DCMH Annual Report - 2013

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Decatur County

Memorial Hospital The Quality Care You Want. Close By.

Excellence in Leadership

CULTURE: Caring for Our Community / FINANCE: Finance & Statistics

QUALITY: Outcomes & Achievements

SERVICE: Services at Your Hospital



of your hospital


Featured Services






Caring for Our Community


Finances & Statistics


STAR Employees


Leadership Team


LINDA SIMMONS President and CEO 3 years


WELCOME Welcome to your Hospital’s 2013 Annual Report to our community. We appreciate you taking time to review this publication. Throughout this report you will recognize the many positive impacts Decatur County Memorial Hospital (DCMH) makes in our community and learn about our four main focuses moving forward: culture, quality, service and finance. Without question your Hospital plays a vital role in attracting new businesses and residents. Perhaps more importantly however, is that we are available to serve our community 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Inside this report, you’ll have the opportunity to read patient stories from area residents, all of whom have been touched by DCMH and are extremely grateful for the services provided. You’ll also meet some of the faces of DCMH who contribute their time and hard work to your Hospital’s overall success. Healthcare is definitely changing, but so are we. Now more than ever, you have reason to choose to have your healthcare locally. Our new facilities help to enhance your privacy, comfort and convenience, and our leadership team is stepping up to implement new procedures and bring the best possible care to each and every patient. Decatur County Memorial Hospital is your community hospital and serves in a way that no others can. So read on and learn — you’ll soon recognize that it’s your health, it’s your hospital and it’s your best choice.


Linda Simmons


The new main entrance to Decatur County Memorial Hospital.






services AT YOUR HOSPITAL IN 2013

CARDIOLOGY Heart disease and other related disorders are of increasing concern in Decatur County, but don’t think keeping your heart healthy has to take a lot of extra effort. DCMH has created a web page (www.dcmh.net/Heart) that provides the cardiac resources you need and is a one-stop shop that contains: a list of visiting specialists, links to national cardiac care, heart-

DCMH wants you to be aware of all signs and symptoms related to diseases and other problems involving your digestive tract. For your convenience, DCMH has partnered with Indianapolis Gastroenterology and Hepatology to offer local, high-quality care to patients from visiting gastroenterologists two days a week. Gastroenterology deals with the diagnosis and treatment of conditions including:

DCMH welcomed a new team of pulmonary specialists to our

• Colon Cancer (family history) • Crohn’s Disease / Irritable Bowel Syndrome • Heart Burn / Indigestion / Gerd Reflux / Bloating • Rectal Bleeding / Blood in Stool

• Cystic Fibrosis

Appointments are available by calling (800) 403-4683.

related events and details about our all-encompassing Focus 10+ screenings. Cardiology deals with the diagnosis and

PULMONOLOGY Specialty Clinic in 2013. For the convenience of our patients, DCMH partnered with three new specialists who visit the clinic weekly and are accepting new patients. Pulmonology deals with the diagnosis and treatment of conditions including: • Asthma • Lung Cancer (family history) • Lung Infections • Pulmonary Hypertension & Rehabilitation • Sleep Disorders Appointments are available by calling (812) 663-1311.

treatment of heart conditions. Your hospital offers additional heart-related resources including: • Anti-Coagulation Clinic • HeartCaring Programs/Events/Screenings • Nutrition Counseling • Visiting Cardiologists


ENDOCRINOLOGY As the need in our community increased, DCMH began offering endocrinology services in 2013. Our visiting endocrinologist sees patients two days a week in our Specialty Clinic located on the second floor of the hospital. Endocrinology deals with the diagnosis and treatment of conditions including:


• Diabetes • Hormonal Disorders • Obesity • Pituitary Disorders Appointments are available by calling (812) 663-1311. LACIE EVANS Unit Coordinator 4 months



DARLENE ROBERTS Unit Coordinator 34 years

KIM GRUBBS Unit Coordinator 3 years

LACI BORGMAN Practice Manager 1 year

Helping Our Community SERVICE: Services at Your Hospital

• Cardiac Rehabilitation

Following additional health scares, a month of hospitalization and more, Froman and her son have now found comfort and the answers they need from the multiple pediatric rehabilitation services offered at DCMH. To read more about Kohen’s story, his time in the hospital and his current recovery process, click on the Patient Testimonials link on www.dcmh.net/Community.



What started out as an average Wednesday night in front of the television ended with overwhelming gratitude to Decatur County first responders and the Decatur County Memorial Hospital ER staff for saving Bill Soendlin’s life. Soendlin and his wife Janice were about to go to bed when Janice heard Bill suddenly MIKE TRABEL gasping for air. Immediately, she called 911, and began ER Director giving him CPR. “I did all I could remember about CPR 21 years and began pounding on him,” she said. Soon after, the emergency management team arrived and took over, resuscitating Soendlin. An irregular heartbeat was later diagnosed as the cause to Bill’s cardiac arrest. In the ambulance, Soendlin’s heart stopped a few times, and his wife said, “When we arrived at the DCMH Emergency Room, they were amazing. They were able to revive him once again, before he was airlifted to Indianapolis for further care.” Soendlin was lucky, and with help from the DCMH Rehab Services and others, he’s back to normal and doing great today. To read more about Bill’s story, his hospital experience, progression and care team, click on the Patient Testimonials link on www.dcmh.net/Community.

