:
3. Install Instagram on your phone. 4. When the installation is complete, this Instagram icon will be on your phone:
Congratulations! You’ve finished Task 1. To use Instagram you must complete Task 2, which starts on the next page.
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Task 2: Set Up Your Instagram Account and Profile Page This task explains: How to enter the required information needed to set up an Instagram account. How to enter the optional information you may want to include on your Profile page. Note: If you’ve completed this task once and now want to change your profile information,
begin at step 11. Before you begin:
Know the email address you’ll use for your Instagram account. (Instagram will send a confirmation email that you must answer. Also, this address is used if you forget your password.)
Think of a username that will identify you to your friends. o It must be different from the millions of usernames that already exist. o For privacy you may want to use a nickname or just part of your name. o It can’t have any spaces, but it can have an underscore ( _ ). o It can have numbers. o It isn’t case-sensitive. (There’s no difference between “pigmypanther” and “PigmyPanther.”) Tip: Think of several usernames you might like, then ask a friend who already uses
Instagram to see if those usernames are taken. (Your friend can follow the first steps in Task 3: Find, Follow, and Block Other People.)
Think of a password for your Instagram account. Passwords are case-sensitive (“password” is different from “Password”). Numbers and some symbols can be used.
Decide if you want to use a photo for your Instagram profile. o If so, this picture must be in your phone’s photo library. o A very small version of this photo will be above every photo you post, and at the top of your Profile page. o Since the photo will always be small, it’s best to use something simple. o It doesn’t have to be a photo of yourself. Some people use a photo of a pet or place. Some people use a cartoon or symbol.
Decide if you want a “biography” (a description up to 150 characters long) on your Profile page.
To set up your Instagram account and profile: 1. To open Instagram, on your phone tap the
Instagram icon.
2. Tap Sign Up. 3. Enter your email address, and then tap Next. The page shown below displays.
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4. Type a username for your Instagram account. Note: The beginning of your email address may display, but you can replace it.
5. Type a password for your Instagram account. 6. Tap the links to read the Privacy Policy and Terms of Service. When you’re finished, tap Done. 7. When you see a message that says “Find Facebook Friends to Follow,” in the upper-right corner tap SKIP. 8. When you see a message that says “Find Contacts to Follow,” in the upper-right corner tap SKIP. The page shown below displays. Note: This page includes Instagram’s suggestions for other accounts you might want
to follow.
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9. To skip this page, in the upper-right corner tap the right arrow. 10. When you see a message that says, “Turn On Notifications,” tap NOT NOW. The page shown below displays.
11. In the lower-right corner, tap the below.
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profile icon. Your Profile page displays, as shown
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12. Tap Edit Your Profile. The Edit Profile page displays, as shown below. Note: If you want to see how pigmypanther filled out his Edit Profile page, and how
this information looks when other people visit his Profile page, see the Profile Example at the end of this task.
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13. To enter your optional profile information: If you want to add …
Then …
A longer name A photo that identifies you
To the right of , type the name. a. Below the circle, tap Edit. b. Tap Choose from Library. c. The photo library on your phone opens. Find the photo to use, and then tap it. d. Your photo opens in Instagram. If necessary, adjust the photo’s size and placement. Note: Only the portion inside the circle will be visible. e. When you’re finished, tap Crop. To the right of , type to URL to your personal website. To the right of , type the text.
A link to your personal website A “bio” (up to 150 characters that describe you) A phone number. (It will not be visible on your Profile page. There is no need to enter this information.) Your gender. (It will not be visible on your Profile page. There is no need to enter this information.)
To the right of number.
, type your phone
Tap to the right of gender.
, and then select a
14. When you’re finished entering your profile information, tap Done. 15. Instagram suggests people for you to follow. To close them without following, to the right of each suggestion tap X. 16. Instagram has sent you an email, asking you to confirm your account. Open this email and follow the instructions in it.
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Profile Example:
Shown below is how pigmypanther filled out his Edit Profile page, and how this information looks to other people when they visit his Profile page.
This is how pigmypanther set up his profile
This is what other people see on pigmypanther’s Profile page
~ Congratulations! You’ve finished this task. ~ Note: If you ever want to change your profile information, begin at step 11 of this task.
