“Truth? Truth. Truth?” is the title given to this zine. The reason behind repeating “truth” three times with different punctuation at the end of the sentence is to create a confusing and a doubt kind of feel towards the audience. We as the society always having doubt on what we see and hear from the media. We are not sure either the facts shown are true or they are made up. Therefore, we are always in the confused situation about the truth.
Content page on the left side page and a little clarification note on the bottom right to avoid any conflict because different people will have different interpretation about this publication.
First subtopic, sight. It talks about what the controller sees and what media has done to the reality and at the end what the society sees.
On the left side of the page shows how and what the reality is. Black background is applied to show how dark the reality is but anyhow every fact can be seen clearly. Meanwhile on the right side of the page shows what is seen by the society after media controlled and filtered the contents. Grey font is applied to enhance the feel of “it is there but it is hard to be seen”. Red highlight is applied to emphasize the word and grab audience’s attention when they flip through the page.