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Lot 1
Austen, Jane
Northanger Abbey[and:] Persuasion
London:Richard Bentley, 1833. First Bentleyedition, 8vo, 2 parts in 1 volumewith continuous pagination and register, [2] 212 [3] 216 440 pp., engraved frontispieceand additionalvignettetitle-page, separateletterpress title-pageto each work, bound without series-title, binding rubbed, loss to head of spine, split to foot of front joint, crudetape-repair to inner hinges, frontispieceand vignettetitlespotted, Northanger Abbeyleaf B1 tipped-in, textblock split between 2F3 and 2F4 (penultimateand finalleaves) with 2F4 tipped in, occasionallight soiling, afew leavedog-eared [Gilson D4;Sadleir 3734a28]
Estimate:£ 300 -£ 500
Lot 2
Austen, Jane
Prideand Prejudice
Illustrated byCharles E. Brock. With an Introduction byAustin Dobson. London:Macmillan and Co., 1895. First edition thus, 8vo, xxx 352 pp. originalred patterned cloth lettered in gilt, frontispieceand full-page illustrations throughout byC. E. Brock, foreand bottomedges untrimmed, 4 pp. advertisements dated 1894 to rear, spineveryslightlyfaded, alittle rubbed at head and foot, tips bumped [Gilson E79]. Together with:Sense and Sensibility, Illustrated byHugh Thomson, 1898 [cf. Gilson E82, first published 1896];Emma, Illustrated byHugh Thomson, 1896, first edition thus, cloth mottled [Gilson E86];Mansfield Park, Illustrated byHugh Thomson, 1898 [cf. Gilson E88, first published 1897] (4)
Estimate:£ 200 -£ 300
Fromthelibraryof thelateRobert Bogdan (1950-2023), of Boghead of Torries and Dykehead of Avochie, Aberdeenshire, geographymaster at Charterhouseand sometimechairman of theScottish Castles Association.

Lot 3
[Bonhôte, Elizabeth]
Olivia;or, Deserted Bride
BytheAuthor of Hortensia, theRambles of Frankly, and theFashionable Friend. Dublin:for W. Watson [and 6 others], 1787. 2 volumes, 12mo, xi[1] 274, [4] 272 pp., contemporaryspeckled tan calf, twin labels to spines, spines and covers ruled in gilt, edges sprinkled red, bound with thehalftitles, volume1 finalleaf with tear to upper forecorner not affecting text, volume2 with spill-burns to K12 (2)
Estimate:£ 300 -£ 500
PierreClément deLaussat (1756-1835), last French governor of Louisiana, with his engraved bookplateto front pastedowns.
First Dublin edition, thesameyear as theLondon edition which is presumed to havepriority, veryrarein anystate, with no copyof either edition appearing in auction records sincethe1940s. 'Elizabeth Bonhôtepublished seven fictionalworks, allof which reflected thecontemporarytastefor novels of sentiment and sensibility, combining "areaction against coarseness, preoccupation with conventionalmoralityand astrong bent towards emotionalism"… Theyappealed to agrowing femalereadership catered for bythecirculating libraries'(ODNB);severalof her works were printed byWilliamLane's MinervaPress.

Lot 4
Clare, John
TheVillageMinstreland Other Poems London:for Taylor and Hessey;and E. Drury, Stamford, 1821. First edition, 2 volumes, 12mo, [iii]-xxviii216, [6] 211 pp , later 19th-centurycalf, engraved portrait frontispieceto volume1, engraved frontispieceof Clare's cottageto volume, bound without half-titles and advertisements, bindings scuffed and rubbed, frontispiecespotted and offset, gift inscription dated 1836 to initialblank of volume1;Idem Poems descriptiveof RuralLifeand Scenery. London:for Taylor and Hessey;and E. Drury, Stamford, 1821. Fourth edition, 12mo, vixxiii[1] 208 pp , contemporarycalf uniformwith thepreceding work, bound without half-titleand advertisements if issued, gift inscription dated 1836 to initialblank, binding scuffed and rubbed (3)
Estimate:£ 300 -£ 500
Lot 5
Peacock, Francis
Sketches relativeto theHistoryand Theory, but moreespeciallyto the Practiceof Dancing … intended as Young Teachers of theArt of Dancing. Aberdeen:J. Chalmers &Co , 1805 First edition, 8vo, 224 pp , uncut in originalboards, contemporaryownership inscription ('ColonelForbes') to thetitle-page, a littlewear to binding, contents lightlyspotted and browned;Shirrefs, Andrew. Poems, chieflyin theScottish Dialect. Edinburgh:printed for the author, 1790 First edition, 8vo, xxviii[2] 365 41, uncut in originalboards, half-title, engraved portrait frontispiece, contemporaryownership inscription ('ColonelForbes') to thetitle-page, spineworn, front freeendpaper loose, old finger-soiling to lower forecorner of half-title, frontispiece(tipped to halftitle) detaching at head;Gisborne, Thomas An Enquiryinto theDuties of the FemaleSex London:for T CadellJun and W Davies, 1798 Third edition ('corrected'), 8vo, viii448 pp., uncut in originalboards, contemporary ownership inscription ‘MD Horn Elphinstone’ (Margaret Dalrymple-HornElphinstone, c.1765-1849) to preface;Denon, Vivant. Travels through Sicily and Malta:fromtheFrench Perth:R Morison Junior, 1790 12mo, [4] 210 pp., uncut in originalboards, half-title, engraved portrait frontispiece, ownership inscription ‘A Forbes’ to title-page, binding slightlyworn and marked;Lady's Magazine. TheLady's Magazine, or Entertaining Companion for theFair Sex London:for G and J Robinson, 1805 Volume36 only, 8vo, contemporaryhalf calf, engraved frontispieceand additionaltitle-page, hand-coloured engraved plates of women's fashion, other engraved plates including needlework patterns (not collated, paper lifting fromcovers) (5)
Estimate:£ 200 -£ 300
Fromthelibraryof thelateRobert Bogdan (1950-2023), of Boghead of Torries and Dykehead of Avochie, Aberdeenshire, geographymaster at Charterhouseand sometimechairman of theScottish Castles Association

Lot 6
MinervaPress - Canadian Novel- Slavery Yamboo;or, theNorth American Slave
A Tale. In ThreeVolumes. BytheAuthor of TheBravo of Bohemia. London: printed at theMinerva-Press, for A K Newman and Co , 1812 Volumes 1 and 3 only(of 3), 12mo, [2] 243 [1], [2] 216 pp., contemporaryhalf calf, marbled paper sides, both volumes lacking front freeendpaper, contemporaryownership inscriptions to front pastedowns and to first page of text, traces of old ink-stamps (Buryfreelibrary) to title-pages, occasional light soiling, volume1 binding with paper covering detached fromrear board and lifting fromfront board, calf backstrip also lifting, title-pagewith very smallwormtrack to gutter, volume3 with damp-staining to signatureB, worming to lower margins of finalsignature(K) (2)
Estimate:£ 200 -£ 300
Fromthelibraryof thelateRobert Bogdan (1950-2022), of Boghead of Torries and Dykehead of Avochie, Aberdeenshire, geographymaster at Charterhouseand sometimechairman of theScottish Castles Association
First edition, extremelyrare, no other copytraced in auction records. Set in the1790s and dedicated to Martin Hunter, commander-in-chief, New Brunswick, Yamboo is thetaleof arunawayslavewho is taken in bya ColonelBeresford and his familyand subsequentlyaccompanies himto India to fight against Tipu Sultan, ruler of Mysore. ‘Thefirst 68 pages takeplacein New Brunswick and contain long descriptions of St John, Frederictown, defenses, fashions, Indians, etc., alltaken fromobvious first hand knowledge’ (MacLeod, TheMinervaPress, p 371)

Lot 7
[Wynne, John Huddlestone(1742-1788)]
TheMan of Honour:or, theHistoryof HarryWaters, Esq. London:printed for F and J Noble, at their respectivecirculating libraries, 1771-3. 3 volumes, 12mo (16.6 x 10cm), [2] 242, [2] 212, [4] 199, contemporaryspeckled sheep, spines ruled in gilt with twin red and green labels, half-titleto volume3 only, alittleskinning and rubbing to leather, very occasionallight soiling internally, volume1 with shallow loss to head of spine, old stain to top spinecompartment, leaves D3-10 working loose(held bybottomcord), volume2 with short crack to head of front joint, volume3 title-pageslightlymarked (3)
Estimate:£ 500 -£ 800
Title-pages with ownership inscriptions ‘Margt Horn Elphinstone’ (dated 1792 in thefirst volume), presumablyMargaret Dalrymple-Horn-Elphinstone (c 1765-1849, daughter of GeneralRobert Dalrymple-Horn-Elphinstone (1718-1794) of LogieElphinstone, Aberdeenshire, and wifeof Sir Robert Burnett of Leys, 7th Baronet (1755-1837);subsequentlyfromthelibraryof thelateRobert Bogdan (1950-2023), of Boghead of Torries and Dykehead of Avochie, Aberdeenshire, geographymaster at Charterhouseand sometimechairman of theScottish Castles Association.
First edition, extremelyrare, theonlyknown completecopyof this 18thcenturytriple-decker Bildungsroman, previouslythought to beextant solely in theformof acopyof thefirst volumeonlyat theJohn D Rockefeller ColonialWilliamsburg Libraryin Virginia, USA;aGerman translation was published in 1777 with thetitleDer Rechtschaffeneoder Geschichtedes Herrn Heinrich Waters. Theauthor was oncethought to havebeen John Cleland, author of Memoirs of aWoman of Pleasure, better known to posterityas FannyHill, on thebasis of aremark in acontemporaryobituary of Cleland, but thereferenceis now understood to bean obvious mistake for Cleland's 1768 work TheWoman of Honour, and an issueof theLondon Chronicle(17-19 October 1771) names theauthor of TheMan of Honour as J. H. Wynne, ahack writer who had spent timein theserviceof theEast IndiaCompany

Lot 8
[First Australian novelist] Grimstone, MaryLeman
TheBeautyof theBritish Alps Or, Loveat First Sight. London:G. Virtue, 1825. 8vo in half-sheets (20.4 x 13cm), iv[1] 4-549 [1], contemporarymarbled calf gilt, marbled endpapers, engraved frontispiece, 4 engraved plates (of 5:lacking platelisted as facing p.393), bookplate, front joint superficiallycracked, section of cracking to rear joint, scuffs to covers, rubbing to extremities, tips showing through, intermittent spotting and browning to contents (light to moderate), quire2K with faint transversebars of browning to foot
Estimate:£ 2,000 -£ 3,000
First edition of thefirst book bythefirst Australian novelist, extremelyrare, no other copytraced in auction records, which show onlyahandfulof copies of two other works bytheauthor, namelyLouisaEgerton (1830), written during and shortlyafter her voyageto Van Diemen's Land in 1825, and consequentlythefirst novelwritten in Australia, and Cleone(1834). Grimstonereturned to England in 1829, joining London's radicalintelligentsia and associating with figures including Robert Owen and Elizabeth Gaskell; her 1834 novelWomen's Love‘advanced feminist ideas in much thesame terms as had MaryWollstonecraft’ (Australian Dictionaryof National Biography). Copies of TheBeautyof theBritish Alps wereissued with Plymouth or London imprints on thetitle-page, though both versions appear to havecomprised thesameOxford-printed sheets, with no priority assigned.

Lot 9
Dickens, Charles [Works]
London:Chapman and Hall, [n.d.] 26 volumes, 8vo, contemporaryred half calf gilt, alittlesoiling to thecovers of thelatter volumes (26)
Estimate:£ 400 -£ 600
Lot 10
Poe, Edgar Allan
Tales of Mystery, Imagination, &Humour;and Poems London:HenryVizetelly, 1852. [Bound with:] Tales of Mystery, Imagination, &Humour. Second Series. London:Clarke, &Beeton, &Co., c.1853. 2 volumes in 1, 16mo (16 x 9.6cm), contemporaryhalf calf, xxiv256, [2] 252 pp., wood-engraved frontispieceand vignettetitle-pageto each volume, similar vignettes throughout thetext, spinesunned, headcap alittleworn, binding rubbed, spotting to endpapers and blanks and to frontispieceand title-pageof volume2, bound without advertisement leaf at rear of volume2 [Sadleir 3659 I &IX]
Estimate:£ 300 -£ 500
First UKand first illustrated edition. Thework was published as part of the short-lived ‘ReadableBooks'series, initiated byHenryVizetellyin 1852 with thefirst volumeof Poe's Tales, and lasting onlyuntilthefollowing year. Subsequent instalments in theseries werepublished first with theimprint of Vizetellyand Clarke, and then Clarke, Beeton &Co. Copies of theTales are known in which thefirst volumecontains theupdated imprint of Clarke, Beeton &Co;thefirst volumein this copyis atenth thousand but retains theoriginalHenryVizetellyimprint. MichaelSadleir noted that ‘theseries is predominantlynon-fiction. Fiction is, however, wellrepresented bytwo important collections of Poe’s Tales'.

Lot 11
Milton, John
Paraphrasis Poeticain triaPoemata
Viz ParadisumAmissum, ParadisumRecuperatum, et Samsonen Agaonisten AutoreGulielmo Hogaeo London:Johannis Darby, 1690 8vo, xxxvi510 pp., later sheep, title-pagein red and black, bound without A1 (probablyblank) but retaining finalblank 2K8, bookplate, spineand extremities rubbed, loss to head of spine, damp-staining to front board, light browning, title-pageslightlyspotted, marginaldamp-staining to first few quires and to 2C-2E, leaves 2C3-2D5 with smalltriangular tear to fore margins, afew other blemishes and marks [Lowndes (1861) vol 6 p 1561]
Estimate:£ 500 -£ 800
Apparentlythefirst completeedition in Latin of Milton's threemajor poetical works, ParadiseLost, ParadiseRegained and Samson Agonistes:aLatin translation of ParadiseLost byoneJ C was published in 1686, though that appears to havebeen an abbreviated version, being aquarto in 32 pages only Thetranslator WilliamHogg (fl1682-1702) was aLatin poet of Scottish extraction ‘Although heappears to havemadelittleimpact on literary historians, or compilers of Scottish biography, [he] is notableas oneof the most prolific Latin writers of his age His output was remarkable, consisting of biblicalparaphrase, complimentarypoems, and translations of long English works into Latin’ (ODNB)

Lot 12
Collection of works including Elzevir press titles, 17th-18th century Laet, Johannes de Gallia, sivedeFrancorumregis dominiies et opibus commentarius. Leiden:ex officinaElzeviriana, 1629. 16mo, contemporary vellum, yapp edges, engraved title-page;Stephanius, Stephan Hansen De regno Daniaeet Norwegiae Leiden:ex officinaElzeviriana, 1629 16mo, contemporaryvellumyapp edges, engraved title-page;Terence. Comoediae sex ex recensioneHeinsiana Amsterdam:ex officinaElzeviriana, 1661 12mo, contemporarymottled calf, engraved title-page, front freeendpaper detaching'[Latin authors] Conciones et orationes ex historicis Latinis excerptae. Amsterdam:ex officinaElzeviriana, 1653. 12mo, contemporary vellum, engraved and letterpress title-page, front inner hingecracked with stitching strained;Guarini, Battista. IlPastor Fido. Leiden:per Giovani Elsevier, 1659 12mo, contemporarycalf, worn, engraved frontispieceand plates;Kempis, Thomas à. Kempis commun, ou les quatrelivres to de l'Imitation deJesus-Christ Nouvelleédition, reoutchéeet plus correcte Amsterdam:HenriWetstein, 1701 12mo, contemporarydark blueroan gilt, alledges gilt, engraved frontispieceand plates;Erasmus, Desiderius Colloquiafamiliaria Rotterdam:Renier Leers, 1693 8vo, contemporary vellum, engraved and letterpress title-pages;Aesop. [Greek title]. Selectiores AesopiFabulae Paris:ClaudeMorel, 1625 8vo, contemporaryvellum, block near-detached fromcovers, endpapers lacking;Dionysius of Halicarnassus. Scriptaequaeextant omnia, historicaet rhetorica;nunc primumuniversa Latineedite. Hanover:typis Wechelianis, apud haeredes Joannas Aubrii, 1615 8vo, contemporaryvellum, front inner hingesplit;and 5 others similar Thelot not fullycollated and sold as seen (15)
Estimate:£ 300 -£ 500
Fromthelibraryof thelateRobert Bogdan (1950-2023), of Boghead of Torries and Dykehead of Avochie, Aberdeenshire, geographymaster at Charterhouseand sometimechairman of theScottish Castles Association

Collection of works, English literature, 18th-19th century Chesterfield, Philip Dormer Stanhope, Earlof. Letters to his Son. London:J. Dodsley, 1774, Fifth edition, 4 volumes, 8vo, contemporarysprinkled tan calf, red morocco labels, half-titles, engraved portrait to volume1, volume4 front joint superficiallycracked;Richardson, Samuel Clarissa Or, theHistory of aYoung Lady. London:for J. and F. Rivington [and others], 1774. Seventh edition, 8 volumes, 12mo, contemporarysprinkled tan calf gilt (probablyFrench, thespines titled ‘Clarisse’), engraved portrait frontispiece to volumes 1 and 3-8;Milton, John Paradiselost, in TwelveBooks:together with ParadiseRegain'd:in Four Books. Dublin:GeorgeGrierson, 1724. First Irish edition, 12mo, near-contemporaryolive-green morocco gilt, edges dyed blue, 12 engraved folding plates (severalwith damp-staining and repairs), portrait frontispiecesupplied in facsimile;Shelley, PercyBysshe The PoeticalWorks London:Reeves &Turner, 1892 2 volumes, 8vo, contemporarydark bluecrushed morocco gilt byWorsfold, alledges gilt, engraved frontispieces, alittlerubbing to front joints;Tennyson, Alfred, Lord TheWorks. London:Macmillan and Co., 1886. 8vo, contemporaryred crushed morocco gilt bySotheran &Co , alledges gilt, engraved portrait frontispiece, afew spots to outer leaves, contemporarygift inscription to initialblank;Bolingbroke, HenrySt John, Viscount Letters on theStudyand Useof History. A New Edition Corrected. London:for T. Cadell, 1770. 8vo, contemporarytan calf, red morocco label, front joint superficiallycracked, marginalworming (17)
Estimate:£ 200 -£ 300

Finebindings and librarysets
Collection of works, English literatureand European literaturein translation, 18th-19th century
All8vo unless otherwisestated, various ownership inscriptions, works comprise:[Carlyle, Thomas]. German Romance:Specimens of its Chief Authors Edinburgh:WilliamTait, 1827 First edition, 4 volumes, contemporarygreen calf, sides panelled in gilt, engraved additionalvignette titlepageto each volume, volume2 front inner hingecracked and vignette titlepageslightlydamp-stained;Andersen, Hans Christian. The Improvisatore:or, Lifein Italy FromtheDanish Translated byMaryHowitt London:Richard Bentley, 1845. 2 volumes, contemporaryblue-green half calf;Brunton, Mary TheWorks Edinburgh:for Manners and Miller, 1820 7 volumes, contemporarygreen calf, engraved portrait frontispiece;[Paalzow, HenrietteWach von] TheCitizen of Prague Translated byMaryHowitt London:HenryColburn, 1846 First edition in English, 3 volumes, contemporaryblue-green half calf;Bremer, Frederika. TheHome:or, Family Cares and FamilyJoys Translated byMaryHowitt London:Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans, 1843. First edition in English, 2 volumes, contemporaryred half morocco;Idem TheNeighbours:aStoryof EveryDayLife. Translated byMaryHowitt. London:Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans, 1842 First edition in English, 2 volumes, contemporaryred half morocco uniformwith thepreceding;Gray, Thomas. TheWorks. A New Edition London:for Harding, Triphook, and Lepard, 1825 2 volumes, contemporarygreen morocco richlygilt, alledges gilt;Disraeli, Benjamin. Coningsby;or, theNew Generation London:HenryColburn, 1844 Second edition, 3 volumes, contemporaryred half calf;Smollett, Tobias TheHistory of England … A New Edition. London:for T. Cadell, 1794. 8 volumes, 12mo, contemporarytreesheep, engraved plates;Cervantes ySaavedra, Miguel TheHistoryof theIngenious Gentleman, Don Quixoteof LaMancha. Edinburgh:Hurst, Robinson, and Co , 1822 5 volumes, contemporary green calf, spines sunned;and 1 other (40)
Estimate:£ 400 -£ 600
Fromthelibraryof thelateRobert Bogdan (1950-2023), of Boghead of Torries and Dykehead of Avochie, Aberdeenshire, geographymaster at Charterhouseand sometimechairman of theScottish Castles Association.

Antiquarian English and Scottish books Collection of works, 17th-18th century Drummond, William, of Hawthornden. TheHistoryof Scotland … The Second Edition, with aBrief Account of theAuthors Life London:for Tho Fabian, 1681. 8vo, contemporaryblind-ruled calf, 6 engraved portraits (the author and kings James I-V), closed tear in I6;Bunyan, John TheHolyWar, madebyShaddaiupon Diabolus, for theregaining of theMetropolis of the World;or, thelosing and taking again of theTown of Mansoul Paisley:A Weir, 1777. 8vo, contemporarysheep, front board near-detached;Brown, John, Minister of theGospelat Wamphray A Pious and ElaborateTreatise concerning Prayer and theAnswer of Prayer. Edinburgh:for thepublishers, byJohn Reid, 1720 First edition, 8vo, contemporarycalf, longitudinalhalftitleto rear, contemporarygift inscription ‘John Erskine, 19 Novr 1720, to mywife’, identified in later inscription as John Erskineor Carnock, additional inscriptions to front freeendpaper and title-page;Tindal, Nicolas A Guideto ClassicalLearning;or, Polymetis Abridged. London:for J. Dodsley, and R. Horsfield, 1764 12mo, contemporarysprinkled calf;and 18 others (these not collated), allin contemporarycalf or sheep, including:Matthew Prior, Poems on SeveralOccasions, 1725 (2 volumes in 1, engraved portrait); David Paterson (publisher), TheCompleteLetter-Writer, Edinburgh, 1771; John Nalson, TheTrialof Charles theFirst, 1740 (engraved portrait);John Watson (publisher), TheGentleman and Citizen's Almanack, Dublin, 1760 (contemporarytiger-striped calf);Thomas Brooks, TheSilent Soul, with Soveraign Antidotes against theMost MiserableExigents:or, aChristian with an Olive-Leaf in his Mouth, 1660 (spinesplit, lacking A1, possiblythehalftitle, title-pagelaid down, worming to lower margins, afew closed tears); Roger L'Estrange, Fables of Aesop, 1738 (eighth edition, engraved portrait); James Thomson, ThePoeticalWorks, Dublin, 1751 (engraved portrait); GeorgeStanhope(translator), Epictetus, his Morals, with Simplicius, his Comment, 1700 (second edition);Gilbert Burnet, An Exposition of the Thirty-NineArticles of theChurch of England, Dublin:Elizabeth Sadleir, 1721 (third edition);HolyBible, Edinburgh, 1764 (12mo);Alexander Pope, TheIliad of Homer, Edinburgh, 1792;and similar, variablecondition, various contemporaryownership inscriptions of note, afew front covers detached, onework (Notes … on Mr. GeorgeBuchanan's Historyof Scotland, 1708) lacking front cover (22)
Estimate:£ 500 -£ 800
Fromthelibraryof thelateRobert Bogdan (1950-2022), of Boghead of Torries and Dykehead of Avochie, Aberdeenshire, geographymaster at Charterhouseand sometimechairman of theScottish Castles Association.

Largecollection of works including leather bindings Crawford, Alexander Crawford, Earlof. Argo:or, theQuest of theGolden Fleece London:John Murray, 1876 First edition, 8vo, originalbluepictorial cloth gilt, inscribed bytheauthor on thehalf-title, cloth mottled;[Cambridge]. Gradus at Cantabrigiam:or, aDictionaryof Terms, Academicaland Colloquial, or Cant, which areused at theUniversityof Cambridge. London: for W J and J Richardson, 1803 First edition, small8vo, contemporaryhalf calf, worn, lacking front freeendpaper and plates;Ruskin, John (editor). Christ's Folk in theApennine Reminiscences of her Friends among the Tuscan Peasantry. ByFrancescaAlexander. Orpington:GeorgeAllen 1887. First edition, inscribed ‘To mydear friends Christina&GeorginaForbes, with best love, Francesca’, 4to, contemporarycalf (sunned);[Aberdeenshire] Tilliefoure London:privatelyprinted at theChiswick Press, 1894 4to, contemporarypanelled calf to style, printed in imitation lettrebâtarde, frontispiece, plates, binding rubbed, joints cracked;Tindal, Acton, Mrs. Rhymes and Legends London:Richard Bentleyand Son, 1879 First edition, 8vo, originalcloth, mottled, gift inscription to title-page;Heeley, Sibyl. Ellieand theChinaLady A Tibetan FairyTale London:Bellairs and Co , 1895 First edition, 8vo, originalcloth, cockling and soiling to covers, ties perished;Stewart, W Grant ThePopular Superstitions and Festive Amusements of theHighlanders of Scotland. Edinburgh:for Archibald Constableand Company, 1823 12mo, contemporaryhalf calf, etched frontispiece;and 35 others similar, including leather-bound copies of Shakespeare, Byron, Tennyson, Pascal, etc , and numerous works in original cloth (42)
Estimate:£ 300 -£ 500
Fromthelibraryof thelateRobert Bogdan (1950-2023), of Boghead of Torries and Dykehead of Avochie, Aberdeenshire, geographymaster at Charterhouseand sometimechairman of theScottish Castles Association

Antiquarian literature
Collection of works, English and continental, 16th-19th century Petrarch. [Opera]. Con l'espositioned'Alessandro Vellutello dinovo ristampato con lefigureaitriomphi, et con piu coseutiliin variiluoghi aggiunte. Venice:Giolito deFerrari, 1545. 4to, later boards, rebacked, old ownership inscriptions, title-pagecropped, afew headlines shaved, occasionalsoiling, damp-staining towards rear [Adams P810];Defoe, Daniel. TheLifeand StrangeSurprizing Adventures of Robinson Crusoe, of York, Mariner. London:John Stockdale, 1790. First Stockdaleedition, 2 volumes, 8vo, contemporarymarbled calf, rebacked with originalspines laid down and endpapers renewed, engraved title-pageand frontispieceto each volume, 13 engraved plates including portrait, 14 pp advertisements (lacking conjugateblank of finaladvertisement leaf), volume1 joints and spine cracked, prefaceleaf (unsigned) possiblymisbound between A1 ('The Advertisement') and A2 ('Directions for placing theCuts'), title-pages spotted;Bible;German;illustrated. Historischer Bilder Bibel. Augsburg: Johann Ulrich Kraussen, 1705 5 parts in 1 volume, folio, early-19th-century English dark bluediced calf, covers blind-tooled with concentric Greek-key and palmetterolls, engraved calligraphic titlepageand unnumbered architectonic frontispieceto each part, 135 numbered engraved plates (without plate60 bis noted in somecommercialrecords), frequent chips and tears, chieflyto margins but afew extending into text (e.g. plate114), a few repairs, occasionalspotting and afew other marks;and 23 others (thesenot collated), including:Lucius Apuleius, Les metamorphoses ou l'asnedor, Paris;SamuelThiboust, 1623 (8vo, contemporarycalf, engraved title-page);Thomas Fuller, PharmacopoeiaExtemporanea:or, aBodyof Medicines, 1719 (third edition, modern panelled morocco);WilliamTothil, The Transactions of theHigh Court of Chancery, 1649 (12mo, contemporary calf, rebacked, front board and title-pagedetached);Virgil, Opera, Leiden:ex officinaElzeviriana, 1649, 12mo, contemporarycalf, front board detached); A Cloud of Witnesses for theRoyalPrerogatives of Jesus Christ:or, theLast Speeches and Testimonies of thosewho havesuffered for theTruth in Scotland, Glasgow, 1741 (8vo, contemporarysheep);Thomas àKempis, TheChristian's Pattern, 1708 (contemporarycalf, rebacked);John Coakley Lettsom, TheNaturalist's and Traveller's Companion, 1799 (8vo, contemporarycalf, rebacked, engraved plates including hand-coloured titlepage, ex-librarycopy);EmanuelSwedenborg, A Treatiseconcerning Heaven and its Wonders, also concerning Hell… aNew Translation, London:Society for printing and publishing theWritings of EmanuelSwedenborg, 1817 (8vo, contemporarybluehalf calf);Thomas Bewick, A Historyof British Birds, 1832 (2 volumes, 8vo, contemporaryhalf calf);idem A Historyof British Quadrupeds, 1824 (eighth edition, 8vo, contemporarycalf);and similar (37)
Estimate:£ 400 -£ 600

Blackwood, Adam
Paris:Sébastien Cramoisyet GabrielCramoisy, 1644. 4to, [40] 735 [19] pp., contemporarylimp vellumFrench manuscript wastebinding, engraved vignetteto title-page, engraved portrait, recent manuscript titleadded to front cover in purpleink, tears to front pastedown and freeendpaper, faint damp-staining title-page, variablelight damp-staining to margins thereafter
Estimate:£ 300 -£ 500
First edition of thecollected words of theScottish civillawyer and Roman Catholic polemicist, who served as rector of theUniversityof Paris, and on thegrounds of his loyaltyto Mary, Queen of Scots attacked George Buchanan's arguments for theright of subjects to deposeunsatisfactory monarchs. 'His contribution to thedevelopment of thetheoryof absolute monarchycan beseen as part of aScottish Catholic rejection of Buchanan's interpretation of Scottish history, and in his foreshadowing of the“divine right of kings” an influenceon events to come His contemporary importancein this respect is shown byGabrielNaudé's publication of his completeworks in French and Latin in Paris in 1644, together with aeulogy and an engraving byPicart'(ODNB)

Lot 19
Burns, Robert
Poems, Chieflyin theScottish Dialect Edinburgh:printed for theAuthor and sold byWilliamCreech, 1787 Second (first Edinburgh) edition, 8vo, portrait frontispiece, contemporarytreecalf neatlyrebacked with modern calf gilt spine, manuscript proseto finalleaf of poems copied byaprevious owner
Estimate:£ 500 -£ 700
Lot 20
Burns, Robert Poems, Chieflyin theScottish Dialect Edinburgh [and London]:WilliamCreech [and T Cadelland W Davies], 1798. 2 volumes bound together, portrait, contemporarytreecalf neatly rebacked with later spine, bookplateand ownership signatureof Georgeand M.A. Bennett
Estimate:£ 300 -£ 500
Lot 21
Burns, Robert Poems, Chieflyin theScottish Dialect Edinburgh:WilliamCreech, 1787. Second (first Edinburgh) edition with ‘Boxburgh’ for ‘Roxburgh’ on p xxxviiand ‘stinking’ for ‘skinking’ on p 263, later half calf, spinelacking and upper cover detached, partiallyerased gift inscription on thetitle-pageto Miss Lees in an unknown hand
Estimate:£ 500 -£ 700

Lot 22
Johnson, James - and Robert Burns, as contributor
TheScots MusicalMuseum
Edinburgh:James Johnson, [1787-1803]. 6 volumes in 2, 8vo, engraved title-pages, red half morocco gilt over marbled boards, bookplates of WilliamJoss, tear to pp.58-9, slightlyaffecting text (2)
Estimate:£ 600 -£ 800
Lot 23
McGonagall, Sir WilliamTopaz (1825-1902)
Two signed poetrybroadsides McGonagall's Odeto theKing [ ] BonnieMontrose [Together with:]
DescriptivePoem. BroughtyFerry[…] TheDen of Grey. [Edinburgh:printed for theauthor], 1902 2 printed broadsides (31 5 x 25cm), each containing 2 poems and signed bytheauthor ‘Sir WmTopaz McGonagallPoet’ to head in black ink, both backed on paper, folded and with splits and tape-repairs to folds
Estimate:£ 300 -£ 500
Two rarebroadsides bytheinfamouslybad Scottish poetaster, printed a few months beforehis death. Onecopyof McGonagall's Odeto theKing […] BonnieMontrosetraced in libraries, at theNationalLibraryof Scotland;no other copylocated for BroughtyFerry[…] TheDen of Grey.
Lot 24
[Scottish Satire, 18th century]
A Politicaland SatiricalHistory
Displaying theunhappyinfluenceof Scotch prevalency, in theyears 1761, 1762, and 1763 [London, 1763] 12mo, 81 plates only, of 99, plate4 missing around fiftypercent, modern calf gilt, severalrepairs obscuring text and other areas of rubbing to engravings, with loss, somesoiling
Estimate:£ 300 -£ 400
Lot 25
Watson, James
A ChoiseCollection of Comic and Serious Scots Poems
Edinburgh:James Watson, 1713-1709-1711 3 volumes in 1 8vo, second edition of volume1, first editions of volumes 2 and 3, 20th centurycrushed black morocco gilt elaboratelytooled with thistlemotifs to boards byOrrock and Son, bookplateof Andrew Smith of Whitchester
Estimate:£ 600 -£ 800
Oneof themost important books in thedevelopment of Scottish poetry;its publication marks thebeginning of therevivalin Scots vernacular poetry, thecourseof which can befollowed in theeighteenth centurythrough Ramsay, Fergusson and Burns. It encouraged Ramsayto publish his two collections, TheTeaTableMiscellany, and theEver Green, which, along with this collection, was Burns's main sourcefor theolder Scottish poets. At the end of thethird part it states "Theend of theFirst Volume"but nothing further was published

Scottish and Jacobitehistory Collection of works [Scottish herringbonebinding]. TheHolyBible. [Old Testament only]. Edinburgh:Alexander Kincaid, 1764 12mo, contemporarymorocco richly gilt overall, herringbonepattern comprising two parallelcolumns of heartshaped motifs to covers, alledges gilt, patterned endpapers, ownership inscriptions to endpapers;Wishart, George. Memoirs of theMost Renowned James Graham, Marquis of Montrose, Translated fromtheLatin, 1756 8vo, contemporarysheep, [2], xxvi, [2], 412 pp., engraved portrait frontispiece, rubbing and alittlewear to binding, bookplateof Robert Maxtone Graham;Lockhart, George, of Carnwath. TheLockhart Papers:containing Memoirs and Commentaries upon theAffairs of Scotland from1702 to 1715 also, Journals and Memoirs of theYoung Pretender's Expedition in 1745 London:for WilliamAnderson, 1817 First edition, 2 volumes, 4to, xvi616 xvi586 pp , 19th-centuryhalf calf bySeton of Edinburgh (with their ticket), book-labels and ownership inscriptions dated 1852 of Edward Elliceof Glenquoich, Edinburgh court of session ruling (Answers for George Lockhart of Carnwath, and James Somervellof Corehouse[…], 30 January 1745, 11 pp , first leaf heavilystained and with closed tear) and 1 other item bound in at rear of volume2, volume1 pp. 1-8 misbound between prelims pp vi-vii, no half-titles (probablypaginated i/ii), occasionalspotting;Jamieson, John. An EtymologicalDictionaryof theScottish Language. Edinburgh: printed at theUniversityPress, 1808 First edition, 2 volumes, 4to, contemporarydiced calf, rebacked with originalspines laid down, booklabels of F CyrilF Parker of Skirwith Abbey, Cumberland), occasionalink marginalia;and 6 others (thesenot collated);Francis Grose, Antiquities of Scotland, 1797 (2 volumes, 4to, contemporarysprinkled calf ruled in gilt with red and green labels, engraved folding map, numerous engraved plates, volume2 front joint superficiallycracked);WilliamHanna, Memoirs of theLifeand Writings of Thomas Chalmers, 1851 (4 volumes, 8vo, contemporarycalf, gilt spines);Thomas Babington Macaulay, Criticaland HistoricalEssays, contributed to theEdinburgh Review, 1846 (3 volumes, 8vo, contemporarytan calf, gilt spines);Hugh Blair, Sermons, 1818 ('new edition', 5 volumes, 8vo, contemporarydiced russia;GeorgeGrub, An EcclesiasticalHistoryof Scotland, 1861 (4 volumes, 8vo, contemporaryhalf calf);SamuelPepys, Diary, 1848 (5 volumes, 8vo, 20th-centurybluehalf morocco);GeorgeWishart, TheHistoryof theKings Majesties Affairs in Scotland, under theConduct of themost HonourableJames Marques of Montrose TheSecond Edition Corrected TheHague:SamuelBrowne, 1647 (8vo, c.1800 tan calf gilt, lacking frontispiece) (30)
Estimate:£ 300 -£ 500

Lot 27
26 volumes
Wodrow, Robert TheHistoryof theSufferings of theChurch of Scotland fromtheRestauration to theRevolution. Edinburgh:James Watson, 1621. 2 volumes, folio, contemporarycalf, worn with detached boards;Pinkerton, John TheHistoryof Scotland London:C Dilly, 1797 2 volumes, 4to, contemporarycalf;Shepherd, Thomas. Modern Athens!London:Jones & Co , 1831 4to, lacking covers;Halkerston, Peter A Treatiseon theHistory, Law, and Privileges of thePalaceand Sanctuaryof Holyroodhouse. Edinburgh:Maclachlan and Stewart, 1831 8vo, lacking upper cover;Bower, John. Description of theAbbeys of Melroseand Old Melrose. Kelso:Printed byAlexander Leadbetter, for theauthor, 1813 8vo, originalboards, upper cover detached;Marshall, James. Trailof theGlasgow Cotton Spinners for Murder Edinburgh:WilliamTait , 1838 8vo, upper cover detached;JacobiteMelodies. Edinburgh:W. Aitchison, 1823. 12mo, text block detached;Ray, James A Compleat Historyof theRebellion Bristol:S Farley, 1752 8vo;Pennant, Thomas Antiquities &Sceneryof theNorth of Scotland… London, 1780;and 15 others, sold not subject to return (26)
Estimate:£ 300 -£ 500

Scottish Enlightenment Collection of works
Hume, David. Essays and Treatises on SeveralSubjects. Containing Essays, Moral, Political, and Literary A New Edition To which areadded Dialogues concerning NaturalReligion. Edinburgh:for T. Cadell, London;and Bell& Bradfute, and T Duncan, Edinburgh, 1793 2 volumes, 8vo, iv[2] 526, vii[2] 642 pp., contemporarytreecalf, rebacked with originalspines laid down, errataleaf to volume1, ownership inscriptions to front freeendpapers including Robert Burdon Cay(dated 1818), sometimemayor of Sunderland;Ferguson, Adam An Essayon theHistoryof CivilSociety The Third Edition, Corrected. London:A, Millar and T. Cadell, 1768. 8vo, vii[1] 464 pp , contemporarycalf, spinesometimerefurbished, red pencil underlining;Stewart, Dugald PhilosophicalEssays Edinburgh:for William Creech [and others], 1810 First edition, 4to, modern half calf, bottom edges untrimmed, xiilxxvi590 [2], half-title(bound after title-page), advertisement leaf to rear, variablebrowning, occasionalspotting and soiling (chieflyto margins), afew closed marginaltears;and 8 others (thesenot collated), including:WilliamSmellie, ThePhilosophyof NaturalHistory, Dublin, 1790 (2 volumes, 8vo, contemporarycalf, bookplates of Alexander Stewart, his crest gilt to head of each spine), David Hume, TheHistoryof England under theHouseof Tudor, London:A Millar, 1759 (2 volumes, 4to, contemporarysprinkled calf, half-titles, slightlyworn, volume1 joints cracking);Sir WilliamHamilton, Lectures on Metaphysics, 1877 (sixth edition, 2 volumes, 8vo, contemporaryUniversityof Glasgow tan calf prize binding);Thomas Reid, an Inquiryinto theHuman Mind, 1769 (third edition, 8vo, contemporaryspeckled tan calf, bookplateof W Radcliffe);Hugh Blair, Lectures on Rhetoric and Belles Lettres, Dublin, 1783 (3 volumes, 8vo, contemporarytan calf);and similar (12+)
Estimate:£ 400 -£ 600

Collection of works Home, John. TheHistoryof theRebellion in theYear 1745. London:byA. Strahan, for T Cadell, Jun and W Davies, 1802 First edition, 4to, xx, 394 [2], contemporaryhalf calf, rebacked, engraved folding map, portrait plate, 3 battleplans, errataleaf to rear;Henderson, Andrew TheLifeof William Augustus Dukeof Cumberland. London:for J. Ridley[and others], 1766. First edition, 8vo, [viii] 398 [2] pp , contemporaryboards, rebacked, edges untrimmed;MacAllester, Oliver. A Series of Letters, discovering theScheme projected byFrance, in MDCCLIX For an Intended Invasion upon England with Flat-Bottom'd Boats … To which areprefixed, theSecret Adventures of theYoung Pretender London:for theauthor, 1767 First edition, 2 volumes in 1, 4to, contemporarycalf, rebacked, v263, [2] 268 pp , extremities worn, closed marginaltear to volume2 sig 2K1, contemporarymanuscript fragment ('thehumblepetition of [ ] aged 55 years totaleyblind [ ]' addressed to thearchbishop of York sometimetaped to rear pastedown (now detached), lacking rear freeendpaper;RoxburgheClub TheGowrie Conspiracy. Confessions of GeorgeSprot. London:printed for private circulation [ie theRoxburgheClub], 1902 First edition, 4to, originalquarter skiver, top edgegilt, others untrimmed, bookplateof J. R. Abbey;Bannatyne Club Memoirs touching theRevolution Scotland, MDC LXXXVIII -MDC XV ByColin Earlof Balcarres. Edinburgh:for theBannatyneClub, 1641. First edition, 4to, originalboards;[1715 JacobiteRebellion] New Letters of 171516. Edited byA. Francis Steuart, Advocate. Printed fromOriginalPapers in thePossession of C E S Chambers, Edinburgh London:W &R Chambers, Limited, 1910 First edition, 4to, originalcloth, blind-stamped ‘presentation copy’ on title-page, front freeendpaper inscribed ‘This book was given to Margaret Viscountess Strathallan byAndrew Lang when staying at Cowden wherehehad been reading and reviewing it, 4-710';Rose, D Murray(editor) PrinceCharlie's Friends or Jacobite Indictments. Aberdeen:printed for privatecirculation, 1896. First edition, oneof 50 copies only, 4to, contemporaryquarter roan, bookplates (Colonel James Allardyceof Culquoich, and ColonelWilliamJohnston, ArmyMedical Staff), joints cracking;Graeme, LouisaG Or and Sable:A Book of the Graemes and Grahames. Edinburgh:WilliamBrown, 1903. First edition, one of 295 copies, 4to, originalyellow cloth, top edgegilt, others untrimmed, frontispiece, spotting to edges and outer leaves;and 20+ others similar (approximately30)
Estimate:£ 300 -£ 500

Lot 30
Scottish works
Collection of 8 books
Kelly, James. A CompleteCollection of Scotish [sic.] Proverbs… London: Williamand John Innys, 1721 8vo, recent panelled calf gilt, bookplateof Andrew Smith of Whitchester;Burns, Robert ThePoeticalWorks of Robert Burns London:James Goodwin, Jun , 1811 2 volumes bound together, 8vo, contemporarycalf rebacked;Idem ThePoems &c of Robert Burns Edinburgh:J. Dick, 1816;[WilliamWallace]. TheLifean Heroick Actions of the renoun'd Sir WilliamWallace Glasgow:WilliamDuncan, 1722 ‘New edition’, 8vo, contemporarycalf, bookplate, veryworn, browned;Hope, Sir Thomas. PracticalObservations upon divers Titles of theLaw of Scotland Edinburgh: A. Davidson, 1734. 8vo, contemporarycalf, joints split;Buchan, Peter. Gleanings of Scotch, English, and Irish, scarceOld Ballads Peterhead: Lewis Smith…, 1825. 8vo, contemporarycalf, bookplate;and 2 others (8)
Estimate:£ 300 -£ 500

[Martyrdomof King Charles I] Pamphlet volumeof sermons preached beforetheHouseof Commons on thefeast of King Charles theMartyr London:various publishers, 1704-24 17 works in 1 volume, 4to, contemporarycalf, titlepages with black mourning border unless otherwise stated, binding worn, joints cracked Contents comprise:1) Robert Wynne, Chancellor of St Asaph. Unityand PeacetheSupport of Church and State. A Sermon preach'd beforetheHonourableHouseof Commons on Munday Jan. 31th 1703/4. Being theAnniversaryof King Charles I. ByT. W. for Thomas Bennet, 1704 [2] 22 [2] pp , advertisement leaf to rear;2) George Stanhope, Dean of Canterbury. A Sermon preach'd … on Tuesdaythe30th of January, 1704/5 TheAnniversaryFast-Dayfor theMartyrdomof K Charles theFirst ByW B for R Sare, and M Wotton, 1705 [4] 20 pp, halftitle;3) WhiteKennett, Arch-Deacon of Huntingdon A Sermon preach'd on Wednesday, Januaryxxx, 1705/6 Being theAnniversaryDayof Fasting and Humiliation, for theHorrid and ExecrableMurder of King Charles the First ByJ H for John Churchill, 1706 [4] 27 pp , half-title;4) Robert Moss, Chaplain in Ordinaryto Her Majesty. A Sermon Preach'd … on Thursday, Jan. 30, 1706/7 For Richard Sareand J Tonson, 1707 [2] 30 pp , plain title page, closelytrimmed, spotted;5) Robert Eyre, Prebendaryof theCathedral Church of Winchester, A Sermon preach'd on FridayJan 30 1707/8 By J. B. for Benj. Walford, 1708. [2] 30 pp.;6) John Pelling, Rector of St. Ann's Westminster A Sermon preach'd on MondayJan 31 1708/9 Being the AnniversaryFast of theMartyrdomof King Charles I. ByJ. B. for Jonah Bowyer, 1709 22 pp ;7) Robert Friend A Sermon Preach'd on Tuesday, January30 1710/11 ByG J for Jonah Bower, 1710 25 pp ;8) Thomas Gooch, Chaplain to theLord Bishop of London. A Sermon Preach'd … on Wednesdaythe30th of January1711 ByJ R for Jonah Bowyer, 1712 [2] 22 pp.;9) Lancelot Blackburne. A Sermon preach'd … on theThirtieth of January, 1715/16 Being theDayof theMartyrdomof King Charles ByJ Roberts, 1716. 28 pp., half-title, slightlybrowned;10) John Hoadly, Chaplain in Ordinaryto His Majesty A Sermon preach'd on January30 1717-8 By W. Wikins, for Tim. Childe, 1718. 32 pp., plain title-page, half-title;11) John Waugh, Chaplain in Ordinaryto His Majesty A Sermon preach'd on Friday, Januarythe30th, 1718/19. For John Wyat, 1719. [4] 22 [2], half-title, advertisement leaf;12) Thomas Mangey, Chaplain to theLord Bishop of London TheProvidentialSufferings of Good Men Set forth in aSermon preached … on the30th Dayof January, 1719. For W. and J. Innys, 1720. 29 [3] pp , half-title, 3 pp advertisements, afew smalltears to upper margins;13) WilliamBaker, Warden of WadhamCollege[etc.]. A Sermon preach'd on Monday, January30 1720 For Benj Cowse, 1720 31 pp , plain title-page, half-title;14) NathanielMarshall, Chaplain in Ordinaryto His Majesty A Sermon preach'd on Tuesday, JanuaryXXX MDCCXXI for W Taylor, 1721. 24 pp., sig. C browned;15) MichaelStanhope, Prebendaryof St Paul's, and Rector of Leakein Nottinghamshire TheProsperityof the Wicked, and theSufferings of theRighteous not Inconsistent with the Goodness and Justiceof Providence A Sermon preach'd on Januarythe 30th, 1722/23 For SamuelChapman, 1723 30 pp , half-title;16) Nathaniel Hough, Rector of St George's Southwark A Sermon preach'd Januarythe 30th, 1723/24 For J Stagg, 1724 23 pp , browning;17) John [Waugh], Bishop of Carlisle. A Sermon preached beforetheLords Spiritualand Temporal Januarythe30th, 1724 For J Wyat, 1724 32 pp , plain titlepage, half-title
Estimate:£ 300 -£ 500
Fromthelibraryof thelateRobert Bogdan (1950-2023), of Boghead of Torries and Dykehead of Avochie, Aberdeenshire, geographymaster at Charterhouseand sometimechairman of theScottish Castles Association.