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Task 3: Find, Follow, and Block Other People This task explains how to search for people in Instagram and “follow” them. When you follow another person, every photo he or she posts automatically displays on your homepage. Also, this person receives a message that lets them know you’re following them. Likewise, if someone follows you, you’ll receive a notification and every photo you post will display on their homepage. (Some people want many followers, so don’t be surprised if strangers start following you. They may be hoping you’ll follow them in return.) This task also explains how to: Stop following (unfollow) someone. Block someone from following you. This is typically done only when that person is annoying, like if they’re posting negative comments on your photos. Report someone as inappropriate. Do this when a person is posting spam (intrusive marketing messages) or photos/comments that are threatening or obscene. Instagram will investigate your report and may delete that person’s Instagram account. Before you begin:
You can skip some of the steps in this task if you can go to a photo that this person posted or commented on: tap their username to open their Profile page, then start on step 6. If you want to follow a friend, ask for his or her Instagram username. When a person doesn’t use their real name on Instagram that may be the only way you can find them.
To find and follow people on Instagram: 1. At the bottom of any Instagram page, tap the displays.
search icon. The page shown below
Note: Near the top of the page, the word PHOTOS is in blue font. This page shows
photos that Instagram thinks you might want to see.
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2. To look for people you know, tap PEOPLE. The page shown below displays. Note: Near the top of the page, the word PEOPLE is in blue font. This is where you
can search for people. Listed in the lower part of the page are people that Instagram thinks you might like to follow.
3. To search for someone you know, at the top of the page tap below displays.
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Search. The page shown
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4. Type the name or username of a person to look for. As you type, Instagram lists the people it thinks you’re searching for, as shown below.
Note: In the example above, pigmypanther is the username. When filling out his
Instagram profile, pigmypanther also entered a longer name of “The Pigmy Panther.” 5. When the person you’re looking for is in the list, tap that username. This person’s Profile page displays, as shown below.
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6. To start following this person, tap the white Follow button. It turns green and the word changes to Following, as shown below. You are now following this person.
An automatic message on this person’s Activity page lets them know you’re following them. For more on this see Task 8: See the Activity on Your Photos. Every photo this person posts will now display on your homepage. It may take a while before all of their photos are downloaded to your homepage.
To stop following a person: 1. Go to that person’s Profile page. (You can find it by searching as described in the steps above, or by tapping their username in any Instagram page.) 2. Tap the green Following button. It changes to the white Follow button. Photos this person posts in the future will not be on your homepage. To block someone from following you: 1. Go to that person’s Profile page. 2. In the upper-right corner, tap the more symbol. Your options are to simply block this person, or to also report this person to Instagram as inappropriate.
~ Congratulations! You’ve finished this task. ~
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Task 4: Like, Comment, and Delete Comments This task explains how to: Like a photo (indicate that you enjoy or appreciate it) and how to remove a like. Comment on a photo (write a phrase of up to 150 characters) and how to delete a comment that you wrote. Delete a comment that someone else wrote on your photo. To like a photo: 1. View the photo. If necessary, scroll down until you see the
white heart.
In the example below, pigmypanther is viewing a photo posted by lzuranski. Four other people have already liked this photo. Their usernames are shown to the right of a small blue heart. When many people have liked a photo, only a number displays. For example, if 25 people had liked this photo, you would see 25 next to the small blue heart.
2. Tap the white heart. It turns red, and your username is added to the right of the small blue heart, as shown below.
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Note: Another way to like a photo is to tap the image twice in rapid succession. This is
called a double-tap. 3. To remove your like indication from a photo, tap the your username no longer displays.
red heart. It turns white and
To comment on a photo: 1. Beneath the photo, tap the below.
comment bubble. The Comments page displays, as shown
Note: In the example below pigmypanther is commenting on a photo posted by
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2. Tap in the box labeled “Add a comment,” and then type your comment. Note: A comment can contain up to 150 letters, numbers, and spaces. It can also
include hashtags and mentions. For more on this see Task 7: Use # (Hashtags) and @ (Mentions) in Captions and Comments. 3. When you’re finished typing, tap Send. Your comment displays above the keyboard, as shown below.
