I’ve learned a different way to handle the Black Moon. It’s a system containing: - the Mean and the Corrected Black Moon - the space between these two, called Black Moon Channel - Priapus, that’s opposite the Black Moon - the Black Sun and (opposite) the Diamant - the North Node, (90° further) the Dragon, the South Node and (90° further) the Beast - Pars of Fortune The system comes from Jean Carteret, but very few information from him is available. Dutch astrologer George Bode gave us insight in his work. (Too bad only in dutch.) Above a drawing from lessons I took long ago. Fig 1) the five planets ancient astrologers knew Fig 2) since 1781 outer planets are added as higher levels. For Mercurius: Vulcanus and for Venus: Persephone (both hypothetical planets) Fig 3) fig1 and fig 2 together. : Fig4) In dimensions from bottom to top: - fifth old planets: third physical dimension - on top of that planets in elevation - Moon and Sun (cycles): fourth dimension the Soul - Black Moon, Black Sun and Moonnodes: fifth dimension - Highest is Pars of Fortune In the horoscope (very briefly): Black Moon is your core quality, total consciousness from lives before. At that point children are very open and unprejudiced to spiritual things. They are in total connection with the divine cosmos. Around six/seven they experience that they are not accepted the way they express these traits. Over and over again they are denied in their best qualities.
They become extremely unsure, and to survive they go to Priapus. They are going to adapt to the culture they are born in. That is easier to handle, but in the end doesn’t give much satisfaction. After going through lots of struggles one can come back to Black Moon later in life. Mean and Corrected Black Moon: The Mean BM is more unconscious. On the Corrected BM things happen in life. Which one comes first is important. Mean first: getting more consciousness first, and happenings will hurt less, because you are prepared. Corrected first: happenings may come as a shock and become more consciousness later. The whole space between Mean and Corrected IS Black Moon !! Therefore the denial counts also for all planets in it.
There are many ephemeriden for Black Moon. Most of them not suitable for this system. The one that can be used is: http://www.amazon.com/EPHEMERIDES-1900-2050-Ast%C3%A9ro%C3%AFdesbilingue-fran%C3%A7ais-anglais/dp/290245032X/ref=sr_1_3? ie=UTF8&qid=1423394408&sr=8-3&keywords=ephemerides+lune-noire Too bad, as far as i know, there is just one software that uses this. And only dutch. http://www.astrolab.nl/ If someone likes to get a chart from this software send me your dob in a PM.
The best one is this, but I don’t know any software that has included this one: http://www.amazon.com/Tables-noeud-lunaire-lilith-soleil/dp/2850762768/ref=sr_1_1? ie=UTF8&qid=1423394625&sr=8-1&keywords=tables+du+noeud+lunaire Site for more information on this system (too bad mostly dutch) http://www.zwarte-maan.nl/