DCMH’s LiveWELL program caught Koors’ attention one day when reading the newspaper. Its focus on overall fitness, nutrition, psychology and technology intrigued her. LiveWELL offers regular meetings and one-on-one sessions with a registered dietitian and gives each participant a BodyMedia armband, as seen on The Biggest Loser.

Koors was unsure of this program’s outcome, but found confidence knowing it was guided by her hospital. She shared, specifically about the program’s Grocery Story Tour, “It got me more conscious about what I was eating and helped to change my daily eating habits.” To read more about Judy’s success story, her challenges and tips learned in the program, click on the Patient Testimonials link on www.dcmh.net/Community.

QUALITY MEASURES Surgical Site Infection Rate ASHLEY STIER Registered Nurse 11 years


HOLLY PRAY Registered Dietitian 8 years

• The National Rural Health Resource Center recognized DCMH for demonstrating excellence and innovation with the Community Engagement Award. • Becker’s Hospital Review named DCMH one of the “100 Great Places to Work in Healthcare” for offering positive work environments, employee recognition programs and more. • The Indianapolis Star awarded DCMH for a third straight year with the Top Work Places award. • The Indianapolis Business Journal named our hospital one of the “100 Healthiest Employers” for its wellness program initiatives and activities.

To Five

FREDA MAE’S STORY: MED/SURG Freda Mae Volz Pleak was a patient at Decatur County Memorial Hospital for almost two weeks. Cheryl Linville, Pleak’s daughter, along with other family members, was by her side the entire time. When asked about her visit and her mother’s stay in the new Med/Surg unit and the care provided, Linville was overjoyed to share her story.

Your hospital was honored for demonstrating excellence in four categories in 2013:

Linville’s mother passed away on January 23, 2014, but since her mother’s first night at DCMH, Linville was overwhelmed by the amount of teamwork, love, professionalism and care demonstrated by hospital staff. Linville spent a majority of the nights sleeping in the patient room alongside her mother. After highlighting all the wonderful new features and amenities offered in the new unit, Linville paused for a moment as she tried to remember all the names of everyone who cared for her and her mother during their stay. “I’ve been so touched by everyone,” she said. To read more about Freda Mae’s story, her family’s cherished moments and the specific instances our outstanding care that Linville highlights, click on the Patient Testimonials link on www.dcmh.net/Community. 5



minutes Target goal for length of stay in ED is less than 180 minutes. DCMH average for 2013 was 173.6 minutes. DCMH has now exceeded this with length of stay in ED at 155.3 minutes.



Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) Discharge Instructions 100%. Education provided to CHF patients on medications, diet, activity, follow-up appointments, signs/symptoms to watch and daily weight monitoring.

Aspirin provided upon arrival in Emergency Department (ED) for Acute MI 100% of the time.


BRAD GREEN Quality & Accreditation Director 7 years

ED Arrival to Physician/ Provider Evaluation Time 10 minutes.

QUALITY: Outcomes & Achievements


Lauren Froman, mother of Kohen Froman, became concerned when her son stopped gaining weight a couple of months after birth. When Froman and her husband began searching for answers, JOHANNA PAINTER the doctors discovered a hole in Kohen’s Speech Pathologist heart. “Kohen had surgery to fix the hole, 5 years which we later found out was caused by a chromosome duplication leading to a defect in his heart. This then lead to developmental and physical delay,” Lauren said.

Judy Koors, 57, has struggled with weight since her mid-30s. Since her struggle began, Koors tried everything from Weight Watchers to numerous weight loss products and programs shown on infomercials. These programs resulted in initial short-term weight loss but never affected her long-term lifestyle.





Charity “Uncompensated” Care

JOY YATES Patient Accounts Rep. 11 years

Charity Care, also known as uncompensated care, is healthcare provided for free or at reduced prices to low income patients. In 2013, Decatur County Memorial Hospital provided $2,534,698 in Charity Care. An additional $6,755,407 was also written off from uncollectable accounts.

NANCY SCHMALENBERG Lab Unit Coordinator 37 years

FINANCIAL OVERVIEW Health Screenings & Education


Throughout the years, DCMH has worked to advance the health and wellness of our community by providing ample free or reduced-price screening opportunities. In 2013 DCMH conducted over 250 free health education events and over 120 free or reduced-price health screenings. Over $75,000 was donated by DCMH in free-screening charges.

