M. Citizen Magazine Issue 5

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Issue 05 | FALL 21

On finding his purpose, learning to adult, & living to see another day

The Modern Day Witch

Immunity Boosting foods for the spooky season


Actor Chris O’shea in our first ever Men’s Fashion Editorial

CARRIE ANN INABA Dripping Diamonds Fall Beauty Featuring


On her career , wellness & reevaluating the meaning of success

Editor in Chief / Creative Director / Graphic Design / Photo Editor / Writer Bec Doyle @becdoyle_

Photographer / Hair Stylist Glenn Nutley @glennnutley


Photographer Ben Fink Shapiro @benfinkshapiro

Writer Elisabeth Hower @elisabethhower

Writer Bobby Nahill @bobbynahill

Writer Alana Huehn @a_la_na

Writer Chef Vanna Rasmusen @cookwithvanna

Fashion Stylist Julie Kozak @julie_kozak

Fashion Stylist Natalie Mark @nataliemarkstylist

Make-up Artist Marylin Lee Spiegel @marylinmakeup

Make-Up Artist Stevi Christine @naturallyby

Hair Stylist / Grooming Diane Dusting @didusting

Model Alice Greczyn @alicegreczyn


Model Agency It Model Management @itmodelmanagement

ON THE COVER Carrie Ann wears Dress by WAYF from Janey Lopaty PR, Jewelry by KayLee & Rose

Kenzie wears sweater by Ralph Lauren

Photography : Glenn Nutley @thecontentcollective Hair Stylist : Glenn Nutley @glennnutley Make-Up Artist: Marylin Lee Spiegel @marylinmakeup Fashion Stylist : Julie Kozak @julie_kozak


38 IN THIS ISSUE Carrie Ann Inaba 14 On her career, wellness and reevaluating the meaning of success


Adrian Grenier 8 On Finding his purpose, learning to adult & living to see another day Call To Combat Climate Change 14 day Outlining the steps Individuals can take day to to help combat climate change Class Act 20 “You”, Chris O’shea discusses his role on career highlights & his passion for fostering rescue dogs 4 M. CITIZEN MAGAZINE | ISSUE 05



BEAUTY Dripping Diamonds 60 Cruelty Free beauty featuring jewelry by Azature


Carrie Ann’s Beauty Breakdown 59 With Celebrity Make-up artist Marylin Lee Spiegel

HEALTH & WELLNESS The Modern Day Witch 66 An ode to the spooky season breaking down immunity

boosting foods and supplements


& Soup 70 Elixirs Recipes for immunity and healing

Life Locked Down 72 A reflection on surviving the pandmeic and lockdown







drian Grenier is busy. We’ve tried speaking twice before today; scheduling demons and time zone differences required the charm of the third time to finally connect. No wonder it was a challenge: Clickbait, his latest limited-series on Netflix, premiered the week before. I headed into the interview feeling he must be tired of speaking with journalists. How could he not be? However, the man that greeted me on the other end of the line was generous, thoughtful, curious, and kind. If he was tired of conversation, he disguised it with aplomb. Over the course of our chat, I’d come to realize that part of that self-assurance comes in part from a singularity of purpose. Everything in his life is actioned through the lens of personal growth, empowerment, and willingness to change, making for little, if any, separation of work life and private life. “That’s the goal, isn’t it?” He says. “To integrate your work into your lifestyle and vice versa?” First, we must discuss Clickbait, a modern-day cautionary tale of what happens when we accept information/gossip/ news, etc., as it’s being fed to us, without discernment, taking it at face value. In other words, catfishing on the highest level. Gre-

nier’s Nick is abducted and forced to hold damning signs in videos uploaded to YouTube, which put his fate quite literally in the hands of the viewers. The higher the hits, the closer he is to death. The series asks, in a world where everyone is an expert, do we still have the courage to think for ourselves? The question is right up Grenier’s alley. “I’ve always looked for projects that have a bit more meaning, and challenged the audience to think a little bit.” It’s not just personal preference, either. It’s a mentality: “We need all hands on deck these days and we need people to be engaged and present, not checked out. Escapism was great while it lasted but it’s too important right now to create strictly entertainment.” These are big ideals, but ones that he’s been putting into action in his own life for some time now. He left Los Angeles to live on a farm outside of Austin, Texas. His Instagram feed is far more full of the adventures of home growing chard than Hollywood parties. For him, the desire to move was deeper than a change of scenery. While he’s made numerous documentaries about the ► 9 M. CITIZEN MAGAZINE | ISSUE 05

“ There’s a lot of anti-human sentiment in environmentalism; humans are the problem. No, humans are the solution.”


environment, like The Last Drop and is an environmental goodwill ambassador for the UN, he still didn’t ► feel like he was fully walking his talk. Now he’s growing his own food and planting orchards. He’s even building a rain water catch system to use as irrigation. It’s clear that he’s built his life around serving the earth, and sure, he’d love everyone to do more, but he often feels coerced by a lot of environmentalist. “They throw around images of dying dolphins and then want something of me. I think that’s fundamentally the wrong way to go about things.” He adds, “There’s a lot of anti-human sentiment in environmentalism; humans are the problem. No, humans are the solution.” He means it. But don’t expect a lecture if you run into him somewhere. “There was a time I had no problem preaching to everybody, yelling at the girl at the checkout counter because she put my groceries in plastic bags. Which didn’t help her, didn’t help me, didn’t help the environment, just made everybody unhappy and probably she got a little bit scared.” He continues with a self-effacing chuckle, “Ironically, I can’t tell anyone how to [change], because I’m still working on myself right now.” “Am I operating at my full capacity? Am I healthy? Am I making good sense of the world? Am I able to discern all the conflicting messages put at us every day?” This leads us to a discussion about happiness and the good ol’ fashioned American Dream, which, in light of the last two years, seems to have taken a bit of a hit. With the wealth disparity is only becoming more obvious, is it time to reconsider our goals?

“The American Dream. What is that? You work hard and you can have it all?” Plus, he says, “it’s so obviously not true. So many people work so hard for so long and they’re still working, and struggling… We’ve got to evolve out of that and create new goals that are reflective of our current situation.” “It started to become clear that… shared life is worth living.” “For me, it’s a spiritual pursuit,” he says of happiness. “I used to live for myself, my own pleasure, my own indulgence, without really thinking about others. I waslosing people be cause of that.” He also began to see that “reciprocity and shared life is worth living.” He reoriented himself in terms of community, family, nature, future generations. These days, Grenier considers everything in terms of longlasting impact. “How does it play out when I’m gone?” He speaks about planting seeds of trees whose shade he may never enjoy, which has "totally transformed” his life. Thinking about his children and grandchildren and great grandchildren smiling under the shade of those trees gives him an appreciation for the work he’s putting in now. He’s literally and metaphorically planting seeds of change. Enter DuContra, the impact investment firm he co-founded with venture capitalist Ba Minuzzi. It’s a manifestation of his, well, manifesto, and, as he describes it, “the most important work” that he does. “By taking the energy of finance, money, we can use that as a tool and channel it into companies and businesses and humans that are also doing that [sustainable] work.” Their goal, he says, is to empower people, connect them with community, and heal our relationship to money. ► 11 M. CITIZEN MAGAZINE | ISSUE 05

