M. Citizen Magazine Issue 7

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Amalie The Label

Rêve De Fleur

An Eco-Concious Evoltuion

Spring Beauty Inspired by Bright Floral Hues

Issue 07 | SPRING 22

“Miss Independent” Nicole Lapin on her new book and mission to empower women

KAT McNAMARA Chameleon

GIVE THEM BACK White Coat Waste Projects’ Second Chance for lab animals

Editor in Chief / Creative Director / Retouching / Writer Bec Doyle @becdoyle_ Photographer Glenn Nutley @thecontentcollective


Photographer Greg Levitt @greglevittphotography Photographer Laura Grier @lauragriertravel Photographer Raex Murillo @whereisraex Writer Elisabeth Hower @elisabethhower Writer Devin Murphy @whitecoatwaste Writer Alana Huehn @a_la_na Writer Alice Greczyn @alicegreczyn Writer Christina Galioto @christinagalioto Fashion Stylist Adeel Khan @adeel_k Make-Up Artist Brittany Paige @peckisme Make-up Artist Serena Jenkins @serena.ish Make-up Artist Leah Baines @leahbaines_mua Hair Stylist Hair Stylist

Stefanie Terzo @stefanieterzo

Bradley Darling @mrbradleydarling

Hair Stylist Jessica Geiger @thejessicageiger Agency Select Model Atlanta @selectmodelatlanta

ON THE COVER Kat wears Vegan Leather Suit by Vegan Tiger, Jewelry by Siena Jewelry, Heels Enrico Cuini

Kenzie wears sweater by Ralph Lauren

PHOTOG RA PHY Glenn Nutley @thecontentcollective HA I R STYL I ST Stef anie Terz o @s tef anieterz o MA K E- U P ARTI ST Brittany Paige @peckis me FASHI ON STYL I ST A deel Khan @adeel_k



24 14

Kat McNamara : Chameleon Facing life with the same level-headed tenacity she brings to each character Nicole Lapin On her new book Miss Independent, her call to empower women and finding her prince charming

Give Them Back 10 Project Devin Murphy from White Coat Waste discusses their efforts in

exposing and ending taxpayer funder animal experiments

Alice In Hollwoodland 20 Alice Greczyn shares Volume 20 from her raw and captivating series Alice In

54 10

Hollywoodland :Tales of a Would be Hollywood Starlet




14 20



44 54

Amalie By Showpo: An Eco-Friendly Evolution Global online fashion destination Showpo on the launch of their new environmentally friendly in-house label Amalie Rêve De Fleur Spring beauty inspired by bright floral hues featuring all eco-friendly &/or vegan products




The Domesticated “It” Girl Christina Galioto shares plant based recipes perfect for your Springtime get together



Vegan and Plant-Based Luxury Footwear

GIVE THEM BACK: A Second Chance f o r L a b A n i m als Wo r d s by D e v i n M u r p hy @ wh i t e c o a t wa s t e

Devin Murphy is Public Policy and Communications Manager at White Coat Waste Project, a nonprofit focused on ending taxpayer-funded animal experiments with over three million members nationwide.


etting through the pandemic was challenging — but the unconditional love of an animal made it a little easier. Shelters were cleared nationwide as millions of Americans adopted pandemic pets; soft purrs and wagging tails ser ved as emotional life preser vers during COVID-19’s darkest days. Even animals who had been in shelters for months found homes. It was heartwarming to see, because no animal should die alone and unloved. Sadly, thousands of animals have no other choice. They are the forgotten ones, never appearing in shelters, or on adoption websites. They will never know the warmth


of a hug, or the feeling of grass beneath their feet, and most will never be adopted — not because they’ve unlovable or bad, but because of bureaucracy. These are the animals that kindness forgot, born to suffer and bred to die: lab animals. It doesn’t have to be this way. Our organization, White Coat Waste Project (WCW), is dedicated to exposing and ending $20 billion in wasteful government spending on animal experiments and getting as many dogs, cats, bunnies and other animals out of government labs as possible. When the money stops, the killing stops.

The U.S. government — not big cosmetic companies or big pharmaceutical companies — is the single largest funder of animal experiments in the world. The number of federal agencies that conduct and fund animal testing is surprisingly large. It’s not just the National Institutes of Health and the Food and Drug Administration that test on animals; the Department of Defense, Department of Veterans Affairs, Department of Agriculture, and the Department of Justice do too. So do the Environmental Protection Agency and the Centers for Disease Control. Even NASA. Disturbingly, virtually all of the animals who sur vive government experiments are killed, even when they are healthy enough to live happy lives in loving homes or sanctuaries. Most federal agencies don’t allow taxpayers to adopt these survivors — even though we bankroll their experiments. So, several years ago, WCW launched the first national campaign to make retirement a requirement. Taxpayers bought these sur vivors; Uncle Sam should give them back! To date, our ‘Give Them Back’ efforts have retired sur vivors across the entire federal government — from dogs at the VA, to rabbits a

the EPA, guinea pigs at the NIH, and many more.

