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Books & Manuscripts
Lot 1
Newton, Isaac
sivedeReflexionibus, Refractionibus, Inflexionibus, et Coloribus Lucis Libri Tres Latinereddidit SamuelClarke London:Sam Smith &Benj Walford, 1706. 4to (24 x 18.8cm), [14] 348 [2] 24 [2] 43 pp., contemporarypanelled calf, 19 engraved folding plates, binding somewhat worn and marked, splits to ends of joints, variabledamp-staining (strongest at front and gradually receding), front freeendpaper lifting, effaced earlyinscription to initialblank, [Babson 137;Wallis 179]
Estimate:£1,000 -£1,500
Fromthelibraryof theMurrays of Dollerie, Crieff, Perthshire. Bookplate (MurrayEsqr of Crieff) to front pastedown
First edition in Latin of Opticks, first published in English in 1704;this Latin translation is expanded bytheaddition of seven further ‘queries’ in book three

[Opponent of Isaac Newton] Hutchinson, John Group of works H[utchinson], J[ohn]. Moses's SinePrincipio:represented byNames, by Words, byTypes, byEmblems With an Introduction, shewing theNatureof Bodyand Soul, theFirst Stateof Man … That byReason of Man's Nature, and of his Fall, Persons, Things, and Actions, wererepresented by Substitutes, Types, and Emblems. London:W. Bowyer, 1729. First edition, 8vo, contemporarymottled calf gilt;Idem TheUseof Reason Recovered, by theDatein Christianity. Wherebyweknow, theStatewearein;that there areElahim;what theyhavedonefor us;thestatetheyoffer us;theTerms upon which theyoffer it. London:H. Woodfall, 1736. [Bound with:] The Religion of Satan, or Antichrist, Delineated, supposed to haveproceeded fromKnowledgeand Reasoning;but proved to haveproceeded fromWant of Both London:H Woodfall, 1736 First editions, 2 works in 1 volume, 8vo, contemporarymottled calf uniformwith thepreceding work, spine labels perished [LibraryHub mentions aplatein TheReligion of Satan but this not found in another copyinspected and possiblynot called for];Idem A Treatiseof Power Essentialand Mechanical. Wherein theOriginal, and that Part of Religion which now is natural, is stated London:byW Bowyer, 1732. First edition, 8vo, contemporarymottled calf gilt uniformwith the preceding volume;and 15 other works, theology, Italian language, etc , 17th-19th century, leather-bound (36)
Estimate:£300 -£400
Fromthelibraryof theMurrays of Dollerie, Crieff, Perthshire.
John Hutchinson's idiosyncratic polemics on naturalphilosophyand religion arenotablyrareon themarket, an obscuritywhich with hindsight might seeminevitablein view of thestatureof theman, indeed, theentirecorpus of scientific discoveryand thought, against which heset himself:'Theytook as their principaltarget thepublications of Isaac Newton Hutchinson perceived earlyon theconnection between Newton's ideas and theantitrinitarian writings of SamuelClarke, and denied wholeheartedlyboth the philosophyand thetheologythat underpinned theseworks. Herejected the ideaof avacuumand theconcepts of attraction and of gravity because theyseemed to himto endow matter with activityand to implythat God might himself bematerial Instead, Hutchinson argued that knowledge derived fromthesenses could not reach to themicroscopic levelat which God acted to createand govern theworld Revelation was theonlysurekey to theseprocesses Moreover, human understanding of revelation, which was provided bytheBibleand in particular bythosepassages of the Hebrew text of theOld Testament that dealt with God's creativepower, had been corrupted'(Scott Mandelbrotein ODNB).

'A Societyof Gentlemen in Scotland' EncyclopaediaBritannica;or, aDictionaryof Arts and Sciences compiled upon aNew Plan. In which theDifferent Sciences and Arts are digested into Distinct Treatises or Systems;and theVarious Technical Terms, etc. areexplained as theyoccur in theorder of theAlphabet. Edinburgh:printed for A Belland C MacFarquhar;and sold byColin MacFarquhar, 1771. 3 volumes, 4to in half-sheets (26.1 x 20cm), contemporarycalf-backed glazed bluepaper boards, viii586 [10] 587-697, [4] 1009 [3], [4] 280 283-678 879-953 [1] pp. (volume3 textuallycomplete despiteerratic pagination), half-titleto each volume, 159 engraved plates (of 160, lacking plate112, in ‘Midwifery’ section), plates 117-132 printed on either sideof 8 sheets, plate146 folding, volume2 also containing 3 folding chemistrytables and onefolding grammaticaltable, bindings rubbed with someloss of paper, volumes 2 and 3 each with loss to head of spineand front freeendpapers removed, plates 64 and 78 each with smallclosed tear to upper inner corner, plate111 (depicting foetuses in utero) marked and with closed tear to foot, plate133 (music score) bound slightlyaskew and consequentlyshaved at lower foreedge, plate146 somewhat creased, closed tear to grammaticaltablein volume2 [Printing and theMind of Man 218] (3)
Estimate:£3,000 -£5,000
Fromthelibraryof theMurrays of Dollerie, Crieff, Perthshire.
First edition of ‘themost famous of allencyclopaedias in theEnglish language’ (PMM) A landmark Enlightenment text, it was originallyissued in 100 weeklyparts between 1768 and 1771;sets in anystateof completeness arerareon themarket and it was been remarked that the threegynaecologicalplates illustrating themidwiferyarticlewereconsidered so graphic bycontemporaryaudiences that theywereoften ripped out and threats of legalaction weremadeagainst thepublishers (Kogan, TheGreat EB:TheStoryOf TheEncyclopaediaBritannica, 1958, p. 13). Theother plates includedepictions of human anatomy, animals and other natural historysubjects, scientific instruments and industrialapparatus, geometrical propositions, and miscellaneous subjects ranging fromtypes of cannon to specimens of shorthand;therearealso severalplates of music scoreand a smallnumber of maps A second edition appeared in London in 1773

Hutton, James
Theoryof theEarth
or an Investigation of theLaws Observablein theComposition, Dissolution, and Restoration of Land upon theGlobe [In:] Transactions of theRoyal Societyof Edinburgh. Vol. I. Edinburgh:for J. Dickson, 1788. 4to, xii100 336 209 [3] pp , contemporarycalf, Hutton's work comprising pp 209-304 [2] pp., with 2 engraved plates, occasionallight spotting, plate1 offset onto explanatorytext-leaf, 2 further engraved plates elsewherein thevolume (onefolding), half-title, engraved vignetteto title-page, bookplate(Murrayof Auchtertyre, Baronet), joints split, occasionallight spotting [Ward &Carozzi 1161;cf. PMM247]. Together:with volumes 2-8, 1790-1817, all4to, volumes 2-7 in contemporarycalf, volume8 bound in 2 and in original boards, numerous engraved plates (not collated), afew joints cracked, volumes 5 and 7 front boards detached, spines scuffed, numbering-pieces and afew title-labels perished;and another work (11)
Estimate:£1,000 -£2,000
Fromthelibraryof theMurrays of Dollerie, Crieff, Perthshire
First edition of oneof themost important scientific papers ever published, which proposed for thefirst timethat geologicalphenomenawereto be explained byimmutablelaws rather than supernaturalintervention, an interpretation which cameto beknown as ‘uniformitarianism’. Thepaper was expanded byHutton for publication in book form, of which thefirst two volumes of aprojected threewerepublished in 1795;thework remained incompleteon Hutton's death in 1797, with thethird and finalvolume, compiled fromhis notes, not appearing until1899.

Collection of works, English and Scottish, mainly18th century Buchan, William. Domestic Medicine;or, theFamilyPhysician. Edinburgh: Balfour, Auld, and Smellie, 1769 First edition, 8vo, xvi624 pp , contemporarysheep, joints cracked;Saviard, Barthelémy. Observations in Surgery:being aCollection of OneHundred and TwentyEight Different Cases. With Particular Remarks on each, for theImprovement of Young Students Wherein not onlytheMethod of Practicein Difficult Labours, but other Distempers incident of theFemaleSex arecopiouslyenlarged on … Written originallyin French [Translated by] J S Surgeon London:J Hodges, 1740. First edition in English, 8vo, contemporarysprinkled calf, A27 near-detached (held byonecord only);Milnes, James Sectionum ConicarumElementaNovaMethodo Demonstrata Oxford:eTheatro Sheldoniano, 1723 Third edition, 8vo, contemporarypanelled calf, engraved vignetteto title-page, 21 engraved folding plates;Love, John Geodaesia:or, theArt of Surveying and Measuring of Land madeeasy… Also, How to lay out New Lands in America, or elsewhere London:for A Bettesworth and C Hitch;and W. Innys, 1731. Fourth edition, 8vo, contemporarypanelled calf, lacking rear freeendpaper;Coles, Elisha An English Dictionary, explaining theDifficult Terms that areused in Divinity, Husbandry, Physick, Philosophy, Law, Navigaiton, Mathematicks, and other Arts and Sciences London:for Peter Parker, 1696. First edition, 12mo, contemporarysheep, closed tear in S5;Priestley, Joseph Experiments and Observations on Different Kinds of Air. London:for J. Johnson, 1775. Volumes 1-2 only(of 3), second edition of volume1, first edition of volume2, 8vo, contemporarycalf, volume1 with 2 engraved folding plates, volume2 with 2 engraved plates only(apparently of 3), volume1 joints cracked, volume2 front board detached;Carrick, Andrew Dissertatio medicainauguralis, deasthmateperiodico Edinburgh: Balfour and Smellie, 1787. First edition, 8vo, contemporarytreecalf gilt;Keill, John An Introduction to NaturalPhilosophy:or, PhilosophicalLectures read in theUniversityof Oxford … To which areadded, theDemonstrations of Monsieur Huygens's Theorems, concerning theCentrifugalForceand Circular Motion. London:for J. Senex, W. and J. Innys, J. Osborn, and T. Longman, 1726 Second edition, 8vo, xii306 pp , contemporarypanelled calf, woodcuts in text, advertisement leaf to rear;and 5 others similar (17)
Estimate:£600 -£800
Fromthelibraryof theMurrays of Dollerie, Crieff, Perthshire. With various familyownership inscriptions to endpapers and title-pages;manuscript shelfmark labels pasted to feet of afew spines

Lot 6
Pufendorf, Samuelvon Dejurenaturaeet gentiumlibriocto Lund:sumtibus AdamiJunghans imprimebat Vitus Haberegger, 1672 First edition, 4to (21 x 16.8cm), [20] 1227 [9] pp., contemporaryvellum, with manuscript spine-title, title-pageprinted in red and black with printer's woodcut device, front inner hingegone, title-pagewith two holes from erasureof ownership inscription and smallspill-burn to head
Estimate:£1,000 -£1,500
Fromthelibraryof theMurrays of Dollerie, Crieff, Perthshire Ownership inscription of AnthonyMurrayto title-pageand engraved bookplate(Murray Esqr of Crieff) to front pastedown
Known in English as Of theLaw of Natureand of Nations, Pufendorf's great treatiseon naturallaw was inspired byGrotius's DeJureBelliac Pacis and provided athorough critiqueof Hobbesian socialtheory. It proved hugely influentialboth in Europeand theNew World, finding admirers in Lockeand Rousseau, and becoming ‘part of theintellectualinheritanceof theAmerican Revolution and constitutionalism’ (Stanford Encyclopediaof Philosophy)

Philosophyand politicaleconomy
Collection of works including Scottish Enlightenment treatises Alison, Archibald. Essays on theNatureand Principles of Taste. Edinburgh: for J J G and G Robinson, London, 1790 First edition, 4to, xiii[3] 415 pp , uncut in originalboards, engraved bookplateof theMurraybaronets of Auchtertyre, related ownership inscription dated 1809 to title-page, acouple of annotations to text, front cover detached, rear cover neardetached;Stewart, Dugald Elements of thePhilosophyof theHuman Mind London:A. Strahan, and T. Cadell, 1792. First edition, 4to, xviii566 pp., top spinecompartment perished, joints cracked, marginalbrowning to outer leaves, half-titlewith loss to foot;Forbes, William. A MethodicalTreatise concerning Bills of Exchange Edinburgh:heirs and successors of Andrew Anderson, 1703 First edition, 8vo, [12] 178 [2] pp , contemporarycalf, decorativeblind rollalong inner edges of covers, initialblank heavily annotated byacontemporaryhand, ownership inscription ‘Ex libris Jacobi MurraviiAD 1709’ to head of dedication, engraved bookplateof MurrayEsqr of Crieff, spill-burn to E6;[Davenant, Charles] An Essayupon theProbable Methods of making aPeopleGainers in theBalanceof Trade. London:for James Knapton, 1700 Second edition, 8vo, contemporarypanelled calf, 6 folding letterpress tables, joints cracked, wear to spine, third table separated; and 7 others (not collated, including:Thomas Reid, Essays on thePowers of theHuman Mind, 1803, 3 volumes, contemporarycalf gilt, worn, volume1 front board detached;Dugald Stewart, Outlines of Moral Philosophy, 1801, second edition, uncut in originalboards;idem, Esquisses dephilosophiemorale, Paris, 1826, contemporarytan half calf;William Forbes, A Treatiseof Church-lands and Tithes, 1705, first edition, contemporarycalf;Thomas Reid, An Inquiryinto theHuman Mind, 1804, sixth edition, contemporarytreecalf;Thomas Malthus, An Essayon the Principleof Population, 1806, third edition, 2 volumes, contemporarycalf, volume1 front board detached;and 1 similar) (14)
Estimate:£300 -£500
Fromthelibraryof theMurrays of Dollerie, Crieff, Perthshire

Lot 8
Forbes, Alexander, 4th Lord Forbes of Pitsligo Essays Moraland Philosophical, on severalSubjects viz A View of theHuman Faculties A Short Account of theWorld Two Discourses on Decency An Essayon Self-Love London:J Osborn and T Longman, 1734. First edition, 8vo, xii385 [3] pp., contemporarypanelled calf, spine-labelperished, afew marks internally, manuscript date‘Aug 30th 1735’ to front pastedown
Estimate:£300 -£400
Fromthelibraryof theMurrays of Dollerie, Crieff, Perthshire. Ownership inscription ‘AnthonyMurrayof Crieff’ to title-page
Thefirst published work bythephilosopher and Jacobitearmyofficer, who commanded acavalryunit at Sheriffmuir in 1715 and was appointed general of horsebyPrinceCharles Edward Stuart in 1745 OneAnthonyMurrayof Dollerieis reputed to havedied at Culloden, fighting on theJacobiteside, though Anthonyis arecurring given nameamong theMurrays of Dollerie, and was shared byhis father (1676-1761), son (d 1790), and grandson (seeJohnston, TheHeraldryof theMurrays, 1910, p. 47);1735, theyear inscribed on thefront pastedown, was however theyear in which the Culloden casualtymarried.

Lot 9
[Locke, John] Wynne, John
An Abridgment of Mr Locke's EssayConcerning HumaneUnderstanding London:for A. and J. Churchill, and Edw. Castle, 1696. First edition, 8vo (17 x 10 6cm), [8] 310 [10] pp , contemporarymottled calf with decorative panel-stamps to sides, craquelureto leather [Wing L2735]
Estimate:£300 -£500
Fromthelibraryof theMurrays of Dollerie, Crieff, Perthshire. Ownership inscription of AnthonyMurrayto title-page;earlypurchasenoteto initial blank (pricepaid £2 6s 2d).
Lot 10
Scots law
Collection of works, 17th-18th century Bayne, Alexander Notes for theStudents of theMunicipalLaw in the Universityof Edinburgh. Edinburgh:printed byThomas and Walter Ruddimans, 1731 First edition, 12mo in half-sheets, contemporary sprinkled calf ruled in blind, ownership inscription of AnthonyMurrayto titlepage;Forbes, William A Treatiseof Church-lands and Tithes [Bound with:] A Few Remarks on aScurrilous, Erroneous, and Pendantick Pamphlet, entituled, SomeCharitableObservations on his lateTreatise. [And:] A Letter to aGentleman in theCountry, concerning theParson of Banchory, and his latePamphlet. Edinburgh:heirs and successors of Andrew Anderson, 17056-6 3 works in 1 volume, first editions, 8vo, contemporarycalf, A Treatise with finalleaf of index ('Supplement to Index') looseand possiblyissued afterwards, contemporaryannotations to initialblank; Bruce, Alexander TheTutor's Guide:or, thePrinciples of theCiviland MunicipalLaws and Customs, relating to Pupils and Minors, and their Tutors and Curators Edinburgh:Robert Freebairn, 1714. First edition, 8vo, contemporary panelled calf, ownership inscriptions (James Murrayof Eastgrangedated 1721 and WilliamMurraydated 1714), front inner hingereinforced, dampstaining;Mackenzie, George Jus regium:or, theJust and Solid Foundations of Monarchyin general:and moreespeciallyof theMonarchyof Scotland London:for Richard Chiswell, 1684. First edition, 8vo, contemporaryblindruled sheep, engraved portrait frontispiece;and 12 others (not collated, all in contemporarycalf or sheep bindings, and including:An Alphabetical Abridgement of theFirst Parliament of Kings James theVII, Edinburgh, 1698;GeorgeMackenzie, TheInstitution of theLaws of Scotland, Edinburgh, 1706-23-30, threecopies, fourth, sixth and seventh editions; TheLaws and Acts of Parliament madebyKing James theFirst, Edinburgh, 1682, TheActs madein theFirst Parliament of Charles theFirst, Edinburgh, 1683, TheLaws and Acts madein theFirst Parliament of … James VII, Edinburgh, 1685, 3 works, uniformlybound in diced russiawith gilt arms of R Hamilton Esqr, advocate, rebacked;additionalcopies of the acts of Charles I and James VII;John Millar, Observations concerning the Distinction of Ranks in Society, 1783, second edition;and similar) (18)
Estimate:£300 -£500

Scots law Collection of works, 16th-19th century Charles II, King of England, Scotland and Ireland. [Sammelband of laws and acts of parliament passed at Edinburgh] Edinburgh:various publishers, 1661-72. 7 works in onevolume, folio, contemporarysheep, engraved portrait frontispiece, contemporaryannotations and Murrayfamily ownership inscriptions to endpapers and blanks, binding slightlyworn with loss to foot of spine Contents comprise:1) TheLaws and Acts of theFirst Parliament of our most High and Dread Soveraign, Charles theSecond … holden at Edinburgh theFirst of January, 1661 Re-printed byAndrew Anderson, 1673. 118 [2] pp.;2) Laws and Acts past in theSecond Session of theFirst Parliament, of Charles theSecond Re-printed byAndrew Anderson, 1673 23 [1] pp ;3) Laws and Acts passed in theSecond Session of theFirst Parliament, of Charles theSecond Printed byEvan Tyler, 1663 44 [12] pp ;4) Acts rescinding two Acts past in thelast Session of Parliament:theonefor excepting of persons fromPublick Trust;and the other for voting thesamebyBillets Edinburgh, theninth of September, 1663 [drop-head title]. 3 pp.;5) TheLaws and Acts of theSecond Parliament, of Charles theSecond Printed byEvan Tyler, 1670 44 [4] pp.;6) Laws and Acts past in theSecond Session of theSecond Parliament, of Charles theSecond Printed byEvan Tyler, 1670 16 [3] pp ;7) Laws and Acts past in theThird Session of theSecond Parliament, of … Charles theSecond Printed byAndrew Anderson, 1672 16 21-66 [5] pp , (lacking pp. 17-20);[Skene, Sir John]. TheLawes and Actes of Parliament, maid be King James theFirst, and his Successours Kinges of Scotland [ ] De verborumsignificatione Edinburgh:Robert Waldegrave, 1597 Folios in sixes, [2] 162, 178 [98] ff., pi2 a-2d6 A-2G6, ²A-²D4 ²E6-²F6 ²G2 ²H-²S6 ²T4, 19th-centurypanelled sheep, with theautograph signatureof John Skene ‘Jo. Skene’) to end of Table(²E5), with thefolding genealogy‘TheRaceof theKings of Scotland’, retaining medialblanks e1 h4 n2, 2D4 ²E6, various contemporaryannotations and pen-trials to title-page(including that of James Murray), binding worn, joints cracked, without theengraved title-page and accompanying explanatoryleaf as usual, letterpress title-pagelaid down, second leaf extended along margins, dedication leaf ‘Serenissimo et invictissimo principiJacobo Sexto'misbound between ff. 177 and 178 (presumablyintended as aprelim) [STC 21877];and 11 others (not collated, comprising:Sir John Skene, RegiamMajestatem, [1609], first edition, later panelled sheep, joints cracked, losses and paper repairs to outer leaves including title-page, loss to finalleaf of text;[Sammelband of numerous Court of Session rulings etc. concerning Archibald Douglas of Douglas and theDukeof Hamilton and others, 1760s], 4to, contemporaryhalf sheep, worn;Sir Thomas Craig of Riccarton, TheRight of Succession to the Kingdomof England, 1703, first edition, folio, contemporarycalf, gilt spine, damp-staining;Sir John Clerk, HistoricalView of theForms and Powers of theCourt of theExchequer in Scotland, 1820, 4to, contemporarycalf, front board near-detached;Houseof Commons Minutes of Evidencetaken before theCommitteeof thewholeHouseupon theConduct of His RoyalHighness theCommander in Chief, 1 February1809, folio, contemporarymarbled calf, boards detached;[JacobiteUprising of 1745], TheReport of the Proceedings and Opinion of theBoard of GeneralOffices on their Examination into theConduct … of Lieutenant-GeneralSir John Cope… [etc ], 1749, 4to, contemporaryhalf calf, front board detached;Gilbert Hutcheson, Treatiseon theOffices of Justiceof Peace[etc.], 1809, second edition, 4 volumes, 8vo, contemporarycalf;Memoir of theLifeand Trialof James Mackcoull… containing aFullAccount of his Trial… for robbing the Branch of thePaisleyUnion Bank at Glasgow of TwentyThousand Pounds Edinburgh, 1822, 8vo, contemporaryhalf calf, front joint cracked;TheTrial of Charles RandomdeBerenger, Sir Thomas Cochrane, Commonlycalled Lord Cochrane… for aConspiracy, London, 1814, 8vo, contemporaryhalf calf, another work bound in at rear;and 2 similar) (16)
Estimate:£400 -£600
Provenance: Fromthelibraryof theMurrays of Dollerie, Crieff, Perthshire

Lot 12
[Briscoe, John]
A Discourseof Money
Being an Essayon that Subject, Historicallyand Politicallyhandled. With Reflections on thepresent evilstateof theCoin of theKingdom;and Proposals of aMethod for theRemedy. In aLetter to aNobleman, etc. London:for Sam Briscoe, 1696 First edition, 8vo (17 7 x 11cm), [4] 204 pp., contemporarysheep ruled in blind, red-sprinkled edges, early ownership inscription (possibly‘abundanly[sic] wellhandled, John Child’) to front freeendpaper, light wear to binding, faint creaseto title-page, afew other marks [Kress 1936]
Estimate:£600 -£800
Fromthelibraryof theMurrays of Dollerie, Crieff, Perthshire Ownership inscription ‘A M’ (i.e. AnthonyMurray) to title-pageand smallmanuscript shelfmark label‘D2 10’ pasted to foot of spine

Lot 13
Menasseh ben Israel(printer) Humas deParasioth yAftharoth traduzido palabrapor palabradelaverdad Hebraicaen Español. [Amsterdam:] Menasseh Ben Israel, 1 Sebat 5387 [ie 18th January1627] 8vo (15.4 x 9cm), A-2I8 2K6, 252 ff., contemporarysprinkled calf (apparentlyBritish), loss to head of spine, wear to corners, title-page spotted and with minor loss to lower forecorner not affecting text, short closed tears to A7, smallchip to lower margin of B3 [Fuks &Fuks-Mansfeld, Hebrew Typographyin theNorthern Netherlands 1585-1615, I p. 135; UniversityCollegeDublin, Iberian Books (online), B45859]
Estimate:£1,000 -£2,000
Fromthelibraryof theMurrays of Dollerie, Crieff, Perthshire Ownership inscription and initials of AnthonyMurrayto title-page.
First edition of thefirst non-Hebrew book printed byMenasseh ben Israelat his newlyestablished press in Amsterdam, published onlyafew days after thefirst book of thepress, acollection of Hebrew prayers, which appeared on 1st Januarythesameyear. A landmark in Sephardic Jewish culture, the work is aSpanish translation of thePentateuch ('Parasioth');atranslation of the‘Aftharoth’ (Haphtharoth:readings fromtheProphets), not present here, was issued as thesecond part, with separatefoliation and register and atitlepagedated 1 Cheshvan 5388 (equating to 11th October 1627). ‘The twenty-six non-Hebrew books which Menasseh printed wereeither written byhimself or weretranslations fromtheHebrew of Jewish prayers and other religious literature, for theuseof theincreasing amount [sic] of refugees fromtheIberian peninsulawho wanted to embraceJudaismbut did not know Hebrew and had no knowledgewhatsoever of Jewish religion and its rites’ (Fuks &Fuks-Mansfelder, p 112) Oneother copytraced in auction records, incomplete, in theWarner Prins Collection of Hebrew and Judaic Books (Christie's East, 6th December 1995)

Lot 14
R. Stephanus Lectoris. En tibiBiblioru[m] vulgataeditio, in quajuxta Hebraicorumversuumrationemsingulacapitaversibus distinctasunt, numeris praefixis, quiversuumnumeris quos in Concordantiis nostris novis et integris, post literas marginales A B C D E F G addidimus, respondent:ut quaerendimolestialeveris, quumtibitanquamdigito, quod quaris demonstrabunt [Geneva]:RobertiStephani[colophon:‘excudebat Roberto Stephano Conradus Badius], 1555. 8vo (18 x 11cm), contemporarycalf over reverse-bevelled wooden boards, covers decorativelytooled in blind with foliateroll, medallion profileportraits, acorns and fleurons, retaining medialblank 2p8, loss of leather to spine-ends and edges of boards, retaining brass catches but lacking clasps, intermittent damp-staining to lower margins, quire2lz (ff 257-264) misbound but allleaves present [Adams B1051;Darlow &MouleII 6135;Renouard 86:1]
Estimate:£500 -£800
Fromthelibraryof theMurrays of Dollerie, Crieff, Perthshire Ownership inscription of AnthonyMurrayto title-pageand smallmanuscript shelfmark label‘D2 9’ pasted to foot of spine
Robert Estienne's third octavo edition, 'generallyconsidered to bethe earliest Latin Bibleto exhibit R. Stephanus'division of thetext into numbered verses'(Darlow &Moule)

Lot 15
Bible;English;Authorised Version TheHolyBiblecontaining theOld Testament and theNew Newlytranslated out of theoriginallTongues, and with yeFormer translations diligentlycompared and revised, byhis Majesties speciall command. Appointed to beread in Churches. Cambridge:printed byTho. Buck, and Roger Daniel, Printers to theUniversityof Cambridge And areto besold byRoger Daniel, at theAngellin Lumberstreet, London, 1638. Folio in sixes (35 6 x 22cm), c 1700 calf rebacked with originalspinelaid down, all edges gilt, engraved architectonic generaltitle-pagebyWilliamMarshall, New Testament with separatedated title-page, binding worn with evidenceof old refurbishment, variablespotting to contents, frequent old repairs to lower margins throughout, engraved titlespotted and with smallsection of loss to foremargin, OTwith paper disruption to gutter of E5 affecting smallareaof text, 2P3-5 (Psalms) and 3S3 (Apocrypha- Baruch) torn with loss, spill-burn to 3T6 (I Maccabees), 3U6 shaved at foot, NTA4 chipped at upper inner corner, lacking A5-6, B4 with smallsection of loss to foot and with old repairs to extensiveclosed tear, C5 and I5 also torn with loss, R6 (finalleaf) with loss to corner affecting headlineonly, contemporaryeditions of the Book of Common Prayer Psalms bound in at front and rear respectively (both defective) [Herbert 520]
Estimate:£400 -£600
Fromthelibraryof theMurrays of Dollerie, Crieff, Perthshire. Engraved bookplateof MurrayEsqr of Crieff to front pastedown, with slip annotated ‘AnthonyMurrayEsqre, fromMiss Munro with her best wishes’ pasted below;ownership inscription ‘Mr Robert Monro His Book’ to verso of general title-page;old marginaliato I Maccabees and II Maccabees.
‘In this edition … favourablynoticed byKilburne, thework of correction begun in thefolio CambridgeBibleof 1629 was carried further Therevisers took specialpains to render uniformtheuseof italics;and theyalso introduced acertain numbers of new readings … This remained the standard text untilthepublication of Dr Paris’ Cambridgeedition of 1762' (Herbert).

Lot 16
Bible;English;Authorised Version
Oxford:printed at theTheater, 1680. Folio (46 x 29cm), unpaginated, signatures pi1 a-d2 (-d2) A-F4 G-4Q6 4R-4X2, contemporaryboards (leather coverings mostlyperished), 2 engraved title-pages, front board detached, spill-burn to generaltitleaffecting lower forecorner of engraved image, similar burns to index (4R-4X) with loss of afew words, closed tear to 4R2 (first leaf of index) [Herbert 756], together with 2 others (thesenot collated:Matthew Poole, Annotations upon theHolyBible, 1683, 2 volumes, folio, and Richard Allestree, TheWorks, 1685, folio) (4)
Estimate:£300 -£500
Fromthelibraryof theMurrays of Dollerie, Crieff, Perthshire Calligraphic familygenealogymounted to front pastedown ('This Nativityof allChildren of this familyof Dollery', fromAnnaMurrayin 1676 to AnthonyMurray 1714', with stylised drawing of aswan to foot)

Lot 17
Collection of Bibles and religious works, 17th-18th century Bible;Latin;Tremellius-Junius-Bezaversion Bibliasacra, siveTestamentum vetus, ab. Im. Tremellio et Fr. Junio ex Hebraeo Latineredditum. Et Testamentumnovum, aTheod BezaeGraeco in Latinumversum Amsterdam:Jan Janssonius, 1632. 12mo, contemporarycalf, [8] 504 pp., engraved allegoricaltitle-page, ownership inscriptions of AnthonyMurray dated 1727 and 1743 to initialblank and front freeendpaper (with holein thelatter), binding somewhat worn, smallworm-track in first quireincluding title-page, title-pagewith smallchip to lower forecorner, 2R5-6 transposed, afew minor marks;Bible;Dutch;States translation. Biblia. Dat is de gantscheh Schrifture Amsterdam:Paulus van Ravelsteyn, 1664 12mo, 306, 114, 132 ff., contemporarycalf, twin gilt frames to covers, Dutch floral endpapers, 2 engraved title-pages (each with licenceto print on verso signed byJan Stoffelsz van Zwoll, notarypublic), worm-track to final10 leaves of theProphets, closed tear in New Testament title-page, Psalms and Heidelberg Catechismbound in at rear (thelatter incomplete);Bible;French. LeNouveau Testament, c'est àdire, laNouvelleAlliancedenostreSeigneur Jesus Christ. Charenton:EstieneLucas, 1658. 12mo, A-2C6, contemporary morocco, covers elaboratelypanelled in gilt with pattern of two concentric quatrefoils built up fromfillets and curlicuedevices and elaboratecurlicue infills to spandrels, engraved and letterpress title-pages, Psalms bound in at rear, binding worn, damp-staining to contents;and 10 others (including Holy Bible, Oxford, 1743, 4to, lacking Old Testament title-pagebut with BCP bound in at front, contemporarydiced russiagilt, front joint cracked and reinforced, HolyBible, Oxford, 1772, 4to, LaSainteBible… avec les arguments par J F Ostervald, Bienne, 1771, 8vo, GeorgeHickes, Devotions in theAncient Wayof Offices, 1730, LaLiturgie… selon l'usage del'EgliseAnglicane, 1776, Thomas àKempis, Kempis commun ou les quatres livres del'Imitation deJesus-Christ, Amsterdam, 1683, and similar) (13)
Estimate:£300 -£400
Fromthelibraryof theMurrays of Dollerie, Crieff, Perthshire

Lot 18
Scottish Prayer Book
TheBookeof Common Prayer, and Administration of theSacraments And other parts of divineServicefor theuseof theChurch of Scotland [part 2:ThePsalter, or, Psalmes of David pointed as theyshallbesaid or sung throughout alltheChurches of Scotland]. Edinburgh:printed byRobert Young, Printer to theKing's most Excellent Majestie, 1637 2 parts in 1 volume, folio (27.4 x 18cm), collates a-b8 A-Q8 R6 2a-2i8 2k6, contemporarysprinkled calf ruled in blind, text mainlyin black letter, titlepageand calendar printed in red and black, type-ornament border and woodcut deviceto title-page, type-ornament headpieces and woodcut factotums and initials throughout, short cracks to joints-ends, title-page slightlysoiled in foremargin, closed marginaltear in Q9, 2h3 apparentlya cancel(theleaf shorter and tipped to 2h2 v), quires 2h-2k with light dampstaining and concomitant softening to foremargins, afew marks elsewhere
Estimate:£300 -£500
Fromthelibraryof theMurrays of Dollerie, Crieff, Perthshire Ownership inscription ‘Ex libris JacobiMurray1709’ to head of title-pageand engraved bookplate(MurrayEsqr. of Crieff) to front pastedown.
First edition of Archbishop Laud's version of theBook of Common Prayer for Scottish churches, theimposition of which provoked Scotland into open rebellion against Charles I, leading to thedrawing up of theNational Covenant and theepochalconflagration of theBritish CivilWars Known to posterityas ‘Laud’s Liturgy', its first reading at St Giles's Cathedral Edinburgh on 23rd July1637 was met with rioting bythecongregation, ignited according to legend bymarket-trader JennyGeddes, who is reputed to havethrown her stoolat thepresiding dean Another copywas sold in theserooms on 19th September 2024 (lot 92)

Lot 19
Elzevir Press
Collection of works, 17th century Contemporaryvellumbindings, contemporarymanuscript spine-titles, old manuscript shelfmark labels to feet of spines, titles include:Hobbes, Thomas Elementaphilosophicadecive Amsterdam:DanielElzevir, 1669 12mo, [36] 403 pp., engraved title-page, ownership inscription of Anthony Murrayto title-page, printed biographyof Hobbes tipped to front pastedown;[Laet, Johannes de]. Hispania, sive, deregis Hispaniaeregnis et opibus Leiden:ex officinaElzeviriana, 1629 32mo, [16] 498 [2] pp , engraved title-page, vellummanuscript wasteused as patch-lining for spine, manuscript initials of AnthonyMurrayto title-page;Rufus, Quintus Curtius Historiarumlibri, accuratissimeediti Leidein:ex officinaElzeviriana, 1653 12mo, [12] 338 [19] pp., engraved title-page, engraved folding map, fullpagewoodcut, smallworm-tracks to title-page, first leaf of text and margins of last few leaves, manuscript initials of AnthonyMurraydated 1703 to titlepage;and 6 others (not fullycollated, including:Bernhardus Varenius, Geographiageneralis, 1664, engraved title-page, 4 folding tables and one folding woodcut plate;Aulus Gellius, Noctes atticae, 1665, engraved titlepage;and similar) (8)
Estimate:£200 -£300
Fromthelibraryof theMurrays of Dollerie, Crieff, Perthshire.

Collection of works, 17th-18th century Diodorus Siculus. Bibliothecaehistoricae… ex interpretationeLaurentii Rhodomani Hanover:typis Wechelianis, apud haeredes Joannis Aubrii, 1611. 8vo, [40] 1245 [65] pp., old calf (probablyDutch), ruled and decorated in blind, spineguarded with leaf of medievalmanuscript wasteon vellum, apparentlyin Dutch, finalpageof index with smallareaof adhesion to rear blank with loss of text;Buchanan, George RerumScoticarum historia. Utrecht:apud AntoniumSchouten, 1697. 8vo, contemporary panelled calf (probablyBritish), ownership inscriptions of AnthonyMurrayto endpapers endpaper and title-page(front freeendpaper frayed), bound with Christopher Irvine, HistoriaeScotiaeNomeclaturaLatino-Vernacula, Edinburgh, 1697, at rear;Noodt, Gerhard Probabiliumlibritres Leiden:ex officinaFelicis Lopez, 1679 First edition, 8vo, contemporarymottled calf, ownership inscription of AnthonyMurrayto title-page;Idem Defoenoreet usuris libritres. Leiden:apud FredericumHaaring, 1698. First edition, 4to, 19th-centurycalf, engraved folding portrait, front joint cracked, manuscript initials of AnthonyMurraydated 1705 to title-page;Virgil. [Opera] cum veterumomniumcommentariis et selectis recentiorumnotis novaeditio [Leiden]:ex officinaAbrahamiCommelini, 1647. 4to, contemporarycalf, engraved title-page;and 11 others (not collated), contemporarybindings, similar ownership markings, including:AndreaFachinei, Controversiarum juris libridecem, Cologne, 1604 (thick 4to, contemporarycalf);Antonio Perez, Praelectiones in duodecimlibro codicis Justinianiimp., Antwerp, 1695 (4to, contemporarymottled calf, gilt spine);Dictionariumuniversalelatinogallicum, Paris, 1748 (4to, contemporarycat's-paw sheep, gilt spine, ownership inscription ‘AnthonyMurrayEsq, Douay, 1789'to initialblank); John Barclay, Satyricon, Leiden, 1674 (8vo, engraved title-page);Corpus Juris Civilis editio nova, Amsterdam, 1664 (8vo, contemporarymottled sheep, worn, engraved title-page, vellumindex tabs tipped to foremargins); Voltaire, HistoiredeCharles XII roideSuede, Basle, 1732 (second edition, 8vo, contemporarycalf, contemporarymanuscript noteon Voltaireto initial blank);John Lesley, Deoriginemoribus et rebus gestis Scotorumlibri decem, Rome, 1675 (4to, contemporarycalf, dedication leaf loose);and similar (20)
Estimate:£700 -£1,000
Provenance: Fromthelibraryof theMurrays of Dollerie, Crieff, Perthshire.

Collections of works including editions of Greek and Latin classics, 17th-18th century Homer Ilias CumM AemiliiPorti, FrancisciPortiCretensis F Latinaad verbus interpretatione. [Geneva]:Jean deTournes, 1629. 16mo, contemporaryblind-ruled sheep, woodcut border to title-page, Greek and Latin text on facing pages, lacking freeendpapers, title-pagesomewhat softened and frayed, h4-5 with tears to corners, marginalworming to H-I, H8 with tear in text, Uu8 (first leaf of index) with closed tear, afew other smallworm-tracks and blemishes [USTC 6701784];Idem Odyssea eiusdemBatrachomyomachia, Hymni, et Epigrammata. OmniacumM. Aemilii Porti, FrancisciPortiCretensis F Latinaad verbus interpretatione Geneva: Jean Vignon, 1609 16mo, contemporaryblind-ruled calf, woodcut border to title-page, Greek and Latin text on facing pages, printer's wasteendpapers [USTC 6703025];Perez, Antonio Institutiones imperiales erotematibus Editio octavo. Amsterdam:apud Ludovicumet DanielemElzevirios, 1657. 12mo, contemporarymottled calf gilt, engraved and letterpress title-pages [USTC 1841837];Justinian. Institutiones. Paris:GuillaumedeLuyne, 1676. 12mo, contemporarycalf, engraved and letterpress title-pages, text in red and black;and 11 others (not collated), generally12mo, in contemporary calf (apparentlyBritish), manywith engraved title-pages, 18th-century ownership inscriptions of AnthonyMurraythroughout, including:Homer, Opera[volume2 title-page:Odyssea, etc ], Amsterdam:ex officina Wetsteniana, 1707, 2 volumes;Virgil, [Opera], Amsterdam, 1717;Boethius, DeConsolationePhilosophiae, Amsterdam, 1668;Terence, Comoediae, Rotterdam, 1702;Claudianus, [Opera], Amsterdam, 1688;Bougeant, Amusement philosophiquesur lelangagedes bêtes, TheHague, 1739;and similar (18)
Estimate:£300 -£500
Provenance: Fromthelibraryof theMurrays of Dollerie, Crieff, Perthshire

Lot 22
Collection of editions of Greek and Latin classics, 17th century Contemporaryvellum, manuscript spine-titles, ownership inscriptions of AnthonyMurrayto title-page, titles include:Seneca, Lucius Annaeus. Tragoediae J F Gronovius recenusuit Leiden:ex officinaElzeviriana, 1661 8vo, contemporaryvellum, engraved title-page(with amended imprint ‘Amstelodami, apud JudocumPluymer MDCLXII’ on tipped-in slip-cancel), engravings in text, contemporaryannotations to endpapers and margins, frequent underlining;Cicero, Marcus Tullius Epistolarumlibrixvi ad familiares Amsterdam:apud HenricumWetstenium, 1689 Large12mo, engraved additionaltitle-page, front freeendpaper with earlyownership inscription ‘Celivreest àAbrahamJanssen’ and 11-linemacaronic manuscript poem;Aphthonius. Progymnasmata. Amsterdam:apud JoannemàMaanen, 1665 12mo, engraved additionaltitle-page;Sallustius, Caius Crispus. Operaomnaquaeexstant. Leidein:ex officinaHackiana, 1677 8vo, engraved additionaltitle-page;and 6 others similar (Ovid, Operum, Leiden:Hackiana, 1670, 3 volumes, 8vo;Terence, Comoediaesex, Leiden:Hackiana, 1669, 8vo, ownership inscription ‘AnthonyMurrayLug Bat. 1701’;Cicero, Orationum, Venice, 1672, 3 volumes, 12mo;Lucan, De Bello Civili, 2 copies, Leiden, 1669, 8vo, and Amsterdam, 1627, 12mo; Ottaviano Mirandula, IllustriumPoetarumFlores, Cologne, 1616, 16mo, thesenot collated) (14)
Estimate:£300 -£500
Provenance: Fromthelibraryof theMurrays of Dollerie, Crieff, Perthshire.

Collection of works, 17th-18th century allin contemporaryvellum, including:Albertus Magnus. DeSecretis Mulierum Amsterdam:apud JodocumJanssonium, 1641 12mo, engraved tittle-page;Grotius, Hugo. Dejurebelliac pacis. Amsterdam:Abrahamvan Someren, 1689 8vo, engraved portrait and additionaltitle-page, initialblank with inscription in Latin initialled byAnthonyMurray;Schoppe, Caspar. GrammaticaPhilosophia [Bound with:] MariangeliaFano Benedictiauctariam ad GrammaticamPhilosophicamejusqueRudiemnta[And:] PascasiiGrosippi ParadoxaLiteraria Amsterdam:apud Judocum[sic] Pluymer, 1659 3 works in 1 volume, 8vo, engraved vignetteto each title-page, yapp edges;[Gobelin, Abbé] Lejardinier royal Paris:Charles deSercy, 1677 12mo signed in 4s and 8s, ownership inscription of AnthonyMurrayto title-page, bookplate (MurrayEsqr of Crieff);Bartholin, Thomas Anatomia, ex CaspariBartholini parentis institutionibus, omniumquerecentiorumet propriis observationibus teriumad sanguinis ciruclationemreformata. Leiden:apud Franciscum Hackum, 1651 8vo, engraved additionaltitle-page, engraved portrait to verso of title-page, 7 folding plates (of 8), full-pageanatomicalengravings throughout text (counted in register);and 10 others (not collated), allin contemporaryvellumbindings, similar marks of ownership, titles including: Barbier, Principes delalanguelatine, Douay, 1782 (12mo, vellummanuscript wastebinding);Robert Molesworth, Memoires … dans lesquels on voit l'état du royaumedeDanemark, Paris, 1697 (8vo, engraved frontispieces);Arnold Vinnius, Selectarumjuris quaestionum, Leiden, 1660 (12mo);Georg Horn, Orbis Politicus, Leiden, 1667 (12mo, engraved allegoricaltitle-page);Strabo, DeSitu Orbis, Amsterdam, 1652 (2 volumes, 12mo, engraved additional title-page);Johannes Clüver, Historiarumtotius mundiepitome, Leiden, 1637 (4to);Johannes Buxtorf, Lexicon Hebraicumet Chaldaicum, Basle, 1663, 4to;and similar, 17th century(16)
Estimate:£500 -£800
Provenance: Fromthelibraryof theMurrays of Dollerie, Crieff, Perthshire.

Lot 24
Collection of works, 16th-17th century allbound in contemporaryvellumwith manuscript spine-titles, titles include:Claudianus, Claudius [Opera] Theod PulmanniCraneburgiidiligentia, et fidesumma, evetustis codicibus restitutus. [Bound with:] Aesop. Aviani Aesopicarumfabularumliber A Theod ulmanno Craneburgio ex membranis in lucemeditus Antwerp:ex officinaPlantiniana, 1596 2 works in 1 volume, 16mo, Claudianus in 2 parts, 351 90 [6] pp (including terminalblank), Aesop 29 [2] pp , contemporaryownership inscription ‘Ex libris Joannis G … Amsterdam’, later ownership inscription of AnthonyMurrayto title-page, Murrayfamilybookplateto front pastedown, damp-staining [cf Adams C2077-8];Hesiod. Operaquaeexstant. [Heidelberg]:H. Commelinus, 1591. 8vo, [32] 103 77 [1] pp , woodcut decoration to title-page, inscriptions dated 1649 to front freeendpaper and initialblanks, manuscript initials of AnthonyMurrayto title-page[not in Adams];Aelianus, Claudius Varia historia. Tanaquillus Faber emendavit. Saumur:apud JoannemLe'nerium, 1668 8vo, 2 parts in 1 volume, [8] 428, 341 [3] pp , part 1 with paper flaw to K2, closed tear in T7, two strips of vellummanuscript wasteused as patch-lining for spine, manuscript initials of AnthonyMurraydated 1703 to title-page, contemporarymanuscript marginaliain Greek up to about p 260;and 8 others (thesenot collated, including:César Oudin, Refranes o proverbios espanoles traduzidos en lenguaFrancesa, Brussels, 1608, rear inner hingegone;BattistaGuarini, LeBerger Fidele, traduit del'italien, Cologne, 1686;Giacomo Sannazaro, Arcadia, Venice, 1646;Giovanni Sagredo, L'arcadiain brenta, Bologna, 1673;Epictetus, Enchiridion, Leiden, 1646;and similar) (11)
Estimate:£300 -£500
Fromthelibraryof theMurrays of Dollerie, Crieff, Perthshire

Collection of works, 16th century Boccaccio, Giovanni. L'amorosafiammetta. Dinuovaristampataecon diligenzaricorretta Venice:Gio BattistaBonfadio, 1586 12mo, A-M12 (M12, presumablyblank), contemporarylimp vellum, contemporary ownership inscription of Richard Fanshawe, possiblytheEnglish poet, translator and diplomatist (1608-1666), title-pagewith loss along fore margin, worming to quires B-D [cf Adams B2135 for an edition with the samecollation and printer, but 1596];Arrian of Nicomedia. Derebus regis Alexa[n]driMagniregis Macedonumlibriocto Lyon:Sébastien Gryphe, 1552. Small8vo, later calf lettered and decorated in gilt and blind, edges gauffered gilt, ownership inscription ‘Ant Murray1703’ to title-page, slight loss to spine-ends [Adams A2012];Guicciardini, Francesco LaHistoria d'Italia Venice:Girolamo Polo, 1599 4to, later paneled calf, ownership inscription of AnthonyMurrayto title-page, spinewith loss to head of spine and smalltear to onecompartment, rear joint split at foot, front free endpaper loosening, [Adams G1517];Iamblichus Demysteriis Aegyptiorum Chaladaeorum, Assyriorum. Lyon :Jean deTournes, 1552. 16mo, a-z8 AL8, contemporarymottled calf (probablyBritish), ownership inscription of AnthonyMurrayto title-page, binding worn, front freeendpaper loose, titlepagewith smallsection of loss to gutter fromadhesion to initialblank, [cf Adams I2];Cicero, Marcus Tullius. Deorationumpars I. Basel:Arnold Gymnich, 1562 8vo, a-z8 A-Q8 P6, contemporaryblind-ruled calf, ownership inscriptions to front pastedown and title-page, worming to foot of first quire, smalltear in q1, damp-staining to rear [USTC 674218];and 7 others similar (13)
Estimate:£400 -£600
Provenance: Fromthelibraryof theMurrays of Dollerie, Crieff, Perthshire

Lot 26
Bayle, Pierre
Dictionnairehistoriqueet critique
Rotterdam:MichelBohm, 1720 Third edition, 4 volumes, folio (40 x 24.5cm), contemporarycalf, gilt spines, half-titles, title-pages printed in red and black with engraved vignettes, engraved vignetteto dedication, binding slightlyworn, loss to spine-labels, alittledamp-staining;Moréri, Louis. Le grand dictionnairehistorique Amsterdam:PierreBrunel[and others], 1724 Eleventh edition, 4 volumes in 2, folio (39.5 x 23.8cm), contemporarycalf, gilt spines, half-titles, engraved frontispieceto volume1, title-pages in red and black;Idem Supplément aux anciennes éditions du grand dictionnaire historique Amsterdam:PierreBrunel[and others], 2 volumes, folio (39 2 x 23 2cm), contemporarycalf uniformwith thepreceding work, half-titles, title-pages in red and black (8)
Estimate:£200 -£300
Fromthelibraryof theMurrays of Dollerie, Crieff, Perthshire.

'Blind Harry'(c 1440-1492)
TheLifeand Acts of theMost Famous and Valiant Champion, Sir William Wallace Knight of Ellerslie Maintainer of theLibertyof Scotland Glasgow:Robert Sanders, 1699. 12mo (11.8 x 7cm), [28], 317 [3] pp., sigs. *-2*6 3*2 B-O12 P4, 18th-centurytan morocco gilt, marbled endpapers, alledges gilt, titlepagesoiled and with traces of old ownership inscriptions, slight loss to upper forecorners of quires *-b affecting pagination and afew letters of main text, afew headlines trimmed, largeink-stain to 3*2 (last pageof ‘The Printer to theReader’), last few leaves alittlefrayed along edges, afew other marks
Estimate:£300 -£500
Fromthelibraryof theMurrays of DollerieHouse, Crieff, Perthshire Ownership inscription of AnthonyMurrayto initialblank
Rareblack-letter edition of thework responsiblefor establishing William Wallaceas aScottish nationalhero of semi-legendarystature;thefirst edition was printed at Edinburgh byChepman and Myllar c.1508 and apparentlysurvives in asinglefragmentarycopy 'Despitethelack of contemporaryevidenceregarding Harryhimself, his poemhas proved to be oneof themost enduringlypopular and most influentialin allScottish literature. John Mair and Hector Boeceused it in thesixteenth centuryas a historicalsource;Robert Burns remarked on how it had inflamed his patriotic feeling;Sir Walter Scott drew on it for his Tales of aGrandfather; and its influenceis visiblein thehugelypopular filmBraveheart (1995) The placeheld to this daybyWallacein thepopular imagination is principallydue to Harry's portrayal;and on amoregenerallevel, his contribution to the Scottish senseof nationalidentityis fundamental, matched onlybythat of Scott. This has long been recognized, but recent criticalreassessments of his poemhavemateriallyraised his accepted standing as awriter, demolishing thenotion of an untutored "minstrel"and revealing himas a poet of genius'(ODNB)

Adamson, John
TheMuses Welcometo theHigh and MightyPrinceJames bytheGraceof God King of Great BritaineFranceand Ireland, Defender of theFaith, etc At his Majesties HappieReturneto his Oldeand Native Kingdomeof Scotland, after 14 Yeeres Absence, in Anno 1617. Edinburgh: [Andro Hart], 1618 Folio (28 2 x 18 8cm), [8] 1-135 pp , 136-7 ff 138-289 pp., signatures [pi1] [a4] A-2D2 2E-3D4, contemporarycalf, woodcut portrait frontispieceof James VI and I (pi1), woodcut portrait frontispieceof James VI and I, various woodcut head- and tailpieces and initials throughout, bound with Planctus et votaMusarumin AugustissimiMonarchae (Edinburgh:Andreas Hart, 1618, 18 pp.) as often, loss of leather along edges, front inner hingetender, damp-stain extending into text fromtop edges throughout, concomitant fraying to head of prelims including frontispieceand title-page, title-pageslightlysoiled, occasionaldamp-staining in foremargins, fraying to foreedgeof quire2H, lacking rear freeendpaper [STC 141-2]
Estimate:£500 -£800
Fromthelibraryof theMurrays of Dollerie, Crieff, Perthshire. Ownership inscription of AnthonyMurrayto title-page Earlyownership inscriptions of oneJohn Grahameto front freeendpaper.
First edition of ahighlyimportant collection of Latin and English verseand addresses composed bytheleading Scottish poets of theearly17th centuryin celebration of thereturn of James VI and I to his nativeScotland in 1617, awork described bySamuelJohnson 150 years later as preserving ‘theabundanceof learning in Scotland’ which hebelieved to havebeen long sincelost through civilwar and socialupheaval Thepurposeof James's visit was to cultivatesupport for his ecclesiasticalreforms In 1623 John Adamson was appointed principalof Edinburgh University, remaining in his prestigious roleuntilhis death someyears 30 later TheMuses Welcomeis veryrarein commerce, with onlyahandfulof copies traced in auction records, oneof which sold in theserooms on 19 September 2024 (lot 99) Theedition comprised two issues, theother bearing theimprint of another Edinburgh printer Thomas Finlason on thetitle-page;thepresent issueis identifiableas Hart's work fromthepresenceof his monogrammed device on theverso of thesecond leaf Hart's issueitself contained two variants, onewith linethreeof thetitlereading ‘To theHigh and', and ‘To theHigh and MightyPrince’, of which this copybelongs to thesecond

Lot 29
Wordsworth, William Poems
in Two Volumes. London:Longman, Hurst, Rees, and Orme, 1807. First edition, 2 volumes, 12mo (16 x 9 4cm), [8] 158 [2], [11] 4-170 pp , contemporarymottled calf, smooth spines decorativelygilt in compartments, half-titleto each volume, erratumleaf to rear of volume1, volume1 p. 122 and volume2 p. 98 each in first state(with ‘forlorn’ for ‘forlorn:’ and ‘fnuction’ for ‘function’ respectively), contemporary bookseller's ticket (A. and I. Black, and H. Parry, 7 LeadenhallStreet) to volume1 front pastedown, bindings slightlyworn, occasionaldamp-staining [Reed A8] (2)
Estimate:£600 -£800
Fromthelibraryof theMurrays of DollerieHouse, Crieff, Perthshire

Lot 30
Milton, John
A Poemin TwelveBooks. TheFourth Edition, Adorn'd with Sculptures. London:byMiles Flesher, for Richard Bently, and Jacob Tonson, 1688 Folio (32.5 x 19cm), [4] 343 [7] pp., contemporarycalf, engraved portrait frontispiece, 12 engraved plates, list of subscribers at rear, engraved bookplates (Charles Sharp of Hoddomand Murrayof Crieff), binding worn, front board and frontispiecedetached, frontispiecewith closed tear to foot and smallchip to gutter affecting image, fraying to foreedges up to quireH, short closed tear to foot of platefor Book XI, smallspill-burn in pp 317/18 [Pforzheimer 720;Wing M2147]
Estimate:£800 -£1,200
Fromthelibraryof theMurrays of Dollerie, Crieff, Perthshire.
First illustrated and first folio edition of oneof thegreatest poems in the English language, published in theyear of theGlorious Revolution, an event which might beviewed as aposthumous fulfilment of Milton's life's work as oneof theprincipalopponents of monarchicalabsolutismin the17th century 'Thefirst threeeditions of ParadiseLost sold in modest numbers, but thefourth edition, asumptuous gilt-edged folio published in 1688, was bought bysubscription bymanyof themost influentialreaders in England, and thereafter thepoemcameto bewidelyregarded as England's national epic'(ODNB)

Lot 31
Scott, Sir Walter Novels including first editions
Edinburgh:for Archibald Constableand Co [-Cadelland Co ], 1815-29 Each of thefollowing in 3 volumes and first edition, unless otherwisestated, 8vo, uniformcontemporaryhalf-calf:GuyMannering, 1815. Third edition, volume 1 board detached;TheAntiquary, 1816 Second edition, volume3 board detached;Waverley;or, 'Tis SixtyYears Since. Sixth edition;Rob Roy, 1818. Third edition;TheAbbot 1820;TheMonastery, 1820;Kenilworth;A Romance, 1821;TheFortunes of Nigel, 1822. Volume1 board detached, volume3 board absent and titlepagetorn;ThePirate, 1822;Redgauntlet, A Taleof theEighteenth Century, 1824;Woodstock, 1826;Chronicles of the Canongate, Second Series, 1828;Anneof Geierstein, or TheMaiden of the Mist, 1829;Tales of MyLandlord, First [… Second … Third] Series. Each in 4 volumes, First Series athird edition and volume4 board absent, Third Series lacking board Together with:Letters to Richard Heber, Esq MP London: for Rodwelland Martin, 1822 Second edition, 8vo, contemporaryhalf-calf; Idem Marmion;A Taleof Flodden Field Edinburgh:for Archibald Constable and Company, 1810. Fifth edition, 8vo, contemporarycalf, front board absent;TheLord of theIsles;A Poem Edinburgh:for Archibald Constable and Company, 1815. Second edition, 8vo, contemporarycalf, front board absent;TheLayof theLast Minstrel;A Poem Fifteenth edition, 8vo, contemporarycalf, board detaching;Rokeby;A Poem. Edinburgh:for Archibald Constableand Co , 1815 Sixth edition, 8vo, contemporarycalf; TheLadyof theLake. A Poem. Edinburgh:for John Ballantyneand Co., 1810 Third edition, 8vo, contemporarycalf;Ballads and LyricalPieces Edinburgh:Archibald Constableand Co., 1806;Sir Tristrem. A Metrical Romanceof TheThirteenth Century Edinburgh:for Archibald Constableand Co , 1804;and 18 further volumes byScott (65+)
Estimate:£300 -£500
Fromthelibraryof theMurrays of Dollerie, Crieff, Perthshire

[Osborn, Francis]
PoliticallReflections upon theGovernment of theTurks Nicolas Machiavel:TheKing of Sweden's Descent into Germany:The Conspiracyof Piso and Vindex against Nero:TheGreatnesseand Corruption of theCourt of Rome:TheElection of PopeLeo theXI:TheDefection from theChurch of Rome:Martin Luther BytheAuthor of theLateAdviceto a Son. London:printed byJ. G. for Thomas Robinson in Oxford, 1656. First edition, 12mo, [8] 194 pp , contemporaryblind-ruled sheep, engraved bookplate(MurrayEsqr of Dollerie), lacking freeendpapers, worming to front pastedown and quireA, title-pagewith resulting loss of afew letters to head and fairlyextensiveloss of paper to lower margin, afew letters affected in A2-4, A5-9 with smallholein foremargins onlynot affecting text [Atabey891;Wing O518];Care, Henry English Liberties:or, theFree-Born Subject's Inheritance, containing I MagnaCharta II TheProceedings in Appeals of Murther III TheTerms of Libertyof Conscience IV An Abstract of thePenalLaws against Popish Recustants, Priests and Jesuites, etc V TheOfficeand Dutyof Constable London:for Sarah Harris, 1691 Second edition, 12mo, [6] 184 pp., retaining onecover only(contemporary sheep, detached), afew headlines shaved, closed transversetear through H12 [Wing C518];and 3 others (Debes, Faerooe, and FoeroaReserata:That is aDescription of theIslands and Inhabitants of Foeroe, 1676, first edition in English, engraved folding platetorn, lacking folding map;A Collection of theSeveralStatutes now in Force, relating to High Treason, 1710, first edition;and GeorgeAbbot, TheCaseof Impotency, 1719, third edition) (5)
Estimate:£300 -£500
Fromthelibraryof theMurrays of Dollerie, Crieff, Perthshire.
Osborn's work has been described as ‘an earlywork on thereasons for Ottoman greatness’ (Atabey). Care's work was first published in 1682 and boreastrong influenceon theAmerican Founding Fathers, having 'amuch longer and moresignificant reach in theAmerican colonies than in England [and playing] an important rolein spreading concepts about English law, history, government, liberties and especiallyjuries'(Schwoerer, The Ingenious Mr HenryCare, Restoration Publicist, 2001, p 233)

Cicero, Marcus Tullius Deofficiis, libritres
… ex Dionys. LambiniMonstroliensis emendatione. London:excudebat Thomas Vautrollerius, 1578 8vo (14 2 x 9 5cm), 331 pp , contemporary limp vellum, vellumtoned, soiled and crinkled, textblock detached from binding, first quireincluding title-pagefrayed and softened along foreedge, contemporaryannotations in English to rear blank, ownership inscription ‘Ludovicus [?]’ to following blank, ownership inscription of AnthonyMurray dated 1815 to initialblank, afew marginalmarkings in pen or pencil;Lucretius Carus, Titus Dererumnaturalibrisex:quibus interpretationemet notas addidit Thomas Creech. Oxford:etheatro Sheldoniano, 1695 8vo [20] 367 94 pp , contemporaryvellum, bifoliumK23 loose, ownership inscription of AnthonyMurrayto title-page;Ross, Alexander Virgilius triumphans, in tres libros dispartitus Rotterdam:ex officiniaArnoldiLeers, 1661 12mo, [4] 328 pp , contemporaryvellum, engraved additionaltitle-page;Johnston, John. Thaumatographianaturalis. Amsterdam:apud GuilielumBlaeu, 1632 12mo, [6] 501 [3] pp , contemporaryvellum;Vives, Juan Luis. Colloquia, siveexercitatio Latinae linguae Gouda:apud FrançiscumHoola, 1662 8vo, [4] 246 [10] pp , woodcut vignetteon title-pagehand-coloured, ownership inscription of AnthonyMurray, afew underlinings and annotations to text;Scaliger, Julius Caesar. Poemataomnia. [Heidelberg]:in bibliopolio Commeliniano, 1600. 8vo, 692 311 63 pp , contemporarylimp vellum, intermittent dampstaining;and 2 others (not collated:Ravisi, Epitheta, 1606, 8vo, contemporaryvellum, vellummanuscript wastespine-lining visible, and Henrich Smet, Prosodia, Amsterdam, 1658, 8vo, contemporaryvellum) (8)
Estimate:£300 -£500
Fromthelibraryof theMurrays of Dollerie, Crieff, Perthshire
This edition of Cicero is not mentioned in STC, wheretheearliest Vautrollier edition of Deofficiis cited is 1579.

