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Lot 1
Gerard, John
TheHerball, or GenerallHistorieof Plantes
London:John Norton, 1597. First edition, folio, engraved title-page, 18th centurycalf neatlyrebacked, retaining spine, someoccasionalspotting and veryminor dampstaining, repairs to upper margins of pp.319-322 and pp 1387-1388, red pencilnoteto p 621, alittleworming to lower margins, moreseveresoiling to pp.978-979
Estimate:£800 -£1,200
Lot 2
Audubon, John James &TheReverend John Bachman
TheQuadrupeds of North America
New York:V G Audubon, 1849-1854 3 volumes, first 8vo edition, 155 hand-coloured plates, red crushed half-morocco gilt with decorativecorner pieces, oneplateloose, someveryminor foxing in volume3, half-titles present in volumes 1 &3 only(3)
Estimate:£3,000 -£4,000
Lot 3
Parkinson, John
Paradisiin Sole, Paradisius Terrestris
London:HumfreyLownes and Robert Young, 1629 First edition, folio (33 x 22.5cm), engraved title-page, woodcut portrait of Parkinson to **6 verso, woodcut of garden design and 109 full-pagebotanicalwoodcuts, 19th centurypaneled calf gilt byRoger deCoverly, endpapers and flyleaves renewed, upper cover neatlydetached, occasionaldust-soiling
Estimate:£400 -£600
Lot 4
Booth, E.T.
Rough Notes on theBirds Observed during twenty-fiveyears'Shooting and Collecting in theBritish Islands
London:R H Porter, 1881-1887 First edition, 3 volumes, folio, with 114 hand-coloured lithographed plates, 2 maps, contemporarygreen half calf gilt, title-pages and finalleaves yellowed, somelight foxing, mostlymarginal, spines alittlesunned (3)
Estimate:£1,500 -£2,000
Lot 5
Greville, Robert Kaye
Scottish Cryptogamic Flora
Edinburgh:Maclachlan &Stewart, 1823. 6 volumes, 8vo, half-titles, 360 hand-coloured plates, contemporaryred calf gilt with diced floraldecoration to covers, occasionalveryslight dampstaining and alittleminor foxing, spines sunned (6)
Estimate:£500 -£700
Lot 6
Hooker, J D &W J
TheRhododendrons of Sikkim-Himalaya London:Reeve, Benham, and Reeve, 1849 Folio, part 1 (of 3) only, inscribed to thetitle-page“with J.D. Hooker's best regards”, lithographed title-page, 10 hand-coloured plates, modern quarter calf over green cloth, somelight soiling including slight foxing and someveryminor dampstaining in places
Estimate:£2,000 -£3,000
Lot 7
Hooker, J.D.
Illustrations of Himalayan Plants
London:LovellReeve, 1855 Folio, divided in to text and platevolumes, hand-coloured title-pageand loosehand-coloured plates, plates trimmed down with someloss to images, volumes in uniformmodern quarter calf over green cloth (2)
Estimate:£500 -£700
Lot 8
New Naturalists
Numbers 123-136, deluxeeditions
comprising:Terns;Bird Populations;Owls;Brecon Beacons;Naturein Towns and Cities;Lakes, Loughs and Lochs;Alien Plants;YorkshireDales; Shallow Seas;Falcons;Slugs and Snails;EarlyHumans;Farming and Birds; Beetles London:WilliamCollins, 2013-18 14 volumes, allfirst editions, deluxeissues, each oneof 50 copies signed bytheauthor(s) on alimitation slip mounted to thefront freeendpaper, and bydust-jacket designer Robert Gillmor on thejacket front flap, 8vo, originalbrown leather, alledges gilt, lithographic dust jackets, brown cloth slipcases.Together with:Peter Marren and Robert Gillmore, Art of theNew Naturalists, 2009, first edition, deluxe issue, oneof 50 copies signed bytheauthors, 4to, originalbrown leather, slipcase;and TimBernhard and TimothyLoe, Collecting theNew Naturalists, 2015, first edition, deluxeissue, oneof 50 copies signed bytheauthors, 4to, originalbrown leather, slipcase(16)
Estimate:£800 -£1,200
New Naturalists
Part-set of the'Golden Fourteen' comprising:British Warblers;Heathlands, Ferns;TheHebrides;Caves and CafeLife;Wild and Garden Plants;TheNew Naturalists [both editions];The NaturalHistoryof Pollination. London:Collins, 1984-[97]. Numbers 71, 72, 74, 76, 79, 80, 82 and 83, first editions, British Warblers in second state, TheNaturalist Historyof Pollination asecond impression, 8 volumes, 8vo, originalgreen cloth, dust jackets, British Warblers and Pollination with spotting to top edges, Ferns ex-librarywith associated markings to endpapers, TheNew Naturalists with abrasion to upper forecorner of front freeendpaper, fading to dust jacket spines of British Warblers, Heathlands and Ferns, lighter fading to that of Hebrides [Bernhard &LoeNN71B, 72A, 74A, 76A, 79A, 80A, 82A, 83B] Together with asecond edition of number 82 (New Naturalists) , and first editions of numbers 84 (Ireland) to 100 (Woodlands), 17 volumes, 8vo, originalgreen cloth, dust jackets, textblocks with variableand apparentlyremediablehygroscopic adhesion along pageedges, afew volumes with spotting to top edges (26)
Estimate:£300 -£500
New Naturalists
Numbers 124-134, signed editions comprising:Bird Populations;Owls;Brecon Beacons;Naturein Towns and Cities;Lakes, Loughs and Lochs;Alien Plants;YorkshireDales;Shallow Seas; Falcons;Slugs and Snails;EarlyHumans London:WilliamCollins, 2013-17 11 volumes, first editions, each volumesigned bytheauthor(s) on thetitlepageexcept Shallow Seas, signed instead on laid-in publisher's slip specifying thelimitation of ‘this signed edition’ to 100 copies, 8vo, original green cloth, pictorialdust jackets designed byRichard Gillmor Together with TimBernhard and TimothyLoe, Collecting theNew Naturalists, 2015, 2 copies, signed bytheauthors;and Peter Marren and Robert Gillmor, Art of theNew Naturalists, 2009, signed bytheauthors (14)
Estimate:£300 -£400
New Naturalists
Numbers 101-142
London:Collins [-WilliamCollins], 2007-2020. 46 volumes, including duplicates of 129 (Alien Plants), 132 (Falcons), 139 (Galls), 140 (Garden Birds), 8vo, originalcloth, dust jackets, allbut two (115, Climateand Weather, and 120, Grasshoppers and Crickets) unopened in original shrinkwrap (46)
Estimate:£400 -£600
Part-set of theNew Naturalist Monographs comprising:TheWren;TheYellow Wagtail;TheGreenshank;Fleas, Flukes and Cuckoos;Ants;TheHerring Gull's World;TheRabbit;TheBirds of the London Areasince1900;TheHawfinch;Oysters;TheHouseSparrow;The Trout;TheMole London:Collins, 1955-71 14 volumes, first editions, Yellow Wagtail(number 4) in first state, Hawfinch (15) in third statewith plain green dust jacket, Wood Pigeon (20) in second binding variant, Mole(22) in primarybinding variant8vo, originalgreen cloth, dust jackets, Yellow Wagtail cloth faded as usual, Greenshank and Rabbit with ownership inscription, Fleas, Flukes and Cuckoos with holein dust jacket spine, Ants dust jacket repaired, Oysters dust jacket chipped, with bookseller's ticket and numeric ink-stamp to endpapers, Wood Pigeon dust jacket price-clipped (as usualfor copies in thesecond binding) [Bernhard &LoeM3A, 4A, 5A, 7A, 8A, 9A, 13A, 14A, 15C, 18A, 19A, 20-B2, 21A, 22A-B1] Together with 20 volumes fromtheNew Naturalist main series (up to number 68) (34)
Estimate:£300 -£500
Including Miller, Philip TheGardener's Dictionary London:Printed for theAuthor, and sold byJohn Rivington…, 1759. Seventh edition, folio;Loudon, J.C. Arboretumet FruticetumBritannicum London:Longman, Orme, Brown, Green, and Longmans, 1838. 8 volumes, 8vo, 406 (of 412) engraved plates, modern green half morocco;Idem TheGardener's Magazine London:Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans, 1843. VolumeXIX only, 8vo, modern green cloth gilt;Nicol, Walter TheGardener's Kalendar Edinburgh:Archibald Constable , 1812 Second edition, 8vo, contemporarycalf, rebacked with modern spine;Idem. ThePlanter's Kalendar… Edinburgh:Archibald Constable , 1812 8vo, modern boards;Idem Another copy, modern orangecloth;Langley, Batty. New Principles of Gardening. London:A. Bettersworth and C Hitch , 1739 4to, plates, modern brown cloth gilt;The Gardener's New Kalendar… London:T. Osborne, 1758. 8vo, modern brown cloth gilt;Mawe, Thomas EveryMan his own Gardener London:C Crowder…, 1779. Eighth edition, 12mo, modern brown cloth gilt;Reid. John. TheScots Gardiner Edinburgh:James Reid, 1756 12mo, contemporary calf with orangespeckles rebacked with modern spine;Robinson, W. The English Flower Garden London:John Murray, 1895 Fourth edition, 8vo, originalbluecloth gilt;Sold not subject to return (18)
Estimate:£800 -£1,200
Lightfoot, John FloraScotica London, 1777 2 volumes, 8vo, 35 engraved plates, additionalengraved titles, contemporarycalf neatlyrebacked with later spine, bookplateof WilliamA Clarke, numerous contemporaryannotations, somefoxing and offsetting (2)
Estimate:£300 -£500
Anderson, John
Zoologyof Egypt:VolumeFirst Reptiliaand Batrachia
London:Bernard Quartich, 1898. First edition, oneof 100 copies, 4to, originalgreen cloth, lithographic map, 7 halftonephotographic plates, 52 lithographic plates numbered 1-50 (including 33aand 37a), nearlyallin colours, severewater-damageto foreedges of covers, concomitant staining, fraying and softening to foremargins of outer text-leaves and to map and halftoneplates, severallithographic plates with alittlerelating marking to foremargins, front inner hingegone
Estimate:£500 -£800
Lot 16
Conrad Loddiges &Sons &GeorgeCooke, illustrator
London:John &Arthur Arch, John Hatchard, and others, 1818 20 volumes, 8vo, 2000 plates (mostlyhand-coloured botanicalillustrations), modern brown half calf, someoffsetting, occasionalfoxing and dust-soiling (20)
Estimate:£2,000 -£3,000
Lot 17
A smallcollection, including Elwes, HenryJohn &AugustineHenry TheTrees of Great Britain &Ireland London:S.R. Publishers, 1969. 7 volumes with index bound-in, are-issueof the1906 edition, originalgreen cloth gilt;Emerson, GeorgeR A Report on theTrees and Shrubs growing naturallyin theForests of Massachusetts. Boston:Little, Brown, and Company, 1878 Third edition, 2 volumes, 8vo, modern brown cloth gilt, alittledampstaining;Phillips, Henry. SylvaFlorifera… London:Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown, 1823 2 volumes, 8vo, modern half calf gilt;Monteath, Robert. TheForester's Guide. Stirling:James Forman , 1820 8vo, modern green cloth gilt, frontispiecetorn;sold not subject to return (12)
Estimate:£400 -£600
Lot 18
Edwards, Sydenham
London:James Ridgway, 1815 7 volumes, 8vo, 605 hand-coloured plates, oneadditionalmonochromeplates, modern orangecloth, alittlebrowning in places, somedampstaining to lower fore-edges (7)
Estimate:£600 -£800
Sowerby, James
English Botany
Or, coloured figures of British Plants… London:printed for theAuthor, byJ. Davis, and sold at No 2 Mead Place, near theAsylum;byMessrs White , 1790-1814 [and 1881-1849:4 supplementaryvolumes]. 39 volumes in 20, coloured plates, modern green half morocco, somefoxing and darkening in places, occasionaloffsetting (20)
Estimate:£800 -£1,200
Lot 20
Rosser, CeliaE and Alexander S George TheBanksias
London:Academic Press Inc (London) Limited, 1981-2000 Threevolumes, elephant folio, number 210 of 730, originalhalf green morocco over buckramboards (3)
Estimate:£2,000 -£3,000
Lot 21
Sinclair, John
An Account of theSystems of Husbandry
Edinburgh:Archibald Constableand Company, 1814 Third edition, 2 volumes, 8vo, portrait, contemporarycalf gilt;Idem. [uniformlybound with] GeneralReport of theAgriculturalState, and PoliticalCircumstances, of Scotland. Edinburgh:Archibald Constable&Co., 1814. 5 volumes, 8vo (7)
Estimate:£300 -£400
Lot 22
Yarrell, William, with Autograph Letters Signed byYarrelland Gould A Historyof British Birds
London:John van Voorst, 1843. 3 volumes, 8vo, with an ALS fromYarrellto D Crompton, dated 14th July1843 pasted into volume1, comprising 3pp on thesubject of bird migration and references to relevant papers;another ALS fromJohn Gould to D Crompton pasted into volume2, comprising 3pp.;bound in contemporaryhalf calf over marbled boards, neatlyrebacked (3)
Estimate:£600 -£800
Lot 23
Millais, J G
London:Longmans, Green and Co., 1917. Folio. originalmaroon cloth gilt;Idem TheMammals of Great Britain and Ireland London:Longmans, Green, and Co., 1904. 3 volumes, folio, number 776 of 1025 copies printed, originalbluecloth gilt (4)
Estimate:£300 -£400
Lot 24
Saint-Hillaire, M Jaume
Plantes delaFrance
Paris:Plantes delaFrance,1808-1809 4 volumes, 8vo, 400 colour lithographs, modern green half morocco, somefoxing (4)
Estimate:£600 -£800
Lot 25
Maund, B.
TheBotanic Garden
London:Simpkin and Marshall, 1825-1836 7 volumes bound in 5, 8vo, 156 hand-coloured plates, volumeviilacking main title-pageand c.12 plates, modern red half morocco gilt (5)
Estimate:£600 -£800
Lot 26
Willmott, Ellen
TheGenus Rosa
London:John Murray, 1910-1914. Folio, in 25 parts with originalwrappers and two customcases (2)
Estimate:£400 -£600
Hewitson, WilliamC
British Oology
Being illustrations of theeggs of British Birds… Newcastleupon Tyne: published for theauthor byCharles Empson, [n d ] 3 volumes including supplement, 8vo, hand-coloured plates, modern green quarter morocco;A New Systemof theNaturalHistoryof Quadrupeds, Birds, Fishes, and Insects… Edinburgh:Peter Hill/London:Thomas Cadell, 1791. 3 volumes, 8vo, engraved plates, modern orangecloth gilt;Maxwell, Robert The PracticalHusbandman… Edinburgh:J. Paton…, 1757. 8vo, modern brown cloth gilt;sold not subject to return (7)
Estimate:£300 -£400
Lot 28
Bradley, R
A CompleteBodyof Husbandry
London:James Woodman and David Lyon, 1727 First edition, 8vo, 4 plates, contemporarycalf neatlyrebacked with later spine
Estimate:£300 -£500
Lot 29
Including Sowerby, Charles - John Johnson &C. Pierpoint Johnson British Poisonous Plants London:John van Voorst, 1861 Second edition, 8vo, 32 hand-coloured plates, later calf gilt;Hooker, WilliamJackson. Flora Scotica London:Archibald Constable, 1821 8vo, 2 parts in onevolume, modern bluecloth gilt;DictionariumRusticum, Urbanicum&Botanicum… London:J Nicholson, 1717 Second edition, 8vo, modern brown cloth gilt, finalleaf torn with loss to text;Main, James. TheVillaand CottageFlorists' Directory London:Whittaker, Treacher, and Co , 1830 12mo, modern blue cloth gilt;Lightfoot, John. FloraScotica… London:B. White, 1777. 2 volumes, 8vo, 33 (of 35) plates, contemporarycalf (6)
Estimate:£300 -£500
Lot 30
Gould, John
[Threehand-coloured lithographs of hummingbirds] Camphylopterus obscurus (55.8 x 38.6cm);Florisugaflabellifera(mounted, mount aperture49 x 35cm);Oreotrochilus leucopleurus (mounted, mount aperture49 x 35cm)
Estimate:£350 -£450
Footnote: Published in A Monograph of theTrochilidae(1849-61).
Naismith, John
Thoughts on Various Objects of Industrypursued in Scotland Edinburgh:printed for theAuthor and sold byBelland Bradfute, 1790. First edition, 8vo, contemporarytreecalf, joints alittleworn
Estimate:£300 -£500
Lot 32
[First Australian novelist] Grimstone, MaryLeman
TheBeautyof theBritish Alps
Or, Loveat First Sight London:G Virtue, 1825 8vo in half-sheets (20 4 x 13cm), iv[1] 4-549 [1], contemporarymarbled calf gilt, marbled endpapers, engraved frontispiece, 4 engraved plates (of 5:lacking platelisted as facing p. 393), bookplate, front joint superficiallycracked, section of cracking to rear joint, scuffs to covers, rubbing to extremities, tips showing through, intermittent spotting and browning to contents (light to moderate), quire2K with faint transversebars of browning to foot
Estimate:£1,000 -£1,500
First edition of thefirst book bythefirst Australian novelist, extremelyrare, no other copytraced in auction records, which show onlyahandfulof copies of two other works bytheauthor, namelyLouisaEgerton (1830), written during and shortlyafter her voyageto Van Diemen's Land in 1825, and consequentlythefirst novelwritten in Australia, and Cleone(1834). Grimstonereturned to England in 1829, joining London's radicalintelligentsia and associating with figures including Robert Owen and Elizabeth Gaskell; her 1834 novelWomen's Love‘advanced feminist ideas in much thesame terms as had MaryWollstonecraft’ (Australian Dictionaryof National Biography) Copies of TheBeautyof theBritish Alps wereissued with Plymouth or London imprints on thetitle-page, though both versions appear to havecomprised thesameOxford-printed sheets, with no priority assigned
Manuscript produced byconvicts on thetransport Clyde, 1863
Titled ‘TheClydeJournal, Literaryand Miscellaneous … Published under the Patronageof Dr WmCrawford R N , Surgeon Superintendent, and H S Rosser Esqre, Religious Instructor. Edited byJohn Keeling, Published every ThursdayMorning onboard theShip “Clyde”’ Manuscript fair copy, containing 6 weeklynumbers in 1 volume, folio (32.6 x 20.4cm), 42 ff., light bluewovepaper with royalarms blind stamp to head, written in black ink in asinglehand (possiblythat of theeditor John Keeling), calligraphic title-page, remaining text in doublecolumn, bound in contemporarygreen half roan, marbled sides, binding worn
Estimate:£1,500 -£2,000
A rareprimarysourcefor therecreations and inner lives of transported convicts, dating fromtherelativelybrief period of direct transportation to Western Australia, and afew years beforetheend of penaltransportation in its entiretyin 1868 TheGlasgow-built Clydeleft Portland in March 1863 carrying 320 convicts bound for theSwan River colony, Western Australia, arriving in Fremantleon 29 May. Theeditor and possiblecopyist John Keeling is recorded as abookseller convicted for forgeryat theOld Baileyin 1862 Contents includepoems, stories, humorous vignettes, sanitaryreports, jauntily-written accounts of onboard recreationalactivities (or thelack thereof), aregister of births (and onedeath, thewifeof oneCorporal Webbe), and various miscellaneous pieces including ‘A Glimpseat theLadies in theafter part between decks. Byoneof themselves', ‘London and some of its Lights &Shadows’, and similar Thejournalkept bytheship's surgeon WilliamCrawford is held at thePublic Record Officein Kew (accessibleonline viatheNationalLibraryof AustraliaFile6 AJCP ReelNo:3181)
Albumof photographic views of Tasmania, c.1890
Oblong folio album, contemporaryhalf morocco with red morocco labelto front board, 39 albumen-print photographs, 26 5 x 34cmor similar, including views of Hobart (street scenes, theharbour, etc.), New Norfolk, Mount Bischoff (tin mining), Launceston (River Tamar, municipalbuildings), New Town, Bridgewater and Longford railwaybridges, Deloraine, Lefroy, Latrobe, etc , pasted to rectos of thick card mounts, gilt frames, versos of mounts with manuscript and printed captions, two with photographer's printed gilt trademark of Anson Bros, Hobart to lower margin of mount, ink and blind stamps of Manchester Public FreeLibrary, binding refurbished
Estimate:£600 -£800
Australiaand New Zealand
Photograph album, c 1880
Largefolio album, half morocco binding, containing 98 albumen print photographs, subjects including street scenes and sceneryin Melbourne (including Spring Street and Collins Street), Lilydale, Sydney, Parramatta River, Adelaide(street scenes, environs and gardens, manycaptioned in negative‘Sweet Adelaide’ with cataloguenumbers), LakeWakatipu, Dunedin, Port Chalmers, Milford Sound, DuskySound, Timaru, Christ Church, Lyttelton, LakePearson, Porters Pass, BealeyRiver and environs, Rolleston Glacier, Otira, Waikato River, Tuhuatahi, Wairakei, ‘MaoriChief & Whare’, manywith photographers’ signatures and captions in thenegative, photographers including Burton Bros of Dunedin, H King of Sydney, Foster &Martin of Melbourne, Wheeler &Son of Christchurch, most approx 14 x 20cm, afew smaller (including 3 portraits of Maorimen and women), approx 18 larger (23 x 27cm), and 2 (including view of Hobart fromRosny) verylarge(27 x 33 cm). Thealbumalso containing afurther 59 albumenprint photographs of Gibraltar, Malta, Sicily, Italy, India, and MiddleEastern ethnographic ‘types’, late19th century, various dimensions, similarly mounted, theIndian photographs comprising village, river and coastal scenes including nativeinhabitants
Estimate:£500 -£800
Lot 36
Webber, John (1751/2-1793)
[Views in theSouth Seas]
London:J. Webber, No. 312 Oxford Street, 1788-92. 16 soft-ground etched plates with greyand sepiawash (sheet size56 9 x 39cm, platesize44 5 x 32.5cm), each signed ‘J. Webber’ in theplate, on wovepaper watermarked J Whatman (without dates), most with tissue-guards, without text as issued [Beddie1871;cf. AbbeyTravel595 &Beddie1869-70 &1872, Tooley 501] Bound with an extensiveset of theengraved plates fromJames Cook and James King, A Voyageto thePacific Ocean, 1784. 65 in total(of 87), including folding generalmap (numbered 1), oneother folding chart (36), Death of Cook plate(unnumbered), and plates numbered 4, 6-8, 10-11, 1318, 20-23, 25-30, 31, 33, 35, 38-43, 45-52, 54, 56-58, 60-68, and 70-78, occasionalspotting to margins, heavier and morewidespread spotting to chart (36), Death of Cook plateand plate78, plate21 tissue-guard ripped, manytissue-guards adhering at points to verso of facing plateBinding: contemporaryred half morocco, spinelettered in gilt ('Prints to Cook & King's Voyage'), marbled sides, light wear to extremities
Estimate:£20,000 -£30,000
Glasgow PhilosophicalSociety(ink-stamp to verso of folding chart)
Theextremelyraretruefirst edition of John Webber's spectacular suiteof views fromCook's third and finalvoyage, apparentlytheonlycompletecopy ever offered at auction, depicting scenes in New Zealand, Macao, Krakatoa, Kamchatka, Tahiti, Moorea, and Pulo Condorein what is now VietnamWebber was theofficialdraughtsman on thevoyageand issued these16 views privatelyduring theyears leading up to his death. Whereas his drawings for Cook and King's Voyageto thePacific Ocean, published in 1784, had been engraved byother artists, for Views in theSouth Seas he learnt thesoft-ground etching process in order to maketheplates himself. Thework has consequentlybeen identified as oneof thefirst works in the now revered tradition of illustrated accounts of exotic lands byartists who wereinvolved in everystageof theproduction process, exemplified bythe Daniells'OrientalScenery(1795-1814):theseartists ‘saw thesights, drew thepictures and worked themup, then back in Europecarried out the processes of platepreparation, and supervised theprinting and colouring. This elimination of allintermediaries gavetheseworks immediacyand vastly improved accuracy'(Gerstle&Milner, eds., Recovering theOrient, 1994, pp. 118-19) In 1808 Webber's views wererepublished byBoydellwith the addition of hand-colouring and text, and with Boydell's imprint on each plate.A copyof Webber's edition containing 15 of the16 plates was offered at Christie's, 8 April2009, and aset of 12 looseplates appeared at Sotheby's in 1960. TheAbbeycollection contained acopyof Boydell's edition only Beddie's Bibliographyof Captain James Cook (2nd ed , 1970) describes under cataloguenumber 1870 acopycontaining ‘16 hand-coloured plates bound together [showing] thesameviews as in theBoydelledition arranged in adifferent order’.Theviews, herebound in aslightlydifferent order fromthat of Boydell's edition, comprise:TheNarta, or Sledgefor Burdens in Kamtchatka. A Sailing Canoeof Otahaite. View in Queen Charlottes Sound, New Zealand Waheiadooa, Chief of Oheitepeha, lying in State A View in OheitepehaBay, in theIsland of Otaheite Boats of the FriendlyIslands View of theHarbour of Taloo, in theIsland of Eimeo A Toopapaoo of aChief, with aPriest making his offering to theMorai, in Huoheine. TheResolution beating through theIce, with theDiscoveryin the most eminent danger in thedistance Balagans or Summer Habitations, with themethod of Drying Fish at St Peter &St Paul, Kamtschatka. A View in the Island of Pulo Condore A View in theIsland of Cracatoa View in Macao. View in Macao, including theResidenceof Camoens. ThePlantain Tree, in theIsland of Cracatoa TheFan Palm, in theIsland of Cracatoa
Jamaica- slavery- sugar trade
Manuscript letter-book of plantation attorneyWilliamShand of Fettercairn, 1826-7
Folio (31 5 x 20cm), contemporaryvellumbyG Roakeof London, [230] pp., written in various clericalhands, on laid paper watermarked Joseph Coles 1824, theletters to numerous correspondents, manyevidentlyin Jamaica, and containing substantialdetailon Shand's Jamaican estates (including disappointment at thepoor yields of his estateat Killetts), the practicalities of sugar-cultivation, theshipment of sugar, coffeeand rum fromJamaicato Trieste, theestateof his brother John Shand (also aJamaica planter), and domestic matters, notablepassages including:To Alexander McLeod (p 89):‘TheWest Indians [ie plantation owners] areagain holding up their heads and matters look better A favourablechangehas taken placein thesentiments of your ministers and of coursemanyof their adherents in regard to thecolonies, thecoffers of our enemies areempty, and in consequencepetitions against themarefew … TheWest Indians are amereropeof sand, and of themselves incapableof anything, theymeet at theclub, talk much, abuseeach other, and do nothing’.To an unnamed recipient (p 99), concerning themerchant brig ‘Rocket’:‘Theofficers of the customs objected to grant a… certificatefor this vesselto load out of the port of Kingston, at Clarendon Bay, altho theseveralacts of parliament direct themto’.To James McDonald, p. 106:‘On plantation affairs I shallnot now troubleyou much When I return to Jamaica I hopeto find that measures of economyhavebeen adopted and that amongst others progress has been madein breeding cattlefor theestate Theeffects of thefloods and injuryto theroads would I fear retard thecarriageof produceand render it necessaryto purchasealargeproportion of produce for thecargo of theRocket, had therebeen coffeeat themarket and it be not veryhigh … I would at thesametimeliketo encourageconsignments of either coffeeor sugar to Mr Borland if moreof myown produceshould be reserved for thesecond Bristolship and another smallvesselfor Trieste’.To Alexander Bravo, p 110 ‘I was in hopeof receiveerenow accounts of sales of coffee, sugar and rumsent fromhenceto Trieste’, theletter outlining in detailtheadvantages of ‘shipping direct fromJamaicato Trieste’.To Alexander Bayley(unpaginated):‘Fromwhat you mention of your sugars being illadapted for refining it is not probablytheywould command so much as otherwisein Triesteand I would not recommend that market for them…'
Estimate:£500 -£800
Fromthelibraryof thelateRobert Bogdan (1950-2023), of Boghead of Torries and Dykehead of Avochie, Aberdeenshire, geographymaster at Charterhouseand sometimechairman of theScottish Castles Association. Footnote: WilliamShand ( (1776-1845), of Fettercairn, Aberdeenshirewas 'aplanting attorneywith experienceof managing 18,000 to 20,000 enslaved peoplein his timein Jamaicabetween 1791 and 1823 (hereturned therebetween January1825 and May1826, presumablyto dealwith his and John Shand's affairs around thelatter's death). It also emerged that heowned 1200 peopleas aresult of purchase"about 1801"(UCL Centrefor theStudies of theLegacies of British Slavery, online, accessed 12 July2024)
Baikie, Robert
Observations on theNeilgherries including an Account of their Topography, Climate, Soiland Productions, and of theEffects of theClimateon theEuropean Constitution Edited byW H Smoult. Calcutta:Baptist Mission Press, 1834. First edition, presentation copyfromtheeditor, inscribed ‘T N Smith, fromW H Smoult, Earlof Hardwicke, September … 1838’ on thefront freeendpaper, 8vo, xiv[2] 136 pp , originalcloth, 11 hand-coloured lithographic plates including frontispiece (depicting views and botanicalsubjects), 34 lithographic maps, allhandcoloured in outline(of which 3 folding), spinedefectiveat head, inner hinges cracked (each just holding bybottomcord), old discolouration to endpapers and appendix leaves, occasionallight offsetting, occasionallight spotting
Estimate:£300 -£500
TheEarlof Hardwickewas an East Indiaman built and launched at Blackwall in 1838
Dixon, Charles George
Sketch of Mairwara
giving aBrief Account of theOrigin and Habits of theMairs;their Subjugation byaBritish Force;their Civilisation, and Conversion into an Industrious Peasantry;with Descriptions of Various Works of Irrigation in Mairwaraand Ajmeer, constructed to facilitatetheOperations of Agriculture, and Guard theDistricts against Drought and Famine London:Smith, Elder, and Co., 1850. First edition, 4to (27.2 x 21cm), contemporarygreen half morocco, vi241 pp , 9 tinted lithographic plates, 20 lithographic maps and plans, nearlyalldouble-pageor folding, and including onefolding areamap on linen printed in colours, ink-stamp of Steel&Broomfield of Cannon Street (presumablythebinder) to front freeendpaper, ex Manchester Public Free Libraries with shelfmark and arms gilt to spine, libraryplateand shelfmark labelto front pastedown, and blind stamps to plates, maps and plans and text-leaves, smallholein Z4, bound without advertisement leaf [Abbey Travel475]
Estimate:£500 -£800
Veryrare:according to Abbey, citing theEnglish Catalogue, ‘thework was privatelyprinted, and Smith, Elder maytherefor onlyhavepublished it on Dixon’s behalf' ‘Thetract of countryknown bythenameof Mairwaraforms aportion of theArabalachain of hills, running fromGoozerat to within afew miles of Dehli It is bounded byAjmeer to thenorth, and separates Meywar on theeast fromMarwar on thewest:to thesouth arethehillpossessions of Meywar’ (p 1)
Lot 40
Parsons, Abraham
Travels in Asiaand Africa
including aJourneyfromScanderoon to Aleppo, and over theDesert to Bagdad and Bussora;aVoyagefromBussorato Bombay, and along the Western Coast of India;aVoyagefromBombayto Mochaand Suez in the Red Sea;aJourneyfromSuez to Cairo and Rosetta, in Egypt London:for Longman, Hurst, Rees, and Orme, 1808. First edition, 4to, 20th-century green cloth, vi346 pp , 2 aquatint plates, ex Manchester CentralLibrarywith libraryplateand lending slip to endpapers and blind stamps to plates, titlepage, quireB and finalleaf, smallmarginalrepair to head of first plate (bound as frontispiece), spotting to prelims, smallnick to head of quires DE, smallmarginaltears to head of 2F2 and gutter of 2P4 [AbbeyTravel348; Macro, Bibliographyof theArabian Peninsula, 1737]
Estimate:£300 -£500
Contains extensiveinformation on thePersian Gulf and theArabian Peninsula, including Bahrain ('thegreatest and most valuablepearlfisheryin theknown world', p 202), Muscat, Mocha, Basra, and Bushehr
Lot 41
Collection of manuscript documents, 18th century in Hindiand Persian or Urdu, thePersian or Urdu documents in nasta'liq script, and including:3 in Persian or Urdu with largeinked seals apparently of Asaf al-Dawlah, Nawab of Oudh (1748-1797), dated 1190 AH (1776/7 CE), thesein fair condition, friable, with repairs, and onein two parts;2 further documents in Persian or Urdu with similar seals, oneevidently carrying thenameof Mughalemperor Shah AlamII (1728-1806) to head but both largelyillegible;and 7 others (afolder)
Estimate:£200 -£300
Asaf al-Dawlah succeeded his father Shuja'al-Dawlah as Nawab of Oudh in 1775. His titleas given on thetwo seals in this lot is ‘Wazir alMamalik […] I'timad al-Dawlah [minister of thekingdoms pivot of thestate], Asaf Jah Burhan al-Mulk Shuja'al-DawlaAbu al-Mansur Safar Jang YahyaKhan Asaf alDawlah Bahadur [ ]'
Lot 42
East IndiaCompany
Collection of officialletters countersigned byAlexander Speirs, political resident at Gwalior then Nagpur, 1840s
5 manuscript documents, in Urdu or Persian, nasta'liq script, each on a singlesheet of polished laid paper, 60 x 20cmor 45 x 20cm, decorated with gold leaf, each signed ‘Alex Speirs, Resident'or ‘Alex Speirs, Rest ’ , together with 9 similar documents, including:3 decorativedocuments, without Speirs's signature, 2 with dates (1844 and 1849), oneundated but annotated in English ('[…] for office[?] of Scindiah');onenot decorated but signed ‘TrueCopy, A Speirs, Rest’;and 3 others(afolder)
Estimate:£300 -£500
Alexander Speirs joined thearmyof theEast IndiaCompanyas acadet in 1805 As thecompany's agent at Sirohiand holding therank of captain he negotiated atreatywith Rao Sheo Singh to bring thestateunder British control Hewas thecompany's resident at thecourt of Gwalior, with the rank of colonel, and then Nagpur, and appears to havedied in that city c 1847
India- Jainism
TheTemples of [Satrunjaya] Palitanain Kathiawad Bombay:Sykes &Dwyer, [1869]. Albumen-print photographic title-page, mounted on card, and 29 albumen-print photographs, allon card mounts with printed captions (in English and Hindi) and numbering (comprising numbers 2-4, 6-8, 11-12, 13-14, 16-18, 20-25, 29-31, 33-36, 38-39, 43;1112 on thesamemount, therest allmounted individually), approx. dimensions from18 5 x 24cmto 27 5 x 34 5cm, mounts browned, friable and variablychipped and damp-stained (with extensiveloss to mount of title-page), afew photographs detaching frommounts
Estimate:£2,500 -£3,500
Thepictorialtitle-pageand aselection of theplates froman extremelyrare work of 19th-centuryIndian photography. Thecompletework had 27 pages of text and 45 photographs in all;thefulltitleas given on theletterpress title-pagewas TheTemples of Satrunjaya, theCelebrated JainaPlaceof Pilgrimage, near Palitanain Kathiawad Photographed bySykes and Dwyer With Historicaland DescriptiveIntroduction byJames Burgess
Lot 44
Portrait of ayoung beauty Northern India, c.1875. Full-length portrait of ayoung woman in finery, watercolour on wovepaper, 18 x 13 5cm, mounted to an albumleaf, inked annotations in Urdu to margins (probablyverse)
Estimate:£400 -£600
Illustration of two birds watercolour painting on Whatman 1826 watermarked paper, 22 x 33cm
Estimate:£400 -£600
Lot 46
Bell, GertrudeLowthian
Palaceand Mosqueat Ukhaidir
A Studyin EarlyMohammadan Architecture. Oxford:Clarendon Press, 1914 First edition, 4to, originalcloth, spineand front board lettered in gilt, top edgegilt, xix 180 pp., half-title, wood-engravings in text, 2 maps, 93 numbered plates, mainlyphotographic but including 6 folding diagrams, ex Manchester Public FreeLibraries with gilt shelfmark to spine, bookplateand shelfmark labelto front pastedown, blind stamps to title-pageand plates, title-pageadditionallywith ink-stamp verso, cloth dust-soiled, textblock toned, plates 1 and 2 (folding diagrams) with old repairs to inner corners, plate6 creased plate72 loss to corner not affecting image
Estimate:£2,000 -£3,000
Veryrare:onlytwo further copies traced in auction records in thelast 50 years
Lot 47
MiddleEast, Sudan, Africa, India Collection of works, 19th-20th century J. E. Esslemont, Baha'u'llah and theNew Era, 1923 (first edition, original cloth, photographic portrait frontispiece, damp-stain to head of spineof binding and textblock, mounted newspaper cuttings and inscriptions to endpapers); C M Doughty, ArabiaDeserta, 1923 (2 volumes, originalcloth, folding map in end-pocket);S. KrishnaswamiAiyangar, SomeContributions of South Indiato Indian Culture, 1923 (first edition, originalcloth, inscribed ‘With theauthor’s best compliments'on front freeendpaper);C. H. Stigand, Administration in TropicalAfrica, 1914 (first edition, originalcloth);E S Stevens, Folk-Tales of 'Iraq, 1931 (first edition, originalcloth, halftone photographic plates);Edwin W Smith and Andrew MurrayDale, TheIlaSpeaking Peoples of Northern Rhodesia, 1920 (first edition, 2 volumes, originalcloth, plates, ownership inscription of James Gordon Stewart Macphail, 1900-1986, Sudan PoliticalService);and 21 others (30)
Estimate:£300 -£500
Ottoman Turkey- Smyrnaand CassabaRailway [Timetablefor theSmyrnato Alaşehir extension] Smyrna[Izmir]:B. Tatikian, Dhu al-Hijjah, 1301 AH [1884 CE]. Lithographic broadside(57 5 x 44cm), text in Ottoman Turkish, including details of stops (in each direction) and fares (including discounts for children), illustration of astreamengineand carriages to head, old folds, afew marginalnicks, area of paper restoration to head with afew letters not preserved, repairs verso
Estimate:£200 -£300
TheSmyrnaand Cassabarailwaywas constructed in 1864-5 byaBritish-run firm, opening in 1866. Theextension to Alaşehir was opened afew years later
Lautz, Thomas
Steinreich in der Südsee TraditioneeleZahlungsmittelin Mikronesien Cologne, 1999. Third special-volumeof theEUCOPRIMO, number 88 of 100 numbered and signed volumes with colour photographs tipped-in, original boards over cloth spine
Estimate:£300 -£500
Lot 50
[Koreaand China]
PictorialChosen and Manchuria
compiled in Commemoration of theDecennialof theBank of Chosen Seoul: Bank of Chosen, 1919. First edition, 4to, originalcloth, 316 pp., halftone photographic illustrations throughout, ex Manchester Public FreeLibraries with manuscript shelfmark to foot of spine, libraryplateto front pastedown, ink-stamps to title-pageverso and afew text-leaves, cloth dustsoiled;Maudslay, AnneCary&Alfred Percival A Glimpseat Guatemala, and someNotes on theAncient Monuments of CentralAmerica. London:John Murray, 1899 First edition, 4to, originalquarter cloth, foreand bottom edges untrimmed, 44 plates (mainlyphotogravures), 10 lithographic plans, folding lithographic map to rear, photogravures, photogravures and tinted wood-engravings throughout thetext, ex Manchester Public FreeLibraries with remnants of paper shelfmark labelto spine, libraryplateand cancellation ink-stamps stamps to front pastedown and endpaper respectively, ink accession stamp to verso of title-page, and smallinkstamps to versos of plates and plans, binding dust-soiled, wear to extremities;Baddeley, John F TheRugged Flanks of Caucasus London: Oxford UniversityPress, HumphreyMilford, 1940 First edition, 2 volumes, 4to, originalcloth, dust jackets, 36 photogravureplates including frontispieces, 9 folding maps, ex Manchester Public FreeLibraries with gilt shelfmarks to spines, plates and lending slips to endpapers, and ink-stamps to title-pages and to versos of plates, manuscript shelfmarks to dust jacket spine-panels, volume2 dust jacket torn (4)
Estimate:£600 -£800
Lot 51
Portlock, Nathaniel, Captain A VoyageRound theWorld;but moreregularlyto theNorth-West Coast of America...