Case in point: the FDA’s nicotine addiction experiments on baby monkeys. A huge body of research has already proved that nicotine is addictive and smoking is harmful. No one believes other wise. So why were government white coats at the FDA spending $5.5 million in taxpayer money to addict baby primates to nicotine…in 2018? That seemed to us to be a flagrant misuse of taxpayer funds. Working alongside famed primatologist Dr. Jane Goodall, we rallied support from Congress and the general public, and hammered FDA’s wasteful spending in the press. Soon enough, the FDA relented. They ended their nicotine experiments, and agreed, for the first time in agency histor y, to retire the remaining squirrel monkeys to a sanctuar y, where they could live out the rest of their lives in peace. ►



USDA Lab survivor Petite

A similar scenario played out at the USDA, which for decades had run the government’s largest cat lab. The experiments taking place at USDA’s $22 million “Kitten Slaughterhouse” were heartbreaking and disgusting — including buying cat and dog meat from foreign ‘wet markets,’ then feeding the meat to kittens in the lab. After exposing these gruesome ‘kitten cannibalism’ experiments, WCW rallied an army of taxpayers and Members of Congress in both parties, and successfully pressured the USDA to end the experiments. Yet the USDA found itself in a predicament: what should be done with the sur vivors? 12 M. CITIZEN MAGAZINE | ISSUE 07

Previously, USDA white coats would simply kill them once the experiments concluded — even healthy kittens, who had not undergone any experiments. But with public scrutiny at an all-time high, that ‘solution’ was untenable. Instead of killing the cats, USDA decided to make them available for adoption. Unfortunately, they had no adoption policy in place, so they sold the sur vivors for $1 each (check or money order only please, no cash), listing them as “excess property,” along with file cabinets, chairs, and desks. The government can and should do better. Our ‘Give Them Back’ campaign is personal to WCW: our founder and president now lives with two cats, Petite and Delilah, who survived the USDA lab. Similarly, a WCW board member adopted her dog Violet from a different taxpayer-funded lab. When Violet arrived at her forever home, she was terrified. She didn’t know what grass was; she had never felt the breeze, or seen the sun. Stairs were utterly baffling to her. Yet despite Violet’s steep learning cur ve, she is happy now. As any pet parent knows, animals are remarkably resilient, capable of overcoming tremendous

adversity while staying full of love, joy, and happiness. Violet has inspired our one of biggest legislative pushes to date. Although we have had great success at pressuring individual agencies into creating retirement policies for animals in their care, a government-wide policy is long overdue. Violet’s Law, formally known as the Animal Freedom from Testing, Experiments, and Research Act — the AFTER Act for short — would require each federal agency to develop lab animal retirement policies.

It is supported by broad bipartisan coalitions in the House and in the Senate, as well as a supermajority of Americans from across the political spectrum. We brought Petite and Delilah, two of the cats rescued from USDA’s kitten lab, to Capitol Hill, where they got to meet the lawmakers who helped shut down their horrifyingly cruel experiments. “I’m so glad you’re free,” whispered Senator Jeff Merkley of Oregon, as Delilah purred contentedly. We are, too.

■ Delilah with Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-OR)


NICOLE LAPIN Miss Independent



Bec Doyle


icole Lapin is the kind of woman you want to be friends with. She’s down to earth, funny and genuinely invested (no pun intended) in empowering women to reach their goals and achieve financial independence. A New York Times Best Selling Author, it’s no wonder this “Boss Bitch” is a regular on shows like Dr Oz, Good Morning America and Entertainment Tonight, imparting her knowledge to millions of viewers eager to level-up in business and life.


P hotos


Laura G rier


An overachiever in the best way, after graduating from Northwestern University, Lapin landed a highly coveted anchor position at CNN, making her one of the youngest anchors ever in the network’s histor y. With all her success and early achievements It’s easy to assume she got a head start in life, but as she explains that was not the case, “I had a ver y broken crazy upbringing… I was scared that if people found out that I didn’t have a certain pedigree that it would be the end of me.. But with a lot of things, as you grow, the things you think are your biggest weakness become your biggest super power.” Lapin explains we have all experienced trauma surrounding money to var ying degrees and these traumas impact how we look at and approach money, with our biggest enemy residing between our own two ears. “Oftentimes we suffer more in our imagination than reality… all my books are 12 step plans because the first step is admitting you have a problem.. With money, if you change your mindset I really think your finances will follow.”

...as you grow, the things you think are your biggest weakness become your biggest super power.”

Through her impressive seven book deal and appearances on an array of endless T V shows, Lapin is empowering women to take control of their lives by providing the tools to achieve financial independence, declaring “Financial literacy is the basis for all upward mobility and empowerment.” Lapin says she has a lot of compassion and empathy for her former self, “ They don’t teach the relevant stuff in school... I realized that money is a ► 15 M. CITIZEN MAGAZINE | ISSUE 07

I realized that money is a language just like anything else. We just don’t have a Rosetta Stone for it growing up.”

language just like anything else. We just don’t have a Rosetta Stone for it growing up.” And with language in business constantly evolving it’s important to speak the jargon, and according to Lapin, it’s not as complicated as one might think. “I think a lot of people hide behind the jargon. The jargon is kind of meant to keep people out, and it feels like this ‘fancy club’ but it’s really not.” Lapin says guys don’t know more, they just talk about it more, and talk about it more confidently. She points out that money is a taboo subject among women, and she’s made it her mission to normalize conversations surrounding money and finances. “If I was at dinner with my girlfriends and i’d ask them how much they were making or what’s in their bank account, it would be crickets, but they’d just told me about their 16 M. CITIZEN MAGAZINE | ISSUE 07

bikini wax and sex positions, and its like you just told me about your landing strip, and now THIS is taboo?! It’s so weird,” she laughs.