English books
Group of English imprints, 17th-18th century [Monsey, R.]. Scarronides:or, VigileTravestie, aMock-Poem. Being the Second [ Seventh] Book of, Virgils Aeneis, translated into English Burlesq London:Thomas Mabb, for Robert Clavel, 1665. First edition, 8vo, 102 [2] pp , contemporaryblind-ruled sheep, section-titleto p [45], advertisement leaf to rear, binding worn, title-pagespotted and chipped without loss of text, earlyownership inscription of AnthonyMurray[Wing M2455];[Tasso, Torquato]. Godfreyof Bulloigne:or theRecoveryof Jerusalem. Doneinto English HeroicalVerse, byEdward Fairfax London:J M for Ric Chiswell [and others], 1687. 8vo, contemporaryspeckled calf, worming and dampstaining, K2 torn across upper forecorner, Murrayfamilyownership inscriptions [Wing T174B];[Neo-Latin] Carminumproverbialiumtotius humanaevitaestatumbreviter delineantium London:excudebat R N impensis RichardiThrale, 1654 8vo, contemporarysheep, rebacked at an earlydate, Murrayfamilyownership inscriptions, bookplate(MurrayEsqr of Crieff) [Wing I11];Barclay, John Joannis BarclaiiArgensis Editio Novissima Cumclave. Oxford:excudebat I. L. impensis ThomaeHuggins, 1634. 12mo, [30] 705 [9] pp , contemporaryblind-ruled calf, lacking endpapers, loss to head of title-page, smallholes in F1 and L10 [STC 1391];Barber, Mary. Poems on SeveralOccasions London:C Rivington, 1735 Second edition, 8vo, contemporarycalf [Rothschild 345 for thefirst edition, 1734];[Goldsmith, Lewis] TheFemaleRevolutionaryPlutarch London:for John Murray, 1806-6-5. 3 volumes, 8vo, contemporarycalf, stippleengraved portrait frontispieces of JosephineBonaparte, MarieAntoinette and thePrincess of Lamballe, 4 pp advertisements, contemporary bookseller's ticket (A. &I. Black and H. Parry, 7 LeadenhallStreet) to front pastedown of volume1;[Gregory, John] A ComparativeView of theState and Faculties of Man, with thoseof theAnimalWorld. London:J. Dodsley, 1766 Second edition, 8vo, contemporarycalf;and 16 others (allin contemporarycalf, not collated, including:John Barclay, Euphormionis Lusini, Oxford, 1634, defective, with loss to afew leaves;Shaftesbury, Characteristicks, 1749, 3 volumes, engraved title-page; Cervantes, The Historyof theRenowned Don Quixote, Glasgow:Robert and Andrew Foulis, 1771, 4 volumes in 2, engraved frontispieces;Parnell, Poems on Several Occasions, Glasgow, 1748;TheMuses Library, or aSeries of English Poetry, 1741;Pufendorf, An Introduction to theHistoryof thePrincipalKingdoms and States of Europe, 1728;SamuelJohnson, A Journeyto theWestern Isles of Scotland, Edinburgh, 1795;Tooke, ThePantheon, representing the Fabulous Histories of theHeathen Gods, 1784, engraved frontispiece;and similar) (31)
Estimate:£600 -£800
Provenance: Fromthelibraryof theMurrays of Dollerie, Crieff, Perthshire

Baker, Richard
A Chronicleof theKings of England fromtheTimeof theRomans Government unto theRaigneof our SoveraigneLord King Charles &others London:for DanielFrere, and areto besold at his shop, 1643. First edition, folio (33.5 x 21.5cm), [10] 181 [1] 163 [1] 108 163 [37] pp , contemporarycalf, engraved portrait frontispiece, engraved title-pagebyWilliamHole, errataleaf present, printer's wastefrom acontemporaryedition of theBible(containing theApocrypha) used as printer's waste, ownership inscription ‘A M’ (i.e. AnthonyMurrayof Dollerie) to head of title-page, earlymanuscript marginaliafrompp 1-42, earlypenand-ink sketch of aman-of-war to rear freeendpaper, marginalloss to F1, damp-staining to index [Wing B501];Camerarius, Philippius TheLiving Librarie, or, Meditations and Observations Historical, Natural, Moral, Political, and Poetical Doneinto English byJohn Molle London:AdamIslip, 1621 Folio in sixes (29 x 19cm), [12] 403 [5] pp , contemporarycalf with gilt armoriallozenges to covers (rubbed), title-pagewith woodcut strapwork border, initialand terminalblanks possiblyoriginal, vellummanuscript waste spine-lining, ownership inscriptions ‘Ex libris JacobiMurravii1701’ and ‘This book was read byAlexander Murrayanno 1702’ to title-pageand initialblank respectively, Hebrew annotations to front freeendpaper, title-pageslightly marked and with smallholeto lower margin, closed tears to foot of A6 and Z1, afew other minor blemishes [STC 4529];Douglas, Gawin (translator). Virgil's Aeneis, translated into Scottish Verse A New Edition Edinburgh: Andrew Symson, and Robert Freebairn, 1710. Folio (31 x 18cm), later calf, ownership inscription (AnthonyMurray) to title-page, bookplate(Murray Esqreof Dollerie) to front pastedown, 1553 title-pagebound after list of subscribers instead of in first gathering, bound without pi4 (blank), small holeto head of title-page, intermittent damp-staining (stronger to index);[Estienne, Charles]. Dictonariumhistoricum, geographicum, poeticum Editio novissima, recensuit, supplevit, locisquepeneinfinits emaculavit Nicolaus Lloydius collegiiWadhami… socius. Oxford:ex typographeo GulielmiHall;impensis ejusdem, et GuilielmiDowning Prostant Amstelodami, 1670. Folio, [8] 830 pp., contemporaryvellum, manuscript spine-title, yapp edges, ownership inscription ‘A M’ to title-page, dampstaining, front freeendpaper and initialblanks working loose;Calvinus, Johannes (c 1550-1614) Lexicon JuridicumJuris Caesaerisimul, et canonici Geneva:apud PetrumBalduinum, 1622 Folio, 1047 pp , contemporary vellum(textblock loosein binding), ownership inscription ‘AnthonyMurray, Leyden 22 Feb 1700’ to initialblank, light marginalworming, dampstaining (5)
Estimate:£500 -£800
Provenance: Fromthelibraryof theMurrays of Dollerie, Crieff, Perthshire.

Lot 36
British history
Collection of works, 17th-18th century [King, William]. TheStateof theProtestants of Ireland under thelateKing James's Government London:for Robert Clavell, 1691 First edition, 4to, contemporarymottled calf, front board detached, imprimatur leaf to front, advertisement leaf to rear;Anderson, James An HistoricalEssay, shewing that theCrown and Kingdomof Scotland, is Imperialand Independent. Edinburgh:heirs and successors of Andrew Anderson, 1705 First edition, 8vo, contemporarysprinkled calf decorated in blind;Crawfurd, David, of Drumsoy Memoirs of theAffairs of Scotland, containing aFulland Impartial Account of theRevolution in that Kingdombegun in 1567. London:sold by thebooksellers, 1706 First edition, 8vo, contemporarysprinkled calf ruled in blind, errataleaf, quireMwith losses to lower margins;Cromarty, George Mackenzie, Earlof An HistoricalAccount of theConspiracies bytheEarls of Gowry, and Robert Logan of Restalrig, against King James VI Edinburgh: James Watson, 1713. First edition, 8vo, contemporarypanelled calf, halftitle, title-pageprinted in red and black;and approx 20 others (thesenot collated), allbut one17th or 18th century, contemporarybindings, including:[David Jones], TheLifeof WilliamIII, 1703 (second edition; Clement Walker, Relations and Observations Historicalland Politick, upon the Parliament begun Anno Do 1640, 1650-50-49-51 (4 parts in 1 volume, 4to, without platementioned in somelibraryrecords);John Chamberlayne, MagnaeBritanniaeNotitia:or, thePresent Stateof Great Britain, 1736;Eikon Basilike, 1648;[GeorgeLockhart], Memoirs concerning theAffairs of Scotland, fromQueen Anne's Accession, 1714;and similar (31)
Estimate:£500 -£800
Fromthelibraryof theMurrays of Dollerie, Crieff, Perthshire With ownership markings including occasionalbookplates

Lot 37
Antiquarian literature
Collection of English and French books, 16th-18th century Williamof Tyre. Histoiredelaguerresaincte, diteproprement, laFranciade orientale traduiteen françois, par Gabrieldu Preau Paris:Nicols Chesneau, 1573 Folio, contemporarycalf, gilt strapwork lozenges and monogram‘R R’ to covers, title-pagenear detached, lacking free endpapers, a6 working loose[not in Adams];Sandys, George(translator) Ovid's Metamorphosis. Englished, Mythologiz'd, and represented in FIgures. An Essayto theTranslation of Virigl's Aeneis Oxford:John Lichfield, 1632 Folio, contemporarycalf, engraved portrait frontispieceand additionaltitlepage, 14 engraved plates (of 15, lacking theplatefor Book 9), spine defective, marginalfraying to first two quires including frontispieceand engraved title, afew plates similarlyfrayed [Sabin 57984;STC 18966];Knolles, Richard. TheGenerallHistorieof theTurkes. London:Adam Islip, 1603 Folio, contemporarycalf, prelims incomplete, engraved title-page torn with loss, finalleaf torn with loss, severalleaves crudelyrepaired;Bion, Nicolas TheConstruction and PrincipalUses of MathematicalInstruments London:byH W for John Senex, and WilliamTaylor, 1723 First edition in English, folio, contemporarypanelled calf, lacking severalplates;and 5 other folios including GeoffreyChaucer, TheWorks, [London:Bernard Linton, 1721] (folio, contemporarycalf, covers detached, engraved portrait frontispiece, incomplete, title-pagereplaced in manuscript) (9)
Estimate:£600 -£800
Fromthelibraryof theMurrays of Dollerie, Crieff, Perthshire

Antiquarian literature
Collection of editions of Greek and Latin classics, 17th-19th century Quintilian. Deinstitutioneoratoria… emendavit … Edmundus Gibson. Oxford:eTheatro Sheldoniano impensis HenriciCruttenden, 1693 4to, contemporarymottled calf stamped in blind, imprimatur leaf, front board partlydetached;Plautus Comoediae ex recensioneJoh Frederici Gronovii. Leiden:ex officinaHackiana, 1669. 2 volumes, 8vo, contemporary calf, engraved title-pageto volume1, half-titleto volume2;Kennett, Basil RomaeAntiquaeNotitia:or, theAntiquities of Rome… TheThird Edition revised, corrected, and augmented with New Sculptures Oxford:at the Theater, for TimothyChild, and Robert Knaplock, 1704. 8vo, contemporary mottled calf ruled in blind, engraved portrait frontispiece, 12 engraved folding plates (collation not established), errataleaf;Sallust OperaOmnia excusaad editionemCortiicumeditionibus Havercampiet Gabrielis Antonii collatam London:T &T Payne, 1789 8vo, contemporarycalf, printed on thick paper (possiblyalarge-paper copy), Murrayfamilygift inscription on initialblank, wear to headcap;Cicero Thoughts, on theFollowing Subjects, viz. I. Religion. … XII. Miscellaneous Thoughts. Published in Latin and French bytheAbbéd'Olivet;to which is now added, an English Translation, with Notes. London:for J. Newbery, and R. Griffiths, 1750. 12mo, contemporary calf, contemporarybookplateof Alexander Bower of Methie, ownership inscription ‘John Bower, Rutland Regt’ to margin of p. 94;and 13 others similar, including editions of Homer, Tacitus, Arrian, etc , allBritish imprints, leather-bound (26)
Estimate:£300 -£400
Provenance: Fromthelibraryof theMurrays of Dollerie, Crieff, Perthshire.

Collection of Scottish imprints, 17th-19th century [Orientaltales]. A Select Collection of OrientalTales. Calculates to formthe Minds of Youth to theLoveof Virtueand TrueWisdom Edinburgh:W Gordon [and others], 1776. First edition, 12mo, viii256 pp., contemporary sheep-backed boards, engraved frontispiece, front board neardetached;Monteith, Robert. An Theater of Mortality:or, theIllustrious Inscriptions extant upon theseveralMonuments, erected over thedead Bodies, (of thesometimeHonourablePersons) buried within theGrayfriars Church Yard;and other Churches and Burial-Places within theCityof Edinburgh and Suburbs. Edinburgh:heirs and successors of Andrew Anderson, 1704 8vo, [8] 78 [2] pp , contemporarysprinkled sheep, decorativeblind panels to sides, closed tear in D1, ownership inscription of AnthonyMurrayto title-page;Kerr, John CanticiSolomonis paraphrasis gemina Edinburgh:Thomas Ruddiman, 1727 8vo, [16] 96 pp , contemporaryblind-ruled sheep, inscribed ‘Ex libris AnthoniiMurrayOctob 18 1727’ on rear freeendpaper, his ownership inscription and initials to titlepage, engraved bookplate(MurrayEsqr of Crieff) to front pastedown), damp-stain to head of prelims;Harvey, John TheLifeof Robert BruceKing of Scots. A Poem. Edinburgh:G. Hamilton and J. Balfour, 1741. 4to, [12] 232 pp , contemporarysheep, contemporaryinscriptions ‘Dav Rolle’ and ‘gifted byhimto A M’ on initialblank;James VI and I. TheSett, or Decreet Arbitralof King James the6th of Blessed Memory Deciding allDifferences betwixt Merchants and Trades, anent theGovernment of theCityof Edinburgh Edinburgh:heir of Andrew Anderson, 1683 12mo, [10] 34 [2] 16 [2] 4 pp , contemporaryblind-ruled sheep, half-title, spineworn, front joint cracked at foot, without endpapers, marginalworm-track to rear [Wing S2647];Simson, Archibald Hieroglyphicaanimaliumterrestrium, volatilium, natatilium, reptilium, insectorum, vegetivorum, metallorum, lapidum, etc. Quaein scripturis sacris inveniuntur Edinburgh:Thomas Finlason, 1622-3 First edition, 2 volumes (of 3) in 1, 4to, contemporarysprinkled calf, blind scalloped rollto covers, lacking thefinalvolume‘HieorographicaInsectorum [etc.]’ (52 pp.), but bound with another work at rear, i.e. Andrew Willet, Tetrastylon Papismi, London:byFelix Kingston for Thomas Man, 1599, third edition, damp-staining, headlines and side-notes shaved, colophon leaf trimmed down and tipped in [STC 22567 &25703];and 11 others (not collated, including:GeorgeHickes, translator, Instructions for theEducation of aDaughter, 1751;Arthur Johnston and others, PoetarumScotorum MusaeSacrae, 1739;W Nicolson, TheScottish HistoricalLibrary, 1702; John Fernie, A Historyof theTown and Parish of Dunfermline, 1815;Hugh and John McCallum, An OriginalCollection of thePoems of Ossian, Montrose, 1816;and similar) (18)
Estimate:£400 -£600
Provenance: Fromthelibraryof theMurrays of Dollerie, Crieff, Perthshire.

Lot 40
Scottish topographyand history
Collection of works, 17th-19th century all4to unless otherwisestated, titles including:Sir GeorgeMackenzie, Observations upon theLaws and Customs of Nations, as to Precedency, 1680 (first edition, bound with as often TheScienceof Herauldry, 1680, 2 works in onevolume, folio, contemporarymottled calf, Scienceof Herauldry title-pageand dedication leaf bound beforetext of Observations, engraved portrait to front laid down with marginallosses, engraved plates to Science of Heraldry, wear to binding);David Calderwood, TheTrueHistoryof the Church of Scotland, 1678 (first edition, folio, c 1900 antique-stylepanelled calf, marginalfraying to title-page);Hugo Arnot, TheHistoryof Edinburgh, 1788 (second edition, contemporarytreecalf, front joint cracked);Thomas Newte, Prospects and Observations on aTour in England and Scotland: Natural, Oeconomical, and Literary, 1791 (first edition, uncut in original boards, spineworn);WilliamWestall, Great Britain Illustrated, 1830 (contemporarybluecalf gilt, spineworn, cracking to joints);Thomas H. Shepherd, Modern Athens!, 1829 (contemporarystraight-grain green half morocco);John Pinkerton, TheHistoryof Scotland, 1797 (first edition, 2 volumes, contemporarymottled calf, joints cracked);Thomas Kirkton, The Secret and TrueHistoryof theChurch of Scotland, 1817 (originalboards); and 5 others similar, thelot not fullycollated and sold as seen (16)
Estimate:£300 -£500
Fromthelibraryof theMurrays of Dollerie, Crieff, Perthshire

Lot 41
18th-centuryFrench and English history, militaryhistoryand literature Collection of works Including:John Campbell, Lives of theBritish Admirals, London:J Murray, 1785, 4 volumes, 8vo, contemporarycalf, engraved frontispieces, 6 engraved folding maps byJohn Lodge(West Indies;Europe;Asia;Africa; North America;South America), Europeand Asiawith closed handling tears; Marquis deBouillé, Memoirs relating to theFrench Revolution, London: Cadelland Davies, 1797, 8vo, later half sheep, worn, with thehalf-title; MadamedeStael, Considerations on thePrincipalEvents of theFrench Revolution … Translated fromtheOriginalManuscript, London:for Baldwin, Cradock and Joy, 1818, 3 volumes, 8vo, later half sheep, worn;John Andrews, FreeDisquisitions on theSentiments and Conduct requisitein a British Prince, in Order to Merit theFavourableOpinion of thePublic, London:Blacks and Parry, 1805, 8vo, contemporarymottled calf, half-title; TheTrial, byImpeachment, of HenryLord Viscount Melville, London: Longman [etc ], 1806, 8vo, contemporarymottled calf, engraved portrait frontispieces, joints cracked;James Boswell, TheJournalof aTour to the Hebrides, with SamuelJohnson Sixth Edition, London:T Cadelland W Davies, 1813, 8vo, contemporarycalf, front board near-detached;and 18 others similar (thelot not fullycollated and sold as seen) (39)
Estimate:£300 -£500
Engraved bookplates of MurrayEsqr of Crieff;ownership inscriptions of AnthonyMurray

Lot 42
18th-centuryEnglish literature Collection of librarysets
Pope, Alexander. TheWorks in Verseand Prose. London:for J. Johnson [and other], 1806 10 volumes, 8vo, contemporarymottled calf gilt, halftitles, engraved portraits;Idem. TheWorks. Edinburgh:A. Donaldson, 1767. 6 volumes, 12mo, contemporarytan sheep, engraved plates, loss to afew spine-labels;Mirror. TheMirror. A PeriodicalPaper, published at Edinburgh in theYears 1779 and 1780 London:for A Strahan, and T Cadell, 1794 Tenth edition, 3 volumes, 12mo, contemporarystreaked calf;[Hawkesworth, John, SamuelJohnson, &others] TheRambler A New Edition. London:for Silvester Doig, 1793. 4 volumes, 12mo, contemporary mottled calf, smooth spines gilt in compartments;[Johnson, Samuel] The Idler BytheAuthor of theRambler A New Edition London:for J Cuthell, 1795 2 volumes, 12mo, contemporarymarbled calf, smooth spines gilt in compartments;Johnson, Samuel TheLives of theMost Eminent English Poets … A New Edition, Corrected. London:for Nichols and Son, 1816. 3 volumes, 8vo, contemporarycalf, volumes 1 and 3 lacking numberingpieces;Jones, William. TheWorks. With theLifeof theAuthor byLord Teignmouth London:for John Stockdale, 1807 13 volumes, 8vo, contemporarysprinkled calf, spines ruled and decorated in gilt, engraved plates, frequent Persian text, volume5 lacking labeland with longitudinal crack to spine, volume7 with wear to head of spineand upper forecorner of front board;Sully, Maximilien deBéthune, duc de Memoirs Translated fromtheFrench. London:for A. Millar [and others], 1757. 5 volumes, 8vo, contemporarycalf;Gibbon, Edward TheHistoryof theDeclineand Fallof theRoman Empire Edinburgh:Belland Bradfute, 1811 12 volumes, 8vo, contemporarycalf, volumes 9-10 lacking spinelabels;Burns, Robert. The Works London:for T Cadell, Jun and W Davies, 1801 Second edition, 4 volumes, 8vo, contemporarytreecalf, volumes 1-2 lacking spine-labels. The lot not collated, sold as acollection of bindings (62)
Estimate:£300 -£400
Provenance: Fromthelibraryof theMurrays of Dollerie, Crieff, Perthshire

Lot 43
Collection of finebindings
Ruskin, John Sesameand Lilies ThreeLectures Orpington:GeorgeAllen, 1883. Fifth edition, 8vo, contemporaryred crushed morocco for Douglas and Foulis, spineand covers decorativelytooled in blind, alledges gilt;Aurelius, Marcus. TheThoughts of theEmperor. London:GeorgeBell and Sons, 1897 8vo, contemporarypigskin gilt for Bumpus;Ritson, Joseph Annals of theCaledonians, Picts, and Scots. Edinburgh:W. and D. Laing, 1828 First edition, 2 volumes, 8vo, c 1900 purplecrushed half morocco by V Champs, morocco book-labels of Robert Hoe, section old adhesivestaining to front freeendpapers (possiblyfromremovalof bookplate);Book of Common Prayer TheBook of Common Prayer and Administration of the Sacraments, and Other Rites and Ceremonies of theChurch. London:John Murray, 1863 8vo, contemporaryred morocco gilt over bevelled boards, vellumdoublures hand-painted with vinemotifs (signed ‘AS.'), ownership inscription ‘AnthonyGeorgeand MaryAgnes Murray, Bath, 1893’ to initial blank, alittlewear to tips;Bloomfield, Robert. RuralTales, Ballads, and Songs London:for Vernor and Hood, 1802 8vo, contemporarymarbled calf, engraved portrait frontispiece;Milton, John. ParadiseLost;aPoemin TwelveBooks London:for John Sharpe, 1809 12mo, contemporary straight-grain bluemorocco gilt, ownership inscriptions including ‘Georgina Murray, Mt Vernon, March 28th 1858’ to title-page, wear to extremities, joints rubbed;and approx 32 others (thelot not collated and sold as bindings) (approx. 43)
Estimate:£300 -£500
Fromthelibraryof theMurrays of Dollerie, Crieff, Perthshire.

Miscellaneous books
Collection of works fromtheDollerielibrary Napier, John. DeartelogisticaJoannis Naperi, Merchistonibaronis libriqui supersunt Edinburgh:[BannatyneClub], 1839 First edition thus, presentation copy, inscribed ‘M. GeneralMark Kerr Hamilton, fromhis affectionatenephew, theeditor [ie Mark Napier]’ on thefront free endpaper, 4to, contemporarygreen half morocco, bookplateof the recipient to pastedown, spotting and damp-staining;Napier, Mark Memoirs of John Napier of Merchiston, his Lineage, Life, and Times, with aHistoryof theInvention of Logarithms Edinburgh:WilliamBlackwood, 1834 First edition, 4to, originalcloth, engraved portrait frontispiece, allplates as called for, rear joint cracked (and with possibleattempt at repair);Hayter, Charles An Introduction to Perspective, Drawing, and Painting, in aSeries of Pleasing and Familiar Dialogues between theAuthor's Children TheSecond Edition, considerablyenlarged and improved London:Black, Parry, and Co , 1815 8vo, uncut in originalboards, engraved frontispiece, 17 engraved plates (manyfolded);and 26 others (not fullycollated), including:John Evelyn, Sylva, 1670 (second edition, folio, 19th-centurycalf, lacking at least thefinal text-leaf and errataleaf), a2 (dedication) laid down and with marginalloss affecting headline;Francis Bacon, SylvaSylvarum, [1651] (sixth edition, folio, contemporaryboards, worn, engraved portrait frontispieceand additionaltitle-page, theformer cropped to imagealong foreedge, loss to title-pageto loss of datein imprint;David Wilkie, TheWilkieGallery, James Virtue, c.1840 (large4to, contemporaryred morocco gilt, numerous steelengraved plates);[Canada], Plans of Various Lakes and Rivers between Lake Huron and theRiver Ottawa, to AccompanytheGeologicalReports, Toronto, 1857 (4to, originalhalf morocco, lithographic folding maps, joints cracked);BannatyneClub, Liber InsuleMissarum, 1847 (4to, originalcloth, joints cracked);BannatyneClub, Liber EcclesiedeScon, 1843 (4to, original cloth);Cataloguedelacollection célèbredetableaux defeu M Jean Jules Angerstein, London, 1823 (folio, contemporaryhalf roan, engraved plates); Lives of theLindsays, 1858 (second edition, 3 volumes, 8vo, contemporary bluemorocco, bluemoirésilk doublures);Walter Wood, TheEast Neuk of Fife, 1862 (8vo, originalcloth) and similar (approx 30)
Estimate:£300 -£500
Fromthelibraryof theMurrays of Dollerie, Crieff, Perthshire

Lot 45
Collection of volumes of engraved music including Scottish Highland music, 18th-19th century Gow, Niel, of Dunkeld A Collection of StrathspeyReels with aBass for the Violoncello or Harpsichord. Edinburgh:printed for theauthor, c.1800. 36 pp , engraved throughout, bound with other works including:A New and CompleteCollection of Scots Songs. Edinburgh:Corri&Sutherland, c.1790; A Collection of Highland VocalAirs never hitherto published byPatrick McDonald, Minister of Kilmorein Argyleshire, Edinburgh:for thepublisher, c 1790;Urbani, Peter A Selection of Scots Songs Harmonized, improved with Simpleand Adapted Graces. Book 1st [-2nd]. Edinburgh:printed for theauthor, [1792-4] 2 parts in 1 volume, folio, contemporaryhalf calf, book 1st list of subscribers repaired, bound with at rear, A Select Collection of OriginalScotish Airs for theVoice, London:Preston &Co , c 1800, and a fragment Together with:5 further volumes of music, including avolume containing Beethoven's Egmont Overture(Mainz:B. Schott, 19th century) and similar pieces, and avolumeof manuscript music, afew covers detached;and 2 large-format 19th-centuryMurrayfamilyphotograph albums (10)
Estimate:£200 -£300
Fromthelibraryof theMurrays of Dollerie, Crieff, Perthshire

Lot 46
[Perronet, Jean-Rodolphe]
[Description des projets et delaconstruction des ponts deNeuilly, de Mantes, d'Orleans et autres]
[Paris:Imprimerieroyale, 1788] Second edition, platevolumeonly, large folio (59 x 41cm), 20th-centuryhalf morocco, engraved portrait, 74 engraved plates (numbered 1-73, with 3 plates numbered 34, but lacking plate59), mostlydouble-page, severalalso folding, alledges untrimmed, damp-stains to lower edges, plates 24-6 with light worming to central fold;Desgodetz, Antoine. Les edifices antiques deRome… Gliedifiziantichi diRoma Rome:Vincenzo Poggioli, 1822 Folio, contemporarycloth, 137 engraved plates, rear joint split;Roy, William. TheMilitaryAntiquities of the Romans in North Britain Published bytheorder, and at theexpenseof, the Societyof Antiquaries of London London:W Bulmer and Co , 1793 Large folio (53 x 35cm), 20th-centuryhalf calf, 50 engraved plates (of 51:lacking plate35), marginalrepairs to prelims;[Thomson, James Atlas of Scotland Edinburgh:for John Thomson &Co., 1832]. Folio, 20th-centuryhalf calf, 2 engraved plates ('A ComparativeView of theHeights of thePrincipal Mountains of Scotland'and 'A ComparativeView of theLengths of the PrincipalRivers of Scotland') both hand-coloured, 29 engraved maps, all folding, afew with inset town plans, manyon multiplesheets, lacking titlepage, crudetape-repairs to prelims and ‘A ComparativeView of theHeights … ’ plate(4)
Estimate:£300 -£500
Fromthelibraryof theMurrays of Dollerie, Crieff, Perthshire.
Thefirst edition of Perronet's foundationalwork on bridge-building was published in 1782-3

Lot 47
Hogarth, William
fromtheOriginalPlates restored byJames Heath, with theAddition of Many Subjects not beforeCollected:to which areprefixed, aBiographicalEssay on theGenius and Productions of Hogarth, and Explanations of theSubjects of thePlates, byJohn Nichols London:for Baldwin, Cradock, and Joy, 1822 Elephant folio (65.8 x 46cm), xi52 pp., contemporaryhalf russia, 155 engravings on 119 sheets of thick wovepaper, tissue-guards, spineand cornerpieces worn, joints cracked, frontispiececreased and slightlymarked, title-pagespotted, finalplatewith light spotting and damp-staining to margins and smallclosed tear to foremargin, otherwiseexcellent copy internallywith rich impressions of theplates
Estimate:£300 -£500
Fromthelibraryof theMurrays of Dollerie, Crieff, Perthshire.

Lot 48
Polidoro daCaravaggio (c 1499-1543)
Schediasmataselecta ex archetypis diMusaeo Honi. viris A. HumeBart. Conservatis, fideliter imitata, auctoreC M Metz [London:no publisher], 1789 Oblong folio (30 5 x 47cm), allegoricaltitle-pageand 61 plates byConrad Martin Metz (allbut thetitle-pageafter Polidoro daCaravaggio), sepiaetchings with aquatint in imitation of chiaroscuro woodcuts, most numbered in theplate(erratically towards rear), disbound (retaining front board), title-pagecreased and dustsoiled, occasionalspotting, pencilled foliation and afew damp-stains to upper outer corners not affecting images, collation not established and the lot sold as acollection of plates
Estimate:£200 -£300
Fromthelibraryof theMurrays of Dollerie, Crieff, Perthshire.
Lot 49
Camden, William Britannia
… Enlarged bytheLatest Discoveries byRichard Gough. London:for John Stockdale, 1806 Second Gough edition, 4 volumes, folio, contemporary diced calf, allengraved plates and maps as called for, most boards detached, volume1 front board missing, volume1 platelisted to facep 88 apparentlyfacing p. 68 (4)
Estimate:£200 -£300
Fromthelibraryof theMurrays of Dollerie, Crieff, Perthshire.
Lot 50
Agricultureand Ornithology
Collection of works, 18th-19th century Morris, Beverley British GameBirds and Wildfowl London:Groombridge and Sons, c 1890 4to, originalblue-green pictorialcloth gilt, 60 woodengraved plates printed in colours, alittlewear to extremities of binding, front freeendpaper, initialblank and frontispieceloosening, light spotting to title-pageand finaltext-leaf;Morris, Francis Orpen. A Historyof British Birds. London:John C Nimmo, 1891 Third edition ('newlyrevised, corrected, and enlarged'), 6 volumes, large8vo, originalgreen pictorialcloth gilt, allplates as called for;Dickson, Adam TheHusbandryof theAncients Edinburgh: For J. Dickson, and W. Creech, 1788. First edition, 2 volumes, 8vo, contemporarycalf, smooth spines decorativelyruled in gilt with red and black morocco labels, engraved platefacing volume1 p. 390 (and a duplicatebound to facethesamepagein volume2), ownership inscriptions of AnthonyMurrayto half-titles, light marginalworming to front of volume1 (patched with paper);Young, David. NationalImprovements upon Agriculture, in Twenty-Seven Essays Edinburgh:for, and sold bythe author, 1785. First edition, 8vo, contemporarycalf, 3 engraved plates, ownership inscription of AnthonyMurrayto title-page, smallchips to spinelabeland headcap, half-titleand freeendpapers discarded;[Manuscripts]. Threenotebooks kept byAnthonyH Murrayof Dollerie, c 1900, all4to, on forestry(2 volumes, each approx. 100 pp.), and estatemanagement (approx 150 pp );and 14 others (thesenot collated, including Philip Miller, TheGardeners Dictionary, 1754, fourth edition, 3 volumes, contemporary calf) (29)
Estimate:£400 -£600
Fromthelibraryof theMurrays of Dollerie, Crieff, Perthshire

Great Britain
Group of maps, 18th and 19th century allengraved, sectionalised and laid on linen, and hand-coloured, comprising:Bowles, John The London Directory, or aNew and Improved Plan of London, Westminster, and Southwark, 1769. 41.8 x 52.5cm, in marbled slipcasewith manuscript label, alittlestaining, linen backing worn awayalong afew folds;Harris, J. Harris's Plan of London, Westminster and theBorough of Southwark, 1801 41 5 x 52 5cm, in marbled slipcasewith printed label;Bowles, John &Carrington. England and Wales … aTravelling Map through South Britain ByJ Bayly, engr[av]er, c 1780 57 5 x 48 5cm, in marbled slipcasewith manuscript label;Kitchin, Thomas. Kitchin's Enlarged Map of theRoads of England and Wales, 1768 54 5 x 45cm, pencil annotations to onepanel, in marbled slipcasewith manuscript label;Faden, William A Map of Scotland drawn chieflyfromtheTopographicalSurveys of Mr John Ainslieand fromthoseof thelateGeneralRoy, 1807 111 5 x 96cm, in marbled slipcasewith gilt red morocco label;and 4 others similar (9)
Estimate:£300 -£400
Provenance: Fromthelibraryof theMurrays of DollerieHouse, Crieff, Perthshire.

Murray, Sir Alexander
TheTrueInterest of Great Britain, Ireland and our Plantations or, aProposalfor making such an Union between Great Britain and Ireland, and allour Plantations, as that alreadymadebetwixt Scotland and England … and A New Method of HusbandrybyGreater and Lesser Canals … With Proposals for Removing theHurtfulParts of theHeretableCourts [Part 2:] A Letter and Remonstrance, etc. To theRight HonourablePhilip Lord Hardwicke Wherein theMiserableStateof Scotland, fromtheSlavish Dependanceof thePeopleon aFew Families, and theGreat Danger thence arising to Great Britain, areconsidered With aNew Method of Improving all theDifferent Products of our Lands and Waters, and Paying off theNational Debts [Part 3:] An Apologyto theReader JanuarytheFirst, 1740-1 [drophead title] London:for theAuthor, 1740 First edition, 3 parts in 1 volume, folio (37 x 22 8cm), viii52, [2] 20, 8 pp , uncut in contemporarycalf-backed marbled boards with vellumtips, with 12 engraved folding maps and plates (of 13:lacking 'A Displayof theCoasting Lines of Six SeveralMaps of North Britain'), afew with splits to folds, afew repaired tears, ‘A New Map of Britain’ laid down, ‘A Plan of Loch Sunart’ guard torn [Kress 4515 &4514 for parts 1 and 2]
Estimate:£300 -£500
Fromthelibraryof theMurrays of Dollerie, Crieff, Perthshire
Sir Alexander Murrayof Stanhope, Baronet (c 1684-1743) was aprominent Highland landowner and long-timeJacobite, who rallied to theOld Pretender in 1715 beforebeing captured after theBattleof Preston and surviving owing to his promises of loyaltyto GeorgeI, though in realityhekept us his Jacobitecontacts and remained invested in thecause TheTrueInterest was his ‘personalmanifesto for theregeneration of theScottish polityand economy, through constitutionalreformand such specific engineering projects as theconstruction of anationalnetwork of reservoirs and canals for irrigation and transport. In particular Murraypronounced thesurvivalof theheritablejurisdictions to beablight upon Scotland (though without naming Argyll’s, which was theonehehimself had in view), and called for their abolition His casewas madein theterms of civic humanist discourse, as heargued that thecontinued existenceof such feudalpowers enfeebled public virtueand thwarted economic improvement Circumstances suggest, however, that clothing his proposals in thelanguageof classical republicanismwas an act of pragmatismrather than philosophy, prime evidencebeing thedisingenuous condemnation of the‘wicked and unnatural rebellion’ in which hehad himself taken part, and anew-found enthusiasm for theUnion, which henow wished to seeextended to incorporateIreland and theAmerican colonies’ (Historyof Parliament).

Lot 53
Teesdale, Henry(publisher)
A New GeneralAtlas of theWorld London:HenryTeesdale&Co., 1838. Folio, contemporarygreen half roan, engraved folding title-page, folding letterpress contents leaf, 46 engraved folding maps byJohn Dower, allhand-coloured in outline, oneof which (‘India, fromAuthorities principallyfor theUseof theArmyof India, 1835') on two sheets and opening to 70.5 x 44.5cm(with short split to edgeof transversefold), theremainder opening to 37 5 x 47cm, engraved doublepageplate'A ComparativeView of theHeights of thePrincipalMountains and Lengths of thePrincipalRivers of theWorld, maps including ‘Birman Empireand Countries South East of theGanges’, ‘Chinaand Japan’, ‘Colony of New South Wales’ (with inset map of theSwan River Settlement), ‘VanDiemans Land'(finger-soiling to margin), ‘Chart of thePacific Ocean’ (short split to foot of centralfold), and severaldedicated maps of theAmericas, shallow damp-stain to head of gutter never affecting images, binding worn, front board detached;Wilkinson, Robert (publisher). Atlas Classica. Being a Collection of Maps of theCountries mentioned bytheAncient Authors both Sacred and Profane. With their Various Subdivisions at Different Periods. London:Robt Wilkinson, 1797 Large4to, contemporaryhalf diced russia, engraved title-page, 35 engraved hand-coloured maps and engraved handcoloured folding chart (collation not established), contemporarymanuscript numbering to margins, binding worn, front board detached, title-page slightlysoiled, smallchip to lower margin of first map (2)
Estimate:£300 -£500
Fromthelibraryof theMurrays of Dollerie, Crieff, Perthshire

Lot 54
Stanihurst, Richard Derebus in Hiberniagestis
… omnianunc primumin lucemedita. Leiden:ex officinaChristophori Plantini, 1584 First edition, 4to (20 9 x 14 9cm), 264 [8] pp , contemporary vellum, manuscript spine-title, remains of alum-tawed ties, woodcut Plantine deviceto title, woodcut initials, front inner hingestrained [Adams S1633]
Estimate:£400 -£600
Fromthelibraryof theMurrays of Dollerie, Crieff, Perthshire Ownership inscription of AnthonyMurrayto title-page.
'Thesecond of Stanihurst's works devoted to Irish historyand chorography, Derebus in Hiberniagestis, appeared fromthePlantin press in Antwerp in 1584. In this morescientific treatment of Ireland, Stanihurst was anxious to revealits merits to acontinentalas wellas an Irish readership Fromhis vantagepoint in theNetherlands, Stanihurst was celebrating thepoliticaland culturalheritageconveyed to his own Old English communityfromNorman times Also significant was thegreater openness to theGaelic Irish on the part of onewho had previouslybeen highlycriticalof their customs' (ODNB)

Lot 55
Dunn, Samuel(editor)
A New Directoryfor theEast Indies containing I. TheFirst Discoveries madein theEast Indies byEuropean Voyages and Travellers II TheOrigin, Construction and Application of Nauticaland HydrographicalCharts. III. TheNaturalCauses ... of the Constant and VariableWinds throughout theEast-IndiaOceans and Seas IV. A Description of theSeaCoasts, Islands Rocks ... etc. in theOriental Navigation V Directions for navigating in theEast-IndiaSeas VI Directions for sailing to and fromtheEast-Indies ... Thewholebeing aWork originallybegun upon thePlan of theOrientalNeptune, augmented and improved byMr. WilliamHerbert, Mr. WillmNichelson, and Others;and now methodised, corrected, and further enlarged, bySamuelDunn London: HenryGregory, 1780 Fifth edition, 4to (28 4 x 22 5cm), xxxvi554 pp , contemporaryhalf sheep, marbled sides, 2 engraved allegoricalplates including frontispiece, contemporarytradecard (Gregory&Wright, mathematicaland opticalinstrument-makers, 148 LeadenhallStreet) to front pastedown, corners bumped, surface-loss to lower forecorners, frontispieceoffset, 3D2-3 working loose
Estimate:£400 -£600
Fromthelibraryof theMurrays of Dollerie, Crieff, Perthshire.
LeNeptuneorientale, thebasis of thework, was first published in 1745; Herbert's New Directoryfor theEast Indies first appeared in 1758 This fifth edition is considerablyexpanded fromallpreceding iterations, which allhad 144 pages, suggesting that onlylimited changes if anyhad been made previously. Alleditions arerarein libraries and in commerce. A copysold in theserooms on 21st June2023 (lot 79) lacked thefrontispiece

Lot 56
Mason, GeorgeHenry
TheCostumeof China
Illustrated bySixtyEngravings:with Explanations in English and French. London:for W Miller, byS Gosnell, 1800 First edition, large4to (33 4 x 25cm), 20th-centuryquarter calf, [134] pp., 60 hand-coloured aquatint plates, tissue-guards, text comprising title-pages in English and French, prefaceand tableof contents, and descriptivetext-leaf to each plate(with English and French text on either side), text-leaves occasionally watermarked ‘E &P’ with no date, English title-pagesoiled [cf. AbbeyTravel 533 for alater edition]
Estimate:£700 -£1,000
TheCostumeof Chinawas thefirst in Miller's series of six costumebooks, also including ThePunishments of China(1801), TheCostumeof Turkey (1802), etc

Lot 57
Clüver, Philipp
Introduction in universamgeographiam … àJohanneBunone, iamvero locupletataadditamentis et annotationibus John Frid Hekeliiet John Reiskii Amsterdam:apud JoannemWolters, 1697 4to (22.5 x 17cm), [22] 565 [63] pp., contemporarycalf,, gilt spine, engraved additionaltitle-page, letterpress title-pageprinted in red and black with engraved vignette, 3 engraved plates numbered 1-3, 43 engraved folding maps numbered 4-46 (including maps of Asia, China, Indiaand America), 2 folding letterpress tables, worming to head of gutter fromabout p 400 (affecting guards but never themaps), maps 7, 18, 28 and 29 loose, map 39 working loose, head of front freeendpaper excised [USTC 1832218]
Estimate:£500 -£800
Fromthelibraryof theMurrays of Dollerie, Crieff, Perthshire
Lot 58
Collection of works
Kerr, Robert A GeneralHistoryand Collection of Voyages and Travels Edinburgh:for WilliamBlackwood, 1811-17. First edition, volumes 1-17 only (of 18), 8vo, contemporarycalf-backed marbled boards with vellumtips, numerous engraving maps and charts; Raynal, Guillaume-Thomas-François. Histoirephilosophiqueet politiquedes établissements et du commercedes Européens dans les deux Indes. Maastricht:Jean-EdméDufour, 1774. Volumes 1 and 3-7 only, 8vo, contemporarycalf, engraved frontispieceto each volume, 3 folding maps, worming to volumes 3 and 6;Bruce, James. Travels to Discover theSourceof theNile Edinburgh:for Archibald Constableand Co , 1805 Second edition, 7 text volumes, 8vo, and plate volume, 4to, severalcovers of text volumes detached, platevolumelacking covers, naturalhistoryplate14, third folding map (of 3) with substantial loss;[India]. Manuscript containing extracts fromtheBook of Genesis in Urdu and English, 18th or 19th century, 27 leaves (16 5 x 10 5cm), reversed calf binding;and others including:Jean-BaptisteTavernier, Les six voyages qu'ilafait en Turquie, en Perse, et aux Indes secondepartie [and:] Recueildeplusieurs relations relations et traitez singulier et curieux, [Amsterdam]:suivant lacopieimpriméeàParis, 1679 (2 volumes of 3, 8vo, contemporaryvellum, numerous engraved plates and maps, mostlyfolding), Guillaume-Thomas-François Raynal, A Philosophicaland PoliticalHistoryof theSettlements and Tradeof theEuropeans in theEast and West Indies, Edinburgh, 1776 (volumes 1-3 only, 8vo, folding map frontispieces, volume 1 frontispiecetorn, volume2 front board detached);and similar (approx 40)
Estimate:£300 -£500
Provenance: Fromthelibraryof theMurrays of Dollerie, Crieff, Perthshire.

Morse, Jedidiah
A New and Correct Edition of theAmerican Geography or, aView of thePresent Situation of theUnited States of America. Edinburgh:for R Morison and Son, 1795 8vo, contemporaryquarter calf, 7 engraved folding maps (including Joseph Purcell, 'TheStates of Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolinaand Georgia;comprehending theSpanish Provinces of East and West Florida', and ‘TheNorthern and MiddleStates’), maps backed on linen, folding tableat rear, spineworn and front board near-detached;[Campbell, John.] An Account of theSettlements in Spanish America In Four Parts I An Account of theDiscoveryof Americabythe Celebrated Christopher Columbus;with aDescription of theSpanish Insulan Colonies in theWest Indies II Their Settlements on theContinent of North America III Their Settlements in Peru, Chili, Paraguay, and Rio deLaPlata IV Their Settlements in TerraFirma Edinburgh:for theauthor, and A Donaldson, 1762 First edition, 8vo, contemporarycalf, engraved folding map containing inset view of Havana(with long closed tear), ownership inscription of AnthonyMurrayto head of title-page;and 1 other (4)
Estimate:£300 -£500
Fromthelibraryof theMurrays of Dollerie, Crieff, Perthshire

Collection of works, 18th-19th century Eton, William. Authentic Materials for aHistoryof thePeopleof Malta. First, Second, Third, and Fourth Parts:Now first published To becontinued London:for T. Cadelland W. Davies, 1802-5-7. First edition, 8vo, [4] viii78 [8] 79-270 [4] pp , contemporarysprinkled calf, smoot spinegilt in compartments, errataand advertisement leaves to rear;Chantreau, Pierre Nicolas Philosophical, Political, and LiteraryTravels in Russia, during the Years 1788 and 1789. Translated fromtheFrench of Chantreau. Perth:R. Morison and Son, 1794 First edition in English, 2 volumes, 8vo, viii321, vi 315 pp., contemporarysheep-backed boards, engraved folding map (frayed along top edge), 3 engraved plates (offset), volume2 contents leaves (pp iii-vi) misbound at rear, spines worn, joints cracked;Thunberg, Charles Peter Travels in Europe, Africa, and Asia Performed between theYears 1770 and 1779 London:W Richardson, and J Egerton, c 1790 Presumed first edition in English, 3 volumes, 8vo, [5] iv-xii317 xv, xvi316 [16], xiii[3] 31 [1] 285 xvpp , contemporarymarbled calf, half-titles, 7 engraved plates (2 folding including frontispiece), volumes 1 and 3 prefaceleaves working loose, volume3 with light worming to endpapers and outer leaves including title-page;[Bancks, John]. TheHistoryof theLifeand Reign of theCzar Peter theGreat, Emperor of allRussia, and Father of his Country London:J Hodges, 1740. First edition, 8vo, contemporarycalf, engraved portrait frontispiece;Patton, Robert ThePrinciples of Asiatic Monarchies, politically and historicallyinvestigated, and contrasted with thoseof theMonarchies of Europe:shewing theDangerous Tendencyof confounding themin the Administration of theAffairs of India London:for J Debrett First edition, 8vo, contemporarystreaked calf, half-titlediscarded, wear to spineand corner of front board;Stutterheim, KarlWilhelmvon A Detailed Account of theBattleof Austerlitz. Translated fromtheFrench byMajor PineCoffin. London:for T Goddard, 1807 First edition, 8vo, uncut in originalboards, advertisement leaf to rear, rear cover damp-stained;Horne, Thomas Hartwell A Compendiumof theStatuteLaws and Regulations of theCourt of Admiralty;relativeto Ships of War, Privateers, Prizes, Re-Captures, and Prize-Money London:W Clarkeand Sons, 1803 First edition, 8vo, uncut in originalboards, worn;and 10 others (not collated, including:Charles Francis Sheridan, A Historyof theLateRevolution in Sweden, Dublin, 1778, contemporarycalf;Christopher Wordsworth, Athens and Attica, 1837, second edition, contemporaryhalf cat's-paw calf;John Scott, A Visit to Paris in 1814, 1815, third edition, contemporaryhalf calf;idem, Paris Revisited in 1815, 1816, third edition, contemporaryhalf calf;HenryZschokke, The Historyof theInvasion of Switzerland bytheFrench, 1803, first edition in English, uncut in originalboards;Joseph Planta, Historyof theHelvetic Confederacy, 1807, 3 volumes;and similar) (25)
Estimate:£500 -£800
Fromthelibraryof theMurrays of Dollerie, Crieff, Perthshire
No other copyof Eton's work on Maltatraced in auction records since1975

Sauer, Martin
An Account of aGeographicaland AstronomicalExpedition to theNorthern Parts of Russia
Performed ByCommodoreJoseph Billings, in theYears 1785, et to 1794. London:for T. Cadell, Jun. and W. Davies, 1802. First edition, 4to, xxiii 332 58 pp , uncut in originalboards, half-title, engraved folding map, 14 engraved plates, spineworn with loss of label, front board held byonecord only[Howes S117;Sabin 77152];Barrow, John Travels into theInterior of Southern Africa. London:T. Cadelland W. Davies, 1806. Second edition ('with additions and alterations'), 2 volumes, 4to, xvi427 8, [6] 372 [4] pp , uncut in originalboards, 8 hand-coloured aquatint plates, 9 engraved folding maps, volume1 with 8 pp advertisements to rear, volume2 with half-title, directions to thebinder leaf and advertisement leaf, volume1 with paper perished fromspine, front board detached, rear board attached byone cord only, B1 slit at foot, E4 (pp 31/2) loose, volume2 generalchart loose, afew other maps offset [AbbeyTravel322, citing an additional‘Chart of the Southern Extremityof Africa’ in volume1, not present herebut not in list of plates or in anyother copies noted];Carr, John. A Northern Summer;or, Travels round theBaltic, through Denmark, Sweden, Russia, Prussia, and Part of Germany, in theYear 1804. London:Richard Phillips, 1805. First edition, 4to, xi[1] 480 8 pp , uncut in originalboards, half-title, 11 aquatint plates possiblybyWilliamDaniell(seeAbbey), of which oneafolding panoramaof St Petersburg (with short closed tear to fold), publisher's catalogueto rear, loss of paper at head and foot of spine, wear to extremities [AbbeyTravel73];Ellis, Henry Journalof theProceedings of the LateEmbassyto China London:John Murray, 1818 Second edition, 2 volumes, 8vo, uncut in originalboards, engraved portrait frontispiece, 2 folding maps;and 4 others similar (12)
Estimate:£500 -£800
Fromthelibraryof theMurrays of Dollerie, Crieff, Perthshire

Lot 62
[Rennefort, Urbain Souchu de]
Historievan Oost-Indien
vervattende, behalven dezeer nettebeschrijving der vergelegenelanded, een omstandig verhaalvan het wedervaren der Franschen aldaar. Rotterman:Pieter vander Slaart, 1696 12mo, [24] 660 [8] pp , contemporarymottled calf, 8 engraved plates including additionalpictorial title-page, wear to spineand front joint [cf BorbadeMoraes II p 819]
Estimate:£300 -£400
Fromthelibraryof theMurrays of Dollerie, Crieff, Perthshire
Apparentlythefirst edition in Dutch, and thefirst fully-illustrated edition;the work was first printed in French in Paris in 1688, as Histoiredelacompagnie des Indes, with engraved headpieces but no plates. Souchu deRennefort accompanied theexpedition of thenewlyfounded Compagniedes Indes to Madagascar in 1665, claiming theisland for France. Much of thepresent work concerns theisland;healso wrotean account of thevoyageitself, titled Relation du premier voyagedelaCompagniedes Indes (1668).

Lot 63
Niebuhr, Carsten Travels in Arabia and Other Countries in theEast. Translated into English byRobert Heron. With Notes bytheTranslator Edinburgh:for R Morison and Son, booksellers, Perth, 1792. First edition in English, 2 volumes, 8vo, xx 454 [2], xii439 pp , contemporarytreecalf, 10 engraved plates, 3 engraved folding maps, errataleaf to rear of volume1, contemporaryownership inscriptions to title-pages, spine-labels perished, joints cracked, volume1 front board detached, half-titles discarded, ‘TheRed Seaor Arabic Gulph'map split into two sections, volume2 with worming to foot of prelims and last few leaves with smallrelated worm-tracks to ‘Map of theGreater Part of theProvince of Yemen’ and ‘Chart of thePersian Gulph’, theserespectivelyalso with short closed handling tear and section of loss at lower outer corner (affecting inland Oman) [Macro, Bibliographyof theArabian Peninsula, 1700] (2)
Estimate:£300 -£500
Fromthelibraryof theMurrays of Dollerie, Crieff, Perthshire
First published in German in Copenhagen between 1774 and 1778, as Reisebeschreibung nach Arabien.

Lot 64
Arvieux, Laurent d'
TheTravels of theChevalier D'Arvieux in ArabiatheDesart
… to which is added, aGeneralDescription of Arabia, bySultan Ishmael Abulfeda Doneinto English byan Eminent Hand London:for B Barker; and C King, 1732 Second edition, 12mo, [2] xvi[4] 358 [2] pp , old sprinkled calf, 5 engraved plates including frontispiece, frontispiece misbound after title-page, platefacing p 7 with short closed tear to fore margin, N2 with closed tear to foot, tide-mark to head of last few leaves, a few marks
Estimate:£400 -£600
Fromthelibraryof theMurrays of Dollerie, Crieff, Perthshire Ownership inscription of AnthonyMurrayto head of title-page;smallmanuscript shelfmark labelpasted to foot of spine
First published in French in 1717, followed bythefirst edition in English in 1718;allearlyeditions areuncommon.

Lot 65
Hoskins, GeorgeAlexander
Visit to theGreat Oasis of theLibyan Desert
With an Account, Ancient and Modern, of theOasis of Amun, and theOther Oases now under theDominion of thePashaof Egypt London:Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, Green, &Longman, 1837. First edition, 8vo, xvi338 pp , originalmaroon cloth lettered and decorated in gilt and blind, 17 tinted lithographic plates including frontispiece, 3 folding lithographic plates showing Egyptian wallpaintings, folding map to rear, spinesunned, headcap slightlyfrayed, light peripheralfading to boards, marginalspotting to frontispiece, alittlelight spotting elsewhere[Blackmer 833;not in Abbey]
Estimate:£200 -£300
Fromthelibraryof theMurrays of Dollerie, Crieff, Perthshire
Rarein theoriginalcloth;this copyappears to bein avariant binding, with copies usuallydescribed as bound in green cloth.

