Jewellery & Silver | 10th & 11th July 2013

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Jewellery & Silver Wednesday, 10th July, 2013 and Thursday, 11th July, 2013 33 Broughton Place Edinburgh

Jewellery & Silver Wednesday, July 10th, 2013 at 10am Thursday, July 11th, 2013 at 11am

Sale Number LT383

Viewing See page 3 for details

Specialists Trevor Kyle Colin Fraser Ruth Davis

Catalogue: £12 BUYERS’ PREMIUM 25% up to £25,000 20% thereafter. VAT will be charged on the premium at the rate imposed by law. †20% VAT chargeable on the lot itself *5% import VAT on the lot §Droit de Suite (artists’ resale rights) applies (see our Terms and Conditions of Sale and Information for Buyers).

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Viewing details

London 78 Pall Mall SW1Y 5ES Monday, 1st July 10am - 4pm (Jewellery highlights only) STRICTLY BY APPOINTMENT ONLY

Glasgow 182 Bath Street G2 4HG Tuesday, 2nd July 11am - 8pm (highlights only)

Edinburgh 33 Broughton Place EH1 3RR Sunday, 7th July 2pm - 5pm Monday, 8th July 10am - 5pm Tuesday, 9th July 10am - 5pm Mornings of sale from 9am To make an appointment for the London viewing or to make enquiries regarding the Glasgow viewing, please contact Ruth Davis on 0131 557 8844 or email


The Terry Brodie-Smith Collection Lots 1-65 Wednesday, July 10th at 10am

Terry Brodie-Smith

Terence Garraway Brodie-Smith, known as Terry, was born in Newport, South Wales, in 1928. Terry studied dentistry at Bristol University, but decided it was not the path for him. He served his national service in North Africa before coming home to run his father's sock factory. The origin of his knowledge of and passion for art went back to these years in the early 1950s which he spent keeping production in the factory going to support his mother, father and younger sister. At that time, he found an outlet for his creativity in pouring over art books and catalogues from auction houses. Before too long however, practical considerations led him to move to Bath where he set up business as a dealer in antique silver. His Scottish connection came about when The Scottish Gallery started to attend the annual Bath Art Fair, and a close association with the gallery continued until his death last year. He moved to Edinburgh in the mid-1980s and the collecting of British, and in particular, contemporary Scottish art, became a major preoccupation. By 1991 he had amassed a collection of 500 paintings, all packed into his first-floor flat on Great King Street, Edinburgh,


and featuring artists such as S.J. Peploe, Barbara Hepworth, Alan Davie, John Bellany and many more. In the early 1990s, due to poor health, Terry downsized and moved into the old Assay office in Edinburgh's Old Town, which he decorated in primary colours and filled with post modern furniture, ceramics and glass. He remained a colourful character, attending private views and exhibitions festooned with objects, jewellery and placards; a walking work of art! Also in the flat was his collection of jewellery and silver and during his last years, when his eyesight was failing, these small precious objects continued to give him the greatest pleasure. Lyon & Turnbull would like to acknowledge the assistance given by Christina Jansen of The Scottish Gallery.

LY O N & T U R N B U L L The Terry Brodie Smith Collection

1 FE500/69 ABIGAIL BROWN - A contemporary fine silver beaker Birmingham 2004, of tapering form with slightly scalloped outline and a light planished finish 6.5cm high, 3.91oz Note: Abigail studied Silversmithing and Jewellery at Loughborough University School of Art & Design graduating in 2001. Following her degree she spent a year at Bishopsland Workshops in Oxfordshire, and in 2004 she undertook a residency at Edinburgh College of Art. She is now based in Cornwall and teaches jewellery, silversmithing and metalwork techniques for Contemporary Crafts at University College Falmouth; and teaches short courses at West Dean College, West Sussex. Her bowls and vessels are created using a hand raising and sinking technique. This involves hammering a sheet of silver using a variety of sand bags, hammers and metal stakes.


2 FE500/76 SIDSEL DORPH-JENSEN - A Brittania standard silver pouring vessel London 2005, the body of tapering design with lightly planished finish and indented grip 9cm high, 5.84oz Note: Sidsel has a Master’s degree from the Royal College of Art in London and before that a Bachelor’s degree from Konstfack University in Stockholm. She was a professional silversmith since 2003, until 2012. and is now pursuing other ventures. Her work is exhibited in Danish & international museums & private collections


3 FE500/68 ADRIAN HOPE - A set of five ‘water pattern’ nesting bowls Edinburgh 2000, millennium mark, each of graduated size with swirling detail (5) Combined weight 20.79oz, diameter of largest 10cm, smallest 8cm Note: Adrian Hope is an award winning silversmith working in the Scottish Borders. His work is represented in various British museums, public and private collections.

£500-700 7

LY O N & T U R N B U L L The Terry Brodie Smith Collection

4 FE500/74 DAVID HUYCKE - A contemporary oxidised granule bowl from ‘Pearl Spheres’ series circa 2007, marked AG92, composed of multiple oxidized beads, to create a shallow hemispherical bowl 6cm high, 7.48oz Exhibited: The Terry Brodie-Smith Silver Collection, The Scottish Gallery, May 2012 Note: For an article by Monica Khemsurov in SIGHT UNSEEN, regarding Huycke’s technique behind the granulation method and “Pearl Spheres” see


5 FE500/71 SANG-HYEOB ‘WILLIAM LEE’ A contemporary Britannia standard silver beaker London 2006, of tapered bulbous form with panelled planished finish

6 FE500/65 SANG-HYEOB ‘WILLIAM LEE’ A contemporary fine silver beaker London 2004, of plain baluster form with graduated planished texture

8cm high, 10.08oz

12.5cm high, 17.21oz


Exhibited: The Terry Brodie-Smith Silver Collection, The Scottish Gallery, May 2012


7 FE500/70 MARION KANE - A pair of napkin clips Edinburgh 1999, with millennium marks, composed of a folded disk of plain design, with engraved foliate detail to interior (2)

8 FE500/75 CHRIS KNIGHT - A contemporary spike dish Sheffield 1996, the circular bowl tapering to a point within a border of sixteen spikes

9cm long, combined weight 4.3oz

Exhibited: The Terry Brodie-Smith Silver Collection, The Scottish Gallery, May 2012

Exhibited: The Terry Brodie-Smith Silver Collection, The Scottish Gallery, May 2012 Note: Marion Kane is an award winning Scottish silversmith based in West Kilbride, Ayrshire. She has been creating silver art works and utensils for over a decade. During this time Marion has won awards from all over the country.



15cm diameter, 1.83oz


LY O N & T U R N B U L L The Terry Brodie Smith Collection

9 FE500/66 ROGER MILLAR - A pair of ‘Living silver’ candle holders Edinburgh 1995, the circular drip plate with applied textured disks, raised on a single tapering knopped foot, supported by two stainless steel swept legs terminating in similar textured disks (2) 31cm long Exhibited: [Another pair] Terry Brodie-Smith Silver Collection, The Scottish Gallery, May 2012 Silver from Glasgow: A Selling Exhibition, Lyon & Turnbull, June 2011, Item 13


10 FE500/73 ROGER MILLAR - A small beaker Edinburgh 2006, of plain design; together with a small associated saucer, unmarked (2) Height of beaker 4.5cm, 4.58oz combined weight Exhibited: The Terry Brodie-Smith Silver Collection, The Scottish Gallery, May 2012 Note: Roger Millar studied silversmithing and jewellery design at the Glasgow School of Art, and the Royal College of Art, London. He as elected to the Freedom of the Worshipful Company of Goldsmiths and gained the Freedom of the City of London in 1985. In recognition of his significant contribution to education in design and craft, he was awarded, in 1999, an Honorary Professorship of the University of Glasgow at the Glasgow School of Art.



LY O N & T U R N B U L L The Terry Brodie Smith Collection

11 FE500/67 HIROSHI SUZUKI - Britannia standard silver knife Sheffield 2003, the blade of curved conventional form with piecred section, the shape handle with planished and textured finnish 23cm long, 10.77oz Exhibited: The Terry Brodie-Smith Silver Collection, The Scottish Gallery, May 2012



12 FE500/72 A collection of contemporary silver items to include a pair of silver mounted chopsticks with matching cradle, marked AM; a contemporary silver bottle, with reeded detail to the neck and a shaped rubber stopper, marked DG; a purple plastic pot with banded design and silver mounts marked SP; an abstract silver frame work, marked DC; a collection of items marked AW, including a small spoon with planished handle and a lozenge shaped silver box with pierced cover (qty)

13 FE500/100 JANE ADAM - An anodised and digitally printed aluminum pendant of oval outline, with pierced detail to centre showing internal aluminum spheres, to a snake link chain, together with an aluminum brooch, of rectangular outline with similar decoration and wire brooch fittings; a twisted aluminium brooch also with abstract anodised detail; a brooch composed of two pierced and textured metal leafs suspended from a long snake link chain with brooch fitting, maker unknown (4)



14 FE500/131 VICKI AMBERY-SMITH - An architectural necklace the pendant designed as an Italianate building with pierced arches and windows, modelled in silver and copper, to a twisted oxidised white metal chain Note: Her jewellery and small tableware are finely detailed interpretations of buildings from all over the world she has exhibited internationally for over 20 years. Her work is in the collections of the Victoria & Albert Museum, Royal Scottish Museum, East Midlands Arts, Houston University, Texas, and in many private collections


LY O N & T U R N B U L L The Terry Brodie Smith Collection

15 FE500/98 MALCOLM APPLEBY - A pair of 18ct gold earrings with millennium hallmarks, of circular outline with engraved detail of a flower, with post and butterfly fittings; together with a silver pendant, also of circular outline with engraved scrolling and flower detail (2) Diameter of earrings 15mm

Note: Malcolm Appleby was born in Kent in 1946. He studied at Beckenham School of Art, Ravensbourne School of Art and the Central School of Arts and Crafts and with Sir John Cass from 1961 to 1966. Following the prediploma he had an interest in gun engraving design and took on a mock apprenticeship with John Wilkes in London where he learnt the skills of intricate engraving on metal as a gun engraver. He visited Scotland in 1964 and was inspired by its natural beauty. He studied at the RCA in 1966 to 1968 and moved to Scotland in 1970 where he remains to this day. His work can be found at 10 Downing Street and many major museums, private and corporate collections and is considered to be one of the finest craftsmen working today.


16 FE500/99 MALCOLM APPLEBY - ‘Hippoposthumouse’ brooch in the shape of a inverted hippopotamus with engraved detail of a mouse on a foliate background; together with a collection of silver buttons of various designs; and a silver ring of plain form with scrolling engraved detail (qty) Ring size: S


17 FE500/128 MALCOLM APPLEBY - A silver bangle of open form and scalloped outline, with engraved mythical and foliate detail 33.7g


18 FE500/116 FLORA BOOK - Knitted silver neckpiece composed of fine silver links knitted to form a delicate neckpiece; together with an articulated white metal abstract brooch attributed to Flora Book (2) £100-200


LY O N & T U R N B U L L The Terry Brodie Smith Collection

19 FE500/121 LIN CHEUNG - ‘Friend or Foe Tapemeasure’ neckpiece transparent pvc modelled as a tape measure listing various relationships; together with a ‘memory pendant’ composed of stainless steel with engraved detail, a silver ring by Mah Rana with yellow metal beaded detail; ‘Beyond the Forest’ brooch also by Mah Rana; an abstract neckpiece by Lizzie Farry composed of two woven wire metal balls conjoined by two woven wire threads (qty)

21 FE500/85 LILIEN CZECH - A collection of costume jewellery in the style of Butler & Wilson, to include various paste set brooches, two modelled as trees, one as a coiled snake and another as a hand; together with various other paste set brooches in numerous designs (qty) £100-200

£60-100 20 FE500/102 SUSAN CROSS - A white metal brooch of square outline with pierced stylised foliate decoration; together with a woven paper and thread brooch of circular outline with wire brooch fitting; an oxidised white metal poppy brooch with red threaded detail, a dalmation jasper pendant to a woven link chain; a circular agate pendant to a woven fabric necklace; a crochet wire and blue glass necklace made with Keiko Mukaide; a precious metal brooch of square outline and abstract decoration by Graham Crimmons; a smokey quartz and white metal necklace by Alison McLeod (7) £100-200


22 FE500/123 JENNY DEANS - ‘Curving Round’ necklace composed of stainless steel and white metal, with woven detail to the centre front; together with another white metal necklace by Jenny Deans (2) £100-200

LY O N & T U R N B U L L The Terry Brodie Smith Collection

23 FE500/138 STUART DEVLIN for Andrew Grima - A novelty silver gilt surprise egg S Devlin, London 1971, of typical form with textured silver gilt egg with pull off cover, enclosing a a silver gilt chick, in fitted case ÂŁ200-300

24 FE500/139 STUART DEVLIN - A modern novelty limited edition surprise egg S Devlin, London 1974 numbered 197 / 300, of typical form with textured silver gilt egg with pull off cover, enclosing a silver and silver gilt kangaroo, in fitted case with certificate ÂŁ200-300


LY O N & T U R N B U L L The Terry Brodie Smith Collection

25 FE500/89 CHRISTIAN DIOR - A collection of costume jewellery to include a pair of yellow metal and paste shell form brooches with matching ear clips; a black and gold beaded necklace; a lighter; a yellow metal and pink paste set necklace with matching ear clips; together with a PRADA plastic brooch modelled as a sailing boat; a BALENCIAGA yellow metal and red beaded necklace; a pair of paste set ear clips of abstract design (qty) £150-250 26 FE500/108 SALLY GRANT - ‘Rudbeckia’ necklace composed of three oxidised white metal panels with floral black and yellow enamel detail between decorative circular links to an oxidize white metal chain; together with an oxidised white metal brooch by Marianne Anderson, of pierced scrolling design set with red pastes (2) £80-120

27 FE500/113 KATY HACKNEY - Five piece necklace composed of five abstract cellulose acetate and oxidised silver pendants, to a white metal snake link chain with an associated ring; together with a frosted acrylic and silver necklace by Nuala Jamison; a collection of mixed media items by Anne Finlay; an abstract acrylic brooch by Dawn Gulyas (qty) £60-100 28 FE500/103 MIYA HAYES - A pair of yellow metal earrings composed of numerous pierced circles in an abstract design, to post and butterfly fittings £60-100 29 FE500/107 IWATA HIROKI - An enamel pendant of abstract pierced design to a plastic necklace; together with a pearl and nylon necklace by Yoko Isawa; and a white metal and plastic pendant by an unknown maker (3) £60-120

30 FE500/132 SARAH HUTCHISON - A floral pendant modelled as an abstract flower in oxidised white metal with pierced and stylised tassel detail, set with small cultured pearls 10cm diameter


31 FE500/106 GAIL KLEVAN - An acrylic and white metal necklace the acrylic pendant of rectangular form white abstract design, suspended from an articulared white metal necklace; together with an associated bracelet composed of six rectangular acrylic panels; a rectangular acrylic brooch and associated pendant both by Rowena Park; an abstract circular acrylic brooch by Kathy Murphy; another circular brooch (6) £60-100


32 FE500/109 HANNAH LOUISE LAMB Silver ‘Bobby’ brooch modelled as a budgie on a stand, of textured design, set with two small pearls and a quartz bead with brooch fittings; together with a red bead and white metal necklace, the white metal pendant with pierced foliate decoration (2) £60-120

LY O N & T U R N B U L L The Terry Brodie Smith Collection

33 FE500/134 FELIEKE VAN DER LEEST - A knitted neckpiece composed of eleven knitted red hearts and a metallic silver and grey knitted feature heart, together with three knitted rings; two knitted and woven cuffs, one with beaded detail by Flora Book; two paper and fabric cord neck pieces with tassel detail by Angel O’Kelly’; a recycled plastic necklace by Dorothy Hogg, and another fabric and elastic necklace by an unknown maker (qty) £60-100

34 FE500/135 NEL LINSSEN - A paper bracelet composed of folded multi-coloured paper in an optical zig-zag design; together plastic neckpiece composed of pink and yellow curved discs with optical design effects also by Linssen; a paper pendant of elongated drop form to a red cord, or japanese origin; a red and green paper ring mount; a paper and purple thread neck piece (qty) £80-120 See frontispiece on page 4 for the Nel Linssen paper bracelet.

35 FE500/129 KAZUKO MITSUSHIMA - An acrylic ring of abstract from with various a acrylic, white and gold metal mounts Ring size: P



LY O N & T U R N B U L L The Terry Brodie Smith Collection

36 FE500/115 JANE MOORE - ‘Daisy chain necklace’ composed of oxidised white metal links set at intervals with stylised white metal and enamel daisies; together with a circular white metal brooch with floral and threaded detail; a white metal and porcelain necklace by Ruth Tomlinson, a pair of oxidised white metal floral earrings; a pair of white metal and enamel earrings attributed to Sarah Ketley (qty) £80-120 37 FE500/105 GRAINNE MORTON - A collection of jewellery to include a single strand pressed buttercup and laminate necklace; a seven strand pressed daisy and laminate necklace; a flower brooch composed of oxidised white metal and found objects; an associated necklace; a pair of earstuds composed of white metal and found objects; a white metal acrylic and found object ring by Elizabeth Jane Abbey; a white metal and ribbon bangle by Vannetta Seecharran (qty) £60-120

38 FE500/136 ATTRIBUTED TO BRIGITTE MOSER - A contemporary bib necklace composed of various found objects inlcuding badges, keys and cork screws, nails etc £60-100 39 FE500/97 SEUNGHEE OH - A collection of jewellery to include a necklace composed of curved oxidised silver bars, set at intervals with jade and orange glass beads; a necklace composed of curved white metal wires each set with a small seed pearl; another necklace composed of curved white metal wires each strung with white metal disks and a carved dyed coral flower; together with two necklaces attributed to Seunghee Oh (5)

Note: Believed to have been a personal gift from Wendy Ramshaw to Terry Brodie Smith


Exhibited: The Scottish Gallery, The Terry Brodie-Smith Collection, 08.10.12 03.11.12

£120-180 40 FE500/101 MARK POWELL - A silver sting ray pendant of hollow form with pierced design to a snake link chain; together other items attributed to Mark Powell including an enamelled white metal brooch of abstract pierced design; a treated white metal scarf ring (3) £50-100


41 FE500/130 WENDY RAMSHAW - A pair of acetate earrings circa1960s, of flat tapering tiered circles as ‘chandelier’ type

42 FE500/122 GEOFF ROBERTS - ‘Three Graces Pectoral’ composed of steel, zinc and gold leaf, modelled in an architectural style with gold leaf finger print detail to the three feature drops

43 FE500/114 DOT SIM - A silver neckpiece composed of a continuous scrolling band of silver; together with a circular silver pendant to a white metal fancy link chain with yellow metal scrolling attachment (2)

Length of decorative panel: 24cm



LY O N & T U R N B U L L The Terry Brodie Smith Collection

44 FE500/117 LEA STEIN - A Collection of brooches comprising various compressed plastic examples modelled as foxes, owls, penguins and others (8) £150-250

45 FE500/118 LEA STEIN - A collection of brooches comprising various compressed plastic examples modelled as horses, elephants, turtles, cats and stylised women; together with a PAVONE plastic and wire insect brooch (9) £150-250

46 FE500/104 MARIKO SUMIOKA - A pair of white metal and enamel earrings of rectangular outline with abstract detail, to post and butterfly fittings; together with a white metal and enamel brooch but Brigit Farmer; a pair of white metal and enamel earrings by Shiela McDonald (3) £60-100

47 FE500/112 JOANNE THOMPSON - ‘Loop Necklace’ composed of oxidised white metal links each with a decorative loop; together with another attributed to Joanne Thompson composed of white metal and oxidised white metal links set at intervals with white beads; also a white metal necklace composed of navette shaped links and associated earrings by Maria Hansen; together with an unattributed glass brooch (qty)

48 FE500/127 MELANIE TOMLINSON - A collection of brooches aluminium, modelled as various birds and insects; together with an aluminum necklace by John Moore, composed of multiple oval aluminum panels; a foil heart shaped brooch and associated head attributed to Geoff Roberts, an abstract brooch and ring by Marina Hansen (qty) £40-80

49 FE500/88 VIVIENNE WESTWOOD - A paste set pendant the orb and crown motif in yellow metal with paste set detail, suspended from a belcher link chain; together with an associated pair of crown and orb ear clips with enamel and seed pear detail; a GUCCI pendant and chain; a circular silver TIFFANY & CO pendant and chain; a LALIQUE pendant; a yellow metal and red paste set necklace (qty) £200-300



LY O N & T U R N B U L L The Terry Brodie Smith Collection

50 FE500/84 BUTLER & WILSON - An art deco style brooch in the Tutti Frutti style, of open rectangular design, set with black and white pastes and floral bead detail to one corner, in original presentation box; together with a pair of art deco style paste ear-clips, a paste set brooch modelled as a hand, another modelled as a pair of sailors, and various other pieces of paste set costume jewellery (qty) £150-250 51 FE500/83 BUTLER & WILSON - A paste set novelty brooch modelled as a scorpion with raised tail, set with red and orange pastes in yellow metal; together with a black and white paste set necklace, a paste set weeping eye, a pair of paste set clip earrings, modelled as spiders, an articulated paste set lizard with brooch fittings, and various other paste set pieces (qty) £150-250


52 FE500/96 A collection of items to include a yellow metal locket; a paste set necklace; a small plique a jour gilt and enamel vessel; a 9ct contemporary ring a pair of coral drop earrings and various other items (qty)

53 FE500/94 A collection of costume jewellery to include a blue bead and paste set necklace; green enamel beetle brooch and associated earrings and various other pieces of paste set costume pieces (qty)



LY O N & T U R N B U L L The Terry Brodie Smith Collection

54 FE500/93 A collection of plastic costume jewellery to include various bangles, necklaces, brooches and other items (qty) £100-200 55 FE500/92 A collection of costume jewellery to include a blue and white paste set suite comprising necklace, brooch and bracelet; a collection of paste set insect brooches; a paste set Maltese cross; an orange paste set and enamel floral brooch with associated earclips; and various other items of costume jewellery (qty) £200-300 56 FE500/96A An 18th/early 19th century cut steel pendant pocket knife with pierced foliate decoration and hinged knife fitting to either side

58 FE500/110 A collection of brooches to include a yellow and white metal brooch by Emma Gail, with lace detail and applied floral motif; a seven circle brooch by Fiona Nicol; an abstract brooch made from recycled materials by Brigida Turba; a ‘Summerland’ brooch by Brigit Larken, of white metal and enamel brooch of leaf from; a small brooch by Gretchen Goss (5) £50-100

£60-100 59 FE500/111 A white metal and leather necklace composed of textured and pierced stylised links, the centre front of stylised foliate design inset with leather; together with a large white metal circular brooch by Eileen Gatt with applied yellow metal seal to a textured background; two pairs of interchangeable ear studs by Catherine Hills (4) £80-120

£100-150 57 FE500/120 A pair of 18ct gold rings of plain design, one white gold with three yellow gold feature rings around the shank, the other yellow gold with three white gold feature rings (2) 20.7g


61 FE500/133 A collection of brooches to include a white metal brooch by Judy McCraig in original hand crafted presentation box; a yellow metal brooch of tapering plain design by Holly Belsher; a white metal brooch modelled as a stylized sycamore seed by Julie Blifield; and oxidised white metal brooch by Norman Cherry; and ebony and pearl set brooch by Sarah King (5)

60 FE500/124 A collection of items to include a Paul Preston white metal crocodile brooch; a white metal ring attributed to Joel Degan; a white metal brooch modelled as two sycamore seeds, another of hexagonal outline with enamel detail both attributed to Jack Cunningham, various other rings, brooches and earrings (qty)

62 FE500/137 A collection of jewellery to include a white metal and red plastic necklace attributed to Jane Hinchliffe McCutcheon; a white metal and yellow plastic link necklace and another white metal rectangular link necklace attributed to Chiaki Kamikawi; a green enamel stylized leaf pendant to a snake link chain; a circular enamel pendant and associated brooch; another brooch (qty) £80-120

63 FE500/126 A collection of jewellery from Edinburgh College of Art Degree Show students this collection includes various items by jewellers such as Beth Legg, Katherine Warner, Catriona Stevenson, Sarah McAdam, Naomi Seager Kaz Robertson and more (qty) £60-100 64 FE500/90 A collection of Scandinavian silver and enamelled jewellery to include a bracelet with white enamel leaf detail, stamped 925 with associated brooch; together with a another white metal bracelet with green guilloche panels; a stylised foliate brooch with white and blue enamel detail; an abstract brooch with yellow and white enamel detail; another enamelled bracelet and a brooch modelled as a deer (qty) £200-300 65 FE500/86 A collection of paste set costume jewellery in the style of Butler & Wilson, to include various paste set brooches, necklaces, bracelets and earclips in a number of different designs (qty) £100-200



Jewellery Lots 66-558 Wednesday, 10th July, 2013

IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR BUYERS Historically many gemstones have been subjected to a variety of treatments to enhance their appearance. Certain enhancements, such as heating, are commonly used to improve colour or transparency in rubies and sapphires. Emeralds are also frequently treated, usually with oils or resin, for the same purpose. Other methods, including staining, dyeing, coating or irradiation, may have been used on other gemstones including Jade and associated hardstone that may have been bleached (usually in acid), polymer/resin filled or dyed, or a combination of any of these treatments. The international jewellery trade has generally accepted these methods. Heat enhancement of colour is usually permanent, however, in some cases; this may have an impact on the durability of the gemstone. Gemstones that have been oiled may require re-oiling after a number of years in order to retain their optimum appearance. It is, in suitable cases, Lyon & Turnbull’s policy to obtain gemmological reports from internationally recognised gemmological laboratories describing certain gemstones sold by Lyon & Turnbull. In the event that Lyon & Turnbull have been given, or have obtained, reports for any lot in the sale these reports will be mentioned in the catalogue description. However, it is not feasible for Lyon & Turnbull to obtain a gemmological report for each gemstone offered for sale by Lyon & Turnbull. If no report is published in the catalogue prospective buyers should assume that the gemstones may have been enhanced by some method. However, please note that there may not be consensus between different laboratories on the degrees or types of treatment for any particular gemstone. Prospective buyers should be aware that Lyon & Turnbull’s pre-sale estimates assume that gemstones may have been subjected to such treatments. ALL DIMENSIONS, WEIGHTS ARE APPROXIMATE. DIAMOND GRADING TERMS Where printed in the catalogue, estimated diamond grades for colour and clarity are intended as guides for prospective buyers. Lyon & Turnbull do not guarantee these estimated grades due to the limitations of mounts and settings. DIAMOND COLOUR





Exceptional White + (EW+)

Face up colourless Face down colourless


Exceptional White (EW)


Rare White + (RW+)


Rare White (RW)


White (W)


Slightly Tinted White (STW)


Tinted White (TW)

Face up slightly tinted Face down obviously tinted

M to Z

Tinted Colour (TC)

Face up obviously tinted Face down obviously tinted


Fancy Colour

Face up definite colour

Face up colourless Face down slightly tinted




Flawless (FL)

Loupe Clean (LC)

Shows no inclusions or blemishes under 10x magnification

Internally Flawless (IF)


Shows no inclusions and only insignificant blemishes under 10x magnification

Very Very Slightly Included (VVS) VVS1 / VVS2

Very Very Small Inclusions (VVS) VVS1 / VVS2

Minute inclusions, which are difficult, even for an experienced grader, to locate under 10x magnification

Very Slightly Included (VS) VS1 / VS2

Very Small Inclusions (VS) VS1 / VS2

Minor inclusions, observable with effort under 10x magnification

Slightly Included (SI) SI1 / SI2

Small Inclusions (SI) SI1 / SI2

Noticeable inclusions under 10x magnification

Included (I) I1 / I2 / I3

Pique (P) P1 / P2 / P3

Obvious inclusions, visible to the unaided eye, face up. These may affect the stone’s beauty and durability.

Order of Sale

Lot Numbers


Antique Jewellery


Gentlemen's Jewellery, Cufflinks Etc


Wrist Watches


Pocket Watches


Diamond Jewellery


Jade Jewellery


Multi-gem Jewellery


Emerald Jewellery


Named Jewellery


Pearl Jewellery


Ruby Jewellery


Sapphire Jewellery


Modern Jewellery


Mixed Jewellery Lots


Property from Walbutt House, Kirkcudbrightshire

Please Note:: Illustrations are not necessarily to scale. Additional Images & Internet Service: For colour illustrations of all lots in this sale please consult our website at If you have any further additional requests please contact Lyon & Turnbull directly with specific details of images required.