Lot 32
[John Newton interest] Halyburton, Thomas
Memoirs of theLifeof theReverend, Learned and Pious Mr Halyburton London:R. Cruttenden, 1718. Second edition, 8vo, portrait frontispiece, contemporarycalf rebacked with modern spine
Estimate:£ 400 -£ 500
Fromthelibraryof John Newton, abolitionist, clergyman and author of “OlneyHymns” (including “Amazing Grace”) in collaboration with his friend and poet WilliamCowper This book is referred to byNewton in his autobiographyunder theentryfor Saturday25 January1755:“Purchased thelives of two noted servants of God deceased (Joseph Allen and T Halyburton). Lord grant I maybeprofited bytheir experience, and animated bytheir example” Marginaliain thetext is believed to bebyNewton The book’s earlyprovenanceis identified insidethefront cover with thefollowing handwritten statement:“This book was kindlygiven to mebyMrs Wilson of Olney, thewidow of Mr Wilson, thePeluquin of Cowper to whomit was given byJohn Newton, who in his autobiographythus writes of myrevered maternalGrandfather SamuelBrewer “FromhimI received manyhelps, both in public and private, for hewas pleased to favour mewith his friendship fromthefirst His kindness, and theintimacybetween us his continued and ??? to this day, and of allmymanyfriends, I ammost deeply indebted to him” 25th March 1857 CS (Charles Sabine)

Lot 33
Clarke, James Stanier and John McArthur
TheLifeof AdmiralLord Nelson
London:T Cadell, 1809 2 volumes, large4to, contemporaryhalf diced russia, 13 plates, 5 plans, facsimileletter, alledges untrimmed, joints cracked, loss to spine-ends, wear to tips, somespotting, pp 364-5 in volume1 neatlyreattached (2)
Estimate:£ 800 -£ 1,200
Lot 34
[Symonds, William] [NavalCostume]
20 double-pagelithographed plates, each showing 4 vessels, with an additionalfolding plate, signed and inscribed:“Miss Tindal, Fromher very affectionateuncle, W Symonds, December 24th 1809”, originalgreen cloth gilt
Estimate:£ 200 -£ 300
Lot 35
Windsor Castle- Index to Rooms Windsor Castle(Lord Chamberlain's Department). Index to Rooms. 1909. 16mo (11 x 8 5cm), originalgreen cloth gilt, with manycorrections and annotations, somewear and rubbing;Windsor Castle(Lord Chamberlain's Department) Index to Rooms 1938 16mo, originalbluecloth gilt (2)
Estimate:£ 500 -£ 700

Lot 36
Heraldryand Genealogy
A smallcollection
Nisbet, Alexander. A Systemof Heraldry… Edinburgh:WilliamBlackwood, 1816 Folio, volume1 only, frontispiece, 34 plates, later quarter calf, worn;Halliday, Andrew. A GeneralHistoryof theHouseof Guelph, or Royal Familyof Great Britain London:Thomas and GeorgeUnderwood, 1821 4to, modern half cloth;Lockhart, WilliamEliott. Alexander Nisbet's Heraldic Plates Edinburgh:GeorgeWaterston &Sons, 1892 Folio, number 194 of 200 copies, originalred cloth gilt, somefading;ThePresent Peerageof the United Kingdom London:WilliamStockdale, 1816 8vo, original cloth;Cochran-Patrick, R.W. Catalogueof theMedals of Scotland… Edinburgh:David Douglas, 1884 4to, number 138 of 350 copies, contemporaryhalf morocco;Burnett, Charles J - and LeslieHodgson Edinburgh:TheHeraldrySocietyof Scotland, 2001 4to, signed, original green calf gilt;and threeothers (9)
Estimate:£ 300 -£ 500

Lot 37
On historical, militaryand other subjects
Clarke, Hewson TheHistoryof theWar, fromtheCommencement of the French Revolution to thepresent time. London, 1816. 3 volumes, 4to, 34 plates (oneengraving lacking in volumeiiwith threeadditionalsupplied in volumeiii), contemporaryhalf calf;HistoirePhilosophiqueet Politique… The Hague:Gosse, Fils , 1774 7 volumes, 8vo, contemporarycalf;Palmer, Charles. A Collection of Select Aphorisms and Maxims… London:Printed by E Cave, 1748 Small4to, frontispiece, contemporarycalf, upper cover detached, lower joint split;J.M. TheGreat Caseof Tithes. London:J. Sowle, 1730 8vo, contemporarypanelled calf, joints split;Quarles, Francis Emblems, Divineand Moral Bristol:Printed byJoseph Lansdown &John Mills, 1808. 8vo, portrait frontispiece, plateand 93 emblemplates, onewith along repair, contemporaryhalf calf, upper cover detached;Dickson, Adam A Treatiseof Agriculture. Edinburgh:A. Kincaid and J. Bell, 1765. Second edition, 2 volumes, 8vo, contemporarycalf;Douglas, Archibald Memorialfor Archibald Douglas of Douglas…Against George-James Dukeof Hamilton… [N p ] 1766;Galloway, Elijah History&Progress of TheSteamEngine London:Thomas Kelly, 1831. 8vo, contemporaryhalf calf, upper cover detached;TheRemarkableTrialof Hon C Wyndham, for Adultery [lacking title], with further descriptions of adulterytrials, contemporarytreecalf;and 5 others, sold not subject to return (23)
Estimate:£ 300 -£ 500

Lot 38
Smith, John Raphael(1751-1812)
Lt Col Tarleton
Mezzotint of Lieutenant-ColonelBanastreTarleton (1754-1833) London:J R Smith, 11th October 1782 Plate:65 4 × 39 8cm, framed 72 x 47 5cm Someareas of foxing, tear to lower edge, creaseacross corner bottomleft (not examined out of frame)
Estimate:£ 500 -£ 800
Theson of alandscapepainter, Smith focused on printmaking and engraving. Hereproduced c.40 works bySir JoshuaReynolds as mezzotints of which this is one Tarleton fought in theAmerican CivilWar and was a Whig member of parliament for Liverpoolfor twentyyears. TheReynolds portrait was commissioned byTarleton's brother for their mother Jane

Lot 39
Richardson, J - and J H Nixon
TheEglinton Tournament
London:Colnaghi&Puckle, 1843. Folio (62 x 44cm), hand-coloured lithographed pictorialtitle, dedication and 21 plates, contemporarymaroon morocco-backed cloth, spineand upper board lettered in gilt, leaves uncut, yellow endpapers, somespotting, extremities slightlyrubbed [Abbey, Life, 388]
Estimate:£ 1,000 -£ 1,500
Lot 40
Rowlandson, Thomas
LoyalVolunteers of London &Environs, Infantry&Cavalry, in their respectiveUniforms
[London:R. Ackermann, 1799] 4to (35 x 27cm), green morocco gilt by Bedford, hand-coloured engraved title-page, dedication leaf, list of subscribers, 86 hand-coloured aquatint costumeplates byThomas Rowlandson, most heightened with gold and silver, nineteenth century green morocco gilt byBedford, top edgegilt, others uncut, maroon endpapers, inner dentelles, somescattered foxing, spinefaded [Abbey, Life, 379]
Estimate:£ 1,500 -£ 2,000
Lot 41
Churchill, Winston S
TheCollected Works. CentenaryLimited Edition
[Together with:] TheCollected Essays CentenaryLimited Edition London: Libraryof ImperialHistory, 1973-6. First edition, oneof 1,750 published sets of aprojected 3,000, 38 volumes, 8vo, originalvellum, spines lettered and ruled in gilt, arms of Winston S. Churchillto front covers in gilt, alledges gilt, numbered limitation slip mounted to half-titleof each volumeas issued, each volumehoused in individualgreen leatheretteslipcase, toning to vellumof a few volumes (1, 25, 29, 30, and 32), afew sprays of faint spotting to joints or covers, afew volumes with ahint of green dyetransferred from slipcases to edges of boards (38)
Estimate:£ 2,000 -£ 3,000
Lot 42
Gittins, Daniel
Remarks on theTenets and Principles of theQuakers
As contained in theTheses Theologicaeof Robert Barclay London:printed byJ. Bettenham, and sold byE. Withers, 1758. First edition, 8vo, lii348 pp., contemporarysprinkled calf, advertisement slip to rear, binding rubbed and scuffed, joints superficiallycracked
Estimate:£ 200 -£ 300
Apparentlythededication copyof this rarework, inscribed ‘E libris R. Spearman, fromtheauthor, 20th August 1758’ on thefront freeendpaper, thework's ‘prefatorydiscourse’ being addressed to theEnglish theologian Robert Spearman (1703-1761)

Lot 43
Rouland Hall
Geneva:Rouland Hall, 1560. First edition, 4to, contemporarycalf with severalrepairs, without endpapers, lacking Old Testament title, theinitialtwo leaves, ai, Ppiiii, Qqi, Vvi, allafter Kkkiiiincluding thePsalms, theplateand threeof thefour maps, dampstaining and browning in places, spotting, manypages worn at theedges with someloss to text, afew holes with loss to afew words, New Testament titleand finalleaf of theOld Testament backed with paper [Darlow &Moule107]
Estimate:£ 500 -£ 700
“Thefirst edition of theso-called ‘Genevaversion’;theearliest English Bible printed in roman typeand with versedivisions ” [Herbert [Darlow &Moule] HistoricalCatalogueof Printed Editions of theEnglish Bible1525-1961]
Lot 44
Baskerville, John (printer)
Containing theOld Testament and theNew, with theApocrypha. Translated out of theOriginalTongues, with Annotations Birmingham:John Baskerville, 1769-71. Folio (39.2 x 24cm), unpaginated, signatures pi1 [A]-13K2 (-13K2, cancelled), contemporarydark blue-green morocco gilt, marbled endpapers, alledges gilt, 7 engraved plates including frontispiece, New Testament with separatedated title-page(register continuous), manuscript genealogyof the Gresleyfamilyof Lichfield to initialblank, generaltitle-pagebrowned and with blank verso adhering to blank recto of contents leaf, smallholein 10Q1 affecting oneword either side;Together with 2 others including aBook of Common Prayer, Oxford, 1787, 8vo, contemporaryred morocco gilt (3)
Estimate:£ 400 -£ 600
First Baskervilleedition of theBibleprinted in Birmingham(hehad previously produced editions at Cambridgewhileprinter to theuniversity)

Lot 45
Scottish binding
Edinburgh:Adrian Watkins, 1754. 8vo (19 x 11.5cm), A-3R8, contemporary red-brown morocco, spinegilt with dotted saltires and interstitialfloraltools, covers richlygilt with outer frameof stylised zig-zag tools enclosing central motif of acolumn of 8 floralroundels with projecting lobes comprising fleurons within dotted semicircles, and an intermediateband of heart motifs with hatched infill, thewholeon aground of floraltools and aseméof massed dots, bookplate(John McSymon), manuscript genealogies to endpapers and blanks, freeendpaper removed, smalltear to R3 affecting side-noteverso;Together with 20 others, English literature, finelybound, 18th-20th century, including Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam, 1902 (12mo, contemporarydark bluecrushed morocco byRamage, spine, covers and turn-ins elaboratelygilt, whitesilk doublures spotted), NovumTestamentum Graece, Glasgow, Hutchison &Brookman, 1829 (12mo, contemporary maroon morocco);and similar (34)
Estimate:£ 300 -£ 500

Lot 46
17th-centuryembroidered binding
[TheHolyBible, New Testament and Psalms only] London:Companyof Stationers, 1663 [imprint for thePsalms]. 24mo (10.9 x 5 4cm), contemporaryembroidered binding of silk and metalthreads on canvas, incorporating centraldesign of avineleaf and grapes to each cover, alledges gilt, signatures A-Y12 A-M12 (lacking New Testament title-page, signatureA1), overallwear, unravelling of thread, smallspill-burn in Psalms F11
Estimate:£ 300 -£ 500
Lot 47
Bibles and religious books 16th to early18th century [Bible, 1597] 4to in sixes, contemporarycalf, allleaves up to Genesis 45:2 supplied in manuscript, veryworn;TheBible. London:Robert Barker, 1608 [New Testament dated 1610] 8vo, contemporarycalf spine, covers recovered with red paper;Weemes, John, of Lathocker. TheWorkes… London:M Dawson for John Bellamie, 1636 8vo, threeparts in onevolume, contemporarycalf, spinepeeling;ThePsalmes of David in Meeter Edinburgh:Printed bytheHeirs and Successors of Andrew Anderson, 1713. 4to, incomplete;Sold not subject to return (4)
Estimate:£ 400 -£ 600
Lot 48
An Encyclopedic Outlineof Masonic, Hermetic, Qabbalistic and Rosicrucian SymbolicalPhilosophy
Being an Interpretation of theSecret Teachings concealed within theRituals, Allegories and Mysteries of allAges, byManlyP Hall TheIllustrations in Color byJ. Augustus Knapp. San Francisco:printed for ManlyP. HallbyH. S. Crocker Company, 1928 Theosophicaledition, oneof 200 copies, large folio. originalhalf vellum, patterned paper sides, 51 colour plates including frontispiece(‘plate'facing p 161 comprising 4 plates, allbut oneprinted on both sides), 2 plates folding, onewith tissue-guard, pagination in roman numerals printed in blueto head of each page, decorativeinitials partlyin orange, top edgegilt, others untrimmed, slipcase, spine-labelchipped, wear to foot of spineand to foreedges of boards, title-pageslightlymarked, short tears to foremargins of front freeendpaper, initialblank and plate facing p. 29, folding platefacing p. 145 with mild creasing, slipcaseworn
Estimate:£ 300 -£ 500

Lot 49
Popper, Karl
Conjectures and Refutations
TheGrowth of Scientific Knowledge. London:Routledgeand Kegan Paul, 1963 First edition, first impression, 8vo, originalblack cloth, dust jacket (a few tape-repairs verso);Valéry, Paul. Eupalinos or theArchitect. Translated with aPrefacebyWilliamMcCausland Stewart London:Oxford University Press, 1932. First edition in English, oneof 250 copies signed bytheauthor, small4to, originalwhitecloth lettered and decorated in gilt, front free endpaper removed causing smallareaof loss to front pastedown along inner hinge, front pastedown with ownership inscription and remnants of paper probablyfromremovalof bookplate, spotting to half-titleand titlepage;Huxley, Aldous TheDoors of Perception London:Chatto &Windus, 1954 First edition, first impression, 8vo, originalbluecloth, dust jacket (smalltape-repairs verso), contemporaryownership inscription to front free endpaper;Szasz, Thomas S TheMyth of MentalIllness London:Secker & Warburg, 1962. First UKedition, first impression, 8vo, originalred cloth, dust jacket (with afew smalltears), ink-stamped callnumber and faint abrasion to verso of title-page;and 9 others, mainlyBertrand Russell, including Introduction to MathematicalPhilosophy, 1930 (reprint, ownership inscription of W. H. F. Barnes, British philosopher) (13)
Estimate:£ 200 -£ 300

Lot 50
Elizabethan medicine
Annotated medicalsammelband 4 works in 1 volume, 8vo, old calf ruled in blind, covers each with blindstamped monogram‘TM’ either sideof centralflorallozenge(possiblylater), contents comprise:[?Cartwright, Thomas]. [An Hospitallfor theDiseased. Wherein areto befound mosteexcellent and approved medicines Very necessarieand profitablefor this tymeof common plagueand mortalitie Newlyaugmented and inlarged. Gathered byT. C.]. London:for Edward White, c 1584 [6] 70 pp , losses to A1 (title-page) and A2 [STC 4305]; [Vicary, Thomas]. [TheEnglish-Mans Treasurewith theTrueAnatomieof Mans Body London:Thomas Creede, 1596 or 1599?] 55-110 pp only[STC 24709/24709.5];Levens, Peter. A right profitablebookefor alldiseases. Called thePath-wayto health London:[byEdward Alldefor] Edward White, 1587. [4] 1-3 [1] pp., 3-59 64-94, lacking quireQ and leaves R1, U2-3, 2A4, 2B1, and allafter 2B4 (f 94) [STC 15533];[Langham, William] [TheGarden of Health]. [London, ?1597]. Pp. 201-348 only[STC 15195].With some25 blanks (including endpapers and interleaves) annotated byvarious hands (contemporaryand near-contemporaryto 18th century), including medical and quasi-occult receipts eg ‘How to goo invisible’, ‘If awoman can not conceivetakehartehorn to pouder put it about her and doetheact of generation sheshallhaveaman chyld', ‘To slayacancer in on[e] night … ' , ‘To heallethepain of thegut ’ , ‘Aneaproved medicen for the jaundis’, theproperties of different plants (with Latin names given:Prunela, ranunculus, salix, etc ), ownership inscriptions including one‘Thomas Mille, Chirurgion’, doggerelverseon bees, etc. Occasionalcontemporary marginaliato text;Binding worn, generaldamp-staining, soiling, tears and losses, oneinitialblank (with annotations) loose
Estimate:£ 500 -£ 800
Fromthelibraryof thelateRobert Bogdan (1950-2023), of Boghead of Torries and Dykehead of Avochie, Aberdeenshire, geographymaster at Charterhouseand sometimechairman of theScottish Castles Association.

Lot 51
Boyle, Robert
Experiments and Considerations Touching Colours
First occasionallywritten, among someother Essays, to aFriend;and now suffer'd to comeabroad as TheBeginnig of an ExperimentalHistoryof Colours. London:for HenryHerringman, 1664. 8vo (16.6 x 10.5cm), [40] 424 pp , 18th-centurytan calf, title-pageprinted in red and black, engraved folding plate, binding worn, book-block detached frombinding, initialquirea detached frombook-block, upper 3 cords (of 4) split between K1 and K2, smallrepair to plate, front pastedown (containing traces of old ink annotations) abraded, lacking front freeendpaper [Fulton 57]
Estimate:£ 600 -£ 800
Rarefirst edition of oneof Boyle's most influentialworks, which propounded anumber of ideas and observations subsequentlyexplored byNewton in his Optics, was aprincipalsourcefor Locke's distinction between ‘primary’ and 'secondary'qualities, and moved SamuelPepys to declarations of uncomprehending awe In recording that certain vegetableextracts change colour according to theacidityof asolution, Boylefurthermoreprovided the first fullaccount of chemicalindicators;therearealso descriptions of the iridescenceof metallic films and soap bubbles, and snow-blindness Printed in 1664, it is conceivablethat alargenumber of copies perished in theGreat Fireof London two years later, afatewidelybelieved to havebefallen Shakespeare's Third Folio, awork of thesameyear.

Lot 52
Babbage, Charles On theEconomyof Machineryand Manufactures
London:Charles Knight, 1832 First edition, 8vo, xvi320 pp , original diagonal-fine-ribbed maroon moirécloth, titlegilt to spinewithin geometric panel, engraved title-pageincorporating medallion portrait of Roger Bacon, advertisement leaf to rear, bookseller's ticket to front pastedown, shallow loss to head and foot of spine, front joint cracked and front board remaining attached to spinebysinglecord, rear joint cracked but remaining firm, corners worn, covers slightlyfaded and with afew marks, old ink-stain and afew spots to title-page, dedication leaf with upper outer corner excised (leaving contemporaryownership inscription ‘Hannah Tayler’ below) [Hook &Norman, Origins of Cyberspace, 42]
Estimate:£ 400 -£ 600
Footnote: Uncommon first edition of theauthor's most successfulwork ‘Economy was aproduct of aconscientious and detailed surveyof factories and workshops in England and on thecontinent prompted bythedemands for precision in theconstruction of his first calculating engine Thework is not a thesis on macroeconomic theorybut an encyclopaedic record of craft, manufacturing, and industrialprocesses, as wellas an analysis of the domestic organization of factories. Headvocated thedecimalization of currency, foresaw theroleof tidalpower as an energysource, and predicted theexhaustion of coalreserves, later commenting that if posterity failed to find asubstitutefor coalthen it deserved to befrostbitten Economywas aturning point in economic writing and firmlyestablished Babbageas aleading authorityof theindustrialmovement’ (ODNB)

Lot 53
Maxwell, James Clerk
A Treatiseon Electricityand Magnetism
Oxford:Clarendon Press, 1873. First edition, first issue, 2 volumes, 8vo, xxix [3] 425, xxiii[1] 444 pp , originalmaroon cloth, spines lettered in gilt, publisher's devicestamped to covers in blind, 21 lithographic plates (including onefacing volume1 p 148;therest at rear of volumes), volume 1 with errataslip tipped to p. 1, volume2 with 15 pp. publisher's catalogue to rear (listing thepresent work on p 10 as ‘Just Published’), diagrams throughout thetext, spines sunned and with wear to head and foot, volume 2 with sections of wear along front joint affecting lettering, light rubbing to covers and extremities of both volumes, tips bumped and worn, variable spotting to endpapers, half-titles and plates, each volumehoused in custom cloth slipcase[Horblit 72;Norman 1466;PMM355 note] (2)
Estimate:£ 3,000 -£ 5,000
Oneof themost important works of physics ever published, Maxwell's Treatisehad onlyalimited impact during his own lifetime, but within afew years of his death his electromagnetic theoryof light 'cameto beaccepted and regarded as oneof themost fundamentalof allphysical theories Maxwell's equations gained thestatus of Newton's laws of motion, and thetheorywas basic to thenew technologyof electric power, telephony, and radio His reputation and thestatus of Maxwellian physics was enhanced bytheadvent of “modern” physics in thetwentieth century, understood as resting on his conception of thephysicalfield and appealto statisticaldescriptions'(ODNB).

Lot 54
Maxwell, James Clerk
On aMethod of Making aDirect Comparison of Electrostatic with Electromagnetic Force
With aNoteon theElectromagnetic Theoryof Light [In:] Philosophical Transactions of theRoyalSocietyof London. Vol. 158.-Part II. London: Taylor and Francis, 1869 First edition, 4to, originalprinted wrappers, unopened, Maxwell's articleoccupying pp 643-57 with onediagramin text, 17 lithographic plates relating to other works in thevolume(severalfolding), smallink stains to pp 646-7, superficialsplit to paper on spine, afew marks to covers;Together with:Account of Experiments on thePerception of Colour [Pp 41-7 in:] TheLondon, Edinburgh, and Dublin Philosophical Magazine, and Journalof Science. Fourth Series. No 90.-July1857. 8vo, originalprinted wrappers, short split to head of front joint;On Mr Grove's “Experiment in Magneto-electric Induction."In aLetter to W. R. Grove, F R S [And:] Proceedings of Learned Societies RoyalSociety On Governors. [Pp. 360-63 and 385-98 in:] TheLondon, Edinburgh, and Dublin PhilosophicalMagazine, and Journalof Science Fourth Series No 238 -May 1868 London Taylor and Francis, 1868 8vo, originalprinted wrappers, chipping to head of spine, short splits to feet of joints;On theDisplacement in aCaseof Fluid Motion [Offprint fromtheProceedings of theLondon MathematicalSociety, c.1870]. 8vo, paginated 65-96, Maxwell's piece occupying pp 82-7, with 3 diagrams, apparentlyoriginalwrappers with printed title'Proceedings of theLondon MathematicalSocietyNos. 25, 26'to front, longitudinalcentralcrease, wrappers detached, rear wrapper spotted and torn, variablespotting to contents;and 1 other similar (4)
Estimate:£ 300 -£ 500
'On aMethod of Making aDirect Comparison of Electrostatic with Electromagnetic Force'is thelast of Maxwell's fivemajor papers on electromagnetism. ‘On Governors’, originallypublished in thePhilosophical Transactions of theRoyalSociety, is todayconsidered oneof the foundationalpapers on cybernetics

Lot 55
Einstein, Albert
Relativity, TheSpecialand theGeneralTheory
A popular exposition. London:Methuen &Co. Ltd., [1921] Fourth edition, 8vo, originalred cloth gilt, dust-jacket slightlychipped, portrait, adverts, a littlefoxing;Schmidt, Harry. Relativityand theUniverse… London:Methuen &Co Ltd , [1922] Second edition, 8vo, originalbluecloth gilt, endpapers browned, spinealittlefaded (2)
Estimate:£ 300 -£ 400
Lot 56
Stevenson, Alan
Report to theCommitteeof theCommissioners of Northern Lights Appointed to takeinto consideration thesubject of Illuminating the Lighthouses byMeans of Lenses. Edinburgh:printed byNeilland Company, 1835 First edition, small4to, 6 plates, originalquarter morocco over cloth with green paper label, hinges split, alittlespotting;and asmallnumber of other Stevenson volumes, defective(quantity)
Estimate:£ 400 -£ 600
Lot 57
Stevenson, Alan
Account of theSkerryvoreLighthouse
With notes on theIllumination of Lighthouses Edinburgh:Adamand Charles Black, 1748. First edition, 4to, inscribed on thefront paste-down endpaper bytheauthor to David Stevenson, frontispiece, folding table, 34 plates at rear, originalcloth gilt Northern Lighthouses binding, slacking spine, alittle spotting and soiling;Idem Another copy, in poor condition (2)
Estimate:£ 500 -£ 800
Lot 58
Provis, WilliamAlexander
An Historicaland DescriptiveAccount of theSuspension Bridgeconstructed over theMenaiStrait
In North Wales With aBrief Noticeof ConwayBridge FromDesigns by, and under theDirection of Thomas Telford. London:for theauthor byIbotson and Palmer, 1838 Largefolio (67 5 x 48 5cm), 20th-centuryred half morocco, [8] 105 pp., half-title, 18 engraved or aquatint plates including map, plans and views, severalon two folding sheets, alledges untrimmed, ex Warrington municipallibrarywith shelfmark gilt to foot of spine, library plateto front pastedown and ink-stamps to title-pageand dedication leaf, light spotting and soiling to text, plates moreheavilyspotted, afew with short closed tears along edges of platemarks or to margins
Estimate:£ 300 -£ 500

Lot 59
Cleland, Elizabeth
A New and EasyMethod of Cookery Treating I. Of Gravies, Soups, Broths, etc. II. Of Fish, and their Sauces. III. To Pot and MakeHams, Etc Iv Of Pies, Pasties, etc V Of Pickling and Preserving. Vi. Of MadeWines, Distilling and Brewing, etc. Edinburgh:for the author byW Gordon, C Wright, S Willison and J Bruce:and sold at her housein theLuckenbooths, 1755. First edition, 8vo, [12] 204 pp., contemporarycalf-backed marbled boards, contemporaryownership inscription ‘Janet Miller Novbr 15 1774’ to front freeendpaper, later inscription ('Janet Miller was for years housekeeper at Dr Erskine's &died in thehouse') below, Janet Miller's ownership inscription repeated on title-page, laid-in manuscript noteaddressed to Mrs Erskinecontaining areceipt for peasepudding, binding worn and soiled, leather on spinelargelyperished, contents toned, occasionallight spotting and soiling, marginaldamp-staining to title-pageand contents leaves, moreextensivedamp-staining to final gathering
Estimate:£ 300 -£ 500
Fromthelibraryof thelateRobert Bogdan (1950-2023), of Boghead of Torries and Dykehead of Avochie, Aberdeenshire, geographymaster at Charterhouseand sometimechairman of theScottish Castles Association. Footnote:
Veryrare:no other copytraced in auction records. Theauthor appears to haverun acookeryschoolin Edinburgh, thework being described on the title-pageas ‘chieflyintended for thebenefit of theyoung ladies who attend her school’ A third edition appeared in 1770

Lot 60
Dentistry, 3 volumes 19th century Meredith, L.P. TheTeeth and How to SaveThem. Philadelphia:J.B. Lippincott &Co , 1871 8vo, originalred cloth gilt, somediscolouration;Mosely, Ephraim. Teeth, their NaturalHistory… London:Robert Hardwicke, 1862. 12mo, originalbluecloth gilt, somepencilannotations and dustsoiling;Howard, Thomas. On theloss of Teeth… London:Simpkin and Marshall, 1858 12mo, frontispiecewith flap, originalgreen cloth gilt, some signs of vermin damageand alittleworming, not affecting text (3)
Estimate:£ 200 -£ 300
Lot 61
Sowerby, James English Botany
Or, Coloured Figures of British Plants London:for theauthor, byJ Davis, 1790-9. Volumes 1-9 in 5, 8vo (22.3 x 13cm) contemporaryhalf-marbled calf, marbled paper sides, approx 1458 engraved plates, nearlyallhandcoloured, alittlerubbing and wear to bindings, contents generallyclean
Estimate:£ 500 -£ 800
Fromthelibraryof thelateRobert Bogdan (1950-2023), of Boghead of Torries and Dykehead of Avochie, Aberdeenshire, geographymaster at Charterhouseand sometimechairman of theScottish Castles Association

Lot 62
Lewer, S H
Wright's Book of Poultry
London:Casselland Company, Limited, [n.d.] 4to, 30 colour plates and other in monochrome, originalgreen half morocco gilt, onemonochrome platedamaged, binding looseand rubbed
Estimate:£ 200 -£ 300
Lot 63
McGillivray, William
TheEdinburgh Journalof NaturalHistory Edinburgh:Published for theProprietor, 13, HillStreet, 1839-40 volumes 12, folio, 116 (of 130) hand-coloured plates (84 plates in volume1 and volume2 completewith 32 plates), originalgreen cloth, spineand endpapers renewed, somesoiling and occasionalchipping to plates
Estimate:£ 800 -£ 1,200
Lot 64
[Mosses] Braithwaite, R.
TheBritish Moss-Flora
London:L Reeve&Co , 1887 3 volumes, 8vo, plates, originalgreen cloth gilt, faint stamps of theCarlisleNaturalHistorySociety;Berkeley, M.J. Handbook of British Mosses London:LovellReeve&Co , 1863 8vo, 24 plates (22 hand-coloured), originalgreen cloth gilt (4)
Estimate:£ 350 -£ 450
Lot 65
Low, David
[Plates from] TheBreeds of theDomestic Animals of theBritish Islands London:Longman, Orme, Brown, &Longmans, 1840-42. Comprising 10 plates:[Cattle] West Highland Breed, plate3;[Cattle] West Highland Breed, plate4;[Sheep] Black-Faced Heath Breed, supplementaryplate111;[Sheep] TheBlack-Faced Heath Breed, plate7;[Cattle] Zetland Breed, plate5; [Sheep] Breed of theZetland and OrkneyIslands, plate1;[Cattle] The FifeshireBreed, plate4;[Cattle] TheAyrshireBreed, plate13;[Cattle] GallowayBreed, plate8;[Cattle] Polled Angus Breed, plate7;each handcoloured, 33 x 42.5cm(10)
Estimate:£ 800 -£ 1,200

Lot 66
Lilford, Thomas Littleton Powys, 4th Baron
Coloured Figures of theBirds of theBritish Islands
London:R. H. Porter, 1891-7. Second edition, 7 volumes, large8vo, contemporarygreen crushed half morocco for Hatchards, top edges gilt, photogravureportrait frontispiece, 421 chromolithographic or handcoloured lithographic plates byArchibald Thorburn, J G Keulemans and others, tissue-guards, spines slightlysunned and rolled, rubbing to joints, a few spots, afew plates with faint remnants of adhesion fromtissue-guards (7)
Estimate:£ 500 -£ 800
Lot 67
Snelling, Lilian (illustrator)
A Supplement to Elwes'Monograph of theGenus Lilium
London:Taylor and Francis, 1933-[62] 9 parts in 1 volume, largefolio (55 5 x 37cm), contemporarymaroon crushed morocco gilt, top edgegilt, others untrimmed, [6] viii143, 21 12 pp , decorativelithographic title-page, 30 hand-coloured lithographic plates byLilian Snelling, 10 colour collotype plates byMargaret Stones, tissue-guards, spotting to lithographic title-page, text, and oneof thecollotypeplates, plates otherwiselargelyclean [Nissen BBI 594]
Estimate:£ 500 -£ 800
Thefirst seven parts of thesupplement, with the30 hand-coloured lithographic plates, was published between 1933 and 1940, followed bythe finaltwo parts, containing the10 collotypeplates, in 1960-2.
Lot 68
Morris, Francis Orpen
A NaturalHistoryof theNests and Eggs of British Eggs London:GeorgeBelland Sons, 1875. Second edition, 3 volumes, large8vo, contemporarydark bluecrushed fullmorocco byAndrew Grieveof Edinburgh, spines lettered in gilt, marbles endpapers, top edges gilt, 232 chromolithographic plates numbered 1-231 (including 17 bis), tissueguards, bookplates of Andrew Smith of Whitchester and Cranshaws, bindings slightlyrubbed in places, light fading to spines, faint transverse scuff to volume3 front board, edges spotted, afew intermittent spots internally(3)
Estimate:£ 200 -£ 300
Lot 69
Sawada, Ken
TheArt of theClassic Salmon Fly Otowa, Japan:KodanshaLtd, 1989. First edition, oneof 100 copies signed byKen Sawada, James Hardyof theHouseof Hardy, and Alan Bramleyof Partridgeof Redditch, folio, originalblack velveteen, colour illustrations throughout, in originalslipcaseand shipping carton
Estimate:£ 200 -£ 300

Lot 70
Hooker, Sir WilliamJackson
Curtis's BotanicalMagazine
London:Reeve, Brothers, 1845-1882, comprising volumes 1-38 of thethird series, 8vo, 2532 hand-coloured plates, manyvolumes in originalfaded green cloth gilt, others possiblyrebound neatlyin green cloth gilt (38)
Estimate:£ 1,200 -£ 1,500
Lot 71
Including Buffon
Buffon, Count de NaturalHistory, generaland particular London:T Cadell, 1812. ‘New edition’, 20 volumes, portrait, 682 (of 683?) plates, lacking plate228 (Black Skinner) in volume19 of ‘Birds’, contemporarycalf gilt spines, boards renewed;White, Gilbert. TheNaturalHistoryand Antiquities of Selborne, in theCountyof Southampton London:White, Cochrane, and Co , 1813 4to, folding frontispiece, 8 plates, including one coloured, and illustrations in thetext, contemporarycalf, upper cover detached (21)
Estimate:£ 300 -£ 500
Lot 72
Harris, John NavigantiumatqueItinerantiumBibliotheca, or aCompleteCollection of Voyages and Travels
London:T. Woodward…, 1744. 2 volumes, second edition, 53 plates and maps onlyof 61 (lacking 5 maps), contemporarycalf, bookplateof James Straton and ownership signatureof WilliamGuthrieto title-page, the‘New and Correct Map of Asia’ in volumeiilacking around onethird (2)
Estimate:£ 2,000 -£ 4,000
EmanuelBowen's maps of Georgiaand Chinaareboth included, along with A CompleteMap of theSouthern Continent surveyed byAbelTasman, the first English map of New Holland [Australia] This edition of Harris's Works is particularlyprized for its maps
Lot 73
Bankes, Thomas
A New RoyalAuthentic and CompleteSystemof UniversalGeography Antient and Modern
London:J. Cooke, c.1780. 2 volumes in 1, folio (37 x 24cm), contemporary calf, 90 engraved plates including frontispieceand the‘Death of Cook’ plate, 17 engraved maps (of 20, lacking ‘Map of theNew Discoveries’, ‘Map of the World’ and ‘Map of theOttoman Empire’, binding worming to edges of frontispiece, title-page, pp. 1-14 and intervening plate, afew creases and marginaltears, platefacing p 468 pencil-marked
Estimate:£ 500 -£ 700

Lot 74
Cook, James and James King
A Voyageto thePacific Ocean
London:for John Stockdale, Scatcherd and Whitaker, John Fielding, and John Hardy, 1784 First octavo edition, 4 volumes, 8vo, xii370, xii358, xii400, xii 310 [62] pp., contemporarycalf, joints cracked, engraved portrait frontispiece, 2 folding charts, 48 plates including theDeath of Cook plate (folding), half-titleto volumes 2-4, volume3 lacking at least thefinalleaf of text, variablespotting throughout, folding charts and platewith repairs (4)
Estimate:£ 300 -£ 400
Lot 75
LeRoy, Jacques Castellaet praetorianobiliumBrabantiae, coenobiaquecelebriora ad vivumdelineata, in quatuor partes divisa [Bound with:] L'Erection de toutes les terres, seigneuries et familles titrées du Brabant, prouvéepar des extraits des lettres patentes, tirez des originaux Leiden:Pieter vander Aa, 1699. 2 works in 1 volume, folio (42 x 28cm), modern half morocco gilt, top edgedyed red Castellaet Praetoria:[6] 142 ff , half-title, engraved allegorical additionaltitle-page, letterpress title-pagewith engraved vignette, engraved dedication leaf, 6 engraved folding maps (including aduplicateof thegeneral map ‘Novissimaet accuratissimiaBrabantiaeducatus tabula’, meant to be bound in thefollowing work;onemap at ff. 73-4 counted in foliation, the rest not counted), 4 letterpress section-titles (unfoliated but counted in register), text-leaves printed on rectos only, nearlyallcontaining 2 engraved vignetteviews (theremainder containing oneview, afew of which full-page), 15 further double-pageor folding engraved plates (mainlyviews, oneplan; allcounted in foliation) Damp-staining to prelims (including first 2 maps), faint tide-mark to head of gutter of first 15 or so leaves, folding view at ff. 77-8 with smallrepair verso, ff 87-8 (containing adouble-pageview) misbound between ff 81-2 (f 82 misnumbered 81) L'Erection detoutes les terres:[8] 107 [1] pp , half-title, engraved vignetteto title-page, engraved vignetteviews in text
Estimate:£ 2,000 -£ 3,000
Earlyedition of LeRoy's spectacular illustrated surveyof thecastles, manor houses, abbeys and monasteries of theprovinceof Brabant, in four parts, concerning Louvain, Brussels, Antwerp and Bois-Le-Duc ('s-Hertogenbosch) respectively, and herebound as usualwith thefirst edition of a supplementarywork, L'Erection detoutes les terres Castellaet praetoria was first published in 1694.