Lot 66
Wyld, James
Map of India
constructed with great careand research fromalltheLatest Authorities and intended particularlyto facilitateareferenceto theCiviland MilitaryStations Dedicated to Sir James Rivett Carnac Bart., Chairman of theCourt of Directors of theHonbletheEast IndiaCompany Arranged under the Direction of Captain R. M. Grindlay. London:James Wyld, 1854. Handcoloured engraved map, divided into 24 sections and laid on linen, opening to 99.5 x 68.5cm, hand-coloured mileagechart top right, publisher's advertisement slip pasted to verso of onesection, retaining originalpurple cloth casewith printed label
Estimate:£300 -£500
Fromthelibraryof theMurrays of Dollerie, Crieff, Perthshire. Ownership inscription of AnthonyMurrayto labelon case

Lot 67
LaRochefoucault-Liancourt, François-Alexander-Frédéric, duc de Travels through theUnited States of North America, theCountryof the Iroquois, and Upper Canada in theYears 1795, 1796, and 1797;with an Authentic Account of Lower Canada London:for R Phillips, 1799 First edition in English, 2 volumes, 4to (26.5 x 19.6cm), xxiii642 [12], [2] 320 321*-364* 321-686 [10] pp., contemporarymottled calf, rebacked retaining old labels, 3 engraved folding maps (each with repaired closed handling tears to inner folds and variable faint damp-staining, 'Map of theNorthern Provinces of theUnited States’ partiallysplit along onefold), 6 letterpress tables to rear of volume1 (4 of which folding) [Sabin 3907]
Estimate:£800 -£1,200
Fromthelibraryof theMurrays of Dollerie, Crieff, Perthshire Bookplates (MurrayEsqreof Crieff) to front pastedowns. Footnote: Published thesameyear as thefirst edition in theoriginalFrench

Lot 68
Parry, WilliamEdward
Journalof aSecond Voyagefor theDiscoveryof aNorth-West Passage London:John Murray, 1824. First edition, 4to, [6] xxx [2] 571 pp., 20thcenturycalf-backed marbled boards, 31 plates (aquatints or engravings), 8 engraved folding charts and coastalprofiles at rear, tissueguards;Shackleton, Ernest H TheHeart of theAntarctic London:William Heinemann, 1909 First edition, 2 volumes, 4to, originalcloth, allplates as called for (including the3 folding charts and folding plateof coastalprofiles in end-pocket), bindings rubbed and marked, spines sunned and nicked, volume1 with stain to rear board and markings to afew plates;Telfer, J. Buchan TheCrimeaand Transcaucasia London:HenryS King &Co , 1877 Second edition, inscribed ‘A. G. MurrayEsq. of Dollerie, aremembrance fromtheauthor, September 1885’ on thehalf-titleof volume1, 2 volumes, 8vo, originalpictorialcloth gilt, 13 plates, 2 folding maps, mottling to covers, volume2 prelims clumsilyopened, rest of volumeunopened;and 3 others (8)
Estimate:£300 -£500
Fromthelibraryof theMurrays of Dollerie, Crieff, Perthshire.

Collection of works, 18th-19th century [Wellesley, Richard Wellesley, Marquess]. Notes relativeto theLate Transactions in theMarhattaEmpire Fort William, December 15, 1803 London:J. Debrett, 1804. First edition, 4to, [4] 115 177 pp., uncut in original boards, 5 engraved folding battle-plans with dispositions hand-coloured, half-title, ownership inscription ‘AnthonyMurrayEsqr of Creiff [sic]’ to titlepage, backstrip perished;[Mackworth, Sir Digby] Diaryof aTour through Southern India, Egypt, and Palestine, in theYears 1821 and 1822. ByA Field-Officer of Cavalry London:J Hatchard and Son, 1823 First edition, 8vo, viii372 pp., uncut in originalboards, half-title, 2 folding lithographic maps, 2 lithographic plates;Rennell, James Memoir of aMap of Hindoostan; or theMogulEmpire London:for theauthor, 1788 First edition, 4to, uncut in originalboards, 4 engraved maps, backstrip perished, covers detached;Ibid Memoir of aMap of Hindoostan theSecond Edition With VeryConsiderableAdditions, and manyCorrections. London:for theauthor, 1792 4to, contemporarytreecalf, joints cracked, spine-labelperished, 5 engraved maps (first map with closed tear);[Madras printing]. TheGriffin's Aide-de-Camp ByBlunt Spurs Edited byaProfessionalMan Third Edition, with an Addendumcontaining Hints on theEducation of aHorse. Madras:at theScottish Press, 1860 8vo, contemporaryhalf cloth, wood-engraved frontispiece;Dirom, Alexander. A Narrativeof theCampaign in India, which terminated theWar with Tippoo Sultan, in 1792 London:G Nicol;and J Sewell, 1794. Second edition, 4to, uncut in originalboards, 9 engraved plates, lacking finaltext leaf (glossary), covers and last few leaves detached;and 3 others (9)
Estimate:£300 -£500
Provenance: Fromthelibraryof theMurrays of Dollerie, Crieff, Perthshire

Africa, MiddleEast and Egypt
Collection of works, 19th century Selous, Frederick Courteney. A Hunter's Wanderings in Africabeing a Narrativeof NineYears spent amongst theGameof thefar Interior of South Africa. London:Richard Bentley&Son, 1881. First edition, 8vo, xvii455 pp., originalgreen pictorialcloth gilt, half-title, 17 wood-engraved plates including frontispiece(7 of which with descriptivetext-leaf not counted in register), 2 lithographic plates, folding map, wood-engravings in text, spotting to halftitleand index, occasionallight spotting elsewhere, tears to map, rear inner hingeslightlytender [Czech Africap 251];Hoskins, G A Travels in Ethiopia, abovetheSecond Cataract of theNile. London:Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, Green, &Longman, 1835 First edition, 4to, originalcloth, 54 lithographic plates on 53 sheets, 4 of which double-pagechromolithographs of Egyptian wall-paintings, afew others hand-coloured, folding map, spine rubbed, wear to joints, frontispieceand front freeendpaper loose, frontispiecespotted, map split at intersection of folds [Blackmer 832];Denham, Dixon, &Hugh Clapperton Narrativeof Travels and Discoveries in Northern and CentralAfrica, in theYears 1822, 1823, and 1824 London:John Murray, 1826 First edition, 4to, contemporarycalf (covers detached), 36 engraved plates, hand-coloured aquatint, engraved folding map, woodcut vignettes in text, folding map with splits to folds and a few marks;Layard, Austen H. Discoveries in theRuins of Nineveh and Babylon London:John Murray, 1853 8vo, contemporaryhalf calf, 16 plates, maps and plans (severalfolding, theplates including tinted lithographs, folding plan facing p 67 repaired), frontispiecespotted, occasionalspotting elsewhere;Rich, Claudius James Narrativeof aJourney to theSiteof Babylon in 1811, now first published. London:Duncan and Malcolm, 1839 First edition, 8vo, contemporaryhalf calf, half-title, 25 plates including wood-engraved views and lithographic facsimiles of cuneiform tablets (severalfolding), plate7 (sketch-map) with old repair, front joint slightlysplit at head;and 13 others (26)
Estimate:£500 -£800
Fromthelibraryof theMurrays of Dollerie, Crieff, Perthshire.
First editions of Selous's work, 'atrueclassic of theAfrican sporting field' (Czech), arenotablyuncommon

Lot 71
Belzoni, Giovanni
Plates Illustrativeof theResearches and Operations of G Belzoniin Egypt and Nubia
London:John Murray, 1822 First edition, broadsheets (61 x 46 5cm), originalcloth-backed boards with printed labelto front, 2 text-leaves (titlepageand list of contents), 44 lithographic, etched or aquatint plates on 34 sheets (allbut 4 hand-coloured, 2 folding), plates watermarked J. Whatman 1821, binding somewhat scuffed and marked with wear to extremities, a littlelight spotting to contents, onefolding platewith short closed tear and smallareaof creasing [AbbeyTravel268;Blackmer 117] Together with 2 defectivecopies of thetext volume, Narrativeof theOperations and Recent Discoveries within thePyramids, Temples, Tombs, and Excavations, in Egypt and Nubia, first and second editions, 1820 &1821, both 4to, first edition in contemporaryhalf calf, lacking most of spine, retaining portrait frontispiece but lacking other plate, second edition in contemporaryfullcalf, with portrait frontispiece, folding map (spotted), oneother plate, front cover detached, rear joint split (3)
Estimate:£1,500 -£2,000
Fromthelibraryof theMurrays of Dollerie, Crieff, Perthshire
A supplement of six further plates, not present here, was issued in 1822

[Middle-East] Persian Gulf Pilot
Persian Gulf Pilot, 1915 and 2 similar supplements
ThePersian Gulf Pilot. Comprising ThePersian Gulf, TheGulf of Oman and TheMakran Coast London:Printed for theHydrographic Department, Admiralty, under theauthorityof HMSO byTaylor, Garnett, Evans, &Co., Ltd Also at Manchester and Reddish;and sold byJ D Potter, 1915 Sixth edition, 8vo, paste-down endpaper with theadvicefor “Caution when approaching British Ports”, followed byapagefor notations, two leaves of perforated coupons on bluepaper, map, slip printed in red, 6 leaves of plates, originalred cloth gilt with titleprinted in whiteto upper cover, joints torn and part of thecloth on thespinelacking;Supplement No. 6, 1921. Relating to thePersian Gulf Pilot, sixth edition, 1915 (corrected to 1st June, 1921) London, 1921 8vo, pink slip, plate, originalred wrappers;Supplement No 6, 1922 Relating to theRed Seaand Gulf of Aden Pilot Seventh edition, 1921 (corrected to 4th March, 1922) London, 1922 8vo, pink slip;each with thebookplateof W.H. Ingrams and dated (3)
Estimate:£3,000 -£4,000
A veryrarepilot of theArabian Gulf and seeminglytheearliest copyto appear at auction to date Onlyfivecopies of this edition appearing in institutionalcollections on WorldCat.

Collection of works, 18th-20th century [Trialof Warren Hastings]. Debates of theHouseof Lords, on theEvidence delivered in theTrialof Warren Hastings, Esquire;Proceedings of theEast IndiaCompanyin Consequenceof his Acquittal:and Testimonials of the British and NativeInhabitants of India London:J Debrett, 1797 First edition, 4to, xvi826 [2] pp., 20th-centuryquarter calf craft binding (binder's ticket:‘Mrs L A Vidler, CarmeliteBindery, Rye, Sussex'to rear pastedown'), engraved portrait frontispiece, errataleaf to rear, alledges untrimmed, leather on spineveryfriable;Gawler, J C Sikhim With Hints on Mountain and JungleWarfare. London:Edward Stanford, 1873. First edition, 8vo, viii 105 pp , originalgreen cloth over flexibleboards, 5 lithographic plates, folding map, ex Libraryof Congress (smalllabelto front cover, bookplateto front pastedown, ‘surplus’ ink-stamp to front freeendpaper, penciled annotations to verso of title-page), prelims (initialblank, title-page, plateand first leaf of text) cracked along gutter and partiallydetached, marginalrepair to pp 21/2;Griggs, W India Photographs and Drawings of Historical Buildings. London:[no publisher], 1896. First edition, folio, 20th-century librarycloth, 100 plates (chromolithographic and photographic, many chromolithographic plates heightened in gilt), ex Indianapolis Public Library with ink-stamps to versos of plates, plates fragilewith frequent chips and losses, folding plates plates 32-3, 53 and 63 each separated along fold;[Indian Mutiny] Lieutenant-ColonelGould Hunter-Weston of Hunterston … oneof theDefenders of Lucknow during theIndian Mutiny 1857-8 A BiographicalSketch byW L Low Selkirk:“TheScottish Chronicle” Offices, 1914 First edition, 8vo, originalcloth, 12 halftone photographic plates, folding map of Lucknow to rear;Martin, Eustace Meredyth A Tour through Indiain Lord Canning's Time London:Remington and Co., 1881. First edition, 8vo, originalcloth;Sewell, Robert ('lateMadras CivilService) Sir Walter Elliot of Wolfelee A Sketch of his Life, and aFew Extracts fromhis NoteBooks. Edinburgh:printed for privatecirculation, 1896 First edition, oneof 100 copies only, inscribed to therecipient on the limitation page, 8vo, originaldark red morocco gilt, photographic portrait frontispiece, binding rubbed;and 16 others including:Walter Hamilton, The East IndiaGazetteer, London:John Murray, 1815 (first edition, later cloth, title-pagewith ownership slip of one‘Mrs Schmid, Ooticumund'pasted to head partiallyobscuring ownership inscription dated 1821);Rupert Hay, The Persian Gulf States, 1959 (ex-library);GeorgeCampbell, TheArmies of the NativeStates of India, 1884 (folding map detached);HenrySt George Tucker, A Review of theFinancialSituation of theEast-IndiaCompanyin 1824 (ex Peebles Institution Library, binding defective);Mark Thornhill, The PersonalAdventures … of aMagistrateduring the… Indian Mutiny, 1884 (possiblyafamilycopywith ownership inscription of oneNoelThornhillto title-page);J. H. Stocqueler, Memoirs and Correspondenceof Major-General Sir WilliamNott, 1854 (2 volumes, originalcloth, rebacked, damp-staining); and similar (25)
Estimate:£500 -£800

Collection of works in Urdu All19th or early20th century, lithographicallyprinted, titles include:[Education of women] MunshiDibiPrashad Risalat Ta'limal-Nisa' ['Epistleon theEducation of Women']. Delhi:Matba'Rizvi, 1882. 8vo, contemporaryIndian half cloth binding, browning to contents, chipping to outer leaves;[Gynaecology] Doctor RamAnand. Risalat-iSihhat ul-Nisa' ['Epistleon Women's Health'], Amritsar, c 1900, 8vo, 12 pp , recent boards, illustration of afoetus in utero in text, browning, repairs;[Medicine]. ShifaalAmrad waMu'in al-'Ilaj['TheHealing of Illnesses and Aid to Treatment'], Lucknow, 1328 AH [1908/9 CE], 8vo, recent boards, afew illustrations in text, browning, afew tears and repairs;[Medicine] Mu'in-i'Ilaj[Aid to Treatment], Lucknow, 1894, 8vo, recent boards with originalwrappers bound in;[Iran] M ‘Abd al-’Ali Hayat-iNasir al-Din Shah-iIran ['TheLifeof Nasir al-Din, Shah of Iran'], Delhi, 1897, 8vo, recent boards, portrait and vignettes in text;[Chemistry] Muhammad Hasan. TheTreasury-of-Arts. [Urdu title:] Kimistriya'niGanjineh-ifunun ve-san'at ['Chemistry, ie the Treasuryof Arts'], Delhi, c.1900. 8vo, recent boards, frequent English text (for thenames of chemicalcompounds);Historyof Port Blair byMohamed Jaffer, Lucknow:NawalKishore, 1892, second edition, 8vo, recent boards, title-pagein Urdu, English and Hindi(with hole, damp-staining and repair);and approx. 24 others similar, allin Urdu (approx. 30)
Estimate:£400 -£600

Collection of Indian imprints and manuscripts [Indian big-gamehunting]. Two manuscript hunting diaries kept byoneM. W SelbyLowndes, 1924-6 Thefirst 4to, contemporaryroan-backed boards, approx. 100 pp., titled on first page‘2 months leave- ashoot in the Himalayas, 1924’, describing ajourneyfromNowsheraviaLahoreand Dehradun to various Himalayan stations including Mandali, species taken including red bear (ie Himalayan brown bear), tahr, bharal, etc , binding shaken, thesecond 8vo, contemporarycloth-backed boards, approx. 90 pp , titled on front pastedown ‘Diaryof amonth’s shoot in theCentral Provinces India, April&May1926', full-pagesketch-map, species taken including bison, wild dog, sambar, tiger, etc Together with related ephemera including alengthydraft letter written fromtheRoyalArtillerycamp at Meerut apparentlybytheauthor;[PrincelyStateof Hunza] The Autobiographyof Sir Mohomed NazimKhan, KC I E , Mir of Hunza, c 1950? Copytypescript, 4to, 145 pp., 16 photographic plates, wire-stitched in buff card wrappers, ownership inscription ([C [ ] Biscoe') dated 1956 on front wrapper, inscribed on thetitle-page‘With best wishes to … ?Biscoe, the Khan’;Jyotishi, T P [Bengalititle] Ascension of Edward VII to Heaven (A Dirge.) With Illustrations. Calcutta:K. P. Mookerjee&Co., 1911. First edition, 8vo, originalgreycloth lettered in black, introduction in English, main text in Bengali, 11 halftonephotographic plates with green tissue-guards;Karna, Lalchand Nawalrai Western World Travels Hyderabad:printed byKethmal ParsramGulrajat at theBlavatskyPress, and published byMr. Lalchand NavalraiKarna, 1927 First edition, 8vo, xiv120 xxxvpp , originalwrappers (spinereinforced), inscribed on thefront wrapper ‘With regards from [author’s printed name], To Balak RamEsqr I.C.S';[Lawrence, Sir Walter]. Ruling Princes and Chiefs of India Bombay:TheTimes of IndiaPress, 1930 First edition, folio, recent librarycloth, 2 portrait frontispieces in colour (GeorgeV and Lord Halifax), photographic illustrations throughout, cancelled librarystamp and withdrawalstamps to front endpapers;[India]. [Pamphlet volume, including:] Foreign Traveland Hindu Shastras Judgment in theBenares CasteCase, 1911, Allahabad:Leader Press, 1912, 105 pp.; SocialReformon Shastric Lines byA MahadevaSastri, Mysore:published bytheauthor, 1909, xxiii104 pp.;Appreciation of theAuthor's Essays on “VediLaw of Marriage” and “Vedic Religion and Caste” [drop-head title], 12 pp ;Vedic Religion and Caste byA MahadevaSastri, Mysore:published bytheauthor, 1908, 71 pp.;and 3 others similar. 8vo, contemporarycloth, backstrip perished, rear board detached;Sanyal, RamBramha A HandBook of theManagement of Animals in Captivityin Lower Bengal. Calcutta: printed at theBengalSecretariat Press, 1892 First edition, oneof 1,000 copies according to theprinter's slug on thefinalpage, 8vo, originalclothbacked printed boards;[Indian postalhistory] Smith, Stephen Indian AirWays. Part I [II … III]. Calcutta:KuntalinePress, 1926-30. First edition, 3 volumes, small8vo, originalwrappers, part 2 inscribed on thetitle-pageby theauthor;Ward, William. A View of theHistory, Literature, and Mythology, of theHindoos Serampore:Mission Press, 1818 Second edition, volume1 only(of 2), 4to, near-contemporaryhalf calf, restored paper-loss to head of title-pagejust touching oneletter, damp-staining to rear;and 5 others, all Indian imprints (15)
Estimate:£500 -£800

Lot 76
Eyre, Vincent
TheMilitaryOperations at Cabul which ended in theRetreat and Destruction of theBritish Army, January 1842 With aJournalof Imprisonment in Afghanistan London:John Murray, 1843. First edition, 8vo in 12s, xx 328 [4] pp., originalgreen fine-diaper cloth, spinelettered in gilt and ruled in blind, decorativeblind-stamped frames to covers enclosing largepictorialvignetteto front in gilt, folding lithographic plan, advertisements to rear, cloth sunned along spineand peripheries of covers, spinerolled, faint marking to front cover below vignette, two whitemarks to rear board, short split to onefold of plan
Estimate:£200 -£300
Fromthelibraryof theGordon familyat Letterfourie, Moray, Scotland, with their bookplateto front pastedown and blind stamp to front freeendpaper.
First editions of Eyre's chilling eyewitness account of thedisaster of theFirst Anglo-Afghan War arenotablyrarein theoriginalcloth Thework was a sensation on its release, going to at least afifth edition within thefirst year of publication.

Lot 77 China
3 works
Hurley, R. C. PicturesqueHongkong. (British Crown Colony) and Dependencies Hong Kong:CommercialPress, Limited, 1925 First edition, 8vo, originalpictorialwrappers, publisher's slip tipped to title-page, 2 folding lithographic maps, 13 halftonephotographic plates including portrait frontispiece, printer's advertisements;Rome, F. J. de, &N. Evans. Notes on theHarbour of Hong Kong [Hong Kong]:YeOldePrinterie, Ltd , 1927 First edition, 8vo, 19 pp , originalwrappers, folding halftonephotographic panoramawith similar illustrations on reverse, map in text, damp-stain to head of p 8;[Shanghai] Scenic Shanghai A Series of 23 Views in Vandyck Photogravure. Shanghai:A. S. Watson &Co., Ltd., and Kelly&Walsh Ltd., c 1920 Oblong 8vo, originalwrappers, 24 photogravures on 16 leaves;and 2 others including G. Gipps, TheFighting in North China, Shanghai, 1901 (4to, plates, lacking wrappers) (5)
Estimate:£300 -£500

Lot 78
[Islamic and Indian Interest] - including Layard, Austen H 8 books
Layard, Austen H Discoveries in theRuins of Nineveh and Babylon London:John Murray, 1853. 8vo, 2 folding maps, 3 folding plans, 10 plates (including 2 folding) and an index of inscriptions, originalembossed cloth gilt, rebacked retaining originalspine;Burton, Richard F PersonalNarrative of aPilgrimageto El-Medinah and Meccah London:Longman, Brown, Green and Longmans, 1855 3 volumes, 8vo, 14 (of 15) plates onlyand 4 maps and plans (oneplan defective), red quarter calf librarybinding, withdrawn plates and stamps of CrewePublic Libraries;Collie, J Norman Climbing on theHimalayaand other Mountain Ranges. Edinburgh:David Douglas, 1902. 8vo, frontispiece, plates and maps, originalgreen cloth gilt;Armstrong, H C GreyWolf. MustafaKemal. London:Arthur Barker, Ltd., [1932]. First edition, 8vo, later quarter calf;Osborn, Robert Durie Islamunder theKhalifs of Baghdad. London:Seeley, Jackson &Halliday, 1878. 8vo, contemporary green half morocco gilt;TheAmours of theSultanaof Barbary A noevl In two Parts. London:R. Baldwin, [datetorn away]. 12mo, contemporaryhalf calf, upper cover detached (8)
Estimate:£500 -£700

Lot 79
Rooke, Henry
Travels to theCoast of ArabiaFelix and fromthencebytheRed-Seaand Egypt, to Europe. Containing aShort Account of an Expedition undertaken against theCapeof Good Hope In a Series of Letters. London:for R. Blamire, 1784. Second edition ('with additions'), [iii]-xi222 pp , 8vo, recent quarter calf, marbled sides, bound without thehalf-title, old staining to sig. K[Macro, Bibliographyof the Arabian Peninsula1936]
Estimate:£300 -£400
First published theprevious year
Lot 80
Firuzabadi, Muhammad bin Ya'qub al- (1326-1414 CE)
Al-Qamus al-Muhit ['TheExpansiveOcean'] Cairo:Matba'at al-Maymaniyah, Ramadan, 1319 AH [1901/2 CE] 4 volumes, 4to, 410, 415, 416, 420 pp., contemporaryquarter sheep, spines titled and numbered in gilt, black pebble-grain cloth sides, printed with Arabic types (not lithographed), contemporarygift inscription to thetitle-pageof volume 1 possiblyfromtheeditor, skinning to leather of spines, light browning to textblocks
Estimate:£200 -£300
An attractiveearly-20th centuryCairo edition of thecanonicaldictionaryof classicalArabic.
Lot 81
Rycaut, Sir Paul
TheHistoryof thePresent Stateof theOttoman Empire London:R. Clavell, J. Robinson and A. Churchill, 1686. Sixth edition ('corrected'), 8vo, contemporarymottled calf, [14] 256 261-406 [5] pp , engraved additionaltitle-page, 12 engraved plates of Ottoman costume, 16 similar full-pageengravings in thetext, binding rebacked, moderate browning, afew damp-stains, engraved titlewith imprint shaved, old reinforcement along top and bottomedges and smallchip to lower fore corner, letterpress titlewith old ownership inscription (now obliterated), 2A1 with loss to foremargin (not affecting engraving of janissaryverso), 2B1 with long closed tear in gutter
Estimate:£300 -£500
Provenance: 18th-centuryengraved bookplateof WilliamMasseyof St John's College Cambridge, possiblytherector of Ditchingham, Norfolk, and inheritor of PooleHall, Cheshire

Lot 82
Lawrence, T E
Two CastleHillPress limited editions
Correspondencewith Bernard and CharlotteShaw, 2000-2009 Oneof 600 sets in cloth, 4 volumes, folio, with thedust jackets, slipcase;Seven Pillars of Wisdom A Triumph TheComplete1922 Text, 2003 Oneof 180 copies in quarter goatskin, 8vo, black card slipcase(2)
Estimate:£300 -£500

Lot 83
Arabia- including Lawrence, TE &Thomas Lowell With Lawrencein Arabia
New York:Garden CityPublishing Co., 1924. First American edition, signed bytheauthor on title, H A R Philby's copywith his bookplate, plates, original cloth, covers slightlymarked;Irving, W. Thelifeof Mahomet. 1850. First edition;Hitti, Philip K Historyof theArabs Macmillan, 1946 8vo, plates, originalcloth (4)
Estimate:£400 -£600
Lot 84
[Japaneseinvasion of China]
TheManchurian Month
MonthlySupplement of theManchuriaDailyNews (DailyEnglish Language Newspaper). Dairen [Dalian]:[South ManchuriaRailwayCompany], 1st February1934 Folio, 28 pp (nested bifoliaof newsprint), photographic illustrations, toning, nicking to edges, ink-stamp of Manchester Public Libraries dated 1934 to head of front page
Estimate:£200 -£300
Souvenir issueof theJapanesepropagandaorgan ManchuriaDailyNews commemorating theenthronement of Puyias puppet emperor of China
Lot 85
Sonnini, C S
Travels in Greeceand Turkey
London:TN Longman and O Rees, 1801 4to, 4 folding maps and 5 plates (onefolding), later bluehalf-calf, somespotting, smallholeto pages 249250 with loss of acoupleof letters, spinefaded
Estimate:£500 -£700
Lot 86
Wilson, Robert Thomas
Historyof theBritish Expedition to Egypt
London:T. Egerton, 1802. First edition, 4to, 20th-centurygreen morocco, edges untrimmed, half-title, engraved portrait frontispiece, engraved folding map, 2 engraved folding battle-plans with dispositions hand-coloured, 2 folding letterpress tables;Rennell, James Memoir of aMap of Hindoostan London:for theauthor, 1792 Second edition ('with veryconsiderable additions'), 4to, 20th-centuryred half roan, edges untrimmed, 5 engraved maps (allbut onefolding);Robertson, William An HistoricalDisquisition concerning theKnowledgewhich theAncients had of India. London:A. Strahan, and T Cadell, 1791 First edition, 4to, 20th-centurygreen morocco, edges untrimmed, half-title, 2 engraved folding maps (handling tears to inner folds;second map with creaseacross onepanel);Anderson, Aeneas. A Journalof theForces … under theCommand of theRight Hon. GeneralSir Ralph Abercromby, in theMediterranean and Egypt London:for J. Debrett, 1802. First edition, 4to, 20th-centurygreen morocco, edges untrimmed, half-title, 7 engraved folding views (allbut oneof Valetta, Malta), engraved plan, without thefrontispiece(plan of Malta);and 2 others (6)
Estimate:£300 -£500
Fromthelibraryof theGordon familyof Letterfourie, Moray, Scotland (with engraved bookplateto each volume).

Lot 87
Hedin, Sven
Through Asia
London:Methuen, 1908. First edition, 2 volumes, 8vo, photogravureportrait frontispieceto each volume, numerous plates &illustrations, 2 folding maps, orignalgreen cloth gilt, t.e.g. (2)
Estimate:£150 -£200
Lot 88
Herberstein, Sigmund, Freiherr von (1486-1566)
Venice:[Niccolò Bascarini, for] GiovanniBattistaPederzano, 1550 First Italian edition, 4to (20.5 x 15.5cm), title-pagewith Heberstein woodcut coat of arms, 6 full-pagewoodcuts on threeleaves, lacking themap of Russia, contemporaryvellumwith ties, neat manuscript titleto upper cover and spinein an earlyhand, neat earlyFrench librarystamp to front freeendpaper, bookplateof Wed Allen and their gift inscription to Walter Elliott, earlyownership signatureto title-page
Estimate:£1,500 -£2,000
Earlyownership inscription to title-page;librarystamp of BibliothequeC. Narischkine;bookplateof Wed Allen;inscribed byAllen to Walter Elliott in 1934, Minister of Agriculture, then to Baroness Elliot of Harwood DBE and theElliot of Harwood Trust bydescent
Lot 89
Shackleton, E H
South First edition, second impression, large8vo, originalcloth, recased and relined, allplates as called for (platefacing p.228 loose;folding map at rear with closed tear in stub) [Rosove308 A2 ];Worsley, Frank Arthur Endurance. An Epic of Polar Adventure. London:Philip Allan &Co. Ltd., 1931 First edition, signed byWorsleyon thetitle-pagein blueink, 8vo, later salmon-pink morocco, allplates as called for, retaining theinitialflyleaf with map, bookplate(Gordon of Letterfourie) [Rosove361.A1];and 7 others, including Robert Beatson, Navaland MilitaryMemoirs of Great Britain, 1804 (6 volumes, 8vo, uncut in originalboards, not collated), and other polar exploration (16)
Estimate:£300 -£500
Provenance: Fromthelibraryof theGordon familyof Letterfourie, Moray, Scotland

A collection, including Bennett, George Wanderings in New South Wales, Batavia, Pedir Coast, Singapore, and China, being theJournalof aNaturalist London:Richard Bentley, 1834 2 volumes, 8vo, frontispieces, contemporarycalf rebacked, faint stamps and bookplates of theDevon and Exeter Institution;Milnes, Richard Monckton Memorials of aTour in someparts of Greece… London:Edward Moxon, 1834 8vo, moroon half morocco gilt, bookplate;Thorbecke, Ellen Peoplein China. Thirty-two Photographic Studies fromLife. London:GeorgeG. Harrap &Co Ltd , [1935] 4to, originalboards;LadyBrassey Sunshineand Storm in theEast… London:Longmans, Green, and Co., 1881. 8vo, originalolive cloth gilt;Ballantyne, Robert Michael Martin Rattler;or, aboy's adventures in theforests of Brazil London:T Nelson and Sons, 1859 8vo, originalred cloth gilt, somespotting;Norman, Sir Henry TheRealJapan London:T Fisher Unwin, 1908 8vo, half Japanesevellum;Maurois, André Fragments d'un JournaldeVacances. Paris:ÉmileHazan &Cie., [1929] 8vo, brown quarter calf;Montagu, Irving Camp and Studio London:W H Allen, 1890 8vo, originalcloth gilt (9)
Estimate:£400 -£600

Collection of works including Crimean War narratives, 18th-19th century Maundrell, Henry. A JourneyfromAleppo to Jerusalemat Easter, A.D. 1697. TheFourth Edition, to which is now added an Account of theAuthor's Journeyto theBanks of Euphrates at Beer, and to theCountryof Mesopotamia Oxford;at theTheater, 1721 8vo, [12] 145 [9] 10 pp , contemporarypanelled calf, 15 engraved plates including folding views of Aleppo and Baalbek, ownership inscriptions ‘J S 1735’ and ‘Patrick Shee 1909’ to front freeendpaper, earlyownership inscription ‘Viscountess Kingsborough’ to title-page, contemporarymarginalannotation to p 136, spinedefectiveat head;Cordiner, James. A Voyageto India. Aberdeen:A. Brown and Co , 1820 First edition, presentation copy, inscribed ‘To Sir James Gordon Bart of Letterfourie, as asmallmark of respect and esteem fromtheauthor’ on theretained initialblank, 8vo, xi17-315 [2] pp , 20thcenturyhalf morocco, edges untrimmed, half-title, engraved portrait frontispiece, advertisement leaf to rear;Sandwith, Humphrey. A Narrativeof theSiegeof Kars London:John Murray, 1856 First edition, 8vo, original cloth, wood-engraved frontispiecewith tissue-guard, folding lithographic plan, folding engraved map, 32 pp advertisements, engraved bookplateof Lord Kinnaird to front pastedown, cloth slightlymarked and dust-soiled, remnants of old labels to both pastedowns, afew spots to frontispiece;Robinson, Frederick. Diaryof theCrimean War. London: Richard Bentley, 1856 First edition, 8vo, originalred pebble-grain cloth, spinerolled;Knight, William. OrientalOutlines or aRambler's Recollections of aTour in Turkey, Greece, and Tuscany In 1838 London:Sampson Low, 1839 First edition, presentation copy, inscribed ‘Mr Serjeant Shee, with the authors compliments’ on theinitialblank, 8vo, originalcloth, engraved frontispieceand vignettetitle-page;Sale, Lady[Florentia] A Journalof the Disasters in Affghanistan, 1841-2. London:John Murray, 1843. First edition, 8vo in 12s, contemporaryred half morocco, 2 lithographic plans (one folding, this with partialsplit to onefold and smallhandling tear to inner fold), joints rubbed, front joint split at head and foot;and 15 others (these not collated, including, WilliamSimpson, TheCampaign in theCrimea, 1855, originalcloth, tinted lithographic plates;Calthorpe, Letters fromHeadQuarters, 1857, second edition, 2 volumes, later red half calf gilt;J. Harris, publisher, TheTraveller, 1820, second edition, contemporaryblue-green calf gilt, engraved plates;DominiqueBohours, TheLifeof St Francis Xavier, Dublin, 1812, contemporarymarbled sheep;and others) (23)
Estimate:£500 -£800
Fromthelibraryof theGordon familyof Letterfourie, Moray, Scotland (many works with bookplate)

Lot 92
Traveland Miscellaneous 5 volumes
Smollett, T Travels through Franceand Italy London:R Baldwin, 1766 2 volumes, 8vo, half-titles, contemporarycalf, alittlebrowning, labels chipped;Fielding, Henry Miscellanies London:Printed for theAuthor and sold byA Millar, 1743 3 volumes, 8vo, contemporaryspeckled calf, joints a littlecracked, heraldic bookplates (5)
Estimate:£400 -£600
TheLibraryof aScottish Gentleman.

Lot 93
Glasgow and thewest coast of Scotland
Largecollection of works
McUre, John. A View of theCityof Glasgow. Glasgow:James Duncan, 1736. First edition, 8vo, contemporarycalf, mezzotint portrait frontispiece, 2 folding panoramas, plateof arms, bound without theappendix or dedication to theDukeof Argyllmentioned in list of plates but pagination (376 pp ) matching libraryrecords;RegalityClub. TheRegalityClub. First [Second; Third;Fourth] Series Glasgow:for theRegalityClub byJames Maclehose and Sons, 1889-1912. First editions, 4 volumes, 4to, near-contemporary dark red crushed half morocco, photogravureand other plates;[Motherwell, William, editor]. ThePaisleyMagazine. No. I [-XIII]. Paisley:David Dick, 18289 13 monthlynumbers, 8vo, each in originallithographic wrappers, housed in customred morocco pull-off case;Pitcairn, Robert Historicaland GenealogicalAccount of thePrincipalFamilies of theNameof Kennedy Edinburgh:WilliamTait, 1830 4to, contemporaryhalf calf byCharles Day;and approx. 50 others, including:View of theHistory, Constitution, and Funds of theGuildry, and Merchants Houseof Glasgow, 1817 (8vo, c 1900 bluecrushed half morocco);Walter Baynham, TheGlasgow Stage, 1892, oneof 100 copies;Historyof theHospitaland Schoolfounded in Glasgow, A.D. 1639-45, byGeorgeand Thomas Hutcheson of Lambhill, 1881 (oneof 150 copies, 4to, originalcloth);GeorgeRobertson, Topographical Description of Ayrshire;moreparticularlyof Cunninghame, Irvine, 1820 (4to, uncut in originalboards, rebacked, engraved hand-coloured folding map (with aduplicatelaid in)
Estimate:£500 -£800
Provenance: TheLibraryof aScottish Gentleman.

Lot 94
Chandler, Richard
Travels in Greece
Oxford:Printed at theClarendon Press [and] Sold byJ Dodsley, 1776 Small 4to, 7 maps (2 folding), contemporarycalf
Estimate:£500 -£700
Lot 95
Chandler, Richard
Travels in AsiaMinor
Oxford:TheClarendon Press, 1775 4to, folding map, contemporaryblindtooled calf with gilt tooling to spineand red morocco gilt spinelabel, bookplateof Benjamin Hower and another, neat, ownership signatureto free-endpaper
Estimate:£400 -£600

Catlin, George
TheManners, Customs, and Condition of theNorth American Indians London:published bytheauthor, at theEgyptian Hall, Piccadilly, 1841 [1892] 2 volumes, large8vo, originalbluepictorialcloth gilt, folding map, 180 colour-printed wood-engraved plates containing 313 discretenumbered images including 3 maps (oneof which folding;ahandfulof plates including volume1 frontispieceand finalmap in volume2 unnumbered), afew plates slightlyloose, sunning to spines and to volume2 front board;Ewing, William. Arab and Druzeat Home. A Record with thePeopleEast of the Jordan London:T C &E C Jack, 1907 First edition, 8vo, original decorativecloth, halftonephotographic plates (2)
Estimate:£300 -£400
Lot 97
[Fore-edgepainting] - Hooker, WilliamJackson
Journalof aTour in Iceland
London:Longman, Hurst, Rees, Ormeand Brown, 1813. 2 volumes, second edition, hand-coloured frontispieceand 8 other plates and maps (some folding), each volumewith afore-edgepainting of aneo-Classicalcountry houseand estate, modern red quarter morocco gilt, stamps of the American Museumof NaturalHistory, somebrowning
Estimate:£300 -£500
Lot 98
[David, Henry]
An HistoricalAccount of alltheVoyages round theWorld performed by English Navigators, 1773
Volumes 1, 3 and 4 only, 34 (of 52) plates and maps, contemporarycalf, someoffsetting, afew shaved, onetitlecreased, slightlyrubbed;Raynal, W T A Philosophicaland PoliticalHistoryof theSettlements and Trade, 1786, volumes 1-4 (of 5), contemporarycalf (7)
Estimate:£200 -£300

Lot 99
A collection of 40 titles
Neill, Patrick. A Tour Through Someof theIslands of Orkneyand Shetland. Edinburgh:A Constableand Company, 1806 8vo, contemporary morocco;Drever, W.P. UdalLaw in TheOrkneys and Zetland. Edinburgh: WilliamGreen &Sons, 1900 8vo, cloth boards dampstained;Fergusson, James. TheBrochs and theRudeStoneMonuments of theOrkneyIslands. London:WilliamMullan and Son, 1877 8vo, cloth boards dampstained;Brand, Rev. John. A Brief Description of Orkney, Zetland, Pightland-Firth &Caithness Edinburgh:WilliamBrown, 1883 No 44 of 157, 8vo, somedampstaining to boards;Ferguson, Malcolm. A Visit to Orcadia and theNorth of Scotland Dundee:John Leng, 1898 Second edition, 8vo, tooled contemporaryred calf, tear to spine;Stuart, John Noticeof Excavations in theChambered Mound of Maeshowe, In Orkney Edinburgh: Nielland Company, 1865 8vo, contemporarycloth;[Anon ] Hand-book to theOrkneyIslands with Illustrations. London:Simpkin, Marshall&Co. [n.d., late19th century] 8vo, contemporaryhalf-calf, corners bumped;Mackenzie, James. TheGeneralGrievances and Oppression of theIsles of Orkneyand Shetland Edinburgh:Niell&Co , 1836 8vo, contemporarygreen cloth;Buckley, T.E. and J.A. Harvie-Brown. A VertebrateFaunaof theOrkney Islands Edinburgh:David Douglas, 1891 8vo, later marbled boards;Edmondston, Thomas. An EtymologicalGlossaryof theShetland & OrkneyDialect Edinburgh:Adamand Charles Black, 1866 8vo, maroon cloth;and 30 further titles relating to Orkney(40)
Estimate:£400 -£600

Lot 100 Orkney
Collection of titles and Proceedings of theOrkneyAntiquarian Society Wallace, James An account of theislands of Orkney London:Jacob Tonson, 1700. 8vo, contemporarycalf, with fold-out map of Orkneyand fold-out illustration;Sands, James A Letter Directed Thus, for Mr James Lyon in Kirkwal;[no publisher details] printed 1710;[bound with] Lyon, James A Short Account of theDivineOriginalof Episcopacy [no publisher details] printed 1710. 8vo, contemporarycalf;Charleson, M.M. Account of theExcavation of aChambered Cairn in theParish of Firth, Orkney Stromness:Wm. Rendall, [n.d., 1903?]. 8v0, purplecloth;[Fromavolume of Miscellaneous Poems in theLibraryof theFacultyof Advocates] Poetical Descriptions of Orkney MDCLII Edinburgh [no publisher information, n d ] 1 of 35 copies;[Attributed to] TheRev. Thomas Hepburn of Birsay. A Letter fromOrkney, 1757 Edinburgh:WilliamBrown, 1885 No 19 of 110;Dunn, Robert. TheOrnithologists Guideto TheIslands of Orkneyand Shetland. Hull:Robert Dunn, 1837 8vo, green cloth, fold-out maps of Orkneyand Shetland Islands;Wallace, James. A Description of theIsles of Orkney. Edinburgh:WilliamBrown, 1883 No 32 of 260;Wilson, James D and John Mooney. TheDeerness Mermaid, An OriginalOrkneyBurlesque. Kirkwall: WilliamPeace&Son, 1894;[authors unknown] Orcadian Rhymes;or, Verses fromtheFar North. Kelso:J. and J.H. Rutherfurd, 1864;Spence, Magnus TheClimateof OrkneyfromJournalof Scottish Meteorological Society, 1908;Edmonston, A Observations on theNatureand Extent of the Cod Fishery. Edinburgh:WilliamLaing, 1820;Balfour of Balfour, David [editor] Ancient OrkneyMelodies Edinburgh:Ballantyne, Hanson &Co , 1885;Omond, James. How to Know theOrkneyBirds. Kirkwall:W.R. Mackintosh, 1925;Proceedings of theOrkneyAntiquarian Society Volumes I to XIV, 1922 to 1937 inclusive, duplicatecopyof volumeIII;and approximately50 further Orkneyrelated publications (70+)
Estimate:£500 -£700

Lot 101
Clerk, John, of Eldin
A Series of Etchings Chieflyof Views in Scotland With AdditionalEtchings and Facsimiles fromhis Drawings. Edinburgh:for theBannatyneClub, 1855 Largefolio (50 5 x 31cm), originalmaroon quarter roan, printed paper labelto front board, xxx pp., lithographic portrait frontispieceafter HenryRaeburn, mezzotint portrait (both on india paper, mounted), 55 etched or tinted lithographic plates (numbered 1-55 but manycontaining multipleseparatelyprinted images), onefurther unnumbered plate, tissue-guards, spineworn, front board detached
Estimate:£200 -£300
Second edition, greatlyenlarged, number 98 in theBannatyneClub series;it was first published in 1825 with 28 plates only John Clerk of Eldin (17281812), 'atruechild of theEnlightenment'(ODNB) is best remembered today for his Essayon NavalTactics (1790) 'Clerk was an exceptionalamateur artist His wealthybackground afforded himtheluxuryof entertaining numerous careers, including medicineand business, and healso showed a considerableinterest in geology In the1740s hebegan sketching alongside his brother-in-law, Robert Adam, and theartist PaulSandby. Clerk travelled extensivelythroughout Scotland, recording awiderangeof landscapes and ancient buildings. His sketches of Edinburgh and thesurrounding areas are highlypersonalrepresentations of his nativecountryside'(NationalGalleries of Scotland, online). TheBannatyneClub was an antiquarian printing society founded in Edinburgh in 1823 bySir Walter Scott on themodelof London's RoxburgheClub.

Lot 102
Johnson, Samuel
A Journeyto theWestern Isles of Scotland
London:W Strahan and T Cadell, 1775 First edition, second issue, with 6 lineerratabound between titleand first leaf of text, U4 correctlynumbered 296 on verso;Boswell, James Thejournalof atour to theWestern islands with SamuelJohnson. London:Charles Dilly, 1785. First edition, 8vo, halftitle, errataleaf at end with noteannouncing publication of Boswell's Lifeof Johnson, uniformcontemporaryred half morocco, veryneatlyrebacked, spines gilt (2)
Estimate:£700 -£900

Lot 103
Paton, James (editor)
Scottish Historyand Life
Glasgow:James Maclehose&Sons, publishers to theUniversity, 1902. First edition, large-paper issue, oneof 20 copies printed on japon throughout (in addition to 300 large-paper copies on paper), large4to (36.8 x 27.5cm), contemporarybluemorocco byMaclehose, thistledevices gilt to spine compartments, largegilt block of theroyalarms to front cover, top edge gilt, others untrimmed;MacColl, D S Nineteenth CenturyArt Glasgow: James Maclehose&Sons, publishers to theUniversity, 1902. First edition, large-paper issue, oneof 20 copies printed on japon throughout (in addition to 300 large-paper copies on paper), large4to (36.6 x 27cm), contemporarybluemorocco byMaclehoseuniformwith thepreceding work, top edgegilt, others untrimmed;Henley, W E (editor) A Centuryof Artists A Memorialof theGlasgow InternationalExhibition 1888 Glasgow: James Maclehose&Sons, publishers to theUniversity, 1889 First edition, large-paper issuewith theplates on japon, oneof 215 copies, large4to, originalbrown buckramgilt, top edgegilt, others untrimmed;Fairbairn, Thomas. Relics of Ancient Architectureand Other PicturesqueScenes in Glasgow Glasgow:David Bryce&Son, 1885 Number 1 of 50 copies only, folio, originalgreen quarter morocco, red cloth sides, plates (on indiapaper, mounted), wear to spine, variablespotting to contents;and 5 others (9)
Estimate:£300 -£500
TheLibraryof aScottish Gentleman

Lot 104
Glasgow and Surroundings:art, design and architecture
19th Century
Swan, Joseph, illustrator - John M Leighton Select Views of Glasgow and its Environs Glasgow:Joseph Swan, 1828 4to, finebluecrushed half-morocco gilt;Idem. Views of theRiver Clyde. Glasgow:Joseph Swan, 1830. 4to, fine bluecrushed half-morocco gilt;Views and Notices of Glasgow in Former Times. Glasgow:Robert Stuart &Co., 1848. 4to, originalcloth;Craig, Archibald, editor TheElder Park, Govan Glasgow:James Maclehose, 1891 4to, originalred quarter russiagilt;Memoirs and Portraits of OneHundred Glasgow Men Glasgow:James Maclehoseand Sons, 1886 2 volumes, number 205 of 400 copies, 4to, originalred quarter morocco gilt, joints splitting alittle;Laskey, Captain J A GeneralAccount of theHunterian Museum, Glasgow. Glasgow:John Smith &Son, 1813. 8vo, later halfmorocco gilt;[Glasgow Corporation Galleries ] Four unpublished volumes with “Glasgow Portraits /Corporation Galleries 1868” to thespines, containing, photographs of portraits, manywith captions, finelybound in red morocco gilt;Small, David By-GoneGlasgow Glasgow:Morison Brothers, 1896. 4to, number 283 of 450 copies, originalgreen cloth gilt;MacGeorge, Andrew Old Glasgow Glasgow:Blackie&Son, 1880 Folio, number 93 of 100 largepaper copies, originalgreen quarter morocco gilt;Allan, David, lithographer &John M Leighton Views in Glasgow and Neighbourhood. Glasgow:Allan &Ferguson, 1835. Oblong folio, 11 leaves of plates, quarter russiaover originalboards;and 11 others (27)
Estimate:£400 -£500
TheLibraryof aScottish Gentleman

Histories of Glasgow and other works, 18th-19th century, finelybound M'Ure, John. A View of theCityof Glasgow;or, an Account of its Origin, Rise and Progress Glasgow:James Duncan, 1736 First edition, 8vo, mezzotint portrait frontispieceof author and 2 fold-out engravings of views of Glasgow allbySamTaylor [n d ], contemporarysprinkled calf, annotated front endpaper, occasionalmarginalannotations and manicules, bookplate of WilliamCole(1714-82), friend and correspondent of Horace Walpole. Cullan, John. Glasgow Illustrated in aSeries of PicturesqueViews Drawn &Engraved byJ Scott Glasgow:for J Scott, 1834 First edition, 8vo, 25 engraved plates including illustrated titlepage, contemporarybluehalf morocco;Brown, Andrew Historyof Glasgow;and of Paisley, Greenock, and Port-Glasgow Glasgow:WilliamPaton, 1795 First edition, 8vo, 19th century burgundyhalf crushed morocco;together with (not collated):Cleland, James, Annals of Glasgow, 1816, 2 volumes;[author unknown], Glasgow Delineated, or A Description of TheCity, Its Institutions, Manufactures and Commerce, 1824;Pagan, James, Glasgow Past and Present, 2 volumes, 1851;Idem, Sketch of theHistoryof Glasgow, 1847;John Tait's Directory for theCityof Glasgow, (reprint) 1871;Muir, James Hamilton and Muirhead Bone(illustrator), Glasgow in 1901, 1901 (2 copies);Gibson, John, The Historyof Glasgow, fromtheEarliest Accounts to thePresent Time, 1777; Denholm, James, TheHistoryof theCityof Glasgow and Suburbs, second edition, 1798;Barclay, Hugh, Rambling Recollections of Old Glasgow;Nicol, James, Vital, Socialand Economic Statistics of TheCityof Glasgow, 18811885, 1885;Ure, David, TheHistoryof Rutherglen and East-Kilbride, 1793; M'Ure, John, TheHistoryof Glasgow, A New Edition, 1830;Macmillan, Archibald, Jeems Kaye:His Adventures and Opinions, 2 volumes [n.d., c. 1890?];allin fineleather bindings (20)
Estimate:£300 -£500
Provenance: TheLibraryof aScottish Gentleman

Lot 106
Scottish historyand topography
Collection of works, 18th and 19th century Gordon, Alexander. ItinerariumSeptetrionale:or, A JourneyThro'Most of theCounties of Scotland, and thosein theNorth of England London:for H Gyles, 1727. Folio, 19th-centuryquarter calf, 66 engraved plates, engraved folding map;Swan, Joseph (engraver) TheLakes of Scotland:A Series of Views, FromPaintings Taken Expresslyfor theWork. ByJohn Fleming. With Historicaland DescriptiveIllustrations byJohn M Leighton Glasgow:Joseph Swan Engraver, 1834. First edition, 4to, 52 engraved plates on indiapaper, mounted, later bluehalf morocco and marbled boards;together with (not collated):Grose, Francis. TheAntiquities of Scotland. London:for S. Hooper, 1791 2 volumes, 4to, contemporarysprinkled tan calf, rebacked with richly gilt spines, bookplates of Sir John Eden, Bart ;Stuart, Andrew Genealogical Historyof theStewarts London:for A Strahan, 1798 First edition, linenbacked fold-out GenealogicalTableof theStuarts Bound with:[Steuart, Henry.] TheGenealogyof theStewarts Refuted:In aletter to Andrew Stuart. Edinburgh:Bell&Bradfute, 1799 First edition, largefold-out Genealogical Sketch of theHouseof BonKill. Gilt tooled contemporarybluemorocco, richlygilt spinewith raised bands, gilt edges, bookplateof theHon [?] Stuart;Pinkerton, John. TheScottish Gallery;or, Portraits of Eminent Persons of Scotland London:for E Harding, 1799 First edition, contemporaryhalf roan;Chalmers, George. Caledonia:or, An Account, Historicaland Topographic, of North Britain London:T Cadelland W Davies, 1807. Vols. I, II and III [of 4], contemporarytan calf;Pennant, Thomas A Tour in Scotland and Voyageto theHebrides London:for Benj White, 1776 2 volumes, second edition, contemporarytan calf, tooled gilt spines (11)
Estimate:£300 -£500
Provenance: TheLibraryof aScottish Gentleman.

Lot 107
Martin, Martin
A Description of theWestern Islands of Scotland London:Andrew Bell, 1703. First edition, 8vo, folding map, folding plate, contemporarycalf gilt, joints cracked, upper cover detached, small, neat repair to reverseof map
Estimate:£400 -£500
Bookplateof Thomas Maitland Dunderman;Neat ownership stamp of Alex. D Denny, Dumbarton to flyleaf;TheLibraryof aScottish Gentleman

Lot 108
Glasgow and surroundings
Tweed, John, publisher, and others. TheHistoryof Glasgow. Glasgow, 1872. 2 volumes, 8vo, 20th centurybrown crushed half-morocco gilt;["Senex"] Glasgow Past and Present. Glasgow:David Robertson and Co., 1884. 3 volumes, 8vo, number 394 of 500 numbered copies, 20th centurybrown crushed half-morocco gilt;Idem. Old Glasgow and its Environs, historical and topographical Glasgow:David Robertson, 1764 8vo, brown halfmorocco gilt;Mackenzie, Peter. Reminiscences of Glasgow. Glasgow:John Tweed, 1765 3 volumes, 8vo, brown half morocco gilt;MacGregor, George TheHistoryof Glasgow. Glasgow:Thomas D. Morison /London:Hamilton, Adams, and Co , 1881 8vo, 20th centurylight brown crushed half-morocco gilt;Cleland, James A Description of theManner of Improving theGreen of Glasgow, or raising water for thesupplyof Public Buildings Glasgow:R Chapman, 1813 8vo, 20th centurydark green crushed half-morocco gilt;Hedderwick, James. Backward Glances. Edinburgh and London:William Blackwood &Sons, 1891 8vo, 20th centurydark red crushed half-morocco gilt;Murray, David. Old Cardross:alecture. Glasgow:James Maclehose, 1880 8vo, finepaneled calf gilt with red and green morocco gilt labels to spines;and 2 others (15)
Estimate:£400 -£600
TheLibraryof aScottish Gentleman.

Lot 109
TheAncient Sculptured monuments of theCountyof Angus including thoseat Meiglein Perthshire, and oneat Fordoun in theMearns. Edinburgh:[for theBannatyneClub], 1848 Imperialfolio (75 x 55cm), originalmaroon half roan, 24 tinted lithographic plates, tissueguards, wear to binding, joints splitting, spinechipped, somespotting to plates [David Laing, TheBannatyneClub Lists of Members and theRules, with a Catalogueof theBooks printed for theBannatyneClub sinceits Institution in 1823, 1867, p 79]
Estimate:£200 -£300
TheLibraryof aScottish Gentleman
First edition, number 88 in theBannatyneClub series TheBannatyneClub was an antiquarian printing societyfounded in Edinburgh in 1823 bySir Walter Scott on themodelof London's RoxburgheClub

Lot 110
Daniell, William
Prints fromA VoyageRound Great Britain volumes 2, 3, 4, 5 &6 (Scotland)
A collection of 98 hand-coloured prints filed and listed in threePanodia albums (fulllist availableon request), including:Carlaverock Castle, Dumfrieshire. 1st May, 1816;Near Carsleith, Galloway. 1st September, 1816;DunskyCastle, near Port Patrick, Wigtonshire 1st July, 1816;Castle Ellen-Donan. 1st December, 1818;Loch-Duich, Ross-shire. 1st December, 1818;Ilan-dreoch, Glenbeg, Invernesshire 1st December, 1818;TheBayof Barrisdale, in Loch Hourne. 1st January, 1819;Glen-coe, taken near Ballachulish 1st January, 1819;Near Kylakin, Skye 1st February, 1819 (2 prints);Liveras, near Broadford, Skye. 1st February, 1819;GlenvargleBridge, near Portree, Skye 1st April, 1819;Duntulm, Isleof Skye 1st April, 1819;Dunvegan Castle, Isleof Skye. 1st April, 1819;Dunvegan Castle. 1st May, 1819;LittleBrieshmeal, near Talisker, Skye 1st May 1819;FromtheIsle of Rasay, looking Westward 1st August, 1819 (98)
Estimate:£800 -£1,200

Lot 111
Scotland 3 works
Martin, Martin. A Description of theWestern Islands of Scotland. London:A. Bell, 1716 Second edition, 8vo, folding map, folding plate, additionalleaf with pasted news clipping regarding thesaleof “TheIslands and Baronyof Harries and St Kilda”, another inserted manuscript leaf regarding “Rathry Isle” (presumablyRathlin), and afurther two leaves with an articletitled “Extract froman Expedition to thecelebrated Island of Y-Columbkill", 20thcenturycalf gilt;[Burt] Letters fromaGentleman in theNorth of Scotland to his Friend in London London:S Birt, 1754 2 volumes, 8vo, frontispiece map, 8 plates, contemporarycalf, Hopetoun bookplates, ownership stamps of Alex D Dennyto free-endpaper /reverseof map;Ferguson, Robert The PoeticalWorks of Robert Ferguson Alnwick:W Davison, [n d ] 2 volumes, 8vo, originalcloth (5)
Estimate:£300 -£400
Provenance: TheLibraryof aScottish Gentleman
Lot 112
Dundee- Small, Robert
A StatisticalAccount of theParish and Town of Dundeein theyear MDCCXCII
Dundee:T Colvill, [1792] First edition, 8vo, folding plan, neatlylaid down, 3 plates, 19th centurycalf gilt, last leaf with errataon verso, [ESTC: T64556];Lamb, A C Dundee Its Quaint and Historic Buildings Dundee:G Petrie, 1895. Largefolio, number 296 of 357 smallpaper copies, 59 plates, originalbrown half morocco gilt, t eg , cloth dustwrapper, extremities lightly rubbed (2)
Estimate:£400 -£600
Lot 113
Irish Almanacs 1799-1841
comprising TheGentleman's and Citizen's Almanack, 1799 Dublin:Samuel Watson;[bound with] TheEnglish Registry, 1799. Dublin:John Exshaw; [bound with] Wilson's Dublin Directory, 1799 Dublin:WilliamWilson;calf gilt;TheGentleman's and Citizen's Almanack , 1807 Dublin:John Watson Stewart, 1807. Limp red calf gilt covers;TheGentleman's and Citizen's Almanack , 1809; [bound with] TheEnglish Registry, 1809 Dublin:John Watson Stewart, red calf gilt;TheTrebleAlmanack [containing the aforementioned publications] for theyear 1812 Dublin, 1812 Red calf gilt, covers detached;and 31 further volumes, similar, comprising theyears: 1812, 1815, 1816, 1817, 1818, 1819, 1823, 1826, 1827, 1828, 1829, 1831, 1832, 1833, 1836, 1840 and 1841;sold not subject to return (35)
Estimate:£400 -£600

Lot 114
A largecollection Sinclair, John. TheStatisticalAccount of Scotland. Edinburgh:WilliamCreech, 1791-1799 20 volumes only(of 21), lacking volume19, 8vo, purplehalf calf gilt, librarystamps;Thomson, John Maitland. RegistrumMagniSigilliRegum Scotorum TheRegister of theGreat Sealof Scotland A D 1306-1668 Edinburgh, 1912-1914. 11 volumes, mixed edition, large8vos, originalblue cloth gilt;Shaw, Lachlan TheHistoryof theProvinceof Moray Elgin:J Grant, 1827. 8vo, contemporaryhalf calf;Scott, Sir Walter. Provincial Antiquities with PicturesqueSceneryof Scotland London:John and Arthur Arch, 1826. 4to, 2 volumes bound together, contemporaryred russia gilt;Ramsay, Philip A Views of Renfrewshire Edinburgh:WilliamH Lizars, 1839 4to, later half cloth;Anton, William A Historyof theRecounter at Drumclog Hamilton:Borthwick, 1821 8vo, originalgreen cloth gilt;The Scottish Pocket Almanac for theYear 1836 Edinburgh:Oliver &Boyd ;and 17 others, sold not subject to return (53)
Estimate:£400 -£600

Lot 115
Robert Burns interest
'Plan of theEstateof Littleton, in Kirkoswald and theCountyof Air' ThePropertyof WilliamCrawford, Esquire, Physician, 1815. Manuscript estateplan in pen-and-ink and watercolour on paper, backed on linen, affixed to wooden roller, with green silk trim, afew chips and tears with loss of silk trimalong top edge, afew smallrents along bottomedge, 98 x 67cm
Estimate:£400 -£600
Footnote: Kirkoswald, about 11 miles south of Allowayin Ayrshire, was hometo Robert Burns's maternalrelatives. Burns lived in thevillagein 1775, and Burns's work was influenced byseveralof thelocalpeople Douglas Graham (1739–1811) who lived at Shanter Farmnear thevillageis said to bethe inspiration for Tamo'Shanter, and Jean Kennedy, who ran an inn named Kirkton, becameKirkton Jean Theestateplan, dated 1815, provides a valuablecontemporaryinsight into Burns's stomping ground in the1770s.