Antique Jewellery

66 FD754/37 A Victorian yellow metal locket unmarked, of spherical form set throughout with lapis lazuli cabochons, the interior with twin glazed panels, in original fitted case Length including bale 45mm


67 FF101/3 A George IV memorial brooch of circular outline, the centeral glazed circular pannel set with hair, in a border of seed pearls and an outer gilt border of enamel detail with memorial inscription ‘George Osborne Gordon died 1 April 1822 in his 43rd year’, a further glazed panel with braided hair to rear, with safety pin fittings Diameter 40mm

£250-350 68 FF195/26 A moonstone and diamond set cluster ring the central collet set oval cut moonstone cabochon carved with a cherub’s face, within a shaped oval border millegrain set with assorted old cut diamonds Ring size M/N, length of cluster 1.7cm


69 FF195/12 A pique work demi-parure comprising a circular brooch and a pair of graduated hooped ear pendants with wire fittings, each decorated with two-coloured floral inlay, contained in a velvet lined fitted leather case

70 FG180/6 An enamelled bracelet in the Indian style composed of rounded rectangular links, decorated with stylised floral red and black enamel against a cream ground, with concealed clasp and safety chain

71 FE38/28 An antique Roman coin set ring the bronze coin within a plain broad bezel with triangular beaded cluster to each shoulder and reeded shank, in an Ilias Lalaounis box

Brooch 3.4cm diameter, earrings

18,5cm long, 51.3g


4.8cm long


Ring size: I/J, front 1.9cm diameter



72 FE486/1 A late 19th Century enamel chatelaine the yellow metal clip with black enamel and foliate detail, suspending five chains composed of small panels with similar design, each suspending various items with matching decoration including a locket with photograph and inscription; a matching gold and enamel cased open faced pocket watch with a white metal engine turned dial with Roman numerals, the cuvette inscribed ‘Guidon Counis Geneve’ and numbered 19431 subsidiary seconds dial and inscription to the interior case; two memorial lockets with engraving and braided hair detail; a propelling pencil; and a small rectangular vesta case ÂŁ800-1,200


LY O N & T U R N B U L L Jewellery

73 FF192/34 A Victorian garnet and diamond set demi-parure comprising a brooch and a pair of ear pendants, each of girandole design, collet set with graduated oval, pear or round cut garnet cabochons, within scrolling borders set with graduated single and old European cut diamonds Brooch: 5.4cm x 3cm, earrings 6.4cm (including wire fittings)


74 FF195/36 An early 19th century diamond and garnet set brooch of scrolling girandole design, set throughout with rose cut diamonds and graduated garnet carbuncles, with detachable fringed drops, contained in a tooled navy leather fitted case stamped LEIGHTON...BURLINGTON ARCADE... 4cm x 7cm



LY O N & T U R N B U L L Jewellery

75 FF195/41 A Russian gold mounted assorted gem stone fringe necklace fringed to the front by twelve assorted egg carved gems, including lapis lazuli, tiger’s eye, rhodonite and others, each with Russian gold control marked mounts, the fancy link chain with hinged circular clasp stamped 9ct 40cm long


76 FE38/22 A Belle Epoque opal and rock crystal bead necklace with diamond set clasp the necklace composed of graduated hemispherical carved opal beads, each interspersed by faceted cushion shaped rock crystal spacers, with slim cylindrical clasp, set with a border of rose cut diamonds, with additional safety chain 44.2cm long

79 FE486/6 A group of early to mid 19th century Austrian enamel pieces to include; a vinaigrette of spherical form, decorated to the hinged lid with a lady, the base with a couple, silver gilt mounts, pierced hinged inner grille cover, unmarked; an oval pendant with a mother and child, glazed panel to the rear; a clasp with a panel of a lady; an un-mounted panel


20mm, 34mm, 40mm, 21mm

77 FE38/33 Two 9ct gold Art Nouveau gem set brooches to include a shaped triangular freshwater and mother of pearl set brooch by Barnet Henry Joseph, together with another shaped triangular brooch incorporating stylised foliage, a circular cut garnet and a seed pearl (2)

10cm x 9cm

4.2cm x 3.2cm and 4cm x 1.9cm



78 FE486/5 A Spanish style 19th century silver and paste set cross the principal pastes in rubover setting with borders of small similar stones, similar pear shaped suspension drop, the whole joined by delicate trailing branches similarly set



LY O N & T U R N B U L L Jewellery

80 FF440/6 An early 20th century multi-gem necklace the front collet set with graduated oval cut amethysts interspersed by similarly set trap cut emeralds, additionally fringed to the centre front by small pearls flanking the central large pear cut amethyst drop, the whole suspended from small belcher form links, with hook and ring clasp 48cm long


83 FF127/10 A Scottish agate set brooch unmarked, of scalloped lozenge outline set in white metal with various Scottish agates, with safety pin fitting

Width 4.5cm, 14.4g

84 FF192/22 A 19th century oval shell cameo set brooch the shaped oval brooch with central collet set oval shell cameo, carved with a male portrait profile, within an ornate scroll border, additionally set with four circular cut garnet cabochons (converted from a clasp)


7cm x 5.2cm

81 ET965/2 A late 18th century luckenbooth brooch, maker’s mark unclear M? (in a diamond punch), the heart shaped body with incuse star design and stylised arrow through, with integral swing pin, surmounted by a scalloped and pierced crown

82 FF120/2 A Scottish hard stone kilt pin unmarked, modelled as a traditional scottish dirk, set with Scottish agates and citrine detail, with safety pin fastening

Length 7cm

Length 8cm





LY O N & T U R N B U L L Jewellery

85 FG174/2 A carved coral necklace the centre drop composed of three graduated carved coral oval panels depicting various woman in relief, joined by short belcher link chains, the yellow metal belcher link chain set with two further examples, to a textured coral clasp Length of drop 37mm



86 FF192/33 A paste and Jasperware cameo set pendant the central collet set oval Jasperware cameo depicting a classical female, with mother of pearl back, within an open shaped circular border set with graduated circular cut colourless gems, with plain suspension hoop

87 FF195/6 An antique rose cut diamond set pendant the detachable central drop set with a rose cut diamond, within an open heart shaped scrolling border, also set with smaller rose cut diamonds, surmounted by a group of trophies, with plain suspension hoop

5.2cm x 3.9cm

6.8cm x 4.5cm



88 FF195/45 An early 20th century novelty diamond set partridge form brooch pave set throughout with graduated round brilliant and rose cut diamonds, with circular cut ruby cabochon set eye

89 FF436/3 A sapphire and half pearl set crescent brooch set with a graduated row of half pearls, set to the centre with an open circular border claw set with nine round cut sapphires

2.2cm x 1.2cm



50mm long

LY O N & T U R N B U L L Jewellery

90 FF195/30 An early 19th century oval shell cameo brooch the oval shell cameo carved with a male portrait profile, within a stiff leaf border, the cameo inscribed to reverse DUKE OF YORK, BY PHI. PISTRUCCI, 1827

91 FG174/1 A diamond set cameo brooch set to the centre with a carved cameo of a lady’s head and shoulders in profile, in a pierced foliate border set with small round cut diamonds, with brooch and pendant fittings

4cm x 3.5cm

38mm tall

Note: Benedetto Pistrucci was a gem engraver and medalist. The work he is most famous appears every year on our gold coinage. He was responsible for the St George design on the sovereign and half sovereign. Pistrucci took over the position of Chief Medalist at the Royal Mint in London after the death of Thomas Wyon in 1817. There were difficulties in fully accepting the position owing to his Italian birth, however compromise was reached. This however didn’t help the progress of his masterpiece celebrating Waterloo taking an eventual 33 years to come to fruition This cameo offers a rare opportunity to purchase a piece of the master’s work by his hand and with a subject matter of a member of the royal Family



92 FF195/35 An early 20th century diamond set and enamelled bracelet composed of rectangular links, each with central collet set old European cut diamond, to a deep blue enamelled ground, within an outer white enamelled and gilt highlighted border, conjoined by pairs of slim cylindrical links decorated with white enamelled and gilt highlighted foliate scrolls, with concealed clasp and safety chain

93 FF195/44 A multi-row coral bead necklace composed of six rows of graduated cushion shaped coral beads, ranging from approximately 3.8mm to 8.1mm diameter, with rectangular rose gold clasp, applied to the front with three coral beads, stamped with Swedish control marks for Gustaf Hollenborg, Stockholm, 1899

94 FF195/15 A William IV 18ct gold memorial ring with central shield-shaped panel applied to the centre with a rose cut diamond set foliate motif, with glazed oval locket to reverse, containing woven hair, flanked to either side by collet set pairs of single cut diamonds and scroll decorated shoulders, to a reeded shank Ring size: L/M


39cm approximate length


17.7cm long, 21g total



LY O N & T U R N B U L L Jewellery

95 FF195/34 A Victorian multi-gem set circular brooch with central claw set oval cut citrine within an open border composed of shaped rectangular amethysts interspersed by collet set rose cut diamonds

96 FF195/38 A Victorian 18ct gold mounted ruby and diamond set snake ring designed as two entwined serpents, both with rose cut diamond set eyes, one also set with a pear cut diamond, the other with a similarly cut ruby Ring size: N/O


2.4cm x 2.3cm


97 FF440/7 A 15ct gold seed pearl set brooch modelled as a swallow, the body set with seed pearls, the eye set with a small ruby cabochon, stamped 15, with brooch fittings £300-500 98 FF440/4 A 9ct yellow gold diamond set bangle of hinged design, claw set to with five round cut diamonds within a border of scrolling and beaded design, with concealed clasp and safety chain 18.3g


99 FG197/3 An ivory and carved bead necklace and an amulet holder necklace the first composed of figural carved organic beads interspersed by ivory beads, suspending a large ribbed organic drop to the centre front, the second composed of an ovoid amulet holder suspended from a circular section fancy interwoven link chain (2)

49.5cm and 38cm long (from clasp

101 FG197/7 A collection of various jewellery items to include a two-row multigem bead choker length necklace, a near matching pair of oval ear clips, a pair of lapis lazuli circular cut cabochon set ear clips, a pair of shaped oval coral cabochon cluster set ear clips, also a broken necklace composed of pattern-stained bone and other beads (5)

50cm and 52cm from clasps to

to centre)





100 FG197/4 Two assorted amber coloured bead necklaces to include an amber and amber coloured resin bead long necklace, composed of assorted graduated beads, together with a cloudy yellow amber coloured bead necklace, also composed of graduated beads interspersed by ribbed roundels, with hooked clasp (2)

102 FE447/1 A mid Victorian cameo depicting a classical lady’s head and shoulder portrait in high relief, later converted into a ring with white metal setting and shank 32mm x 24mm



Gentlemen’s Jewellery, Cufflinks & Accessories

103 FF192/9 A mounted mother of pearl box with pique work lid the shaped oval carved mother of pearl box, with applied reeded girdle and central oval pique inlaid tortoiseshell hinged cover 6.7cm x 4.7cm


104 FF192/7 WINDSOR CASTLE - A mounted faceted and incised citrine box of canted rectangular outline, with applied reeded girdle, the hinged cover engraved to the centre with a scenic view of Windsor castle 4.5cm x 3.9cm x 2.7cm


105 FE38/32 An early 20th century 9ct gold mounted gentleman’s dress set comprising a pair of cufflinks and four dress buttons, with central cross to a mother of pearl ground within ribbontied reeded borders, cufflinks with plain torpedo shaped backs, conjoined by oval belcher form links, contained in a tooled maroon leather fitted case stamped EDWARD DIAMOND MERCHANTS...GLASGOW £300-500

107 FF101/4 An Edwardian Albert composed of pierced yellow metal lozenge shaped links, unmarked

108 FF192/3 An early 19th century English enamelled etui of tapering slim cylindrical form, decorated throughout with polychrome enamel, depicting strolling figures and riders on horseback in a rural landscape setting, amidst gilt scrolls, against a white ground, with hinged cover opening to reveal assorted utensils, including scissors

17.8g, length 52cm

9.8cm x 4.3cm x 2.4cm



106 FF101/1 A 9ct gold cased Waterman pen and pencil slight ribbed decoration, engraved initials and dated 27.3.32 £180-250

109 FF103/1 A pair of 9ct gold gentleman’s cufflinks composed of oval terminals conjoined by belcher form links, the front panel with engine turned detail 10.3g

£150-180 110 FF200/2 A yellow metal watch chain composed of three rows of flattened curb links, with two sliding collets with foliate decoration, a small agate set part seal to one end 32.6g



LY O N & T U R N B U L L Jewellery

111 FE222/21 A Bishop’s seal with an oval brass matrix with engraved armorial, turned wooden handle; together with another example with blank matrix modelled in base metal as a birds claw clutching an agate ball (2) £120-180 112 FF192/4 A 19th century polished agate lidded box of slim oval outline with flat hinged cover, the whole composed of polished grey banded agate panels, the box intersected by small vertical red jasper borders, with gilt interior and mounts 10cm x 4cm x 3.9cm

£4,000-6,000 113 FF192/5 A pair of 9ct gold mounted bloodstone set cufflinks each with circular front, inset with a polished circular bloodstone panel, with semiengine turned oval terminal, conjoined by small belcher form links Fronts 2cm diameter, backs 1.8cm x 1.2cm, 9.1g total


114 EAC126/25 A group of three gold and gilt fob seals the first modern 9ct gold by Mappin & Webb, modelled as a horse standing on a scrolling mount, quartz intaglio, the others 19th century one gold set bloodstone intaglio engraved ‘James’, the other with amethyst intaglio, engraved head of a man (3) £250-350 115 FF192/2 A pique decorated tortoiseshell lidded box of cylindrical form, the pulloff cover with inlay depicting an exotic building in a landscape setting within Greek key and star borders, the sides decorated with anthemions and swags, the base with a seated dog beside a vase of flowers 7.5cm x 3.5cm

£1,000-1,500 116 FF192/10 A collection of six assorted intaglio set fob seals each inset with a hardstone intaglio, incised with assorted monograms, crests and armorials, with various fluted and scroll decorated surmounts, suspended from a large ropetwisted ring £1,000-1,500


117 FF192/23 A Georgian ‘lover’s eye’ decorated mounted ivory toothpick box the slim rectangular ivory box with circular thumbpiece and hinged cover, with central offset square hand-painted lover’s eye portrait miniature, with red velvet lined interior 7cm x 2.2cm x 1.1cm

£500-800 118 FF195/10 JACOB TOSTRUP - A set of six enamelled buttons each of square form, applied with red, yellow and green enamel and stylised floral filigree decoration within ropetwisted borders, with gilt backs, one stamped TOSTRUP KRISTIANIA 2cm x 2cm, 25.2g total Note: In 1832, he founded the jewellers firm J. Tostrup. He held several positions in the goldsmith’s guild and artisan associations. His firm made the original enamelled insignia for the Order of St. Olav, when the order was established in 1848 and later in 1883 it was put in charge of the whole production. Jacob Tostrup received the Norwegian King’s Medal of Merit in gold and was appointed a Knight of the Royal Norwegian Order of St. Olav for his work as a goldsmith.


LY O N & T U R N B U L L Jewellery

119 FF192/12 Two mounted hardstone intaglio set desk seals one with shaped hexagonal bloodstone intaglio set terminal, crested, with stiff leaf borders to the mounts and faceted baluster form sardonyx grip, the other with rounded rectangular chalcedony intaglio, inscribed WOODHILL BLAIRGOWRIE, also with stiff leaf borders to the mount and faceted baluster form jasper grip (2) 5.2cm and 6cm


120 FG180/12 A hardstone mounted fob seal the canted rectangular hardstone intaglio with incised armorial and motto ESSE QUAM VIDERI, the bezel inscribed TO LILA, HRH ELIZABETH II, with fluted foliate scroll surmount and plain suspension hoop Intaglio 2.5cm x 1.3cm


121 FF195/31 A 14ct gold novelty bulldog form brooch designed as a seated bulldog, with textured finish throughout and circular cut ruby cabochon set eyes 2.8cm x 3.3cm


122 FF195/28 A pair of 18ct gold cufflinks each with plain rounded rectangular terminals conjoined by small belcher form links Terminals: 1.7cm x 1cm, 12.8g


123 FF409/9 A Georgian ivory handled desk seal mounts unmarked, the tapering baluster ivory handle with reeded silver mount and circular bloodstone matrix with intaglio crest and motto 8cm long, matrix 23mm diameter


124 FF438/3 A 9ct gold Albert composed of reeded belcher links, stamped 9ct, a 9ct gold agate set swivel fob together with a gilt cased pocket watch, the watch of open faced design, the enamel dial with Roman numerals and subsidiary seconds dial (3) Dial 47mm, Albert: 10g



LY O N & T U R N B U L L Jewellery

125 FF195/7 A pair of early 20th century enamelled cufflinks the oval terminals decorated with reverse hand-painted crystal intaglios, depicting assorted birds, conjoined by slim waisted links Terminals 2.2cm x 1.7cm


126 FF192/29 A pair of French gold mounted multi-gem set cufflinks/buttons with circular terminals, each set to the centre with a circular cut ruby cabochon, within a petal shaped border of pear cut moonstone cabochons, interspersed by smaller circular cut ruby cabochons, with outer green enamelled border, fluted closed back settings and detachable scroll fittings, stamped with French control marks Terminals 1.75cm diameter, 18.3g


127 FF195/23 A 9ct white gold mounted multi-gem set gentleman’s dress set comprising a pair of cufflinks, four dress buttons and two studs, each with canted square terminal, millegrain collet set to the centre with a circular cut sapphire to a mother of pearl ground, contained in a tooled red leather fitted case stamped ASPREY...LONDON £850-950


128 FF440/5 A 9ct gold cigar pricker of conventional form with engine turned detail, in original Fortnum & Mason presentation box 5cm long


129 FG192/16 A set of four Victorian buttons of circular outline, set to the centre with a small peridot in a surround of mother of pearl and enamel, set in yellow metal stamped 9CT; together with a pair of smaller buttons, with white and blue enamel detail (6) £150-280

Wrist Watches

130 FD754/41 VACHERON & CONSTANTIN - A lady’s ruby and diamond set cocktail watch the circular enamel dial with Roman numerals, the bezel alternately set to the front with old cut diamonds and oval shaped rubies, to a textured curb link bracelet with hidden clasp, marked 18K £200-300

131 FD754/39 VACHERON & CONSTANTIN - A gentleman’s 18ct gold wristwatch the rectangular champagne dial with Arabic numerals and subsidiary seconds dial, to a yellow metal woven link bracelet and fold over clasp, stamped 585, the movement calibre 485/3C Width of watch head 25mm



LY O N & T U R N B U L L Jewellery

132 EAC126/28 Two diamond set cocktail watches OMEGA - An 18ct white gold watch, diamond set bezel, small champagne dial, baton numerals, V link flexible integral bracelet; the other in 18ct yellow gold, similar dial, integral bracelet with sapphire and diamond accents at 6 and 12 o’ clock

135 FE38/29 An early 20th century 18ct gold diamond set cocktail watch with champagne coloured circular dial and Arabic numerals, within a broad bezel pave set with rose cut diamonds, fitted to a fine articulated rectangular link bracelet

137 FD709/17 An Art Deco diamond set cocktail watch the rounded square dial with black Arabic numerals, with borders of millegrain set single cut diamonds to the bezel and geometric linked shoulders, fitted to a woven cord bracelet, with fold-over clasp stamped 9ct

Watch 2.5cm diameter

Width of watch head 1.4cm

140 FE38/35 BUREN - A gentleman’s 9ct gold cased wrist watch circular champagen dial, gilt Arabic numerals, sweep second hand, leather strap; LANCO - a gentleman’s 9ct gold cased wrist watch, champagne dial, baton and Arabic gilt numerals, red sweep second hand, leather strap (2)




33mm diameter

133 FF101/2 A lady’s platinum cased diamond set cocktail watch the circular dial with Arabic numerals, the case set with a border of old cut diamonds, to a black cord bracelet with fold over clasp, movement signed, case marked PLATINUM

136 FD754/40 LONGINES - A lady’s wristwatch the circular champagne dial with Arabic and baton numbers, to a slender woven link gold bracelet with fold over clasp; together with a Jaeger Le Coultre lady’s wrist watch, small rectangular dial, inscribed ‘Duoplan, the bright case with rear winder and a row of four single cut diamonds to the top and bottom of the case, rear numbered 69114, to a leather strap (2)

138 FG54/1 STAMBOUL - A gentleman’s 14ct gold wrist watch the circular silvered dial with Roman numerals. plain bezel, satin finish rectangular links, fold over clasp, sapphire cabochon winder, quartz movement, box and extra links


£250-300 134 FE468/5 ROTARY - A lady’s 9ct gold wrist watch the white enamel dial with baton numerals to an integral woven link bracelet with a fold over clasp; together with an Eterna ladies wrist watch, the champagne dial with baton numerals to an integral woven gold bracelet with foldover clasp, A/F £250-350



Dial 29mm diameter

£300-500 139 FF187/1 OMEGA - A gentleman’s Geneve wristwatch the silvered dial with baton numerals and subsidiary day and date indicators, to an integral stainless steel bracelet with foldover clasp Diameter of dial 37mm


141 FE238/13 GUBELIN - A gentleman’s 18ct gold cased wrist watch with complications including; day, month, moon phase, centre date, centre seconds, silvered dial, gold hands, blue date numerals, case engraved and dated 14-V -1949 to the screw back, down turned lugs, leather strap Dial diameter 32mm


LY O N & T U R N B U L L Jewellery

142 FG5/5 PANERAI RADIOMIR 102 - A gentleman’s 18ct gold and diamond set limited edition wrist watch cushion shaped case, black dial diamond set numerals, gilt hands, screw down winder, sapphire crystal front and back, the movement is the automatic winding Panerai Caliber OP6565 with 29 jewels, bridges and rotor are finished with “PANERAI” engraving throughout, black leather strap, No 109 of a limited edition of 120, with original box and papers

143 FF448/1 An early 20th century diamond set cocktail watch the circular dial with baton numerals, with a diamond set bezel, flexible link bracelet with diamond detail £800-1,200

144 FE38/36 ROLEX - An early 1930s Oyster wrist watch circular white dial, luminous Arabic numerals and hands, subsidiary seconds dial, milled bezel, screw down winder, cushion-shaped case, engraved screwoff back, movement ‘Rolex Extra Prima’ 15 jewels, timed six positions for all climates Case exludingc winder 30mm


Case 40.5mm



LY O N & T U R N B U L L Jewellery

145 FG41/1 ROLEX - A gentleman’s RED SUBMARINER wrist watch, model 1680 circa 1971, serial no 3324186, black dial, Red submariner, 660ft = 200m screw down winder, screw off back, brushed stainless steel bracelet, with papers and box Note: Formerly owned by Peter (Markham) Scott, the well known wild fowl artist, ornithologist and conservationist, Scott was the son of Robert Falcon Scott. Rolex have been known over the years to use celebrities, actors and people of note to advertise their watches. Scott was no exception and the published advert has been used as the background for the image.



Pocket Watches

146 EP128/1 JULES JURGENSEN - An 18K gold cased repeater pocket watch, in full hunting cases and keyless wind, patent action for setting the hands, patented January 15th 1867, the open movement with all over milled detail, signed Jules Jurgensen and numbered 12242, the inner cover inscribed Jules Jurgensen Copenhagen and also numbered, the outer cases with crisp engine turned decoration, all contained in the original fitted mahogany case, with instruction leaflet regarding the hands patent action (2) £2,800-3,500

147 FG141/1 AGASSIZ - An 18K gold cased, open faced, keyless wind pocket watch the gilt dial inscribed, subsidiary seconds dial, black Arabic numerals, plain case with Art Deco style monogram to rear cover, lever movement numbered 232272, bi-metal balance wheel, screw adjustment Dial 42mm diameter


148 FG141/2 VACHERON & CONSTANTIN - An 18ct gold open faced, keyless wind slim pocket watch the off white dial with black Arabic numerals, inscribed arch, subsidiary seconds dial, the rear cover with Art Deco style circular panel engraved initials, lever movement, bi-metal balance wheel, screw adjustment, signed and numbered, 372456, 21 jewels, 8 adjustments Dial 38mm diameter



LY O N & T U R N B U L L Jewellery

149 FG5/1 PATEK PHILIPPE & Co. - A gentleman’s 18ct gold hunter cased keyless wind pocket watch, circa 1902 the outer case with engraved monogram, white dial, signed, black Arabic numerals, subsidiary seconds hand, the cuvette inscribed and numbered 116193, as is the open lever movement, bi-metal balance, micro screw adjustment, in original fitted case with original receipt Dial 44mm diameter



LY O N & T U R N B U L L Jewellery

150 FG5/2 A. LANGE & SOHNE - A silver cased open faced keyless wind pocket watch the circular white dial inscribed and with gilt Arabic numerals, subsidiary seconds dial, plain case, the lever movement inscribed Deutsche Whrenfabrikation Glashutte and numbered 90718 Dial 42mm diameter


151 FE486/3 VEIGNEUR A GENEVE - A gilt, enamelled and paste set small pair cased pocket watch the outer case with oval enamel panel within a paste set border and bezel, the watch with inscribed enamel dial and with Roman and Arabic numerals, the movement inscribed and numbered 2076, gilt verge escapement, silver regulator plate Dial 28mm diameter


152 FE486/3A ARMAND GENDRE - A gold pair cased striking pocket watch the outer case with chased and engraved decoration, the circular dial inscribed and with Roman and Arabic numerals, the movement inscribed Armand Gendre a Madrid, with push repeat mechanism Dial diameter 35mm


153 FE486/3B ISAAC SORET - A gilt metal, paste set, pair cased verge pocket watch the outer case, engraved and with central oval vignette of a young lady in a paste set scrolling border, the circular enamel dial with Roman and Arabic numerals and inscribed ‘Isaac Soret et Fils’ the hand pierced and paste set, the verge movement inscribed and numbered 18847, square baluster pillar supports, ruby set balance wheel Dial diameter 27mm



154 FF410/2 An open faced key wind pocket watch the plain enamel dial with Roman numerals, the case with engine turned detail, inscription to the interior cuvette engraved Dupont Rotterdam, open lever movement, unsigned, marked 18ct Diameter of dial 3cm


LY O N & T U R N B U L L Jewellery

155 FF410/3 A yellow gold open faced key wind pocket watch the plain enamel dial with Arabic numerals, the rear case with engraved foliate design and enamel detail set with diamond chips, the interior rear case with inscription

158 FG177/1 A 14ct gold American pocket watch Waltham, circa 1915-16, the enamel dial with arabic numerals and subsidiary seconds dial, the case with all over engraved detail, with lever movement, numbered 22463613

Diameter of dial: 25mm


£150-250 156 FF438/2 An 18ct gold cased half hunter keyless wind pocket watch with enamel Roman numerals to exterior case, the enamel dial also with Roman numerals and subsidiary seconds dial, lever movement Dial size 43mm

£400-600 157 FF200/1 An 18ct gold key wind open faced pocket watch Chester 1875, the enhgraved gilt dial with engraved floral detail and roman numerals, with subsidiary seconds dial, blued hands, engine turned decorated case, the movement engraved Gordon and Sons, Wolverhampton Diameter of dial: 5cm


159 FC765/88B An 18ct gold demi hunter cased pocket watch enamel outer dial, silvered dial inscribed Hamilton & Inches Edinburgh, as is the lever movement, a silver cased pocket watch, the white dial inscribed ‘Piggin Norwich 423’ plain case, enclosed movement with open balance wheel, signed and numbered, a Waltham silver cased pocket watch, a silver cased wrist watch (4)

161 FC765/88A OMEGA - A gentleman’s polished metal cased pocket watch the silvered dial inscribed and with Arabic numerals, subsidiary seconds dial, staybright case, lever movement, numbered 8442550, together with a LONGINES - a gentleman’s 9ct gold cased wrist watch head, inscribed silvered dial, luminous hands, Arabic numerals, the gilt movement signed and numbered 7371548 Pocket watch 40mm, wrist watch 27mm diameters


160 FC765/88 Two gold cased pocket watches to include a 9ct gold open faced pocket watch, plain enamel dial, lever movement, a demi hunter 9ct gold cased pocket watch, plain case and dial, lever movement

162 FE486/2 ROUX BORDIER et Cie - A mid 19th century enamel cased open faced pocket watch with a chatelaine clip the circular enamel dial with Arabic numerals, inscribed Roux Bordier et Cie, paste set border, the rear cover with enamelled vignette of a couple in a garden setting, similar paste border, the verge movement similarly inscribed, numbered 15165, the whole suspended from a similar period gilt metal chatelaine clip


Dial 43mm diameter




Diamond Jewellery

163 FG125/1 A modern diamond set necklace composed of graduated scroll form links, the central links also claw set with a scrolling border of graduated round brilliant and marquise cut diamonds, with concealed clasp and safety clip stamped 18K WIN 18.5cm from clasp to centre, estimated diamond weight: 3.41cts total, 56.3g

£2,500-3,500 164 FG125/2 A modern diamond cluster ring the front designed as a scrolling cluster, claw set with graduated round brilliant cut diamonds, shank stamped 14K Ring size: K, estimated diamond weight: 1.06cts total

£400-600 165 FF446/1 An 18ct yellow gold mounted diamond single-stone ring claw set with a round brilliant cut diamond Ring size: Q, estimated diamond weight approximately 4.00cts

£14,000-18,000 166 FE38/34 A solitaire diamond ring the circular brilliant cut diamond claw set, ribbed shoulders, the diamond approximately 1.32cts £1,800-2,500


167 FF195/13 A diamond single stone ring the central round brilliant cut diamond in a raised claw setting, shank stamped 18ct Ring size: R/S, estimated diamond weight: 1.00cts


171 FE38/27 A Victorian five-stone diamond ring claw set with graduated old mine cut diamonds interspersed by pairs of rose cut diamonds, shank stamped 18ct Ring size: W/X, estimated diamond

168 EAA15/2 A modern diamond set pendant, of tapering scroll design, claw set throughout with graduated round brilliant, marquise and single cut diamonds, hinged bale stamped 585

weight 1.88cts total


Length 3.4cm (including bale)

172 FE38/30 A diamond set three-stone ring claw set with three graduated early round brilliant cut diamonds


Ring size: N/O, estimated diamond weight: 1.31cts total


169 FE107/105 A Victorian diamond set floral brooch of naturalistic design, set throughout with graduated old mine and rose cut diamonds, with hinged pin and safety chain

173 FE438/1 A five stone diamond ring claw set with five graduated old cut diamonds, to a yellow metal shank stamped 18CT PLAT