“The goal is not to make more money, it’s to make the world a better place. How do we improve what we consume, and how we consume it?” Take Heart Water, for example, a new edition to DuContra’s portfolio. They’re an Austin-based company selling alkaline bottled rainwater, so you can literally drink the weather. Nearly a quarter of their profits go to providing clean drinking water to water challenged communities around the world. Which isn’t to say Grenier ignores the bottom line: The company needs to make profit in order to donate it. The goal is to create a business that’s sustainable, that also serves the environment. Good intentions are only as good as the action they create. Speaking of intention and action, I ask about the transition away from Hollywood. Was it difficult to set personal boundaries to protect what he was building in Texas? “Setting boundaries was tough because I just wanted everyone to like me,” he says with a laugh, describing his former self. “I’ve been a people pleaser. I wanted to be liked. I mean, shit, I’m a celebrity, I want to be adored,” he chides himself, while recognizing the consequences that kind of behavior may have led to. “I was rewarded for pushing limits, often at the expense of other people. I had to learn that lesson the hard way.” He describes feeling in crisis over his life of indulgence. But that led to a breakthrough. “I realized, fuck, I better grow the fuck Up.” “I don’t have much regret, I don’t. I look back to the bad behavior, the malevolence, the narcissism, the selfishness, all as a gift of the wisdom I now


get to embrace, until I get hit up for another lesson, of course.” And how does he process all these life lessons? With other men, of course. “Men need men,” he says, “We need to support each other… to face the dragons, especially the ones within us, so we can learn to be dangerous of the betterment of humanity and women and society, not be dangerous in a destructive way.” He continues, “Hopefully we’ll be able to hold space enough to give women some relief from what they’ve had to endure all this time so they can level up in their own way.” It’s refreshing for this female to hear, particularly amid the clangor of power and abuse in Hollywood. “I believe there’s also a very real toxic feminism,” he adds, “But I won’t mansplain about that. I’ll live to see another day, thank you.” He says with a laugh. He takes what’s going on very seriously, but adds, “I don’t like the idea that it’s fatalistic and there’s nothing we can do,” he says. “Because that doesn’t leave room for us take charge and make it different.” Different is exactly the way Grenier has lived his life. After we hang up, I think back to my expectations at the beginning of the call. Would I be speaking to a subdued Vincent Chase? Hardly. The man I sat across from was thoughtful and curious. He’d ask, “Could you speak more about that?” And was genuinely interested in hearing my answer. But on reflection, it makes complete sense. It’s his willingness to embrace his curiosity that’s propelled him through life. I, for one, can’t wait to see what he cooks up next. Aside from fresh chard, of course. ■


C A L L T O C O M B AT C L I M AT E C H A N G E Writer Alana Huehn proposes the steps individuals can take to exercise their rights as citizens and consumers by thinking globally and acting locally



the latest report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has served a wakeup call for the planet. The dominant narrative is that us humans are “unequivocally” responsible for the warming of the atmosphere, ocean and land, causing climate change. We created it and if we don’t do something about it and do it now, the trajectory is bleak and by 2050 global temperatures will reach 2 degrees Celsius rise. Meaning catastrophic climate issues. Every fraction of a degree of warming avoided will reduce the amount of people and places affected. Unfortunately, some of the damage that has already been done is irreversible for centuries and even millennia, continuing to occur in the future. Already, the planet has warmed 1 degree Celsius and as a result we’re seeing extreme


weather, ice caps melting and sea levels rising. A dire and overwhelming forecast for the future where no place on earth will be excluded from the effects of climate change. As Dr Simon Bradshaw, the Climate Council’s Head of Research states, “it’s going to take everything we’ve got, and this may be our final warning… it’s up to all of us to make sure that happens.” The cost will be huge if we keep ghosting the scientist’s calls. Take a pause because it’s important to know that our current global climate state has a lot to do with governments and private corporations, plus the elephant in the room – fossil fuels. The IPCC report stated that more than 70% of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions since 1988 are produced from a mere 100 companies. The colossal power and damage caused by

these companies are a substantial chunk of our situation. Mitigating climate change requires a huge global effort in reducing greenhouse gas emissions like co2, methane and nitrous oxide, as well as actively repairing and restoring our planet’s environment. What can you do about it? Without thinking you have to become the next Greta Thunberg to truly make a difference to climate change, there are environmental and sustainability practices that you can incorporate into your life that will help. Individuals can exercise their rights as citizens and consumers by thinking global and acting local. Our participation or apathy to climate change determines our future. This is not only for the environment, it’s also about making sure humans continue to live in a world that is safe and sustainable. We are truly fighting climate change for each other.

Go vegan The decisions we make about the food we eat effect the climate immensely. Right after fossil fuel emissions, meat and dairy farming are the biggest greenhouse gas emitters globally. If cattle farming was considered its own country, they would be the third largest greenhouse gas producer in the world after China and the US. Mind blowing isn’t it!? To raise animals, vast amounts of land, food, water and energy are needed. Consequently, massive amounts of methane are released and get trapped in earth’s atmosphere. It’s undeniable that the industry is exploitative of the billions of animals that are crammed into tiny pens for human consumption, and despite what marketing may claim, there is no humane way to kill an animal. Eating a high fibre, plant-based diet or vegan diet is better for your health and it’s without a doubt better for the environment. Choose fresh, seasonal organic produce that is grown locally to help reduce the carbon emissions from transportation, preservation and prolonged refrigeration. Switch to oat milk which has the smallest carbon footprint out of all plant-based milk and leave milk to baby cows, where its solely intended. You can also raise your green thumb by growing your own vegetable and herb garden in your backyard, balcony, or in a community garden. Whatever you do, just eat real plant-based food and don’t waste it.

“If cattle farming was considered its own country, they would be the third largest greenhouse gas producer in the world after China and the US. Mind blowing isn’t it!?”

Green your commute The quickest road towards reducing emissions right now is in the daily decisions you make to move from one place to the other. Going car-free is the most effective action an individual can make for the environment, and has physical and health benefits too. By walking, cycling, using public transport or car sharing options, you are making a positive step to reduce climate change. However, if needing a car is your reality, think and act on using it less often, if possible. When in the market for a new car, opt for an electric or hybrid vehicle. With less overall running costs, they are a win-win for the environment and you’re back pocket. Besides reducing car emissions, limiting your air travel will also bring you brownie points. When flying is unavoidable though, it’s helpful to pay a little extra for carbon offsetting.

Make deliberate fashion choices Next up in the world’s biggest polluters is the fashion industry. Fashion is responsible for 10% of total global greenhouse emissions, mostly due to the energy used in production, manufacturing and transportation.



