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Strategic context
Transport in Auckland is primarily funded by both central government and Auckland Council. AT strategic priorities are largely defined by and aligned with priorities and expectations set out in the following suite of documents.
The Government Policy Statement on land transport
(GPS) sets out the Government’s National Land Transport Fund (NLTF) expenditure priorities over the next 10 years. The GPS 2021-2031 is guided by four strategic priorities: Better Travel Options, Safety, Improving Freight Connections, and Climate Change.
The Land Transport Management Act 2003
sets out the planning, funding and operating framework for New Zealand’s land transport infrastructure and services, including roading, public transport, the rail network and traffic safety.
The National Land Transport Programme
(NLTP) is a three-year programme that sets out how Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency invests land transport funding on behalf of the Crown to create a safer, more accessible, better connected and more resilient transport system.
The Auckland Plan 2050 is a long-term strategy for managing Auckland’s growth and development over the next 30 years. It considers how we will address the key challenges of high population growth and environmental degradation, and how we can ensure shared prosperity for all Aucklanders.
Te Tāruke-ā-Tāwhiri: The Auckland Climate Plan
sets a pathway to rapidly reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (50% reduction by 2030) and help prepare Auckland for the impacts of climate change. Transport is one of eight priorities, and road transport accounts for about 38.5% of Auckland’s total emissions in 2018, of which about 86% relates to travel by road.
The Auckland Transport Alignment Project (ATAP)
is an aligned approach by Auckland Council and the Government to address Auckland’s key transport challenges and recommend transport investment priorities. It sets a clear investment direction to accelerate the delivery of more transport choices for Aucklanders through public transport and encouraging walking and cycling, and puts an emphasis on safety, the environment and value for money.
The Auckland Regional Land Transport Plan (RLTP)
sets out the land transport objectives, priorities and measures for the Auckland region over a 10 year period. It includes the land transport activities delivered by AT, Waka Kotahi, KiwiRail, City Rail Link Limited (CRLL) and other transport agencies.
The Auckland Long-Term Plan (LTP)
underpins AT’s RLTP programme by providing committed funding and enabling AT to secure support from Waka Kotahi.
The Regional Public Transport Plan 2018-28 (RPTP)
sets out AT’s policies, guidelines and activities for the delivery of Auckland public transport focused over a three-year period with a 10-year horizon.
The Auckland Transport Statement of Intent (SOI)
reflects Auckland Council’s messages and priorities as expressed through the Mayor’s Letter of Expectations, including the strategic priorities for AT.
Vision Zero for Tāmaki Makaurau
is a transport safety strategy and action plan to eliminate deaths and serious injuries (DSI) on Auckland’s transport network by 2050. It is a partnership between AT, Auckland Council, NZ Police, Waka Kotahi, Accident Compensation Authority (ACC), Auckland Regional Public Health Service (APRS), and the Ministry of Transport (MoT).
The AT Māori Responsiveness Plan (MRP)
outlines operational-level actions to enable AT to fulfil its responsibilities under Te Tiriti o Waitangi – the Treaty of Waitangi – and its broader legal obligations in being more responsible and effective to Māori.
Auckland Council Local Board Plans
are developed by the 21 Local Boards across Auckland. Each Local Board Plan includes outcomes related to transport and specific actions the relevant Local Board wishes to see progressed.