Diameter 3cm, estimated principal

Ring size: I

diamond weight 0.62cts



Ring size: K, estimated diamond

174 FE454/2 A diamond set bar brooch millegrain set to the centre with an old European cut diamond within an open circular border to a plain knife bar

weight approximately 1.09cts total

6.5cm wide, estimated diamond


weight 0.56cts

170 FE38/26 An 18ct gold mounted diamond three-stone ring claw set with graduated early round brilliant cut diamonds

£600-900 175 No lot

LY O N & T U R N B U L L Jewellery







LY O N & T U R N B U L L Jewellery

176 FE481/3 A three stone diamond ring claw set to the centre with three graduated old cut diamonds, shank stamped 18K Ring size: L

180 FE483/1 A diamond set cluster ring claw set with a round brilliant cut diamond in a border of six smaller diamonds, in a raised white metal setting, marks indistinct


Ring size: J/K

£600-800 177 FG180/5 A diamond set ring the scroll shaped front channel set with two rows of baguette cut diamonds Ring size: K

£250-300 178 FF192/17 A French two-coloured gold mounted diamond set ring designed as two crossed bands, one with channel set border of fancy rectangular cut diamonds, stamped with French control marks Ring size: R, 11.2g total

£500-800 179 FF195/32 An early 20th century diamond set necklace of open scrolling tapering design set throughout with graduated round brilliant and single cut diamonds, suspended from a fine trace link chain with hinged circular clasp stamped 950 26.5cm from clasp to tip of drop, estimated diamond weight 5.30cts total



181 FE495/1 An 18ct white gold diamond set bracelet composed of rectangular links, millegrain set with round brilliant cut diamonds, each link joined by a similarly set bar, with spring clip fastening and safety chain, stamped 750 Diamond weight approx 2.45cts total


183 FF192/31 A pair of diamond set ear pendants each composed of a collet set princess cut diamond, surmounting a line of baguette cut diamonds, atop a lozenge set round brilliant cut diamond, suspending an open ovoid drop with channel set border of graduated tapered baguette cut diamonds, with post and butterfly fittings 4.8cm long

£1,200-1,500 184 FE752/1 An 18ct yellow gold mounted diamond set three-stone ring claw set with three graduated round brilliant cut diamonds, to a plain shank Ring size: P/Q, estimated diamond weight 0.75cts total

182 FE752/2 An 18ct gold mounted diamond seven-stone ring millegrain collet-set with seven graduated round brilliant cut diamonds Ring size: R, estimated total diamond weight 0.40cts


£300-400 185 FE711/1 A modern all diamond cluster ring the central circular cut brilliant diamond claw set and with two outer borders of similar smaller diamonds and a final scrolling border of tapering baguette cut diamonds Ring size: L/M


LY O N & T U R N B U L L Jewellery

186 FF192/32 An Edwardian diamond set necklace of composed of knife bars interspersed by claw set old European cut diamonds, the front composed of graduated fringes incorporating foliate motifs, set throughout with graduated old European and old mine cut diamonds, with similarly cut diamond set rectangular clasp, with safety clip 43cm long



LY O N & T U R N B U L L Jewellery

187 FF89/8 A contemporary threecoloured diamond set necklace composed of floral clusters, each claw set with seven round brilliant cut fancy pink diamonds, conjoined by knife bars and interspersed by similarly cut colourless diamonds, with open circular border, also set with colourless round brilliant cut diamonds, around the central fancy pink diamond set floral cluster, suspending a detachable drop comprising a similarly set square cluster and a larger ovoid cluster, claw set to the centre with a pear cut yellow diamond within outer borders of fancy pink and yellow round brilliant cut diamonds, three-coloured precious metal setting stamped 750

189 FF195/40 A diamond three-stone ring the central claw set pear cut diamond flanked to either side by two smaller, horizontally set fancy rounded triangular cut diamonds Ring size: N, estimated diamond weight 4.25cts total

£4,500-6,000 190 FF89/1 A fancy light yellow and colourless diamond set ring the central corner claw set cushion cut fancy light yellow diamond within a rounded rectangular border, millegrain set with round brilliant cut fancy yellow diamonds and a similar outer border of colourless diamonds, flanked by split shoulders also set with graduated colourless diamonds, shank stamped 750

192 FF89/9 A pink and colourless diamond set bracelet composed of quatrefoil shaped clusters, each claw set to the centre with four round brilliant cut fancy pink diamonds, within an open outer border set with similarly cut colourless diamonds, with concealed clasp, precious pink coloured metal setting stamped 750 18.9cm long, Estimated total diamond weights: pink diamonds 6.55cts, colourless diamonds 3.03cts

£4,500-5,500 193 FE778/1 An 18ct gold and platinum mounted diamond singlestone ring the central claw set round brilliant cut diamond flanked to each shoulder by three single cut diamonds

52cm, Estimated diamond weights:

Ring size: N/O, cluster 1.2cm long,

pink diamonds 5.57cts, yellow

Principal yellow diamond 6.21mm x

Ring size: O/P, estimated principal

diamonds 1.01cts, colourless


diamond weight 0.72cts



191 FF192/11 A diamond set bracelet composed of quatrefoil shaped links, each collet set to the centre with a round brilliant cut diamond within a border of four larger fancy canted square cut diamonds, with concealed clasp and safety clips

194 FF195/18 A pair of diamond set floral cluster earrings each set to the centre with an old European cut diamond, within two outer petal shaped borders set with old mine and single cut diamonds, with gilt backs, post and butterfly fittings

18cm long

Diameter 1.5cm, estimated

diamonds 3.08cts

£8,000-12,000 188 FF197/1 An Art Deco ruby and diamond set ring the tapering front designed as a stylised fastened buckle, pave set with early round brilliant cut diamonds, channel set borders of calibre cut rubies and trapezoid cut diamonds, to a broad tapering shank Ring size: K




diamond weight approximately 0.70cts total


LY O N & T U R N B U L L Jewellery







LY O N & T U R N B U L L Jewellery

195 FF89/7 A contemporary diamond set necklace composed of graduated scrolling motifs, each set to the centre with graduated baguette cut diamonds within borders of round brilliant cut diamonds, with concealed clasp and safety clip, stamped 750 20cm from clasp to centre, estimated total diamond weight 31.10cts



LY O N & T U R N B U L L Jewellery

196 FF195/29 An early 19th century diamond set pendant of domed circular design, with central eightpointed star, scroll surmount and suspending graduated fringes, set throughout with graduated old mine and rose cut diamonds, with similarly set bale 5cm x 2.3cm


198 FF192/30 A pair of Victorian diamond floral cluster earrings each designed as a petal shaped cluster, set throughout with graduated old European cut diamonds, with plain wire fittings

197 FF195/27 A pair of early 19th century diamond set ear pendants each composed of a fringed closed crescent shaped drop, set throughout with graduated old mine and rose cut diamonds, with plain wire fittings 4.8cm long, estimated diamond weight 4.50cts total


2.4cm long, 1.5cm diameter


199 FE759/1 A platinum mounted diamond single-stone ring shank stamped PLAT, claw set with a round brilliant cut diamond, channel set to each shoulder with four graduated round brilliant cut diamonds, with accompanying IGI certificate; together with a platinum wedding band channel set with twelve round brilliant cut diamonds (2) Ring size: K, J; Diamond weight of

200 FG125/3 A pair of modern diamond set ear pendants each of asymmetric tapering design, with channel set border of graduated round brilliant cut diamonds, with screw turned post and butterfly fittings

principal solitaire 1.01cts

4.8cm long, estimated diamond weight 2.23cts total




LY O N & T U R N B U L L Jewellery

201 FF436/5 An Art Deco diamond, sapphire and pearl brooch millegrain set to the centre with a round cut diamond in a row of ten seed pearls, in a stylised surround of round cut diamonds and mixed cut sapphires, with brooch fittings

204 FG6/1 A matched pair of diamond set ear-studs claw set with an early round brilliant cut diamond and a modern round brilliant cut diamond, with post and butterfly fittings, stamped 9ct

42mm long

1.77cts and 1.51cts



202 FG180/4 A diamond set bow-form brooch of stylised design, pave set with graduated round brilliant cut diamonds and channel set borders of baguette cut diamonds, with hinged pin to reverse

205 FF195/37 A fancy deep brownish purple-pink and colourless diamond set cluster ring the central claw set modified hexagonal step cut fancy deep brownish purple-pink diamond within two open hexagonal borders micro set with round brilliant cut colourless diamonds, with accompanying GIA coloured diamond identification and origin report, numbered 1142881452, dated August 14 2012, stating: weight 0.86cts, origin natural

5cm x 1.9cm

£2,800-3,500 203 FF192/24 An early 20th century diamond set pair of clips/brooch each of open scroll design, collet set to the centre with a canted square cut diamond, within borders of graduated round brilliant and single cut diamonds, with detachable brooch fitting 5.6cm x 2.5cm


Estimated diamond weights:

206 FF192/18 An Asscher cut diamond set single-stone ring the central corner claw set Asscher cut diamond flanked to either shoulder by a channel set baguette cut diamond, with accompanying HRD Diamond Certificate numbered 20040577225, dated 10/07/2004, stating: carat weight 4.52cts, colour grade I, clarity grade VVS2 Ring size: I

£40,000-60,000 207 FD773/1 An early 20th century platinum mounted solitaire diamond ring the central box set rounded oval old cut diamond, flanked by pierced triangular shoulders, each millegrain set with three smaller old European cut diamonds Ring size: P, Estimated principal diamond weight 2.95cts


Ring size: O, estimated remaining diamond weight 0.35cts total


208 FG74/1 Two unmounted pear cut black diamonds each contained in a display box, with accompanying Joya Gem Certificate of Authenticity, dated 19.05.12, stating weights: 10.00cts and 10.69cts (2) £300-500


LY O N & T U R N B U L L Jewellery









LY O N & T U R N B U L L Jewellery

209 FG70/1 An 18ct white gold mounted diamond single-stone ring claw set with a round brilliant cut diamond Ring size L, Estimated diamond weight 1.01cts

£600-800 210 FF81/1 An 18ct gold mounted diamond solitaire ring claw set in white gold with a circular brilliant cut diamond, pierced gallery with raised shoulders, yellow gold shank Ring size: S/T, total carat weight approximately 1.20cts

£800-1,200 211 FF195/21 An early 20th century diamond set brooch of open circular design, millegrain set throughout with graduated early round brilliant cut diamonds, conjoined by knife bars, with detachable brooch fitting

213 FD750/1 An 18ct yellow gold mounted diamond set cluster ring the central claw set round brilliant cut diamond in a border of eight similarly cut diamonds, with trifurcated shoulders to a plain shank

217 FF195/46 A pair of 18ct white gold mounted diamond set ear studs each claw set with a round brilliant cut diamond, with post and butterfly fittings

221 FF195/24 A diamond set full-eternity ring claw set with round brilliant cut diamonds

Estimated diamond weight 1.10cts


Ring size: N, estimated diamond


weight 2.35cts total



222 FF199/5 An 18ct white gold mounted diamond set pendant with chain the pendant of open circular design, with claw set border of round brilliant cut diamonds, suspended from a fine box link chain

17.8cm long

218 FG29/1 A diamond and sapphire cluster ring claw set to the centre with an old cut diamond, flanked diagonaly with two table cut sapphires, set in a white metal scrolling split shank, stamped 18K


Ring size: L

1.00cts total



219 FF436/14 A single stone diamond ring claw set in yellow metal with a round cut diamond, in an open heart shaped border to a plain shank with reeded detail to shoulders, unmarked

223 FF440/9 A pair of diamond cluster earrings modelled as an asymmetric cluster, claw set with small graduated round cut diamonds, with post and screw fittings

214 FG180/8 A fancy brown and colourless diamond set line bracelet claw set with sixty-five round brilliant cut diamonds, with concealed clasp and safety clip

215 FG174/5 A single-stone diamond ring claw set in 18ct white gold with a round brilliant cut diamond, to a v-section shank Ring size: M


3.6cm diameter, estimated diamond weight 5.80cts total

Ring size: N/O, estimated total diamond weight 1.50cts

Ring size: M/N

Pendant 1.9cm diameter, chain 18cm, estimated diamond weight:



212 FG201/1 A single stone diamond ring the round brilliant cut diamond set to the centre in a part rubover setting, to a plain platinum shank

216 FF195/22 An early 20th century diamond set ring of cross-over design, claw set with two early round brilliant cut diamonds, flanked by scroll shoulders each also set with five graduated single cut diamonds

220 FF91/1 A platinum set half hoop diamond eternity ring channel set to the front with fifteen round brilliant cut diamonds

Ring size: K/L, Estimated diamond

Ring size: O/P, estimated total

Ring size: L

weight: 0.44cts

diamond weight approximately

224 FF440/17 A diamond set cocktail watch the circular face with Arabic numerals, the bezel pave set with a single border of small circular cut diamonds, to a corded metal bracelet with foldover clasp








LY O N & T U R N B U L L Jewellery

225 FF89/4 A black and colourless diamond set panther form ring modelled as a stylised panther’s head and forelegs, pave set with graduated colourless and black round brilliant cut diamonds, with heart pierced gallery and tapering shank stamped 750 Ring size: O/P, Estimated diamond weight 5.35cts total


226 FF89/5 A pair of fancy yellow and colourless diamond set cluster ear-studs each of asymmetric scroll design, claw set with graduated oval and pear cut fancy light yellow diamonds and round brilliant cut colourless diamonds, with post and hinged clip fittings stamped 750

diamond weight 2.96cts

2.5cm long, estimated total


227 FF89/2 A contemporary diamond set dress ring of broad tapering design, the front composed of three undulating panels pave set with graduated round brilliant cut diamonds, interspersed by two highly polished borders, shank stamped 750 total

228 FF199/20 An 18ct white gold mounted diamond set bracelet claw set with forty-four round brilliant cut diamonds, with concealed clasp and safety clips 18cm long, estimated diamond weight 8.10cts total


Ring size: O/P, estimated total

diamond weights: colourless diamonds 0.74cts, yellow diamonds 4.60cts



Jade Jewellery

229 FF120/1 A carved jadeite necklace the carved jade panel of rectangular outline and foliate design, suspended from a double row graduated beads joined by white metal links, both to a short white metal curb link chain and clasp ÂŁ200-300

230 FF440/2 A jadeite bead necklace composed of pale green graduated spherical beads, ranging from approximately 4mm to 10mm diameter 35.5cm long from back to centre


231 FG180/10 A jadeite and diamond set pendant claw set with an oval cut jadeite cabochon surmounted by two millegrain collet set baguette cut diamonds and an oval cluster pave set with round brilliant cut diamonds, stamped 750 to reverse, with certificate from Gem and Pearl Laboratory No. 06290 stating no evidence of treatment and 3.40cts 2.2cm long, Jade 10.68 x 8.94 x 4.01mm



LY O N & T U R N B U L L Jewellery

232 FG180/11 A jadeite and diamond set pendant composed of a large shaped oval jadeite panel, pierced and floral carved, with tapering bale, set with single cut diamonds, setting stamped PLAT, with certificate from Gem and Pearl laboratory, No. 06221 stating no evidence of treatment, weight 5.43g, 34.5mm x 22.8mm x 3.2mm


233 FF195/19 A pair of early 20th century jadeite and diamond set ear pendants each composed of a claw set shaped circular foliate carved jadeite panel, surmounting a line alternately millegrain collet set with round brilliant and princess cut diamonds conjoined by small belcher form links, suspending a larger shaped oval pierced, fruit and foliate carved jadeite drop, with plain wire fittings and accompanying Gem & Pearl Laboratory Jadeite Jade Report, dated 5 March 2013, numbered 07320, stating the two principal panels are: jadeite jade, mottled green, with no evidence of treatment, weighing 6.00g 6.7cm long


234 FF410/1 An early 20th century jade and diamond set pendant the centre front composed of an old cut diamond millegrain set bow-tied ribbon surmounting a row of nine similarly set old cut diamonds, suspending the tapered rectangular jade panel with carved and reticulated foliate detail, the whole to a white metal trace link chain

235 FE500/95 A collection of items to include a light green jadeite bangle, carved with mythical beasts, a finely carved jadeite miniature swing-handled basket, together with three various green paste bangles (5) Jadeite bangle 5.6cm inner diameter, carved basket 5.5cm x 5.5cm


236 FF440/1 A light bright green jadeite bangle of plain form

Length from clasp to drop 33cm,

5.6cm inner diameter

jade panel 46mm x 27mm (widest)




Multi-gem Jewellery

237 FF440/10 A multi-gem set locket unmarked yellow metal, of circular outline, with applied offset insect motif, the body composed of a claw set oval opal and two similarly set graduated round cut rubies, the wings set with small round cut sapphires 3cm diameter


238 FF440/11 A multi-gem set spider brooch modelled in yellow metal, the body composed of a circular tigers eye cabochon and a small pearl, the legs set with diamond chips, the eyes composed of small ruby cabochons, to a pierced yellow metal web with brooch and safety chain fastenings 36mm diameter


239 FE38/31 Two gem set insect form brooches to include a 9ct gold bar brooch applied with a dragonfly set with an oval cut peridot and seed pearls, together with another 9ct gold brooch pave set with single cut diamonds with circular cut ruby set eyes (2) 4.7cm x 2.4cm and 2cm x 2.2cm



LY O N & T U R N B U L L Jewellery

240 FG180/2 An Edwardian 9ct gold mounted multi-gem set insect form brooch the body claw set with a large oval cut light green gem (tests indistinctly, likely to be zircon), the head and wings set with graduated half-pearls and old cut diamonds, with hinged pin and safety chain 3.3cm x 1.9cm


241 FF192/26 A multi-gem set insect form brooch with blister pearl body and circular cut onyx cabochon set eyes, also set with graduated round brilliant cut diamonds and circular cut rubies 3.9cm x 1.8cm


242 FF440/13 A multi-gem set butterfly brooch the body set with four small pearls, claw set to the wings with small diamond chips, round cut rubies and sapphires, with detachable brooch and safety chain fittings 4cm wide


243 FF440/14 A ruby and diamond set bar brooch the front with applied winged insect, the body set with diamond chips and a collet set oval cut ruby, the eyes also set with small ruby cabochons, set to one terminal with a small half pearl 5cm long



LY O N & T U R N B U L L Jewellery

244 FF192/28 A diamond set insect brooch of naturalistic design, pave set throughout with graduated round brilliant and single cut diamonds with gilt legs, antenae and ribbed underside 3cm x 2cm


245 FF440/12 A garnet and half pearl set novelty brooch modelled as a bee, the body comprising two cabochon garnets set in unmarked yellow metal, the wings and antenna set with seed pearls and diamond set eyes 32mm long



LY O N & T U R N B U L L Jewellery

246 A multi gem set bracelet of Egyptian style decoration the flexible broad band with five panels pave set with diamonds and the various Egyptian figures millegrain set and picked out in shaped cabochon rubies, emeralds, sapphires and accents in onyx, the central figure the winged goddess Isis; in a fitted case 18.6cm x 2.2cm Note: Egyptian revival jewellery became the vogue soon after the Tutankhamun dicovery in 1922. The principal jewellers of the day produced a number of pieces similar in theme and design amongst them Van Cleef & Arpel and Lacloche Freres



LY O N & T U R N B U L L Jewellery

247 FE157/50 A contemporary 18ct gold mounted multi-gem set suite comprising a pair of earrings, a pendant with chain and a ring, each collet set with a large oval cut peach coloured cabochon, within a round brilliant cut diamond set border, the sides pave set with circular cut orange and yellow gems, the earrings with post and hinged clip fittings the pendant suspended from a fancy circular section chain, contained in a black leather fitted case stamped DAWSON OF STAMFORD LTD Lengths: earrings 2.4cm, pendant 3.5cm, chain 47cm, Ring size M


248 FD754/36 A Tanzanite and diamond set necklace the ball link chain, stamped 750, set the to the centre front with three floral clusters comprising a central claw set brilliant cut diamond in a border of five oval shaped Tanzanites; together with a pair of matching ear studs, post and butterfly fittings, stamped 750 (3) Total carat weight: diamonds 0.19cts, Tanzanites 4.38



LY O N & T U R N B U L L Jewellery

249 FF192/6 A multi-gem set clasp comprising a cylindrical link with hooped terminal and a separate hook form link, both pave set throughout with round brilliant cut diamonds, also with channel set borders of calibre cut rubies, sapphires and emeralds ans step cut diamonds 4.2cm fastened length


250 FG125/4 A pair of modern multi-gem set ear pendants each of open scroll design, collet set to the centre with a pear cut amethyst, a similarly cut blue topaz and an oval cut citrine, with asymmetric scroll surmount, post and butterfly fittings, stamped 14K EBH 6.5cm long, estimated total weights: amethyst 3.38cts, blue topaz 3.40cts, citrine 1.48cts, 9.8g total

251 FF195/39 A large decorative ring designed as a tapering broad band, decorated in high relief with scrolling foliage, with central sunflower-head motif Ring size: M/N, 14.9g



weight of topaz 0.27cts

253 FF195/9 A sherry topaz and diamond set necklace the front composed of a collet set briolette cut sherry topaz drop, surmounted by a similarly set fancy canted rectangular cut diamond, beneath a floral cluster set with seven round brilliant cut diamonds, the whole suspended from a fine belcher link chain, with simple hinged circular clasp stamped 950

254 FD754/35 A turquoise and diamond set ring the central oval turquoise cabochon claw set in a border of old cut diamonds, to a yellow metal shank stamped 750; together with a pair of turquoise set ear studs, the central oval turquoise cabochon claw set in an open yellow metal border, with post and butterfly fittings, stamped 14K; another pair of turquoise set ear rings (3)


22.8cm from clasp to tip of drop


252 FD709/9 An 18ct gold mounted yellow topaz and diamond cluster ring claw set to the centre with a circular cut golden yellow topaz, within a border of twelve single cut diamonds; together with an early 20th century diamond single-stone ring, illusion set with an early round brilliant cut diamond, with pierced gallery (2) Ring sizes: H, O/P, Estimated

255 EAA15/6 A modern multi-gem set bracelet, collet set with old European cut diamonds interspersed by similarly set circular cut emeralds and square cut rubies, conjoined by knife bars, mount stamped 18K Length 18.5cm




LY O N & T U R N B U L L Jewellery

256 FD498/27 A peridot and seed pearl set ring designed as an oval cluster, composed of four oval cut peridot and five seed pearls, shank stamped 9ct

260 FE775/3 An early 20th century moonstone set bracelet the graduated moonstone cabochons collet set in yellow metal with a concealed clasp and safety chain

Length of cluster 1.8cm, Ring size



£200-300 257 FF195/4 A pair of opal and diamond set ear pendants each composed of a millegrain collet set oval cut opal cabochon, surmounting a line of three graduated round brilliant cut diamonds, suspending a larger oval cut opal cabochon drop, with wire fittings 4cm long (including fittings)

£800-1,000 258 FE726/2 A opal necklace composed of a graduated string of opal beads Length 39cm

£120-180 259 FF195/25 An early 20th century blue zircon and diamond set ring the central claw set circular cut blue Zircon flanked to either shoulder by a cluster of three single cut diamonds, shank stamped 18ct Ring size: O/P, estimated zircon weight 3.67ct


261 FF182/2 An aquamarine pendant the oval shaped aquamarine claw set in yellow metal with a decorative pierced gallery, to a 9ct gold belcher link chain; together with a matching ring, shank unmarked (2)

267 FF89/3 A pink tourmaline and diamond set cluster ring with central oval cut bright pink tourmaline, within graduated open scroll borders set with round brilliant cut diamonds, shank stamped 18K 750

52.5cm, 20cm and 4cm long

268 FF195/3 A pair of tourmaline and diamond set ear clips each of reeded tapering design, with central collet set pear cut deep pink rubellite, surmounted by a crescent, channel set with seven graduated round brilliant cut diamonds, with hinged clip fittings, stamped 750


262 FF199/9 An 18ct yellow gold mounted aquamarine and diamond set cluster ring the central claw set oval cut aquamarine within a surround of twelve round brilliant cut diamonds

265 EAA15/8 A grey freshwater cultured pearl and amethyst bead necklace composed of off-round pearls, set at intervals with polished amethyst pebble beads; also a white cultured pearl necklace, of graduated fringed design; together with a pair of matching bouton pearl earrings (3)

Ring size: N, estimated weights:

Lengths: 152cm and 63cm,

aquamarine 3.20cts; diamonds

diameter of earrings 1.1cm

0.84cts total


Ring size: R, length of pendant including bale 35mm


£1,500-2,000 263 FF195/14 An early 20th century white gold mounted blue Zircon and diamond set ring the central claw set circular cut blue zircon, flanked to either side by an illusion set single cut diamond Ring size: P, estimated zircon weight 3.77cts



264 FF186/1 A Red Sea bamboo coral set suite comprising a necklace, bracelet and pair of ear pendants each composed of graduated shaped cylindrical red sea bamboo coral beads, interspersed by smaller gilt textured beads, the bracelet and necklace with magnetic spherical clasps, one also set with circular cut colourless gems, the ear pendants with wire fittings

266 FF440/8 An opal and diamond set ring claw set to the centre with a large black opal doublet, claw set to either side with a round cut diamond, to a plain white metal shank stamped 9ct Ring size:


Ring size: N/O, cluster 3.3cm, estimated weights: pink tourmaline 1.60cts, diamonds approximately 2.30cts total


2.2cm long, estimated total weights: rubellite 6.50cts, diamonds 0.70cts total

£750-850 269 FF75/5 An Edwardian peridot and opal set bar brooch composed of a line of graduated round cut millegrain set peridots, a circular opal cabochon to each terminal in a surround of three circular cut peridots; together with a garnet set crescent brooch, claw set with graduated round cut garnets (2) £200-300

LY O N & T U R N B U L L Jewellery

270 FF192/1 An amethyst bead necklace composed of large graduated melon ball carved beads, ranging from approximately 16.6mm to 30mm diameter, interspersed by small plain cylindrical gold coloured beads, with large hinged circular clasp 62cm long


271 FG180/1 A pair of amethyst and diamond ear pendants each composed of a large pear cut deep purple amethyst, surmounted by two quatrefoil shaped clusters millegrain collet set with old European cut diamonds, with wire fittings 5cm long (including wire fittings)


Ring size: N/O

273 FG174/6 An early 20th century moonstone set bracelet collet set with a row of eleven graduated oval moonstone cabochons, to a fancy link bracelet with concealed clasp and safety chain


20cm long

274 FG181/2 A pink tourmaline dress ring the square cut tourmaline corner claw set in yellow metal, (indistinct marks; together with a single stone ruby ring, claw set in yellow metal with a cabochon ruby (2)


Ring size: H, L/M

272 FG174/4 A 9ct gold Tanzanite set ring claw set with a oval shaped tanzanite, flanked to either side by two smaller round cut examples, with shaped shoulders to a plain shank

275 FG181/4 An opal and diamond ring the oval opal with a border of diamonds, all set in a white and yellow gold shank, together with a black opal double pendant drop Ring size: N, pendant 26mm drop




Emerald Jewellery

276 FE359/71 A Victorian emerald, diamond and pearl set bangle of hinged design, applied to the centre front with a raised circular motif, claw set to the centre with an octagonal cut emerald within a surround of old mine and rose cut diamonds interspersed by half-pearls to a textured ground within ropetwisted borders to a plain band, contained in a tooled red leather fitted case 5.4cm inner diameter, diameter of front 4cm


Ring size: N, estimated principal diamond weight:

278 EAA15/9 A modern emerald and diamond set ring claw set to the centre with an oval cut emerald cabochon, flanked to either side by a single cut diamond, mount stamped 18K and another similar, the central corner claw set trap cut emerald flanked to either side by a tapered baguette cut diamond, mount stamped 18K (2)


Estimated emerald weight 0.55cts



277 FF192/16 An Art Deco style emerald and diamond set ring the central corner claw set trap cut diamond flanked to either side by a collet set trap cut emerald, additionally channel set to each shoulder with four fancy square cut diamonds

279 FG69/1 An 18ct white gold abstract diamond and emerald ring the thick white metal band collet set with three offset old cut diamonds and three similarly set round cut emeralds, in a border of claw set round cut diamonds Ring size: P/Q



LY O N & T U R N B U L L Jewellery

281 FG181/1 A platinum mounted emerald and diamond set three-stone ring the central claw set circular cut emerald flanked to either side by a round brilliant cut diamond Ring size: H, estimated weights: emerald 0.55cts, diamonds 2.26cts total


280 FF199/18 An 18ct white gold emerald and diamond set pendant the pendant with central circular cut emerald, within a border of round brilliant cut diamonds, with plain tapering bale, suspended from a fine curb link chain Pendant 1.2cm diameter, chain 46cm long, estimated weights: emerald 2.50cts; diamonds 0.42cts total


282 FF192/14 A fancy vivid yellow diamond and emerald set cluster ring designed as a tapering band, the domed front millegrain collet set to the centre with a round brilliant cut fancy vivid yellow diamond, within graduated pointed oval borders, alternately set with French cut emeralds or smaller round brilliant cut fancy vivid yellow diamonds, additionally set to each shoulder with tapering borders set also set with French cut emeralds, shank stamped Pt 950 Ring size: M/N, estimated principal diamond weight 0.30cts



LY O N & T U R N B U L L Jewellery

283 FF195/42 An antique style emerald set bracelet set to the centre front with a circular cut emerald cabochon, with closed back setting, within beaded and cannatille decorated borders, the central crown supported by twin mythical beast heads, to a flexible interwoven bracelet, with cannatille decorated cylindrical clasp, with additional safety clip 5.8cm inner diameter, 68.4g total Provenance: Originally a wedding gift from the King and Queen of Greece, probably commissioned from Lalaounis while he was still working with Zolotas.