Miss Independent hit the shelves Februar y 1st, as a “sort of sequel” to her first book, the New York Times Best Seller Rich Bitch. Lapin says “I wanted to give other women the cheat code to do what I did.” And she means it. As a woman working her way up, as a minority in a male dominated industr y, it’s clear she never allowed this to affect her goals or how she performed. “I didn’t want to be the best woman, I wanted to be the best.” And now Lapin is dedicated to furthering opportunities for women in business and finance, “We need more spots, there’s no reason that

My success doesn’t prohibit theirs or vice versa, there’s space for all of us to win.”

it needs to be ONE spot.” Going above and beyond to be as helpful as possible for her community of friends, Lapin says she’ll ‘go all out’ sharing contacts and spreadsheets of information to assist in their endeavors in any way she can, “My success doesn’t prohibit theirs or vice versa, there’s space for all of us to win.” And winning, she is. After packing up and moving across the countr y early on in the pandemic, she says “I was going to be single for the rest of my life.. I left New York and was going to build this bachelorette compound and really lean into my mission to help women with finances.” Although as fate would have it, she was destined for a love stor y after all. When a mutual friend and match maker introduced Lapin to anti-poverty advocate and Aspiration co-founder Joe

Sanberg, their whirlwind romance put an end to any ideas of a perpetual reimagining of Beyonce’s “Single Ladies”, and the couple could not be happier. With a recent engagement to celebrate and a wedding to plan Lapin admits, “I never had those princess type dreams,” clarifying there is no pinterest ► 17 M. CITIZEN MAGAZINE | ISSUE 07

This is my mission on this planet, to really change women’s lives...”

board filled with the perfect dress or flowers, but she is confident it will all come together. With so much on her plate, I wonder how she finds time to sleep, and am further impressed by the grace and elegance with which she juggles life and career, “I tr y to keep a date night, whether it’s by myself or with a friend.. I love going on this site called secretlosangeles.com and finding these weird things to do. There’s always quirky fun things.. the weirder the better,” she says. “ This is my mission on this planet, to really change women’s lives and I didn’t know how much of an impact it was going to have and how much of a void it filled,” Lapin exclaims. After our conversation I too feel empowered by Lapin and her ability to simplify and destigmatize the foreign world of finance. Einstein said, “ The definition of genius is taking the complex and making it simple,” and Lapin has done just that. The financial confidence she exudes and independence she speaks of, no longer 18 M. CITIZEN MAGAZINE | ISSUE 07

feels unattainable. Lapin makes success feel within reach for ever yone. Maybe we just need a little nudge in the right direction? “Knowledge isn’t power, execution is power.” she says. So let’s ‘kick down doors’ and ‘break the glass ceiling’! OR maybe just start with a copy of Miss Independent?! The first step is admitting you have a problem! ■


lice In

H o l ly w o o d l a n d No. 20: Alice Greczyn is an actress and author. She regularly posts short stories from her memoir series on Substack called Alice in Hollywoodland: Tales of a Wou l d - B e St ar l e t . S h e’s M i d w e s t - r a i s e d , L A- b a s e d , and you can find her on Instagram @AliceGreczyn. Photo Collin Stark @collinstark


our costar invites you to a party in the Hills as a friend. You later find out it was with the motive of making his ex jealous. She’s stunning, an Italian Rosario Dawson with Angelina’s jawline. You go out for the same roles—in fact, you booked the role you both auditioned for to play your costar’s love interest. He confesses bashfully that, at first, he was bummed his then-real-life-girlfriend didn’t get the part. Now that she’s broken up with him— “I sobbed, like, snot dripping down my face sobbed, the whole 10 freeway home,” he tells you —he’s so relieved it’s you he’s working with.


She’s over there under the fake candlelight of a 1930s chandelier, chatting with a dude while clearly ignoring the ex who clearly showed up with you for no other reason than so she’d see you both. She does, gives you a kind but dismissive once-over, and turns back to her conversation with unruffled confidence. Your friend’s heartbreak is palpable. “Let’s leave,” he says with all the ache of Romeo in Act Five, Scene Three. Mission failed. He takes you in his BMW convertible to the FOX 2004 Fall Lineup party. You didn’t know there would be a red carpet and you certainly weren’t planning on walking one if there was—you’ve never done so before—but there is and all of your costars are urging you to walk it with them. “You’re part of the show now,” they coax, as warm and inclusive as any recurring guest star should want them to be. B efore you can protest further, you find yourself giving the PR lady the spelling of your name as she ushers you— oh goodness—to a real red carpet. You have no more time to think.

...You didn’t know there would be a red carpet and you certainly weren’t planning on walking one if there was—you’ve never done so before— but there is and all of your costars are urging you to walk it with them.

