4 minute read

The Essential Alternative

Take control of your health by utilizing the healing power of Cannabis

Words by Dana Workman | September 16 2020


If you had told me years ago that my passion and life's work would be at the front lines of a booming medical cannabis industry, I would have laughed in your face. You see, I was the girl in college who would roll my eyes at anyone who used 'Dope'...because that was all it was to me.

However, after my father fell ill with brain cancer in 2014, cannabis became so much more. After he was given his terminal diagnosis, I made it my mission to find alternative therapies for him in order to ease his transition. What I found was something that not only helped him through the end of his life but changed my life forever, too.

Dana and her late father Steve

Fast forward to the present, and I now possess five and a half years of experience working in the cannabis industry at a California-based cannabis company specializing in tinctures. My role in customer retention and sales support is a vital one, and it has inspired in me a duty to educate the masses. When you consider my previous background in public speaking, it makes sense I now feel this onus of responsibility in sharing the benefits of cannabis... so listen up!

In a matter of just a few years, Cannabis has transitioned from illegal to legal in California. Currently, it’s even deemed an "essential business" amidst’s the world’s current chaos. It seems when humanity is shaken to its core, someone out there had a heart and was in their right mind not to revoke this very essential plant from those who need it most. People are becoming WOKE to the positive power of the plant. There is absolutely no time like the present to take control of your own health by utilizing cannabis.

Over the years, I've spent a lot of time connecting with patients - mostly adults and children with cancer, autism, epilepsy - and caregivers. Many, simply wanting relief from chronic pain or their nights of insomnia. Although I personally am not a medical professional, our brand CKSoul connects patients and consumers with a vast network of cannabis clinicians to help educate them on their journey with medical cannabis and offer personalized dosing guidance, instilling hope and confidence in those that need it most.

But with "CBD" becoming a fad of sorts, it can be very hard to know where to begin for the utmost therapeutic benefits. There is a lot of misinformation out there - hemp vs cannabis? Can I buy something over the counter or does it have to be from a dispensary? What do I take? How much? All of these very variable issues can ultimately lead those who are misinformed, to the following outcome: "I tried, but it didn't work for me".

To truly get on board with what I am saying, you need to understand why cannabis works so incredibly well within our bodies. I’ll try to break it down in a way that doesn’t have you sleeping by the end of this article! Our human bodies produce natural cannabis-like molecules, called “endocannabinoids”. The vast network of receptor sites (CB1 and CB2) that are found throughout our brain, gut, and body, and make up our “endocannabinoid system.” Our endocannabinoid system regulates very important physiological processes like pain, sleep, mood, etc. When we take cannabis, the “phytocannabinoids” in the plant (THC, CBD is the most well known + many more) binds to the various receptor sites in our bodies (CB1 and CB1) to help put our bodies back into homeostasis. The therapeutic benefits of all of these cannabinoids working together are vast - this teamwork is called the “Entourage Effect,” which you get from Full Spectrum Products. Terpenes also play an important role- they are organic compounds naturally produced by the cannabis plant (and many other fruits and plants for that matter), and have been studied and found to have their own therapeutic benefits.

CKSoul connects patients and consumers with a vast network of cannabis clinicians to help educate them on their journey with medical cannabis

Great! So what does this mean for me!? Just tell me what to get!

Well, in short, legal cannabis from a licensed dispensary is the safest and most effective way to get your hand on full-spectrum or "whole-plant" products. Dispensaries (especially in California) have rigorous state testing standards. Hemp, on the other hand, has no testing standards, is generally found over the counter, and many times does not contain enough cannabinoids to be effectively therapeutic.

Edibles, vaping, smoking? Sure these options of consumption are great and may provide temporary relief, but if you really want to be proactive and preventative with your health, tinctures are the way to go. Not only are they easy to dose with, but they are discreet and get to the root of what's going on in the most effective way.

As far as what will work for you and your symptoms, there is no "one size fits all" approach to dosing. Different cannabinoids at different potencies and ratios may work best for certain conditions. I always recommend speaking with a medical professional who is experienced with cannabis dosing for more personalized guidance. CKSoul is a licensed California-based cannabis brand that not only has clean, lab-tested, quality products, but also an incredible network of experienced cannabis medical professionals they can recommend. Visit their website at www.cksoul.com to learn more!

There is no time like the present to take control of your health, and your life- and I will be in your proverbial corner, cheering for you along the way!

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