Lot 116
Slezer, John
TheatrumScotiae Containing theProspects of their Majesties Castles and Palaces...
London:Printed byJohn Leakefor AbellSwalle, 1693 First edition, folio, 57 double-pageengraved plates, 18th centurydiced calf with gilt border and arms of Sir Walter WyndhamBurrell, West Grinstead Park, to covers, spine sensitivelyrenewed, neat repair to reverseof Alloaplate, smallmarginal wormholeto manyplates, bookplate
Estimate:£1,500 -£2,000
Arms and bookplateof Sir Walter WyndhamBurrell, West Grinstead Park

Lot 117
Speed, John
TheSecond Book:containing thePrincipalityof Wales [extracted from"The Theatreof theEmpire "]
London:Thomas Basset at theGeorgein Fleet Street, and Richard Chiswell at theRoseand Crown in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1676. Folio, extracted fromSpeed's TheTheatreof theEmpireof Great-Britain , comprising section title-page, 14 hand-coloured maps of Wales and pp.97-126 of the work, finelybound in eighteenth-century(1750s) speckled calf gilt with the arms of HenryFiennes Pelham-Clinton, 9th Earlof Lincoln, K.G. to the covers, spinesympatheticallyrenewed, alittlerestoration to covers, afew neat repairs to lower margins, mounting guards renewed
Estimate:£1,500 -£2,000
Provenance: With thearms of HenryFiennes Pelham-Clinton, 9th Earlof Lincoln, K.G.
Lot 118
Sayer, Robert, and John Bennet
TheAmerican MilitaryPocket Atlas being an Approved Collection of Correct Maps, both Generaland Particular, of theBritish Colonies;especiallythosewhich now are, or probablymaybe theTheatreof War:taken principallyfromtheActualSurveys and Judicious Observations of Engineers DeBrahmand Romans;Cook, Jackson, and Collet;Maj Holland, and other Officers, employed in His Majesty's Fleets and Armies. London:printed for R. Sayer and J. Bennet, 1776. 8vo, contemporarymarbled boards, marbled calf spine, [3] vi-viii[2] pp , 6 engraved folding maps hand-coloured in outline, maps 3-5 with decorative title-cartouches, titles comprising:1 North America, as Divided amongst the European Bowers (31.5 x 46.5cm);2. A Compleat Map of theWest Indies, containing theCoasts of Florida, Louisiana, New Spain, and TerraFirma:with alltheIslands (32 x 45 5cm);3 A GeneralMap of theNorthern British Colonies in America, which comprehends theProvinceof Quebec, the Government of Newfoundland, Nova-Scotia, New-England and New-York (50.5 x 67.5cm);4. A GeneralMap of theMiddleBritish Colonies, in America, containing Virginia, Maryland, theDelawareCounties, Pennsylvaniaand New Jersey. With theaddition of New York, and of theGreatest Part of New England, as also of theBordering Parts of theProvinceof Quebec (48 5 x 66.5cm;inset of upper Canada);5. A GeneralMap of theSouthern British Colonies in America, comprehending North and South Carolina, Georgia, East and West Florida, with theNeighbouring Indian Countries (52 x 65 5cm;inset plans of Charleston and St Augustine);6 A Surveyof Lake Champlain, including LakeGeorge, Crown Point at St John (66 5 x 48 5cm) Faint offsetting, discreet old paper reinforcement along folds on versos, smallcircular stain to map 4 [Gephart, RevolutionaryAmericaI 886]
Estimate:£5,000 -£8,000
Published at thecommencement of theAmerican War of Independenceand nicknamed the‘Holster atlas', theAmerican MilitaryPocket Atlas was intended to meet thedemand for ‘such maps as an officer maytakewith himinto thefield’, and was ‘calculated in its bulk and priceto suit the pockets of officers of allranks’, according to thepublishers'advertisement to thefront of thevolume. Thepartnership of mapmakers Robert Sayer and John Bennett was dissolved shortlyafter theend of thewar, with Bennett having lost his sanityand been committed to theasylumof Dr Thomas Munro in Clapton for ninemonths in 1783

Freycinet, Louis de VoyagedeDécouvertes aux Terres Australes Historique[Atlas Deuxième Partie]
Paris:[ImprimerieImperiale], 1811 Large4to (31 5 x 26cm), atlas volume, second part, onlycomprising title, index pages and 14 maps (two of which arefolding), marbled calf with gilt foliateborders to covers, spinegilt with black morocco lettering pieces, someminor rubbing to covers, joints alittle weak and splitting slightly, acoupleof veryneatlyrepaired closed tears to folding maps, someminor foxing, small, light, marginaldampstain to final map, oneearlyink mark mainlyaffecting fore-edges
Estimate:£6,000 -£8,000
DeFreycinet’s work is notablefor containing thefirst detailed and complete map of Australia. Louis deFreycinet (1779-1841) acted as thecartographer and surveyor for Nicolas Thomas Baudin’s expedition to theSouthern and South-Western Coasts of Australiain 1800 Subsequently, hecaptained the schooner Casuarinaaround theAustralian coastlinefrom1802-1803, in particular reaching Van Diemen's Land (today’s Tasmania) beforeheading to Sydneyand finallyreturning to Francein 1804. Baudin had passed awayin Mauritius in 1803 Thefirst inshorecircumnavigation of Australia(at thetime New Holland) had been undertaken bytheBritish RoyalNavyofficer, Matthew Flinders, between 1791 and 1803 It is probablethat Flinders would havehad thehonour of producing thefirst completemap of Australiahad henot been arrested bytheFrench in Mauritius on his return journey Flinders’s six-year imprisonment offered deFreycinet theopportunityto publish thelargefolding map of Australia, contained herein, in 1811, three years beforeFlinders was ableto producehis work.DeFreycinet’s Atlas is centralto thehistoryof European exploration of Australia, showing aclear French claimon theland Hillpoints out theDeFreycinet:"entirelyignored thediscoveries of British explorers, and depicted thewholeof thesouth coast, fromwhat is now Melbourneto theborder of Western Australia, as the'TerreNapoleon'"

Lot 120
Jansson, Jan
Dominio Fiorentino [Amsterdam, 1666], 50 x 39cm, hand-coloured, framed and glazed;[AND] Facsimileof Jacopo de'Brabari's bird's-eyeview of VenicefromtheSouth, framed and glazed (2)
Estimate:£300 -£400

Antiquarian historyand literature
Collection of works, mainly17th-19th century Moore, J. J. TheBritish Mariner's Vocabulary;or UniversalDictionaryof TechnicalTerms and SeaPhrases used in theConstruction, Equipment, Management and MilitaryOperations of aShip. London:J. Cundee, 1801. First edition, 12mo, contemporarysprinkled tan sheep, engraved frontispiece, 8 plates, ownership inscription to head of titlepage;Abercromby, David A MoralDiscourseof thePower of Interest London:Dorman Newman, 1691. Second edition, 8vo, contemporary mottled calf, earlyownership inscription to head of title-page;Bartholin, Caspar, theYounger. Detibiis veterumet earumantiquo usu. Rome:ex tyopgraphiaPauliMonetae, 1677 First edition, 8vo, contemporaryblindruled sheep, 3 engraved plates, lacking portrait, binding worn, dampstaining, engraved bookplate(Gordon of Letterfourie), ownership inscription of oneWilliamNiven dated 1688 to initialblank;[Defoe, Daniel] A Military Historyof Germany, and of England;fromtheYear 1631, to theYear 1648. Being theMemoirs of an English Gentleman, who served in theArmyof Gustavus Adolphus;and afterwards in theRoyalArmyof King Charles I. Edinburgh:for Ebenezer Wilson, bookseller in Dumfries, 1769 12mo, contemporarytan calf, earlyownership inscription (Helen Gordon, Letterfourie) to head of title-page;and 16 others (not collated), including:‘J C.’, A Compleat Historyof theAffairs of Spain, 1708 (8vo, contemporary panelled calf, engraved portrait);James Anderson, Essays relating to Agricultureand RuralAffairs, Edinburgh, 1777 (2 volumes, 8vo, contemporarytan calf, engraved bookplates of Sir James Gordon, Baronet, of Letterfourie, showing Letterfouriein thebackground);R H Cromek, Remains of Nithsdaleand GallowaySong, 1810 (8vo, contemporary streaked calf);John, Earlof Orrery, Remarks on theLifeand Writings of Dr Jonathan Swift, 1752 (second edition, 8vo, contemporarycalf, Gordon of Letterfouriebookplate);HenryHome, Lord James, Sketches of theHistory of Man, 1778 (second edition, 4 volumes, 8vo, contemporarysprinkled tan sheep);and similar (28)
Estimate:£300 -£500
Fromthelibraryof theGordon familyof Letterfourie, Moray, Scotland

Miscellaneous antiquarian books and finebindings Collection of works
Hutton, William. TheBattleof Bosworth-Field, between Richard theThird and HenryEarlof Richmond, August 22, 1485 Birmingham:printed byPearson and Rollason, 1788. First edition, 8vo, 19th-centurytan calf, rebacked, gilt arms of theSocietyof Writers to theSignet to covers, engraved portrait, folding plan, title-pageand portrait spotted, bound with acopyof the second edition (1813), with 11 etched portraits, plates and plans, oneof which 'Richard theThird's Houseand Bedstead'misbound to facep. 49 in thefirst edition;Cervantes, Miguelde Novelas exemplares Nuevaimpresion corregidayadornadacon laminas. Valencia:Salvador Fauli, 1797. 2 volumes, 8vo, contemporarySpanish marbled sheep, etched portrait frontispiece, 14 etched plates (onefor each ‘Novela’);Smith, Adam An Inquiryinto theNatureand Causes of theWealth of Nations Completein OneVolume Edinburgh:Peter Brown, 1838 8vo, contemporaryhalf calf;Locke, John. An Essayconcerning Human Understanding … A New Edition London:for Thomas Tegg, 1828 3 volumes, 8vo, contemporary half calf, spinewith twin black morocco labels and broad flat bands tooled in gilt, contemporarybookseller's ticket 9Wrightson &Webb, Birmingham);Johnson, Samuel. Letters to and fromtheLateSamuel Johnson, LL D To which areadded SomePoems, never beforeprinted Published fromtheOriginalMSS. in her Possession, byHester Lynch Piozzi. Dublin:for G Burnet [and others], 1788 2 volumes in 1, 8vo, later black half morocco;Dickens, Charles. TheLifeand Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby London:Chapman and Hall, 1839 8vo, contemporaryhalf calf, engraved portrait frontispiece, 41 etched plates byGeorgeCruikshank ('Phiz'), plates spotted;and 11 others including:Byron, Marino Faliero, 1821; Sotheran's York Guide, 1796;SamuelJohnson, A Dictionaryof theEnglish Language… Seventh Edition, Corrected bytheAuthor, 1783 (2 volumes, 8vo, contemporarytreecalf, gilt spines, rubbed, volume1 rear joint cracked);T. H. Huxley, [Volumeof pamphlets and journalextracts];Bede, TheHistoryof thePrimitiveChurch of England fromits Origin to theYear 731 … Now translated bytheRev. WilliamHurst. London:for thetranslator, 1814 (first edition thus, 8vo, contemporarytreesheep, lacking frontispiece); and similar (24)
Estimate:£300 -£500
Provenance: Fromthelibraryof theGordon familyof Letterfourie, Moray, Scotland.

Lot 123
Cundall, Joseph (publisher)
A Series of SixtyEtchings Illustrativeof theHistoryof Reynard theFox Fixty-Six byAldert van Everdingen (A. D. 1621 to 1675) and Four bySimon Fokke(A D 1746) London:Joseph Cundall, 1845 First edition thus, 4to, later black morocco richlygilt byRiviere, top edgegilt, others untrimmed, additionaltitle-page('Reynard theFox, A Renowned Apologue ') incorporating two medieval-stylepuzzleinitials in red and blue(theblue possiblyadded byhand), similar initials throughout thetext, 60 etched plates printed with bluebackgrounds;Cruikshank, George(illustrator). Historyof theIrish Rebellion in 1798 byW H Maxwell London:Baily, Brothers, 1845. First edition, 8vo, later crushed green morocco gilt byF. Bedford, 27 etched or engraved plates;Piozzi, Hester Lynch Observations and Reflections madein theCourseof aJourneythrough France, Italy, and Germany London:A Strahan;and T Cadell, 1789 First edition, 2 volumes 1 in, 8vo, 19th-centurymaroon half morocco, foreand bottomedges untrimmed, 6 pp. advertisements to rear;[Johnstone, Charles]. Chrysal;or theAdventures of aGuinea:byan Adept London:for Hector M'Clean, 1821 3 volumes, 8vo, contemporaryred morocco backing drab paper boards (probablyoriginal), 15 hand-coloured aquatint plates including frontispieces;and 12 others (21)
Estimate:£300 -£500
TheLibraryof aScottish Gentleman.

Lot 124
Thou, Jacques de Historiarumsuitemporis libriCXXXVIII Geneva:heirs of PierredelaRovière, 1626-30. 5 volumes in 4, folio, contemporaryvellumwith arabesquecentrepieces to covers in blind, woodcut vignettes to title-pages, first title-pageprinted in red and black [USTC 6702032];Aleman, Mateo. TheRogue:or, theLifeof Guzman de Alfarache Written in Spanish To which is added, theTragi-Comedyof Calisto and Melibea, represented in Celestina. TheThird Edition Corrected. London:byR B for Robert Allot, 1634 Folio, [36] 267, [17] 357, [15] pp , bound without themain text of TheSpanish Bawd at rear, contemporary sheep, 2G6 amedialblank, lacking endpapers, V6 closed tear at foot, tears in 2I3-6 and 2K1 [STC 291];Gifford, John. TheHistoryof France, fromthe Earliest Times, to thePresent Important Era London:printed byC Lowndes, and sold byW. Locke, 1791. First edition, 4 volumes, 4to, contemporarytreecalf, red and green morocco labels to spines, engraved frontispiece(trimmed at foot), folding map, 46 portrait plates (lacking directions to thebinder leaf and fullcollation not established, variabledampstaining to plates in volume3;and 10 others similar, including:[Charles Dodd], TheChurch Historyof England … chieflywith regard to Catholicks, Brussels [ie London?], 1737-40 (3 volumes in 2, folio, contemporarycalf); Bartolomeo Pinelli, Raccoltadino. 100 soggettilipiu rimarcheovolidell'istoria Romana, Rome, 1821 (oblong 4to, later half sheep, etched plates);Jacques du Thou, Nominumpropriorumvirorum, mulierum, populorum, etc. quaein viriillustris JacobiAugustiThuanihistoriis leguntur index, Geneva:Pierre Aubert, 1634 (4to, contemporarycalf);Thomas Gataker, MarciAntonini imperatoris, derebus suis, London, 1697 (4to, contemporarycalf, engraved portrait);Robert Douglas, ThePeerageof Scotland, Edinburgh, 1764 (folio, contemporarycalf);Robert Monteith, TheHistoryof theTroubles of Great Britain, 1735 (folio, contemporarycalf), and similar, sold as seen not subject to return (22)
Estimate:£300 -£500
Fromthelibraryof theGordon familyof Letterfourie, Moray, Scotland.

Lot 125
Byron, GeorgeGordon Noel, Lord English Bards and Scotch Reviewers, aSatire London:James Cawthorne, '1810'[but paper watermarked 1817], "Third" edition, later engraved portrait bound in, half-title;bound with English Bards and Scotch Reviewers. London:James Cawthorne, 1811 [no watermarks], Fourth edition, spurious edition, 2pp advertisement at end, 2 works in one volume, modern calf, rubbed and scuffed;Taylor, John. Monsieur Tonson:a New Version 1810 12mo, 10 (of 12) plates, lacking pp 11-12, modern quarter vellum, dampstained, somerepairs;Monsieur Tonson:aNew Version [?1810] 12mo, 12 coloured plates, wrappers, lacking title, afew tears somespotting, wrappers roughlysewn back on;London:adescriptive poem London:W Darton, Jun , [n d but plates dated 1813] 16mo, 8 plates, dark red calf gilt (4)
Estimate:£1,000 -£1,500
Lot 126
[Erotic Novel] "MadamedeVilfranc"- [Pierre-Jean-BaptisteNougaret] Les Foiblesses d'uneJolieFemme Ou Mémoires deMadamedeVilfranc, écrits par elle-méme Amsterdam/Paris:Belin, 1785. 2 volumes together, 12mo, 19th century brown half morocco
Estimate:£400 -£600
Lot 127
Godwin, MaryWollstonecraft
Posthumous Works of theAuthor of aVindication of theRights of Woman [volume1 only]
London:J Johnson, 1798 Volume1 only, containing chapters 1-8 of “The Wrongs of Woman:or, Maria A Fragment”, small8vo, contemporarycalf
Estimate:£150 -£200
Lot 128
Quincey, Thomas de Confessions of an English Opium-Eater
London:Taylor &Hessey, 1823. Third edition, 12mo, contemporaryhalf calf gilt, with thefinal3 leaves of advertisements, originalboards with paper label to spine, upper cover detached
Estimate:£200 -£300

Lot 129
Johnson, Samuel, and others
Bindings:Literaryand Historical Johnson, Samuel. Works. London:Thomas Tegg, and others, 1824. 12 volumes, 8vo, contemporaryhalf calf, spines renewed;Lacretelle, Charles HistoiredeFrance… Paris:Delaunay, 1814. 2 volumes, 8vo, attractive speckled calf gilt with red morocco gilt labels to spines;Musset, Alfred de Fantasio. Paris:Charpentier, 1866. First separateedition, 8vo, handsome red straight-grained morocco gilt with gilt doublures, customslipcase;Byron, GeorgeGordon, Lord. ThePoeticalWorks. London:Frederick Warne&Co., [n d ] 8vo, 19th centurytreecalf gilt;Ray, J , Reverend A Compleat Collection of English Proverbs… London:W. Otridge, and others, 1768. 8vo, modern red half calf, lacking endpapers;(BibliophileSociety) Burns, Robert “TheGeddes Burns” Boston, 1907 8vo, originalcalf, dustjacket;Aristophanes TheClouds:A Comedy Written byAristophanes, the wittiest man of his age, against Socrates, who was thewisest and best Now first intirlytranslated into English.… London:T. Payne, 1759. 8vo, contemporarycalf, rubbed and somewear to joints;[Philipps, H ] The Grandeur of theLaw. London:Arthur Jones, 1684. 8vo, contemporaryblack morocco with gilt foliatedecoration;and 8 others:Churchill TheWorld Crisis 1916-18 parts 1&2;Caillet. ManuelBibliographiquedes Sciences Psychiques ou Occultes, 1988, threevolumes;Les Loisirs du Chevalier D'Eon, 1775, volume2 only;Johnson. Debates in Parliament, 1787, volume2 only;The FamilyRobinson Crusoe, 1816, volume2 only(20)
Estimate:£300 -£500

Lot 130
[Music] Croft, William- Joseph Trapp Musicus Apparatus Academicus. Being aComposition of Two Odes with Vocal&InstrumentalMusick Performed in theTheatreat Oxford on MondayJulythe13th, 1713 [London, 1715?] Folio, 2 parts together, thesecond part ending at p.27, engraved title-pages, disbound and loosein clamshellbox
Estimate:£200 -£300
Provenance: TheLibraryof aScottish Gentleman

OmniaoperatralationeMarsiliiFicini emendatione, et ad GraecumcodicemcollationeSimonis Grynaei, summa diligentiarepurgata Lyon:apud AntoniumVincentium, 1548 Folio in sixes (33 x 20cm), later mottled sheep, sprinkled edges, printer's woodcut device to title-page, main text printed with roman typein doublecolumn, title-page slightlymarked and with old interlinear ownership inscription, verso with engraved bookplateof GeorgeLockhart of Carnwath (1681-1731), ‘Oneof themost famous Scottish Jacobites of his day’ (Historyof Parliament), binding rubbed, worn in places, verysmallworm-holethroughout text, short worm-track to gutter of first few quires, damp-stain to head of last few leaves, afew other marks [USTC 150088;not in Adams];PlinytheElder Historiaemundilibritrigintaseptem Lyon:ex officinaGodefridiet Marcelli Beringorumfratrum, 1548 Folio (31 5 x 19 8cm), later calf (possibly Scottish), dolphin tools gilt to spinecompartments, printer's woodcut device to title-page, main text printed with italic typein doublecolumn, retaining medialblank 3c6, title-pagewith inscriptions ‘Liber DmDavidis Lindesii Edzellii, ex dono M. GeorgiiPatersoniiverbiDeiministrireligiosissimi',‘Liber JacobiEdzell’ and ‘McKayex dono AlexandiBrown [ ]’ (in chronological order), additionalownership inscription ‘Liber Ja. McKay’ and doodling dated 1753 to initialblank, loss to head of spine, front freeendpaper torn, initial blank creased, title-pageslightlymarked and with shallow chip to fore margin, intermittent damp-staining in gutter, quireQ looseat head, small tear in a8 [Adams P1571;USTC 150033];and 2 others (Pedro Juan de Belluga, Speculumprincipum cumadditionibus et commentariis D Camilli Borelli, Brussels:typis et sumptibus FrancisciVivieni, 1655, folio, contemporarymottled calf, engraved additionaltitle-pageshowing aprince gazing into amirror, leather on spinesplit;and Mezeray, A General ChronologicalHistoryof France, 1683, folio, contemporarycalf, engraved frontispiece, text not collated) (4)
Estimate:£400 -£600
Sir James Gordon, Baronet (1779-1843), of Letterfourie, Moray, Scotland (Plato and PlinytheElder each his engraved bookplateto each volume, showing Letterfourie, built 1783 byRobert Adamin thebackground;Belluga with his ownership inscription over theearlier bookplateof GeorgeAssiotti; Mezerayunmarked but also ex Letterfourie)

Antiquarian literature
Collection of works, 17th-19th century Hobbes, Thomas. Elements of Philosophy. TheFirst Section, Concerning Body To which areadded Six Lessons to theProfessors of theInstitution of Sr. HenrySavile, in theUniversityof Oxford. London:R. &W. Leybourn, for Andrew Crooke, 1656 First edition in English, 4to, [14] 394, [8] 64 pp , c.1900 marbled half sheep, 12 engraved plates (apparentlyof 14, theextant plates headed Ad Cap XIV, Ad XVI, Ad Cap XVII, Cap XVIII, Ad Cap XIX, Ad Cap. XXI, Ad Cap. XXIII, Ad Cap. XXIIII, Ad Cap. XXVI, Ad Cap XXVII, Ad Cap XXVIII et XXX, and Less V), prelims looseand damp-stained with related losses (crudelyrepaired), retaining initialblank and medialblank 3E2 (extra-illustrated with engraved portrait of Hobbes trimmed and mounted to theformer) [MacDonald &Hargreaves 56;Wing H2232 &H2261];[Royal Binding - Queen Anne] A Collection of theseveralStatutes, and Parts of Statutes, now in Force, relating to High Treason and Misprision of High Treason. London:byCharles Bull, and theexecutrix of Thomas Newcomb, deceas'd, printers to theQueens most Excellent Majesty, 1709 2 parts in 1 volume, 12mo (14.8 x 8.5cm), 113 [15], 44 [3] pp., contemporaryblack morocco, spinegilt in compartments with stylised flower tools, covers with decorativepanels enclosing royalarms gilt, marbled endpapers, alledges gilt;Walpole, Horace Historic Doubts on theLifeand Reign of King Richard theThird. London:J. Dodsley, 1768. Second edition, 4to, contemporarytree calf, 2 etched plates, joints cracked;Mandeville, Bernard TheFableof the Bees. London:J. Tonson, 1728. Fifth edition, 8vo, contemporarypanelled calf, rebacked;Idem An Enquiryinto theOrigin of Honour and the Usefulness of Christianityin War London:John Brotherton, 1732 First edition, 8vo, contemporarycalf, rebacked and recornered;and 10 others (thesenot collated, including SamuelJohnson, A Dictionaryof theEnglish Language, 2 copies, eighth edition, 1799, 2 volumes, 4to, 20th-centuryhalf reversed calf, half-titles, engraved portrait frontispiece, and ninth edition, 1805, 4 volumes, 8vo, attractivecontemporaryreversed fullcalf, twin morocco labels to spines;Joannes Boemus, Lerecueildes pais selon leur situation, avec les moeurs, loix, et ceremonies, d'iceaux, Paris:Jean Ruelle, 1557, 16mo;and similar) (15)
Estimate:£500 -£800
Provenance: Fromthelibraryof theGordon familyof Letterfourie, Moray, Scotland

Lot 133
Bewick, John, illustrator
Emblems of Old Mortality;representing in Upwards of FiftyCuts, Death seizing allRanks and Degrees of People
London:T. Hodgson, 1789. 12mo, woodcut frontispieceand 50 woodcut emblems in text byBewick, 19th centuryblack morocco gilt byBedford, someveryminor foxing
Estimate:£250 -£350
Provenance: TheLibraryof aScottish Gentleman.

Lot 134
Collection of works, 17th-18th century Allin contemporaryvellum, and including:Livy. Historiarumlibriex recensioneJ F Gronovii[volume4:Joh Fred Gronoviiad T LiviiPatavini libros superstites notae]. Leiden:ex officinaElzeviriana, 1645. 4 volumes, 12mo, engraved title-pageto volume1, ownership inscriptions of William Gordon of Ushaw dated 1819 to endpapers, volume4 (Notae) with engraved bookplateof Philip Hardwicke, 1st Earlof Hardwicke(1690-1764; styled in bookplateas Baron of Hardwicke) [Willems 590 &588];Valerius Maximus Dictorumfactorumquememorabiliumlibriix Amsterdam:Daniel Elzevir, 1671. 24mo, engraved title-page[Willems 1462];Tasso, Torquato. Il Goffredo, poemaeroico Padua:stamperiadelseminario, 1728 12mo, engraved frontispiece;Canisio, Petro SummadoctrinaeChristianae Trento: ex typograph episcop Jo BaptistaeParonii, 1724 12mo;Catullus et al [Opera] Tradottidall'ab RaffaelePastore Venice:stamperiacoleti, 1776 12mo, engraved bookplateof Sir James Gordon of Letterfourie(showing Letterfouriein thebackground), annotations to endpapers;Bible;French Le nouveau testament … traduit en françois selon l'Edition Vulgate, avec les differences du Grec NouvelleEdition, revueet exactement corrigé Mons: Gaspard Migeot, 1710. 8vo, engraved frontispieceand plates, worming to earlyleaves including frontispiece;and others (14)
Estimate:£200 -£300
Provenance: Fromthelibraryof theGordon familyat Letterfourie, Moray, Scotland

Lot 135
Virgil- John Ogilby, translator TheWorks of Publius Virgilius
London:Thomas Roycroft, 1668 Second edition, folio, frontispiece, portrait, 100 engraved plates, modern but contemporarystylepanelled calf gilt with red morocco gilt labelto spine, afew repairs occasionallywith loss of severalwords, finalleaf strengthened with tissue-paper, some dampstaining;Les Oeuvres deVirgile… Paris:Desaint &Saillant, 1751. 12mo, volumeoneonly;Dryden, John, translator TheWorks of Virgil London: Jacob Tonson, 1721. Fifth edition, 3 volumes, 12mo, portrait, plates, contemporarypanelled calf (5)
Estimate:£500 -£700
Lot 136
Gibbon, Pope, Johnson, Chesterfield and delaFontaine Gibbon, Edward TheHistoryof theDeclineand Fallof theRoman Empire London:T. CadellJun and W. Davies, 1802. 12 volumes, 8vo, contemporary streaked calf, spines refurbished;Pope, Alexander TheWorks of Alexander Pope London:For B Law [and others], 1797 9 volumes, 8vo, contemporarycalf, marbled ends, front board of volume1 detaching;Pope, Alexander [translator] TheIliad of Homer London:H Baldwin, 1796 6 volumes, 8vo, contemporarycalf, marbled ends;Idem. TheOdysseyof Homer London:Byeand Law, 1796 5 volumes, 8vo, contemporarycalf, marbled edges;Johnson, Samuel. TheRambler. London:P. Dodsley, R. Owen, 1794 4 volumes, 8vo, contemporarytreecalf, corners bumped;Stanhope, Philip. Letters written bythelateRight HonourablePhilip Dormer Stanhope, Earlof Chesterfield, to his Son London:J Dodsley, 1774 4 volumes, second edition, 8vo, contemporarycalf;[Jean] delaFontaine. Contes et nouvelles en vars Amsterdam:PierreBrunel, 1709 8vo, contemporaryboards, spinerefurbished;sold not subject to return (41)
Estimate:£400 -£600

Lot 137
Austen, Jane
Prideand Prejudice
A Novel. London:Richard Bentley, 1833. First Bentleyedition, 8vo (16.4 x 10 5cm), [2] 340 pp , contemporarytan calf, engraved frontispieceand additionalvignettetitle-page, binding slightlyworn, spine-labelperished, lacking series-title(A1), front inner hingecracked (held bytop cord only), front freeendpaper detached, frontispieceand vignettetitlespotted and damp-stained, frontispieceoffset, letterpress titlewith acoupleof spots to margin and partiallydetaching at foot, smallmark to margin of p. 293, rear blank crudelyexcised [Gilson D5]
Estimate:£400 -£600
Lot 138
Caxton, William(printer)
Originalleaf fromhis edition of Ranulf Higden's Polychronicon [Westminster:WilliamCaxton, 1482] Folio 193, 25 5 x 18cm, lettrebâtarde, 40 lines and headline, 2 rubricated paraph marks, text begins ‘maynot be withoutedrede’ and ends ‘madeclement bisshop in his stede. Also at’, spotted, closed tear and afew shallow nicks and chips to top edge, verso with old mounting-tabs along inner edge[STC 13438]
Estimate:£400 -£600
Caxton's 1482 edition of thePolychronicon was thefirst completeedition of thetext, and followed his 1480 edition of thepart relating to Britain only This leaf contains part of chapter nineof thefourth book, describing the death of Senecaand theActs of theApostles Thelot sold with theScolar Press facsimileedition of TheHistoryand Fables of Aesop translated and printed byWilliamCaxton, 1484 (1976, oneof 500 copies)

Lot 139
LaFontaine, Jean de;Jean-BaptisteOudry Fables Choisies, mises en vers par J delaFontaine Paris:Desaint &Saillant [and] Durand, 1755-1759 4 volumes, largepaper copy, folio, engraved allegoricalfrontispiece, portrait, 275 engraved plates, LeSingeet leLéopard in its second state, contemporarycalf, sensitively rebacked retaining earlyspines, bookplates of theBibliothèquedeChampy, alittlelight foxing, occasionalmarginaldampstaining and occasionalspotting in places, onecover with somedampstaining, neat repair to p.61 of volume 1 (4)
Estimate:£4,000 -£6,000
Jean delaFontaine's collected 'Fables', first issued between 1668 and 1694, areconsidered to beaclassic of French literature. This collection, alarge paper issuein four volumes with illustrations byOudry, is widelyregarded as thepinnacleof 18th centuryFrench printing.Jean-BaptisteOudry illustrated delaFontaine's Fables as apersonaland non-commercialproject However, twentyyears after their completion, Montenault purchased the works and commissioned Charles-Nicolas Cochin to engravethem Byall accounts, Cochin vastlyimproved Oudry's drawings of thefigures in the work, however thedepictions of theanimals suffered. Nonetheless, this finished work is considered to beamongst themost ambitious and successfulillustrated works ever to havebeen produced in France.

Lot 140
Bell, John, editor
Bell's Edition [of] ThePoets of Great Britain CompletefromChaucer to Churchill Edinburgh:Apollo Press, 1782-1803 109 volumes, mixed edition, 18mo, all but 2 (volumes 97 &98, Hammond and Moore) with additionalengraved title, 36 (of 48) engraved portraits only(Chaucer, Spencer, Donne, Waller, Milton, Butler, Denham, Cowley, Dryden, Buckingham, King, Prior, Lansdown, Swift, Congreve, Rowe, Watts, Phillips, Parnell, Garth, Hughes, Pope, Gay, Broome, Young, Pitt, Thomson, AmbrosePhillips, Dyer, Lyttelton, Shenstone, Armstrong, Gray, Akenside, Cunninghamand Churchillpresent), contemporaryuniformtreecalf with gilt lyremotifs to spines, black and red morocco gilt labels, alittlefoxing in places, someinitialsoiling to onevolume (109)
Estimate:£800 -£1,200
Bookplates of WilliamMcCall;Select items fromtheestateof thelateLady Penn

Lot 141
Finebindings and librarysets
A collection Including:Hope, Sir Anthony [Works] London:A D Innes &Co , 18961901. 17 volumes, comprising:Mr Witt's Widow, Simon Dale, Tristramof Blent, Half aHero, Father Stafford, Rupert of Hentzau, TheHeart of Princess Osra, Phroso, Comedies of Courtship, Quisante, TheGod in the Car, TheDollyDialogues, A Changeof Air, Chronicles of Count Antonio, The King's Mirror, Indiscretion of theDuchess, all8vo, mixed edition, uniformly bound in green straight-grain quarter morocco gilt;Ward, Mrs Humphry [Various works ] London:Smith, Elder, &Co , 1888-1917 41 volumes, 8vo, mixed edition, green half calf gilt;Macaulay, Lord. TheLifeand Works… London:Longmans, Green, and Co , 1896-1897 Volumes 1-2, 4-5 and 7-10 only, 8vo, contemporarycalf gilt;Morley, John. TheLifeof WilliamEwart Gladstone London:Macmillan &Co , 1903 3 volumes, 8vo, contemporary brown half morocco gilt byBumpus;Greville, Charles C.F. TheGreville Memoirs London:Longmans, Green, and Co , 1888 8 volumes 8vo, contemporarybrown half morocco gilt;and 27 others, comprising Draper's American CivilWar, Prescott's Ferdinand and Isabella, Gibbon's Roman Empire, TheIngoldsbyLegends and 11 others, allleather bound (103)
Estimate:£400 -£600
Provenance: Select items fromtheestateof thelateLadyPenn.

Lot 142
Cruikshank, Georgeand R Seymour
3 illustrated works
Comprising:Cruikshank, George PhrenologicalIllustrations London: published byGeorgeCruikshank… and sold byJ. Robins and Co., 1826. Oblong folio, 6 hand-coloured plates, each with aplain counterpart, brown morocco gilt, originalwrappers bound-in;Seymour, R. TheOmnibus. London:Thomas McLean, May1st 1830 Oblong folio, 6 hand-coloured plates, contemporarycalf gilt;Idem. TheHeiress. London:Thomas McLean, 1830 Oblong folio, 6 hand-coloured plates, contemporarycalf gilt, original upper wrapper bound-in (3)
Estimate:£400 -£600
Provenance: TheLibraryof aScottish Gentleman.

Lot 143
Shakespeare, William- J Collier, editor
ThePlays and Poems of WilliamShakespeare London:PrivatelyPrinted for Subscribers, 1875-78. 45 originalparts, 8vo, in purplewrappers, finelypreserved with green jackets and divided into eight customslipcases in finered morocco gilt (8 slipcases containing 45 parts)
Estimate:£400 -£600
Provenance: TheLibraryof aScottish Gentleman.
Lot 144 [Boyle, Robert]
Of theHigh Veneration Man's Intellect owes to God Peculiarlyfor his Wisedomand Power ByaFellow of theRoyalSociety London:byM. F. for Richard Davis, 1685. First edition in English, 8vo, contemporarypanelled calf, rebacked, ownership inscriptions (AliceClark and Ellen Ferrier to front freeendpaper and title-pagerespectively) [Fulton 152]
Estimate:£300 -£500
Lot 145
Ramsay, [Andrew Michael], 'Chevalier'
ThePhilosophicalPrinciples of Naturaland Revealed Religion
Unfolded in aGeometricalOrder Glasgow:Robert Foulis, 1748-9 2 volumes, 4to (23.4 x 18cm), viii538, 462 [2] pp., contemporarysprinkled calf, spines decorated in gilt, volume1 with marginaldamp-staining to first few quires, volume2 with verysmallworm-track to lower margin of initial leaves [Gaskell116]
Estimate:£500 -£800
Sir James Gordon, Baronet (1779-1843), of Letterfourie, Moray, Scotland, with his engraved bookplateto each volume, showing Letterfourie, built 1783 byRobert Adam, in thebackground
First edition of theJacobitethinker and writer's ‘great work'(ODNB), an immenseattempt at reconciling Newtonian ideas with his highlyidiosyncratic personalphilosophy, aformof mysticalCatholicismexhibiting an arrayof influences ranging frommasonic ideas to ancient Chinesethinking Thefirst volumeuses the‘geometric method’ madefamous bySpinozain order to provethecompatibilityof reason and revealed religion, whilethesecond volumeseeks to defend Christianityfromdeist critiques of its relative noveltybyexpounding thereligious ideals of allknown ancient peoples, namelytheIndians, Greeks, Hebrews, Romans, Persians, Chineseand Egyptians, which areshown to shareasingular patriarchalsource A leading member of Scottish Jacobitesocietyin exile, Ramsaywas for atimetutor to theyoung PrinceCharles Edward Stuart in Rome, and was influentialin assisting David Hume's passageinto French intellectualcircles during the 1730s Humewould later quoteThePhilosophicalPrinciples in ‘TheNatural Historyof Religion’ (in Four Dissertations, 1757)

Lot 146
Row, [John]
HebraeaeLinguaeInstitutiones compendiosissmae&facillimae
Glasgow:GeorgeAnderson, 1644. 12mo, contemporaryspeckled calf, joints split, upper cover detached;Boyd, Zachary ThePsalmes of David in Meeter Glasgow:GeorgeAnderson, 1646. Third edition, 12mo, lacking leaves I2-11, contemporarycalf gilt (2)
Estimate:£300 -£500
TheLibraryof aScottish Gentleman
Lot 147
Translated according to theEbrew and Greeke, and conferred with thebest Translations in divers Languages. London:Robert Barker, 1614. 4to, [4], sigs pi2 A-3H8 2I2, *4 3K-3Y8 3Z10, generaltitle-pageand New Testament title-page(dated 1613) each with woodcut border enclosing text in cordiformpanel, text in black letter, doublecolumn, lacking S2-7 (ff 138143, fromI Kings), 2D1-7 (ff 209-215, Psalms), 3E1 (f 497, Apocrypha), with defectiveConcordance, BCP and Psalms at front and rear, bound without Speed's Genealogies and Map (mentioned in Herbert), NTcomplete, 2D2 (Psalms) and 2L5 (Isaiah) with loss to foot, 2R6 (Ezekiel) with loss to foremargin, severalquires detached, occasionalworming in gutter, loosein contemporaryEnglish covers of blind-tooled calf over wooden boards with brass bosses and cornerpieces, later leather spine, half of front board missing, rear board lacking centralbrass boss [Herbert 330]
Estimate:£300 -£500
Lot 148
TheWholeBookeof Psalmes
Collected into English meeter byThomas Sternhold, Joh. Hopkins, and others London:for theCompanyof Stationers, 1612 32mo (7 6 x 4 8cm) A-2O8, [32] 228 [32] ff., modern sheep tooled in gilt and blind, decorative border to title-page, main text in black letter, loss to C2 and L2 [not in Herbert]
Estimate:£200 -£300
Provenance: Fromthelibraryof theGordon familyof Letterfourie, Moray, Scotland
Lot 149
[Biblein English, Genevaversion]
Christopher Barker, 1579
[London:Christopher Barker, 1579, datetaken fromNew Testament colophon] 8vo, lacking both Old and New Testament title-pages, lacking Ggvii, lacking Kki, with someother loss to text throughout, particularlyto pagecorners;[bound with] TheWholeBookeof Psalmes Collected into EnglisheMetre… London:John Daye, 1578. 8vo, lacking pp.5-6, pp.53-54, pp 77-80, and allafter p 90;[bound with] TheBookeof Common Prayer [an incompletecopy];contemporarycalf with metalembossing, upper cover detached
Estimate:£300 -£500

Lot 150
Smith, Adam
An Inquiryinto theNatureand Causes of theWealth of Nations London:A. Strahan;and T. Cadelljun., 1796. Eighth edition, 3 volumes, 8vo, [5] viii-x [1] iv-vi499, [5] iv-vi518 [5], [5] vi-vii465 [51] pp , contemporary sprinkled tan sheep, smooth spines ruled and numbered in gilt, brown morocco labels, half-titleto each volume, volume1 ‘Advertisement to the Third Edition’ and ‘Advertisement to theFourth Edition’ bound after Contents, volume3 2D8 torn in foremargin, afew contemporaryscraps of paper used as page-markers [Kress B.3289];Lauderdale, Frederick Maitland, Earlof An Inquiryinto theNatureand Origin of Public Wealth, and into theMeans and Causes of its Increase. Edinburgh:for Arch. Constable& Co , 1804 First edition, 8vo, [10] 482 pp , contemporarymarbled half calf, bluesprinkled edges, folding tableto rear, paper-disruption to gutter of titlepage[Kress B 4816] (4)
Estimate:£500 -£800
Sir James Gordon, Baronet (1779-1843), of Letterfourie, Moray, Scotland (Smith with his engraved bookplateto each volume, showing Letterfourie, built 1783 byRobert Adamin thebackground;Lauderdalewith his ownership inscription over thebookplateof GeorgeAssiotti, sometime assistant commissarygeneral, adjutant general's office, Edinburgh).

Lot 151
Smith, Adam
An Inquiryinto theNatureand Causes of theWealth of Nations Glasgow:J. &J. Scrymgeour, 1805. 3 volumes, ‘New Edition’, 8vo, contemporarycalf gilt with red morocco gilt labels to spines, worn, joints split, small, neat bookplates to paste-down endpapers (3)
Estimate:£300 -£400
Lot 152
[MentalHealth - Quakerism] - Tuke, Samuel
Description of theRetreat, an Institution near York, for InsanePersons of theSocietyof Friends
Containing an Account of its Origin and Progress, theModes of Treatment, and aStatement of Cases. York:W. Alexander [and others], 1813. First edition, 8vo, double-pageengraved frontispiece, two double-pageplans, contemporaryhalf calf gilt, somerubbing to covers, joints worn, some browning and veryminor dampstaining
Estimate:£400 -£600
It is unusualto find thesmallpaper copyof this work completewith plates

Lot 153
Young, Thomas
A syllabus of acourseof lectures on naturaland experimentalphilosophy London:Press of theRoyalInstitution, 1802. First edition, 8vo, [vi], 162, 32, 4 parts in onevolume, diagrams, nineteenth centuryhalf calf with cloth sides, Northern Light Board gilt stamp at head of spine
Estimate:£1,000 -£1,500
Note:Scarce. 'Young was thelast of thenaturalphilosophers who could know allthat was to beknown Hewas theperfector of thewavetheoryof light, heexpounded themechanismof vision, stated thelaws of blood circulation, introduced themodern conceptions of 'energy'and 'work done'' evolved asound theoryof tides, and helped decipher thehieroglyphics of theRosetteStone'(PMM259 note)
Lot 154
[Ophthalmics] Taylor, John
An Account of theMechanismof theEye
Norwich:HenryCross-grove, 1727 8vo, contemporarypaneled calf, neatly rebacked with later spine
Estimate:£300 -£400
Lot 155
[Ophthalmics] Brissau, MichelPierre
TraitedelaCataracteet du Glaucome
Paris:Laurent d'Houry, 1709 First edition, 12mo, with thefour folding engraved plates, contemporaryhalf calf, covers detached, someearly ownership inscriptions to title-page, alittlefoxing and slight browning in places
Estimate:£600 -£800
Lot 156
Medicineand Surgery- 18th century Justamond, J O , and others
Justamond, J O An Account of theMethods Pursued in theTreatment of Cancerous and Schirrhous Disorders, and other Indurations London:T Cadell, 1780;[bound with] Ware, James Remarks on theOphthalmy London:Charles Dilly, 1787. Second edition;[bound with] Warner, Joseph. A Description of theHuman Eye London:Lockyer Davis, 1775 Second edition;[bound with] Idem. An Account of theTesticles… London:Lockyer Davis, 1779 Second edition;8vo, contemporarycalf, binding split, stamp of theRoyalCollegeof Surgeons Ireland;[Delaroche, Daniel- PhilippePetitRadel] Recueildes Planches du DictionnairedeChirurgie Paris:Agasse, [1799]. 4to, theplatevolumeonlyof theEncyclopédiemethodique. Dictionnairedechirurgie- without thetwo text volumes 111 (of 114?) plates only, originalboards, upper cover detached, somesoiling, stamps of the RoyalCollegeof Surgeons Ireland (2)
Estimate:£500 -£700

Lot 157
Einstein, Albert
TheOrigins of theGeneralTheoryof Relativity
Being thefirst Lectureon theGeorgeA. Gibson Foundation in theUniversity of Glasgow, delivered on June20th, 1933 Glasgow:Jackson, Wylieand Co , 1933. First edition, 8vo, 11 pp., wire-stitched in originalmull-textured wrappers printed in blue, light creasing to corners, afew faint spots to contents, staples rusting [Boni, Russ &Laurence, A BibliographicalChecklist and Index to thePublished Writings of Albert Einstein, 220]
Estimate:£300 -£400
Lot 158
Darwin, Charles
TheOrigin of Species byMeans of NaturalSelection
London:John Murray, 1882 Sixth edition (twenty-fourth thousand), 8vo, originalgreen cloth, half-title, folding lithographic diagram, bookplate, related ownership inscription dated 1903 to title-page, pencilled annotation to halftitle, occasionalmarginalpencil-markings throughout;Thomson, J. J. Electricityand Matter London:Archibald Constable&Co , Ltd , 1904 First edition, 8vo, originalcloth, pencilled ownership inscriptions, mottling to endpapers;Whitehead, A N An Enquiryconcerning thePrinciples of Natural Knowledge Cambridge:UniversityPress, 1919 First edition, 8vo, original cloth, pencilled ownership inscription;Russell, Bertrand. TheAnalysis of Mind London:GeorgeAllen and Unwin, Ltd , 1921 First edition, 8vo, original cloth, pencilled ownership inscription dated 1921 to front pastedown, manuscript notes laid in, sunning to spineand edges of rear board;Carroll, Lewis. Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. London:Macmillan and Co., 1876. First edition, fifty-fifth thousand, 8vo, originalred pictorialcloth gilt, alledges gilt, binding dust-soiled, spinerolled, inner hinges cracked, finger-soiling to lower margins, Z1 with smalltear to lower inner corner, ownership inscription dated 1877 to title-page;Idem Rhyme? And Reason? Ninth Thousand London:Macmillan and Co , Limited, 1907 8vo, originalred pictorialcloth gilt (covers mottled);Yeats, W B Poems London:T Fisher Unwin, 1899. Second edition, 8vo, originalbluedecorated cloth gilt, foreand bottomedges untrimmed, frontispiecewith tissue-guard, contemporary ownership inscription to title-page(7)
Estimate:£300 -£500
Provenance: Fromthelibraryof theGordon familyof Letterfourie, Moray, Scotland.

Lot 159
PrincePhilip, Dukeof Edinburgh, consort of Queen Elizabeth II, (1921-2021) PresidentialAddress byH R H theDukeof Edinburgh to theBritish Association for theAdvancement of Science Edinburgh, 8th August 1951 8vo, originalbluecloth gilt, signed ‘Philip’ to thetitle-page;and another copy, also signed byPrincePhilip (2)
Estimate:£300 -£500

Lot 160
Gordon, W
An Account of theTournament at Eglinton Edinburgh:Hugh Paton, Carver and Gilder, 1839. 4to, frontispiece, 4 handcoloured double-pageplates, originalcloth gilt
Estimate:£200 -£300
Provenance: TheLibraryof aScottish Gentleman
Lot 161
NavyRecords Society
Publications of theNavyRecords Society
TheNavyRecords Society, 1894-1913 44 (of 45 volumes produced between thesedates) volumes, 8vo, originalcloth gilt;Troude, O. Batailles Navales delaFrance Paris:P Levot /Challancet Airé, Éditeur, 1867 4 volumes, 8vo, red half morocco gilt;Desbrière, Èdouard. 1793-1805. Projets et Tentatives deDébarquement aus Iles Britanniques Paris:LibraireMilitaire R Chapelot et Cie 1900-1902 5 volumes, 8vo, red half morocco gilt;Idem LaCampagneMaritimede1805. Trafalgar. Paris, 1907. 8vo, red half morocco gilt;and oneother, not naval(55)
Estimate:£300 -£500
TheLibraryof aScottish Gentleman
Lot 162
[Skene, Sir John, editor] - Golfing interest
TheLawes and Actes of Parliament... Maid beKing James theFirst, and his Successours Kinges of Scotland Edinburgh:Robert Waldegrave, 1597. Folio, lacks engraved additionaltitle, folding genealogicaltable, f 46 (fromthefirst section), ff 160 (fromthe second section), and around 41 finalpages, ff.9 and 10 in part 2 misbound but present, with 14 manuscript leaves written in an earlyScottish secretarialhand, asignatureseeming to read “A. Skene” to f.109 of theRoll of theNames (possiblyAlexander Skene, ayounger son of John Skene); [bound with] TheLawes and Acts of Parliament sincehis Majesties XV Parliament…1597. Edinburgh:Evan Tyler, 1647;contemporarycalf with remnants of clasps, somebrowning and spotting, covers rubbed and binding alittleloose
Estimate:£400 -£600
This work is notablefor theappearancein print for onlythesecond timeof laws regarding golf item65, In thereign of King James theSecond, XIIII Parliament viof March, 1457, “Item, It is Decreeted &ordained . . . that the Fute-balland Golfebeutterlycryed downe, and not to beused” Additional acts prohibiting footballand golf wereintroduced during thereign of King James IV in 1491:item32 in theThird Parliament xviiiof Maij1491:“Item, It is statuteand ordained that in naplaceof theRealmetherebeused futeball, golfe, or uther sik unfrofitablesportes, for thecommon gud of the Realme&defensethereof "

JacobiteInterest:thirteen Acts of Parliament 1714-1751
comprising:Act to Prevent theListing of Her Majesties Subjects without Her Majesties Licence, 1714;Act to Indemnifiesuch persons who haveacted in Defenceof His Majesties Person &Government and for thePreservation of Public Peace;Act for moreEasie&SpeedyTrialof Such Persons as have Levied or shallLevyWar against His Majesty;Act for theattainder of George Earlof Marischall, WilliamEarlof Seaforth, James Earlof Southesque, James Earlof Panmuir, and others, of High Treason…;Act for moreeffectual securing of Peaceof theHighlands in Scotland (neat Nottinghamshirelibrary stamp at rear);Act to Enquireof Estates of certain Traytors and of Popish Reductants and of estates given to superstitious uses ;allthese1715;Act to impower His Majestysecureand detain - persons conspireing against His Person &Government, 1745;Act to impower His Majestysecureand detainpersons conspireing against His Person &Government;Act of Relief of such of His Majesty's LoyalSubjects of such subjects of that part of Great Britain called Scotland whosetitleDeeds and Writings weredestroyed or carried off byRebels in thelateRebellion;Act for allowing Persons impeached of High Treason, wherebyanycorruption of blood maybemade, or for misprison of such Treason to maketheir fullDefencebyCouncil;Act for theKings Most Gracious, General&FreePardon;allthese1746;An Act to enlargetheTime limited byan Act of theLast Session of Parliament, for restraining theUseof theHighland Dress , 1747;An Act Annexing forfeited Estates to the Crown…, 1751;allpublished London:Baskett, manywith titles although somewithout, severalpublication dates theyear following thedateof the act listed (13)
Estimate:£300 -£500
An interesting collection of Acts of Parliament relationg to thetwo Jacobite Uprisings in 1715 and 1745. OneAct notoriouslyforbidding Highland dress:“No Man or Boy, within that Part of Great Britain called Scotland, other than such as shallbeemployed as Officers and Soldiers in His Majesty's Forces, shall, on anyPretencewhatsoever, wear or put on theClothes commonlycalled Highland Clothes;that is to say, thePlaid, Philebeg, or little Kilt Trowse, Shoulder Belts, or anyPart whatsoever of what peculiarly belongs to theHighland Garb;and that no Tartan, or party-coloured Plaid or Stuff shallbeused for Great Coats ”

Scottish antiquarianism Group of works in finebindings [Laing, David, editor]. Select Remains of theAncient Popular Poetryof Scotland Edinburgh:for Wm &D Laing;byBalfour and Clarke, 1822 First edition, oneof 108 copies according to theauthor's advertisement, 4to, later cross-grain olive-green morocco byClarke&Bedford, alledges gilt, half-title, woodcut vignetteto title-page, gilt morocco book-labelof esteemed collector Robert SamuelTurner (1818-1887) to front pastedown;Idem The KnightlyTaleof Golagrus and Gawane, and Other Ancient Poems. Printed at Edinburgh byW Chepman and A Myllar in theYear MD viii Reprinted M.Dccc.xxvii. [Edinburgh:Williamand David Laing], 1827. Oneof 72 copies to surviveafireat theprinter's warehouseand consequentlywith several leaves inlaid, 4to, contemporaryhalf morocco, woodcut facsimile illustrations throughout, front pastedown with bookplateof Thomas Gaisford (possiblytheEnglish classicist, 1779-1855) and manuscript purchasenotedated 1831 [Lowndes, 1858 ed., volume2 p. 908];Iona Club CollectanaedeRebus Albanicis Edited bytheIonaClub With the Transactions of theClub. Vol. I. Edinburgh:for theIonaClub, 1839. First edition, David Laing's copy, inscribed byhimon an initialblank ‘D Laing, Largepaper copy, theimpression limited to 30 copies’, with 3 receipts for his yearlyIonaClub membership for 1834-6 tipped in at rear, and his ownership inscription to 3 front wrappers for theoriginalparts bound in, large8vo, largeblue-green crushed morocco, top edgegilt, others untrimmed;Monteith, Robert. An Theater of Mortality:or theIllustrious Inscriptions extant upon theseveralMonuments erected over theDead Bodies buried within theGray-friars Church Yard;and other Churches and Burial-Places within theCityof Edinburgh and Suburbs. [Bound with:] An Theater of Mortality:or, aFurther Collection of Funeral-Inscriptions over Scotland. Edinburgh:heirs and successors of Andrew Anderson, 1704-13. 2 works in 1 volume, first editions, 8vo, [10 78 [2], [8] 279 [1] pp , c 1900 dark bluemorocco gilt, alledges gilt, first work with half-titleand inserted leaf between pp 18-19, bookplateof T Dawson Brodie;Pont, Robert De sabbaticorumannorumperiodis chronologicaamundiexordio ad nostra usqueseculaet porro digestio [London:] GulielmumJones, 1619 4to, contemporarymottled calf, gilt arms to sides (attributed in pencilled noteto AchilledeHarlay, ComtedeBeaumont), monogramgilt to spine compartments, wear to joints and head and foot of spine, M3-4 with old staining to lower forecorners;and 1 other similar (6)
Estimate:£400 -£600
Provenance: TheLibraryof aScottish Gentleman.