It’s also a major contributor to water, air and soil pollution, deforestation and water consumption. Besides the ethical question of, “who made my clothes?”, the subsequent question to ask is, “what are my clothes made of?” Sustainable fashion comes down to fabric choice. The type of fabric used will determine how much environmental degradation it ends up causing, from farming or fossil fuels used as raw materials, the chemicals used to turn it into fibre and the end-of-life scenario for its ultimate disposal, or natural W decomposition. The cream of the crop in natural, breathable and renewable fabrics are organic cotton, bamboo, hemp and linen. The best vegan alternative to silk that is environmentally friendly is lyocell which is made from wood pulp mixed with semi-synthetic fabrics. New leather-like fabric from mushrooms, algae and pineapple are also promising alternatives to animal skins. Recycled fabric is also great for the environment because co2 emissions are more than halved compared to when clothes are made from new material. Polyester, acrylic, nylon, spandex and other synthetic fabrics which are non-biodegradable and are derived from fossil fuels make it hard for your skin to breathe, may release toxins carcinogenic to your health and can cause skin irritations. Plus, every time you wash synthetic fibres, they release microplastics into the water. An environmental no-no.

sad reality is that most of our donated clothes end up in landfill, either in our home country or third world nations who receive our well-intended donations and cannot sell or repurpose them. The earth is literally unable to sustainably get rid of the amount of clothing produced each year and this is precisely why you should break up with trends and the endless cycle of fast fashion. If your clothing is cheap, then there are probably human and environmental issues along the chain of supply that shouldn’t be ignored. Especially when most of the world’s lowcost and synthetic clothes are produced in China, Bangladesh, or India, countries that over-rely on coal and gas.

“ hat you buy will dictate supply. Buying only what you need and investing in sustainable, high-quality clothes and accessories helps reduce the stress fashion has on the environment.”

What you buy will dictate supply. Buying only what you need and investing in sustainable, high-quality clothes and accessories helps reduce the stress fashion has on the environment. Fashion has become too easily disposable. Families in western countries on average throw out 30kg of clothes annually, of which only approximately 15% is recycled or donated. The 16 M. CITIZEN MAGAZINE | ISSUE 05

Most things that you buy online involve fossil fuels and co2 emissions to be delivered to you. By putting boundaries around your ability to purchase helps to eliminate buyer’s regret. Returning items at no cost is not technically free either, at least not for the environment. Try to purchase fashion as much as you can locally, or when ordering online consciously buy what you need from one outlet to limit transportation emissions. Choose to buy vintage or second-hand items and perhaps consider implementing a one-in-one out policy. Repairing your clothes extends their life, as does sustainably donating, selling or swapping them. When we are more aware of the lifecycle of things we buy, we are better informed to make the right decisions for the environment and us.

Cut your consumption Everything we consume leaves a carbon footprint. Committing to being zero waste isn’t easily achievable in today’s ‘plastic’ world, but minimising your waste certainly is. The main

point is to buy only what you need, use what you already have and recycle what you can’t refuse, reduce or reuse. When needing to purchase new items, consider buying in bulk or in containers made from glass over plastic, so it can be reused or recycled into another product. It’s estimated that plastic takes up to 450 years to decompose, that is if it does at all. Therefore, all the plastic that has been produced on earth thus far is still here in some form. Over time these plastics break down into tiny particles that scientists have discovered in deep oceans, Antarctic ice, in rain and even air. This is a huge issue for the environment and us, so much so we’re actually ingesting micro plastics in the food we eat and the water we drink, estimated to equate to the size of a credit card per year. The climate issues have to do with consumption. So, in this ‘supply and demand’ centric world, the individual has control in the choices that you make, and where you put your money has power. Single use plastics commonly found in take-away containers, straws, cotton buds, wrappers, grocery bags, service ware and cutlery are the most obvious culprits you should kick to the curb. When shopping, take with you reusable shopping bags and skip plastic produce bags by washing your produce thoroughly before consuming. By carrying your own reusable water bottle or coffee cup you’re saving hundreds of disposables annually going to landfill. Look be-

yond your kitchen and try zero waste alternatives for your beauty products like hair care and deodorant bars or compostable toothbrushes. There are many alternatives out there, you’ve got to just make it work for you. There is no right or wrong way.

Reduce and reuse your waste By taking food and organic waste and composting it on a large-scale, we’re able to nourish one of the greatest contributors to the environment and our health – soil. Healthy soil is crucial for the ecosystem and plant growth. The healthier the soil, the healthier life on earth is. As an individual, you can reap these results on a small scale by composting your food waste at home and using the by-product to improve your soil and vegetable garden. Landfills are not a sustainable solution for waste. They are the world’s third largest source of human-related methane emissions. Landfills last only between 5-20 years and once used up, leave the land virtually unusable for anything other than a nature reserve. They’re designed to bury rubbish, a Band-Aid solution that down the track causes environmental harm from chemicals and toxins leaching out into the soil and groundwater. Bacteria from the waste in landfills over time break down and continuously produce gases made from methane and co2. Unfortunately, even the majority of our waste sent to be recycled often ends up in landfill. So, to actively combat this, we need to be conscious about where something comes from and


where it goes after you use it. Think about where you can reuse and recycle as much as possible. Know that that extra effort goes a long way.

Respect, repair and protect our environment Trees are vital for the existence of life on this planet. They truly function as the lungs of the earth. Not only do trees reduce co2 and therefore directly contribute to combating climate change, but as a result of photosynthesis, they release oxygen into the atmosphere, the very thing that makes up the air we breathe in. We cannot exist without that and neither can the earth. You don’t have to plant a forest single-handedly to help the environment, any action you can take towards habitat restoration is a step forward. With more of us living in large cities, green spaces such as parks and gardens sprinkled throughout urban areas are proven to help to lower levels of pollution, cool the temperature, improve animal habitats, absorb rainwater and reduce the likelihood of flooding. Nature needs our respect and our help to protect it. When you’re on a hike or at the beach, clean up anything along the way that shouldn’t be there. By doing what we can to conserve green spaces, or by planting your own garden, even if it’s on your balcony or window sill, you are part of the solution.

Put your money where your mouth is How you generate your money and what you spend it on has influence. Align with your environmental values by investing in sustainable and ethical funds. Look out for Certified B Corporations which are businesses that meet the highest standards of verified social and environmental performance. Nowadays, companies that are listening to their shareholders and 18 M. CITIZEN MAGAZINE | ISSUE 05

placing emphasis on sustainability are seeing a rise in investment globally. Money truly talks if you want to make a difference to the environment.