London:John Stockdaleand GeorgeGoulding, 1789 4to, portrait, 5 folding maps, 12 plates, and afolding sketch, contemporaryhalf calf rebacked with later spine, someoffsetting
Estimate:£600 -£800
Roosevelt, Theodore
TheWinning of theWest
New York &London:G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1900. “AlleghanyEdition”, 4 volumes, 8vo, portrait frontispieces, additionaltitles in red and black, plates and 5 folding maps, originalhalf calf gilt, bindings slightlyrubbed and chipped (4)
Estimate:£400 -£600
Lot 53
Lewis, Meriwether and WilliamClark
Travels to theSourceof theMissouriRiver and across theAmerican Continent to thePacific Ocean
London:Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown, 1814. 4to, half-title, largefolding map oppositethetitle-pageand four maps on threesheets, contemporaryboards with later cloth spineand label, lacking 4pp. of publisher's adverts at thefront and 15pp of publisher's adverts at therear, endpapers renewed, someoffsetting present on map and plates, pp 309-10 with closed tear
Estimate:£5,000 -£8,000
ThecontroversialLouisianaPurchasein 1803 - wherebytheUnited States purchased theterritoryof Louisiana(comprising astretch of land from today's Montanato Louisianawith Colorado to theWest and Missourito the East) fromtheFrench - nearlydoubled thesizeof thecountry Thecost of thetransaction was $15,000,000, around $18 per squaremile. Controlof theentireareawas taken over bytheUnited States, including largeareas of thecountrywhich was inhabited - and managed - byNativeAmericans, who had never themselves ceded theland Following thePurchase, President Thomas Jefferson commissioned an expedition to exploretheterritoryand report back in as much detailas possible A primaryaimwas to find anew travelrouteacross thecountry, ensuring an American presencein thearea beforeother colonialpowers took advantageof theareaand tried to establish their own footholds TheLewis and Clark Expedition - alternatively known as theCorps of DiscoveryExpedition - set out fromCamp Dubois on the14th May1804, crossing theContinentalDivide, eventuallyreaching St Louis, Missouri, in 1806. Theywerefamouslyassisted in interpretation and interactions with localtribes bySacagawea, aLemniShoshonewoman who accompanied theexpedition.TheLewis and Clark Expedition introduced the United States government to various NativeAmerican tribes and how trade with themcould bepromoted, alongsideadvising on theviabilityof thepath theyfollowed Various botanicaland zoologicalspecimens werereturned to theEast Coast, including corn, or maize, grown byThomas Jefferson at Monticello It took nearly10 years for Lewis and Clark to publish their journals, first in Philadelphiain octavo format in 1814 as Historyof the Expedition under theCommand of Captain Lewis and Clark, to theSources of theMissouri, thenceacross theRockyMountains and down theRiver Colombiato thePacific Ocean. Herewefind thefirst British edition, including Neele's highlyimportant folding map, showing theexpedition route
Lot 54
Edinburgh Advertiser Vol XXVIII Nos 1418-1458
Edinburgh:James Donaldson, August-December 1777. 4to (29 x 21.5cm), contemporarymarbled boards (binding broken), containing 41 semiweekly numbers, each 8 pp., and 2 ‘Edinburgh Advertiser Extraordinary’ numbers, 2 pp , contents including numerous reports fromtheAmerican War of Independencee.g. ‘Mr Washington, with his army, wehear, is encamped on theheights between New German-town and theriver Schuylkill, afew miles fromthecityof Philadelphia'(No. 1441), shipping notices (principallyfor merchantmen bound fromLeith to theWest Indies, including Kingston, SavannaLaMar, Grenadaand Tobago, each signalled with smallship woodcut), notices of land sales, stolen property, escaped prisoners and similar, tradeand bookseller advertisements, book extracts (eg ‘TheRural Industryand Oeconomyof theChinese bytheAbbéRaynal’), and more, 1424 and 1438 each with extensiverepaired tear to oneleaf
Estimate:£300 -£500
Lot 55
[Russia- Houseof Romanov] Collection devingt-quatreportraits delafamilleimpériale peintepar H. Benner, quiaobtenu deSaMajestél'Empereur lapermission defairegraver ces portraits St Petersburg:Saint-Florent, &Moscow, Rosenstrauch, c.1817. First edition, folio (40 x 26cm), contemporaryhalf morocco with gilt morocco labelto front board, 2 title-pages (in French and Russian), 23 engraved portraits (of 24), bound without list of subscribers, loss to foot of spine, contents spotted and damp-stained, ex Manchester Public FreeLibraries with plateand lending slip to front pastedown and endpaper, ink accession stamp to verso of French title-page, and blind stamps to plates
Estimate:£500 -£800
Du Pasquier, Claudius Francis, FRCS (1811-1897)
Collection of sketchbooks and an illustrated journalof tours in theAlps 3 sketchbooks, alloblong 8vo in contemporaryquarter or half roan:1) 17.5 x 26cm, approx 35 pencilsketches (manyheightened in whitebodycolour), depicting Scottish scenery(Loch Earn, Comrie, Loch Tay, Killin, and other Scottish and English views, leaves loose, pencilled attribution ‘Sketches by Claudius F. Du Pasquier, 62 PallMall’ to front pastedown;2) 12 x 21cm, containing approx 25 pencilsketches, depicting Hastings, NetleyAbbey, Warwick Castle, CarisbrookeCastle, Eteigne(Tyrol) and other alpinescenes, oneleaf loose, ownership inscription ‘C Du Pasquier’;3) 12 5 x 17 5cm, approx. 25 pencilsketches (onecoloured in gouache, severalheightened with whitebodycolour), depicting alpinescenery(mountains, lakes, chalets, townscapes), Normandyarchitecture, LismoreCastle, ownership inscription 'C F Du Pasquier, 62 PallMall) Journal:8vo, contemporarymaroon morocco, approx 50 leaves, containing accounts of 2 separatetours, thesecond with title‘Notes of aTour to Switzerland and theItalian Lakes in theAutumn of 1850', presumablybyClaudius Du Pasquier (internalevidenceincluding note of areturn to PallMall), 4 mounted grisaillewatercolour sketches, laid-in plant matter, pasted-in newspaper cuttings (including obituaries of Du Pasquier) and genealogicalannotations to rear, further laid-in material including aphotographic carte-de-visiteof Claudius Du Pasquier
Estimate:£300 -£500
Claudius Francis Du Pasquier (1811-1897), born in London to aSwiss father and English mother, practised as an apothecaryat 62 PallMall, serving successivelyas personalapothecaryto PrinceAlbert, surgeon-apothecary to Queen Victoria, and surgeon-apothecaryto Edward VII as Princeof Wales beforeretiring to Norwood His obituaryin theBritish MedicalJournal noted that ‘Du Pasquier was veryskilfulwith his fingers, and fond of working with themicroscope. In his earlyyears hewas agreat collector of butterflies and ferns Later, in this years of retirement, hebecamedevoted to his garden and beds of rosetrees’ (BMJ 4 September 1897).
Lot 57
Hooker, WilliamJackson Journalof aTour in Iceland in thesummer of 1809 Yarmouth:printed byJ Keymer “not published”, 1811 8vo, hand-coloured frontispiece, 3 plates (including 2 folding), contemporarycalf neatly rebacked with later spine;Mackenzie, Sir GeorgeSteuart Travels in the Island of Iceland, during thesummer of theyear MDCCCX. Edinburgh: Archibald Constableand Company, 1812 Second edition, 4to, 15 plates (including 8 hand-coloured) and 2 maps (onefolding), contemporarycalf, neatlyrebacked retaining contemporaryspine;Henderson, Ebenezer Iceland;or thejournalof aresidenceon that island, during theyears 1814 and 1815 Edinburgh:Oliphant, Waugh and Innes, 1818 2 volumes, 8vo, folding map, 16 engraved plates, modern half calf, somedarkening particularlyto plates;Pfeiffer, Ida Visit to Iceland and theScandinavian North London:Ingram, Cooke, and Co , 1853 Second edition, 12mo, 6 plates, contemporaryschoolprizecalf binding;Forbes, Charles. Iceland;its volcanoes, geysers, and glaciers London:John Murray, 1860 8vo, frontispiece, folding map, 7 plates, contemporaryhalf calf (6)
Estimate:£300 -£500
Edmondston, Arthur
A View of theAncient and Present Stateof theZetland Islands
Edinburgh:Longman, Hurst, Rees, and Orme, 1809. 2 volumes, 8vo, frontispiecemap, browning to map and title-page;and another copy, in modern boards (4)
Estimate:£300 -£400
Four ink sketches in thestyleof Daniell
Comprising:Dumbarton Castle;RothesayCastle;Loch Leven Castle;and Ruthven Castle;each laid-down with 19th centuryinscription to mount, each imageincluding mount c 26 x 36cm(4)
Estimate:£200 -£300
Clerk, John, of Eldin
A Series of Etchings Chieflyof Views in Scotland With AdditionalEtchings and Facsimiles fromhis Drawings Edinburgh:for theBannatyneClub, 1855. Largefolio (50.5 x 31cm), originalmaroon quarter roan, printed paper labelto front board, xxx pp , lithographic portrait frontispieceafter HenryRaeburn, mezzotint portrait (both on india paper, mounted), 55 etched or tinted lithographic plates (numbered 1-55 but manycontaining multipleseparatelyprinted images), onefurther unnumbered plate, tissue-guards, binding worn and sunned, staining to front endpapers and to gutter of frontispiece, spotting to pp. xxviii-xxix fromold laid-in etchings
Estimate:£400 -£600
Second edition, greatlyenlarged, number 98 in theBannatyneClub series;it was first published in 1825 with 28 plates only. John Clerk of Eldin (17281812), 'atruechild of theEnlightenment'(ODNB) is best remembered today for his Essayon NavalTactics (1790) 'Clerk was an exceptionalamateur artist. His wealthybackground afforded himtheluxuryof entertaining numerous careers, including medicineand business, and healso showed a considerableinterest in geology. In the1740s hebegan sketching alongside his brother-in-law, Robert Adam, and theartist PaulSandby Clerk travelled extensivelythroughout Scotland, recording awiderangeof landscapes and ancient buildings His sketches of Edinburgh and thesurrounding areas are highlypersonalrepresentations of his nativecountryside'(NationalGalleries of Scotland, online) TheBannatyneClub was an antiquarian printing society founded in Edinburgh in 1823 bySir Walter Scott on themodelof London's RoxburgheClub
Lot 61
Sibbald, Robert
ScotiaIllustrata, siveProdromus HistoriaeNaturalis
Edinburgh:JacobiKniblo, 1684. Folio, 22 engraved plates, contemporarycalf with modern spine, finalplatetorn along lower edgewithout loss
Estimate:£300 -£400
Lot 62
Pontoppidan, Erich [bound with Horrebow's Iceland]
TheNaturalHistoryof Norway
London:A Linde, 1755 Folio, 2 parts in onevolume, folding map, singlepagemaps, and 27 plates, somemarginaldampstaining, alittlefoxing, lacking Kkk2 (pp 219-20 in Book 2);[BOUND WITH] Horrebow, N The NaturalHistoryof Iceland. London:A. Linde, 1758. Folio, folding map, alittle light dampstaining to upper margins, extending to inner margins towards rear, alittlebrowning;contemporarycalf with spineneatlyrebacked, bookplates of Charles deLaet of Lincoln's Inn
Estimate:£500 -£700
Lot 63
Williams, HenryLlewellyn "Buffalo Bill"(TheHon WilliamF Cody) Rifleand revolver shot;PonyExpress rider;Teamster;Buffalo hunter;Guide and scout:A fullaccount of his adventurous lifewith theorigin of his “Wild West” Show London:GeorgeRoutledgeand Sons, 1887 First edition, 8vo, originalwrappers with adverts, half-titlewith portrait to reverse, covers detached and chipped with someloss
Estimate:£400 -£600
Produced to coincidewith thefirst European tour of Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show
Lot 64
Travel 12 works
[Franklin. Narrativeof aJourneyto theShores of thePolar Sea. 1823] 2 volumes, 8vo, title-pages lacking, modern half calf;Hall, Basil Extracts from ajournalwritten on thecoasts of Chili, Peru, and Mexico… Edinburgh: Archibald Constableand Co , 1824 Second edition, 2 volumes , 8vo, modern orangecloth gilt;Another copy, fourth edition, 2 volumes in maroon cloth gilt;Lyell, Sir Charles A Second Visit to North America London:John Murray, 1855. 2 volumes, third edition, 8vo, contemporarycalf with later calf gilt spines;Dufferin, Lord Letters fromHigh Latitudes London:John Murray, 1857, Second edition, 8vo, modern maroon cloth gilt;Snow, W. Parker A Two Years'Cruiseoff TierradelFuego London:Longman, Brown, Green, Longmans &Roberts, 1857 2 volumes, 8vo, contemporary calf rebacked with later spines;Domenach, Em Seven Years'Residencein theGreat Deserts of North America London:Longman, Green, Longman, and Roberts, 1860. 2 volumes, 8vo, modern green half morocco gilt;Marryat TheSettlers in Canada London:HenryG Bohn, 1860 12mo, contemporarycalf, rebacked;Hall, Captain Charles Francis. London: Sampson Low, Son, and Marston, 1865 ‘Popular edition’, 8vo, modern blue cloth gilt;Thomson, Sir C. Wyville. TheVoyageof the“Challenger”. The Atlantic London:Macmillan and Co , 1877 2 volumes, 8vo, modern orange cloth gilt;Seebohm, Henry. Siberiain Europe. London:John Murray, 1880. 8vo, originalcloth, rebacked;Nansen, Fridtjof “Farthest North” Westminster:Archibald Constableand Company, 1897. 2 volumes, 8vo, originalgreen cloth gilt;sold not subject to return (20)
Estimate:£600 -£800
Lot 65
Indian Rebellion of 1857
3 works Ball, Charles TheHistoryof theIndian Mutiny London, [n d ] 2 volumes, royal8vo, contemporarygreen half calf, foxing;TheHistoryof theIndian Revolt London:W and R Chambers, 1859 8vo, hand-coloured map, and 3 further maps, modern calf retaining remnants of earlier spine;Kaye, John William A Historyof theSepoyWar in India 1857-1858 London:W H Allen, 1870. 2 volumes, fifth edition, contemporaryhalf calf (5)
Estimate:£500 -£700
Lot 66
A collection
Forsyth, Robert. TheBeauties of Scotland. Edinburgh:Thomson Bonar and John Brown, 1805 5 volumes, 8vo, hand-coloured folding map, plates, contemporarycalf neatlyrebacked with modern spines;Buchanan, John Lane Travels in theWestern Hebrides:from1782 to 1790 London:G G J and J Robinson, 1793 8vo, contemporaryhalf calf;Sinclair, John Observations on theScottish Dialect. London:W. Strahan, and T. Caddell, 1782 8vo, contemporaryhalf calf;Boswell, James TheJournalof aTour to theHebrides with SamuelJohnson, LL.D. London:Charles Dilly, 1785. 8vo, contemporarycalf rebacked retaining originalspine;Anderson, James An Account of thePresent Stateof theHebrides and Western Coasts of Scotland Edinburgh:G Robinson, 1785 8vo, folding map, contemporary calf gilt;Campbell, Alexander. A JourneyFromEdinburgh through Parts of North Britain London:John Stockdale, 1811 2 volumes, 4to, plates, contemporaryhalf calf, joints cracked;Sold not subject to return (11)
Estimate:£700 -£900
Lot 67
Ellis, William
Polynesian Researches, during aresidenceof nearlysix years in theSouth SeaIslands
London:Fisher, Son &Jackson, 1829 2 volumes, 8vo, portrait frontispiece, 10 maps and plates, contemporarycalf, somechipping to spines, alittle spotting and foxing internally;Idem Narrativeof aTour through Hawaii, or Owhyhee. London:H. Fisher, Son, and P. Jackson, 1828. Fourth edition, 8vo, portrait frontispiece, 10 plates, contemporarycalf (3)
Estimate:£400 -£600
Lot 68
Farquharson, Joseph
[Lithograph] Flock of Sheep with Shepherd
London:C E Clifford &Co , 1899, hand-coloured lithograph, 58 x 85cm, signed bytheartist in pencilto lower left corner
Estimate:£400 -£500
Lot 69
Richardt, Fr. - Gustaf Ljunggren Skånsker Herregådar
Lund:C W K Gleerups, for theyears 1853;1854;1857;1858;1861;[and] 1852-1863 supplement. Oblong 4to, each year with 12 tinted lithographic plates of Swedish manor houses, thesupplement with 6, bluecloth gilt
Estimate:£300 -£500
Lot 70
Brand, John
TheHistoryand Antiquities of theTown and Countyof theTown of Newcastleupon Tyne
London:B White&Son, 1889 2 volumes, 4to, engraved titles, frontispieces, folding map and 30 plates, contemporarycalf neatlyrebacked retaining elements of earlier spine, somescattered foxing;[Nonesuch Press] Rousseau, J.J. TheConfessions of J.J. Rousseau. London:TheNonesuch Press, 1938 2 volumes, 8vo, title-pages in red and black, originalcalf, some dampstaining to spines (4)
Estimate:£300 -£400
[Corbould, Edward]
TheEglinton Tournament [uncoloured copy]
London:Hodgson &Graves, 1840. First edition, folio, lithographed pictorial titleand 8 lithographed plates, originalgreen cloth gilt, covers and text-block detached, somespotting, dust-soiling and slight dampstaining
Estimate:£250 -£350
Scottish View Books 10 works
Souvenir of theWest Highlands and TheCaledonian Canal London:T Nelson and Sons, 1892. 8vo, originalbluecloth gilt;Environs of Edinburgh. London:T Nelson and Sons, [n d ] 12mo, originalred cloth gilt;TheCityof Glasgow. London &Edinburgh:T. Nelson &Sons, [n.d.] 12mo, originalblue cloth;Edinburgh and its Neighbourhood Edinburgh &London:T, Nelson and Sons, [n d ] 12mo, originalbrown cloth gilt;Views of theTrossachs Edinburgh &London:T. Nelson &Sons, [n.d.] 12mo, originalgilt stamped green paper wrappers;Edinburgh and its Neighbourhood Edinburgh & London:T. Nelson &Sons, [n.d.] Oblong 12mo, originalred cloth gilt;Views of Glasgow, Clydeand Vicinity Edinburgh:Banks &Co , [n d ] Oblong 12mo, originalgreen cloth gilt;Views of Edinburgh. TheNew Town &c. Edinburgh & London:T Nelson &c , [n d ] 16 looseplates in originalbluegilt wrappers, torn;Souvenir of Edinburgh… London, Edinburgh &New York:T. Nelson and Sons, 1897 8vo, originalbluecloth gilt;Souvenir of Scotland London, Edinburgh &New York:T. Nelson and Sons, 1889. 8vo, originalbluecloth gilt;allwith plates (10)
Estimate:£400 -£500
Australiaand New Zealand, 7 works including gold mining in Australia Westgarth, William Victoria;lateAustraliaFelix Edinburgh:Oliver &Boyd, 1853 8vo, folding map (foxed), folding tabledisplaying fluctuations of price, originalpink cloth gilt, somefading and dust-soiling to covers;Chevalier, Michel On theProbableFallin theValueof Gold Manchester:Alexander Ireland &Co. /Edinburgh:Adamand Charles Black, 1859. Second edition, 8vo, originalpink cloth gilt, somesoiling, joints weak;Smyth, R Brough No II. GeologicalSurveyof Victoria. Report of Progress. Melbourne:John Ferries /London:Trübner and Co , [n d ] 8vo, 5 (of 6) plates, originalwrappers, upper wrapper alittletorn;Kirk, T. TheForest Floraof New Zealand. Wellington:GeorgeDidsbury, 1889 158 plates, green cloth librarybinding, stamps of WhitechapelPublic Libraryto reverseof most plates, with other librarystamps also present to title, darkening to severalplates;Leys, Thomson W , editor Brett's HistoricalSeries:EarlyHistoryof New Zealand Auckland:H. Brett, 1890. 4to, colour frontispiece(detached), folding panoramas of New Plymouth, Nelson, and Auckland, originalred half morocco gilt;Elkington, E. Way- and Norman H. Hardy, illustrator. The SavageSouth Seas London:A &C Black, 1907 8vo, originalpictorial green cloth gilt;Reeves, W.P. - and F. &W. Wright, illustrator. New Zealand. London:Adamand Charles Black, 1908 8vo, originalbrown pictorialcloth (7)
Estimate:£400 -£600
Anderson, James
An Account of thePresent Stateof theHebrides and Western Coasts of Scotland
Edinburgh:G G, and J Robinson, 1785 8vo, contemporarytreecalf gilt with modern spine, folding map, plate, alittlefoxing particularlyto map;Findlater, Charles GeneralView of theAgricultureof theCountyof Peebles
Edinburgh:Archibald Constable, 1802. 8vo, folding map hand-coloured in outline, plate, contemporaryhalf calf, alittlerubbing, afew neat notes in an earlyhand, alittlelight foxing (2)
Estimate:£250 -£300
Hill, David Octavius
[Plates from] Views of theOpening of theGlasgow &Garnkirk Railway Edinburgh:Alexander Hill, 1832 4 plates:View of theDepot Looking South [large, neat repair through image];View of theGermiston Embankment Looking West [large, neat repair through imageand manuscript corrections];View of St. Rollox Looking South-East [someneat repairs]; View Near Proven MillBridge[someneat repairs and subsequent manuscript corrections];allhand-coloured, 33 x 46cm, mounted (4)
Estimate:£800 -£1,200
Landseer, Edwin &Thomas
[Lithograph] Deer Stalking in theHighlands
London:F G Moon , 1846, hand-coloured lithograph, 61 x 85cm, laid-down onto board
Estimate:£250 -£350
Farquharson, Joseph
[Lithograph] Sheep down to theFerry Hand-coloured lithograph, 52 x 81cm
Estimate:£300 -£400
Graham, Peter
[Lithograph] Highland Cattle
Hand-coloured lithograph, 62 x 87cm, signed bytheartist in pencilto lower left corner, laid-down to board
Estimate:£200 -£300
Collection of works including James AnthonyFroude, TheEnglish in theWest Indies, 1888 (second edition, recent quarter morocco);Walter K. Kelly, TheHistoryof Russia, 1854 (first edition, 2 volumes, contemporarytreecalf gilt);John Bowden, Norway:its People, Products and Institutions, 1867 (first edition, contemporarymottled calf prize-binding gilt, joints cracked);Sir F Leopold McClintock, TheVoyageof the‘Fox’ in Arctic Seas, 1895 (sixth edition, contemporarytan calf, gilt arms of SwanseaIntermediateTechnicalSchool to front cover);John A Todd, TheBanks of theNile, 1913 (originalpictorial cloth, colour plates);Sir Arthur Helps, TheSpanish Conquest in America, 1900 (4 volumes, contemporaryhalf morocco)
Estimate:£400 -£500
8 Books
TheFalls of Niagara T Nelson and Sons, [n d ] Oblong 12mo, 12 lithographs, originalbrown cloth with imageto upper cover;Another copy, in bluecloth;TheFalls of Niagara T Nelson and Sons, [n d ] Oblong 12mo, 11 loosecolour plates, originalpurplepaper wrappers;Views of Quebec… [T. Nelson and Sons, [n d ]] Oblong 12mo, 11 loosecolour plates, original purplepaper wrappers;Views in Montreal… [T. Nelson and Sons, [n.d.]] Oblong 12mo, 10 (of 11) loosecolour plates, originalpurplepaper wrappers;Views on theSt Lawrence [T Nelson and Sons, [n d ]] Oblong 12mo, 8 (of 11) loosecolour plates, originalpurplepaper wrappers;Nelson's Guideto LakeGeorgeand LakeChamplain London:T Nelson and Sons, 1859. 16mo, smallpamplet in pink wrappers with 13 looseviews, including onefolding, allcontained in originalenvelope;TheCentralPacific Railroad New York:T. Nelson and Sons, [n.d.] 12mo, 12 colour lithographs (8)
Estimate:£500 -£600
Lot 81
[Scottish Prints]
Four works
A GeneralView of theCity&Castleof Edinburgh, theCapitalof Scotland, c 1785?, 19 x 30cm, acoupleof smallrepairs;[after Allan Stewart] A New Leaseof Lifefor theScottish Volunteers. - TheKing reviewing theCitizen Armyof theNorth at Edinburgh 36 x 50cm, 20th century;TheQueen in theHighlands [depicting various scenes fromHighland Games], 34 x 52cm, hand-coloured, late19th century;Edinburgh Illustrated [depicting scenes around Edinburgh], 34 x 52cm, hand-coloured, late19th century(4)
Estimate:£300 -£400
Cavalieri, GiovanniBattistade'
Rome:Domenico Basa, 1580. First edition, 8vo (15.5 x 11cm), a8 [A]-2F8 2G4, late17th or early-18th centuryred morocco richlygilt, red endpapers with foliatepattern printed in gilt, alledges gilt, 2 engraved title-pages, fullpageengraving of Matthew 16:18 ('Tu es Petrus'), 230 full-pageengraved portraits of popes [Adams A1183;EDIT16 CNCE 10449]
Estimate:£300 -£500
TheLibraryof aScottish Gentleman
Somecopies arebound with adedication to GregoryXIII, not found hereor mentioned in theAdams collation, but theEDIT16 catalogueclarifies that the work is completewithout it and describes copies with thededication as variants
Crusius, Martin (1526-1607)
DeImp Rom Friderico Ahenobarbo, velBarbarossa oratio [bound with:] Oratio deIllustriss. PrincipeEberhardo Barbato, primo WirtembergensiDuce, Tübingen:Georg Gruppenbach, 1593, 2 works in 1 volume, 4to, 19th-centurygreen morocco gilt, first work with 2 woodcut portraits, bound as frontispieceand finalleaf, 14 pp printed music at rear, second work incomplete, lacking printed music at rear [VD16 C 6127 & VD16 C 6131]
Estimate:£200 -£300
TheLibraryof aScottish Gentleman
Lot 84
[Blackwood, Adam]
MartyredelaRoyned'EscosseDouairieredeFrance contentant levraydiscoursedes traisons àellefaictes àlasuscitation d'Elizabet Angloise, par lequelles mensonges, calomnies et faulses accusations dressees contrecestetresvertueuse, trescatholiqueet tresillustreprincessesont esclarcies et et son innocenceaveree Antwerp: Gaspar Fleysben, 1588. 8vo (17 x 10cm), late-19th-centurybluecrushed morocco byFrancis Bedford, spinerichlygilt in compartments, French fillet border gilt to sides, marbled endpapers, alledges gilt, [8] 659 pp., a4 A-2T8 (-2T8, probablyblank), smallspill-burn in 2L8 [not in Adams]
Estimate:£300 -£500
TheLibraryof aScottish Gentleman
Earlyedition of Blackwood's account of thesufferings of MaryQueen of Scots at thehands of Queen Elizabeth, first published theprevious year with afalseEdinburgh imprint;another Paris edition (with thesamefalseimprint) appeared in 1588, theyear of this Antwerp edition, which consequently appears to bethesecond or third overall Alleditions areuncommon
Beaugué, Jean de L'histoiredelaguerred'Escosse traitant commeleroyaumefut assailly, et en gra[n]d'partieoccupépar les Anglois, et depuis rendu paisibleàsareyne, et reduit en son ancient estate et dignité. Paris:for EstienneGroulleau, 1556. First edition, 8vo (14.8 x 9 1cm), 119 ff , a-p8 (-p8, probablyblank), c 1900 mottled calf gilt byRiviere &Son, woodcut initials throughout [Adams B413]
Estimate:£300 -£400
TheLibraryof aScottish Gentleman
An uncommon account of theRough Wooing byaFrench eyewitness. The work was published with theimprints of different booksellers on thetitlepage:thecopycited byAdams has that of Gilles Corrozet.
Buchanan, George PsalmorumDavidis paraphrais poetica nunc primumedita EiusdemDavidis Pslamialiquot àTh[eodoro] B[eza] V[ezelio] versi Psalmialiquot in versus ite[m] Graecos nuper àdiversis translati. [Geneva:] HenricumStephanum, et eius fratremRobertu[m] Stephanum, [1565/6] 8vo (18 6 x 11cm), later olive-green crushed morocco gilt, 277 46 pp., *4 a-r8 s4 a-c8, s4 and c8 both blank, roman letter, woodcut Estiennedeviceto title-page, text ruled in red throughout, shallow loss to head and foot of spine, spotting to earlyleaves, annotation to rear freeendpaper, bookplateof WilliamTyssen-Amherst, 1st Baron Amherst of Hackney(1835-1909) [Adams B1446;Renouard 167.2]
Estimate:£300 -£400
TheLibraryof aScottish Gentleman
First edition, according to Renouard preceding theEstiennes'sextodecimo edition dated Paris, 1566, and an Edinburgh edition brought out by Buchanan in thesameyear ‘Thebest-known work associated with [Buchanan’s] period of detention was his Latin version of thePsalms which hemayhaveplanned earlier as it was agenrewhich attracted contemporary French writers. Dedicated to Mary, queen of Scots, when published, it is the work which does most to justifyHenriEstienne's description of Buchanan as easilytheleading poet of his time(ODNB).
Lot 87
French armorialbindings
Hardouin dePéréfixedeBeaumont, PaulPhilippe. Histoiredu roiHenrile grand revue, corrigéeet augmentéepar l'auteur Paris:par laCompagnie, 1767. 2 volumes in 1, 12mo (16.4 x 9cm), [12] 260, [2] 310 [4] pp., contemporaryred morocco, spinegilt in compartments, covers with gilt arms of MarieThérèsedeSavoie, comtessed'Artois (identified in apencilled noteas thoseof her sister thecomtessedeProvence, wifeof Louis XVIII), blueendpapers, alledges gilt;Bacon, Francis. Essays, or Counsels, Civiland Moral Glasgow:R Urie, 1752 8vo (18 5 x 11cm), 214 [2] pp , contemporarygreen morocco, floraldevices gilt to spinecompartments, covers elaboratelygilt with broad roll-toolborder incorporating coronets and volutes enclosing largecoat of arms with French marquis's coronet and two lions rampants regardants, alledges gilt, bookplateof Thomas Maitland of Dundrennan (inscribed ‘To G F M fromT M’);Rosinus, Johannes AntiquitatumRomanarumcorpus absolutissimum… Editio postrema, emendatior Geneva:Pierreet Jacques Chouet, 1640 4to (23 2 x 15 5cm), [32] 1063 [138] pp., contemporarymorocco richlygilt with fleur-de-lis tools and arms of thehouseof Orléans to covers, 2 folding woodcut plates , woodcuts in text, binding slightlyworn, upper forecorner of front board restored, light damp-staining, occasionalworming to lower margins
Estimate:£500 -£800
TheLibraryof aScottish Gentleman
Lot 88
Bible;English;Authorised Version
TheHolyBiblecontaining theOld Testament and theNew NewlyTranslated out of theOriginallTongues, with theFormer diligently compared and revised, byhis Majesties SpeciallCommandement Appointed to beread in Churches. Edinburgh:printed bytheprinters to theKings most excellent Majestie, 1633 8vo (16 9 x 10 6cm), pi2 A-2X8 2Y4 3A-3L8 3M4, contemporaryScottish binding of dark green morocco, rebacked and relined in the19th century, arabesquecentrepieces and spandrels gilt to covers, engraved frontispiecedepicting theFall(pi2), engraved title-page depicting Moses and Aaron (A1), pi1 (blank except for woodcut royalarms verso) bound beforeA2 (dedication to King James with list of books verso), letterpress title-pageto New Testament with woodcut arms on verso (3A1), Book of Common Prayer (contemporaryedition, lacking title-page) bound between generaltitle-page(A1) and pi1, WholeBook of Psalmes (London: byG M for theCompanieof Stationers, 1632, sigs A-F8 G4) bound in at rear, bookplateof Christian D Ginsburg to front pastedown, ownership inscriptions to initialblank, clasps and catches lacking, browning to head of frontispieceand generaltitle, frontispiecewith afew shallow nicks to head, generaltitlewith ownership inscription dated 1748 to top margin and asmall whitemark below, OT2D7-8 with old repairs to foremargin, 2K8 with old repair to lower forecorner, Apocrypha(2O-2Y) with shorter margins, quires 2O-2P damp-stained with leaves 2O8-2P8 slightlyextended in lower margins, afew other marks [Herbert 476]
Estimate:£600 -£800
TheLibraryof aScottish Gentleman
First edition of theKing James Bibleprinted in Scotland
Scottish Book of Common Order
TheCL Psalmes of David, in Proseand Meeter with their wholeusuallTunes, newlycorrected and amended. Herunto is added thewholeChurch Discipline, with manygodlyprayers, and an exact Kalendar for xxv. yeeres:and also theSong of Moses in Meeter, never beforethis timein print Edinburgh:Andro Hart, 1615 3 parts in 1 volume, 8vo, 19th-centurydark purplemorocco, alledges gilt, collates A-P8 A-2F8 2G2 A-D8, engraved armorialbookplates (LeaWilson;WilliamGott), paperrestoration to foremargin of part 2 2B7 costing afew letters in shouldernoteon each side[STC 16592]
Estimate:£300 -£500
TheLibraryof aScottish Gentleman
Lot 90
Scottish herringbonebindings
TheHolyBiblecontaining theOld and New Testaments
Edinburgh:James Watson, 1716 2 volumes, 12mo (12 4 x 6 5cm), A-2S12 2T10, contemporaryScottish bindings of black morocco, spines gilt in saltire pattern, covers gilt in herringbonepattern with bunch-of-grapetools radiating fromcentralfillet with wheeldeviceto centre, yellow endpapers illustrated with embossed gilt biblicalscenes, alledges gilt, 2N12 with short tear in gutter, afew marks [Herbert 940]
Estimate:£300 -£400
TheLibraryof aScottish Gentleman
Lot 91
ThePsalmes of King David translated byKing James CumPrivilegio Regis Majestatis [London:T Harper, c 1637] 8vo (16 7 x 10cm), 8vo, late-19th-centurycrushed brown morocco byFrancis Bedford, spinerichlygilt in compartments (second compartment with conjectural imprint ‘London 1625’ tooled in gilt), decorativegilt panels to covers, marbled endpapers, alledges gilt, collates A-Y8 Z6, 391 pp , engraved approbation leaf byWilliamMarshallwith royalarms of Charles I, engraved allegoricaltitle-page, foremargin of title-pageexpertlyextended, discreet extensions to lower forecorners of afew leaves not affecting text [STC 2736.5]
Estimate:£300 -£500
TheLibraryof aScottish Gentleman
In fact thework of WilliamAlexander, Earlof Stirling, this translation was first published at Oxford in 1631, in duodecimo format This edition contains theAuthorised translation in themargins.