Lot 165
[Vellumprinting - Aberdeen]
TheAberdeen Printers
Edward Raban to James Nicol1620-1736. ByJ. P. Edmond. Aberdeen:J. &J. P Edmond &Spark, 1886 First edition, apparentlytheonlycopyprinted on vellum, 8vo (22.3 x 13.9cm), lxiv274 [14] pp., contemporarygreen crushed morocco byChambolle-Duru of Paris, spinerichlygilt in compartments, French fillet framegilt to covers, inner dentelles gilt, marbled endpapers, all edges gilt, leather-entryslipcase;[Bewick, Thomas ] Day, aPastoral Alnwick: W. Davison, [n.d.] 12mo, green crushed morocco gilt byBedford, original wrappers bound in;Sterline, William Recreations with theMuses London: printed byThomas Harper, 1637. Smallfolio in sixes, later portrait frontispiecedated 1795, and another dated 1806, 19th-centuryindigo morocco gilt;Erasmus StultitiaeLaudatio London &Paris:Barbou, 1665 8vo, engraved frontispiece, attractivered morocco gilt (4)
Estimate:£400 -£500
TheLibraryof aScottish Gentleman
Thelimitation pageof “TheAberdeen Printers”, stating 250 copies on small paper and 50 on large, is annotated in pencil‘1 vellum’

Lot 166
Completeset of theBannatyneClub Garlands Edinburgh:BannatyneClub, [1823-48] 11 works in 1 volume, 8vo, contemporary(possiblyoriginal) olive-green half morocco, contents comprise:1) A BannatyneGarland, quhairin thePresident Speaketh;2) Ane Ballat, brevit beaneLearnit Councillar in theKingis Chekar;3) Anericht pithie and pleasant Ballat of Bannatyne, eftir themaner of aneGarland, followis, jocund and mirrie, 1824;4) A BannatyneGarland, 1824;5) AneBannatyne Garlande, brevit beMaister Patrick, of theKings, 1826;6) Aneplesand Garland, beand anelytilland merieconceittit gestecallit YeCoirne-clyppis [thetext present in two substantiallydifferent states as noted in other copies];7) A New BannatyneGarland;compylit beDoctor Jehan of theHall Ryal, 1828;8) AneNew BannatyneGarland, 1829;9) Two Bannatyne Garlands fromAbbotsford, 1848;10) To myBrother Bannatynian Banqueters, this LittleTractateis with everyKind Sentiment Inscribed, 24 February1848, W B D D T;Together with 4 similar works, spine-titles reading:BannatyneClub Catalogues 1830-1845;BannatyneClub Rules 1823-1844;BannatyneClub Albums 1825-1854;GeorgeBannatyne's Poems 1568-1824 (5)
Estimate:£300 -£500
1 GeorgeStirling HomeDrummond of Blair Drummond and Ardoch (18131872), Scottish landowner and antiquarian, with his bookplateto each work;2 TheLibraryof aScottish Gentleman
TheBannatyneClub was an antiquarian printing societyfounded in Edinburgh in 1823 bySir Walter Scott on themodelof London's Roxburghe Club 'Theplayfulmodeof identification with thepast manifested in the Bannatyne[Club's] affiliation with GeorgeBannatynealso finds expression in theBannatyneGarlands, aseries of ten occasionalpublications spanning 1823–48, printed in limited numbers of around fortycopies each. Several Garlands mimic theappearanceand languageof earlymodern printed books'(Elliott, 'Walter Scott’s BannatyneClub, EliteMaleAssociational Culture, and theMaking of Identities', Review of English Studies, volume67, issue281, September 2016, pp 732–750)

Collection of earlyworks
4to, originalhalf or quarter olive-green morocco, titles comprise:Vitae Dunkeldensis EcclesiaeEpiscoporum, 1823, bookplateof James Nairneof Claremont;Poems bySir David Murrayof Gorthy, 1823, nameof original subscriber Robert Bellpicked out in red in list of club members;TheBukeof theHowlat. ByHolland, 1823, bookplateof James Nairneof Claremont;Teares for theDeath of Alexander Earleof Dunermeling, Lord Chancellar of Scotland, 1823, nameof originalsubscriber Patrick Fraser Tytler picked out in red in list of club members;Discours particulier d'Escosse, 1824, inscribed ‘To Alexander Young Esqr with Mr Thomsons best respects’ on initialblank, bookplateof Alexander Young to front pastedown;Report byThomas Tucker upon theSettlement of theRevenues of Exciseand Customs in Scotland A D MDCLVI , 1824;Auld Robin Gray;a Ballad, 1825;Recit del'expedition en Ecossel'an MD XLVI, 1825;Hectoris BoetiiMurthlacensiumet Aberdonensiumepiscoporumvitae, 1825;The Discoverieand Historieof theGold Mynes iin Scotland, 1825;Devitaet morteRobertiiRollok, academiaeEdinburgenaeprimarii, narrationes, 1826;ThePaliceof Honour ByGawyn Douglas, Bishop of Dunkeld, 1827, inscribed ‘To James NairneEsqr with Mr John G. Kinnear's compliments on initialblank, bookplateof James Nairneof Claremont to front pastedown;TheHistoryof theHouseof Seytoun to theYear M.D.LIX, 1829 (13)
Estimate:£300 -£500
1 GeorgeStirling HomeDrummond of Blair Drummond and Ardoch (18131872), Scottish landowner and antiquarian, with his bookplateto each work 2 TheLibraryof aScottish Gentleman
Respectivelynumbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 11, 14, 16, 17 and 31 in the BannatyneClub series TheBannatyneClub was an antiquarian printing societyfounded in Edinburgh in 1823 bySir Walter Scott on themodelof London's RoxburgheClub

Lot 168
Collection of editions of medievaland earlymodern chronicles, histories, muniments books and similar works all4to, titles include:Chronicon deLancercost, M.CC.I-M.CCC.XLVI., 1839, originalcloth, partlyunopened;TheHistoryof theTroubles and Memorable Transactions in Scotland and England, fromMD C XXIV to MDC XLV By John Spalding, 1828 2 volumes, originalhalf morocco, partly unopened;Liber SancteMariedeMelros MunimentaVetustioramonasterii Cisterciensis deMelros, 1837, 2 volumes, originalhalf morocco, partly unopened;A Diurnalof RemarkableOccurrents that havepassed within the Countryof Scotland sincetheDeath of King James theFourth tilltheYear MD LXXV , 1833, originalhalf morocco, largelyunopened;TheHistoryof Scotland, fromtheDeath of King James I. in theYear M.CCCC.XXXVI, to the Year MD LXI byJohn Lesley, Bishop of Ross, 1830, originalhalf morocco;and approx. 35 others (including various editions of memoirs and letters) (approx 50)
Estimate:£400 -£600
1 GeorgeStirling HomeDrummond of Blair Drummond and Ardoch (18131872), Scottish landowner and antiquarian (bookplates).2. TheLibraryof a Scottish Gentleman

Lot 169
Collection of works
All4to, originalcloth, titles including:TheDarien Papers:being aSelection of Originalletters and OfficialDocuments relating to theEstablishment of a Colonyat Darien bytheCompanyof Scotland Trading to Africaand the Indies, 1695-1700, 1849, contents toned;RoyalLetters, Charters, and Tracts, relating to theColonization of New Scotland, and theInstitution of theOrder of Knights Baronets of NovaScotia1621-1638, 1867, largely unopened;Descrittionedelregno diScotiadiPetruccio Ubaldini, 1829, inscribed ‘To James F Gordon Esqrewith best Compts fromA Coventry’ on initialblank, largelyunopened;Catalogueof theLibraryat Abbotsford, 1838, largelyunopened;and approx 18 others (afew in multiple volumes) (approx 43)
Estimate:£300 -£500
1 GeorgeStirling HomeDrummond of Blair Drummond and Ardoch (18131872), Scottish landowner and antiquarian, with his bookplates;2. The Libraryof aScottish Gentleman

Lot 170
Collection of works including editions of medievalliterature, cartularies and similar all4to, originalcloth or boards, titles including:Syr Gawayne:aCollection of Ancient Romance-Poems byScottish and English Authors, 1839, spotting;VitaSanctiColumbae, 1857, largelyunopened;Ancient Scottish Melodies, fromaManuscript of theReign of King James VI, 1838, largely unopened;TheBuik of themost nobleand valzeand Conquerour Alexander theGreat, 1831, mottling to cloth;TheSeven Sages, in Scottish Meter. By John Rolland of Dalkeith, 1837;TheAeneid of Virgiltranslated into Scottish VersebyGawin Douglas Bishop of Dunkeld, 1839. 2 volumes, largely unopened;and approx 30 others similar (approx 46)
Estimate:£500 -£800
1 GeorgeStirling HomeDrummond of Blair Drummond and Ardoch (18131872), Scottish landowner and antiquarian (bookplates).2. TheLibraryof a Scottish Gentleman

Lot 171
Maitland Club
Extensivecollection of works Edinburgh or Glasgow:[for theMaitland Club], 19th century All4to, most in contemporaryred quarter cloth with printed paper spine-labels, titles include:Narrativeof thePrinceof Wales'Expedition to Scotland in theYear 1745 ByJames Maxwellof Kirkconnell, Esq , 1841;Oppressions of the Sixteenth Centuryin theIslands of Orkneyand Zetland:fromOriginal Documents, 1859;Descriptions of theSheriffdoms of Lanark and Renfrew, compiled about M.DCC.X. byWilliamHamilton of Wishaw, 1831;Burgh Records of theCityof Glasgow MD LXXIII-MD C LXXXI, 1832;TheScottish MetricalRomanceof Lancelot du Lak. Now first printed fromaManuscript of theFifteenth century, 1839;and approx 60 others (98)
Estimate:£800 -£1,200
Provenance: TheLibraryof aScottish Gentleman

Lot 172
Collection of works in finebindings, 18th-19th century [Auld Alliance]. Memoirs concerning theAncient Alliancebetween theFrench and Scots, and thePrivileges of theScots in France Edinburgh:W Gordon, 1751. 8vo, c.1900 bluecrushed morocco gilt byRiviere&Son, bookplates including T Dawson Brodie;Macleay, K HistoricalMemoirs of Rob Royand theClan Macgregor. Glasgow:WilliamTurnbull, 1818. First edition, 8vo, contemporarymaroon half calf, bookplate;Lindsay, David TheWorks of the Famous Knight Sir David Lindsay. Glasgow:printed byRobert Sanders, 1712 12mo, early-20th-centurytan calf gilt, alledges gilt;and 8 others (not collated), including:HolyBible, Edinburgh, 1811 (2 volumes, 8vo, later red morocco gilt byFrancis Bedford);Brash and Reid (publishers), Poetry Originaland Selected, [1796-8], 4 volumes, 12mo, c 1900 red crushed morocco gilt byRiviere&Son;and similar (quantity)
Estimate:£300 -£500
Provenance: TheLibraryof aScottish Gentleman

Lot 173
Galt, John Works
First edition, each in 3 volumes, 8vo, uniformcontemporaryhalf-calf, titles grouped bypublisher:Edinburgh:WilliamBlackwood, 1822-34 Sir Andrew Wylie, of That Ilk;TheEntail:or TheLairds of Grippy TheLiteraryLife, and Miscellanies;Edinburgh:Oliver &Boyd, 1823-1824. Ringhan Gilhaize;Or the Covenanters;Rothelan;TheSpaewife;A Taleof TheScottish Chronicles A Romanceof theEnglish Histories;London:HenryColburn and Richard Bentley, 1830- [1831?] LawrieTodd;or, TheSettlers in theWoods;Bogle Corbet;or TheEmigrants;London:Cochraneand M'Crone, 1833. Stories of theStudy;London:Richard Bentley, 1833 Eben Erskine;or TheTraveller First edition in 2 volumes, 8vo, uniformcontemporaryhalf-calf as above;GeorgetheThird, His Court and Family London:HenryColburn and Co., 1821;TheLives of thePlayers. London:HenryColburn and Richard Bentley, 1830;TheAutobiographyof John Galt London:Cochraneand M'Crone, 1833 Together with thefollowing first edition single-volumetitles, uniformbindings as above:Annals of theParish. Edinburgh:William Blackwood, 1821;TheProvost Edinburgh:WilliamBlackwood, 1822;The SteamBoat. Edinburgh:WilliamBlackwood, 1822;TheBachelor's Wife. Edinburgh:Oliver &Boyd, 1824;TheOmen Edinburgh:WilliamBlackwood, 1825;TheLast of theLairds. Edinburgh:WilliamBlackwood, 1826;TheLife of Lord Byron London:Colburn and Bentley, 1830;TheRadical:An Autobiography. London:James Fraser, 1832;TheStolen Child. London: Smith, Elder and Co , 1833 FortyYears'Residencein America London: James Fraser, 1834;Idem. TheTragedies of Maddalen, Agamemnon, Lady Macbeth, Antonia&Clytemnestra London:for Cadelland Davies, 1812 8vo, contemporarybrown cloth, 25 x 16cm;TheAyrshireLegatees:or, The PringleFamily Edinburgh:WilliamBlackwood, 1823 Second edition (49)
Estimate:£300 -£400
Provenance: TheLibraryof aScottish Gentleman

Lot 174
Scott, Sir Walter Waverley;or, 'tis SixtyYears Since Edinburgh:James Ballantyneand Co , 1814 First edition, 8vo, lacking halftitles, with Worthington's issuepoints in each volume, contemporarycalf gilt, alittlerubbed, bookplates of Hugh Earlof Eglinton (3)
Estimate:£300 -£500
Lot 175
Burns, Robert Poems Chieflyin theScottish Dialect Edinburgh:printed for theAuthor and sold byWilliamCreech, 1787 Second (first Edinburgh) edition with 'Boxburgh'for 'Roxburgh'on p.xxxviiand 'stinking'for 'skinking'on p 263, 8vo, frontispieceportrait, in original publisher's boards (spinepossiblyrenewed) and contained in acustom clamshellslipcase, neat ownership signatureof John Buchanan and labelof Alfred B Perlman to front paste-down, along with two neat notes to titlepage:“H Smith fromDennis” and “Pos Rock”, inner hinges sensitively repaired
Estimate:£2,000 -£3,000
Lot 176
Brown, GeorgeMackay Poems and Novels, acollection
Comprising:Magnus London:TheHogarth Press, 1974 Signed bythe author;Idem. Hawkfalland Other Stories. London:TheHogarth Press, 1974;Idem Edwin Muir, A Brief Memoir West Linton:TheCastlelaw Press, 1975. Nos. 133 and 143 of 160 handprinted copies;Idem. Winterfold. London:TheHogarth Press Ltd, 1975;Idem A Calendar of Loveand Other Stories. London:TheHogarth Press, 1968;Idem. Christmas Poems. Oxford: ThePerpetuaPress, 1984;Idem TheSun's Net London:TheHogarth Press, 1976;Idem. TheWreck of theArchangel:Poems. London:John MurrayLtd, 1989;Idem Vinland London:John MurrayLtd, 1992;Idem For theIslands I Sing, An Autobiography London:John Murray, 1997;Idem A Timeto Keep and Other Stories. London:TheHogarth Press, 1969;Idem. Letters fromtheHamnavoe Edinburgh:Gordon Wright, 1975;Idem The Golden Bird, Two OrkneyStories. London:John MurrayLtd, 1987;Idem. Fishermen with Ploughs, A PoemCycle London:TheHogarth Press, 1971; Idem. A Spellfor Green Corn. London:TheHogarth Press, 1970;and 30 further titles bytheauthor (45)
Estimate:£500 -£700

Lot 177
McGonagall, WilliamTopaz (1825-1902)
Inscribed poetrybroadsideand originalcabinet card portrait photograph Broadside:New Poems. BeautifulAberfoyle. Lines in Praiseof Mr J. Graham Henderson, Hawick Dundee:[printed for theauthor], March 1893 Single sheet, 29 x 23cm, printed on recto onlywith wood-engraved royalarms to head and two poems each in separatecolumn, inscribed byMcGonagallon verso in black ink, ‘This is to certifythat I havebeen photographed byMr. WilliamYoung at Dundeeon the18th March 1893 Witness myhand, William McGonagall, poet and Tragedian’, with thesignatureof oneC. R. Bellas witness below Photograph:albumen print photograph, 14 x 10cm, afulllength portrait depicting McGonagallin his dark suit and brimmed ‘priest’s' hat, apparentlyoutdoors, mounted on card (2)
Estimate:£800 -£1,200
Fromthecollection of Dr Norman Watson, author of Poet McGonagall:The Biographyof WilliamMcGonagall(Edinburgh, 2011)
A veryrarebroadsidebytheinfamous Scottish poetaster, accompanied by thesoleknown exampleof aphotographic portrait depicting himin his characteristicallyfunerealtragedian's garb For thebroadside, onlythe NationalLibraryof Scotland copytraced in institutions;thephotograph was published in Norman Watson, Poet McGonagall(op cit ), p 151

Lot 182
Frederick II (1712-1786), King of Prussia- Frederick theGreat /Friedrich der große
Letter signed, 17th August 1748
Ink on singlesheet of laid paper, 24 2 x 18cm, in German, 12 lines written in asecretarialhand, signed with Frederick's autograph initial‘F’ below, written to Oberst (Colonel) von Manteuffelof theAlt Schwerin Regiment, ie Heinrich von Manteuffel(1696-1778), granting himtemporaryleaveto return to his estateof Popplow, in Poland, in order to settleadispute regarding timber, slightlycreased and spotted, guard pasted along verso of left-hand edge, old reinforcement to verso of centralfold, typescript English translation included with thelot
Estimate:£300 -£500
Provenance: Select items fromtheestateof thelateLadyPenn.
Lot 183
East IndiaCompany"Swift"- account of avoyageto Indiaand Malaysia 1794-5 (written 1796 or alittlelater)
Attributed to Clement Sneyd, Second Lieutenant on board thevoyage Covering Brazil, South Africa, India, New Zealand, Nicobar Islands, Malaysia, SriLanka, SaudiArabia, Yemen, adetailed description of thevoyageof The Swift from1794-1795, captained byJohn Doling, alongsidetheSuffolk, the fleet under thecommand of Captain Peter Rainier, comprising 95 manuscript pages, 19 x 35cm, contemporaryhalf morocco, “Voyageof the Swift C Sneyd” to thespine, with alooselyinserted manuscript map titled “A Chart shewing theTrack of HMS Ship Myrtle” of theBayof Biscayand Portugaland ahand-coloured manuscript signalchart
Estimate:£4,000 -£6,000
TheSwift appears to beoneof theships which accompanied theSuffolk (a 64-gun ship) to escort aconvoyto India, under thecommand of Captain Peter Rainier (1741-1808, later Admiralof theBlueand namesakeof Mount Rainier) This particular voyagewas in itself notableas atrialfor the implementation of acitrus diet for sailors to ward off scurvy, which was ultimatelysuccessfuland becameAdmiraltypolicythefollowing year On the first pageof theaccount wefind thefollowing:“TheBeer being expended ordered theCompanyto beserved Winemixed with 1oz of Sugar and ⅓oz of Lemon juiceto everypint, it was veryniceTipple…”Thefollowing month, a comment is made:“Notwithstanding severalof themen in thelast month shewed strong symptoms of theSeaScurvy, bypersevering in their mode of diet, ?, and bymixing their Wineand Spirits with Lemon Juiceand Sugar is totallydisappeared…”Theaccount of theSwift is also notablefor thedetails it provides relating to this voyage, alongsidevivid and engaging descriptions of theports visited (somedetails, such as adescription of Madras, copied fromBrookes GeneralGazetteer and other publications) For example, an account of Penang reads:"This is amost excellent Harbour, said to bethe best in India, therearethreeentrances fromtheNorth and fromthe South Thestreets areat Right Angles - someof theHouses neat and wellfitted, particularlytheSuperintendant's of Governor's…thehouses belonging to theMalays, Seapoys &c areabsolutelyRabbit Warrens "The detailed description then continues to comment on thelocals, paying particular attention to women theauthor considers to bethemost attractive!Themanuscript ends in Jeddah, with an extended account of the death of theSwift's Captain, John Doling

Lot 184
Miniaturemanuscript Qur'an, probablyOttoman territories, 19th century Arabic manuscript in black ink on lightweight wovepaper, approx. 395 leaves (5 2 x 3 5cm), naskh script, 17 lines to thepage, polychromatic floral border to opening bifolium, decorated throughout with surah-headings in red thuluth on gold ground, concentric panels around text in red, black and gold, and lobed marginaldecorations including juz'markings, contemporary black shagreen binding decorated in gilt, first leaf with marginalloss
Estimate:£400 -£600
Lot 185
[Fyffe, Dr William, attributed, and others] - English CivilWar manuscript remedyand recipebook
Mid-17th century
Comprising 82 pages of remedies, at least 25 of thesein Fyffe's hand (although further pages maybewritten byhimin aslightlymorescrawled hand) including “A digestivetruection? for aDeep hollow Wound…”, “A very good Oylfor awound”, “herb Oyntment, excellent for aBruis " , “to Stoppe bleeding at yeNose”, “A pocket perfumefor to prevent yePlague”, “A spetiallAntidoteagainst yePlague”, “To MakeaPlaguewater”, “A broath for thebloodyflux”, “A medicenefor theDropsie”, and others;[WITH] 60 pages of food and drink recipes, including “To makeLemon Cream”, “An orangepudding”, “Whildhallpancakes”, “To makeSoop” and “to make chees cake”, thenameGriseldaFletcher inscribed to finalleaf; contemporarycalf bound notebook with provincialgilt tooling, oneclasp intact only, 15 x 10cm
Estimate:£4,000 -£6,000
Dr WilliamFyffe, b.1615, of Parrox Hall, Lancashire(theprobableauthor of themedicalrecipes), appointed HonoraryPhysician to theKing for the Countyof Lancashire, and thencebydescent. Fyffewas notablyasignatory to theLoyalAddress of 1660, calling for Charles II to return to England and reclaimthethrone
Retained bythedescendants of Dr Fyffefor over threehundred years, this smallyet fascinating manuscript has been referenced in thehistories of Lancashire Parrox Hall, Dr WilliamFyffe's home-by-marriage, was host to a Royalist armyin 1651, and manyof theremedies for wounds arethought to datefromthis time “Dr Fyffeand his wifeEllen werein possession of Parrox Hallthroughout [theEnglish CivilWar], and afascinating record in theformof ahandwritten notebook containing herbalmedicalrecipes attributed to Dr. Fyffe, plus manyculinaryrecipes, stillsurvives in theHall. Thenumber of treatments for theplagueand wounds caused bysword or gunshot datethework to this period, but remedies for manyother kinds of ailment arealso included and thebook is written in severaldifferent hands ” Gordon Heald, Parrox Hall:TheBest Kept Secret of Over Wyre

War of theSpanish Succession
3 autograph letters signed to John Webb, victor of Wijnendale, 1708-9 Tipped into a19th-centurybrown morocco album, and comprising:Marlborough, John Churchill, 1st Dukeof (1650-1722)
Autograph letter signed, TheHague, 9th January1708. 4to (22.6 x 18.2cm), 2 pp , signed ‘Marlborough’, addressed on verso of conjugateleaf to ‘Major GenerallWebb’, anticipating that ‘theFfrench makegreat preperations [sic] for thenext campaign, threatning us with their being in thefield early, so that I desireyou willorder your affairs so as that I mayhaveyour assistanceat myreturn, which must bebeforethemonth of May but I hopeGod willblessethenext campagnewith such success as maygivea safeand honourablepeaceto England’, old folds and repairs;Raby, Thomas Wentworth, 3rd Baron, later 1st Earlof Strafford (1672-1739) Two autograph letters signed, Berlin, 18th October 1708 and Carlsbad, 12th August 1709, both 4to, 4 pp and 2 pp , each signed ‘Raby’, respectively addressed ‘Major Gen[er]allWeb’ and ‘Lieut Gen[er]allWeb’ at foot of first page, first letter reads ‘You willeasilyimmagin wt truejoyeallthosewho are realyyour friends &who trulyloves you must haveto hear of your glorious victoryagainst LaMotte wch when it comes to theKing of Swedens ears must vex extreemlythat young Prince(who thinks hehas acquired an immortalrenown bybeating, with inferior numbers;themisarablePoles, & moremisearableMuscovites) to seethat you havebeaten abovethreetimes your number of themost disciplined troops in Europe Mylord Dukehas sent mean amplerelation of theaction in wch hehas doneyou all imaginablejustce ' , and ‘thegreat presents theKing has ben obliged to giveamong theofficers of theother two Kings latelywith himmaybeavery great obstaclesinceI amassured … that theprevypurse… is extreemly indebt, however beassurethat at myreturn I willpress thematter again ' , each letter slightlyspotted and creased.Thealbumalso containing autograph letters signed from:Richard Llwyd (possiblytheWelsh author and ‘Bard of Snowdon’, 1752-1835), 1824, relating to theprovenanceof theWebb letters;Dukeof Wellington, 1823;Field MarshalDouglas Haig (2 letters), 1920;PrinceRanjitsinhji, cricketer, 1904;H. Rider Haggard, 1921, on thedeath of his sister;John Masefield;SheilaKaye-Smith, author (3 letters);and 7 others, allthese(except Llwyd and Wellington) loose
Estimate:£500 -£800
Select items fromtheestateof thelateLadyPenn.
On 28th September 1708 John Webb achieved abrilliant victoryover a vastlysuperior French forceat Wijnendalein Flanders. As aresult of Marlborough's perceived failureto provideadequaterecognition of his rolein thebattle, Webb ‘soon left thearmyand becameavocalpoliticalcritic of Marlborough’ (ODNB), though not beforeparticipating in Marlborough's own great triumph at Malplaquet in 1709, in which hereceived adisabling thigh wound (and would benoted years later byJonathan Swift as stillwalking with astick). Webb later ‘turned to Jacobitism, and was sent acommission bythePretender in 1722, his namefrequentlycropping up in thetrials in the aftermath of thefailureof theAtterburyPlot’ (Historyof Parliament). Thomas Wentworth, Lord Raby, saw activeserviceunder Marlborough beforeserving as ambassador extraordinaryto Brandenburg-Prussia between 1706 and 1711, during which timehetoo becamealienated from Marlborough owing to his jealousyof Marlborough's authority

Lot 187
Cuthbert Collingwood (1750-1810, Vice-Admiralat Trafalgar and Nelson's second in command)
ALS written to AdmiralSidneySmith Signed “Collingwood”, 19 x 30 5cm, dated “Ocean, off Cadiz”, 21st October 1806, on paper with seated Britanniafigure:"Sir, TheconvoyfromEngland, with alargereinforcement of troops, has this moment joined me, and I have directed Capta[in] Rutherford in theSwiftsure, with then[?] to protect them to Malta, and Sicily "and requesting Rutherford to assumecommand of theships on their arrival'.Somedarkening with slight loss affecting some words, someolder restoration work
Estimate:£600 -£800
A letter written to AdmiralSidneySmith on thefirst anniversaryof theBattle of Trafalgar, as Collingwood continued to laysiegeto Cadiz. Upon Nelson's death in 1805 at Trafalgar, Collingwood assumed theposition of Commander-in-Chief, and wrotethis letter as such

Lot 188
"Hamish Mann"[Alexander James Mann] (1896-1917) 2nd Lt 8th Battalion
TheBlack Watch:TheFirst World War
An archiveof war poetryand prose
An extensivearchiveof thewriting of Hamish Mann, of Edinburgh, who served as a2nd Lieutenant in Franceduring theFirst World War, passing awayfrominjuries sustained during theadvanceat Arras in April1917 aged just 21. Thearchiveincludes:11 bound notebooks (Poems 1913-1914, Book of Impressions describing lifein thetrenches, A Sub's Songs, threetraining exercisebooks, abook of writings regarding thewar, abook of cuttings, a notebook of training adviceand poetry, abound collection of sayings &A Subaltern Soliloquizes)averylargequantityof loosematerial, both manuscript and printed, including sketches and playscripts, asmall collection of letters written byMann to his parents, various typed and loose prosepieces (“High Wood was important to mefor two main reasons:1) It was our first step towards theSomme;2) It was thefirst view of the Tanks”;An account of anight spent in aschool;“Leaves froma Lieutenant’s Log;StraySentiments and Transient Thoughts;and others);a collection of articles;acollection of 22 loosemanuscript war poems (To the Memoryof aFriend;Yellow and Gold;Sometimes;To Promotion;A Thought; Before;and others);Various collections of short stories and humorous descriptions of officers;and other material, both pre-war and wartimeA collection of portrait photographsTheCraigleith Chronicle, which Mann edited and to which hecontributed:Craigleith HospitalChronicle, volume1, number 1, Xmas Number 1914, 8vo, originalwrappers;Craigleith Hospital Chronicle, volumethree, number sixteen, April1916, originalwrappers; Craigleith HospitalChronicle, volumefour, number twenty-three, Christmas and New Year Number, December 1916, originalpictorialChristmas-themed wrappers;and afew incompleteissues, with contributions byMann, with notes, proofs and typescripts byMann for inclusion in theChronicleWith various personaleffects:bayonet, 41cm, with wooden handle, madeby Sanderson, Sheffield, with V.R. monogram;RoyalHighlander's Black Watch sporran;Medals, death plaqueand serviceletter of gratitudeof 2nd Lieutenant Alexander James Mann of theRoyalHighlanders (8th Black Watch), with two associated medals, aBlack Watch button and a decommissioned bullet with aBelgian coin attached and sawed to forma placeholder;allcontained in smallleather briefcasewith A J M initials
Estimate:£3,000 -£4,000
Mr and Mrs A Mann, Hamish Mann's parents, and thencebyfamily descent.Literature:Buttriss, Jacquie. A MuddyTrench:asniper's bullet; Hamish Mann Black Watch Officer-Poet 1896-1917 Barnsley:Pen &Sword, 2018;Mann, Hamish. A Subaltern's Musings. London:John Long, Limited, 1918 [published posthumouslybyMann's parents, acopyincluded with the archive]
James Alexander Mann was known to allas Hamish His dreamwas to write and act, and heevidentlypossessed theaptitudeto achievethis, writing under his pet nameof Hamish Mann, and his noms-de-plume:Jamie l’Hommeand Lucas Cappe. Hamish was an alumnus of GeorgeWatson’s College, Edinburgh, and manyof his schoolboywritings appear in this archive.Likeswathes of young men of theday, Hamish was captivated by thesenseof patriotismwhich emerged in theUnited Kingdomat the outbreak of war in 1914. Suffering fromcardiomyopathy, Mann was not considered fit to fight as an 18-year-old However, his doctor, also a TerritorialMajor in theArmyMedicalCorps, offered himavoluntaryposition at theCraigleith MilitaryHospital Here, Hamish put his skillwith apen to effectiveuse, helping to establish thehospitalmagazine, TheCraigleith Chronicle. TheFirst World War was running its devastating courseand by thesummer of 1915, thecasualtyratewas so high that theWar Office amended themedicalrequirements needed to enlist. In spiteof his heart condition, Hamish passed themedicalexamination on 2nd June1915 and was offered acommission as aSecond Lieutenant in areservebattalion of theRoyalHighlanders, Black Watch Thearchiveleads us through Mann’s officer’s training and into thetrenches. Thematerialis as extensiveas it is devastating, although not without humour Oneextract of observational comedyreads:“Tommyis in manyways aperversecreature. Healways sings and waxes joyfulat atimeleast to beexpected For instance, when marching homeafter aheavyday’s field work in therain, on ploughed ground and an emptystomach, hewillchant allhis favouriteditties with great relish and apparent mirth But, on theother hand, when wemarch out on abeautifulspring morning after aheartybreakfast, when allnature rejoices in thegoodness of things, our revered friend Mr Atkins is strangely silent…” Whilst aletter to his parents dated France10/9/16 reads:“The parceland letters arrived last night It was ‘some’ parcel, and I can never thank you enough for it……… I’mafraid that you takethewar too seriously at home Herewelook upon it as ahugejape, - as indeed it is Time, there aretragic portions in theplaytoo, but then onecan appreciatethehumour of it when thereis theother sideas well Our good friend Mr Bosch –naturallyenough, I suppose– can seeno element of fun in theaffair at all, and that is preciselywherehefails…” (beforeproceeding to offer his impressions of avisit to no man's land) Thesebrave-faced testimonials are juxtaposed byother bleak and solemn accounts, such as adiaryentryfrom Izel-lès-Hameau on 11th December 1916:“This has been asad night for me Wearegoing into thetrenches again on the4th, and somehow or other the old sights and memories havereturned I realisenow that mynerves have not been improved byour sojourn on theSomme…But now that wearein rest, I find that certain things affect mein awaytheynever used to ShallI never forget thefaceof that dead German, sticking up through themud? Or thecorpsewith theskinnywhitehands as it layface-down in thetrench? Willthesickening stench of decaying human bodies never leavemy nostrils? ”Throughout allof Mann’s writings, his clear senseof patriotism and duty– and his desperateyouthfuldesireto act bravelyand nobly– can beseen. This is most evident in his poetry, as hewrotein ‘Before’, at the Drop Valley, TheSomme, in October 1916:At least saythis:mymem’rywill bedearWith that sad sweetness which is noblyfineLast no more:therest cannot bechanged:Let memoryand tenderness bemineAnd mayI die morenoblythan I live(For I havelived in follyand regret):Then in thelast Great Moment when I pass,I shallhavepaid myLife’s outstanding Debt!Hamish Mann’s lifewas cut tragicallyshort when hewas wounded at theBattleof Arras on the9th of Apriland died of his wounds thefollowing day. This was just fivedays after his 21st birthday. Mann’s parents, clearly incrediblyproud of their youngest son, collected his poetryand published A Subaltern's Musings in 1918, adding Mann to theroster of First World War poets heso admired.

Lot 189
Portfolio of sketches and manuscript exercises byofficer cadet Camillede Caix, Baron deChaulieu, 1876-1877
15 diagrams of fortifications and geometric and topographicalexercises, pen and ink, penciland watercolour, mainlyapprox. 50 x 32cm, several smaller, one('Attaquedes places') larger (47 x 63cm) and folding, together with manuscript title-leaf ‘Albumdes travaux graphiques detopographie exécutépar l’elèvedeCaix Camillenéle5 mai1857 àCaen (Calvados)', most with Ecolespécialemilitaireovalblind stamp annotated with deCaix's name and dateand severalsigned presumablybyasupervising officer;3 large hypsometric colour maps of theeastern frontier of France, pen and ink and watercolour, 54 5 x 43cm;‘Cours deFortification, Cahier deCroquis’, folio exercisebook, 36 x 23cm, 8 ff , stitched in wrappers, manuscript titleto front cover, containing annotated diagrams in ink and pencil,9 leaves of pencilsketches of landmarks (trees, hills, cottages, aruin, etc ), various dimensions;4 engraved exercisesheets fromthe‘Cours detopographie’ with details added in manuscript;largecharcoalsketch of anudeman unsheathing asword, signed ‘DeCaix’, 56 x 29.5cm, with alargepencil sketch of aGreek soldier and lover (mounted);3 albumen-print photographic group portraits of schoolboys (quantity)
Estimate:£200 -£300
An interesting collection of materialproviding an insight into therebuilding of theFrench militaryestablishment after thedisaster of theFranco-Prussian War.

Lot 190
Coomaraswamy, AnandaK (1877-1947)
Collection of autograph letters signed and other signed pieces
Comprising:5 autograph letters signed to GerdaHartmann of theLibraryof Congress, 1939-40, each on oneor both sides of asinglesheet of Museum of FineArts, Boston stationery, discussing in detail thecontent and publication of various books and articles byCoomaraswamy;Card inscribed 'With theseason’s greetings fromAnadaKCoomaraswamyXmas 1943';Offprint of Coomaraswamy's article‘TheArticleTree’ (reprinted from TheQuarterlyJournalof theMythic SocietyBangalore), inscribed ‘Miss GerdaHartmann with theauthor’s compliments'on thefront wrapper, and 6 further offprints and journalissues containing Coomaraswamy's work, 3 of which with GerdaHartmann's ownership inscription;Art and Swadeshi, Madras:Ganesh &Co., Publishers, c.1910. First edition, inscribed ‘To H. G. Wells fromtheauthor'on thehalf-title, abovetheownership inscription ‘A Kennard’ (possiblythat of Wells's illegitimatedaughter Anna-JaneKennard, 1909-2010), 8vo, recent leatherette, 18 plates, corrigendaleaf to rear;The Arts and Crafts of Indiaand Ceylon. London:T. N. Foulis, 1913. First edition, inscribed ‘Dear Mr Willing, I want this littlebook to contributeto your discoveryof Asia, AnandaCoomaraswamy’ on thefront freeendpaper, 8vo, originalcloth, numerous plates (15)
Estimate:£500 -£800
GerdaHartmann, of German origin and agraduateof theUniversityof Kiel, was aspecialist in thedepartment of Indic studies at theLibraryof Congress Her published works include‘Symbols of theNidanas in Tibetan Drawings of the"Wheelof Life"’ (Journalof theAmerican OrientalSociety, Vol. 60, No. 30, 1940).

Lot 191
Woolf, Virginia(1882-1941)
Clipped autograph signature on sheet of bluepaper, mounted to thefront freeendpaper of A Writer's Diary(fourth impression, 1965), with alaid-in letter dated 1877 gifting the book (to ‘Eve’, i.e. EveSheldon-Williams, 1916-2001, English artist, with 2 further books fromher library) (3)
Estimate:£200 -£300
Lot 192
Edgeworth, Maria, and others
Including aletter regarding theIrish Potato Famineand other matters Autograph letter signed, dated "Edgeworthtown, July14th 1847", 8vo, regarding adonation of 50 barrels of mealarriving in Ireland fromAmerica on theMacedonia, smalltaperepair on lower outer corner and 4 others, parts of letters signed byEdgeworth;Stirling-Maxwell, Sir WilliamAutograph letter signed, dated 29th May1865, 8vo, 3 pages, to LadyStanleyregarding an engraving for abell;and asmallcollection of other manuscripts including anotefromThomas Hughes dated 1854 ["Unless you can send us up alady who willdevoteherself to managing ahomein theWest End, you cannot do us moregood than byspreading knowledgeof thefacts in all directions "];together with further interesting letters (quantity)
Estimate:£300 -£500
Lot 193
Newcastleupon Tyne, Durhamand thesurrounding areas
A quantityof legaldocuments, mostlyon vellum including:1541 leaseof tenement with garden called Pompdenein Newcastle, 22 x 29cm;1582 willof WilliamHenrysome, keelman of Pandon and Sandgate, 19 5 x 27 5cm;16th-centurycopyof thefoundation of a chantrychapelin memoryof thesouls of Beatriceand Gilbert Haukyn in All Saints churchyard, N'cle , 31 x 41cm;1606 letter of attorney:Edward Clark boother of Newcastleappoints Francis Leighton yeoman of N'cleto take seisin of his tenement “in Gatesadein theBattlebank”, 16 5 x 30cm;1653 “Gilbert Otwayand his wifeIssabeldaughter of Thomas Ridleylatebutcher of N'clegrant bargain to sellpropertyin Keysideto Thomas Warriner of Morpeth tanner”, 52 x 70cm;1656 arbitration between Robert Peacock master and mariner to keep to the“award, order, doomeand judgement” of John Rumneyand Thomas Erringtoeregarding astonewall, 29 x 54cm;1711 leaseof theforeshop and back in Sandgate, N'clewith house fromRobert Strother of Fowtrayin N'land gent , to John Stephenson younger of N'clemerchant giving an inventoryof locks, keys, bolts, staples, hinges, heirlooms, implements and utensils therein, 43 x 62cm;“A Repositoryof theCloseRolls of theCourt of Chanceryof Durham”, on paper, no date;and approx 30 others (approx 38 documents)
Estimate:£500 -£700
Purchased in 1993 fromtheBorder Stamp Centre

Lot 194
Scottish Railways CopyLetter Book, 1847-1848
Eborall, WilliamHenry
46 manuscript ff (of atotalof 96ff ), February1847-November 1848, 4to, containing letter copies of correspondenceconcerning theconstruction of Scottish railways in their earlydays, partiallyindexed and numbered (with somepages excised) over aseries of 170 letters, concerning individuals as awholeinvolved in construction, aqueduct construction at Polmaise, construction of theGlenberviebridgeon thePerth railway, thelaying of track in theRosehillcutting, thestation ground at Tarbet, syphoning at Stirling, inappropriateuseof trains on thePerth railway, measurement of land at Falkirk, etc., half plummorocco over cloth, marbled edges, manuscript titlelabelto upper cover
Estimate:£300 -£400
Lot 195
Guiot deBes
HistoricalFrench Manuscripts
Certificateof Guiot deBes confirming that Jehan Sallehas delivered 15 pairs of shoes for thepages of theduchess d'Orléans et deMilan, vellumstrip, 11 x 19cm, 31st August 1463;Buonaparte, N. Certificatethat J. Sierre"s'est montréeen administrateur instruit et republicaine", signed "Buonaparte", 18 Vendemaire, folded and slightlysoiled, repairs to folds, 31 x 20cm;and 3 other continentalmanuscripts (5)
Estimate:£150 -£200
Lot 196
Scottish LegalDocuments, etc
A largequantity
Comprising manydocuments relating to dailylifefromtheearly1800s until c.1950s, including Dispositions in Security(e.g. byDavid McCulloch Esq to Alexander MitchellEsq, 1804), instruments of Sasine(eg in favour of Mrs GraceMcCauland others as heirs of theLateMiss CatherineBaillie, 1826), receipts, business accounts (theTrust Estateof thelateJames McAndrew, 1950), other documents relating to CastleDouglas such as a1920s letter putting in an offer of £1150 for ahousein Norwood, insurancecertificates fromthe1920s, and manyothers, in particular relating to Kirkcudbrightshire and CastleDouglas (quantity)
Estimate:£200 -£300
Lot 197
18th centuryFrance
Four documents on vellum
Louis IV Era, dated 1660, two documents tied together, both around 13 x 26cm, appointing certain peopleto higher positions;and threeothers, dating 1709, 1726 and 1738 (Louis XIV -Louis XV periods), similar (4)
Estimate:£200 -£300

Lot 198
17th centuryScottish documents
A collection
Inventoryof the? of Balerno and Orchard Field, c 1635, long rolled document (30 x 139cm) on paper;Contract of Marriagebetwixt Robert Balgoneor Balfour[?] and MarieGribe[?], 1697, long rolled document on paper, repairs, split into threeparts;Document relating to propertyowned byJohn Viscount of Stair, 1698, long rolled document on paper;20pp. mss. document, appearing to beacopyof acharter in English and possibly addressed to Queen Mary;Document relating to EarlHome, 1648, long rolled document on paper;Copycontract bestowed to GeorgeRamsay, 1658, long rolled document on paper;8pp. mss on vellum, dated 1712, signed by Robert Campbelland relating to lands in Eccles and North Berwick (7)
Estimate:£400 -£600
Scottish covers and letters c.1719-1877
43 miscellaneous Scottish letters, mainlyrelating to Edinburgh, Dundee, Stirlingshire&co , somerecounting business and thedayto daylives of people(43)
Estimate:£300 -£400
Lot 200
18th and 19th centurycorrespondence
English and Scottish
A miscellaneous collection of c 90 letters and covers fromthe18th and 19th centuries, manyrelating to legaland financialaffairs, including severalsent to Hastings Elwin Esq of Bath fromhis lawyers at Broad Street;abank statement written to Lord Viscount Melvillein June1827 fromtheComercial Bank;and manyothers (c 90)
Estimate:£300 -£400
Lot 201
A smallcollection of letters and covers Including severallegalitems
A collection of letters and covers, theletters dealing with everyday, mostly Scottish, business and life, including:WilliamDawson to James McDonald of Inverary, dated Tarbert 12th June1840, discussing localsales of assets;a letter fromJohn Somervilleof Leith to Mr GeorgeDarrieof Anstruther, dated 1850, discussing payments;acover addressed to W Monteith Esq of GeorgeStreet, Edinburgh, dared 1852?, bearing ared onepennystamp; and aquantityof others (23)
Estimate:£200 -£300

Lot 202
Documents on vellum, c 50 manuscripts
Mostlyrelating to Newcastleupon Tyneand Maidenhead
Dating fromaround 1590-1800, severalwith seals, including:Thewillof Parks(?), 25 x 31cm, 1560;Arbitration upon adisputeabout aSeat in theold Chapel, 1602, 29.5 x 47cm;and severalearlyindentures (c.50)
Estimate:£400 -£600
Lot 203
Fyvie, Aberdeenshire Grant of WilliamCreichie Stylorumvoterumac recentiorumcollectio ameGuilielmo Granteo juniorede Creichiefideliter conscripta
Manuscript legalbook, 1695, folio, 179 manuscript pages, contemporary calf, foot of spineworn
Estimate:£300 -£500
Bookplateof Thomas Fraser Duff;Sold in theserooms on the4th February 2009.
Lot 204
Manders, John, of Whitehaven and Andrew SteeleScott of Crosswoodhill and Edinburgh
A collection of 7 Scottish manuscript notebooks
Manders's books contain an assorted collection of anecdotes and stories, mostlycopied fromcontemporarysources or hearsay, on awideof topics and subjects, comprising 5 volumes numbered nos. 2, 7-9, 11, dated 18291848, contemporaryboards in half calf, 4to;Andrew Scott, of 8 Lennox Street, Edinburgh. 2 volumes, fromMay1882 to December 1905, in original calf-bound ledger volumes, containing details of dailylife, theweather &co (7)
Estimate:£300 -£500
Fromthelibraryof thelateJack Hotson, sold in theserooms on the23rd September, 2000
Lot 205
Sussex - ShermanburyEstate- Ewhurst Manor Six vellum-bound estateledgers and cash books
Belonging to theChallen family, and dating variouslyfrom1757 to 1837, comprising aledger of approx 280 pages, folio, 1757-1793;Daybook, 1757-1786, folio, approx 349 pages;Account book, 1798-1812, folio;Cash book of approx 166 pages, 1757-1794, small4to;Tenants'book, 18211832, small4to;Farming account book, 1832-1837, 4to, between Dr. Challen and Thomas Pageof Ewhurst Farm(6)
Estimate:£200 -£300
Provenance: Sold in theserooms on the11th January2012

Lot 206
[Maritimeand Engineering Interest]
Including theledger of Captain H C MacKays Trust c 1930 Ellerman Lines Ltd. SurveyLedger and Journal, c.1940, 2 calf bound volumes;A F Craig &Co Ltd Caledonian EngineWorks, Paisley, 2 calf bound DayBooks recording orders and production for 1937 and 1941;and aletter book (6)
Estimate:£200 -£300
Fromthelibraryof thelateJack Hotson, sold in theserooms on the23rd September, 2000.
Lot 207
19 later copies of PapalDocuments
Including an undated copyof adocument fromthePapacyof Antipope Benedictus XIII (1394-1417);acopyof adocument in favour of Emanuelle VoltarydelPrioria, dated c 1401 /1402;acopyof adocument dated October 1402 fromthePapcyof Boniface;acopyof adocument dated 1410 fromthePapacyof AntipopeJohn XXIII mentioning Roland Voiorici; and 15 others, mostlyvellum, allpossiblydating fromthe17th century onwards (19)
Estimate:£300 -£400
Lot 208
Scottish receipts, invoices, signatures and letters
A quantity c 1802-1845 including signed notes fromSir Gilbert Parker, Dr Giles Parker, T.K. Cheyne, Sir GeorgeDouglas and others;[And] an albumof signatures, letters, postcards and printed matter, with thealbumleaves removed and inserted into amodern folder, letters and signatures mostlyfromminor dignitaries, academics and churchmen (aquantity)
Estimate:£200 -£300
Lot 209
Culloden Castle, Inverness
19th centurymanuscript recipebook
Inscribed Donald Cameron, Cul[l]oden Castle, May4th 1845 on front free endpaper, 8vo, 125 pages of culinaryand medicinalrecipes, including marrow custard, theAmerican curefor rheumatism, bath cheese, for removing marks &stains frombooks, written in anumber of different hands throughout, 19th centuryquarter calf, worn and stained
Estimate:£300 -£500
Provenance: Sold in theserooms on the5th September 2007.

Lot 210
[Canada] - Rutherford, John
Mr John Rutherford's journalin aletter to Sir John Nisbet 19th-centuryaccount of Rutherford’s narrative[an episodein thePontiac War, 1763 – manuscript byLieut Rutherford of the‘Black Watch,’” printed in Canadian InstituteTrans. (Toronto), III (1891–92), 229–52], 84 pages, 12mo, calf-backed cloth, binding soiled, inscribed on front endpaper:"James Hopkirk, painter, Jedburgh, 1839"
Estimate:£300 -£500
Sold in theserooms on the16th September 2009.
Lot 211
Scottish TravelDiary Diaryand Sketchbook - Oxford, J.
A manuscript diaryand sketchbook dated March 14th 1889 to May1907, various high-qualitysketches throughout including Cawdor Castle, Tulloch Castle, atrip up Arthur's Seat, theForth Bridgeunder construction - “it looks extraordinary- theysayit willbereadyto usein October”, Edinburgh, contemporarymorocco gilt;Etchings A volumeof etchings showing 57 views around Scotland, each 6 5 by9cm, contemporarycalf, boards and somepages loose(2)
Estimate:£300 -£500
Sold in theserooms on the16th September 2009.
Lot 212
Glasgow manuscripts
Including TheSocietyof Glasgow for Promoting Religious KnowledgeAmong thePoor Committeebook of theSocietyof Glasgow for promoting religious knowledgeamong thepoor, 1758-65, 2 vol, 4to, in totalc. 80pp., contemporarycalf, worn, onecover detached;and 3 other manuscript volumes relating to theaffairs of GeorgeBrown of Capelrig, an account of disbursements of James Graham, 1757-60;avolumeof pressed flowers with Latin captions, contemporaryhalf calf, rubbed;acopycorrespondence volumeon business matters, mainlyregarding Clydeshipping, signed WC (possiblyWilliamCrichton of East Breast, Greenock) to WilliamBell, George Crichton, Messrs. Macfarlane&Virtue, and others (6)
Estimate:£500 -£700
Sold in theserooms on 5th September 2007
Lot 213
Autograph and letter album
Including HenryFoley, Baden-Powelland RajaSir Jagatjit Singh, ruler of Kapurthala, among others
Autograph letter signed fromHenryFoley, 22nd Oct 1898;Marquis of Dufferin &Ava, sending aphotograph, 10th Dec. 1888;autograph letter signed fromGeorgeBaden-Powell, 11th Nov 1893;clipped signatureof W.E. Gladstone, E.H. Plumptree, Dean Farrar, on theinadvisabilityof founding yet another TemperanceSociety, undated;autograph letter signed fromHallamTennyson to Baden-Powell;autograph letter signed fromEllen Bayly, 30th Oct 1893;autograph letter signed fromBeatriceHarraden, undated;autograph letter signed fromAnthonyH Hawkins, 23rd May1900; anotesigned fromAlmaTadema, 15th Sept. 1896, clipped signatureof Richard F Burton;autograph letter signed fromRajaSir Jagatjit Singh, ruler of Kapurthala, 3 pages, 25th Dec. 1897, mostlywritten to GeneralMorton or his daughter Miss AmyMorton, red morocco gilt album
Estimate:£300 -£400

Lot 214
Hall, AdmiralSir Williamand theByngs, Earls of Torrington
Miscellaneous letters and papers
Relating to AdmiralSir WilliamHall, his wife(neeByng), members of the Byng family(Earls of Torrington), their daughter who married Capt C D Lucas (thefirst person to receivetheV.C.), including aletter bytheDukeof Wellington to ViceAdmiralLord Viscount Torrington conveying His Majesty's opinion regarding Torrington's proposalfor aMemorial, aletter from Princess Louise, an albumen visiting card of AdmiralSir WilliamHall, vellum document;appointment bytheDowager Viscountess Torrington in favour of her Daughter theHonourableHilaireCarolineByng, 22nd April1845; Capt. Hall's notes of his interview with His GracetheDukeof Northumberland in 1852 on thesubject of "Sailor's Homes";an original watercolour sketch of the"Attack on theRussian forts at Eknas 3rd Oct 1855 bytheGunboats Stork, Lt Maledon, Snap, Lt Wise, &Blenheim, the wholeunder thecommand of Capt Hall", 22 x 14cm, possiblybyCapt Hall; A.L.S. fromElizabeth Fryto LadyTorrington thanking her for apresent of fish and asking for Lord and LadyTorrington's opinion respecting the Rochester Prison, 2 pages, Plasket House, 25th Sept. 1821;short A.L.S. fromGiuseppeGaribaldi, Italian nationalist, to SignoraDucadeSutherland, in Italian, 8 lines, 5th Feb. 1872 (quantity)
Estimate:£400 -£600
Sold in theserooms on the5th September 2007

Lot 215
McLachlan familyarchive
Including atyped diaryof atrip to Chinaand Japan, manuscript heraldryand historyof Brigadier-GeneralMcLachlan
A quantityof genealogicaland miscellaneous papers, photographs and ephemerarelating to theMclachlan and Van der Hught families, including a typescript diarywritten byMiss M.G. Jones of Girton College, Oxford, narrating atrip to Chinaand Japan in the1930s, ared morocco gilt bound genealogicalmanuscript entitled:“Pedigreeof theFamilies of Van Wynbergen and D'Aulnis deBourouilland Van der Hucht” (copying a manuscript byJ.M. Lyon in theHague) with threeilluminated coats of arms on vellumand typed sections at therear (quantity)
Estimate:£300 -£500
Sold in theserooms on the16th May2008

Lot 216
§ Alberto Morrocco (Scottish 1917-1998)
Collection of originalsketches for Zodiac:Journalof Aberdeen University MedicalSociety, 1948-9
17 pen-and-ink sketches on paper or card, various dimensions (11 5 x 16cmto 19.5 x 25cm), variouslysigned ‘AM’, ‘Morrocco’, or A. Morrocco, severalwith editorialannotations in pencilor green ink, afew with corrections in whiteink, corner-mounted to rectos of versos of card leaves in modern album, recent manuscript captions to mounts with details of the images'publication, 2 sketches with contemporaryeditorialannotations mounted below Together with 3 similar sketches byanother unidentified artist apparentlyfor thesamepublication (bound into thesamealbum), and an originalcopyof each Zodiac number (Vol 1 Nos 4-5) in which the sketches arepublished
Estimate:£600 -£800
Fromthecollection of A T Mennie, editor of Zodiac;thencebydirect descent to thepresent owner
A substantialcollection of originaldrawings byMorrocco, shedding light on an earlyand obscurechapter in his artistic career

Lot 217
Aileen Paterson MBE (Scottish 1934-2018)
Two originalillustrations
‘ABC of Once-Upon-a-Time’, 1970, signed and dated bytheartist lower right, framed and glazed, 53 x 77cm;[TheContents of theToybox], penand-ink and watercolour with traces of pencil, signed bytheartist lower right, mounted, framed and glazed, mount aperture44 x 65cm(2)
Estimate:£300 -£500
Aileen Paterson was thecreator of theMaisiebooks, featuring an intrepid cat fromMorningside, Edinburgh
Lot 218
Louis Wain (1860-1939)
[Cat Orchestra] "Beit ever so humblethereis no placelikehome"
Design for postcard fromLouis Wain's “Valentine's Series”, c 1905, in pencil and watercolour on paper, with titlein pencilto lower margin and “titlehere in sky” in pencilto upper margin, 27 5 x 37cm, signed, framed and glazed
Estimate:£4,000 -£6,000
TR Callan, Ayr, lot 152
Lot 219
E H Shepard (1879-1976)
9 pencilsketches, manyfor Punch, 3 signed Sketches for Punch featuring Phyllis Tudor, Shepard's model, and Daphne Hill, including aportrait of Tudor drinking tea, signed E.A.S. to lower right corner, 21 x 27cm, theothers, unsigned, comprising:Phyllis Tudor dressed in outdoor wear, 17 x 23cm, Phyllis Tudor and an older woman talking in the street, 23 5 x 31cm;another portrait of Phyllis Tudor, 25 5 x 33 5cm;and fivefurther pencilportraits, including two signed (9)
Estimate:£1,000 -£1,500
Given to Phyllis Tudor byE H Shepard, thencebydescent An accompanying visiting card reads:“Mrs Tudor;Mrs Ernest Shepard. at HomeTuesday1st December, 3 o'clock, AdilaFachini/Phyllis Tudor, C M Street at thepiano. R.S.V.P.”

Lot 220
A collection of originalillustrations
58 smallsketches in pen and ink showing camouflagemethods primarilyfor vehicles, 4 photographs, 4 coloured fabric swatches and alargemagazine clipping, with an additionalcoloured inventoryof camouflagepaints, alllaid or tipped-into agreen cloth album, 36 x 30cm, with “A B 410” to theupper cover, probablymid-20th century
Estimate:£300 -£500
Lot 221
Cruikshank, Isaac, byor after TheProdigalSon
Four ink wash illustrations:ProdigalSon No 340 Plate1, showing afamily scenewith theson leaving, areplacement imageof adog pasted onto the original;ProdigalSon No 340 Plate2, showing theson drinking and fraternizing with women;ProdigalSon No.340 Plate3, showing theson as destituteand sleeping under atreesurrounded bypigs;ProdigalSon No 340 Plate4, showing theson's return to his father;each c 32 x 24cm with theaforementioned titles and “I. Cruikshank's Delit. … ” to thereverse of each image;possiblyby, or after, Isaac Cruikshank, each laid down by oneedgeonto paper;with aselection of engraved and printed plates from GeorgeCruikshank's “TheDrunkard's Children”
Estimate:£500 -£700
Provenance: TheLibraryof aScottish Gentleman

Lot 222
Louis Wain (1860-1939)
A FamilySketch
Ink sketch, signed Louis Wain, depicting asceneof awoman, anurseand four young children in 18th-centurydress, 18 x 24cm, framed and glazed, someminor foxing, alittlerubbing to theright-hand side
Estimate:£250 -£350
Lot 223
Marcantonio Raimondi(c 1480-c 1534) after Albrecht Dürer (1471-1528) [TheSmallPassion], 16th century 36 copper-engravings after Dürer's woodcuts (comprising thecompleteset except for thefrontispiece), on laid paper, 7 prints (Nativity;Christ Bids Farewellto his Mother;Christ BeforeHerod;Christ BeforeAnanias;Christ Crowned with Thorns;EcceHomo;Resurrection of Christ) with watermark of aduck or goose's head insideashield, 13 with adifferent watermark (possiblythelower half of theprevious), theremainder apparentlywithout watermark, platesizes 12.8 x 10.2cm, two prints (Fallof Man and Adamand Eveexpelled fromParadise) with thread margins, therest allwith margins of approx 1.5cm, prints mounted at corners in modern album(each engraving on separatemount), pencilled numbering to lower margins, variablelight spotting, manyprints loose
Estimate:£500 -£800

Lot 224
WilliamHogarth (1697-1764)
John Wilkes Esqr
Drawn fromtheLifeand Etch'd in Aquafortis. Publish'd according to Act of Pariament Mayye16 1763 Etching with engraving and stippleengraving on wovepaper (no watermark), platesize35.8 x 23.4cm, sheet size39.8 x 26 4cm, priced 1 shilling in theplate, remnants of paper mount adhering to verso [Paulson 214.1]
Estimate:£300 -£500
First stateof oneof thebest-known politicalcaricatures of the18th century, showing theradicalpolitician holding thecap of Libertywhileseated next to numbers 17 and 45 of his newspaper, theNorth Briton, established to attack theButeministrywhich Wilkes viewed as avehiclefor aScottish and Jacobitetakeover of English government. Numbers 17 and 45 respectively contained attacks on Hogarth for accepting thepatronageof GeorgeIII, and on GeorgeIII himself for thedisadvantageous terms of theTreatyof Paris, which brought to an end theSeven Years'War Hogarth's grotesque depiction of his adversarybackfired and becameadopted as an emblemof theradicalmovement.

Lot 225
Walpole, Horace
Anecdotes of Painting in England with ConsiderableAdditions bytheRev James Dallaway London:at the ShakespearePress, byW. Nicol, for John Major, 1826-8. 5 volumes, large 8vo, 20th-centurybluecrushed half morocco byRiviere&Son, top edges gilt, others untrimmed, allplates as called for (engravings on indiapaper, mounted) Together with 5 others (thesenot fullycollated), including:John Kay, A Series of OriginalPortraits and CaricatureEtchings, Edinburgh, 1837 (2 volumes, 4to, contemporaryhalf morocco, numerous etched plates, with 2 autograph notes signed bytheeditor Hugh Paton, onemounted to volume2 front freeendpaper, relating to theprinting of thework and initialled ‘HP’, theother laid in, concerning theportrait of ‘Campbellthe precentor’ and signed H. Paton);LionelCust, TheNationalPortrait Gallery, 1902 (first edition, oneof 750 copies, 5 volumes, 4to, contemporaryred crushed morocco gilt byMaclehoseof Glasgow, top edges gilt, japon doublures);TheTartans of theClans and Septs of Scotland, Edinburgh:W &A. K. Johnston, Limited, 1906 (oneof 540 copies, 2 volumes, 8vo, contemporaryhalf morocco, chromolithographic plates of tartan patterns); and similar (17)
Estimate:£300 -£500
Provenance: TheLibraryof aScottish Gentleman.

