Quick Look at an Instagram Profile Page
Pigmypanther has posted 18 photos and videos.
This is how pigmypanther’s profile looks to other people.
Takes you back to the previous screen.
3 people are following pigmypanther. Tap to see their usernames.
In someone else’s profile, opens options to block, report as inappropriate, and copy URL. In your profile, a gear icon opens your options page. Pigmypanther is following 1 person. Tap to see the username.
Profile photo
Tap to follow pigmypanther. (Tap again to unfollow.)
Full name
Biography Arranges the photos below in a list. Arranges the photos below in a grid (as shown here).
Opens a map showing the locations of this person’s photos.
Tap a photo to open it and see the caption, likes, comments, etc.
Opens a page showing all photos where this person is tagged. Indicates 1 new notification is on your activity page.
Indicates this is a video. Tap to run the video, then tap the video to hear the sound.
Opens your profile page.
Opens your homepage (also called your newsfeed).
April 22, 2015
Opens your search page.
Opens the page where you take or upload photos and videos.
Opens your activity page.
Lynn Zuranski