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Enabling and supporting Auckland’s growth, focusing on intensification in brownfield areas with some managed expansion into emerging greenfield areas
Auckland’s population growth is projected to continue at a similar rate for the next 30 years. This presents the opportunity to harness benefits of scale as the city intensifies and public transport becomes faster and more competitive. Meanwhile, access to jobs or employees within a reasonable travel time by private vehicle remains critical to Auckland’s economy and for those parts of Auckland dependent on vehicles. To achieve the benefits of scale, Auckland’s transport strategy is to avoid increased congestion by absorbing future growth in travel demand through improvements to the public transport and active mode networks.
It’s essential we factor public transport infrastructure and services when planning for new growth areas to provide Aucklanders with sustainable transport choices and to meet our GHG emissions target. AT supports Auckland Council, Local Boards and the wider council group by facilitating urban regeneration and placemaking, and supporting development in both brownfield and greenfield areas. Together we have: • Worked with Waka Kotahi to confirm the transport networks required for greenfield locations, development and new housing construction through the Supporting Growth Alliance • Worked with Panuku Development Auckland and other agencies to transform the City Centre into a more family, pedestrian and environmentally friendly place • Delivered the upgrade of Quay Street and the transformed
Downtown public space projects • Supported CRLL to deliver the City Rail Link • Implemented the Access for Everyone initiative • Refreshed the City Centre Masterplan and Te Tāruke-ā-Tāwhiri:
Auckland’s Climate Plan.
This year AT developed ‘Future Connect’, a network plan to guide improvements to our strategic transport networks over the next decade. The Future Connect integrated planning tool will help us better assess network requirements and priorities using the Roads and Streets Framework. We also developed and launched the Auckland Freight Plan, the City Centre Bus Plan, and collaborated with our transport partners to develop, consult on and finalise the Regional Land Transport Plan 2021-2031.