Lot 226
Holbein, Hans
Imitations of OriginalDrawings London:W Bulmer, 1792 Folio, 6 (of 84) engravings only, red half morocco
Estimate:£400 -£600

Architectureand FurnitureDesign
A smallcollection Langley, Batty TheCityand CountryBuilder's and Workman's Treasuryof Designs London:S Harding, 1745 Smallfolio, 186 + 14 plates, contemporarycalf neatlyrebacked with modern spine;Idem. TheBuilder's Jewel London:C and R Ware, 1763 10th edition, small4to, frontispiece and 99 plates, severalplates with amanuscript recipewritten on thereverse ("To Clean Boot Tops", “Receipt to cureaHouseof theGrease”, “To Clean Leather Breeches”, “An Excellent Method of Making PlatePowder”, “Receipt for keeping Flies out of stables” etc ), with theownership inscription of Robt. Wharton, Revd. Mr Harper, BelsizeLane, Hampstead, Middlesex", contemporarycalf, binding split;TheRoyalInstituteof British Architects Sir Christopher Wren A D 1632-1723 London:Hodder &Stoughton, 1923 4to, number 12 of 250 copies, originalvellumgilt;Jourdain, M TheLibraryof DecorativeArt:English Decoration and Furnitureof theEarlyRenaissance; English Decoration and Furnitureof theLater XVIIIth Century;Decoration in England from1640 to 1760;Furniturein England from1660 to 1760; London:B.T. Batsford. 4 volumes, folio, originalred cloth;Edwards, Ralph. TheDictionaryof English Furniture London:CountryLifeLimited, [n d ] 3 volumes, folio, originalred cloth gilt;Mulliner, H.H. TheDecorativeArts in England London:B T Batsford, Ltd , 1923 Folio, originalgreen cloth;Hill, Oliver. Scottish Castles. London:CountryLifeLimited, [n.d.] Folio, original red cloth gilt;Small, Tunstalland Christopher Woodbridge English Brickwork Details, 1450-1750. London:TheArchitecturalPress, [n.d.] 4to, original boards;Zentner, L UneCollection ChoisiedePaysages London:J Thane, 1791 Oblong 4to, 56 engraved plates, contemporaryhalf morocco;and a copyof TheEton CollegeChronicle, 1895-6 (15)
Estimate:£600 -£800
Select items fromtheestateof thelateLadyPenn.

Lot 228
Art and Architecture
Group of 21 books
White, John RuralArchitecture, illustrated byanew series of designs for ornamentalcottages and villas… Glasgow:John White, 1845. Folio, contemporaryhalf calf;Hall, James Essayon theOrigin, History, and Principles of Gothic Architecture. London:John Murray…, 1813. Folio, contemporaryblack russiagilt, somerubbing;Gibbs, James Rules for Drawing theSeveralParts of Architecture London:W Innys and J Richardson…, 1753. Third edition, folio, 59 (of 64) plates, plus 5 supplied in photocopy, modern cloth, severalrepairs;MacGibbon, David and Thomas Ross. TheCastellated and Domestic Architectureof Scotland. Edinburgh: David Douglas, 1887-92 [but actuallyoneof 250 20th centuryreprint copies]. 5 volumes, 8vo, brown quarter morocco gilt;White, Gleeson. English Illustration “TheSixties”:1855-70 London:Archibald Constableand Co., Ltd., 1906. Royal8vo, originalcreamcloth gilt;Gray, WilliamJ. A Treatise on RuralArchitecture Edinburgh:W H Lizars, 1852 Original cloth;DevonshireIllustrated in aSeries of Views. London:Fisher, Son &co., 1829 4to, later red half morocco gilt;and 10 others, sold not subject to return (21)
Estimate:£400 -£600

Lot 229
McCarthy, Justin - Mrs CampbellPraed - Mortimer Menpes
London:Seeley&Co., 1889. Folio, number 14 of 30 presentation copies (of atotalof 230 printed), 12 plates each signed byMenpes, originalcream cloth gilt, somefoxing
Estimate:£300 -£400
Lot 230
Butler, A S G
[TheLutyens Memorial] TheArchitectureof Sir Edwin Lutyens
London:CountryLifeLimited, 1950 3 volumes, folio, frontispieces in volumes 1 &3, originalgreen cloth gilt (3)
Estimate:£400 -£600
Select items fromtheestateof thelateLadyPenn.
Lot 231
[T. &R. Annan interest] Muirhead Bone(1876-1953)
Annotated sales record of his works bythecompanyT &R Annan 76 pp bound manuscript, 29 5 x 23cm, with laid-down images of etchings and drypoints from1908 until1945, annotated in severalhands (with 12 blank pages);Dodgson, Campbell Etchings &DryPoints byMuirhead Bone I. 1898-1907. Obach &Co., 1909. 4to, volume1 only, number 243 of 275 numbered copies, annotated (and possiblyextra-illustrated) with sales records, magazinearticles, newspaper clippings and letters fromtheauthor (2)
Estimate:£500 -£700
Thomas Annan (1829-1887) famouslyfounded aphotographic studio in Glasgow in 1857, creating influentialcollections such as Photographs of the Old Closes and Streets of Glasgow TheAnnan photographybusiness, ‘T & R. Annan and Sons’, was afamilyaffair, incorporating Thomas Annan’s sons (James Craig and John), alongsideThomas’s brother In addition to taking, and dealing in, photographs, theAnnans showed agreat interest in theprint as an artform(Thomas Annan purchased therights to the photogravureprocess in Britain in 1883) Thefamilyexhibited, photographed and sold prints and paintings, alongsideillustrating fineart catalogues T &R Annan and Sons becamean institution in theGlasgow, gaining theRoyalWarrant fromQueen Victoriaas 'Photographers and Photographic Engravers to her Majesty’ in thecity Theycan becredited with promoting theworks of important localartists such as Muirhead Bone and WilliamStrang through themediumof engraving and limited edition prints, alongsidephotographing theartists’ work themselves. James Craig Annan even travelled around Europewith theartist, D Y Cameron, collaborating on an exhibition in 1892 Thevolumes presented hererecord thesales, prices and ultimatelytheearlypopularityof theworks of these Scottish artists, providing auniqueinsight into theGlasgow art market in the late19th and early20th centuries.

[T &R Annan interest] Gerald LeslieBrockhurst (1890-1978)
Annotated sales record of his works bythecompanyT &R Annan 71 pp. bound manuscript, 23 x 18.5cm, with alaid-down imageof one pictureper leaf, annotated with sales records, originalsaleprice, sizeand publication datefor each etching
Estimate:£300 -£400
Thomas Annan (1829-1887) famouslyfounded aphotographic studio in Glasgow in 1857, creating influentialcollections such as Photographs of the Old Closes and Streets of Glasgow. TheAnnan photographybusiness, ‘T. & R Annan and Sons’, was afamilyaffair, incorporating Thomas Annan’s sons (James Craig and John), alongsideThomas’s brother. In addition to taking, and dealing in, photographs, theAnnans showed agreat interest in theprint as an artform(Thomas Annan purchased therights to the photogravureprocess in Britain in 1883) Thefamilyexhibited, photographed and sold prints and paintings, alongsideillustrating fineart catalogues T &R Annan and Sons becamean institution in theGlasgow, gaining theRoyalWarrant fromQueen Victoriaas 'Photographers and Photographic Engravers to her Majesty’ in thecity. Theycan becredited with promoting theworks of important localartists such as Muirhead Bone and WilliamStrang through themediumof engraving and limited edition prints, alongsidephotographing theartists’ work themselves James Craig Annan even travelled around Europewith theartist, D.Y. Cameron, collaborating on an exhibition in 1892 Thevolumes presented hererecord thesales, prices and ultimatelytheearlypopularityof theworks of these Scottish artists, providing auniqueinsight into theGlasgow art market in the late19th and early20th centuries.

[T &R Annan interest] Annotated sales records
Annan's records for theworks of D Y Cameron, James McBey, Francis Haden and WilliamStrang
Rinder, Frank D Y Cameron, an illustrated catalogueof his etched work Glasgow:James Maclehoseand Sons, 1912. 8vo, number 344 of 700 copies, annotated with sales records, extra-illustrated with photographs of etchings nos. 435 to 500;Idem. D.Y. Cameron, an illustrated catalogueof his etchings and dry-points, 1887-1932 Glasgow:Jackson, Wylie& Company, 1932. 8vo, number 208 of 600 copies, annotated with tipped in newspaper clippings, salecatalogues and photographs;Hardie, Martin Etchings and dryPoints from1902 to 1924. London:P. &D. Colnaghi&Co., 1925 4to, number 330 of 500 copies, with originalsigned etching by McBey, annotated with sales records, newspaper clippings and notes, with 12 pages of extraillustrations showing later etchings;Harrington, H Nazeby TheEngraved Work of Sir Francis Seymour Haden, P R E Loverpool:Henry Young &Sons, 1910. 4to, oneof 225 copies, annotated with sales records and onephotographed tipped-in;Binyon, Laurence WilliamStrang Catalogueof his Etched Work. Glasgow:James Maclehoseand Sons, 1906. 8vo, annotated with sales records, newspaper articles, acatalogueof the memorialexhibition at Wolverhampton Art Gallery, 1930, aletter from Strang and another fromhis son, dated 1934;Idem Supplement to the ‘Catalogueof his Etched Work 1882-1912’. Glasgow:Maclehose, Jackson and Co , 1923 8vo, afew additionalplates, without annotations;mostly slightlyworn with somefoxing and covers detached (6)
Estimate:£700 -£900
Thomas Annan (1829-1887) famouslyfounded aphotographic studio in Glasgow in 1857, creating influentialcollections such as Photographs of the Old Closes and Streets of Glasgow TheAnnan photographybusiness, ‘T & R. Annan and Sons’, was afamilyaffair, incorporating Thomas Annan’s sons (James Craig and John), alongsideThomas’s brother In addition to taking, and dealing in, photographs, theAnnans showed agreat interest in theprint as an artform(Thomas Annan purchased therights to the photogravureprocess in Britain in 1883). Thefamilyexhibited, photographed and sold prints and paintings, alongsideillustrating fineart catalogues. T. &R. Annan and Sons becamean institution in theGlasgow, gaining theRoyalWarrant fromQueen Victoriaas 'Photographers and Photographic Engravers to her Majesty’ in thecity. Theycan becredited with promoting theworks of important localartists such as Muirhead Bone and WilliamStrang through themediumof engraving and limited edition prints, alongsidephotographing theartists’ work themselves. James Craig Annan even travelled around Europewith theartist, D Y Cameron, collaborating on an exhibition in 1892. Thevolumes presented hererecord thesales, prices and ultimatelytheearlypopularityof theworks of these Scottish artists, providing auniqueinsight into theGlasgow art market in the late19th and early20th centuries

Lot 234
Piper, John, illustrator - Tambimuttu, author IndiaLovePoems
London:David Paradine, 1977. Largefolio, number 73 of 200 signed and numbered copies, 18 lithographed plates, modern quarter morocco
Estimate:£400 -£600

Lot 235
Nicholson, William
An Alphabet
London:WilliamHeinemann, 1908. First edition, tradeissue, 4to, original printed boards, 26 lithographic plates, publisher's advertisement slip to rear, wear to extremities of binding, front board with afew smallmarks and a long diagonalscuff
Estimate:£300 -£500
Provenance: Select items fromtheestateof thelateLadyPenn
Lot 236
Wright, John Buckland
Wakefield:FleecePress, 1995 Folio, oneof 240 copies, with 25 wood engravings printed fromtheoriginalblocks, 7 monochromeplates of lost blocks and colour plates of two-colour engravings, originalquarter vellum, clamshellbox
Estimate:£300 -£400
Lot 237
Hockney, David, R.A.
Hockney's Alphabet
London:Faber &Faber, 1991 4to, 27 offset lithographic illustrations in colours, on Exhibition FineArt Cartridgepaper, with text, titleand justification pages, signed bytheartist and editor Stephen Spender in ink on thejustification page, originalyellow cloth and greyslipcase
Estimate:£1,000 -£1,500
Lot 238
[Designer Binding - James Brockman]
Isherwood, Christopher
A SingleMan. London:theLand Press, 1980. 8vo, oneof 400 copies and number 9 of only25 copies bound byBrockman, signed byChristopher Isherwood and James Brockman, green morocco with astylised linear and geometric design in red, white, yellow and gold to thecovers, patterned vellumendpapers, a.e.g., in custom-madeclamshellbox
Estimate:£500 -£700

Lot 239
[Designer Binding - DeniseLubett]
Crane, Stephen
TheRed Badgeof Courage London:theLand Press, 1988 8vo, Number 13 of 140 copies printed byGwasg Gregynog, this copysigned bythebinder, DeniseLubett, red morocco with coloured morocco hat motifs onlaid to upper and lower covers, slightlyfoxed, custom-madeclamshellbox
Estimate:£500 -£700
Lot 240
Eric Gill(1882-1940)
Gillfamilycollection of photographs of theartist's work 25 photographs of Gill's sculptures and commissions, alllabelled to reverse in his hand, including:‘BBC details of Ariel, unfinished’;bas-relief of Nausica and Ulysses, Midland Hotel, 1933;‘Mankind'(TateCollection);‘Modelfor South Wind’ (St James’s Park Station);Madonnaand Child, Glastonbury Abbey;Sir Charles Hamilton memorial, Broadway;St Dominic Caen, Blackfriars Priory, Oxford;garden statue, later in thecollection of Roger Fry; crucifix for G K Chesterton’s grave, 1937;Coat of Arms for Jesus College, Cambridge, 1930-31;lychgate, West Dean Cemetery46 photographs inscribed to reversebyMaryGill(wife), PetraTegetmeier and Joan Hague (his daughters), Evan Gill(brother), and Sir WilliamRothenstein, including: War Memorial, Leeds University;door carvings, RadcliffeLibrary, Oxford; LadyOttolineMorrellmemorial, St Mary’s Church, Garsington;MaryBeatrice Johnson memorial, St James’s, Piccadilly, 1930;‘TheGolden Calf’;‘TheDivine Lovers’ 15 photographs inscribed verso bytheartist or his wife9 photographs of works executed byGill's assistants AntonyFoster, Charles Blackman, H J Cribb and LaurieCribb, 6 inscribed to reversein Gill's hand, including Gill's own headstone, designed byGilland carved byLaurie Cribb 127 photographs of Gill's work, not inscribed, including:Mother and Child, commissioned byRupert Brooke;portrait panelof Baron Rutherford of Nelson, New Zealand physicist;‘Ecstasy’ (TateCollection);portrait panel of theMaharaniof Bastar, MaharaniHospital, Jagdalpur;Herbert Trench gravestone, BoulogneEastern Cemetery(200+)
Estimate:£1,500 -£2,000

McCance, William(1894-1970)
Collection of books fromthelibraryof WilliamMcCance, Scottish artist and controller of theGregynog Press
Including:9 books printed under McCance's supervision at Reading UniversitySchoolof Art (MurielKent, Our VillagebyMaryRussellMitford, 1948, linocut frontispiece;J M R Cormack, Notes on theHistoryof the Inscribed Monuments of Aphrodisias, 1955, oneof 250 copies;K. G. Burton, TheMemorandums of John Watts Esq Mayor of Reading 1722-23 and 1728-29, 1950, oneof 120 copies, inscribed ‘Pleasereturn to W. McCance, Reading University’ on front pastedown;and similar);Gaudier Brzeska, aMemoir byEzraPound, 1916 (first edition, 4to, originalgreen cloth, with WilliamMcCance's largelinocut bookplate, designed and cut by himself, 12 5 x 9cm);TheFleuron No 2, 1926 (4to, originalquarter cloth, ownership inscription of WilliamMcCanceto front freeendpaper);Vincent Steer, Printing Design and Layout, c 1930 (4to, originalcloth, ownership inscription ‘W McCance, TypographyDept’ to front freeendpaper, annotations identifying typefaces to half-titleand title-page, 2 leaves of manuscript notes laid in);and 27 others, generalliteratureincluding paperbacks and reprints, either with McCance's ownership inscriptions or gift inscriptions to McCance(often naming himas ‘Mac’), 4 of which inscribed to McCanceand his wifeAgnes Miller Parker, onework (Robert Gibbings, Sweet Thames Run Softly, 1940) inscribed ‘To Willie, fromAgnes, Xmas 1940’, together with onework (John Donne, LovePoems, Zodiac Books, 1950) inscribed ‘To Dearest Agnes, with much loveEdna, Xmas 1952’ (40)
Estimate:£300 -£400
Mrs Margaret McCance, second wifeof WilliamMcCance Footnote: WilliamMcCancemarried Agnes Miller Parker in 1918. In 1930 hewas appointed controller of theGregynog Press, in Powys, Wales, remaining in theposition for threeyears. In the1940s and '50s heserved as lecturer in typographyand book production at theUniversityof Reading, living during that period at Pheasant's Hill, Hambleden, Buckinghamshire.

Lot 242
[Lawrence, T E ] - Eric Kennington (1888-1960)
Set of endpaper designs for theCranwelledition of Seven Pillars of Wisdom, c 1926
4 wood-engraved proofs on indiapaper, 25 4 x 20 5cm, each separately mounted to sheet of thicker paper (not laid down), housed in customred quarter morocco solander box with spinegilt-lettered ‘Kennington End Papers to Seven Pillars’, manuscript labelto insidefront cover of box reading ‘Endpapers of Seven Pillars byE H Kennington who called them: TheEternalItch, TheWorld, TheFlash, TheDevil'
Estimate:£1,500 -£2,000

Lot 243
ShakespeareHead Press
TheWorks of GeoffreyChaucer
Stratford-upon-Avon:ShakespeareHead Press, 1928-9 Oneof 350 sets on paper, 4to, originallinen-backed bluepaper boards, printed paper spinelabels, foreand bottomedges untrimmed, half-titles and title-pages printed in red and black, paraph marks in red, headings and initials in blue, numerous hand-coloured woodcuts (including theCanterburypilgrims), a few spine-labels spotted, volume8 with spotting to covers (8)
Estimate:£300 -£500
TheLibraryof aScottish Gentleman
Lot 244
Cresset Press
ParadiseLost [and:] ParadiseRegain'd
ThePoet John Milton [Oxford:at theShakespeareHead Press for the] Cresset Press, 1931 Oneof 195 copies printed on hand-madepaper (in addition to 10 copies on vellum), 2 volumes, large4to, originalcreamcloth, spines lettered in gilt, edges untrimmed, wood-engraved plates and vignettes, slipcase
Estimate:£400 -£600

Foulis, TN - Edinburgh Publishing House
A verylargecollection of books published bythepress
Over 1000 books, including:Brown, Dr John. Jeems theDoorkeeper &Other Essays, 1912, vellumgilt;Graham, ClementinaStirling Mystifications, 1911, vellumgilt;Macleod, Rev. Dr Norman. TheGold Thread, 1911, vellum gilt;Letters of John Keats, 1908, vellumgilt, purplesilk endpapers;Crockett, W.S. TheScott Originals, 1912, vellumgilt;Ramsay, Edward Bannerman“Dean Ramsay” Reminiscences of Scottish Life&Character, [n d ], 8vo, number 54 of 250 copies on hand-madepaper, originalvellumgilt with knapp edges;St John, Charles Wild Sports &NaturalHistoryof the Highlands, 1919. Large8vo, originalvellumgilt;Brangwyn, Frank, illustrator. TheRubaiyat of Omar Khayyam, 1919 Large8vo, originalorange vellum;Burns, Robert TheSongs &Poems, 1912 8vo, originalvellum gilt;another copyin cloth;King, JessieM, cover designer - Alfred Rawlings & Warrington Hogg, illustrators TheBook of Old Sundials &their Mottoes, 1914, with dust-jacket;King, JessieM., cover designer - Margaret Waterfield, illustrator Corners of GreyOld Gardens,1914, with dust-jacket;[Another copy], 1922, embossed red brushed calf, originalbox;TheCityof theWest, 1911;TheGreyCity, 1922;Robert Louis Stevenson Memories, 1922; Dwellings of an Old World Town, 1909;TheLegends of Flowers…, 1908;Various envelopebooklets designed byKing:Rubaiyat of Omar Khayya'm;Poems of AdelProcter;TheDreamof Gerontius;Friendship; RabbiBen Ezra;TheSpellof theOpen Air;Hand &Soul;A LittleBook of SundialMottoes;Selected Poems of LindsayGordon;SomePoems byTom Pringle;TheBlessed Damozel;St Paul;Aucassin &Nicolette;Crawford, J H TheWild Flowers, 1909, originalbrown cloth gilt;CardinalManning Little Flowers of St. Francis, 1915, originalgilt pictorialboards;Bone, Stephen & Gertrude Of theWestern Isles, 1925, originalquarter vellum;Kakuzo, Okakura. TheBook of Tea, 1919. Tall8vo, dust-jacket;Billings, R.W. The Baronialand EcclesiasticalAntiquities of Scotland, 1908 4 volumes, 4to, originalcloth, neatlyrebacked;TheBlueBlanket:An Edinburgh Civic Review, for 1912, 4 volumes (1, 3 and 4 duplicated) 8vo editions in originalblue wrappers, and other ephemeralmaterial;and 972 others;sold as acollection not subject to return (1019)
Estimate:£4,000 -£6,000
A veryextensivecollection of books published byTN Foulis, started in 1989 comprising thelibraryof theco-author of thebibliographyand history of TN Foulis:TN Foulis Thehistoryand bibliographyof an Edinburgh publishing house, 1998 TN Foulis was theEdinburgh and London publishing housewho produced morethan 400 titles during theperiod 1904-25 As publishers, Foulis werenoted for thehigh qualityof their output, their attention to production details and their useof thebest illustrators of theday Foremost amongst thesewereJessieM King, W RussellFlint, Joseph Pennell, Frank Brangwyn, F. CayleyRobinson, Joseph Simpson and KatharineCameron Manyof thebooks in thecollection carry the“hallmarks of aFoulis book - thebuckrambinding, tipped-in color plates, elegant Aurioltypeface, rose-watermarked paper ” An impressiveselection of thecoveted ‘envelopebooks’ is also included, along with severalfinely bound vellumeditions fromthepress's output

Lot 246
Cruikshank, George
TheBottle, in eight plates
London:Published for theArtist byDavid Bogue, [n.d.] Folio, 8 looseplates in originalwrappers;Idem TheBottle, in eight plates Published for theArtist byDavid Bogue, [n.d.] Folio, 8 looseplates in originalwrappers differing fromthoseabove;Idem A suiteof 8 hand-coloured plates on card, each titled and signed in pencilwith thesignatureof, or onecloselyresembling that of, GeorgeCruikshank (10)
Estimate:£300 -£400
Provenance: TheLibraryof aScottish Gentleman
Lot 247
Cruikshank, George TableBook, acompleteset of signed proofs
Completeset of Proofs of the133 Woodcuts to GeorgeCruikshank's Table Book taken fromtheOriginalWood-blocks (signed bytheartist), 1845, comprising 133 woodcuts on 15 sheets, thefirst sheet signed by Cruikshank, in green morocco gilt folder byRiviere, alittlefoxing to sheets;Idem. Greenwich Hospital. A series of NavalSketches, descriptiveof theLifeof aMan-of-War's Man Byan Old Sailor London:James Robins and Co., 1826. 8vo, 12 hand-coloured plates, maroon quarter-morocco, alittle darkening to leaves (2)
Estimate:£400 -£500
Provenance: TheLibraryof aScottish Gentleman
Lot 248
Harrison, Florence, illustrator - ChristinaRossetti Poems
London:Blackieand Son Limited, 1910 4to, number 74 of 350 copies signed bytheillustrator, FlorenceHarrison, 70 tipped-in plates, original Japanesevellumgilt, ties lacking, alittlelight soiling to covers, internallyvery clean
Estimate:£500 -£700
Provenance: Select items fromtheestateof thelateLadyPenn
Lot 249
Edmund Dulac and Arthur Rackham 4 illustrated works
Dulac, Edmund, illustrator Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam London:Hodder and Stoughton, [n.d.] 4to, 20 tipped-in plates, originalcreamcloth gilt;Idem. Stories fromtheArabian Nights Nottingham:Hodder and Stoughton Limited, [n.d.] 8vo, 20 tipped-in plates, originalred cloth gilt;Rackham, Arthur, illustrator - J M Barrie Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens New York: Charles Schribner's Sons, 1919. 8vo, 16 plates, originalgreen cloth gilt with picturepasted to upper cover;Idem - ChristinaRossetti Goblin Market London:GeorgeG. Harrap &Co. Ltd., 1933. 8vo, 4 colour plates, original wrappers (4)
Estimate:£300 -£500

Lot 250
Rackham, Arthur, illustrator - TheBrothers Grimm
LittleBrother &LittleSister
London:Constable&Co , 1917 4to, number 52 of 525 copies signed by Arthur Rackham, with additionalplatein originalenvelopesigned to the mount byRackhamand 13 colour plates in volume, originalgreycloth gilt with titlemotif in whitecloth gilt to upper cover, acoupleof smallclosed tears, joints slightlyloose
Estimate:£500 -£700
Provenance: Select items fromtheestateof thelateLadyPenn.
Lot 251
W Heath Robinson (1872-1944)
CoalMining, Printing Block
Patent spring coalcutter for thin seams Originalmetalprinting block, 21 x 13cm[c.1930];[Prints:] 20,000 tons adayand agood road:"It's Duroid"; Patent spring coat cutter for thin seams;Laying aDuroid carpet coat;A demonstration of thetenacityof Duroid macadam;Demonstrating that Duroid holds big chips on aroad after spraying and rolling, 5 advertisements printed fromtheoriginalblocks, 25 x 47cm(6)
Estimate:£500 -£700
In the1930s, W Heath Robinson undertook commissions for commercial companies. Theseadvertisements, reprinted on thick wovepaper from newlyrediscovered originalmetalblocks, werecommissioned bytheDuroid Co. to promote"Duroid", their new macadamfor roads.
Lot 252
Rackham, Arthur, illustrator - Thomas Ingoldsby
London:J.M. Dent &Co., 1907. 4to, number 146 of 560 copies signed by Arthur Rackham, 24 tipped-in colour plates and other plates and illustrations throughout, originalvellumgilt, ties lacking, somesoiling to covers, covers a littlebowed, someminor internalfoxing, two leaves with long closed tears, severalleaves uncut
Estimate:£300 -£500
Provenance: Select items fromtheestateof thelateLadyPenn.
Lot 253
Rackham, Arthur, illustrator
Undine[and] Aesop's Fables
DelaMotteFouqué Undine London:WilliamHeinemann, 1909 4to, number 660 of onethousand copies signed bytheillustrator, 14 tipped-in colour plates, originalvellumgilt, ties lacking, covers slightlysoiled and bowed;Aesop's Fables London:WilliamHeinemann, 1912 4to, number 496 of 1450 copies signed bytheillustrator, 13 tipped-in colour plates, original creamcloth gilt, alittlesoiled in places (2)
Estimate:£300 -£500
Provenance: Select items fromtheestateof thelateLadyPenn

Lot 254
38 volumes, including bindings byRiviereand Bedford Salzmann, C.G. Elements of Morality, for theuseof children... London:J. Johnson, 1791 12mo, 51 engraved plates, calf gilt byBedford;[Dunlop ] A Collection of Confessions of Faith, Catechisms, Directories, Books of Discipline, &c Edinburgh:James Watson, 1719 8vo, later calf gilt;and two further religious volumes, onerecased to becomeuniform;D'urfey, [Thomas ] Wit and Mirth:or Pills to purgeMelancholy London:J Tonson, 1719. 6 volumes, 8vo, calf gilt byRiviere;Shakespeare, William. Comedies / Tragedies /Histories &Poems London:J M Dent &Sons, Limited, 1911 3 volumes, 8vo, with photogravures, bluehalf morocco gilt;LeSage- Tobias Smollett, translator TheAdventures of GilBlas London:Thomas McLean , 1819 3 volumes, 8vo, hand-coloured plates, contemporarybrown straightgrained calf with smooth calf gilt spines and corners;[bound uniformlywith] Butler, Samuel Hudibras, apoem London:Akerman , 1822 2 volumes, 8vo, hand-coloured plates;Edgeworth, Maria. Tales and Novels. London: 1832-1833 18 volumes, 8vo, brown half morocco gilt (38)
Estimate:£300 -£400
TheLibraryof aScottish Gentleman

Lot 255
Bauwens, M, et al
Les Affiches Etrangeres Illustrées Paris, 1897 4to, 67 colour lithographs (including two double-pageplates) and 19 monochromelithographs, with other illustrations reproducing those byToulouseLautrec, AubreyBeardsleyand others, originallower wrapper only, upper wrapper lacking, alittlenibbling to someinner margins, largely disbound, customclamshellbox
Estimate:£400 -£500
E McKnight Kauffer's (1890-1954) ownership signature
Footnote: Kauffer was an American artist and graphic designer
Lot 256
Rackham, Arthur, illustrator - Thomas Ingoldsby TheIngoldsbyLegends London:J M Dent &Co , 1907 4to, number 116 of 560 copies signed by Arthur Rackham, 24 tipped-in colour plates and other plates and illustrations throughout, originalvellumgilt, ties lacking, someminor soiling to covers, occasionalsmallclosed tears not affecting plates
Estimate:£400 -£600
Select items fromtheestateof thelateLadyPenn
Footnote: Bookplateof MarjoriePenn

Lot 257
Rackham, Arthur, illustrator - WilliamShakespeare
A Midsummer Night's Dream
London:WilliamHeinemann, 1908 4to, number 311 of 400 copies signed byArthur Rackham, 40 tipped-in plates, originalvellumgilt, ties lacking, binding alittleshaken with acoupleof smallmarks, someoccasionallight foxing and slight darkening to leaves
Estimate:£600 -£800
Select items fromtheestateof thelateLadyPenn
Lot 258
Rackham, Arthur
[TheRing of theNiblung:] TheRhinegold and theValkyrie[and:] Siegfried and theTwilight of theGods byRichard Wagner. Translated byMargaret Armour. London:William Heinemann, 1910-11 2 works, first editions, signed limited issues, each one of 1150 copies signed bytheartist, 4to, originalvellumlettered and decorated in gilt, top edges gilt, others untrimmed, 34 and 30 tipped-in colour plates with captioned tissue-guards, vellummottled, ties perished (2)
Estimate:£600 -£800
Lot 259
Rackham, Arthur
Book of Pictures
With an Introduction bySir Arthur Quiller-Couch London:William Heinemann, 1913. First edition, deluxeissue, oneof 1030 copies signed and numbered bytheartist, 4to, originalwhitecloth lettered and decorated in gilt, top edgegilt, others untrimmed, 44 tipped-in colour plates with captioned tissue-guards, spinetoned, palemottling to sides, light spotting to endpapers
Estimate:£300 -£500
Lot 260
Rackham, Arthur, illustrator - WilliamShakespeare
A Midsummer Night's Dream
London:WilliamHeinemann, 1908. 4to, number 332 of 400 copies signed byArthur Rackham, 40 tipped-in plates, originalvellumgilt, ties lacking, slight discolouration to binding, someoccasionallight foxing
Estimate:£800 -£1,200
Provenance: Select items fromtheestateof thelateLadyPenn.

Lot 261
Rackham, Arthur
Mother Goose
TheOld NurseryRhymes. London:WilliamHeinemann, 1913. First edition, deluxeissue, oneof 1130 copies signed and numbered bytheartist, 4to, originalwhitecloth lettered and decorated in gilt, top edgegilt, others untrimmed, 13 tipped-in colour plates with captioned tissue-guards, illustrations in text, afew text-leaves unopened, laid-in advertisement for an exhibition of Rackham's originalwatercolours for thework, spinetoned, covers slightlymarked, light spotting to endpapers, browning to half-title and finalpageof text
Estimate:£400 -£600
Lot 262
Rackham, Arthur, illustrator - J M Barrie
Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens
London:Hodder &Stoughton, 1906 4to, number 29 of 500 copies signed byRackham, 50 tipped-in plates, originalvellumgilt, ties lacking, alittle foxing, bookplate
Estimate:£1,200 -£1,800
Select items fromtheestateof thelateLadyPenn
Lot 263
Milne, A A and Ernest H Shepard
TheChristopher Robin Verses, [with autograph letter signed fromE.H. Shepard]
London:Methuen &Co., Ltd., [1932]. First edition, 8vo, originalbluecloth gilt, signed Ernest H Shepard to title-page, with aautograph letter signed and dated Jan 2 /33 pasted to front free-endpaper fromShepard:“Mydear Phyll,/ This is to bring love&Greetings for theNew Year fromus all /I don't know your littlegirl's name, but when shegets abit older shemayliketo havetheChristopher Robin verses - ‘SycamoreSquare’ is for you with my love /Kip/Thank you verymuch for your card”, 12 colour plates, oneplate loose
Estimate:£600 -£800
Given to Phyllis Tudor byE.H. Shepard, thencebydescent.
Footnote: Here, E.H. Shepard refers to himself as “Kip” - his nicknameand a shortened version of “Giddy-Kipper”, referencing his cheerypersonalityand fondness for practicaljokes.

Lot 264
Milne, A A and E H Shepard (1879-1976)
4 books inscribed byShepard Milne, A.A. - E.H. Shepard, illustrator. Winnie-the-Pooh. London:Methuen & Co Ltd , [1926] First edition, deluxered leather bound issue, inscribed ‘Phyl fromKip Oct. 14th 1926’ on half-titleand signed Ernest H. Shepard on titlepage, spinelacking, covers alittlerubbed with onesmallwormholeto upper cover;Idem. Now WeAreSix. London:Methuen &Co. Ltd., [1927]. First edition, deluxeblueleather bound issue, inscribed in pencilto thehalf-title: ‘PhilfromKip Xmas 1927’ with E.H. Shepard's signatureto title-page, spine mostlylacking, leather becoming detached fromrear cover;Idem The Houseat Pooh Corner. London:Methuen &Co. Ltd., [1928]. First edition, deluxered leather bound issue, signed Ernest H Shepard to thetitle-page, spinelacking, leather fromcovers becoming detached;Idem When We WereVeryYoung London:Methuen &Co Ltd , [1925] Tenth edition, deluxeblueleather bound issue, inscribed ‘To PhylfromKip Oct:1925’ on half-title, spinelacking, leather detaching fromcovers (4)
Estimate:£1,200 -£1,800
Given to Phyllis Tudor byE.H. Shepard, thencebydescent.
Here, E.H. Shepard refers to himself as “Kip” - his nicknameand a shortened version of “Giddy-Kipper”, referencing his cheerypersonalityand fondness for practicaljokes.

Lot 265
Rowling, J.K.
TheTales of BeedletheBard Children's High LevelGroup, 2008. First collector's edition, first impression in faux-leather covers with metalcorners and clasps in red velvet bag and originalclamshellbox with whitecard outer wrapper, suiteof prints in originalenvelope
Estimate:£300 -£500
Lot 266
Rowling, J K
HarryPotter and theChamber of Secrets
London:Bloomsbury, 1998 First edition, first impression hardback with the numberline10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 on thecopyright page, dust-jacket not price-clipped [Errington A2(a)], averyfinecopyin thedust-jacket.
Estimate:£800 -£1,200
Oneof 706 copies (this figurewas confirmed byBloomsburyalthough it is often cited as 1000) of thefirst edition, first impression hardback of Harry Potter and theChamber of Secrets.

Lot 267
Rowling, J K (1965-)
HarryPotter and theChamber of Secrets
London:Bloomsbury, 1998. First edition, first impression, hardback issue, signed bytheauthor on thededication page, 8vo, 251 pp , original laminated pictorialboards, with thedust jacket
Estimate:£2,000 -£3,000
Given to thevendor c.2015.

Lot 268
Rowling, J K (1965-)
HarryPotter and theChamber of Secrets
London:Bloomsbury, 1998 First deluxeedition, fourth impression, signed bytheauthor and 20 cast members in black ink on thehalf-title, title-page, dedication leaf, finalpageof main text, and reviews pageat rear, 8vo, 251 [5] pp., originalbluecloth lettered in gilt and with pictorialonlayto front cover, alledges gilt, ownership inscription to front freeendpaper, ahint of rubbing to extremities, textblock toned as usual
Estimate:£2,000 -£3,000
Signed for thevendor at theworld premiereof HarryPotter and theDeathly Hallows - Part 2 in London (Trafalgar Square) on 7th July2011. Thevendor's wristband fromthepremiereis included with thelot
A spectacular memento capturing theclimactic moment in theHarryPotter phenomenon. Thecast members who havesigned this copycomprise: Rupert Grint (Ron Weasley), TomFelton (Draco Malfoy), Helen McCrory (NarcissaMalfoy), GeorgeHarris (KingsleyShacklebolt), MichaelGambon (Albus Dumbledore), BonnieWright (GinnyWeasley), ImeldaStaunton (Dolores Umbridge), Jason Isaacs (Lucius Malfoy), Warwick Davies (Professor Flitwick), MiriamMargolyes (Professor Sprout), David Bradley (Argus Filch), JimBroadbent (HoraceSlughorn), JulieWalters (Molly Weasley), EvannaLynch (LunaLovegood), Ralph Fiennes (Lord Voldemort), James Phelps (GeorgeWeasley), Oliver Phelps (Fred Weasley), Devon Murray(Seamus Finnigan), Alan Rickman (Lord Voldemort), and Helena BonhamCarter (Bellatrix Lestrange)
Lot 269
Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám 4 editions Fitzgerald, Edward, translator - WillyPogany, illustrator Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám. London:GeorgeG. Harrap &Co. Ltd., [n.d. but c.1918] 8vo, 16 colour plates, originalred leather gilt;Idem Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám New York:Thomas Y. CrowellCompany, [n.d.] 4to, number 368 of 750 copies signed bytheillustrator, 12 colour plates and an originalsigned etching by Pogany, originalpink cloth gilt;Idem - Edmund Dulac, illustrator Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám London:Hodder and Stoughton, [n d but c 1910] 4to, 20 colour plates, originalred cloth gilt;Idem - “Fish”, illustrator London:John LanetheBodleyHead, 1922. 4to, plates, originalpatterned boards over cloth (4)
Estimate:£300 -£500

Lot 270
Doyle, Richard
In FairyLand
A Series of Pictures fromtheElf-World. With aPoembyWilliamAllingham. London:Longmans, Green, and Co , 1875 Second edition, folio, 15 handcoloured plates, originalgreen cloth gilt, someleaves detached (as usual), someslight foxing, covers alittlebowed
Estimate:£400 -£600
Lot 271
Grahame, Kenneth
TheWind in theWillows
London:Methuen and Co , [1908] First edition, 8vo, frontispiecebyGraham Robertson, originalgreen cloth gilt, t.e.g., someveryslight fraying to upper joint and spineends, fore-edges slightlydarkened
Estimate:£1,500 -£2,000
Lot 272
Carroll, Lewis, SamuelPepys and Robert WilliamBillings Through theLooking-Glass and What AliceFound There
London:Macmillan and Co , 1872 [but 1871] First edition with ‘wade’ for ‘wabe’ but lacking the“to allchild readers” printed sheet, 8vo, originalred cloth gilt;Idem TheHunting of theSnark London:Macmillan and Co , 1876 8vo, originalbrown pictorialcloth;Idem. A Tangled Tale. London:Macmillan and Co , 1885 8vo, originalred cloth gilt;Idem Sylvieand Bruno, 1889; [and] Sylvieand Bruno Concluded, 1893;both London:Macmillan and Co., 1893 8vo, originalred cloth gilt;Pepys, Samuel TheDiaryof SamuelPepys London:GeorgeBell&Sons, 1893-99. 10 volumes, including “Pepysiana” and an index volume, originalbluecloth gilt;Billings, Robert William The Baronialand EcclesiasticalAntiquities of Scotland. London:William Blackwood and Sons, [n d ] 4 volumes, 4to, finegreen half morocco gilt (19)
Estimate:£300 -£400
TheLibraryof aScottish Gentleman

Lot 273
Chapbooks - Yorkshire
Completeseries of chapbooks byJ S Publishing &StationeryCo , Limited, Otley 16 works in 1 volume, 8vo (16 2 x 9 4cm), 20th-centuryred crushed morocco byW. H. Smith and Son Limited (in themanner of their work for theAshendenePress), each work 8 pp , with originalcolour-printed wrappers bound in (imprint on front wrapper ‘For thebooksellers'), woodcut vignetteto each page(often over-printed in colours), works comprise:TheHistoryof Cinderella;TheHistoryof TomThumb;Hareand ManyFriends;Entertaining Views;Robinson Crusoe;Jack and theGiant Killer; LittleRed Riding Hood;Scenes fromNature;Old DameTrot;Mother Hubbard;Capitals of Europe;TheHousethat Jack Built;Cock Robin and JennyWren;Old Man and his Ass;Historyof Peter Brown;together with 2 other volumes of chapbooks, both 8vo, contemporarygreen cloth, printed spine-labels reading ‘Quaint Scottish Literature Chap Books and Penny Histories. First [-Second] Series. Printed chieflyin Paisleyand Glasgow’, edges untrimmed, containing approx 80 items in total, contents include: TheArt of Swimming rendered Easy… byDr B. Franklin, Glasgow, for the bookseller, [no date];M Cottin, Elizabeth;or, theExiles of Siberia, [no date], A Night FraeHame, Oration on Teetotalization, and Parodyon theLast Rose of Summer, Paisley:G Caldwelland Son, 1842;TheIron Shroud;or, Italian Revenge, Paisley:Caldwelland Son, 1839;TheWifeof Beith;with a Description of her Journeyto Heaven, Falkirk:for thebooksellers, [no date]; TheComicalSayings of PaddyfromCork, Glasgow:for thebookselers [sic], [no date];A Collection of Popular NewcastleSongs Part II, Newcastle:J Marshall, 1824;TheIrish Assassin, or theMisfortunes of theFamilyof O'Donnel. ByHenryVincent, Glasgow:for thebooksellers, [no date];Daniel O'Rourke's WonderfulVoyageto theMoon Also, Master and Man;or, the Adventures of BillyMacDaniel, Glasgow:for thebooksellers, [no date];The Golden Dreamer;or Dreams Realised, containing theInterpretation of a Great Varietyof Dreams, Glasgow:for thebooksellers, [no date];and similar (3)
Estimate:£300 -£400

Collection of Scottish chapbooks
All18mo, 24mo or 32mo (but similar dimensions, approx. 10 x 6cmto 10.5 x 6 8cm), originalprinted wrappers (blue, buff or grey), woodcut illustrations in text unless otherwisestated. [Ross's JuvenileLibrary]. Edinburgh:G Ross [somealso published byCaw &Elder], 1813-18 Comprising:1) TheRoyalFabulist, no date, 19 pp., inked initials on front wrapper;2) Cinderilla[sic], or, TheLittleGlass Slipper;and Master Cat, or, Puss in Boots. Tales fromMother Goose, 1817. 47 pp., without textillustrations (but with woodcut of Mother Gooseto insidefront wrapper); 3) NurserySongs, 1813, 18 pp., inked initials on front wrapper;4) A New LotteryBook, 1817, 47 pp , smallchip to pp 45-6 affecting costing half a letter verso;5) ThePictureAlphabet, undated, 18 pp ;6) Adventures of Captain Gulliver in aVoyageto Lilliput, 1817, 47 pp , inked initialon front wrapper;7) TheStoryof Maryand her Cat, 1817, 31 pp ;8) TheRoyal Alphabet:or, Child's Guidein theRoad to Learning, no date, inked initialon front wrapper;9) TheRiseof Learning, or Ground-Work of Science By Mrs Winlove, 1817, 47 pp., partlysplit on spine, inked initialon front wrapper;10 &11) TheFamous Historyof Whittington and his Cat, no date, 2 copies, 19 pp., onewith wrappers chipped;12) NurserySongs, 1813, 18 pp ;13) TheEntertaining Historyof Giles Gingerbread, aLittleBoywho lived upon Learning, 1813, 18 pp., front wrapper creased);14) TheHistoryof Master Jackeyand Miss Harriot Dedicated to theGood Children of Europe, Asia, Africaand America, 1813, 19 pp.;15) An Elegyon theDeath and Burial of Cock Robin, no date, slight separation of wrappers at head and foot of spine;16) TheChild's Delight, no date, 18 pp , spinechipped and frayed, headlines shaved;17) TheGolden Present, 1813, 19 pp.;18) TheHistoryof LittlePippin, 47 pp ;19) Jack Dandy's Delight:or, theHistoryof Birds and Beasts, 1813, 19 pp., front wrapper chipped at corner and with inked initials;20) Puzzling Cap:aChoiceCollection of Riddles, no date, 18 pp , loosein wrappers;21) TomThumb's Play-Book, 1813, 19 pp., loss to lower forecorner of front wrapper and first 2 leaves [J Lumsden &Son] Glasgow:J. Lumsden &Son, c.1814:22) JohnnyGilpins FunnyJournay, no date, [16] pp , printed in red woodcut throughout,;23) TheTrialand Execution of theSparrow, no date, [16] pp., engraved throughout, printed in red, inked initialto front wrapper;24) A Description of Bartholomew Fair and theFunnyFolks There, no date, [16] pp , engraved throughout, printed in red, inked initialto front wrapper;25) TheRareeShow, or Exhibition of PrettyPictures, no date, [16] pp , engraved throughout, printed in red, inked initialto front wrapper, wrappers partiallysplit on spine;26) The Entertaining Storyof LittleCinderellaand theGlass Slipper, fromtheTales of Mother Goose, no date, marbled wrappers (not pictorial), 16 pp., 4 engraved plates printed in red;27) Cries of London, 16 pp , inked initialto front wrapper;28) FairyTales of Past Times fromMother Goose, 1814, 47 pp , inked initialto front wrapper;and 2 others (30)
Estimate:£400 -£600

Children's Books
A 19th and 20th centurycollection Lang, Andrew. TheGreen FairyBook. London:Longmans, Green, and Co., 1892 First edition, 8vo, frontispiece, originalgreen cloth gilt, somesplitting to hinges, earlygift inscription;Idem. TheTrueStoryBook. London, 1893. First edition, 8vo, frontispiece, originalbluecloth gilt, earlygift inscription;Idem. TheRed TrueStoryBook. London, 1895. First edition, 8vo, frontispiece, originalred cloth gilt, earlygift inscription;Idem TheBook of Romance. London, 1902. First edition, 8vo, frontispiece, originalbluecloth gilt, initialleaves alittleloose;Milne, A A - and E H Shepard TheHouseat Pooh Corner. London:Methuen &Co. Ltd., [1928] First edition, 8vo, original pink cloth gilt, gift inscription dated 1929;Struwwelpeter or Naughty Children:A MerryCard Game, completewith 36 cards, in alater box;The Historyof LittleFanny, exemplified in aseries of figures London:S and J Fuller, 1811 16mo, with 6 dollpieces only(of 7), head piecealso lacking, originalwrappers and card case;“Carroll, Lewis” [Charles Lutwidge Dodgson] TheHunting of theSnark London:Macmillan &Co , Limited, 1898. 8vo, originalred cloth gilt[Cooker, T. Crofton] FairyLegends and Traditions of theSouth of Ireland London:John Murray, 1834 Small8vo (15 x 10cm), contemporaryhalf calf, earlyownership signature;Potter, Beatrix. HistoiredeJeannot Lapin [Benjamin Bunny] Paris:LibrairieRombaldi, [n d ] 12mo, originalcreamboards;Rider-Haggard, H. TheWizard. Bristol:J.W. Arrowsmith, 1896 12mo, originalbrown cloth gilt, with advertisements;and 20 others, including:Stevenson, Island Nights'Entertainments;Idem. The Wrecker;Uttley, Alison: 9 LittleGreyRabbit &co books, and another; Pullman TheAmber Spyglass, third impression, signed;Temperley Harry and theWrinkles, signed, paperback;Lofting. Doctor Doolittle's Caravan. Paolini Eragon, signed;and 4 others, including afaux book containing a spring snake(31)
Estimate:£600 -£800

Lot 276
Children's and illustrated books
Collection of works Rackham, Arthur, illustrator - Richard Wagner TheRhinegold &The Valkyrie. London:WilliamHeinemann, 1910. 8vo, originalcloth gilt;Idem. Siegfried &TheTwilight of theGods London:WilliamHeinemann, 1911 8vo, originalcloth gilt;Idem. TheRhinegold &TheValkyrie. London:William Heinemann, 1910 8vo, originalcloth gilt, dust-jacket with afew minor flaws;Rackham, Arthur, illustrator - Washington Irving. Rip Van Winkle. London:WilliamHeinemann, 1905 8vo, originalgreen cloth gilt;Rackham, Arthur, illustrator - WilliamShakespeare. A Midsummer-Night's Dream. London:WilliamHeinemann, 1910 8vo, originalcloth gilt;Rackham, Arthur, illustrator TheAllies'FairyBook London:WilliamHeinemann, [n d ] 8vo, originalbluecloth gilt;Smeaton, Oliphant. Edinburgh and its Story. London: J M Dent &Co , 1904 4to, originalcreamcloth gilt;Milne, A A Winnie-thePooh. London:Methuen &Co. Ltd., 1926. Second edition, 8vo, original green cloth gilt, dust-jacket with someflaws;Idem When weWereVery Young. London:Methuen &Co. Ltd., 1924. Fourth edition, 8vo, originalblue cloth gilt;Hughes, Ted BirthdayLetters London:Faber and Faber Limited, 1998. First edition, first impression, 8vo, signed and inscribed byTed Hughes;Hughes, Ted and Seamus Heaney, editors TheSchoolBag London: Faber and Faber, 1997. First edition, 8vo, signed and inscribed byHughes; [Swift, Jonathan] Travels into SeveralRemoteNations of theWorld London: Macmillan and Co , 1894 8vo, illustrated byCharles E Brock with original green cloth gilt;and 5 others (17)
Estimate:£400 -£600
Provenance: Select items fromtheestateof thelateLadyPenn.

Lot 277
Tolkien, J R R
[TheLord of theRings]
TheFellowship of theRing;TheTwo Towers;TheReturn of theKing. London:GeorgeAllen &Unwin Ltd, 1955 First editions, fourth, third and second impressions (in fifth, first and second impression dust jackets), 3 volumes, 8vo, originalred cloth, top edges dyed red, folding map printed in red and black to therear of each volume, with thedust jackets. Spines slightlyrolled, Fellowship with veryfaint marking to cloth and smallsection of bleeding fromred edge-dyealong fold of map, dust jacket spine-panels toned, Fellowship jacket with afew marks to spineand smallclosed tears to head and foot of front panel, Return jacket with afew smallmarks, short chip to foot of spineand short nick to head of front panel[cf Hammond A5ai-iii]
Estimate:£1,800 -£2,200
Theseimpressions, uniformlydated 1955 and priced at 21s, were apparentlyissued as aset. TheTwo Towers is stated to beasecond impression on thecopyright page, but is undated on thetitle-page, a combination of points usuallyunderstood to indicateathird impression.

Lot 278
Wells, H.G.
London:WilliamHeinemann, 1895. 8vo, First British edition, wrappers replaced with paper and red cloth spinewith originallabelpasted to upper cover, acoupleof leaves dog-eared, someslight foxing towards rear
Estimate:£300 -£400
Lot 279
Christie, Agatha
TheMurder at theVicarage
London:published for theCrimeClub Ltd byW Collins Sons &Co Ltd, 1930 First edition, first impression, 8vo, 254 pp , contemporarybluecloth possiblyfor Boots (with traceof their characteristic labelto foot of front board), spinelettered and ruled in gilt, half-title, advertisement leaf to rear, front freeendpaper with smallink-stamp of oneA.C. Doull, C.A. (recorded as secretaryand treasurer of theRoyalDick VeterinaryCollege, Edinburgh), spinerolled, cloth slightlyrubbed and marked, traces of labels to pastedowns, afew leaves reinforced in gutter, staining to pp 78-9, several leaves dog-eared, rear inner hingepartiallysplit with webbing visible
Estimate:£300 -£500
Thefirst Miss Marplenovel.
Lot 280
Woolf, Virginia
London:Hogarth Press, 1937 First edition, first impression, 8vo, 469 pp , originalgreen cloth, with thedust jacket designed byVanessaBell. Cloth slightlyfaded, bookplateapparentlyremoved fromrear pastedown, dust jacket chipped and head and foot and with tear to centre, joint between spineand front panelwith 8cmsplit to foot, front panelwith smallclosed tear under title, minor tollto upper forecorner of front and rear panels
Estimate:£200 -£300

Lot 281
Larkin, Philip High Windows
London:Faber and Faber, 1974 First edition, first impression, signed bythe author on thetitle-pagein black ink, 8vo, originalbluecloth, dust jacket, smallabrasion to upper margins of pp. 30-31;Idem. TheWhitsun Weddings London:Faber and Faber, 1964 First edition, first impression, 8vo, originalmaroon cloth, dust jacket, spotting to endpapers (2)
Estimate:£300 -£500
Lot 282
Hardy, Thomas 4 works
Far FromtheMadding Crowd London:Smith, Elder &Co , 1874 2 volumes, first edition, first issuein book form, 9 plates only(of 12), green half morocco gilt, bookplate;Idem Tess of theD'Urbervilles [London:Osgood, McIlvaineand Co., 1895.] 8vo, part of “TheWessex Novels”, originalgreen cloth gilt, bookplate;Idem A Pair of BlueEyes [London:Osgood, McIlvaine and Co , 1895 ] 8vo, part of “TheWessex Novels”, originalgreen cloth gilt, bookplate;Idem TheWell-Beloved [London:Osgood, McIlvaineand Co , 1897 ] 8vo, part of “TheWessex Novels”, originalgreen cloth gilt (5)
Estimate:£500 -£700
Lot 283
Huxley, Aldous BraveNew World
A Novel London:Chatto &Windus, 1933 First edition, sixth impression; 8vo, [6] 306 [2] pp., originalbluecloth, spinelettered and decorated in gilt, top edgedyed blue, bottomedgeuntrimmed, with thedust jacket, spine slightlyrolled, ownership inscription dated 1934 to front freeendpaper, pp. 39-42 creased at corner, afew spots to fore-edge, dust jacket with old tape repairs along top and bottomedges and light spotting to verso;Hemingway, Ernest A Farewellto Arms London:Jonathan Cape, 1929 First UKedition, first issue(retaining error ‘seriosu’ on p. 66), 8vo, originalcloth, dust jacket, cloth faded on spine, jacket with smallrepair to foot of spine;Lee, Harper To KillaMockingbird London:Heinemann, 1960 First UKedition, first impression, 8vo, originalcloth, dust jacket (price-clipped);and 7 others (10)
Estimate:£300 -£400
Lot 284
Mitchell, J. Leslie[pseudonym:Lewis Grassic Gibbon] (1901-1935) Spartactus
London:Jarrolds Publishers, 1933. First edition, first impression, presentation copy, inscribed bytheauthor ‘For Ivor Brown, in admiration & gratitude, Jas LeslieMitchell’ on thetitle-pagein brown ink, 8vo, 287 pp., originalblack cloth, facsimiledust jacket
Estimate:£300 -£400
Ivor Brown, recipient of this copy, wrotetheintroduction to the1946 first collected edition of theScots Quair trilogy, thework for which Mitchellis best known Brown was also thededicateeof Mitchell's NineAgainst the Unknown, published in 1934, ayear after Spartacus. Spartacus is considered thebest novelMitchellwroteunder his realname, theScots Quair having appeared under thepseudonymLewis Grassic Gibbon by which heis usuallyremembered.

Lot 285
Jones, David
In Parenthesis
seinyessit egledyf ympenn mameu London:Faber &Faber Ltd, 1936 First edition, first impression, 8vo, originalcloth, top edgedyed blue, 3 plates, with thedust jacket (price-clipped, spineand rear paneltoned, spinewith smallholeto foot, afew smallnicks and chips elsewhere, tape-repairs verso)
Estimate:£400 -£600
Lot 286
Forster, E M
4 books fromhis library
Landells, E TheBoy's Own Toy-Maker:aPracticalIllustrated Guideto the UsefulEmployment of LeisureHours. Sixth Edition. London: Griffith and Farran, 1873 16mo, originalcloth, wood-engraved illustrations throughout thetext, printed book-label, ‘This book belongs to E. M. Forster’, mounted to corner of front freeendpaper, with inscription below ink black ink, ‘Given mebyMrs Wilkinson of Chesfield Park, Herts, in June1886, EMF’, cloth faded, inner hinges cracked but remaining firm, front freeendpaper pasted to front pastedown, crudepresumablyjuvenilehand-colouring to anumber of illustrations;Baring, Maurice. An Outlineof Russian Literature. London: Williams &Norgate, c 1915 or later 8vo, originalcloth, printed book-label, ‘This book belongs to E. M. Forster’, to front pastedown, pencilled annotations byForster listing Russian authors and their works to rear free endpaper and rear pastedown, front inner hingecracked between seriestitleand title-pagewith webbing visible;Baedeker, Karl TheRhinefromthe Dutch to theAlsatian Frontier. Handbook for Travellers. Eighteenth Revised Edition Leipzig:KarlBaedeker, 1926 8vo, originalred cloth, folding maps, ownership inscription ‘E. M. Forster, Frankfurt, Dec. 1928'to half-title, pp. 157-160 loose;Collins, Wilkie TheMoonstone London:Chatto &Windus, 1902 8vo, originalwrappers, ownership inscription ‘E M Forster’ to head of front wrapper, front wrapper detached, rear wrapper chipped and reattached to finaladvertisement leaf [W Heffer &Sons Limited, This Book Belongs to E. M. Forster, 1971, cataloguenumbers 179, 27, N/A, 71] (4)
Estimate:£600 -£800
A fascinating group offering amicrocosmof Forster's reading fromhis Victorian childhood to his literarypomp as, among other things, an advocate of theRussian canon as it was first becoming widelyavailablein English translation As aboy, Forster lived with his mother at Rooksnest in Hertfordshire, ‘amodestlybeautifulhousewhich was themodelfor Howards End’ (ODNB), wherethefamilyweretenants of theLieutenantColonelRobert HindleyWilkinson and his wifeCarolineof nearbyChesfield Park Forster discussed MauriceBaring's An Outlineof Russian Literaturein a1941 BBC radio broadcast titled ‘SomeBooks:TheBrothers Karamazov and Bhakti':‘I havejust been reading ashort convenient handbook … Russian LiteraturebyMauriceBaring, in theHomeUniversityLibrary It is not anew book, and it is in no senseup to date. (Thereis scarcelyanything about Gorkiin it, and nothing about thedevelopment of literatureunder the Soviet.) So I recommend it with reservation in caseyou get it and are disappointed But I do recommend, for it willgiveyou abackground against which to set your reading of Russian novels’ (Heath, TheCreator as Critic and Other Writings byE M Forster, p 255) A copyof theW Heffer &Sons catalogueThis Book Belongs to E. M. Forster is included with thelot.