284 FF192/19 A modern emerald and diamond ring the central yellow 18ct gold section, channel set square cut emeralds, diamond accents to each end and with an 18ct white gold ribed shoulders

285 FF195/11 A Victorian five-stone ring corner claw set with graduated trap cut bright green antique pastes, interspersed by pairs of rose cut diamonds, with scroll pierced gallery and reeded shoulders

Ring size: M1/2

Ring size: M



286 FF195/49 A pair of emerald and diamond ear pendants each composed of a large claw set pear cut emerald drop within an open border set with graduated round brilliant cut diamonds, surmounted by two similarly cut diamonds, with plain wire fittings, contained in tooled red leather fitted case

287 FF199/10 A pair of 18ct white gold mounted emerald and diamond set earrings each with central claw set oval cut emerald, within a border of twelve round cut diamonds, with post and butterfly fittings

3.3cm long




1.3cm x 1.2cm, estimated weights: emerald 2.10cts; diamonds 1.20cts total

Named Jewellery

288 FG53/1 ELIZABETH BONTE - An early Twentieth century carved horn necklace the centre front carved horn modelled as a bee resting on a leaf in an openwork border, to a silk cord featuring four carved horn disks and two glass bead spacers, signed to the rear Central panel 6cm diameter Note: Elizabeth Bonte’ was a French designer and maker who specialized in decorative horn jewellery, especially pendants. Her workshops were merged with her rival, George Pierre, and they worked together in the Art Nouveau style until the mid 30s


289 FF75/7 SYBIL DUNLOP - A silver mounted moonstone set brooch of pierced shaped oval form, with central collet set oval cut moonstone cabochon, within a scrolling border alternately collet set with circular and oval cut moonstone cabochons, with hinged pin fitting 4.7cm x 3.6cm


290 FF75/8 SYBIL DUNLOP - A silver mounted rock crystal riviere necklace composed of a row of twenty two claw set mixed cut rock crystals, with hook and eye fastenings 42cm long


291 FF75/9 SYBIL DUNLOP (Attributed to) - A rock crystal set suite comprising a bracelet, ring and a pair of ear pendants, the bracelet composed of ten mixed cut rock crystals in a rub-over setting with concealed clasp, the ring claw set with a similarly cut rock crystal to a tapering shank stamped SIL, the ear pendants each with similarly set drops suspended from fine belcher link chains surmounted by a circular cut rock crystal, with post and butterfly fittings (3) Ring size: N/O, bracelet 18cm and earrings 2.5cm long



LY O N & T U R N B U L L Jewellery

292 FF75/10 HANS HANSEN - A mid-20th century silver jewellery suite comprising a necklace, bracelet, ear studs and brooch, each composed of heart shaped motifs, the necklace with import marks for London 1972, sponsor’s mark DSD, also stamped HaH, 925 DENMARK, the bracelet with conforming sponsor’s mark and import marks for London 1975, also signed HANS HANSEN and stamped DENMARK 925 S, the ear studs each stamped HaH 925 S DENMARK, the brooch similarly stamped Necklace 41.5cm, bracelet 19cm, earrings 1.4cm x 1.4cm, brooch 2.5cm x 1.3cm


293 FC589/28 MIRIAM HASKELL - A paste set bangle set simulated pearls and diamonds in a floral design, together with a large gilt cuff bracelet by Chanel, ‘quilted’ broad band with large paste pearl central motif, and a small paste set crucifix (3) £120-180


294 FF75/11 GEORG JENSEN - A silver ring of stylised form, with engraving to the shank Ring size: N/O


LY O N & T U R N B U L L Jewellery

295 FG180/7 KUTCHINSKY (Attributed to) - A multi-gem set and enamelled novelty brooch designed as a stylised leopard, the eyes collet set with circular cut emeralds, with round brilliant cut diamond pave set whiskers, red enamelled tongue and deep blue enamelled spots to the asymmetric, stamped K and other indistinct marks 8cm x 3.2cm, 43.6g


296 FD715/1 TIFFANY - Two diamond and platinum set rings the first claw set to the centre with a princess cut diamond to a V section shank, stamped TIFFANY & CO...22894048, together with a platinum wedding band channel set with fifteen round brilliant cut diamonds, shank stamped TIFFANY & CO..., with original packaging (2) Ring sizes: K/L, Estimated diamond weight of solitaire: 0.37cts


297 FE157/63 WEMPE - A pink tourmaline and diamond set suite comprising a pair of pendant earrings, a pendant with chain and a ring, each collet set with a fancy cushion shaped rose cut pink tourmaline, the earrings of hinged hooped design, the pendant with round brilliant cut diamond set bale, suspended from a fancy oval link chain, the ring additionally set to the shoulders with round brilliant cut diamonds, contained in a cream suede pochette and WEMPE box Lengths: earrings 2.5cm, pendant 2.3cm, chain 41.5cm, ring M/N



LY O N & T U R N B U L L Jewellery

298 FE157/52 WEMPE - A diamond set pendant with chain the pendant of asymmetric open scroll design, composed of two borders claw set with round brilliant cut diamonds, signed and stamped 750 5133 ct 0.89, suspended from a fine belcher link chain, with original red suede fitted case Pendant 3.3cm x 3cm, chain 49cm


299 FG5/3 WEMPE - A diamond set necklace composed of oval belcher form links, the central links pave set with round brilliant cut diamonds, with concealed clasp signed WEMPE and stamped 750, with original box and accompanying Wempe Authenticity Certificate, numbered 6179, stating total diamond weight 1.38cts, G, IF 17cm from clasp to centre, 65.2g total


300 FE157/65 WEMPE - An enamel decorated bracelet composed of assorted slim oval belcher form links, two decorated with cream enamel, with black enamelled slim oval hinged hoop clasp, signed and stamped 750, with original red suede box Length 19cm, 28.2g



LY O N & T U R N B U L L Jewellery

301 FE157/64 WEMPE - An 18ct white gold mounted diamond set suite comprising a pair of earrings, a ring and a pendant with fine torque form chain, each incorporating as a broad band claw set with three rows of round brilliant cut diamonds, contained in a cream suede pochette and outer red Wempe box Length of earrings 3.4cm, ring P/Q, length of pendant 3.2cm, 42cm


302 FG5/4 WEMPE - A diamond set bracelet composed of two rows of open rounded square links, alternately highly polished or pave set with round brilliant cut diamonds, with two concealed clasps, signed WEMPE, stamped 750 and numbered 6701, with accompanying Wempe Authenticity Certificate, numbered 6701, stating total diamond weight 4.18cts, F IF. 19cm long, 121.4g total


303 FG5/6 WEMPE - A pair of diamond set ear pendants ensuite with the preceding lot each composed of two open rounded rectangular square links, alternately highly polished and pave set with round brilliant cut diamonds, with similarly diamond set bale, post and hinged clip fittings, signed WEMPE, stamped 750 and numbered 3076, with accompanying Wempe Authenticity Certificate, numbered 3076, stating total diamond weight 1.61cts, G, IF 3.3cm long, 28.7g total


304 FE157/56 WEMPE - A TEMPUS FUGIT AMOR MANET silver pendant designed by Kim the slim oval pendant inscribed to reverse TEMPUS FUGIT AMOR MANET, with circular belcher link chain; together with a Swarovski ladies wrist watch, with satin finished canted rectangular dial and circular cut colourless gem set bezel and similar carved sides, fitted to a green leather strap Lengths: pendant 3.3cm, chain 31.5cm, width of watch head 3cm



Pearl Jewellery

305 FF195/8 A diamond and half-pearl set cluster ring the front composed of three graduated half-pearls, within a shaped surround set with single cut diamonds, with scroll pierced gallery and closed back setting (pearls untested)

306 FG181/5 A double row pearl necklace the graduated pearls of attractive colour, with a gold, opal and gem set clasp with central oval opal and arms with opal set terminals

Ring size: O/P


39cm long


307 FD754/30 A double strand cultured pearl necklace composed of uniform size pearls, good lustre, gold clasp stamped 585, and another of similar form Length approx 54cm


308 FE107/112 A three-row cultured pearl necklace the necklace composed of graduated pearls, ranging from 4.5mm to 9mm diameter, with bow-form clasp, with central hexagonal box set circular cut emerald, within borders set with single cut diamonds, clasp stamped with French control marks

309 FE38/24 A pearl necklace with 9ct gold clasp the necklace composed of graduated pearls (untested), ranging from approximately 3.3mm to 7.1mm diameter, with 9ct gold mounted floral cluster clasp, set with graduated half-pearls, with additional safety chain

Approximate length 52cm




54cm long

310 FE775/4 A pearl and diamond set crescent brooch claw set to the front in yellow metal with alternating old cut diamonds and pearls, with brooch fitting Length approx 5.5cm


LY O N & T U R N B U L L Jewellery

311 FF195/43 An early 20th century seed pearl and diamond set sautoir composed of woven beaded seed pearl borders, with brooch bar spacer, millegrain set with a border of old European cut diamonds, with similarly cut diamonds to the pierced shaped oval surmounts of the seed pearl tassel fringed terminals 42cm from centre to tip of tassel


312 FF195/16 An early 20th century natural blister pearl set enamelled pendant composed of a large baroque pearl wreathed to the lower edge by green enamelled foliage, suspending a smaller similarly pearl set and enamelled detachable drop, with plain suspension hoop and accompanying Gem & Pearl Laboratory report, dated 14 December 2012 and numbered 06885, stating: the (principal) pearl is a natural blister pearl (saltwater), weighing 5.85g

313 FG6/2 A pair of platinum mounted cultured South Sea pearl and diamond set ear-studs each claw set with a round brilliant cut diamond surmounting a large cultured South Sea pearl, each measuring approximately 14.5mm diameter, with screw-turned post and butterfly fittings 2.2cm long


4.1cm x 1.7cm



LY O N & T U R N B U L L Jewellery

314 FE107/123 A cultured pearl and ruby set brooch set to the centre with a cultured pearl measuring approximately 50mm within radiating borders claw set with small circular cut rubies and terminating with smaller cultured pearls measuring approximately 3.5mm diameter, setting stamped 750; together with pair of 9ct twocoloured gold mounted cultured pearl set brooches each of starburst design, set to the centre with a cluster of seven cultured pearls; a cultured pearl necklace with garnet set clasp (4) Diameter 3.5cm

£250-400 315 FE38/23 An early 20th century natural pearl necklace with diamond set clasp the necklace composed of graduated pearls, ranging from approximately 1.9mm to 4.85mm diameter, with slim pierced oval 9ct white gold clasp, set with single cut diamonds, and additional safety chain, with accompanying Gem & Pearl Laboratory pearl report numbered 06384, dated 2 October 2012, stating: that the pearls are natural (saltwater), item weight: 4.18g 43.5cm long


316 FE38/25 A cultured pearl and amethyst set necklace with 9ct gold clasp the necklace composed of fairly uniform cultured pearls, each measuring approximately 3.5mm diameter, fringed to the front by graduated oval cut amethysts, with 9ct gold mounted floral cluster clap also set with graduated cultured pearls 47cm long

£300-500 317 FF195/47 A cultured pearl three-row necklace with diamond set clasp the necklace composed of threerows of graduated cultured pearls, ranging from approximately 3.2mm to 7.4mm diameter, with pierced shaped oval clasp, collet set to the centre with a round brilliant cut diamond within a border of smaller old mine cut diamonds

47.7cm long

£250-400 321 FF189/2 A single strand pearl necklace composed of a single strand of freshwater pearls set to the front with a red cylindrical bead flanked to either side by a paste set spacer 10mm to 1mm diameter


36.5cm long, estimated principal diamond weight approximately 0.50cts

10mm to 11mm diameter

322 LT2013/29 A cultured pearl three-row bracelet composed of uniform cultured pearls approximately 5mm in diameter, the pierced circular clasp set with small brilliant cut diamonds and a central pearl, stamped 585


Length 17cm

£2,000-3,000 318 FF189/1 A single strand pearl necklace composed of a single strand of freshwater pearls, to a white metal clasp stamped 18K

£200-300 319 FG75/1 A collection of three cultured pearl necklaces each composed of graduated cultured pearls with cultured pearl and paste set clasps Between 58cm and 51cm long



320 FF195/17 An early 20th century cultured pearl necklace with diamond set clasp the necklace composed of graduated cultured pearls, ranging from approximately 2.6mm to 6.3mm diameter, the pierced lozenge shaped clasp millegrain collet set to the centre with an early round brilliant cut diamond, within a surround of single cut diamonds, clasp stamped 18ct PLAT

Ruby Jewellery

323 FF192/21 A ruby and diamond three-stone ring the central claw set oval cut ruby flanked to either side by a fancy triangular cut fancy yellow diamond, shank stamped 750 Ring size: L, estimated weights: ruby 3.07cts, diamonds approximately 1.10cts total

324 FG193/1 A ruby and diamond cluster ring claw set with an oval cut ruby within a surround of ten round brilliant cut diamonds, to a yellow metal shank


Ring size: N, Estimated total weights: Ruby 1.19cts, Diamond 1.50cts

325 FD754/25 A five stone ruby and diamond set ring alternately claw set with three oval cut rubies and two old cut diamonds, to an unmarked yellow metal shank


Ring size: M


326 FF440/15 A pair of ruby and diamond set earrings of hoop design, set in yellow metal with a central oval cut ruby and pave set diamond detail, with reeded detail throughout, with post and clip fittings £500-700

328 FF195/1 A ruby and diamond set three-stone ring the central claw set oval cut ruby flanked to either side by a round brilliant cut diamond, additionally set to each shoulder with three similarly cut diamonds

327 EAC126/19 A modern ruby and diamond set ring of undulating oval form, set central ruby, border of circular cut brilliant diamonds, and outer wavy border set baguette cut diamonds, shank stamped 14K

Ring size: N, estimated weights:

Ring size P

ruby 1.14cts, diamonds


approximately 0.39cts total



LY O N & T U R N B U L L Jewellery

329 EAA15/4 A ruby and diamond fivestone ring, claw set to the centre with an old mine cut diamond, flanked to either side by a circular cut ruby, additionally set to each shoulder with a smaller old European cut diamond, shank stamped 18K

331 FD754/26 A late Victorian ruby cluster ring collet set to the centre with an oval cut ruby in a double border of diamond chips and seed pearls, to an unmarked yellow metal shank Ring size: N


Estimated approximate total weights: diamonds 0.78cts; rubies 1.50cts

£250-350 330 FG180/9 A pair of early 20th century multi-gem set ear pendants each composed of a lozenge shaped panel millegrain collet set with a fancy lozenge cut ruby within a border of single cut diamonds, surmounting a millegrain collet set round brilliant cut diamond, suspending a large lozenge shaped panel, incorporating millegrained knife-bars and a ruby, emerald and diamond set giardenetto, within an outer single cut diamond set border, fringed by three smaller similarly set lozenges, with post and disc fittings 6.2cm long


332 FD754/27 A pair of ruby and diamond cluster ear studs claw set to the centre with an oval cut ruby in an oval border of eight cut diamonds, with post and butterfly fittings, stamped 750 Length of cluster: 8mm

£100-150 333 FF120/4 A ruby and diamond cluster ring claw set to the centre with an oval cut ruby flanked to either side by a baguette cut diamond and a part border of ten round old cut diamonds, with a pierced gallery to a plain white metal band stamped PLAT Ring size: N/O


334 FF195/33 A ruby, sapphire and diamond set swiveling fulleternity ring composed of a central border channel set to one side with calibre cut rubies, the other half set with similarly cut sapphires, flanked above and below by hinged borders of graduated single cut diamonds Ring size: I

£800-1,200 335 FF199/6 A ruby and diamond set ring designed as a tapering band, the front with central channel set border of calibre cut rubies, flanked above and below by borders of round brilliant cut diamonds, shank stamped 18K 750 Ring size: L/M, estimated total weights: rubies 1.20cts; diamonds 0.31cts

£1,200-1,400 336 FF199/17 An 18ct white gold mounted ruby and diamond set ring the central claw set oval cut ruby, flanked by trifurcated shoulders each claw set with borders of round brilliant cut diamonds Ring size: L, estimated weights: ruby 9.31cts; diamonds 0.42cts total



LY O N & T U R N B U L L Jewellery

337 FF192/25 An Art Deco ruby and diamond set bracelet composed of twenty-one square links, each millegrain set with four fancy rectangular cut rubies and five single cut diamonds, with foliate borders to the sides, concealed clasp and safety clips 17.2cm long


338 FF192/27 A Victorian ruby and diamond set brooch designed as a shaped circular cluster, with central circular cut ruby, within borders and C-scrolls set with graduated old mine and rose cut diamonds 4cm diameter, estimated ruby weight 2.18cts


339 FF440/3 A ruby set bangle unmarked yellow metal of hinged design, the front of tapering width, claw set with nine round cut rubies, with concealed clasp 42.5g


340 FG180/3 A pair of ruby and diamond set ear pendants each composed of a collet set circular cut ruby within a border of round brilliant cut diamonds, surmounted by a line of three vertically channel set baguette cut diamonds, with post and butterfly fittings 1.6cm long



Sapphire Jewellery

341 FD754/29 A sapphire and pearl set brooch of circular design, alternately set with six marquise cut sapphires and six seed pearls, each pearl in an open circular border of small old cut diamonds, control mark to pin and catch Diameter: 30mm


342 FF192/15 An Art Deco style sapphire and diamond set cluster ring designed as a broad tapering band, the domed front collet set to the centre with a trap cut diamond, within open borders millegrain channel set with graduated French cut sapphires, to a surround pave set with graduated round brilliant cut diamonds, shank stamped Pt950 Ring size: M/N, estimated principal diamond weight approximately 0.50cts


Estimated weights: diamond

344 FF199/15 An 18ct white gold mounted yellow sapphire and diamond cluster ring the central claw set oval cut yellow sapphire, within a surround of fourteen round brilliant cut diamonds

343 EAA15/3 A sapphire and diamond three-stone ring, the central claw set round brilliant cut diamond flanked to either side by a circular cut sapphire, mount stamped 14K


0.68cts; sapphires approximately

Ring size: M/N, estimated weights:

1.85cts total

yellow sapphire 4.58cts, diamonds

345 FE711/2 A modern sapphire and diamond ring of slight assymetric design, with a cross design of spreading navette cut sapphires and a pair of circular brilliant cut diamonds between each arm, all set in yellow metal and marked 14K


1.00cts total

Ring size: K



346 FF120/3 A diamond and sapphire cluster ring claw set to the centre with an oval cut sapphire within an oval border of ten old cut diamonds, to an 18ct yellow gold band with reeded detail and scrolling shoulders £500-800

Ring size: O

LY O N & T U R N B U L L Jewellery

347 FD754/28 A sapphire and diamond set bangle of hinged design, the front alternately claw set with nine oval cut sapphires and eight old cut diamonds, to a yellow metal band with concealed clasp and safety chain, stamped 9VK Diameter of bangle 6.7cm


348 FF89/6 A pair of yellow sapphire and colourless diamond set earpendants each composed of a hinged curved hoop, set to the front with a border of round brilliant cut diamonds, suspending three graduated four-leaf-clover form clusters, each set with graduated circular cut yellow sapphires within borders of similarly cut colourless diamonds, with post fittings stamped 750

349 FF195/5 A sapphire and diamond set necklace the centre front collet set with an oval cut sapphire cabochon, surmounting a similarly set rectangular cut diamond, above a larger oval cut sapphire cabochon drop, the whole suspended from a fine belcher link chain, with hinged circular clasp stamped 950

350 FF195/2 A sapphire and diamond set three-stone ring the central claw set oval cut sapphire flanked to either side by an old mine cut diamond, with scroll decorated shoulders, shank stamped 18ct Ring size: M, estimated weights: sapphire 1.64cts; diamonds 0.42cts total


351 FF195/20 An early 20th century sapphire and diamond set brooch/pendant designed as a sixteen-pointed star, set to the centre with three graduated oval cut sapphire cabochons, within a surround pave set with graduated old mine and rose cut diamonds, with hinged pin and scroll pendant fittings to reverse

23.2cm from clasp to tip of drop

4cm x 2.7cm



5.5cm long, estimated total weights: yellow sapphires 1.47cts, diamonds 2.55cts



Modern Jewellery

352 FF436/2 A modernist 9ct gold and ruby brooch of textured abstract design, set throughout with claw set round cut rubies, with brooch fittings 65mm long, 17.6g


353 EAC126/12A A group of three Celtic style silver brooches a Celtic style bar brooch, a large kilt pin of deer’s leg form set bloodstone and citrine set terminal £150-200 354 EAC126/15 A 9ct gold bracelet and another both of broad form one with V link mesh bracelet, textured bark effect buckle type fitting, the other of interwoven circular links, clip fastening 107g


355 EAC126/41 An 18ct gold bracelet of polished and textured links, snap fastening 47g

£700-900 356 EAC126/43 A group of gold chains and necklets a 9ct gold fringe necklace; a fancy pierced link neck chain, modelled as an Albert; a thick rope twist neck chain; a box link chain, all 9ct gold 97g


357 FE359/73 A 15ct gold Irish Claddagh ring Dublin 1903, of conventional form; together with a yellow metal bar brooch with applied yellow metal leaf and seed pearls to each terminal; two yellow metal gem set pins; a small 18ct gold pocket watch A/F Ring size: R/S Note: This specific design is traditional to Ireland. The ring incorporates symbols - clasped hands for friendship, a heart for love, crown representing loyalty. There is also meaning behind how the ring is worn - right hand point of heart out -looking for love; right hand point to the wearer - love found; left hand point to fingertip, engaged; left hand point to heart married. Actual written evidence regarding the rings is scarce and generally is reliant on folk lore and tales, local traditions vary



358 FE453/2 An unmarked yellow metal bracelet composed of graduated curb links, with a concealed clasp and safety chain 25g

£250-350 359 FE468/2 A yellow metal fancy link chain composed of fancy twisted ‘S’ links, stamped 18K Length 46cm, 38.2g

£650-750 360 FE490/1 A 9ct gold charm bracelet composed of curb links with padlock fastening, featuring an assortment of eight charms 36.4g all in


LY O N & T U R N B U L L Jewellery

361 FG174/3 A modern 9ct gold diamond and tourmaline necklace bar set to the centre with a trap cut tourmaline and four round cut claw set diamonds; to a four bar articulated necklace with hook fastening ÂŁ400-600

362 FF436/1 A modern 9ct yellow gold bangle modelled as a snake with articulated body, engraved detail to head and tail, the eyes set with small circular cut sapphires

363 FF436/4 A 9ct gold fancy link bracelet composed of lozenge shaped fancy links, with padlock clasp 25.4g




Mixed Jewellery lots

364 EAA15/1 A dark grey cultured pearl suite, comprising a necklace and matching earrings, the necklace composed of uniform off-round pearls, measuring approximately 11mm diameter, the clasp designed as a floral cluster, with central bouton pearl within a surround of circular cut rubies, stamped 14K; the earrings each measuring approximately 11.5mm diameter; together with a modern bead necklace composed of large opalescent and colourless paste beads, with hinged circular clasp stamped 925, suspending a collet set polished and shaped oval boulder opal pendant (3) Length 40cm

£250-350 365 EAC126/12 A group of three and five Scottish clan brooches four TB, Edinburgh, one same cast pattern for clans MacNeil, Lindsay, Craig, Ross, Pearson for Barclay; the other three, MN&C Inverness, Edinburgh for clans - Sutherland, Latta family and one other £100-200

366 EAC126/29 A six stone diamond ring set small circular and princess cut diamonds; a pair of 18ct gold earrings of lobed form; a coral set tiepin; another as a Negro’s head; a moonstone and 9ct gold modern set of pendant errings, pendant necklace, and bracelet; another gem set fringe necklace and a small diamond cluster ring (qty) £100-120 367 EAC126/21 An 18k white gold ruby and diamond ring of navette form, claw set in a semi scrolling form; an aquamarine ring; an amethyst set ring; a garnet set ring; another; another amethyst set ring; a Victorian buckle ring; a ruby set eternity ring, channel set; a gem set pendant; a green gem set ring, all set in gold (10) £400-500 368 EAC126/27 OMEGA - FROST & REED ROTARY - WINEGARTENS a group of five mid 20th century gold ladies wrist watches various styles, all with integral textured or brick link gold bracelets, four 9ct gold, one 18ct gold £700-1,000


369 EAC126/26 An 18ct white gold and ruby set bracelet of open textured links, together with a yellow metal Kukri brooch; a 9ct gold gate bracelet; a sapphire and gem set ring of oval form 18ct gold setting; a diamond set cluster ring of square form, set central trap cut diamond and millegrain set border; a pair of gold butterfly brooches set small diamonds and sapphires; a lapis set tie pin with rose cut diamond set border £300-400 370 FD555/4 MIRIAM HASKELL - A collection of costume jewellery to include a black plastic and paste set necklace, composed of twelve black flower heads in a border of round cut pastes; with a pair of matching ear clips; together with a paste pearl choker, composed of a double row of paste pearls, set to the centre with a pierced yellow metal panel of foliate design set with paste pearls other clear pastes; with associated earclips (4) £200-400

371 FD709/20 A collection of items to include; an 18ct three coloured gold brooch of rounded open triangular form; an oval cut citrine set bar brooch; a 1970’s silver fancy link bracelet, designed as a broad textured and beaded band; a ropetwist link bracelet; an elephant link bracelet; a flattened curb link charm bracelet suspending thirteen graduated heart shaped charms; an Edwardian gentleman’s 9ct rose gold dress set, contained in a fitted case; a seed pearl set necklace, composed of fine belcher form links, set at intervals with seed pearls and another on a white gold trace link chain (qty) £250-400 372 FD754/33 A collection of items to include a circular yellow metal brooch, set at intervals with seed pearls, indistinctly marked to the pin and catch; a yellow metal rope chain, unmarked; a 9ct gold flattened curb link chain; a 9ct fancy link bracelet; a 9ct heart link bracelet; four various gold rings (qty) £600-900

LY O N & T U R N B U L L Jewellery

373 FD754/34 A late Victorian turquoise enamel locket the back and front enamelled with seed pearl detail to centre front, to a yellow metal curb link chain; together with a yellow metal citrine set brooch, the oval cut claw set citrine in a decorative foliate border, setting unmarked; a platinum wedding band; a half sovereign; an enamelled fob watch to a fancy link chain (5)

376 FD781/2 A collection of enamel jewellery to include various Danish and other enamel brooches of foliate and abstract design, a necklace composed of blue enamel leaf panels, a pair of enamel and white metal earrings modelled as fuchsia, an enamel and white metal bracelet with foliate detail to each panel (qty)


377 FE107/116 A Victorian 9ct gold mounted amethyst set brooch claw set to the centre with an oval cut amethyst, within a foliate scroll engraved border; together with a carved jadeite brooch of pale green rounded rectangular form, carved with a stylised bird, fruit and flowering foliage; a pearl and turquoise pendant of circular form with spray decoration, gold neck chain and a Victorian gold framed shell cameo brooch with plain frame; together with a 9ct gold and moonstone necklace, the spectacle set oval cabochons (qty)

374 FF81/2 A group of diamond set rings to include a half eternity ring, channel set in a curved shank with nine old cut diamonds, plain 9ct gold band; together with another half eternity ring, illusion set with ten circular cut diamonds,9ct gold shank; a diamond cluster ring in a lozenge shape, plain 18ct gold shank (3) Ring sizes: R, N, Q

£300-400 375 FD754/38 TIFFANY - A silver scent flask of diminutive rectangular form with screw off cap, in a fitted presentation box with funnel; together with an open faced pocket watch; a small travel clock of engine turned decoration; a pair of silver cufflinks; various badges and seals (qty)


2.7cm x 2.2cm

378 FD781/3 A gilt fob seal modelled as a standing deer on a domed engraved gilt base with banded agate blank intaglio, together with a small Albert, various other yellow metal chains, a gilt locket commemorating the Glasgow Exhibition £200-300 379 FE194/2 A collection of gold jewellery to include; two ladies gold wrist watches, a gold mounted nephrite bar brooch, a pair of 9ct gold cufflinks and various dress studs, an amethyst circular brooch with inset pearl, a seed pearl set bar brooch, a gold ring with three diamonds (two stones lacking), a turquoise set ring, a bar brooch set old mine cut diamonds to a central cluster and diamond set terminals, an oval citrine and seed pearl brooch, two swastika small pendants (qty) £300-400

380 FE194/3 An attractive emerald and diamond ring the central square cut emerald with a border of circular cut diamonds with small diamonds in between the outer edge, all set in white metal, together with a small gold ring with central heart motif and with a small diamond and a citrine set ring (3) £250-350 381 FE194/4 A group of gold rings eight 18ct gold rings including wedding bands, signet, small diamond and pearl set, a 22ct band, a silver band, a copper band in yellow metal sheath (10) 38g 18ct, 4g 22ct

£650-850 382 FE194/5 A mixed group of jewellery to include a Scottish silver brooch, modern, marked Tain, Victorian silver anchor brooch, other brooches etc, sovereign case etc £100-140