Scottish Prayer Book - 'Laud's Liturgy'
TheBookeof Common Prayer, and Administration of theSacraments and Other Parts of DivineServicefor theUseof theChurch of Scotland. [Part 2:] ThePsalter, or Psalmes of David:after theTranslation set Forth by Authorityin King James his Timeof Blessed Memory. As it shallbesung or said throughout alltheChurches of Scotland Edinburgh:printed byRobert Young, Printer to theKings most Excellent Majestie, 1637. First edition, 2 parts in 1 volume, folio (28 6 x 19cm), contemporaryspeckled calf ruled in blind, later manuscript spine-title, edges dyed red, collates a-b8 A-Q8 R6 2a2i8 2k6, text mainlyin black letter, title-pageand calendar printed in red and black, woodcut factotums and initials, ownership inscription and annotation to title-page, short crack to head of front joint, moderatebrowning, closed marginaltears to M3 and R3, short tears to lower margins of finalleaf of BCP and first two leaves of Psalter, smallworm-track to lower margins from quire2b to end of volume, bound with at rear ThePsalmes of King David: translated byKing James (London:Thomas Harper, 1636) [STC 16607 for themain item:Psalter with no catchword on 2k6]
Estimate:£500 -£800
TheLibraryof aScottish Gentleman
First edition of Archbishop Laud's version of theBook of Common Prayer for Scottish churches, theimposition of which provoked Scotland into open rebellion against Charles I, leading to thedrawing up of theNational Covenant and theepochalconflagration of theBritish CivilWars. Its first reading at St Giles's CathedralEdinburgh on 23 July1637 was met with rioting bythecongregation, ignited according to legend bymarket-trader JennyGeddes, who is reputed to havethrown her stoolat thepresiding dean For an originalcopyof theNationalCovenant for Scotland seelot 194
Lot 93
[Johnston, Sir Archibald, Lord Wariston]
TheProtestation of theGenerallAssemblieof theChurch of Scotland and of theNoblemen, Barons, Gentlemen, Borrowes, Ministers and Commoners. Subscribers of theCovenant, latelyrenewed, madein thehigh Kirk, and at theMercateCrosseof Glasgow, the28, and 29 of November 1638. Glasgow:GeorgeAnderson, 1638. First edition, 4to, A-B4, [15] pp. (finalpageblank), c 1900 tan crushed morocco byRiviere&Son, woodcut demon vignetteto title-page, woodcut headpieceand factotumto A2, typeornament tailpieceto B4, smallworm-track to foot of gutter [STC 22047: this is oneof this copies with ‘quireA erroneouslyperfected’ with theouter formof thecorrected issueSTC 22047 5, so that theA2 r has the catchword ‘intruded’ but A2 v begins ‘of’]
Estimate:£500 -£800
TheLibraryof aScottish Gentleman
First and onlyedition of theearliest known book or pamphlet to beprinted in Glasgow. Theprinter GeorgeAnderson had previouslyworked in Edinburgh beforebeing invited to Glasgow bythetown councilin 1638 Sir Archibald Johnston, co-author of theNationalCovenant with WilliamHenderson, visited Glasgow in July1638 in order to obtain support fromthetheprincipal of theuniversityand other leading figures in thecity.
[Johnston, Sir Archibald, Lord Wariston]
A Short Relation of theStateof theKirk of Scotland sincetheReformation of Religion to thePresent Timefor Information, and Advertisement to our Brethren in theKirk of England. Byan heartyWell-wisher to both Kingdomes. [Edinburgh, J Wreittoun?], 1638 First edition, 4to (18 4 x 13cm), early20th-centurytan half calf byRiviere&Son, collates A-C4 (finalblank C4 apparentlyoriginal), smallspill-burn in A4 affecting aword either side[STC 22039]
Estimate:£300 -£400
TheLibraryof aScottish Gentleman
A rareand important exampleof theprinted propagandacampaign mounted byLord Wariston in favour of theNationalCovenant which he together with Alexander Henderson had drafted in February1638 Thework has in thepast been erroneouslyattributed both to James Melvilleand to John LeslieEarlof Rothes
Lot 95
A SolemneLeagueand Covenant for Reformation, and Defenceof Religion, theHonour and Happinesseof the King, and thePeaceand Safetyof thethreeKingdomes of Scotland, England, and Ireland Edinburgh:printed byEvan Tyler, printer to theKings most Excellent Majestie, 1643. First edition, 4to (18.5 x 13cm), 19th-century maroon roan backing marbled boards, A-B4, 8 6 [2] pp , type-ornament headpieces, 4 woodcut factotums, woodcut initial, finalleaf blank but for heading ‘TheSubscribers of theLeagueand Covenant’, pencilled inscription to binder's blank erroneouslyidentifying thework with theNational Covenant of 1638 [Wing S4441]
Estimate:£300 -£400
TheLibraryof aScottish Gentleman
RadicalWar of 1820
'An originalautograph letter fromAndrew Hardieto his Relations Sept 5th 1820. Written in Stirling Castlethreedays beforehis execution for high treason' [cover-title]. Singlebifoliumwritten on allfour sides, 30.5 x 18.5cm, tipped to acard window-mount in early-20th-centurymaroon morocco presentation albumbySangorski&Sutcliffe, spineand covers decoratively panelled in gilt and blind, front cover with majusculelettering in gilt and various foliateand floralstamps in gilt and blind, alledges gilt, thealbumalso containing 10 leaves of calligraphic manuscript on japon with decorative initials in opaquered and green watercolour, thetext comprising ahistorical introduction headed ‘The“RadicalWar of 1820”’, ‘An Elegyto theMemory of R Baird &Andrew Hardiewho wereexecuted for High Treason at Stirling, September 8th, 1820 Printed and published byJohn Muir, Glasgow, 1820', and atranscription of theletter, housed in acustomred cloth fleece-lined solander box. Palemottling to covers of album, letter spotted, afew holes and alittlethinning along folds
Estimate:£500 -£800
Charles J Sawyer, Catalogueof Books and Manuscripts No LXV, 1922 (with printed cataloguedescription laid in);TheLibraryof aScottish Gentleman. Footnote:
An intriguing survivalof unascertainableauthenticitybut undoubted value. Andrew Hardie(1792-1820), an unemployed weaver fromGlasgow, was oneof threemen executed for their roles in theso-called RadicalUprising of April1820, aweek of strikes and civilunrest across centralScotland, organised as aresponseto theworsening economic situation which followed theend of theNapoleonic Wars Hardiewas second-in-command of asmallgroup of men intending to march on theCarron ironworks in Falkirk. At nearbyBonnymuir thegroup encountered soldiers fromthe Kilsyth Yeomanryand 10th Hussars and abloodyskirmish ensued, after which Hardiewas arrested and taken to Stirling Castle, wherehewas executed in September along with theleader of theCarron expedition John Baird, aPeninsular War veteran.Thedocument in this albumin fact contains two letters byHardie, thefirst addressed to ‘MyDear Relations’ and signed Andrew Hardie, Stirling Castle, 5 Sept 1820, thesecond to ‘MyDear Young Cousins’ signed ‘Andrew Hardie’ but with different letterforms for each of thecapitals. In themHardieplaces his trust in God and everlasting life, exhorts his familyto pious observance, forgives thosewho havewronged him, defends his actions as motivated by‘thegood of mysuffering country'. Thefirst letter contains apostscript accusing ‘Mr HardieJusticeof thepeacefromGlasgow and Mr NicolHugh Baird CivielEngineireat Kelvenhead privatein theKilsyth YeomaneryCavalery’ of perjuryagainst him, signed ‘Andrew Hardie’ in thesamestyleas theletter itself Theletter to ‘My Dear Relations’ was printed along with aletter fromHardieto his sweetheart Margaret on an undated Edinburgh broadside, acopyof which survives at theNationalLibraryof Scotland (shelfmark Ry.III.a.2(11)). Stirling Archives acquired in 2020 amanuscript copyof the‘MyDear Relations’ letter, written in anon-cursivehand entirelydifferent fromthat of thepresent letter. It is thereforeapossibilitythat copies of Hardie's finalletters to his familyand anyother acquaintances werecirculated in print and in manuscript after his execution, and in theabsenceof aspecimen of his handwriting established as his own, theauthenticityof thepresent letter as Hardie's autograph cannot dedeclared with certainty. An 1833 report on literacyrates among Scottish millworkers reported that 96% could read and 53% could write, so it is possiblethan anysurviving letters fromHardiewerein anycasedictated (R A Houston, Scottish Literacyand theScottish Identity, 1985, p 2)
Lot 97
Boyd, Zachary
TheLast Battelof theSoulein Death
Edinburgh:heires of Andro Hart, 1629. 2 volumes, 16mo (14.5 x 8.5cm), [24] 747, [38] 748-1270 pp , 19th or early-20th centurybrown morocco by Lloyd, fleurons gilt to spine-compartments, gilt and blind frames to covers, alledges gilt, volume1 with restored loss to foremargin of title-page, with thesingle-ruleborder supplied byhand, R1 with smallholeto foremargin, 2M8 with smallspill-burn affecting oneword either side, volume2 3I2 with smallholeaffecting catchword [STC 3447]
Estimate:£300 -£500
TheLibraryof aScottish Gentleman
First edition, second issue, of theauthor's ‘most important published prose work an important contribution to thetradition of thears moriendi’ (ODNB) It was first printed theprevious year, with this reissuebeing divided into two volumes and provided with canceltitle-pages and new prelims Both issues areextremelyrareand theredoes not appear to havebeen a subsequent edition. Kilmarnock-born ZacharyBoyd (1585-1653) was an influentialfigurein theChurch of Scotland in the17th century Hewas elected on severaloccasions as dean and as rector Glasgow University, and in 1644 as vice-chancellor A supporter of theNationalCovenant, heis reputed to havestood his ground against Cromwell's armyat thecathedral church in Glasgow whiletheother ministers fled, with Cromwell's supposed in responseto haveinvited himto dinner, resulting in anight of discussion and prayer
Lot 98
Franck, Richard Northern Memoirs, calculated for theMeridian of Scotland wherein most or allof theCities, Citadels, SeaPorts, Castles, Forts, Fortresses, Rivers and Rivulets arecompendiouslydescribed To which is added, theContemplativeand PracticalAngler, bywayof Diversion. With a Narrativeof that Dextrous and Mysterious Art Experimented in England, and perfected in moreRemoteand SolitaryParts of Scotland. Bywayof Dialogue Writ in theYear 1658, but not tillnow madePublick London:for theauthor To besold byHenryMortclock, 1694 First edition, 8vo (16 8 x 11cm), xxxix 304 pp , 19th-centurygreen crushed morocco byFrancis Bedford, spinerichlygilt in compartments, French fillet border gilt to covers, marbled endpapers, alledges gilt [Westwood &Satchellpp. 100-101]
Estimate:£1,000 -£1,500
TheLibraryof aScottish Gentleman
A rareand noted oddityof 17th-centurytravelwriting and angling literature, containing thefirst description of salmon-fishing in Scotland, a‘pioneering account of fly-fishing for trout’ (ODNB), and anow notorious passage relating theauthor's confrontation with Izaak Walton at Stafford over Walton's assertion in TheCompleat Angler of theparthenogenesis of pike frompickerelweed Richard Franck (c 1624-1708) has been plausibly identified as aparliamentarian cavalryofficer who was stationed in Scotland with Thornhaugh's Nottinghamshireregiment during the1650s 'Northern Memoirs is amost unusualnarrative, marked byFranck's eclectic interests and given ripeflavour byhis often highlycolourfuljudgements. In thefirst instanceit is possibleto takethis simplyas agenerallyappreciative assessment of thepeople, landscape, and heritageof Scotland not inconsistent with thegrowing bodyof travelliteratureon that countryover thenext 100 years which would culminatein theacuteobservations of Thomas Pennant and SamuelJohnson Franck is also, somewhat incongruously, an enthusiastic angler. Observations on localaquatic lifeand reconditedisputes about fishing techniques intrudeso frequentlyas to unbalancethenarrative, creating asensethat Franck, with probablyavery limited formaleducation, possessed littleor no intellectualdiscipline'(ibid )
Adamson, John
TheMuses Welcometo theHigh and MightyPrinceJames bytheGraceof God King of Great BritaineFranceand Ireland, Defender of theFaith, etc At his Majesties HappieReturneto his Oldeand Native Kingdomeof Scotland, after 14 Yeeres Absence, in Anno 1617. Edinburgh: [Andro Hart], 1618 First edition, Hart's issue, folio (27 2 x 17 5cm), [6] 44 [2] 45-134 pp. 135-6 ff. 137-289 pp., 19th-centurycross-grain green morocco gilt, bound with as often Planctus et votaMusarumin Augustissimi Monarchae(Edinburgh:Andreas Hart, 1618, 18 pp.), woodcut portrait frontispieceof James VI and I, various woodcut head- and tailpieces and initials throughout, joints rubbed, 2X1 damp-stained [STC 141]
Estimate:£1,500 -£2,000
TheLibraryof aScottish Gentleman
First edition of ahighlyimportant collection of Latin and English verseand addresses composed bytheleading Scottish poets of theearly17th centuryin celebration of thereturn of James VI and I to his nativeScotland in 1617, awork described bySamuelJohnson 150 years later as preserving ‘theabundanceof learning in Scotland’ which hebelieved to havebeen long sincelost through civilwar and socialupheaval. Thepurposeof James's visit was to cultivatesupport for his ecclesiasticalreforms In 1623 John Adamson was appointed principalof Edinburgh University, remaining in his prestigious roleuntilhis death someyears 30 later TheMuses Welcomeis veryrarein commerce, with onlyahandfulof copies traced in auction records Theedition comprised two issues, theother bearing theimprint of another Edinburgh printer Thomas Finlason on thetitle-page;thepresent issueis identifiableas Hart's work fromthepresenceof his monogrammed deviceon theverso of thesecond leaf Hart's issueitself contained two variants, onewith linethreeof thetitlereading ‘To theHigh and', and ‘To the High and MightyPrince’, of which this copybelongs to thesecond
Lot 100
Sinclair, George NaturalPhilosophyimproved byNew Experiments Touching theMercurialWeather-Glass, theHygroscope, Eclipsis, Conjunctions of Saturn and Jupiter ByNew Experiments, touching the Pressureof Fluids, theDiving-Bell, and alltheCuriosities thereof. Edinburgh: Gideon Schaw, 1683 4to (18 2 x 13cm), contemporarypanelled calf, rebacked and recornered, pi1 A-B2 2[par.]4 3[par.]2 A-2R4, [2] 8 [12] 319 pp , 7 engraved numbered plates (1-6 folding), 2P4 blank except for transversesection-title‘Sinclair on theHydrostaticks’, retaining the engraved additionaltitle-pageand preliminarysignatures 2[par ] and 3[par ] fromthe1672 edition, bookplate(Walter Seton of Abercorn), 18th/19th centuryannotations to foot and verso of title-page, folding plates trimmed to platemark along foreedges, plate7 slightlysoiled, 2L2-2M1 with shallow loss to foot of gutter not affecting text [Ferguson, BibliographicalNotes on theWitchcraft Literatureof Scotland, 15 n ]
Estimate:£300 -£500
TheLibraryof aScottish Gentleman
First edition, second issue, originallypublished in 1672 under thetitle Hydrostaticks, uncommon. Thework has been described as ‘agallimaufry of practicaland theoreticalphysics, drawing on [theauthor's] experiences with thediving belland barometer’ (ODNB). Notablecontents includean account of Otto von Guericke's invention of thevacuumpump ('A Curious Experiment madelatelyin Germany, for shewing thewonderfulforceof the Air', pp. 230-3), and an extensivedescription of the'Devilof Glenluce' poltergeist incident (pp 238-47), anticipating Sinclair's 1685 work Satan's InvisibleWorld Discover'd.
[Barbour, John (c 1330-1395)]
TheActs and Lifeof themost Victorious Conquerour Robert BruceKing of Scotland wherein also arecontained theMartialldeeds of thevaliant Princes, Edward Bruce, Sir James Dowglas, EarleThomas Rande, Walter, Stewart, and sundryothers Edinburgh:Andrew Anderson, 1670 12mo (15 4 x 7cm), 348 pp., early-19th-centuryred morocco gilt byJ. Mackenzie, ‘bookbinder to theking’, marbled endpapers, alledges gilt, type-ornament border to titlepage, main text printed in black letter with headlines in roman, title-pagelaid down, smallmarginaltear to B11 just touching oneletter verso, afew headlines (e.g. E10-11, F12) just shaved [Wing B708]
Estimate:£300 -£500
TheLibraryof aScottish Gentleman
Black letter edition, thefifth overall, of ‘thefirst major work of Scottish literature’ (Ency Brit );allearlyeditions areextremelyrareat auction, indicating ahigh attrition ratein thehands of eager Scottish readers The first edition, extant in theformof asingleimperfect copyat theNational Libraryof Scotland, is dated to 1571 on thegrounds of alaid-in title-page printed bytheScottish antiquarian David Laing in the19th century. There weresubsequent editions in 1616, 1620 and 1648
Macintyre, Duncan Ban (1724-1812)
Orain Ghaidhealach LeDonnchadh Macantsoir Duneidiunn [Edinburgh]:gu feiman Ughdair, 1790. Second edition, 12mo (16.2 x 9cm), xi[1] 252 pp., contemporaryred morocco, spinegilt in compartments with alternating griffin and star devices, Greek-keyrollgilt to covers, marbled endpapers, alledges gilt, halftitle, list of subscribers, smallspot to sigs S-TWith 2 others, both small 8vo, in 18th-centuryred morocco gilt (Jacob Masen, Sarcotis Carmen editio altera, Cologne:et venit Parisiis, apud J Barbou, 1757;TheodoriBezae VezeliiPoemata[part 2:] Marci-AntoniiMuretiJuvenilia[part 3:] Joannis Secundus Hagiensis Juvenilia, Leiden, 1757, 2 engraved portraits)
Estimate:£300 -£500
TheLibraryof aScottish Gentleman
TheGaelic poems of Duncan Ban MacIntyrewerefirst published in 1760 All contemporaryeditions arerare, with no copies of anyedition earlier than 1832 otherwisetraced in auction records. Thework is entirelyin Gaelic except for adedication to John Campbell, Earlof Breadalbane, asingle-page biographicalsketch of theauthor, and thelist of subscribers, in which Highland residents predominate, including 150 individuals with thesurname Campbell, and ten Donald McIntyres.
Scottish poetry Collection of works, 19th-century, finelybound Burns, Robert. Poems, chieflyin theScottish Dialect. To which areadded, Severalother Pieces, not contained in anyFormer Edition of his Poems, and aLifeof theAuthor. Glasgow:Chapman and Lang, 1801. First Glasgow edition, 12mo (16 9 x 9 8cm), c 1900 maroon half morocco, richlygilt spine, top edgegilt, xii360 pp., engraved portrait frontispiece, folding aquatint plate;Dunbar, William ThePoems of WilliamDunbar, now first collected With Notes, and aMemoir of his Life. ByDavid Laing. Edinburgh:for Laing and Forbes, 1834 First collected edition, 2 volumes, 8vo, later red morocco byMaclehoseof Glasgow;Tannahill, Robert. TheSoldier's Return;aScottish Interludein Two Acts:with Other Poems and Songs, chieflyin theScottish Dialect Paisley:Stephen Young, 1807 First edition, small8vo in half-sheets, 175 pp , 20th-centurymarbled calf byZaehnsdorf;Laing, David (editor) Various Pieces of FugitiveScotish [sic] Poetry;principallyof theSeventeenth Century. Edinburgh:for W. &D. Laing, 1825-53. First edition, volume1 one of 72 copies printed and inscribed ‘To WilliamMotherwellEsqre, Paisley (fromtheEditor)'on thehalf-title(limitation of volume2 not stated), 2 volumes, 8vo, 20th-centurygreen crushed morocco byRiviere&Son, spines slightlyfaded;Idem. EarlyMetricalTales;including theHistoryof Sir Egeir, Sir Gryme, and Sir Gray-Steill Edinburgh:for W &D Laing, 1826 First edition, 8vo, c.1900 red crushed morocco byRiviere&Son, top edge gilt, bottomedges untrimmed;Scott, Alexander ThePoems of Alexander Scott fromGeorgeBannatyne's Manuscript compiled A.D. 1658. Glasgow: printed for privatecirculation, 1882 First edition, oneof 50 copies only, 8vo, c 1900 red crushed morocco byRiviere&Son for Pickering &Co , spine richlygilt in compartments, French fillet frames gilt to covers, top edgegilt, others untrimmed(8)
Estimate:£300 -£500
TheLibraryof aScottish Gentleman
WilliamMotherwell, recipient of this copyof Laing's FugitiveScotish Poetry, was aGlasgow-born poet and editor who lived and worked chieflyin Paisley.
Lot 104
[Macpherson, James]
Fragments of Ancient Poetry, collected in theHighlands of Scotland and Translated fromtheGalic or ErseLanguage. Edinburgh:for G. Hamilton and J Balfour, 1760 First edition, 8vo, c 1900 olive-green crushed morocco byRiviere&Son, spinerichlygilt in compartments, French fillet frames gilt to covers, sunning to spineand extremities, spots to title-page, stab-holes visiblein gutter
Estimate:£300 -£500
TheLibraryof aScottish Gentleman
Thefirst book containing thepoems of themythicalbard Ossian
Lot 105
Burns, Robert Poems, chieflyin theScottish Dialect London:for A Strahan;TCadell;and W Creech, Edinburgh, 1787 First London edition (third overall), 8vo (23 x 14.5cm), xlviii372 pp., 20th-century green crushed morocco byRiviere&Son, spinegilt in compartments incorporating acorn motifs, French fillet frames gilt to covers, top edgegilt, others untrimmed, half-title, engraved portrait frontispiece, frontispieceand title-pagespotted, occasionallight spotting elsewhere
Estimate:£300 -£500
TheLibraryof aScottish Gentleman
Lot 106
[Johnson, Samuel]
A Journeyto theWestern Islands of Scotland
London:for W. Strahan;and T. Cadell, 1775. First edition, first issue, with 12-lineerrataleaf and cancels D8 and *U4 (thelatter with uncorrected pagination), 8vo (23.3 x 14.8cm), contemporaryred linen, manuscript spine-label, edges untrimmed, contemporaryownership inscription ‘Persis Lens 1775’ to front freeendpaper, 20th-centurybluecloth slipcase [Rothschild 1256]
Estimate:£200 -£300
TheLibraryof aScottish Gentleman
Lot 107
Brand, John
A Brief Description of Orkney, Zetland, Pightland-Firth and Caithness
Edinburgh:GeorgeMossman, 1701 First edition, 8vo (17 9 x 10 5cm), [12] 159 [4] pp., 20th-centurydark green crushed morocco byRiviere&Son, gilt titles, rules and fleurons to spine, covers panelled in gilt and blind with foliatecornerpieces gilt, alledges gilt, spinesunned to tan, old staining to quireL
Estimate:£300 -£500
Provenance: TheLibraryof aScottish Gentleman
Lot 108
Scottish poetryand history
Collection of works, 18th-19th century Robertson, Alexander, of Struan. Poems on Various Subjects and Occasions Mostlytaken fromhis own OriginalManuscripts Edinburgh:for Ch. Alexander, and sold at his house, c.1750. First edition, 8vo, [4] 360 pp., contemporarysprinkled calf, 19th-centuryspinelabels, bookplateof Sir WilliamFraser (1816-1898), Scottish antiquarian, 2E2 acancel(detaching fromstub);Johnston, James (editor). TheNorwegian Account of Haco's Expedition against Scotland;A D MCCLXIII now first published, in the originalIslandic, fromtheFlateyan and Frisian MSS. with aliteralEnglish version and Notes [Copenhagen]:printed for theauthor, 1782 First edition, large8vo, edges untrimmed, theimposition such that ff. 1-4 of each quiremeasure25 x 16cmand ff 5-8 approx 25 x 11 5cm;and 9 others (thesenot collated), including:Sir James Dalrymple, Collections concerning theScottish History, Edinburgh, 1705 (first edition, 19th-centurymorocco gilt, bookplateof GeorgeSeton Veitch);WilliamBuchanan of Auchmar, The Historyof theAncient Surnameof Buchanan, Glasgow, 1792 (8vo, contemporarytreesheep, engraved frontispiece, joints cracked);Thomas Campbell, ThePleasures of Hope, Edinburgh, 1799 (first edition, 8vo, originalmarbled boards);Sir Robert Sibbald, TheHistory of Fifeand Kinross, Cupar, 1803 (large8vo, later panelled calf byRamage);Sir Harris Nicolas, Historyof theEarldoms of Strathern, Monteith, and Airth, 1842 (8vo, contemporarystraight-grain tan morocco gilt);Donald Monro, Description of theWestern Isles of Scotland, called Hybrides Edinburgh: WilliamAuld, 1774 (first edition, small8vo, later calf, front cover detaching, effaced ownership inscription to title-page);and similar
Estimate:£300 -£500
Provenance: TheLibraryof aScottish Gentleman
[Scott, Sir Walter, translator]
TheChase, and Williamand Helen
Two Ballads, fromtheGerman of Gottfried Augustus Bürger. Edinburgh: Mundelland Son, 1796 First edition, 4to, v41 pp , uncut in originalmarbled boards, backstrip perished, fromboard remaining attached bymiddle4 cords, rear board bytop and second frombottom, afew marks internally, housed in customred cloth chemiseand slipcase
Estimate:£300 -£500
TheLibraryof aScottish Gentleman
Theauthor's first published work.
[Scott, Sir Walter]
Waverley;or, 'tis SixtyYears Since In ThreeVolumes. Edinburgh:printed byJames Ballantyneand Co. for Archibald Constableand Co , 1814 First edition, 3 volumes, 12mo (18 7 x 11cm), finelybound in olive-green crushed morocco gilt byRiviere&Son, top edges gilt, others untrimmed, half-titleand fly-titleto each volume, volumes 1 and 2 retaining finalleaf (blank but for printer's imprint recto;no such leaf called for in volume3), Castlecraig librarybookplates, spines slightlysunned, faded ownership inscriptions to head of title-pages, [Worthington, A Bibliographyof theWaverleyNovels, pp. 1-18]
Estimate:£700 -£1,000
TheLibraryof aScottish Gentleman
A totalof 1,000 copies wereprinted. This set contains alltherequisite printing errors cited byWorthington (though not allfound in ‘somecopies’ only), and 55 of 57 of his keyidentifying pressmarks and similar points, thoselacking being thepressmark ‘7’ at thefoot of volume2 pp 26 and 324 Worthington maybemistaken in calling for thehorizontalbar on the finalleaf of volume1 to be26 mm;it is 22 mmin thepresent copy, though thematter is listed onlyas oneof his numerous ‘additional’ points
Scott, Sir Walter WaverleyNovels, 23 works in first edition [without "Waverley"] GuyMannering;or, theAstrologer. Edinburgh:John Ballatyneand Co., for Longman, Hurst 1815 3 volumes, first edition, second or third state;The Antiquary. Edinburgh:John Ballatyneand Co., for Longman, Hurst... 1816. 3 volumes, first edition;Tales of myLandlord First Series Edinburgh:William Blackwood, 1816. 4 volumes, first edition;Rob Roy. Edinburgh:Archibald Constableand Co , 1818 3 volumes, first edition;Tales of myLandlord Second Series. Edinburgh:Archibald Constableand Company, 1818. 4 volumes, first edition;Tales of myLandlord Third Series Edinburgh: Archibald Constableand Co., 1819. 4 volumes, first edition;Ivanhoe. Edinburgh:Archibald Constableand Co , 1820 3 volumes, first edition, adverts in volume1;TheMonastery Edinburgh/London:Longman, Hurst &Archibald Constableand Co , 1820 3 volumes, first edition;TheAbbot Edinburgh/London:Longman, Hurst &Archibald Constableand Co , 1820 3 volumes, first edition;Kenilworth. Edinburgh:Archibald Constableand Co., 1821 3 volumes, first edition;ThePirate Edinburgh:Archibald Constable and Co., 1822. 3 volumes, first edition;TheFortunes of Nigel. Edinburgh: Archibald Constableand Co , 1822 3 volumes, first edition;Peverilof the Peak. Edinburgh:Archibald Constableand Co., 1822. 4 volumes, first edition, somedampstaining to onevolume;Quentin Durward Edinburgh: Archibald Constableand Co., 1823. 3 volumes, first edition;St Ronan's Well. Edinburgh:Archibald Constableand Co , 1824 3 volumes, first edition;Redgauntlet. Edinburgh:Archibald Constableand Co., 1824. 3 volumes, first edition;Tales of theCrusaders Edinburgh:Archibald Constableand Co , 1825 4 volumes, first edition;Woodstock;or, the Cavalier... Edinburgh:Archibald Constableand Co., 1826. 3 volumes, first edition, volume1 lacking half-title;Chronicles of theCanongate [First Series ] Edinburgh:Cadelland Co., 1827. 2 volumes, first edition, volume2 lacking volumetitle;Chronicles of theCanongate Second Series Edinburgh:Cadell and Co., 1828. 3 volumes, first edition;Anneof Geierstein;or, theMaiden of theMist Edinburgh:Cadelland Co , 1829 3 volumes, first edition, with somedampstaining;Tales of myLandlord. Fourth and Last Series. Edinburgh:Robert Cadell, 1832 4 volumes, first edition, volume1 lacking volumetitle;Allfirst editions, various states, allwith half-titles unless stated, uniformlybound in olivegreen morocco gilt byRiviere, bookplates of Castlecraig Library(71)[Allin Worthington, Greville A Bibliographyof the WaverleyNovels, 1931]
Estimate:£500 -£700
TheLibraryof aScottish Gentleman
Lot 112
Thomson, William Orpheus Caledonius or, aCollection of Scots Songs. Set to Musick. London:for theauthor, 1733 2 volumes, 8vo (20 1 x 12 2cm), [14] 114 [2], [4] 110 [2], contemporaryred morocco, spines richlygilt in compartments, broad gilt border to covers built up fromthreedistinct roll-tools, marbled endpapers, title-pages in red and black, imprimatur leaf to front of volume1, volume1 with 53 plates of engraved music (numbered 1-50 and 1-6, thelatter sequenceon each sideof 3 leaves), volume2 with 48 plates of engraved music (numbered 1-50, with 10/11, 23/4, 43/4 and 49/50 each either sideof asingleleaf, and 1-4, on each sideof 2 leaves), engraved armorial bookplates of MichaelHubert Esq. to front pastedowns, volume1 with engraved armorialbookplateof HenriettaFermor, Countess of Pomfret (1698-1761) to rear pastedown, each volumewith ajapon leaf containing gilt-stamped arms of Robert TyndallHamilton Bruce(1847-1899) bound in at front, volume1 plate19 with old staining
Estimate:£200 -£300
TheLibraryof aScottish Gentleman
Fraser, Sir William Extensiveset of his histories of Scottish noblefamilies Edinburgh:[privatelyprinted], 1858-88. 15 works in 34 volumes, allfirst editions, 4to, originalred cloth with largearmorialdevices gilt to covers unless otherwisestated, numerous plates including lithographic manuscript facsimiles Comprising:TheStirlings of Keir, and their FamilyPapers, 1858 Oneof 150 copies, theauthor's copy, inscribed for himbyWilliamStirling, commissioner of thework, and with Fraser's ownership inscription to titlepage, originalquarter morocco, alittlerubbing and spotting;Memoirs of the Maxwells of Pollok Edinburgh:printed for Sir John Maxwellof Pollok Baronet, byThomas Constable, 1863. Oneof 150 copies, this copy inscribed on limitation leaf to Thomas Maxwellof WoodsidePlace, Glasgow, 2 volumes, originalgreen cloth gilt, volume1 front cover stained, variable spotting;Historyof theCarnegies, Earls of Southesk, and of their Kindred Edinburgh:for theEarlof Southesk [byThomas and Archibald Constable], 1867. First edition, oneof 100 copies, this copyinscribed on limitation page to Lord Lindsay(Earlof Crawford and Balcarres), with BibliothecaLindesiana bookplates to front pastedowns), spines faded and nicked, spotting to outer leaves;TheRed Book of Grandtully Edinburgh:printed for Sir William Drummond Steuart, Baronet of Grandtully, 1868. Oneof 100 copies, this copyinscribed on limitation pageto Lord Lindsay(Earlof Crawford and Balcarres) with BibliothecaLindesianabookplates to front pastedowns, 2 volumes, spotting to outer leaves, volume1 initialquireslightlyloose;The Chiefs of Colquhoun and their Country. Edinburgh:for Sir James Colquhoun of Colquhoun and Luss [byThomas and Archibald Constable], 1869 Oneof 150 copies, this copyinscribed on limitation leaf to GeorgeStirling Home Drummond of Blair Drummond and Ardoch, with his bookplates to front pastedowns, 2 volumes, 4to, originalred cloth decorated in gilt, spines faded;Memorials of theMontgomeries Earls of Eglinton, 1869. First edition, 2 volumes, originalpurplecloth;TheLennox Edinburgh:privatelyprinted for Richard Alexander Oswald of Auchencruive[and others, byThomas Constable], 1874 Oneof 150 copies, this copyinscribed on limitation leaf to theEarlof Crawford and Balcarres, with BibliothecaLindesianabookplates to front pastedowns, 2 volumes, spotting to endpapers, limitation leaf creased, volume1 front inner hingecracked;TheEarls of Cromartie, their Kindred, Country, and Correspondence, 1876 Oneof 150 copies , 2 volumes, 4to, volume2 inner hinges cracked;TheBook of Carlaverock Memoirs of theMaxwells, Earls of Nithsdale, Lords Maxwelland Herries. 1878 Oneof 150 copies, this copypresented to WilliamMiddleton of Myddleton Lodge, 2 volumes, volumes 2 inner hinges cracked;TheScotts of Buccleuch, 1878 Oneof 150 copies (thelimitation leaf loose:apparently issued as aslip accompanying thebooks and never bound in), 2 volumes, Castlecraig libraryplates to front pastedowns, volume2 with wear to front joint and inner hinges cracked;TheFrasers of Philorth, 1879. Oneof 150 copies, this copyinscribed to Robert Strathern Esq , Writer to theSignet, with his bookplates, 3 volumes, wear to headcaps;TheBook of Menteith. 1880 2 volumes;TheChiefs of Grant, 1883 3 volumes, originalred quarter morocco;TheDouglas Book, 1885 4 volumes, originalred quarter morocco, Talygarn bookplates, volume4 binding marked and worn;Memorials of the Familyof Wemyss of Wemyss, 1888 Oneof 100 copies, this copyinscribed to theEarlof Crawford and Balcarres on limitation slip mounted to front pastedown of volume1, with BibliothecaLindesianabookplates, 3 volumes, originalred quarter morocco byD. S. Smith of Edinburgh
Estimate:£1,000 -£1,500
Provenance: TheLibraryof aScottish Gentleman
Footnote: Fraser's other familyhistories are:Memorials of theEarls of Haddington (1889);TheMelvilles, Earls of Melville, and theLeslies, Earls of Leven (1890); TheSutherland Book (1892);TheAnnandaleFamilyBook of theJohnstones (1894);and TheElphinstoneFamilyBook of theJohnstones (1897)
[Scottish familyhistories]
Group of deluxecopies
Anderson, John. Historicaland GenealogicalMemoirs of theHouseof Hamilton Edinburgh:John Anderson, Jun , 1825 First edition, 4to (31 x 23cm), 324 409-12 *321-*324 325-408 [4] pp., near-contemporaryred morocco richlygilt byClarkeand Bedford, broad turn-ins with elaborate foliaterollgilt, red moirésilk doublures, gilt gauffered edges, engraved frontispiece, platefacing p 409, list of subscribers to rear, extra-illustrated with engraved arms of thedukes of Hamilton (on indiapaper, mounted), frontispieceoffset, bookplateof T Dawson Turner to initialblank, pencilled annotation ‘FromtheBeckford lib'to front freeendpaper, early-20thcenturyprinted cataloguedescription for thepresent copylaid in, annotated Largepaper copy FromtheBeckford library’ Housed in custommarbled card case(now defective) with 2 related items, comprising:WilliamAiton, An Inquiryinto thePedigree, Descent, and Public Transactions of theChiefs of theHamilton Family, Glasgow:Andrew Young, 1827 (8vo, wrappers);and Memoirs of theHouseof Hamilton, Corrected, with an Addition, Edinburgh: John Stevenson, 1828 [bound with:] Replyto theMisstatements of Dr Hamilton of Bardowiein his Late“memoirs of theHouseof Hamilton, Corrected,” Edinburgh:John Stevenson, 1828 (2 works in 1 volume, 4to, wrappers);Stuart, John (editor) RegistrumdePanmure Records of the Families of Maule, deValoniis, Brechin, and Brechin-Barclay, United in the Lineof theBarons and Earls of Panmure Compiled bytheHon HarryMaule of Kelly, A.D. 1733. Edinburgh:[privatelyprinted for theEarlof Dalhousie], 1874 First edition, out-of-series copyfromtheedition of 150, 2 volumes, 4to (27 2 x 20 5cm), originalgreen fullmorocco byOrrock presumablyfor theEarlof Dalhousie, green moirésilk doublures, alledges gilt, allplates as called for (including tinted lithographic facsimiles of manuscripts, colourprinted facsimiles of heraldic facsimiles, etc.), bookplates of T. Dawson Turner;[Laing, David, editor] TheGenealogyof theMost Nobleand Ancient Houseof Drummond. BytheHonourableWilliamDrummond, afterwards First Viscount of Starthallan, MDC LXXXI Edinburgh:A Balfour and Co , 1831. First edition, oneof 4 large-paper copies (in addition to 100 standard copies, allintended for privatecirculation), 4to (29 2 x 23cm), contemporary red morocco gilt, alledges gilt, title-pagein red and black, engraved arms present in two states (coloured and uncoloured) Together with 2 others similar (GeorgeSeton, A Historyof theFamilyof Seton, 1896, first edition, oneof 200 copies, 2 volumes, 4to, originalmorocco-backed cloth, plates, bookplateof T Dawson Brodie;and another copyof RegistrumdePanmure in originalred cloth gilt)(8)
Estimate:£300 -£500
TheLibraryof aScottish Gentleman
Lot 115 [Glasgow]
Glasgow Illustrated in TwentyOneViews with ExplanatoryRemarks, Plan of theCity, and SeveralVignettes Montrose:J. &D. Nichol[and others], 1841. First edition, largefolio (54 x 36 5cm), c 1900 red crushed half morocco, tinted lithographic vignettetitlepage, 2 pp lithographic text, 20 tinted lithographic views on 13 plates, engraved map, tissue-guards, alittlespotting, title-pageslightlycreased at lower forecorner
Estimate:£300 -£500
TheLibraryof aScottish Gentleman
Uncommon:not in Abbey, no other copytraced in auction records
Fairbairn, Thomas
Relics of Ancient Architectureand other PicturesqueScenes in Glasgow Glasgow:published, and lithographed in colours byMiller &Buchanan, from Water Colour Drawings byThomas Fairbairn, 1849 First edition, largefolio (65 x 43cm), c.1900 green crushed morocco gilt byRiviere&Son, marbled endpapers, broad inner dentelles gilt, marbled endpapers, alledges gilt, chromolithographic vignettetitle-page, 4 pp. descriptiveletterpress, 20 chromolithographic plates with tissue-guards, palemottling to rear cover, spotting to endpapers and blanks [AbbeyScenery502]
Estimate:£300 -£500
Provenance: TheLibraryof aScottish Gentleman
Collie, James
Plans, Elevations, Sections, Details and Views of theCathedralof Glasgow London:J William1835 First edition, largefolio (55 x 42cm), contemporary green morocco gilt byCarss of Glasgow (with their ticket), inner dentelles gilt, whitemoirésilk doublures gilt, alledges gilt, 7 pp., 34 lithographic plates including title-page, gift inscription dated 1857 to initialblank, spinerubbed, spotting to blanks and title-page, plate5 closelytrimmed;[Glasgow Cathedral] Plans and Elevations of theproposed Restorations and Additions to theCathedralof Glasgow. With an ExplanatoryAddress bytheLocal Committee Glasgow:James Hedderick &Son, 1836 First edition, largefolio (56 x 43cm), contemporarygreen morocco gilt byCarss of Glasgow uniformwith thepreceding work, 11 pp , aquatint frontispiece, lithographic additionalvignette-titlepage, 8 lithographic plates (afew tinted), similar gift inscription, spinerubbed, head of spinepulled, blanks spotted, marginal spotting and finger-soiling elsewhere(2)
Estimate:£300 -£500
TheLibraryof aScottish Gentleman
Lot 118
Iliados [and:] Odysseias
[graece] Glasguae:in aedibus academicis, excudebant Robertus et Andreas Foulis, 1756-8. 4 volumes in 2, folio (32.5 x 19.5cm), iv-xi312, 336, [6] 297, [2] 336 pp , near-contemporarystraight-grain red morocco gilt byCharles Hering (with his ticket to front freeendpapers), spines and covers ruled in gilt, metopeand octaglyph rollgilt to turn-ins, marbled endpapers, alledges gilt, text in Greek, bound without half-titles, generaltitlealso discarded (Gaskell:'rarelyfound'), bookplates of Charles Drury[Gaskell319] (2)
Estimate:£600 -£800
TheLibraryof aScottish Gentleman
Footnote: First Foulis edition of thecompleteworks of Homer, asuperb copyof oneof thetriumphs of 18th-centuryScottish (and British) printing in Greek, in a handsomenear-contemporarybinding byCharles Hering (1762/2-1815), a German émigréwho becameoneof London's leading practitioners of theart in the18th and early19th centuries.