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4. To return to the photo, at the top of the Comments page tap the left arrow. As shown below, your comment displays beneath the photo, likes, and caption.
5. To delete a comment that you’ve written, at the beginning of your comment tap and hold your username. The Comments page displays, as shown below.
6. Swipe your comment to the left. A
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trash symbol displays, as shown below.
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7. Tap the
trash symbol.
8. In the message asking if you want to delete this comment, tap Delete. 9. To return to the photo, at the top of the Comments page tap the
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left arrow.
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To delete a comment that someone left on your photo:
1. At the beginning of the comment you want to delete, tap and hold the username. Note: In the example above, pigmypanther wants to delete a comment written by
lzuranski, so he will tap and hold that username. 2. In the Comments page, swipe the comment to the left, and then tap the The message shown below displays.
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trash symbol.
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3. In this example, to delete the comment without reporting it, tap Delete. Note: If you report a comment as abusive, Instagram will investigate and possibly
take action such as deleting that person’s account. 4. To return to your photo, at the top of the Comments page tap the comment has been deleted.
left arrow. The
~ Congratulations! You’ve finished this task. ~
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Task 5: Post Your Own Photo and Caption This task explains how to post on Instagram a photo that you’ve already taken, and how to give this photo a caption. Notes:
This task assumes the photo you want to add is in your phone’s photo library. Instagram photos are always square, and the photos taken with a mobile phone are usually rectangular, so this task explains how to re-size and crop the photo after you upload it to Instagram. (The original photo on your phone won’t be changed.) This task doesn’t explain Instagram’s many other photo editing options, like adjusting the brightness and using artistic filters. The best way to learn about these is to experiment with them yourself. Instagram has many other features for posting images. For example it’s possible to take a new photo from within the Instagram application, and it’s possible to post videos as well as photos. For more information see Task 10: Learn More about Instagram.
To add a photo to your Instagram page:
1. At the bottom of any Instagram page, tap the displays.
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share icon. The page shown below
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2. In the lower-left corner, tap the boxes. A new page displays where you can see the photos on your phone, as shown below.
3. Scroll through the lower part of this page to find the photo you want, then tap that photo. A larger version displays in the top part of the page, as shown above. 4. If desired, re-size and center your photo. (In the top part of the page, use two fingers to make the photo larger and smaller, then use one finger to move the image until it’s centered the way you’d like.) April 22, 2015
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5. To upload this photo to Instagram, in the upper-right corner tap NEXT. A new page displays, as shown below.
6. If you want to change the photo’s appearance, use the icons at the top of the page and the filters at the bottom of the page. When you’re done, in the upper-right corner tap NEXT. 7. A new page displays. To add a caption for your photo, tap the box to the right of the small image, then use the keyboard to type your caption as shown below.
8. When you’re finished typing the caption, in the upper-right corner tap OK. The page shown below displays.
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9. As the final step of adding your photo to Instagram, at the bottom of the page tap SHARE. 10. Your photo and caption are now live on Instagram. As in the example shown below, you may have to scroll down to see the caption.
~ Congratulations! You’ve finished this task. ~
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Task 6: Change or Delete Your Photo or Caption This task explains how to:
Change the caption in a photo you’ve posted. Permanently remove a photo you’ve posted. (This will also delete the information connected to it, such as the caption and any likes or comments added by other people.)
You can’t make changes to the photo itself, such as cropping it differently, and you can’t delete a photo that someone else posted. For information on deleting a comment that either you or someone else has made, see Task 4: Like, Comment, and Delete Comments. To change your photo’s caption: 1. With the photo you want to change displayed, as shown below, on the right side of the page and under the caption, tap the more symbol.
2. At the option to delete or edit, tap Edit.
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3. Tap the box with the caption in it. A keyboard displays, as shown below.
