2 minute read

Better connections

Better connecting people, places, goods and services

An efficient, safe, connected transport network is critical to shape land use, get everyone where they want to go, deal with freight, encourage more sustainable mode choices, and serve as a catalyst for intensification. A key challenge for Auckland is holding congestion steady while the city grows. Auckland has an extensive transport network and, within the existing urban area, there are very limited opportunities to build new corridors or expand existing ones. As a result, the major part of Auckland’s growth needs to be accommodated within existing corridors, increasing the number of people using key routes. AT’s programme includes a range of initiatives to achieve this, including encouraging the uptake of public transport through improvements to network capacity and performance, and investing in transport technology to improve the efficiency of the transport system. These initiatives also include a Network Optimisation programme of small to medium scale projects to improve traffic flow, such as the optimisation of traffic lights, dynamic lanes, and other work targeting more efficient movement of freight. We also work to minimise disruptions caused by unplanned incidents. This year the Auckland Transport Operation Centre (ATOC) responded to approximately 45,000 incidents on our road network. ATOCs amalgamation project was completed in 2020/21 and AT and Waka Kotahi now have a single, integrated operation centre with a new organisation design. All ATOC teams plus an extended group of partners are co-located at a refurbished Smales Farm site, and at a new business continuity site in another location. This year AT has continued to plan, design and deliver multiple public transport network improvements, and enhancements to bus and train station facilities. Work continued on the construction of the Eastern Busway (completion due October 2021), and the City Rail Link. The restoration of Kennedy Point and Te Onewa Northcote Point wharf is complete, Puhinui Station opened early July, and the newly transformed Downtown Auckland area comprising the Te Wananga project, Quay Street and the upgrade of the city ferry terminal. A new bus station was opened at Hibiscus Coast Station in Silverdale, the construction of Matakana Link Road near Warkworth is on track to be completed before the opening of the Puhinui to Warkworth SH1 extension, and Medallion Link Drive construction is progressing well. In addition, AT completed multiple cycleways, upgraded Murphys Road (Ormiston), Daldy Street (Wynyard Quarter), and resurfaced or rehabilitated 323 kilometres of local roads.


Managing movements around major events also keeps Auckland moving and AT has worked with Auckland Council and Auckland Unlimited to develop and deliver transport plans to support multiple sporting and cultural events including the 36th America's Cup.

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