Loudness crashes your ears like waves. Brightness pierces your eyes like floodlights. You’re stunned, shocked, flinching. It’s louder than a stadium and they’re all shouting your name, fighting for you to look at their camera. “Over your shoulder!” they yell. “ To your left!” they cr y. “Right into my lens, doll, look right this way!” ►


You have the urge to throw out your hands and yell, “One at a time, you’ll all get your turn!” in your firmest older sister voice, imagining the rowdy photographers quieting down in an orderly fashion like Sunday school. Somehow you know, that’s not how this works. As the camera flashes give way to retina-stunned squares of purple, you steady your breath and decide to craft your own sense of order amid the mayhem. You walk three feet, stop. Smile left to right. Walk another three feet, stop. Smile left to right. You throw an over-the-

BAKOUNINE / Shutterstock.com


shoulder on the fourth measure and the FTH-FTH-FTH of shutter clicks escalates. They love this angle for some reason. The gauntlet ends just in time for the arrival of a FOX star far bigger than you. Lenses whirl to catch the final tug of a mini dress before this professional beams widely, hand on hip, a total pro. You take notes as you watch her, grateful her walkpause-smile routine isn’t so different from yours. Maybe one day you won’t totally suck at this part of the job. On the cold, dark walk from the carpet to the party, self-consciousness seeps in. What were you thinking agreeing to be photographed? Was there anything in your teeth? Has the fog layer turned your hair into a shag carpet? And what are you even wearing? You don’t know, you found this cozy woolen fishnet of a wrap at Wasteland on Melrose and couldn’t resist its blankety comfort. You now realize you look like Little Mermaid’s witchy sister.

...You found this cozy woolen fishnet of a wrap at Wasteland on Melrose and couldn’t resist its blankety comfort. You now realize you look like The Little Mermaid’s witchy sister.

Inside the party, you glimpse stars from The O.C., the older gentleman from Arrested Development, and that girl named Olivia Wilde whose name you’ve seen on sign-in sheets. She’s brighter than all the flashes put together. Imposter syndrome takes hold. You know you don’t belong here, a pimpled teenager with a terrible sense of fashion and overgrown hair because you can’t afford a haircut. The stylists in LA want over $100 for just a layered trim. People think your hair is part of your “look,” a deliberate choice to set you apart from shoulder-flipped blondes. You’re just poor.

Tsuni / USA / Alamy Stock Photo

Your costar friend compliments you on your first red carpet. “A natural,” he says, offering you a plastic glass of champagne. You’re eighteen but you drink it like Welch’s and when you get home, you practice poses in the mirror. You learn never to attend a party without assuming photographers will be present. You never quite learn how to dress yourself. ■ 23 M. CITIZEN MAGAZINE | ISSUE 07



McNAMARA Chameleon


PHOTOGRAPHY Glenn Nutley @thecontentcollective HAIR STYLIST Stefanie Terzo @stefanieterzo

MAKE-UP ARTIST Brittany Paige @peckisme

FASHION STYLIST Adeel Khan @adeel_k


Kat wears Vegan Leather Suit by Vegan Tiger, Jewelry by Siena Jewelry


at McNamara is grateful. It’s the end of a long day and she’s still donning sparkly blue eyeshadow from an earlier photoshoot. However, her eyes have their own shine. It’s not difficult to see why. With lead roles in smash hits like Shadowhunters, Arrow, and the Maze Runner series, along with several projects in the pipeline, McNamara’s eyes are firmly set on a future that looks bright.

Zeta Jones. You know, amateurs. Later, her co-stars would be Bernadette Peters and Elaine Stritch. But don’t worr y, none of it was lost on McNamara. “When you’re in the presence of those greats, it’s hard to ignore their gravitas.” Was it hard for someone so young to make their way in the big city? Hardly. “I’m ver y good at blooming where I’m planted. Making the best of wherever I am, and whatever comes my way, and enjoying the moment for what it is.” Besides, she had “titans of leading ladies” who would join her mother in influencing and supporting the McNamara to be her own person, firmly standing on her own two feet. It’s a theme established early that would recur throughout her life on and off stage.

I’m very good at blooming where I’m planted.”

Born in Kansas City, Missouri, to a scientist mother, M c N a m a r a’s first love wasn’t the stage… but rather, math. In fact, her first dream was to stay in Kansas City, become an economist, and perhaps dabble in some local theater on the side. Life had other plans, of course, and at the tender age of 13, McNamara marched into an audition for A Little Night Music on a lark. That lark would fly her to New York City for a role on Broadway, far from Missouri, opposite Angela Lansbur y and Catherine