Speak up Make your voice heard by those in power and power up your voice to those able to listen. When elections come around, use your vote to amplify candidates that can make real change in preserving and protecting our planet. Use your democratic rights in calling out for change. Write to the government and tell them that climate change should be the number one issue, to put pressure on the most polluting industries and demand that they make renewable energy affordable and available to all. Do your best to lead by example and share your experience and point of view through conversations with family, friends, colleagues and whomever could use some encouragement. Social scientists have found that when one person makes a sustainability-oriented decision, other people follow. Collectively, with enough people working together, these actions can make a difference to climate change and the sustainability and liveability of earth. ■

Chris wears @maisonvalentino Bracelet by @davidyurman 20 M. CITIZEN MAGAZINE | ISSUE 05





e’s the dashing Brit that graced our screens in Madam Secretary, appeared in Patriots Day alongside Mark Whalberg and won our hearts in A Simple Wedding. Now he’s in the “clique” of affluent parents in the sunny Californian town of Madre Linda, where the new neighbors also happen to be serial killers, in the highly anticipated 3rd season of You, out October 15th on Netflix. Can two killers raise a baby? That’s the question Chris proposes as we discuss the upcoming season of You. Like anyone who has seen the show, I became hooked, so it was only natural I try and get all the juicy details on what to expect from this season of the Joe and Love saga. Unfortunately for all of us, Chris remained very tight lipped. Luckily we only have to wait a few more days till we can binge watch season 3, with all the excitement, shock and horror we have come to expect from the catastrophic snowball that is Joe’s life. “It escalates quickly,” Chris says, which has me wide eyed. “It can’t be happily ever after, and I dont think I’m ruining anything to say- it isn’t.” Chris explains his character Andrew, is a stay at home dad, that hangs out with the cool crowd that Love finds herself a part of, “my scenes are mainly with Victoria [Pedretti], Love’s character, and about how she seeks acceptance with the popular clique and tries to fit in as the new mom in town.” Although they are killers, we as the audience are invested in their lives, whether you want to see things work out for them, or not. “He’s a killer and I don’t think there’s any kind of redemption for him, and I know that Penn [Badgley] kind of feels the same way,” Chris adds.

“When you get to go to work as an actor it’s such a privilege,” Chris says with genuine humility. And to have been able to work during the second wave of lockdowns in LA, is not something Chris took for granted. Taking in each moment, grateful to turn up for work everyday at the Warner Brothers lot in Burbank. “You’re walking in to work, you’ve got your morning coffee, they’re setting up the stages, the production. The machinery of TV production is in full swing and you’re part of that machine, and you’re making something. You look around and you see where Bogart filmed scenes from Casablanca and you’re stepping on the same hallowed turf. If you’ve got any fandom for film there’s a certain rush to be had from working at Warner Brothers, history was made there.”

“When you get to go to work as an actor it’s such a privilege”

Chris explains although shooting during a pandemic has its challenges, like avoiding contact with people outside of work, robust onsite covid-19 testing each day, the REAL challenge was the workout schedule, which wasn’t without some friendly competition amongst the cast. “Travis Van Winkle who’s another actor on the show, a really nice fellow, his character in the script is like the Alpha Dog, and I was like you just wait, I’m going to really hit it.... I rocked up thinking I was here to play, then the shirts come off and it was like I fucking challenged Hulk Hogan to an arm wrestle. He was going through his regime and I just realized, like in terms of taking it seriously- I thought I’d been taking it seriously. He had DEVOTED himself to it, and the results speak for themselves. It was a real eye opener of what you’ve got to do if you want to be the buff one on set.” he chuckles. Working out and eating healthy is all just part of the job, as far as Chris sees it. And he takes his



“When you get to go to work as an actor it’s such a privilege,”


Chris wears Suit by @toddsnyder, Polo by @stile_latino, Coat by @toddsnyder Vegan Shoes by @rothys Watch by @jeagerlecoultre



Chris wears Suit by @toddsnyder, Polo by @stile_latino, Coat by @toddsnyder Vegan Shoes by @rothys Watch by @jeagerlecoultre


Chris wears Suit by @suitshop, Tee by @hiroclark & Watch by @girardperregaux


Chris wears Suit by @suitshop, Tee by @hiroclark, Vegan Shoes by @grensonshoes & Watch by @girardperregaux


job seriously. “Part of being an actor is being ready to do the job when you’re called for.” He explains that he has begun trying things like ‘meat free Monday’ to help lessen his carbon footprint, and in doing so, has realized, “it’s really quite easy to live without meat.” Chris says, without a doubt, the highlight of his career was appearing as Spike in the Tom Stoppard play, The Hard Problem. “He makes very deep complicated and intellectual topics very accessible and emotionally moving and therefore very easy to understand and this play was about whether or not there is room in our understanding of consciousness, for god.” Chris explains theatre is a little more taxing in comparison to being on set for film or tv, “It’s a marathon, you know, when you pull up to a film set you generally do a couple minutes of work, spend quite a long time sitting down, couple hours in the makeup chair and have an hour off for lunch, and get paid for the privilege. I love [theatre], so it doesn’t really feel like work, but it is like 8 hours a day in rehearsal. And when you get into it, it’s like, show on Monday night, show on Tuesday night, two shows on Wednesday, two shows on Saturday. And it is grueling, but you come out stronger. It’s like lifting weights.” A fan of Stoppard from his English Literature days, Chris recalls one day during rehearsals as he was watching from the audience, the single biggest compliment he has ever received and one he will never forget, “Tom was sitting next to me and he put his hand on my arm and went “you’re money in the bank you are,” and that is the highlight of my career. Cloud 9.”

support of the trainers at Humble K9, “They specialize in bully breeds and difficult cases and the work they do is outstanding. We’re so pleased we can support it.” With a soft spot in his heart for the often misrepresented “bully breeds”, he has now fostered and essentially rescued 6 dogs, all Staffordshire Terrier/ Pit mixes, some on death row, just mere hours away from being euthanized. “It kind of saved us… It doesn’t take a lot to foster a dog, he’s in a cage, in a shelter. Shelters do their best with the resources they have, but it’s not an ideal scenario at all… Lots of people could [foster] if they just realize that all you need is a place for them to crash, that’s better than the concrete cell they’re in.” Chris says with a little structure, time to decompress, a warm safe place to sleep and a lot of love, they have all been ‘rehabilitated’ and in turn found their forever homes. Chris largely credits the trainers at Humble K9 in assisting with each of his foster dog’s rehabilitation. When speaking of his current foster, 4 year old Louie who he has had for around 5 months, Chris gushes, “he’s an absolute cuddler. He just wants to lie in people’s laps. He’s a lovely dog, but at the moment he can’t go to a family with another dog.”

“It kind of saved us… It doesn’t take a lot to foster a dog, he’s in a cage, in a shelter. … Lots of people could [foster] if they just realize that all you need is a place for them to crash, that’s better than the concrete cell they’re in”

When the pandemic hit, Chris began fostering pups through various LA rescues with the 30 M. CITIZEN MAGAZINE | ISSUE 05

Chris is currently on set in Hawaii filming an upcoming episode for Magnum PI, a reboot of the classic TV series, now in its 4th season. It’s clear we will be seeing a lot more of this talented, hard working actor, and I personally can’t wait to see what’s ahead in what is sure to be a very promising career, for an extremely deserving individual. In addition to his work ethic and dedication to his craft, the time, energy, compassion and love Chris puts into fostering is a true testament to his character - he really is a class act. ■


Chris wears @dior, Vegan Shoes by @grensonshoes, Rings by @davidyurman


Chris wears @dior, Vegan Shoes by @grensonshoes, Rings by @davidyurman


Chris wears Top by @hanro.official , Pants by @allsaints , Coat by @toddsnyder , Socks by @thetiebar , Vegan Shoes by @grensonshoes , Watch by @girardperregaux , Ring and chain necklace by @davidyurman



Chris wears Top by @hanro.official, Pants by @allsaints, Coat by @toddsnyder, Socks by @thetiebar, Vegan Shoes by @grensonshoes, Watch by @girardperregaux