LY O N & T U R N B U L L Jewellery

383 FE423/1 A collection of items to include a half sovereign; three ladies wrist watches; a gentleman’s pocket watch; a pearl necklace, composed of two strands of graduated cultured pearls, a quantity of bar brooches, buttons and necklaces £250-350 384 FE468/1 A group of rings to include, a seven stone diamond ring set with seven bar set round brilliant cut diamonds to an 18ct gold shank; together with a five stone ruby and diamond ring, alternately claw set with three oval shaped rubies and two old cut diamonds to an 18ct gold shank; an amethyst and diamond cluster ring, claw set to the centre with an oval shaped amethyst in a border of two table cut amethysts and eight old cut diamonds, to an 18ct gold shank (3) Ring sizes: N, M, M/N

£300-500 385 FE468/3 A continental yellow metal bracelet stamped KT9, composed of circular and textured links; together with a yellow metal fancy link chain, stamped 750; a yellow metal belcher link chain, marks indistinct (3) Combined weight 42.3g



386 FE468/4 A single strand of cultured pearls of uniform size to a pearl and pink gem set clasp; together with another string of uniform cultured pearls to a white metal and pearl set clasp, stamped 925; a pair of bouton pearl ear clips; an alternate hematite bead and cultured pearl necklace to a 9ct gold clasp (4) 54cm, 41cm, 76cm long

£150-250 387 FE481/1 A collection of seven assorted gem set rings to include a 9ct white gold mounted Tanzanite five-stone ring, additionally set to each shoulder with three single cut diamonds; together with six other various gem set rings (7) £300-500

389 FE490/2 A graduated string of amber beads of a pleasing honey coloured hue; together with a carved ivory necklace, a carved ivory brooch modelled as a flower; various other paste necklaces (qty) £150-180 390 FE775/5 A collection of modern jewellery to include a contemporary 9ct gold necklace, composed of interlocking textured ovals with central tiered group of similar ovals and stylised foliate motifs; a turquoise necklace composed of graduated turquoise beads with a yellow metal clasp stamped 925 and a matching bracelet; a yellow metal chain interspersed with graduated turquoise boulders; another similar example (qty) £200-300

388 FE481/2 A collection of seven assorted gem set rings to include a 9ct gold mounted floral cluster ring, set with seven circular cut peridot; a 9ct gold oval cluster ring, set with oval cut aquamarines; together with five other various gem set rings (7)

391 FE778/3 A pearl necklace composed of two strands of graduated cultured pearls with a diamond set clasp; together with a single strand coral necklace, composed of graduated coral beads (2)



392 FE775/6 A diamond set ring set to the centre with a cushion cut diamond, the yellow metal shank with black enamel detail, stamped 18; together with a black enamel memorial brooch with seed pearl detail; a brooch modelled as a hand suspending a heart with turquoise and pink gem detail; a tiger’s claw with yellow metal brooch fastenings; an enamel and paste set brooch (5) £150-250 393 FE778/2 A collection of items to include an 18ct gold set diamond and ruby set ring, set to the front with three graduated oval cut rubies and two small rose cut diamonds; a 9ct gold set cameo ring; three 9ct gold wedding bands; a pair of yellow metal and gem set earrings, a stud (qty) £250-350 394 FF103/2 A collection of items to include various enamel and paste set brooches, a collection of white metal pendants and chains, various seed pearl set items, a silver engine turned cigarette case, rings, tie pins, bar brooches etc (qty) £200-300

LY O N & T U R N B U L L Jewellery

395 FE785/1 A five stone diamond ring illusion set to the centre with five graduated eight cut diamonds, set in a pierced gallery to a yellow metal shank, stamped 18CT PLAT; together with a sapphire and diamond set ring, claw set to the centre with an oval cut sapphire, in a border of illusion set eight cut diamonds (2) Ring sizes: K, N

398 FF436/7 A collection of items to include a 9ct gold floral spray brooch set with three cultured pearls; a yellow metal chain and pendant, modelled as a birds claw clutching a green hardstone ball; a yellow metal heart shaped pendant, claw set to the centre with a round cut citrine; a yellow metal fancy link chain; a white metal and marcasite set bracelet (5)



396 FF101/5 A gold and enamelled sweetheart brooch of conventional winged form with applied anchor and enamel detail, with safety pin fittings, marked 9CT GOLD, together with two gilt coins, a pearl and enamel set stud, a turquoise set bangle, a cultured pearl and marcasite set ring, a yellow metal pin keeper, and a collection of paste costume jewellery (qty)

399 FF439/1 A collection of items to include two white metal filigree brooches, one modelled as a ship, the other as a flower; a white metal filigree bracelet; an eastern enamel brooch modelled as a stylized ship; an oval painted mother of pearl brooch depicting a pastoral scene; a Scandinavian blue enamel brooch and two others (8) £150-250

Brooch length 45mm

£150-250 397 FF410/4 A collection of four watches to include a silver cased travel pocket watch, the square dial inscribed PRISMA, in a folding case with engine turned decoration, the movement signed Welta Watch Company £150-250

400 FF441/1 An amethyst and diamond set bar brooch collet set to the centre with a oval cut amethyst, flanked to either side by a rose cut diamond, set in yellow metal; together with four varicoloured agate set brooches; a silver brooch of pierced Scottish design by Rita Scott, and various other Scottish brooches and pendants (qty)

401 FG181/8 A group of gold and gem set rings to include; a diamond set half hoop eternity ring; turquoise set silver ring; green hardstone set ring; two wedding bands and a signet ring 14.7g all in


404 FG192/18 A collection of jewellery to include; a seed pearl set bar brooch with thistle motif; various silver and marcasite set brooches; a small cameo brooch and necklace; two yellow metal filigree floral brooches; and a collection of other items (qty) £120-180

402 FG192/15 A collection of enamel jewellery to include a Norwegian yellow enamel necklace, composed of yellow metal leaf links; a David Andersen green enamel butterfly brooch; six enamel brooches of various designs, two further enamel necklaces and a further Norwegian necklace (qty) £200-300 403 FG192/17 A micro-mosaic pendant of circular outline with pierced and foliate detail to a yellow metal belcher link chain, together with three micro mosaic brooches of floral design; and a rectangular pietra dura decorated brooch with floral detail (5) £120-180

405 FG52/1 A Collection of items to include eight pairs of 9ct yellow gold earrings, of various designs; two Victorian seed pearl and gem set brooches, two sapphire set rings, and various 9ct, 18ct and cameo set rings (qty) £400-600 406 FG52/4 A collection of items to include a 9ct rose gold curb link bracelet; a yellow metal curb link bracelet with half-sovereign charm; a 9ct gold flattened curb link bracelet; two yellow metal trace link chains; tie pin; two rolled-gold bangles; lady’s wrist watch; two pairs of yellow metal earrings; various other white metal bracelets, brooches and rings (qty) £400-600



Walbutt House is nestled in the rolling hills of the Scottish borders, overlooking the rugged Kirkcudbrightshire landscape of which the house has been a fixture since 1881. Lyon & Turnbull are pleased to be able to offer this diverse collection of jewellery and silver, ranging from 19th century tiara and silver dominos to modern multigem set brooches and puzzle boxes. Particular highlights from the jewellery collection include an early 20th century multi-gem set Tutti Frutti brooch, this piece is a wonderful example made famous by Cartier in the 1920s, displaying a collection of emeralds, sapphires and rubies carved to form a beautiful floral spay. Some of the more quirkier items in the collection include a beautifully enamelled Edwardian cane handle, complete with hidden compact and original powder puff, and the delicately modelled brooch by the German jeweller Koch, displaying a diamond set running horse. The collection offers a wide and varied array of items, which we believe has something to interest everyone.


Jewellery from Walbutt House, Kirkcudbrightshire

Antique Jewellery 407 FD227/124 A cased Victorian diamond and enamel pendant fob watch diamond set wings brooch fitting, the rear of the case with rose cut diamond set floral sprays in a guilloche enamel ground, similar bezel, keyless wind, cream dial, Arabic numerals, pierced gilt hands, plain lever movement, in a fitted case stamped Austin & Williams ...... London Dial 20mm diameter, overall length 65mm


408 FD227/126 An Art Nouveau opal pendant necklace collet set to the centre with an oval opal in a scrolling open yellow metalwork border suspending a oval opal drop, to a fine belcher link chain

410 FD227/109 A large shell cameo of a young lady depicting spring, gold frame; together with a modern shell cameo brooch (2) 60mm x 50mm


£200-300 409 FD227/101 A late Victorian silver gilt double row bracelet the oval cut citrines collet set in gilt metal conjoined by floral style links, the concealed clasp with scrolling engraved detail

411 FD227/112 A heavy 15ct gold locket of oval outline with engraved foliate decoration and twin glazed panels to interior, plain bale and a 9ct belcher link chain 29g all in

412 FD227/111 A late 19th century gold and diamond ring of navette shape, set with five graduated old mine cut diamonds within a border of mixed cut diamonds, to a plain yellow metal shank stamped 18CT Ring size: Q/R


413 FD227/132 A Victorian garnet set fringe necklace the central garnet cluster claw set in yellow metal, flanked to either side by a smaller cluster and a single oval cut garnet, each suspending a garnet set drop, the chain composed of garnet set quatrefoils; together with a garnet set brooch, claw set to the centre with a oval cabochon in a floral border of faceted garnets (2) Necklace 38cm long, Brooch 30mm



20cm long



LY O N & T U R N B U L L Jewellery from Walbutt House, Kirkcudbrightshire

414 FD227/150 A late 19th century emerald and diamond set tiara the front composed of stylised floral and foliate motifs, set with circular and oval cut emeralds and pave set rose cut diamonds, to a plain frame Front 13.5cm x 7cm


415 FD227/182 An early 20th century multi-gem set giardenetto brooch of tapering design, designed as a bow-tied ribbon surmounted basket, set throughout with graduated rose cut diamonds, calibre cut rubies (probably synthetic), a circular cut emerald, amethyst, ruby and seed pearls, suspending a large ovoid simulated pearl drop 9.4cm long


416 FD227/137 An Edwardian 15ct gold bracelet the collet set circular peridots spaced between open lozenge shaped links with reeded detail, with a conceal clasp and safety chain, stamped 15ct £140-180

417 FD227/138 A Victorian gold and diamond set mourning ring claw set with five graduated old cut stones in a black enamelled ground, to a yellow metal shank stamped 14CT £180-250

418 FD227/142 An Edwardian amethyst and seed pearl bangle of hinged design in yellow metal, collet set to the centre with an oval cut amethyst in a scrolling openwork border set with seed pearls, with concealed clasp and safety chain, stamped 15CT Diameter of bangle 6.5cm



419 FD227/154 A mid 19th century carved shell cameo of warriors head in armour, 15ct gold border and frame 75mm x 60mm


LY O N & T U R N B U L L Jewellery from Walbutt House, Kirkcudbrightshire

420 FD227/23 An early 20th century guilloche enamelled silver cane handle/compact of tapering cylindrical form, with slightly domed hinged cover to the compact terminal, decorated throughout with peach guilloche and pale blue enamelled borders 7.2cm x 4cm

£400-600 421 FD227/134 A Victorian rose gold double Albert of fancy links and belcher links 48.6g, 35cm long


422 FD227/167 An enamelled three-coloured gold novelty brooch modelled as a flying pheasant , with textured finish and polychrome enamelled head, with hinged pin and additional safety chain 4.5cm x 2.5cm


423 FD227/233 A pendant mounted ovoid locket containing a miniature deity the ovoid locket with foliate scroll engraved sides and glazed front and back revealing a carved stone miniature deity, inscribed to reverse

424 FD227/163 A gold muff chain of circular links 32g, 144cm long


425 FD227/166 Two hollow gold curb link bracelets both stamped 9ct with padlock clasps and safety chains, one with alternating engraved detail to links (2) Combined weight 45.8g


5cm x 3.2cm



LY O N & T U R N B U L L Jewellery from Walbutt House, Kirkcudbrightshire

426 FD227/131 A diamond set ring of oval shape, set with two larger old mine cut diamonds, one slightly cape, and border of old cut diamonds Ring size: K


427 FD227/186 A small silver and enamel brooch of shaped outline, depicting a young girl with gilt hair band and necklace detail; together with a seed pearl set star brooch of whirl design; an Art Nouveau style enamel pendant necklace (3) £220-320

428 FD227/168 A late Victorian gold bangle modelled as a coiled snake, with engraved detail to the head, unmarked 8.5cm diameter

£220-300 429 FD227/172 A gold framed oval Limoges enamel panel brooch decorated with a group of putto 35mm


430 FD227/180 An Edwardian half pearl and amethyst set pendant set to the centre with a collet set half pearl, in an open oval border with claw set half pearls and four oval millegrain set amethysts, suspending a half pearl drop, to a 9ct yellow gold belcher link chain Length of drop including bale: 6cm


431 FD227/190 A 9ct rose gold hollow link bracelet composed of alternating textured curb links, with a padlock clasp 20.2g

£200-280 432 FD227/219 A cased 9ct gold presentation key of key form, engraved shield, refering to opening of Methodist Chapel Trimdon, 1898. in fitted case £220-280


LY O N & T U R N B U L L Jewellery from Wallbutt House, Kirkcudbrightshire

Gentlemen’s Jewellery, Cufflinks & Accessories 433 FD227/149 An 18ct gold ring set with a single mine cut stone, claw set, ribbed shoulders; together with a gentlemans 15ct gold signet ring with engraved crest and motto (2) Ring size: P/Q, 6.8g


434 FD227/113 Two early 19th century gold seals each with engraved arms, the first citrine seal with three pike layed out on a slab is for WAY impaling PAXTON, the other bloodstone seal with three demi-humans in top left is for SWAYNE impaling SWINBURNE. Note: The 1852 edition of Burke’s Landed Gentry records the marriage of GREGORY LEWIS WAY (1756-1799) of Spencer Farm, Essex who was second son of Lewis Way of Streatham, member of the Inner Temple, director of the South Sea Company, President of Guy’s Hospital to ANN FRANCES PAXTON only daughter of the Revd William PAXTON, Rector of Taplow, Bucks. Mr G L Way was the author of a selection of translations in verse from the metrical tales of the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, collected by Le Grand. Of his literary labours (still esteemed highly by the lover of elegant versification and historical romance) and of himself, the faithful character will be found in vol. ii of the work, p. 291, by his friend George Ellis, who after his decease, conducted the publication which first appeared in 1800.


435 FD227/24 A cased gold golf ball Prix de Martini, with press clipping £400-700 436 FD227/119 Two plain 9ct gold sovereign cases (2) 27g all in


440 FD227/39 SAMPSON MORDAN a gold propelling pencil and another with pique decoration (2)

444 FD227/173 A gold graduated double Albert and a swivel fob with a citrine



441 FD227/104 A large fob seal plain intaglio, in a rose gold scrolling mount with palmette motifs

445 FD227/209 A gentlemans 18ct gold ring claw set with a circular brilliant cut diamond, reeded shoulders


Ring size: R

437 FD227/136 A group of three gold medals two with enamelled birds, the other with a runner, dated 1904-1930

442 FD227/176 A 9ct gold double Albert Figaro links, stamped decoration


58.7g, 51cm long



438 FD227/151 A 9ct gold double sovereign case engraved decoration

443 FD227/170 A group of three gold stick pins modelled as a fox, a riding crop and diamond set horseshoe, cased (3)

24g all in


£170-250 439 FD227/165 A 9ct gold match case engine turned decoration 23g, 43mm high


38.7g, 46cm long

£300-500 446 FD227/232 A pair of 18ct gold and gemset cufflinks the rectangular terminal with screw head and reeded detail, cabochon moonstones to terminals, links stamped 750 (2) £200-300 447 FD227/217 A1787 spade guinea soldered to a gold neck chain £240-300 448 FD227/234 A 1790 spade guinea VF or better, slightly softly struck to obverse £240-300


LY O N & T U R N B U L L Jewellery from Walbutt House, Kirkcudbrightshire

Watches 449 FD227/152 JAEGER Le COULTRE - An 18ct gold ruby and diamond set cocktail watch the gold rounded square dial with dot and baton numerals, with round brilliant cut diamond set bezel, the shoulders each collet set with an oval cut ruby cabochon 1.9cm wide, 17.3cm length of bracelet, 27.1g total


450 FD227/202 ROLEX - A gentleman’s 9ct gold cased wrist watch champagne dial, Rolex crown at 12, baton and Arabic numerals, subsidiary seconds dial, Rolex 1200 calibre, case numbered 12868 and 463940, leather strap

452 FD227/223 LONGINES - An 18ct gold cased gentleman’s wrist watch white dial, Roman numerals, with date and sweep second hand, plain case, leather strap, case numbered L7 990 6 and 27270625



451 FD227/229 An 18ct gold cased chronograph open face, cream dial, inscribed ‘Decimal Chronograph Sept 13th 1873, Roman numerals, with stop watch action, enclosed plate lever movement inscribed and numbered 376021, plain case, and in a red travel case

453 FD227/237 OMEGA - A gentleman’s 9ct gold cased wrist watch cream dial, baton and Arabic numerals, sweep second hand, plain case, leather strap, movement 285, 17 jewels, numbered 17882341

Dial 49mm diameter




456 FD227/221 OMEGA - A gentleman’s 18ct gold wrist watch Constellation model, circular textured gilt dial, baton numerals, within an octagonal case, integral bracelet, snap clasp, quartz movement £800-1,200

LY O N & T U R N B U L L Jewellery from Walbutt House, Kirkcudbrightshire

459 FD227/207 ROLEX - A gentlemans 18ct gold wristwatch Cellini - fixed lugs, leather strap, gold fittings, broad bezel, Rolex background to the dial, Rolex crown at 12, baton numerals, quartz movement mo. 6620, IN rOLEX BOX

457 FD227/197 ROLEX - A gentleman’s 18ct white gold dress watch, circa 1970 Cellini - the circular silvered dial, inscribed, with baton numerals, Rolex crown at 12, rounded rectangular bezel, integral flexible bracelet, the movement 1600 calibre, 19 rubies, with receipt from Bucherer March 1970

458 FD227/199 A Swiss 18ct gold gentleman’s wrist watch the satin finished gold circular dial, signed CHRONOGRAPHE SWISS, with Arabic numerals and two subsidiary dials, the winder flanked by two push buttons, fitted to a fine black leather strap

Case diameter 37.5mm

4cm width of watch head




460 FD227/235 PAUL GAYDAU - 9ct gold cased wrist watch champagne dial, inscribed, sweep second hand, baton numerals, date aperture, plain case; a ROTARY 9ct gold gentleman’s wrist watch, champagne rounded rectangular dial, baton numerals, date aperture, automatic movement, leather strap; A Victorian 9ct gold cased small keyless wind fob watch, gilt dial, engraved case, lever movement, all in a fitted Fattorini of Bradford case

461 FD227/222 OMEGA - A gentlemans 18ct gold cased wrist watch Geneve model, champagne dial, baton numerals, sweep second hand date aperture, integral textured bracelet, automatic movement, 24 jewels, Cal 565, numbered 31204662 Dial 300mm diameter


Dial diameters, 30mm, 28mm, 25mm



LY O N & T U R N B U L L Jewellery from Walbutt House, Kirkcudbrightshire

462 FD227/397 EBEL - A gentleman’s 18ct gold cased wrist watch, circa 2000 1911 BTR Chronograph - off white chronograph dial, gilt Roman numerals, gilt hands, sweep second hand, tachometer outer dial, subsidiary dials, integral 18ct gold bracelet, Ebel caliber 134 movement, numbered to the case 717 8134901, with leather case, box, booklets and card £3,000-4,000

463 FD227/236 OMEGA - A gentleman’s 9ct gold cased wrist watch Geneve - champagne dial, baton numerals, sweep second hand, date aperture. integral mesh textured bracelet, movement 613 calibre, quick set date, case numbered 331/25410

464 FD227/238 TUDOR - A 9ct gold cased wrist watch the off white dial with Arabic numerals, subsidiary seconds dial plain case, leather strap, the movement inscribed


465 FD227/239 An Art deco 9ct gold cased keyless wind pocket watch octagonal face, Roman numerals, blued hands, plain circular case, lever movement

Dial 29mm diameter


Case width 48mm



LY O N & T U R N B U L L Jewellery from Walbutt House, Kirkcudbrightshire

466 FD227/231 A small 9ct gold cased pocket watch engraved case, lever movement, gilt dial and another plain 9ct gold open faced case, white dial Roman numerals

469 FD227/228 A 9ct gold hunter cased pocket watch, circa 1918-19 white enamel dial, inscribed Waltham, Roman numerals, subsidiary seconds dial, plain case, Waltham lever movement no. 22104180

Dials 38mm and 33mm diameters

Dial 42mm diameter



467 FD227/230 An 18ct gold keyless demihunter cased small pocket watch enamel numerals to outer case, the white dial inscribed John Cashmore London, plain case, three quarter plate lever movement inscribed and numbered 6507

470 FD227/227 A 9ct gold cased keyless wind open faced pocket watch plain white dial with Roman numerals, subsidiary seconds dial, plain case, plain 17 jewel lever movement

Dial 31mm diameter

471 FD227/226 A small 9ct gold cased pocket watch, circa 1903-04 open faced,enamel dial with Arabic numerals, keyless wind, plain case, movement inscribed American Waltham Watch Co. and numbered 13707307

£300-400 468 FD227/241 An 18ct gold hunter cased keyless wind pocket watch plain white dial with Roman numerals, subsidiary seconds dial, the case with well engraved monogram, engraved Police inscription to the cuvette dated 1893, three quarter plate lever movement inscribed, P J Stockall, Clerkenwell Road, London and numbered 10738 Dial 42mm diameter

Dial 45mm diameter


Dial 34mm diameter


472 FD227/225 A 9ct gold cased open faced keyless wind pocket watch the white dial inscribed J Weeks and Son Bradford, Arabic numerals, subsidiary seconds dial, case with engraved monogram, three quarter plate movement, numbered 698462, bi-metal balance wheel, micro screw adjustment, with a 9ct gold mounted black silk suspension, and intaglio fob Dial 42mm diameter

£270-350 473 FD227/224 J W BENSON - A 9ct gold cased open faced pocket watch enamel dial with seconds hand, plain case, lever movement Dial 41mm diameter

£300-500 474 FD227/220 A 9ct gold cased open faced keyless wind pocket watch white enamel dial, Roman numerals, plain case, the lever movement inscribed J Renton, Record Dreadnought, all in a case from Fattorini Bradford Dial 42mm diameter




Modern Jewellery 475 FD227/144 An 18ct gold mid-20th century bracelet of broad form, composed of stylised floral design links with concealed clasp, stamped 750 35.7g, 19cm long, 27mm wide

£800-1,200 476 FD227/194 A diamond set cluster ring of navette shape, shaped shoulders Ring size: J/K


477 FD227/123 Of equestrian interest - A modern two-coloured 9ct gold brooch/pendant naturalistically modelled as two horses’ heads, each with circular cut sapphire cabochon set eyes, with hinged pin, two suspension hoops and two additional safety chains

479 FD227/108 A two coloured gold fancy link necklace the alternating rectangular yellow and rose gold links with engraved detail, stamped 9ct to clasp, together with a matching bracelet (2)

481 FD227/171 A triple row diamond set bracelet claw set in yellow 9ct gold with circular single cut diamonds, estimated to weigh approximately 3cts

59g combined weight, 79cm and



£500-800 478 FD227/106 Two small 9ct gold purses with mesh work bags (2) 47g


480 FD227/155 An 18ct gold hinged bangle of hinged design, the front with scrolling motif set with cubic zirconium and a collet set blue paste to the centre, with concealed clasp stamped 750 28g all in



31.2g, 38mm diameter


18cm long

18.5cm long

4.5cm x 5.3cm

483 FD227/189 A 9ct gold modern facsimile of Queen Elizabeth I sovereign PD, London

482 FD227/177 An 18ct gold bracelet composed of reeded and curb links with a concealed clasp 21cm long, 20.2g


484 FD227/200 A sapphire and diamond set necklace the central oval cut collet set sapphire flanked to either side by a similarly set round brilliant cut diamond, to an integral fancy link chain stamped 750 39cm overall, central motif 19mm, 13.8g all in


LY O N & T U R N B U L L Jewellery from Walbutt House, Kirkcudbrightshire

485 FD227/191 A 9ct gold flexible link snake bracelet modelled as a coiled snake with articulated body and engraved detail to tail and head, the eyes set with small rubies £200-300

486 FD227/201 A diamond set pendant claw set with brilliant cut diamond to a white metal trace link chain

488 FD227/208 A George III 1773 guinea GVF with some light scuffs to reverse £300-400

Estimated total diamond weight: 0.75cts

£450-600 487 FD227/204 A Jamaican gold $100 in commemoration of Prince of Wales investiture 10th anniversary, in fitted case with certificate £240-260

489 FD227/210 A ruby and diamond ring channel set with an offset line of square cut rubies and a split border of small circular diamonds, to a yellow metal shank stamped 750 Ring size: O


490 FD227/214 A early 20th century white metal bracelet set with square cut aquamarines in an open border with chased detail, the other links with similar detail, stamped 14k

492 FD227/181 A hollow gold bangle of hinged design with slight wrythen detail, stamped 375; together with a hollow yellow metal cross, with engraved foliate and stylised detail (2)



491 FD227/216 A 9ct gold amethyst set bracelet composed of shaped curb links interspersed with collet set oval cut amethysts, with a concealed clasp

493 FD227/211 A cameo brooch with white metal oval frame, belcher link chain

13.2g combined weight


19.5cm long, 12g all in



LY O N & T U R N B U L L Jewellery from Walbutt House, Kirkcudbrightshire

Diamond Jewellery 494 FD227/99 A diamond set panel ring in platinum, the panel formed as a four by five row of diamonds Ring size: N

£140-180 495 FD227/103 An early 20th century diamond set brooch of asymmetric scroll design, set throughout with graduated round brilliant cut diamonds within foliate wreath borders 4.5cm x 3cm


496 FD227/105 An 18ct gold and platinum mounted diamond single-stone ring claw set with a round brilliant cut diamond Ring size: M/N, estimated diamond weight 0.92cts


497 FD227/118 An early 20th century diamond set brooch designed as a pierced shaped rectangular panel, millegrain set throughout with single and early round brilliant cut diamonds 4.9cm x 2.1cm


Ring size: J/K, estimated diamond

499 FD227/129 A diamond set cocktail watch of rectangular form, pave diamond set case, of rounded form, stepped shoulders, case marked platinum

weight 1.40cts

Watch length 39mm



498 FD227/121 A platinum mounted diamond single-stone ring claw set with a round brilliant cut diamond


LY O N & T U R N B U L L Jewellery from Walbutt House, Kirkcudbrightshire

500 FD227/130 A modern diamond set cross form pendant with chain the pendant claw set with eleven slightly graduated round brilliant cut diamonds, with split bale surmount, suspended from a fancy link chain, clasp stamped 375 2cm x 4cm pendant (including bale), chain 40cm long

£500-800 501 FD227/139 A pair of 18ct white gold mounted diamond set ear-studs each claw set with a round brilliant cut diamond, with post and butterfly fittings Estimated total diamond weight 1.20cts

502 FD227/145 A 1940s French platinum mounted diamond set brooch designed as a pierced shaped oval plaque, set throughout with graduated early round brilliant, single and baguette cut diamonds


6cm x 3.4cm


503 FD227/161 An 18ct yellow gold diamond set cross box set with eleven round cut diamonds, to a snake link chain 37mm long including bale


505 FD227/98 A 1920s diamond cluster ring claw set to the centre with a cushion cut diamond flanked to either side by a navette shaped diamond in a border set eight cut diamonds, shank unmarked Ring size: Q

504 FD227/97 An 18ct gold and diamond set cluster ring claw set with six graduated round brilliant cut diamonds Finger size: P, estimated total diamond weight 1.01cts


£250-400 506 FD227/117 A diamond set line bracelet claw set with forty-five round brilliant cut diamonds, with concealed clasp and safety clips (unmarked)

507 FD227/141 A three stone diamond ring set three graduated old cut diamonds, to a yellow metal split shank marked 18ct; together with another three stone diamond ring, claw set with three graduated round brilliant cut diamonds to an 18ct gold shank (2)

508 FD227/143 A five stone diamond ring claw set in a scrolling gallery with five graduated round cut diamonds, to a yellow metal shank; together with another of similar design (2)

Ring size: P/Q, M

509 FD227/156 A pair of diamond set hoop earrings of hinged design, claw set to the front in with nineteen round cut diamonds in 18ct white gold


Ring size: M, K


16.3cm long, estimated diamond

Diameter of hoop 37mm

weight 2.25cts total




LY O N & T U R N B U L L Jewellery from Walbutt House, Kirkcudbrightshire

510 FD227/162 An early 20th century platinum mounted diamond set ring the central box set round brilliant cut diamond, flanked by stepped shoulders set with single cut diamonds Ring size: M/N, estimated principal diamond weight 0.60cts


511 FD227/160 A platinum cased diamond set cocktail watch the circular dial with baton numerals, diamond set bezel, and stepped clasping to the braided strap £200-300

512 FD227/179 Two diamond rings the first bar set in white 18ct gold with five round brilliant cut diamonds, to an 18ct yellow gold shank; together with a diamond set half hoop eternity ring, channel set in white metal with baguette cut diamonds (2) £180-250 513 FD227/196 A diamond set ring the four princess cut diamonds in a square setting, diamonds to the shoulder, and a half hoop eternity ring, channel set with ten circular cut diamonds (2) Ring size; M, L/N



514 FD227/205 A modern diamond cluster ring claw set to the centre with a round brilliant cut diamond, in a double border of lozenge shaped leaves each set with two round cut diamonds; together with a pair of 18ct two colored gold earrings, composed of two intersecting bands, collet set to the centre with a round cut diamond, with post and clip fittings (2) Ring size: P


515 FD227/212 A diamond set pendant the single round brilliant cut diamond claw set in white metal, suspended from a 9ct yellow gold box link chain; together with a pair of round brilliant cut diamond ear studs, claw set in 18ct gold, with post and butterfly fittings (3) £250-400 516 FD227/213 A diamond cluster ring claw set with a central brilliant cut diamond and a surround of seven smaller diamonds Ring size N


517 FD227/110 A gold bar brooch of scrolling knife edge form, set with three angled graduated diamonds to the centre and two to the terminals £250-400 518 FD227/174 A 14k white gold diamond set ring set with princess, baguette and circular brilliant cut diamonds £400-600

LY O N & T U R N B U L L Jewellery from Walbutt House, Kirkcudbrightshire

Emerald Jewellery

519 FD227/135 A 19th century continental emerald and diamond set butterfly brooch of stylised form, set throughout with graduated oval and circular cut emeralds and rose cut diamonds 6cm x 5cm


520 FD227/115 A modern emerald and diamond ring claw set to the centre with an oval cut emerald of attractive colour, in a border of twelve round cut diamonds, to a yellow metal shank with raised shoulders, stamped 18CT Ring size: M/N


521 FD227/146 An emerald and diamond set cross set to the front with five oval cut collet set emeralds and claw set round cut diamonds in a scrolling design, with pierced decoration to the rear, all set in yellow metal with continental marks

522 FD227/158 An emerald and diamond set bracelet alternately collet set in white metal with seven square cut emeralds and six round cut diamonds, to a yellow metal rectangular fancy link chain with concealed clasp, indistinct marks to clasp

Length including bale 6.5cm

19cm long




LY O N & T U R N B U L L Jewellery from Walbutt House, Kirkcudbrightshire

Named Jewellery

524 FD227/128 GIO CAROLI - A diamond and gem set bangle the broad plain hinged bangle with stylised almandine garnet palmette motif and diamond set collar, signed

523 FD227/400 MERLE BENNETT - two silver and enamel pendants each of planished silver form, one with an oval blue/green colours, the other of panel form with an enamel of an owl and a baroque pearl suspension, both with original chains, one pierced foliate design, the other enamelled; together with a small Charles Horner silver and enamel pendant and another stylised enamel pendant in the same style (4)

57mm wide 36g all in

£500-800 525 FD227/175 CHIAMPESAR - A 9ct gold tight curb link broad bracelet the clasp with ruby cabochon terminals 34.6g



526 FD227/148 KOCH - An enamelled and diamond set brooch by Koch of open oval design, applied to the centre with a rose cut diamond set running horse motif, within a slim black enamelled border applied to the cardinal points with rose cut diamond set crosses, with hinged pin to reverse and additional safety clip and chain, contained in the original fitted case, stamped KOCH...FRANKFURT... 2.8cm x 1.8cm

Note: Founded in 1879 by Robert and Louis Koch in Germany. With a parent company in Frankfurt and a branch to Baden-Baden, they gained in 1883 the title of ‘Jeweler of the court’ and worked for lots of European Royal families such as the Czar of Russia or the King of Italy. Their jewels, mainly executed in Hanau by the workshop Kreuter, had great success. Their celebrity extended everywhere in Europe and their production were very fashionable at the beginning of the 20th Century. Until 1938 the firm continued to be prosperous. In that year, the Koch family lost control when the firm was “aryanized”, i.e. taken over by Robert Bosch. The company definitely closed doors in 1987. Jewels from the great time of the Koch House are very much thought after in today’s antique jewellery market.