Self-possessed and confident, the would-be economist has run her career like a business from day one. Where we’ve heard infinite a tale of Hollywood royalty gone broke, McNamara has always known ►


how to handle her money. First and foremost, she invested in herself, earning a degree in Business and Economics from Drexel University—by the time she was just seventeen (do we even discuss the fact that she graduated high school at fourteen?). It was time well spent. “You have to manage things yourself,” she explains of her career. “It really does become [both] a business and a creative exploit. I’m just glad that I can wear both hats.” She knows how marketing works, and how to read a contract. It’s refreshing to hear her speak about it, for it’s yet another example of how she’s grounded herself in a world where fame can be seductive at best, beyond destructive at worst. Speaking of potentially destructive forces, how does she handle the weight of her 4 million Instagram followers? With gratitude and respect. “I feel incredibly lucky. All my experiences have been super positive,” she says. She’s keenly aware not ever yone is so lucky. But in her mind, the fandoms of Arrow, Maze Runner, and Shadowhunters, are “an incredible communities of individuals who love


a stor y.” In particular, she notes that the “Shadowfan,” those that comprise the fandom of Shadowhunters, have “taken this stor y that we all know and love, that we poured blood, sweat and tears into, and formed this community that is representative of love, and acceptance, being who you are, allowing yourself to be free in that way, knowing you’ll be supported.” Not bad company to keep, indeed. Of the fans she’s met at ComiCons she’s done world-wide, she says, “I’ve met some of the most extraordinar y people.” She’s clear that stories have the ability to connect us beyond location, cultural and political differences, and views these exchanges as vital, especially “in a world that can be so divisive.” We speak about the roles that got her to those conversations with strangers at ComiCons in the first place. She was 19 when she was cast as Clar y Fray in Shadowhunters, where she found that she was in many ways living life parallel to the one she portrayed on T V. “ Those are such transformative ►

Kat wears Gown by Karen Sabag, Jewelry by Siena Jewelry



Kat wears Flower headpiece by Alersundi, Dress by Karen Saba, Jewelry by Siena Jewelry, Boots by Sylven New York


years for anyone,” she says, of finding her own voice, and learning who she wanted to be in a world she was thrust into. The road wasn’t always smooth, but thankfully she had a close group of friends and family that would help her along the way. Not to mention Clar y herself. “What I love about [her] is that she’s not perfect. Nine times out of ten she’ll fall flat on her face, but nine times out of ten, she picks herself back up and moves for ward and learns from it. We can have the best of intentions, and still make a mistake. And that’s okay. And for a Type A Perfectionist… it was a ver y good lesson to learn.”

that made her strong [and] helped establish loyalty,” which isn’t a bad lesson, either. McNamara tries to hang on to that vulnerability, not only because it allows her to be a more honest stor y teller, but because it opens her up to experiences on and off set. “You never know who’s going to stumble into your life… or what opportunities there will be to learn something,” she says with a knowing smile. Clearly, vulnerability has not steered her wrong.

“What I love about Clary is that she’s not perfect. Nine times out of ten she’ll fall flat on her face, but nine times out of ten, she picks herself back up and moves forward.”

Regarding Mia Smoak, her wallsup, never-gonna-let-anyone-in role on Arrow, McNamara actually found she was one of the most vulnerable characters on the show. Further, “it was her vulnerability 32 M. CITIZEN MAGAZINE | ISSUE 07

Let’s face it, the past couple of years have been… eventful. It would be normal to question how we’re spending our days. Unless you’re Kat McNamara, of course. “I tend to be a stubbornly positive individual… always looking for the silver linings.” She believes, “even if it’s just a small moment [in each day], a conversation you had… there’s a magic that happens…. You can’t really do it alone,” which is, again, refreshing in a TikTok ►

I tend to be a stubbornly positive individual. ”

Kat wears Jumpsuit by Bono Van Peursem, Gloves by Kerry Parker, Jewelry by Siena Jewelry


I had examples my whole life of women that didn’t fit any mold. They made their own.”

world of look-at-me individuality. Her perspective, at least when it comes to work, is all about the love. When describing her passion for stor ytelling, she says, “It’s that ember that never really goes away.” McNamara is taking those embers and fanning them into a fire. Two, in fact, both equally “McNamaran.” She’s just wrapped production on JADE, James Bamford’s feature film directorial debut. Keen-eyed fans will remember his name from directing episodes of Arrow. As well, Kat’s next soon-to-be-iconic television role will be as the lead on Walker: Independence, set in the 1800s, but sure to be full of her signature strength and trail-blazing will. Though she be little, she be fierce. Shakespeare may as well have been detailing McNamara. “I’m a ver y tiny human,” she says. But she didn’t let that be the end of the narrative. “I had never thought up until that point [of training for Shadowhunters] that I could have any modicum of physical strength.” Her experience on those shows demonstrated to her that “you can do things beyond your wildest imagination.” She credits her trainers for bolster-

ing her self-confidence; “it changed how I move throughout the world.” It also ignited her hope for other women to feel this way as well. “I never thought I was incapable,” she says, but knowing how to drop kick a demon definitely increased her level of confidence at the grocer y store. She’d love ever yone to ask, “Why not [me]?” in regards to fitness, sure, but also education, or going after that job. Of course, that work of self-expansion goes beyond the punching bag. “I have to credit a lot of [my perspective] to the women in my family.” Growing up, she was surrounded “by driven career women,” and it made an impact. “I was raised not with a choice of career or family, but a choice of, you can do whatever you want with your life as long as you work hard for it, and you’re willing to put in the time and the energ y that it takes to have an ‘and,’ you can.” Of all the strokes of good luck McNamara seems to have had in her life, having strong female role models seems to be the leafiest of her clovers. “I had examples my whole life of women that didn’t fit any mold. They made their own. And I’m so grateful for that.” ►