​ arrie Ann Inaba is well known as the dazC zling judge on Dancing with the Stars. But off the dance floor, she is a masterful multi-hyphenate, wellness warrior, and a selfless leader who sees no limits in life, especially when it comes to helping others. Inaba takes every opportunity with gratitude and grace, no matter how large or small. Each accomplishment is filled with appreciation, and Inaba wears her heart and mind on her sleeve for others to learn from. Of all the hundred questions I wanted to ask her, I hope her responses to these can have the same impact on you as they have for me. Q: What is a fun or unique fact about you that most people wouldn’t know? A: I​ love to go RV-ing. There is something about pairing down your life just to the basics and living closer to nature that really helps refresh your soul. It clears the mind, and it puts things in perspective. Waking up in the morning and not checking your phone because you don’t have internet connection, going out and having coffee in the morning light with the dew still on the leaves, watching the sunset, letting your life slow down a bit. Having sensory input that is from nature and not man made really nourishes the soul, and it puts us back into a better state of being human. There was a time when all I did at night was search for RVs in different styles, and it’s one of my dreams to have an RV of my own one day. Q: What does the term “wellness” mean for you, and when did wellness start to play a significant role in your life? A: Wellness is something that I took for granted when I was younger. As a dancer I used my body as my tool, and I took care of it with exercise. But I didn’t realize that when wellness is not accessible, life can be very difficult. As I 40 M. CITIZEN MAGAZINE | ISSUE 05

found out about my autoimmune disease (lupus, fibromyalgia, sjögren’s syndrome), and chronic pain became something I lived with on a day to day basis, I began to refocus my life toward wellness. That became the goal, the quest, the hope. I​ had Covid-19 in December and that pushed me even further to learn everything I could about all the aspects of wellness possible. I’ve learned wellness is much more than about diet and exercise. It includes mind, body and spirit and so many other elements. That’s what matters most to me now. Success used to mean achieving certain goals in my career. Now success equals wellness, and wellness equals success. Wellness is composed of so much and you can achieve it in many ways. I believe the journey of life is to find your own form of wellness and live it every day. Q: If you had an entire day dedicated to wellness, what would that look like? A: A ​ n entire day dedicated to wellness would look something like this: I wake up and express gratitude for my animals and tell them how much I love them. I have three dogs and two cats, and snuggling with them is the first thing I do every day. I thank God for them, and do a prayer for their safety, health and happiness. Then I do that same prayer for myself. I realized I used to give a lot to everyone else and not enough to myself, so now for each prayer regarding my loved ones, I do the same for myself. At first I felt silly doing it, but now I have found it to be incredibly profound.

Carrie Ann wears Sweater by Ulla Johnson, Jewelry by KayLee & Rose


Carrie Ann wears Sweater by Ulla Johnson, Pants by ASOS, Jewelry by KayLee & Rose

Carrie Ann wears Dress by Tory Burch Heels by Schutz, Jewelry stylist owns

Carrie Ann wears Dress by Tory Burch Jewelry stylist owns




Carrie Ann wears Dress by Tory Burch Jewelry stylist owns

Carrie Ann wears Shirt by Salvatore Ferragamo, Pants by Scotch & Soda, Jewelry by KayLee & Rose mixed with stylist owns


Carrie Ann wears Shirt by Salvatore Ferragamo, Pant Suit by Scotch & Soda, Heels by Gianvitto Rossi, Jewelry by KayLee & Rose mixed with stylist owns


Then I have celery juice, to start the day with something that’s very helpful for my system, make coffee, and go outside on my front porch. I created a little area in the grass to write in my journal. I follow that with a workout. I have found that fitness has been more impactful on my mind than my body. As I have taken care of my mind and spirit first, my body naturally follows in place. I​ would take my bike and ride down to the beach, have a picnic and touch the ocean and watch the sunset. I grew up near the ocean so it’s always a big part of my life. I would talk to my mom or a family member on the phone. I’d then meet with a body or energy worker and get a massage. Then I’d watch two shows, because I’m working on and writing two shows right now. Seeing what other people are doing is inspiring and exciting, and keeps me motivated. I’d end the night saying my prayers, giving love to my animals and going to bed. During the day I’d eat as well as I could and there would be a lot of candles and lavender eucalyptus. Q: For someone who wants to focus more on self care, where would you suggest they begin? ​ : I would suggest sitting down and takA ing a moment for yourself and writing down where you are struggling and what you want to change, and then what you love about yourself and what’s working, so you don’t just focus on what needs to be changed, but to remind yourself you’re doing okay. Then living your life daily knowing what these goals are and doing something every day to achieve these goals. I’m really a big proponent for baby steps. I think we struggle with self care and wellness because we are so busy “doing” that we aren’t sure how to be anymore. Take time to be with yourself, and ask “who am I? What do I want? How am I feeling?” If we don’t know who we are or what we want, it’s difficult to give ourselves the love and care we need.

Q: What inspired you to create Carrie Ann Conversations and where do you hope to take the platform? ​ : I created it to help other people feel less A alone in their struggles in life. I have struggled so much in life and have felt so alone in my struggles. In all that I do, helping people is so important to me. I have a new series coming out called Journey to Wellness. It focuses on what I have done and learned over the past year in my own process to wellness based on conversations with people who have helped me on my journey. The series will be available to read or listen. ​ y hope is people will find solutions or inspiM ration to seek different solutions than the ones I suggest. Everyone’s journey to wellness is unique to them, and I don’t have answers to everyone. If what I’m sharing can help someone have a victory in their own life and journey, I have a victory as well. I believe having conversations with people is the best way to learn, and this platform is my take on providing accessible wellness for those who may not have it in their environment. Q: In addition to launching The Carrie Ann Inaba Animal Project and partnering with PETA, how much do animals impact your daily life? A: ​Animals have always been such a huge part of my joy in life. There is a special bond between animals and humans. The love I share with my animals is the purest thing I experience in life, and it’s constant. There’s nothing like coming home from an intense or even happy day and seeing their tails wagging or beautiful purrs. I believe animals have wisdom that we as humans have almost forgotten within the business of life. Animals really stick to what’s important and I always feel like I’m learning and growing from them - in that life is very simple, but very fulfilling.




Carrie Ann wears Trench Coat by Colton Dane from Janey Lopaty PR, Dress by Zara, Heels by Shaugureitu, Jewelry by KayLee & Rose mixed with stylist owns