Lot 287
Graves, Robert
Good-ByeTo AllThat
London:Jonathan Cape, 1929. First edition, first issueretaining Siegfried Sassoon's poemat pp 341-3, 8vo, originalpink cloth, 8 plates including frontispiece, with thedust jacket, half-titlewith strip of browning along gutter on recto and old ink-staining to lower forecorner on verso, p 152 and facing plateeach with similar strip of browning, dust jacket toned, slightlydust-soiled along extremities and with smallclosed tear to head of front panel
Estimate:£300 -£500
Lot 288
Sassoon, Siegfried
Group of works bySassoon and books fromhis library
Sassoon, Siegfried TheWar Poems London:WilliamHeinemann, 1919 First edition, first impression, oneof 2,000 copies, small8vo, originalred cloth with printed paper labels to spineand front board, with thedust jacket, contemporaryownership inscription to front freeendpaper, light spotting to edges of textblock and to last few leaves, dust jacket spinetoned and rubbed and with alittlefraying to head, short closed tear to upper inner corner of front panel, afew smallnicks and marks;Idem. [TheSherston trilogy:] Memoirs of aFox-Hunting Man;Memoirs of an InfantryOfficer London:Faber and Gwyer Limited [volumes 2-3:Faber and Faber Limited], 1928-30-36 First editions, first impressions, 8vo, originalbluecloth, with thedust jackets, Fox-Hunting Man with penciled ownership inscription of oneJ S M Bisdee(recorded as astudent at St John's College, Cambridgein the1910s), spotting to endpapers and afew creases and tears to dust jacket, InfantryOfficer with light spotting to edges of textblock, dust jacket with afew spots and nicks, Sherston's Progress jacket with afew nicks, spots and marks;Idem TheOld Huntsman and Other Poems London: WilliamHeinemann, 1917 First edition, first impression, 8vo, originalboards, rebacked retaining originalspine-label(with minor loss), errataslip to contents leaf, housed in custommorocco-backed solander box;Aldington, Richard. Images of War. London:GeorgeAllen &Unwin Ltd, 1919. First edition, first impression, 8vo, originalboard's, Siegfried Sassoon's posthumous monogrambook-labelto front pastedown;DeLaMare, Walter. Bells and Grass [And:] Love London:Faber and Faber Limited, 1941-3 2 works, first editions, first impressions, 8vo, originalcloth, dust jackets, each with Siegfried Sassoon's posthumous monogrambook-labelto front pastedown, Lovemisbound with pp. 129-192 bound in after p. 16 (7)
Estimate:£500 -£800
TheGolden Ageof DetectiveFiction:Selections fromtheStock of Obelist Books, Glasgow

Lot 289
Thomas, Edward
Group of works
Four-and-TwentyBlackbirds London:Duckworth &Co , 1915 First edition, first impression, 4to, originalbluecloth lettered and decorated in gilt and plate, tipped-in colour frontispiece, spinesunned, smalltear to pp. 13/14 of advertisements;An Annualof New Poetry London:Constableand Company Ltd., 1917. First edition, first impression, 8vo, originalgreyboards lettered in red, dust jacket, browning to verso of title-pageand first pageof contents fromlaid-in material;TwelvePoets. A Miscellanyof New Verse. London:Selwyn and Blount, 1918 First edition, first impression, 8vo, originalbuff boards lettered in black, dust jacket (spinedarkened, afew smalltears, repairs verso), contents browned;Together with 4 others: Helen Thomas, As It Was, 1926 (first edition, originalcloth, spinerolled, dust jacket spotted and with discreet repairs verso);idem, World Without End, 1931 (first edition, originalcloth, with autograph letter signed bytheauthor tipped to front pastedown);Edward Thomas, TheIcknield Way, 1913 (first edition, originalcloth);TragaraPress, Helen &Edward Thomas, 1985 (oneof 165 copies, originalwrappers) (7)
Estimate:£300 -£500
Constable's An Annualof New Poetryfor 1917 contains 18 poems by Thomas, written under his pseudonymEdward Eastaway, and some30 others divided between seven other contributors including Robert Frost. TwelvePoets contains ten Thomas poems Both compilations arescarcein thedust jackets.

Lot 290
Thomas, Edward (his copy)
Poems byLadyMargaret Sackville
London:John Lane, theBodleyHead, 1901 First edition, first impression, 8vo, 120 pp., originalboards, replacement labeltipped to rear pastedown
Estimate:£500 -£800
With Edward Thomas's ownership inscription in black ink to thefront free endpaper;thefifth stanzaof thepoem‘TheDeath of Beatrice’ on page41 is annotated in pencil‘D.G.R.’, presumablyareferenceto DanteGabriel Rossetti;therearefurther pencil-markings to pages 6, 14, 15, 17, 19, 47 and 50. Thomas's review of thework appeared in the2nd July1901 edition of theDailyChronicle, wherehebegan work shortlyafter leaving Oxford ‘In 1901 Thomas and his familymoved to RoseAcreCottageat Bearsted, near Maidstone, Kent His dependenceon reviewing caused aconflict between necessityand creativity. Despitesucceeding LionelJohnson as aregular reviewer for theDailyChronicle, hewas earning less than £2 aweek He mainlyreviewed contemporarypoetry, reprints, criticism, and country books … During theseyears Thomas often saw himself as “adoomed hack” Repressed creativitywas afactor in his recurrent physicaland psychologicalbreakdowns’ (ODNB).

Lot 291
Owen, Wilfred Poems
With an Introduction bySiegfried Sassoon. London:Chatto &Windus, 1920. First edition, first impression, 4to, ix [3] 33 pp , originalred cloth, paper spine-label, foreand bottomedges untrimmed, photogravureportrait frontispiecewith tissue-guard, with thedust jacket, palemottling to cloth, dust jacket slightlyspotted, with loss to head of spineand lower forecorner of front paneland afew other smallnicks and chips, repairs verso
Estimate:£2,000 -£3,000
Footnote: Veryrarein thedust jacket

Lot 292
[Manning, Frederic]
TheMiddleParts of Fortune, Sommeand Ancre, 1916 London:PiazzaPress, issued to subscribers byPeter Davies, 1929. First edition, oneof 520 numbered copies only, printed on hand-madepaper for subscribers, 2 volumes, 8vo, originalbrown buckram, title-pages in red and black, retaining theoriginalmaroon cloth slipcase(2)
Estimate:£300 -£400
TheMiddleParts of Fortunewas republished thefollowing year in atrade edition with ‘certain prunings and excisions’ as Her Privates We, and is best known under that title Theslipcaseis often absent
Lot 293
War novels and poetry
Collection of works
Waugh, Evelyn. [Sword of Honour trilogy:] Men at Arms;Officers and Gentlemen;UnconditionalSurrender London:Chapman &Hall, 1952-55-61 3 volumes, 8vo, originalbluecloth, top edges dyed blue, dust jackets, spotting to versos of jackets, Men at Arms jacket with smalltape-repairs verso;Graves, Robert. TheMoreDeserving Cases. Eighteen Old Poems for Reconsideration Marlborough:Marlborough CollegePress, 1962 Oneof 400 copies bound in fullred morocco and signed bytheauthor (therewere also 350 copies in cloth), tall8vo, frontispiece;Sitwell, Osbert Argonaut and Juggernaut London:Chatto &Windus, 1919 First edition, first impression, inscribed bytheauthor ‘To MadamaMahlfeld fromOsbert Sitwell, June23 1912’ on thehalf-title, 8vo, originalcloth, dust jacket (with minor repairs);Baring, Maurice. Poems:1914-1917. London:Martin Secker, 1918. First edition, 8vo, originalwrappers, housed in acustombluequarter morocco solander box;Aldington, Richard. At AllCosts. London:William Heinemann Ltd , 1930 First edition, of 275 copies signed bytheauthor, 8vo, originalcloth-backed marbled boards;and approx. 30 others including moreRobert Graves first editions, works byEdmund Blunden, aset of 'Bairnsfather', Fragments fromFrancein customchemise, and similar (approx 40)
Estimate:£300 -£500

Lot 294
First World War poets and novelists
Collection of works
Graves, Robert. Over theBrazier. London:ThePoetryBookshop, 1916. First edition, first impression, 4to, originalwrappers, housed in acustom green calf-backed solander box, wrappers darkened and with creasing to edges;Brooke, Rupert Poems London:Sidgwick &Jackson, Ltd , 1911 First edition, first impression, 8vo, originalbluecloth, paper spine-label, tips slightlybumped;Idem 1914 and Other Poems London:Sidgwick &Jackson Limited, 1915. First edition, first impression, 8vo, originalbluecloth, paper spine-label, photogravureportrait frontispieceof Rupert Brookein profile (with tissue-guard), housed in custombluemorocco-backed slipcaseand matching chemise;Rosenberg, Isaac Poems Selected and Edited byIsaac Rosenberg Selected and Edited byGordon Bottomley With an Introductory Memoir byLaurenceBinyon London:WilliamHeinemann, 1922 First edition, first impression, 8vo, originalblack cloth with paper spine-label, halftone portrait frontispiece, dust jacket (slightlytoned in places, rubbing to corners);Gurney, Ivor Severn &Somme London:Sidgwick &Jackson, Ltd , 1917. First edition, first impression, 8vo, originalred boards, printed spinelabel, spinesunned and rubbed, headcap worn, sunning to head of front board, smallworm-track to foot of pp. 21/2, graduallyramifying and extending into rear board;Sitwell, Edith (editor) Wheels 1919 First edition, first impression, 8vo, originalcloth-backed pictorialboards;Aldington, Richard Death of aHero A Novel London:Chatto &Windus, 1929 First edition, first impression, 8vo, originalcloth, dust jacket (toned, spine-panel browned and chipped), spotting to gutter of prelims including title-page;and 1 other (8)
Estimate:£400 -£600

Lot 295
Beardsley, Aubrey, and Others
TheYellow Book
An Illustrated Quarterly London:Elkin Mathews &John Lane, 1894-7 First edition, 13 volumes, 4to, originalyellow cloth lettered and decorated in black, without advertisements, volumes 2-12 largelyunopened, 219 halftone plates (13)
Estimate:£500 -£800

Detectiveand adventurefiction
Collection of novels in thedust jackets, 1920s and later all8vo, originalcloth, with thedust jackets, apparent first editions and published in London unless otherwisestated, references to Hubin, Crime Fiction II (1994) in squarebrackets, titles include:Harding, D. E. How Briggs Died, GeorgeG Harrap &Co Ltd , 1940, publisher's compliments slip laid in, alittlelight creasing and rubbing to jacket [p. 372:theauthor's onlynovel listed];Eadie, Arlton [pseudonymof Leopold Leonard Eady] TheCrimson Query, Jarrolds Publishers Limited, [1929], cloth faded, jacket with afew nicks, tears and tape-repairs and loss to foot of spine[p 256;author's first book];Goodall, Cedric [pseudonymof Louis Charles Douthwaite]. Without Trace, John Hamilton Limited, [1938] [p 334];Easton, John Old Graustock, Grayson &Curzon, 1934, light cockling to front board [p. 257, misspelt ‘Granstock’;WWI adventurestoryset in Germany];Flett, J S Bid for Fortune, Edinburgh:MorayPress, 1934, jacket slightlychipped at head of spine[author's first novel;set in Canada, Mexico, etc.];Landon, Herman. Haunting Fingers, Jarrolds Publishers Limited, [1930], ink-stamped ‘With the publisher's compliments'on title-page, spinerolled [p. 482];Phillips, H. Lawrence TheHouseof Secrets, Thomas Nelson &Sons, Ltd , 1931 [ie 1932 or later], possiblyalater issuewith TheDetective's Dilemma(first published 1932) advertised on jacket rear flap, top edgedyed green [p 643];Thomas, Owen. RopeFodder, Alston Rivers, 1932 [p. 795:the author's onlynovellisted];MacVicar, Angus Death bytheMistletoe, Stanley Paul&Co., Ltd., 1934, ink-stamped ‘with thepublisher’s compliments'on title-page, dust jacket rubbed, 4/overpricesticker to spine, repairs verso [p 541;set in Scotland];Churcher, W R M Benevolent Blackmail, Mortiboy's, c.1930, dust jacket creased, chipped and repaired [p. 165:theauthor's only novellisted];together with 18 others similar, allin thedust jackets (28)
Estimate:£600 -£800
TheGolden Ageof Detectiveand AdventureFiction:Selections fromthe Stock of Obelist Books, Glasgow.

Spyand adventurenovels
Collection of works in thedust jackets, 1920s-40s, manywith exotic settings all8vo, originalcloth, with thedust jackets, generallyin good condition with afew nicks, chips and repairs to dust jackets, allapparentlyfirst editions unless otherwisestated, references to Hubin, CrimeFiction II (1994) in squarebrackets, titles include:Mills, Arthur. TheBlueSpider. London:W. Collins Sons &Co Ltd, 1929, dust jacket with smallchip to head of front paneland tape-repairs verso [p. 575;aFar East adventure];Idem. Intrigue Island London:W Collins Sons &Co Ltd, 1929, shallow loss to head of jacket spine, spotting to edges of textblock [p. 575;aFar East adventure];McLaren, Christabel TheDivineGift London:Longmans, Green and Co , 1929 [p 535:theauthor's onlynovellisted];‘Operator 1384’ [pseudonymof John HenryHarvey] TheBlack Arab London:Rich &Cowan Ltd, [1937], apparent reprint (rear panelof jacket lists titleunder ‘TheBlackLineLibraryReprints of Famous Books’, chips to jacket, ghosting to spine [p 615];Arnold, Ralph ThePelican Strikes Back London:Ivor Nicholson and Watson Limited, 1936, spinediscoloured and rolled, dust jacket with residueto spinepanelpossiblyfromremovalof overpricesticker and with chip to head of rear panel[p. 31];George, Vernon [pseudonymof George ShirraGibb Vernon] Hamish Munro's Experiment A Thrilling Romanceof the East and theAntipodes. London:Arthur H. Stockwell, Ltd., [1935], presentation copy, inscribed ‘R Meff Esqr, with theauthor’s compliments Georg. S. G. Vernon, 9/5/35'on thefront freeendpaper, jacket repaired, light mottling and fading to cloth [p 321];Helburne, Roger G ChaseAcross Europe London:Longmans, Green and Co , 1941, dust jacket priceclipped;Allan, Luke[pseudonymof W. LaceyAmy]. Fivefor One. Bristol: Arrowsmith, 1934, dust jacket price-clipped and with smalltape-repair, spotting to outer leaves and edges and flaps of jacket [p. 10];Mitton, G[eraldine] E[dith] TheTwo-Stringed Fiddle London:John Murray, 1919, inscribed ‘G. E. Scott (LadyScott) who wrotethis book’ on front free endpaper, labelremoved fromfront cover [Burmesesetting];Knight, L[eonard] A[lfred]. Redbeard. London:Sampson Low, Marston, &Co., Ltd., [1935], gift inscription dated 1940 to front pastedown, apparent removalof overpricelabelfromjacket spine[p. 475];Marle, T. B. Candid Escort. London:Arthur Barker Limited, 1936, spinerolled, dust jacket price-clipped [Balkan setting];Jepson, Edgar A Princein Petrograd London:Odhams Press Limited, [1921], old repairs to dust jacket. together with 16 others similar, allin dust jackets (28)
Estimate:£500 -£800
Provenance: TheGolden Ageof Detectiveand AdventureFiction:Selections fromthe Stock of Obelist Books, Glasgow.

Aviation fiction
Collection of aviation adventurenovels, mainly1930s 30 works, 8vo, allin originalcloth, with thedust jackets, references to Hubin, CrimeFiction II (1994) in squarebrackets Titles include:Trent, Paul TheAir Bandits. London:Ward, Lock &Co., Limited, 1935. First edition, inscribed ‘To John Sharman, with theauthor’s compliments but ‘Keep it under your Hat’, January1936 on thehalf-title, additionallysigned bythe author on thetitle-page, loss to foot of jacket spine[p 806];Vaizey, George. Into Thin Air. London:GeorgeG. Harrap &Co. Ltd., 1939. First edition (theauthor's first novel), dust jacket tape-repaired at head of spine, ownership inscription to verso of half-title[p. 816];Leslie, Norman. Winged Victory London:Thomas Nelson &Sons, Ltd , 1931 First edition (the author's first novel) [p 499];Henry, John SkyVengeance Sydney:N S W BookstallCo Ltd , 1934 First edition, whited-out ownership inscription on half-title;Groom, A J Pelham High Adventure London:TheAcePublishing Co., [1938]. First edition, 4 plates, jacket slightlychipped, prizeplatedated 1939 to front freeendpaper [p 357];Idem Death Flies High London: GeorgeNewnes, Limited, c.1937. Later issue(first published 1935, jacket mentions Desert Squadron, first published 1937) [Hubin p 408];Holten, J Railton. Doomed Flight. London:Newnes, 1937. Possiblelater issue(first published 1937, jacket mentions Night Hawk, first published 1938), spotting to edges and endpapers, dust jacket price-clipped [Hubin p. 308];Rochester, GeorgeE TheTrailof Death:War Adventures of theFlying Beetle. London:John Hamilton, Ltd, c.1936. First edition, 4 plates, small punctureto spine, contemporaryownership inscription to front free endpaper [Hubin p 693];Idem TheDespot of theWorld London:John Hamilton Limited, Publishers, c.1936. First edition, 4 plates, publisher's advertisements dated Spring 1936 to rear;and others, allin dust jackets (30)
Estimate:£400 -£600
TheGolden Ageof Detectiveand AdventureFiction:Selections fromthe Stock of Obelist Books, Glasgow

Collection of nauticaladventurenovels, mainly1930s all8vo, originalcloth, with thedust jackets, references to Hubin, Crime Fiction II (1994) in squarebrackets Titles include:Parkman, Sydney Ship Ashore. London:Hodder &Stoughton Limited, 1936. First edition, inscribed bytheauthor ‘H W Brown, with sincereregards, SydneyParkman’ on the title-page, cloth faded, repairs to dust jacket [p. 682];Divine, A. D. U-Boat in theHebrides London:Collins, 1940 First edition, finalpageblind-stamped review copy[p. 237];Truss, Seldon. Escort to Danger. London:Hodder and Stoughton, Limited, 1935 First edition, dust jacket designed byBip Pares (with minor repairs) [p. 809];MacNalty, A. Salusbury. TheMysteryof Captain Burnaby London:Pawling and Ness Ltd , 1934 First edition, price torn awayfromfront flap of jacket [p 538, theauthor's onlywork there listed];Wilmot, J R Night Tide London:Ivor Nicholson and Watson, 1936 First edition, jacket spinewith loss to foot and chipping to head, afew other tears [p. 868];Westerman, J. F. C. FortuneIsland. London:Nisbet &Co. Ltd , [1932] First edition, jacket designed byChristopher Cavanian Sanders price-clipped and with loss to foot of jacket, corresponding marking to front board;Norman, Bruce TheLuck of Jocelyn Pinner, R N London: Arrowsmith, 1931. First edition, spinerolled, faded and with labelremoved [p 604];Drax, Peter [ie Eric Elrington Addis] High Seas Murder London: Hutchinson &Company, [1939]. First edition, spinerolled, textblock browned [Hubin p 213]Connington, J J TomTiddler's Island London: Hodder &Stoughton, Limited, 1933. First edition, spinerolled, jacket toned and rubbed with chips to spine-panel, initialblank or half-titleremoved;and 10 others similar (19)
Estimate:£300 -£500
TheGolden Ageof Detectiveand AdventureFiction:Selections fromthe Stock of Obelist Books, Glasgow.
A. SalusburyMacNalty(1880-1969), author of TheMysteryof Captain Burnaby, was aleading physician who served as chief medicalofficer of the United Kingdomfrom1935 to 1941.

Collection of American crime, detectiveand adventurenovels in thedust jackets, 1910s-50s all8vo, originalcloth, with thedust jackets (in good condition overallbut with afew generallysmallnicks and tears in places), references to Hubin, Crime Fiction II (1994) in squarebrackets, titles include:Douglas, Hudson [pseudonymof Robert Aitken]. TheMan in theMirror. New York:W. J. Watt &CompanyPublishers, c 1910 Presumed first edition (undated but with no indication of reprints) [p. 243];Gluck, Sinclair. TheWildcat. Dodd, Mead & Company, 1932 First edition [p 331];McCulley, Johnston Black Star's Campaign. New York:ChelseaHouse, 1924. First edition, jacket with closed tear up rear fold and into spine-panel[p 524];Landon, Herman TheGray Phantom's Return New York:W J Watt &Company, 1922 First edition [p 482];Dutton, Charles J Poison Unknown New York:Dodd, Mead and Company, 1932 First edition [p 255];Oliver, Gail[pseudonymof Marian Gallagher Scott]. TheMoon Saw Murder. New York:TheMacmillan Company, 1937 First edition, jacket price-clipped [p 613;theonlynovelbytheauthor listed];Lord, Jeremy[pseudonymof Ben RayRedman]. Sixty-Nine Diamonds New York:for theCrimeClub byDoubleday, Doran and Co , Inc , 1940. First edition, bookplateof PaulTabori[p. 513];Scotland, Jay [pseudonymof John WilliamJakes] TheSeventh Man New York:Mystery House, 1958. First edition, jacket price-clipped [p. 724];Sarasin, J. G. [pseudonymof GeraldineGordon Salmon] TheBlack Glove New York: GeorgeH. Doran Company, 1926. First US edition (first published in London byHutchinson in 1925) [p 717];Rath, E J When theDevilWas Sick New York:Grosset &Dunlap, c 1926 Earlyedition (first published byHoward & Watt in 1926);and 28 others (38)
Estimate:£500 -£800
TheGolden Ageof Detectiveand AdventureFiction:Selections fromthe Stock of Obelist Books, Glasgow

Trevor, Ralph [pseudonymof James Reginald Wilmot] Collection of detectivenovels in thedust jackets, including 2 inscribed to Dennis Wheatley London:Wright &Brown, Ltd , 1930s-40s Allapparentlyfirst editions unless otherwisestated, 8vo, originalcloth, with thedust jackets, in good condition overallwith alittlefraying to jacket spines:Death Burns the Candle, [1938]. Presentation copy, inscribed ‘For Dennis Wheatly[sic], with allgood wishes, fromRalph Trevor, May9 1938'on title-page, with bookplateof Dennis Wheatleyto front pastedown, spotting to edges of textblock and to margins of outer leaves;Death Comes Too Late, [1938] Presentation copy, inscribed ‘For Dennis WheatleyEsq., with everygood wish, fromRalph Trevor, Nov14 1938’ on title-page, with bookplateof Dennis Wheatleyto front pastedown, spotting to edges of textblock;The Aceof Clubs Murder, [1939] Presentation copy, inscribed ‘For mymother, July1939, Ralph Trevor'on thetitle-page, spotting to edges of textblock;ThePhantomRaider, [1941]. Dust jacket front flap upper corner torn away;and 4 others (each with jacket priced at 4/6 and possiblyalater issue, comprising:TheDeputyAvenger, [1938], jacket with loss to foot of spineand repairs verso, gift inscription dated 1943 on front free endpaper;Murder in theFifth Column [1940] (loss to foot of jacket spine); Murder for Two Pins, [1939] (jacket front flap mentions titles fromas lateas 1942);Front PageMurder, [1942]) [Hubin, CrimeFiction II, volume1, p. 807] (8)
Estimate:£300 -£400
TheGolden Ageof Detectiveand AdventureFiction:Selections fromthe Stock of Obelist Books, Glasgow.
A selection of novels byRalph Trevor wererepublished in 2018 byspecialist American publisher RambleHouse, their introduction to theseries providing abrief overview of Trevor's career:‘James Reginald Wilmot, was born in Birkenhead, Cheshire, in 1897, and died in [the] Wirral… in 1944 … In his brief writing career (from1935 to 1944) WIlmot wroteat least thirty-one mysterynovels under thepseudonym’Ralph Trevor'and eight romantic novels under the‘Frances Stewart’ by-line Theauthor's solepublsiher appears to havebeen Wright &Brown, London, thestalwart firmwho issued so manybooks in the1930s and ‘40s for (primarily) thelending librarymarket. W&B built up astableof authors who could reliablyturn out novels in themost popular genres of theday:mysteries, thrillers, romance, adventure, and “air mysteries” Whilenot terriblywell-known under his most prolificallyused pseudonymRalph Trevor, [Wilmot’s] manybooks released under that nameareyet sought after byconnoisseurs in their originalW&B editions'.

Binns, Ottwell[pseudonym:'Ben Bolt'] Collection of mysterynovels London:Ward, Lock &Co., Limited, 1924-37. Apparentlyfirst editions unless otherwisestated, 8vo, originalvaricoloured cloth, in thedust jackets, titles comprise:Clancyof theMounted Police, 1924, dust jacket reinforced on verso and with loss to foot of spine;TheSecret Pearls, 1930;The Flaming Crescent, 1931, labelof Dryborough Circulating Libraryto front pastedown, dust jacket chipped;Trader Random, 1932;TheLast Door, 1935, spinerolled;A Shot in theWoods, 1938, later issue(dust jacket numbered ‘828A’ at foot of spineand rear panelmentioning theauthor's A Man of Dartmoor, first published 1939).[As ‘Ben Bolt’]:TheBadge, 1930, loss to front panelof dust jacket;Linked byPeril, 1936, possiblelater issue (dust jacket numbered 882 at foot of spine, price-clipped);ByBreathless Ways, 1937, later issue(dust jacket numbered ‘816A'at foot of spineand rear panelmentioning TheGirlin theTrain, first published 1939);The Diamond-Buckled Shoe, 1930, later edition (first published 1921 byHeath Robinson);ThePrideof theRing, no date, later edition (first published 1921 byHeath Robinson);A Shot in theNight, 1934, possiblelater issue(dust jacket numbered ‘565'on spine, price-clipped);TheSealed Envelope, no date, later edition, c.1935 (first published 1931;dust jacket mentioning The Unseen Witness, first published 1935;price-clipped);TheEmptyHouse Mystery, 1936, possiblelater issue(dust jacket numbered ‘724’ on spine, price-clipped;TheGreen Lantern, 1935, possiblelater issue(dust jacket numbered ‘665’ on spine, price-clipped), front freeendpaper excised [see Hubin, CrimeFiction II, 1994, volume1 p 72];together with 4 novels by Binns's son Max Dalman, in dust jackets (19)
Estimate:£300 -£400
TheGolden Ageof Detectiveand AdventureFiction:Selections fromthe Stock of Obelist Books, Glasgow.
Footnote: OttwellBinns (1872-1935) was anovelist and Unitarian minister from Rochdale, Lancashire

Lot 303
Daniel, Roland
Collection of mysteryand detectivenovels
London:Wright &Brown, 1930s-50s All8vo, originalcloth, with thedust jackets. Titles include:TheYellow Devil, [1932]. First edition, undated on verso of title-pagebut jacket with presumed first-issuepriceof 7/6 and advertisement ‘Novels for Spring, 1932’ on rear panel, jacket with afew chips and tears;Red Murchison, [1936] First edition, possiblelater issue with overpricesticker (4/6) to jacket spine, no dateon verso of title-page, jacket slightlyworn, partialseparation of rear panelfromspine;“The Tipster”, [1937]. First edition, possiblelater issuewith jacket priced at 4/6 on spine(other copies noted with thepresumablyearlier priceof 7/6), no date on verso of title-page, cloth mottled, chips and tears to dust jacket, price torn awayfromfront flap;TheRiver Gang, 1938 First edition, possiblelater issuewith overpricesticker of 4/6 to jacket spine(over originalpriceof 3/6, itself perhaps signifying alater-issuejacket), chips and tears to dust jacket;TheBlack Raven, [1939] First edition, possiblelater issuewith jacket priced 4/6 (other copies noted with thepresumablyearlier priceof 7/6), no dateon verso of title-page;Shattered Hopes, 1941 First edition, dust jacket slightlychipped and worn and with old repairs verso;and 23 others by Roland Daniel(allwith thedust jackets), [Hubin, CrimeFiction II, 1994, vol 1 p. 212] (29)
Estimate:£300 -£500
TheGolden Ageof Detectiveand AdventureFiction:Selections fromthe Stock of Obelist Books, Glasgow

Lot 304
Graeme, Bruce[pseudonymof GrahamMontagueJeffries, 1900-1982] Collection of adventureand detectivenovels including theBlackshirt series London:Hutchinson, various dates All8vo, originalcloth, with thedust jackets, titles include:Blackshirt Strikes Back, [1940] First edition, jacket somewhat worn with fraying to extremities and smallholeto spine;The CorporalDied in Bed, [1940] First edition, jacket spinefaded;Ten Trails to Tyburn, [1940]. First edition, jacket spotted and with afew nicks and chips;Son of Blackshirt, [1941] First edition, jacket chipped, textblock with spotting to edges and outer leaves;EncoreAllain, [1941]. First edition, textblock browned;Calling Lord Blackshirt, [1943] First edition;A Casefor Solomon, [1943]. First edition;Work for theHangman, [1944]. First edition;Mr Whimset Buys aGun, 1953 First edition;and 16 others including first editions of Housewith Crooked Walls, 1942 (jacket price-clipped, minor loss to spine-ends), A Brief for O'Leary, 1947 (minor loss to jacket), Ladyin Black, 1952 (tear to jacket), Suspense, 1953 (price-clipped), TheWayOut, 1954 (price-clipped), So Sharp theRazor, 1955, Just an OrdinaryCase, 1956, Boomerang, 1959, etc [Hubin, CrimeFiction II, 1994, volume1, pp 340-1];together with 9 novels byCapt. A. O. Pollard VC, allin dust jackets (34)
Estimate:£300 -£500
Provenance: TheGolden Ageof Detectiveand AdventureFiction:Selections fromthe Stock of Obelist Books, Glasgow.

Hodder &Stoughton (publishers) Collection of mysteryand adventurenovels, 1920s-30s all8vo, originalcloth, with thedust jackets, references to Hubin, Crime Fiction II (1994) in squarebrackets Titles include:Bridges, Victor The HappyMurderers. An Adventureon theSuffolk Coast, 1932. First edition, inscribed bytheauthor ‘To Mr Brown with manythanks &allgood wishes fromtheauthor, Victor Bridges, 1932’ on thefront freeendpaper, spine rolled, afew tears to jacket [p 102];MacClure, Victor Frontéra, 1937 First edition (Spanish CivilWar novel), inscribed bytheauthor ‘To H. Irons from theauthor Victor MacClure’ on thetitle-page, spinesunned and rolled, afew smallchips and tears to jacket; Wills, CecilM. On theNight in Question, 1937 First edition (an Inspector Boscobellnovel), afew minor nicks and tears to jacket [p 868];Holt, Gavin [pseudonymof PercivalCharles Rodda] SteelShutters, 1936 First edition (aBastion novel), jacket with loss and old tape-repair to head of spine[p 410];Pelham, Anthony[pseudonymof Charles Evelyn GrahamHope]. TheFortress of Ashes, [1936]. First edition (set in India), map endpapers (depicting Kashmir), spinerolled, dust jacket chipped [p. 634];Idem. Summons to Adventure, [1937]. First edition (set in modern-dayPakistan), map endpapers (depicting Makran and Baluchistan), frontispiecereproducing design of dust jacket (acoded letter in Urdu), afew nicks to dust jacket [p 634];Reynolds, Mrs Baillie[GertrudeM Robins Reynolds]. TheAffair at theChâteau, [1929]. First edition, minor repairs to verso of dust jacket [p 676];Idem Troubleat Glaye, 1936 First edition, dust jacket designed byBip Pares, front cover sprung, mottling to pastedowns [p 676];Boyd, Eric Forbes TheHouseof Whipplestaff, [1924] First edition, light spotting to outer leaves, dust jacket with labelremoved fromspineand minor repairs to verso, ownership inscription dated 1927 to front freeendpaper [p 91];Packard, Frank L ShanghaiJim, 1928 First UK edition (presumablyfollowing theDoubledayedition of thesameyear, and in adifferent jacket design), schoolprizeplateto front pastedown, dust jacket somewhat nicked and chipped [p. 623];Fairlie, Gerard [reputed modelfor 'Bulldog Drummond] Men for Counters, 1933 First edition, dust jacket with chip to head of front panel[p. 273];and 8 others similar (allin dust jackets) (18)
Estimate:£300 -£500
TheGolden Ageof Detectiveand AdventureFiction:Selections fromthe Stock of Obelist Books, Glasgow.

Thornton Butterworth, and Skeffington &Son (publishers) Collection of mysteryand detectivenovels in thedust jackets, 1920s-30s all8vo, originalcloth, with thedust jackets, published in London, references to Hubin, CrimeFiction II (1994) in squarebrackets, titles include:Hawk, John. TheMurder of aMysteryWriter, Skeffington &Son, Ltd., [1929], apparent first edition with no statement of later printings, later-issuedust jacket priced at 2/6 with 1/6 overpricesticker, jacket with smallchip to lower forecorner of front panel[p 384];Volk, Gordon TheLighthouseMystery, Skeffington &Son, Ltd., [1930], apparent first edition with no statement of later printings, later-issuedust jacket priced at 2/6 with 2/overpricesticker, jacket worn [p. 826];Morton, Guy. TheScarlet Thumb-Print, Skeffington & Son, Ltd , [1931], apparent first edition with no statement of later printings, with afirst-issuedust jacket priced at 7/6 (with loss to head of spine), and a later-issuedust jacket priced at 2/6 and with 1/6 overpricesticker, ink-stamp dated 1931 (probablythepublisher's) to front pastedown [p 588];Dehan, Richard [pseudonymof ClotildaInez MaryGraves]. Shallow Seas, Thornton Butterworth Limited, 1930, apparent first edition dated 1930 on copyright pageand no statement of later printings, later-issuedust jacket priced at 3/6 [cf p 224 for theauthor];Bowen, Joseph TheMan without aHead, Thornton Butterworth Ltd, 1937, apparent first UKedition (dated 1937 on copyright pagewith no statement of later printings;first published New York, 1936), CrimeCircleNovels dust jacket designed byBip Pares and priced at 2/6 (apparentlyfirst issue:advertisement on rear panelof present and following titles indicates that CrimeCircleNovels published at this price), smallrepairs to jacket verso [p 90, theauthor's onlynovellisted, theauthor described as ‘awell-known Western cattleman, born in Colorado …'];Grierson, Francis D. TheAcrefield Mystery(A Superintendent Sims and Professor Wells Story), Thornton Butterworth Ltd, 1938, apparent first edition (dated 1938 on copyright pagewith no statement of later printings), CrimeCircleNovels dust jacket designed byBip Pares (possiblylater issue, with 4/6 overpricesticker), jacket price-clipped and with afew tears [p. 354];Idem Murder in Black, Eyreand Spottiswoode, [after 1935], remainder issue(originallypublished byThornton Butterworth in theCrime CircleNovels series), with canceltitle-pageand Eyreand Spottiswoodelabel pasted over originalimprint on jacket spine[p. 354];Fletcher, J. S. TodmanhaweGrange Concluded byTorquemada, Thornton Butterworth Ltd, 1937, apparent first edition (dated 1937 on copyright pagewith no statement of later printings), CrimeCircleNovels dust jacket designed byBip Pares (backed on card, worn), cloth browned on spine[p 291];and 17 others, reprints or later issues, including works in Thornton Butteworth's CrimeCircleNovels novels, and severalmysterynovels published by Skeffington, allin dust jackets (25)
Estimate:£300 -£500
TheGolden Ageof Detectiveand AdventureFiction:Selections fromthe Stock of Obelist Books, Glasgow

Lot 307
Ward, Lock &Co (publisher)
Collection of detectiveand mysterynovels with thedust jackets all8vo, originalcloth, with thedust jackets, references to Hubin, Crime Fiction II (1994) in squarebrackets, titles include:Graham, Winston No Exit An Adventure, 1940. First edition, dust jacket price-clipped with smalllosses to front flap and foot of spineand smallclosed tear to front panel, partial split to foot of joint between rear paneland flap [p. 342];Dawe, Carlton. Live Cartridge, 1937 First edition, dust jacket priced 7/6 on front flap, jacket backed on card [p. 220];Robertson, Colin. Night Shadows, 1935. First edition, possiblelater-issuedust jacket priced at 3/6, smallchip to foot of jacket spine[p. 688];Durie, Lynn [pseudonymof Douglas Christie]. TheTriall Case, 1932 First edition, presumed later issuewith dust jacket priced at 3/6, fraying to head of jacket spine[p 255];Burnaby, Nigel[pseudonymof Harold Pincton Ellett] Two Deaths for aPenny, 1935 First edition, presumed later issuewith dust jacket priced at 2/6 [p 119:theauthor's final novellisted, of four];Goodchild, George. Quest of NigelRix, 1934. First edition, presumed later issuewith dust jacket priced at 3/6, closed tear to head of joint between spineand front panel, abrasion to front panel affecting word ‘of’ [p 334, titleerroneouslygiven as ‘ NigelRex’];and 33 similar, including novels byColin Robertson, Mark Cross, GeorgeGoodchild, Edgar Wallace, Carlton Dawe, and others, allin dust jackets but most apparentlylater issuewith three-digit numerals printed to spine-panels (39)
Estimate:£400 -£600
TheGolden Ageof Detectiveand AdventureFiction:Selections fromthe Stock of Obelist Books, Glasgow
No Exit is an uncommon earlywork byWinston Grahamand precedes the first of his Poldark novels byfiveyears Night Shadows is prolific mystery author Colin Robertson's third novel.

Lot 308
Wright &Brown (publisher)
Collection of murder mysterynovels in thedust jackets allundated with no statement of reprinting, 8vo, originalcloth, with thedust jackets (nearlyallbyG P Micklewright), references to Hubin, CrimeFiction II, 1994 in squarebrackets. Titles include:Verner, Gerald. TheFootballPool Murders, c 1939, dust jacket priced 4/6 [p 822];Desmond, Hugh [Hubin: ‘possiblythepseudonymof Kathleen Lindsay’]. Death byCandlelight, c 1940, jacket priced 7/6 [N/A];Idem Death in theShingle, c 1948, jacket priced 4/6, pencilled inscription ‘Xmas 1950’ to front pastedown [p. 231];Richmond, Mary[pseudonymof Kathleen Lindsay] Shadow of the Gallows. c.1940, jacket priced 3/6 [p. 680];Mackenzie, Nigel. Murder over Karnak, c 1949, jacket priced 5/, cloth mottled and soiled, pencilled inscription to front pastedown [p 534];Brandon, John G Death Tolls the Gong, c 1939, jacket with 4/6 overpricesticker [p 97:aboxing story];Garnett, Roger [pseudonymof NigelMorland] Danger-Death at Work, c.1937, jacket priced 4/6 (possiblylater) [p. 316];and 13 similar including others byHugh Desmond and John G Brandon, allin jackets (20)
Estimate:£300 -£500
TheGolden Ageof Detectiveand AdventureFiction:Selections fromthe Stock of Obelist Books, Glasgow.

Lot 309
GeoffreyBles (publisher)
Collection of detectivenovels in photographic dust jackets, 1930s-50s all8vo, originalcloth,, references to Hubin, CrimeFiction II (1994) in square brackets, titles include:Gordon Latta, Exit Arnholt, 1935, first edition, firstissuejacket priced at 7/6 on front flap but with 1/overpricesticker to spine [p 486];MichaelSalkeld, 1936, first edition, jacket with 4/6 overpricesticker, loss to head of jacket spinewith ensuing fading to cloth, old taperepairs to verso of jacket [p 714:theauthor's onlynovellisted];David Whitelaw, The Face, 1937, first edition, jacket with 4/6 overpricesticker to spine, contemporarygift inscription to front pastedown [p 859];Gilbert Collins, TheHaven of Unrest, 1936, first edition, dustacket with 4/6 overprice sticker and repairs verso [p 179] Together with 9 similar GeoffreyBles detectivenovels, 7 Collins CrimeClub Novels, and 3 Hutchinson detective novels, allin dust jackets (23)
Estimate:£300 -£500
TheGolden Ageof Detectiveand AdventureFiction:Selections fromthe Stock of Obelist Books, Glasgow

Lot 310
Collection of mysteryand detectivenovels with thedust jackets, 1930s-40s all8vo, originalcloth, with thedust jackets, references to Hubin, Crime Fiction II (1994) in squarebrackets. Titles include:Grayson, Rupert. Gun Cotton - Adventurer London:Grayson &Grayson, 1933 First edition, inscribed bytheauthor ‘With best wishes to Mr and Mrs Jenkins from Rupert Grayson, September 1933’ on front freeendpaper, dust jacket with loss to spineand various repairs verso [p. 346];Idem. AceHigh. London: Grayson &Grayson, 1937 First edition, losses to jacket [p 346];Ashe, Gordon [pseudonymof John Creasey] TheSpeaker London:John Long Limited, 1939. First edition (apparentlytheauthor's first novelat least under this name), spotting to edges of textblock, jacket bright [p 33];Vickers, Roy. TheMan in theRed Mask. London:GeorgeNewnes, Limited, [1935]. Presumed first edition (published as part of Newnes's 'Half-Crown Novels' series with jacket priced 2/6, but no other iteration of jacket traced), jacket bright [p 824];Blane, Fergus Money-Lender in Gloves London:George Newnes, Limited, 1939. First edition, gift inscription dated 1941 to front pastedown, closed tears to rear panelof jacket [p 78:theonlynovel recorded under this author];Ferguson, W. B. M. London Lamb. London: John Long Limited, c 1939 First edition, later issuejacket with 4/overprice sticker [p 280];Mills, Woosnam Biting Fortune London:Thomas Nelson and Sons Ltd, 1939 First edition, 8/3 overpricesticker to jacket front flap;Lindsay, David TheMan NobodyKnew London:John Hamilton Limited, [1938]. First edition, loss to dust jacket [p. 504];and 15 others, allin the dust jackets (23)
Estimate:£400 -£600
TheGolden Ageof Detectiveand AdventureFiction:Selections fromthe Stock of Obelist Books, Glasgow.

Collection of mysteryand detectivenovels in macabredust jackets all8vo, originalcloth, with thedust jackets (with variablefraying and wear chieflyto extremities but generallyin good condition), apparentlyfirst editions unless otherwisestated, references to Hubin, CrimeFiction II (1994) in squarebrackets, titles include:‘Trill' TheSickleMurders Bythe Author of “TheVengeanceof Ping Ho”. London:Lincoln Williams, 1935, halftoneportrait frontispiecewith theauthor in amask, dust jacket backed on paper at an earlydate[p. 808];Haslett, G. Wyndham. Portrait in Shadows London:Hurst &Blackett Ltd, 1938, inscribed bytheauthor ‘For “Fwee” with loveas ever, Wyndham, Mar 24th ’38'with asmallink sketch, jacket with holeto spineand afew repairs;Ward, Harold TheBlood of Buddha London:Andrew Melrose, Ltd, 1937 [p 839];Dickson, Grierson Traitors'Market A Storyof theSecret Service London:Hutchison &Co , [1936], ink-stamped ‘with thepublisher’s compliments'on thetitle-page, spinerolled, foreedgespotted [p. 235];Freeman, Martin Joseph. TheCase of theBlind Mouse London:MelbournePress Limited, 1936, first UKedition (first published in theUS in 1935) [p. 305];Morrison, R. P. Sacrife. London: Rich &Cowan Ltd, [1939], repairs to dust jacket;Verner, Gerald TheBlack Hunchback. London:Wright &Brown, c.1935. Earlyedition (first published 1933, thelist of theauthor's works including Terror Tower etc , published 1935), ownership inscription dated 1941 to endpapers [p. 822];Lambert, Rosa&Dudley Crimein Quarantine London:Thomas Nelson and Sons Ltd, 1938. Bookplateof PaulTabori(Hungarian author), discolouration to cloth, repairs to jacket [p 481];and 15 others similar (afew stated second impressions) (23)
Estimate:£400 -£600
TheGolden Ageof Detectiveand AdventureFiction:Selections fromthe Stock of Obelist Books, Glasgow.

Lot 312
Collection of mysteryand detectivenovels with 'damselin distress'dust jackets, 1920s and later all8vo, originalcloth, with thedust jackets, references to Hubin, Crime Fiction II (1994) in squarebrackets, titles include:Ironside, John [pseudonymof EuphemiaMargaret Tait] Jack of Clubs London:Thomas Nelson &Sons, Ltd., 1931. First edition, smalltears to dust jacket [p. 431];Boyd, Eric Forbes Merlin Hold London:Jarrolds, [1927] First edition, smallworm-track to front joint, dust jacket slightlyrubbed and worn [p 91];Gérard, Francis ConcreteCastle London:Rich &Cowan Ltd , 1936 First edition, afew nicks to dust jacket [p 321];Phillips, H Lawrence Detective's Dilemma. London:Thomas Nelson &Sons, Ltd., 1932. First edition, jacket with loss to head of spineand upper inner corner of front panel[p. 643];Marshall, Ian. TheStrangeCaseof Vintrix Polbarton. London: Thomas Nelson &Sons, Ltd , 1929, tape-repairs to jacket verso [p 545];Latimer, Jonathan. Murder in theMadhouse. London:Hurst &Blackett, Ltd , [1935] First UKedition, ink-stamped ‘With thepublisher’s compliments'on title-page, spinerolled, jacket with fraying and loss to head of spine[p 486];Hird, Frank TheFourth Road London:StanleyPaul&Co , Ltd., [1934]. First edition, ink-stamped ‘with thepublisher’s compliments'on title-page, dust jacket slightlyrubbed and worn [p 404];and 19 others similar, allin dust jackets (26)
Estimate:£300 -£500
TheGolden Ageof Detectiveand AdventureFiction:Selections fromthe Stock of Obelist Books, Glasgow.

Lot 313
Comic novels and romances
Collection of works in dust jackets all8vo, originalcloth, with thedust jackets, apparent first editions and published in London unless otherwisestated, titles include:Raleigh, H M TheMerryMug, GeoffreyBless, 1936 [dust jacket front flap:'On arrivalat thevillageof Doom[theprotagonist] found himself in themidst of aPagan Revivalismwith marked tendencies towards human sacrifice'];Holt, Edgar. Quick Work, Eldon Press Limited, 1933;Weigall, Arthur Saturnaliain Room 23, T. Fisher Unwin Limited, 1927, tape-repairs to dust jacket verso;Bagley, John Naked Spirit, Sevenoaks:KnolePark Press Limited, c 1930, dust jacket price-clipped;Keightley, J. William. TheSplinter in theWater-Chute, Stanley Paul&Co , Ltd , c 1930, abrasion to foot of jacket spinepossiblyfrom removalof overpricelabel;Crauford, W H Lane When theDevilWas Well, Ward, Lock &Co , Limited, 1934;McCulley, Johnston TheMark of Zorro, Macdonald, 1959, first UKedition;and 20 others (27)
Estimate:£300 -£400
TheGolden Ageof Detectiveand AdventureFiction:Selections fromthe Stock of Obelist Books, Glasgow.

Lot 314
Arthur Gray(Books) Ltd (publishers) Group of detectiveand mysterynovels in thedust jackets undated but severalof theworks dated in Hubin or libraryrecords as 1934 or 1936, 8vo, originalcloth, with thedust jackets, textblocks browned, references to Hubin, CrimeFiction II (1994) in squarebrackets, titles comprising:1) MichaelCrombie, TheSealed RoomMurder, ownership inscription to front freeendpaper [p 202;LibraryHub cites theBritish Librarycopyonly], 2) Elizabeth York Miller, TheJadeMonk, worming to foot of gutter to pp 189-238 [N/A but seep 574 for theauthor], 3) John Neil, TheMan of Mystery, overpricesticker to jacket spine[N/A but p. 598 for the author], 4) Inez Castello, Man-Eater, 5) Francis Marlowe, Adventure Mysterious. Together with:Ernest Benn Limited (publishers). Group of detectivenovels, allfirst editions, originalcloth, dust jackets, Hubin numbers in squarebrackets, titles comprising:1) David Sharp, MyParticular Murder, 1931, repairs to jacket [p 732], 2) David Sharp, Marriageand Murder, 1934, 4/6 overpricesticker to jacket spine[p. 732], 3) Clifton Robbins, Death on theHighway, 1933 [p 685] 4) Clifton Robbins, Smash and Grab, 1934 [p 685];and 3 others similar (13)
Estimate:£200 -£300
TheGolden Ageof Detectiveand AdventureFiction:Selections fromthe Stock of Obelist Books, Glasgow.

Lot 315
Detectiveand adventurefiction
Collection of novels in thedust jackets, 1910s and later all8vo, originalcloth, in thedust jackets, apparent first editions and published in London unless otherwisestated, references to Hubin, Crime Fiction II (1994) in squarebrackets, titles include:Saltmarsh, Max. Highly Inflammable, MichaelJoseph Ltd , 1936, bookplateof Dennis Wheatleyto front pastedown [p. 714;set in Istanbul];Montague, Jeffrey[pseudonymof GrahamMontagueJeffries] TheMandarin's Pearl, QualityPress, 1942, covers sprung, dust jacket price-clipped and with tears including smallhole to spine[p 580];Usher, Wilfrid Creeping Shadows, StanleyPaul&Co , Ltd , [1929?], dust jacket chipped and repaired [p. 815];Thorne, Guy [pseudonymof C Ranger Gull] Rescuing Rupert, John Long, Limited, [1919], advertisements to rear dated 1918, jacket apparentlyalater issue with 2/6 overpricestickers to spineand front panel, also with smallchips and repairs, spotting to edges and outer leaves of textblock [p 798];Crozier, John. Kidnapped Again, Hutchinson &Co., [1935], dust jacket chipped and with residueof labelto spine[p 204];and 19 others similar, with thedust jackets, mixed editions (24)
Estimate:£200 -£300
TheGolden Ageof Detectiveand AdventureFiction:Selections fromthe Stock of Obelist Books, Glasgow

Lot 316
Sampson Low, Marston, &Co Ltd (publishers) Group of mysteryand adventurenovels in thedust jackets all8vo, originalcloth, with thedust jackets, generallyin good condition with afew nicks and tears to jackets, references to Hubin, CrimeFiction II in squarebrackets, titles include:Knight, L[eonard] A[lfred] Death Stands Near, [1936] First edition, spinerolled, publisher's 7/6 overpricesticker to jacket front flap [p. 475];Idem. TheS.S. Mystery, [1938]. First edition, ownership inscription dated 1938 to front freeendpaper [p 475];Barnett, Glyn. Death Calls ThreeTimes, [1936] [p. 50]. First edition, dust jacket priceclipped and printed with new priceof 5/, ownership inscription to front free endpaper;and 11 others similar, published bySampson Low, allin dust jackets, including others byL A Knight and severalbyAnthonyMorton Together with 8 further novels byother publishers, originalcloth, without dust jackets, including WilliamLeQueux, TheGreat WhiteQueen, London:F V. Whiteand Co., 1896 (22)
Estimate:£200 -£300
TheGolden Ageof Detectiveand AdventureFiction:Selections fromthe Stock of Obelist Books, Glasgow

Lot 317
Wright &Brown (publisher)
Collection of war and adventurenovels in dust jackets, 1930s-40s All8vo, originalcloth, with thedust jackets, references to Hubin, Crime Fiction II (1994) in squarebrackets, titles include:Jack Tempest, Loveand theLegion, [1931], first edition, dust jacket priced at 7/6 (apparentlyfirst issue);Rex Dark, Spy222, 1940, apparent first edition but with possible later-issuedust jacket with 4/6 overpricesticker to spine, jacket with chips and tears p 215:theauthor's last novellisted];Hugh Desmond [pseudonymof Kathleen Lindsay], Dark Days Ahead, [1943], first edition, dust jacket priced at 4/6 apparentlyas issued, front board sprung, alittle damp-staining to jacket [p. 231];and 21 others, allin dust jackets;together with 11 similar novels byother publishers, allin dust jackets (35)
Estimate:£200 -£300
TheGolden Ageof Detectiveand AdventureFiction:Selections fromthe Stock of Obelist Books, Glasgow

Lot 318
TheatreInterest:photograph album, c 1880s
150 mainlyWoodburytypephotographs of actors and actresses, late1800s Mostlyannotated, manyin an earlyhand, including Miss Ellen Terry(twice), Miss LilyLangtry, Miss AmyRoselle, Mdlle CamilleDubois, MadameAdelina Patti, Mrs Bancroft, Miss KateBishop, Miss KateStanley, Miss FannyJosephs and others, alongsideCaptain Webb (thefirst person to swimtheChannel), mostly11.5 x 8.5cmand 9 x 5.5cm, with aquantityof newspaper clippings and other photographs, alllaid into ared half morocco album
Estimate:£400 -£600
Lot 319
Scottish Views:GeorgeWashington Wilson, James Valentineand James Patrick, in embossed album
98 views of Scotland, c 1887
98 albumen photographs of Scotland including commercialphotographs by G W Wilson, James Valentineand James Patrick, with views of Edinburgh, theForth BridgeUnder Construction, RoyalDeeside, Inverness, theWest Coast of Scotland down to Greenock, Glasgow, theWestern Isles, men in Highland Dress, aPiper, Fishwives and aScottish soldier, as wellas a number of amateur photographs, allin leather albumembossed with thistle and lion rampant motifs and theScottish Latin motto Nemo MeImpune Lacessit, 46 x 34.5cm, joints alittlesplit
Estimate:£300 -£500
Lot 320
30 amateur Kodak photographs, c 1890/1900
Taken on theGlenfeshieEstate, mounted onto Kodak mounts, featuring views of thehouseand grounds, ahunting party, stablescenes, the blacksmith, theLord and Lady, transporting wood and work on theestate, each 11 5 x 9cm(30)
Estimate:£300 -£400
Lot 321
Albumof interior photographs and views towards Perth Rosebank, late19th Century
26 albumen photographs, mainlyinterior photographs of Rosebank, alarge housewith easterlyviews over to Perth, burgundyleatherettebinding with gilt titleand tooling, 20 x 15cm, someedgefading to photographs, onewith lighter patches towards lower edge
Estimate:£150 -£200
Formerlyowned bytheLateMurrayMackinnon, arenowned collector of photographydocumenting Scottish lifefromthemid-19th to early20th century

Lot 322
Group of Scottish postcards, early20th century including crofters, weaving, wooldying and musicians TheClavieat Burghead, thePost Offices at Tighnabruaich, Auchnagatt and Glenshiel, weaving cloth on handlooms, Mollensburn Smithy, dying woolon Harris, HarryKemp’s Scotch Broth Entertainers 1927, FrancieMarkis playing acello, Kintore, New Deer, Tarland, ashepherd, Auchmithie, woman with aspinning wheelat theGlasgow Exhibition, Ratrayhead, theGalashiels flood of 1905, Fettercairn Show and crofter’s houses;with asmallalbum containing 50 postcards, mainlyfamily, someWW1 nursing images (approximately180)
Estimate:£180 -£220
Formerlyowned bytheLateMurrayMackinnon, arenowned collector of photographydocumenting Scottish lifefromthemid-19th to early20th century

Lot 323
Scottish Industryand HospitalScenes 42 photographs, 19th and 20th century Including alargephotograph byG.W. Wilson of awhiskeydistillery, 29 x 19cm, 8 photographs and 13 snapshots of industrialscenes and workers, 2 of shop fronts and 2 largephotographs, 1 cabinet card and 15 snapshots of hospitalscenes Thedistilleryphotograph has somefading towards left; fading and foxing to 3 of theolder industrialphotographs (42)
Estimate:£150 -£200
Formerlyowned bytheLateMurrayMackinnon, arenowned collector of photographydocumenting Scottish lifefromthemid-19th to early20th century.
Lot 324
Pearce, Thomas [attributed to]
Sir Charles Forbes of Forbes Castle, Invercauld, September 1857 Albumen photograph, 15 x 11cm, mounted on scrap albumpage, slight yellowing
Estimate:£360 -£400
Formerlyowned bytheLateMurrayMackinnon, arenowned collector of photographydocumenting Scottish lifefromthemid-19th to early20th century.
(ref. RoyalCollection Trust Photographic Portraits Vol. 2 (1852-1859) RCIN 2906641 - thephotograph of Forbes in this albumhas been replaced with a later carbon print. Also in this albumis an identicallysized photograph with similar vignetting of WilliamDuff, also taken at Invercauld in September 1857, which has Thomas Pearceidentified as thephotographer)

Lot 325
Forth RailBridgeand TayBridge, 19th century 25 photographs taken during and after construction 19 albumen photographs and 1 silver gelatin photograph, 1 lantern slideand apostcard of theForth RailBridge, 4 albumen photographs of theTay Bridgebyvarious photographers including G.W. Wilson and James Valentine, 29 x 19cmto 15 x 10cm, 4 of theForth RailBridgephotographs havecreases, edgewear and staining (25)
Estimate:£180 -£220
Formerlyowned bytheLateMurrayMackinnon, arenowned collector of photographydocumenting Scottish lifefromthemid-19th to early20th century.
Lot 326
[Annan, Thomas]
Universityof Glasgow Old and New Glasgow:T. &R. Annan &Sons, 1891. Folio, out-of-series copyof 350, titlepagewith photogravure, 27 leaves of views (including 34 views) and 42 leaves of portraits, originalgrey-green cloth gilt, alittlefoxing to initialand finalleaves
Estimate:£300 -£500
Lot 327
Patrick, Burns, G.W. Wilson and others including James Valentine Edinburgh and Views of Scotland, 19th centuryto early20th century 24 albumen photographs of Edinburgh, including Canongatestreet vendor and JennieDean’s cottage, 20 x 14cmto 17 x 11cm, someedgefading and occasionalcreases, somefoxing;over 100 albumen photographs of views of Scotland, manybyJames Valentineand G W Wilson, including castles, large houses, churches, bridges, lochs and theFirth of Clyde, mainlyunmounted, someedgefading, 28 x 19cmto 17 x 10cm(124+)
Estimate:£200 -£300
Formerlyowned bytheLateMurrayMackinnon, arenowned collector of photographydocumenting Scottish lifefromthemid-19th to early20th century

Lot 328
Wilson, G W , James Valentineand T and R Annan
Scottish towns and cities, 76 photographs 56 photographs, mostlyalbumen on card mounts cut fromalbums, featuring Aberdeen, Shetland, Helensburgh, theRiver Devron when frozen, CraigmorePier, Orkney, Thurso, Stirling, BuckiePublic School, Inverness, Strathpeffer, Stonehaven, Leven, Kelso, Dundeeand Perth, two large mounted views of Inverness Castlein Summer and Winter byWhite, some edgefading and stains to mounts, 16 5 x 10 5cmto 36 5 x 28cm);T &R Annan photograph of Windsor Circus, Kelvinside, dated April1883, 19 further views of Glasgow, mainlyG W Wilson and James Valentine, of the Cathedral, University, St Enoch's Station and Hotel, TheNecropolis, George Square, Broomielaw Bridge, River Clyde, RoyalExchangeand ArgyllStreet, 19 x 11cmto 28 5 x 18 5cm, somefading and minor foxing to some mounts (76)
Estimate:£240 -£280
Formerlyowned bytheLateMurrayMackinnon, arenowned collector of photographydocumenting Scottish lifefromthemid-19th to early20th century.

