spring flings - family fun
Easter sunday funday Get cracking in the kitchen with some fun holiday brunch ideas By Tanya Kaynes; Photo: Courtesy of Tanya Kaynes As the Easter Bunny hops through your weekend, you can turn Easter Sunday to Easter Sunday Funday with activities for the kids and a delicious brunch for the whole family. Start the day with a unique egg hunt. Yes, the kids will be searching for eggs, but they won’t be chocolate. They will be plastic eggs, the ones you can get at the dollar store that you can put things inside of. Inside each plastic egg, you will have a brunch ingredient: eggs, banana, cheese, waffle, ham, spinach, chocolate, bacon, strawberries, whip cream, onions, etc. Write it on a piece of paper and pop it into a plastic egg. Fill up at least 10 eggs per child, then hide them around the house (or, if the weather is cooperating, you can hide them outside). This egg hunt will have a time limit - you don’t want them to find all the eggs! Put out more eggs than you think they will find. Depending on your kids, set the time limit that you think will suit them best. If they find half of the eggs, that’s ideal. Once the time is up, gather up the eggs your kids found. Then, get everyone together to open up the eggs together. Grab a notebook and write down each ingredient as you open up each egg. Once they’re all open, it’s time to get creative! As a family, discuss what kind of dishes and toppings you can make with your list of ingredients for Easter brunch. Once you have a few ideas, it’s time to get cracking in the kitchen.
Depending on the ages of your kids and size of your family, you can divide your family into two teams. Each team will be responsible for half of the dishes to make for brunch. Cook together in the kitchen and have a blast doing it. Once it’s all ready to go, gather around the table for a great meal and a little taste testing. Each team can present their dishes and then (if you wish) you can vote on everyone’s favorite dish. If all else fails, here is a unique brunch recipe that works in one of the staple items of the Easter weekend, the hot cross bun! These fluffy spiced pancakes will be a crowd pleaser! SOUR CREAM HOT CROSS BUN PANCAKES - Serves 4 2 cups sour cream 1 cup of flour 4 Tbsp of sugar 2 tsp baking soda 1 tsp of salt ½ tsp cinnamon ½ tsp of allspice ¼ cup raisins 1 Tbsp of orange zest 4 large eggs 1 tsp of vanilla extract Butter for frying and serving Warm syrup for serving
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Sour Cream Hot Cross Bun Pancakes
In a small bowl, whisk together eggs and vanilla. Set aside. In a separate bowl, stir together flour, sugar, baking soda, salt, spices, raisins and orange zest. In a medium bowl, stir together the sour cream with the dry ingredients until just barely combined (don’t overmix). Whisk in the egg mixture until just combined. Heat a griddle over medium-low heat and melt some butter in the pan. Drop batter by ¼ cup servings onto the griddle. Cook on the first side until bubbles start to form on the surface and edges are starting to brown. Flip to the other side and cook for another minute. (Pancakes will be a little on the soft side and have a souffle-like texture). Serve with butter and syrup. Easter means spring is here and spending time with family is the icing on the cake! Enjoy the long weekend and have a great Easter Sunday Funday! Tanya is the Head Curator at Menagerie Parties & Cakes, handcrafting boutique party experiences through custom décor, engaging activities, and show-stopping sweets for people living full, productive lives wanting to celebrate life to its fullest. For more information, call 403-890-4803, email tanya@menagerieyyc.ca, or visit menagerieyyc.ca. Follow on Facebook and Instagram @menagerieyyc. CCM