M . Citizen Magazine Issue 1

Page 67



f you had told me years ago that my passion and life’s work would be at the front lines of a booming medical cannabis industry, I would have laughed in your face. You see, I was the girl in college who would roll my eyes at anyone who used ‘Dope’... because that was all it was to me. However, after my father fell ill with brain cancer in 2014, cannabis became so much more. After he was given his terminal diagnosis, I made it my mission to find alternative therapies for him in order to ease his transition. What I found was something that not only helped him through the end of his life but changed my life forever, too. Fast forward to the present, and I now possess five and a half years of

by Dana Workman

experience working in the cannabis industry at a California-based cannabis company specializing in tinctures. My role in customer retention and sales support is a vital one, and it has inspired in me a duty to educate the masses. When you consider my previous background in public speaking, it makes sense I now feel this onus of responsibility in sharing the benefits of cannabis... so listen up! In a matter of just a few years, Cannabis has transitioned from illegal to legal in California. Currently, it’s even deemed an “essential business” amidst’s the world’s current chaos. It seems when humanity is shaken to its core, someone out there had a heart and was in their right mind not to revoke this very essential plant from those who need it most. People are

Dana Workman and her late father Steve Workman 67 M . C I T I Z E N M A G A Z I N E | I S S U E 01

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