Behavioural interventions for Alert Levels 4 & 3 Covid-19 challenge*
PROTECTING COMMUNITY GROUPS IN AUCKLAND * Included most relevant challenges to the COVID-19 alert levels addressed in this section of the report
Intervention title
Table below summarises the prioritised interventions to consider when managing challenges at Alert Level 4 and 3. The prioritisation has been allocated based on expected ease, cost and impact but will require internal validation.
Suggested action
Priority to be validated internally
Encourage HOP card usage using nudge messaging
Leverage reciprocity or social norms on existing channels to encourage HOP card use (supporting contact tracing).
Make 2m physical distance salient
Physical assets on PT infrastructure, to show exactly how far 2 meters is.
High priority
Managing customer expectations
Physical newsletters or notices for elderly or other less technologically -proficient groups.
High priority
Quick win
Signal the importance Messages on buses, trains and ferries asking of ‘essential travel’ only people whether their journey is ‘essential’.
Medium priority
Signal the importance Push notifications in-app asking of ‘essential travel’ only users “Choose the purpose of your journey: Travel to work, travel …”
Medium priority
Managing customers’ expectations
Utilise technique from U.K.: text messaging key guidance updates to HOP-registered customers.
Medium priority
Focus on how customers can keep themselves safe
Focusing on what people can do to protect themselves is particularly important for people who are vulnerable to stress and anxiety. Share ‘before you travel tips’.
Enable customers to call out bad behaviour
Show people how to call out bad behaviour. This can be as simple as putting up stickers empowering people to challenge unwanted behaviours.
How AT is keeping you safe
Provide footage or photos of vacant and clean services to customers.
Medium priority
Celebrate your workforce
Provide regular updates from selected employees that act as the trusted ‘faces of AT’.
Medium priority
Support Ministry of Health messaging
Regular broadcasting of information and audio reminders on PT and in stations.
Medium priority
Leverage the power of storytelling– economic impact
Testing messaging and messengers about the important role AT plays in Auckland’s economic stimulus.
Medium priority
Leverage the power of storytelling
Visual storytelling. Create and use visuals to tell a story to connect with customers.
Medium priority
HOP registration trial to support contact tracing
Implement a trial to encourage HOP registration using nudge techniques, could be through mobile notifications.
High priority
Connecting with the community
Communicate the benefits AT provides for those who need it most.
High priority
Connecting with the community
AT employees volunteer in the community.
Quick win
High priority
Medium priority
Confidential, not for external distribution