Kat wears Dress by Elliatt, Jewelry by Siena Jewelry



It’s one of the reasons she’s so passionate about being an ambassador for the Girl Up Foundation, a women and girls empowerment organization under the umbrella of the U.N. Its objective is to “advance girls’ skills, rights, and opportunities to be leaders.” A life-long Girl Scout, McNamara often felt as a child that she wanted to make a difference, but didn’t know how. Girl Up provides the platforms to support today’s Scouts putting their thoughts into action, whether it be a movement, fundraiser, or project. Her schedule doesn’t always allow her to travel with them in their campaigns, but she lends her voice, and her own platform, any way she can. Remember those 4 million followers? Yeah, they’re listening. And McNamara is fervently curating what they hear, whether it’s support for the MS Society, Stomp Out Bullying, or The Big Slick, an annual charity event hosted by Paul Rudd, Jason Sudeikis, and Rob Riggle back in her hometown of Kansas City. “I’m just tr ying to help however


I can,” she says matter-of-factly, in a way that denotes just how matter of fact her perspective should be. In her downtime, McNamara is devoted to the circle of friends that keep her most grounded. What’s important to her are “the simple moments of laughter and joy and fun with the people that remind you who you are… that’s the time that means the most.” That might include going on a hike with friends, or more likely, organizing a game of Mafia, which she plays a few times a month. She laughs. “All is fair in love, war, and Mafia.” But it tracks: Kat McNamara is game for anything. “I’m not scared of a challenge. I’m not scared of having to put in effort. If it’s hard, good. If it’s a challenge, even better. Because I’ll learn from it. I’ll grow from it.” Kat may bloom wherever she’s planted, but rest assured her roots are firmly planted in the ground. And you know what they say, the deeper the roots, the higher the branches can reach toward the sky. ■

I’m not scared of a challenge. I’m not scared of having to put in effort. If it’s hard, good. If it’s a challenge, even better. Because I’ll learn from it. I’ll grow from it.”


Kat wears Jacket by Kaftan Studio Gown by Bono Van Peursem Jewelry by Siena Jewelry


Amalie The Label

y l d n e i r f o c E


n o i t u l Evo WORDS BY Alana Huehn @a_la_na

PHOTOGRAPHY Raex Murillo @whereisraex MAKE-UP Leah Baines @leahbaines_mua

MODEL Tamara Davidson @thytamaradavidson


Tamara wears Amalie The Label Claudette Baloon Sleeve Plunge Neck Tie Wrap Crop Top in Pink Linear Floral , Amalie The Label Clarette Cotton Belted High Rise Wide Leg Pant in Pink Linear Floral




n a world where awareness of the fashion industr y’s high impact on the environment is becoming more mainstream knowledge, consumers are shaping the way for ward, demanding more sustainable and eco-conscious options through their buying behaviors. It’s undeniable that we need more sustainability in fashion, but change is not something that happens overnight. Contributing to the greater good as a whole in combating the climate crisis, astute fashion brands are stepping up to heightened expectations by providing customers with greater choice. The availability of choice is a business model long ingrained in the essence of online fashion retailer Showpo. From its humble beginnings selling clothes from the garage of her parent’s home, Founder and CEO Jane Lu has turned Showpo into a global online fashion marketplace, stocking over 80 brands, including their own. Lu, not one to sleep on consumer trends, has expanded the business’s direction by creating more


environmentally friendly fashion with their new in-house line, Amalie the Label. Lu describes the Amalie girl as someone who is aiming to be and do a bit better. She is more thoughtful in her choices, relaxed and carefree in spirit. Feminine and timeless in design, Amalie’s pieces are foundational staples that contextually move easily from beach to bar. Consciously released in small limited collections, each range overlaps the one before, meant to be mixed and matched “so they become like a constantly evolving wardrobe”, Senior Designer Anne-Marie Chimarios says. Made intentionally for the evolved Showpo customer and keeping in line with their ethos of making fashion accessible to ever ybody, Amalie the Label remains affordable to a wide range of body types with inclusive sizes. Showpo’s decision to create Amalie the Label themselves resides in having greater control over the entire process where, as Chimari-

Tamara wears Amalie The Label - Claudette Linen Ruffle Strap Tie Back Crop Top in Blue Porcelein Floral. Amalie The Label Maya Beleted High Waist Short in Blue Porcelein Floral