LY O N & T U R N B U L L Jewellery from Walbutt House, Kirkcudbrightshire

Pearl Jewellery 527 FD227/206 A diamond and pearl set pendant the abstract foliate front claw set throughout with round cut diamonds, suspending a similarly set diamond to a cultured pearl drop, to a white metal trace link chain; together with a pair of matching earclips (2)

528 FD227/107 A double strand of cultured pearls the pearls of uniform size with a concealed clasp claw set with a green hardstone cabochon in a seed pearl border, stamped 9ct 65cm long


529 FD227/193 A mid 20th century pearl and diamond cocktail ring set to the centre with bouton pearl in a yellow metal circular fan setting, raised detail to either side set with small eight cut diamonds, the shank with scrolling and reeded detail, unmarked Ring size: K/L



Sapphire Jewellery 530 FD227/102 An early 20th century sapphire and diamond set crescent form brooch of open form, set with two borders of graduated circular cut sapphires and old European cut diamonds, with hinged pin and additional safety chain 6.3cm long


531 FD227/100 A pair of sapphire and diamond set cluster earrings designed as a floral spray claw set with pear shaped sapphires surrounding a curved textured white metal band, accented by lozenge shaped leaves set with small diamonds, with spring clips £200-300

532 FD227/178 Two sapphire and diamond set rings the first claw set to the centre with an oval cut sapphire flanked to either side by an illusion set round cut diamond and a claw set round cut sapphire, 18ct gold shank with pierced scrolling gallery; together with a three stone sapphire ring with pairs of diamond chip, a plain 18ct gold shank (2) Ring Size: N/O, K



LY O N & T U R N B U L L Jewellery from Walbutt House, Kirkcudbrightshire

Multi-gem Jewellery 533 FD227/96 An Edwardian multi-gem set shaped circular brooch composed of four fancy trapezoid cut peridot, around the central seed pearl, within outer open circular borders set with old European cut diamonds 3.4cm diameter

£400-600 534 FD227/114 A pair of early 20th century 18ct gold mounted opal and diamond set ear pendants each claw set with a large pear cut white opal cabochon, showing good play of colour, with bow-tied ribbon surmount, set with single cut diamonds, with post and butterfly fittings 3cm long

£250-400 535 FD227/164 A multi-gem set two-coloured squirrel brooch with circular cut cabochon set eyes, graduated round brilliant cut diamonds to the textured body and holding a pear cut orange gem 4cm x 3.6cm


536 FD227/185 A modern pair of black opal and diamond set ear clips each of asymmetric design, collet set with a tapering rounded rectangular black opal doublet, the lower edge and one side flanked by single cut diamond set stylised foliate motifs, with hinged clip fittings stamped 585 14K 25mm x 20mm



LY O N & T U R N B U L L Jewellery from Walbutt House, Kirkcudbrightshire

537 FD227/147 An early 20th century amethyst and pearl set fringe necklace millegrain set to the centre with an oval cut amethyst, in an open border with scrolling detail set with seed pearls, each shoulder suspending a knife bar, millegrain set with two graduated round cut amethysts and a seed pearl, to a belcher link chain; together with brooch of similar design set with seed pearls and amethysts, stamped 9ct (2) £250-400

538 FD227/116 A pair of modern citrine and diamond set pendant earrings each claw set with a circular cut citrine, surmounting a row of three similarly set round cut diamonds and another round cut citrine, suspending a pear shaped citrine in an open double border of round cut diamonds, set in white metal with post and butterfly fittings 35mm long


539 FD227/198 An aquamarine and diamond set ring claw set to the centre with a trap cut aquamarine, flanked to either side by three round cut diamonds, to a yellow metal shank stamped 18k 750 Ring size: M


541 FD227/133 A 1960s opal and diamond set ring collet set to the centre with an oval opal set within a border of eight cut diamonds and a slightly pierced gallery, the yellow metal shank stamped 750

542 FD227/140 Two gold and gem set Edwardian pendants on trace link neck chains, set pearls, peridot and pink tourmalines (2)

540 FD227/127 A small opal pendant necklace millegrain set in yellow metal with a circular opal cabochon, suspending a knife bar similarly set with two graduated opal cabochons, to a fine belcher link chain, marks indistinct

Ring size: J/K

30mm long

Length of drop 38mm




543 FD227/153 An amethyst and diamond set brooch claw set with an oval cut amethyst in a scalloped yellow and white metal border set with old mine cut diamonds, with safety pin fittings



LY O N & T U R N B U L L Jewellery from Walbutt House, Kirkcudbrightshire

544 FD227/125 An early 20th century multi-gem set Tutti Frutti brooch in the style popularized by Cartier, of pierced shaped oval form, claw set with graduated foliate carved ruby and sapphire cabochons, within outer borders set with graduated round brilliant and baguette cut diamonds, with hinged pin 6cm x 2.4cm


545 FD227/122 A diamond and large transparent turquoise gem set cocktail ring the central collet set trap cut gem of a pleasing strong turquoise blue hue, possibly fluorite, within a broad canted rectangular border pave set with round brilliant cut diamonds, with lozenge and circular pierced gallery and plain shank Approximate ring size: Q/R, cluster 3.2cm



546 FD227/184 A sapphire and diamond set suite comprising an Edwardian style pendant set circular sapphire, gold leaves and diamond accents, curb link neck chain, with a pair of drop earrings, all in a Walker and Hall box

547 FD227/195 A carved jadeite pendant with 9ct gold chain the shaped oval green and white jadeite pendant, pierced and foliate carved, suspended from a 9ct gold flattened curb link chain



Pendant 6cm long, chain 50cm, chain 3.1g

548 FD227/215 An opal and diamond ring the graduated claw set oval opals with diamond chips between Ring size; K/L


LY O N & T U R N B U L L Jewellery from Walbutt House, Kirkcudbrightshire

Mixed Jewellery lots 549 FD227/159 Two 18ct gold bar brooches both set with diamonds, one with emeralds in a scrolling crossover bar design, the other with rubies, on a slight curved bar (2) 47 and 51mm long

£180-280 550 FD227/169 A group of Victorian gold and gem set rings set with pearls and various coloured gems; and a pendant set with pearls and foil backed coloured paste £200-300 551 FD227/218 A smoky quartz dress ring also a gold cross, a turquoise set padlock and an emerald and diamond cluster ring £250-400 552 FD227/399 A collection of silver jewellery to include a marcasite and gem set necklace and matching pendant errings, a heavy Mexican cast silver bracelet, a 1970s modernist bracelet, a cast brooch of abstract design, a panel bracelet decorated with Mexican figural motifs, a fringe necklace with inset panels £120-180

553 FD227/401 A group of silver jewellery to include a bracelet and earrings in Jensen style, with grape and leaf decoration; an oval silver brooch by N E From Denmark; Scottish silver brooch decorated with a grouse by Ola Gorie; pair of earrings of Angel fish design; a cast silver brooch; a modernist silver and agate pendant and chain; a silver brooch modelled as a cat’s head; a silver modernist pendant of concentric circles and set gem stone; modern silver pendant necklace ‘roots’; a panel brooch by PP and titled “Anteaters” also set cabochon amethyst (qty) £250-350 554 FD227/402 A group of modern silver jewellery to include a cast hinged bangle, textured finish; a French bangle with whorl motif; pair cufflinks by Bjorn; four Scandanavian silver brooches; five various rings, brooches; large Scottish modernist pendant by GWS, Edinburgh; silver and malachite set pendant necklace; Scottish silver modernist brooch by Ola Gorie; modernist circular pendant by JS; agate and silver pendant stamped WMOR; a silver bracelet with stylised S links (qty)

555 FD227/403 A group of silver enamel and hardstone set jewellery to include, Mexican, Scandanavian, and others brooches, necklaces, bracelets etc (qty) £150-250 556 FD227/404 A collection of Scandinavian enamel jewellery to include two brooches and ear clip sets by MEKA; panel brooch by Oystein Balle; leaf brooch by David Andersen; leaf bracelet by David Andersen; abstract brooch by Ivar T Holth; abstract brooch by Hroar Prydz; flower head brooch by Anton Michelsen and matching ear clips; four other pieces of enamel jewellery (qty)

558 FD227/406 A collection of costume and other jewellery to include STUART DEVLIN - a silver and enamel egg pendant necklace and chain, pair of modernist condiment spoons, GA; various pieces of costume jewellery, other silver and enamel pieces, Komai style cufflinks, mirror, cigarette case, Japanese silver cigarette case with coloured decoration Mount Fuji etc (qty) £180-250 559-569 No lots


£300-500 557 FD227/405 A collection of silver jewellery primarily Scottish or Celtic designs to include; Ola Gorie Celtic style plaid brooch, other brooches, bangle, citrine set brooch, brooches with onset milliefiori panels, cufflinks etc (qty) £180-250



Scottish Silver & Accessories Monday, 19th August, 2013 33 Broughton Place, Edinburgh EH1 3RR Selected highlights from the Jacobite collection of the late M. B. Sharp Enquiries Colin Fraser Tel: +44 (0)131 557 8844

w w w. lyo n a n d t u r n b u l l . co m

Coins & Medals Lots 570-651 Thursday, 11th July, 2013 at 11am


LY O N & T U R N B U L L Coins & Medals

570 FG50/8 A 2000 currency issue sovereign in Royal mint sealed pack, UNC £190-220 571 FG50/5 A 2000 sovereign two coin set comprising a proof and currency issue sovereign, in original case of issue £350-450 572 FC765/66 An Elizabeth II proof sovereign 1998, in case of issue with certificate, FDC; together with 1985 proof half sovereign in case of issue with certificate, FDC (2) £200-250

576 FE194/1 Sovereigns - A group of three 1908, 1913, 1911, Bahamas $100 1974, various pre 47 silver coinage, including crowns, 3ds, and a 1797 Perth halfpenny token (qty) £600-800

582 FC765/67 An Elizabeth II proof £2 1988, in case of issue with certificate, FDC £300-500 583 FC765/68 An Elizabeth II proof £2 1988, in case of issue with certificate, FDC

£180-220 574 FD765/1 A George V sovereign 1930, SA, EF or better £180-220 575 FC765/65 A George V sovereign 1913, EF or better; together with a George V Half sovereign, 1914 EF (2) £200-250



Total weight 10.6g

584 FF402/3 An 1887 £5 coin EF or better with some light marking in the fields, S.3864

590 FC765/71 An Elizabeth II four coin gold proof set 1985, comprising £5, £2, sovereign and half sovereign, in case of issue with certificate, FDC




578 FF402/4 A Victorian sovereign 1887, VF with heavy marks, together with a George V half sovereign 1913, EF (2)

585 FC765/69 An Elizabeth II currency £5 1988, in capsule and case of issue with certificate, UNC

591 FC765/74 Isle of Man ‘sovereign’ a modern gold ‘sovereign’ dated 1965, in case of issue



577 FE200/1 An Edward VII sovereign brooch 1904, with detachable 9ct gold brooch frame with safety pin fastening


£250-350 573 FG50/4 A 1996 proof sovereign in case of issue with certificate

589 FC765/70 An Elizabeth II gold three coin proof set 1988, comprising £2, sovereign, half sovereign, in case of issue with certificate, FDC


579 FD765/2 A Victorian shield back sovereign 1871, die 14, VF

586 FG50/12 A Lady Diana Spencer gold proof £5 in original case of issue with outer box and sleeve



580 FG50/3 The ‘Mintmark collection’ of sovereigns a group of seven sovereigns within fitted case and with original paperwork

587 FG50/1 A 2000 four coin gold proof set from £5 to half sovereign, in case of issue with certificate £1,500-1,800

£1,200-1,300 581 FE480/5 A collection of coins to include an 1872 sovereign; various halfcrowns and modern crowns etc (qty)

588 FG50/2 A 1999 four coin gold proof set from £5 down to half sovereign, in fitted case with certificate



592 FG50/10 A Queen Elizabeth II Golden Wedding gold coin cover the cover with Golden Wedding stamps and Royal Household Horses stamps, set with a 1979 sovereign £200-300 593 FG50/9 A Sir Winston Churchill gold coin cover with D Day and medallic commemorative stamps set with a £25 gold proof coin £200-300

LY O N & T U R N B U L L Coins & Medals

594 FF402/6 An 1887 specimen coin set eleven coins from £5 down to threepence, in fitted case inscribed Spink & cons to inside of lid, all coin in EF or better with uneven tone to silver coins £2,000-3,000

595 FG50/6 A 2000 Guernsey gold proof £25 in original case of issue with certificate

598 EAC126/14 France - 20fr 1815 together with a Pond, engraved decoration, three modern Persian gold coins

Combined weight 18g

604 FG192/3 Two Rhodesian gold coins comprising a 1966 £1 and 10/-, each in EF or better in fitted cases of issue (2)





602 FE454/1 An American 1861 $10 in worn condition with loop solder mounted; together with various silver and base metal British coinage (qty)

605 FC765/78 A gold William Shakespeare medallion hallmarked 22ct, limited edition, number 35, in case of issue



601 FC765/72 Two Icelandic commemorative 55 kroner both 1961, EF or better

£500-600 596 FG50/7 A 1998 Samoa proof gold $50 in original fitted case with certificate

599 FG181/6 A Swiss 20 France gold coin 1947, EF



597 FC765/73 Ghana - A commemorative gold medallion with portrait to obverse and armorial to reverse, 1st July 1960, EF, in case of issue

600 FC765/76 Two continental gold coins both modern commemorative issues (2)



603 FG192/2 A Rhodesian £5 coin 1966, EF or better with some light handling marks, in fitted case






LY O N & T U R N B U L L Coins & Medals

606 FC765/79 A gold William Shakespeare medallion hallmarked 22ct, limited edition, number 27, in case of issue 51.1g

£800-1,200 607 FC765/77 A platinum William Shakespeare medallion limited edition, number 18, dated 1964, in case of issue 61.2g

£1,200-1,800 608 FC765/87 A platinum William Shakespeare medallion numbered 29, in original fitted case 124.4g

£2,000-3,000 609 FE769/1 A Canadian Military Athletic Association gold football medal the obverse with winged victory and association motto, the reverse inscribed Championship football, won by 3rd CCD SGT Lynch Jas 1919’, with brooch and pendant fittings 24.7g, diameter 38mm


610 FC143/30 A collection of early milled and hammered coinage to include a Charles II 1662 crown; Charles II 1679 halfcrown; Charles I halfcrown; Henry VIII groat; also to include various base metal Roman coinage and a small group of Victorian silver coins (qty)

614 FC143/26 A large collection of world and British coinage predominantly base metal issues, some proof and specimen coins and set, blister packs etc; together with large amount of loose coins etc (qty)

£200-300 611 FC765/75 A small collection of early milled silver coinage to include, Charles II, 1677 halfcrown; William II 1696 crown; James II 1686 crown; 1746 Lima halfcrown, with counter stamps; 1820 crown and 1826 halfcrown (6)

615 FF402/2 A collection of Victorian crowns to include an 1845 young head, about F; five Jubilee heads, F or better; five Veiled head F or better; also to include an 1821 crown, various other silver coinage and modern base metal coinage (qty)



612 FC143/27 A small collection of hammered silver coinage to include a Commonwealth 1637 shilling; Charles I shilling; James I Shilling and sixpence and various small Elizabeth I issues (6)

616 FF402/1 A large collection of silver threepences generally George V and George VI issues but some earlier noted, varied condition throughout (qty) 57oz gross weight



613 FC143/28 A collection of milled coinage various issues, to include a Queen Anne 1711 shilling, George II and William II shillings, a William & Mary halfcrown and various other silver and copper issues (qty)

617 FC143/20 A collection of modern commemorative medallions all struck in silver, to include, Spanish Armada, King Henry VIII, Spitfire, Battle of Britain, Queen Elizabeth Jubilee etc (qty)




618 FC143/19 A group of Royal commemorative medallions to include a cased set of bronze ‘Three Kings of 1936’, a Victorian diamond jubilee bronze medallion; 1935 large silver medallion; a Edward Duke of Windsor 1972 medallion, cased; and a 1969 Prince of Wales investiture medallion (qty) £150-180 619 FC143/4 Bank of England - A 1950 white £5 signed P S Beale, serial number S35 052883, light creases and some light staining to edges; together with another, serial number R64 080549, some folds to edges and short tear to upper edge (2) £120-180 620 FC143/7 A collection of world banknotes various countries and issues, with modern and mid 20th century issues noted (qty) £150-180 621 FE227/1 The Kings & Queens Collection - A collection forty silver gilt silver medallions each with portrait of British monarch and cypher to reverse housed in original ‘book’ with family tree and details Each 16.7g



LY O N & T U R N B U L L Coins & Medals

622 FF402/5 A 1902 thirteen coin matt proof set from £5 down to maundy penny, in fitted case of issue, silver with even tone, all coin UNC £2,500-3,500

623 FC765/80 A collection of coins to include various silver proof issues (modern), pre 1947 British coinage etc, base and modern issues noted (qty) £300-400 624 FE227/2 Mountbatten Medallic History of Great Britain & the Sea a set of one hundred silver medallions housed in four volumes with historical details and information

626 FE437/3 A Save The Children silver proof set comprising sixteen crown sized silver proof coins in original fitted case, with certificates

629 FC143/13 A collection of British proof £5 coins all modern issues in cases of issue (10)


630 FC143/5 A thirteen coin silver ‘Queens 80th Birthday’ proof set from £5 down to maundy penny, in original fitted case of issue

627 FC143/12 A collection of British silver proof £5 all of modern issues in fitted cases of issues (18)

625 FE437/1 A Collection of modern proof sets to include various British year sets and New Zealand set etc (qty)


£250-300 628 FC143/9 A collection of modern silver proof £2 coins all in cases of issues, most with certificates of issues, some Piedfort and gilt issues noted (15)

631 FC143/6 A collection of twenty four silver proof and gilt crown sized coins for the 2003 Queen Golden jubilee, all in plastic capsules of issue, some with certificates (24)



Each 37.5g



632 FC143/21 A five coin Thirtieth anniversary of Queen Elizabeth II coin set comprising five coins, all of crown size in silver proof; together with twelve Kings & Queens medallions in fitted ‘pages’ and two modern proof sets (qty) £300-500 633 FC143/2 A thirteen coin Millennium collection proof set from £5 down to maundy penny, in fitted case of issue £100-150



LY O N & T U R N B U L L Coins & Medals

634 FG50/11 A 1996 Football commemorative silver proof coin set comprising twenty four coins (twenty three crown sized), in fitted case with lift out drawers; together with a modern USA silver eagle

639 FC143/23 A collection of silver proof coinage to include various silver gilt issues, world and British proof issues and various loose silver coinage etc (qty)

644 FC143/15 A collection of world crown sized coins all silver proof issues mainly in cases of issue, various commemorative and countries issues noted (15)




640 FC143/11 A large collection of modern British silver proof coinage various issues from £1 down to 1p, all in cases of issue (qty)

645 FC143/14 A collection of world crown sized coins all silver proof issues in cases of issue, various commemorative and countries issues noted (15)

635 FG50/13 A group of three large world silver proof coins to include a Falklands 1998 £5 kilo coin; a Guernsey 1997 £10, 5oz coin and a Queen mother Piedfort crown (3) £400-600 636 FC143/8 A collection of modern medallic / coin FDC various modern issues, mainly British with crown sized coins down (qty) £150-250 637 FC143/25 A small group of world proof sets mainly silver issue but some base metal within, all in fitted cases of issue (5)


641 FC143/16 A collection of world crown sized coins all silver proof issues mainly in cases of issue, various commemorative and countries issues noted (15)

646 FC143/10 A collection of world proof coinage mainly in silver proofs in crown sized and smaller, in cases of issues (qty)




642 FC143/17 A collection of world crown sized coins all silver proof issues in cases of issue, various commemorative and countries issues noted (15)

647 FE437/2 A collection of silver proof crown sized coins of British and world interest with mainly commemorative issues, all in original cases of issue (12)



643 FC143/18 A collection of world crown sized coins all silver proof issues in cases of issue, various commemorative and countries issues noted (17)

648 FE437/5 A collection of modern silver proof coinage mainly British issues, to include Silver Jubilee four coin set, £5 note and silver proof £5 combination set, various £1 and £2 issues etc (qty)

651 FG134/1 A five bar Queens South Africa medal awarded to 4736 Pte T MAGUIRE L’POOL REGT, with Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1901 and South Africa 1902 bars, GVF or better; together with a 1914-15 star awarded to SS-5880 Pte J ROBB A.S.C and three WW2 medals (6)





£120-180 650 FC143/31 A collection of silver coins and medallions to include various official Royal Mint coronation medallions 1902 onwards, assorted coinage and world currency; also to include a 1910 maundy set and cased Victorian type sets (qty)


£100-150 638 FC143/24 A collection of British deluxe and executive proof sets all different years and housed in fitted cases etc (15)

649 FE437/4 Three modern commemorative medallions each in silver to commemorate, 175th anniversary of the Battle of Waterloo; 50th anniversary of The Battle of Britain and the Bi Contemporary of the launch of the ‘original lifeboat’ each in original case of issue (3)


Silver Lots 652-921 Thursday, 11th July, 2013

Order of Sale

Lot Numbers 652-658

Plated Wares


Foreign Silver & Metalwares


Silver from Wallbutt House, Kirkcudbrightshire 700-704

Plated Wares


Foreign Silver & Metalwares


Modern Silver


Antique Silver


Modern Silver


Antique Silver

Please Note:: Illustrations are not necessarily to scale. Additional Images & Internet Service: For colour illustrations of all lots in this sale please consult our website at If you have any further additional requests please contact Lyon & Turnbull directly with specific details of images required.


Plated Wares

652 FF157/10 A silver plated tantalus of rectangular outline with ropetwist borders and foliate engraved panels, enclosing three cut glass decanters with silver labels Stand 36cm wide

£300-500 653 FE222/27 A large silver plated salver of circular outline with cast foliate and scrolling detail to rim, the centre with similar engraved detail, on four bracket feet; together with a silver plated twin handled tray, of oblong outline with threaded detail to the scalloped rim, the handles of decorative foliate design, armorial to centre (2) Diameter 61cm, length of tray over handles 73cm

£300-400 654 FE222/26 A set of twelve silver plated dishes marked CESA 1882, of plain circular outline with threaded detail to rim and sunken central section (12) Diameter 30cm



655 FF87/1 A modern silver plated canteen retailed by Harrods, for eight covers, Old English, feather edged, comprising; table and side knives, table forks, dessert forks, soup spoons, desert spoon, teaspoons, coffee spoons, fish knives and forks and a carving set, contained in lift top canteen with pull out tray

657 FD757/3 A pair of silver plated communion flagons M Hall & Co, the bodies of cylindrical form with short spout and large S scroll handle with domed hinged cover and on spreading stepped foot, the body inscribed ‘Ibrox United Presbyterian Church Glasgow 1866’ (2) 37cm high


Provenance: Ibrox Parish Church, Glasgow

656 FF412/6 A silver plated communion cup unmarked, the bell shaped bowl with presentation inscription, raised on a short knopped stem and stepped domed foot; together with a silver plated strainer, of straight sided form with loop handle and pull off cover, with grill to base (2)


21.5cm high Provenance: Martyrs' Parish Church, Glasgow Note: The communion cup is engraved 'Presented to the Free Martyrs Church Glasgow by Charles Mackenzie Esq Acrehill Glasgow February 1850’


658 FD757/4 A pair of silver plated flagons J Dixon and Sons, of flared cylindrical outline with short spout and bold S scroll handle, the hinged cover with a bud finial, the body inscribed ‘Bellahouston Parish Church 1888’; together with a similar flagon inscribed ‘Ibrox United Presbyterian Church Mission’ (3) 40cm and 37cm high


Foreign Silver and Metalwares

659 FB72/48 A pair of modern Italian silver plated vases and stands the large baluster urns with bold embossed foliate scroll decoration and wide flared rims and twin acanthus handles, resting on large shaped circular plates with scalloped rims and fruit and foliate border (4)

660 FF160/66D A Continental silver and ivory figure B Muller, with London import marks 1905, formed as a classical female figure with finely decorated flowing dress, carved ivory head and hands (one lacking), raised on a pierced trailing foliate border and foot

Urns 51cm high, plates 44cm


22cm high, gross weight 11.7oz



28cm diameter, 16.8oz

662 FE38/8 An American fruit bowl Gorham, in the style of Paul Revere, of octagonal form with moulded rim and engraved floral pendant border, on a simple octagonal foot


20cm wide, 13.3oz

661 FE749/7 An American silver basket T B Starr, marked STERLING, of shallow dished form with pierced and embossed rim, with simple reeded strap handle


663 FE222/5 A pierced dish unmarked, of circular outline with pierced floral swag decoration to edges, the centre with raised relief of a antique gentleman in profile; together with a plate, unmarked of circular outline with ribbed and scalloped detail to rim (2)

664 FE281/119 GEORG JENSEN - A rectangular salver LARGE STERLING SALVER, CIRCA 1930 with stepped detail to rim, stamped maker’s marks (rubbed) 30cm x 38cm, 27.7oz


20.2oz total, diameter 26cm and 24.5cm



LY O N & T U R N B U L L Silver

665 FE38/11 Pair of continental dog nosed spoons possibly German, of wide dog nosed terminals with profuse decoration to both sides of stems with foliate, animals and coat of arms, the bowls with long rat tails and engraved decoration

Diameter over handles 32cm,

675 FF414/2 A small collection of Burmese silver to include a tea canister, marked to base Coombes Company Ltd silversmiths Rangoon, a rice bowl, various cocktail sticks and spoons, all with typical highly chased decoration and borders (qty)





670 FE396/62 A continental cut glass sugar bowl marks indistinct, of outline, the cut glass bowl in a gilt metal mount with floral swag detail; together with a gilt metal sugar sifter, in a fitted presentation case

673 FF414/4 A Burmese tankard unmarked, of straight sided form with moulded rim and flared base, with all over embossed decoration of figures within scroll and foliate borders; together with a similarly formed double measure with loop handle (2)

676 FB72/48A An eastern enamel coffee pot marked AE, SILVER to base, the slender baluster body with deep blue ground and twin panels of flowers, slender spout and S scroll handle


