performance driven architecture.
Analyzing the potential of urban housing developments in a performance-based design world.
Daniel Anderi | University of Cincinnati | May 2021
-Abstract All designs work within basic parameters and constraints to develop design solutions, however within urban housing developments current methodologies only consider a minimal required amount of inputs and data within a set amount of time. With no meaningful incentives to change development patterns affordable housing projects, along with their limited considerations, continue to create standardized, repetitive developments without any true responsiveness to the end user or surrounding context. We commonly see industries outside of architecture heavily influenced by data and technological advancements so much that it changes both companies internal operating structures and end-user products. This does not happen to nearly the same extent in the field of architecture. Digital technologies, such as generative design, allow architects to synthesize tremendous amounts of data and inputs within the same amount of time. Alternative project delivery methods, such as an integrated project delivery system, ensures that users values can be delivered within project constraints and promotes innovation throughout the entire process. By leaning in on computational capabilities and functioning under performance driven models, urban housing projects can begin to reflect aligned interests between users, builders, and architects. The possibility to consider more data in the form of both quantitative and qualitative values can allow designers to take responsibility and be more creative in developing urban housing solutions. Affordable housing demands continuously overburden new housing supply each year suggesting that the current system for developing affordable housing is more complex and restrictive than encouraging. Architects are limited to certain aspects where their ideas, advocacy’s, and decisions can influence change. Within the architectural aspects of means, methods, agreements, and products how can architects begin to influence change in the development of urban housing projects. By transitioning from prescriptive to performancebased ideologies how can architects embrace new strategies, technologies, and delivery models to improve both the decision-making process and the demands for adequate and affordable housing in the built environment. In this thesis a wide lens will be used to analyze the current scenario of each identified aspect and their shortcomings, while speculating on reasonable shifts an architect can consider when designing affordable housing.
[green space]
[new development]