Tamara wears Amalie The Label Maya Panelled Crop Top and Maxi Skirt Two Piece Set in White

os says, they could get into the “nitty gritty” and see “if we could do it just as good as ever ybody else”. Launched in Januar y 2022, a time where the world has been rocked by lived experiences of climate change and the Covid-19 pandemic shifting many peoples’ perceptions towards areas that genuinely matter. Lu believed “it was the right time for us to launch this range”, and the high demand for their first collection cemented their leap into the eco-conscious fashion marketplace. The results have been “really positive” and they’ve been able to gain further insights into how their target market has “matured” and are “conscious” of the changing world around them, says Chimarios. Focusing on one of the biggest ways that reduce their carbon footprint, Amalie the Label is made almost entirely from natural, breathable and renewable fabrics. Making linen the core fabric of their collection is deliberate, as it can be washed and worn, and is constructed through “less complications and less impacts” environmentally, Chimarios points

out. In their future collections, they also plan to incorporate alternative fabrics made out of recycled materials. Like the fiber in fabric, the fiber of the industr y is changing too with global fast fashion brands including recycled fabrics more and more in their designs. The benefit from this demand has opened up the market and made it more accessible for others to source these types of fabrics not readily available before. If I could pick the two most spoken words that kept popping up in my conversation with Lu and Chimarios, it would be “conscious” and “evolve”. These two words combined are precisely what Amalie the Label and Showpo are doing as part of their sustainability journey. Sustainability is not a marketing tactic for them but part of a wider responsibility their business as a whole is taking seriously. Working closely with the Textile Exchange, they aim to increase their overall percentage of natural and preferred fabrics used brand wide to 50% by 2025. Aligned with their Cor-



Tamara wears Claudette Printed Tie Crop Top in Pink Linear Floral, Amalie The Label Clarette Ruched Split Midi Skirt in Linen in Pink Linear Floral


porate Social Responsibility actions on ethical sourcing, all their manufacturers have made commitments on environmental policies and codes of conduct. Taking concerted steps to strive first for better then best, Showpo is already treading ground with their swimwear range which is made from recycled fabrics, including the tags and gussets. Within the design and manufacturing process, they have reduced the number samples required per garment design down to one. They are also transitioning to using recycled content in their garment and overall packaging and have long solidified relationships with charitable organizations that provide end-of-life solutions to their clothing. For the future, they see greater internal education for key stakeholders, implementation of further recycling procedures, carbon assessments on their business operations and periodical environmental auditing on manufacturing as a way for ward. The approach towards ethical and sustainable fashion exists in optimized sourcing, manufacturing and design processes that maximize industr y and societal benefits whilst minimizing environmental consequences. Of their journey so far, Lu says, “we’re kind of more a show, not tell, business”. By keeping their customers at the forefront of their decisions, Showpo is making changes that are creating a positive impact. With fashion being one of the leading contributors to greenhouse gasses worldwide, it’s important to champion brands that are taking action and contributing to combat climate change. For others who endeavor to join in, Lu wants to inspire individuals and businesses to start where they are and pivot along the way. “Don’t let perfect be the enemy of good”, she says, and “have a bias towards action”. Amalie the Label is available exclusively at Showpo. 52 M. CITIZEN MAGAZINE | ISSUE 07

Tamara wears Amalie The Label Moahlba Linen Ruched Puff Sleeve Open Back Mini Dress in White

Inspired by the soft, poppy hues of the floral artworks I wanted to bounce off those in a contrasting way so they made their own artistic statement. Contrasting colors with graphic liner, a bold lip, colorful lashes and gradient melts felt like the right direction. Makeup is a constant ever-flowing and changing way to make a simple fashion statement, so never be afraid to experiment with bright, bold colors and designs. I really respect what Doniella Davy has done with the cast of Euphoria when it comes to making those statements and showing how any non-binary or gender can live their day to day lives by simply expressing themselves through small details via makeup; it doesn’t have to be too much to be the perfect dose of conspicuous. Bold looks dont have to belong strictly in the glossy pages of a Magazine or on the runway at Fashion Week, you can also confidently walk down a grocery aisle and grab your fresh produce like a boss with a bright blue liner and a touch of glitter in the inner corner.. Highly recommend.

kins Serena Jen 54 M. CITIZEN MAGAZINE | ISSUE 07

r u e l F e D e v Rê PHOTOGRAPHY Greg Levitt @greglevittphotography MAKE-UP Serena Jenkins @serena.ish

HAIR by Bradley Darling @mrbradleydarling

in collaboration with Jessica Geiger @thejessicageiger MODEL Jailan Mann @jailanmann

AGENCY Select Model Atlanta @selectmodelatlanta



Base: Skin by Mented foundation stick in M10 + M20, Fenty Beauty Killawatt Foil Freestyle Highlighter duo in “Mimosa Sunrise/Sangria Sunset”, Bobby Brown Highlighting Powder in “Pink Glow”, Fenty Beauty Pro Filt’r Instant Retouch concealer in #445, Fenty Beauty Matchstix Contour Skin Stick in “Espresso”, Laura Mercier Translucent Setting Powder, Eyes: Fenty Beauty Killawatt Foil Freestyle Highlighter duo in “Mimosa Sunrise/Sangria Sunset” Anastasia Brow Freeze Styling Wax, Benefit Précision My Brow in shade 5, ILIA Limitless Lash Mascara, Lips:Sephora Retractable Rouge Gel Lip Liner in Loud Mouth “Matte Violet”, Mac Matte Lipstick in “Heroine”