Lot 76
Simpson, William
TheSeat of theWar in theEast London:P. &D. Colnaghi, 1855-56. First edition, 2 volumes in one[First & Second Series], folio, 55 5 x 35 5cm, lithographed pictorialtitles and 79 tinted lithographed plates, occasionalspotting, mostlylight, occasionalslight marginaldust-soiling, plate11 in part 1 and plate20 in part 2 torn without loss (9cmand 19cmtear respectively), lithographed pictorialcaption guards, occasionaldampstains, contemporarymaroon half morocco gilt, morocco gilt lettering pieceto upper cover, spinegilt in compartments, g e, rubbed
Estimate:£ 700 -£ 1,000

Lot 77
[Woman traveller - French Revolution]
A Sketch of Modern Francein aSeries of Letters to aLadyof Fashion
Written in theYears 1796 and 1797, during aTour through France. Bya Lady Edited byC L Moody London:for T CadellJun and W Davies, 1798 First edition, 8vo, contemporaryhalf calf, viii518 pp., advertisement leaf to rear, spineworn, lacking front freeendpaper, G5 with old soiling and marginaltear, I4 with closed tear in text, engraved armorialbookplate (James RiceWilliams);With 1 other similar (2)
Estimate:£ 300 -£ 500
Rarein commerce Theauthor has recentlybeen identified as LouiseElisa Beaumont (1751-1818), theJersey-born wifeof Swiss travel-writer JeanFrançois Albanis Beaumont, tutor to thechildren of PrinceWilliamHenry, Dukeof Gloucester (brother of GeorgeIII).
Lot 78
Richardt, Fr. - Gustaf Ljunggren
Skånsker Herregådar
Lund:C W K Gleerups, for theyears 1853;1854;1857;1858;1861;[and] 1852-1863 supplement. Oblong 4to, each year with 12 engraved plates, the supplement with 6, bluecloth gilt
Estimate:£ 500 -£ 800

Sun Yat-sen
Kidnapped in London
Being theStoryof myCaptureBy, Detention at, and Releasefromthe ChineseLegation, London Bristol:J Arrowsmith, c 1906 First edition, later issue, 8vo, 134 pp., contemporarypatterned green cloth, rebacked in red cloth with manuscript titlein black ink, half-title, wood-engraved portrait frontispiece, publisher's advertisement leaf to rear (listing works byAnthony Hope, and Diaryof aNobody), textblock toned, half-titleand title-page slightlymarked, half-titletipped in and verso with smallsection of adherence in centreof gutter to recto of frontispiece, frontispiecewith tide-mark to upper margin, smallink-stain to lower forecorners to about p.75
Estimate:£ 700 -£ 1,000
First published in 1897;this copyis undated on thetitle-pageand the advertisement leaf mentions AnthonyHope's Sophyof Kravonia, which appeared in 1906 A singlecopyof thefirst edition is located in auction records, sold in 2022 with an autograph letter bySun, with no other copyof thefirst or anyother edition traced Kidnapped in London was thework which brought Sun Yat-sen internationalfame, setting himon thepath to leading theoverthrow theQing dynastyand becoming thefirst provisional president of theRepublic of China. Having orchestrated afailed uprising in Guangzhou in 1895, Sun embarked on a16-year period of exile, deciding to travelfirst to London. Shortlyafter his arrivalhewas kidnapped byChinese officials and held at theChineseembassyon Portland Placefor twelvedays Word of his imprisonment quicklyspread and popular sentiment in his favour was marshalled byDr James Cantlie, who had been Sun's teacher at theHong Kong Collegeof Medicine.‘That Sunday11th October morning in 1896, Sun Yat-sen was an obscurefigure Bythetimehewas released form theembassy, 12 days later, hewas ahero to theBritish press His account of being Kidnapped in London, published within afew weeks, madehim globallyfamous BythetimeSun left Britain, in June1897, hewas connected to an internationalnetwork of supporters. Thekidnapping had transformed an obscuretroublemaker into arevolutionaryfigurehead A sojourn in theimperialcapitalhad filled his mind with ideas of progress, nationalismand socialismthat would inspirehis movement Fifteen years later, that movement overthrew theQing empire, appointed Sun “provisional president” of theRepublic of Chinaand helped to createmodern Asia’ (Bill Hayton, ‘TheLondon Kidnapping that Changed China’, New Statesman, 12th October 2021)

Lot 80
Saussure, HoraceBénedict de Voyages dans les Alpes Neuchatel:SamuelFauche, 1779. 4 volumes, 4to, 23 plates (of 24), contemporarytreecalf, boards looseand detached, somedampstaining in volume3 (4)
Estimate:£ 500 -£ 800

Lot 81
Alexander, William
PicturesqueRepresentations of theDress and Manners of theAustrians London:Thomas McLean, [n.d.] 8vo, hand-coloured frontispiecead 49 hand-coloured plates, red cloth librarybinding with customclamshellcase, stamps of TheMercantileLibrary, Brooklyn and Brooklyn Public Library, someperforated, including stamps to most plates, sometears, bookplate
Estimate:£ 200 -£ 300
Lot 82
Ellis, William
Polynesian Researches, during aresidenceof nearlysix years in theSouth SeaIslands
London:Fisher, Son &Jackson, 1829. 2 volumes, 8vo, portrait frontispiece, 10 maps and plates, contemporarycalf, somechipping to spines, alittle spotting and foxing internally;Idem. Narrativeof aTour through Hawaii, or Owhyhee London:H Fisher, Son, and P Jackson, 1828 Fourth edition, 8vo, portrait frontispiece, 10 plates, contemporarycalf (3)
Estimate:£ 600 -£ 800
Lot 83
Raynal, GuillaumeThomas François
A Philosophicaland PoliticalHistoryof theSettlements and Tradeof the Europeans in theEast and West Indies
London:T. Cadell, 1777. Third edition in English ('revised and corrected'), 5 volumes, 8vo, contemporarycalf, red morocco labels, engraved portrait frontispiece, 5 engraved folding maps, littleloss to head caps, partial cracking to front joints and volumes 1 and 5, volume5 front board dampstained;Admiralty. Regulations and Instructions relating to His Majesty's Serviceat Sea Established byHis Majestyin Council London:printed by Winchester and Son, 1808. 4to, contemporarymarbled calf, rebacked, occasionalsoiling;[Bancks, John] A New Historyof theLifeand Reign of the Czar Peter theGreat, Emperor of allRussia, and Father of his Country. London:for J Hodges, 1740 12mo, [8] 354 [10] pp , contemporarycalf, engraved portrait frontispiece, leather separating fromfront board, marginal loss to frontispiece, contemporaryownership inscription to title-page;Egede, Hans Description of Greenland Translated fromtheDanish London;for C. Hitch, S. Austen;and J. Jackson, 1745. First edition in English, 8vo, xvi [4] 220 pp , contemporarydiced tan calf, engraved folding map, 11 engraved plates, ownership inscriptions including ‘Cha. Stuart’ to initial blank, lacking text-leaf leaf F5, folding map slightlyrumpled and nicked along foreedge;[Harris, Mrs G.]. A Lady's Diaryof theSiegeof Lucknow. London: John Murray, 1858 First edition, 8vo, originalcloth, spinesunned and frayed, sides marked, front inner hingecracked;Beauvoir, Ludovic. Marquis de A VoyageRound theWorld Vol I Australia [ ] Vol II Java, Siam, Canton [ ] Pekin, Jeddo, and San Francisco TheConclusion of aVoyage Round theWorld London:John Murray, 1870-2 3 volumes, 8vo, contemporarymaroon half morocco, alledges gilt, wood-engraved plates to volume3;and 6 others, travel, thelot sold with allfaults (18)
Estimate:£ 300 -£ 500
Fromthelibraryof thelateRobert Bogdan (1950-2023), of Boghead of Torries and Dykehead of Avochie, Aberdeenshire, geographymaster at Charterhouseand sometimechairman of theScottish Castles Association.

Lot 84
Australiaand Gold Mining, 3 works
Westgarth, William
Victoria;lateAustraliaFelix… Edinburgh:Oliver &Boyd, 1853. 8vo, folding map (foxed), folding tabledisplaying fluctuations of price, originalpink cloth gilt, somefading and dust-soiling to covers;Chevalier, Michel. On the ProbableFallin theValueof Gold Manchester:Alexander Ireland &Co / Edinburgh:Adamand Charles Black, 1859. Second edition, 8vo, originalpink cloth gilt, somesoiling, joints weak;Smyth, R Brough No II Geological Surveyof Victoria. Report of Progress. Melbourne:John Ferries /London: Trübner and Co , [n d ] 8vo, 5 (of 6) plates, originalwrappers, upper wrapper alittletorn (3)
Estimate:£ 300 -£ 500
Lot 85
New Zealand
4 works
Kirk, T TheForest Floraof New Zealand Wellington:GeorgeDidsbury, 1889. 158 plates, green cloth librarybinding, stamps of WhitechapelPublic Libraryto reverseof most plates, with other librarystamps also present to title, darkening to severalplates;Leys, Thomson W., editor. Brett's Historical Series:EarlyHistoryof New Zealand Auckland:H Brett, 1890 4to, colour frontispiece(detached), folding panoramaof New Plymouth, folding panoramaof Nelson, folding panoramaof Auckland, originalred half morocco gilt;Elkington, E Way- and Norman H Hardy, illustrator The SavageSouth Seas. London:A. &C. Black, 1907. 8vo, originalpictorial green cloth gilt;Reeves, W P - and F &W Wright, illustrator New Zealand London:Adamand Charles Black, 1908. 8vo, originalbrown pictorialcloth (4)
Estimate:£ 250 -£ 350

Lot 86 Travel
21 volumes
Hursthouse, Charles New Zealand, or Zealandia London:Edward Stanford, 1857. 2 volumes, 8vo;Parent-Duchatelet, A.J.B. DelaProstitution dans la VilledeParis Paris:J B Balliere, 1836 2 volumes, 8vo, covers detached and lacking;Wraxall, N. A Tour through someof theNorthern Parts of Europe, particularlyCopenhagen, Stockholmand Petersburgh London:T Cadell, 1775 8vo, contemporarycalf, joints split;Eustace, John Chetwode A Tour Through Italy London:J Mawman, 1813 2 volumes, 4to, contemporary panelled and gilt tooled calf, chipped;Kane, ElishaKent Arctic Explorations in theyears 1853, ‘54, ’55. Philadelphia:Childs and Peterson, 1856. 2 volumes, 8vo, contemporarygreen half calf, covers of volume1 detached;Weber, Henry. Tales of theEast… Edinburgh:John Ballantyneand Company, 1812 3 volumes, 8vo, bindings perished;and 5 others, sold not subject to return (21)
Estimate:£ 200 -£ 300

Lot 87
Brockedon, William
Italy, Classical, Historicaland Picturesque, Illustrated and Described
London:Duncan and Malcolm, c.1840. First edition, folio (36.4 x 25.4cm), contemporaryred half morocco gilt, alledges gilt, 60 steel-engraved plates (on indiapaper, mounted), engraved title-page, bookplateof James Dyce Nicol(1805-1872, Scottish businessman and Liberalpolitician), binding rubbed, front joint worn and partlycracked, tide-mark to upper inner corner of frontispieceand title-page
Estimate:£ 300 -£ 500
Fromthelibraryof thelateRobert Bogdan (1950-2023), of Boghead of Torries and Dykehead of Avochie, Aberdeenshire, geographymaster at Charterhouseand sometimechairman of theScottish Castles Association
Lot 88
Kingdon Ward, F
Asian Travel
Kingdon Ward, F TheMysteryRivers of Tibet London:SeeleyService&Co Limited, 1923. 8vo, originalyellow cloth;Idem. FromChinato HkamtiLong. London:Edward Arnold &Co , 1924 8vo, originalcloth, neat ownership signature;Idem. TheRiddleof theTsangpo Gorges. London:Edward Arnold &Co , 1926 8vo, originalcloth, neat ownership signature;Idem Plant Hunting on theEdgeof theWorld London:Victor Gollancz Ltd, 1930 8vo, originalcloth, neat ownership signature, internalnotein red ink;Idem. A Plant Hunter in Tibet London:Victor Gollancz Ltd , 1934 8vo, original orangecloth;Idem. AssamAdventure. London:Jonathan Cape, 1941. 8vo, originalcloth;Idem Burma's IcyMountains London:Jonathan Cape, 1949 8vo, originalcloth;Idem. Plant Hunter in Manipur. London:Jonathan Cape, 1952 8vo, originalcloth;Idem Return to theIrrawaddy London:Andrew Melrose, 1956. 8vo, originalcloth;Idem. Footsteps in Civilization. London: TheScientific Book Club, [n d ] 8vo, originalcloth, dust-jacket (10)
Estimate:£ 300 -£ 500

Lot 89
Allom, Thomas (illustrator)
China, in aSeries of Views
Displaying theScenery, Architecture, and SocialHabits, of that Ancient Empire Drawn, fromOriginaland Authentic Sketches With Historicaland DescriptiveNotices bytheRev. G. N. Wright. London:Fisher, Son, &Co., c 1840 4 volumes in 2, 4to, red half calf, alledges gilt, engraved additional vignettetitle-pageto each volume, 124 engraved plates, rubbing to spines and extremities, volume1-2 with tear to head of spine, volumes 1 and 3 each with section excised fromhead of letterpress title-page, occasional faint offsetting
Estimate:£ 300 -£ 500
Lot 90
Allom, Thomas (illustrator)
China, in aSeries of Views With Historicaland DescriptiveNotices bytheRev. G. N. Wright. London: Peter Jackson, LateFisher, Son, &Co , [n d ] 4 volumes in 2, small4to, engraved titles, 125 engraved plates, volume1 disbound, volumes 2-4 bound as onein black half calf gilt, alittlelight browning in places (2)
Estimate:£ 500 -£ 600

Lot 91
ArchaeologicalSurveyof Western India
Report of theFirst Season's Operations in theBelgamand KaladgiDistricts Januaryto May1874. ByJames Burgess. London:IndiaMuseum, 1874. First edition, 4to (32 x 24cm), viii45 pp , early-20th-centurylibrarybinding of brown cloth, 56 plates including 20 albumen-print photographs (mounted as issued), plateand lending slip of Manchester CentralLibraryto front pastedown and endpaper;With 1 other (Robert Sewell, Report on the AmaravatiTope, and Excavations on its Sitein 1877, London:George Edward Eyreand WilliamSpottiswoode, 1800, 4to, librarycloth with plates) (2)
Estimate:£ 300 -£ 500
Lot 92
GeneralReport on theOperations of theSurveyof India
Administered under theGovernment of Indiaduring 1908-9 [-1923-24]
Calcutta:Superintendent Government Printing, India[-printed at thePhoto.Litho Office, Surveyof India], 1910-25 16 volumes, volumes 1-14 folio, 1516 8vo, originalcloth-backed printed boards, printed cloth labels to spines, numerous folding lithographic maps and plans, colour frontispiece reproducing amedallion portrait of Major James Jennellto volumefor 19089, photogravureportrait frontispieceof ColonelCharles HenryDudley Ryder, Surveyor-Generalto volumefor 1923-24 ex-Manchester Public Libraries with bookplates and labels to front pastedowns, ink-stamps to versos of maps and plans, cancellation stamps to front freeendpapers, collation slips tipped in at rear, occasionalblind stamps to covers, lending slip to front freeendpaper of volumefor 1923-24, volumefor 1914-15 with front freeendpaper removed, volumefor 1921-22 spine-labelcoming loose (16)
Estimate:£ 500 -£ 800
An unbroken run Rarein commerce

Lot 93
Records of theSurveyof India
[A broken run]. Calcutta:Superintendent Government Printing [-DehraDun: Officeof theTrigonometricalSurvey], India, 1913-24 Comprising volumes: 2;3;4 (Explorations on theNorth-East Frontier during 1911-12-13);5 (Reports of theSurveyParties for 1912-13);6 (Completion of theLink connecting theTriangulations of Indiaand Russia, 1913);7;8 part 1 (Exploration in Tibet and Neighbouring Regions 1865-1879);8 part 2 (Exploration in Tibet and Neighbouring Regions 1879-1892);9;10;12 (Notes on Surveys of Indian Maps and theModern Development of Indian Cartography);14;15;16;18 In total15 volumes, folio, originalcloth-backed printed boards, numerous lithographic maps (manyfolding) and photographic plates (halftoneand photogravure), ex Manchester Central Librarywith bookplates, labels and cancellation ink-stamps to endpapers, ink-stamps to maps (chieflyto versos) and text, collation slips to rear, manuscript shelfmark labels to spines (15)
Estimate:£ 500 -£ 800

Collection of 22 rareworks in Urdu
Lithographicallyprinted and in recent quarter leather or cloth bindings with gilt spines, 8vo and 4to, decorativefloraltitle-pages, titles include:[Munshi Muhammad 'Abd al-Ghafur]. Gulshan-iUmara['TheRoseGarden of Princes], 1878, title-pagein Hindiand Urdu, main text in Hindi, containing lithographic miniature-styleportraits of Indian rulers;[NawalKishorepress]. Fihrist kitabkhanatijaratimatba'MunshiNawalKishore, Lukhnau ve-Kanpur veLahur [Catalogueof books issued bytheNawalKishoreprinting press, Lucknow, Kanpur and Lahore'] Lucknow, c 1880;FamineReport [Urdu title:] Ripurt Qaht. Ajmer:Mayo Press, c.1900;[Bhagavad Gita, in Urdu, illustrated], Delhi, 1927, text in Urdu and Hindi, numerous hand-coloured lithographic plates (severalfolding), lacking title-page;[Urdu grammar] Safwat al-masadir, [Lucknow], NawalKishore, 1886 (containing conjugation tables in Urdu);['Abd al-Wasi'Hansavi] Risalat ‘Abd al-Wasi’ Kanpur:Munshi NawalKishore, c.1900 (Libraryof Congress:'On thegrammar, rhetoric and figures of speech of Persian language;includes criticalstudyof Persian poetry');and 16 others similar (22)
Estimate:£ 300 -£ 500

Collection of works on Indian law and government, and Persian and Urdu literature 19th and early20th century, alllithographicallyprinted, titles include:Rao Saheb MayaramShambhunath, Pensioner, DeputyEducationalInspector. LocalSelf Government Surat:Sodagur Press, 1886 8vo, contemporaryred cloth, 151 pp., title-pages in English and Gujarati, text in Gujarati, browning, tear to Gujaratititle-page, worming in gutter towards rear;Babu Mukut[?] BihariLalBihargu BA, Superintendent of Oudh. Government-iHind [titlein Urdu, ie 'Government of India'] Lucknow:NawalKishore, 1916 8vo, contemporaryhalf cloth, 116 pp., text in Urdu;MirzaMahbub Beg Sahib, Wakilof Lahore Sharh qanun diwalih mufassalat [titlein Urdu, ie 'Commentaryon thelaw of bankruptcywith respect to themofussil'] Lahore:KarimiSteamPress, 1922 8vo, contemporaryhalf cloth, 222 pp , text in Urdu;[Tonk State] [Titlein Urdu:] Qanun Qimarbazi['TheLaw of Gambling']. [Tonk]:Matba'Muhammadi, c.1880. 4to, contemporaryhalf cloth, 12 pp , text in Urdu, worming to covers, smallworm-track to text; [Police]. [Titlein Urdu:] Miftah al-imtihan-ipulis ['Keyto thepolice examination'] Lahore:Matba'Mufid-i'Am, 1894 2 volumes in 1, 8vo, contemporaryhalf cloth, 196 + 244 pp., afew repairs;MaulviMuhammad Munawwar al-Din Fatawa'Uthmani Kitab al-hajjwa'l-ziyarat [titlein Urdu, i.e. 'Ottoman fatwas ... Volumeon pilgrimages and visiting shrines']. Delhi: Hindustan Electric Printing Works, 1924 Folio, contemporaryhalf cloth, patterned paper sides, volume6 onlyof amultivolumework;Jami(14141492) Yusuf wa-Zulaykha['Yusuf and Zulaykha'] Mumbai:Matba'Safadi, 1884 8vo, contemporaryred morocco-backed cloth, 230 pp , in Persian, contemporaryannotations to title-page;[Printed dedication to Mahatma Gandhi] KhwajaHasan Nizami(1878-1955) Krishn bayti[?TheHouseof Lord Krishna]. Delhi:LalThakur Sahib, WaliPrinting Works 1919. 8vo, originalcloth, 192 pp , in Urdu, front joint split, rear inner hingecracked, damp-staining to outer leaves, ink-stamps;[Urdu play] Pandit Narayan Parshad Betab (1872-1945) ZahriSanp ['TheVenomous Serpent'] Lucknow:Matba'I'jaz Muhammadi, c.1900. 8vo, contemporaryhalf cloth, 70 pp , in Urdu, bound with 4 other works;Rumi(1207-1273) Mathnawi-i ma'nawi['TheMathnawi']. Lucknow:NawalKishore, 1913. 6 parts in 1 volume, folio, contemporaryboards (defective, with remains of leather backstrip), 104, 90, 118, 93, 10, 106, 150 pp , in Persian, repairs towards rear;and 20 others, including:Sharh qanun mu'ahada-iHind [in Urdu, i.e. 'Commentaryon thelaw of thetreatyof India'], Amritsar:Ruzbazar Electric Press, 1922;3 works relating to Jaipur (including Qanun jara'imwa-siza, [in Urdu, ie 'TheLaw of Crimeand Punishment'], 1914, folio, possiblyone volumeof amultivolumework);another edition of Sa'di, Gulistan (Lucknow, 1909);another edition of Jami, Yusuf wa-Zulaykha, Lucknow:NawalKishore, 1869 (decorativetitle-pagein orangeand black);MunshiAmjad Husayn Khan, Hamid wa-Rayhan, Lahore:KashmiriPress, c 1880 (bound with other works);an Arabic-Urdu dictionary(volume1 only, 1877);and similar, collations not fullyestablished and thelot sold as seen (30)
Estimate:£ 400 -£ 600

Lot 96
Indian Rebellion of 1857 3 works
Ball, Charles TheHistoryof theIndian Mutiny London, [n d ] 2 volumes, royal8vo, contemporarygreen half calf, foxing;TheHistoryof theIndian Revolt London:W and R Chambers, 1859 8vo, hand-coloured map, and 3 further maps, modern calf retaining remnants of earlier spine;Kaye, John William A Historyof theSepoyWar in India 1857-1858 London:W H Allen, 1870. 2 volumes, fifth edition, contemporaryhalf calf (5)
Estimate:£ 600 -£ 800

Lot 97
Blome, Richard
Britannia:or, aGeographicalDescriptions of theKingdoms of England, Scotland, and Ireland
London:Tho Roycroft for Richard Blome, 1673 Folio, containing 46 maps onlyof 50, contemporarycalf, spinerenewed, threebookplates:Edward Dakin Stanton, Philip Lord Hardwickeand Buchan Hepburn Bart of Smeaton Hepburn
Estimate:£ 1,500 -£ 2,000
Lot 98
Loggan, David
Siveomniumceleberrimaeistius universsitatis collegiorum, aularum, bibliothecaeBodleanae, scholarum publicarum, theatriSheldoniani;nec non urbis totius scenographia Oxford:etheatro Sheldoniano, 1675 First edition, folio (44 x 29.5cm), contemporarymottled calf with gilt spine, engraved throughout with pictorialtitle-page, 3 leaves of text (Charles II's letters patent to David Loggan, address to the‘spectatoriingenuo’, and Loggan's dedication to Charles II), 40 plates (allfolding and mounted on stubs, one, Christ Church, additionallyon 3 conjoined sheets), extraillustrated with 3 engraved plates byMichaelBurghers (MusaeiAshmoleani pars orientalis;TheOrthographyand Ichnography, Queens CollegeLibrary in Oxford;TheOrthographyand Ichnographyof TrinityCollegeChappelin Oxford, 1691) and an unsigned engraved plateof TomTower (Christ Church).Splitting to head and foot of each joint, title-pagedamp-stained and with repaired closed tear in foremargin (extending 3cminto image), letters patent facsimiletoned and damp-stained, afew plates (4, 5, 8, 19, 20, 36, 40) with asinglerepaired closed marginaltears, plate6 with old staining to foremargins, smallmarginaltear to plate22, plate38 separating at foot of centralfold, afew other old blemishes and marks
Estimate:£ 3,000 -£ 5,000
Fromthelibraryof thelateRobert Bogdan (1950-2023), of Boghead of Torries and Dykehead of Avochie, Aberdeenshire, geographymaster at Charterhouseand sometimechairman of theScottish Castles Association. Footnote:
'Influenced bythework of Wenceslas Hollar, Loggan's meticulouslydetailed views werethefirst accuraterepresentation of allthebuildings and gardens of theuniversity, and theyhavebeen an invaluablequarryfor historians, antiquaries, and topographers ever since'(ODNB) Theplates includebird'seyeviews of thecolleges and halls, theBodleian Library, theSheldonian Theatre, and theBotanicalGardens, internalviews of theBodleian, a depiction of academic dress, atwin panoramaof Oxford comprising views fromtheeast and south, and adetailed bird's-eyecityplan

Lot 99
Hill, David Octavius
[Plates from] Views of theOpening of theGlasgow &Garnkirk Railway Edinburgh:Alexander Hill, 1832 4 plates:View of theDepot Looking South [large, neat repair through image];View of theGermiston Embankment Looking West [large, neat repair through imageand manuscript corrections];View of St Rollox Looking South-East [someneat repairs]; View Near Proven MillBridge[someneat repairs and subsequent manuscript corrections];allhand-coloured, 33 x 46cm, mounted (4)
Estimate:£ 1,200 -£ 1,800

Lot 100
Inglis, HenryD
Ireland in 1834 A JourneyThroughout Ireland
London:Whittaker &Co., 1835. 2 volumes, 8vo, 2 folding maps, later calf;Lover, Samuel Legends and Stories of Ireland London:Baldwin and Cradock, 1837. Fourth edition, 2 volumes, 8vo, green half calf gilt (4)
Estimate:£ 300 -£ 400
Lot 101
Daniell, William- and Richard Ayton
A VoyageRound Great Britain, undertaken in thesummer of theyear 1813 and Commencing fromtheLand's-End, Cornwall, byRichard Ayton with A Series of Views, Illustrativeof theCharacter and Prominent Features of the Coast, drawn and engraved byWilliamDaniell London:Longman, Hurst Rees, Ormeand Brown, and WilliamDaniell, 1814-1825. Text and plate volumes [8 text volumes bound in two;plates loosein two marbled quarter calf boxes], text volumes with titles to each volume, contemporaryhalf calf over marbled boards, spines with raised bands in 5 compartments, prelims foxed, somebrowning to volumeiv, extremities rubbed;308 hand-coloured aquatints, each 26 x 37cm, byand after WilliamDaniell, numbered in manuscript, loosein two marbled quarter calf boxes, labels to spines, without uncoloured stipple-engraving of "Kemaes Head, Pembrokeshire" found in somecopies, first plateburnt at upper right corner (hardly affecting image), somefoxing and offsetting, boxes worn [Abbey, Scenery, 16;Tooley177] (4)
Estimate:£ 4,000 -£ 6,000

Lot 102
TheKentish Post;or CanterburyNews-Letter Canterbury:printed and sold byJ Abree[- and WilliamAylett] in St Margaret's, 1727. 104 semiweeklynumbers (899-1002) in onevolume, folio (28 5 x 18 5cm), contemporaryboards, each number 2 pp , with woodcut headpieceview of Canterburyand woodcut factotumcontaining letterpress initial, frequent smallwoodcut vignettes (including cottages for property advertisements), licencestamps in red ink, contents includeextracts from other periodicals including theLondon Gazette, theDailyCourant, the WhitehallEvening Post, etc (thesecontaining accounts of theAngloSpanish War including thesiegeof Gibraltar and engagements in theWest Indies and CentralAmerica;thedeath of GeorgeI and succession of George II (number 950);an account fromSouth Carolina‘that theinhabitants of that colonyhad risen in great numbers, with aview to thereforming of their laws’ (ibid.), etc.), localadvertisements for property, horses, books ('The Heinous Sin of Self-Pollution', etc ), apothecaries'wares ('Daffy's Elixir', ‘Dr Bateman’s PectoralDrops'), court proceedings and executions, and similar, covers detached, closelytrimmed along foreand bottomedges with number and bottomlineof text frequentlyshaved, number 966 lacking second leaf (extant leaf heavilystained)
Estimate:£ 300 -£ 500

Lot 103
8 works
Edinburgh &Leith Post OfficeDirectory1943-44. 8vo, originalred cloth gilt, somewear and soiling;Stevenson, Robert - and Charles Robinson, illustrator. A Child's Garden of Verses. London:John Lane, 1942. 12mo, crushed red half morocco gilt byBayntun;Kipling, Rudyard - and Walter de laMare. St Andrews, two poems. London:A. &C. Black, 1926. Second edition, 8vo, originalboards;Bower, John Description of theAbbeys of Melroseand Old Melrose, with their traditions. Kelso:printed byAlexander Leadbetter for theAuthor, 1813 8vo, folding frontispiece, contemporary half calf;J.M.P. - F.W.S. Sketches of theClans of Scotland. Edinburgh: Maclachlan &Stewart, 1884 8vo, originalred cloth gilt;Scott, Walter Marmion Edinburgh, 1815 Ninth edition, 8vo, contemporaryembossed calf;A New Guideto theCityof Edinburgh Edinburgh:T Brown, 1792 8vo, originalboards;Black's Road &RailwayTravelling Map of Scotland, in originalgreen cloth gilt boards (8)
Estimate:£ 450 -£ 500

Lot 104
Collection of localguides and histories, 18th-20th century All8vo unless otherwisestated:[Edinburgh]. TheTraveller's Companion through theCityof Edinburgh and Suburbs Edinburgh:Alexander Kincaid, 1794. First edition, contemporarymottled sheep, rebacked, [4] 138 pp., 18 engraved plates including 3 not listed (frontispiece titled ‘View fromthe Cowgate’, ‘Palace, and Ruins of theChapelof Holyrood’ facing p. 71, and folding map ‘A View of theGreat Post Roads fromEdinburgh to London’ at rear), smallsketch in bluepencilto recto of frontispiece, ownership inscription to title-page;[Topham, Edward] Letters fromEdinburgh;written in theYears 1774 and 1775 London:J Dodsley, 1776 First edition, contemporarytreecalf, rebacked and recornered, bookplateof George Macartney, 1st EarlMacartney(1737-1806), statesman and diplomat; [Stirling]. A GeneralHistoryof Stirling. Stirling:C. Randall, 1794. First edition, 12mo, uncut in originalboards, half-title, book-label‘FromDr Laing’s Library' to front pastedown, slipcase;Cowan, W. A. Historyof Lanark, and Guideto theSurrounding Scenery Lanark:Robert Wood, 1867 First edition, original cloth, 208 pp., 3 wood-engraved plates (onedepicting Robert Owen's New Lanark);Graham, Patrick Sketches Descriptiveof thePicturesqueScenery of Perthshire;including theTrosachs. Edinburgh:for Peter Hill[and others], 1810 First edition, later cloth, half-title, edges untrimmed;Baird, J G A Muirkirk in BygoneDays Muirkirk:W S Smith, 1910 First edition, original buckram-backed boards;[Alloa] Alloaand its Environs:aDescriptiveand HistoricalSketch Alloa:printed and published at theAlloaAdvertiser Office, byJames 1861. 12mo, originallimp green cloth, tinted lithographic frontispiece, title-pagerepaired;Creech, William Edinburgh FugitivePieces Edinburgh:for John Fairbairn, 1815. First edition, later half calf, engraved portrait frontispiece, edges untrimmed, front joint cracked;Penny, John A Topographicaland HistoricalAccount of Linlithgowshire. Edinburgh: Stevenson, 1832 First edition, originalcloth;and 27 others including accounts of Tarbert (Argyll), Banff, Auchinleck, Wemyss Bay, Deeside, Beauly, Wigtonshire, Cambusnethan, West Kilbride, Cromarty, Alloa, Iona, Breadalbane, Inverness, Elgin, most printed on localpresses (35)
Estimate:£ 300 -£ 500

Lot 105
Prout, J S
Antiquities of York
York:W. Hargrove, c.1840. First edition, folio, originalcloth, rebacked, 20 tinted lithographic plates including pictorialtitle-page, alittlelight spotting [AbbeyScenery377];Together with 2 other books on York (3)
Estimate:£ 250 -£ 300
Lot 106 Orkney
Collection of works on Orkneyincluding Orkneyimprints, 19th-20th century [Sutherland, Elizabeth Leveson-Gower, Duchess of] Views in Orkneyand on theNorth-Eastern Coast of Scotland. Taken in MDCCCV. [?London:privately printed, 1807] First edition, folio (38 x 26cm), contemporaryroan-backed boards, [2] 27 pp., half-title, etched title-page, 28 etched plates (afew with multipleimages), etched head and tailpieces in text, tissue-guards, binding worn, half-titleand title-pagespotted, ink- and blind stamps of Malcolm Stewart of Hoyestateofficeto front pastedown and title-page respectively;Low, George FaunaOrcadensis Edinburgh:byGeorgeRamsay and Company, for Archibald Constableand Company, 1813. First edition, 4to, modern quarter calf, initialblank discarded;Mitchell, J M Mesehowe: Illustrations of theRunic Literatureof Scandinavia. Edinburgh:R. Grant and Son, 1863 First edition, 4to, inscribed bytheauthor on thehalf-title, original cloth, 8 plates, cloth mottled,Farrer, James. Noticeof Runic Inscriptions discovered during Recent Excavations in theOrkneys [?Edinburgh]:printed for privatecirculation, 1862. First edition, 4to, inscribed ‘Dr Deighton from James Farrer’ on thehalf-title, originalcloth, 13 lithographic plates (plate10 marked), binding slightlymarked;and 17 others (thesenot collated), including:J B Craven, Historyof theChurch in Orkney1558-1662, Kirkwall, 1897 (2 copies, first editions, 4to, originalgreen cloth, onewith waterdamageto front cover);ibid. Historyof theChurch in Orkney… 1662-1688. Kirkwall, 1893 (2 copies, first editions, 4to, originalgreen cloth, onewith covers somewhat mottled and with newspaper cuttings mounted to endpapers);ibid Historyof theEpiscopalChurch in Orkney1688-1912, Kirkwall, 1912 (2 copies, second editions, 4to, originalgreen cloth, covers sprung);Sir John Sinclair, TheOrkneyParishes, Kirkwall, 1927 (2 copies, first editions, 4to, originalcloth, onewith rear inner hingerepaired);Monumenta Orcadica, Oslo, 1906 (4to, originalcloth);GeorgeBarry, Historyof the OrkneyIslands, 1808 (2 copies, second editions, later half calf, both defective, onecopywith front board detached, folding map backed on linen, with 2 plates of 11 only, theother lacking map);and similar (quantity)
Estimate:£ 400 -£ 600

Lot 107
Martin, Martin
A Description of theWestern Islands of Scotland London:Andrew Bell, 1703 First edition, 8vo, folding map, folding plate, contemporarypanelled calf neatlyrebacked with later spine, bookplates of HenryBenson Esq and another, someslight discolouration in places and a veryminor tear to themap [ESTC T175617]
Estimate:£ 300 -£ 500

Lot 108
Drummond, James
Old Edinburgh
Edinburgh:G. Waterston, Sons, &Stewart, 1879. Largefolio (52 x 39.5cm), oneof 10 proof copies ‘printed to insurethecompleteness of theedition of 500', signed bythepublisher, 104 plates on 80 leaves, red morocco quarter morocco gilt;Edinburgh in theOlden Time Edinburgh:GeorgeStevenson, 1880. Largefolio (58 x 33cm), 63 plates, originalred quarter morocco over red cloth gilt, text block detached, somespotting, soiling and dampstaining (2)
Estimate:£ 300 -£ 400
Lot 109
Lizars, W H and J Ewbank, with James Browne
PicturesqueViews of Edinburgh
Edinburgh:DanielLizars, 1825 Folio, additionalengraved title-pageand 51 plates, later half morocco gilt, alittlerubbed, someminor spotting and alittle dust-soiling
Estimate:£ 300 -£ 500
Lot 110
Clerk, John, of Eldin
A Series of Etchings Chieflyof Views in Scotland With AdditionalEtchings and Facsimiles fromhis Drawings Edinburgh:for theBannatyneClub, 1855. Largefolio (50.5 x 31cm), originalmaroon quarter roan, printed paper labelto front board, xxx pp , lithographic portrait frontispieceafter HenryRaeburn, mezzotint portrait (both on india paper, mounted), 55 etched or tinted lithographic plates (numbered 1-55 but manycontaining multipleseparatelyprinted images), oneunnumbered plate, tissue-guards, spinerubbed and scuffed, loss to headcap, cloth covers faded, light transversescore-mark to front cover, tips bumped, inner hinges cracked in places, spotting to endpapers, mount of frontispiece and finalfew text-leaves, alittleperipheralspotting elsewhere, pencilled ownership inscription (IsabellaClerk) to front freeendpaper
Estimate:£ 500 -£ 800
Second edition, greatlyenlarged, number 98 in theBannatyneClub series;it was first published in 1825 with 28 plates only John Clerk of Eldin (17281812), 'atruechild of theEnlightenment'(ODNB) is best remembered today for his Essayon NavalTactics (1790) 'Clerk was an exceptionalamateur artist. His wealthybackground afforded himtheluxuryof entertaining numerous careers, including medicineand business, and healso showed a considerableinterest in geology. In the1740s hebegan sketching alongside his brother-in-law, Robert Adam, and theartist PaulSandby Clerk travelled extensivelythroughout Scotland, recording awiderangeof landscapes and ancient buildings His sketches of Edinburgh and thesurrounding areas are highlypersonalrepresentations of his nativecountryside'(NationalGalleries of Scotland, online) TheBannatyneClub was an antiquarian printing society founded in Edinburgh in 1823 bySir Walter Scott on themodelof London's RoxburgheClub

Lot 111
Collection of works on Orkneyincluding localimprints
All8vo and in originalcloth unless otherwisestated. Including:Pictures from theOrkneyIsland byJohn T Reid Edinburgh:David Douglas, 1881 First edition, oneof 500 copies only, 4to;Rentals of theAncient Earldomand Bishoprick of Orkney collected byAlexander Peterkin Edinburgh:printed in theyear 1820. Later half sheep, half-title, tear to head of spine, section excised fromfront freeendpaper, 6D2-3 working loose;A Collection of Armorials of theCountyof Orkney… byH. L. Norton Smith. Illustrated byA. M Traill Galashiels:printed for theauthor, 1902 First edition, oneof 200 copies only;TheOrkneying Saga, translated fromtheIcelandic … edited … byJoseph Anderson Edinburgh:Edmonston and Douglas, 1873 First edition;A Peculiar Peopleand Other OrkneyTales ByJ T Smith Leask Kirkwall:W R Mackintosh, 1931 First edition;A Historyof OrkneybyJ Storer Clouston Kirkwall:W R Mackintosh, 1932 First edition;TheHistory of theKirkwallUnited Presbyterian Congregation … bytheRev. David Webster Kirkwall:WilliamPeace&Son, 1910 Contemporaryred half-calf (sunned and sunned);St. Magnus - Earlof Orkney. ByJohn Mooney. Kirkwall: W R Mackintosh, 1935 First edition;Fifteen Centuries of theChurch in Orkney. BytheRev. Andrew J. Campbell. Kirkwall:KirkwallPress, 1938. First edition;Orkneyand theLast Great War Being Excerpts fromthe Correspondenceof AdmiralAlexander Graemeof Graemeshall1788-1815. Kirkwall:WilliamPeace&Son, 1915 First edition, originalquarter cloth;‘Pateas Amicis’. TheStoryof theHouseof Graemeshallin Orkney. Kirkwall:TheProprietor of the“OrkneyHerald”, 1936 First edition, original quarter cloth, glassinedust jacket (probablynot original);and 16 others (the lot not fullycollated and sold as seen) (27)
Estimate:£ 300 -£ 500

Lot 112
Spalding Club Collection of works
All4to, originalgreen cloth (variablemottling and damp-staining to bindings), titles comprise:AbredoniaeUtriusqueDescriptio A Description of Both Touns of Aberdeen byJames Gordon, Parson of Rothemay, 1842 (dampstaining);A BreiffeNarration of theServices doneto ThreeNobleLadyes, by Gilbert Blakhal, 1844;TheHeraldic Ceiling of theCathedralChurch of St Machar, Old Aberdeen, 1888 (oneof 525 copies);Hectoris Boetii Murthlacensiumet AberdonensiumEpiscoporumVitae, 1894 (oneof 500 copies, frontispiecenear-detached);TheRecords of Aboyne, 1894 (oneof 525 copies);Records of Old Aberdeen MCLVII-MDCCCXCI, 1899 (oneof 525 copies);TheFamilyof Burnett of Leys, 1901 (oneof 525 copies);The Blackhalls of that Ilk and Barra, 1905 (2 copies, each oneof 500, onecopy with title-pagedetaching);BibliographiaAberdonensis, 1929 (2 volumes); Mystics of theNorth-East, 1931;ThePrehistoric Antiquities of theHoweof Cromar, 1931;TheJacobiteCess Rollfor theCountyof Aberdeen in 1715, 1932;TheValuation of theCountyof Aberdeen for theYear 1667, 1933; Drawings of AberdeenshireCastles, 1936;TheHouseof Forbes, 1937; Powis Papers, 1951;ThePlace-Names of Aberdeenshire, 1952;George Strachan. Memorials of aWandering Scottish Scholar of theSeventeenth Century, 1956;Together with 2 copies of WilliamTemple, TheThanageof Fermatyn, Aberdeen, 1894, 4to, originalgreen cloth, similar condition to the preceding (22)
Estimate:£ 200 -£ 300
Fromthelibraryof thelateRobert Bogdan (1950-2023), of Boghead of Torries and Dykehead of Avochie, Aberdeenshire, geographymaster at Charterhouseand sometimechairman of theScottish Castles Association.

Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire
Collection of works of localinterest including localimprints Burnett, Alexander G., Laird of Kemnay. [Threetravelaccounts:] Franceand theFrench, aLecturedelivered at KemnayParish School, Aberdeenshire; Italian Experiences, being theSubstanceof aLecturedelivered in Kemnay Parish School;A Trip to Norway, in theSt Rognvald Aberdeen:James Murray, 1868-78-87. 8vo, originalvaricoloured cloth, each work with folding colour map as frontispiece, Franceand theFrench and Italian Experiences each with bookplateof W. KendallBurnett, A Trip to Norwaywith ownership inscription of AmeliaBurnett dated Kemnay1887;Leslie, John Interesting Anecdotes, Memoirs, Allegories, Essays, and PoeticalFragments … published for theBenefit of theShipwrecked Seaman's Fund Aberdeen:D Chalmers and Co , 1822 First edition, 8vo, uncut in originalboards, half-title, front board near-detached;Innes, Thomas TheChronicleof theFamillyof Innes of Edingight Aberdeen:privatelyprinted, 1898 First edition, inscribed ‘fromtheauthor Tho. Innes’, 4to, originalcloth;Wilson, G. W. Photographs of Aberdeen and Vicinity Aberdeen:John Duffus, 1867 First edition, 4to, originalcloth, 12 albumen-print photographs mounted on card, cloth very mottled, textblock detached frombinding;Elphinstone-Dalrymple, C Lays, Highland and Lowland. Aberdeen:John RaeSmith, 1885. First edition, 8vo, originalred cloth (sunned);Buchan, Peter Gleanings of Scotch, English, and Irish, ScarceOld Ballads, chieflyTragicaland Historical;manyof them connected with theLocalities of Aberdeenshire Peterhead:P Buchan, 1825 8vo, contemporaryhalf calf, lacking pp. 213/14;and 20 others similar, including generalScotland interest (eg R Carruthers, TheHighland NoteBook, 1843, originalcloth, BannatyneClub, Descrittionedelregno diScotia diPetruccio Ubaldini, 1829, originalboards, backstrip perished (28)
Estimate:£ 300 -£ 400
Fromthelibraryof thelateRobert Bogdan (1950-2023), of Boghead of Torries and Dykehead of Avochie, Aberdeenshire, geographymaster at Charterhouseand sometimechairman of theScottish Castles Association. Bogdan was also adescendant of theBurnett familyof Kemnay

British topographyand history
Collection of works
Logan, James. TheScottish Gael;or, Celtic Manners, observed among the Highlanders London:Smith, Elder, and Co , 1831 First edition, 2 volumes, 8vo, contemporarytan half calf byJ. Philip of Aberdeen, 8 hand-coloured aquatint plates including frontispieces, half-titles, contemporaryownership inscriptions (Alexander Irvine) to title-pages, volume2 spine-label detaching;Bartlett, W H (illustrator) ThePorts, Harbours, Watering-Places, and Coast Sceneryof Great Britain. With Descriptions byWilliamBeattie. London:GeorgeVirtue, 1842 First edition, 2 volumes, 4to, contemporary tan half calf byJohn Trailof Fraserburgh (with his ticket), numerous engraved plates, tissueguards;Brown, John C , &others Scotland Illustrated in aSeries of EightyViews byJohn C Brown, WilliamBrown, Andrew Donaldson, John Fleming, David M Mackenzie, W B Scott, D Stewart, and Other Scottish Artists London:A Fullarton and Co , 1845 First edition, 4to, contemporarytan half calf byJohn Trailof Fraserburgh, numerous steel-engraved plates, tissueguards, joints cracked;Macgibbon, David and Thomas Ross. TheCastellated and Domestic Architectureof Scotland fromtheTwelfth to theEighteenth Century Edinburgh:David Douglas, 1887-92. First edition, 5 volumes, large8vo, original cloth;Campbell, J F Popular Tales of theWest Highlands, OrallyCollected, with aTranslation. Edinburgh:Edmonston and Douglas, 1860. First edition, 4 volumes, 8vo, originalcloth, frontispieces to volumes 2-4, bookplateof Hugh HenryRobertson Aikman to volume1 (with related gift inscription to half-title), W H Smith &Son subscription librarylabels to front pastedowns of volumes 3 and 4, volume2 cloth verymottled and rubbed, binding shaken, light mottling and rubbing to bindings of other volumes;[Landon, LetitiaE ] Fisher's Drawing RoomScrap Book;with PoeticalIllustrations London:H. Fisher, R. Fisher, &P. Jackson, 1835. 4to, originalblind-stamped cloth with gilt-tooled leather backstrip, engraved plates including Indian subjects, front inner hingecracked and frontispieceloose;Thornbury, Walter Old and New London:aNarrativeof its History, its People, and its Places. London:CassellPetter &Galpin, c.1880. 6 volumes, 4to, contemporaryred half calf, numerous wood-engraved plates;Gilpin, William Remarks on Forest Scenery, and Other Woodland Views. Edinburgh:Fraser &Co , 1834 2 volumes, 8vo, contemporaryblue-green straight-grain half morocco gilt;Leslie, Forbes TheEarlyRaces of Scotland and their Monuments. Edinburgh:Edmonston and Douglas, 1866. First edition, 2 volumes, 8vo, originalbluecloth gilt, tinted lithographic plates (25)
Estimate:£ 300 -£ 500
Fromthelibraryof thelateRobert Bogdan (1950-2022), of Boghead of Torries and Dykehead of Avochie, Aberdeenshire, geographymaster at Charterhouseand sometimechairman of theScottish Castles Association

Lot 115
Shields, H - and J Meikle
Famous ClydeYachts, 1880-87 Glasgow and London:Oatts and Runciman, 1888 First edition, folio (38 x 50cm), mounted chromolithographed frontispieceand 31 further plates after watercolours byHenryShields, originalpictorialbluecloth gilt, some spotting, extremities rubbed
Estimate:£ 400 -£ 600

Lot 116
5 works
Stanford's New Map of Ireland in Counties and Baronies. London, c.1870, folding linen-backed map in originalgreen cloth casewith paper labelto upper cover;Idem. Ireland. London, [n.d.] Folding linen-backed map in originalgreen cloth casewith paper labelto upper cover;Stewart, Samuel Alexander. A Floraof theNorth-East of Ireland. Belfast:TheBelfast Naturalists'Field Club/Cambridge:Macmillan &Bowes, 1888 8vo, original green cloth gilt, bookplateof CarlisleNaturalHistorySocietyLibrary;Black's PicturesqueTourist of Ireland Edinburgh:Adamand Charles Black, 1884 Eighteenth edition, 12mo, originalgreen cloth gilt;Baddeley, M.J.B. Thorough GuideSeries:Ireland (part 1) London:Dulau &Co , 1897 Fourth edition, 12mo, originalred cloth gilt, previous owner's namewritten in ink to upper cover (5)
Estimate:£ 400 -£ 500
Lot 117
Pyrenees panorama
Hand-coloured panorama, mounted, 23 x 79cm, somelight foxing in places
Estimate:£ 200 -£ 300
Lot 118
Dublin panorama
Illustrated London News
hand-coloured panorama[Supplement to theIllustrated London News: being no.1 of aseries of views of theprincipalcapitals in Europe], 40 x 107 5cm, afew smallmarginalchips
Estimate:£ 400 -£ 500
Lot 119
Edinburgh panorama
Illustrated London News
Hand-coloured panoramabyE.K. Johnson [Supplement to theIllustrated London News, July8, 1848], 49 x 106cm, afew smallclosed tears and repairs
Estimate:£ 400 -£ 500

Lot 120
Edinburgh panorama
Illustrated London News
Hand-coloured panoramabyE.K. Johnson [Supplement to theIllustrated London News, July8, 1848], 44 x 99cm, various neat marginalrepairs and strengthening of folds on verso
Estimate:£ 400 -£ 500
Lot 121
Illustrated London News
[published in:] Supplement to theIllustrated London News, 26 March, 1864
Engraved panorama, 54 x 115cm, old folds, afew spots and short closed tear to lower margin
Estimate:£ 250 -£ 300
Lot 122
Illustrated London News
Panoramaof theRiver Thames, 1845 242 x 39cm, backed onto linen
Estimate:£ 500 -£ 700
Lot 123
Hilland Adamson
Miss PatriciaMorris and others, 3 salt prints, 1843-1847
Salt paper prints fromcalotypenegatives byD.O. Hilland Robert Adamson taken between 1843 and 1847, depicting Miss PatriciaMorris, 20 5 x 15cm, John Dick Peddie, 20.5 x 15cm, and an Unidentified Man, 20 x 13cm. Miss Morris photograph faded towards edges, unmounted, each of themale portraits faded, onewith retouching to right shoulder, both mounted (3)
Estimate:£ 250 -£ 350
Formerlyowned bytheLateMurrayMackinnon, arenowned collector of photographydocumenting Scottish lifefromthemid-19th to early20th century

Annan, Thomas
Old Closes &Streets Of Glasgow, 1900, edition with 50 photogravureplates
Glasgow:James MacLehoseand Sons, 1900, folio, 50 photogravureplates, oneproduced froman earlyengraving, originalred cloth gilt, circulating libraryplateand ownership inscription of Bonhilland AlexandriaSt. Andrew's RoyalArch Lodge, no 321, thenameEwing Gilmour to both freeendpapers, somesoiling and foxing, covers rubbed, worn and faded
Estimate:£ 2,000 -£ 3,000
Lyon &Turnbull, Edinburgh, 11th January2017Formerlyowned bytheLate MurrayMackinnon, arenowned collector of photographydocumenting Scottish lifefromthemid-19th to early-20th century
Lot 125
Shipbuilding, AureolElder Dempster Line
Albumof 50 photographs byRalston, Glasgow, 1950
50 looselymounted largeformat silver gelatin photos documenting the building and launch of theElder Dempster Lineship Aureolin 1950/51, contained in ring-binder album, 40 measure29 x 21cm, 10 measure25 5 x 16cm
Estimate:£ 250 -£ 350
Formerlyowned bytheLateMurrayMackinnon, arenowned collector of photographydocumenting Scottish lifefromthemid-19th to early20th century
Lot 126
Attributed to James Good Tunnyand Others
Albumof Scottish Portraits including Members of theRoyalScottish Academy, 1850s
Edinburgh, c 1850s 8vo (20 9 x 13 3cm), 49 photographs, comprising 20 salted paper prints, average11 x 9cm, and 29 albumen prints, average16 x 12cm, looselyinserted in an albumwith blank leaves of wovepaper, no visiblewatermarks, later pencilcaptions on mounts, somelater pencil captions on reverseof images, nineteenth-centurybluecloth, albumlacking backstrip, lower cover detached
Estimate:£ 2,500 -£ 3,500
Lyon &Turnbull, Edinburgh, 19th June2019
EarlyScottish portrait photographs including manymembers of theRoyal Scottish Academy:Sir GeorgeHarvey(1806-1876), Horatio McCulloch (1806-1867), John Syme(1795-1861), Sir DanielMacnee(1806-1882), GourlaySteell(1819-1894), SamuelBough (1822-1878), Sir John Everett Millais (1829-1896), ?James Drummond (1816-1877), and aphotograph of John GrahamGilbert's 1854 portrait of Sir John Watson Gordon (17881864);together with portraits of thephysician Sir Robert Christison (17971882), thegeographer and cartographer Alexander Keith Johnson (18041871), and minister Rev Dr Patrick Clason (1789-1867), and other unidentified portraits of men, women and children

Lot 127
Annan, Thomas
Photogravures fromOld Closes and Streets Of Glasgow, 1900 4 photogravures fromthe1900 edition of Thomas Annan's ‘Old Closes and Streets of Glasgow’, titled 'Closes 97 &103 Saltmarket 1868', 'Saltmarket FromBridgegate1968', 'High Street FromTheCross 1868'and 'CloseNo. 136 Saltmarket 1868', 22 x 16 5cm, somelight handling marks and light foxing to mount of High Street image(4)
Estimate:£ 500 -£ 700
Lot 128
Hilland Adamson
Two Fisherwomen At Newhaven, 1843 to 1847, salt print
Unmounted salt print photograph fromacalotypenegativebyDavid Octavius Hilland Robert Adamson. (ref. David Octavius Hill&Robert Adamson SNPG p198), 20 5 x 15cm, someedgefading
Estimate:£ 1,200 -£ 1,800
Bonhams, Knightsbridge, 12th November 2013 Formerlyowned bytheLate MurrayMackinnon, arenowned collector of photographydocumenting Scottish lifefromthemid-19th to early-20th century
Lot 129
St Kilda- Photographs, Letters and Postcards
Somerelating to theMacLachlan family
13 postcards, someused postallyfrom1902 onwards;onelargealbumen photograph of St Kildawomen byG.W. Wilson, late19th century, 29 x 18cm, edgefading and corner damage, tear at thetop right;1909 snapshot of AliceMacLachlan on theisland using aspinning wheel;later snapshot photographs, somereproduction photographs and letters dating fromthe 1980s and 1990s relating to research into theMacLachlan familyand an 1876 birth certificatefor John MacLachlan (quantity)
Estimate:£ 400 -£ 600
Formerlyowned bytheLateMurrayMackinnon, arenowned collector of photographydocumenting Scottish lifefromthemid-19th to early20th century
Rev Peter MacLachlan was theMinister on St Kildafrom1906 to 1909

Lot 130
Lochaber Hydroelectric SchemeConstruction, 1926 to 1930
123 photographs
123 silver gelatin photographs documenting theconstruction of the Lochaber Water Project in thelate1920s. Thephotographs arein three groups, two of which haveindexes, manydated and annotated Three panoramas, oneof which is framed. Somefading and staining, asmall number, including onepanorama, arecreased, 24 x 19cm(123)
Estimate:£ 800 -£ 1,200
Formerlyowned bytheLateMurrayMackinnon, arenowned collector of photographydocumenting Scottish lifefromthemid-19th to early20th century

Lot 131
BeardyWillyDuff, Gamekeeper and Ghillieto 5th DukeOf Atholl
6 portraits, c 1860s
Group of 5 cartes devisiteand alarger mounted albumen photograph of WilliamDuff (1809-1882), themulti-talented gamekeeper to the5th Dukeof Atholl. Duff was also afisherman, ghillie, violin maker and friend of Queen Victoria Thecartes devisitearebyMacKenzieof Burham, each 10 5 x 6cm, allwith light surfacemarks and onewith minor edgefading, thelarger portrait is 16 x 11cmand mounted (6)
Estimate:£ 400 -£ 600
Formerlyowned bytheLateMurrayMackinnon, arenowned collector of photographydocumenting Scottish lifefromthemid-19th to early20th century
Lot 132
ElectricityGeneration, Glasgow, c.1917
Album, 31 largephotographs including 2 of electric vehicles
28 mounted and 3 looselargeformat silver gelatin photographs relating to electricitygeneration in Glasgow in the1910s 2 photographs of Glasgow Corporation electric vehicles at Mathieson Road Garage, therest of construction work and electricitygeneration at sites at Dennistoun, Kinning Park, Buchanan Street, Osbourn Street, CathedralStreet and Dalmarnock. Four leaves missing, various loosephotographs and notes including two largephotographs of the1911 Glasgow Exhibition electric lighting, mainly 34 5 x 29cm, somefading, albumboards stained and worn
Estimate:£ 300 -£ 500
Formerlyowned bytheLateMurrayMackinnon, arenowned collector of photographydocumenting Scottish lifefromthemid-19th to early20th century

Lot 133
Albumof Scottish Photographs, 1870s
Belonging to Sir James Colquhoun
120 albumen photos mounted onto singlesides of paper albumpages, all titled and including Turriff Station, Portobello Pier, West Coast, Aberdeen, Inverness, BalmoralCastle, Edinburgh, Perth, DundeeArbroath, St Andrews, Peebles and Fyvie, amix of amateur and commercial photographs, majority9 x 5 5cm, somedamaged and somestained, larger photographs havewrinkling to surface
Estimate:£ 250 -£ 350
Lot 134
Annan, Thomas
Universityof Glasgow, Old and New, illustrated with views and portraits in photogravure
Glasgow:T&R Annan, 1891 Folio, unnumbered out of 350 Folio, pp [8], xxxiii, [1 (blank)], completewith 146 + 1 photogravurevignetteto titlepage and 69 photogravureplates, untrimmed, originalblack cloth, rebacked, lettered gilt, bevelled edges, boards and spineslightlyrubbed
Estimate:£ 300 -£ 500

Lot 135
Hilland Adamson
St Andrews, 1843-1847, 3 salt prints
3 unmounted salt print photographs fromcalotypenegatives of St Andrews showing theAbbeywall(21 5 x 15 5cm), theForeTower of thecastle(21 x 15.5cm) and thePends (22 x 14.5cm), (ref. David Octavius Hill&Robert Adamson SNPG p203 &204) TheAbbeywallhas minor foxing and some edgefading, ForeTower has somefading over thewholeprint, someedge fading to thePends (3)
Estimate:£ 400 -£ 600
Bonhams, Knightsbridge, 12th November 2013
Formerlyowned bytheLateMurrayMackinnon, arenowned collector of photographydocumenting Scottish lifefromthemid-19th to early20th century

Lot 136
Hilland Adamson
BonalyTowers and Lodgeat Bonaly, 1843 to 1847, 2 salt prints
2 unmounted salt print photographs fromcalotypenegatives. Oneof Bonaly Towers, 10 5 x 15 5cm, with agroup of 10 including D O Hill, John Henning, Mrs. Cockburn, Lord Cockburn and Mrs. Cleghorn, theother of theLodgeat Bonalywith John Henning dressed as EdieOchiltree, 20 5 x 16 5cm, some edgefading (ref. David Octavius Hill&Robert Adamson SNPG p160 &210) (2)
Estimate:£ 700 -£ 900
Bonhams, Knightsbridge, 12th November 2013Formerlyowned bytheLate MurrayMackinnon, arenowned collector of photographydocumenting Scottish lifefromthemid-19th to early-20th century
Lot 137
Albumof Interior Photographs, late19th Century
Rosebank, alargehouseoverlooking Perth 26 albumen photographs, mainlyinterior photographs of Rosebank. Views fromthegarden looking east over Perth, burgundyleatherettebinding with gilt tooling and lettering, 20 x 15cm, someedgefading to photographs, one with lighter patches towards thebottom
Estimate:£ 200 -£ 300
Formerlyowned bytheLateMurrayMackinnon, arenowned collector of photographydocumenting Scottish lifefromthemid-19th to early20th century
Lot 138
Annan, Thomas
Universityof Glasgow, Old and New, illustrated with views and portraits in photogravure
Glasgow:T. &R. Annan, 1891. Folio, number 60 of 350 copies, 72 plates (missing plates 4&5, 6&7 and 18), originalblack pictorialbuckramgilt, t eg , rubbed, spinepartiallydetached internally, wear to edges of boards, wear and somestaining to pageedges
Estimate:£ 200 -£ 300

Lot 139
Sir Willian Arrol, ArchiveOf Forth Road BridgeConstruction
Photographs and ephemerabyRalston
240 silver gelatin photographs mainlybyRalston of Glasgow, relating to the construction of theForth Road Bridge, and 12 largeearlier photographs taken insidethefoundryand various ephemerarelating to thecompany. Forth Bridgephotographs mostly21 5 x 17cm, foundryphotographs 30 x 25cmwith slight edgewear, ephemerapasted down to paper (quantity)
Estimate:£ 500 -£ 700
Lot 140
Edinburgh FromCalton Hill, 1850s
PossiblybyRoss and Thomson
Ovalsalt print photograph of Edinburgh fromCalton Hill, dating to theearly 1850s, 26 x 19.5cm, mounted onto card. Verysimilar to ovalprint dating fromc 1850 byRoss and Thomson showing thecityfromtheopposite direction (seenationalgalleries.org), faded but stillwith good detail, some marks to thesurface, mostlyoriginalretouching
Estimate:£ 400 -£ 600
Lot 141
Washington Wilson, George Tours in Scotland, albumof 96 photographs 96 albumen photographs of views around Scotland, allbyGeorge Washington Wilson, in red leatherettealbumwith gilt tooling, printed title page, photographs 19 x 12cm, someslight edgefading, varying degrees of foxing to albumpages, edges of albumbumped, scuffs to surfaces
Estimate:£ 250 -£ 350
Formerlyowned bytheLateMurrayMackinnon, arenowned collector of photographydocumenting Scottish lifefromthemid-19th to early20th century
Lot 142
Maulland Polyblank
Crimean war veteran DrumMajor Alexander Kerr, Scottish Fusilier Guards, 1859
Largealbumen photograph mounted into an ovalmount with blindstamp for Maulland Polyblank of London at thebottomof themount, 28 x 23cm, minor edgefading toward thebottom
Estimate:£ 400 -£ 600
Formerlyowned bytheLateMurrayMackinnon, arenowned collector of photographydocumenting Scottish lifefromthemid-19th to early20th century
Footnote: Thethreemedals worn byKerr includeaCrimeamedal.

Hilland Adamson
ThreeFisherwomen At Newhaven, 1843 to 1847, salt print
Salt print photograph fromacalotypenegativebyDavid Octavius Hilland Robert Adamson, oneof thewomen is Mrs Logan (ref David Octavius Hill& Robert Adamson SNPG p198), 20 x 15cm, minor edgefading
Estimate:£ 1,800 -£ 2,200
Bonhams, Knightsbridge, 12th November 2013 Formerlyowned bytheLate MurrayMackinnon, arenowned collector of photographydocumenting Scottish lifefromthemid-19th to early-20th century
Lot 144
Hilland Adamson
King Fisher/His Faither's Breeks. BoyAt Newhaven, 1843 to 1847, salt print
Salt print photograph fromacalotypenegativebyDavid Octavius Hilland Robert Adamson, 20 x 15cm, overallfading, mounted onto card (ref. David Octavius Hill&Robert Adamson SNPG p196)
Estimate:£ 400 -£ 600
Bonhams, Knightsbridge, 12th November 2013Formerlyowned bytheLate MurrayMackinnon, arenowned collector of photographydocumenting Scottish lifefromthemid-19th to early-20th century
Lot 145
Hilland Adamson
Scott Monument Construction, Edinburgh, 1843, salt print
Salt print photograph fromacalotypenegativebyDavid Octavius Hilland Robert Adamson. (ref. David Octavius Hill&Robert Adamson SNPG p189), 20 x 14 5cm, someedgefading, foxing and other marks on back have caused somestaining to theimage
Estimate:£ 400 -£ 600
Bonhams, Knightsbridge, 12th November 2013Formerlyowned bytheLate MurrayMackinnon, arenowned collector of photographydocumenting Scottish lifefromthemid-19th to early-20th century
Lot 146
Adamson, John
Chemist Shop and South Street, St Andrews, c 1842, salt print
Salt print photograph fromacalotypenegativeof W. Smith's chemist shop and theTown Church in St Andrews, titlelower right appears to read 'Saint Andrews', initials to lower right, 'J A ' , most likelyrefer to John Adamson, Robert Adamson's brother (ref David Octavius Hill&Robert Adamson SNPG p207), 10 5 x 10 5cm
Estimate:£ 400 -£ 600
Bonhams, Knightsbridge, 12th November 2013 Formerlyowned bytheLate MurrayMackinnon, arenowned collector of photographydocumenting Scottish lifefromthemid-19th to early-20th century

Lot 147
Renfrew Presentation Album
Silver gelatin photographs, 1894
35 possiblyuniquesilver gelatin photographs of Renfrew taken c.1894 and presented as awedding gift in 1894 Subjects includestreet views, a harbour, ships, thegas works, various public buildings and private residences, allbeing annotated, dark leatherettebinding with gilt lettering, 15 x 11cm, photographs havesomefading, somefoxing and slight warping to albumpages, boards rubbed at theedges, spinesplit
Estimate:£ 500 -£ 700
Formerlyowned bytheLateMurrayMackinnon, arenowned collector of photographydocumenting Scottish lifefromthemid-19th to early20th century
Lot 148
ArchieGordon MemorialAlbum, 1910
Son of 7th EarlOf Aberdeen, Haddo House
Privatepublication in memoryof ArchieGordon (1884-1909), son of the7th Earlof Aberdeen who died as theresult of an automobileaccident in 1909 Albumcontains recollections of his lifeand approximately70 images printed onto 97 pages, including 17 photogravures, bluecloth boards with handembroidered decoration. Photographers includeLombardi, Elliot &Fry, Mendelssohn, Salmon, Hills &Saunders, Lafayette&Bassano and family members. Slight marks to afew of thepages, rubbing to edges of boards
Estimate:£ 250 -£ 350
Lot 149
Newburgh, Fife, c.1900, 120 photographs
120 silver gelatin photographs of lifein Newburgh, Fife, including street scenes and atraction engine, somesigned ‘Robertson’ in thenegativeand titled, theremainder unattributed but also believed to beRobertson Each 15 x 11.5cm, allwith curling to edges, afew havefaded (120)
Estimate:£ 400 -£ 600
Formerlyowned bytheLateMurrayMackinnon, arenowned collector of photographydocumenting Scottish lifefromthemid-19th to early20th century

Lot 150
Hilland Adamson
Carbon prints and silver prints printed byJessieBertramand others Group of 4 prints fromoriginal1840s calotypenegatives byHilland Adamson:HenryScott Liddellproduced byJessieBertrambetween 1916 and 1920, John Dick Peddie, John Stuart-Wortley, 2nd Baron Wharncliffe, and GeorginaBaroness Wharncliffe, and oneprint of an unidentified man (ref David Octavius Hill&Robert Adamson SNPG), allframed other than Wharncliffeimage;together with 5 silver gelatin photographs mounted on loosealbumpages and 2 unmounted silver gelatin photographs with slight edgetears. All20 x 15cm, excluding frames and mounts, Peddieprint has minor surfaceabrasions (11)
Estimate:£ 300 -£ 500
Formerlyowned bytheLateMurrayMackinnon, arenowned collector of photographydocumenting Scottish lifefromthemid-19th to early20th century

Lot 151
Rurallife, farming and livestock, c 1900
Angus and Perthshire
2 albums titled ‘E’ and ‘F’, oneexclusivelyof LanglogieFarmbyMeigle, Perth and Kinross, with 67 silver gelatin photographs of horses, cattleand crop harvesting. Thesecond containing 67 silver gelatin photographs of various locations, mainlyin Angus and Perthshire, including Balluderon, Bridgefoot, Baldoranfield, Strathmartin, Camperdown, Stoneygroves, Blairgowrie, Jordanstone, ClunieLoch and Kirriemuir Most photographs 20 x 15cmand 15 x 9.5cm, afew lightlycoloured, pencilmarks to somealbumpages, dark leatheretteboards on both worn at edges, oneboard detached (2)
Estimate:£ 250 -£ 350
Formerlyowned bytheLateMurrayMackinnon, arenowned collector of photographydocumenting Scottish lifefromthemid-19th to early20th century

Lot 152
Golf, 1900s to 1960s
Press photographs and postcards
Group of 23 press photographs of golf matches/tournaments and golfers including thePrinceof Wales (Edward VIII) and Dukeof York (GeorgeVI) and 7 featuring women golfers, 25 5 x 20 5cmand 15 5 x 9 5cm With 2 snapshot photographs c.1900 of women golfers, 8 postcards of golfers and clubhouses and oneof aboyplaying golf in thestreet in Inverallochy, someedgewear, afew with creases (30+)
Estimate:£ 400 -£ 600
Lot 153
Aberdeen Harbour reconstruction, 1932/1933
80 silver gelatin photographs
80 silver gelatin photographs showing thereconstruction of Aberdeen Harbour, most areannotated and generallyin good condition, theremainder havesomefading, 15 x 10 5cm(80)
Estimate:£ 300 -£ 500
Formerlyowned bytheLateMurrayMackinnon, arenowned collector of photographydocumenting Scottish lifefromthemid-19th to early20th century
Lot 154
Views Of Scotland, 19th century
Albumen photographs, manybyJames Valentineand G W Wilson Including castles, largehouses, churches, bridges, lochs and theFirth of Clyde, mainlyunmounted, someedgefading, from28 x 19cmto 17 x 10cm (100+)
Estimate:£ 200 -£ 300
Formerlyowned bytheLateMurrayMackinnon, arenowned collector of photographydocumenting Scottish lifefromthemid-19th to early20th century

Lot 155
Wilson, G W and James Valentine
Edinburgh, 19th century
Largegroup of 19th-centuryalbumen photographs, mounted and unmounted, and asmallnumber of collotypes, allfeaturing views of Edinburgh, mainlybyGeorgeWashington Wilson and James Valentine, sizes rangefrom28 5cmx 19cmto 19 x 11 5cm, edgefading and light foxing (100)
Estimate:£ 200 -£ 400
Lot 156
79th Highlanders Queen’s Own Cameron Highlanders
4 albumen photographs from1873 and 1876
4 militaryalbumen photographs, 2 showing aceremonywith Queen Victoria at OsborneHouse, Isleof Wight, dated 22nd April1873, 1 at Parkhurst Barracks, Isleof Wight, and 1 taken on Edinburgh CastleEsplanadein 1876, varying sizes between 24 x 14cmand 26.5 x 18.5cm, allmounted (4)
Estimate:£ 300 -£ 500
Formerlyowned bytheLateMurrayMackinnon, arenowned collector of photographydocumenting Scottish lifefromthemid-19th to early20th century
Lot 157
Cartes devisiteand cabinet cards, 19th century 6 albums
22 cartes devisiteand cabinet card images featuring theStyring familyof Huddersfield, in smallgreen album, worn with oneclasp missing;48 cartes devisit in smallbrown album, wear to theedges;89 cartes devisitewith somenamed subjects including AbrahamLincoln and military, in oblong album, thealbumworn at edges, clasp has no key;62 cartes devisite, mainlyScottish views, in largegreen album;116 cartes devisiteand cabinet cards in aviaryalbumwith wear to oneof theboard corners;10 cabinet cards of peoplemostlyin fancydress, in smallalbumwith working, slightly loose, clasp (6)
Estimate:£ 300 -£ 500
Formerlyowned bytheLateMurrayMackinnon, arenowned collector of photographydocumenting Scottish lifefromthemid-19th to early20th century

Lot 158
Scottish Military
Including ColdstreamGuards, 78th Regiment, 1860s to 1900s
7 cartes devisite, acabinet card and 6 photographs of severalScottish regiments. 3 photographs arealbumen, 2 aresilver gelatin and mounted back to back on asinglemount, thecartes includeFrancis Thomson a dentist, amember of the78th Regiment, 2nd Lieutenant Conyningham McAlpine Cabinet card of aColdstreamGuard, 1 photograph shows the ColdstreamGuards in Egypt, theothers arenot identified. Someedgefading to one, overallfading to Egypt photograph, sizes rangefrom28 5 x 24cm to 17 5 x 12cm(14)
Estimate:£ 200 -£ 400
Formerlyowned bytheLateMurrayMackinnon, arenowned collector of photographydocumenting Scottish lifefromthemid-19th to early20th century

Lot 159
Spinning in Skyeand Shetland 19th and early20th century
2 mounted albumen photographs of women using spinning wheels on Skye, byG W Wilson, and on Shetland byJames Valentine, onecabinet card by Harper and Smellieof Leith, an unattributed silver gelatin photograph and a postcard, sizes rangebetween 23 x 14cmand 16 x 12cm(5)
Estimate:£ 200 -£ 400
Formerlyowned bytheLateMurrayMackinnon, arenowned collector of photographydocumenting Scottish lifefromthemid-19th to early20th century
Lot 160
Photographs, magic lantern slideand 1930s familyphotograph album 19th-centuryphotograph of theForest teamwho won theBorders Championship in 1899, 20 x 15cm, late19th-centurycurling photograph, 32 x 22cm, 1937 press photograph of stonesculptors, 25 x 20cm, magic lantern slideof acurling match and 3 early20th-centurycurling postcards; albumof GeorgeA. Boothbyand Jean HomeGraham-Stirling comprising 294 snapshot photographs, and newspaper clippings, of their wedding day, golf, fishing, hunting, travel, ruralScotland and 4 photographs of curlers (8)
Estimate:£ 300 -£ 500
Formerlyowned bytheLateMurrayMackinnon, arenowned collector of photographydocumenting Scottish lifefromthemid-19th to early20th century
Lot 161
Patrick, Burns, G.W. Wilson and others Edinburgh, 19th centuryand early20th century
24 albumen photographs of Edinburgh including Canongatestreet vendor and JennieDean’s cottage, 20 x 14cmto 17 x 11cm, someedgefading and occasionalcreases, somefoxing (24)
Estimate:£ 200 -£ 300
Formerlyowned bytheLateMurrayMackinnon, arenowned collector of photographydocumenting Scottish lifefromthemid-19th to early20th century
Lot 162
Steroviews Group of 58
MainlyScottish scenes including 8 fromtheViews in Ayrshireseries, images of Aberdeen, Glasgow, Peterhead, HMS Edgar and 3 of mining in theUSA, edgewear and surfacemarks (58)
Estimate:£ 200 -£ 300
Formerlyowned bytheLateMurrayMackinnon, arenowned collector of photographydocumenting Scottish lifefromthemid-19th to early20th century

Lot 163
25 Cased Ambrotypes
Mainlystudio portraits
Group of cased ambrotypes in 3 sizes:7 are1/4 plate(approximately11 x 8cm), 15 are1/6 plate(approximately8 x 7cm) and 3 are1/9 plate (approximately6 x 5cm). 14 havecases with lids, theremainder either in open cases or cases wherelids havebecomedetached Mostlystudio portraits, including oneof ayoung man in uniform, 2 externalfeaturing young children in carts being hand-pulled or pulled byagoat 9 cased paper photographs or emptycases, including worn and 2 chipped thermoplastic cases Someimages havedegradation to theemulsion, most cases have damageincluding missing lids, edgewear and surfacescuffs (25)
Estimate:£ 250 -£ 350
Formerlyowned bytheLateMurrayMackinnon, arenowned collector of photographydocumenting Scottish lifefromthemid-19th to early20th century

Lot 164
Forth RailBridgeand TayBridge, 19th century
Photographs taken during and after construction
19 albumen photographs and 1 silver gelatin photograph, 1 lantern slideand apostcard of theForth RailBridge, 4 albumen photographs of theTay Bridgebyvarious photographers including G W Wilson and James Valentine, 29 x 19cmto 15 x 10cm, 4 of theForth RailBridgephotographs havecreases, edgewear and staining (25)
Estimate:£ 300 -£ 500
Formerlyowned bytheLateMurrayMackinnon, arenowned collector of photographydocumenting Scottish lifefromthemid-19th to early20th century
Lot 165
Crofts and crofting in Scotland
19th centuryand early20th century
Rurallifein Scotland including crofts, crofters, crofting, peat gathering, a travellers camp and women washing clothes, and a1934 press photograph of acouplecarrying peat, 29 x 24cmto 19 x 11cm, someedgefading, one photograph creased (14)
Estimate:£ 200 -£ 400
Formerlyowned bytheLateMurrayMackinnon, arenowned collector of photographydocumenting Scottish lifefromthemid-19th to early20th century
Lot 166
Farming in ruralScotland, 19th and 20th century
Photographs byReid, Charles, G.W. Wilson and others Group of albumen, silver gelatin photographs and 2 collotypeprints of Scottish farming including livestock and farmers, 6 bythenoted wildlife photographer Charles Reid, onelargealbumen photograph of crofters grinding corn byG.W. Wilson, 27 x 23cmto 18 x 12cm, somewrinkling to largephotograph of crofters, somestaining to afew of thelater silver gelatin photographs (quantity)
Estimate:£ 300 -£ 500
Formerlyowned bytheLateMurrayMackinnon, arenowned collector of photographydocumenting Scottish lifefromthemid-19th to early20th century

Lot 167
2 glass colour autochromes
1 byEllis Kelsey
Washing Clothes byaRiver, 16 x 12cm, binding loosein places, and Trees in Sunlight, 11 x 9cm, titled and signed byEllis Kelsey(2)
Estimate:£ 250 -£ 350
Formerlyowned bytheLateMurrayMackinnon, arenowned collector of photographydocumenting Scottish lifefromthemid-19th to early20th century
79th Highlanders Queen’s Own Cameron Highlanders Staff sergeants, 1864, and named officers, 1870s
2 albumen mounted photographs, 29 5 x 22 5cmand 23 x 18 5cm, some edgefading to the1864 photograph and somefoxing to themount of the 1870s photograph (2)
Estimate:£ 300 -£ 500
Formerlyowned bytheLateMurrayMackinnon, arenowned collector of photographydocumenting Scottish lifefromthemid-19th to early20th century
Lot 169
79th Highlanders Queen’s Own Cameron Highlanders, E. Co., 1872
2 militaryalbumen photographs
Pair of mounted albumen photographs with thesamesoldiers in different poses, allnamed on mounts and dated 1872, each 21 x 16.5cm, spotting and slight discolouration and slight edgefading to both, mounts foxed (2)
Estimate:£ 300 -£ 500
Lot 170
2 largeglass autochromes
Orientalist scenes, early19th century
2 largeglass autochromes of asemi-nudewoman in Orientalist style, circa early1900s, each 17 5 x 12 5cm, bound with cover glasses, alittleflaking to theemulsion on oneand onesideof binding missing on thesecond (2)
Estimate:£ 500 -£ 700

Lot 171
Transportation, 19th and 20th century
Trams, automobiles, deliverylorries, motorbikes and airship
5 photographs of trams comprising 2 largemounted photographs of electric trams in Fifeand oneunmounted duplicate, oneof ahorse-drawn tramin Aberdeen, snapshot photograph of Glasgow trams in agarage, 5 of automobiles including onemounted photograph of an earlymotorcycleand bicycleshop, 2 mounted photographs of deliveryvans with signwriting and afurther snapshot of asimilar van and averyearlymotor car on abusy street, R34 airship landing at East Fortuneairfield, asmaller photograph of theinterior of R29 at East Fortune, amontagepostcard of an airship, biplanes and RoyalNavywarships. 2 tramphotographs slightlyfaded and foxed, somefoxing to afew of theother mounts, sizes varybetween 19 x 14cmand 11 x 7cm(16)
Estimate:£ 250 -£ 350
Formerlyowned bytheLateMurrayMackinnon, arenowned collector of photographydocumenting Scottish lifefromthemid-19th to early20th century

Lot 172
Half platehand tinted ambrotypes and hand tinted half plateopalotype Including ambrotypebyHays of Edinburgh 3 half platehand tinted cased ambrotypes, approximately14 x 11cm, one byHays of Edinburgh of awoman at adesk, onewith two women and a young boyin Highland dress, thethird of acouplewith their four children, half plateopalotypeof awoman, hand-tinted and in adisplaycase. Highland Dress ambrotypewith finehand tinting, caselid detached, someof the background colour in Hays ambrotyperemoved as wellas further degradation to background, familygroup lacks agilt surround and is slightly light, cases havescuffs and edgewear Theopalotypein good condition, casehas wear to surfaceand velvet interior (4)
Estimate:£ 250 -£ 350
Formerlyowned bytheLateMurrayMackinnon, arenowned collector of photographydocumenting Scottish lifefromthemid-19th to early20th century

Lot 173
Kelsey, Ellis
Violin and Beethoven bust, c 1910s
Largeglass colour autochromebyEllis Kelseyof aviolin and abust of Beethoven, hand titled, 16 x 12cm, somewear to binding
Estimate:£ 400 -£ 600

Lot 174
Fishing boats, harbours, fishermen and fish processing
A few originalphotographs but largelymid to late-20th-centuryreprints, most 25 x 20cmand 21 x 16cm, somefaded, allwith slightlycurled edges (approximately240)
Estimate:£ 250 -£ 350
Lot 175
Wilson, G.W. and others
28 views, mainlyScottish, byG W Wilson including Edinburgh, Balmoral, the Western Isles, Abbotsford and apaddlesteamer on theClyde, 29 views by Archibald Burns, Ingils, McGlashon and others, mainlyof Edinburgh including Newhaven fishwives and TheWhitehorseInn, somewith fading, edgewear and surfacemarks to mounts (57)
Estimate:£ 200 -£ 300
Lot 176
Photographs of Scottish industryand hospitalscenes 19th and 20th century
Group of Scottish photographs including alargephotograph byG W Wilson of awhiskeydistillery, 29 x 19 cm, 8 photographs and 13 snapshots of industrialscenes and workers, 2 of shop fronts and 2 largephotographs, onecabinet card and 15 snapshots showing scenes in hospitals. The distilleryphotograph has somefading towards theleft, 3 of theolder industrialphotographs havefading and foxing (42)
Estimate:£ 250 -£ 350
Lot 177
Daguerreotypes, quarter and sixth plate
Including Ross &Thomson, Bernard and Hughes 3 x 1/4 plate(approximately11 x 8cm) daguerreotypes, onebyRoss & Thomson, and 4 x 1/6 plate(approximately8 x 7cm) daguerreotypes, allin cases, two missing lids, signs of tarnish and marks to most plates, 3 faded and oneof thesehas wipemarks, allcases lightlyscuffed with wear to the edges (7)
Estimate:£ 200 -£ 300
Formerlyowned bytheLateMurrayMackinnon, arenowned collector of photographydocumenting Scottish lifefromthemid-19th to early20th century

Lot 178
McKissack, James
Venice, TheAdriatic and Morocco in the1930s
30 silver gelatin photos of fishing boats in and around theAdriatic and lifein Morocco, 28 of which are38 x 30cm, somewith yellowing and light staining, alledges slightlycurled (30)
Estimate:£ 250 -£ 350

Lot 179
Lawrence, William, Frank Meadow Sutcliffe, G W Wilson, Frith and London
England and Ireland
20 largeformat albumen photographs of Ireland byWilliamLawrence, a partialalbumwith 20 further photographs of Ireland, carbon print of Whitby Harbour byFrank Meadow Sutcliffewith pencilsignature, 14 largeformat photographs of London and LiverpoolbyLondon Stereoscopic, 53 small mostlyalbumen photographs of England byG W Wilson and Frith, amongst others, including military, hop picking, street scenes etc. and asmallpacket of Irish ruralviews Whitbyphotograph has somesurfacemarks and is mounted on paper, Frith photographs havecurled right edges, photographs in albumhavesomeedgefading and light foxing, thealbumpages are curled (quantity)
Estimate:£ 250 -£ 359
Formerlyowned bytheLateMurrayMackinnon, arenowned collector of photographydocumenting Scottish lifefromthemid-19th to early20th century
Lot 180
Scottish Life
Including fisherfolk at BroughtyFerry, hunting, fishing and camping Early20th-centurysilver gelatin photograph of fisherfolk mending nets at BroughtyFerry, near Dundee, 19 x 12cm, slight yellowing at edges;Milneof Aboyneand Ballater largesilver gelatin photograph of hunters and stag trophies, officers of Queens Guard Ballater gamebook displayed in the centre, c 1890s, 28 x 21cm, wear to top right corner of mount;2 albumen photographs of camping byCharles Reid, 18 x 11.5cm, someedgefading; albumen photograph of skating on Duddingston Loch byJames Patrick, 20 x 13.5cm, somesurfacecreasing and edgefading;albumen photograph of theReelof Tulloch byJames Valentine, 20 x 13cm, someedgefading;1885 amateur albumen photograph of tennis racquet and shotgun, 15 x 9.5cm; silver gelatin photograph of fishing expedition, c 1900s, 20 x 15cm, some slight surfacemarks and somecorner damage;4 amateur photographs of an earlycar and angling at Tulchan LodgeStrathspey, 10 x 8cm, alittledark; largemounted albumen photograph of ahorse-drawn carriagefullof passengers, thePass of Melport byG.W. Wilson, 29 x 19cm, somevery slight edgefading;3 men in Highland dress, named on thereverse, 15 x 11cm, creased and missing onecorner;4 x press photographs of salmon fishing on Loch TaybyCharles E Brown, boys learning how to bait alineby Charles E. Brown, grouseshooting in theHighlands, dated 1929, and a 1934 photograph of thePitlessieHighland Games, between 25 5 x 20 5cm and 21.5 x 16.5cm(20)
Estimate:£ 250 -£ 350
Formerlyowned bytheLateMurrayMackinnon, arenowned collector of photographydocumenting Scottish lifefromthemid-19th to early20th century

Lot 181
Group of cartes devisite, Scottish and Royalinterest SomebyThomas Annan and Thomas Roger Including portrait of man believed to beDavid Octavius Hill(Hilland Adamson) taken byTunnyof Edinburgh, c 1860, ‘Beardy'WillyDuff, gamekeeper/ghillieto 5th DukeOf Atholl, John Brown, Queen Victoria's ghillie, byHills and Saunders, GeorgeMurray, 6th Dukeof Atholl, byCaldesi Blanford (somefading toward upper left), Robert Scott Lauder (cartede visitesizealbumen photograph, somefading and foxing), James Eckford Lauder byTunny, Hugh Miller byTunny(somefading), 2 x Dr Candlish (1 by Elliot &Fry), Sir James Young Simpson byRoss &Thomson, Marquess of ArgyllbyDisderiof Paris, James Bruce, 8th Earlof Elgin, byDisderiof Paris, Elizabeth GeorgianaDuchess of ArgyllbyThomas Rodger (faded and slight corner damageat thetop left), Sargano Alicamousathelion tamer byMilne of Aboyne(light dents at top), Princeand Princess of Wales with Prince Victor and PrinceGeorgebyHills &Saunders (slight fading, damageto back), PrinceLeopold Dukeof Albany(cartedevisitesizealbumen photograph), Princess AlexandraPrincess of Wales byHansen of Copenhagen and agroup of 8 cartes devisitebyThomas Rodger of St Andrews (1 with foxing and fading, 2 with minor foxing), and 8 byThomas Annan of Glasgow including Robert Napier theshipbuilder (33)
Estimate:£ 400 -£ 500

Lot 182
Yachting and NaturalHistoryTrip to theWestern Isles
19th and 20th century
19th-centuryyachting albumcomprising 32 albumen photographs of named yachts including Britannia, Godwit, Astore, Tess, Lord of theIsles, Dragon, Clarisa, Phantom, IvernaMystery, Vigilan, Lenore, Rosetta, Mosquito, Wenonah, Doraand May, and Portpatrick Harbour, c 1890s, 15 5 x 11 5cm;WildlifeTour of theWestern Isles led byJohn Wilkie, 1971, album of 56 annotated silver gelatin photos, mainly21 x 15cm;largeprint by G W Wilson titled 'Yachting On TheClyde', 29 x 19cm, with somelight fading towards top and largerepaired tear on left edge;silver gelatin photograph of yachting byJames McKissack, c 1930s, 30 x 25cm(4)
Estimate:£ 350 -£ 450
Formerlyowned bytheLateMurrayMackinnon, arenowned collector of photographydocumenting Scottish lifefromthemid-19th to early20th century

Lot 183
Rodger, Thomas
Hand signed salt print photograph of aman, St Andrews, c.1850s Salt print mounted onto card with blindstamp at thetop right 'Thomas Rodger Calotypist St. Andrews', signed in ink under image‘T. Rodger St Andrews’, photograph 17 x 13cm, mount 37 x 27cm, somefading towards left edgeof image, surfacemarks to mount
Estimate:£ 250 -£ 350

Lot 184
Holyrood and Rosslyn Chapels
7 largealbumen photographs
Albumen photographs mounted onto pages cut froman album, onetitled in pencil‘Chapelled’Holyrood Edinbourg’, 2 of Rosslyn Chapel, 3 unidentified, allnumbered in pencilto lower right of each photograph, 34 x 27cm, photographer unknown [presumablyFrench], heavyspotting to images, somefoxing to mounts, broken corner on onemount (7)
Estimate:£ 250 -£ 350
Lot 185
10 TravelAlbums
1929 albumof 41 loosemounted photographs, 10 x 6cm, of Lakes and Scotland, car on aferry;1905 albumof 87 loosemounted photographs, 8.5 x 8 5cmof awarship, ahunt, cars, Bayon’s Manor;1900s albumof 89 pasted down photographs, 9.5 x 7cm, of Colonsay, Colwyn Bay, ladies tennis, earlymotoring, picnics;1896 albumof 24 loosemounted photographs, 9 5 x 7cm, of Inverness, Killiecrankie, Loch Tummel;1920s album, disbound, of 92 pasted down photographs, 9 5 x 7cm, and postcards of motoring tours of Scotland, Gairloch, Dialbaig, Loch Lomond, Brora, Glen Affric;1930s albumof 90 photographs, 11 x 7cm, mostly corner mounted, of Ballater, Bridgehill, Lord Belper, Kingairloch;1872 scrap albumwith pen drawings, watercolours and 19 photographs, including Tain Academy1867, Drakes MillDumfriesshireand Langholm, mostly9 x 6cm, pasted down to albumpages;1920s albumof 87 window mounted photographs, 9 5 x 7cm;49 x 1910s window mounted photographs, most 16 x 11cm, of tennis, RoyalEngineers building abridge, amilitarycamp, horses, Hugh Nelson Jr , Mount Charles Ayr;26 x 1939 photographs, 14 x 10cm, of Lower Sconeangling and anglers;3 x smallalbums of Valentine’s Snapshots, each with 12 corner-mounted photographs of theEmpire Exhibition of 1938, paddlesteamers and Edinburgh (set A);12 small photographs of Linlithgow Palace;smallsnapshot albumof 12 family photographs;RoyalHighlands of Scotland, 24 photogravures published by Bisset;Views Of Moffat, 12 prints byValentine;Scottish NationalExhibition 1911, 12 prints, each 19 x 14cm;Souvenir of TheScottish Exhibition 1911, byAnnan, 19 x 14cm;130 smallcommercialphotographs dated 1936, RothsayDunoon, Loch Fyne, Loch Katrine, Trossachs, Bute, Edinburgh, Loch Lomond, 8 x 5.5cm;photograph of North British Railwayworkers, c 1900, aphotograph byastreet photographer;set of 24 hand-titled amateur stereoviews of 1924 motor tour of Scotland including Callander, Stirling Castle, Edinburgh Zoo, Loch Aweand Tarbet (10)
Estimate:£ 250 -£ 350

Lot 186
Scottish Views, Tours and Scenery
19th and 20th century
120 x 19th-centuryalbumen photographs, mostlyunmounted, of Scottish views including Oban, Staffa, Glencoe, Ben Nevis, Iona, Perthshireand a smallgroup of ascout camp at Loch Achray, RoyalDeeside, mainlybyG.W. Wilson and James Valentine, 28 x 18cmto 8 5 x 6cm, somewith edge fading and edgeor corner wear;129 x photographs comprising 11 cut albumpages, 2 with 29 smallalbumen photographs of Scottish views, 9 pages of silver gelatin familyphotographs, including 1 pagewith 6 photographs of CluneLodge, Tomatin, 8 pages with 69 photographs pasted to both sides including Loch Awe, Kylesku Inn, Invershin, Kinnin Station, OykelBridgeInn, Invershin Hotel, Inchnadamph Post Office, Caledonian HotelUllapool, Glen Dubh, Torridon, Loch Achall, Glenfinnan Hotel, Crofters Cottage, alldated and annotated, c 1904 to 1906, and afurther 25 loose photographs, sizes from15 x 11 to 5 5 x 5 5cm, anumber of thesefaded, particularlyon albumpages (245+)
Estimate:£ 250 -£ 350
Formerlyowned bytheLateMurrayMackinnon, arenowned collector of photographydocumenting Scottish lifefromthemid-19th to early20th century