Lot 119
Memoires du comtedeGrammont, par monsieur lecomteAntoineHamilton Nouvelleédition, augmentéedenotes et d'éclaircissemens necessaires, par M HoraceWalpole StrawberryHill:[StrawberryHillPress], 1772 Oneof 100 copies, 4to, 19th-centurycitron morocco gilt byRiviere, marbled endpapers, alledges gilt, xxiii290 [3] pp , 3 engraved portraits including frontispiece[Hazen 18];Coleridge, SamuelTaylor. BiographiaLiteraria;or BiographicalSketches of myLiteraryLifeand Opinions London:Rest Fenner, 1817. First edition, 2 volumes, 8vo, 20th-centurygreen crushed half morocco byMaclehoseof Glasgow, top edges gilt, half-titles;[Procter, Bryan Waller]. Effigies Poeticae:or, thePortraits of theBritish Poets. London:James Carpenter and Son, 1824 8vo, contemporarystraight-grain green morocco byHering, spinegilt in compartments, decorativegilt panels to covers, alledges gilt;Gilbert, David (editor) SomeAncient Christmas Carols, with theTunes to which theywereformerlysung in theWest of England … Second Edition. [Bound with:] Mount Calvary, or theHistoryof thePassion, Death, and Resurrection, of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ Written in Cornish … interpreted in theEnglish Tongue, in theYear 1682. London:John Nicholas and Son;Nichols and Son [and others], 1823-6 2 works in 1 volume, 8vo, contemporarydiced russiagilt, rebacked, first work with severalfolding plates of engraved music (collation not established);and 1 other work(6)
Estimate:£300 -£500
TheLibraryof aScottish Gentleman
Lot 120
M AnnaeiLucaniPharsalia
CumNotis Hugonis Grotii, et RichardiBentleii. StrawberryHill:[Strawberry HillPress], 1760 First edition thus, oneof 500 copies, 4to (29 5 x 22cm), contemporarystraight-grain red morocco ruled and lettered in gilt, marbled endpapers, alledges gilt, [6] 525 pp , engraved vignettes to title-pageand address to reader leaf, bookseller's ticket (M Ogleand Son, Glasgow), roundelbookplate(T. D. C. Graham) [Hazen 7]
Estimate:£300 -£400
TheLibraryof aScottish Gentleman
Lot 121
Baskerville, John (printer)
Two Latin works in finecontemporarybindings [Terence.] PubliiTerentiiAfriComoediae. Birmingham:John Baskerville, 1772. 4to (29 x 22 5cm), contemporaryFrench red morocco, spinegilt in compartments with flower, star and curlicuemotifs, gilt frames to covers, marbled endpapers, alledges gilt, pp [5] 4-364 pp , contemporaryink annotation to front freeendpaper in French recording thebook's purchase ‘àlaventedeM Buc’hoz 14 janvier 1779';[Juvenal] D JuniiJuvenalis et Auli PersiiFlacciSatyrae BIrmingham:John Baskerville, 1761 4to (28 5 x 22cm), contemporaryFrench green morocco, spinegilt in compartments with flower, star and curlicuemotifs, gilt frames to covers, marbled endpapers, alledges gilt, 240 pp.
Estimate:£300 -£500
TheLibraryof aScottish Gentleman
Footnote: First Baskervilleeditions.
Lot 122
Baskerville, John (printer)
Book of Common Prayer
Cambridge:John Baskerville, 1761. 8vo (23.5 x 15cm), contemporaryred morocco, spinecompartments tooled in gilt to saltirepattern, covers panelled in gilt with various concentric decorativerolls and coronet cornerpieces, marbled endpapers, alledges gilt, signatures a-c4 B-2L8 2M4 (lacking a1 or a2, possiblyahalf-titleor blank;quireU with 7 leaves onlybut catchwords allaligning), spineslightlyfaded, old ink-staining to front board, 19th-centurychromolithographic prayer slips tipped to verso of title-page, bookplateof WilliamRamsayof theUniversityof Glasgow;Bodoni, Giambattista(printer). Callimaco Greco-Italiano orapubblicato. Parma:nel regalpalazzo co'tipiBodoniani, 4to (29 x 20 6cm), [24] iv[2] 76 [2] iv[2] 100 [4], contemporarystraight-grain bluemorocco ruled in gilt, marbled endpapers, alledges gilt, bookplate(T D C Graham);Burnet, Gilbert The Memoirs of theLives and Actions of James and WilliamDukes of Hamilton and Castleherald, etc. In which an Account is given on theRiseand Progress of theCivilWars of Scotland London:byJ Grover, for R Royston, 1677. First edition, folio (31 x 18.6cm), near-contemporaryred morocco gilt, half-titlewith engraved portrait verso, 3 other engraved portraits (oneaplate, therest in thetext), addendaand errataleaves, bookplate(Edward Cheney)(3)
Estimate:£300 -£500
Provenance: TheLibraryof aScottish Gentleman
Lot 123
ShakespeareHead Press
TheWorks of GeoffreyChaucer Stratford-upon-Avon:ShakespeareHead Press, 1928-9 Oneof 350 sets on paper, 4to, originallinen-backed bluepaper boards, printed paper spinelabels, foreand bottomedges untrimmed, half-titles and title-pages printed in red and black, paraph marks in red, headings and initials in blue, numerous hand-coloured woodcuts (including theCanterburypilgrims), a few spine-labels spotted, volume8 with spotting to covers
Estimate:£500 -£800
TheLibraryof aScottish Gentleman
Lot 124
Shakespeare, William Comedies, Histories, &Tragedies being aReproduction in Facsimileof theFirst Folio Edition, 1623, fromthe Chatsworth Copyin thePossession of theDukeof Devonshire, KG With Introduction and Census of Copies bySidneyLee Oxford:Clarendon Press, 1902 Oneof 1,000 numbered copies signed bySidneyLee, folio, original reversed calf, red leather spine-labels lettered in gilt, leather ties, top edge gilt, others untrimmed, supplement volumepresent (A Census of Extant Copies, folio, 45 pp , stitched, retaining originalbrown paper envelope), browning to endpapers, supplement envelopesunned and with afew chips and tears;Idem Venus and Adonis Being aReproduction in Facsimileof the First Edition, 1593. Oxford:Clarendon Press, 1905. Oneof 1,000 numbered copies signed bySidneyLee, 4to, originalreversed calf, red leather spinelabels lettered in gilt, leather ties, edges untrimmed, leaves largely unopened(3)
Estimate:£300 -£500
Provenance: TheLibraryof aScottish Gentleman
Wycherley, William
MiscellanyPoems:as Satyrs, Epistles, Love-Verses, Songs, Sonnets, etc London:for C. Brome[and others], 1704. First edition, earlyissue(with the referenceto ‘TheEnd of theFirst Volume'on p 438 uncorrected), folio (31.4 x 19.6cm), xlvi[2] 438 pp., contemporarypanelled calf, gilt spine, mezzotint portrait frontispieceafter Lely, engraved bookplateof theEarlof Guilford, short crack to head of each joint [Pforzheimer 1101]
Estimate:£300 -£500
TheLibraryof aScottish Gentleman
Lot 126
Bosworth, William
TheChast and Lost Lovers
Livelyshadowed in thePersons of Arcadius and Sepha, and Illustrated with theseverallStories of Haemon and Antigone, Eramio and Amissa, Phaon and Sappho, Delithason and Verista:being adescription of severallLovers smiling with delight, and with hopes fresh as their youth, and fair as their beauties in thebeginning of their Affections, and covered with Blood and Horror in theConclusion To this is added theContestation betwixt Bacchus and Diana, and certain Sonnets of theAuthor to Aurora. Digested into three Poems London:byF L for LaurenceBlaiklock, 1651 First edition, first issue, 8vo (15.8 x 9cm), 18th-centurycalf, [16] 127 pp., type-ornament headpieces, woodcut initials, front board detached, title-pageslightlymarked and with two ownership inscriptions including ‘TPark’ (possiblyThomas Park, antiquaryand bibliographer of poetry, 1758/9-1834), old marginal repairs to B1 and C8, B2 with lower forecorner restored with loss of text (severallines completed in manuscript, probably18th century) Housed in a customred cloth solander box [Wing B3799]
Estimate:£300 -£500
TheLibraryof aScottish Gentleman
Theauthor's onlyknown work, published posthumously Theepistle dedicatoryby‘R. C.'describes thebook as ‘thework of ayoung Gentleman of 19 years of age, who had helived, might havebeen as welltheWonder as theDelight of theArts’. It was later reissued with acanceltitle-page dated 1653
Lot 127
Quarles, Francis
TheHistorieof Samson 4to (17 7 x 11 8cm), [8] 142 pp , A-T4 (-T4, blank), 19th-centurypurple roan backing marbled boards, wear to spine, title-pageslightlymarked and with old repair to upper inner corner [STC 20549]
Estimate:£300 -£500
TheLibraryof aScottish Gentleman
Veryrarefirst edition of oneof severalworks of biblicalversebyan important 17th-centuryauthor whosewritings 'serveto enrich thepicture of Stuart England'(ODNB).
Beaumont, Francis, and John Fletcher
FiftyComedies and Tragedies
Allin oneVolume. Published bytheAuthors OriginalCopies, theSongs to each Playbeing added London:byJ Macock, for John Martyn, Henry Herringman, Richard Marriot, 1679. Folio (37 x 22cm), contemporarycalf, rebacked probablyin the18th or early19th century, [10] 578 557 pp , engraved portrait frontispiece, bookplate(Macdonald of Rammerscales), earlymanuscript correction to p 151, binding rubbed, occasionallight browning [Pforzheimer 54;Wing B1582]
Estimate:£500 -£800
TheLibraryof aScottish Gentleman
Second collected edition, containing 52 plays and thus greatlyexpanded fromthe1647 edition, which contained 35 only This edition is especially notablefor containing thefirst folio edition of TheTwo NobleKinsmen, which was co-written byFletcher and Shakespeare
Lessius, Leonardus
Sir Walter Rawleigh's Ghost or his Apparition to an Intimatw Friend, willing himto translateinto English, this Learned Book of L Lessius Entituled, (DeProvidentiaNuminis, et Animi Immortalite.) Written against theAtheists and Polititians of thesedays. London:printed byTho Newcomb, John Holden, 1651 12mo (13 8 x 7.4cm), c.1900 bluecrushed morocco gilt byRiviere&Son, lacking frontispiece, title-pageshaved along foreedge, A8 ('TheTable'lower fore corner restored with loss of afew letters, ownership inscription of Scottish historyPatrick Fraser Tytler dated 1832 to initialblank
Estimate:£200 -£300
TheLibraryof aScottish Gentleman
Lot 130
[Beckford, William]
[Vathek ] An Arabian Tale, froman Unpublished Manuscript with Notes Criticaland Explanatory. London:for J. Johnson, 1786. First edition, 8vo (18 8 x 11 9cm), vii334 pp , later sprinkled calf gilt, neatly rebacked with richlygilt spine(ink-stamp ‘Bound byRiviere&Son’ to front freeendpaper, perhaps referring to therebacking only, thecovers possibly earlier, therear binder's blank watermarked 1809), marbled endpapers, all edges gilt, 5 woodcuts of fans in thetext, finalblank discarded [Rothschild 352]
Estimate:£500 -£800
Provenance: TheLibraryof aScottish Gentleman
A classic work of Gothic fiction and orientalfantasy, Vathek was originally written byBeckford in French, then translated into English byhis friend the Reverend SamuelHenley, who published his English version beforethe publication of an edition in theoriginalFrench, contraryto Beckford's instructions French editions weresubsequentlyprinted at Lausannein December 1786 (dated 1787) and Paris in December 1787;it has been suggested that theseeditions werein fact retranslations of theEnglish version.
Shelley, PercyBysshe
TheMasqueof Anarchy
A Poem. Now first published, with aPrefacebyLeigh Hunt. London:Edward Moxon, 1832 First edition, small8vo, xxx 47 pp , contemporarypink moiré cloth with printed paper spine-label(possiblyan originalbinding not noted by Wise), half-title, advertisement leaf, alittlesunning to extremities, loss to spine-label, front freeendpaper excised [Wise, Shelleyp. 71]
Estimate:£300 -£500
TheLibraryof aScottish Gentleman
Wisedescribes theoriginalbinding as palegrey-bluepaper boards, with other copies noted in salerecords as being in pink paper boards Thespinelabelon thepresent copy, lettered vertically‘Shelley’s Masque', though with thesecond word now largelyworn away, matches that described byWise, lending forceto theimpression that thebinding is original 'A satiricalyet visionaryballad, [TheMasqueof Anarchywas] written in responseto the infamous Peterloo massacrethat took placein Manchester in August Like manyof Shelley's most uncompromising works … [it] was published only after Shelley's death (in 1832 byLeigh Hunt, to whomit had been sent by Shelley, who hoped that his friend might publish thepoemin his literaryand politicalpaper, TheExaminer)'(ODNB)
Lot 132
Shelley, PercyBysshe[&MaryWollstonecraft]
Historyof aSix Weeks'Tour through aPart of France, Switzerland, Germany, and Holland with Letters Descriptiveof aSailround theLakeof Genevaand of the Glaciers of Chamouni London:T Hookham, Jun , and C and J Ollier, 1817 First edition, small8vo (15.6 x 9.2cm), contemporarygreen quarter roan, floralpattern gilt to sides, extra-illustrated with alithographic frontispiece view of acastellated mansion, ownership inscriptions of oneHugh Macmillan to title-pageand rear pastedown, binding rubbed, loss to head of spine, half-titlediscarded, lithographic view offset onto title-page, afew marks to earlyleaves, rear inner hingesplit [Wisepp. 46-7]
Estimate:£800 -£1,200
TheLibraryof aScottish Gentleman
Lot 133
Byron, GeorgeGordon Noel, Lord ChildeHarold's Pilgrimage
London:John Murray, 1812. Cantos I-II and Poems bound together, 4to (30 x 23cm, first edition with four erratalines on contents verso and “vengeanceforego:” at line11, p.97, engraved facsimileof aRomaic letter, publisher's catalogueleaf at rear, originalboards with paper labelto spine, someslight wear to boards and joints;[WITH] Canto theThird. London: John Murray, 1816 8vo (22 x 14 5cm), first edition with exclamation mark at theend of line1, p 4, originalwrappers with red cloth spine, somefoxing (2)
Estimate:£300 -£400
TheLibraryof aScottish Gentleman
Lot 134
[Kinglake, Alexander William]
or Traces of Travelbrought HomefromtheEast. London:John Ollivier, 1844 First edition, 8vo, xi418 pp , originalgreen cloth, spinelettered in gilt, largevignetteof an eastern horseman in gilt to front board and in blind to rear, yellow endpapers, half-title, folding hand-coloured lithographic frontispiece, oneother hand-coloured lithographic plate, short nick to head of spine, smallmark to head of front board, variablespotting to contents, contemporaryownership inscription to half-title, smallmarginalnick to foot of frontispiece[AbbeyTravel362]
Estimate:£300 -£500
TheLibraryof aScottish Gentleman
First editions of Kinglake's classic of MiddleEastern travelarestrikingly uncommon in theoriginalcloth
Lot 135
Walton, Izaak
being aDiscourseof Rivers, Fish-Ponds, Fish and Fishing And Instructions how to Anglefor aTrout or aGrayling in aClear Streamby Charles Cotton With OriginalMemoirs and Notes bySir Harris Nicolas London:WilliamPickering, 1836. First Nicolas and third Pickering edition, deluxeissue, 2 volumes, imperial8vo (26 8 x 18cm), later red crushed morocco gilt byRamage, incorporating various angling motifs gilt to spines and covers, top edges gilt, half-titles, title-pages in red and black, all engraved plates and vignettes as called for, allexcept (for afew vignette headpieces), with duplicates on indiapaper, mounted, manyof which being proofs beforeletters, afew plates spotted or offset, volume1 with scuffs to rear board and offsetting to title-page[Westwood, TheChronicleof the “Compleat Angler”, 1883 edition, pp 58-62;Westwood &Satchell, BibliothecaPiscatoriapp. 228-9]
Estimate:£300 -£500
TheLibraryof aScottish Gentleman
Thework was published at six guineas for standard copies and ten for thosewith indiaproofs of theplates
Lot 136
Wilkinson, GeorgeTheodore
TheNewgateCalendar Improved London:Thomas Kelly&Co., c.1820-38. 6 volumes, 8vo (21.2 x 13.4cm), 20th-centuryred half morocco gilt, top edges gilt, 42 engraved plates, 7 aquatint plates (theseallin volume6), depicting criminals, crimes and executions
Estimate:£300 -£500
TheLibraryof aScottish Gentleman
Someplates in volumefivearedated 1820;volumesix, apparentlyissued later, contains plates dated 1824 and 1838. Collated with regard to plates only
Lot 137
Surtees, R S
[Finelybound set of his sporting novels] HandleyCross;Hawbuck Grange;Mr. Sponge's Sporting Tour;"Ask Mamma";"Plain or Ringlets?";Mr FaceyRomford's Hounds London: Bradburyand Evans, 1854-[undated]-53-58-60-65. Later editions of HandleyCross and Hawbuck Grange, first editions of theremaining titles, 6 works, 8vo (21.8 x 14cm), later red crushed fullmorocco byMaclehoseof Glasgow, spines lavishlygilt in compartments with pointilléarabesques, covers tooled in gilt with concentric dogtooth and fillet rolls enclosing curvilinear centralpanels with elaboratepointilléarabesquedecoration to spandrels, each corner with onlaid green morocco roundelcontaining gilt hunting motif (fox's head, hound's head, riding crop and post-horn), japon doublures, alledges gilt, Hawbuck Grangewith 8 uncoloured etched plates byPhiz, theremaining works with hand-coloured etched plates byJohn Leech (each work with alllisted plates present, respectively, 17, 13, 13, 13 and 24), “Plain or Ringlets?” with additionalhand-coloured vignettetitlepage, Hawbuck Grangeand "Plain or Ringlets?"with originalcloth spineand cover bound in at rear, remaining volumes with originalwrappers bound in, Hawbuck Grangewith smallabrasion to rear cover, Mr Sponge's Sporting Tour spinemisdated 1863 (6)
Estimate:£300 -£500
TheLibraryof aScottish Gentleman
Lot 138
Payne, John (translator)
TheBook of theThousand Nights and OneNight Now first completelydoneinto English Proseand Verse, fromtheOriginal Arabic London:printed for theVillon Societybyprivatesubscription and for privatecirculation only, 1882. Oneof 500 sets, 9 volumes, 8vo, original japon lettered and decorated in gilt, top edges gilt, others untrimmed, armorialbookplates of James Cowan of Ross Hall, spines rolled, bindings somewhat soiled, spotting to endpapers;Idem Tales fromtheArabic of the Breslau and Calcutta(1814-1818) Editions of theBook of theThousand Nights and OneNight, not occurring in theOther Printed Texts of theWork, now first doneinto English London:printed for theVillon Societybyprivate subscription and for privatecirculation only, 1884 Number 169 of an unspecified number of sets, 3 volumes, 8vo, originaljapon lettered and decorated in gilt, top edges gilt, others untrimmed, bindings somewhat soiled;Idem TheDecameron of GiovanniBoccacci(IlBoccaccio) now first completelydoneinto English Proseand Verse. London:printed for theVillon Societybyprivatesubscription and for privatecirculation only, 1886 Number 627 of an unspecified number of sets, 3 volumes, 4to, original japon lettered and decorated in gilt, top edges gilt, others untrimmed, bindings slightlysoiled;ShakespeareHead Press. Froissarts Cronycles. Translated out of theFrench bySir John Bourchier Lord Berners Stratfordupon-Avon:ShakespeareHead Press, 1927. Oneof 350 sets on paper, 8 volumes, large8vo, originallinen-backed boards, foreand bottomedges untrimmed, hand-coloured woodcuts to title-pages and similar heraldic devices to margins throughout;and 1 other work (24)
Estimate:£300 -£500
Provenance: TheLibraryof aScottish Gentleman
Lot 139
Collection of finely-bound librarysets, early19th century all8vo, uniformlybound in later 19th-centurytan calf over bevelled boards byAndrew Grieveof Edinburgh, spines gilt in compartments with maroon leather labels to second and third, twin-fillet frames gilt to covers enclosing fleurons to corners gilt, marbled endpapers, top edges gilt, numerous engraved plates, titles comprise:Hume, David. TheHistoryof England. Oxford:published byWilliamPickering, London, 1826 8 volumes;Smollett, Tobias. TheHistoryof England. Oxford:published byWilliamPickering, London, 1827 5 volumes;Bacon, Francis TheWorks A New Edition byBasil Montagu. London:WilliamPickering, 1825-34. 16 volumes bound in 17;Robertson, William TheWorks Oxford:for WilliamPickering, London, 1825 8 volumes;Goldsmith, Oliver TheWorks, edited byPeter Cunningham London:John Murray, 1854 4 volumes, engraved additional vignettetitle-pageto each volume;Hales, John W , &Frederick J Furnivall Bishop Percy's Folio Manuscript. London:N Trübner, 1867. 3 volumes(45)
Estimate:£400 -£600
TheLibraryof aScottish Gentleman
Lot 140
Collection of finely-bound librarysets 8vo (various dimensions), engraved plates, titles comprise:Burke, Edmund. TheWorks and Correspondence A New Edition London:Francis &John Rivington, 1852. 8 volumes, 20th-centurycrushed half morocco by Ramage;Fielding, Henry TheWorks With an Essayon his Lifeand Genius ByArthur Murphy. A New Edition. Edited byJames P. Browne. London: Bickers and Son, H Sotheran and Co , 1871 10 volumes, contemporarytan calf gilt byMansell, alledges gilt, volume1 with short split to head of rear joint, bookplates effaced;Sheridan, Richard Brinsley TheWorks With a Memoir, byJames P. Browne, containing Extracts fromtheLifebyThomas Moore London:Bickers and Son, H Sotheran and Co , 1873 2 volumes, contemporarytan calf gilt byMansell, alledges gilt, joints slightlyrubbed, bookplates effaced;Macaulay, Thomas Babington. TheWorks, Complete. Edited byhis Sister LadyTrevelyan London:Longmans, Green, and Co , 1873. 8 volumes, contemporarytan calf gilt byCarss of Glasgow;Trevelyan, GeorgeOtto TheLifeand Letters of Lord Macaulay London:Longmans, Green, and Co, 1876. 2 volumes, contemporarytan calf gilt byCarss of Glasgow uniformwith thepreceding work;Shakespeare, William The PictorialEdition of theWorks of Shakspere. Edited byCharles Knight. Revised Edition New York:GeorgeRoutledgeand Sons, c 1860 8 volumes, contemporarytreecalf gilt, bookplates of Robert WilliamMcCowan of Glasgow, Comedies volumejoints split (38)
Estimate:£300 -£500
Provenance: TheLibraryof aScottish Gentleman
Lot 141
French armorialbinding Delamaniered'enseigner et d'etudier les belles lettres par M. Rollin. Second Edition, revueet corrigée. Paris:Jacques Estienne, 1728 4 volumes, 12mo (16 2 x 8 5cm), contemporaryred morocco gilt, spines richlygilt in compartments, gilt arms to covers incorporating marquisalcoronets and twin unicorns rampant, alledges gilt, spines slightly rubbed and faded
Estimate:£200 -£300
Provenance: TheLibraryof aScottish Gentleman
Lot 142
LeMoyne, Pierre
Lagalleriedes femmes fortes
Leiden:Jean Elsevier, 1660. First Elzevir edition, 12mo (12.9 x 6.6cm), c 1800 straight-grain red morocco byBozerian lejeune, smooth spinegilt in compartments including binder's signature‘Rel. F. Bozerian Jeune’, diamond design gilt to covers, bluemoirésilk doublures, alledges gilt, engraved additionaltitle-pageand 20 full-pageengravings of historicalwomen (all counted in register), woodcut Elzevir deviceto title-page, retaining perhaps oneoriginalfinalblank only(of two) [Willems 864:‘Jolieédition’]
Estimate:£300 -£400
TheLibraryof aScottish Gentleman
Thefirst edition was published in Paris in 1647.
Lot 143
[Binding - 18th-centurywoman owner]
Maxims and Discourses, Moraland Divine taken fromtheWorks of Arch-Bishop Tillotson, and Methodiz'd and Connected. London:for J. Tonson, 1719. First edition, 8vo (22 x 14cm), [16] 109 [3] pp , contemporaryred morocco, covers richlygilt with broad stylised outer rollenclosing elaboratecentralpanels incorporating avariety of floralstamps, marbled endpapers, alledges gilt, spinesunned, small whitemark to foot of front board
Estimate:£300 -£400
TheLibraryof aScottish Gentleman.
With theownership inscription ‘CarolineBrydges 1745’ to theinitialblank: this is LadyCarolineLeigh néeBrydges (1729/30-1804), daughter of Henry Brydges, 2nd Dukeof Chandos, wifeof Thomas Leigh, and grandmother of Chandos Leigh Thereis also alater Leigh familybookplateto thefront pastedown
Lot 144
[Pregnancy&Childbirth] [FineBinding] TheLying-in Charity
An Account of theLying-in Charityfor Delivering Poor Married Women at their own Habitations London, 1773. 8vo in fours, finelybound in red morocco with elaborategilt tooling in a‘cottage-roof’ pattern, green morocco gilt labelto spine
Estimate:£500 -£700
TheLibraryof aScottish Gentleman
A starklycontrasting binding and subject matter Whilst thecovers suggest opulence, thecontents discusses aid which should begiven to someof the poorest women in childbirth
Lot 145
[Finebinding - MaryQueen of Scots]
MaryStuart byJohn Skelton
London:Boussod, Valadon, and Co., 1893. First edition, deluxeissue, oneof 300 copies printed on japon and with theplates in duplicate, 4to (31 6 x 23.8cm), finecontemporaryred crushed morocco byMaclehoseof Glasgow, thistleand fleur-de-lis motifs gilt to spinecompartments, covers richlygilt with elaborateoveralldesign of stars, thistles, and Mary's crowned initialand facsimilesignature, red morocco doublures, front doublurewith gilt arms of Carrick Castle, Ayrshire, top edgegilt, others untrimmed, handcoloured photogravurefrontispiece, 23 photogravureplates (theseall present in duplicate), 16 photogravurevignettes in text, tissue-guards
Estimate:£200 -£300
TheLibraryof aScottish Gentleman
Lot 146
Doves Bindery
"Unto This Last"
Four Essays on theFirst Principles of PoliticalEconomy ByJohn Ruskin
London:Smith, Elder and Co., 1862. First edition, 8vo (16.4 x 10cm), xviii [2] 174 pp , bound in 1896 byT J Cobden-Sanderson at theDoves Bindery in red crushed morocco (gilt-stamped on rear turn-in ‘TheDoves Bindery18 CS 96), spineand covers gilt with fleurons, fillets and dots, alledges gilt
Estimate:£300 -£500
TheLibraryof aScottish Gentleman
TheDoves Press published an edition of Unto This Last in 1907
Lot 147
Doves Bindery
Poems of Various Subjects byRobert Fergusson
In Two Parts TheThird Edition Edinburgh:T Ruddiman and Co , 1785 8vo (16 2 x 9 6cm), viii1-104 *101-106 [3] 106-240 pp , bound in 1896 byT J Cobden-Sanderson at theDoves Binderyin olive-green crushed morocco, spinelettered and dated in gilt, turn-ins decorated with fleurons, fillets and dots in gilt, rear turn-in lettered ‘THE DOVES BINDERY 18 C-S 96’ in gilt, marbled endpapers, alledges gilt, bookplate(Andrew J Kirkpatrick) to initial blank, spinesunned, smallscuffs to front board
Estimate:£300 -£400
TheLibraryof aScottish Gentleman
Lot 148
Nonesuch Press
LaDivinaCommediaof theDivineVision of DanteAlighieriin Italian and English
London:Nonesuch Press, 1928 Oneof 1,475 copies, folio, originalorange vellumgilt, top edgerough gilt, others untrimmed, spotting to foreand bottomedges and to endpapers
Estimate:£200 -£300
TheLibraryof aScottish Gentleman
An excellent copywith noneof thecustomaryfading to theorangevellum.
Lot 149
[Vellumprinting] Ritson, Joseph
TheSpartan Manualor Tablet of Morality
Glasgow:Privatelyprinted, 1873 [after London:C. Dilly, 1785]. 8vo, oneof two copies printed on vellum“Bd in theStyleof Roger Payne” byRamage, London, red morocco gilt with floralsprays to corners, spinebanded and elaboratelytooled
Estimate:£300 -£500
TheLibraryof aScottish Gentleman
Lot 150
[Vellumprinting] Hunterian Club
ThePoeticalWorks of Patrick Hannay, A.M., MDCXXII
With aMemoir of theAuthor Glasgow:privatelyprinted [for theHunterian Club], 1875. First edition, oneof perhaps 2 copies on vellum, 4to (22.6 x 18cm), [50] 250 pp , contemporarymaroon crushed morocco byRamage, half-title, 2 etched portrait plates including frontispiece, severalplates including facsimiles of title-pages, etched bookplate
Estimate:£200 -£300
TheLibraryof aScottish Gentleman
With apencilled noteto front freeendpaper:‘Oneof two copies printed on vellum, privatelyprinted for theHunterian Club’
Lot 151
[Vellumprinting] Maitland Club
Burgh Records of theCityof Glasgow M.D.L.XXIII-M.D.LXXXI
Glasgow:printed byEdward Khull[for theMaitland Club], 1832 First edition, printed on vellum, 4to, bound for presentation in red velvet (perhaps over wooden boards), spinelettered in gilt, arms of thecityof Glasgow to spine and front board in gilt, brass clasp and catch, [8] xxiv160 [2] pp.,, woodcut initials, 3 engraved plates, lithographic plate, contents almost entirely unopened, housed in contemporarystraight-grain bluemorocco pull-off case, binding slightlyfaded, rubbed and marked, title-pagemottled and slightlyfinger-soiled, caserubbed and scuffed
Estimate:£200 -£300
TheLibraryof aScottish Gentleman
Annotated on front pastedown ‘1 copyonlyprinted on vellum’, and with a laid-in typescript cataloguenotereading ‘printed entirelyupon vellum, and theonlycopyso made[ ]’
Lot 152
[Vellumprinting] BannatyneClub - Bannatyne, James Tears for theDeath of Alexander Earleof Dunfermling [sic.]
Edinburgh:BannatyneClub Press, 1823 Small4to, printed on vellum, handsomedeep purplegilt paneled morocco, bookplateof Brahan Castle
Estimate:£300 -£500
Lot 153
[Vellumprinting - heraldry]
Fac Simileof an Ancient Heraldic Manuscript emblazoned bySir David Lyndsayof theMount. Lyon King of Arms, 1542. Edited byDavid Laing Edinburgh:WilliamPaterson, 1878 Oneof apparently 2 copies printed on vellum, folio (33.6 x 22cm), contemporaryred morocco gilt byAndrew Grieveof Edinburgh, inner dentelles gilt, vellumdoublures, top edgegilt, chromolithographic title-page, [2] 21 pp. printed introductory text, 144 leaves of chromolithographic manuscript facsimiles (printed on rectos only, numbered 1-133, leaves 57, 77, 100, 101, 126, 127, 128 and 129 each with abis leaf), joints and extremities rubbed
Estimate:£400 -£600
TheLibraryof aScottish Gentleman
Second edition (first published in 1822) According to a20th-century centurybookseller's cataloguedescription mounted to thefront doublure, presumablyreferring to this copy, ‘onlytwo copies wereprinted on vellum’; therewerealso 250 standard copies and 50 copies on largepaper
Lot 154
Stuart, John SobieskiStolberg [&Charles Edward] VestiariumScoticum fromtheManuscript formerlyin theLibraryof theScots Collegeat Douay With an Introduction and Notes. Edinburgh:WilliamTait, 1842. First edition, folio (36 8 x 26cm), originalred morocco richlygilt overallincluding large block of theroyalarms of Scotland to covers, alledges gilt, 109 pp., halftitle, hand-coloured lithographic plate, 75 chromolithographic glazed plates of tartan patterns, mounted as issued, captioned tissue-guards, vellum presentation leaf to front lettered in gilt ‘Thegift of theHonbleFrances Fraser of Lovat on her marriage, fromher grandmother AmeliaMaryFraser of Strichen, 1844’, plates offset onto tissue-guards, variablespotting to mounts
Estimate:£300 -£500
TheLibraryof aScottish Gentleman
Oneof 50 copies according to theODNB A notorious work of forgeryand fantasybytheimpostor Stuart brothers, Englishmen whoserealsurname was Allen, but who presented themselves (in good faith or otherwise) as illegitimatesons of PrinceCharles Edward Stuart, and set about producing works revealing thewealth, and strictlyCatholic and Celtic character, of Scottish culturein themiddleages. Their claims that theVestiarium Scoticumwas based on a15th-centurymanuscript in their possession were denounced byWalter Scott beforehis death as fraudulent, but the published work nevertheless had an enduring influence.