4. Use the keyboard to change your caption. When you’re finished, in the upper-right corner tap Done.
To delete a photo and its caption, likes, and comments: 1. With the photo you want to delete displayed, on the right side of the page under the caption, tap the more symbol. 2. At the option to delete or edit, tap Delete. 3. In the message asking if you want to delete the photo, tap Delete. The photo, along with all the information connected to it, is permanently removed from Instagram.
~ Congratulations! You’ve finished this task. ~
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Task 7: Use # (Hashtags) and @ (Mentions) in Captions and Comments This task explains hashtags and mentions:
Hashtags. When you type the # symbol before a word or phrase (with no spaces) it’s called a hashtag. o A hashtag is a link. Tap it to open a new page showing all the other photos on Instagram that have been given the same hashtag. o Sometimes people use a hashtag as a joke – they don’t really expect anyone to tap it. For example, one young woman put these hashtags in the caption of a “selfie” photo: o A few common hashtag abbreviations are below. For more information see: #selfie (photos people take of themselves) #ss (selfie Sunday, a selfie posted on a Sunday) #tbt (throwback Thursday, an old photo posted on a Thursday) #fbf (flashback Friday, an old photo posted on a Friday) #wcw (woman crush Wednesday) #mcm (man crush Monday) #ootd (outfit of the day) #yolo (you only live once)
Mentions. When you type the @ symbol in front someone’s username (with no spaces) it’s called a mention. o The person you mentioned will receive a notice on his or her Instagram Activity page, showing the entire caption or comment you wrote. It’s like sending that person a message, but they’ll see it only when they check their Activity page. (For more on this see Task 8: See the Activity on Your Photos.) o A mention is a link. Tap it to open that person’s Instagram Profile page.
Hashtags and mentions can be used in both comments and captions.
Comments are text you add beneath a photo that someone else posted. See Task 4: Like, Comment, and Delete Comments.
Captions are text you write when you post a photo. See Task 5: Post Your Own Photo and Caption.
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To use a hashtag: In the example below, pigmypanther posted a photo with this hashtag in the caption: #catnaps.
1. When you tap #catnaps, the page shown below displays:
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2. This page has a small version of every photo that has #catnaps in either the caption or a comment. To see a larger version of a photo (along with its caption, likes, and comments) tap that photo. 3. To return to the page you were on previously, tap the
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left arrow.
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To use a mention: In the example below, pigmypanther posted a photo with a caption, and then lzuranski posted a comment with a question in it. (Lzuranski knew pigmypanther would see her question the next time he checked his Activity page.)
Now pigmypanther wants to answer lzuranski’s question. To be sure she sees it, he must “mention” lzuranski so his comment will appear on her Activity page. 1. Beneath the photo, tap the
comment bubble. The Comments page displays.
2. Type the comment as you normally would, but somewhere in your text type @ immediately followed by the username of the person you want to mention, as shown below.
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3. When you’re finished typing the comment, tap Send. Your new comment is moved to the top of the page. 4. To go back to the page with your photo, tap the added, as shown below.
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left arrow. Your comment has been
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5. The next time lzuranski checks her Activity page, she’ll see pigmypanther’s comment that mentions her, as shown below.
Note: More information about the Activity page is in Task 8: See the Activity on
Your Photos.
~ Congratulations! You’ve finished this task. ~
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Task 8: See the Activity on Your Photos This task explains how to use the Activity page to: See the actions taken on your photos and account. This includes seeing who started following you, liked one of your photos, left a comment on one of your photos, and mentioned you in a comment or caption. See the actions taken by the people you’re following. This includes who has liked someone else’s photo, written a comment, or started following someone new. Take other actions, such as tapping a photo to see a larger version. To see your own Activity page: 1. At the bottom of any Instagram page, tap the displays, as shown below.
heart icon. Your Activity page
In the Activity page shown above:
Near the top of the page, YOU is in blue font. This shows you’re in the part of the Activity page with information about your account. This page tells you: o Who tapped the Like heart while viewing one of your photos, and which photo they liked. o Who left a comment on one of your photos, and what that comment says. o Who has started following you on Instagram. (If you want to start following that person, tap the follow button.)
On any Activity page you can:
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Tap any username to open that person’s Profile page. Tap a small photo to open the large version.