Q: You are someone who loves giving back to others. Where did the passion to do so originate from? Where or to whom do you hope to give back to in the future? ​ : It genuinely makes me happy to give. I love A making people smile and helping with problems, it’s a joy for me. I think I get this from my roots in Hawaii. In Hawaii we are always giving things to each other as part of the aloha spirit, rooted from the Hawaiian and Asian cultures that are prevalent. You don’t go to someone’s house without bringing something, you don’t pick a flower for yourself without picking it for the person you’re with. You are always sharing and giving. It’s a way of living life in a state of active love. Growing up in Hawaii has really shaped the way I love to give, and I am so grateful for that. Mahalo to my Hawaiian roots! Q: What have you enjoyed the most about being a part of DWTS? Any surprises we can expect for this season? A: ​Dance has given me so many gifts in life: creative expression, self understanding, expanding my physical fitness, connecting with others through performance, soulful introspection, creativity, and my career path. When I see someone on the dance floor have the breakthrough where they learn something about themselves and expand as a person through dance specifically, that is the secret sauce that makes DWTS so special. ​ ow that we are in Season 30, I am just overN joyed people still resonate with what we are doing. There aren’t many shows that have been on this long, and I feel honored to have been there from day 1 with Bruno Tonioli on every single episode. It’s hard to put into words what an honor that is. People now on the streets talk about dance. I remember

when I grew up, not a lot of people knew about dance, and pretty much most of America can now talk about all types of dance and the expression. That makes me happy because I have played a small role in helping people understand the part of dance that is so special to me: the emotional expression and performance connection. Q: You have helped pave the way for so many performers in the East Asian community. As representation is becoming more prominent in entertainment, what future changes do you hope to see? ​ : It’s been such an honor to be a part of the A history of Asians in television, and I’ve always felt that along with the honor comes an incredibly precious responsibility. I remember when I was a fly girl, I would get fan mail. Most of the other girls got fan mail from people saying how beautiful they were and how they wanted to date them. My fan mail was slightly different. It was mostly from Asian families saying “thank you for showing my kids that there are other possibilities for Asians.” That was in my early 20s, and I understood then that what I was doing was having an impact on people who watched me. I​ have seen a lot of growth in my lifetime as far as representation goes. I see more people who look like me in dramas, comedies, and alternative programming. It’s also exciting to watch how social media in ways has leveled the playing field to give more diverse voices an opportunity to speak out and be heard. It’s important for all of us to tell our stories. When we see ourselves in others, it makes us feel more connected. It gives us more confidence in our own journey when we see others going through the same things. It’s wonderful seeing new faces and voices out there in the industry. I’m very hopeful and excited about the future of representation.


Q: This past year was a huge shift for everyone. What were some of your biggest learning lessons or take aways? ​ : My biggest takeaway and learning from A this year has been to slow down. I realized that I was pushing myself way too hard and it was hurting me. This year the pandemic, social distancing and major changes in the world have impacted all of our lives. I am no different. I have felt lonely, saddened, and hopeless. But I have felt more connected to everyone because we have all experienced this crisis together. I feel more empowered to make choices in my own life that serve me better. I​ feel grateful to have had the opportunity to slow down and take inventory of my life and make better choices for me instead of just continuing on in a fast paced lifestyle. Health is the most important gift we have. This past year has also taught us to have more compassion with each other and ourselves. While we have lost so many people, and that breaks my heart, I think to honor those we have lost - it is important to live and take the lessons we have learned during this difficult time and live with honor, grace and compassion. Q: Do you have any self-care and wellness book recommendations? A: The Untethered Soul by Michael Singer. It’s my favorite book and such a game changer. I’ve read it so many times. It helps you to discern the difference between your thoughts and you. It’s written in such an easy to digest way and is very powerful. Keep Moving by Maggie Smith. It’s one of those books you can read one to two pages at a time to help keep you motivated and on your own unique path in life. 50 M. CITIZEN MAGAZINE | ISSUE 05

The Daily OM by Madisyn Taylor is another book I always turn to. There are a few pages on each topic that keep you in an elevated state of mind so you can face your day in a positive way. Feng Shui the Book of Cures by Nancilee Wydra is a book that talks all about taking care of your environment. Bag of Jewels by Susan Hayward is a book I’ve carried with me all throughout my life. It’s a book filled with inspirational and thought provoking quotes. Any Book by Dr. Daniel Amen. He has been a huge part of my journey toward wellness, and all of his books are game changers. He gives simple solutions to complex problems and his entire philosophy is “all health starts from the brain.” The Medical Medium books by Anthony William Coviello are also fantastic. They have helped me in my own personal journey to wellness. Q: Anything else personally or professionally coming in the future that you’re excited about? A: ​I’m looking forward to the finale of DWTS and finishing out Season 30 with great energy. The competition is so intense. I don’t think in the history of the show we’ve had this many incredible dancers. I’m looking forward to releasing the new series, Carrie Ann Conversations: My Journey to Wellness. You can sign up for the Carrie Ann Conversations newsletter to be updated, and can also follow me on instagram for more details. I am very grateful for everything. Thank you! ■

Carrie Ann wears Dress by WAYF from Janey Lopaty PR, Jewelry by KayLee & Rose


Carrie Ann wears Dress by Alexis, Heels by Steve Madden, Jewelry by Kaylee & Rose mixed with stylist owns



Carrie Ann wears Dress by IRO Jewelry by KayLee & Rose mixed with stylists own pieces



Carrie Ann’s Beauty Breakdown With Make-up Artist Marylin Spiegel For Carrie Ann’s skin prep, she loves to use a chilled jade roller and gua sha to tighten and stimulate. For this shoot, I wanted a clean sophisticated makeup with bold lip colors. I used pigmented foundations to give her skin a perfect finish. I love Danessa Myricks Vision Creme Cover, which is cruelty free and vegan. I gave her cheeks a glow and lovely sculpted look with Hourglass ambient lighting powders and blush. I contoured her with the Pixi Shapeshifter Contour palette, which is great for cheeks, eyes, nose - and very easy to blend. NYX Epic Ink Liner allowed me to effortlessly create a thin eyeliner to enhance her almond eyes. I used several lip colors from Inglot, Ilia, and Smith & Cult, for different looks, mixing colors to create what I was looking for.

What is gua sha? its an ancient healing technique that promotes lymphatic drainage and stimulates circulation by gently gliding the tool across the surface of your skin


Fall Beauty Featu

Model: Alice Photography : Glenn N Make-Up Artist: St

Prep skin using: iS clinical eye cream, iS clinical lip treatment, Augustinus Bader The Rich Cream, Tula signature glow face mist, Naturallyby Brow definer in dark, Ilia true skin concealer in “wasabi”, hourglass vanish airbrush concealer in apricot w/ topaz Smashbox Eye primer M. CITIZEN MAGAZINE | ISSUE 05


uring Jewels by Azature

e Greczyn @alicegreczyn Nutley @thecontentcollective tevi Christine @naturallyby

Azature is a window to the world beyond the label more than a brand a lifestyle and experience a mindset Azature is engaging with the future for the progression toward a unisex freedom of expression. A place where men can feel feminine and women can feel masculine. Where categories are diminished and a welcoming concept of personhood is embraced. Azature is about commonality, humanity the sameness in our divergence. Azature is the belief that appearances and aesthetics can transform the universe. Azature is about finding your reason in the world, chasing down your passions, and arousing conviction in those you surround yourself with. Aspire to be and you will become. Azature is about escaping judgment and having faith in the essential beauty of every person Azature is the recognition that in a brief existence finding fulfillment reveling in detail and embodying fearlessness are vital. Azature is you - willing to exist on the fringes, and dare to be fiercely human.