Lot 155
Stuart, John SobieskiStolberg &Charles Edward
TheCostumeof theClans
with Observations upon theLiterature, Arts, Manufactures, and Commerce of theHighlands and Western Isles during theMiddleAges;and on the Influenceof theSixteenth, Seventeenth, and Eighteenth Centuries upon their Present Condition Edinburgh:John Menzies, 1845 Largefolio (55 6 x 40cm), contemporaryred half morocco, marbled endpapers, alledges gilt, 165 pp , etched additionaltitle-page, 36 plates, most of themhand-coloured etchings of Highland costume(frequentlyheightened in gumarabic), the remainder including tinted lithographs of antiquities, tissue-guards, errata leaf to rear, bookplateof Sir Thomas Dawson Brodie, 1st Baronet (18321896), Scottish lawyer, occasionalspotting including to etched and letterpress titles, marginaltide-mark to tinted lithographic plates [not in AbbeyLife]
Estimate:£300 -£500
A notorious work of forgeryand fantasybytheimpostor Stuart brothers, Englishmen whoserealsurnamewas Allen, but who presented themselves (in good faith or otherwise) as grandsons of PrinceCharles Edward Stuart, and set about producing works revealing thewealth, and strictlyCatholic and Celtic character, of Scottish culturein themiddleages.
[Scottish antiquarianism] BannatyneClub
TheAncient Sculptured monuments of theCountyof Angus Including thoseat Meiglein Perthshire, and oneat Fordoun in theMearns Edinburgh:[for theBannatyneClub], 1848 Imperialfolio (75 x 55cm), originalmaroon half roan, 24 tinted lithographic plates, tissue-guards, wear to binding, joints splitting, spinechipped, somespotting to plates [David Laing, TheBannatyneClub Lists of Members and theRules, with a Catalogueof theBooks printed for theBannatyneClub sinceits Institution in 1823, 1867, p 79]
Estimate:£400 -£600
TheLibraryof aScottish Gentleman
First edition, number 88 in theBannatyneClub series TheBannatyneClub was an antiquarian printing societyfounded in Edinburgh in 1823 bySir Walter Scott on themodelof London's RoxburgheClub
Barlow, Francis (c 1626-1704)
A BookeContaining such Beasts as aremost Usefullfor such as Practice Drawing, Graveing, Armes Painting, Chaseing and for severallother occasions Ingraved byWmVaughan [London:] John Overton, 1664. First edition, 4to (17.8 x 13.5cm), 14 ff. (engraved throughout), contents comprising decorativetitle-pagewith foliateborder, 12 numbered leaves containing in total32 engravings of animals (in various attitudes) and animalheads, and aleaf containing ablank coat of arms with foliateborder, 19th-centurycross-grain green morocco, titlegilt to spine, all edges gilt
Estimate:£800 -£1,200
TheLibraryof aScottish Gentleman
An extremelyrare17th-centurypattern book of animaldesigns, no other copytraced in auction records Thework was reissued in the18th century with theimprint of HenryOverton, which was thenameof both John's son, who succeeded to thebusiness in 1707, and his great-nephew, who did so in 1751.
Cervantes Saavedra, Miguelde
Don QuixotedelaMancha
Translated fromtheSpanish. Embellished with Engravings fromPictures painted byRobert Smirke, Esq R A London;for T Cadelland W Davies, 1818. First edition, large-paper copy, 4 volumes, 4to (27.6 x 22cm), contemporarydiced russia, spines gilt in compartments, five-fillet borders gilt to covers, alledges gilt, 48 engraved plates and 8 engraved head- and tailpieces, allon indiapaper, mounted, mezzotint frontispiece(not mentioned in list of plates), engraved bookplates, 19th-centuryownership inscription to volume1 endpaper
Estimate:£300 -£500
TheLibraryof aScottish Gentleman
Deuchar, David
A Collection of Etchings after themost Eminent Masters of theDutch and Flemish Schools
particularlyRembrandt, Ostade, Cornelius Begaand Van Vliet Accompanied with SundryMiscellaneous Pieces and aFew OriginalDesigns. Edinburgh: David Deuchar, 1803 First edition, 4 volumes, 4to, contemporarystraightgrain red morocco gilt, decoration including broad roll-toolframein diamond pattern with interstitialfloraltools to covers, spines gilt-lettered ‘india proofs’ at foot, alledges gilt, etched title-pageto each volume, 357 etchings on indiapaper (3 of which folding), mounted (in manycases morethan one to aleaf), various dimensions (approx. 6 x 5cmto 19.5 x 17.5cm), ahint of rubbing to extremities, title-pages spotted, volume4 with damp-staining to title-pageand first plate(bound as frontispiece) and to foot of afew other mounts
Estimate:£400 -£600
TheLibraryof aScottish Gentleman
Footnote: Thenumber of plates in sets of this works seems to vary.
Lot 160
Turner, J M W
PicturesqueViews on theSouthern Coast of England fromdrawings madeprincipallybyJ. M. W. Turner, R.A., and engraved by W B Cooke, GeorgeCooke, and Other Eminent Engravers London:John and Arthur Arch [and others], 1826. First edition, large-paper copywith the plates on indiapaper, 2 volumes, imperial4to (37 x 26cm), contemporary bluehalf morocco, top edges gilt, half-titles, 48 engraved plates (30 x 22cm) and 32 engraved vignettes (22 x 15cm), allon indiapaper, mounted, tissueguards throughout, bookplates (WilliamGott) [Ray, TheIllustrator and the Book in England, 11, &p 13]
Estimate:£500 -£800
TheLibraryof aScottish Gentleman
Themost luxurious of thethreeformats in which this work was issued Purchasers ‘could chooseamong engravings printed on royalquarto, as proofs on imperialquarto, and, “for theaccommodation of thecurious,” as india-paper proofs on imperialquarto’ (Ray) With WilliamDaniell's Voyage Round Great Britain it was oneof two works which ‘helped to awaken the British to theglories of their coastline’ (ibid )
Turner, J M W
Turner's AnnualTour
[comprising:] Wanderings bytheLoire;Wanderings bytheSeine; Wanderings bytheSeine, fromRouen to theSource [Each volume:] By Leitch Ritchie. London:published for theproprietors [-proprietor], 1833-4-5. 3 volumes, 8vo (24 2 x 15 3cm), later crushed brown morocco byFrancis Bedford, spines richlygilt in compartments, French fillet frames gilt to covers, inner dentelles gilt, top edges gilt, in total60 engraved plates including vignetteseries-titles, occasionalspotting
Estimate:£200 -£300
TheLibraryof aScottish Gentleman
Lot 162
Scott, Sir Walter
ProvincialAntiquities and PicturesqueSceneryof Scotland
London:John and Arthur Arch, 1826 First edition, large-paper copywith proof impressions of theplates, 2 volumes, large4to (36.8 x 26.4cm), c 1900 green crushed morocco gilt byRiviere&Son, inner dentelles gilt, top edges gilt, engraved vignettetitle-pages and 50 engraved plates after J M W. Turner and others, each present in two states and allon indiapaper, mounted, spines slightlyfaded, endpapers spotted, the2 engravings of Crichton Castlein volume1 (facing pp. 1 and 51) transposed (2)
Estimate:£300 -£500
TheLibraryof aScottish Gentleman
Lot 163
Hamerton, Philip Gilbert
Etching and Etchers
London:Macmillan and Co., 1868. First edition, 4to (26.4 x 17.5cm), 20thcenturyred crushed fullmorocco byRiviere&Son, marbled endpapers, inner dentelles gilt, top edgegilt, others untrimmed, xxvi[2] 354 [2] pp., half-title, title-pageprinted in red and black with etched vignetteon tinted ground, 35 etched plates after Rembrandt, Ostade, and others, printer's colophon leaf to rear, faint score-mark to front cover Together with acopy of the1876 edition (8vo, contemporaryred half morocco) (2)
Estimate:£300 -£500
Dibdin, Thomas Frognall
A BibliographicalAntiquarian and PicturesqueTour in theNorthern Counties of England and in Scotland London:for theauthor, 1838 First edition, large-paper copy, 3 volumes, large8vo (26.6 x 17.2cm), bound in 1860 byFrancis Bedford for oneHenry Stevens in red morocco gilt, alledges gilt, pp xv[11] 436, [7] 440-814, [3] 816-1090 xxx [2] allplates as called for (engraved and lithographic), engraved vignettes in thetext (manyplates and vignettes on indiapaper, mounted), tissue-guards, list of subscribers. errataleaf to rear of volume3, browning to mounts of plates on indiapaper, plates and vignettes variably offset;ibid. BibliothecaSpenceriana;or DescriptiveCatalogueof theBooks printed in theFifteenth Century, and of manyValuableFirst Editions, in the Libraryof GeorgeJohn EarlSpencer [And:] Aedes Althorpianae;or an Account of theMansion, Books, and Pictures at Althorp;theResidenceof GeorgeJohn EarlSpencer [And:] Supplement to theBibliotheca Spenceriana. [And:] A DescriptiveCatalogueof theBooks printed in the Fifteenth Century, latelyforming Part of theLibraryof theDukediCassano Serra, and now thePropertyof GeorgeJohn EarlSpencer. London:for the author, 1814-23 7 volumes, large8vo (27 x 17cm), later light brown morocco gilt byRiviere&Son, top edges gilt, others untrimmed, half-titles to volumes 1-4, engraved frontispieceto volume1, Aedes and Supplement, numerous plates and vignettes including facsimiles of woodcuts and independent engravings (fullcollations not established), volume1 extraillustrated with grisaillewatercolour portrait possiblyof EarlSpencer;ibid. Bibliomania;or Book-Madness;aBibliographicalRomance Illustrated with Cuts New and Improved Edition London;HenryG Bohn, 1842 4to, contemporarygreen quarter morocco, plates, pencilled annotation ‘theonly copyon Shaw colored paper’ to front freeendpaper, varying widths to fore margins(11)
Estimate:£600 -£800
TheLibraryof aScottish Gentleman
Thelist of subscribers of A BibliographicalAntiquarian and PicturesqueTour records 103 large-paper copies;small-paper copies werein two volumes only.
Cruikshank, Georgeand Thomas Rowlandson, illustrators
Thirteen books
Egan, Pierce. Lifein London;or, theDayand Night Scenes of Jerry Hawthorn London:Sherwood, Neely, and Jones, 1822 8vo, hand-coloured plates byCruikshank, crushed green morocco gilt byBedford, gilt tooled spinewith fiveraised bands;Blanchard, Laman, editor GeorgeCruikshank's Omnibus. London:Tilt and Bouge, 1842. 8vo, plates, crushed dark-green morocco gilt byBedford, gilt tooled spinewith fiveraised bands;“Doctor Syntax”. TheLifeof Napoleon, ahudibrastic poemin fifteen cantos. London: T Tegg, 1815 8vo, hand-coloured plates byCruikshank, crushed red morocco gilt byBedford, gilt tooled spinewith fiveraised bands;A'Beckett, Gilbert Abbott, editor GeorgeCruikshank's Table-Book London:thePunch Office, 1845 8vo, plates byCruikshank, crushed green morocco gilt by Bedford, gilt tooled spinewith fiveraised bands;Lessons in Thrift London: Thomas Boys, 1820 8vo, hand-coloured plates byCruikshank, brown morocco gilt byBedford, gilt tooled spinewith fiveraised bands;“J.Y.A.” Tales of Other Days London:EffinghamWilson, 1830 8vo, plates by Cruikshank, speckled calf gilt with gilt-tooled spinein bands and red morocco gilt labels;Points of Humour London:C Baldwin, 1823 8vo, plates byCruikshank, brown crushed morocco gilt;Fouqué, Lamotte. Peter Schlemihl London:G and W B Whittaker, 1824 12mo, plates by Cruikshank, later half morocco gilt;[Inglis, HenryDavid]. Scenes fromthe Lifeof Edward Lascelles Dublin:W CurryJun and Co , 1837 2 volumes, 12mo, illustrations byCruikshank, later calf gilt;[Egan, Pierce, imitation of]. RealLifein London London:Jones &Co , 26th May1821-22 2 volumes, 8vo, hand-coloured plates, originalboards;[Engelbach, Lewis] Naples and theCampagnaFelice. London:R. Ackermann, 1815. 8vo, hand-coloured plates byRowlandson, crushed dark-green morocco gilt byBedford, gilt tooled spinewith fiveraised bands (13)
Estimate:£800 -£1,200
Provenance: TheLibraryof aScottish Gentleman
Lot 166
Cruikshank, George, and others
A collection of finelybound volumes
Cruikshank. PhrenologicalIllustrations, or An Artist's View of the CraniologicalSystem, of Doctors Galland Spurzheim London, 1827 Oblong 4to, half bluecrushed morocco gilt;Idem. [Mornings and MoreMornings at Bow Street ] 4to, comprising engraved proofs beforeletters, on Indiapaper, contemporarytan morocco gilt;Idem [Lifeof Grimaldi] Small4to containing plates onlybyCruikshank, with ahand-coloured portrait, decorativered morocco gilt byBedford;Idem TheHumourist [London:] J Robins &Co , 1819. Oblong 8vo, containing fortyhand-coloured etchings byCruikshank, red morocco gilt byRiviere;Ainsworth, WilliamHarrison Rookwood, a romance. London:J. Macrone, 1836. Oblong 4to, set of 12 etchings, red morocco gilt byRiviere;Grimm, MM German Popular Stories London:C Baldwyn, 1823. Oblong folio, proof plates byCruikshank, handsomeblue morocco gilt byRiviere;Seymour, R “Phiz” [Plates to] TheDavenports, or threeroads in life. London:Chapman and Hall, [n.d.] Oblong folio, comprising proof plates, somefoxing, green half morocco gilt; [Maxwell. Historyof theIrish Rebellion.] Oblong 4to containing 21 artist's proofs byCruikshank, without text, red morocco gilt byRiviere, a presentation copyfromCruikshank with his signed cartedevisitedated May 24th 1862;and oneother (Cruikshank's John Gilpin) (9)
Estimate:£800 -£1,200
TheLibraryof aScottish Gentleman
Lot 167
Lever, Charles - "Phiz"(Halbot Knight Browne), illustrator [Works], severalextra-illustrated with originalillustrations byPhiz Our Mess [TomBurkeof Ours]. Dublin:WilliamCurry, Jun. and Company, 1843-4 8vo, 3 volumes;TheO'Donohue Dublin:WilliamCurry, Jun and Company, 1845. 8vo;TheKnight of Gwynne. London:Chapman and Hall, 1847 8vo, extra-illustrated, wrappers for originalparts and adverts bound in aseparatenon-uniformvolume;Roland Cashel. London:Chapman and Hall, 1850 8vo, extra-illustrated, wrappers for originalparts and adverts bound in aseparatenon-uniformvolume;TheDaltons. London:Chapman and Hall, 1852 8vo, 2 volumes, extra-illustrated;TheDodd FamilyAbroad London:Chapman and Hall, 1854. 8vo, extra-illustrated, wrappers for originalparts and adverts bound in aseparatenon-uniformvolume;The Martins of Cro'Martin London:Chapman and Hall, 1856 8vo, extraillustrated, wrappers for originalparts and adverts bound in aseparatenonuniformvolume;Davenport Dunn London:Chapman and Hall, 1859 8vo, extra-illustrated, wrappers for originalparts and adverts bound in a separatenon-uniformvolume;Oneof Them London:Chapman and Hall, 1861. 8vo, extra-illustrated;Lutterellof Arran. London:Chapman and Hall, 1865 8vo, extra-illustrated, wrappers for originalparts and adverts bound in aseparatenon-uniformvolume;[Works] 1844-1872, 24 volumes, smaller copies, uniformlybound with theabove(43)
Estimate:£1,000 -£1,500
TheLibraryof aScottish Gentleman
Lot 168
[Heath, William]
Glasgow Looking Glass [later Northern Looking Glass] Volume1, numbers 1-17;“New Series”, volume1, Numbers [1]-2, [Glasgow:1825-1826] Folio, earlier issues lithographed and later issues engraved, manysheets interleaved with blanks, contemporaryor original brown cloth with later gilt tooling to upper cover
Estimate:£800 -£1,200
Provenance: TheLibraryof aScottish Gentleman
The“Glasgow Looking Glass” is now commonlyrecognised as the“world's first comic”, published in thecityas thenew technologyof stone lithographic printing arrived in thecity Series of cartoons areused in the work to tellstories or makesocialcommentary, much as panels are employed in modern-daycomics
Lot 169
Richardson, J - and J H Nixon
TheEglinton Tournament
London:Colnaghi&Puckle, 1843 Folio (62 x 44cm), hand-coloured lithographed pictorialtitle, dedication and 21 plates, contemporarymaroon morocco-backed cloth, spineand upper board lettered in gilt, leaves uncut, yellow endpapers, somespotting, extremities slightlyrubbed [Abbey, Life, 388]
Estimate:£500 -£700
Provenance: TheLibraryof aScottish Gentleman
Lot 170
[Eglinton Tournament]
'Old Emblems and Heraldryand Tournament Horses prepared for the Eglinton Tournament' [manuscript cover-title], c 1839 Folio (46 5 x 33 5cm), contemporaryclothbacked wrappers, containing 25 originalwatercolours of coats of arms and designs for horsecaparisons, 2 on vellum, therest on paper, pasted to rectos onlyof green paper mounts, various dimensions, ranging from13.5 x 7cmto 23 x 32 5cm, most designs annotated in ink, browning
Estimate:£400 -£600
TheLibraryof aScottish Gentleman
Lot 171
ChineseExport School
Albumof avian pith paintings, 19th century
Oblong 4to, contemporaryChinesebinding of patterned red silk with green cloth ties, containing 12 watercolours on pith paper, depicting birds against avarietyof backdrops, each mounted to separatepaper sheet within onlaid bluepaper border, painting dimensions 10 5 x 17cm, mount dimensions 16.5 x 23.5cm, wear to binding, onepainting with substantialloss to body of bird
Estimate:£300 -£500
TheLibraryof aScottish Gentleman
Lot 172
Henley, W E (editor)
TheTudor Translations
London:David Nutt, 1892-1909 44 volumes, 8vo, originalred buckrambacked dark red cloth, spines lettered and decorated in gilt, foreand bottom edges untrimmed
Estimate:£300 -£500
TheLibraryof aScottish Gentleman
A completeset ‘A valuableproject [of Henley’s] was his supervision of the splendid series of Tudor Translations (1892–1903), each work with an introduction byaleading scholar, and finelyprinted and bound. Theseries began with Florio's Montaigneand ended with theTudor Bible, publication of which was in progress at thetimeof his death'(ODNB).
Nelson, Horatio Nelson, Viscount
TheDispatches and Letters of ViceAdmiralLord Viscount Nelson
With Notes bySir Nicholas Harris Nicolas. London:HenryColburn, 1845-6. 7 volumes, second edition of volume1, first editions of volumes 2-7, 8vo, originalvertical-ribbed purplecloth, spinelettered in gilt and stamped in blind, decorativepanels in blind to boards, engraved portrait frontispieceto volume1, 4 folding plates of manuscript facsimile(bound in volumes 1 and 2 but not wherestated in thecontents lists), 3 battleplans (bound as frontispieces to volumes 3, 4 and 7), volume1 frontispiecebrowned and damp-stained, theset entirelyunopened. Together with WilliamJames, Naval Historyof Great Britain New Edition, 1837 (6 volumes, 8vo, originalcloth, plates, not collated) (13)
Estimate:£300 -£500
TheLibraryof aScottish Gentleman
Lot 174
Pickering, William(publisher)
TheAldineEdition of theBritish Poets
London:WilliamPickering, 1830 and later. 53 volumes, 8vo (16.4 x 10cm), contemporarybrown half morocco (Chaucer, 6 volumes, in lighter-coloured morocco stilluniformwith theremaining volumes and signed Ramage), spines gilt in compartments, top edges gilt, engraved portrait frontispieces [Keynes, WilliamPickering, pp. 37-8]
Estimate:£300 -£500
TheLibraryof aScottish Gentleman
Lot 175
[Music] Roberts, Henry, engraver and printseller
Clio and Euterpe, or British Harmony
London:HenryRoberts, 1758-1762 First edition of volume1 (volumes 2&3 possiblylater editions), 3 volumes, 8vo, threeallegoricalengraved frontispieces and engraved vignettes on each page, finelybound in calf by Bedford with gilt borders and gilt tooled spines in bands with red and green morocco gilt labels, alittlescuffing to thecover of volume3 (3)
Estimate:£400 -£600
Provenance: TheLibraryof aScottish Gentleman
Lot 176
[Music] Croft, William- Joseph Trapp Musicus Apparatus Academicus Being aComposition of Two Odes with Vocal&InstrumentalMusick
Performed in theTheatreat Oxford on MondayJulythe13th, 1713. [London, 1715?] Folio, 2 parts together, thesecond part ending at p 27, engraved title-pages, disbound and loosein clamshellbox
Estimate:£300 -£500
TheLibraryof aScottish Gentleman
Lot 177
[Music] - [Roberts, Henry]
Calliopeor English Harmony, acollection
[London:printed byLongman &Broderip, n.d. but after 1739] Second edition, 8vo, 2 volumes bound together, frontispieces, 400 engraved pages of music with vignettes, paneled red morocco gilt byJenkins &Cecilwith elaboratelytooled and banded spine, morocco gilt bookplateof HenryHuth ("Ex Museo Huthii")
Estimate:£300 -£500
Lot 178
Ritson, Joseph
Including:A Select Collection of English Songs. London:J. Johnson, 1773. 3 volumes, 8vo;Idem Another copy, dated 1813;Idem Memoirs of theCelts or Gauls. London:Payneand Foss, 1827. 3 volumes, 8vo;Idem. Ancient English MetricalRomances London:G and W Nicol, 1802 3 volumes, 8vo;Idem. Scottish Song in two Volumes. London:J. Johnson, 1794. 2 volumes, 8vo;Idem Robin Hood A collection London:T Egerton, 1795 2 volumes, 8vo;Idem. Observations on theThreeFirst Volumes of theHistory of English Poetry London:J Stockdale, 1782 4to;[AND] 18 further uniformlybound volumes, bound byBedford in calf with green morocco gilt labels and intricatefoliatedecoration to spines;[WITH] An Essayon AbstinencefromAnimalFood, as aMoralDuty London:Phillips, 1802 8vo; [AND] 5 other similarlybound volumes, bound byBedford in calf with red morocco gilt labels and intricatefoliatedecoration to spines (41)
Estimate:£1,000 -£2,000
Provenance: TheLibraryof aScottish Gentleman
Lot 179
Stevenson, Robert Louis Works
Edinburgh:T. and A. Constablefor Longmans, Green and Co., 1895. “Edinburgh edition”, number 755 of 1035 copies, 28 (of 29) volumes only, originalred cloth with creampaper labels to spines;Idem. Edinburgh. PicturesqueNotes London:Seeley, Jackson, and Halliday, 1879 4to, etchings byS. Bough and W.E. Lowther, originalbluecloth gilt;Strong, Isobeland Lloyd Osbourne Memories of Vailima1903 (30)
Estimate:£250 -£350
Provenance: TheLibraryof aScottish Gentleman
Lot 180
Shields, Henry
Famous ClydeYachts 1880-87 fromOriginalWater Colour Drawings With DescriptiveNotices byJames Meikle. Glasgow:Oatts &Runciman, 1888. First edition, largefolio, original maroon morocco lettered and decorated in gilt, 30 mounted chromolithographic plates, binding rubbed and scuffed in places, occasional spotting to text and mounts, contemporaryownership inscription to verso of title-page
Estimate:£400 -£600
Provenance: TheLibraryof aScottish Gentleman
Lot 181
[Annan, Thomas] - Cityof Glasgow Improvement Trust
TheOld Closes &Streets of Glasgow Glasgow:James MacLehoseand Sons, 1900 Folio, 50 photogravureplates, oneproduced froman earlyengraving, originalred cloth gilt, alittleminor foxing to fore-edges
Estimate:£1,000 -£1,500
Provenance: TheLibraryof aScottish Gentleman
Lot 182
Annan, T &R , and Sons - WilliamStewart, editor Universityof Glasgow, Old and New Glasgow:T. &R. Annan &Sons, 1891. Folio, number 138 of 350 copies, title-pagewith photogravure, 34 views and 42 leaves of portraits also in photogravure, originalbluecloth gilt, somerubbing and wear to joints
Estimate:£300 -£500
TheLibraryof aScottish Gentleman
Lot 183
[Annan, Thomas &Sons] - and A H Millar
TheCastles and Mansions of Ayrshire
Edinburgh:WilliamPaterson, 1885 Folio, number 42 of two hundred copies, 70 photographic plates, originalgreen cloth gilt, joints rubbed and loose, somefoxing, mostlymarginal
Estimate:£400 -£600
Provenance: TheLibraryof aScottish Gentleman
Lot 184
Hill, David Octavius and Robert Adamson
A collection of later carbon prints 9 carbon prints, comprising:Mrs Bertram;TheArtist and theGravedigger, Greyfriar's Churchyard;BarbaraFlucker [Newhaven fishwife];WillieListon [Newhaven Fisherman];Henning with Parthenon Frieze;Miss Crampton of Dublin;TheKing Fisher [Fisherboy] ;TheRight Hon. Sir John McNeill;Mrs Bertram[Fishwife] (9)
Estimate:£400 -£600
York &Son
'Photographs of London' [cover-title], c.1900. Folio album, green cloth, front cover lettered ‘York & Son’s Photographs of London'in gilt, 141 albumen print photographs, 10 5 x 17.6cm, captions and cataloguenumbers in thenegative, slip-mounted on doubled thick-paper leaves, photographs includestreet scenes (Fleet Street, HydePark Corner, Oxford Street, Cheapside. Blackfriars Bridge, London Bridge), allheavilypopulated with traffic and pedestrians and with shop signs clearlylegible, Windsor Castleand environs, Bank of England, Mansion House, theRoyalExchange, Wellington Arch, theMonument, St Paul's, the Houses of Parliament, Westminster Abbey, views on theThames, St Pancras station interior, crowds and cyclists in HydePark, Albert Hall, Trafalgar Square, Victoria&Albert Museum('TheImperialInstitute'), British Museum, theTower of London, Beefeaters, High Holborn, theOld Bailey, the CrystalPalace, and more Binding rubbed afew areas of wear, water damageto rear cover, pastedown and blank
Estimate:£500 -£800
An extensiveand stylisticallyuniformvisualrecord of London lifeat theturn of thelast century York &Son wereoneof Britain's largest producers of glass lantern slides, but albums exhibiting their work in this format appear to beveryuncommon, and this examplemayhavebeen produced as atrade catalogue.
Sammelband of threephotographymanuals byJohn Towler ThePorcelain Picture;or, FullInstructions How to MakePhotographs on Porcelain or OpalGlass [Bound with:] DryPlatePhotography;or, theTannin Process, madeSimpleand Practicalfor Operators and Amateurs. [And:] The Magic Photograph;with FullDirections and Formulas for Making It New York:Joseph H. Ladd, 1865-65-66. 3 works in 1 volume, first editions, 8vo, [3] 6-47, [5] 14-97, [3] 6-10 pp , 20th-centurybluecloth, ex Manchester CentralLibrarywith labels to endpapers, blind stamps to title-pages and text, and pencilled annotations to title-pages Together with:Marcus Sparling, Theoryand Practiceof thePhotographic Art, 1856 (first edition, 20th-centurycloth, ex library);Alfred H Wall, A Manualof Artistic Colouring, as applied to Photographs, 1861 (first edition, 20th-centurycloth, ex library; C PiazziSmyth, A Poor Man’s Photographyat theGreat Pyramid in theYear 1865, 1870 (first edition, originalcloth, ex library, tears to spine-ends);W H. Thornthwaite, A Guideto Photography, 1854 (eighth edition, 20thcenturycloth, ex library) (5)
Estimate:£300 -£500
LibraryHub traces two copies of ThePorcelain Picture(BL and V&A, the latter in asammelband, theBL copydescribed as having 26 pp. advertisements at rear), onecopyof DryPlatePhotography(V&A), and one copyof TheMagic Photograph (BL).
Lot 187
Hatch, Tony- Frank Sinatra 9 photographs
A collection of later printings of TonyHatch photographs showing Frank Sinatrarecording, two with smallnotes on thereversereading ‘S Records’, silver gelatin prints, each 25 x 20cm, no signatures or stamps, visiblewhite margins around images, slight curling to edges (9)
Estimate:£300 -£500
Wain, Louis
Storks - "Weareadiscontented band - Adjutant Storks"
Sketch in penciland pen on paper depicting arow of four storks, signed by Louis Wain and titled in his hand along lower edge, 25 x 37cm, framed and glazed
Estimate:£700 -£1,000
TheFineArt Society
§ Charles Frederick TunnicliffeR A , R E , A R C A , O B E (British 19011978)
Printer's souvenir albumof Tunnicliffe's illustrated calendar for Wadkin Ltd of Leicester, 1947 Folio (38 5 x 26cm), black thick-paper wrappers, string-bound, manuscript title-labelto front wrapper, contents allmounted or tipped to black thickpaper leaves and comprising:4 colour scraperboard prints (making up the completecalendar, with 3 months to aleaf), each signed byTunnicliffe;10 autograph letters and 1 typed letter signed byTunnicliffe, allto theprinters and concerning theproduction of thecalendar;theleaves for JulySeptember and October-December each in 6 successivestates;calligraphic manuscript introduction and captions including thesignatureof the compiler, oneCharles Bramleyof Humberstone, Leicester.Together with 2 similar Wadkin Ltd souvenir albums of illustrated calendars, respectivelyby Rowland Hilder R.I., O.B.E. (1905-1993) for 1948, and Leonard R. Squirrell R W S , R E (1893-1979) for 1949, theHilder albumin 2 volumes and containing 3 autograph letters fromHilder, proof plates, and similar, the Squirrellalbumcontaining some10 autograph letters signed fromSquirrell, proof plates, and similar, afew items in both theHilder and Squirrellalbums now loose
Estimate:£600 -£800
Footnote: Wadkin Ltd wereafirmof woodworking machineryengineers established in Leicester in 1897 and operating as an independent business untiltheir absorption byNottinghamfirmA. L. Dalton in 2010. Thethreecalendars commemorated bythesealbums appear to havebeen conceived in part to showcasethefirm's reprographic technology, theintroduction to the Tunnicliffealbumexplaining that:‘This attractiveproduction forms an exampleof thesatisfying result which can beobtained when adiscriminating man of business commissions at artist of reputeto help him Having agreed to break awayfromphotographic reproductions it was decided byMr J. Holland Goddard, thegoverning director of thefirm, after discussion with Mr H. Beeston, publicitymanager, to commission an artist of front rank to makefour drawings of subjects which would bear somereferenceto “wood”:wood denotes thecountrysideso thechoiceof Mr C F Tunnicliffe was inevitableas thewiderangeof his accomplishment in that spherewas acknowledged’
Gregynog Press
Substantialcollection of letters to WilliamMcCance, controller of thepress, 1930-3 including numerous draft responses byMcCance, and various associated documents, approx. 200 separateitems in total, typed and manuscript, most on stationerywith theauthor's corporateor personalletterhead, pencilled cataloguenumbers to upper left corners throughout, afew items annotated or with sketched letterforms byMcCance Authors include:Blair Hughes-Stanton (1902-1981), artist and wood-engraver at theGregynog Press 10 letters of which 1 to 'Naomi'(probablyNaomiMitchison) therest to McCance, on various events and disagreements at thepress, including remarks about other figures in theprivatepress movement, theletters long and slightlyrambling, with littlepunctuation, most written in pencil, some retaining originalstamped envelope, eg 'They[theGregynog board of directors] arefurious with you for having consulted experts or anyone without their consent in other words theydislikebeing shown up as fools … Theyallraveabout [Eric Gill's] Four Gospels down here I think its apigs breakfast … DJ [DoraJones?] again said at theboard meeting how he objected to theKessler Hamlet fussyhecalled it “but of coursethats just a personall[sic] opinion”. I dont think hes taken thetroubleto studyit for morethan 10 minutes no theyallthink theyaresafewith Gilland the Gospels and think it so cheap at 8 guineas';StanleyMorison (1888-1967), typographer 28 letters, allon MonotypeCorporation stationery, in awarm and jocular tone, filled with polysyllabic humour and containing discussion of business matters (eg preparation of typefaces for thepress, Gillitalic and Perpetuaitalic, etc ) interspersed with constructivecriticismand advice regarding Gregynog presswork, lyricaldisquisitions on thecraft and philosophyof printing, ironic anti-Welsh sentiment ('I think that you and I, as non-Cambrians, maylearn something fromtheincident'), etc. Together with 4 draft letters fromMcCanceto Morison;R A Maynard, McCance's predecessor as controller of theGregynog Press. 5 letters, arranging the hand-over, to McCance, praising McCance's productions at Gregynog (on Esope, ‘Did you, I wonder, managetheengravings without damping on that verysoft sized paper A technicaldetailthis, but I’minterested';and Comus, ‘astunning book’), commiserating over disagreements with thedirectors of thepress (‘I was sorryto hear of thecontretemps over your Esope colophon Twas inevitable!You'llget tons of it, as I did Don't makeit alife or death business - as I did. A gravemistake- theWelsh onlyunderstand talkietalkie:work doesn't count';‘What you sayof Wales and Welsh would beilluminating did I not know theblighters so well. In mydaythechief sauce [sic] of unpleasant and unexpected surprises was T W H but I can see that thegood work is being carried on byothers. I can giveyou no comfort: you willnever eliminatethebackground to your labours’);Major W J Burdon Evans, director of theGregynog Press. 48 letters, concerning McCance's appointment, contractual, administrativeand financialmatters, press matters including leather samples and thedisappointment of Miss Davies with McCance's designs for an edition of BenedicitebyRalph Vaughan Williams, McCance's resignation, etc , theletters ranging frombusiness-like to peremptoryin tone Together with 13 draft letters fromMcCanceto Evans, concerning theday-to-dayrunning of thepress, with strong disagreements evident:'Wehaveagain goneinto thematter [of changing fromquarterlyto monthlysalaries] and perhaps it is that wearenot so much off therails as running on different lines, you on theCambrian Railway weon theL MS ';‘Myposition, illdefined at thebeginning, has become moremoreoneof responsibilitywithout adequatecontrol'(issues raised including unauthorised access to thepress's officesafe);‘I submit, however, that thedesign was both originaland distinctive, being well proportioned and effectivelyadapted to its purpose’ (aresponseto criticism of his design for Benedicite);‘I do not wish to belittlethefunction of the binderybut I should liketo point out that its importanceis secondaryto the actualprinting '(alengthydraft letter recapitulating disagreements with theDirectors esp. focus of attention and resources on thebindery);a discussion of Blair Hughes Stanton's work on an edition of White's Selborne; theappointment of McCance's successor.DoraE. Yates (1879-1974), Romanischolar 11 letters, concerning theproduction and design of Gregynog's XXI Welsh GypsyFolk Tales (1931), Yates contributing the foreword;Thomas Jones (1870-1955), director of theGregynog Press 11
letters on various press matters (eg 'I was looking at theEsope, Singing Caravan and Erewhon leathers yesterday. Together theyhavean accumulativelydepressing appearanceto me');DoraHerbert Jones (18901974), secretaryof theGregynog Press, 3 letters, on press matters including arequest for aselection of engravings byAgnes Miller Parker for exhibition during avisit to Gregynog byGeorgeBernard Shaw.And from others including GwendolineE Davies (1882-1951), co-founder director of theGregynog Press, 4 letters;J. BarchamGreen, paper maker, 2 letters (with adraft letter fromMcCanceto Barcham);Francis Meynell, director of theNonesuch Press, 4 letters (with adraft letter fromMcCanceto Meynell), J G Wilson (1876-1963) managing director of booksellers John &Edward Bumpus Ltd, 6 letters;Hugh Blaker (1873-1936), artist and connoisseur; and more.Theassociated documents including:2 carbon copies of areport on thework of press byW J Burdon Evans (each 6 ff , foolscap leaves, rectos only, headings comprising ‘Work in hand’, ‘Work in Prospect’, ‘Policy’, ‘Welsh Books’, ‘Costings’ and ‘Generally’, remarks include‘Eric Gill is not satisfied but theMonotypepeoplehopeto supplyin November’); 4 copies of WilliamMcCance's employment contract (onetyped, therest carbons);amanuscript booklet largelyin an unidentified hand, 11 pp., includedraft schedulefor work at thepress, ‘Plan of development through apprentices’, ‘Structuralalterations’ including aworkshop diagramnotes on typefaces in stock, etc , approx 10 ff further notes
Estimate:£1,500 -£2,500
Mrs Margaret McCance, second wifeof WilliamMcCance
A voluminous archiveshedding light on thepersonalities and day-to-day functioning of oneof thegreat privatepresses during its interwar heyday, providing an in-depth and often richlycomic insight into theharried tenure of WilliamMcCanceas controller of thepress, with informativebusiness correspondenceinterspersed with philosophicalreflections, indiscreet gossip, and splenetic rants fromseveralcorrespondents, someof whom might on present evidencebejustifiablydescribed as unsung belle-lettrists. WilliamMcCance(1890-1974) was aScottish artist notableas an exponent of theVorticist styledeveloped byWyndhamLewis. Succeeding R. A. Maynard in 1930 and remaining in post until1933, assisted byhis his wife, thewood-engraver Agnes Miller Parker, heappears to havequicklyfound himself out of sympathywith thedirectors of thepress and resentfulof their excessiveinterference Seefurther:Kathleen Ladizesky, ‘Aspects of theGregynog Press 1930-33', ThePrivateLibrary, Third Series, 7:2, 1984.