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2. To see actions that have been taken by the people you’re following, near the top of the page tap FOLLOWING. The page shown below displays.
In the example Activity page shown above:
One of the people you follow, lzuranski, liked seven photos 3 minutes ago and five photos 15 hours ago. Some of these are photos that you’ve posted, but some are photos posted by people you don’t know. One day ago, lzuranski liked just one photo, so you can see the username of the person who posted that photo. Although it’s not shown in the example above, if lzuranski had commented on a photo, you would see the comment that she wrote. Although it’s not shown in the example above, if lzuranski had started following someone else on Instagram, you’d see that person’s username.
~ Congratulations! You’ve finished this task. ~
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Task 9: Use Instagram on a PC or Tablet Although Instagram is intended for use on iPhones and Android phones, it’s possible to access the Instagram webpage using a computer, laptop, or tablet. But you’ll only be able to do a few basic tasks such as: Editing your profile. Viewing, liking, and commenting on photos taken by you or someone you follow. Examples of the things you can’t do from the Instagram webpage include adding and deleting photos, and searching for users and hashtags. This task explains: How to access the Instagram webpage using a PC or tablet. How to find your Instagram homepage and the pages you can access from it. What you can do in each of these pages. To access the Instagram webpage: 1. On your PC or tablet, go to The page shown below displays.
2. In the upper-right corner, click Log in. 3. In the new page that displays, enter your username and password, and then click Log in.
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4. Your Instagram homepage displays, with the photos posted by you and the people you follow, as shown in the example below. Note: In this example pigmypanther is viewing a photo that he posted.
What you can do in your homepage:
To like or unlike a photo, below the image click the
To comment on a photo, type in the box labeled “Write a comment.”
To see all Instagram photos on a topic, click a hashtag.
To go to your own Profile page, click your username. (In the example above, pigmypanther could click his username in either place: to the left of the photo or at the beginning of the caption.)
To see another person’s Profile page, click that username. (In the example above, pigmypanther can click lzuranski to see her Profile page.)
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5. In this example, on the previous page pigmypanther clicked his own username. The pigmypanther Profile page displays, as shown below.
Note: At the top of every Profile page is a “banner” that has an ever-changing
selection of that user’s photos. What you can do in a Profile page:
To return to your homepage, in the upper-left corner click
To change your profile, below the banner click Edit Profile.
On someone else’s Profile page, you can use the button below the banner to follow or unfollow that person.
To see a large version of a photo, click that photo. An example of a large photo is shown below.
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What you can do in a large photo:
To like or unlike the photo, click the
To comment on the photo, type your text in the box labeled “Leave a comment.”
To see the next photo in this profile, click the
To see the previous photo in this profile, click the left arrow. (In the example shown above, there’s no left arrow because this is the first photo on pigmypanther’s Profile page.)
To close a large photo and go back to the Profile page, click anywhere in the black area outside that photo.
right arrow.
~ Congratulations! You’ve finished this task. ~
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Task 10: Learn More about Instagram This task explains how you can use the Instagram Help Center to read more about Instagram’s features, and to search for answers to your questions. Note: Instagram information is also available in many other places. A few examples:
Videos on YouTube Classes on Books (purchased, or borrowed from your local library)
To use the Instagram Help Center: 1. On any Instagram page, in the lower-right corner tap the page displays, as shown below.
2. In the upper-right corner, tap the below.
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profile icon. Your Profile
gear symbol. The Options page displays, as shown
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Tip: You may want to scroll through this page and see the other options available to
you. 3. Scroll down until you find the heading of SUPPORT, and then tap Help Center. The homepage of the Instagram Help Center displays, as shown below.
4. For a specific question you can tap the search symbol and type a few key words. In this example, to browse through the topics about privacy, tap Privacy & Safety. The page shown below displays.
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5. Select the topic you want to learn more about. In this example tap Controlling Your Visibility. The page below displays.
6. You can read the displayed information, scroll down to see the other information on this page, or tap a link to open a new page. When you’re finished, take one of the following actions:
To go back to the previous Help Center page, tap the
To exit the Help Center and go back to your Options page, tap the
left-pointing triangle. left arrow.
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