Azature By appointment only azature.com

Smashbox eyeshadow in Silver/White, Charlotte Tilbury pillow talk push up lashes mascara, Jouer creme blush in “Petal”, Charlotte Tilbury “Kiss & Tell” lip liner, Charlotte Tilbury “Red Carpet Red” + “Love Bite” lip color M. CITIZEN MAGAZINE | ISSUE 05



Charlotte Tilbury “bar of gold”, Jouer “Honey suckle” creme blush, Jouer “grace” lipstick, Obsessive Compulsive lip tar “Meta” + “Clockwork”

Charlotte Tilbury “chocolate bronze”, Smashbox shadow in Black, Urban Decay 24/7 glide on eyeliner in “oil slick”, Kat Von D tattoo vegan eyeliner. Charlotte Tilbury lip liner in “Pillow Talk”& lipstick in “Hepburn honey” and “Penelope pink”

Hourglass Smoke Taupe creme shadow, Charlotte Tilbury highlighter #2, Jouer Poppy cheek tint, Smashbox “plum role” lip liner, Smashbox metallic matt lipstick in “Vino Noir” M. CITIZEN MAGAZINE | ISSUE 05





very culture has THAT recipe. The one jotted down from grandmother to mother, to administer to a loved one who needs an immunity boost. Not all magic potions include eyeballs and goat blood, most are made of powerful, and easily accessible, plant-based materials. Ones of which are highly likely to be found in the pantries of holistic “healers” and well-informed health enthusiasts, aka the Modern-Day Witch. This is not hocus pocus, this tangible collection of ingredients possess the power to exercise the inner workings of our being to prevail against what ails us. With this knowledge, any Jane Doe can transform into a powerful potion-mixing sorceress and coax the immune system to perform miracles. Our Immune System is an around-the-clock orchestration of proteins, organs and special cells working synergistically to fight microscopic battles inside our bodies. This intricate system is responsible for reconfiguring the foods we eat to build an invisible army against all the tiny invaders our bodies encounter on a daily basis. In this day and age, it is up to us to educate ourselves on how to properly empower this system of warriors with the best tools and conditions to combat the unwanted critters and thrive. Let’s identify these immunity enhancers and divulge some sacred potions, developed to protect our vibrancy. ►


VITAMIN C Aka ascorbic acid, is a water soluble nutrient renowned for its effectiveness in supporting the Immune System. In addition, it helps protect the body from free radicals that damage healthy cells and defends against illness. Our body does not produce or store Vitamin C, therefore, we need to consume it on the daily. Foods ranking highest in Vitamin C content include: citrus, bell peppers, spinach, broccoli, and papaya.

SACRED PLANTS Ginger, known best for its power to reduce inflammation and nausea. Containing over 25 different antioxidant properties effective in fighting many varieties of free radicals throughout the body. This root has been sold and exchanged along the spice routes in ancient times and used for healing in the chamber of royalty. Turmeric, a vibrant root bright orange in color. This “golden spice” dates back 4000 years to southeast Asia. Over 100 components have been isolated from turmeric. Known for its effectiveness in joint health, respiratory ease, abdominal issues and wound healing. This root can be eaten, made into a tincture or even applied directly on the skin. Garlic – our stinky friend, wards off bacteria and viruses with its heavy concentration of sulfur-containing compounds, like allicin. These compounds are also the catalyst for zinc absorption, another immune boosting trace mineral. In addition to increasing the libido by enhancing the blood flow in the nether regions, it also works to reduce stress hormones, and in turn, alkalize the body, creating an environment less likely to breed bad cells. Use with caution as high consumption can thin the blood and cause an upset stomach for some people. For most, there are no unpleasant side effects that a mint cannot resolve. 68 M. CITIZEN MAGAZINE | ISSUE 05

MUSHROOMS Used by Mother Nature to balance the ecosystem, and used in Chinese medicine for thousands of years, to improve the terrain inside the human frame. Offering a wide range of brain, immune and energy benefits, mushrooms are the most biodiverse plant medicine. Regarding Immune Health, Reishi Mushrooms are most revered. Often called “Lingzhi”, translating into: Mushroom of Mortality. These wood-like mushrooms grow in planks off tree trunks and can be found in powdered or extract form. Other immune enhancing mushrooms include; Chaga for its high concentration of zinc and stimulation of white blood cell production and Maitake know to address mental stress/fatigue and stimulate T cells. When selecting a supplement, look for ones made of the “fruiting body” and avoid ones made from “mycelium” as it is less potent. For more information from an expert, please research Paul Stamets’ TED talks and website: www.fungi.com

SUPPLEMENTS While it is best to have nutrients delivered in a natural form, some supplements such as Vitamin C, Zinc and D3 may be helpful in assisting you in your journey to optimum immunity. Please check with your doctor to see what amounts are recommended for you, as everyone is different. Needless to say, the best way to protect yourself from the inside out is to live an active lifestyle, fueled with a variety of fresh plant-based foods, and balanced with adequate sleep and stress reducing routines. However, all of us experience those days when we can feel vulnerable against the billions of pathogens in and around us. If you sense this on the horizon, its time to summon your inner witch and head to the kitchen to conjure up some natural remedies.



GOLDEN ELIXIR Juice of 4 lemons 4 inches of fresh shredded ginger 2 inches of fresh shredded turmeric 1 tsp. cayenne pepper powder 1 tbs. honey 2 cups of hot water

Wearing gloves and using a grater, process the ginger and turmeric. Gather the shreds you’re your hand, squeeze them into a glass bowl to extract all the juices, and discard of the pulp. Juice the lemons into the mixture, then add the other ingredients and steep for 10 minutes. Whisk and distribute into 4 portions or keep in the fridge for immunity shots. Shelf life: 7 Days.

GARLIC AIOLI 1 cup olive oil 10 fresh garlic cloves 1 lemon juiced 1 tbsp. sea salt

In a food processor or blender mince the garlic, add the lemon juice and salt, then very slowly drizzle in the olive oil over a 2-minute period while the ingredients are being combined. You will find the mixture to become very creamy and luscious. This can be used as a spread or the base of a soup, dressing or dip. Keep refrigerated, in a sealed container for up to 30 days. 70 M. CITIZEN MAGAZINE | ISSUE 05

CREAMY MUSHROOM SOUP 1 tbsp grapeseed/avocado oil 1 yellow onion, diced 6 garlic cloves, minced 2 tbsp fresh grated ginger 2 carrots sliced 2 cups cremini mushrooms, sliced 2 cups of rehydrated maitake or shitake mushrooms diced 4 cups of water 1 can of coconut cream ¼ cup miso paste 1 tbs. Chinese 5 spice and thyme salt and pepper to taste Garnish with cilantro

Preheat a medium sized pot and add the onions, garlic, ginger and oil to sauté. Add in all the other ingredients, mix, cover and reduce to medium heat for 20 minutes. Serves 6.