Lawrence, T E (1888-1935)
Two autograph letters signed to WilliamMcCance, controller of the Gregynog Press, with associated correspondence RAF Mount Batten, Plymouth, 10 October 1932 and 8 February1933, each written in black ink on both sides of asinglesheet (22.8 x 17.9cm), respectivelysigned ‘T E S ’ and ‘T E Shaw’, both concerning Gregynog's publication of Sufism-inspired poemTheSinging Caravan byRobert Vansittart ('I amso glad you aredoing this book H-S [Blair Hughes-Stanton] wroteto methat hedid not likeit:but then heis aperson of unusualmind Probablyhedislikes meringues and eclairs, trifles and omlettes souflees [sic] … It flatters myconceit to fancythat I mayhavehelped you to decide upon theCaravan for your press I haveordered acopy, of course, and persuaded afew peopleto order onetoo';‘TheCaravan delights me The print is small&neat &fine:paper and binding allright;and thedecoration most fitting You must havegot aPersian to do thecutting [of the lettering on thetitle-page]. I can’t read Arabic script so can onlyadmireits decorativeeffect Myonlyreservation is thefrontispiece And oh, why, why, so much “Jap vellum” … which is neither vellumnor Japanese?'), also including alengthyrecommendation of DarrellFiggis's Children of Earth (1918) as another project for thepress ('I know that Figgis was aqueer flat fist but Children of Earth is remarkable '), and compliments on the press's edition of Erewhon.Together with:Robert Vansittart, 16 autograph letters signed to WilliamMcCance, 1932-4, discussing thepublication of The Singing Caravan and Lawrence's refusalto provideaprefaceand a specimen of Arabic lettering;1 autograph letter signed fromVansittart's wife to WilliamMcCance;WilliamMcCance, manuscript draft letter to T E Lawrence, 13 August 1932, 3 pp., on Gregynog stationery, concerning the design of TheSinging Caravan, theethos of ‘thePrivatePress movement’, theeconomics and process of letterpress printing;5 further leaves of McCance's letters drafts;and atelegramfromVansittart to McCance(a folder)
Estimate:£1,500 -£2,000
Mrs Margaret McCance, second wifeof WilliamMcCance, controller of the Gregynog Press from1930 to 1933
Lot 192
Elizabeth I (1533-1603), Queen of England and Ireland
Letter signed to Jan van Hembyze, burgomaster of Ghent, Richmond, 30 December 1578 in French, thebodyof theletter in an elegant French secretaryhand, 17 lines, aboveElizabeth's autograph italic subscription ‘VostrebonneAmye’ and bold autograph signature‘Elizabeth R’ with her characteristic flourished underline, on asinglesheet, 43 x 31cm, addressed on verso ‘A n[ot]re trescher et bien aymelaSieur Jehan van Embusepremier eschevin en laville deGand’, remains of red wax seal(with dispatch slits), old folds
Estimate:£14,000 -£18,000
Elizabeth demonstrates her commitment to religious toleration in writing to seek fair treatment for theleaders of theCatholic partyin Ghent, imprisoned during thecoup d'état in thecityin October 1577, which led to the formation of ashort-lived Calvinist republic under theleadership of the letter's recipient, Jan van HembyzeElizabeth appeals to Hembyze's enlightened statesmanship and loveof justicein order to secureafair trial for theimprisoned Catholics, who arenot named but areknown to have included Frédéric Perrenot deChampagney(1536-1600), ahigh-ranking Habsburg soldier and diplomat:‘Combien les prisoniers detenuz en lavillede Gand peuvent demander defaveur devous et des aultres messieurs, qui ont lasuperintendanceet maniement des affaires dedela, vous nepouvez ignorer pour l’amour queportes ajusticeet lazelequavez abien fairea lestat devos affairez. Cequenous faict plus instamment interceder envers vous telles faveurs, quenous accorderes facilement tant pour estres icelles tres justes et lenviequevous pouvez avoir anous faireplaisir en l'endroict
dejusticeet equite Lesdictz prisonierz apres silongueet estroictegardene desirent plus grandes faveurs qued’estremis en droict, et ouys en leur justifications et defences par devant leur juges competentz'(‘How much might theprisoners detained in thetown of Ghent seek favour fromyou and theother gentlemen who overseeand handletheaffairs of that place, you cannot beunaware, for theloveyou havefor justiceand thezealyou havefor managing thestateof your affairs rightly Such is what makes us intercedewith you so directlyfor such favours, which you shallgrant us with easeas much for their being most just, as for thedesirewhich you mayhaveto pleaseus in therealmof justiceand fairness. Theaforesaid prisoners, after such along and confined imprisonment, desireno greater favour than to bebrought to trial, and havetheir justifications and defences heard beforecompetent judges.')It is almost certain that this letter was that delivered to HembyzebytheAnglo-Flemish envoyand spyDanielRogers (c.1538-1591), who provides an enlightening account of its context in a letter to Sir Francis Walsinghamdated 15 January1579:‘As concerning Her Majesties lettres, written in thebehalf of Champigny, Zueweghemand the rest of theprisoners stayed in this towne, I havedelivered someof themas unto thePrince[of Orange], theDuke, and Hembize, thinckingethat I shall not needed to deliver therest, for it is accorded theyshalbesent from hencetowardes Andwarpe, and fromthencetheyareto besent further into thecustodyof theDukeof Cleve ThePrincehath had somewhat to doo with Hembize, who woulderather set alltherest at libertie, then to grant that Champignyshouldereparte. ThePrincewilled meto dealewith Hembize unto whomeI delivered theQueenes lettre, declaringeunto him, howejust Her Majesties request was, and that if hewouldenot giveunto Champigny competent judges, for to purgehimself, hewereliketo heapegreat indigation uppon himself, and makeChampignythebetter thought of, whereforeI toldehimthat at Her Majesties request, I trusted hewoulde permitt, that with therest hemight beconveighed awayfromGant, and be comprehended in thesamepredicament in which theother prisoners were to becomprehended. With mocheadoe, hecondescended, althougheit was agreed uppon beforetheQueens lettrecame;bywhich Your Honnour may understandewhat stubbernesseand uncerteintyis yet in sommeof the greatest of this towne’ (Relations politiques des Pays-Bas dedel'Angleterre, XI, Brussels, 1900, pp 263-6) TheCalvinist coup in Ghent was part of a wider uprising against Habsburg ruleand Catholicismacross theLow Countries which followed Don John of Austria's attempted renewalof hostilities in July1577, reneging on theterms of thePerpetualEdict of Februaryof thesameyear WilliamI, Princeof Orangeinitiallysupported Hembyze, but, being amoderatewho likeElizabeth had promised toleration to Catholics, becamealienated byHembyze's extremismand attempts to suppress Catholicismentirely. In August 1579 Williaminvaded Ghent, forcing Hembyzeto fleeto Germany Hembyzereturned in 1583, but the interception of letters implicated himin aconspiracywith theDukeof Parma to return Ghent to Spanish control, and hewas arrested and executed for treason
Lot 193
Edward VI (1537-1553), King of England and Ireland
Letter signed with woodcut sign-manual, 14 July1547 singlebifolium(29 5 x 20 8cm, hand and flower watermark), written on two sides in asecretaryhand, Edward's woodcut sign-manualto head, autograph countersignatureof Edward Seymour, Dukeof Somerset as Lord Protector ('E. Somerset') to foot, addressed ‘To our trustieand right wellbeloved counsellor Sir WilliamPaget knight of our order and comptroller of our household’ on verso of conjugateblank, wafer sealand contemporaryendorsement to thesame, short split to head of centralfold, short tear to lower inner corner of first leaf, neither affecting text, afew other smallholes
Estimate:£3,000 -£5,000
Writing in thenameof theboy-king Edward VI afew months after his coronation, Lord Protector Somerset instructs his main allyand fellow Tudor magnateWilliamPaget to raiseaunit of heavycavalryin preparation for the renewalof England's campaign against Scotland, launched byHenryVIII in 1544 in order to securethemarriageof thefutureEdward VI and Mary
Queen of Scots, and known to posterityas the‘Rough Wooing’ As theEarl of Hertford, Somerset had previouslycommanded theEnglish forces which sacked Edinburgh in 1544, and achieved asuperb victoryagainst the French at Boulogneayear later. WilliamPaget, as principalsecretaryto HenryVIII from1543, was himself closelyinvolved in his master's wars with Scotland and France, and in consequenceformed afatefuldoubleact with thesoon-to-beLord Protector:‘The[English] militarycommanders had cometo depend on himfor communication with theKing whiletheywere campaigning, and among themtheEarlof Hertford, soon to beraised to the dukedomof Somerset, developed arelationship with Paget which was to be of great importanceafter thechangeof sovereign, when Paget becamethe Protector Somerset’s constant companion It was thenew King, or the Protector Somerset in his name, who gavePaget theGarter, and upon his resignation as secretarymadehimcomptroller of theHousehold and chancellor of theduchyof Lancaster. WhileSomerset was with thearmyin Scotland during thesummer of 1547 Paget was theeffectivehead of the government’ (Bindoff, ed., TheHistoryof Parliament:theHouseof Commons 1509-1558) England and Scotland had been at peacesincethe Treatyof Camp in June1546, but as thepresent letter demonstrates, this was aperiod which Somerset used to preparefor war Professing himself ‘advertysed that our auncient enemies theScottes prepares tassemblemen for thewarrein gretenombers’, herequests that Paget send him‘x [ten] gretehorses or good geldings hableand welltrimmed to served in afelde' and ‘aconvenient nomber of horsemen to serveon horsebackeas demylaunces', to muster at NewcastlebylateAugust The14th of July1547 appears to havebeen an especiallyimportant datein thesepreparations. On thesamedaySomerset wroteto Archbishop Thomas Cranmer requesting dispatch of 15 horsemen, and it is presumed that similar demands were sent to other magnates It is also thefirst recorded dateon which Somerset appears to haveassumed soleresponsibilityfor witnessing theking's directives for raising troops, without thecountersignatureof anyother privy councillor, afurther expansion of his alreadynear-completecontrolover the affairs of therealm, in which his access to theking's woodcut sign-manual or ‘drystamp’, held byhis allyin theroyalhousehold, vice-chamberlain Sir John Gates, was akeycomponent Paget's horsemen weredoubtless to be involved in thebattleof Pinkieon 10 September:thefinalpitched battle between theindependent kingdoms of England and Scotland, it resulted in a swift and crushing English victory;but Somerset's militarysuccess was also thestart of his downfall, ruining thenation's finances whileencouraging him to abandon government in councilfor personalruleconducted moreor less entirelyfromhis own household. Paget was disturbed bySomerset's autocratic turn but remained byhis sideuntiltheEarlof Warwick's coup in 1549, when headvised Somerset to surrender to his great rival, and in fact arrested himon thelatter's behalf Somerset was eventuallyexecuted in 1551;Paget's fortunes endured violent fluctuations with successive changes of regime, but heremained amagnateand died an old man in 1563, his heirs becoming themarquesses of Anglesey
NationalCovenant of Scotland
Originalmanuscript copyof theNationalCovenant for theburgh of Peebles, 1638-9
manuscript, ink on singlesheet of vellum(67.5 x 69.5cm), main declaration on recto and Glasgow Determination on verso, each written in aseparate secretarialhand, autograph signatures of some20 noblemen directlybelow main declaration including Rothes, Montrose, Eglinton, Cassilis, Home, Drumlangrig, Montgomery, Yester, Wemyss, Boyd, Flemyng, Forrester, Balcarres, Johnstoun, Balmerino, Lindesay, Elcho, Fraser, Dalzelland others, numerous further signatures including thoseof Peebles subscribers below both main declaration and Glasgow Determination, contemporary manuscript endorsement ‘TheConfession of Faith for theBurgh of [ ]'(the finalword illegible, an initial‘P’ possiblypresent), thedate‘1638’ to endorsement and head of main declaration perhaps added later, two additionalannotations (both 19th century) to verso recording provenanceCondition:dust-soiled, old stretch-holes to head fromflaws in thevellum, afew other smallholes, fading to signatures
Estimate:£10,000 -£15,000
1) Gavin Veitch of Peebles, bywhombequeathed in 1802 to 2) Thomas Henderson, ‘dissenting minister’, identified as Thomas Henderson (17571823), Reformed Presbyterian minister at Kilmacolm, Renfrewshire(see Couper, p 89) 3) AdamBrown (c 1768-1834), Reformed Presbyterian minister at Crookedholm, then Kilmarnock, Ayrshire, son-in-law of Thomas Henderson viahis marriageto JessieHenderson, second daughter of Thomas Henderson (seeScots Magazine, LXXII, p. 958, and McKayp. 221), thencebydescent to 4) James Brown of Kilmarnock, bywhomsold in 1906 for £20 to 5) WilliamHenderson Walker (1855-1923), of Chorlton Hall, Cheshire, chartered accountant and descendant of Thomas Henderson of Kilmacolm6) Thencebydescent
A rediscovered originalcopyof oneof theprincipaldocuments in thehistory of Scotland, oneof ahandfulremaining in privateownership, and thefourth known copyto appear at auction After ‘foor principalcopyes in parchment’ of theNationalCovenant weremadeduring thenight of 28 Februaryand 1 March 1638, it was decreed on 2 March that further copies would bemade for distribution to everyshire, bailleryand stewartryin Scotland, to be signed bytheprincipalfigures within each jurisdiction Manyhundreds were doubtless produced, but in themost recent census of surviving copies David Stevenson records atotalof 74, allbut 14 being in institutional collections, and nearlyallin Scotland, noting that these‘doubtless represent onlyasmallfraction of theoriginaltotal;to thenormalravages of timethere must beassumed to havebeen added deliberatedestruction of manywhen, after 1660, having signed thecovenant becamean embarrassment, retaining possession of acopyaliability’ (Stevenson, p 260) Theidentities of thelocalnotables subscribing to thepresent copyindicatethat it was intended for theburgh of Peebles TheNationalLibraryof Scotland holds a copyof theNationalCovenant described as containing thesignatures of the ‘provost, bailies, and councillors of theburgh of Peebles, [and the] burgesses of Jedburgh’ (Adv.MS.20.6.16). David Stevenson notes that David Laing in his 19th-centurycensus ‘refers to acovenant “belonging to theburgh of Peebles” marked “For theBurgh of Peebles” which had been engraved in facsimile Thereferenceto afacsimileindicates that it is this covenant now in theNLS that Laing refers to, but theinscription is not present, making it possiblethat thereis – or was – asecond Peebles covenant’ (Stevenson p 271) Theexistenceof two Peebles copies maybe connected to thecontested reception of theNationalCovenant in the region, illustrating that thedocument’s acceptancewas not aforegone conclusion across Scotland, contraryto thedrift of much subsequent historiography As aleading modern historian of thecovenanters has noted: ‘Whilesomecommunities wereenthusiastic earlyendorsers of the Covenant, others appear to havequietlyignored it untiladecision was forced upon them… Thepresbyteryof Peebles, in theScottish borders, counted theearlof Traquair amongst its flock, and not surprisingly, became oneof thecomparativelyfew to endorsetherivalking’s covenant in the autumn of 1638. TheNationalCovenant was finallyaccepted in May1639, but onlyafter someof thebrethren had insisted on “asight” of therelevant acts of synod and generalassembly’ (Stewart, p. 108). ThePeebles subscribers whosesignatures arevisibleon this copyincludeJ Peter, commissar of Peebles, various burgesses, baillies and counsellors, and severalfigures whoselocalstatus is not mentioned but who can be identified fromsecondarysources. Among thelatter aretwo individuals of specialinterest, namelyoneAndrew Watson and oneP Purdieof Newlands An Andrew Watson is recorded as vicar of Peebles and in 1652 received ‘£3 Scots as part payment duebythePresbyteryfor burning witches’ (Chambers, p 166);Patrick Purdie, minister at Newlands from1634 to 1681, was involved in at least threewitch trials in the1640s. In addition to theknown extant copies of theNationalCovenant, Stevenson lists 20 under theheading ‘missing, lost or suppositious’. Thepresent copymayaccount for that recorded as 16 19, described on thebasis of letters in theScottish Record Office(now theNationalRecords of Scotland) as having been owned at somepoint in the19th centurybyaMrs Landells, wifeof oneThomas Henderson, and eventuallygiven to a‘Mr Brown’, nephew of Thomas Henderson Another copy, recorded as 16 1, is oneapparentlysigned at Kilmarnock and seen in Cheshire;thereport, described byStevenson as ‘doubtful’, maybeaconfused account of theKilmarnock-Cheshire
provenanceof thepresent copy A copyof theNationalCovenant subscribed in Renfrew was sold byLyon &Turnbullin 2009 (10 Junelot 251) In 1977 Sotheby’s sold two copies:onesubscribed in Echt, Aberdeenshire, and adecorativecopysigned bytheorganising noblemen but not intended for localsubscription Thelot sold with associated documents including:letter fromAdamBrown to Thomas Henderson, Kilmarnock, 1830;Fr Schenck, Fac-Simileof theNationalCovenant of Scotland, in its originalformwith theAutographs of theprincipalleading Personages (lithographic facsimileon paper, in 20 sections, laid on linen, folding into cloth covers, front cover detached);‘TheConfession of the Faith, or NationalCovenant of Scotland, contributed byMrs Brown, Kilmarnock, Ayrshire’ (printed exhibition caption, mid-19th century);receipt of payment of £20 fromW H. Walker of Chorlton Hallto James H. Brown ‘for thenationalcovenant’ dated 10/9/06 For acopyof theScottish Prayer Book of 1637, which precipitated thedrawing up of theNationalCovenant, seelot 92 Literature:Chambers, William A Historyof Peeblesshire, Edinburgh, 1864.Couper, W. J. TheReformed Presbyterian Church in Scotland, Edinburgh, 1925 Goodare, Julian, et al ‘TheSurveyof Scottish Witchcraft 1563-1736’, online, accessed July2024.Laing, David. ‘TheNames of someof thePersons who haveOriginalCopies of our Covenants, Nationaland Solemn League’, Proceedings of Societyof Antiquaries of Scotland, IV, Edinburgh, 1847, pp 238-50 McKay, Archibald Historyof Kilmarnock, Kilmarnock, 1864 Renwick, Robert Gleanings fromtheRecords of theRoyalBurgh of Peebles, 1604-52, Peebles, 1892.Scots Magazine, LXXII, Edinburgh, 1811 Stevenson, David ‘TheNationalCovenant:A List of Known Copies’, Records of theScottish Church HistorySociety, XXIII, Edinburgh, 1988, pp 255-299 Stewart, LauraA M Rethinking theScottish Revolution:Covenanted Scotland 1637-1651, Oxford, 2016.
Lot 195
Earls of Caithness
Collection of vellumdeeds, 16th-17th century GeorgeSinclair, 4th Earlof Caithness (d 1582) Assignation to theright of reversion of land in Noss, Caithness, in favour of his son GeorgeSinclair, 5th Earlof Caithness (d 1643), 1572, in English, signatures lower right (somewhat indistinct), 30 x 28cm, retaining armorialred wax seal;George Sinclair, 5th Earlof Caithness (d,1643) Charter, 1597, in Latin, signed lower right ‘Caithnes manu sua[Caithness, his hand]', and ‘JeneCuntess of Caithnes &WilliamSinclair fiar of Caithnes’ (both in thesamehand), 45 x 42cm, retaining onearmorialred wax seal(of 3), ibid Charter, 1588, In Latin, signed lower right byCaithness (‘Caithnes concentis') and James Sinclair of Murkill(Murchill/Murkle), grandson of the4th Earland son of John, Master of Caithness, 25 x 35cm;GeorgeSinclair, 6th Earlof Caithness (d. 1661) Precept of clareconstat, 1661, in Latin, with autograph signature ‘Caithness’ lower right, 18.5 x 55cm.Together with:12 further vellumdeeds, 16th-18th century, including instruments of sasineconcerning Lord James Sinclair (17th century), documents relating to thebuchanan familyof Carbeth (Stirlingshire), charter signed byGeorge, Lord Forrester, 1645, with seal;and averylargequantityof approx 200 related documents on paper, including legaldocuments, accounts, letters, relating to families including Sinclair, Murray, Campbell, Cunningham, etc , and locations including Thurso, Clardon, etc., mainly17th-18th century, some19th century, housed in ajapanned metaldeed box
Estimate:£400 -£600
Campbell, John 1st Marquess of Breadalbaneand Holland (1762–1834)
A largequantityof letters dated 1812-1832
Around 150 letters written and signed bytheEarlof Breadalbaneto his solicitor, HarryDavidson, Esq , Writer to theSignet, of CharlotteStreet, Edinburgh, sent fromTaymouth Castleand aresidencein London, discussing legal, propertyand financialmatters, alongsideopinion, for example:“Theclergyof latearetoo apt to litigatewith their ? I byno means feelsorrythereforethat theMinister should becast, on this occasion ” [London, September 19th 1823], and discussing dailypersonalissues, such as being sent aponythat “is byno means thedescription I gaveof what I wanted” not being a“Trophypony” (c.150)
Estimate:£2,000 -£3,000
Lieutenant John Campbellwas the1st Marquess of Breadalbane, known simplyas John Campbelluntil1782 and theEarlof Breadalbaneand Holland from1782, when heinherited thetitlefromhis distant kinsman, John Campbell, 3rd Earlof Breadalbaneand Holland In 1806 hewas also created Baron Breadalbaneof Taymouth Castle, whereheresided and wheremany of theseletters aresent from.
PrincePhilip, Dukeof Edinburgh, 1921-2021
Letters sent fromGordonstoun in 1938, regarding cricket fixtures Autograph letter signed, dated May12 on Gordonstoun Schoolstationery, addressed to theHon. Secretaryof HuntlyC.C., confirming that Gordonstoun areableto playamatch on the18th June, signed 'Philip, Capt Gordonstoun C.C.", 25 x 20cm, afew smalltears;Typed letter signed, cancelling theaforementioned match and asking for it to berearranged, 25 x 20cm, afew neat tears (2)
Estimate:£700 -£900
Two highlyunusualletters sent byPrincePhilip, Dukeof Edinburgh, during his teenageyears at Gordonstoun School. Thefuturehusband of Queen Elizabeth II was akeen sportsperson at school, and captained theschool's cricket teamduring his timethere.
Collection of manuscripts byJames Thomson of Dundee, mid-19th century allcloselywritten in an italic hand, most works signed byJames Thomson, a few (e.g. ‘TheHouff’ and ‘TheLast LiteraryRemains of Foo-Fozzle’) not signed but in thesamehand, contents comprise:‘TheLast LiteraryRemains and Relics of theWorld-Renowned Foo-Foozle, D.D.D.D. and M.L. of ChingChang, and Mandarin of Ten Golden Buttons and FiveSiler Tassel;in Joint Stock with thoseof theever famous John Young, Lateof Forebank, Esquire Chang-Quang:Souchong, Printer Young Hyson, Publisher 14th Day, VIth Moon, Year 1845' 4to, 206 pp , lined paper wrappers;‘An Account of theIsland of Icolmkill[Iona] as it was in theyear 1771. A New Edition revised and corrected J Thomson, Scripsit’, Dundee, 15th June, 1852 4to, green paper wrappers, 16 pp., old staining to rear;‘Tour through Part of Perth and Fifeshires fromDundeebyIngergowrie, Foulis, Longforgan, Inchture, Dunsinane, Raitt, Errol, Abernethy, Abbeyof Lindores and theAbbeyof Balmerino to Newport in 1823 Also An Excursion fromDundeeto Meiglein thesameyear … ByJames Thomson. Third Edition enlarged [sic]’, Dundee, 18232 8vo, drab paper wrappers, 116 pp , ownership inscription of John Campbelldated Dundee1837 to title-page;‘Poems and Songs bySigma. In ThreeVolumes, VolumeFirst [ Second Third], 1828 [dated at rear] 4to, contemporaryhalf calf, 125, 43, 126 pp , inscribed on versos of titlepage, ‘Dundee21st July1841, presented to Mr John Campbellbytheauthor as asmallmark of esteemafter an acquaintanceship of sixteen years without across word occurring during that timeto mar thefriendship which endured in thecourseof theseyears, James Thomson’;'Gildas Sapiens, de Excidio et Conquestu Britanniae. Gildas theWise, concerning theSubversion
and Complaint of Britain;being theHistoricalPart or First Thirty-One Chapters of his Epistle, Modernised fromtheTranslation madefromthe OriginalLatin, and published in 1638 With aNew Introduction and Copious Notes. ByJames Thomson', Dundee, 15th July1852. 8vo, marbled wrappers, 56 pp ;‘TheHouff:aSelection of thebest Epitaphs and Inscriptions, Ancient and Modern, in theHouff or Common Burying Ground, Dundee ByOld Mortality, Junior’, Dundee, 1834 4to, contemporarylimp marbled boards, 150 pp., together with another copywith aslightlyvariant title, disbound;‘Narrativeof Occurrences in theParish of Newtyleat the Beginning of the18th Century, as Illustrativeof theMourners of Former Times With an Appendix of Select Excerpts fromtheParish Register of Auchterhouse ByaGleaner’, Dundee, 1842 Folio, 22 pp , with apen-andink sketch of NewtyleCastlesigned J. Thomson to title-page;‘TheParish Register or Book of theSession, with Notes and an Appendix of Additional Curious Collections. Thewholeintended as Authentic Illustrations of Former Times ByJames Thomson'[no date] 4to, contemporaryhalf calf, 211 pp , ownership inscription ‘John Campbell, Crichton Street, Dundee’ to p. 1;‘The Parish Register or ParochialAnnals, Being Extracts fromtheRecords of Various Parishes selected as Illustrations of Ancient Manners’, 1828. 4to, bluepaper wrappers, 178 pp ;‘Supplement to theHistoryof Dundeeby James Thomson’, Dundee, 1847. Oblong 8vo, plain paper wrappers, 162 ff., written on rectos only;'TheBook of yecomoun Rentallis of theBurgh of Dundie, Almishous and Kirkwark thairof, this maid in thetymeof Mr James Haliburtoun, Provost … Extracted fromtheLocked Book of Burgesses byJames Thomson', Dundee, 1838 8vo, 59 pp , bluepaper wrappers (front wrapper missing, front blank detaching), inscription in a separatehand (presumablytherecipient's) ‘To Mr J CampbellfromJ Thomson theeditor … 1841’ on p. [3];‘Observations, Exclamations, and Narrations in Verse;being theReveries, and Day-Dreams, of [symbols] In six Cantos, byAn Observer. Printed by And sold byalltheBooksellers’. Dundee, 1825 4to, plain paper wrappers, 40 pp Together with afurther volumeof manuscript notes byThomson (containing transcripts of 18thcenturycourt of session hearings), and arelated printed work (A Feast of LiteraryCrumbs ByFoo Foozleand Friends, Ancient Citizens of Dundee Dundee:WilliamKidd, c 1880, no 1 in the‘DundeeReprints’ series, front wrapper captioned ‘facsimileof originalcover’ and including imprint J Valentine, Dundee, 1848') (15)
Estimate:£800 -£1,200
Theauthor of thesemanuscripts can beidentified with that of thepublished work TheHistoryof Dundee(Dundee, 1847;2nd edition 1874) on thebasis of theintroduction to the‘Supplement of theHistoryof DundeebyJames Thomson’ A mixtureof literarysquibs, epic poetryin Byronic cantos, and thorough antiquarianism, theyarepresented in thestyleof printed books, with neatlyarranged title-pages and in onecase('An Account of theIsland of Icolmkill') mock printer's signature-marks to thelower margins. The NationalLibraryof Scotland holds amanuscript byJames Thomson of Dundeetitled `Gleanings of Antiquityin Forfarshire’ and dated 1825 (AdvMS 35 6 17) DundeeCentralLibraryholds asmallcollection of manuscripts byhim, including ‘TheHouff’ (1835), ‘TheBook of theHouff' (1838), and ‘Tours through Parts of Forfar, Perth, and Fifeshires’ (1833). It is possiblethat parts of the‘Supplement of theHistoryof Dundee’ and ‘The Last LiteraryRemains … of Foo-Foozle’ appear in printed formin the1874 edition of TheHistoryof Dundeeand A Feast of LiteraryCrumbs (op cit ) respectively, but it is unclear whether anyof theworks in thelot haveever been published in their entirety
Collection of manuscripts, letters and documents comprising:Volumeof originalletters to Alexander Dingwall, Aberdeen merchant, 18th century, folio album(), 19th-centurybluehalf roan with marbled sides, containing approx. 70 letters in total, fromvarious family members and other associates, on family, socialand business matters, Dingwall's marriage, familyillnesses, etc., and including 3 fromJohn Douglas as Bishop of Carlisle, dated Windsor Castle, 1789-91, signed ‘J Carliol’, one of which concerning theappointment of oneMr Gordon to theExuma Mission, Bahamas, allmounted rectos and versos, most with address panel mounted below, later annotations identifying authors, with apictorialboard gamein watercolour looselyinserted, probably19th century, thevolume inscribed on front blank ‘To John DrysdaleEsq of Castellan HouseDunbar, E Lothian, Old FamilyLetters chieflyaddressed to his Great Grandfather Alexander Dingwall, Merchant, Aberdeen Fromhis affection UncleA DingwallFordyce, Fergus, Ontario, Canada, 1892’. Together with:Alexander DingwallFordyce, FamilyRecord of theNameof DingwallFordyce, in Aberdeenshire, 1885-8, first edition, theauthor's copy, with original photographs, annotations and newspaper cuttings mounted to interleaves and presentation inscription fromhimto John Drysdale(q.v.), 2 volumes, 8vo, bindings defective;Volumeof commentaries on Bibleverses, 19th century, 4to, contemporaryhalf calf (binding loose), approx. 550 pp., in doublecolumn, in aneat italic hand;Fair copymanuscript journal, late19th century, recent notelaid in identifying author as ‘theRev. GeorgeGilfillan’;2 commonplacebooks, 19th century, including poems byColeridge, Wordsworth, WilliamMotherwell, etc , bindings broken;Largecollection of approx. 100 letters and documents, 19th century, mainlyrelating to the Carruthers familyof Moffat and theRogerson familyvariouslyof Pearsbyhall (Ecclefechan), Fingland (Moffat), and elsewhere, including 2 documents with Quebec relevance(both appointing James Rogerson, merchant of theCityof London, attorneyto James Whyte, ‘purveyor of hospitals on half pay, residing in thecityof Quebec’, copies of theDumfries and Galloway Advertiser, etc.;and 4 other items similar
Estimate:£300 -£500
Lot 200
Edinburgh Heather Club
Collection of manuscript minutebooks, 1891-1940 4 volumes, 4to (27.5 x 21.5cm) or folio (33 x 29cm), half leather bindings with black cloth sides and canvas jackets with sections cut awayfromfront covers to revealred morocco labels, respectivelycovering 1891-1904, 1907-23, 1924-32, and 1932-40, first and third volumes paginated 480 pp , 478 pp., theremaining volumes unpaginated but of similar extents, with a largequantityof printed ephemera(laid, tipped or pasted in), including programmes for annualoutings (booklets in decorativecard covers incorporating aphotographic portrait of theclub captain), dinner menus and notices (including anoticeof adinner in honour of Sir HarryLauder, 1933), lists of committeemembers, abstracts of accounts, correspondence, etc , notablecontents including an account (with aprinted noticeand related newspaper cuttings including photographs) of MurielSpark's receipt of the Heather Club Coronet for her poem‘Out of aBook’ submitted for theclub's poetrycommemoration in commemoration of thedeath of Sir Walter Scott, 1932 (‘ theyoung poetess roseand madeher wayto thethrone, placed abovethestage. Here, Miss Esther Ralston thefamous screen star and varietyartist placed thecoronet on thehead of MurielCamberg, and kissed her …’). Together with an Edinburgh Heather Club manuscript ledger book of members, outings, etc , c 1898 (partlyfilled, contents waterstained) and an attendancebook for the1960s-70s (6)
Estimate:£300 -£500
TheEdinburgh Heather Club was founded in 1823 byJoseph Sutherland, a localmerchant, originallyas awalking club focused on outings in the Pentland Hills. Thescopeof theclub's expedition expanded with theadvent of therailway, and in timetheyalso assumed avarietyof socialand charitableresponsibilities, including ayearlypoetrycompetition of which the 1932 edition was won byayoung MurielCamberg, known to posterityas MurielSpark, who recalled theoccasion in her 1992 autobiography CurriculumVitae:‘It was 1932, theyear of thecentenaryof thedeath of Sir Walter Scott A poetrycompetition was launched among theschools of Edinburgh bytheHeather Club, amen’s club founded in 1823 (for what purposeI do not know, except that it was veryScottish) I won first prize with mypoemabout Sir Walter Scott, and another girlat Gillespie's got third prize Theschoolwas doublyjubilant;everyonewas delighted I felt likethe DairyQueen of Dumfries, but I endured theexperienceand survived it'. An Edinburgh Heather Club captain's baton was sold byLyon &Turnbullin our Scottish Works of Art and Whiskysaleon 21 August 2021 (lot 243)
Redpath, Jean (1937-2014)
Collection of her guitars and personaleffects 2 classicalguitars, byRyojiMatsuokaof Japan, ModelNo. M30, and Guild Guitars of Hoboken, New Jersey, Mark III, each approx 95cmfromhead to foot, in felt-lined wooden casewith capo and replacement string packets, theGuild guitar casewith United Airlines frequent flyer luggagetag with printed name‘Miss Jean Redpath’ (both guitars with D string missing);Jean Redpath's personalcopyof A Select Collection of OriginalScottish Airs, London:T. Preston, c.1800 (4 volumes, 4to, modern red half morocco, ‘Jean Redpath’ gilt-stamped to front boards, various repairs, numerous leaves supplied in photocopy);Collection of certificates, including fromthe RoyalHumaneSociety, 1967 (under her married nameJean Johnson, 'for having on 19th July1967 goneto therescueof aboywho was in imminent danger of drowning in Loch Fyne'), Commonwealth of Kentuckycolonelcy commission (signed byMarthaLayneCollins as stategovernor), Scottish Societyof Nebraska, and theRobert Burns Club of Milwaukee, and of honorarydoctorates fromtheuniversities of Stirling (1988), St Andrews (1990), Glasgow (2009, with associated photographic commemoration volume), RoyalScottish Academyof Music and Drama(2002, with associated group portrait photographs), and others;Folder of personal correspondenceand documents, including bookseller invoices for Scottish music books etc., contracts and schedules relating to tours, concerts, recordings, and interviews, and similar;Autograph letter fromPeteSeeger dated 1999 with smalldoodleof abanjo, presenting acopyof his autobiographyWhereHaveAlltheFlowers Gone(present in thelot) and noting that ‘oneof theunforgettableexperiences of mylifewas hearing your unaccompanied voicefloat over Newport near midnight, about 35 years ago’;FloraMacdonald Award, 1998, metalmedalin framewith plaque;3 originalposters, ‘Edinburgh UniversityFolk Song Societypresents Jean Redpath’, c 1960, 33 x 25cm, and an originalposter for thesecond PhiladelphiaFolk Festival, c.1963;and 2 books inscribed to Redpath
Estimate:£600 -£800
Bydescent to thevendor.
Jean Redpath (1937-2014) was born in Edinburgh, raised in Leven in Fife and studied medievalhistoryat theUniversityof Edinburgh beforetravelling to Americain 1961 and embarking on acareer as afolk musician, becoming famed for her interpretations of Scottish folk songs and in particular her project with SergeHoveyto record thecompletesongs of Robert Burns Shortlyafter her arrivalin AmericaRedpath joined New York's thriving folk music scene, focused on Greenwich Village, and lived and performed with Bob Dylan. During the1970s shewas artist-in-residenceat Wesleyan University, Connecticut and went on to hold similar positions at Stirling and Edinburgh in her homecountry. Appointed MBE in 1987, sheis remembered as ‘thelass fraeFifewho becamean internationallyrenowned folk singer, a culturalambassador for Scotland who was, for listeners throughout the world, thevoiceof Scots traditionalsong, and particularlyBurns songs’ (obituary, TheScotsman, 23 August 2014).
Balgowan Larder Book
Manuscript record of menus consumed, dated 1809-1812
Fromtheestateof Thomas Grahamof Balgowan, later lord Lynedoch, comprising 91 manuscript pp listing items ‘received into thelarder’, ‘dinners’ eaten and whomthefamilydined with
Estimate:£1,200 -£1,800
An enlightening manuscript revealing thefood eaten on adailybasis by Thomas Grahamof Balgowan and his family On the1st October 1809, the household received “A hind ¼r of beef weighing 6 stone, 1 sheep, 10 ½ per ? killed, 2 hares, 6 braceof partridges [and] 1 rabbit”, which (excluding the largeamount of beef) provided fivedinners, including “Broth, mutton chops, roast hare, roast partridges, celery” A feast was provided for GeneralGraham's birthdayon the19th October, completewith blancmange.