Skin by Mented foundation stick in M10 + M20, Fenty Beauty Killawatt Foil Freestyle Highlighter in “Lightning Dust”/“Fire Crystal”, Mented Make You Blush in “Pinky Promise”, Fenty Beauty Pro Filt’r Instant Retouch concealer in #445, Fenty Beauty Matchstix Contour Skin Stick in “Espresso”, Laura Mercier Translucent Setting Powder, Eyes: Cutcreaser shadow paint by Melopops in Inevitable / lashes in 3,000, Anastasia Brow Freeze Styling Wax, Benefit Précision My Brow in shade 5, Lips: Mac Matte Lipstick in “Soft Savor”, Sephora Ultra Shine Lip Gloss


Base: Skin by Mented foundation stick in M10 + M20, Fenty Beauty Killawatt Foil Freestyle Highlighter in Lightning Dust/ Fire Crystal, Fenty Beauty Pro Filt’r Instant Retouch concealer in #445, Fenty Beauty Matchstix Contour Skin Stick in “Espresso”, Laura Mercier Translucent Setting Powder, Eyes: Cutcreaser shadow paint by Melopops in 3,000/Point Break/Queens, Anastasia Brow Freeze Styling Wax, Benefit Précision My Brow in shade 5, ILIA Limitless Lash Mascara, Lips: Sephora Ultra Shine Lip Gloss

r u e l F e D Rêve





i, my name is Christina and I like to par ty...

HAHA! But really, I do. My love for people and socializing led me to create a series of cookbooks all about seasonal soirees, because there is always something to celebrate. I am a happily married Mommy of two who loves to cook healthy, seasonal dishes, and celebrate life all year long! Aside from homemaker life; I am also a model, writer, and philanthropist. I’ve been called “the domesticated it girl”, and it stuck. On my blog and YouTube channel, I share plant-based recipes from my (work in progress) series of enter taining cookbooks, Celebrations by CG. Celebrations: AT HOME Celebrations: HOLIDAYS Celebrations: PARTY TIME Celebrations: GONE GLOBAL I also share tips on Mommy life, how to run a smooth household, how to create the life of your dreams, enter taining, to-do lists, and how to do it all with style & grace while having FUN!


I’m here to encourage people to make living an ar t. Join me. Let’s become the curators of those special moments in time, we can create magic in our backyards or on our balconies. We’ll prepare fun seasonal spreads and nur ture our meaningful relationships. Let’s celebrate it all, enchant each other, and turn the dust of everyday life into a golden haze. xoxo



BUTTER This is the kind of recipe you have to try in order to believe. Even if sliced radishes on buttered toast sounds good to you, which it doesn’t to me, you will be amazed at how good it really is. Plus it’s super easy and oh so pretty! No doubt it’ll have guests smiling and snapping pics, destined to become one of your go-to hors d’oeuvres for any cutesy spring gathering. It’s easy to grab and go, but it’s best eaten over a plate or at least a napkin.

METHOD Preheat the oven to 350°F. Brush both sides of each crostini with oil and bake, turning once, until golden brown. About 8 minutes. Let cool completely before buttering. Combine butter and chives in a small bowl and whip with beaters. Spread the butter evenly on crostini’s and sprinkle with salt. Generously top with radish slices, sprinkle chopped dill, then thoughtfully place the edible flowers. Add a spritz of lemon juice and serve immediately!

INGREDIENTS 1 baguette, sliced into 16 pieces (not French, too small widthwise) ¼ cup olive oil 6 tablespoons vegan butter, softened 2 tablespoons minced fresh chives Flaky sea salt 18 small & medium radishes, sliced paper thin ½ leomon, for spritzing Chopped fresh dill or chives, for garnish Chive flowers, lemon gem marigolds, or other small pastel edible flowers, for garnish 63 M. CITIZEN MAGAZINE | ISSUE 07





This is the kind of recipe you have to try in order to believe. Even if sliced radishes on buttered toast sounds good to you, which it doesn’t to me, you will be amazed at how good it really is. Plus it’s super easy and oh so pretty! No doubt it’ll have guests smiling and snapping pics, destined to become one of your go-to hors d’oeuvres for any cutesy spring gathering. It’s easy to grab and go, but it’s best eaten over a plate or at least a napkin.

INGREDIENTS 1 bulb fennel, trimmed and thinly sliced, (fronds reserved for garnish) 4 large celery stalks, thinly sliced, ¼ cup inner leaves chopped 1 large sunchoke, peeled and thinly sliced 1 large Granny Smith apple, peeled, cored, and thinly sliced 3 tablespoons plus 1 teaspoon fresh lemon juice 2 tablespoons plus 1 teaspoon Dijon mustard 1 garlic clove, minced 2 teaspoons honey, or agave ¼ cup plus 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil Coarse salt and freshly ground pepper ½ cup walnuts, toasted, and coarsely chopped

METHOD Place fennel, celery, sunchoke, and apple in a bowl of cold water. Stir in 1 tablespoon of lemon juice and refrigerate (to crisp them and prevent discoloration). In another bowl, whisk together remaining 2 tablespoons plus 1 teaspoon lemon juice, the mustard, garlic, and honey. Whisk in oil until emulsified, and season with salt and pepper. Drain chilled mixture, and dry in a salad spinner or blot with a paper towel; transfer to a serving bowl. Add celery leaves and walnuts. Toss with dressing and garnish with fennel fronds. TiP: If you can’t find sunchokes, you can substitute with celery root.



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