Tankard 11cm high, 14.3oz

19cm long,6oz

669 FE222/19 A part canteen of European fiddle and thread flatware marked KNIGHT NAPOLI, comprising of thirty table forks, twenty table spoons, a soup lade, together with twenty one side knives, thirty two table knives, a crumb scoop and other associated pieces (qty)


139oz weighable silver

672 FF125/1 A Peruvian white metal dish marked STERLING 925 PERU, of oval outline with scalloped rim, the handles naturalistically modelled as two flowers, with presentation inscription, to a plain pierced foot with scrolling detail

£1,500-2,500 666 EAC126/6A A Continental combination fork and spoon indistinctly marked, the lozenge section stem with cast bird finial and short three pronged fork, with large bowl with simple loop attachments and with inscription around; together with two silver gilt apostle spoons (3) £150-180


667 EAC126/6 A collection of foreign flatware to include various Continental spoons, tongs etc; also to include a set of eleven Russian teaspoons Moscow 1890’s marks (qty)

671 FF125/2 A collection of Peruvian metalwares to include a white metal presentation dish with fluted border and chased well; together two circular plates with chased decoration, a paperknife (4)

Weighable silver 23oz

Combined weight 26.2oz



668 FE779/1 A group of continental flatware various dates and makers, to include table forks, dessert spoons etc (qty) 32oz



674 FF414/3 A Burmese sugar bowl marked Coombes Company Ltd Silversmiths Rangoon, the bowl of tapered form with chased decoration of figures within scroll cartouches, with twin handled and pedestal base; together with another similar sugar bowl with embossed panels and figures etc (2) 16.6oz


24cm high, 18oz

£300-500 677 FE500/32 A large silver filigree Nef unmarked, of a three masted tall ship in full sail, on a blue silk lined base with filigree wave details, in a glazed display case Ship 53cm long approx Provenance: From the Estate of Terry Brodie Smith


LY O N & T U R N B U L L Silver

678 FE38/10 A 19th century Indian Colonial mug Hamilton & Co Calcutta, of baluster form with finely chased acanthus scroll and foliage., with leaf capped S scroll handle and stepped foot 14cm high, 15oz


679 FF414/5 An Indian three piece tea set unmarked, comprising teapot, covered twin handled sugar bowl, and cover milk jug, each of baluster form with embossed and chased scenes of figures and deities in scroll formed border, the covers with cast figural finials (3) Teapot 14cm high, 51.8oz

680 FG122/1 A near pair of Indian silver circular dishes each of hemi-spherical form on stepped circular foot, decorated throughout with beaded, stiff leaf and Indian classical figural borders (2)

17cm and 22cm diameter,

682 FF160/64A Three Indian white metal bowls one large and two smaller examples on stems, each with embossed classical decoration of figures within elaborate borders (3)

10cm diameter, 10.5oz

combined weight 12.9oz

13cm and 8cm diameters,



combined weight 19.5oz

681 FF409/5 Two Indian white metal plates each of circular outline with traditional embossed and chased decoration of figures, animals etc (2)




LY O N & T U R N B U L L Silver

683 FF160/64 A Chinese export bowl marked WA, 90, character mark, of hemispherical form with embossed chrysanthemum design and plain cartouche, on a simple collar foot 13cm diameter, 8oz


684 FG122/3 Collection of three eastern silver items to include an Eastern silver small spoon, stamped with indistinct maker’s marks, with writhing dragon cast circular bowl and scrolling tail terminal; a Chinese silver enamelled oval brooch, stamped YE over OS to reverse, the front applied with a deer in a landscape setting; together with an Aesthetic design silver strainer spoon, London 1897, by Charles Edwards, with scroll-pierced shaped oval bowl, twisted stem and scallop shell terminal with central vacant floral cartouche (3) £100-150


685 FF184/3 A 19th century Eastern inlaid and mounted wooden mug unmarked, the straight sided wooden body with profusely inlaid geometric decoration with reeded rim and simple wooden C scroll handle; together with a white metal mesh link belt (2) Mug 10.5cm high


687 FC750/2 A Russian silver cigarette case H Wigstrom, Moscow 1889, assay master A.A, bears makers mark for Henrik Wigstrom, of rounded rectangular form, ribbed design, applied with two gilt wirework names, the gilt interior with dated engraved inscriptions 123g

686 FF160/65 A Turkish white metal coffee pot of traditional form with all over decoration with short spout and domed cover; together with an Indian small bowl with embossed figures and scalloped rim (2)

688 YE2013/2 A Russian niello decorated silver box decorated with a horse and small trotting cart, within a floral ground and Greek key border

Coffee pot 22cm high

10.5cm wide, 115.4g




689 FG192/14 A Danish Four piece enamelled cruet marked VB, SILVER, DENMARK, comprising two open mustard pots, a salt and pepper shaker with green and red enamel decoration; together with two enamel decorated white metal ice picks (6) £150-250

LY O N & T U R N B U L L Silver

690 FE38/3 A mid 18th century French beaker Dijon circa 1756/9, the slightly tapered body with finely chased and engraved shell and foliate borders, with engraved girdle and named ‘M.MAUCE’, on a slight domed ovovlo foot 11cm high, 4.3oz


691 FE38/21 An 18th century French wine taster Rouen, of conventional shallow form circular form with inscribed to rim ‘Vtor CHASSINARD 1745’ the shaped thumb piece with engraved motto and figure, with loop handle 11.5cm wide, 4oz Note: The motto to handle translates as ‘All is not gold that glistens’


692 FE196/7C A pair of French salts of oval form with embossed floral and swag decoration with twin loop handles; together with a pair of double struck King’s pattern salt spoons and a Chinese green glass and silver overlay scent bottle (5)

693 FE369/6 An early 18th century French beaker with marks for Orleans, circa 1724, of plain design with faint reeded detail and inscription reading ‘Croquet at Wheathampstead 4 Sept 1897’ below the rim, to a circular foot with ribbed detail


8cm high, 63.4g



LY O N & T U R N B U L L Silver

694 FD555/2 A late 17th century Italian chalice Palermo, circa 1680, the short bowl with gilded interior, the rim with engraved bishops armorial and rim formed from foliate scrolls and cherubs, the knopped stem with similar decoration above a large spreading foot with chased cherubs and foliate borders, 29cm high, 26oz; together with a later paten of plain dished form, London 1949 (2) ÂŁ3,000-5,000

695 FF206/1 An early 17th century cup and cover Delft 1601, the tapered hemispherical bowl above a multi knopped stem and domed spreading foot, with domed pull off cover with ball finial, the whole with engraved trailing foliage and displayed urns 31cm high, 17oz



Silver from Walbutt House, Kirkcudbrightshire To follow on from the jewellery, Lyon & Turnbull are also pleased to offer a collection of silver from Walbutt House. Pieces include a wonderfully modelled puzzle box by Dunhill, a tempting challenge to all who attempt to open it. Also in the collection is a complete set of miniature silver dominoes, made by German manufacturer Bauscher, alongside various other modern and antique items.

Plated Wares 700 FD227/61 A pair of Sheffield plated twin branch candelabra the tapered columns with clasped foliate sections and floral borders, the twin scrolling arms with fruiting foliage and acanthus scrolls with twin baluster acanthus sconces and floral border drip pans (2)

Foreign Silver & Metalwares 702 FD227/63 A pair of Sheffield plated candlesticks the tapered baluster columns with acanthus clasped details and baluster sconce, on a spreading shaped square base with bold shell corners (2) 24.5cm high

705 FD227/56 A German silver magnifying glass marked to outer edge GERMAN SILVER, of simple form with foliate handle, together with a ruler, Birmingham 1931, with presentation inscription to reverse (2)



56cm high

£400-800 701 FD227/62 A pair of silver plated twin branch candelabra plain baluster stem with floral clasped border, with twin scrolling branches with large drip pans and simple sconces (2)

Case width 16cm

703 FD227/393 A silver plated butlers tray Potter of Sheffield, of rectangular outline with gadrooned and shell border and twin handles, the centre with engraved foliate borders and central cartouche

706 FD227/42 Silver mounted ruby glass scent bottle and another scent bottle of slight curved silver body with engraved decoration, with a silver vesta case of traditional form, engraved decoration (3)

77cm wide, across handles

95mm and 60mm high



42cm high


708 FD227/22 An early 19th century cased silver gilt sewing set circa 1840, silver gilt instruments, chased and engraved decoration (Scissors replaced), the box of scallop shape with gilt decoration, stamped to the underside “Dreyfous 39 Mount Street London” £250-400 709 FD227/27 A continental silver snuff box marked 800, of rectangular form, the hinged lid with polychrome enamel decoration depicting two horses’ heads, the gilt interior inscribed INES in script 7.7cm x 5.5cm x 1.2cm, 91.5g

704 FD227/68 A collection of silver and plated items to include a large modern caster, sugar bowl, pierced basket and two toddy ladles; together with a group of silver plated wares including a pair of coasters, vegetable dish and cover and open salts (qty)

707 FD227/306 A Continental niello decorated snuff box marked to inside of cover T.X.MEIM, of rectangular outline with hinged cover with all over niello decoration with cross hatched panels and floral displays etc

Weighable silver 22.6oz


10cm wide, 6oz

£400-600 710 FD227/38 A silver tobacco box WM and indistinct mark, possibly French, curved ribbed foliate chased form, blank engraved shield 87mm wide




LY O N & T U R N B U L L Silver from Wallbutt House, Kirkcudbrightshire


711 712


711 FD227/47 A silver and enamel table box and cover with continental marks, the lid with enamel decoration depicting a rustic scene with figures, the sides and base with foliate decoration with further enamelled scenes to interior

713 FD227/35 A continental silver guilloche enamelled circular box the hinged cover decorated with polychrome enamels depicting a standing terrier in a landscape, with import marks for London 1928 5cm diameter, 34.2g


10cm x 6cm x 3cm

£500-800 712 FD227/50 An enamelled gilt cigarette case of slim rectangular form, the flat hinged cover decorated with polychrome enamels depicting a standing terrier against a deep blue enamelled ground, with engine turned base, stamped 4F, otherwise apparently unmarked 8.4cm x 5.7cm x 0.9cm, 91.7g


714 FD227/33 BAUSCHER - A German silver miniature cased set of dominoes stamped 800 and with German control marks, with black and pale blue enamelled decoration 3.2cm x 6.2cm x 1.2cm (closed), 4.63oz


715 FD227/34 A continental silver gilt guilloche enamelled cigarette case of slim rectangular form, the flat hinged cover decorated with polychrome enamels depicting an Italianate canal scene, within a foliate scroll cast border, with engine turned base, stamped with import marks for London 1927 8.8cm x 5.8cm x 1cm, 102.8g

£200-300 716 FD227/26 A Finnish cigarette case Turku, 1919, of rectangular form, ribbed motifs, with sapphire cabochon set to clasp, gilt interior 95mm x 70mm, 153.9g



717 FD227/25 A novelty model of a greyhound naturalistically cast, apparently unmarked 13cm x 9cm

£120-180 718 FD227/57 A Chinese export bowl with character and incuse turtle mark to base, the double skinned bowl with high relief embossed irises and carp to lobed body, on a simple foot (A/F) 18.5cm diameter, 19.8oz

£150-250 134

LY O N & T U R N B U L L Silver from Wallbutt House, Kirkcudbrightshire

Modern Silver 719 FD227/7 A pair of modern silver partridges London 1957, each naturalistically modelled with well cast and chased details (2) 11cm high, combined weight 16.7oz


720 FD227/52 A pair of modern corinthian column candlesticks Sheffield 1992, of conventional from with reeded columns and acanthus capped terminals, on a beaded and stepped base, (2) 26.5cm high

£400-600 721 FD227/64 A pair of wine coasters of plain design with a planished finish (2) £100-200 722 FD227/20 A modern sugar and cream J H Ovens, London 1969, cream jug of baluster form and the sugar bowl with slight threaded rim (2) Jug 10cm high, combined weight

723 FD227/378 Two modern photograph frames one of small square outline with ribbon surmount and circular glazed panel the other an elongated rectangular example with plain rim; together with a modern silver plated desk clock (3)

725 FD227/60 A modern model of an owl H&L, London 1964, realistically formed as a standing owl with finely textured feathers and applied glass eyes 7.5cm high, 3.98oz


727 FD227/85 A yellow enamel dressing table box and jewellery box Birmingham 1933, the cut glass bottle and jewellery box with yellow enamel lids; together with a cased set of enamel coffee spoons with floral enamel to bowls (3) £200-300

726 FD227/86 A blue enamelled cigarette case Birmingham 1942, of simple rectangular outline with pale blue enamel cover and engine decoration to reverse; together with a similarly decorated silver mounted dressing table perfume bottle (2)

15.5cm wide

728 FD227/15 A cased set of silver mounted Coalport coffee cups and saucers mounts Chester 1930, comprising six saucers and coffee cans with white ground with pink border with gilt rim and highlights, the coffee cans set in pierced silver sleeves with S scroll handle, in fitted case



£150-250 724 FD227/55 A cut glass and silver desk stand Mappin & Webb, Sheffield 1985, the low cut glass stand with central pen rest flanked by twin inkwells with engraved domed hinged covers





LY O N & T U R N B U L L Silver from Wallbutt House, Kirkcudbrightshire

729 FD227/21 A cased presentation trowel and gavel Birmingham 1928, the trowel with shaped triangular blade with Greek key border and simple baluster ivory handle, together with a silver mounted ebony mason’s gavel with simple collars and cap, in original fitted box Trowel 24cm long

731 FD227/54 A group of three table cigarette boxes each engraved and with engine turned decoration (3) £250-350 732 FD227/74 A collection of boxes to include two tea caddies (one plated) a paste set silver plated snuff box, an embossed dressing table box and a small sugar basin (qty)

Note: The blade engraved for the laying of the corner stone of the Middelton Conservative Club

Weighable silver 10oz



730 FD227/67 A pierced silver fruit bowl Sheffield 1923, of lobed oval outline with pierced gallery, raised on a trumpet stem with presentation inscription

733 FD227/19 A sugar bowl mark A Stone, STERLING, of tapered oval form with moulded rim and engraved initials; together with a modern tapered sugar caster (2)

27cm wide, 14.2oz




738 FD227/51 ALFRED DUNHILL - A puzzle opening cigarette box A Dunhill, London 1930, of rectangular form with Greek key engraved border and all over engine turned decoration, the cover set with a question mark, and simple lock plate and thumb piece to front, contained in original fitted case 11cm wide, gross weight 17oz



734 FD227/18 A group of small silver to include four Yorkshire Bulldog club spoons; a napkin ring; two plain circular silver photograph frames; a circular silver bowl, pierced and slight engraved decoration (qty)

736 FD227/58 A collection of silver items to include two small snuff boxes; three mother of pearl mounted fruit knives, a thimble measure, barrel pepper and a small comport (qty)

Weighable silver 15oz


£220-280 735 FD227/80 A collection of dressing table items various dates, makers and patterns, to include various boxes, mounted bottles and a brush etc (qty) £250-450

737 FD227/28 DUNHILL - A cased smoking set marked Sterling and BF, the lid with small water colour miniature of horses hunting, the interior ivory with penwork hunting scene, the body with guilloche panels, together with a lighter with similar enamelled decoration Width of cigarette case 9cm


LY O N & T U R N B U L L Silver from Wallbutt House, Kirkcudbrightshire

15cm wide, 6.8oz

741 FD227/70 A salver London 1915, of shaped circular outline with shell detail to the scalloped rim, raised on three scrolled formed ball feet


32cm diameter, 27oz

743 FD227/69 A pair of corinthian column candlesticks Birmingham 1914, of conventional form with reeded column and acanthus sconces, raised on stepped and beaded bases (2)


23.5cm high

739 FD227/75 A small pierced basket Nathan & Hayes, Chester 1918, of fluted rectangular form with pierced quatrofoil border and swing handle

740 FD227/87 A dressing table box Chester 1916, of rectangular outline with pointed ends, the hinged cover engraved with floral swags and tied ribbons, raised on four bracket feet 18cm wide


£300-400 742 FD227/73 A photograph frame Birmingham 1915, of shaped rectangular outline with ribbon tied floral swags around rectangular glazed frame, with wooden easel back 30cm high


744 FD227/78 A pair of cut glass scent bottles London 1912, the cut glass globular bodies with collar mounted hinged covers, engraved borders and pendant swags around scroll cartouche and initials (2)

745 FD227/45 Two guilloche enamelled silver boxes to include a small circular box, by Levi & Salaman, Birmingham, 1909, with polychrome enamelled floral decoration to the pull-off cover, together with a rounded rectangular snuff box, Birmingham, 1989, with engine turned sides and base and polychrome enamelled decoration, depicting a flying duck in a landscape setting, to the flat hinged cover (2) 2.8cm x 1.5cm and 4.9cm x 4cm x 1.6cm, 0.28g and 2.05g


11.5cm high


Antique Silver 746 FD227/79 A silver gilt dressing table box W Comyns, London 1908, of rectangular outline with hinged domed cover with profusely embossed masks, and scrolls; together with a wooden lined jewellery box, London 1912, with engraved swags and pendants on an engine turned ground (2)

747 FD227/77 A large Edwardian dressing table mirror London 1902, of rectangular outline with embossed and pierced frame formed as foliate and intertwined scrolls, with vacant cartouche, the border applied on a velvet covered wooden frame with bevelled rectangular mirror plate

9.5cm and 11cm wide

56cm high

748 FD227/9 An Edwardian five light candelabra London 1905, the stem of tapering form with leaf clasped detail, raised on a stepped square base with foliate border, with central light and four scrolling branch arms with shaped square drip pans and baluster sconces, scrolling reeded branches



54cm high


749 FD227/16 A cased cruet Birmingham 1900, comprising a pair of baluster pepper pots, oval drum mustards and two mustard spoons, in fitted case 6.2oz

£150-250 750 FD227/53 A pair of Edwardian pierced dishes Birmingham 1902, of shaped circular outline with alternating pierced and embossed foliate detail (2) 23cm diameter, combined weight 14.8oz



LY O N & T U R N B U L L Silver from Wallbutt House, Kirkcudbrightshire

751 FD227/5 A pair of Victorian lidded sauce tureens The Barnards, London 1845, of compressed form with foliate engraved borders and twin C scroll handles, on flared foot; together with a pair of fiddle and thread sauce ladles (4) 19.5cm wide, combined weight 37oz


752 FD227/72 An Edwardian photograph frame Birmingham 1903, of shaped rectangular outline with scroll and shell detail; together with a small square example with circular inner border (2) 29cm and 17cm high


753 FD227/322 A framed collection of agricultural medals mainly silver but some bronze examples, of conventional forms with engraved inscriptions, with typical decoration of animals, agricultural implements etc (13) £300-500

754 FD227/12 A Victorian cased presentation trowel H Atkins, Sheffield 1904, the large blade engraved with foliate scroll and C scroll border and engraved inscription, with carved ivory baluster handle, in fitted case

755 FD227/40 A silver mounted Mr Punch rattle indistinct marks, Birmingham, circa 1900, pierced hat and neck roll, with bells and with agate teether Overall height 14cm


37cm long Note: Blade engraved “To commemorate laying of memorial stone O’neil Memorial School, Crossnacreevy”


756 FD227/10 A Victorian novelty cased set of salad servers unmarked, modelled as a large garden fork and shovel, with engraved decoration and simple ivory shafts and handles, in original fitted case £250-400


LY O N & T U R N B U L L Silver from Wallbutt House, Kirkcudbrightshire

757 FD227/2 A pair of George IV chamber sticks IF in lobed punches, London 1820, the shaped circular bases of lobed form with central baluster sconce with scalloped rim pan, with an acanthus clasped scroll handle 15cm diameter, combined weight 19.oz


758 FD227/82 A Victorian silver mounted scent bottle W Comyns, London 1899, the compressed square glass body with embossed and pierced overlay, the hinged domed cover with classical scene 11.5cm high


759 FD227/84 A pair of dwarf candlesticks Walker & Hall, Sheffield 1898, of squat of corinthian column form on an out swept square base with beaded rim (2) 13cm high

£200-300 760 FD227/14 A Victorian cased pair of carver rests Sheffield 1898, the ivory bull horns set in simple collar with domed part wrythen base, in fitted case £70-90

761 FD227/11 A Victorian cased silver and ivory trowel Birmingham 1870, the shaped triangular blade with floral engraved borders and acanthus stem, with carved baluster handle, in fitted case

763 FD227/6 A Victorian two handled cup Elkington & Co Birmingham 1858, of bulbous form with chased floral cartouches and borders, with S scroll figural handles

31cm long


21cm high, 20oz

£200-300 762 FD227/29 A Victorian silver chatelaine Birmingham, 1870, H.C.F., with five various appendages, engraved clasp, the appendages with chased and engraved decoration £200-250


LY O N & T U R N B U L L Silver from Wallbutt House, Kirkcudbrightshire

764 FD227/71 A late Victorian pierced bonbon dish Elkington & Co, Birmingham 1901, of shaped oval outline with pierced and embossed floral decoration, raised on a short stem

768 FD227/36 A group of four vinaigrettes various dates and makers all circa 1800, two with cast borders, and engine turned panels, the other two with engraved decoration, one curved

27cm wide, 11.2oz

33mm to 36mm wide



765 FD227/1 A William IV silver cake basket London 1835, shaped circular outline with embossed panels of scroll and fruiting vines, with cast border and hinged foliate handles, the centre of bowl with presentation inscription, raised on a short foot

769 FD227/59 A later decorated George III twin handled cup J Langlands, Newcastle 1795, the deep bowl with foliate and scroll decoration and twin engraved cartouches, with S scroll handles and spreading foot

772 FD227/8 Two christening mugs one London circa1780 with later chasing and decoration, the other Sheffield 1865, with chased floral borders, together with a modern twin handled porringer with planished finish and twin serpent handles Combined weight 20.5oz

15cm high, 10.5oz

£220-280 773 FD227/3 A pair of George III gravy spoons John Langlands, Newcastle 1770, of Old English pattern with vacant terminals (2) 31cm long, 6.4oz



25cm diameter,19oz

766 FD227/17 A George III hash spoon JB, Newcastle 1828, of Hanoverian pattern with engraved initials H/M*B

770 FD227/43 A Scottish market George III silver vinaigrette of scalloped outline, inset with Scottish agates with a pierced foliate grill to interior, to a fancy link chain

35cm long, 5.6oz

Vinaigrette 33mm wide

774 FD227/385 A George II lemon strainer marks to bowl obliterated by piercing, lion passant marks to handles, of shallow hemispherical form with finely pierced bowl, with twin open handles with scroll patterns



16cm wide, 65.4g

767 FD227/30 An early 19th century tortoiseshell snuff box with two inlaid plaques gifting box in 1804 and 1840, naval connections

771 FD227/387 A collection of berry spoons various dates and makers, with typical chased handles and stems and with fruit displays chased to bowls, of various patterns and sizes (15)



90mm wide





LY O N & T U R N B U L L Silver from Wallbutt House, Kirkcudbrightshire

775 FD227/76 A matched pair of George III candlesticks London 1766 and 1770, with reeded columns and domed base above wide octagonal foot with engraved crest, the circular pull out drip pans with matching engraved crest, bases loaded 19cm high


776 FD227/4 A George III two handled cup Issac Cookson, Newcastle either 1749 or 1776,the deep bowl with reeded girdle and flat chased rococco armorial with later crest, with twin large S scroll handles and raised on a short stem and spreading foot 17.5cm high. 16oz



Other Properties: Modern Silver

777 FE160/4 A modern fox head stirrup cup Wakely & Wheeler, London 2012, naturalistically cast as a fox head with flared rim and feature hallmarks 15cm long, 37.2oz


778 FE38/14 A pair of silver and parcel gilt commemorative goblets Richard Jarvis of Pall Mall, London 2002, each chased heraldic symbols of The Lion of England, The Red Dragon of Wales and The Unicorn of Scotland, to commemorate the Golden Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II 16.5cm tall, 26oz


779 FE38/9 PATRICK MAVROS - A set of five cast silver napkin rings Patrick Mavros, London 2000, each cast, pierced and chased in a different trailing animal design, hippo, elephant, rhino, etc (5) 44mm diameter, combined weight 10.6oz



LY O N & T U R N B U L L Silver

780 FE38/6 Ian Davidson - A modern comport marked under Bernard Harrington, Edinburgh 1951, the shallow comport bowl with indented rim and planished finish, on a short wrythen stem and domed circular foot 24cm diameter, 26oz


781 FF157/13C A set of twelve modern napkin rings Sheffield 2000, each of narrow oval outline with moulded rims and feature hallmarks, cased; together with two modern wine coasters (14)

782 FE466/3 A modern silver mounted dressing table mirror London 1988, of shaped oval outline with embossed scroll and foliate frame on velvet back board, with oval mirror glass to centre

Weighable silver 5.1oz

33cm high



783 EAC126/11 A silver owl vesta case Birmingham 1987, DAB, modelled as a standing owl, hinged head, inset glass eyes 50mm high, 28g all in


784 FB72/48B A group of four Armada dishes two commemorating Prince of Wales and Lady Diana Spencer’s wedding with cast dragon to centre and two smaller plain examples; together with a standing table lighter with textured finish and a table cigarette box (6) 27oz


785 FB66/11 A pair of modern novelty frog boxes London1985, each formed as a frog with hinged upper section, with plain interiors (2) 8cm long, each 7.3oz



LY O N & T U R N B U L L Silver

786 FB66/4 A modern four piece tea service Birmingham 1967, comprising water pot, teapot, covered twin handled sugar bowl, and milk jug, of lobed baluster form with acanthus capped S scroll handles and raised on shell bracket feet (4) Water pot 22cm high, combined weight 101oz


787 EAC126/3 A modern dwarf twin light candelabra Birmingham 1966, the cast stem and base of George II style with twin scroll branch arms and simple sconces

788 EAC126/1 A modern salver Glasgow 1963, of shaped circular outline with moulded rim and raised on three scroll feet

789 FF160/62 A modern salver Wakely & Wheeler, London 1946, of simple dished form with Celtic border, raised on simple collar foot

25.5cm diameter, 14.5oz

20cm diameter, 9.5oz

21.5cm high 22.6oz




790 FC765/83 A modern salver Sheffield 1942, of canted square form with moulded rim, the centre with engraved scene and presentation inscription, raised on four scroll feet 30cm wide, 32.4oz



LY O N & T U R N B U L L Silver

791 FE38/19 A pair of modern small mazers Elizabeth H Kirkwood, Edinburgh 1938, the shallow birds eye maple bowl with simple collar mounts of chased foliate design, with simple foot and beaded rim (2) 8.3cm diameter


792 FF93/1 A cased ten piece christening set Sanders & Mackenzie, Birmingham 1937, comprising of a porringer, cup, napkin ring and cutlery, all with cast animal detail to handles and finials, together with an associated dish and cutlery of plain design, in a fitted case (10)

793 FC143/29 A George VI commemorative caddy spoon R E Stone, London 1936, with enamel cypher and crowned detail with plain scoop bowl, with additional signature mark to reverse, in original fitted tolled leather case

794 FG192/8 A modern salver Walker & Hall, Sheffield 1936, of shaped circular outline with beaded rim and raised on three claw and ball feet, with presentation inscription to centre 42cm diameter, 62oz

795 FG188/1 Two groups of novelty cocktail sticks six marked STERLING, the other five silver gilt examples, Birmingham 1927, each with cockerel figural terminal above a simple tapered stem (11)

7.4cm long, 25.7g




Combined weight 20.4oz


796 FF436/9 A modern teapot Birmingham 1934, of tapered form with beaded borders, curved spout and angular wooden handle 14cm high, 17.6oz

797 FF409/3 A modern entree dish and cover Sheffield 1933, of shaped rectangular outline with moulded rim and pull off cover with twin loop handles

798 FE440/3 A set of twelve silver gilt cocktail sticks Walker & Hall, Birmingham 1936, of simple form with cast cockerel finial, in original fitted case


30cm wide, 40oz




LY O N & T U R N B U L L Silver

799 FG143/1 A modern tea and coffee pot Birmingham 1933, each of plain bluster form with flower head border , with C scroll handle and short spouts (2) Teapot 15cm high, combined weight 42oz

£300-500 800 FF157/13A A modern four piece tea set Birmingham 1932, comprising teapot, water pot, sugar bowl and cream jug, each of plain form with beaded rims and composite handles (4)

803 FE38/18 CARTIER - of literary interest - A modern pin tray J Cartier, London 1929, of straight sided rectangular form, enamel outer edge with art deco gilt highlights, the centre with panted panel, gilt initials within a wreath and with a ribbon below ‘The fountain of wisdom flows through books’

Teapot 15cm high, 30oz

£300-400 801 FF436/11 A pair of modern sauceboats Birmingham 1930, of simple design with beaded rim and wide spout, with plain scroll handle (2)

9cm x 7cm


10cm high, 11.7oz

£120-180 802 FE194/6 A presentation table cigarette box Birmingham circa 1930, the rectangular box with two hinged covers, central handle, engraved facsimile signatures and inscription, all on scrolling feet, together with an engine turned table cigarette box, the hinged cover with central lightly engraved panel, plain sides, both with wood linings 17.5cm and 18cm wide



804 FG192/9 A modern salver Mappin & Webb, Sheffield 1928, with arched border and presentation inscription and signatures to centre, raised on three hoof feet 27cm diameter, 19.7oz