Lot 187
North East Scotland
AboyneCastle, Gladstonefamilyand Royalinterest 9 albumen photographs, 16 x 11.5cm, pasted onto 4 cut albumpages relating to AboyneCastle, 1871, comprising agroup including thePrinceof Wales, LadyHuntlyat aceremonyon AboyneBridge, 4 castleviews and 3 related smallportrait photographs from1865, 9 x 6cm;albumof 16 photographs relating to Fyvie, plus 7 loosephotographs including Fyvie Castle, Kinbroon, RothieNorman, Blackford, Millof Tifty, Towie-Barclay, sized between 23.5 x 18.5cmand 8.5 x 5.5cm, albumstained and disbound, photographs foxed;albumof Old Inverugie, A Lecture, published 1885 with 7 photographs, 9 5 x 6cm, pasted in, occasionallight foxing to pages, one photograph faded, cover starting to detach, spineand edges worn; disbound albumof 200+ smallcontact prints, 5 x 3 5cm, taken at Fasque byamember of Sir Thomas Gladstone's familybetween 1897 and 1900, a number of which aretitled on thealbumpages, and 5 cartes devisite including Thomas GladstonebyCamileSilvyand other relatives, thecartes havealot of water damageand aredelaminated, thealbumis completely disbound and has water damage, thephotographs aremainlyloose; photograph of Queen Mary, Princess Mary, TheDowager Countess of Airlie and Mrs LindsayCarnegietaken at Arbroath, 8th September 1921, by Gibson of Arbroath, 19 5 x 15cm(quantity)
Estimate:£ 250 -£ 350
Formerlyowned bytheLateMurrayMackinnon, arenowned collector of photographydocumenting Scottish lifefromthemid-19th to early20th century

Lot 188
Group of postcards
18 postcards of fishwives sorting and selling fish in Aberdeen, Scarborough, Fraserburgh, Great Yarmouth, Peterhead, Newhaven, Auchmithie, Fisherrow, somelight edgeand corner wear, Peterhead postcard in poor condition (18)
Estimate:£ 200 -£ 300
Lot 189
Tunny, James Good
Largesalt print Of Edinburgh Old Town fromPrinces Street, 1854 Salt print photograph showing theoffices of theEdinburgh, Perth &Dundee Railway, North Bridge, tenements in theOld Town and horses and cabs in theforeground, 25 x 20cm, mounted on albumpage, fading towards edges (ref. CapitalCollections item2379)
Estimate:£ 350 -£ 400
Formerlyowned bytheLateMurrayMackinnon, arenowned collector of photographydocumenting Scottish lifefromthemid-19th to early20th century
Lot 190
Pearce, Thomas [attributed to]
Sir Charles Forbes of Forbes Castle, September 1857, Invercauld Albumen photograph, 15 x 11cm, mounted on apagefromascrap album, slight yellowing (ref. RoyalCollection Trust Photographic Portraits Vol. 2 (1852-1859) RCIN 2906641 - thephotograph of Forbes in this albumhas been replaced with alater carbon print. Also in this albumis an identically sized photograph with similar vignetting of WilliamDuff, also taken at Invercauld in September 1857, which has Thomas Pearceidentified as the photographer)
Estimate:£ 400 -£ 600

Lot 191
Fishing boats, harbours and fishwives
Scotland, 19th and 20th century
Trawler photographs comprising alargemounted photograph of thenaming of theJohn Bennett, alargephotograph of Peterhead harbour, c 1900, printed later, asimilar photograph of theFraserburgh fishing fleet, alarge albumen photograph byG W Wilson of ‘TheHerring Season At Aberdeen’, amontagesilver print of Anstruther harbour, thebridgeof theBen Lora, a trawler built in Aberdeen in 1913, two largephotographs of fishing fleets at sea, c.1900, with fading and staining, photograph of F.R. 260, possiblyin Fraserburgh harbour, Portknockieharbour, c 1900, B F 301 in drydock in Banff or MacDuff, and atrawler leaving port;group of fish trawler photographs comprising 2 x 19th centuryalbumen photographs of fishwives, oneidentified as fromNewhaven, alanding of skateat Fraserburgh harbour, 3 of fishwives processing and packing fish in barrels, afishwifefromCollieston in 1932, men packing fish in Fraserburgh in 1953, ascenein Cairnbulg near Fraserburgh, 3 views of Aberdeen harbour, mid 20th century, acollotypeof fishermen at EliebyValentine, and alarge20th centuryphotograph of fishermen hauling nets ashore(26)
Estimate:£ 350 -£ 450
Formerlyowned bytheLateMurrayMackinnon, arenowned collector of photographydocumenting Scottish lifefromthemid-19th to early20th century

Lot 192
Wilson, G.W. and James Valentine
Scottish towns and cities
56 photographs, mostlyalbumen, largelyon card mounts cut fromalbums, featuring Aberdeen, Shetland, Helensburgh, theRiver Devron when frozen, CraigmorePier, Orkney, Thurso, Stirling, BuckiePublic School, Inverness, Strathpeffer, Stonehaven, Leven, Kelso, Dundeeand Perth, including two largemounted views of Inverness Castlein Summer and Winter byWhite, with someedgefading and stains to mounts, 16.5 x 10.5cmto 36.5 x 28 cm(56)
Estimate:£ 250 -£ 350
Formerlyowned bytheLateMurrayMackinnon, arenowned collector of photographydocumenting Scottish lifefromthemid-19th to early20th century

Lot 193
Wilson, G.W, T. &R. Annan and James Valentine Glasgow
T &R Annan photograph of Windsor Circus in Kelvinside, dated April1883, and 19 further views of Glasgow, mainlybyG W Wilson and James Valentine, of theUniversity, St Enoch's Station, St Enoch's Station Hotel, Necropolis, theCathedral, GeorgeSquare, Broomielaw Bridge, River Clyde, RoyalExchangeand ArgyllStreet, 19 x 11cmto 28 5 x 18 5cm, some fading and minor foxing to someof themounts (20)
Estimate:£ 250 -£ 350
Formerlyowned bytheLateMurrayMackinnon, arenowned collector of photographydocumenting Scottish lifefromthemid-19th to early20th century

Lot 194
Transportation, Scottish postcards
Including trams, railways, paddlesteamers asteamlorryand atraction engine
Aitkens tar spraying steamlorry, postcard damaged, atraction engineon a farm, cars at Whitefield Dairy, Ballater station (2), Tomintoul, Huntly, Fort Georgeand Johnshaven;InverurieStation, lineclearing on thePeterhead line, Troon Station;3 of bicycles;horse-drawn mailcoach at Clovaand the Meikleriggs Bus in Paisley;trams in Aberdeen (4), Dundee(2), Rothsay(1) and Glasgow (1) and ahorsedrawn open tramin Stirling;various paddle steamers and ferrycrossings at Renfrew, Pitfour Lakeand Yoker, the Caledonian Canaland theCrinan Canal, somelight edgeand corner wear (37)
Estimate:£ 200 -£ 300
Formerlyowned bytheLateMurrayMackinnon, arenowned collector of photographydocumenting Scottish lifefromthemid-19th to early20th century

Lot 195
Ships, shipbuilding and paddlesteamers
19th and 20th centuryphotographs
2 albumen photographs of sailing ships fromAberdeen, theclipper Nineveh byRichards of Sydney, dated 1876, 25 x 20 5cm, somedamageto mount, and theWaveOf LifebyGoodeof Sydney, 24 x 19cm, faded and mount damaged;largealbumen photograph mounted onto thick paper 27 5 x 22cm, largealbumen photograph of aClydesteamship, 1881, 27.5 x 22cm, mounted onto thick paper;largealbumen photograph of atroopship in Egypt, 27 x 19.5cm, faded;3 cabinet cards of named sailing ships and a deck shot, good condition;group of 5 silver gelatin photographs of aship in drydock and adredger, 15 5 x 11cm;3 albumen photographs of sailing warships, two smallunidentified photographs and alarger photograph by Frith of 3 training ships - Impregnable, Inconstanceand Emerald - at Devonport in 1913, 20.5 x 14cm, slight edgefading;mid-20th centurysilver gelatin photograph of Aberdeen lifeboat, 18 5 x 12cm;press photograph of theEmpress of Scotland;6 photographs relating to shipbuilding including a largesilver gelatin photograph of workers leaving theFairfield Shipbuilding Yard in Govan, Glasgow, c.1900, 29 x 21cm;smallsilver gelatin photograph of Henderson’s shipbuilders on theClyde, 16 x 12cm;press photograph of thelaunch of H.M.S. Kipling in 1939, another showing crowds at thelaunch of theQueen Elizabeth in 1938, each 25 x 20cm;2 platinumprints of shipbuilding at Barrow-In-Furness, somelight surfacemarks;10 silver gelatin photographs related to Sir Donald Skiffington of John Brown Shipyard, mixed sizes;mounted albumen photograph of 2 smallsailing ships near Stranraer byG.W. Wilson, 24 x 16.5cm;10 albumen photographs of paddlesteamers and ferrypiers in Scotland, sized from29 x 18 5cmto 9 x 7cm, someedgefading somefoxing to mounts (50)
Estimate:£ 350 -£ 450
Formerlyowned bytheLateMurrayMackinnon, arenowned collector of photographydocumenting Scottish lifefromthemid-19th to early20th century

Lot 196
Fishing, whaling and crofting
Group of postcards including scenes fromShetland and Skye
Fish processing including fish markets, landings, smoking, packing etc. at Aberdeen (8), Mallaig, Old ShoreHead Arbroath, Fisherrow (2), Stonehaven, BroughtyFerry(2), Auchmithie(2), Stornoway, Caterline, Fraserburgh, the Dunbar lifeboat and crew, crofters grinding corn on Skye, aman loading a revolver titled ‘Lasca’, and 3 of whaling on Shetland and John O’ Groats, somewith light edgeand corner wear (27)
Estimate:£ 200 -£ 300
Formerlyowned bytheLateMurrayMackinnon, arenowned collector of photographydocumenting Scottish lifefromthemid-19th to early20th century
Lot 197
Gordon, Anthony
5 portraits of ballet dancers
VeraZorina, 2 of TamaraToumanova, Anton Dolin and MarieRuanova, each 28 x 22 5cm, photograph of VeraZorinahas somelight scuffing towards thetop (5)
Estimate:£ 200 -£ 300
Lot 198
Crofters, weaving, Clavieat Burghead, musicians and wooldying Group of Scottish postcards and asmallalbum Including thePost Offices at Tighnabruaich, Auchnagatt and Glenshiel, weaving cloth on handlooms (5), Mollensburn Smithy, dying woolon Harris, theClavieat Burghead, HarryKemp’s Scotch Broth Entertainers 1927, FrancieMarkis playing acello, Kintore, New Deer, Tarland, ashepherd, Auchmithie, woman with aspinning wheelat theGlasgow Exhibition, Ratrayhead, theGalashiels flood of 1905, Fettercairn Show and crofter’s houses. Thealbumcontains 50 postcards, mainlyfamily, but with some WW1 nursing images (180)
Estimate:£ 300 -£ 400
Lot 199
Studio portraits, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Aberdeen and other subjects Group of cartes devisite
Includes photographers based in Edinburgh (12), Aberdeen (18), Dundee (6), Dunfermline(8), Glasgow (12), Perth (2), Fife(5), agroup of children (9), largehouses byStuart of Leven (10), and afurther 73 byvarious photographers based in Scotland and England. Group of 12 mainly occupationalincluding workmen, adeliveryman, butcher and carpenter, with somefading and spotting, apricelist fromBremner of Banff, timber merchants and apair appearing to show afamilybeforeand after the mother’s death Also agroup of 6 relating to passengers on avoyagefrom Dundeeincluding 3 bySlinn of Colombo Ceylon (later Skeen &Co.) of an S. Keen and Alex Grayand James Fergusson Also James Webster who travelled to Japan and CatherineGibson of Melbournebyunnamed photographers (173)
Estimate:£ 250 -£ 350

Lot 200
Cabinet cards and tintypes
Scottish scenes
Including Penicuik Cricket Club byBaileyof Edinburgh, sheep shearing, Lord James Murray, aruralcottagebyLinton of Edinburgh, afurther 14 cabinet cards byvarious photographers, in mixed condition, printed cabinet album of views of Dundeeand agroup of 14 tintypes including a¼ plate, 11 x 8cm, of aman holding aviolin and bow bySloan of Glasgow, afurther 9, approximately9 x 6cm, including oneof ababyin apram 4 smallmounted gem-sizeimages of Edinburgh byLow and Davis and 2 byJewellof Glasgow (quantity)
Estimate:£ 250 -£ 350
Lot 201
Caledonian railwayhorses
Including Novar Cup winner 1909
2 largesilver gelatin photographs, 29 x 22cm, mounted onto photographer’s mounts, oneshowing adressed horseof theCaledonian Railwaynamed ‘Hawthorn Lad’, winner of theNovar Cup in 1909, byA Paterson of Leith, theother of 9 horses and railwaystaff, and aphotograph byGreenfield of horses outsidetheGaumont Theatre, Edinburgh, dated 18th June1949, 21 x 16 5cm, somehandling marks and edgechipping to themount (3)
Estimate:£ 200 -£ 300
Lot 202
Wilson, G.W. and Archibald Burns
Albumen photographs of Scotland
‘Balmoral’ photobook, 1866, containing 12 albumen photographs, 10 5 x 8cm, byG.W. Wilson pasted in with description for each on previous page, fromWilson's ‘Photographs of English and Scottish Scenery’ series, pages clean, somelight wear to edges of green cloth binding;12 albumen views, 10 x 8cm, of Edinburgh byArchibald Burns in tartanwarealbumby MacPherson, someedgefading to photographs, somescuffs to albumand wear to top of spine;Mauchlinewarephotobox containing strip of 6 small albumen photographs, 5 x 4cm, of Edinburgh, Mauchlinewarebox contains astrip of 6 smallalbumen photographs, 5 x 4cm, of Edinburgh, oneimage faded, minor edgechipping to surfaceof box (3)
Estimate:£ 300 -£ 400
Formerlyowned bytheLateMurrayMackinnon, arenowned collector of photographydocumenting Scottish lifefromthemid-19th to early20th century

Lot 203
Hilland Adamson
Salt print of Mylne's Tomb, Greyfriars Graveyard, Edinburgh 1843-1847
Salt print fromacalotypenegative, signed in pencilto bottomedge'D O Hill' and 'R.A.', also 'Mylnes Tomb Greyfriars. Hereareinterred four of thefamily of Mylnewho werearchitects or master masons to six Scottish monarchs', 20 x 15cm, mounted on card, fading to most of theimage
Estimate:£ 2,000 -£ 3,000
Formerlyowned bytheLateMurrayMackinnon, arenowned collector of photographydocumenting Scottish lifefromthemid-19th to early20th century

Lot 204
Milliken, R
Caledonian Linen Works Kirkcaldy, 1903
4 largesilver gelatin photographs, 3 of theinterior of thefactoryand one theexterior, allmounted onto photographer’s mounts, 24 5 x 19cm, some marks to surfaceof mounts and corners of mounts damaged (4)
Estimate:£ 250 -£ 350
Formerlyowned bytheLateMurrayMackinnon, arenowned collector of photographydocumenting Scottish lifefromthemid-19th to early20th century
Lot 205
Valentine, James and G W Wilson
Scottish views
Approximately80 albumen photographs byJames Valentineand asmall number byG.W. Wilson in 6 albums, including views of Edinburgh and the West Coast of Scotland, most 20 x 13cm, 13 larger images 29 x 19 5cm, minor foxing and edgefading to some, manycard pages havefoxing and surfacemarks, bindings worn to edges and spines, onealbumin poor condition (6)
Estimate:£ 250 -£ 350
Formerlyowned bytheLateMurrayMackinnon, arenowned collector of photographydocumenting Scottish lifefromthemid-19th to early20th century
Lot 206
Annan, James Craig
Photogravureof Mrs RigbyfromaHilland Adamson negative Photogravureprinted byJames Craig Annan c 1900s froman original calotypenegativetaken byHilland Adamson between 1843 and 1847, 20 x 15cm, titled in pencilat thebottomtogether with 'D O Hill', mounted in modern displaymount, minor staining to bottomof whitemargin
Estimate:£ 250 -£ 350
Formerlyowned bytheLateMurrayMackinnon, arenowned collector of photographydocumenting Scottish lifefromthemid-19th to early20th century
Lot 207
Annan, Thomas
Photogravures fromOld Closes and Streets Of Glasgow, 1900 3 photogravures fromthe1900 edition of Thomas Annan's ‘Old Closes and Streets of Glasgow’, titled 'CloseNo 267 High Street 1897', 'Nelson Street City1899'and 'Corner of DukeStreet &High Street 1897', most likelytaken byJohn Annan to augment his father's work, each 22 x 16.5cm, somelight handling marks to mount (3)
Estimate:£ 400 -£ 600
Formerlyowned bytheLateMurrayMackinnon, arenowned collector of photographydocumenting Scottish lifefromthemid-19th to early20th century
Most likelytaken byJohn Annan to augment his father's work

Lot 208
York &Son
'Photographs of London' [cover-title], c.1900. Folio album, green cloth, front cover lettered ‘York & Son’s Photographs of London'in gilt, 141 albumen print photographs, 10 5 x 17.6cm, captions and cataloguenumbers in thenegative, slip-mounted on doubled thick-paper leaves, photographs includestreet scenes (Fleet Street, HydePark Corner, Oxford Street, Cheapside. Blackfriars Bridge, London Bridge), allheavilypopulated with traffic and pedestrians and with shop signs clearlylegible, Windsor Castleand environs, Bank of England, Mansion House, theRoyalExchange, Wellington Arch, theMonument, St Paul's, the Houses of Parliament, Westminster Abbey, views on theThames, St Pancras station interior, crowds and cyclists in HydePark, Albert Hall, Trafalgar Square, Victoria&Albert Museum('TheImperialInstitute'), British Museum, theTower of London, Beefeaters, High Holborn, theOld Bailey, the CrystalPalace, and more Binding rubbed afew areas of wear, water damageto rear cover, pastedown and blank
Estimate:£ 1,000 -£ 1,500
An extensiveand stylisticallyuniformvisualrecord of London lifeat theturn of thelast century York &Son wereoneof Britain's largest producers of glass lantern slides, but albums exhibiting their work in this format appear to beveryuncommon, and this examplemayhavebeen produced as atrade catalogue.

Lot 209 Singapore
Early20th centurypostcard album
95 postcards, including manyphotographic, mostlyof Singapore, contained in ared cloth album, onewith Dutch writing to thefront
Estimate:£ 700 -£ 900
Lot 210
Photo-Club deParis
DeuxièmeExposition d'Art Photographique
Paris:Photo-Club deParis, 1895. First edition, oneof 470 numbered copies on papier blanc du Marais, folio (40 5 x 28cm), originalprinted wrappers, [14] pp., 58 heliogravureplates fromphotographs byAlfred Stieglitz, James Craig Annan and numerous others, printed in various tints, each with tipped-in tissue-guard with printed caption, wrappers slightlysoiled, spotting to text, variablelight spotting to platemargins, stitching split between plates 8 and 9, plate39 with tear to tissue-guard
Estimate:£ 400 -£ 600
Founded in 1894 byRobert Demachyand Constant Puyo, thePhoto-club de Paris was theFrench equivalent of theCameraClub of New York and the Linked Ring in London, associations of photographers dedicated to the emergent philosophyof pictorialism, which promoted photographyas afine art rather than purelyas ameans of documenting reality A copyof the catalogueof their first exhibition, held theprevious year, was sold byLyon & Turnbullon 7th February2024 (lot 201) Rarein commerce

Lot 211
Johnson, C
TheYangtseGorges:A Photographic Souvenir [N.p., n.d. but 1900-1930] 19.8cmx 16.5cmComprising fourteen mounted originalsilver gelatin photographs of theUpper Yangtze, afolding plan of the river fromIchang to Chungking at rear, originalmaroon cloth board covers with silver titling, no publisher, no date, published ca 1920s-1930s
Estimate:£ 300 -£ 500
Provenance: PrivateScottish collection, Fife
Lot 212
Annan, Thomas
TheOld CountryHouses of theOld Glasgow Gentry Glasgow:James Maclehose, 1878 Second edition, 4to, oneof 220 copies, 100 mounted carbon-print photographs and 3 plates, originalred quarter morocco over green cloth gilt, somerubbing to covers and spine, oneplate mount torn and repaired, endpapers renewed
Estimate:£ 400 -£ 600
Lot 213
Annan, Thomas
Memorials of theOld Collegeof Glasgow Glasgow:Thomas Annan &James Maclehose, 1871 4to, 41 mounted photographic plates, originalred cloth gilt with red gilt banded morocco spine, somerubbing, oneplatedust-soiled, somelight spotting
Estimate:£ 400 -£ 600
Lot 214
Annan, Thomas
Glasgow Corporation Water Works Photographic Views of Loch Katrine Glasgow:printed byMcLaren &Erskine, 1877. Oblong 4to, 28 albumen prints, originalmaroon morocco gilt, slight rubbing to joints, somefading to severalphotographs, alittledust-soiling and darkening
Estimate:£ 700 -£ 900

Lot 215
[Annan, Thomas &Sons] - and A H Millar
TheCastles and Mansions of Ayrshire
Edinburgh:WilliamPaterson, 1885. Folio, number 42 of two hundred copies, 70 photographic plates, originalgreen cloth gilt, joints rubbed and loose, somefoxing, mostlymarginal
Estimate:£ 700 -£ 900
Lot 216
Stevenson, Robert Louis
Glass platenegativetaken in Samoa
Showing Robert Louis Stevenson and Tuimaleali'ifano Fa'aoloi'iSi'ua'anaI, paramount chief of Samoa, 21.5 x 16cm, with somewriting to thenegative and threelabels around themargins onereading “Stevenson copySamoa 17/6/95:229”
Estimate:£ 300 -£ 500
This imagecan befound in VailimaLetters byRobert Louis Stevenson, published in 1895, oppositep 320 Thetext on thenegative:Stevenson copy Samoa17/6/95:229, suggests that this copyof theimagewas created seven months after Robert Louis Stevenson's death. It has been suggested that this negativebelonged to theNew Zealand-born photographer in Apia, Alfred John Tattersall, whomthephotographer John Davis took on as an assistant in 1886 Thenumber 229 seems to havebeen Tattersall's stock number. In April1895 alargefiredestroyed Davis' photographic Galleryand allof Davis'negatives weredestroyed However, for this copyto havebeen created, thenegativemust havebeen stored elsewhereand is thereforeoneof thefew pieces fromtheDavis collection to havesurvived.Extensiveresearch suggests that this is theonlynegative in existenceof this imageof Robert Louis Stevenson with Chief Tuimaleali'ifano Fa'aoloi'iSi'ua'ana Notably, it is thelast known photograph taken of Robert Louis Stevenson prior to his death It would thereforemakesensethat anycopies hehad stored elsewherewould then becometheonlynegativein existenceafter thefiredestroyed theoriginal negative(s)

Lot 217
Darwin, Charles
Photographic portrait
Woodburytype, showing Darwin in old age, in aheavycoat, facing right, trimmed to image, 10.3 x 6.3cm, window-mounted, in 19th-centuryoblong folio album, Darwin's photograph on leaf with similar portraits of Matthew Arnold, Richard Owen (biologist, 1804-1892), and John Lubbock (18341913, polymath), thealbumcontaining approx 130 further photographs, mainlycartes devisiteand cabinet card albumen-print photographic portraits byLancashirestudios including J. Frankland of Blackburn, one cabinet card portrait byJ HenryHoff of Kendalshowing aman in eastern dress with manuscript caption ‘Rev. W. Swailes, C[hurch] M[ission] S[ociety], DeraIsmailKhan’, covers and spinedetached
Estimate:£ 300 -£ 400

Lot 218
§ Hepburn, Audrey
Photographs and signature
Two silver gelatin photographs of AudreyHepburn, each 27 x 34cm, captioned to mount ‘Circa1961’, with AudreyHepburn's clipped signature below, allframed and glazed as one
Estimate:£ 800 -£ 1,200
Lot 219
Cromwell, Oliver (1599-1658)
Letter signed, to ColonelCox, regarding thedissolution of Parliament 2pp folio, dated 4th February1658, 23 5 x 35cm, written in asecretarial hand, Cromwellreminding Cox that his previous correspondencewarned of an intended insurrection by"theold Cavaleir party", Cromwellsuggests that this invasion is now imminent "being much encouraged fromsomelate Acting of someturbulent, and unquiet spirittes [ ] who [ ] framed a treasonablePeticion to theHowseof Commons bythenameof Parliament of theCommon wealth of England", and complaining about thedilatory behaviour of members of theHouseof Commons, which has prompted him to dissolveParliament:"...haveing donenothing in fowerteenedaies but debat whether theyshould ownetheGovernment of theseNations as it is contayned in thePeticion and Advise..."that "wethought it of absolute Necessitieto dissolvethepresent Parliament which I havedoneths day"
Estimate:£ 5,000 -£ 7,000

Lot 220
Livingstone, David (1813-1873)
Autograph letter signed to abolitionist MaryAnneRawson [London,] 56 AlbemarleSt, 7th December 1857 Singlebifolium(18 2 x 11cm), written on 3 sides, declining an invitation (presumablyto Rawson's seat of Wincobank Hall, Sheffield), recipient identified in aseparatehand Together with 2 smallpieces of wood (3.5 x 5cmand 1.5 x 6cm) both with old manuscript labels identifying themas being fromthetree'under which was buried theheart of Dr Livingstone'at Chitambo in 1873, onepiece pasted to a20th-centuryannotated card mount containing two leaves affixed viacard ribbons, themount connected to an envelopewith 19thcenturymanuscript docket 'Leaves fromthetreeunder which Livingstone's heart was buried, given bytheRevR Stewart Wright', theenvelope containing two further leaves
Estimate:£ 400 -£ 600
Bydescent fromtherecipient to David R. Wilson (1926-2020), bookseller and ornithologist (obituary:British Birds, vol 113, issue9, pp 560–561)
R Stewart Wright (1858-1932) was an Edinburgh-born missionarywith the London MissionarySocietyin Africa.

Lot 221
Wellington, Arthur Wellesley, 1st Dukeof (1769-1852)
Autograph letter signed, London, 1842
3 pp., grudginglysettling adebt claimed bytheexecutors of Sir Francis Chantrey, sculptor, ‘I did not arrivein England fromtheconquest of command of thearmyof occupation in Francetillthecloseof theyear 1818;and I do not recollect theremovalof thecolumn bases etc referred to. I havesat to Sir Francis Chantreyfor somebusts … I do not possess a bust of myself bySir Francis Chantrey;and I concludethat I must have given it to King George4th', signed ‘Wellington’;Together with:Robert Cecil, 1st Viscount Cecil, architect of theLeagueof Nations and Nobelpeaceprize recipient, 2 typed letters signed concerning achildren's rallyfor theLeague of Nations in Cambridge, 1921;Lord Haldane, autograph letter signed to LadyCrewe, 1923, apparentlyconcerning his deliberations on joining RamsayMacdonald's newlyelected Labour government (Haldanehaving been offered Education, Indiaor theLord Chancellorship, eventually choosing thelatter);John Galsworthy, autograph letter signed to Warner Bros concerning filmrights, 1932;Austen Chamberlain, typed letter signed on gardening, 1932, with autograph postscript, extensivecorrections;and a copyof theTransactions of theRoyalSocietyof Edinburgh, Vol V, 1805 (containing an obituaryof James Hutton) (quantity)
Estimate:£ 200 -£ 300

Lot 222
Gall, Richard and others
An archiveof manuscript poetry, manybyRichard Gall Epistleto Mr. Robert Burns, 9 x 15cm, comprising 7 manuscript pp., initialed ‘R G but with notes and corrections in another hand;ThePuppy:apoem, in an epistleto aMinor Son o’ Thespis, 12 x 19.5cm, 6 manuscript pp., initialed ‘R G ’ , dated September 1796, with afew smallcorrections in another hand, with aprinted copyaccompanying themanuscript (corrections do not appear in print);TheMists o'Lovedwellon mySoul, 14 x 19.5cm, part only, initialed R G , extensivelycorrected;and 25 further poems with the‘R G ’ initial, with alargequantityof other writings byor after other late18th centuryScottish poets, or comprising of communications with publishers (quantity)
Estimate:£ 1,200 -£ 1,800
A curious archiveof manuscript poetryand writings, much seeming to be byRichard Gall “TheMists o'Lovedwellon mySoul” can befound printed on p.106 of Poems and Songs bytheLateRichard Gall, 1819, with several amendments fromthepart itemfound here Thework was published posthumouslybyOliver Boyd in 1799, and this collection of manuscripts includes letters to this publisher, along with adocument entitled “Proposals for publishing byS in onevol duodec with ahand of theAuthor The PoeticalWorks of Richard Gall”. Theinitials R.G. on manyof these manuscript poems, written in thesamehand, suggests that much of this is an archiveof poetrywritten byGallhimself. Corrections in another handand another ink - could bethoseof an editor, possiblyworking for Oliver Boyd. Thecollection features other poems and writings in other hands, such as “Sonnet Composed at Dunkeld” bytheartist and poet, Robert Carlile It is unclear whether thesearein theauthors'originalhands, or copied. It could bespeculated that Gallwrotethesepoems, and amassed others, whilst working as an agent for theEdinburgh Evening Courant. Onepoem(in Gall's hand) is addressed to himself:“Mr Gall, Courant Office” Thecollection may then havebecomethepossession of thepublisher, Oliver Boyd, before being sold on further A fascinating archivewarranting further studyand research

Lot 223
Mazzini, Giuseppe(1805-1872)
Autograph letter signed 2 pp., with conjugateblank, 11.1 x 8.8cm, to an unidentified recipient, in English, concerning 17th-centuryItalian thought etc , bookseller's pencilled annotation, singletransversecrease, conjugateblank with remnants of mount verso
Estimate:£ 300 -£ 500
WilliamBrown (Edinburgh bookseller), catalogue288 (1935), item695 (in annotated envelope), fromwhomacquired byIon Smeaton Munro (18831970), Scottish armyofficer and journalist Munro was Romecorrespondent of Glasgow's Morning Post from1922 to 1937, becoming press attachéat theBritish embassyin 1938, and head of theItalian section at theMinistry of Information on thedeclaration of war in 1939, beforerejoining thearmy (having served with theGlasgow Territorials in theGreat War) in 1941 ‘When theinvasion of Italywas being prepared heflew to North Africa, later entering Romewith theliberating armyin June1944 Hewas achief press officer during theItalian campaign’ , and when demobilised hebecamepress liaison officer in theForeign Officeconferencedepartment specially concerned with UN affairs in London In the1946 New Year honours list Lieutenant-ColonelMunro was awarded theOBE (Military) for “gallant and distinguished servicein Italy”’ (Duncan Beaton, ‘TheNotableDescendants of John Munro’, in A. O. M. Clark, ed., TheKist:TheMagazineof theNatural History&Antiquarian Societyof Mid-Argyll, no 45 (Spring 1993), pp 6-7) Ion Smeaton Munro wrotetwo books on his Italian experiences, Through Fascismto World Power:A Historyof theRevolution in Italy(1933), and Beyond theAlps (1934).

Lot 224
Marconi, Guglielmo (1874-1937)
Inscribed photograph of St Peter's Basilica, Rome, c.1930
Gelatin silver print, 9 5 x 20 5cm, inscribed ‘AlSig I S Munro Guglielmo Marconi, to theMorning Post’ in dark blueink, photographer's ink-stamp verso (G Felici, fotografiapontificia)
Estimate:£ 300 -£ 500

Lot 225
Pound, Ezra(1885-1972)
Typed letter signed Rapallo, c.1939. Typed in blueink on onesideonlyof Pound's Rapallo stationery, 28 3 x 22cm, containing his address upper left and profile portrait after Gaudier-Brzeskaupper right, both printed in blue, typed salutation in red to ‘Dear Monro’, illegiblyannotated byPound at head and signed ‘EP’ at foot, oneautograph correction, allin black ink, toned, old folds, slightlynicked and rumpled along right edge
Estimate:£ 500 -£ 800
A deranged and vitriolic letter revealing theextent of Pound's monomaniacal antisemitism, in which hedismisses thewar as ‘allstinking hooeyto keep down thedecent english and keep up afew aryie-kikes AND theyidds’, adding that ‘You havenot ONE man in thewholefahrting cabinet who is fit to run achicken farm And theyare80% tarred with thestock market’ Pound's own contribution to thewar was as oneof themain propagandists for Mussolini's fascist government, delivering over 100 broadcasts on Italian stateradio After theliberation of Italyhewas arrested for treason by American forces and subsequentlyincarcerated without trialin St Elizabeth's psychiatric hospitalin Washington, DC Therecipient of this letter was Ion Smeaton Munro (1883-1970), ajournalist and decorated armyofficer of Scottish origin who between thewars worked as theRomecorrespondent of Glasgow's Morning Post and subsequentlytheDailyMail. 'Hewas appointed press attachéat theBritish embassyin 1938 and then, on Italy’s declaration of war, hewas posted as head of theItalian section at the Ministryof Information Herejoined thearmyin 1941 and served on Wavell’s staff in India. When theinvasion of Italywas being prepared heflew to North Africa, later entering Romewith theliberating armyin June1944 Hewas achief press officer during theItalian campaign, and when demobilised hebecamepress liaison officer in theForeign Officeconference department speciallyconcerned with UN affairs in London In the1946 New Year honours list Lieutenant-ColonelMunro was awarded theOBE (Military) for “gallant and distinguished servicein Italy”’ (Duncan Beaton, ‘TheNotable Descendants of John Munro’, in A. O. M. Clark, ed., TheKist:TheMagazine of theNaturalHistory&Antiquarian Societyof Mid-Argyll, no 45 (Spring 1993), pp. 6-7). Munro wrotetwo books on his Italian experiences, Through Fascismto World Power:A Historyof theRevolution in Italy(1933), and Beyond theAlps (1934).

Pavlova, Anna(1881-1931)
Signed photographic portrait, 1912 Ovalgelatin silver print byAlfred Ellis &Waleryof London, inscribed by Pavlova‘Ion, son souvenir, AnnaPavlova’ in black ink, mounted on card with studio's details printed on verso, 19.8 x 14.8cm, alittlesurface-wear along edge, afew faint creases, penciland ink annotations (including date) and mounting residueto verso
Estimate:£ 300 -£ 500
Inscribed byPavlovafor Scottish armyofficer and journalist Ion Smeaton Munro (1883-1970) during theImperialRussian Ballet's week-long residence in Glasgow in November 1912, with amounted newspaper cutting of an articlebyMunro for theGlasgow Herald in 1956 recalling theencounter Munro was at thetimeworking for theScots Pictorialand held what he believed to bean unsuccessfulinterview with Pavlovaafter thecompany's opening night at thecity's King's Theatre Thenext dayhevisited the company's lodgings on Bath Street and unintentionallyendeared himself to thecompanysecretarybyoffering to run asimpleerrand Pavlova reappeared - ‘or rather shewas just miraculouslythere’ - and thepair spoke at length about theballetic art ‘To seethetruth of thesethings at close hand I was invited to watch thedancing fromthewings of thetheatre stage, and on thefollowing nights I was entranced to seehow acheery, squad littleRussian woman darted round theback of thescenerywith a great ermineblanket to enfold AnnaPavlovain her temporaryexits in a sustained ballet … On oneoccasion, with asmiling challengein her expression, Pavlovadanced off thestageand right up to whereI was standing, doing aseries of what I believearecalled relevés en tournantwhich meant that this thistledown vision had instep muscles as strong as steel’

Group of signed letters
GeorgeMacdonald Fraser (1925-2008), typed letter signed to Ion Smeaton Munro (q v), Isleof Man, 1969, 2 pp , asuperb farewellletter written on Fraser's resignation fromtheGlasgow Herald, mentioning Flashman and the film‘Zulu’;J M Barrie(1860-1937), autograph letter signed to Ion Smeaton Munro, 1913, 1 p.;WilliamHeath Robinson (1872-1944), 2 autograph letters signed, 1927-31, thefirst to aMiss Smeaton Munro, politelydeclining an opportunityto illustrateher poems but recommending his brother Charles Robinson and referring to his illustrations for Robert Louis Stevenson's Child's Garden of Verses, 2 pp., thesecond to aMrs Bilsland, avery gracious letter concerning amissed engagement in Glasgow (' I remember quitewellthepleasureI had in illustrating “TopsyTurvyTales”');Field Marshal Lord Frederick Roberts (1832-1914), letter signed to Ion Smeaton Munro, 1913, 1 p , thebodyof theletter written in asecretarialhand;Sir Johnston Forbes-Robertson (1853-1937), actor and impresario, autograph letter signed, 1912, 1 p ;and 2 others (8)
Estimate:£ 200 -£ 300
Ion Smeaton Munro (1883-1970) was ajournalist and decorated army officer of Scottish origin who between thewars worked as theRome correspondent of Glasgow's Morning Post and subsequentlytheDailyMail 'Hewas appointed press attachéat theBritish embassyin 1938 and then, on Italy’s declaration of war, hewas posted as head of theItalian section at theMinistryof Information. Herejoined thearmyin 1941 and served on Wavell’s staff in India When theinvasion of Italywas being prepared heflew to North Africa, later entering Romewith theliberating armyin June1944. Hewas achief press officer during theItalian campaign, and when demobilised hebecamepress liaison officer in theForeign Officeconference department speciallyconcerned with UN affairs in London. In the1946 New Year honours list Lieutenant-ColonelMunro was awarded theOBE (Military) for “gallant and distinguished servicein Italy”’ (Duncan Beaton, ‘TheNotable Descendants of John Munro’, in A O M Clark, ed , TheKist:TheMagazine of theNaturalHistory&Antiquarian Societyof Mid-Argyll, no. 45 (Spring 1993), pp 6-7) Ion Smeaton Munro wrotetwo books on his Italian experiences, Through Fascismto World Power:A Historyof theRevolution in Italy(1933), and Beyond theAlps (1934);healso wroteYouth of Yesteryear:Campaigns, Battles, Serviceand Exploits of theGlasgow Territorials in theLast Great War (1939), and co-edited TheSeventeenth Highland Light Infantry:Record of War Service1914-1918 (1920)

Lot 228
Churchill, Sir Winston
Typed letter, signed, to Keith G Feiling
Written on 10 Downing Street letterhead, dated 16th October 1944, 19 x 20 5cm, to British historian Keith G Feiling, sent during theMoscow Conferencewith Stalin, regarding abiographyof NevilleChamberlain and asking Feilig to consider “therequirements of officialsecrecy”, somelight staining and soiling, and alight diagonalcreaseto theupper left corner
Estimate:£ 2,000 -£ 3,000
Churchillwrites:I shallcertainlybeveryglad to seeyou after myreturn. Meanwhile, I seeno objection to your using theproposed extracts, so long as their context is madeclear I must sayhowever that I feelthat end of next year is veryearlyfor thepublication of abook of this kind. I amglad that you areshowing thetext to Bridges for examination fromthepoint of view of therequirements of officialsecrecy.Theletter probablyrefers to Feiling's TheLifeof NevilleChamberlain, eventuallypublished in 1946 From October 9th to the19th, 1944, Churchillwas present at the'Moscow Conference', whereBritain and theSoviet Union discussed dividing postwar Europeinto Western and Soviet spheres of influence.

Lot 229
O'Brian, Patrick (1914-2000)
Collection of signed letters to Edwin Moore, 1992-1999 16 autograph letters signed and onetyped letter signed, allon oneor both sides of asinglesheet of O'Brian's stationerywith Correch d'en Baus letterhead, 20.8 x 14.6cm(except for oneletter, written on Brooks's notepaper), oneautograph letter written in blueballpoint, therest in black ink, 10 retaining originalautograph envelope, earlyletters signed ‘Patrick O’Brian', later letters signed ‘Patrick’, oneletter hole-punched along one side, oneletter partiallywater-stained causing ink of afew words to run (17)
Estimate:£ 2,000 -£ 3,000
Themost extensivecollection of Patrick O’Brian letters apparentlyever offered on theopen market, providing ararewindow onto thefinalyears of this most enigmatic of authors, rich in references to theprogress of his writing and to literarymatters, and written with awatchfulpoliteness, leavened with self-deprecating humour and affectations of curmudgeonly ennuiTherecipient Edwin Moorewas asenior non-fiction editor at HarperCollins in Glasgow from1986 until2004 Hefirst wroteto Patrick O’Brian in 1992 to solicit aprefacefor anew edition of JaneAusten’s Mansfield Park O’Brian’s letter of acceptancedated 22nd Juneis thefirst letter in thepresent correspondence, and aletter which follows soon after includes adelightfulcomparison between Austen’s work and theAubreyMaturin novels (‘Mrs Norris and Mrs Williams would indeed havemadea prettypair;prettier stillif onecamehomefromalong and arduous cruiseto find themfirmlyinstalled'), as wellas acharacteristicallylaconic autobiographicalsummaryOver thecoming years Edwin took careto send O’Brian copies of newlypublished Collins titles which hethought might beof interest to him, with O’Brian making attentiverecommendations for subsequent editions and even suggestions for entirelynew projects In one letter O’Brian proposes Richard Ollard as editor of an anthologyof Frederick Marryat (thepostscript noting that ‘Aubrey's present domestic lifeis not quitewhat it seemed fromthefar sideof theworld’), whilein his next suggesting aselection of travelaccounts fromHakluyt and other early English authors as ‘fun for ascholarlyarmchair traveller to compile'. While O’Brian is generous with his praisewherehefeels it is deserved, Simon Schamabeing ‘abrilliant creature(in spiteof thedreadfulphotograph)’, he does not tryto feign interest in afiguresuch as Edward Said (‘anameI tend to skip over’). A lengthyletter fromJune1997 anticipates theblockbuster afterlifeof theAubrey-Maturin novels whileneatlyevoking thevarious contradictoryelements of O'Brian's personality- amisanthropic terror of intrusion (given fictionalformin Stephen Maturin), adebonair styleallied with an ostentatious abstemiousness, and asingle-minded devotion to writing:‘Thank you verymuch for Alec Guinness’s most entertaining book. Heand I areof just thesameage, doddering (I hope) on just this sideof senility;and I watch with fascination when hetakes youthfulvoyages and eats enormous meals Thereis hopeyet, although it shrank to averylow ebb when myFrench publishers asked meup to Paris and proposed threestar luncheons followed bythree-star dinners Theworld has recentlytaken to wheeling about in an agitated and often distressing way:afiend in barely human shapeis building ahousenext to ours – pneumatic drills, mechanical shovels – TCD wishes to givemea(verywelcomebut timeconsuming) doctorate– peoplewant books reviewed, commented upon:and allthetime Ch III of book XIX (TheHundred Days) remains in Port Mahon harbour, while I pour over theappalling legaljargon of an extended filmwith Goldwyn for Master and Commander How I long to sink back into myown wet and bloodymedium. With acertain amount of wine’. A group of fiveletters was sold at Bonhams in London in 2004 Otherwiseauction records appear to show onlysingleletters (offered bythemselves or with copies of O’Brian’s works)

Lot 230
Patrick O'Brian, GeorgeMacDonald Fraser, HilaryMantel, and others Literarypapers fromthecollection of Collins editor Edwin Moore Folder of materialrelating to TheCompleteNovels of JaneAusten (1993), including:Patrick O'Brian, draft introduction to Mansfield Park, wordprocessed, 5 ff., rectos only;Reginald Hill, draft introduction to Emma, 7 ff. + title-leaf, with typed covering letter signed byHillmentioning Dalziel Pascoe;PaulBoateng, draft introduction to Senseand Sensibility, 4 ff., fax with Houseof Commons letterhead;and others similar;Folder of material relating to theCompleteNovels of Charlotteand EmilyBronte(1993), including HilaryMantel's draft foreword for JaneEyre, word-processed, 9 ff , rectos only, with 2 copyfaxes fromEdwin Mooreto HilaryMantel;George MacDonald Fraser, draft foreword for BillTidy's Book of Quotations (1998) 2 ff , word-processed, with word-processed covering notesigned byFraser, with arelated autograph letter signed to Edwin MoorefromBillTidy, dated 2001, in envelopewith Fraser's printed address labelverso;ThomGunn, typed letter signed, 2000, declining an invitation to writean introduction to theTimes Book of English Verse('I don't reallyapproveof anthologies, of which therearefar too manyalready…');GermaineGreer, draft biography of WilliamShakespearefor TheCompleteWorks of WilliamShakespeare: TheAlexander Text (1994), word-processed, 8 ff., rectos only, signed by Greer in black ink (quantity)
Estimate:£ 300 -£ 500
Therecipient Edwin Moorewas asenior editor at Collins (subsequently HarperCollins) in Glasgow from1986 until2004.

