5 minute read
Let’s go disc golfing
Play something new with the family this spring
By Calgary's Child Magazine
What is disc golf?
Disc golf is a game in which a concave plastic disc (that’s a Frisbee, to you and me) is thrown into each of a series of metal baskets situated on an outdoor course, the object being to complete the course using the fewest possible throws.
Disc golf was first invented in the early 1900s. Ronald Franklin Gibson of Bladworth, Saskatchewan and a group of his elementary school buddies played a game of throwing tin lids into four-footwide circles drawn into sandy patches on their school grounds.
Fun Facts • The first official game of disc golf was held in Bladworth, Saskatchewan in 1927 • It was not until the 1970s that modern disc golf would be introduced to Canadians at the Canadian Open Frisbee
Championships in Toronto and Vancouver. • According to the Calgary Disc Golf Club, our city and surrounding area is home to 21 public and private courses. • Disc golf is one of the fastest growing sports in Canada. • The World Record for most holes played in 24 hours is 2,900 by Michael Sale of
Los Angeles in 2014.
Disc Golf Locations: X 18 HOLES • Baker Park - 9333 Scenic Bow Road NW • David Richardson Memorial - Located north of the junction of Stoney Trail and
Country Hills Boulevard in the NW • Old Refinery - 4687 Barlow Trail SE • Lloyd Park - Located on the south of 22x about 8.5km west of McLeod Trail • WJ Homestead - 258002 192 Street
West Foothills • Strathmore – 95 Brentwood Drive W • Currie Reservoir - 2539 33 Avenue SW • North Glenmore Park - 7305 Crowchild
Trail SW • Stanley Park - 4011 1a Street SW • Lindsay Park - 2225 Macleod Trail SE • Park 96 - 14660 Parkland Boulevard SE • Four Sisters (24 holes) – North of
X 11 HOLES • Redwood Meadows - Located at end of
Manyhorses Park in Redwood Meadows • Edgemont - Located at the corner of Edgemont Drive and Edgemont
Boulevard • Big Marlborough Park - 6033 Madigan
Drive NE
X 9 HOLES • Thorncliffe - Located near the intersection of McKnight Boulevard and
Centre Street N • Forest Lawn - 1425 52 Street SE • Bonavista Downs - 1165 Lake Huron
Crescent SE • Okotoks - Located in the forested area northeast of the Water Treatment Plant • Lake Midnapore - 185 Midlake
Boulevard S • Lake Sundance (6 holes) - 63 Suncrest

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Find the mental health care your child needs at Pinecone Pediatrics

If you’ve ever tried to find mental health support for your child, you’ve probably encountered one of many challenges: not knowing where to start, struggling to access a primary care physician, uncertainty on how to access therapy services or the difference between AHS and private services…
The team at Pinecone Pediatrics is experienced in providing care to children and families in need of mental health support. Some families have been working for a long time trying to get a clear diagnosis, others are struggling to find the optimal plan to manage ADHD, depression or anxiety. Sometimes families are referred to Pinecone after going to the Emergency Department, when their safety net wasn’t there when they needed it the most. The team at Pinecone are experts in helping families understand and deal with suicidal thoughts, self harm, overdoses, sadness, anger, conflict, challenging behaviors, running away and school difficulties.
The team of specialist pediatricians, psychologists and nurse practitioners at Pinecone Pediatrics can help.
There are two ways to access care at the clinic: by referral from the family doctor or families can self-refer for therapy services.
A common concern from families is how to navigate the healthcare system – parents understandably want the best, most effective care for their child as quickly as possible. Dr. Gauthier and the team at Pinecone are working hard to maintain rapid access to services, and hope to avoid many-months long waits in accessing care. The three different types of clinicians at Pinecone work together, each putting their specific skills to helping your child. This leads to improved access and quality of care, but also simplifies your healthcare journey. The first step at Pinecone will involve gaining an understanding of your family's struggles. The team will listen to your worries and explore biological, psychological and social circumstances that may all be affecting your child’s wellness.
The next step will be making a plan to restore wellness and support thriving. The team at Pinecone provides assessment and treatment recommendations for issues like depression, anxiety, ADHD, challenging behaviors and more. Unique in Calgary, an integrated therapy and medical services model of care delivery provides huge benefits to families from a care coordination standpoint. As of fall 2022, Pinecone Pediatrics has immediate availability for therapy appointments with their provisional psychologist, Priscilla. Pinecone also works very closely with Rocky Mountain Psychological Services who do assessments on-site for ADHD, autism, learning disabilities/giftedness and other mental health struggles.
You do not require a referral to access Priscilla’s or Rocky Mountain’s services. You can call to book your appointment right away or check the website. You can self book a free 15 minute intake for your child with Priscilla without a referral. Click the “Book an intake session with Priscilla” button at https://pineconepediatrics.ca/therapy-services/.
Specialist medical services usually require a referral, however Dr. Gauthier is offering a medical consultation without referral to anyone accessing Priscilla’s services. Medical services are entirely covered by the Alberta Health Care Insurance Plan.