805 FF157/13B A modern canteen Sheffield 1926, of single struck classical pointed end pattern comprising ten each of table forks, dessert forks, tablespoons, dessert spoons and teaspoons; together with a group of knives, in fitted canteen Weighable silver 78oz


806 FF152/2 A table cigarette box Aidie Brothers, Birmingham 1929, of rectangular outline with stepped foot and hinged cover, with applied yellow metal monogram 18cm wide


LY O N & T U R N B U L L Silver

807 FE775/2 A modern teapot Sheffield 1924, of baluster form with simple spout and scroll handle raised on ball feet 14cm high, 23.8oz

£200-300 808 FD754/23 A modern tankard Sheffield 1925, of baluster form with presentation inscription; together with a small hip flask and a modern sugar bowl and cream jug (4) 20oz

£150-250 809 FF414/1 A modern three piece teaset Glasgow 1921, comprising teapot, twin handled sugar bowl and milk jug, each with tapered plain body and reeded girdles (3) Teapot 16cm high, combined weight 41oz

£500-700 810 FE194/8 A large sized spirit flask Goldsmiths Company, London 1920, of plain slight curved form, pull off sleeve 16cm high, 11oz

£150-200 811 FE194/7 A table cigarette box circa 1920, plain, engraved initials, wood lined, together with two heavy engine turned decorated pocket cigarette cases, a cased christening set

812 FE222/1 A group of assorted silver animals to include various types with some plated and pewter examples, together with two open salts modelled as equatorial figures and a bell of similar design (qty)

816 FE500/142 A small group of thimbles all in yellow metal and unmarked, one set with turquoise cabochons; together with a white metal example (7)


817 FG173/2 A small collection of silver to include two christening mugs and various flatware (qty)

813 FE281/118 Hunting interest - a small desk clock the gilt brass case of square form, the ivory dial with painted scene of horse, riders and hound, a gilt brass chapter rim with Roman numerals 10cm x 10cm

£100-200 814 FF436/15 A collection of silver items to include two cased sets of six teaspoons; a cased part cruet set; a cased part dessert service; a small open comport (qty) 30oz


Weighable silver 30oz




Weighable silver 15oz


822 FE440/1 A group of three modern sauceboats all of simple plain form with loop handles; together with a pair of sugar casters, two sauce ladles and a small covered pot (8) Combined weight 20.8oz

818 FF90/5 A small collection of items to include a modern salver, small armada dish, open salts and a pair of ash trays (qty) 27oz

£300-500 819 FF88/3 A collection of items to include napkin rings, a pair of toast racks, open salts, mustard pots and a small quantity of plated items (qty) Weighable silver 23.2g

815 FE500/140 A large collection of silver o include an art nouveau purse, various small dishes, napkin rings, flatware etc (qty)

821 FF157/13E A collection of cased sets of cutlery to include various teaspoons, dessert spoons, side knifes etc, mainly cased (qty)

£150-250 820 FF157/13D A small collection of silver to include a water pot, pedestal bowl, various flatware and a toast rack etc (qty)

£300-400 823 FE222/6 A collection of items to include two enamelled open salts, an enamelled strainer and fragrance bottle, a pair of small wine coasters, a collection of boxes, a small filigree dish and matching knife, open salts, toothpicks etc (qty) £200-300 824 FG192/10 A collection of silver to include various dishes, bowls, sugar caster, tea caddy etc (qty) Weighable silver 15.5oz


Weighable silver 21.5oz


Weighable silver 13oz

£140-180 147

LY O N & T U R N B U L L Silver

825 FD757/2 A pair of goblets Elkington & Co, Glasgow 1919, the tapered bowls with border of foliate bosses, panels and straps, engraved inscription, all raised on a knopped stem with an embossed foot (2) 18.5cm high, combined weight 17.4oz Note: Engraved to bowls ‘Presented by the Rev Robert C Anderson MA, Steven Memorial Parish Church 1919’


826 FF436/10 A pair of Edwardian dwarf table candlesticks Birmingham 1907, of simple plain form with slender column and baluster sconce, on spreading foot (2)

27cm diameter 19oz

828 FG73/1 A small silver gilt mounted Essex Crystal pill box AWH, London 1917, of circular outline, the Essex crystal lid depicting a pheasant in foliage

13cm high


20mm diameter

827 FG118/1 A modern salver Sheffield 1918, of shaped circular outline with crescent and shell rim and raised on three claw and ball feet



829 FF160/63 A large table cigar box Birmingham circa 1915, of large rectangular form, the hinged domed cover with initials and inscription; together with a smaller cigarette box and set of steel cigar cutters (3) 26.5cm wide



830 FF160/59 A modern twin handled fruit bowl Edwards & Sons (of Glasgow), London 1914, the simple bellied bowl with twin scroll handles

831 FG10/2 A pair of modern tapersticks Child & Child, London 1913, with reeded socket and tapered knopped hexagonal stem, raised on a slightly domed hexagonal base (2)

832 FF157/12 A three piece tea service Birmingham 1912, the plain bodies with everted scalloped rim and S scroll handles, raised on foliate hoof feet (3)

24cm wide, 14.5oz

11.5cm high, 7.8oz





Teapot 15cm high, combined weight

LY O N & T U R N B U L L Silver

833 FF160/55 A Celtic revival four piece tea service R & W Sorley, Glasgow 1913, comprising water pot, tea pot, twin handled sugar bowl and milk jug, the simple tapered bodies with chased celtic interlace border and cartouches, with short figural spouts and C scroll handles with split celtic beast terminals (4) Water pot 21cm high, combined weight 61oz


834 FG42/2 A set of ten fruit knives and forks George Edward & Sons, Sheffield 1908, of conventional form with foliate decoration to handles; together with a pair of sauce boats, marks indistinct; and a set of six silver plated teaspoons, the finials set with opals (qty)

835 FF138/29 A tortoiseshell and silver dressing table box William Comyns, London 1911, of canted rectangular form with tortoiseshell cover inlaid with floral displays, swags and bird within a ribbon tied border, the body with straight sides and velvet lined interior

46.1oz weighable silver


23cm wide



LY O N & T U R N B U L L Silver

836 FB66/3 A pair of modern silver gilt cast figural candelabra Carrington & Co, London 1964, the cast rococo bases with standing figure of a flower seller or girl with watering can, raised on a naturalistic stem and bud sconce, with scroll arms with flame central and foliate sconce on foliate drip pans 28cm high, each 44oz


837 FF88/1 An Edwardian salver Carrington & Co, London 1906, of circular outline with scalloped rim, on four hoof feet 26cm diameter, 17oz


838 FF160/66 A large desk stand and inkwell Birmingham 1912, the stand of oval outline with reticulated rim, centrally set with twin cut glass inkwells and stamp box with chamber stick cover, raised on four claw feet 29cm wide, 24oz



LY O N & T U R N B U L L Silver

839 FC679/1 An impressive modern five light candelabra C J Vander, London 1968, the four scrolling branches emanating from a central sconce with foliate details and pendants with square drip pans and baluster sconces above, resting on an tapered knopped stem with chased panels of foliate and scrolling decoration, the domed canted square base with gadrooned rim and panels with cherub masks and foliate detail 67cm high, 312oz Note: This candelabrum is based on a design similar to a pair by Paul de Lamerie of 1731, made for Sir Robert Walpole, 1st Earl of Orford (1676-1745) The design for the candlesticks derive from an “antique� pattern, engraved by Jean Berain (d 1711) dessinateur to King Louis XIV and introduced to London by some of leading Huguenot silversmiths of the early 18th century.



Antique Silver

840 FE281/97 ROYAL INTEREST - A set of six presentation photograph frames Garrard, London various dates, each of rectangular outline with beaded detail to the rim, monogrammed initials and crown detail to the top, each with an original period photograph of Queen Mary, bearing a handwritten note on the reverse (6) 19.5cm x 11cm Provenance: A gift from Queen Mary By direct descent to the current owner


841 FE281/97A ROYAL INTEREST - A Royal presentation photograph frame Garrard, London 1904, of plain design with a photograph of Queen Mary, printed and hand written note to reverse 15cm x 10.5cm Provenance: A gift from Queen Mary By direct descent to current owner



LY O N & T U R N B U L L Silver

842 FG108/1 A pair of three light candelabra Sheffield 1902, the reeded tapered columns with large spreading scalloped base, with twin scroll arms and central sconce 40cm high


843 FE359/65 An Edwardian silver salver C S Harris, London 1904, of shaped circular outline with moulded rim and raised on three hoof feet 30cm diameter, 30oz


845 FE359/64 A pair of Edwardian silver sauce boats W Neale, Chester 1902, of simple form with everted scalloped rim, with flying S scroll handle and raised on three hoof feet (2) 15.5cm wide, 10oz

844 FE466/2 An Edwardian dressing table mirror Birmingham 1902, of shaped rectangular outline with embossed and pierced foliate scrolling frame on green velvet backing, with chamfered edge shaped mirror plate within



847 FE38/5 A pair of Arts and Crafts pepperettes J Wakely & F C Wheeler, the spherical body with simple trumpet stem and triple scroll arms, the pull off cover with pierced decoration and reeded finial, with planish finish and contained in original fitted case with retailer’s mark of HALL & CO. MANCHESTER (2)

848 FG192/6 A late Victorian bachelors three piece tea set Chester 1901, comprising teapot, twin handled sugar bowl and milk jug, each of tapered form with gadrooned lower section and angular handles (3)

9.5cm high, 6.6oz

849 FC765/84 A set of six Edwardian dessert forks London 1901, of Hanoverian pattern with initial to terminal; together with five matching table forks (11)

Teapot 10.5cm high, combined weight 12.8oz

65cm high

846 FG192/11 An Edwardian dressing table tray London 1902, of rectangular outline with scalloped rim, the centre with embossed foliate scroll and central cartouche with engraved initial


28cm wide, 8.5oz






LY O N & T U R N B U L L Silver

850 FD757/6 A pair of Edwardian twin handled communion cups Robert & W Sorley Glasgow 1901, the simple tapered bowl with presentation inscription and tapered twin C scroll handles, raised on a short stem and spreading domed foot (2) 23cm high, combined weight 47oz Provenance: Ibrox Parish Church, Glasgow Note: Inscribed to rim of cup ‘Presented by William Robertson Grieve in memory of his Father & Mother’ and Bellahouston Parish Church April 1902’


851 FD757/9 A pair of late Victorian twin handled communion cups Aird & Thomson, Glasgow 1899, the tapered bowls with engraved inscription and slender twin handles, raised on a flared foot and reeded rim 23cm high, combined weight 46.7oz Provenance: Ibrox Parish Church, Glasgow Note: Each inscribed ‘Presented by Mrs Loudon to Bellahouston Parish Church October 1899’


852 FD757/7 A pair of Victorian twin handled communion cups George Edward & Sons Glasgow 1888, the tapered bowls with presentation inscription and twin plain tapered C scroll handles, raised on a short stem and spreading foot (2) 23cm high, combined weight 45.5oz Provenance: Ibrox Parish Church, Glasgow Note: Each inscribed to body ‘ Presented by Miss Steven of Bellahouston in memory of her sister Miss Grace Steven’ and Bellahouston Parish Church 1888’

£600-800 155

LY O N & T U R N B U L L Silver

853 FF412/3 A William IV communion cup, JM (overstriking another) Glasgow 1834, the slightly tapered plain bowl with out turned rim, raised on a slender knopped baluster stem and a domed spreading foot 22.8cm high, 16.6oz Provenance: Martyrs' Parish Church, Glasgow


854 FD757/10 A pair of George III twin handled communion cups Robert Gray (of Glasgow) Edinburgh 1802, with simple tapered bodies with presentation inscription, with slender scroll handle and flared foot and reeded rim (2) 23cm high, combined weight 46.7oz Provenance: Ibrox Parish Church, Glasgow Note: Each inscribed ‘Presented by Miss Steven of Bellahouston in memory of her sister Miss Grace Steven’ and to opposing side Bellahouston Parish Church 1888’



855 FF412/5 A Victorian communion cup Walker and Hall, Sheffield 1901, the bell shaped bowl with presentation inscription, raised on a waisted knopped stem and stepped domed foot 19.5cm high, 11.6oz Provenance: Martyrs' Parish Church, Glasgow Note: The bowl is inscribed ‘To the Glory of God , a family token of affection in memory of Mrs Turnbull who fell asleep 8th December 1900 presented to St Pauls Parish Church Glasgow 1901’


856 FD757/5 A Victorian ivory and silver mounted presentation conductor’s baton apparently unmarked, the tapered ivory baton with applied and engraved silver cap and terminals, the central mount inscribed ‘Presented to Mr William McVicar as a token of esteem and appreciation of his services....... 1900’, in fitted case (case A/F) 50cm long


LY O N & T U R N B U L L Silver

857 FF412/2 A large Victorian wine cooler S Garrard, London 1900, of shaped oval from with bold cast foliate and scroll rim, the baluster panels with vacant cartouches and scroll detail, raised on flour large acanthus and foliate bracket feet, in fitted case 54cm wide, 170oz



LY O N & T U R N B U L L Silver

858 FF88/7 A presentation magnifying glass Alfred Clark, London 1900, of plain design with a scrolled open work handle, in a fitted case with tooled leather and gilt crest Length 19cm


859 FF152/3 A Victorian four egg cup epernge Elkington & Co, Birmingham 1898, the quatrafoil base with bead edge set with central handle and four egg cups; together with matched spoons 19cm high, 18.9oz


860 FG192/13 A Victorian scent flask J Dixon & Sons, Sheffield 1896, formed as a fluted shell with screw off domed cover 9.5cm long, 50g


861 FG3/3 A pair of Victorian shell butter dishes E Hutton, London 1893, with fluted shell bowls and raised on three ball feet; together with a modern sugar bowl by Hamilton & Inches, Edinburgh (3) 15cm long, combined weight 11oz


862 FE38/17 A Victorian dressing table box Hunt & Roskell, London 1888, of circular outline with straight sided base, with semi spiralled chased fluting, the pull of slightly domed cover with spiralled decoration and set with ancient greek coin to centre; together with another canister box, London1872, of simple cylindrical form with pull off cover (2) 8cm and 6.5cm diameter, combined weight 8.2oz



LY O N & T U R N B U L L Silver

863 FE238/10 An impressive Victorian hunting horn Kholer & Sons, London 1894, of traditional form with simple flared shaft and stem, with applied strengthening bars and flared bell, the bell engraved with crest and list of ‘Subscribing Tenants’, additionally inscribed ‘Made for Rob’t S Roberts Lemington’ 117cm long, 22.6oz


864 FF157/11 A matched Victorian and later four piece tea set various makers and dates comprising coffee pot, teapot, tin handled sugar (at later matched) milk jug), each with gadrooned lower sections of body and angular handles (4) Coffee pot 27cm high, combined weight 53oz


865 FF160/66C A collection of silver to include a Victorian tea pot, swing handled sugar basket, various napkin rings etc (qty) Weighable silver 36oz


866 FF160/56 A Victorian jewellery box Hamilton & Inches, Edinburgh 1893, of shaped outline with straight sides, hinged cast and pierced foliate scrolls and central heart motif, raised on ball feet 11cm wide, 4.5oz


867 FF160/52 A matched four piece silver tea service Sheffield 1891 - 1905, comprising spirit kettle and stand, teapot, twin handled sugar bowl and milk jug, each with tapered bodies with gadrooned lower section and simple C scroll handles (4) Spirit kettle and stand 36cm high, combined weight 65oz



LY O N & T U R N B U L L Silver

868 FF412/1 A large Victorian punch bowl F Elkington, Birmingham 1891, of tapered hemispherical form with twin scroll handle, the upper rim with chased running border of cavorting putti in a landscape, raised on a short stem and domed foot, in fitted case 39cm wide across handles, 70oz


869 FF160/51 A Victorian silver mounted claret jug WS/GS, Sheffield 1880, the baluster glass body with finely engraved country scene with horse and rider in a finely formed foliate and landscape background, the silver collar and hinged cover with embossed foliate scrolls and simple angular handle 28cm high



870 FE775/1 A Victorian teapot London circa 1885, of baluster form with gadrooned body and rim, short spout and scroll wooden handle 14cm high 23oz


LY O N & T U R N B U L L Silver

871 FE431/2 A Victorian bachelor’s three piece tea set London 1882, comprising teapot, twin handled sugar bowl and milk jug, each of compressed bombe form with scalloped rim, the teapot with pull off cover as a stylised lotus flower; together with a pair of sugar tongs and pair of teaspoons Teapot 8.5cm high, combined weight 12.3oz


872 FE396/78 ROYAL WORCESTER - A late Victorian silver mounted tea and coffee service Royal Worcester pattern code 204798, silver mounts marked William Hutton & Sons, London 1895, comprising six saucers and cups, a sugar bowl, milk jug, tea pot and coffee pot, the ground yellow with gilt decoration, the silver mounts of a similar scrolling and foliate design, in original fitted presentation case Coffee pot 17.5cm high



LY O N & T U R N B U L L Silver

873 FE38/7 A pair of silver gilt Bacchanalian pattern serving spoons F Elkington, London 1881, of double struck pattern with classical mask heel (2) 23cm long, 9.9oz


874 EAC126/4 A cased Meerschaum pipe formed as a Scotsman’s head, in fitted case; together with a pair of dwarf table candlesticks and a pair of pierced and embossed light shades (5) Pipe 17cm long, weighable silver 85g

£80-120 875 EAC126/7 A collection of silver flatware to include a set of six ivory handled Victorian fish knifes, London 1855, a modern dog nosed soup ladle with rat tail to bowl, Sheffield 1928; various tablespoons a smaller silver (qty) Weighable silver 29oz



876 FD754/6 A late Victorian Hanoverian canteen London 1889, of Hanoverian pattern with engraved initials, comprising; sixteen table spoons, eleven dessert spoons, eleven teaspoons, twelve coffee bean terminal spoons, eight dessert forks, twenty four table forks, two sauce ladles, two pairs of sugar tongs, fish serving knife and fork, twelve fish knives, twelve fish forks (all with ivory handles); together with a matched group of steel bladed knives, containing in a two lift out drawer oak canteen Weighable sliver 139oz


877 FE500/31 A Victorian silver framed dressing table mirror W Comyns, London 1888, of shaped rectangular outline, with well embossed and chased frame with figures, beasts and foliage, with velvet lined framed and easel back 57cm high Provenance: From the Estate of Terry Brodie Smith Note: An unusual feature of this mirror is it has two sets of hallmarks, one the original Victorian marks and a later set of Britannia marks for London 1996. At some point it may have been thought the mirror wasn't hallmarked and subsequently sent for assay. What is even more surprising the hallmarks placed second have been struck very close to the original marks.


LY O N & T U R N B U L L Silver

878 FE343/13 A Victorian presentation three piece tea set A Crichton, London 1873, comprising teapot, twin handled sugar bowl, milk jug, each with tapered ovoid body finely chased with panels of interlaced foliage and scrolls with classical mask details, with pendant swags and inscription, with acanthus clasped S scroll handles and pedestal foot (3) Teapot 25cm high, 50oz Note: Each piece inscribed with monogrammed initials and Hawick coat of arms, the teapot additionally inscribed ‘Presented with a purse of sovereigns to George Hardy Fraser Esq Hawick, by his Fellow Townsmen and Friends as a mark of esteem and recognition of the valuable services he has rendered to the community as Town Councellor, Magistrate and Provost during the past twenty years 1875’


879 FD757/1 An Irish ‘Armada’ claret jug JS, Dublin 1871, the large baluster body profusely decorated with chased floral decoration, applied cherubs and lion head, the twin cartouches with engraved inscriptions, the hinged cover with cast finial

880 FG173/1 A set of twelve Victorian teaspoons and sugar tongs F Elkington, Birmingham 1871, of Old English pattern with zig zag border and chased decoration (13) 13.5oz


38cm high, 45oz Note: The cartouches engraved ‘To the Glory of God in memory of William Brechin Faulds presented by his widow 1909’ and ‘Steven Memorial Church Bellahouston’



LY O N & T U R N B U L L Silver

881 FG136/1 A Victorian naturalistic claret jug London 1863, makers mark indistinct, of S shaped outline formed as scrolled acanthus leafs, with hinged shaped cover with cast open finals and reeded S scroll handle, raised on a quatrefoil shell formed foot, the body with presentation inscription 27cm high, 33.5oz Note: The body engraved ‘Presented to the officers Mess 78th Highlanders by Major Augustus Warren July 13 1867’


882 FF412/4 A Victorian wine cooler J S Hunt, London 1844, of campana form with everted fruiting vine border and gadrooned and leaf clasped lower body, with twin acanthus clasped loop handles and raised on a short stem and spreading foot with fruiting vine border and a square base, inscribed ‘A token of appreciation from friends connected with the Steel Ingot Makers Association to President M L Simpson Esq 1919-1921’ 28cm high, 77oz



LY O N & T U R N B U L L Silver

883 FF160/53 A large George III pedestal coffee pot A Fogelberg (probably), London 1802, the tapered body with engraved trailing foliate and fruit border and lower gadrooned section, with short stem and spreading foot, with C scroll wooden handle and slender scroll spout 29cm high, 29oz


884 FG192/7 A William IV teapot Edinburgh 1836, of tapered apple form with chased band of decoration to rim, with tapering straight spout and C scroll handle 13cm high, 12.3oz

886 FC765/85 A collection of flatware to include, six Glasgow 1834 Fiddle pattern tablespoons; various George II dessert and table spoons and an American serving fork etc (qty)



£300-400 885 FE281/7 A continental ivory table box of rectangular outline, the ivory box with inlaid ropetwist border and stained zig zag and floral decoration, the centre of the cover with enamel plaque of cupid 6cm x 9cm x 3cm


888 FG200/2 A George IV cruet frame London 1826, the baluster frame with gadrooned decoration and rim, enclosing eight cut glass bottles with central loop handle (A/F); together with four cauldron salts , a teaspoon and a cigarette case (qty)

890 FE359/62 A George III silver salver S & C Young & Co, Sheffield 1819, of shaped circular outline with gadrooned and floral border with centre with engraved armorial, raised on three foliate bracket feet 26cm diameter, 19oz


Weighable silver 11oz

887 FE281/54 A George IV twin handled entrée dish and cover William Burwash, London 1828, of oval outline, with detachable reeded and foliate handle, engraved twice with a coat of arms, crest and coronet, with matched domed lid


37cm wide, 59.6oz


889 FF88/6 A collection of fiddle pattern flatware various dates and makers, to include table forks, dessert forks, table spoons and dessert spoons (qty)

891 EAC126/2 A George III cream jug bearing George III marks, of baluster form with profuse scroll decoration and short spout, the hinged domed cover with simple finial 13.5cm high, 8.5oz





LY O N & T U R N B U L L Silver

892 FD761/1 A William IV four piece tea set William Hewitt, London 1834, comprising a milk jug, sugar bowl, tea and coffee pot, all of baluster form with cast floral detail to the body and rim, on a domed foot with similar detail, the tea and coffee pot with cast pheasant finials (4) 77.95oz, teapot 24cm high

ÂŁ1,000-1,500 893 FD762/2A A Victorian golfing vinaigrette Birmingham 1882, of shaped rectangular outline with embossed scene to obverse and reverse of a lady golfer in mid swing, with hinged cover and striker to base 42mm high, 16.4g


894 FD762/2 A Victorian golfing vinaigrette Birmingham 1882, of circular outline, with golfing scene to obverse and reverse of a match in progress with a player at the top of his swing, with hinged cover and striker to base 35mm diameter, 15.5g



LY O N & T U R N B U L L Silver

895 FE281/18 A late George III gold mounted ivory toothpick case of rounded rectangular form the cover inset with a hair knot on blue ground under glass, yellow metal banding to the sides and mirror set to the interior

898 FE281/19 A George IV threaded silver gilt snuff box G Wheeler, Birmingham 1828, of rectangular outline, with reeded sides, cover and base, the centre of the cover with engraved coronet and entwined initials

902 FE38/20 A George III wine coaster London, circa 1785, of circular outline with pierced and engraved borders, with turned mahogany base

9.5cm wide

4cm x 7cm x 2cm, 65.9g



896 FE281/6 A George IV silver gilt snuff box Birmingham 1829, of rectangular outline with engine turned decoration to lid and base, the hinged cover with chased floral decoration to border and thumb piece, the sides with reeded detail

899 FF440/16 A silver scent bottle of cylindrical form, with engraved foliate detail to the body, the hinged lid with engraved initials and glass stopper, in original fitted case

903 FF160/66B A George III swing handled sugar basket TW, Newcastle, circa 1780, of oval outline the tapered bowl with fluted lower section, plain swing handle on a simple foot and spreading base; together with a George III pap boat, London 1813, gadrooned rim fruiting vine and shell handle (2)

7.8cm wide, 72.5g

£80-100 897 FE281/8 A continental silver gilt snuff box with indistinct control mark, the lid with hounds in relief and engraved town scene in background, floral decoration to sides and engine turned detail to the base 3.5cm x 8.5cm x 2.5cm


55mm tall


12cm diameter


Combined weight 9.3oz

900 FE222/2 An 18th century filigree silver mounted book binding the decoration of scrolling foliate design with hinged cover and spine, containing a mid 17th century Italian book of hours 10cm x 7cm

£200-300 901 FG49/1 A collection of sauce ladles to include a pair Edinburgh 1791; A pair by MC, Edinburgh 1804 and a single example Edinburgh 1816 (5) 150g


£120-180 904 FG188/2 A group of antique silver to include a George III baluster cream jug London 1780, a George III salver with later engraved decoration, London circa 1760; also to include a French wine taster, cigarette case and various flatware 21oz

£400-600 905 FF88/5 A collection of Old English flatware various dates and makers, to include table forks, dessert forks and table spoons (qty) 48oz



LY O N & T U R N B U L L Silver

906 FG110/2 A George III water pot Thomas Evans (possibly) London 1774, the plain baluster body with short fluted spot and S scroll wooden handle, with domed cover with bud finials and gadrooned rim, raised on a short stem and gadrooned foot 28cm high, 25.5oz


907 FD770/2 A George III salver Richard Rugg, London 1762, of shaped circular outline with gadrooned and shell border, raised on four paw and ball feet 35cm diameter, 37oz


908 FE38/2 Two George III tumbler cups London 1767 and 1764, each of simple plain form with straight sides and rounded bases 55mm and 59mm diameters


909 FF160/66A Glasgow - A Scottish provincial teapot stand J McEwan, marked JMc four times, of shaped outline with prick engraved border and the flat with flower and foliate border, raised on four ball feet 18cm wide, 4.9oz



LY O N & T U R N B U L L Silver

910 FG110/1 A George III baluster coffee pot William Grundy, London 1759, of plain baluster from with flutes, S scroll spout and fruit wood handle, the hinged cover with gadrooned rim and wrythen finial, raised on a gadrooned rim 28.5cm high, 30.8oz


911 FG192/12 A George III skewer London, circa 1760, of simple form with tapered blade and ring terminal 30cm long, 70g

£120-180 912 FG3/6 A matched set of six George II tablespoons IT, London circa 1756 (various dates), of Hanoverian pattern with engraved crest to reverse of terminal (6) 20cm long, combined weight 11.6oz


913 FE38/37 A George III waiter London 1754, of shaped circular outline with shell and crescent border, the centre with chased foliate scrolls surrounding an engraved armorial, raised on three hoof feet

915 FG3/5 A set of 18th century silver mounted pistol grip knives mainly unmarked, some with lion passant mark only, comprising nine table and nine smaller knives each with chamfered pistol grips and modern steel blades (18)

917 FE38/15 A pair of George II trencher salts London 1722, of canted rectangular form with concave sides and chased scroll, shell and floral decoration (2)

18cm diameter, 8.7oz

24cm and 20cm long




914 FG3/4 A matched set of six 18th century three pronged forks various dates and makers, of Hanoverian pattern five with engraved crest to reverse of terminal (6)

916 FF88/4 A collection of early flatware various dates and makers, to include tablespoons, dessert spoons and tea spoons, some with shell or picture back (qty) 20.4oz

918 FC765/86 A George I Punch ladle London 1710, marks worn, the bellied bowl with plain everted rim and initials ‘C/R*M’ to base, with socket stem and twisted baleen handle

19cm long, combined weight 13.8oz


36cm long


8.2cm wide, 4.6oz



LY O N & T U R N B U L L Silver

919 EAA931/1 A rare early English provincial George I octagonal teapot John Carnaby, Newcastle 1721, of octagonal form with domed hinged cover and facetted straight spout, with simple C scroll wooden handle and raised on a simple collar foot 16cm high, 11.5oz


920 FG10/1 A pair of George II tapersticks London 1734, the stepped sconces with moulded ribs above a knopped tapered hexagonal stem, on domed flared hexagonal base 11cm high, 6.8oz


921 FF160/61 George II sugar bowl and cover Peter Archambo I (probably), London 1731, the tapered hemispherical body, finely flat chased classical border, triple cartouches with armorial and crests, all raised on a waisted stem and domed foot with acanthus border, the domed pull off cover similarly decorated and with compressed finial 13cm high, 13.4oz Heraldry: The arms are those of MILNER of Burton Grange, Yorkshire impaling another.




Affordable, Stylish & Unique Saturday, 20th July, at 10am at 33 Broughton Place, Edinburgh EH1 3RR. Our new series of Interiors sales offer an affordable and stylish mixture of decorative objects, pictures and works of art for your home, reflecting the current zeitgeist for the eclectic and the individual! The sales will be on view for two days preceding the auction, including an evening view on Thursdays. As an added treat, for everyone who registers for this sale we will give you a free coffee from our cafe, run by . We hope to see you there! EDINBURGH




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