Lot 231
Milne, A A
Autograph letter signed concerning thepublication of TheHouseat Pooh Corner, September 1928
On singlesheet of Milne's letterhead (11 Mallord Street, Chelsea, with 11 crossed through and replaced with 13 byMilne), ‘Dear Sir, Theverses (manymorethan appeared in Punch) willbepublished byMethuen at the end of October, fullyillustrated byShepard Yours faithfully, A A Milne’
Estimate:£ 300 -£ 500

McMillan, Edwin (1907-1991) and Philip Abelson (1913-2004)
Collection of originalmaterialrelating to thediscoveryof Neptunium ‘RadioactiveElement 93’, typescript (possiblycarbon) of thearticle published in PhysicalReview (57, 1185, 15 June1940) announcing the discoveryof Neptunium, 4 ff.;‘Growth of 2.3 day93 from23 min. U293/92’, manuscript graph byPhilip Abelson showing thedecayof Uranium293 into Neptunium, in pencilon green graph paper, 28 x 21.5cm, with added pencil caption byEdwin McMillan at head, hole-punched in left-hand margin, the graph published as thefigureto theabovearticle;A printed version of the graph, possiblyacyanotype, 29 7 x 22cm;‘TheSynchrotron - A Proposed High EnergyParticleAccelerator’, carbon typescript, 4 ff., stapled at upper left corner;Autograph letter signed fromEdwin McMillan to Dr Herbert McLean Evans (1882-1871) of theUniversityof California, endocrinologist and co-discoverer of Vitamin E, 16 May1946, ‘Dear Dr Evans, Thenearest that I could find to themanuscript of theNp letter is thetyped copymadeat thetimeof writing, which is enclosed. Thehand-written originalwas apparentlydestroyed Thegraph also enclosed is an original;it was plotted byAbelson, and has acaption in his hand, and anotation at thetop in mine. This graph was reproduced in thepublished letter Finally, I amsending a typed copyof theSynchrotron MS;hereagain theoriginalwas destroyed'1 p , signed ‘Edwin M McMillan’;Typed letter signed fromDanielM Wilkes (assistant to Edwin McMillan at theLawrenceRadiation Laboratory) to Evans, 1963, requesting ‘perusaland possibleduplication of thematerials hehas given you’ on ‘certain materials relating to thediscoveryof element 93’ (quantity)
Estimate:£ 2,000 -£ 3,000
1) Given byEdwin McMillan to Dr Herbert M Evans in 1946;2) With John Howell, bookseller, San Francisco, in 1974;3) Privatecollection, Scotland
Edwin McMillan and Philip Abelson's discoveryof neptunium, thefirst transuraniumelement to beidentified, was oneof themajor advances in chemistryand nuclear physics achieved in the20th century, initiating a cascadeof similar discoveries and securing McMillan the1951 Nobelprizein thefirst discipline, which heshared with his BerkeleycolleagueGlenn Seaborg. Thepair madethediscoveryat Berkeley's cyclotron bysubjecting uranium238 to slow neutron bombardment and detecting asubstancewith abeta-decayhalf-lifeof 2.3 days, differing fromtheknown 23-minutehalflifeof uranium-239 and consequentlyattributableinstead to an isotopeof thenext element, 93

Lot 233
Threesigned letters
Thomson, J J (1856-1940), discoverer of theelectron Autograph letter signed, Cambridge, 19 March 1912. 1 p., on Cavendish Laboratory stationery‘Dear Mr Worthington, Verymanythanks for your verykind congratulations. Thoseold days at Owens Collegewereverypleasant […]’, evidentlyconcerning his appointment to theOrder of Merit;Bragg, William (1862-1942), pioneer of X-raycrystallography. Autograph letter signed, Chiddingfold, 1929 1 p , on mourning stationery, to aMr Worthington, evidentlythanking himfor his condolences on thedeath of his wife;Born, Max (1882-1970), pioneer of quantummechanics Typed letter signed, Bad Pyrmont, 1967 1 p , ‘Dear Mr Riley, if you send meyour copyof mylittle Relativitybook I would bepleased to autograph it and add afew words about Einstein Thank you for your most interesting lecture', signed ‘M Born’ with autograph postscript initialled ‘M. B.', in blueink, annotated in pencilat head ‘Rileywas Prof of Medicineat Dundee’ (3)
Estimate:£ 500 -£ 800

Lot 234
Armstrong, Neil
Typed letter, signed
Typed letter on Universityof Cincinnatiheaded paper, dated March 28, 1972, fromNeilArmstrong to Mr PaulW Millard, apologising that hewas unableto visit Mr Millard's companyduring his visit to Scotland, 28 x 21 5cm;Swigert, Jack - Apollo XIII Note, signed and inscribed, comprising a typed thanks for concern regarding thecrew's welfare, with an additional manuscript notefromSwigert:“Thank you so much for your thoughtful letter. Jack Swigert”, 10.5 x 14cm, in originalfranked envelope(2)
Estimate:£ 700 -£ 900
Lot 235
Manuscript notebook of Robert WiltshireEvans, RoyalNavysurgeon, c 1795-1805
4to (20 x 15.5cm), contemporarytan sheep-backed marbled boards, approximately300 pp , including passages on thereproductiveorgans, conception, pregnancy, and childbirth (approx. 70 pp. in total), an extensive pharmacopeia, 'Extracts fromMr Home's lecture, 1805'on numerous subjects including fractures, dropsy, hernias, ‘strictures in theurethra’, etc , ‘Mr Moor on theTeeth’, ‘Thomas upon theoperations’, and profuse additionalnotes on theamputation of thepenis, inflammation of thecornea, diseases of thenoseand ear, gonorrhoea, etc., binding rubbed, wear to foot of spine, alittleloss to marbled paper on boards, afew leaves evidently removed
Estimate:£ 300 -£ 400
Fromthelibraryof thelateRobert Bogdan (1950-2023), of Boghead of Torries and Dykehead of Avochie, Aberdeenshire, geographymaster at Charterhouseand sometimechairman of theScottish Castles Association.

Lot 236
'Theses Logicae Ontologicae Pneumatologicae', Scotland, early18th century 4to (20 x 15cm), contemporarycalf, [50] pp , in Latin, in severaldifferent hands, under 3 headings ('Theses Logicae'etc ), respectivelycomprising 81, 68 and 40 articles numbered with roman numerals, incipit ‘Cumlogicase ducemprofiteatur ad veritatis cognitionem ' , bound with approx [120] pp manuscript notes in various hands including prayers, ‘Doctor Meads receipt for thebiteof amad dog’, and rents for estates including Kirktoun of Kilbryde, Southannan, Hunterstone, etc. mainlydated 1730s-40s, ownership inscriptions including David Bigger dated 1719 and ‘Ex libris SpringiMackyin Aca. Glasg. 19mo dieAugusti1717’ (seenote), binding worn, 2 terminal leaves (including both ownership inscriptions) loose
Estimate:£ 300 -£ 500
Spring Macky, sometimeowner of this manuscript, was theson of John Macky(d.1726), aScottish-born spyin theserviceof WilliamIII and Anne who helped exposemultipleJacobiteplots including theplanned invasion fromLaHoguein 1692, theattempted assassination of WilliamIII in 1696, and James Stuart's invasion of Scotland in 1708. Spring was thepublisher of his father's autobiography, Memoirs of theSecret Services of John Macky, which appeared in 1733.

Lot 237
Illuminated manuscript Qur'an copied by'Abd al-Rahman Tawfiq, Ottoman Empire, c.1825-50
Arabic manuscript in black ink on polished laid paper, 300 ff , leaf dimensions 17.1 x 11.2cm, naskh script, 15 lines to thepage, elaborate illuminated opening bifolium, each pageof remaining text within red and gold frame, sura-headings in whitethuluth on gold ground, gold roundelayamarkings and rubricated recitation markings throughout, contemporary dark red leather binding with envelope-flap and gilt filigreepanels, variable soiling, severalleaves including opening bifoliumloosewith concomitant rumpling and nicks to margins, with alaid-in contemporarycalligraphic panel in Arabic reading ‘khayrukumman ta’allamaal-Qur'an wa‘alimahu’ ('thebest of you is hewho has learned and known theQur'an', awell-known hadith of theProphet Muhammad)
Estimate:£ 300 -£ 400

Lot 238
Portfolio of sketches and manuscript exercises byofficer cadet Camillede Caix, Baron deChaulieu, 1876-1877
15 diagrams of fortifications and geometric and topographicalexercises, pen and ink, penciland watercolour, mainlyapprox 50 x 32cm, several smaller, one('Attaquedes places') larger (47 x 63cm) and folding, together with manuscript title-leaf ‘Albumdes travaux graphiques detopographie exécutépar l’elèvedeCaix Camillenéle5 mai1857 àCaen (Calvados)', most with Ecolespécialemilitaireovalblind stamp annotated with deCaix's name and dateand severalsigned presumablybyasupervising officer;3 large hypsometric colour maps of theeastern frontier of France, pen and ink and watercolour, 54.5 x 43cm;‘Cours deFortification, Cahier deCroquis’, folio exercisebook, 36 x 23cm, 8 ff , stitched in wrappers, manuscript titleto front cover, containing annotated diagrams in ink and pencil,9 leaves of pencilsketches of landmarks (trees, hills, cottages, aruin, etc ), various dimensions;4 engraved exercisesheets fromthe‘Cours detopographie’ with details added in manuscript;Largecharcoalsketch of anudeman unsheathing asword, signed ‘DeCaix’, 56 x 29 5cm, with alargepencil sketch of aGreek soldier and lover (mounted);3 albumen-print photographic group portraits of schoolboys (quantity)
Estimate:£ 300 -£ 500
An interesting collection of materialproviding an insight into therebuilding of theFrench militaryestablishment after thedisaster of theFranco-Prussian War

Lot 239
East and West Lothian FencibleCavalry
Regimentalvictualling book, 1798-99
Manuscript, in ink on laid paper 46 ff. + blanks, 19.9 x 15.6cm, contemporaryvellumbinding, contents mainlycomprising alternatetables of the‘Amount of theweeklyexpenseof each man’s diet'(most signed by James Bannerman MD, surgeon or Patrick Nimmo, assistant surgeon, Alexander Maclean, officer commanding, and Robert Tennant, acting paymaster) and ‘Articles purchased for theweeklysubsistenceof the Lothian Hospital', severalpages additionallycountersigned byJ. Hamilton as colonel, first leaf with asingle‘Tableof Diet’ (signed byJames Bannerman as surgeon of ‘Lothian Cavalry') and afew other notes, themanuscript apparentlyin thehand either of Bannerman or Nimmo, boards sprung and soiled
Estimate:£ 200 -£ 300
Fromthelibraryof thelateRobert Bogdan (1950-2023), of Boghead of Torries and Dykehead of Avochie, Aberdeenshire, geographymaster at Charterhouseand sometimechairman of theScottish Castles Association
TheLothian (East and West) Cavalrywas afencibleregiment established in 1795 as part of thenationaleffort to meet thethreat fromRevolutionary France TheWar Office's List of theOfficers of theSeveralRegiments and Corps of FencibleCavalryand Infantryfor 1798 (page18) names John Hamilton as regimentalcolonel, Alexander McLean as major, James Bannerman (misspelt Bennerman) as lieutenant and surgeon, and Patrick Nimmo as cornet Nimmo subsequentlyenjoyed asuccessfulmedicalcareer in his nativeDundee(seeWilliamNorrie, DundeeCelebrities of the Nineteenth Century, 1873, p 164)

Lot 240
Collection of Victorian photograph and commonplacebooks
Albumcontaining photographs, somesigned, of early20th century performers, including GertrudeElliott, ZoeGordon, DahliaGordon, Martin Harvey, PaulineChase, and others, with further photographs depicting nurses at theSecond GeneralMilitaryHospital, Craigleith, Edinburgh, during theFirst World War, and aphotograph or Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, in a creamalbum, worn;c 135 Egyptian photographs, each around 5 5 x 8cm, lain into an album;Scrap/commonplacealbuminitialled ‘JAS’, including various illustrations and four coloured copies of murals in Pompeii;Commonplace book of Elgin M Thomson, 1884;And threefurther cartes devisiteand cabinet card albums (7)
Estimate:£ 400 -£ 600
Lot 241
Scottish Charters
Relating to theBaronyof Tillicoultry, and others
Charter of Confirmation under theGreat Seal…in favour of James Colvile, 10th May1527, possiblyamended 1650, with seals;Grant of land to Archibald Napier, Lord Napier, 29th December 1619;Instrument of sasine of theWholeBaronyof Tillicoutriein favour of WilliamAlexander of Menstrie, 24th July1634;Charter of Resignation under theGreat Sealof thewhole Baronyof? in favour of WilliamAlexander of Menstrie , 12th January1634; Instrument of sasinein favour of Captain Johannis Maitland, 1772;and another document relating to Maitland;and 7 others (13)
Estimate:£ 400 -£ 600

[L’Affairedu Collier – TheDiamond NecklaceScandal]
28eme Pieces au Sujet du CardinaldeRohan
MSS document in various parts, c 1786, comprising 14 pp written in a continuous but unknown hand, with an additional‘titleleaf’, 23 x 17 5cm, looselybound with ribbon
Estimate:£ 300 -£ 500
The‘Affairedu Collier’ – TheDiamond NecklaceScandal– gripped Francein the1780s Queen Marie-Antoinettedisliked theCardinaldeRohan, on account of his hypocrisy, lack of pietyand habit of spreading falserumours about her conduct In an attempt to better himself with theQueen, the Cardinaldecided to facilitatethepurchaseof an impressivediamond necklacefor her, madebythejewellers Boehmer and Bassenge A con artist known as the‘ComtessedelaMotte’ successfullyconvinced theCardinal that theQueen would appreciatethenecklaceand theKing would payfor it – alltheCardinalneeded wereletters of authorisation fromtheQueen La Mottethen hired aprostituteto pretend to betheQueen, meet theCardinal (suspiciously, at night in aforest) and authorisehimto makethepurchase Thejewellers then handed thenecklaceto LaMotte, who promptlysold the diamonds TheQueen was understandablyshocked when thejewellers contacted her to ask when payment would beforthcoming. TheCardinalde Rohan and thecon woman werearrested – deRohan was acquitted, La Motteescaped prison and fled to England and thewholeaffair contributed to Marie-Antoinette’s declining reputation This manuscript, clearlywritten by somebodywith closeaccess to theinner circles at court, examines the CardinaldeRohan’s rolein thewholeaffair It is divided into six sections: Lettres patentes d’attribution adressées àlaGrandeChambredu Parlement deParis le5 Septembre1785;PlaintedeM leProcureur generalcontreM le CardinaldeRohan;Mémoireinstructif delamanièredont Boehmer et Bassengeont traitéavec M. leCardinalleventedeleur grand collier…; Proposition faitteàl’assembléeGénéraledu clergé ;Lettredel’assemblée Généraledu clergé…;Réponsedu Royaddresseeàl’assembléedu clergéle 19 septembre1785 Severalof thesesections areavailableelsewhere, in print or manuscript, however this manuscript copydeviates fromthe printed copies and appears to beearlier

Lot 243
Victoriana Photocollagealbum, c 1880
Folio dark bluehalf morocco albumwith compiler's name(Con Pilcher) gilt to front board, 37 thick card leaves (34 8 x 26 4cm) containing designs in watercolour, pen-and-ink, pencil, and oil(rectos only), incorporating in total 88 pasted-in albumen-print portrait photographs, manytrimmed to outline of head, subjects captioned in ink and including Napoleon III, Empress Eugenie, Louis-Napoleon PrinceImperial, GeorginaCountess of Dudley (Victorian societybeauty), PatsyCornwallis-West (mistress of Edward VII), soldiers (Sir Evelyn Wood;Lord Chelmsford, Sir BartleFrere, Sir Garnet Wolseley), actors and actresses (Eveleen Rayne, Violet Cameron, Ellen Terry, ConnieGilchrist, FlorenceSt John, LilyLangtry, KyrleBellew), and others including Con Pilcher (depicted in an ink and wash sketch playing the lute), most of thedesigns signed and dated and including whimsicaljeux d'esprit in addition to botanicaland naturalhistorybackgrounds, 9 further photographs mounted to rear endpapers
Estimate:£ 500 -£ 800
With aletter dated 2019 fromaprevious owner noting that ‘thePilchers wereatheatricalfamilywith connections to celebrities of thetimesuch as Ellen Terry’;according to thesameletter ConstancePilcher's married name becameFreeth.

Lot 244
Kelly, Gene- Joseph Barberaand WilliamHanna
Signed animation celfrom"Anchors Aweigh"
Number 441/500, depicting GeneKellydancing with JerryMouse, 34 x 49cm, framed and glazed, later 20th century
Estimate:£ 1,000 -£ 1,500
Oneof alimited edition of signed animation cels fromthefilm“Anchors Aweigh”, produced manyyears after thefilm's originalreleasein 1945. The scenedepicted here, whereGeneKellydances with theanimated Jerry Mouse, propelled thefilmto fameand required meticulous preparation to match theanimated and reallifecharacters'steps
Lot 245
§ Charles III, King of theUnited Kingdom
Overlooking Wadi, SaudiArabia, signed proof lithograph
Lithograph in colours after awatercolour of mountains in SaudiArabia, signed, 54.5 x 76cm
Estimate:£ 400 -£ 600
Lot 246
§ Charles III, King of theUnited Kingdom
Balmoral, signed proof lithograph
Lithograph in colours after awatercolour of Balmoral, signed 2001, 53 5 x 73.5cm
Estimate:£ 400 -£ 600
Lot 247
Schwabe, Randolph (1885-1948)
Book of sketches for etchings, in green calf with theaddress “R. Schwabe, 20 Church Row, Hampstead, NW3” to initialleaf, comprising c 80 leaves of sketches featuring figures, animals, groups of peopleand domestic scenes, 41 x 26 5cm;Book of sketches in brown calf, lacking lower cover, containing c 138 leaves of sketches, mostlyfigures including parents and children and dancers, 35 x 25cm;Book of sketches in vellum, containing c 300 leaves of sketches on various subjects including figures and architecture, 32.5 x 21cm;Book of sketches in half calf, containing c.70 leaves of sketches, 32 5 x 22cm;and threefurther sketchbooks (7)
Estimate:£ 2,000 -£ 3,000

Lot 248
Schwabe, Randolph (1885-1948)
Smallsketchbooks and notebooks, acollection Leather bound sketchbook [at therear of abound copyof Censura Propositionum, Paris, 1631], 17 x 22 5cm, “Randolph Schwabe, University College, London, Gowen St. WC1” to thepaste-down endpaper, with over 70 leaves of sketches (architecture, animals, people);Cloth-bound sketch/notebook, comprising afew lecturenotes, sketched copies of statues in Westminster Abbey, and further sketches, mainlypeopleand animals;Notebook, 13 x 20cm, “R SchwabeRoyalCollegeof Art South Kensington” to hand-madebook cover, afew notes, with manysketches of animals, people, plants and cars;Two looseor spiral-bound sketchbooks;Two earlier commonplacebooks with later sketches by Schwabe(7)
Estimate:£ 400 -£ 600
Lot 249
Schwabe, Randolph (1885-1948)
A collection of copper etching plates 15 copper plates with various designs bySchwabe, and possiblyafter others:Portrait of agentleman, 7 x 11.5cm;Men and women working in the field, 13 x 16 5cm;Two women, 18 x 23cm;an elderlygentleman and alittle girl, 15 x 20.5cm;A ruined abbey, 25 x 37cm;Portrait of aman with glasses, 25 5 x 33cm;A guitarist and group of onlookers, 13 x 21cm;A rioting crowd, 27.5 x 44cm;Femalegoatherd with goats, 29.5 x 39cm; ScenefromPetruschka, 25 5 x 34cm;Cityscenewith bridge, 23 x 28 5cm; Cityview with windmill, 35.5 x 23cm;Woman, 12.5 x 28cm;Mountain scene, 33 x 40 5cm;Coastalcliff scene, 28 x 33cm;and threeothers, including two in avariant metal(17)
Estimate:£ 300 -£ 500
Lot 250 § Robinson, Ivor (1924-2014)
'TheLamentations of Jeremiah', design for book cover, 1981
Inscribed and dated (to back board), pencil, gold pen and gouache, 11 x 15.5cm(framed 30 x 28cm)
Estimate:£ 300 -£ 500
Robinson was considered amaster craftsman and oneof thefinest artist bookbinders of his generation Robinson's bindings areheld in privateand public collections worldwideincluding theBritish Library, theBodleian Library, Oxford and theMorgan Library, New York
Lot 251
Wain, Louis (1860-1939)
Seated Cat
Signed ink sketch of askepticalcat, 25.5 x 19.5cm, framed and glazed, not laid-down, somebrowning to reverseonly
Estimate:£ 1,200 -£ 1,800

Lot 252
Wain, Louis
Postcard collection
174 postcards, including afew duplicates, dated fromtheearly20thcentury, manywritten, mostlyshowing cats but also including other animals, Christmas postcards, dress-up dollpostcards, embossed postcards, and manyothers
Estimate:£ 800 -£ 1,200

Lot 253
Wain, Louis
A collection of illustrated books
To NurseryLand London:RaphaelTuck &Sons Ltd , [n d ] Originalpictorial boards;Cats and Dogs. [London:] TheChildren's Press, [n.d.] Original pictorialboards;BedtimeBooklets:Tommy's Fright;Molly's Angel;Our Adventure;TheProfessor's Temper-Pills;TheWould-beSparrows;Winnie's Visitors;allcontained in theoriginal‘BedtimeBooklets’ envelopewrappers, Tommy's Fright illustrated byLouis Wain;Fun and Frolic London:Ernest Nister, [n d ] Originalpictorialboards, somesoiling, gift inscription to front free-endpaper;Louis Wain's AnimalShow London:James Clarke&Co , 1905. Originalpictorialboards, gift inscription to front paste-downendpaper;Pussies at Work London:RaphaelTuck &Sons Ltd , [n d ] Originalstiff card pictorialwrappers;To NurseryLand with Louis Wain. London:RaphaelTuck &Sons Ltd , [n d ] Originalpictorialboards;Cinderella, and other fairytales. London:Gale&Polden, [n.d.] Originalpictorialboards over quarter cloth;and 13 others, including exhibition catalogues (21)[WITH] asmallunsigned pencilsketch of acat frombehind, with no artist's attribution, framed and glazed;Child's mug byParagon China, designed by Louis Wain:“His Mother's Present” (23 items in total)
Estimate:£ 500 -£ 700
Lot 254
Wain, Louis (1860-1939)
A familysketch
Ink sketch, signed Louis Wain, depicting asceneof awoman, anurseand four young children in 18th-centurydress, 18 x 24cm, framed and glazed, someminor foxing, alittlerubbing to theright-hand side
Estimate:£ 300 -£ 500
Lot 255
Wain, Louis
Louis Wain's Annual, 1921
London:Hutchison &Co. 8vo, originalpictorialboards, gift inscription to front free-endpaper, somerubbing to covers and internalbrowning;Idem DaddyCat. London:Blackieand Son Limited, [n.d.] 8vo, originalboards, sometaperepairs (2)
Estimate:£ 300 -£ 400

Lot 256
Milne, A A
When WeWereVeryYoung
With Decorations byErnest H. Shepard. London:Methuen &Co. Ltd., 1924. First edition, signed limited issue, oneof 100 numbered copies printed on handmadepaper and signed byA. A. Milneand E. H. Shepard on the limitation page, 4to, viii[4] 100 pp , originaldark red quarter cloth, printed labelto front board, frontispieceand illustrations throughout thetext byE. H Shepard, foreand bottomedges untrimmed, with thedust jacket Small bump to foot of front board, ahint of cockling to pastedowns, customary browning to freeendpapers, smallblemishes to foremargins of pp 66 and 99, dust jacket sunned on and either sideof spine-panel, spine-panelslightly nicked at head, panels slightlyfaded, ahint of sunning along extremities, veryslight rumpling along top edge
Estimate:£ 7,000 -£ 10,000
Footnote: An exceptionalcopy
Lot 257
Milne, A A
With Decorations byErnest H Shepard London:Methuen &Co Ltd , 1926 First edition, signed limited issue, oneof 350 numbered copies printed on handmadepaper and signed byA A Milneand E H Shepard on the limitation page, 4to, xi[5] 158 [2] pp., originaldark bluequarter cloth, light bluepaper boards with printed paper labelto front, foreand bottomedges untrimmed, illustrations byE. H. Shepard throughout, folding map of the Hundred AcreWood to rear (with laid-in tissue-guard), with thedust jacket Veryfaint bump to foreedgeof rear board, customarybrowning to free endpaper, dust jacket sunned on and either sideof spine, panels uniformly faded to palegreen, smallchips and tears to spineand rear panel, afew faint marks
Estimate:£ 4,000 -£ 6,000
Lot 258
Milne, A. A.
Now WeAreSix
With Decorations byErnest H. Shepard. London:Methuen &Co. Ltd., 1927. First edition, signed limited issue, oneof 200 numbered copies printed on handmadepaper and signed byA. A. Milneand E. H. Shepard on the limitation page, 4to, x [2] 103 pp , originaltan quarter cloth, orangepaper boards, printed paper labelto front board, foreand bottomedges untrimmed, frontispieceand illustrations throughout byE H Shepard, sparelabeltipped to rear pastedown, with thedust jacket. Contents partly unopened, front board with verysmalldent to bottomedge, rear board very slightlybowed, customarybrowning to freeendpapers, pp 56-7 with scattering of smallmarks, dust jacket with sunning to and either sideof spine-panel, spine-panelslightlynicked at head and foot, afew veryfaint blemishes elsewhere
Estimate:£ 2,000 -£ 3,000

Lot 259
Milne, A A
TheHouseat Pooh Corner
With Decorations byErnest H Shepard London:Methuen &Co Ltd , 1928 First edition, signed limited issue, oneof 350 numbered copies printed on handmadepaper and signed byA. A. Milneand E. H. Shepard on the limitation page, 4to, xi178 [2] pp , originallight bluequarter cloth, cream paper boards, printed paper labelto front board, foreand bottomedges untrimmed, frontispieceand illustrations throughout thetext byE H Shepard, with thedust jacket. A few minuteflecks to boards, customary faint browning to front freeendpapers, smallmarginalspot to p 74, dust jacket spine-paneltoned and with afew nicks to head, tinynick to head of fold between front paneland flap, smallclosed tear to foot of fold between rear paneland flap
Estimate:£ 2,000 -£ 3,000

Lot 260
Shepard, E H (illustrator)
Playtimeand Company
A Book for Children Verses byE V Lucas Pictures byE H Shepard
London:Methuen &Co. Ltd., 1925. First edition, signed limited issue, oneof 100 numbered copies printed on handmadepaper and signed byE H Shepard and E. V. Lucas on thelimitation page, 4to, 95 pp., originallight bluequarter cloth, purplepaper boards, printed labelto front board, fore and bottomedges untrimmed, frontispieceand illustrations throughout the text byE H Shepard, with thedust jacket Customarybrowning to free endpapers, dust jacket unevenlysunned and with afew faint marks;idem. TheGolden Age ByKenneth Grahame With Illustrations and Decorations by Ernest H Shepard London:John LaneTheBodleyHead Limited, 1928 Signed limited edition, oneof 275 numbered copies printed on rag paper and signed byKenneth Grahameand E H Shepard on thelimitation page, 8vo, 166 pp., originaljapon-backed marbled boards, frontispieceand illustrations throughout byE H Shepard, glassinedust jacket, slipcasewith printed labelcontaining manuscript limitation as issued. Severalleaves unopened, dust jacket toned and with afew shallow chips;and alater edition of When WeWereVeryYoung (3)
Estimate:£ 300 -£ 400

Lot 261
Milne, A. A.
Decorations byE. H. Shepard. London:Methuen &Co. Ltd., 1926. First edition, first impression, 8vo, originalgreen pictorialcloth gilt, top edgegilt, pictorialendpapers, illustrations throughout thetext, dust jacket (priced 7/6 on thespineand with the117th thousand of When WeWereVeryYoung advertised on rear flap), strip of browning to gutter of freeendpapers, very smallnick to upper forecorners of final10 or so leaves, dust jacket with shallow chipping at head and foot of spineand joints
Estimate:£ 500 -£ 800
Lot 262
◆ Rowling, J.K.
HarryPotter and thePhilosopher's Stone- [oneof 500 first edition, first impression hardcovers]
London:Bloomsbury, 1997 First edition, first impression hardback with the number line10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 on thecopyright page, ‘Philosopher’s' miss-spelled ‘Philospher's’ on thelower cover and ‘1 wand’ listed twiceon page53, originalpictoriallaminated boards [Errington A1(a)].An excellent copyof thework A bright and verywell-maintained book with atight text block which sits neatlyand smartlyon theshelf. No foxing, ink ownership inscriptions or turned-down corners Anysmallcondition issues arelimited

to someminor bumping to corners of covers and spineends, with some slight bubbling and peeling to thelaminatein afew discreet places;no fading on spine;librarymarkings on thefront-freeendpaper and thetitlepage removed viaprofessionaland sensitiverestoration, achieved beforethe current owner acquired thebook fromAdrian Harrington’s Kensington Church Street shop over two decades ago. A neatlyerased pencilinscription to front-freeendpaper;asmallred ink dot to upper edge;theusuallight toning to margins which is found in almost everycopyof thebook;avery minor creaseto thecorner of pp 27-28 visibleonlyin bright light;an additionallater dust-jacket is provided for protection, which has contributed to thepreservation of thevolume A vivid and lightlyhandled example
Estimate:£ 40,000 -£ 60,000
PrivateAmerican collection
Few books haveinspired theimaginations of ageneration of children and adults likeJ K Rowling’s HarryPotter series Theboywizard first appeared on bookshelves in 1997 and, nearly30 years later, thefantasyof boarding theHogwarts Express bound for magicaladventures has not diminished Alongsideseven books and ahost of offshoots, such as TheTales of Beedle theBard, thefranchisehas expanded to encompass eight HarryPotter films, threeFantastic Beasts films, asell-out stageplay, threethemeparks and astudio tour As of 2016, thefranchiseas awholewas estimated to be worth $25 billion.Herewepresent afirst edition, first impression copyof the first book in theseries:HarryPotter and thePhilosopher’s Stone This is indicated byanumber linereading 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 on thepublisher’s imprint page, thepublisher being listed as Bloomsbury, theerror of ‘1 wand’ being listed twicein Harry’s schoolequipment list and ‘Philosopher’ being misspelt ‘Philospher’ on thelower cover. It is an exceptionallyrarebook to find in anycondition, and onein thepresent quitecollectablecondition could wellbecalled thejewelin anyHarryPotter collector’s crown.During the summer of 1990, J K Rowling caught atrain fromManchester to London and themethodicalrattling of thecarriagealongsidesometimeto think worked their magic:Rowling formed theideaof HarryPotter thereand then! Shewrotethebook in her sparetime, famously:“…in snatched hours, in clattering cafes or in thedead of night ” Much of this writing took placein Edinburgh, which boasts sites reminiscent of thelater books in theseries, such as thegravestoneof Thomas RiddellEsq. in Greyfriars Kirkyard, thought bymanyto betheinspiration behind thetruenameof theseries’ antagonist, Lord Voldemort (or TomRiddle). It is thereforefitting that this earlyand important pieceof HarryPotter historywillbesold in Edinburgh.Therearemanylegends surrounding HarryPotter’s road to publication For example, urban myth states that themanuscript had been rejected manytimes beforeBloomsburyoffered an advanceto Rowling of £1500 However, byallaccounts, when Bloomsburydid finallysecurethe manuscript, therewas great excitement about thebook’s potential. However, thepublisher stillproceeded with caution and issued only500 copies of thefirst edition, first impression in hardback Around 300 copies aresaid to havegoneto libraries, weremuch read and areoften found to befairlytired if theyhavesurvived at all A further 200 copies wereretailed Taking thesenumbers into account, it is evident that finding oneof these books in good condition is rather unusual!Thesuccess of HarryPotter has been outstanding. Thebibliographer, Philip W. Errington, writes:“Never beforedid aseries start with 500 copies in hardback and concludewith a matching edition of over eight million copies.” Thebook for salehere represents thebeginning of this incrediblesuccess story, offering somebodytheopportunityto own oneof thefew originalcopies of thebook that started it all

Lot 263
Rowling, J K
HarryPotter and thePhilosopher's Stone
London:Bloomsbury, 1997. First edition, first impression paperback with thenumber linereading 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 to thepublisher's imprint page, ‘Philosopher’s'miss-spelled ‘Philospher's’ on thelower cover and ‘1 wand’ listed twiceon page53, originalpictorialcard covers, shelf-lean, lower right corner of upper cover torn away, spinerubbed and partiallydetached, some creasing and rubbing to covers, rear cover slightlydampstained
Estimate:£ 1,000 -£ 1,500
Lot 264
Rowling, J K
HarryPotter and thePhilosopher's Stone
London:Bloomsbury, 1999 First deluxeedition, eleventh impression, inscribed on thehalf-titleby10 cast members, comprising DanielRadcliffe (HarryPotter), Rupert Grint (Ron Weasley), EmmaWatson (Hermione Granger), TomFelton (Draco Malfoy), James Phelps (Fred Weasley, inscription including ‘Magic is cool’), Oliver Phelps (GeorgeWeasley), Devon Murray(Seamus Finnegan), Matthew Lewis (NevilleLongbottom), Jamie Waylett (Crabbe), and oneother, allinscriptions madeout to ‘Rob’. 8vo, 223 pp , originalred cloth lettered in gilt, pictorialonlayto front cover, alledges gilt, verysmallholeto half-title(apparentlycaused bytheunidentified signature), textblock toned as usual
Estimate:£ 1,500 -£ 2,000
Signed for therecipient at theScottish GalaCharityScreening of Harry Potter and thePhilosopher's Stoneat Ster CenturyCinemas, Ocean Terminal, Leith, Edinburgh on 6 November 2001 (two tickets and acar pass for theevent included with thelot).

Lot 265
Rowling, J. K.
HariPoter kaiiPhilosophikiLithos [and:] HariPoter kaio Aixmalotos tou Azkamban
Athens:Psychogios, 1998-9 First editions in Greek of HarryPotter and the Philosopher's Stoneand HarryPotter and thePrisoner of Azkaban, inscribed byRowling on thehalf-titles in green ink, respectively‘to Roger Ennals, Giles alleges that you can read &understand this And I think he’llexpect you to proveit. Best wishes, JKRowling'and ‘to Roger again - can’t find thesecond book in Greek - you might never get this far though JKRowling', 2 works, 8vo, 349 and 459 pp., originalpictorialwrappers
Estimate:£ 800 -£ 1,200
TheGiles of theinscription was afriend of therecipient and sometime financialadvisor to J K Rowling
Lot 266
Rowling, J K
HarryPotter and thePhilosopher's Stone
London:Bloomsbury, 1997 First edition, 13th impression paperback, signed and inscribed:“To Kathleen, Thank you for liking book two even better (that's theoneI'mworried about at themoment!) J.K. Rowling", 8vo, originalwrappers
Estimate:£ 400 -£ 600
Signed and inscribed for thevendor at her placeof work

Lot 267
Rowling, J K
HarryPotter and thePhilosopher's Stone
London:Bloomsbury, 1997. First edition, fourth impression, hardback issue, 8vo, originalpictorialboards, with thedust jacket;Together with acopyof TheChamber of Secrets, 1998 (first edition, fifth impression, hardback issue, 8vo, originalpictorialboards, dust jacket), housed as issued in pictorial‘HarryPotter Gift Set’ pictorialslipcase
Estimate:£ 400 -£ 600
Thethird impression of HarryPotter and thePhilosopher's Stonewas the first to beissued with adust jacket
Lot 268
Rowling, J K
HarryPotter and theChamber of Secrets
London:Bloomsbury, 1998 First edition, first impression with the10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 numberlineon thepublisher's imprint page, signed byJ.K. Rowling for thevendor at her placeof work, originalboards, dust-jacket
Estimate:£ 4,000 -£ 6,000
Lot 269
Rowling, J K
HarryPotter and theChamber of Secrets
London:Bloomsbury, 1998 First edition, first impression hardback with the numberline10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 on thecopyright page, dust-jacket not price-clipped [Errington A2(a)], an immaculatecopyand dust-jacket Bookseller's neat pencilmarks carefullyerased fromfront endpaper
Estimate:£ 1,500 -£ 2,500
Oneof 706 copies (this figurewas confirmed byBloomsburyalthough it is often cited as 1000) of thefirst edition, first impression hardback of Harry Potter and theChamber of Secrets.
Lot 270
Rowling, J.K.
HarryPotter and thePrisoner of Azkaban
London:Bloomsbury, 1999 First edition, first issue, first statewith the number line10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 on thecopyright pageand theincorrectly dropped text block on page7, dust-jacket not price-clipped [Errington A7(a)], an immaculatecopyand dust jacket. Oneverysmallindentation to thelower cover along thefore-edge, which is barelynoticeableand a bookseller's neat pencilnotes carefullyerased fromthefront endpaper
Estimate:£ 3,000 -£ 4,000
An extremelyscarcefirst-statecopyof HarryPotter and thePrisoner of Azkaban Page7 features amisprint in theformof adropped section of text, meaning Indeed, Wendelen theWeird enjoyed being burnt so much that sheallowed herself bebecaught no fewer than forty-seven times becomes:Indeed, Wendelen theWeird enjoyed being burnt so much that sheallowed herself becaught no fewer than forty-seven times No definite figures exist for how manycopies of thefirst stateexist, however it is often thought to bearound 500.

Lot 271
Carroll, Lewis [Charles LutwidgeDodgson]
Alice's Adventures Under Ground
Being aFacsimileof theOriginalMS. Book afterwards developed into “Alice's Adventures in Wonderland” London:Macmillan and Co , 1886 First edition, 8vo, viii[8] 95 pp., originalred cloth decorativelylettered in gilt, alledges gilt, smallabrasion to foreedgeof front board, tips veryslightlybumped;Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. London:Macmillan and Co., 1886. First edition, 79th thousand, 8vo, 192 pp , originalred pictorialcloth gilt, alledges gilt, illustrations throughout byJohn Tenniel, 2 pp. advertisements to rear, generalsoiling, spinerolled, quireKworking loose(held bytop cord), stitching strained between quires Mand N;TheHunting of theSnark, an Agony, in Eight Fits London:Macmillan and Co , 1876 First edition, 8vo, 83 pp , originalbuff cloth decorated in black, alledges gilt, wood-engraved frontispiece, similar illustrations throughout (full-pagebut counted in register), tissue-guards, bookplate(Sir Charles Philip Huntington, 3rd Baronet), spinerolled, light cockling to cloth in places;Together with 6 others including G K Chesterton, Greybeards at Play, 1900 (first edition, original cloth-backed pictorialboards) (9)
Estimate:£ 300 -£ 400

Lot 272
Carroll, Lewis
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
London:Macmillan and Co., 1867. First edition, eighth thousand, 8vo [10] 192 pp, originalred pictorialcloth gilt, half-title, wood-engraved frontispiece byJohn Tenniel, similar vignettes throughout thetext, binding rubbed and soiled overall, spinerolled, splitting to cloth along joints, wear to head and foot of spine, gift inscription to half-title, pp. 75-9 working loose, pp. 171/2 creased, afew other spots and blemishes to contents;Together with 4 others (2 copies of AliceThrough theLooking Glass, 2 copies of The Hunting of theSnark, poor condition, not collated) (5)
Estimate:£ 300 -£ 400
Fromthelibraryof thelateRobert Bogdan (1950-2023), of Boghead of Torries and Dykehead of Avochie, Aberdeenshire, geographymaster at Charterhouseand sometimechairman of theScottish Castles Association.
Lot 273
Lang, Andrew
Collection of works
London:Longmans, Green, and Co., all8vo unless otherwisestated.The Arabian Nights Entertainment, 1898, first edition, originalbluepictorialcloth gilt, 33 plates, spinerolled, extremities slightlyrubbed, inner hinges cracked with webbing exposed, ownership inscriptions to half-titleand recto of frontispiece, half-titleslightlymarked, ink-stain to head of title-pageand dedication leaf (with concomitant paper-erosion to latter);Old Friends among theFairies Puss in Boots and Other Stories, 1926 4to, originalgreen pictorialcloth, 4 tipped-in colour plates, dust jacket (with afew nicks);The Book of Princes and Princesses byMrs Lang Edited byAndrew Lang, 1908, first edition, originalbluepictorialcloth gilt, alledges gilt, 8 colour plates, spineslightlyrolled, light rubbing to extremities, tips bumped;Tales of Troy and Greece, 1907, first edition, originalcloth, 18 plates;TheBook of Romance, 1902, first edition, originalbluepictorialcloth gilt, alledges gilt, 8 colour plates;TheRed RomanceBook, 1905, first edition, 8vo, originalred pictorialcloth gilt, alledges gilt, 8 colour plates (platefacing p 264 detached), spinefaded, covers marked;Together with approx. 25 others including 6 other Andrew Lang titles, severalWalter Cranetitles, etc (30+)
Estimate:£ 300 -£ 500

Lot 274
Lang, Andrew
TheFairyBooks, aset of 12, and others
TheBlueFairyBook London:Longmans, Green and Co , 1889 First edition, 8vo, frontispiece, 7 plates, originalbluecloth gilt, somerubbing and soiling, someinternalmarginaldampstaining;TheRed FairyBook. London: Longmans, Green, and Co , 1890 First edition, 8vo, frontispiece, 3 plates, originalred cloth gilt, spinedetached and chipped, somefoxing;TheGreen FairyBook London:Longmans, Green, and Co , 1892 First edition, 8vo, frontispiece, 11 plates, alittlefoxing;TheYellow FairyBook. London: Longmans, Green, and Co , 1894 First edition, 8vo, frontispiece, 22 plates, someslight soiling and afew smalltears to covers and spine, someinternal foxing;AND ThePink FairyBook, 1897, first edition, spinefaded;TheGrey FairyBook, 1900, first edition, rear endpaper detaching;TheViolet Fairy Book, 1901, first edition;TheCrimson FairyBook, 1919, new edition;The Brown FairyBook, 1904, first edition;TheOrangeFairyBook, 1906, first edition;TheOliveFairyBook, 1907, first edition, hinges split;TheLilac Fairy Book, 1910, first edition, soiling and fading to covers;AND TheArabian Nights Entertainments, 1923, new edition;TheBook of Romance, 1902, lower cover detached;TheRed RomanceBook, 1905, lower joint split;Hull, Eleanor. Cuchulain, theHound of Ulster. London, 1909. 8vo;Allin original cloth, ownership or gift inscriptions and alittlewear to most books (16)
Estimate:£ 600 -£ 800

Lot 275
Wilde, Oscar
TheHappyPrinceand Other Tales
Illustrated byCharles Robinson London:Duckworth &Co , 1913 First Robinson edition, deluxeissue, oneof 260 copies signed bytheartist (of which 250 for sale), 4to, originaljapon gilt, top edgegilt, others untrimmed, 12 colour plates, mounted as issued, each with captioned tissue-guard, binding marked, flocking to japon on rear cover, cockling to rear pastedown
Estimate:£ 300 -£ 500
Fromthelibraryof thelateRobert Bogdan (1950-2023), of Boghead of Torries and Dykehead of Avochie, Aberdeenshire, geographymaster at Charterhouseand sometimechairman of theScottish Castles Association.
Lot 276
Rackham, Arthur - ChristinaRossetti
Goblin Market
London:GeorgeG. Harrap &Co. Ltd., [1933]. 8vo, number 84 of 400 copies signed byRackham, four plates, originalJapanesevellumgilt with slipcase
Estimate:£ 300 -£ 500

Lot 277
Rackham, Arthur, and others
A group of children's books
Arthur Rackham's Book of Pictures. London:Heinemann, 1913. 4to, original cloth with dust-jacket, tipped-in plates, alittlesoiling to covers, repairs to dust-jacket;Idem- Charles Dickens. A Christmas Carol. London:William Heinemann Ltd , 1933 8vo, originalcloth, dust-jacket;and another copy without dust-jacket;Dulac, Edmund - Hans Christian Andersen. Stories from Hans Andersen New York &London:Hodder &Stoughton, [n d ] 4to, tipped-in plates, originaltan cloth gilt, somewear and soiling, hinges split;Blyton, Enid Round theYear with Enid Blyton London:Evans Brothers Ltd., [n.d.] 3 volumes:Spring, Autumn &Winter, 8vo, originalwrappers, spines split;Hudson, Gwynedd M - Lewis Carroll Alice's Adventures in Wonderland Nottingham/London:Hodder &Stoughton Ltd , [n d ] 4to, originalbluecloth gilt;[Tourtel, Mary] Rupert's AdventureBook, 1940;Idem TheNew Rupert Book, [n d ] (10)
Estimate:£ 400 -£ 600