DAVID PAVEY Infection Control RN 4 years






Net Revenue



Operating Expenses









Charity Care



Bad Debts







Admissions — Hospital



Patient Days









Emergency Room Visits












Meals Served



Pounds of Laundry



Net Patient Revenue Other Operating Revenue

Nonoperating Revenue Dollars Available for Capital Investment DEDUCTIONS FROM REVENUE

Some of the free screenings offered by DCMH in 2013 included: blood pressures, lipid panels, mammograms, comprehensive blood screenings, heel scans for osteoporosis, diabetes, skin cancer and more.


Contractual Write-offs

Wages/Salaries Benefits

Free Flu Vaccines During flu season, there are many factors and issues to consider. As your hospital, we strive to provide unlimited flu protection and resources necessary to stay healthy. Offering free flu clinics throughout the county, DCMH staff administered 3,850 free flu vaccines in 2013. $77,000 was donated in this effort, through staffing, set-up and medical charges. Vaccines were made free of charge by virtue of major support from the Hospital Foundation of Decatur County.


Mammogram Assistance Program

CAROL BLASDEL Mammography Technician 35 years


In 2013, DCMH offered mammogram assistance to its community thanks to the Hospital Foundation of Decatur County and Indiana Breast Cancer Awareness Trust. The importance of receiving your mammogram stems from research proving almost 90 percent of breast cancers are found during this annual procedure.

Outpatient Registration Births Surgical Procedures

Last year, your hospital completed 56 mammograms through the Hospital Foundation Grant alone. Under this grant, DCMH can provide women or men with screening mammograms and additional radiological procedures (if needed) at no cost to the recipient when certain criteria are met.

CT, MRI, Nuclear Scans and Ultrasounds Lab Tests Home Health Visits



CULTURE: Caring for Our Community / FINANCE: Finance & Statistics



2013 – 1st Quarter STAR Award Winner

Physical Therapist 5 years

Nancy works at DCMH as a “silent employee” because most of her clients are seen at their home or in school. She is enthusiastic and dedicated to each child for which she cares. She goes above and beyond to help the parents and ease their concerns and works very hard inside and outside of the hospital.

ANGIE WORKMAN 2013 – 2nd Quarter STAR Award Winner

Phlebotomist 8 years

Toni Collins, Chairperson

A favorite part of Angie’s job is her interactions with patients. “I feel a personal relationship with my patients. I find a lot of gratification in this part of my job.” Combined with her education and training and professional experience, some of the qualities that make Angie a successful and valued employee at DCMH include her positive attitude, her friendly smile, her commitment to always being on time and ready to work, and the pride she shows in her job.

Tim Nobbe, Secretary

John Corya

Reuben Kissel

Mary McCullough, MD Noel Mungcal, MD Chief of Staff


KAREN MEYERROSE 2013 – 3rd Quarter STAR Award Winner

Clinical Office Assistant 31 years

Scott Simmonds, Vice-Chair

Karen takes things upon herself to help others, is always a team player at work and gets results in a timely manner. Karen is passionate about her job as a nurse, close with her coworkers and patients, and truly cherishes all the relationships in her career over the years. “Treat patients and their families like you and your family would want to be treated,” says Karen. This is great advice for healthcare workers and says a lot about why Karen is so well respected by patients and co-workers alike.

Carrie Stapp

Darren Evans

Laura Johnson

Stever Stringer

Jennifer Fletcher, MD Chief of Staff

PAULA BOSSE 2013 – 4th Quarter STAR Award Winner

Nursing Supervisor 24 years

Paula possesses many skills and personal traits that make her well respected and successful at DCMH, but she personally feels that part of her success is because she knows it is important to be compassionate — to treat others the way you would want you or your family to be treated. Paula says, “Remember that a simple act can make a difference. Sometimes the littlest things we do are the most needed and appreciated.” Paula realizes that there is nothing that is insignificant.




Linda Simmons, President and CEO David J. Fry, VP – Operations Diane McKinney, VP – Patient Care Jerry Marks, VP – Finance Jill Hensley, VP – Ambulatory Services Amy Wickens, Executive Director – Human Resources

Excellence in Leadership

STAR EMPLOYEES The following employees were recognized by patients, visitors and fellow staff members for: being SELFLESS, working as and among a TEAM, taking ACTION and achieving RESULTS.



Decatur County Memorial Hospital 720 North Lincoln Street Greensburg, IN 47240

Local Postal Customer

(812) 663-4331 • www.dcmh.net Decatur County Memorial Hospital is a non-profit, community-owned hospital whose Board of Trustees is appointed by the Decatur County Commissioners.

MARY BETH RUBLE Receptionist 13 years

Primary Care

LINDA WAGNER Receptionist 6 years


AUDRA KISTLER Clinical Office Assistant 4 years

Westpor Westpor estportt Clinic

CATHERINE GROSSMAN Clinical Office Assistant 1 year

ALLISON BRUNS Occ. Health Assistant 5 years

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