Collection of printed and manuscript documents, 19th century Two CentralBoard of Health dailyreports of choleracases, 15 November 1832. Pre-printed documents completed in manuscript, each asinglesheet, 37 5 x 24cm, recording choleracases in England and Wales on one document and Scotland on theother, theformer signed at foot ‘W Maclean, Sec[retar]y’, staining;‘Stato OfficialedelCholerain Londra, esuoiContorni del7. Magio 1832’. Manuscript, singlebifoliumwritten on 2 sides, 32 x 20 pp , staining;Letter fromtheBritish consulateat Salonicato Ogilvie&Davies, Cardiff, concerning thedeath of oneCaptain Short fromcholera, 1855, enclosing related documents (present) including ‘List of Clothes &Effects of thelateCapt Short, Brig MaryAnn’, letter with numerous pin-holes;Four printed CustomHousenotices relating to cholera, London, 1832 (each a singlesheet printed on recto only, 29 5 x 18 5cm;Two Latin documents, both pre-printed, completed in manuscripts, including abillof health for the Marmora, sailing fromPenzanceto Naples, with 2 red wax seals;Manuscript petition submitted bytheburgh of Annan to theprivycouncil, 1832, concerning thespread of cholerato Annan ‘now that thedisorder is at our verydoors, for Carlisle, Whitehaven, and Maryport … areallat present affected’, singlebifoliumwritten on 3 sides, 31 x 19cm;Printed document in Swedish listing ports infected with cholera, 1832;and 3 similar items(a folder)
Estimate:£200 -£300
Lot 204
Armstrong, Neil
Typed letter, signed
Typed letter on Universityof Cincinnatiheaded paper, dated March 28, 1972, fromNeilArmstrong to Mr PaulW Millard, apologising that hewas unableto visit Mr Millard's companyduring his visit to Scotland, 28 x 21 5cm;Swigert, Jack - Apollo XIII Note, signed and inscribed, comprising a typed thanks for concern regarding thecrew's welfare, with an additional manuscript notefromSwigert:“Thank you so much for your thoughtful letter. Jack Swigert”, 10.5 x 14cm, in originalfranked envelope(2)
Estimate:£400 -£600
Lot 205
McMillan, Edwin (1907-1991), and Philip Abelson (1913-2004)
Collection of originalmaterialrelating to thediscoveryof Neptunium ‘RadioactiveElement 93’, typescript (possiblycarbon) of thearticle published in PhysicalReview (57, 1185, 15 June1940) announcing the discoveryof Neptunium, 4 ff.;‘Growth of 2.3 day93 from23 min. U293/92’, manuscript graph byPhilip Abelson showing thedecayof Uranium293 into Neptunium, in pencilon green graph paper, 28 x 21.5cm, with added pencil caption byEdwin McMillan at head, hole-punched in left-hand margin, the graph published as thefigureto theabovearticle;A printed version of the graph, possiblyacyanotype, 29 7 x 22cm;‘TheSynchrotron - A Proposed High EnergyParticleAccelerator’, carbon typescript, 4 ff., stapled at upper left corner;Autograph letter signed fromEdwin McMillan to Dr Herbert McLean Evans (1882-1871) of theUniversityof California, endocrinologist and co-discoverer of Vitamin E, 16 May1946, ‘Dear Dr Evans, Thenearest that I could find to themanuscript of theNp letter is thetyped copymadeat thetimeof writing, which is enclosed. Thehand-written originalwas apparentlydestroyed Thegraph also enclosed is an original;it was plotted byAbelson, and has acaption in his hand, and anotation at thetop in mine. This graph was reproduced in thepublished letter Finally, I amsending a typed copyof theSynchrotron MS;hereagain theoriginalwas destroyed'1 p , signed ‘Edwin M McMillan’;Typed letter signed fromDanielM Wilkes (assistant to Edwin McMillan at theLawrenceRadiation Laboratory) to Evans, 1963, requesting ‘perusaland possibleduplication of thematerials hehas given you’ on ‘certain materials relating to thediscoveryof element 93’ (quantity)
Estimate:£1,000 -£1,500
1) Given byEdwin McMillan to Dr Herbert M Evans in 1946;2) With John Howell, bookseller, San Francisco, in 1974;3) Privatecollection, Scotland
Edwin McMillan and Philip Abelson's discoveryof neptunium, thefirst transuraniumelement to beidentified, was oneof themajor advances in chemistryand nuclear physics achieved in the20th century, initiating a cascadeof similar discoveries and securing McMillan the1951 Nobelprizein thefirst discipline, which heshared with his BerkeleycolleagueGlenn Seaborg. Thepair madethediscoveryat Berkeley's cyclotron bysubjecting uranium238 to slow neutron bombardment and detecting asubstancewith abeta-decayhalf-lifeof 2.3 days, differing fromtheknown 23-minutehalflifeof uranium-239 and consequentlyattributableinstead to an isotopeof thenext element, 93
British rulein Ireland
Collection of letters, 18th century allon singlebifoliumof laid paper (onefolio, therest 4to), most presumed to beaddressed to Charles Townshend, 1st Marquess Townshend as lord lieutenant of Ireland (in post 1767-72), and comprising:Charles Fitzroy, later 1st Baron Southampton (1737-1797), 4 autograph letters signed as regimentalcolonelof the14th Light Dragoons, London, 1768-9, allto ‘My Lord’ regarding arequest for preferment, etc , WilliamKerr, Earlof Ancram, later 4th Marquess of Lothian, (c.1710-1775), 3 autograph letters signed, Dublin and London, 1762-8, allto ‘MyLord’, on regimentalmatters, ‘I received aletter yesterdayfromLord Shelburneto informmethat His Majestyhad granted meleaveof absencethrough your Lordship’s most obliging application', etc , allsigned ‘Ancram’ (though thestyletechnically incorrect following Ancram's succession to themarquessatein 1767);GeorgePurdon, Limerick, 1772, 2 autograph letters signed evidently to Lord Townshend (referring to ‘your Lordship’s son myLord Ferrars'), requesting preferment for his son, acornet in the4th Regiment of Horse);Thomas Vereker, autograph letter signed, Limerick, 1768, to ‘your Excellency’, aletter of recommendation for his brother, ‘lieutenant of dragoons on this establishment’;Amos Vereker, Athlone, 1772, ‘Sir, I Hope his Excellencywillnot censureme, for thefreedomI take, in requesting, through you, thevacant placeof barrack master for Youghall’;Edward Smith (identified in pencilled notes as lieutenant-colonelof the4th Regiment of Horse);2 similar letters;and manuscript memorandumconcerning a skirmish at Elphin, 11 May1795 ('aPartyof the10th Dragoons surprised them- killed upwards of Twenty- wounded manyand drovesixteen into a river near theplacewheretheyweredrowned …'), 2 pp., 4to(afolder)
Estimate:£300 -£500
Lot 207
Scrap and photograph albums
Collection of albums, early19th centuryand later Photograph albumcontaining two earlyphotographs, possiblysalted paper prints fromcalotypenegatives, c 1860, onedepicting apointed arch bridge over ariver in awooded landscape(17.5 x 14.8cm), another depicting a church with features including aporch with acrow-stepped gable(15 2 x 12.4cm), together with approx. 45 albumen-print photographs mainlyof Aberdeenshire, Deeside, most signed in thenegativebyJohn Valentineor GeorgeWashington Wilson;Albumof newspaper and magazinecuttings, c 1800-1810, also including:ThePraises of Aberdeen, sung byaWandering Bard, viz Logan Loveit, printed for theauthor, 8th October 1807 (printed broadside);‘TheLadies Diary'(manuscript verseon 2 sheets);pen-and-ink sketch of aman-of-war;Explanation of theBeautifulView of Messina, in Sicily… now exhibiting in thegreat Rotundaof thePanorama, Leicester Square, London:J Adlard, [1811) (printed broadside, creased);and similar;Albumof newspaper and magazinecuttings, c.1810-20, in poor condition with much materialloose, contents including:‘Fanaticism, account of asutee. Byan eyewitness. Burdwan, Nov27th 1820’, manuscript, 2 pp.; severalmanuscript poems;hand-coloured etched caricatures including R Dighton, ‘TheSpecious Orator’, 1794, ‘Poor John Bull, TheFreeBorn Englishman, J Bairburn, 1819’;stipple-engraved portraits of French statesmen and notables of theNapoleonic era.Together with:5 other albums including:albumof lithographs and etchings, mid-19th century, including WilliamHeath, ‘WeHavetheExhibition to Examine’, various costumeprints, genrescenes, landscapes, etc. manyhand-coloured;2 photograph albums;Jerusalemtourist albumof photogravures and flower cuttings;Straloch estatemanuscript notebook, 1896-1930;and afolder of prints and watercolours, 19th century
Estimate:£300 -£500
Fromthelibraryof thelateRobert Bogdan (1950-2023), of Boghead of Torries and Dykehead of Avochie, Aberdeenshire, geographymaster at Charterhouseand sometimechairman of theScottish Castles Association
6 Albums and abox of loosecards, including Valentine's cards
Mostly19th century, including 34 cards
Album, 23 x 29 5cm, containing 24 Valentine's cards, including onewith moving parts and reading:“You wish for ahusband - here's abeau /You cannot resist his ways;/Hecan danceto your hearts [sic.] content &so, / Listen to what hesays ” , somewith originaldoilyenvelopes attached;Small box containing two envelopes, at least onecontaining flower scraps (the other sealed) and 9 Valentine's cards, somein envelopes, onewith asmall glass panelcovering apainting;4 sketch books and clippings /letter albums;Albumof photographs of avoyagein theBaltic Sea, 28 images (7)
Estimate:£400 -£600
British militarydecorations
Manuscript medalrolls for theMilitaryGeneralServiceMedal1793-1814 and Armyof IndiaMedal1799-1826
late19th century, 2 volumes, folio (33 x 19.5cm), c.1900 brown pigskin ruled in blind byBaker &Son of Clifton, spines lettered in gilt, each volume written in brown ink in auniformclericalhand on red-ruled ledger paper
Estimate:£300 -£400
Lot 210
Churchill, Sir Winston - signed
TheSecond World War
London:Cassell&Co Ltd, 1948-1954 First edition, 6 volumes, 8vo, signed Winston S. Churchill1955 to volume1 flyleaf, attractivecrushed red half morocco gilt bySotheran (6)
Estimate:£3,000 -£5,000
Clarke, James Stanier and John McArthur
TheLifeof AdmiralLord Nelson
London:T. Cadell, 1809. First edition, 2 volumes, large4to, contemporary half diced russia, 13 plates, 5 plans, facsimileletter, alledges untrimmed, joints cracked, loss to spine-ends, wear to tips, somespotting, pp 364-5 in volume1 neatlyreattached (2)
Estimate:£600 -£800
[Charles, Anthony]
TheSocialand PoliticalDependenceof Women
London:Longmans, Green, and Co., 1867. Second edition, inscribed ‘To Miss Chambers, fromtheauthor’ on thehalf-title, 8vo, vii92 pp , original maroon cloth lettered in gilt, 24 pp. advertisements to rear, cloth slightly rubbed and unevenlyfaded, half-titlespotted
Estimate:£300 -£500
Thefirst edition appeared earlier thesameyear
Banking and Trade
A collection
Tooke, Thomas Considerations on theStateof theCurrency London:John Murray, 1726;Hamilton, Robert. An Inquiryconcerning theRiseand Progress, theredemption and present stateand theManagement of the NationalDebt of Great Britain. Edinburgh:Oliphant, Waugh, and Innes, 1813;Comyn, Robert Buckley A Treatiseon theLaw of Usury London:R Pheney, 1817;Joplin, T Views on theSubject of Corn and Currency London: Baldwin, Cradock, and Joy, 1826;Graham, James. Corn and Currency;in an address to theLand Owners London:James Ridgway, 1826;Mushet, Robert. An Attempt to Explain fromFacts theeffect of theIssues of the Bank of England upon its own Interests, Public Credit and CountryBanks London:Baldwin, Cradock, and Joy, 1826;Parnell, Sir Henry. Observations on Paper Money, Banking, and Overtrading London:James Ridgway, 1827;Dunlop, Alexander. A Treatiseon theLaw of Scotland Relativeto the Poor Edinburgh:WilliamBlackwood, 1828;“Friends of Commerce” A Caution to Bankers, Merchants and Manufacturers, against aseries of commercialfrauds Edinburgh, 1831;‘A British Merchant’ Hints on Wages, theCorn Laws, High and Low Prices, Paper-Moneyand Banking London: Whittaker, Treacher, &Co , 1832 Inscribed with theauthor's compliments;Vansommer, James Tables, exhibiting thevarious fluctuations in ThreePer Cent. Consols… London:printed for theauthor and sold by A H Baily, 1834;and 15 others, 8vo, mostlyin originalboards with afew in half calf (26)
Estimate:£500 -£700
Lot 214
Crowley, Aleister, &others
TheOfficialOrgan of theA ∴ A ∴ TheReview of Scientific Illuminism. Vol. I. No I [-II, III, IV, V] London:Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent &Co Ltd , 1909-11. 5 volumes, 4to, [8] 254 [2] 139, [8] 397, [4] 331 75, 352 viii113, [6] 158 [2] 176 pp , originalcloth-backed printed boards, half-titleand titlepageprinted in red and black to each volume, 19 plates in total(including a chromolithograph in volume1, apink-tinted photogravureportrait of Crowleyin volume3, therest mainlyhalftones, including an unlisted platein volume5), advertisement leaves to front and rear, advertisements also printed to pastedowns, volumes 1 and 3 labels chipped, light soiling to covers and rubbing to extremities, veryoccasionallight spotting internally, smalldamp-stain to head of Crowleyportrait
Estimate:£800 -£1,200
Cheiro's PrivateArcanaof Astrology
c.1929 or later. Mimeographed typescript printed on rectos only, 15 volumes numbered 1-10 (including 3a, 4a, 5a, 9a, 10a), 4to (26 x 20cm), originalpictorialyellow wrappers, staple-bound along top edges, diagrams in text, printed signatures of ‘Cheiro’ and theeditor R H T Naylor to wrappers and title-pages, staples rusted, volume1 wrappers nicked, volume 3 lacking onestaple(of 3), worming to volume4
Estimate:£500 -£800
An extremelyrareastrologicalcourse-book attributed to oneof theleading societyoccultists during thespiritualist heydayof thelate19th and early 20th centuries ‘Cheiro’ is now believed to bethealias of WilliamJohn Warner (1866-1936), an Irish journalist of apparentlyhumbleorigins, despitehis claims of nobledescent and adoption of various aristocratic titles Having been introduced to London societybyArthur Balfour, he becameacelebrityfortune-teller consulted byfigures ranging fromEdward VII to Oscar Wilde, whosestory'Lord Arthur Savile's Crime'concerns a roguechiromantist. Hepublished severalhugelysuccessfulbooks on chiromancy, anovel, and abook of poetry A noticeon thetitle-pageof each volumereads:‘Issued as absolutelyprivateand confidential instruction Courses issued under similar titles and names arespurious; noteis genuinewithout thesignatureof “Cheiro” countersigned bythe Editor’ Thecurrent year in theappendix to thetenth volume, ‘On Time Standards’, is cited as 1929.
Lot 216
Einstein, Albert
TheMeaning of Relativity
Four Lectures delivered at Princeton University, May, 1921. Princeton: Princeton UniversityPress, 1923 First US edition, first printing, 8vo, 123 pp., originalbluecloth, spineand front cover lettered in gilt, spinetoned and slightlyrolled, alittlerubbing to extremities, afew whiteflecks to to covers, strip of browning to pp 44-5
Estimate:£300 -£400
Thefirst US edition comprises thethesheets of London edition, published byMethuen theprevious year, with acanceltitle-page.
Lot 217
Medicine, mostlyobstetric Fiveworks
Thornton, Robert John. A New FamilyHerbal… London:Richard Phillips, 1810 8vo, woodcuts byBewick in text, contemporaryhalf calf, joints split;Leake, John. PracticalObservations on theChild-Bed Fever. London:R. Baldwin, 1775 Third edition, 8vo, modern cloth;Madge, Henry TheDiseases of theFoetus in Utero. London:HenryRenshaw, 1854. 12mo, withdrawn librarystamp to title-page, originalpurplecloth;Banks, WilliamMitchell On theWolffian Bodies of theFoetus and their Remains in theAdult Edinburgh: Maclachlan &Stewart, 1864 8vo, withdrawn librarystamp to title-page, green cloth;McKerron, R G Pregnancy, Labour and Child-Bed with Ovarian Tumour. London:Rebman, Limited, 1903. 8vo, originalcloth (5)
Estimate:£300 -£500
Six works
Keir, James A Treatiseon Cholera, containing theAuthor's Experienceof the Epidemic known bythat name, as it prevailed in theCityof Moscow in Autumn 1830, and Winter 1831. Edinburgh:AdamBlack, 1832. First edition, inscribed ‘Revd David Umpleby, with theauthor’s compliments 12 Augt 1845'on thetitle-page, 8vo, originalboards, rebacked, half-title. leaf of manuscript erratasigned ‘J Keir’ bound in at rear, initialquireloose;Paine, Martyn. Letters on theCholeraAsphyxia, as it has appeared in theCityof New-York New York:Collins &Hannay, 1832 First edition, inscribed bythe author on thefront freeendpaper, 8vo, originalcloth-backed boards, halftitle, spotting, unopened in places;Kennedy, James TheHistoryof the Contagious CholeraLondon:James Cochrane, 1831 First edition, 8vo, later librarycloth, 2 engraved folding maps, faint ink-stamp of theBirmingham MedicalInstituteto title-page;and 3 others:John Belland Francis Condie, All theMaterialFacts in theHistoryof Epidemic Cholera, Philadelphia, 1832 (first edition, originalcloth-backed boards with printed label);Bisset Hakwins, Historyof theEpidemic Spasmodic Choleraof Russia, 1831 (first edition, 8vo, librarycloth, BMI ink-stamp to title-page;and oneother similar
Estimate:£300 -£500
Snow, John
On theModeof Communication of Cholera
London:John Churchill, 1855. 8vo (23 x 15cm), second edition (preferred and greatlyexpanded edition, thefirst with thefamous Broad Street Pump map), 2 folding lithographed maps byCheffins, thesecond in colour, letterpress tables, without publisher's catalogue, originalblind stamped ripple-grained purplecloth, lacking spine, old bookplateof theDundeeFree Libraryto paste-down endpaper, smalllibrarystamp and cataloguenumber in ink to title-page, smallstamps to front and reverseof each map and to finalpage, smallholeto front-freeendpaper, 16cmclosed tear to Broad Street Pump map with no loss, smallclosed tear to thesecond map, alittle foxing and somedust-soiling
Estimate:£20,000 -£30,000
As ayoung apprenticesurgeon and medicalstudent in the1830s in Newcastleupon Tyne, John Snow attended to cholerasufferers at the Killingworth Colliery Thedisease, which thanks to Snow’s research, wenow know is spread through consuming contaminated food and water, piqued theyoung doctor’s interest and inspired his later studies.By1844, Snow had relocated to London and graduated universitywith adegreein medicine Hewas admitted as amember of theRoyalCollegeof Physicians in 1850 and was present in thecityfor both theSoho choleraoutbreaks of 1849 and 1854. 1850s Soho was asomewhat unsanitaryplaceto live– cesspits beneath homes werecommon, as thecity’s sewer systemhad not yet reached thearea. The1854 choleraoutbreak was thethird of its kind in the areawithin thespaceof 25 years and it was clear that therewas asevere health problemin thearea. Themedicalcommunity– including theGeneral Board of Health – generallyagreed at thetimethat illness was caused by miasma, however Snow suspected differently Hehad published his first edition of On theModeof Communication of Cholerain 1849, arguing against ‘bad air’ as acauseof cholera In 1854, Snow began to further his epidemiologicalresearch, with thehelp of Reverend HenryWhitehead, by simplyspeaking with theresidents of Soho and recording his findings John Snow mapped thecholeradeaths in thearea. Hediscovered that most of thedeaths werein thevicinityof Broad Street and thekeyfactor which linked themallwas access to thelocalwater pump. His carefulmapping and convincing argument persuaded thecouncilthat thecontaminated water (fromanearbycesspit) was thecauseof thedisease, and thesubsequent disabling of thepump vastlyreduced thenumber of affected patients Snow’s On theModeof Communication of Cholerawas published in second edition, much enlarged and with thecrucialaddition of maps, including that of theBroad Street pump contamination area Thework can beconsidered oneof thefounding texts of modern epidemiologyand has undoubtedlysaved thousands of lives
Lot 220
Frazer, Mrs
ThePracticeof Cookery, Pastry, Confectionary, Pickling, and Preserving Edinburgh:Peter Hill, 1800 Third edition, 12mo, 2 plates, contemporarycalf, earlyownership signatureof Miss Harkness, 1825, to title-page, hinges split, alittledampstaining
Estimate:£400 -£600
Lot 221
Beeton, Isabella
ThreeBooks of Household Management, and two others, onebyElizaActon TheBook of Household Management… London:Ward, Lock, and Tyler, [n d ] Two hundred and sixty-fifth thousand, 8vo, originalred quarter calf over green cloth, joints split, spinerubbed;Idem. TheBook of Household Management London:Ward, Lock and Co , 1891 8vo, originalred quarter calf over green cloth;Idem. TheBook of Household Management… London: Ward, Lock &Co , 1901 Six hundred and eighty-fifth thousand, 8vo, originalred quarter calf over green cloth;Idem. Mrs Beeton's Family Cookery London:Ward, Lock &Co , Limited, 1907 8vo, originalbluehalf morocco gilt;Acton, Eliza. Modern Cookery, in allits branches. London: Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans, 1854 Fourteenth edition, 12mo, originalbrown cloth gilt (5)
Estimate:£300 -£400
Lot 222
Kerr, John
TheGolf-Book of East Lothian Edinburgh:T and A Constable, 1896 Large8vo, number 93 of 500 smallpaper copies, signed, with an additionalinscription to LadyTennant fromthe author on thefront free-endpaper, portrait, 8 plates, originalcloth gilt, joints loose
Estimate:£300 -£500
Lot 223
Golf &St Andrews
A collection Darwin, Bernard. Green Memories. London:Hodder &Stoughton, [n.d.] 8vo, originalgreen cloth gilt;Wethered, Roger and Joyce London:Longmans, Green, and Co., 1922. 8vo, originalbluecloth gilt, authors'inscription to front free-endpaper:To Camille? fromtheauthors Read, mark, learn and inwardlydigest - and outwardlyapply, April21. 22";Vardon, Harry. How to PlayGolf London:Methuen &Co , Ltd , [1912] Third edition, 8vo, original red cloth gilt;Longhurst, Henry Golf London:J M Dent and Sons Ltd , [1937] Second edition, 8vo, originalgreen cloth gilt, dust-jacket;Smart, John. A Round of theLinks Views of theGolf Greens of Scotland LympneCastle: HarryMargary, 1986. Folio, originalgreen cloth gilt;Ford, Donald. TheGreat Scottish Courses Edinburgh, 1999 Folio, bluecloth gilt, originalbox;Farrar, GuyB. TheRoyalLiverpoolGolf Club. Birkenhead:Willmer Brothers &Co. Ltd , 1933 8vo, originalgreen cloth gilt;And afurther 28 books relating to golf;Fleming, D. Hay. Hand-Book to St Andrews and Neighbourhood. St Andrews:J &G Innes, 1897 8vo, originalpictorialcovers, rebacked;Grierson, James. Delineations of St Andrews… Cupar:R. Tullis, 1823 Second edition, 8vo, originalboards rebacked with later spine;Lyon, C J Historyof St Andrews Edinburgh:WilliamTait, 1843 2 volumes, 8vo, originalcloth rebacked;Walker, J. Russell. Pre-Reformation Churches in Fifeshire Edinburgh:Mould &Tod, 1895 Folio, later quarter calf gilt;and a further 7 volumes relating to St Andrews, with 4 others, on various subjects (53)
Estimate:£500 -£700
Lot 224
Kay, John
A Series of OriginalPortraits and CaricatureEtchings
New Edition Edinburgh:Adamand Charles Black, 1867 2 volumes, 4to, originalgreen quarter morocco, top edges gilt, others untrimmed, numerous etched plates. tissue-guards, bindings rubbed. With oneother work (4)
Estimate:£300 -£400
Lot 225
Sir WilliamRussellFlint P R A , P R W S , R S W , R O I , R E (Scottish 18801969)
London:Collins, 1950. First edition, deluxeissue, oneof 125 copies signed bytheartist and including an originaldrawing, this copyadditionallywith an autograph letter signed fromFlint concerning thepublication of thework, folio (35 x 25cm), originalmorocco-backed cloth, theoriginaldrawing bySir WilliamRussellFlint being apencilsketch on wovepaper, titled 'Gitana, Granada', signed and dated (1931) lower right, 25 x 20cm, tipped to window mount and hosed in originalgreypaper wallet, originalslipcase Spine abraded at head and with smallholeto head of each joint, spotting to endpapers, card wallet spotted and with closed handling tear to opening, slipcasespotted.Together with 12 others, children's and illustrated books, including:E Teriade(editor), Verve, An Artistic and LiteraryQuarterly, Vol 1., No. 1, 1937, first edition, folio, originalprinted wrappers, 4 original lithographs byFernand Leger, HenriMatisse, AbrahamRattner and Francisco Bores;Beatrix Potter, TheTaleof Peter Rabbit, c.1905, early edition, 16mo, originalboards, gift inscription dated 1905, short crack to foot of front inner hinge, frontispieceloose, afew spots;ibid , TheTaleof Benjamin Bunny, 1904, first edition, 16mo, originalboards, contemporary gift inscription pasted to front freeendpaper;Lewis Carroll, Through the Looking Glass, 1873, first edition, thirty-third thousand, originalcloth, inner hinges cracked;and similar (13)
Estimate:£300 -£500
Therewere500 further copies of Flint's work, issued with asigned print rather than an originaldrawing.
Lot 226
Nicholson, William An Almanac of TwelveSports
London:WilliamHeinemann, 1898. First edition, 4to, 12 plates, original pictorialboards, somebrowning and slight offsetting, upper cover slightly chipped
Estimate:£300 -£400
Roversi, Paoli
New York and Goettingen:SteidlDangin, 2005. 133 x 30cm, 93/200pp of 1000 copies, originalblack card wrappers, slipcasesplit
Estimate:£250 -£350
Lot 228
Patin, CharlotteCatherine
Pitturescelteet dichiarate
Cologne:appresso Pietro Marteau, sivendono in Veneziadall'Hertz, 1691 Folio (37 x 25cm), [8] 13-222, collates a4 A-K4 chi2 L4, contemporary mottled calf, engraved additionalallegoricaltitle-page, letterpress title-page printed in red and black and incorporating engraved vignette, 40 engraved plates after Titian, Leonardo daVinci, Paolo Veroneseand others (several doublepage, afew also folding), engraved armorialbookplate(Frederick Keppel, motto ‘Necedemalis’), binding scuffed and worn, variabledampstaining chieflyto lower margins, marginalsoiling to platefacing p 40
Estimate:£300 -£400
First edition in Italian of an earlyexampleof art criticismwritten byawoman, published thesameyear as aLatin edition, printed in Paduaand titled Tabellaeselectaeac explicitae Thework comprises engravings of some40 paintings mainlybyItalian Old Masters, each with an accompanying essayby Patin;thereis also aportrait of theauthor's family
Lot 229
[Terry, Ellen]
[Signed Georgian costumebook]
8vo volumecontaining 100 hand-coloured women's fashion plates dated 1798-1801, with thesignatureof theactress, Ellen Terry, dated 1882, “LyceumTheatre” to thepaste-down endpaper, with theaddition of asmall bookplatewith theinitials “GC” for Terry's son, Edward Gordon Craig, 19thcenturycalf, lower cover detached, somemarginaltears to finalleaf, some soiling
Estimate:£400 -£600
Lot 230
Miró, Joan
[Group of volumes fromhis catalogueraisonné, French and English editions, with originallithographs] all4to, originalcloth, originallithographic dust jackets, alllithographic plates as called for (11 in each of volumes 1 and 2, 5 in volume3), wraparound bands and acetatedust-jacket protectors unless otherwisestated, comprising:VolumeI. New York:Tudor Publishing Company, 1972. 3 copies, each fromtheEnglish edition and oneof 5,000 copies, lacking acetatedustjacket protectors and wraparound bands (if issued), onecopywith lithographic dust jacket price-clipped and slightlynicked and dustsoiled;VolumeII. New York:Tudor Publishing Company. New York:Léon AmielPublisher, 1975 4 copies, each fromtheEnglish edition and oneof 5,000 copies, onecopylacking wraparound band, acetatedust-jacket protector with toning and shallow chipping to spine, onecopywith similar toning to acetatespine'Volume III Paris:Maeght, 1976 2 copies, onefrom theFrench edition, onefromtheEnglish, acetateof French edition toned on spine, acetateof English edition with loss to spine-ends(9)
Estimate:£400 -£600
Lot 231
African watercolours folios
Two works
Balfour, Alice TheSouthern African Watercolours of AliceBalfour Salisbury: NationalArchives, 1980. Folio, oneof 500 copies, 10 plates, originalblue morocco backed portfolio case;Kimberley, MichaelJ , editor Silver Jubilee Portfolio of BotanicalPrints. RhodesiaSociety, 1978. Folio, number 186 of 500 copies, 6 plates, originalleatherettegilt portfolio case(2)
Estimate:£200 -£300
Lot 232
Design and pattern books
2 works
DeutscheMaler Zeitung:DieMappe. April-December 1926, volume46, lacking Juneissue, 71 design place, mostlyin colour;Leighton, John Suggestion in Design London:Blackieand Son, [n d ] Folio, frontispiece, lithographed title-page, 101 plates, contemporaryblack half calf, covers and joints alittlerubbed, someslight dust-soiling (2)
Estimate:£300 -£400
Lot 233
Stuarts and Hanoverians - Jacobiteinterest Collection of engraved portraits
LePrinceCharles Edouard Stuart, néaRomele31. Decembre1720. Paris: chez l'auteur, c 1745 Copper-engraving on laid paper byPetit after Domenico Dupra, platesize26 x 17.5cm, sheet size35.5 x 25.5cm;Le PrinceHenry-Benoist, 2efils deJacq Stuart, néàRomele25 Mars 1725 Paris:sevent chez l'auteur, c.1745. Copper-engraving on laid paper byPetit, platesize26 x 17 5cm, sheet size27 x 18 5cm;Jacques III Roydela GrandeBretagne. PrésentéàSaMajestéle21eJuin 1712, jour deson AugusteNaissance Paris:chez l'auteur, 1712 Copper-engraving on laid paper byJacques Chéreau after Alexis-Siméon Belle, platesize40 x 26.5cm, sheet size47 x 33cm, tipped to modern card mount at upper and lower left corners;[Portrait of MariaClementinaSobieska] [ProbablyParis, c 1730]
Copper-engraving on laid paper byPierre-Imbert Drevet after Antonio David, platesize43 6 x 31 9cm, trimmed to platemark with 0 5cmmargin around image;Georgius III. King of Great Britain. Dedicated to theRight HonbleWillm Pitt Canadais represented in theFigureof an Indian paying Homageto her RoyalConqueror, and in an HumblePosture, surrendering theCrown of that Kingdom, to beadded to Glorious Conquests of theBritish Empire [London], c.1760. Copper-engraving byB. Baren after Joseph Anton Adolf on laid paper, platesize63 x 47 5cm, sheet size65 x 49 5cm, tipped to window-mount;and 3 others similar including alargeengraving of Oliver Cromwellon horseback with London in thebackground (possiblybyF Mazot), trimmed to imagecropping letters (8)
Estimate:£300 -£500
Burns, Robert - The"Kilmarnock Burns" Poems Chieflyin theScottish Dialect
Kilmarnock:John Wilson, 1786. First edition, 8vo, 204 x 117mm, late nineteenth centurygreen morocco gilt byF Bedford, spinegilt, gilt edges
Estimate:£50,000 -£60,000
Roderick Terry, noted American bibliophile, armorialbookplate;Previously owned byJohn Dover of Glasgow;offered for salebyaScottish institution
Robert Burns was an intelligent and fun-loving youth, working as afarm labourer bydayand reading theworks of Scottish Enlightenment authors and philosophers, alongsideplaying thefiddle, in his sparetime. Unusually for theera, although less so for lowland Scotland at thetime, theworkingclass Robert Burns received aformaleducation in standard English. He combined this with theinfluences of theScots languageand folkloreto createpoetrywhich has appealed to generations worldwide, identifying the truths of human nature Burns first started to writepoetryas aboyof about fifteen, addressing themto a“bewitching” girlhehad met during the harvest. Nearly240 years after thepublication of the1786 “Kilmarnock Edition”, over 2000 editions of his poems and songs havebeen published.The“Kilmarnock” – or first – edition of Burns’ poems is thesingle most famous volumein Scotland's impressiveliteraryheritage However, the work almost never saw thelight of day. Burns'farming activities at Mossgiel farmwerenot profitableand although hewished to marryJean Armour, who was carrying his child, themarriagewas opposed byher father, so Burns madeplans to emigrate It was onlythesuggestion byalocallawyer, Gavin Hamilton, that hecould financehis voyageto Jamaicabypublishing someof his poems, that led to himapproaching anearbyprinter, John Wilson, in Kilmarnock On the31st July1786 Wilson published thevolumeof poetrybyBurns under theunassuming titlePoems, Chieflyin theScottish Dialect It sold for threeshillings and theentireprint-run of 612 copies sold out within amonth, bar 13 copies left with thepublisher. Thevolume contained much of his best writing, including TheTwaDogs;Address to the Deil;Halloween;TheCotter's SaturdayNight;To aMouse;Epitaph for James Smith and To aMountain Daisy, manyof which had been written at Mossgiel farm. Thesuccess of thework was immediate.Thefirst edition of Poems, Chieflyin theScottish Dialect is exceptionallyrare As of the2017 edition of Allan Young's TheKilmarnock Burns:A Census, therewere84 known copies of thebook surviving, with 15 of these(including this copy) in privatehands In March 2021, theBurns Chronicle, published byEdinburgh University Press, updated thenumber to 88 surviving copies. [Literature:Young, Allan. TheKilmarnock Burns:A Census, 2017]
Lot 235
Scots law
Collection of works
[Perth, Aberdeen &Inverness assizes]. Volumeof printed indictments, 1833 Approx 75 items in onevolume, 4to, modern cloth, each indictment comprising 4 [4] pp. (each retaining finalleaf, blank except for transverse docket-titleon verso), each itemwith contemporarymanuscript annotation to head recording pleaand sentence, contemporarymanuscript index to front;Dreghorn, John Maclaurin, Lord Arguments, and Decisions, in RemarkableCases, beforetheHigh Court of Justiciary, and Other Supreme Courts, in Scotland Edinburgh:for J Bell, 1774 First edition, 4to, contemporarycalf, joints superficiallycracked;Fountainhall, Sir John Lauder, Lord TheDecisions of theLords of Counciland Session, fromJune6th, 1678, to July30th, 1712 Edinburgh:for G Hamilton and J Balfour, 1759 2 volumes, folio, contemporarycalf, rebacked;Parliament of Scotland The Acts madein theFirst Parliament of our most High and Dread Soveraign, Charles theFirst … Holden byhimselfe, present in Person, with his Three Estates at Edinburgh, upon theTwentyeight dayof June, 1633 Edinburgh: printed byDavid Lindsay, 1683. 12mo, 20th-centurycloth;and 11 others including a19th-centuryphotograph albumwith 9 large-format albumen prints of Scottish scenes including Ravenscraig Castle, Lochranza, Abbotsford, Jedburgh Abbey, each approx 31 5 x 39cm, thelot sold as seen, not subject to return (16)
Estimate:£300 -£500
Lot 236
Milton, John Paraphrasis Poeticain triaPoemata Viz ParadisumAmissum, ParadisumRecuperatum, et Samsonen Agaonisten AutoreGulielmo Hogaeo London:Johannis Darby, 1690 8vo, xxxvi510 pp., later sheep, title-pagein red and black, bound without A1 (probablyblank) but retaining finalblank 2K8, bookplate, spineand extremities rubbed, loss to head of spine, damp-staining to front board, light browning, title-pageslightlyspotted, marginaldamp-staining to first few quires and to 2C-2E, leaves 2C3-2D5 with smalltriangular tear to fore margins, afew other blemishes and marks [Lowndes (1861) vol. 6 p. 1561]
Estimate:£300 -£400
Apparentlythefirst completeedition in Latin of Milton's threemajor poetical works, ParadiseLost, ParadiseRegained and Samson Agonistes:aLatin translation of ParadiseLost byoneJ. C. was published in 1686, though that appears to havebeen an abbreviated version, being aquarto in 32 pages only. Thetranslator WilliamHogg (fl.1682-1702) was aLatin poet of Scottish extraction ‘Although heappears to havemadelittleimpact on literary historians, or compilers of Scottish biography, [he] is notableas oneof the most prolific Latin writers of his age His output was remarkable, consisting of biblicalparaphrase, complimentarypoems, and translations of long English works into Latin’ (ODNB)
Lot 237
Milton, John
… To which areadded Illustrations, and SomeAccount of theLifeand Writings of Milton, bytheRev HenryJ Todd London:for J Johnson [and others], 1809. 7 volumes, 8vo (20.8 x 12.4cm), contemporarytreecalf, smooth spines gilt in compartments with labels, half-titles, engraved portrait frontispiece, oneother plate, bookplates of oneSamuelP. Child (7)
Estimate:£200 -£300
Austen, Jane
Prideand Prejudice
With twenty-four coloured illustrations byC. E. Brock. London:J. M. Dent & Co , 1907 First ‘English Idylls’ edition, deluxeissue, 8vo, originaldecorative vellumgilt, top edgegilt, others untrimmed, 24 colour plates including frontispieceand vignettetitle-page, contemporarycalligraphic presentation slip mounted to front freeendpaper, covers slightlysprung and mottled, spotting to edges, freeendpapers browned, [Gilson E114];Idem Emma With an Introduction byJoseph Jacobs and Illustrations byChris Hammond. London;GeorgeAllen, 1894 First edition, 8vo, originaldecorativebluecloth gilt, top edgegilt, allplates as called for (counted in pagination and register), front inner hingecracked and worn, privateaddress blind stamps to free endpapers, smallholeto front freeendpaper;Gaskell, Elizabeth Cranford With twenty-fivecoloured illustrations byC E Brock London:J M Dent & Co , 1904 First ‘English Idylls’ edition, deluxeissue, 8vo, originaldecorative vellumgilt, top edgegilt, others untrimmed, 25 colour plates including frontispieceand vignettetitle-page, contemporarycalligraphic presentation slip mounted to verso of half-title, covers sprung
Estimate:£500 -£800
Thefirst Brock-illustrated edition of Prideand Prejudiceappeared in 1895, but in that edition theillustrations weredifferent and not in colour
Lot 239
Austen, Jane Prideand Prejudice with aPrefacebyGeorgeSaintsburyand Illustrations byHugh Thomson London:GeorgeAllen, 1894. First Thomson-illustrated edition, first impression, 8vo, xxvii476 pp , originalbluecloth, spineand front board lavishlydecorated with peacock design in gilt, alledges gilt, frontispieceand illustrations throughout byHugh Thomson, spinerolled, loss to head, small tear to foot, rear joint partlysplit, rear cover stained, ownership inscription to front pastedown, front freeendpaper excised, pp. xvii-xx partlytorn in gutter, pp 37/38 with nicks to foremargin, pp 93/94 torn, rear inner hinge superficiallycracked in places, afew marginalspots
Estimate:£300 -£400
Lot 240
Austen, Jane Works
London:J.M. Dent, [1900-1901]. Mixed editions, 10 volumes, 8vo, original blue-green cloth gilt, illustrations byH M Brock, covers rubbed, some hinges splitting, severalfrontispieces loose(10)
Estimate:£300 -£400
Austen, Jane
Edited byR BrimleyJohnson with Illustrations byWilliamC Cookeand Ornaments byF C Tilney London:J M Dent and Company, 1893-4 10 volumes, 8vo (17 x 10.5cm), contemporarymaroon half calf, stag and flower devices gilt to spinecompartments, contrasting green morocco labels, gilt floralpattern to sides and endpapers, top edges gilt, letterpress series-titleand decorativetitle-pageto each work, 31 photogravureplates (4 to volume1, 3 to each of theremaining volumes), spines rubbed, front inner hinges slightlytender, annotations to front freeendpapers, faint odour of wood-smoke
Estimate:£300 -£500
Trollope, Anthony
Collection of first editions all8vo unless otherwisestated, comprising:TheWarden London: Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans, 1855. Contemporarytan half calf (spine-labels renewed), iv336 pp ;Barchester Towers London:Longman, Brown, Green, Longmans, &Roberts, 1857. 3 volumes, later half calf byJ. D Kennedyof Hawick (spine-labels renewed), viii305, iv299, iv321, volume 1 bound without half-titleand advertisements, each volumeinscribed ‘Roberton Library’ on title-page, associated contemporaryshelfmarks in manuscript to front pastedowns and gilt-stamped to spines, variablelight soiling to contents;TheThreeClerks London:Richard Bentley, 1858 8vo in 12s, 3 volumes, modern half morocco, iv340, iv322, iv334 pp , browning to corners of title-pages fromturn-ins of an earlier binding, volume2 sigs K-L lower corners creased;and 5 others (thesenot collated), comprising The Last Chronicleof Barset, 1867 (2 volumes, modern half morocco), HeKnew HeWas Right, 1869 (2 volumes, later half roan, rebacked), Phineas Finn (2 volumes, modern half morocco), TheVicar of Bulhampton, 1870 (modern half morocco), and TheWayWeLiveNow, 1875 (2 volumes, modern half morocco), together with aone-volumeedition of OrleyFarm, 1866 (original cloth, recased) (17)
Estimate:£500 -£800
Lot 243
Bindings, acollection
Including TheEdinburgh Gazetteer
London:Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green, 1827. 6 volumes, 8vo, contemporarycalf gilt with green morocco gilt labels to spines, joints splitting, volume1 upper cover detached;London Society. An Illustrated Magazineof Light and Amusing Literature London, 1864-1865 Volumes VVIII only, red half calf gilt;Kett, Dr Henry. Elements of GeneralKnowledge. London:Messrs Rivington, 1809 2 volumes, 8vo, half calf, cancelled stamps;Pieces Inédites sur les Regnes deLouis XIV, Louis XV et Louis XVI Paris:Léopold Collin, 1809 2 volumes, 8vo, red half morocco gilt;Plates to Illustratealleditions of Sir Walter Scott's Novels [N p , n d ] 19th centuryhalf calf gilt with green morocco gilt labelto spine;Kingsley, Charles TheWater Babies London:Macmillan &Co , 1904 8vo, bluecalf gilt prizebinding;and 6 other smallbooks (22)
Estimate:£300 -£400
Lot 244
Generalantiquarian books
Smallgroup of works
Sir John Scott, Lord Scotstarvit, (1585-1670, Scottish judge, writer and literarypatron), section of manuscript document containing Scott's autograph signature, mounted to front pastedown of acopyof Scott's The Staggering Stateof theScots Statesmen, Edinburgh, 1754;[Roman law], Pandectarumjuris civilis pars tertia[and] quarta], Lyon:GuillaumeRouille, 1550 (2 volumes, contemporarylimp vellum, yapp edges, gilt gauffered edges, earlier vellummanuscript wastefragments including red and blue initials with penwork flourishes used to linespines);HenrySidgwick, The Elements of Politics, 1891 (first edition, octavo, originalcloth, somewear to binding, ownership inscription of EarleMonteith Macphail1861-1937, principalof Madras Christian College);Jean-Jacques Bourassé, LaTouraine, histoireet monuments, Tours, 1855 (first edition, folio, contemporarypurple morocco gilt byHenderson &Bisset, alledges gilt, chromolithographic frontispiece, engraved plates);and 17 others (22)
Estimate:£200 -£300
Lot 245
McCance, William(1894-1970)
Collection of books fromthelibraryof WilliamMcCance, Scottish artist and controller of theGregynog Press including:Gaudier Brzeska, aMemoir byEzraPound, 1916 (first edition, 4to, originalgreen cloth, with WilliamMcCance's largelinocut bookplate, designed and cut byhimself, 12 5 x 9cm);TheFleuron No 2, 1926 (4to, original quarter cloth, ownership inscription of WilliamMcCanceto front free endpaper);Vincent Steer, Printing Design and Layout, c 1930 (4to, original cloth, ownership inscription ‘W McCance, TypographyDept’ to front free endpaper, annotations identifying typefaces to half-titleand title-page, 2 leaves of manuscript notes laid in);and 27 others, generalliterature including paperbacks and reprints, either with McCance's ownership inscriptions or gift inscriptions to McCance(often naming himas ‘Mac’), 4 of which inscribed to McCanceand his wifeAgnes Miller Parker, onework (Robert Gibbings, Sweet Thames Run Softly, 1940) inscribed ‘To Willie, from Agnes, Xmas 1940’, together with onework (John Donne, LovePoems, Zodiac Books, 1950) inscribed ‘To Dearest Agnes, with much loveEdna, Xmas 1952’ (31)
Estimate:£400 -£600
Provenance: Mrs Margaret McCance, second wifeof WilliamMcCance. Footnote: WilliamMcCancemarried Agnes Miller Parker in 1918. In 1930 hewas appointed controller of theGregynog Press, in Powys, Wales, remaining in theposition for threeyears In the1940s and '50s heserved as lecturer in typographyand book production at theUniversityof Reading, living during that period at Pheasant's Hill, Hambleden, Buckinghamshire
Lot 246
Gregynog Press
Collection of limited editions
Erewhon bySamuelButler, 1932 (oneof 300 copies, originalleather, rubbed);TheSinging Caravan, aSufiTalebyRobert Vansittart, 1932 (oneof 250 copies, large8vo, originalleather, rubbed, contents unopened);Clych Atgof gan Owen Edwards, 1933 (oneof 400 copies, originalleather, mottling to covers);GeorgeHerbert, SundriePieces, 2003 (oneof 200 copies, folio, originalpurplequarter morocco with slipcase);John Ryder, IntimateLeaves fromaDesigner's Notebook, 1993 (oneof 300 copies, signed, originalquarter cloth);W H Davies, TheLovers'Song-Book, 1993 (oneof 350 copies, narrow folio, originalwrappers), and 11 others including Four Elms Press, When Grandmammawas Young With Lino-cuts by WilliamMcCance, 1929 (originalquarter cloth, illustrations hand-coloured), issues of TheColophon, etc (17)
Estimate:£200 -£300
Mrs Margaret McCance, second wifeof WilliamMcCance(1894-1970), controller of theGregynog Press from1930 to 1933
Lot 247
Chivers, vellucent binding
Shakespeare, William Shakespeare's Sonnets London and New York, 1899 12mo, illustrations by HenryOspovat, Cedric Chivers velluent binding with thistlemotifs incorporating theinitials ‘MN’;Onions, Oliver. TheWork of HenryOspovat. London:TheSaint CatherinePress, 1911 4to, originalvellumgilt, some staining (2)
Estimate:£800 -£1,200
Lot 248
PrivatePress ephemera
InclinePress, and others
32 individualitems, including:“A Man and aBrother”, GrahamMoss at the InclinePress, singlesheet comprising aquotation fromNelson Mandela; Trant, Carolyn Art for Life A Prospectus fromtheInclinePress, 2004; OPening versefromJohn Donne's “TheSun Rising”, smallsingleleaf produced for an exhibition at Chetham's Libraryin 2011, InclinePress; Rosetti, Christina. On thedeath of acat… printed byThomas Mouser at his Catnip Press;and aquantityof others
Estimate:£150 -£250
Lot 249
Wells, H.G.