Lot 278
Children's books
A collection Evans, C S and Arthur Rackham[illustrator] Cinderella London:William Heinemann, 1919. First edition, 8vo, colour illustrated boards bumped, tipped colour frontispiecewith tissueguard, monochromesilhouette illustrations throughout, ink inscription to freeendpaper, originaldustjacket worn with loss to head and tailof spine;Henty, G A In Freedom’s Cause, A Storyof Wallaceand Bruce. London:Blackieand Son Limited, 1906. 8vo, colour illustrated binding, edges and corners bumped, ink inscription to free endpaper;Verne, Jules. Captain Hatteras, or, TheEnglish at theNorth Pole. London:Hutchinson &Co [n d] 8vo, colour illustrated binding, edges and corners bumped, schoolprizeplateattached to freeendpaper;Watkins, DudleyD. Oor Wullie. London:D.C. Thomson &Co. Ltd, 1970;[Bestall, Alfred] MoreAdventures of Rupert, TheDailyExpress Album London: L.T.A. Robinson [1954?];Anderson, Anne[illustrator]. TheOld Mother Goose NurseryRhymeBook London:TC and E C Jack [n d];Kasson, Graciaand E. Tschantre, Jr. Tin Tan Tales, A RareBook for Children. London:Ernest Nister, c 1902;Cadogan, LadyAdelaide Illustrated Games of Patience London:Sampson Low, Marston, Low and Searle, 1874. 8vo, boards illustrated with playing cards, corners bumped, somedamp staining to pages (8)
Estimate:£ 300 -£ 400

Children's and illustrated books
Collection of works, 19th and early-20th century Humphreys, HenryNoel Sentiments and Similes of WilliamShakespeare London:Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans, 1851 First edition, 4to, [6] 100pp., originalbinding incorporating black papier-mâchédecorative strapwork panelmounted to each cover, medallion relief portrait of Shakespeareinset to centreof front board, similar medallion containing Shakespeare's monogramto rear, decorativelozengeblack roan backstrip, alledges gilt, chromolithographic border to p. 1, tear to foot of spine (sometimerepaired), contents leaf and pp 1/2 loose, spotting to first few leaves pp. 19/20 closed marginaltear;idem. Parables of Our Lord. London: Longman &Co , 1847 First edition, small4to, originalpapier-mâchébinding, chromolithographic borders throughout, gutta-perchaperished and contents loose(collation not established);Boyle, Eleanor Vere In theFirWood London:Macmillan and Co , 1866 First edition, inscribed ‘from Eleanor VereBole, Rome, Easter-Eve, 1867’ on thefront freeendpaper, with pencilled ownership inscription ‘GeorginaForbes’ above, 8vo, original green cloth lettered in gilt, 8 mounted albumen-print photographic plates fromdrawings, gutta-perchaperished and contents loose, spotting [Gernsheim326];Aldin, Cecil. Mac. London:HenryFrowdeand Hodder & Stoughton, [1912] First edition, 4to, originalpictorialboards, 24 colour plates, wear to spineand extremities, covers marked, front inner hinge superficiallysplit, smallchip to corner of plate1;and 12 others (16)
Estimate:£ 200 -£ 300
Fromthelibraryof thelateRobert Bogdan (1950-2023), of Boghead of Torries and Dykehead of Avochie, Aberdeenshire, geographymaster at Charterhouseand sometimechairman of theScottish Castles Association

Lot 280
Fleming, Ian
Casino Royale, inscribed bytheauthor London:Jonathan Cape, 1953 8vo, 218 pp , originalblack boards, titles and publisher's deviceto spinein red, heart deviceto front board in red, halftitle, finalleaf blank, with thefirst-issuedust jacket (without SundayTimes review to front flap) Spineveryslightlyrolled, ahint of palemottling to boards, spotting to top edgeof textblock, afew smallspots to foreand bottomedges (onespot just encroaching on lower margin of pp 41-4), endpapers spotted, dust jacket unclipped, variablytoned, shallow chipping and light wear at head and foot of spine-paneland folds between panels and flaps, rear panelwith afew spots and marks [Gilbert A1a(1.1)]
Estimate:£ 30,000 -£ 50,000
First edition, first impression, presentation copy, inscribed bytheauthor ‘To I S M, who’s staunch keeping of thenight watches freed theauthor for this extra-muralopus, Ian Fleming, April1953'on thefront freeendpaper; oneof 4,728 copies printed, of which ‘amaximumof 3,000 copies were first issue'(Gilbert) A superb association copy, inscribed byFleming in the month of publication to Ion Smeaton Munro (1883-1970), his night editor at KemsleyNewspapers (owner of theSundayTimes) and asoldier-adventurer much in themould of Bond himself.Fleming joined KemsleyNewspapers as foreign manager after demobilisation in 1945 with responsibilityfor managing thegroup's worldwidenetwork of correspondents, negotiating a generous contract which allowed himthreemonths'holidayayear, which he spent at his Jamaican retreat, Goldeneye, affording himthescopeto develop his writing career Munro, ajournalist and decorated armyofficer of Scottish origin, joined thecompanyaround thesametimeas Fleming and left in August 1953 ‘After serving with aterritorialunit during theFirst World War in France, Gallipoliand Egypt heembarked on his career in journalism From theposition of sub-editor at theGlasgow Herald hemoved to theforeign staff at theMorning Post in 1922 Hewas their Romecorrespondent until this newspaper merged with theDailyTelegraph in 1937, when hemoved to theDailyMail Stillin Rome, hewas appointed press attachéat theBritish embassyin 1938 and then, on Italy’s declaration of war, hewas posted as head of theItalian section at theMinistryof Information Herejoined the armyin 1941 and served on Wavell’s staff in India. When theinvasion of Italywas being prepared heflew to North Africa, later entering Romewith theliberating armyin June1944. Hewas achief press officer during the Italian campaign, and when demobilised hebecamepress liaison officer in theForeign Officeconferencedepartment speciallyconcerned with UN affairs in London. In the1946 New Year honours list Lieutenant-Colonel Munro was awarded theOBE (Military) for “gallant and distinguished service in Italy”’ (Duncan Beaton, ‘TheNotableDescendants of John Munro’, in A. O. M Clark, ed , TheKist:TheMagazineof theNaturalHistory&Antiquarian Societyof Mid-Argyll, no. 45 (Spring 1993), pp. 6-7).Ion Smeaton Munro wrotetwo books on his Italian experiences, Through Fascismto World Power:A Historyof theRevolution in Italy(1933), and Beyond theAlps (1934);healso wroteYouth of Yesteryear:Campaigns, Battles, Serviceand Exploits of theGlasgow Territorials in theLast Great War (1939), and coedited TheSeventeenth Highland Light Infantry:Record of War Service 1914-1918 (1920) A copyof aletter of thanks written byFleming to Munro on Munro's departurefromKemsleyNewspapers is included with thelot Another first edition of Casino Royale, inscribed ‘To Ian Munro fromthe author'is known, having been sold at Christie's New York (29th June 2005) with therecipient erroneouslyidentified in thecataloguedescription as 'acolleagueof Fleming's at theKemsleyNews':Ian was in fact theson of Ion Smeaton Munro, though thecopyitself is unknown to theMunro family

Lot 281
LeCarré, John [David Cornwell]
Callfor theDead
London:Victor Gollancz Ltd, 1961 First edition, first impression, 8vo, halftitle, originalred cloth gilt, yellow dust jacket with 13/6 net priceto theupper flap, dust jacket torn to spinewith someloss and someveryslight soiling, fore-edges toned
Estimate:£ 2,500 -£ 3,500
Theauthor's first novel
Lot 282
Fraser, GeorgeMacDonald
Completeset of theFlashman novels, inscribed in everyvolume London:Herbert Jenkins [Barrie&Jenkins;Collins;Collins Harvill; HarperCollinsPublishers], 1969-2005. 12 works, allfirst editions, first impressions, 8vo, originalboards, dust jackets, inscribed bytheauthor to Edwin Moore, (editor at Collins, later HarperCollins) on thetitle-pageof each volume, notableinscriptions including Flashman in theGreat Game('To Edwin, who, I suspect, was responsiblefor Flashy's appearancein Collins' Dictionaryof Quotations'- with thanks &salaams fromGeorgeMacDonald Fraser') and Flashman's Lady('For Edwin Moore, with everygood wish from his friend &fellow-Thistlesupporter, GeorgeMacDonald Fraser’), 3 works (RoyalFlash, Flashman's Ladyand Flashman and theAngelof theLord) each with laid-in compliments slip additionallyinscribed bytheauthor (that in Flashman's Ladyreading 'Willkeep an eyeopen for BarmyAunt Boomerang'), Flashman in theGreat Gamewith laid-in typed letter signed fromtheauthor ('What amagnificent Dictionary '), Flashman (ie thefirst instalment) dust jacket spinetoned, RoyalFlash and Flash for Freedom!dust jackets with alittlewear, 3 works ( Redskins, Dragon and TheAngel of theLord) each with bookseller or publisher ink-stamps and pencilled prices to bottomedgeof textblock, Redskins dust jacket priceclipped;Together with acopyof FiveClassic AdventureNovels (HarperCollinsPublishers, 1995), paperback, inscribed byGeorgeMacDonald Fraser ‘To Edwin, Congratulations on asplendid book’ and with alaid-in typed letter signed byFraser concerning thebook ('I'mproud to be associated with it, and do thank you for asking meto writetheintroduction, etc.'(13)
Estimate:£ 1,500 -£ 2,000
Therecipient Edwin Moorewas asenior non-fiction editor at Collins (subsequentlyHarperCollins) in Glasgow from1986 until2004 In 1995 he commissioned GeorgeMacDonald Fraser to writetheintroduction and author biographies for an omnibus edition of fiveadventurestories including King Solomon's Mines, ThePrisoner of Zenda(which was theinspiration for RoyalFlash), and TheLost World, acopyof which is included with thelot

Cunningham, A E (editor)
Patrick O'Brian:CriticalAppreciations and aBibliography
London:TheBritish Library, 1994. First edition, oneof 1,000 copies, this copyinscribed bytheauthor, ‘Edwin Moore, with thekindest of wishes from Patrick O’Brian'on thetitle-page(with theauthor's printed namecrossed through), and with his autograph correction ‘nonsense:agoshawk’ to the printed caption ‘Patrick O'Brian with peregrinefalcon'on thephotographic platefacing p 112, 8vo, originalbluecloth, colour photographic frontispiece, slipcase(afew trivialmarks to slipcaseand frontispiece)
Estimate:£ 300 -£ 500
Therecipient Edwin Moorewas asenior editor at Collins (subsequently HarperCollins) in Glasgow from1986 until2004 Hefirst wroteto Patrick O’Brian in 1992 to solicit aprefacefor anew edition of JaneAusten’s Mansfield Park, and corresponded with himuntilafew months beforehis (O'Brian's) death in 2000

Lot 284
Bunting, Basil Briggflatts
London:FulcrumPress, 1966 First edition, oneof 100 copies in cloth (from thetotaledition of 500, of which 26 werespeciallybound and lettered A-Z, and therest bound in wrappers), this copyinscribed bytheauthor on the front freeendpaper ‘For David Barnet, BasilBunting’, 4to, originalblack cloth, spinelettered in gilt, titlepagein red and black with medieval-styletext and decorativeborder, theborder repeated together with rubricated initial on 5 pages of text, 2 full-pagepointilléillustrations in red, dust jacket. Pale mottling to rear board, endpapers slightlyspotted, endpapers, half-titleand colophon leaf with faint rectangular stains in foremargins, offsetting from decorativeborder on title-page, alittlespotting elsewhere, dust jacket sunned along spineand top edgeof each panel
Estimate:£ 300 -£ 500
Bunting's masterpiecehas been described as ‘auniqueachievement of English modernism, providing alink with theworld of high modernismwhich had been lacking in British poetry’ (ODNB)

Lot 285
Rowling, J K, and others
Alexander McCallSmith, Ian Rankin, IrvineWelsh With an Introduction byJ K. Rowling. Foreword byRt. Hon. LesleyHinds. Edinburgh:Polygon, in support of theOnecityTrust, 2005 First edition, deluxeissue, oneof 150 numbered copies signed byJ. K. Rowling and all3 contributors on theinitial blank, 8vo, originalorangecloth lettered in whiteand with silhouetteof the Edinburgh skylinein dark blue, originalslipcase, alittlerubbing to silhouette design
Estimate:£ 1,000 -£ 1,500

Kafka, Franz
London:TheParton Press, 1937 First edition in English, 8vo, original publisher's greypaper boards backed with bluecloth, printed paper labelto upper board, originalglassinewrapper with 3/6 net priceprinted on flap, tears and someloss to upper and lower parts of thewrapper, spinealittle toned at top and base, someverylight and minor marking (dampstaining?) to inner margins
Estimate:£ 2,000 -£ 3,000
Fromthelibraryof thewriter OliviaManning byrepute
Lot 287
Stevenson, Robert Louis
StrangeCaseof Dr Jekylland Mr Hyde
London:Longmans, Green, and Co , 1886 First UKedition, 8vo, [8] 141 pp , originalwrappers printed in blueand red (dated corrected byhand from 1885 to 1886, indicating first issue), advertisement leaf to rear, rebacked, wrappers spotted and with afew shallow nicks and chips to edges, housed in acustomquarter calf solander box
Estimate:£ 300 -£ 500
Lot 288
Wilde, Oscar
Lord Arthur Savile's Crimeand Other Stories
First edition, oneof 1,500 copies (in addition to 500 for America), 8vo, [7] 4168 pp., originalsalmon-pink pictorialboards designed byCharles Ricketts, spinerolled and darkened, alittlewear to spine-ends and to sections of joints, covers slightlysoiled, front board with slight loss to corners and small section of loss to foreedge, title-pageand finalpagebrowned [Mason 345]
Estimate:£ 300 -£ 500
Lot 289
Faulks, Sebastian
Collection of signed first editions
Allfirst impressions, 8vo, originalboards, with thedust jackets, signed by Faulks on thetitle-pageunless otherwisestated:A Trick of theLight, 1984;A Fool's Alphabet, 1992;Birdsong, 1993, spineslightlyrolled, palemarks to rear board;TheFatalEnglishman, 1996;CharlotteGray, 1998, afew marks to covers;On Green Dolphin Street, 2000, textblock toned;Human Traces, 2005, 2 copies, onefromthesigned limited issueof 1000 copies signed by Faulks on thelimitation page(originalboards, slipcase, unopened in original shrinkwrap), theother fromthetradeissue;Pistache, 2006;Engleby, 2007, 2 copies, onefromthesigned limited issueof 1500 copies signed byFaulks on thelimitation page(originalgilt-decorated boards, slipcase, no dust jacket, as issued), theother fromthetradeissue;A Week in December, 2009;and 3 others, unsigned (15)
Estimate:£ 400 -£ 600

Lot 290
Koestler, Arthur
Group of inscribed copies fromtheDanubeEdition of theworks TheGladiators;Arrivaland Departure;Thieves in theNight;Dialoguewith Death;TheYogiand theCommissar;TheLotus and theRobot London: Hutchinson, 1965-6. 6 works, 8vo, originalblack cloth, with thedust jackets, each volumeinscribed bytheauthor 'To SteviefromArthur in red ink'either on thetitle-page, half-titleor dedication leaf (6)
Estimate:£ 200 -£ 300
Therecipient is believed to beMargaret Helen Stephens (1902-1993), known as ‘Stevie’ Stephens worked for, and eventuallyin partnership with, the literaryagent A. D. Peters (1892-1973), assembling an extraordinaryclient list of mid-centurytalent including Evelyn and Alec Waugh, V S Pritchett, C S. Forester, RebeccaWest, NancyMitford and Arthur Koestler. Michael Sissons, Peters'successor, recalled in his obituaryof Stephens that 'she was particularlycloseto Koestler, surviving his periodic bursts of anger and legendarybites fromhis dog, to takefrequent and innocent holidays with himand his wives'(Independent, 24th February1993) In the1980s thefirm merged with Fraser and Dunlop to becomePeters Fraser Dunlop, which still thrives today

Lot 291
[Mitchell, J Leslie] Lewis Grassic Gibbon
[A Scots Quair]
Sunset Song;Cloud Howe;GreyGranite London:Jarrolds, 1932-3-4 3 works, first editions, first impressions, 8vo, originalblack cloth, map endpapers, Cloud Howewith second-impression dust jacket, GreyGranite with first-impression dust jacket, Sunset Song with facsimiledust jacket. Spines rolled, Sunset Song with afew palemarks to covers, bumping to extremities causing strip of cockling to each cover, Cloud Howewith fraying to head of spine, cracking to joints, covers rubbed, wear to tips, spotting to edges, endpapers and half-title, faint spotting to title-page, dust jacket with tears, losses and repairs, GreyGranitesomewhat rubbed, ownership inscription to half-title, dust jacket faded, spinetoned, afew shallow chips (3)
Estimate:£ 300 -£ 500
Lot 292
Pullman, Philip
TheBelleSauvage[and:] TheSecret Commonwealth Oxford:David Fickling Books, 2017-19. First editions, deluxeissues, each oneof 5000 numbered copies signed bytheauthor, 8vo, originalblueand red cloth decorated in gilt, matching cloth slipcases;Follett, Ken. [The Kingsbridgeseries:] ThePillars of theEarth;World Without End;A Column of Fire;TheEvening and theMorning. London:Macmillan, 2008-7-17-23. 4 works, TPOTE adeluxeedition, oneof 1,000 copies signed bytheauthor, remaining titles first editions, first impressions, allsigned bytheauthor (TEATMsigned on bookplate, theothers signed direct), all8vo original boards, dust jackets, ThePillars of theEarth with slipcase;and 5 others, including oneother byFollett (signed), and 4 by'Pittacus Lore'(3 signed) (11)
Estimate:£ 200 -£ 300

Collection of Literature
19th and 20th-centurypublications
Kipling, Rudyard. London:Macmillan &Co. Limited, 1904-1937. Red cloth binding faded in places, edges and corners rubbed, somewith ink inscriptions/bookplates, somedust-staining:Traffics and Discoveries, 1904; Plain Tales fromtheHills, 1904 and 1912;Puck of Pook’s Hill, 1906;The Second JungleBook, 1910;Life’s Handicap, 1913;A Diversityof Creatures, 1917;Kim, 1920;ManyInventions, 1920;Debits and Credits, 1926;Limits and Renewals, 1932;Actions and Reactions, 1936;Something of Myself, 1937;Lewis, Wyndham Self Condemned London:Methuen &Co Ltd , 1954. First edition, 8vo, nicks to corners and spineof dustjacket;Stevenson, Robert Louis Island Nights’ Entertainments London:Cassell&Company, 1893 First UKedition, 8vo, owner’s plateto freeendpaper, bluemoroccograin cloth rubbed, head and tailof spineworn;Gray, Thomas Poems London:Privatepress, 1937 Printed for Eton College, 4to, originalJapanese vellumboards with gilt embossed schoolcoat of arms, somedust staining;Palinurus [CyrilConnolly] TheUnquiet Grave:A Word Cycle London:Hamish Hamilton, 1946. 8vo, afew areas of loss to dustjacket, owner’s plateto pastedown endpaper;Cobbett, William RuralRides, volumes I and II. London:Reeves and Turner, 1885. 8vo, ink inscriptions to half-titlepageof each, edges bumped;Miller, Hugh MySchools and Schoolmasters. Edinburgh:W.P. Nimmo, Hay, &Mitchell[n.d]. Originalgreen cloth boards fair, foxing to fore-edgeand intermittentlywithin;Thackeray, WilliamMakepeace. TheCompleteWorks. London:Thomas Nelson and Sons, 1901-9 Red cloth boxed set of 14 volumes, box sun damaged, books in good condition:Men’s Wives, 1901;VanityFair, 1905;TheVirginians, 1905;Contributions to Punch Etc., 1905;CatherineLovelltheWidower, 1906;Philip, 1906;TheHistoryof Pendennis, 1906;Burlesques Etc , 1904; BarryLyndon Etc., 1906;Book of Snobs Etc., 1906, Esmond, 1905;The Paris Sketch Book Etc , 1906;Essays, Reviews Etc , 1906;TheNewcomes, 1909;Bennett, Charles H. [illustrator]. TheFables of Aesop. London:W. Kent &Co , 1857 4to, librarybinding and plate, somefoxing;Galsworthy, John Four ForsyteStories. New York:TheFountain Press, 1929. Limited edition signed bytheauthor, 762 of 896, good condition;Cleland, John FannyHill London:Luxor Press, 1963. 4to, half-titlepageand freeendpaper duststained, upper edgeof dust jacket rubbed;MacNeice, Louis Collected Poems, 1925-1948 London:Faber and Faber, 1951 8vo, taper repairs to upper edgeof dust jacket;Thomas, Dylan. Collected Poems, 1934-1952. London:J M Dent &Sons, 1957 12th impression;Balzac [translated to English] and GustaveDoré[illustrator]. DrollStories Collected fromThe Abbeys of Touraine London:John Camden Hotten, [n d, after 1874] 8vo, illustrated red cloth boards;Joyce, James. Stephen Hero. New York:James Laughlin, 1944;Borrow, George Lavengro, TheScholar, TheGypsyand The Priest. London:TheGreshamPublishing Co., [n.d]. 8vo, decorativeblue cloth boards bumped;[Lockhart, John Gilbert] Peter’s Letters to His Kinfolk, Edinburgh:WilliamBlackwood, 1819. Second edition, 8vo, contemporary half calf binding, 3 volumes;Grass, Günter and Ralph Manheim[translator] Cat and Mouse London:Secker &Warburg, 1963 First English edition;Antonini, Annibal DictionnaireFrancois, Latin et Italien Lyon:Pierre Duplain, 1770 Second edition, 4to, contemporarycalf;Mardrus, J C and Powys Mather [translator]. TheBook of theThousand Nights and OneNight. London:BibliophileBooks, 1982 4 volumes;[gardening] Hooper’s Gardening Guide. London:H.M. Pollett, [n.d., circa1880s]. 2nd edition, red cloth boards with gilt title, edges and corners bumped;Walford, E The CountyFamilies of theUnited Kingdom. London:Robert Hardwicke, 1871. 8vo, red decorativecloth worn (40)
Estimate:£ 300 -£ 400

Wodehouse, P G
Collection of 46 books
London:Herbert Jenkins Limited, [n.d]:TheClicking of Cuthbert, [first printing];FullMoon, [first printing];UncleDynamite, [first printing];Spring Fever, [first printing];Moneyin theBank, [first printing];Joyin theMorning [first printing];HeavyWeather, [second printing];TheHeart of aGoof, [eighth printing];If I WereYou, [eighth printing];Leaveit to Psmith, [eighth printing];Moneyfor Nothing, [ninth printing];JilltheWreckless, [tenth printing];TheAdventures of Sally, [eleventh printing];LoveAmong the Chickens, [twelfth printing];Indiscretions of Archie, [thirteenth printing];A Gentleman of Leisure, [fourteenth printing];TheComing of Bill, [seventeenth printing];Nothing Serious, [second impression];Hot Water [sixth printing, dustjacket];PiccadillyJim;TheAutograph Editions London:Herbert Jenkins Ltd Allwith dustjacket:A Damselin Distress, 1956;TheClicking of Cuthbert, 1956;TheGirlon theBoat, 1956;Eggs, Beans and Crumpets, 1963;Ring for Jeeves, 1963;Louder and Funnier, 1963;And:BilltheConqueror. London:Methuen &Co Ltd , [1927?];TheMan with Two Left Feet and Other Stories. London:Methuen &Co. Ltd., 1934:Enter Psmith. London:A. &C Black, 1935 [reprint];Something Fresh London:Methuen &Co Ltd , 1934;Mulliner Omnibus. Herbert Jenkins Limited, 1935;Psmith in theCity. London:A &C Black, 1950 Dustjacket;TheOld Reliable London:Herbert Jenkins Ltd., 1951;Doctor Sally. London:Herbert Jenkins, 1952. Dustjacket; Pigs HaveWings London:Herbert Jenkins Ltd , 1952;Something Fishy London:Herbert Jenkins Limited, 1957;Quick Service. London:Herbert Jenkins Limited, 1953;Mikeat Wrykyn London:Herbert Jenkins Ltd , 1953; UncleFred in theSpringtime Harmondsworth:Penguin Books, 1954; French Leave. London:Herbert Jenkins Ltd., 1955;Over Seventy. London: Herbert Jenkins Ltd , 1957;TheMating Season Harmondsworth:Penguin Books, 1958;CocktailTime. Herbert Jenkins Limited, 1958;Icein the Bedroom London:Herbert Jenkins Ltd , 1961;Servicewith aSmile London: Herbert Jenkins Limited, 1962 Companyfor Henry. London:Herbert Jenkins, 1967 Dustjacket (46)
Estimate:£ 400 -£ 600

Collection of works including limited editions and inscribed copies, late19th and early-20th century Yeats, W B TheSecret Rose With Illustrations byJ B Yeats London: Lawrence&Bullen, Limited, 1897. First edition, 8vo, originalbluecloth decorated in gilt, 7 halftoneplates including frontispiece, spine-ends slightly frayed;Powys, John Cowper. Poems. London:WilliamRider &Son, Limited, 1899 First edition, 8vo, originaljapon decorated in gilt, inscribed bythe author ‘A Bunston, fromJ.C.P.’ on thefront freeendpaper, bookplateof the recipient AnnadeBaryto front pastedown, titleof poem‘To‘ on p 97 with ’Anna'added in pencil, errataslip, spinetoned and with wear to head;Valéry, Paul Eupalinos or theArchitect London:Oxford UniversityPress, 1932 First edition in English, signed limited issue, oneof 250 copies signed by Valéry, 8vo, originalwhitecloth lettered and decorated in gilt, with the originalglassinedust jacket with integralcard flaps, jacket in fragments;Meynell, Alice. Collected Poems. London:Burns &Oates Ltd, 1913 First edition, 8vo, originalcloth, frontispieceportrait, inscribed ‘To Anna, with thewriter's love, May1913'on front freeendpaper, bookplateof recipient AnnadeBarryto front pastedown, cloth sunned;Austen, Jane Prideand Prejudice. With aPrefacebyGeorgeSaintsburyand Illustrations byHugh Thomson London:GeorgeAllen, 1894 First Thomson-illustrated edition (the‘Peacock’ edition), 8vo, xxvii476 pp., originalpictorialcloth with peacock decoration gilt to front board, alledges gilt, half-title, frontispiece, slight damp-staining to gutter of quires T-U, pp. 465/6 loosening, large section of spinedetached and laid in, crudetape-repair;Cornford, Frances Mountains and Molehills Illustrated with Woodcuts byGwen Raverat Cambridge:UniversityPress, 1934. First edition, 8vo, originalcloth, dust jacket;and 19 others including MediciSociety, Rubaiyat, 1913 (oneof 1000 copies), 4 works byAnnadeBary(2 inscribed), WilliamStrang (illustrator), ParadiseLost byJohn Milton, London:GeorgeRoutledgeand Sons, 1905, Ignatius Donnelly, Atlantis:TheAntediluvian World, New York, 1882 (first edition, originalcloth) (25)
Estimate:£ 300 -£ 500

Lot 296
60 signed or inscribed copies of works byvarious 20th- and 21st-century poets Including:Stephen Spender, Selected Poems, 1964, first US edition, inscribed ‘To Margot, with loveand thanks, Stephen and Natasha’, the recipient identified in apencilled noteas Margot Heinemann;Simon Armitage, 13 works, allsigned;CarolAnn Duffy, 7 works including TheWorld's Wife, all signed;and 45 others including Daljit Nalgra, John Burnside, David Harsent, GeorgeSzirtes, Ruth Padel, Norman MacCaig, and others, allsigned or inscribed;Together with 4 works illustrated byAnthonyBrowne(1946-), each with asigned originalpen-and-ink drawing of agorillaor achimpanzee (King Kong, 1993;Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, 1988;LittleBeauty, 2008;Willyand Hugh, 1991);and 7 works byRaymond Briggs including first editions of Fungus theBogeyman, TheSnowman and When theWind Blows (approximately70)
Estimate:£ 300 -£ 400

Lot 297
Verne, Jules
Dropped fromtheClouds [and:] TheSecret of theIsland
Translated fromtheFrench byW H G Kingston London:Sampson Low, 1875 Volumes 1 and 3 in TheMysterious Island trilogy, first editions in English in book form, 8vo, originalblueand red pictorialcloth gilt over bevelled boards, alledges gilt, viii310, viii299 pp , Dropped fromtheClouds with 50 wood-engraved plates including frontispiece, half-title, 40 pp. advertisements, TheSecret of theIsland with 51 wood-engraved including frontispiece, iv40 pp. advertisements, both works slightlyrubbed, spines rolled, Dropped fromtheClouds with occasionalfinger-soiling, schoolprize plateto front pastedown, rear inner hingecracked, light adhesiveresidueto rear pastedown, platefacing p 132 looseat head, TheSecret of theIsland with smallpuncture-mark to spine, platefacing p 132 looseand spotted, plates facing pp 84 and 222 loosening at head or foot (2)
Estimate:£ 600 -£ 800
Lot 298
Kelmscott Press
Child Christopher and Goldilind theFair Hammersmith:Kelmscott Press, 1895. First edition, oneof 600 copies on paper, 2 volumes, 16mo, [5] 2-256, [2] 239 pp , originalholland-backed boards, opening spread with elaboratewoodcut floralborders and title, woodcut initials throughout, headings and shoulder-notes in red, erratum slip tipped in at rear of volume1, spines slightlyrolled and lacking labels, a few light marks to boards (2)
Estimate:£ 300 -£ 500
Lot 299
Gregynog Press
Caniadau gan W. J. Gruffydd Newtown:Gwasg Gregynog, 1932 Oneof an unstated numbered of deluxe copies fromthetotaledition of 400, 4to, viii101 [2] pp., originaldark red crushed morocco over bevelled boards byGeorgeFisher, decorated to a design byBlair Hughes-Stanton comprising two broad bands of parallelgilt fillets to spineand covers, top edgegilt, others untrimmed, rear turn-in giltstamped ‘Blair Hughes-Stanton, Gregynog Press Bindery, GeorgeFisher’, front pastedown with bespokeprinted dedication (in Welsh) to LadyClwyd fromtheNorth Wales Women's TemperanceUnion, headings and initials printed in red, 4 wood-engravings byBlair Hughes-Stanton
Estimate:£ 800 -£ 1,200
Lot 300
Gregynog Press
TheLifeof Saint David Newtown:Gregynog Press, 1927. Oneof 175 copies, 4to, [2] 41 [2] pp., originalvellum, spinelettered in gilt, title-pageprinted in blueand black with wood-engraved vignette, 25 hand-coloured wood-engraved vignettes, chapter-headings printed in blue, initials printed in red, pilcrows added by hand in red ink, card slipcasewith printed labelin red and white, veryfaint mark to foot of title-page, slipcasetoned on spineand extremities and with smallmark to front panel
Estimate:£ 1,000 -£ 1,500

Lot 301
Gregynog Press
5 limited editions
Newtown:Gregynog Press, 1925-40. Comprising:Psalmau Dafydd yn ol WilliamMorgan, 1588, 1929 Oneof 225 copies, 4to, originalorangequarter morocco, patterned paper sides, top edgegilt, others untrimmed, decorativetitlepageprinted in red and black, initials printed in red and blue, severalwith foliateflourishes;Gweledigaethau yBardd Cwsc. Ellis Wynne. Visions of theSleeping Bard Translated byT Gwynn Jones, 1940 Oneof 175 copies, 4to, originalred quarter morocco, spinelettered and decorated in gilt, red cloth sides printed with geometric pattern in gilt, bevelled edges, foreand bottomedges of textblock untrimmed, wood-engraved frontispiece byBlair Hughes-Stanton, spotting to edges of textblock;Llyfr yPregeth-wr [TheBook of Ecclesiastes], 1927 Oneof 250 copies, 4to, originallimp blue buckram, headings, side-notes and publisher's deviceto colophon allprinted in red, wood-engraved title-deviceand platebyDavid Jones, partly unopened, spinesunned, 2 limited editions prints after David Jones laid in (each ‘oneof an edition of sixtyimpressions printed fromtheoriginalblock byAlan Bultitudefor theGillian Jason Gallerybypermission of theDavid Jones Estate, 1989’);Caneuon Ceiriog Detholiad, 1925 Oneof 400 copies, 4to, originalholland-backed patterned paper boards, foreand bottomedges untrimmed, woodcut frontispieceand pictorialhead- and tailpieces, initials printed in red, spine-labelbrowned, rubbing to extremities, tips slightly bumped and worn;TheMisfortunes of Elphin byThomas LovePeacock, 1928. Oneof 250 copies, 8vo, originalcloth, wood-engraved illustrations in text, spineslightlytoned and marked (5)
Estimate:£ 300 -£ 500

Lot 302
Gregynog Press
Eros and Psyche
A Poemin XII Measures byRobert Bridges:with Wood-Cuts fromDesigns byEdward Burne-Jones. Newtown:Gregynog Press, 1933. Oneof 300 copies, 4to, [8] 141 [2], originalcreampigskin lettered and decorated in gilt, top edgegilt, others untrimmed, woodcut title-pagevignette, 2 full-page illustrations, and vignettes throughout thetext, severalinitialwords printed in green, keywords and headings in red, creamcloth slipcasewith printed label, covers and slipcaseslightlymarked, afew spots to title-pageand to pp 84-7
Estimate:£ 300 -£ 500
Lot 303
Daphnis and Chloe
A most Sweet and Pleasant PastoralRomancefor Young Ladies, doneinto English byGeo. Thornley, Gent. London:BallantynePress, sold byElkin Mathews and John Lane, 1893 First edition, oneof 210 copies, 4to, [2] 106 [2] pp., originalgreen cloth, titleand ‘TheVale'gilt to spine, foreand bottom edges untrimmed, woodcut initials and illustrations throughout, from designs byCharles Ricketts and Charles Shannon and engraved byRicketts, cloth slightlyrubbed and marked, faint offsetting fromwoodcuts
Estimate:£ 600 -£ 800
An earlycollaboration between Charles Shannon and Charles Ricketts, predating theofficialfounding of theValePress, in 1896, but lettered ‘TheVale’ on thebinding. Thework was preceded bythepair's work for their magazineTheDial(1889-97) and their illustrations for A Houseof Pomegranates byOscar Wilde(1891).

Tern Press
Collection of limited editions
Market Drayton, Shropshire, 1975-2000. Comprising:Bardsey. A Fortnight's Journaltranslated fromtheOriginalWelsh bytheAuthor R Gerallt Jones Printed byNicholas Parry, 1976. Oneof 50 copies signed byboth author and illustrator, 4to, originalquarter morocco;Winter Translated fromEarly Welsh byBillyGriffiths, 2000. Oneof 45 copies signed bytheprinter, originalblack quarter morocco, cork-collageboards;Randolph Ellis The Disasters of War. Prints, Nicholas Parry, 1975. 2 copies, each oneof 50 copies signed byboth author and illustrator, 4to, onecopyin originalblack morocco with greymorocco labelto front cover, bookseller catalogues and correspondencelaid in, onecopyin originalblack calf with incised decoration and gilt titledirect to front cover;Beowulf Translated byJohn Potter, 1984 Oneof 300 copies signed byboth translator and printer, 8vo, original quarter suede, cork-covered boards;ThePoets of thePrinces Volume1 Guto'r Glyn. Edited and translated byR. Gerallt Jones, 1976. Oneof 100 copies signed byboth printer and translator, large8vo, originalcloth-backed cork-covered boards, spinesunned;TheRuin. Edited and translated byJohn Porter Woodprints byNicholas Parry, 1977 Oneof 100 copies signed by theprinter, small4to, originalblack morocco-backed cork-covered boards;TheWitness Selected Poems byMiklos Radnoti Translated fromthe Hungarian byThomas Orszag-Land. Woodcuts byNicholas Parry, 1977. Oneof 90 copies signed byboth translator and illustrator/printer;Verses fromthePsalms Book I, Engravings byNicholas Parry, 1983. Oneof 175 copies signed bytheillustrator/printer, small4to, originalsheep-backed printed boards, spinesunned;Verses fromthePsalms Book II, Engravings byNicholas Parry, 1986. Oneof 175 copies signed bytheillustrator/printer, small4to, originalcloth-backed printed boards;TheChineseLion byMary Webb, 1989. Oneof 100 copies signed bytheprinter, originaldecorative boards;Susan Summers, A Crown of Flowers, Illustrated byMaryParry, 1997. Oneof 150 copies signed bytheprinters, this copyadditionally inscribed bytheauthor/illustrator, smalloblong 4to, originalprinted cloth;Semper Dowlant semper dolens, 1983. Oneof 175 copies signed by theprinter, small4to, originaldecorativeboards;TheWater Colley Richard Jefferies, [no date]. Oneof 90 copies signed bytheprinter, small4to, originaldecorativeboards (14)
Estimate:£ 300 -£ 500

Lot 305
Collection of limited editions byVale, Nonesuch and other presses [ValePress]. TheLifeof Benvenuto Cellini. Translated fromtheItalian by John Addington Symonds London:printed at theBallantynePress, sold by Hacon and Ricketts, 1900. Oneof 300 copies, 2 volumes, folio, original holland-backed boards, printed labels to spines and front covers, foreand bottomedges untrimmed, foliatewoodcut initialand border designed by Charles Ricketts, bookplates, spine-labels browned and cracked, damp-stain to spineof volume1, afew spots to outer leaves, occasionalspotting to margins;ValePress MarySchweidler, theAmber Witch TheMost Interesting Trialfor Witchcraft ever known … Translated fromtheGerman byLadyDuff Gordon London:printed at theBallantynePress, sold by Hacon &Ricketts, theValePress, 1903 Oneof 300 copies, folio, original holland-backed boards, printed labels to spineand front board, foreand bottomedges untrimmed, spineworn and stained, book-labelof Campbell Dodgson to front pastedown;ShakespeareHead Press. TheShakespeare Head Press Booklets No I [-VI] Stratford-on-Avon:ShakespeareHead Press, 1906. 6 works in 1 volume, first 2 works stated second edition, 16mo, contemporarysheep (probablyoriginal), rubbed in places;Nonesuch Press. TheTemple. Sacred Poems and PrivateEjaculations. Nonesuch Press, 1927 2 copies, each oneof 1500, large8vo, originalpatterned cloth, one copywith dust jacket (chipped);Nonesuch Press. X Sermons preached by that LateLearned and Rev DivineJohn Donne London:Nonesuch Press, 1923. Folio, originalholland-backed boards, foreand bottomedges untrimmed, covers slightlymarked;Beaumont Press Madrigals and Chronicles , being newlyfound Poems written byJohn Clare Edited with a Prefaceand CommentarybyEdmund Blunden. London:Beaumont Press, 1924 Oneof 310 copies on hand-madepaper, 8vo, originalcloth-backed patterned boards;and 7 others, mainlyNonesuch Press (15)
Estimate:£ 300 -£ 500

Lot 306
Whittington Press
Two extra-limited editions
TheWood-Engravings of GwendaMorgan With an Introduction byJohn Randle. Andoversford:Whittington Press, 1985. Number IX of 35 copies speciallybound, signed bytheartist and including an additionalsuiteof prints, 4to, originalorangequarter goatskin, marbled paper boards, tippedin wood-engraved frontispiece, 15 wood-engravings loosein marbled portfolio as issued, originalslipcase(with afew trivialmarks);Diaryof an AppleTree. MiriamMacgregor. Risbury:Whittington Press, 1997. Number IV of 20 copies speciallybound, signed bytheartist and including an additional suiteof prints, oblong 4to, originalmaroon goatskin with multicoloured goatskin inlays, top edgegilt, suededoublures, 13 wood-engravings (onein colour), allsigned bytheartist in penciland housed loosein thick card portfolio as issued, originalorangecloth solander box with goatskin spinelabel(2)
Estimate:£ 400 -£ 600
TheWood-Engravings of GwendaMorgan was printed in an edition of 335 copies (300 standard and 35 specialcopies), and Diaryof an AppleTree comprised in an edition of 385 copies (300 standard copies in printed boards, 65 in quarter leather with aset of prints, and 20 specialcopies)

Lot 307
Whittington Press
Britten's Aldeburgh
[By] John Craig. Risbury:Whittington Press, 1997. Number IX of 28 deluxe copies bound byJames Brockman to adesign byBrockman and theartist, signed bytheartist on thelimitation pageand including asuiteof engravings also signed bytheartist, folio, originalhalf blue-green goatskin lettered in silver, concavespine, paper boards printed with seascapedesign beneath covering of transparent vellum, silver edges, wood-engraved illustrations throughout thetext, 3 tipped-in folding linocut plates, 2 tipped-in folding wood-engraved plates, 11 additionalwood-engraved plates (onein colour) each signed and dated bytheartist in pencilloosein printed portfolio as issued, thebook and portfolio both housed in originalfleece-lined yellow buckramcasewith morocco spine-label, word-processed description of the binding byJames Brockman laid in Casewith alittlefoxing along joints and foot of front cover
Estimate:£ 500 -£ 800
Themost exclusiveof thethreeformats making up theentireedition of 440 copies:therewerealso 352 copies in half buckram, and 60 copies in half goatskin with aportfolio of theselection of theengravings

Lot 308
Whittington Press
TheMirror and theEye
Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam, translated byIftikhar Azmiand illustrated by Richard Kennedy Andoversford:Whittington Press, 1984 Number IV of 20 speciallybound copies, signed bythetranslator and illustrator, with the illustrations hand-coloured and including oneof theoriginalline-blocks, folio, originalorangeNigerian goatskin lettered and decorated in gilt, decorative marbled endpapers, hand-coloured illustrations throughout (manyfullpage), originalmetalline-block depicting two jugs laid into bespokevelvetlined cloth chemiseas issued, thebook and chemisehoused together in originalcloth solander box with orangegoatskin spine-label(labelscuffed;a hint of sunning along edges of box's front panel)
Estimate:£ 400 -£ 600
Therewereadditionally100 standard copies bound in quarter vellum, and six copies in adeluxeonlaybinding also with hand-coloured illustrations and including an originalline-block.