Lot 329
Scottish fishwives, fishing boats and harbours 26 photographs, 19th and 20th century Largemounted photograph of thenaming of theJohn Bennett, large photograph of Peterhead harbour, c 1900, printed later, similar photograph of Fraserburgh fishing fleet, largealbumen photograph byG.W. Wilson of ‘TheHerring Season At Aberdeen’, montagesilver print of Anstruther harbour, thebridgeof theBen Lora, atrawler built in Aberdeen in 1913, two largephotographs of fishing fleets at sea, c 1900, photograph of F R 260, possiblyin Fraserburgh harbour, Portknockieharbour, c.1900, B.F. 301 in drydock in Banff or MacDuff, and atrawler leaving port;2 x 19th century albumen photographs of fishwives, oneidentified as fromNewhaven, a landing of skateat Fraserburgh harbour, 3 of fishwives processing and packing fish in barrels, afishwifefromCollieston, 1932, men packing fish in Fraserburgh, 1953, ascenein Cairnbulg near Fraserburgh, 3 views of Aberdeen harbour, mid 20th century, James Valentinecollotypeof fishermen at Elie, and alarge20th centuryphotograph of fishermen hauling nets ashore(26)
Estimate:£240 -£280
Provenance: Formerlyowned bytheLateMurrayMackinnon, arenowned collector of photographydocumenting Scottish lifefromthemid-19th to early20th century

Lot 330
Yachting and NaturalHistoryTrip to theWestern Isles 19th and 20th century 19th-centuryyachting albumcomprising 32 albumen photographs of named yachts including Britannia, Godwit, Astore, Tess, Lord of theIsles, Dragon, Clarisa, Phantom, IvernaMystery, Vigilan, Lenore, Rosetta, Mosquito, Wenonah, Doraand May, and Portpatrick Harbour, c.1890s, 15.5 x 11 5cm;WildlifeTour of theWestern Isles led byJohn Wilkie, 1971, album of 56 annotated silver gelatin photos, mainly21 x 15cm;largeprint by G.W. Wilson titled 'Yachting On TheClyde', 29 x 19cm, with somelight fading towards top and largerepaired tear on left edge;silver gelatin photograph of yachting byJames McKissack, c.1930s, 30 x 25cm(4)
Estimate:£180 -£220
Formerlyowned bytheLateMurrayMackinnon, arenowned collector of photographydocumenting Scottish lifefromthemid-19th to early20th century.

Lot 331
Holyrood and Rosslyn Chapels
7 largealbumen photographs mounted onto pages cut froman album, 1 titled in pencil‘Chapelle d’Holyrood Edinbourg’, 2 of Rosslyn Chapel, 3 unidentified, allnumbered in pencilto lower right of each photograph, 34 x 27cm, photographer unknown [presumablyFrench], heavyspotting to images, somefoxing to mounts, broken corner on onemount (7)
Estimate:£150 -£200
Formerlyowned bytheLateMurrayMackinnon, arenowned collector of photographydocumenting Scottish lifefromthemid-19th to early20th century.
Lot 332
Hilland Adamson
Salt print of Mylne's Tomb, Greyfriars Graveyard, Edinburgh 1843-47 Salt print fromacalotypenegative, signed in pencilto bottomedge'D.O. Hill' and 'R A ' , also 'Mylnes Tomb Greyfriars Hereareinterred four of thefamily of Mylnewho werearchitects or master masons to six Scottish monarchs', 20 x 15cm, mounted on card, fading to most of theimage
Estimate:£1,400 -£1,800
Formerlyowned bytheLateMurrayMackinnon, arenowned collector of photographydocumenting Scottish lifefromthemid-19th to early20th century
Lot 333
Washington Wilson, Georgeand Archibald Burns
Tours in Scotland, 'Balmoral'photobook and views of Edinburgh Washington Wilson, George. 96 albumen photographs of Scottish views in red leatherettealbumwith gilt tooling, printed titlepage, photographs 19 x 12cm, someslight edgefading, varying degrees of foxing to albumpages, edges of albumbumped, scuffs to surfaces;Idem ‘Balmoral’ photobook, 1866, with 12 albumen photographs, 10.5 x 8cm, with description for each, fromWilson's ‘Photographs of English and Scottish Scenery’ series, pages clean, somelight wear to edges of green cloth binding;Burns, Archibald. 2 albumen views of Edinburgh, 10 x 8cm, byBurns in tartanwarealbumby MacPherson, someedgefading to photographs, somescuffs to album;Mauchlinewarephoto box containing strip of 6 smallalbumen photographs of Edinburgh, 5 x 4cm, oneimagefaded, minor edgechipping to surfaceof box (4)
Estimate:£240 -£280
Formerlyowned bytheLateMurrayMackinnon, arenowned collector of photographydocumenting Scottish lifefromthemid-19th to early20th century.

Lot 334
Edinburgh FromCalton Hill, 1850s
Salt print photograph, possiblybyRoss and Thomson Ovalsalt print photograph of Edinburgh fromCalton Hill, early1850s, 26 x 19 5cm, mounted on card, verysimilar to ovalprint fromc 1850 byRoss and Thomson showing thecityfromtheoppositedirection (see nationalgalleries org), faded but stillgood detail, somemarks to surface, mostlyoriginalretouching
Estimate:£220 -£260
Formerlyowned bytheLateMurrayMackinnon, arenowned collector of photographydocumenting Scottish lifefromthemid-19th to early20th century.
Lot 335
BeardyWillyDuff, Gamekeeper and Ghillieto 5th DukeOf Atholl
6 portraits, c 1860s
Group of 5 cartes devisiteand alarger mounted albumen photograph of WilliamDuff (1809-1882), themulti-talented gamekeeper to the5th Dukeof Atholl. Duff was also afisherman, ghillie, violin maker and friend of Queen Victoria Thecartes devisitearebyMacKenzieof Burham, each 10 5 x 6cm, allwith light surfacemarks and onewith minor edgefading, thelarger portrait is 16 x 11cmand mounted (6)
Estimate:£200 -£240
Formerlyowned bytheLateMurrayMackinnon, arenowned collector of photographydocumenting Scottish lifefromthemid-19th to early20th century.
Lot 336
TheQueen's Own Cameron Highlanders or 79th (TheQueen's Own Cameron Highlanders)
Group of 19th centurymilitaryalbumen photographs
Allmounted, sizes varybetween 21 65 x 29 5 x 22 5cmand 26 5 x 18 5cm, depicting:E. Company79th Highlanders in different poses, named on mounts, 1872, with spotting, slight discolouration and edgefading to both, mounts foxed, apair;staff sergeants, 1864, someedgefading;group of officers, allnamed, 1870s, somefoxing to mount;Queen Victoriaat a ceremonyat OsborneHouse, Isleof Wight, dated 22nd April1873, 2 images;soldiers at Parkhurst Barracks, Isleof Wight, 1873;amilitaryparade at Edinburgh CastleEsplanade,1876 (8)
Estimate:£500 -£600
Formerlyowned bytheLateMurrayMackinnon, arenowned collector of photographydocumenting Scottish lifefromthemid-19th to early20th century

Lot 337
Scottish Militaryincluding ColdstreamGuards, 78th Regiment
Cartes devisite, photographs and acabinet card, 1860s to 1900s
7 cartes devisite, acabinet card and 6 photographs of severalScottish regiments 3 photographs arealbumen, 2 aresilver gelatin and mounted back to back on asinglemount, thecartes includeFrancis Thomson a dentist, amember of the78th Regiment, 2nd Lieutenant Conyningham McAlpine. Cabinet card of aColdstreamGuard, 1 photograph shows the ColdstreamGuards in Egypt, theothers arenot identified Someedgefading to one, overallfading to Egypt photograph, sizes from28.5 x 24cmto 17.5 x 12cm(14)
Estimate:£150 -£200
Formerlyowned bytheLateMurrayMackinnon, arenowned collector of photographydocumenting Scottish lifefromthemid-19th to early20th century

Lot 338
Trams, automobiles, deliverylorries, motorbikes and airship
19th and 20th centuryphotographs
5 photographs of trams comprising 2 largemounted photographs of electric trams in Fifeand oneunmounted duplicate, oneof ahorse-drawn tramin Aberdeen, snapshot photograph of Glasgow trams in agarage, 5 of automobiles including onemounted photograph of an earlymotorcycleand bicycleshop, 2 mounted photographs of deliveryvans with signwriting, further snapshot of asimilar van and averyearlycar on abusystreet, R34 airship landing at East Fortuneairfield, asmaller photograph of theinterior of R29 at East Fortune, amontagepostcard of an airship, biplanes and RoyalNavywarships. 2 tramphotographs slightlyfaded and foxed, some foxing to afew of theother mounts, sizes between 19 x 14cmand 11 x 7cm(16)
Estimate:£150 -£200
Formerlyowned bytheLateMurrayMackinnon, arenowned collector of photographydocumenting Scottish lifefromthemid-19th to early20th century

Lot 339
Wilson, G W and Others
Stereoviews, mainlyScottish views
28 views byG W Wilson including Edinburgh, Balmoral, theWestern Isles, Abbotsford and apaddlesteamer on theClyde, 29 views byArchibald Burns, Ingils, McGlashon and others, mainlyof Edinburgh including Newhaven fishwives and TheWhitehorseInn, somewith fading, edgewear and surfacemarks to mounts (57)
Estimate:£150 -£200
Formerlyowned bytheLateMurrayMackinnon, arenowned collector of photographydocumenting Scottish lifefromthemid-19th to early20th century.

Lot 340
Attributed to James Good Tunnyand Others
Albumof Scottish Portraits including Members of theRoyalScottish Academy, 1850s Edinburgh, c 1850s 8vo (20 9 x 13 3cm), 49 photographs comprising 20 salted paper prints, averagesize11 x 9cm, and 29 albumen prints, averaging 16 x 12cm, alllooselyinserted in 19th-centurybluecloth-bound albumwith blank leaves of wovepaper, no watermark visible, somelater pencilcaptions to mounts and back of images, albumlacking backstrip, lower cover detached
Estimate:£1,800 -£2,200
Formerlyowned bytheLateMurrayMackinnon, arenowned collector of photographydocumenting Scottish lifefromthemid-19th to early20th century;Lyon &Turnbull, Edinburgh, 19th June2019.
EarlyScottish portrait photographs including manymembers of theRoyal Scottish Academy:Sir GeorgeHarvey(1806-1876), Horatio McCulloch (1806-1867), John Syme(1795-1861), Sir DanielMacnee(1806-1882), GourlaySteell(1819-1894), SamuelBough (1822-1878), Sir John Everett Millais (1829-1896), ?James Drummond (1816-1877), and aphotograph of John GrahamGilbert's 1854 portrait of Sir John Watson Gordon (17881864);together with portraits of thephysician Sir Robert Christison (17971882), thegeographer and cartographer Alexander Keith Johnson (18041871), and minister Rev Dr Patrick Clason (1789-1867), and other unidentified portraits of men, women and children.

Dutton, Sylvester and Vincent Michaels, c 1863/4 - Macao Harbour, China
Largealbumen photograph
38 5 x 26cm, creases down theright edgeand corner creases to the bottomleft
Estimate:£500 -£600
When theprofessionalphotographers Sylvester Dutton and Vincent Michaels left San Francisco together for Chinain thespring of 1863, their friends and families could not haveanticipated that both would bedead within threeyears. Their earlydeaths haveserved to obscurethefact that theywereboth fine, experienced photographers who, in theshort timethey werein China, produced work of thehighest merit. It is probablethat the pair wereencouraged to go to ChinabyMilton Miller, who would haveknown Dutton well, as theywereboth born in Dummerston, Vermont and had worked together in San Francisco Miller also had aportrait of Dutton in his personalcartes devisitealbum Dutton and Michaels left San Francisco on thesteamship Robert Loweon 21st March 1863, arriving in Hong Kong on 17th April(passenger list, Overseas ChinaMail, 29th April1863) Around this timeMiller returned to America, and it is possibleafinancialarrangement was madewherebyDutton and Michaels took over part of Miller's business If so, it seems theycontracted to purchaseMiller's Canton studio, rather than his Hong Kong operation Dutton and Michaels moved on to Canton and operated thereuntiltheir deaths. By1863 Dutton &Michaels had established their Canton studio Weknow this becauseseveralof their surviving photographs aresigned bythem'Dutton &Michaels'and dated '1863'in thenegative At this timeCanton was stillareasonablybusy commercialport, with approximately160 foreign residents and families, and although theAnglo-French militarygarrison had largelywithdrawn, there was stillno doubt areasonabledemand fromtheWestern population for photographic services. However, Dutton &Michaels's business strategywas unexpectedlyradical It seems theyentered into athree-waypartnership with alocalman named Ting Shing, who mayhavebeen theTin-Sing who operated aphotographic studio in Hong Kong in the1860s It must have been theAmericans'intention to tryto break into theChinesemarket, using as apartner someonewith localknowledgeand language After all, Miller seems to havemet with success in photographing Cantoneseofficials and merchants and maywellhaverecommended such a strategy. Unfortunately, Michaels died on 31st July1864 and thepartnership was thereforedissolved Sylvester Dutton continued as asoletrader, and the1865 and 1866 editions of theChronicle&Directoryfor China, Japan, Philippines etc. list himas aphotographer at Honam, alargeisland opposite theold cityof Canton Losing his friend and business partner must have been asevereblow. Worsewas to follow sinceDutton himself died on 16th July1866 Dutton &Michaels favoured signing and dating their photographs in thenegativeand invariablyproduced large-format prints typically measuring 37 x 27 5cm This was rather largefor theleaves of most contemporaryphotograph albums and prior to mounting, therefore, the prints wereoften trimmed, resulting in theloss of thephotographers' names (generallyplaced bythemnear thelower edge), and anycertaintyof attribution This means that it is now extremelydifficult to establish thetrue extent of their work, which is especiallyregrettablebecausethoseprints that havesurvived with their signatures clearlydemonstratethat Dutton and Michaels werecapableof veryfinework

Beato, Felice- United States - KoreaWar of 1871
Lieutenant Hugh McKeeand theUS Marines under his Command, 10th June 1871
Albumen photograph byFeliceBeato, taken shortlyafter thestorming of a Korean-held stronghold and thedaybeforeMcKeewas killed, McKeecan be seen in thewhitehat and officer's uniform, with adead Korean soldier lying at thefeet of themarines, oneof theearliest photographs taken on Korean soil, 28 x 22 5cm, slight fading towards theedges
Estimate:£3,000 -£4,000
In May1871, AdmiralRodgers led afleet of fivewarships to Kanghwa, Korea, to enquireinto theattack on theSS GeneralSherman, an American merchant ship destroyed bytheKoreans in 1866 with allon board lost, and to open traderelations. FeliceBeato was theexpedition's photographer. He embarked with thefleet at Nagasakiwith his assistant H Woollett and two Japaneseservants When American diplomacyfailed, Beato photographed theconflict of 10th and 11th June, including thecarnageinsidethecaptured forts 350 Korean soldiers werekilled and theAmericans lost 3 - 1 officer, Lieutenant McKee, and 2 marines. AdmiralRodgers left soon after but both sides felt victorious Beato had goneto Shanghaiby28th Juneand by30th June, with theAmerican fleet stillin Korea, had alreadyadvertised thesaleof his photographs of theconflict in theShanghainewspapers;theyare believed to betheearliest dated photographs taken in Koreaand therefore extremelyrare Hugh Wilson McKeewas born in 1844 in Lexington, Kentucky. Hegraduated fromtheUnited States NavalAcademyin 1866. After serving on board severalAmerican ships hewas assigned to the1871 expedition to Korea. Hewas killed in action on June11th, 1871. The commander of theExpedition, Rear-AdmiralJohn Rodgers, mentioned McKeein his officialdispatch to Washington " When allwas ready, the order was given to rush forward down theslopeand theoppositehill. The enemymaintained their firewith theutmost rapidityuntilour men got quite up thehill, then, having no timeto load, theymounted theparapet and cast stones upon our men below, fighting with thegreatest fury Nothing could check our men;on theyrushed. Theheroic McKeewas first to mount the parapet, and thefirst to leap into ahand-to-hand conflict Therehefell, as his father fellin Mexico, at thehead of his men, first insidetheenemy's stormed works Other officers and men werequicklyover theparapet The fighting insidethefort was desperate. Theresolution of theCoreans was unyielding;theyapparentlyexpected no quarter, and probablywould have given none Theyfought to thedeath, and onlywhen thelast man felldid theconflict cease..."

Hocquard, Charles-Edouard - Vietnam- theaftermath of theSino-French War 16 Woodburytypephotographs mounted onto printed card Porters Resting With LuggageIn Foreground (23 x 18cm);OpiumSmokers (22 x 16.5cm);Travelling Performers (23.5 x 17cm);Main Street Bac-Ninh After Being Taken In Battle(23 5 x 17 5cm);Armed Soldiers LoyalTo The French (21 x 15.5cm);PotterySellers In Hanoi(22 x 17.5cm);ArtilleryBeing Unloaded (21 5 x 16cm);Interpreters In TheHanoiResidence(22 x 15.5cm);River Boat L’Eclair (22 x 16cm);View Of TheSontayCitadel(23 x 17cm);Ship LePluvier At Anchor (21 5 x 16cm);BridgeOn TheRoad To Sontay(22 x 16cm);French Fortress Defending TheLeft Bank Of TheRed River (23 x 16cm);GateAt SontayWhereForeign Legion Attacked;Fortified GateAt Hanoi(20 5 x 15 5cm);Saigoneseand TonkineseSoldiers At The Buddah Pagoda(15 5 x 10cm);Black Flag Prisoners (15 5 x 10 5cm) [these mounted together];TheWoodburytypes with someslight chipping to mounts and occasionallight foxing;[AND] an albumen photograph of Central Tower In Nam-Dinh, hit ByFrench Artillery22 5 x 16 5cm, faded with some foxing and staining;an albumen photograph InsideTheWalls Of Sontay22.5 x 16 5cm, faded with somefoxing (18)
Estimate:£3,000 -£5,000
Charles-Edouard Hocquard was aFrench medicaldoctor and explorer who volunteered for theFrench expedition to Tonkin (now North Vietnam) in 1883 During theSino-French War of 1884-1885, Tonkin was considered to beahighlystrategic foothold in Southeast Asiaand was invaded bythe French during theTonkin Campaign Thesephotographs werepublished in FrancebyHenryCremnitz and providean insight into theaftermath of the war and North Vietnamduring theFrench occupation Hocquard was an exceptionallyfinephotographer

Lot 344
Gsell, Émile(1838-1879) -
Photographs of Angkor Wat, Cambodia, 1866
Two albumen photographs mounted on separatecard pages cut froman album28 x 20 5cmand 23 x 16 5cm, both with slight edgefading (2)
Estimate:£700 -£900
Gsellwas ahighlyregarded French commercialphotographer based in Saigon, Vietnamand was themost successfulstudio in thecountryduring the19th - century. Hetraveled to Cambodiain 1866 and took aseries of photographs of theruins at Angkor Wat
Lot 345
Schulze, Captain Fedor (1836-1908) – Java Women Cooking Rice, 2 photographs
Albumen photographs:Women Cooking RiceJava 23 x 18.5cm, some fading toward thebottomand top;Women Preparing RiceJava 24 5 x 19.5cm, Schulze's wet-stamp verso, somefading toward thebottomand top (2)
Estimate:£600 -£800
Schulzewas aGerman militaryofficer who served with distinction in the Dutch forces and settled in Bataviawherehebecameanaturalised Dutch citizen Hearrived in Bataviain 1858 and retired fromthemilitaryaround 1888, setting himself up as apublisher and photographer. Among other publications, heproduced Capt Fedor Schulze, West-JavaTraveller's Guide (Batavia1894)

Lot 346
Schulze, Captain Fedor (1836-1908) - Java
JavaneseWoman Reclining Semi-Nude Albumen photograph, 25 x 19 5cm, Schulze's wet-stamp to verso, very slight edgefading
Estimate:£800 -£1,000
Schulzewas aGerman militaryofficer who served with distinction in the Dutch forces and settled in Bataviawherehebecameanaturalised Dutch citizen Hearrived in Bataviain 1858 and retired fromthemilitaryaround 1888, setting himself up as apublisher and photographer. Among other publications, heproduced Capt Fedor Schulze, West-JavaTraveller's Guide (Batavia1894).
Lot 347
Near East and Egypt
Collection of 42 largealbumen-print photographs, c 1875-1900 of which 25 signed in thenegativebyBonfils, 5 byBeato, 4 byLangahi, all approx 27 x 20cmor similar, mounted on card (somemounts with one photograph either side), subjects including townscapes and street scenes in Nazareth, Bethany, Tiberias, Jaffa, Nablus, Balbek, Jerusalem, Cairo, Alexandria, Port Said, and Ancient Egyptian temples and wallcarvings (probablyat Luxor). Together with:3 albumen-print photographs of Sri Lanka, depicting acarriageand attendants, ayoung woman and her children, and awharf at Colombo, allc.1875-1900, approx. 27 x 21cm, with blind stamps of Apothecaries Co Ltd, Colombo, on recent mounts;and 2 albumen-print photographs of IndiabyBourne, c.1875-1900, approx. 29 x 23cm, on old mounts with earlymanuscript captions, ‘Tomb of Shum-ooddeeAltomsh [sic] builder of theKutub Delhi’, and ‘Ruins of theFort of Toghlukabad, distant view, including theMausoleum, Delhi’, signed by Bournewith his cataloguenumbers (1379 and 1383) in thenegative(a folder)
Estimate:£400 -£600
Provenance: TheEstateof DorothyBohm.

Collection of photographs of Indian rulers, c 1875-80 19 albumen print portraits, allapprox. 9.5cmx 6cm, mounted to two contemporarycard albumleaves with manuscript captions identifying each ruler, captions reading:‘Lindee’, i.e. Umed Singh II (1833-1875), Maharao of Sirohi;‘Cashmere’, Ranbir Singh (1830-1885), , Maharajaof Jammu and Kashmir;'Bethan', Sir HarendraKishor Singh (1854-1893), Maharajaof Bettiah;'Mysore', ChamarajendraWadiyar, (1863-1894), Maharajaof Mysore, as achild;'Baroda', possiblySayajirao Gaekwad III (1863-1939), Maharajaof Baroda;‘Bowra’, Shrimant Shankarrao Chimnajirao (18541922), Rajaof Bhor;'Furbungah', possiblySir Lakshmeshwar Singh Bahadur (1858-98), Maharajaof Darbhanga;‘Rewa’, Sir RaghurajSingh Ju Deo Bahadur (1823-80), Maharajaof Rewa; ‘Indore’, Sir TukojiRao Holkar (1835-86), Maharajaof Indore;'Kappirthalla', Sir Jagatjit Singh (1872-1949), Maharajaof Kapurthala, as achild;'Drangdra', Sir MansinhjiRanmalsinhji (1837-1900), Maharanaof Dhrangadhra;'Hyderobad', Mahboob AliKhan (1866-1911), Nizamof Hyderabad (regnalnameAsaf Jah VI);'ChotaOrddit', Zorawar Muhammad Khan, Nawab of of Palanpur (thecaption evidently misidentifying thesitter as theruler of ChhotaUdaipur) Allunsigned but manyknown to bebyBourneand Shepherd.Theverso of thefirst sheet with 6 further albumen-print portraits (similar dimensions), captioned:‘A Bhooteah’;‘ThePrimeMinister of Sikhim’;‘A LepchaBoy';‘A Bhooteah Coolie’;‘A Young Lama’;‘A Bhooteah Coolie’ Theverso of thesecond sheet with 2 larger albumen-print photographs, ‘Indian Sansies (Thieves & Shoplifers)'(20 x 16 2cm, signed in thenegative‘Shepherd &Robertson Photo:1122’), and ‘Indian FLying Foxes’ (21 x 16 4cm) Mounts spotted (2)
Estimate:£500 -£800

Lot 349
Signed portrait photograph of the'Big Four'of theNarendraMandal (Chamber of Princes) Bombay, 10th June1946. Gelatin silver print photograph, 14.4 x 20.5cm, depicting DigvijaysinhjiRanjitsinhjiJadeja(1895-1966), Maharajaof Nawanagar, SadulSingh (1902-1950), Maharajaof Bikaner, Yadavindra Singh (1914-1974), Maharajaof Patiala, and Hamidullah Khan (1894-1960), Nawab of Bhopal, signed byeach of themin black ink in thephotograph, mounted, manuscript captions on mount
Estimate:£500 -£800
Lot 350
Mennie, Donald ChinaNorth and South Second and Revised Edition. A Series of Vandyck Photogravures illustrating thePicturesqueAspect of ChineseLifeand Surroundings Shanghai:A S Watson &Co., c.1920. Oblong 4to, originalboards, string-bound, 30 mounted photogravureplates, printed captions to mounts, boards dampstained;Kerim, A[bdul] CameraStudies in Iraq [cover-title] Baghdad:Hasso, Bros, c.1930. Oblong 4to, originalsimulated crocodileskin covers, stringbound, 73 photogravures on 50 leaves, printed calligraphic captions;Shields, John. ‘A Photographic Record of aTrip to Tangier, Xmas 1909’. [And:] ‘Photographic Records of Visits to Sevilleand Niebla, 1910’ [Probably London:privatelyprinted for or bythephotographer, 1910]. 2 works, oblong 8vo, contemporarygreen crushed morocco gilt bySinclair of Haymarket, alledges gilt, calligraphic manuscript title-pageto each work, 65 and 67 photogravures respectively, printed direct on card leaves, and including street scenes, views, people, architecturalstudies, pencilled captions in Sevillealbum, Tangier albumfront cover detached (4)
Estimate:£300 -£500
TheEstateof DorothyBohm

Lot 351
Hirohito (1901-1989) and Nagako (1903-2000), Emperor and Empress of Japan
Signed doubleportrait photograph
gelatin silver print, signed byHirohito and Nagako in black ink, mounted (mount aperture20.2 x 15cm), in gilt bluemorocco framebyJarrold's of Knightsbridge, glazed
Estimate:£1,000 -£1,500
Selected items fromtheestateof thelateLadyPenn
Lot 352
GeorgeVI (1895-1952) and Elizabeth (1900-2002), King and Queen Consort of Great Britain, Ireland, and theBritish dominions beyond theseas
Signed familyportrait photograph with Princess Elizabeth and Princess Margaret, 1939
gelatin silver print byMarcus Adams, 17 x 12cm, signed ‘GeorgeR I , 1939’ and ‘Elizabeth R’ in ink at foot of mount, also signed on mount by photographer in pencil, framed and glazed
Estimate:£500 -£800
Selected items fromtheestateof thelateLadyPenn
'Theson of aphotographer, Marcus Adams established his own reputation first as an architecturaland then as aleading child photographer Heset up his studio in London in 1919 with two associates with whomheshared processing materials and darkroomassistants In 1926 heset up his children's studio, to look likealiving roomwith adisguised camera. Adams took officialphotographs of Queen Elizabeth II and theRoyalFamilyover a period spanning thirtyyears from1926-56. Hedocumented theQueen's life fromher infancyto her becoming amonarch and amother'(National Galleries of Scotland, online).

Lot 353
Elizabeth II (1926-2022), Queen of theUnited Kingdom
Signed portrait photograph
Silver gelatin print, 9 x 13 5cm, showing Elizabeth waving fromacarriageor car, signed byElizabeth on mount ‘Elizabeth, 1950’, mounted, framed and glazed
Estimate:£500 -£800
Selected items fromtheestateof thelateLadyPenn

Lot 354
Margaret, Princess, Countess of Snowdon (1930-2002)
Signed portrait photograph byCecilBeaton Gelatin silver print, 19.5 x 15cm, signed on mount in blueink byMargaret (‘Margaret 1958’) and in pencilbyBeaton (‘Beaton’), in blueleather frame byJarrolds Knightsbridgewith Margaret's gilt cypher to head, glazed
Estimate:£400 -£600
Selected items fromtheestateof thelateLadyPenn.
LadyPenn's introduction to theroyalhousehold camethrough her husband Lieutenant-ColonelSir Eric Penn, who was appointed assistant comptroller of theLord Chamberlain's officein 1960 (later becoming comptroller), and whoseuncle, Sir Arthur Penn, had been amember of theroyalhousehold under GeorgeVI, beforeserving as privatesecretaryand treasurer to the Queen Mother LadyPenn's obituaryin theTimes (28th November 2023) drew particular attention to her closerelationship with Margaret:‘WhileEric Penn (later Sir) was theepitomeof correctness and was punctilious about tradition, his wifelent asparkleto theroyalhousehold;always relaxed with members of theroyalfamily, shewas respectfulbut never overawed, which, to them, was agreat relief Her closest friend was Princess Margaret, whose occasionallywayward behaviour shewarmed to, though thereweretimes when shefelt theneed to drop aword of caution in her ear ThePenns stayed often with theprincess and her husband Lord Snowdon, both in Mustiqueand Wales, and LadyPenn becamegodmother to their daughter, ‐LadySarah Armstrong-Jones’.

Lot 355
European monarchs
Collection of signed portrait photographs Allgelatin silver prints, mounted, glazed and in gilt leather or leatherette presentation frames decorated with royalinsignia, signed bythesitters in ink either on mount or on photograph, and comprising:MargretheII, Queen of Denmark (1940-) and Henrik, Princeof Denmark (1934-2018), 20 x 14cm, dated byhand on mount, 30th April- 2nd May, 1974;Juliana, Queen of theNetherlands (1909-2004), and Bernhard, Princeof theNetherlands (1911-2004), 28.8 x 23.2cm;Jean, Grand Dukeof Luxembourg (19232019) and Josephine-Charlotte, Princess of Belgiumand Grand Duchess consort of Luxembourg (1927-2005), 18.8 x 15.4cm, dated byhand in photograph June1972;Olaf V, King of Norway(1903-1991), 21 x 15cm; CarlXVI Gustaf, King of Sweden (1946-), 23.5 x 17.5cm, signed byCarl Gustaf with date1975, signed byphotographer at lower right of photograph in whitechinaink (5)
Estimate:£800 -£1,200
Provenance: Selected items fromtheestateof thelateLadyPenn.

Lot 356
Annan, Thomas - TheGlasgow CityImprovement Trust Old Closes and Streets of Glasgow Glasgow:James MacLehoseand Sons, 1900. Folio, 50 photographic plates, originalred cloth gilt, somefoxing, alittlerubbing to joints and fading to spine
Estimate:£1,500 -£2,000

Lot 357
§ KarelEgermeier (1903-1991)
"RalleydeLouvetaux"- 1936 - photographs of aFrench BoyScout rally Comprising 85 photographs measuring between 17 x 23cmand 4.5 x 6cm, laid-down onto 17 loosealbumleaves, with Egermeier's stamp to the‘title’ leaf and “RalleydeLouvetaux delaRégion ParisienneaEaubonne. Juin 1936 Aiglon [signature]” below, with Egermeier's stamp also appearing to thereverseof thefinalleaf;Jacques Simonot. Photograph of ayoung Boy Scout on abike, 18 5 x 24cm, mounted (18)
Estimate:£2,000 -£3,000
Czech-born photographer KarelEgermeier relocated to Franceduring the inter-war years. Hespent his Sundays as aScout leader, engaging in his passion for theoutdoors and photography In themid-1930s, heset up his photographic studio at 25 bis RuedeConstantine, Paris, signing manyof his photographs as ‘Aiglon’ His most popular photographs capturethejoyof youth and exploration heencountered during his years with theScouts

Lot 358
Robert Dermachy(1859-1936), and Others 13 photogravures, manyfrom"CameraWork" Robert Demachy. Contrasts,1904, photogravure, 17 x 12cm;Idem. In Brittany, 1904, photogravure, 12 1 x 19cm;Idem TheSeineat Clichy, 1906, photogravure, 20 x 15cm;Heinrich Kuhn (1866-1944). Washerwoman on theDunes, 1906 photogravure, 16 x 22cm;Hans Watzek (1848-1903) A VillageCorner, 1899, photogravure, titled in pencil(on thereverse), 30 5 x 21.5cm, executed in 1899, this work was printed in 1906;and 8 others, comprising:Hill&Adamson, theMisses Watson;Hugo Henneberg, Villa Torlonia;Watzek, Poplars and Clouds;Demachy, Street in Mentone; Demachy, Street in Lisieux, Alvin Langdon Coburn, TheEmpireTheatre, London;Demachy, On theLake;Watzek, Sheep;allbut 3 photogravures framed and glazed;[WITH] Alvin Langdon Coburn (1882-1966) A Portfolio of Sixteen Photographs. Folio, comprising 16 reproductions of Coburn's photographs tipped onto lettered mounts, New York:[1962] (14)
Estimate:£400 -£600
Provenance: TheEstateof DorothyBohm

Lot 359
Charles Job (1853-1930)
An Alleyin Milan, 1915 Photogravure, 34 5 x 25cm, executed in 1915, framed and glazed
Estimate:£400 -£600
Provenance: TheEstateof DorothyBohm

Lot 360
37 Scottish transportation postcards
Including trams, railways, paddlesteamers, asteamlorryand atraction engine
Cars at Whitefield Dairy, Ballater station (2), Tomintoul, Huntly, Fort George and Johnshaven, Aitkens tar spraying steamlorry, atraction engineon a farm, InverurieStation, lineclearing on thePeterhead line, Troon Station, bicycles (3), horse-drawn mailcoach at Clovaand theMeikleriggs bus in Paisley, trams in Aberdeen (4), Dundee(2), Rothsay(1) and Glasgow (1), horsedrawn open tramin Stirling, various paddlesteamers and ferry crossings at Renfrew, Pitfour Lakeand Yoker, theCaledonian Canaland the Crinan Canal, somelight edgeand corner wear (37)
Estimate:£150 -£200
Formerlyowned bytheLateMurrayMackinnon, arenowned collector of photographydocumenting Scottish lifefromthemid-19th to early20th century

Lot 361
Kelsey, Ellis
Violin and Beethoven bust, c 1910s
Largeglass colour autochromebyEllis Kelseyof aviolin and abust of Beethoven, hand titled, 16 x 12cm, somewear to binding
Estimate:£300 -£340
Formerlyowned bytheLateMurrayMackinnon, arenowned collector of photographydocumenting Scottish lifefromthemid-19th to early20th century
Lot 362
Rurallife, Angus and Perthshire
Farming and livestock, c.1900 2 albums titled ‘E’ and ‘F’, oneexclusivelyof LanglogieFarmbyMeigle, Perth and Kinross, with 67 silver gelatin photographs of horses, cattleand crop harvesting;2nd albumof 67 silver gelatin photographs of various locations, mainlyin Angus and Perthshire, including Balluderon, Bridgefoot, Baldoranfield, Strathmartin, Camperdown, Stoneygroves, Blairgowrie, Jordanstone, ClunieLoch and Kirriemuir, mainly20 x 15cmand 15 x 9 5cm, afew lightlycoloured, pencilmarks to somealbumpages, dark leatherette boards worn at edges, oneboard detached (2)
Estimate:£220 -£260
Formerlyowned bytheLateMurrayMackinnon, arenowned collector of photographydocumenting Scottish lifefromthemid-19th to early20th century

Lot 363
Annan, James Craig
Photogravureof Mrs Rigby, fromaHilland Adamson negative Photogravureprinted byJames Craig Annan c 1900s froman original calotypenegativetaken byHilland Adamson between 1843 and 1847, 20 x 15cm, titled in pencilat thebottomtogether with 'D.O. Hill', mounted in modern displaymount, minor staining to bottomof whitemargin
Estimate:£150 -£200
Formerlyowned bytheLateMurrayMackinnon, arenowned collector of photographydocumenting Scottish lifefromthemid-19th to early20th century

Lot 364
Annan, Thomas and John
7 photogravures fromOld Closes and Streets Of Glasgow, 1900
Comprising 'Closes 97 &103 Saltmarket 1868', 'Saltmarket FromBridgegate 1868', 'High Street FromTheCross 1868', 'CloseNo 136 Saltmarket 1868', 'CloseNo 267 High Street 1897', 'Nelson Street City1899'and 'Corner of DukeStreet &High Street 1897'(last 3 most likelytaken byJohn Annan to augment his father's work), each 22 x 16.5cm(7)
Estimate:£500 -£600
Formerlyowned bytheLateMurrayMackinnon, arenowned collector of photographydocumenting Scottish lifefromthemid-19th to early20th century.
Lot 365
Lochaber Hydroelectric SchemeConstruction, 1926-1930
Group of 123 silver gelatin photographs
Documenting theconstruction of theLochaber Water Project in thelate 1920s, in threegroups, two of which haveindexes, manydated and annotated;threepanoramas, oneframed, somefading and staining, asmall number, including onepanorama, arecreased, 24 x 19cm(123)
Estimate:£400 -£500
Formerlyowned bytheLateMurrayMackinnon, arenowned collector of photographydocumenting Scottish lifefromthemid-19th to early20th century.
Lot 366
Curling and Golf
19th and 20th centuryphotographs and postcards
Curling:19th-centuryphotograph of theForest teamwho won theBorders Championship in 1899, 20 x 15cm;late19th-centurycurling photograph, 32 x 22cm;1937 press photograph of stonesculptors, 25 x 20cm;magic lantern slideof acurling match and amodern enlargement;3 early20thcenturycurling postcards;albumof GeorgeA Boothbyand Jean Home Graham-Stirling comprising 294 snapshot photographs, and newspaper clippings, of their wedding day, golf, fishing, hunting, travel, ruralScotland;4 further photographs of curlers;Golf:group of 23 press photographs of golf matches/tournaments and golfers including thePrinceof Wales (Edward VIII) and Dukeof York (GeorgeVI), and 7 of women golfers, 25.5 x 20.5cm and 15 5 x 9 5cm;2 snapshot photographs of women golfers, circa1900;8 postcards of golfers, clubhouses and aboyplaying golf in thestreet in Inverallochy(38+)
Estimate:£400 -£500
Formerlyowned bytheLateMurrayMackinnon, arenowned collector of photographydocumenting Scottish lifefromthemid-19th to early20th century

Lot 367
McKissack, James
Photographs of Venice, TheAdriatic and Morocco in the1930s 30 silver gelatin photographs of fishing boats in and around theAdriatic and lifein Morocco, 28 of which 38 x 30cm, somewith yellowing and light staining, alledges slightlycurled (30)
Estimate:£200 -£240
Formerlyowned bytheLateMurrayMackinnon, arenowned collector of photographydocumenting Scottish lifefromthemid-19th to early20th century.

Lot 368
Postcards of fishwives and fishing, Scotland and scenes fromShetland and Skye
18 postcards of fishwives sorting and selling fish in Aberdeen, Scarborough, Fraserburgh, Great Yarmouth, Peterhead, Newhaven, Auchmithie, Fisherrow, somelight edgeand corner wear, Peterhead postcard in poor condition;together with:Fish processing including fish markets, landings, smoking, packing etc. at Aberdeen (8), Mallaig, Old ShoreHead Arbroath, Fisherrow (2), Stonehaven, BroughtyFerry(2), Auchmithie(2), Stornoway, Caterline, Fraserburgh, theDunbar lifeboat and crew, crofters grinding corn on Skye, aman loading arevolver titled ‘Lasca’, and 3 of whaling on Shetland and John O’ Groats, somewith light edgeand corner wear (45)
Estimate:£260 -£300
Formerlyowned bytheLateMurrayMackinnon, arenowned collector of photographydocumenting Scottish lifefromthemid-19th to early20th century
Lot 369
ArchieGordon MemorialAlbum, 1910
Son of 7th Earlof Aberdeen, Haddo House
Privatepublication in memoryof ArchieGordon (1884-1909), son of the7th Earlof Aberdeen who died as theresult of an automobileaccident in 1909 Albumcontains recollections of his lifeand approximately70 images printed onto 97 pages, including 17 photogravures, bluecloth boards with handembroidered decoration Photographers includeLombardi, Elliot &Fry, Mendelssohn, Salmon, Hills &Saunders, Lafayette&Bassano and family members Slight marks to afew of thepages, rubbing to edges of boards
Estimate:£150 -£200
Formerlyowned bytheLateMurrayMackinnon, arenowned collector of photographydocumenting Scottish lifefromthemid-19th to early20th century
Lot 370
North East Scotland
AboyneCastle, Gladstonefamilyand Royalinterest 9 albumen photographs, 16 x 11 5cm, pasted on cut albumpages relating to AboyneCastle, 1871, of thePrinceof Wales and LadyHuntlyat a ceremonyon AboyneBridge, castleviews and 3 related smallportrait photographs from1865, 9 x 6cm;albumof 16 photographs relating to Fyvie, with 7 loosephotographs including FyvieCastle, Kinbroon, Rothie Norman, Blackford, Millof Tifty, Towie-Barclay, 23 5 x 18 5cmto 8 5 x 5.5cm, albumstained and disbound, photographs foxed;albumof Old Inverugie, A Lecture, published 1885 with 7 photographs, 9 5 x 6cm, pasted in, occasionalfoxing to pages, onephotograph faded, cover starting to detach, spineand edges worn;disbound albumof 200+ smallcontact prints, 5 x 3.5cm, taken at Fasquebyamember of Sir Thomas Gladstone's familybetween 1897 and 1900, somearetitled on thealbumpages, and 5 cartes devisiteincluding Thomas GladstonebyCamileSilvyand other relatives, thecartes arewater damaged and delaminated, thealbum disbound and water damaged, photographs mainlyloose;photograph of Queen Mary, Princess Mary, TheDowager Countess of Airlieand Mrs LindsayCarnegie, Arbroath, 8th September 1921, byGibson of Arbroath, 19.5 x 15cm(quantity)
Estimate:£200 -£240
Formerlyowned bytheLateMurrayMackinnon, arenowned collector of photographydocumenting Scottish lifefromthemid-19th to early20th century.

Lot 371
Scottish Lifeincluding fisherfolk at BroughtyFerry 20 photographs of fishing, hunting and camping, 19th and early20th century
Early20th-centurysilver gelatin photograph of fisherfolk mending nets, BroughtyFerry, near Dundee, 19 x 12cm;Milneof Aboyneand Ballater large silver gelatin photograph of hunters and stag trophies, officers of Queens Guard Ballater gamebook in centre, c.1890s, 28 x 21cm;2 Charles Reid albumen photographs of camping, 18 x 11 5cm, someedgefading;James Patrick albumen photograph of skating on Duddingston Loch, 20 x 13.5cm, somesurfacecreasing and edgefading;James Valentinealbumen photograph of theReelof Tulloch, 20 x 13cm;1885 amateur albumen photograph of tennis racquet and shotgun, 15 x 9 5cm;silver gelatin photograph of fishing trip, c.1900s, 20 x 15cm;4 amateur photographs of an earlycar and angling at Tulchan LodgeStrathspey, 10 x 8cm;large mounted albumen photograph of horse-drawn carriage, thePass of Melport byG.W. Wilson, 29 x 19cm, someslight edgefading;3 men in Highland dress, named on reverse, 15 x 11cm;4 x press photographs of salmon fishing on Loch TaybyCharles E. Brown, boys baiting alinebyCharles E. Brown, grouseshooting in theHighlands, 1929, and 1934 photograph of thePitlessieHighland Games, 25.5 x 20.5cmto 21.5 x 16.5cm(20)
Estimate:£200 -£240
Formerlyowned bytheLateMurrayMackinnon, arenowned collector of photographydocumenting Scottish lifefromthemid-19th to early20th century.

Lot 372
Caledonian Railwayhorses Including 1909 Novar Cup winner 2 largesilver gelatin photographs, 29 x 22cm, mounted onto photographer’s mounts, oneshowing adressed horseof theCaledonian Railwaynamed ‘Hawthorn Lad’, winner of theNovar Cup in 1909, byA Paterson of Leith, theother of 9 horses and railwaystaff, and aphotograph byGreenfield of horses outsidetheGaumont Theatre, Edinburgh, dated 18th June1949, 21 x 16.5cm, somehandling marks and edgechipping to themount (3)
Estimate:£150 -£200
Formerlyowned bytheLateMurrayMackinnon, arenowned collector of photographydocumenting Scottish lifefromthemid-19th to early20th century
Lot 373
Ephemera:cards and photographs
A collection comprising acollection of topographicalalbumen prints between c 29 x 19cmand 13 x 20cm, showing mainlyBritish locations, severalin Cornwall, byGeorgeWashington Wilson, Gibson Mackenzie, and others;Christmas cards:35 Crustmas cards fromc 1900-1950, and acollection of Birthday and Valentine's cards fromasimilar era;A smallcollection of traveltickets, including aplatformticket for Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch;and asmall boxed collection of vintageconfectioner's flags fromR S McCollLtd , Glasgow (European War Souvenir 1914) (quantity)
Estimate:£300 -£400

Lot 374
Alfred Stieglitz (1864-1946)
A Snapshot, Paris [boywith horse] Photogravure, executed January1913, 28 x 20cm, taped to mount along upper edgeonly, framed and glazed
Estimate:£400 -£600
Provenance: TheEstateof DorothyBohm
Lot 375
Maris, Alexander and Susan
4 framed photographs
[A Scottish hillsidewith boulder], seleniumtoned gelatin print, 2003, number 2 of 7, signed bytheartists to thelabel;ThePursuit of Fidelity(detail), seleniumtoned gelatin print, 1998, onlynumbered copy, signed bythe artists to thelabel;Hoodens Hill29th July1981 /Hoodens Hill29th July2007, undated, unsigned;mounted photograph of astag, undated, unsigned;all framed and glazed (4)
Estimate:£400 -£600
Lot 376
Bojer, Wenceslas
Hortus Mauritianus
Ou énumération des plantes, exotiques et indigènes, quicroissent al'ile Maurice, disposées d'après laméthodenaturelle. Maurice:AiméMamarot et Compagnie, 1837 First edition, 8vo, inscribed on thetitle-page:“To the Right HonourableSir Charles ColvilleC.B. fromtheauthor”, originalblue paper wrappers alittlecreased and torn
Estimate:£600 -£800
Lot 377
Maund, B.
TheBotanic Garden
London:Simpkin and Marshall, 1825-1836. 7 volumes bound in 5, 8vo, 156 hand-coloured plates, volumeviilacking main title-pageand c 12 plates, modern red half morocco gilt (5)
Estimate:£300 -£400

Lot 378
Weaver, Thomas
A Treatiseon theExternalCharacters of Fossils
Dublin:MN Mahon /London:Longman, Rees, Hurst and Orme, 1805 First English edition, 8vo, 2 folding plates, lacking half-title, originalboards, without spine, covers detached, alittlefoxing, stamps of theRoyalCollege of Surgeons in Ireland and theArthur Jacob Bequest
Estimate:£600 -£800
Lot 379
Gray, D J Thomson ("Whinstone")
TheDogs of Scotland
Dundee:James P Matthew &Co , 1891 First edition, 8vo, portrait frontispiece, 20 plates of dog breeds, originalgreen cloth gilt, alittlefoxing to flyleaves, binding slightlyshaken
Estimate:£300 -£500
An unusualguideto Scottish dog breeds A reprint was issued in 1989, but no copies of theoriginaledition can befound for sale, or having sold.
Lot 380
Maund, B.
TheBotanic Garden
London:Simpkin &Marshall, 1825-183? Volumes 1-10 (only, of 13), 8vo, with 192 hand-coloured plates only(anumber of plates arelacking), uniform green half calf gilt, covers rubbed and spines flaking away;[with] additional copies of volumes 1 &2, each containing 24 hand-coloured plates, early ownership signatures (12)
Estimate:£700 -£900
Provenance: Select items fromtheestateof thelateLadyPenn
Lot 381
including Millais, J G , Sowerby, Charles - John Johnson &C Pierpoint Johnson
Millais, J G Rhododendrons London:Longmans, Green and Co , 1917 Folio, originalmaroon cloth gilt;Idem. TheMammals of Great Britain and Ireland. London:Longmans, Green, and Co , 1904 3 volumes, folio, number 776 of 1025 copies printed, originalbluecloth gilt;Sowerby, Charles - John Johnson &C Pierpoint Johnson British Poisonous Plants London:John van Voorst, 1861 Second edition, 8vo, 32 hand-coloured plates, later calf gilt;Hooker, WilliamJackson. FloraScotica… London:Archibald Constable, 1821. 8vo, 2 parts in onevolume, modern bluecloth gilt;DictionariumRusticum, Urbanicum&Botanicum… London:J. Nicholson, 1717. Second edition, 8vo, modern brown cloth gilt, finalleaf torn with loss to text;Main, James The Villaand CottageFlorists'Directory. London:Whittaker, Treacher, and Co., 1830 12mo, modern bluecloth gilt;Lightfoot, John FloraScotica London: B. White, 1777. 2 volumes, 8vo, 33 (of 35) plates, contemporarycalf (10)
Estimate:£400 -£600

Lot 382
Millais, John Guille, and others
A collection of naturalhistoryworks
Millais, J.G. TheNaturalHistoryof theBritish Surface-Feeding Ducks. London:Longmans, Green, and Co , 1902 Folio, number 436 of 600 large paper copies, originalcloth;Idem. TheMammals of Great Britain and Ireland. London:Longmans, Green, and Co , 1904 3 volumes, folio, originalblue cloth gilt;Idem. TheNaturalHistoryof British GameBirds. London: Longmans, Green and Co , 1909 Folio, number 165 of 550 copies, original red cloth gilt;Idem. Another copy, number 166;Idem. Another copy, number 239;Idem British Diving Ducks London:Longmans, Green and Co , 1913 2 volumes, folio, originalred cloth gilt;Morris, BeverleyR. British GameBirds and Wildfowl London:John C Nimmo, 1891 Third edition, 4to, original green cloth gilt;Thorburn, A British Birds London:Longmans, Green and Co , 1918 4 volumes, 4to, originalred cloth gilt;and 20 others (33)
Estimate:£700 -£900
Select items fromtheestateof thelateLadyPenn

Lot 383
Greville, Kaye, and Others
Greville, Robert Kaye. Scottish Cryptogramic Flora. Edinburgh:Maclachlan & Stewart, 1823 6 volumes in 3, 8vo, 360 hand-coloured plates, modern green half morocco gilt;Idem. FloraEdinensis… Edinburgh:William Blackwood, 1824 8vo, 4 engraved plates, contemporaryhalf calf, rebacked, alittlerubbed, somebrowning;Hooker, WilliamJackson. FloraScotica… London:Archibald Constableand Co , 1821 8vo, contemporaryhalf calf;Lightfoot, John. FloraScotica… London:J. Dickson…, 1792. 2 volumes, second edition, 8vo, 2 additionalengraved titlepages, and 35 engraved plates, modern quarter calf gilt, alittlebrowning and spotting (7)
Estimate:£500 -£700
Lot 384
NaturalHistory, including photography
Blossfeldt, Karl
Art forms in nature:examples fromtheplant world photographed direct fromnaturebyProfessor KarlBlossfeldt;with an introduction byKarlNieren Dorf London:A Zwemmer, 1929 First English edition, 4to,120 photogravureplates, originalgreen cloth;Gilpin, W.S. PracticalHints upon LandscapeGardening London:Cadell, 1835 Second edition, 8vo, 16 lithographed plates, originalcloth, somespotting, slightlysoiled;Kappel, A.W. and W Egmont Kirby British and European Butterflies and Moths London: Ernest Nister, [n.d.] 4to, originalpictorialred cloth with gilt butterfly design;Sowerby, James Edward English Botany London, 1840 8vo, volume7 only, 259 hand-coloured plates, originalpurplecloth;Timmns, Samuel Popular CountryHouses:A Historyof Warwickshire London:Elliot Stock, 1889 8vo, contemporaryblack quarter morocco gilt, oneof 50 copies on largepaper (5)
Estimate:£500 -£700
Blossfeldt's work is apioneering photographic book devoted to plant architecture, containing 120 richlygravured plates

Lot 385
Meyer, HenryLeonard
Coloured Illustrations of British Birds and their Eggs
London:G.W. Nickisson, 1842-57. First edition, 7 volumes, 8vo, 432 (of 435) plates only, comprising 321 hand-coloured plates of birds (of 321), 8 plain plates, and 103 hand-coloured plates of eggs (of 105), contemporary green half calf gilt, somerubbing to covers
Estimate:£500 -£700
Bookplates of Eric Penn - Select items fromtheestateof thelateLadyPenn
Lot 386
Bradley, R
A CompleteBodyof Husbandry, and asmallcollection on forestry including:Elwes, HenryJohn &AugustineHenry TheTrees of Great Britain &Ireland. London:S.R. Publishers, 1969. 7 volumes with index bound-in, a re-issueof the1906 edition, originalgreen cloth gilt;Emerson, GeorgeR A Report on theTrees and Shrubs growing naturallyin theForests of Massachusetts Boston:Little, Brown, and Company, 1878 Third edition, 2 volumes, 8vo, modern brown cloth gilt, alittledampstaining;Phillips, Henry SylvaFlorifera London:Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown, 1823 2 volumes, 8vo, modern half calf gilt;Monteath, Robert TheForester's Guide Stirling:James Forman…, 1820. 8vo, modern green cloth gilt, frontispiece torn;Bradley, R A CompleteBodyof Husbandry London:James Woodman and David Lyon, 1727. First edition, 8vo, 4 plates, contemporarycalf neatly rebacked with later spine, sold not subject to return (13)
Estimate:£400 -£600
Lot 387
Christmas cards and photographs
A collection
Christmas card albumcontaining 86 laid-down Victorian Christmas cards, contained in apurplecloth gilt album, severalof thecards with popups;Familyphotograph albumof Arthur Nelson “For manyyears Member of theArts club, Rutland Square”;Scottish postcard album, featuring 102 postcards of thewest of Scotland, early20th century;10 Victorian photographs, including onedaguerreotypeof awoman, 7 ambrotypes including oneof smallboys in Highland dress, and threeothers (13)
Estimate:£250 -£350
Lot 388
London, and other subjects including Papworth, John B
Select Views of London London:R Ackermann, 1816 First edition 8vo, 76 hand-coloured plates, contemporarydiced calf, joints rubbed, spine chipped, erased ownership signaturefrompaste-down endpaper; [Bookplates] 130 bookplates laid into a20th centuryvellumalbum, including: Charles TollemacheScott, Edward Tighe, Rosslyn ErskineWemyss, H S Thorne[being awoodcut design after Bewick], John Webb Singer, Sir John Stirling Maxwell, ColonelColin Campbell, Herbert Jekyll, MayGaskell, and others;Thornbury, Walter. Old and New London. London:Cassell, Petter, Galpin &Co , [n d ] 2 volumes, 8vo, modern red half morocco gilt;Randell, J.O. PastoralSettlement in Northern Victoria. Melbourne:QueensberryHill Press, 1979 Volume1 only, originalquarter morocco, inscribed bythe author with accompanying letters (5)
Estimate:£400 -£600
Select items fromtheestateof thelateLadyPenn

Lot 389
History, novels, children's books, naturalhistory&co , acollection Mrs Rundell A New Systemof Domestic Cookery Halifax:W Milner, 1851 8vo, originalbluecloth gilt;Edgeworth, Maria TheParent's Assistant;or, stories for children. London:R. Hunter, 1822. 6 volumes, 12mo, red half calf gilt;McAdam, John Loudon Remarks on thePresent Systemof Road Making. London:Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green, 1827. 8vo, red cloth gilt;Rowlandson, Thomas TheFirst Tour of Doctor Syntax [The Second Tour;TheThird Tour]. London:NattaliBond, [n.d.] 3 volumes, 8vo, hand-coloured plates, originalred cloth gilt;“MM” - Gavarni, illustrator Le DiableaParis. Paris:J. Hetzel, 1845. 2 volumes, 8vo, originalred cloth rebacked with red morocco gilt spines;Selby, Prideaux John A Historyof British Forest-Trees. London:John van Voorst, 1842. 8vo, contemporary calf rebacked with later spine;Whyte-Melville, G J TheWorks [London:W Thacker &Co , 1898] 24 volumes, 8vo, originalcloth gilt;Anderson, Anne ThePatsyBook. TheAdventures of Patsy, Patty, and Pat. London:Thomas Nelson &Sons Ltd , [n d ] 4to, originalboards, remnants of dust-jacket lacking spine;and 36 others, sold not subject to return (75)
Estimate:£500 -£700

Lot 390
White, J.
SomeAccount of theProposed Improvements of theWestern Part of London
London:Cadell&Davies, 1815 Second edition, 8vo, 10 plans and plates, 8 hand-coloured;[bound with] Brief Remarks on theproposed Regent's Canal London:J Hatchard, 1812 8vo, originalboards with spinerenewed, closed tear to initialfolding plan
Estimate:£500 -£700
Lot 391
Wordsworth, Christopher, and Others Greece:pictorial, descriptive, and historical London, 1868 Fifth edition, large8vo, frontispiece, engraved title, 19 plates and maps, red morocco gilt covers with crest of RugbySchool;Evans, J Gwenogvryn, editor Facsimileand text of thebook of Taliesin. Llanbedrog, 1910 4to, number 150/800, toned linen-madepaper, originalhalf vellum gilt;Millais, J.G. TheLifeand Letters of Sir John Everett Millais. London, 1899. 2 volumes, originalbluecloth gilt;Jones, Rhys Gorchestion beirdd Cymru Amwythig [Shrewsbury], 1773. First edition, 4to, 19th centuryquarter calf;Pickthall, MarmadukeSaïd thefisherman London, 1903 First edition, red half morocco gilt, inscribed bytheauthor to Mrs Drummond Hayon endpaper;Guest, LadyCharlotte, translator TheMabinogion London, 1877 Second edition, large8vo, originalred quarter morocco gilt;and 2 others, sold not subject to return (9)
Estimate:£300 -£500

Lot 392
Heraldry, Spanish Art and Suetonius
A smallcollection Nisbet, Alexander. A Systemof HeraldrySpeculativeand Practical… Edinburgh:J MackEuen, 1722/1742 2 volumes, folio, titles printed in red and black, 48 (of 51) plates only, bookplateof Sir James Carnegie, contemporarycalf, onecover detached;Facsimileof an Ancient Heraldic Manuscript Emblazoned bySir David Lindsay. Edinburgh:W. &D. Lang, 1822 Folio, hand-coloured, contemporarydiced half-calf, joints cracked;Vierge, Danieland Francisco deQuevedo-Villegas. Pablo deSegovia. TheSpanish Sharper London:T Fisher Unwin, 1892 Folio, number 5 of 10 largepaper copies on hand-madepaper with theadditionalportfolio of duplicates on Indiaproof paper, originalvellum;Suetonius, C Opera Utrecht:FrancisciHalmae, 1690 2 volumes, 8vo, title-pages in red and black, contemporaryvellum, alittledampstaining (7)
Estimate:£300 -£500
TheLibraryof aScottish Gentleman.
Lot 393
Golf - Wethered, H. Newton
TheArchitecturalSideof Golf
London:Longmans, Green &Co., 1929. First edition, 4to, frontispiece engraved plate&44 plates, tissueguards, illustrations, originalpictorial whitebuckramgilt
Estimate:£1,000 -£1,500
A classic book of golf architecture. According to Murdoch it is "amost desirablebook to havein agolf library" Simpson believed that onlyby studying the"Old Course"at St. Andrews could oneproperlyunderstand golf coursedesign and construction Murdoch 841;Donovan &Jerris W10420. A few smallspots to spine, anear finebright fresh copy.
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