London:T. Fisher Unwin, Ltd., 1924. ‘Atlantic Edition’, 28 volumes, number 547 of 620 sets signed byWells for theUKmarket, originalred cloth gilt, spines faded
Estimate:£800 -£1,200
Lot 250
Auden, W H
Letters fromIceland
London:Faber and Faber, [1937] First edition, 8vo, W H Auden's signature in smallletters to flyleaf, originalgreen cloth, dust-jacket with somechips and slight rubbing
Estimate:£300 -£500
Lot 251
Dostoyevsky, Fyodor
TheBrothers Karamazov
A Novelin Four Parts and an Epilogue FromtheRussian byConstance Garnett. London:WilliamHeinemann, 1912. First edition in English, 8vo, originalred cloth, xii838 [2] pp , half-title, colophon leaf, spinerubbed and toned, nicked and head and foot, smallsections of wear to joints, covers slightlymarked, tips bumped, front inner hinges superficiallycracked, pp 100-500 with faint variabledamp-staining to foremargins
Estimate:£2,000 -£3,000
This work was thefirst instalment in ConstanceGarnett's series of English translations of thenovels of Dostoyevsky, which eventuallyran to twelve volumes, thelast appearing in 1920
Lot 252
Owen, Wilfred Poems
With an Introduction bySiegfried Sassoon London:Chatto &Windus, 1920 First edition, 4to, ix [3] 33 pp., originalred cloth, printed paper spine-label, foreand bottomedges untrimmed, photogravureportrait frontispiecewith tissue-guard, peripheralbrowning to half-title, tide-mark to head of frontispiece, tissue-guard offset onto title-page, strip of tanning to gutter of pp. 14-15
Estimate:£500 -£800
Lot 253
[Berkeley, Anthony]
TheLayton Court Mystery
By“?” London:Herbert Jenkins, Limited, 1925 First edition, first impression, 8vo, 316 pp , originalgreen pictorialcloth, 4 pp advertisements to rear, cloth slightlymarked, front freeendpaper creased, pp 47/8 nicked and spotted along foreedge, red ink annotations to rear freeendpaper [Hubin p 68]
Estimate:£200 -£300
Theauthor's first book, introducing his detectiveRoger Sheringham
Lot 254
Christie, Agatha
TheRoad of Dreams
London:GeoffreyBles, [1925] First edition, first impression, 8vo, 111 pp , originalgreen quarter cloth with printed paper spine-label, dust jacket, uneven fading to covers, strip of browning to freeendpapers, occasional light spotting to text, dust jacket slightlymarked and with toning to spine and along top edgeof rear panel, short closed tear to foot lower outer corner of rear panel, and alittlewear and softening to extremities
Estimate:£500 -£800
AgathaChristie's first book of poetry, and oneof her earliest works in any genre, printed at her own expenseand todayararebook in anycondition, especiallywith thedust jacket
Lot 255
Christie, Agatha
Collection of works all8vo, originalcloth, comprising:Death in theClouds London:for theCrime Club byCollins, 1935. First edition, first impression, cloth marked, spine toned, edges spotted, manuscript purchasenotedated 1952 to front free endpaper;Cards on theTable. London:for theCrimeClub byCollins, 1936. First edition, first impression, cloth slightlyspotted and marked, edges spotted, similar purchasenote;FiveLittlePigs. London:for theCrimeClub by Collins, 1942 First edition, first impression, spineslightlyfaded, tips bumped, ownership inscription to front pastedown;together with early reprints of Murder on theOrient Express, TheSeven Dials Mysteryand The Man in theBrown Suit, and 2 others (8)
Estimate:£300 -£400
Lot 256
LeCarré, John
Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy, agent's proof copy [London:printed byScripts Ltd for John Farquharson Ltd, c 1974] 4to, [2] 492 leaves, printed on rectos only, post-bound in greycard wrappers with section cut awayfromfront wrapper to revealprinted titleon first leaf, printer's colophon leaf in orangeto rear, manuscript amendments to epigramleaf and ff 12, 76, 267 268a, 393, 406 and 454, front wrapper stained and nicked
Estimate:£800 -£1,200
Provenance:TheEstateof thelateLynetteF. H. Cole, Rutherford House, Town Yetholm, Scottish BordersWith manuscript note‘Given to Jeff bythe author, sometimelate1980s’;therecipient Jeff Douglas (d c 1990), late husband of LynetteCole, was afriend of John LeCarré's.
John Farquharson Ltd was aleading literaryagencyfounded in 1919 and surviving untilthe1980s, when it was bought out byCurtis Brown LeCarré becameoneof Farquharson's authors following his marriagein 1972 to Jane Eustace, whosefirst job had been assisting theGeorgeGreenfield, thefirm's managing director;at thesametimeLeCarrémoved publishers to Hodder and Stoughton, his wife's new employer (TheTimes, obituaryof Jane Cornwell, 9 March 2021).
Lot 257
Fleming, Ian
Liveand Let Die
London:Jonathan Cape, 1954. First edition, first issue, first state, 8vo, 240 pp , originalblack cloth, spinelettered in gilt, decorativeroundelgilt to front board, with thedust jacket. verypalemottling to covers, faint spotting to edges of textblock, encroaching on margins at pp 150-160 and in afew places elsewhere, pencilled ownership inscription to front freeendpaper, dust jacket with shallow loss to top and bottomedges of folds, rubbing to folds between spine-paneland front and rear panels, smallmark to front cover, rear panelspotted and browned, browning to peripheries of flaps [Gilbert A2a(1.1.)]
Estimate:£1,500 -£2,000
Lot 258
Fleming, Ian
Group of first editions
Thunderball;TheSpyWho Loved Me;On Her Majesty's Secret Service;You OnlyLiveTwice;TheMan with theGolden Gun. London:Jonathan Cape, 1961-2-3-4-5 4 works, 8vo, originalblack cloth, allexcept Thunderballwith thedust jackets, Thunderball, OHMSS and YOLTspines rolled, Thunderball spinewith short tear to head, dust jackets not price-clipped, alittlewear to spine-ends of jackets, TSWLMand OHMSS rear panels slightlymarked [Gilbert A 9a(1 1), A10a(1 1), A11a(1 1), A12a(1 1), A13a(1 3)](5)
Estimate:£300 -£500
Lot 259
Lewis, C. S.
An Experiment in Criticism
Cambridge:UniversityPress, 1961. First edition, first impression, 8vo, originalbluecloth, dust jacket, with atyped letter signed fromC S Lewis mounted to front freeendpaper (reading ‘Dear Banner, Yes, certainly. Who has not wished to beaPatron? Allsuccess Yours, C S Lewis’, on Magdalen CollegeOxford stationery, dated 1952), front freeendpaper, ownership inscription ‘Delmar Banner, JosephineBanner, Christmas 1961, for each other’ and related annotations including address (LittleLangdale) and notices of repeated readings (e.g. 'D read Jan 1962 twice(thebook invites it)'), annotations throughout thetext, dust jacket clipped at top corner of front flap whileretaining priceat bottomcorner
Estimate:£300 -£500
Delmar Banner (1896-1983) was aGerman-born British artist who studied at Cheltenham, Oxford and Regent Street Polytechnic beforesettling at Little Langdalein theLakeDistrict with his Brazilian wifeand fellow artist Josefina Alys Hermes deVasconcellos
Lot 260
Wodehouse, P G
Collection of first editions all8vo, in originalcloth, and including:Right Ho, Jeeves, 1934;Thank You, Jeeves, 1934;TheCodeof theWoosters, 1938;Eggs, Beans and Crumpets, 1940 (with dust jacket with 5/overpricesticker to spine);Blandings Castle, 1935 (cloth faded and spotted);and 30 others (of which 13 in dust jackets, laminated, including FullMoon, Stiff Upper Lip, Jeeves, UncleDynamite, The Mating Season) Together with 16 reprints (severalin dust jackets) (51)
Estimate:£400 -£600
Lot 261
Pinter, Harold
TheHomecoming Images, Harold Cohen London:Karnac - Curwen, 1968 Oneof 198 of 200 copies signed byPinter and Cohen, largefolio, originalgreen cloth, slipcase, light variablefading to cloth;Hughes, Ted. TheBurning of theBrothel. London:Turret Books, 1966 Out-of-series copyfromtheedition of 300, 4to, originalbluewrappers;Ibid. Season Songs. Pictures byLeonard Baskin. New York:Viking Press, 1975 4to, originalquarter cloth, dust jacket, signed ‘Ted Hughes 1975'on thefront freeendpaper, endpapers spotted;Banville, John First Light London:Bridgewater Press, 2006 Oneof 100 copies signed bytheauthor, 8vo, originalcloth;Raine, Craig. TheElectrification of theSoviet Union London:Faber and Faber, 1986 Oneof 100 copies signed and numbered bytheauthor, originalred quarter morocco, glassinedust jacket;Salaman, MalcolmC TheEtchings of Sir Francis Seymour Haden London:Halton and Truscott Smith, Ltd , 1923 Oneof 200 copies, folio, originalquarter calf, slipcase(worn);and 20 others, including Seamus Heaney, Hallaig, 2002 (oneof 150 copies), Enitharmon Press, FiftyPoems, a Selection byEdgellRickword, 1970 (oneof 362 copies signed Rickword, this copyadditionallyinscribed), MemorialCatalogueof theFrench and Dutch Loan Collection, Edinburgh InternationalExhibition 1886, 1886 (4to, original cloth, oneof 520 copies), and similar, mainlypoetry, including signed copies (26)
Estimate:£300 -£500
Lot 262
Modern literature, children's books, art &design Collection of works Huxley, Aldous. Along theRoad. Notes and Essays of aTourist. New York: GeorgeH Doran Company, 1925 Large-paper edition, oneof 250 numbered copies signed bytheauthor, 8vo, originalhalf japon;Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft. Frankenstein, or theModern Prometheus. London:Gibbings and CompanyLimited, 1897 8vo, originalgreen cloth decorated with Art Nouveau design, top edge, others untrimmed, 7 plates;Lang, Andrew. The Yellow FairyBook London:Longmans, Green, and Co , 1894 First edition, contemporarycitron morocco lettered in gilt, marbled endpapers, alledges gilt, 24 plates including frontispiece;‘B B ’ Ben theBullfinch Illustrated byD J. Watkins-Pitchford. London:Hamish Hamilton, 1957. First edition, 8vo, originalyellow boards, dust jacket;Rackham, Arthur (illustrator) Irish Fairy Tales. ByJames Stephens, London:Macmillan &Co. Ltd, 1920. First edition, tradeissue, 4to, originalcloth, colour plates, ‘presentation copy'blind stamp to title-page;Beaton, Cecil CecilBeaton's Scrapbook London:B T Batsford, 1937 First edition, 4to, originalcloth, dust jacket (chipped);[Morris, Talwin, designer] Queen Victoria, her Lifeand Reign ByThomas Archer and Amelia Hutchison Stirling. London:GreshamPublishing Company, 1901. First edition, 4 volumes, 4to, originalred cloth with elaborateArt Nouveau design byTalwin Morris in gilt and green, alledges gilt;Beardsley, Aubrey, &others. TheYellow Book An Illustrated Quarterly London:Elkin Mathews &John Lane, 1894-6. Volumes 1, 4, 5, 7, 9 and 10 only, 4to, originalyellow cloth;and 8 others similar (24)
Estimate:£300 -£500
Lot 263
Rackham, Arthur [illustrator] - Kenneth Grahame Grahame, Kenneth TheWind In TheWillows
London:Methuen, 1951 4to,100th edition, no 328 of 500, tipped-in plates byArthur Rackham, originalJapanesevellumgilt, slip case, manypages uncut
Estimate:£500 -£700
Lot 264
Shepard, E H
[Six Drawings Illustrating Poems fromWhen WeWereVeryYoung] [London:Methuen, c 1925] Oneof 250 numbered sets, 6 hand-coloured engravings on wovepaper, each numbered in pencillower right, tissueguards, titles comprising:TeddyBear (61 x 49cm, no watermark), The King's Breakfast (61 x 49cm, no watermark), Happiness (50.5 x 38.5cm, watermark ‘English Hand Made’, tissue-guard renewed), Hoppity(50 5 x 38 5cm), Lines and Squares (50 5 x 38 5cm, watermark ‘W King Alton Mill’), Vespers (50 5 x 38 5cm, watermark ‘W King Alton Mill’) A few minor spots and marks, TeddyBear, King's Breakfast and Vespers tissue-guards with figures on print traced in pencil
Estimate:£1,500 -£2,000
Lot 265
Doyle, Richard
In Fairyland, aseries of pictures fromtheElf-World London:Longmans, Green, Reader &Dyer, 1870. Folio, 16 colour plates by Richard Doyle, printed in colour byEdmund Evans, originalgreen cloth gilt, a few smallscrapes to cloth, someverylight foxing and slight dust-soiling
Estimate:£600 -£800
Richard Doyle's whimsicalmasterpiece, theillustrations in “In Fairyland” have been called “someof themost entrancing children's book illustrations ever made”.
Lot 266
Rackham, Arthur - WilliamShakespeare A Midsummer Night's Dream
London:WilliamHeinemann, 1908 4to, number 695 of 1000 copies signed byArthur Rackham, originalvellumgilt, 40 tipped-in plates, ties lacking, somespotting and soiling to covers
Estimate:£400 -£600
Lot 267
Rowling, J K
Set of four inscribed HarryPotter books HarryPotter and thePhilosopher's Stone;HarryPotter and theChamber of Secrets;HarryPotter and thePrisoner of Azkaban;HarryPotter and The Goblet of Fire. First editions, forty-fourth, twenty-first, first and first impressions, 8vo, Philosopher's Stone, Chamber of Secrets and Prisoner of Azkaban in originalwrappers, Goblet of Firein originalboards with dust jacket, inscribed byJ K Rowling in blueink on thehalf-titleof each works, theinscriptions respectivelyreading ‘to Ashleigh Innes, with best wishes, J K Rowling’, ‘to Ashleigh (again!)’, J KRowling', ‘to Ashleigh yet again!, J K Rowling’, and ‘to Ashleigh, don’t drop this oneon your foot!J KRowling', Goblet of Firespineveryslightlyrolled, superficialcracking to gutter between half-titleand title-page, dust jacket with short closed tear to upper outer corner of front panel, verylight rumpling to extremities, faint dampstaining to rear panel
Estimate:£2,000 -£3,000
Lot 268
Milne, A A
Winnie-the-Pooh With Decorations byErnest H Shepard London:Methuen &Co Ltd , 1926 First edition, first impression, 8vo, originalgreen cloth lettered and decorated in gilt, dust jacket, spinerolled, dust jacket spinedarkened, chips and losses to head and foot of spineand joints, marks to rear panel;Now WeAreSix With Decorations byErnest H Shepard London:Methuen & Co. Ltd., 1927. First edition, first impression, 8vo, originalred cloth lettered and decorated in gilt, dust jacket (chipped and marked) (2)
Estimate:£500 -£800
Lang, Andrew
London:Longmans, Green &Co, London 1889. Second edition, 8vo, frontispiece, 7 plates, originalbluecloth gilt with witch and moon motif to upper cover, hinges split, neat ownership signatureto half-title
Estimate:£300 -£500
Children's and illustrated books
Collection of works
including:WillyPogany(illustrator), TheRimeof theAncient Mariner, 1910 (first edition, 4to, originalgreen cloth, lithographed throughout, tipped-in colour plate);ibid., Parsifal, 1912 (first edition, 4to, originalgreycloth, lithographed throughout, tipped-in colour plates);TheTaleof Lohengrin, c.1913 (4to, originalcloth, lithographed throughout);E. J. Detmold (illustrator), Hours of Gladness, byM Maeterlinck, 1912 (first edition, 4to, originalcreamcloth gilt, mounted colour plates);and approx. 50 others, including W Heath Robinson, Detmold, Dulac, etc
Estimate:£300 -£500
Rowling, J K
HarryPotter and thePhilosopher's Stone London:Bloomsbury, 1997. First edition, 13th impression paperback, signed and inscribed:“To Kathleen, Thank you for liking book two even better (that's theoneI'mworried about at themoment!) J.K. Rowling", 8vo, originalwrappers
Estimate:£400 -£600
Signed and inscribed for thevendor at her placeof work
Children's and Illustrated books 24, including Dulac and FlorenceHarrison Harrison, Florence, illustrator Poems byChristinaRossetti London:Blackie and Son Limited, [n.d.] 4to, originalcreamcloth gilt;Dulac, Edmund, illustrator - Sir Arthur Quiller Couch TheSleeping Beautyand other fairy tales. London:Hodder &Stoughton, [n.d.] 4to, originalbrown cloth gilt;Idem - Hans Christian Andersen Stories fromHans Andersen London:Hodder &Stoughton, [1911] 4to, originalgreen cloth gilt;Idem Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam. London:Hodder and Stoughton, [n.d.] 4to, originalcreamcloth gilt;Thomson, Hugh, illustrator - Oliver Goldsmith SheStoops to Conquer, or TheMistakes of aNight. London:Hodder &Stoughton, [n.d.] 4to, original bluecloth gilt;Idem - J M Barrie QualityStreet, aComedyin Four Acts London:Hodder &Stoughton, [n.d.] 4to, originalbluecloth gilt, covers and spinealittlefaded and soiled;Baumer, Lewis, illustrator - WilliamMakepeace Thackeray. VanityFair. London:Hodder &Stoughton, [n.d.] 4to, original green cloth gilt;Greenaway, Kate Under theWindow London:George Routledge&Sons, [n.d.] 8vo, originalcloth, someleaves loose;and 16 others, sold not subject to return (24)
Estimate:£800 -£1,200
Lot 273
Speed, John
Wight Island [Isleof Wight]
Described byWilliamWhiteGent Augmented and published byJohn Speed [London]:to besoldebyJohn Sudburyand G Humbell, [1611] Engraved map (38 x 50.5cm), inset plans of Newport and Southampton, English text verso, contemporaryhand-colouring (and possiblelater enhancement), glazed both sides and framed, smallholenear head of centralfold, repair to foot of centralfold verso
Estimate:£200 -£300
Lot 274
Aberdeen, Banffshireand Kincardineshire OrdnanceSurveylargescalemaps Largescalefirst edition maps for theold Scottish counties of Aberdeen, Banffshireand Kincardineshire, 1860s-70s, with hand-colouring, 12 elephant folio volumes (each volumec 70 x 60 x 10cm), contemporaryhalf calf, severalboards detached;with 82 accompanying referencebooks in original paper wrappers;sold as seen not subject to return(12)
Estimate:£400 -£600
Lot 275
Colton, G Woolworth
New York:J.H. Colton and Company, 1859. Folio, steelengraved frontispiece, completewith maps engraved on onehundred imperialfolio sheets, manyhand-coloured, originalelaboratelyembossed calf with gilt title and motif to upper cover, covers slightlyrubbed, bookplateof Thomas Greer to paste-down endpaper
Estimate:£1,600 -£1,800
Blaeu, Johannes
Britanniaprout divisafuit temporibus Anglo-Saxonumpraesertimdurante illorumHeptarchia
Amsterdam, 1646, engraved map, hand-coloured in outline, sidepanels with 14 fullycoloured vignettes, Latin text to verso ('Brittania', pp 53-54), mounted, framed and glazed front and back, 43 x 54cm, some discolouration to sidepanels
Estimate:£600 -£800
Lot 277
Münster, Sebastian AfricaeTabulaNova/AfricaLybiaMorenland mit allen Königreichen so jetziger zeit darumb gefunden werden [Basel, 1598] 36 x 41.5cm
Estimate:£400 -£600
Lot 278
Speed, John
TheInvasions of England and Ireland with al[sic] their CivillWars sincethe Conquest
Performed byJohn Speed and areto besoldein Popes head alleybyGeorge Humble, [1627, or later]. Engraved map hand-coloured in outline, arms, titlecartouche, compass rose, sites of battles and other features fullycoloured, 37.3 x 50.5cm, neatlymounted, framed and doubleglazed, English text on verso ("A Briefedescription of theCivillWarres, and Battailes fought in England, Wales, and Ireland"), veryslight loss to afew letters of descriptive text in lower left corner, slight uniformdiscolouration
Estimate:£500 -£700
Lot 279
Homann, J
MagnaeBritanniaepars Septentrionalis quaRegnumScotiae Nuremberg, [n d ], 61 5 x 53cm, hand-coloured, somebrowning and minor dampstaining to upper margin
Estimate:£300 -£500
Lot 280
Scotland, 2 folding maps
[Map of theSouthern Part of Scotland]
Southampton:OrdnanceSurveyOffice, 1921 Linen-backed folding map in originalcovers, 98 x 142cm, printed in colour;New Map round Edinburgh fromtheOrdnanceSurvey Birmingham:GeorgeRichmond, 1885 Linenbacked folding map in cloth covers, red morocco gilt labelto upper cover, 103 x 133cm, hand-coloured, upper cover detached (2)
Estimate:£400 -£600
Lot 281
Two 19th centuryatlases
Johnston, A Keith
TheCabinet Atlas Edinburgh &London:W &A K Johnston, 1879 4to, 34 colour maps, originalbluecloth gilt;Bilder-Atlas. Ikonographische Encylopädieder Wissenschaften und Künste Leipzig:F A Brockhaus, [n.d.] Oblong 4to, volume8 only, 28 doublecolour maps and plates, green cloth gilt (2)
Estimate:£250 -£350
Lot 282
Farquharson, Joseph
[Lithograph] Closeof Day
London:C.E. Clifford &Co., 1902, hand-coloured lithograph, 58 x 85cm, signed bytheartist in pencilto lower left corner, laid-down to mount
Estimate:£400 -£500
Lot 283
[Edinburgh map]
Plan of Edinburgh and Leith [Edinburgh, n.d.. but possiblyc.1820?] Inset map of Midlothian in upper left corner, 55 x 41cm, hand-coloured, smalltear to inset map
Estimate:£300 -£400
Lot 284
JapaneseMaps and ahand-coloured Plate
Fiveitems [Mallet] Isles du Japon, smallhand-coloured map, 15 x 11cm;[Bellin] Plan de laVilledeMeaco, c.1750, hand-coloured, 24 x 32cm;[Idem] Plan deJedo, c 1750, hand-coloured, 28 5 x 33cm, acoupleof smallmarginal wormholes;Bartholemew, J. Japan Mandshuria. Edinburgh:A. Fullarton & Co , [n d ] 47 5 x 32cm;and an illustration of Japanesepeople, Edinburgh: Blackie&Son, [n d ] hand-coloured, 28 x 38cm(5)
Estimate:£400 -£500
Lot 285
Moll, Herman
A Set of ThirtySix New and Correct Maps of Scotland London:H Moll , [1725] 8vo, 36 double-pagemaps, contemporaryquarter calf over boards, somerepairs to guards and alittleworming, slightly affecting somemaps, joints split
Estimate:£600 -£800
Lot 286
Two largemaps byMackenzie, M
TheFirth of Clydein Scotland. January23rd, 1776, 131 x 79cm;Idem. The Mouth of theClydeand Loch Fyne 1776, 76 x 156cm;both with afew neat repairs (2)
Estimate:£400 -£600
D'Anville, after Asia divided into its Empires, Kingdoms &States
London:Robert Sayer and John Bennet, 1780, map on 2 sheets, each 54 x 123cm, hand-coloured in outline, afew repairs and slight dust-soiling (2)
Estimate:£500 -£700
TheUniversalMagazineof Knowledgeand Pleasure
Volume32, including an important American map
London:John Hinton, 1763 8vo, including “A New and accurateMap of North America”, hand-coloured with Floridadepicted as an archipelago and alargeareadown to Texas is labelled "Great Spaceof Land unknown", contemporaryhalf calf, severalother parts lacking
Estimate:£200 -£300
Collins, Captain Greenville
7 Scottish maps
TheEast Coast of Scotland with theIsles of Orkneyand Shetland 45 5 x 57.5cm, hand-coloured in outline;Another copy, uncoloured;TheIslands of Orkney, 50 x 60cm, hand-coloured;TheFirth of Murry/Tarbet Bay 44 7x 56.2cm., hand-coloured;Prospect of Leith fromtheEast, 50 x 64cm, handcoloured;TheCheifeHarbours in theIslands of Orkney 45 x 57 2cm; [Aberdeen Harbour], 62 x 60cm, hand-coloured;Somewith slight marginal worming (7)
Estimate:£350 -£450
British Atlases
3 works
Capper, Benjamin Pitts. A TopographicalDictionaryof theUnited Kingdom. London:Sir Richard Phillips and Co , 1829 ‘New Edition’, 8vo, maps, contemporaryquarter green vellum, somecracking;Hall, Sidney. A Travelling Atlas of theEnglish Counties London:Chapman and Hall, [n d ] 8vo, 46 maps hand-coloured in outline, contemporaryhalf calf, marbled boards a littletorn, spinerubbed, earlyownership inscription;Idem A New British Atlas London:Chapman &Hall, 1833 4to, lacking onemap, originalgreen quarter morocco, upper cover detached;Sold not subject to return (3)
Estimate:£400 -£600
Lot 291
Jefferys, Thomas
[Florida&Louisiana] CartedelaFlorideOccidentaleet Louisiane Paris:LeRouge, 1777, 53 x 124cm, hand-coloured in outline, afew neat repairs
Estimate:£1,000 -£1,500
Lot 292
[Dudley, Robert]
[SeaChart of theWestern Mediterranean] CartaParticolaredelmare Mediterrano
checominciacon Io Stretto diGibilterra. [Florence, 1646 or later] 81 x 53 5cm
Estimate:£400 -£600
Lot 293
Knox, James
Plan of theCityof Edinburgh and its Environs with thePort of Leith [Edinburgh]:1812, 47 x 41cm, hand-coloured, closelytrimmed
Estimate:£300 -£400
Lot 294
Biblicaland ClassicalAtlases
3 works
Leigh, Samuel. TheScriptureAtlas. Lonson:SamuelLeigh, 1818. 4to, 21 maps, contemporaryblack half calf with paper labelto upper cover, some foxing;GeographiaAntiqua, being acompleteset of maps of Ancient Geography London:F C and J Rivington, 1819 8vo, 32 (of 33) maps, ‘AfricaPropria’ lacking, contemporaryhalf calf;Murphy, William. TheBible Atlas Edinburgh:Oliver &Boyd, 1853 12mo, 24 hand-coloured plates, originalpink cloth gilt, somefading (3)
Estimate:£250 -£300
Lot 295
French atlases
19th century
Atlas UsueldeGéographieModerne. Paris:E. Andriveau-Goujon, c.1890. Folio, 32 hand-coloured double-pagemaps, dark bluequarter morocco with originalcloth gilt laid onto upper cover, alittlebrowning to titleand final leaves;Lesage, A Atlas Historique, Généalogique, Chronologiqueet Géographique. Paris:Leclere, [n.d. but first half of the19th century] 35 hand-coloured double-pageplates containing text and maps, contemporary red quarter morocco gilt (2)
Estimate:£400 -£500
Lot 296
Münster, Sebastian Totius Africaetabula&descriptio universalis etiamultraPtolemaeilimites externa
Basel, 1542, with Latin text to reverse, 29 X 37cm, including thedepiction of the‘Monoculi’ or Cyclops
Estimate:£600 -£800
Lot 297
Münster, Sebastian AfricaeTabulaNova AfricaLybiaMorenland mit allen Königreichen [Basel:Petri, c 1600] 33 x 40cm
Estimate:£600 -£800
Lot 298
Dublin Panorama
Illustrated London News
TheCityof Dublin. Being No. I. of aSeries of Views of thePrincipalCapitals in Europe, [1846], linen-backed rolled panorama, 108 x 40cm
Estimate:£300 -£400
Lizars, Daniel
Plan of theCityof Edinburgh Old &New with thelateextended improvements, 1787 [Edinburgh, 1790], 40 x 46 5cm, hand-coloured, afew smalltears and repairs
Estimate:£250 -£350
Four maps [Mercator /Jansson] Islandie/Islandia, 1630?, 18 x 23 5cm, French text to reverse, alittlebrowned, red stamp to lower right corner;Danish Islands in theNorth Atlantic Ocean London:A Fullarton, [n d ] 48 x 33cm, showing Iceland and theFaroeIslands;Europein twelvesheets, No.1 [including Iceland, Spitzbergen and Shetland] London:J Mawman, 1826, 28 x 34cm;and oneother (4)
Estimate:£300 -£400
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