Lot 309
TheLocks of theOxford Canal
A JourneyfromOxford to Coventry With FiftyWood-Engravings byJohn Craig Andoversford:Whittington Press, 1984 Number XI of 43 copies speciallybound, signed bytheartist and including asuiteof proof engravings, 4to, originalNigerian goatskin with inlaid roundelto front board, wood-engraved vignettes throughout thetext, folding plateprinted on blue paper, with 12 wood-engraved proofs on Japanesepaper, each signed and dated bytheartist in penciland annotated ‘AP’ (artist's proof) in pencilat foot, looseas issued in brown cloth portfolio, thebook and portfolio housed together in originalbrown cloth slipcasewith printed paper onlays to sides Binding slightlyrubbed and with afew smallflecks
Estimate:£ 300 -£ 500
TheLocks of theOxford Canalwas printed in atotaledition of 350 copies (300 bound in cloth, 43 in Nigerian goatskin with proof engravings, as here, and seven copies bound bytheartist with acompleteset of proofs)

Whittington Press
3 extra-limited editions and 7 limited editions
Cornwall An Interior Vision Copper-Engravings and Texts byBrian Hanscomb, 1992 Number XXX of 35 specialcopies with an extrasuiteof engravings, folio, originalwrappers, stab-stitched and printed on doubled leaves in theJapanesestyle, 8 copper-engravings each signed bytheartist in pencil, together with asuiteof 8 proof engravings each signed bythe artist and marked ‘A/P’ (artist's proof) in pencil, looseas issued in bluethick card portfolio, thebook and portfolio housed together in original slipcase;On theMorning of Christ's Nativity Milton's Hymn, with Illustrations byWilliamBlake, 1981. Number IV of 25 copies speciallybound and containing an additionalsuiteof illustrations (fromthetotaledition of 325), large4to, originaldark green goatskin, 6 tipped-in colour plates, with 6 duplicates loosein marbled card portfolio as issued, thebook and portfolio hosed together in originalblack cloth solander box (box slightlymarked and with ahint of palemottling in places);Further Interiors. Wood-Engravings by Howard Phipps, 1992 Number LXV of 65 copies signed bytheartist, speciallybound and containing an extrasuiteof prints, 4to, originalsilkcovered boards, stab-stitched and printed on doubled leaves in the Japanesestyle, suiteof 15 duplicatewood-engraved plates (each signed by theartist in pencil) looseas issued in black thick card portfolio, thebook and portfolio housed together in originalslipcase;TheGarden of theNight. Twenty-Six SufiPoems translated byIftikhar Azmiwith Illustrations by Richard Kennedy, 1979. Oneof 200 copies signed bytranslator and artist (fromthetotaledition of 240), originalcloth-backed boards, slipcase (sunned);TheHunting of theSnark An Agony, in Eight Fits ByLewis Carroll. Illustrated byHarold Jones, 1975. Oneof 720 copies signed bythe artist (fromthetotaledition of 750), 4to, originalblack cloth gilt, slipcase;A Historyof theMarlborough CollegePress 1934-1984. Edited byRichard Russell, 1984 Oneof 180 copies (fromthetotaledition of 200), 4to, original cloth-backed patterned boards, 2 lithographic facsimilebroadsides loosein end-pocket as issued;Marlborough Town and Countryside, 1978 Oneof 410 copies signed byeditor and artist (fromthetotaledition of 420), 4to, originalcloth;C DayLewis Posthumous Poems, 1979 Oneof 225 copies signed bytheeditor (fromthetotaledition of 250), 4to, originalclothbacked patterned boards, slipcase(scuffs to front board and slipcase);Steps to theRiver Poems byRoland Gant with Eight WoodEngravings byHoward Phipps, 1995. Oneof 160 copies signed byauthor and artist (fromthetotaledition of 200), 4to, originalcloth-backed patterned boards;Poems for Alan Hancox, 1993. Oneof 300 copies (from thetotaledition of 350), 4to, originalcloth-backed patterned boards (10)
Estimate:£ 400 -£ 600

Lot 311
French erotica
Collection of works illustrated byPaul-EmileBécat, in customerotic bindings Allbindings unless otherwisestated byJayneTandyof Williton Somerset, for Gordon P. Smith of Brampton, Cumbria, with enclosed paperwork, spines sunned Titles comprise:Laclos, Choderlos Les liaisons dangereuses Paris: Editions Athêna, [1949]. Oneof 890 copies on Rives BFK, 2 volumes, 4to, bound in 2000 in blue-green crushed morocco gilt, embossed designs to covers, moirésilk endpapers, edges untrimmed, 26 colour pochoir plates including additionalvignettetitle-pages and frontispieces, etched bookplates of Gordon P. Smith numbered and signed bytheartist in pencil, custom cloth slipcase;Boylesve, [René] Lepied fourchu Paris:Editions du Baniyan, 1959. Oneof 150 copies on Rives with an additionalsuiteof engravings, 4to, bound in 2008 in green crushed morocco gilt with design of anude woman to front cover, moirésilk endpapers, foreand bottomedges untrimmed, 15 etched plates, suiteof 15 additionaletchings loosein custom green cloth chemise, customgreen cloth slipcase, ibid Les bains deBade Paris:Editions du Baniyan, 1958. Oneof 350 copies on Rives, 4to, bound in 2008 in green crushed morocco gilt with design of anudewoman to front cover, moirésilk endpapers, foreand bottomedges untrimmed, 14 etched plates, customgreen cloth slipcase;Gautier, Théophile Fortunio ou
l'Eldorado Paris:GermaineRaoult, 1956 Oneof 265 copies on Rives, 4to, bound in 2008 in green crushed morocco gilt with design of anudewoman to front cover, moirésilk endpapers, foreand bottomedges untrimmed, 14 etched plates including frontispiece, customgreen cloth slipcase;La Fontaine, Jean de Les Amours dePsychéet deCupidon Paris:Les Heures Claires, 1955. Oneof 500 copies on Rives, bound in 2008 in green crushed morocco gilt with design of anudewoman to front cover, moirésilk endpapers, foreand bottomedges untrimmed, 15 etched plates including additionaltitle-page, frontispiece, and ‘planchesupplémentaire’;Brantôme, Pierrede. Laviedes dames galantes. Paris:Editions Athéna, 1948. Oneof 1449 copies on Rives BFK, 2 volumes, 4to, bound in 2001 in red crushed morocco gilt with design of anudewoman to covers, etched erotic colour bookplates of Gordon P. Smith signed and numbered bytheartist, custom red cloth slipcase;Verlaine, Paul Chansons pour Elleet Odes en son Honneur. Paris:Les Heures Claires, 1954. Oneof 359 copies on Rives, 4to, bound in 2002 in purplecrushed morocco gilt with erotic design to front cover, foreand bottomedges untrimmed, 7 etched plates including additionaltitle-pages and frontispiece, 11 half-pageetchings, custompurple cloth slipcase;Soulages, Gabriel. Lemalheureux petit voyage, ou La misérablefin deMadedeConflans, PrincessedelaMarsaille Paris:Editions du Baniyan, 1950. Oneof 150 copies on Renageteinté, 4to, bound in 2001 in pink crushed morocco gilt with design of anudewoman to front cover, foreand bottomedges untrimmed, colour frontispieceand plates, etched erotic colour bookplateof Gordon P. Smith numbered and signed bythe artist, customslipcase;Casanova, Jacques Mes amours àVenise Paris: GermaineRaoult, 1954. Oneof 300 copies on Rives, 4to, bound in 1999 by Philip N Brook in bluecrushed morocco gilt with printed pictorialonlay, 8 etched plates including frontispiece, 12 etched vignettes in text, proof etching on silk inset into card mount and bound in at front, etched erotic bookplateof Gordon P. Smith, customslipcase;Ovid. L'art d'aimer. Paris: Editions Athêna, 1952 Oneof 185 on Rives BFKwith asuiteof additional plates, 4to, bound in 1996 byPhilip N. Brook in hard-grain red morocco, top edgegilt, others untrimmed, 13 coloured etched plates, suiteof 13 uncoloured plates loosein custommarbled paper wallet, etched erotic bookplateof Gordon P Smith signed bytheartist Lynn PaulaRussell, customslipcaseTogether with 5 similar works (not illustrated byBécat):Dee McDonald's PurplePillow Book, London:Erotic Print Society, 2003 (small4to, bound in 2004 byJayneTandyin purplemorocco with gilt erotic design to covers, thework containing an articleon theerotic bookplates of Gordon P. Smith);Jules Romain (illustrator), Les sonnets luxurieux del'Arétin, 1904 (oneof 340 copies on vélin d'Arches, oblong 4to, green morocco byJayne Tandy, shagreen inlayto front cover, erotic design gilt to rear cover, slipcase);MichelSiméon (illustrator), Cécileou les rencontres amoureuses, [no date] (oneof 400 copies on vélin, yellow morocco byJayneTandygilt with erotic design, slipcase);SuzanneBallivet (illustrator), Les chansons de Bilitis, 1943 (oneof XX copies on vélin with asuiteof additionalillustrations in black and white, this copywith afurther suiteof illustrations in colour, green morocco byJayneTandygilt with erotic design);and 1 other (16)
Estimate:£ 1,000 -£ 1,500

Lot 312
Miró, Joan
Joan Miró, Lithographe
[Comprising:] I MichelLeiris, Repentirs et ajouts, 1970 Autour deJoan Miró 1947 Fernand Mourlot, Catalogueet Notices;II 1953-1963 Préfacede Raymond Queneau;III. 1964-1969. PréfacedeJoan Teixidor;IV 1969-1972. PréfacedeNicolas et ElenaCalas Paris:pour Maeght éditeur, A C Mazo et Cie[volume1];Maeght [volumes 2-4], 1972-81. First edition, 4 volumes, 4to, originalcreamcloth, 32 originalcolour lithographs (11, 11, 5 and 5), colour lithographic dust jackets (each with ‘lithographieoriginale’ printed to front flap), acetatedust jackets, volumes 1 and 3 each in originalcardboard slipcase, volumes 2-4 with originalwraparound band, volumelower fore corner of front board bumped, 1 card slipcasedamaged, volumes 2 and 4 acetatejacket spine-panels toned (not affecting printed jackets), volume2 acetatejacket chipped at foot of spine, that of volume4 with mild soiling to rear panel, volume4 wraparound band split (4)
Estimate:£ 300 -£ 500

Lot 313
Chagall, Marc
[Dessins pour laBible]
Revueartistiqueet littéraire. Directeur:Tériade. Vol. VIII, Nos 33 et 34. Paris: Editions delarevueVerve, 1956 First edition, folio (35 5 x 26cm), original boards printed with lithographic design in colours byChagall, 16 lithographic plates in colours including frontispiece, 12 uncoloured lithographs, 105 heliogravures after Chagall's etchings, glassinedust jacket, ahint of peripheraltoning to spineand covers, short split to foot of front joint, front freeendpaper creased
Estimate:£ 500 -£ 800
‘Cedoublenuméro deVerveest consacréàlareproduction intégraleen héliogravuredes 105 planches gravées àl’eau-fortepar Marc Chagall, entre 1930 et 1955, pour l'illustration delaBible L'artist acomposéspécialement pour leprésent ouvrage16 lithographieen coleurs et 12 en noir, ains quela couvertureet lapagedetitre'(printer's colophon)

Lot 314
Heinrich Vogtherr (1490-1556), Sebald Beham(1500-1550), and Jost Amman (1539-1591)
Sammelband of artist's pattern books, Germany, 16th century 4 works in 1 volume, 4to (16.5 x 12.5cm), early-18th-centuryBritish binding of calf-backed marbled boards, spinegilt in compartments, top compartment with heraldic crest of Clan Swinton (boar statant chained to a tree), second and third with contrasting red and green labels (titled ‘Beham’s Draughts'and dated 1538), engraved 18th-centurybookplateto front pastedown, 20th-centurybookplateof Robert and Helen Kimeto front freeendpaper (largelyearlier ownership inscription ending ‘Laing’) Contents comprise:1. Vogtherr, Heinrich. Ein Frembds und wunderbars kunstbüchlin allen Molern, Bildshnitzern, Goldschmiden, Steinmetzen, Schreinern, Platnern, Waffen un Messerschmiden hochnutzlich zu[m] gebrauchen, Der gleich vor niekeins gesehen, oder inn den Truck kommen ist Strassburg: Heinrich Vogtherr, 1538. A-G4, 27 ff., lacking D1, illustrated with twin woodcut medallion portraits of Heinrich Vogtherr theElder and Younger on titlepage, 108 woodcut bust studies of men and women wearing various kinds of headgear, and some600 further woodcut studies of hands, feet, helmets, bodyarmour, weaponry, shields, moulded column capitals and bases, and candelabra. Moderatesoiling, closelytrimmed along foreedge frequentlycropping text and images, smallchip to head of A2-3, A3 with closed tear, A4 with shallow chips to lower margin, C1 and C3 possibly transposed, G4 (finalleaf) torn with loss [VD 16 V 2179;not in Adams].Second edition (first published in 1537) of what is commonly described as thefirst printed model-book for artists, ahighlyinfluentialwork which was reprinted severaltimes into the17th century, therarityof surviving copies attesting to their heavyusage, with four copies traced in
auction records in thelast 100 years, including oneof the1538 edition, the remaining copies fromlater editions. In his preface, Vogtherr, himself a committed evangelical, presents thework as an attempt to preserve traditionalartistic knowledgeand craft practices among his German compatriots against thethreat posed presumablybytheiconoclastic tendencies of theReformation. ‘Vogtherr probablytrained with Hans Burgkmair in Augsburg After working fromc 1522 in Wimpfen, hemoved to Strasbourg towards theend of 1525, whereheworked as apainter and wherehebecameacitizen in 1526 From1536 heran aprinting business in Strasbourg, publishing medicalworks which heprobablywrotehimself, and a’Kunstbüchlein'in 1537, apattern book with designs for painters and decorativeartists, to which his son Heinrich Vogtherr, who becamea master in 1541, also contributed'(British Museum, online).[Bound after:]2. Beham, Sebald Dises buchlein zeyget an und lernet ein maß oder proporcion der Ross nutzlich iungen gesellen malern und goltschmide[n]. Nuremberg:[Friedrich Peypus], 1528 A-E4 (-E4, blank or cancelled), 19 ff , lacking E2 (f. 18) and E4, illustrated with 14 woodcut and typographic diagrams depicting in stages thedrawing of ahorse, decorativewoodcut initials. Closelytrimmed along fore-edgefrequentlycropping text and images, damp-staining and generalsoiling, E3 torn with loss and misbound between D4 and E1.[Bartrum, German RenaissancePrints 1490-1550, 94; VD16 B 14873;not in Adams] First edition, averyrarepiracyof aseries of sketches on proportion byAlbrecht Dürer, preceding their authorised publication in Vier Bücher von menschlicher Proportion later thesameyear. An accusation of plagiarismwas brought byDürer's widow Agnes and Nuremberg's citycouncil‘ordered Beham… not to publish anyfurther copies of thetreatiseand not to sellthosecopies alreadyprinted’ (Smith, Nuremberg:A RenaissanceCity1500-1683, 1983, 95). Behamappears to havefled thecityas aresult, moving first to Ingolstadt beforesettling in Frankfurt. Two copies traced in auction records (2018, in Germany, with 17 leaves only, and acompletecopyat Sotheby's in 1933) [And before:]3 Beham, Sebald. [Kunst und Lehrbüchlin Malen und Reissen zu lernen, nach rechter Proportion, Maß und außtheilung dess Circkels Angehenden Malern und Kunst-baren Werckleuten dienlich] [?Frankfurt:Christian Egelnoffs Erben, 1582 or 1584] 9 leaves only(of 27), ie A4 B-C4, woodcuts in text (mainlyhead studies and related diagrams), A1 torn with loss, B4 chipped at foot, cropping in foremargins.[PossiblyVD16 B1480/1, running heads reading ‘Kunst und Lehr Büchlin', matching theorthographyof thetitlein this edition, other editions reading ‘Kunst und Lere…’].First published in 1546 [And:]4 [Amman, Jost] [Kunstbüchlin Darinnen neben Furbildung vieler Geistlicher unnd Weltlicher Hohes und Niderstands Personen so dann auch der Turckischen Kayser] [Frankfurt:durch RomanumBeatum, in Verlegung Johann Feyerabend, 1599]. 102 leaves only(of 152:extant leaves comprise2 of 4 introductorytext-leaves including title-page, and 100 leaves each with woodcut either side, i.e. 200 woodcuts in total), damp-staining and soiling, severalchips and tears, oneleaf (2D1?) largelytorn away, 2L2-3 each with loss of upper third, contemporaryand later manuscript captions in German and English;Often described as themost completeedition of Jost Amman's important pattern book for artists, first published in 1578 as Kunst und Lehrbüchlein, but expanded to such an extent as to bein effect a new work, completecopies having over 290 woodcuts, as opposed to 102 in the1578 edition [Adams A969].
Estimate:£ 6,000 -£ 8,000

Lot 315
Patin, CharlotteCatherine Pitturescelteet dichiarate
Cologne:appresso Pietro Marteau, sivendono in Veneziadall'Hertz, 1691. Folio (37 x 25cm), [8] 13-222, collates a4 A-K4 chi2 L4, contemporary mottled calf, engraved additionalallegoricaltitle-page, letterpress title-page printed in red and black and incorporating engraved vignette, 40 engraved plates after Titian, Leonardo daVinci, Paolo Veroneseand others (several doublepage, afew also folding), engraved armorialbookplate(Frederick Keppel, motto ‘Necedemalis’), binding scuffed and worn, variabledampstaining chieflyto lower margins, marginalsoiling to platefacing p 40
Estimate:£ 600 -£ 800
First edition in Italian of an earlyexampleof art criticismwritten byawoman, published thesameyear as aLatin edition, printed in Paduaand titled Tabellaeselectaeac explicitae Thework comprises engravings of some40 paintings mainlybyItalian Old Masters, each with an accompanying essayby Patin;thereis also aportrait of theauthor's family

Lot 316
Adam, William Vitruvius Scoticus
Being acollection of plans, elevations, and sections of public buildings, noblemen's and gentlemen's houses in Scotland Edinburgh:AdamBlack, and J. &J. Robertson/London:J.T. Underwood and J. Taylor, [1811]. First edition, folio (37 x 55cm), 180 engraved plates including 5 bis , 135 bis and 136 bis., contemporarycalf-backed boards with titlein large, neat manuscript to theupper cover, custom-madeclamshellbox, spineperishing and split, someedgewear to covers, afew plates browned, alittledustsoiling and spotting
Estimate:£ 4,000 -£ 6,000
WilliamAdambegan work on theseplates in 1727 135 sets of 150 plates wereproduced in 1728 Dueto lack of subscriptions thecollection was not published in book formuntilhis son, John, took up themantlein 1811. The finalpublished version contains additionalplates selected byJohn Adam

Lot 317
Heideloff, Nikolaus Wilhelmvon Galleryof Fashion
[Volume5 only, of 9] London:published byN Heideloff, at theGalleryof Fashion Office, 1798-9. First edition, 4to (30 x 24cm), contemporary marbled boards, drab paper backstrip, hand-coloured aquatint vignettetitlepage, 22 hand-coloured aquatint plates (of 24:lacking final2 plates, for March 1799), the2 plates for July1798 misbound after August, spineworn, alittlelight soiling internally[AbbeyLife218]
Estimate:£ 300 -£ 500
Fromthelibraryof thelateRobert Bogdan (1950-2023), of Boghead of Torries and Dykehead of Avochie, Aberdeenshire, geographymaster at Charterhouseand sometimechairman of theScottish Castles Association
'Themost splendid of English costumebooks, and thefirst realventurein this countryof aperiodicaldevoted to thechanging tastein dress'(Abbey).

Lot 318
King, JessieMarion, illustrator
Albumvon Berlin
Berlin:Globus Verlag, 1899 First edition, oblong folio, 55 photographic plates, upper cover with coloured armorialdesign byJ M King
Estimate:£ 200 -£ 300
Given byJessieM King to Fraand JessieNewbery, and thencebydescent to thepresent owner
TheAlbumVon Berlin was King’s first commission for abook cover. This is a rareexampleof her first, figurativedesign for thepublication, which contains photographs of Berlin;her second was pattern-based. This first version was withdrawn fromsalewhen acomplaint was received from‘an influentialperson, possiblytheKaiser (who was known to dislikeArt Nouveau)’ suggesting that thecover was inappropriatefor abook of photographs of theGerman capital
Lot 319
Clerk, Thomas
TheWorks of WilliamHogarth
London:R Scholey, 1810 2 volumes, 8vo, additionalengraved title-pages to volumes, 87 engraved plates (of 89?), contemporarydiced half calf gilt over boards, earlyownership signatures of Mr L Borthwick (2)
Estimate:£ 200 -£ 300
Lot 320
[Terry, Ellen]
[Signed Georgian costumebook]
8vo volumecontaining 100 hand-coloured women's fashion plates dated 1798-1801, with thesignatureof theactress, Ellen Terry, dated 1882, “LyceumTheatre” to thepaste-down endpaper, with theaddition of asmall bookplatewith theinitials “GC” for Terry's son, Edward Gordon Craig, 19thcenturycalf, lower cover detached, somemarginaltears to finalleaf, some soiling
Estimate:£ 500 -£ 700
Lot 321
Art, Architectureand Illustrations
A collection
37 books including:TheSavoy, An Illustrated Quarterly. January1896. London:Leonard Smithers, 1896;Seymour, Robert, illustrator Sketches by Seymour, TheBook of CockneySports, Whims and Oddities. London:John Camden Hotten [n d , mid-19th century?];Cruikshank, George Illustrations on Steel, Stoneand Wood. London:WilliamTegg, [n.d., mid-19th-century?]; TheStudio, VolumeNineteen London:Officeof TheStudio, 1900;EightyHolme, C. Geoffreyand ShirleyB. Wainwright, editors. DecorativeArt 1928. Year Book of ‘TheStudio’ London:TheStudio Ltd , 1928;Pugin, Augustus Gothic Ornaments Selected fromVarious Ancient Buildings in England and France London:John Tirantiand Company, 1927;Prideaux, S T An HistoricalSketch of Bookbinding London:Lawrence&Bullen, 1893 No 44 of 120;together with 13 books on Scotland, poetryand other subjects (49)
Estimate:£ 300 -£ 500

Lot 322
Volumeof caricatures, 1885-87
Folio, contemporaryred cloth albumcontaining 100 chromolithographic caricatures of politicians, aristocrats, judges, authors, soldiers, jockeys, etc , including Richard F. Burton, H. Rider Haggard, WilliamGladstone, Arthur Balfour, Maharajah Pratap Singh of Idar, and similar, identifying annotations to versos of severalprints;Cameron, Donald Young (illustrator). TheStoryof theTweed BySir Herbert Maxwell London:James Nisbet and Company, Limited, 1905. First edition, out-of-series copyfromtheedition of 375, 4to, originalcreamcloth gilt, top edgegilt, others untrimmed, 23 engraved plates with tissue-guards;[Auction catalogue]. Stowe, near Buckingham. TheDucal Estateand Contents of theMansion Northampton:Jackson Stops, 1921 Folio, originalcloth-backed boards, halftonephotographic plates, binding veryshaken, tear to head of spine, covers soiled;and 9 others including: GertrudeJekyll, Wood and Garden, 1899 (first edition, originalcloth, faded and mottled);idem. Homeand Garden, 1900 (first edition, originalcloth, faded and mottled), J C Atkinson, British Birds'Eggs and Nests, no date (12mo, contemporarymorocco, chromoxylographic oologicalplates), Elizabeth Piper, PicturesqueOld York, Leeds:Richard Jackson, 1895 (large folio, originalred-brown cloth lettered in black, 10 etched plates of 12, tipped in and signed bytheartist in pencil, spotting to text);and similar including c.1900 tradecatalogues and other naturalhistory, thelot not fully collated and sold as seen (14)
Estimate:£ 300 -£ 500
Fromthelibraryof thelateRobert Bogdan (1950-2023), of Boghead of Torries and Dykehead of Avochie, Aberdeenshire, geographymaster at Charterhouseand sometimechairman of theScottish Castles Association

Lot 323
[Quebec] - Jefferys, Thomas
An Authentic Plan of theRiver St. LaurencefromSillery
To theFalls of Montmorenci, with theOperations of theSiegeof Quebec under theCommand of Vice-Adml Saunders &Major Genl Wolfedown to the5 Sepr. 1759. London, 1759, hand-coloured, 22.5 x 29cm
Estimate:£ 200 -£ 300
Lot 324
Yamashiroya, publisher
[Map of Edo, or Tokyo]
Coloured woodcut map, 1854?, 81 x 92cm
Estimate:£ 300 -£ 400

Lot 325
Münster, Sebastian
Mit demanstossenden Reich Schottlandt [Basel, 1598] 33 x 36cm, mounted
Estimate:£ 400 -£ 500
Lot 326
Moll, Herman
A Set of ThirtySix New and Correct Maps of Scotland London:H Moll , [1725] 8vo, 36 double-pagemaps, contemporaryquarter calf over boards, somerepairs to guards and alittleworming, slightly affecting somemaps, joints split
Estimate:£ 600 -£ 800
Lot 327
Dorret, James
A GeneralMap of Scotland and Islands thereto belonging [N p , n d , but 1750] , on 5 originalsheets each between 32 x 89cmand 66 x 98.5cm, alittlebrowning in places, slight dust-soiling and wear to edges (5)
Estimate:£ 300 -£ 500
Lot 328
Manuscript atlas – “TheModern Atlas containing 10 Maps”
ByJaneCape, at MaryArcher Jefferson’s School, Cockermouth, 1825 Containing 10 hand-drawn and coloured maps (Cumberland, Europe, Asia, Africa, North America, South America, TheWest Indies, England, Ireland & Scotland), with aprinted title-page, contemporaryred half morocco, 33.5 x 26 5cm
Estimate:£ 400 -£ 600

Lot 329
Lothian, P
TheEdinburgh New GeneralAtlas
London:A.K. Newman &Co., 1846. Folio, plate, 46 maps hand-coloured in outline, originalcloth, somewear to covers
Estimate:£ 300 -£ 500
Lot 330
Blaeu, Johannes Britanniaprout divisafuit temporibus Anglo-Saxonumpraesertimdurante illorumHeptarchia
[Amsterdam, 1645], Engraved map, hand-coloured in outline, sidepanels with 14 fullycoloured vignettes, 42 x 53 5cm, mounted, veryneatlylaid down on thin card
Estimate:£ 600 -£ 800
Lot 331
Blaeu, Johannes Britanniaprout divisafuit temporibus Anglo-Saxonumpraesertimdurante illorumHeptarchia
Amsterdam, 1646, engraved map, hand-coloured in outline, sidepanels with 14 fullycoloured vignettes, Latin text to verso ('Brittania', pp 53-54), mounted, framed and glazed front and back, 43 x 54cm, some discolouration to sidepanels
Estimate:£ 800 -£ 1,200
Lot 332
Hondius, Henricus
[Amsterdam] 1631 [but c.1639-49], 38 x 50cm(sheet size46.5 x 56.6cm), doublepagehand-coloured engraved map, French text on verso, mounted and framed
Estimate:£ 400 -£ 600
Possiblyfromthe1639, 1641 or 1642 ed. of theauthor's Nouveau theatre du mondeou nouvelatlas, or fromthe1646, 1647, or 1649 ed of J Jansson's Nouvelatlas ou theatredu monde.

Lot 333
Cox, Thomas
Or, aNew, Exact, and ComprehensiveSurveyof theAncient and Present Stateof Great Britain London:for C Ward and R Chandler, 1738 6 volumes, small4to, titles printed in red and black, 45 engraved folding maps and 2 plates, somemaps browned, text somefoxing and browning, some smalltears with slight loss to margins, ink signatures of ‘S.F. Golding 1822’ on front freeendpapers, engraved bookplates of Lord Wenman on front pastedowns, somefreeendpapers looseor working loose, hinges weak and splitting, contemporaryspeckled calf, rubbed and leather lifting, joints split, most spines lacking labels;sold not subject to return (6)
Estimate:£ 700 -£ 1,000
Lot 334
Speed, John
Cambridgeshiredescribed with thedevision of thehundreds, TheTownes situation, with theArmes of theColleges Of that famous Universitie London:Roger Rea, 1662, hand-coloured engraved map, inset town plan of Cambridge, 24 heraldic shields to the margins, 39 x 53cm, mounted, framed and glazed, laid-down with some repairs
Estimate:£ 600 -£ 800
Lot 335
Seaton, Robert
TheNew Map of England &Wales, with theadjacent countries Compiled bySurveyors employed in theOrdnanceDepartment. London: engraved byJames Neele&Co , [c 1830] Verylargehand-coloured engraved map on sections, dissected and backed on linen, 119 x 96.5cm, with largeinset view of Windsor Castle, 28 historicalportraits to borders, corner views of Westminster Abbey, CanterburyCathedral, York Minster and St Paul's Cathedral, alittlelight spotting or light soiling
Estimate:£ 400 -£ 500
Lot 336
Stanford, Edward
Stanford's GeologicalMap of London shewing SuperficialDeposits
Compiled byJ B Jordan of theMining Record Office London:E Stanford, 1st March 1870, coloured map, dissected and backed on linen, 65 x 59 5cm, folding into originalgreen cloth folder lettered in gilt 'Letts, Son &Co , Limited'
Estimate:£ 250 -£ 350

Lot 337
Speed, John
TheInvasions of England and Ireland with al[sic] their CivillWars sincethe Conquest Performed byJohn Speed and areto besoldein Popes head alleybyGeorge Humble, [1627, or later]. Engraved map hand-coloured in outline, arms, titlecartouche, compass rose, sites of battles and other features fullycoloured, 37.3 x 50.5cm, neatlymounted, framed and doubleglazed, English text on verso ("A Briefedescription of theCivillWarres, and Battailes fought in England, Wales, and Ireland"), veryslight loss to afew letters of descriptive text in lower left corner, slight uniformdiscolouration
Estimate:£ 500 -£ 700
Lot 338
Cook, Captain James
Chart of theN W Coast of Americaand N E Coast of Asia
Explored in theyears 1778 &1779. Theunshaded parts of theCoast of Asiaaretaken fromMS chart received fromtheRussians [London, 1784], 42.5 x 69.5cm
Estimate:£ 200 -£ 300
Thefirst accurateportrayalon amap of thecoast of NW Americaincluding Alaska, theofficialmap showing therouteof Captain Cook's finalvoyage
Lot 339
Moll, Herman
[A Set of ThirtySix New and Correct Maps of Scotland Divided into Shires] [London:H. Moll, 1725]. 4to (23 x 18.5cm), later sheep-backed cloth, one leaf of descriptivetext, 35 engraved folding maps (of 36:lacking thefinal map, of Islay), also lacking thetitle-page, text-leaf and maps 1-2 ('Scotia Antiqua'and ‘Scotland divided into its Shires’ repaired, thelatter also with marginalloss, extensivemarginaldamp-staining to maps 3-14, thereafter receding to thecorners, disappearing bymap 24, afew other marginal marks, blemishes and shallow chips including repair to map 27 [Chubb pp. 374-6];Miller, G[eorge] TheModern RoyalAtlas fromtheBest Authorities Dunbar:G. Miller, c.1800. 4to (27 x 21cm), contemporaryhalf calf, handcoloured engraved vignettetitle-page, 24 hand-coloured engraved maps (2 double-page:‘TheWorld’ and ‘East Indies’), spotting and soiling, numerous old repairs and reinforcements, chieflyto margins;Fer, Nicolas de. Lethéâtre delaguerre, dans les pays bas, ou représentation des principales villes qui sont en Flandre, Hainaut, Brabant, etc. Avec leurs fortifications … second volume[only] Pairs:chez l'auteur, 1716 Oblong folio, contemporarycombmarbled wrappers, title-pagein red and black, 25 engraved plates, wrappers chipped, soiled and detaching, fraying and softening to lower forecorners throughout (3)
Estimate:£ 400 -£ 600
Fromthelibraryof thelateRobert Bogdan (1950-2022), of Boghead of Torries and Dykehead of Avochie, Aberdeenshire, geographymaster at Charterhouseand sometimechairman of theScottish Castles Association.

Lot 340
Bowen, Emanuel, and John Gibson
An AccurateMap of North America
Describing and distinguishing theBritish, Spanish and French Dominions on this Great Continent:according to theDefinitiveTreatyconcluded at Paris 10th Feby1763. Also alltheWest IndiaIslands, belong to, and possessed by, theseveralEuropean Princes and States London:Rob[er]t Sayer, [c.1763 or later]. Engraved hand-coloured map, dissected into 32 panels and mounted on linen, largeallegoricaltitle-cartouche, decorativemileage cartouchelower left, 2 inset maps ('A Particular Map of Baffin and Hudson's Bay', and ‘ThePassagebyLand to California, Discovered byFather Eusebius Francis Kino', showing Californiaas an Island), slightlytoned overall, panels lifting fromlinen backing, smallareaof loss to intersection of four panels on right (including two lower panels of titlecartouche, shallow loss to corners touching borders only, damp-staining and fraying to linen backing
Estimate:£ 300 -£ 500
Fromthelibraryof thelateRobert Bogdan (1950-2023), of Boghead of Torries and Dykehead of Avochie, Aberdeenshire, geographymaster at Charterhouseand sometimechairman of theScottish Castles Association.

Lot 341
Harris, John
A Map of theCountyof Kent 1719?, 58 x 87 5cm, finehand-colouring including 118 heraldic coats of arms and inset panoramaof Dover Castle
Estimate:£ 600 -£ 800
Lot 342
Kirkwood, Robert
Fac Simileof Gordon of Rothemay’s Bird’s EyeView of Edinburgh Edinburgh:Kirkwood &Son, 1817, 46 x 105 5cm, hand-coloured, alittle browned in places
Estimate:£ 500 -£ 800
Lot 343
Tallis, John
London &New York:John Tallis &Company, [n.d.] 37 x 51cm
Estimate:£ 300 -£ 400

Lot 344
DeWit, Frederick
[Amsterdam, c 1690?], 50 x 57cm, hand-coloured, margins trimmed
Estimate:£ 300 -£ 500
Lot 345
War OfficeIntelligenceDivision
[Map of Nigeria]
Edinburgh:reproduced and printed for theIntelligenceDivision, War Office, byW. &A. K. Johnston, Limited, 1902-5. Lithographic map on 5 sheets, each separatelytitled (Cross River, Nikki, CentralNigeria, Yola, and Lake Chad), 59 x 71cm, dissected in 21 panels and laid on linen, Stanford labels with manuscript titles in purplecrayon to versos, folding into purplecloth slipcasewith printed label‘Nigeria', ‘Yola’ map with unsurveyed section annotated ‘German’ in purplecrayon, afew minor marks and blemishes, slipcasefaded and marked
Estimate:£ 300 -£ 500
Fromthelibraryof thelateRobert Bogdan (1950-2023), of Boghead of Torries and Dykehead of Avochie, Aberdeenshire, geographymaster at Charterhouseand sometimechairman of theScottish Castles Association
Lot 346
Tallis, John
Edinburgh &New York:John Tallis &Company, [n d ] 36 5 x 53cm
Estimate:£ 300 -£ 400
Lot 347
Russell, J
British Colonies in North America
London:Wilkie&Robinson, J Mawman, and other proprietors, 1811 41 x 51cm, hand-coloured
Estimate:£ 200 -£ 300

Lot 348
Wyld, James
Set of maps - MiddleEast, Greeceand Turkey
Map of theOttoman Dominions in Asia, with theAdjacent Frontiers of the Russian and Persian Empires, 1833 53 5 x 73cm;European Dominions of theOttomans. Or Turkeyin Europe. Second Edition, 1833. 55 x 74cm, allegoricaltitlecartouche;A New Map of Greece, constructed chieflyfrom OriginalMaterials, c.1830. 94 x 63cm, pencilled annotation supplying imprint to foot;allengraved, hand-coloured in outline, framed and glazed, not examined out of frames (3)
Estimate:£ 300 -£ 500
Lot 349
Münster, Sebastian Engellandemit demanstossenden Reich Schottlandt... [Basel, 1598] 37 x 45cm, hand-coloured, somebrowning
Estimate:£ 500 -£ 600
Lot 350
MagnaBritanniaComplectens Angliae, Scotiaeet Hiberniae Nuremberg, [c 1715?] 50 5 x 60cm, hand-coloured
Estimate:£ 300 -£ 500
Lot 351
MagnaeBritanniaepars SeptentrionalequeRegnumScotiae [Nuremberg, mid 18th century?], 53.5 x 62cm, hand-coloured
Estimate:£ 300 -£ 500

Lot 352
Jansson, Jan
Amsterdam, c.1640, French text to thereverse, 47 x 60cm, small dampstain to right margin
Estimate:£ 300 -£ 400
Lot 353
Münster, Sebastian
Das Engelland mit demanstossenden Reich Schottlandt [Basel, 1579?] 34 x 40cm
Estimate:£ 400 -£ 500
Lot 354
Münster, Sebastian
Das Heilig Landemit Ausztheilung der Zwolff Geschlechter [Basel, 16th century] 34 5 x 42cm
Estimate:£ 400 -£ 500
Lot 355
Sanson, Nicolas
Paris:PierreMariette, 1665. 45 x 59cm, hand-coloured, somesoiling to lower margin;Coronelli, Vincenzo ScotiaParteSettentrionale [Venice, 1696] North part only, 49 x 69.5cm, hand-coloured (2)
Estimate:£ 400 -£ 500

Lot 356
[Paris] - Stanford, Edward
Stanford's Plan of theFortifications of Paris
London:Edward Stanford, 1870, hand-coloured, folding map, 65 x 86cm, backed onto linen, sometears at folds
Estimate:£ 300 -£ 400
Lot 357
Sanson, Nicolao
Venice:P Santini, 1778, 50 x 57cm, hand-coloured, someslight browning in places
Estimate:£ 300 -£ 500
Lot 358
[TheThames] Tombleson
Tombleson’s Panoramic Map of theThames and Medway
London:G W Bacon &Co Ltd [n d , 1850?] Hand-coloured engraved folding map of theThames River's coursefromThames Head to Southend, 130 x 25cm(framed 136 x 32cm), originalhorizontalfolds, afew light creases, onelight pencilinscription (not examined out of frame)
Estimate:£ 300 -£ 500
An uncoloured version of this map was originallypublished with Tombleson's Thames byW G Fearnsidein 1834
Lot 359
Münster, Sebastian
HelvetiaeModernaDescriptio [Basel, c.1550], 28.5 x 37cm, mounted
Estimate:£ 300 -£ 400

Lot 360
Münster, Sebastian
AfricaeTabulaNova/AfricaLybiaMorenland mit allen Königreichen so jetziger zeit darumb gefunden werden [Basel, 1598] 36 x 41 5cm
Estimate:£ 600 -£ 800
Lot 361
Münster, Sebastian
Italy, 3 maps
DeItaliaSiciliaeInsulae ;DeItalia;Liber II Descriptio Apuliae ;each c 1500, mounted, 18 x 25cm(3)
Estimate:£ 500 -£ 700
Lot 362
Münster, Sebastian
Nou GreciaSecondo tutteleregioni, &prouinciediquelladiqua&diladal Hellesponto [Nuremberg, c.1575?] 31 x 39cm
Estimate:£ 400 -£ 500
Lot 363
Fries, Laurent, after Ptolemy
[AsiaeTabula- Persian Empire, Iraq and Iran] [Strasbourg or Lyon, 1520-1540] 40 x 57cm
Estimate:£ 400 -£ 500

Lot 364
[Antwerp, c 1600] 37 x 48cm, hand-coloured, framed and glazed, some browning, aclosed tear and afew small, neat repairs
Estimate:£ 500 -£ 700
Lot 365
Moll, Herman
A New Map of Germany, Hungary, Transilvania&TheSuisse
London:Printed byD Midwinter and Ri Davies, 1712 61 5 x 100cm, handcoloured in outline, someclosetrimming and smallrepairs to lower edge
Estimate:£ 200 -£ 300
Lot 366
Johnston, Alexander Keith
TheRoyalAtlas of Modern Geography
Edinburgh and London:WilliamBlackwood and Sons, 1861 Folio, 48 maps, originalred half morocco gilt, somerubbing to covers, bookplateof Mildred Hope
Estimate:£ 300 -£ 400
Lot 367
Valck, Gerard
Amsterdam:Gerard Valck, [c.1702], 45 x 53cm, hand-coloured, framed and glazed
Estimate:£ 400 -£ 600

Lot 368
Dunn, Samuel
A New Map of theWorld, with theLatest Discoveries
London:printed for Robert Sayer, 1780. Engraved hand-coloured doublehemispheric world map, 43 5 x 57 5cm, showing Australia('New Holland') as contiguous with Tasmania, ‘TheSouthern IcyOcean'for thecontinent of Antarctica, and theroutes of Anson and Cook, tipped to mount along top edge, framed and glazed, browned, repair to verso of centralverso
Estimate:£ 400 -£ 500
Lot 369
Bacon, GeorgeW
New CompleteAtlas of TheWorld
London:GeorgeW Bacon, [n d ] 4to, 124 coloured maps, originalblack half morocco gilt, spinedetached, leather rubbed
Estimate:£ 250 -£ 350
Lot 370
Taylor, George- and, Andrew Skinner
Surveyand Maps of theRoads of North Britain
London:For theAuthors, 1776 Oblong road atlas, 55 x 22 5cm, comprising 61 maps on 31 leaves, without thefolding generalmap, no covers present, title-pagedetached and missing upper left corner, somebrowning, spotting and tears
Estimate:£ 300 -£ 400
Lot 371
Kip, William- and Christopher Saxton CornwallOlimpars Danmoniorum
[N.p., 1637] 31.5 x 40cm, hand-coloured, trimmed
Estimate:£ 300 -£ 500

Lot 372
Colton, G Woolworth
New York:J H Colton and Company, 1859 Folio, steelengraved frontispiece, completewith maps engraved on onehundred imperialfolio sheets, manyhand-coloured, originalelaboratelyembossed calf with gilt title and motif to upper cover, covers slightlyrubbed, bookplateof Thomas Greer to paste-down endpaper
Estimate:£ 2,000 -£ 3,000
Lot 373
12 charts byNeale&Son
London:R Philips &Co , 1821, acompleteset, allhand-coloured, mounted, between 17 x 16cmand 16 x 27cm(12)
Estimate:£ 600 -£ 800
Lot 374
Speed, John
A New Mapeof yeXVII Provinces of Low Germanie [London, 1676] hand-coloured with 10 figures of Dutch inhabitants and 8 miniaturecityviews to margins, 45 x 55cm, backed with card
Estimate:£ 300 -£ 400
Lot 375
Engraved for theNew Royaland UniversalDictionaryof Arts and Sciences London:J. Cooke, 1780. 5 hand-coloured and mounted charts, each c.32 x 23cm, comprising:Cancer, Taurus, Virgo, Scorpio and Gemini, with ashort repaired tear to thefirst (5)
Estimate:£ 500 -£ 700

Lot 376
[ThePhilippines] - Algué, P José[HenryS Pritchett]
Atlas deFilipinas [Atlas of thePhilippineIslands]
Manila:P. JoséAlgué, 1899 /Washington:U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, Government Printing Office, 1900 Folio, 30 maps, originalmaroon cloth gilt, text block loose, afew chips to maps
Estimate:£ 250 -£ 350
Lot 377
Homann, Johann Baptist
Totius AfricaeNovaRepraesentatio quapraeter diverson in eaStatus et Re guines
Nuremberg, [c.1715], 50 x 59cm, hand-coloured, framed and glazed
Estimate:£ 300 -£ 400
Lot 378
A Map of South-America
London:Laurrie&Whittle, 12th May1794 Largefolding map on two sheets, each 55 x 124cm, hand-coloured in outline(2)
Estimate:£ 300 -£ 400
Lot 379
Motoring Maps
A collection of 17 maps covering Scotland and parts of Northern England Henderson's Cycling and Touring Map of theBorders;Knight's Visitors'Map of theEnvirons of Moffat;9 Motoring and Hiking maps, comprising sections: SO, SN, SM, SL, SK, SH, SG, R, P (Carlisle, Cumbria, Northumberland, Dumfries and Galloway, Edinburgh, Fife&Kinross, Oban, Mull, Rothesay, Jura, Inverness, Aberdeen, Perthshireetc.);Arrowsmith's Map of Scotland, new edition;Bartholemew's Pocket Map of Environs of Peebles;Ordnance SurveyTown Map of Dundee;W &A K Johnston's New Plan of Edinburgh, Leith, and Portobello;Andrew Gibband Co.'s Map of Aberdeen;Map of Arbroath sponsored byColin Grant's Boots (17)
Estimate:£ 200 -£ 300

Lot 380
Betts, John
TheLondon Modern Atlas
London:John Betts, [n.d. but c.1860] Smallfolio, 26 maps hand-coloured in outline, later half cloth, severalneat closed repairs, alittlebrowning, some wear to covers
Estimate:£ 400 -£ 600
Lot 381
[India] Rennell, James, Major
A New Map of Hindoostan
London:Laurie&Whittle, 12th May1794, folded ap on two sheets, each 63.5 x 145.5cm, hand coloured in outline, alittleoffsetting in places (2)
Estimate:£ 300 -£ 500
Lot 382
Novissimaet PerfectissimaAfricae [Amsterdam:] Ottens, [c 1740?] hand-coloured, 51 x 60cm, framed and glazed
Estimate:£ 300 -£ 400
Lot 383
Buck, Samueland NathanielBuck
[Two views fromtheir panoramaof London]
[Comprising:] This Drawing, taken fromMr. Watson's Summer House, oppositeto Somerset House [And:] This Drawing, taken fromMr Everard's Summer-House, oppositeto St. Bride's Church. London:S. &N. Buck, 1749 2 engraved views, respectivelydepicting London fromWhitehallto Somerset House, and Somerset Houseto St Bride's, separatelymounted, framed and glazed, mount apertures 31 5 x 81 5cm, first view with two repaired tears extending into imagefromleft-hand edgeand oneshort repaired tear to right-hand margin, second view with short repairs, tear to left- and right-hand margins just extending into image;Pollard, James NorthCountryMails at thePeacock, Islington. [And:] TheElephant and Castleon theBrighton Road London:Jonathan Watson, 1823-7 2 hand-coloured aquatints after James Pollard, thefirst byT. Sutherland, thesecond by TheodoreFielding, framed and glazed, platemarks 34 5 x 46 5cm, good margins;Blaeu, Johannes. EssexiaComitatus. [Amsterdam], c.1650. Handcoloured engraved map, framed and glazed, 50 x 59cm;Thelot not examined out of frames (5)
Estimate:£ 200 -£ 300
Samueland NathanielBuck's famous panoramaof London comprises five parts in total, Thetwo offered herearethesecond and third
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