s I write this, I’m currently sitting in my fourth lockdown since the pandemic began. Another lengthy lockdown that doesn’t look like it’s going to end soon. It’s 2021 and Covid-19 has changed the world in very different ways for many different people. Every single one of us has our own story of how we’re surviving the pandemic and if you really think about it, surviving is something over 5 million people globally so far haven’t been able to do. The number of lives lost is immense and going up every day. The lucky ones of us who have stayed Covid free or have recovered may be privileged with each breath we take and smile we can muster, but that doesn’t make our stories any less relevant, heart breaking or just damn hard. When Covid first went global, I was a foreigner living in Israel with my fiancé and had just received my partner visa. Those early days of the first lockdown, we’d say to each other on our daily walks, “imagine the day, when we tell our grandchildren of the time when everyone was walking around in face masks”. Hopeful that it would end and life would return to normal soonish, we rode the wave together. Now that initial wave feels like we boarded the ship in The Perfect Storm, except George Clooney isn’t there and thankfully neither is Nespresso. Fortunately, Israel was the fastest country in the world to roll out Covid vaccines to its population, so when our time came up to get it, having the jab was the obvious right choice. Of course, there were uncertainties upon Covid uncertainties, but our decision to get the vaccine came down to educating ourselves on the scientific evidence. Sure, mRNA technology may be all shiny and new, but the result is that it gave our bodies a guidebook on how to combat Covid, to prevent us from getting really sick, being hospitalised or worse. Moreover, I feel that it would be irresponsible for me to not do what is in my power to do, to protect those around me from getting Covid. As children, most people were vaccinated so we didn’t get illnesses that generations before us became sick and died from. Now, this is our time to step up to the plate. It’s a necessary step forward for the world at this cur72 M. CITIZEN MAGAZINE | ISSUE 05

rent time. So far, our vaccine has kept up its end of the bargain, even when in high exposure places. More importantly it has already saved millions of lives around the world. Long story short, six months into the pandemic, we decided to move across the globeand spent a further six months getting my fiancé a visa and exemption to come to my hometown of Sydney, Australia. After jumping through so much red tape, preparing a lengthy dossier to prove our relationship, three cancelled flights and a two week stay in hotel quarantine being watched over by the police and army guard, we made it to the land down under. After that, we enjoyed a few weeks of an alternate existence where life was “normal” and it seemed like the realities of Covid faced by the rest of the world didn’t exist in Australia. Fast forward to the present, Covid’s Delta mutation exploded in our state and over the course of a few weeks, the whole of NSW was locked down. Now we are all barred up in our houses, currently exploring the walls or whatever is within a 5km distance with face masks on. Grateful to be here, but you know that saying about life, it never works out how you picture it to be. From afar, Australia seemed to manage the pandemic well in the beginning. They had low contraction rates and overall deaths stood at below 1000 until this last surge. A tiny amount compared to the mortality devastation faced by the rest of the world. “Shut the borders!”, they said. The dark underbelly of Australia’s Covid strategy has reared itself now through clear division of the population, mass protests, anti-vax and anti-minority rhetoric, and unnecessarily long and restrictive lockdowns that go beyond health orders. Each state and territory have been operating as their own little country, opening and shutting their borders as they please. Correspondingly, Australia has abused the human rights of their own citizens living overseas who’ve lost their ability to return to their country of origin. Tactlessly, the Australian government

would prefer to let people in who have money or influence because they “contribute to the economy”. I’ve tried buying plane tickets on “government repatriation flights”. The cheapest I found was $8,000 per ticket, which sold out completely not long after. Not everyone has the financial ability, support of family or time to wait to return “home”. For my nearest and dearest, I am forever grateful of their support during this time. Australia’s isolation as an island may have helped it weather the storm in their first wave of the pandemic but keeping the borders closed and as many people indoors as possible is not sustainable. If anything, it has only given people a false sense of security that has left many unprepared for “the new normal” – what living with the pandemic is really like. The slow acquisition and roll out of vaccines, including the disproportionate misinformation made public via the media of the safety of highly effective vaccines, means that Australia has a lot to catch up on. Covid is not something that we can opt out of. There is no choice in that and perhaps in that aspect, we really are “all in this together”.

“ Globally, the reality is that Covid is evolving and mutating. Lockdowns are not the answer, managing to live our lives as normally as possible is, and it requires a collaborative effort to get there. ” Look, lockdown is lockdown. I understand that it’s there to keep us safe, deemed necessary by our governmental guardians. Honestly, it’s hard full stop. It’s lonely, it’s triggering and it’s mentally and physically exhausting. My mind is tellin’ me “optimise, optimise, optimise” but my body, my body is telling me “rest”! ► 73 M. CITIZEN MAGAZINE | ISSUE 05

Anything and everything are bound to come up at any moment. Questions like, will this ever be over and when can we move on with our lives? Do I reach out and connect with others or can I just exist with my other half and move to the middle of nowhere, live off the grid and begin a vegetable garden, because who needs other people anyway? Exhibit above the monkey mind, isolation’s conjoined twin. A way of dealing with all of this is not with “good vibes only”. Can we let go of that toxic positivity? Like, I have questions that need answers! When will I make a stable income and make a permanent home? When is a good time for us to have a baby? When can we meet our family and friends again? Will we ever be in large groups of people again? As people, we need to feel things, not numb them or put them away for a rainy day. We don’t have to wrap things in a pretty box and call it a gift. It’s the present, not a present.

that there is great strength in asking for help. Believe me, if you need it ask, your future self will thank you for it. On the flip side, the pandemic has had a way of revealing what is really important in life, the appreciation felt for the ones you love and of life’s simple gifts. How great is feeling the sun on your face, listening to music and feeling a hug? How good are long walks on the beach, holding hands at sunset? I’m all for the cliché right now. I don’t care where I am or what I’m doing as long as my love is right there beside me, I am set in this life. The pandemic has been a motivating force of greater ownership of my life, to not get weighed down by the weeds and to enjoy it as best as I can given the circumstances. I’m coming to terms with getting older, letting go of rigid career/success goals and have found new and unforeseen hobbies. Like, I’m loving gardening and I don’t care who knows about it, which is exactly how it should be. Let’s move past the to-do list and distractions of life, by living out what makes us happy now.

“ You don’t have to “optimise,

optimise, optimise” or learn a new skill. You already are. You’re surviving something you’ve never experienced before. Everyone is. ”

The key to navigating this rollercoaster glass case of emotions pandemic lockdown is to accept it. Accept everything about it. About others, about the rules and accept that there is absolutely nothing you can do about it. Ask yourself, what can I control here? Hmm… Yep, not much at all, except for myself. All I can say is be real with the spectrum of emotions you’re feeling. You don’t have to “optimise, optimise, optimise” or learn a new skill. You already are. You’re surviving something you’ve never experienced before. Everyone is.


I’m not going to lie, being mentally ok is a daily battle. All my emotions are heightened at the moment and I know I’m not the only one feeling this. Mental health issues are the parallel undercurrent of the pandemic. For what it’s worth, whatever the struggle, know


I’m certainly not here to tell you what to do or how best to get through a lockdown. This is a collective and ongoing pause for the world, including your own world. At the very least, what you know for sure is that you are not the only one going through this. Again, literally everyone is or has gone through this in some form. Take the positive, the negative and everything in between. Maybe spend some time thinking about what’s important to you and make sure your energy is focused on making your life aligned with that. Or maybe don’t. Just be and do what works for you. In the words of Jerry Springer, which seem utterly perfect right now, “take care of yourselves, and each other”. ■



On her career, wellness & reevaluating the meaning of success

ADRIAN GRENIER Finding his purpose, learning to adult, and living to see another day


Actor Chris O’shea in our first ever Men’s Fashion Editorial

Dripping Diamonds Fall Beauty Featuring


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