FCCF 2009 Annual Report

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Fairfield County Community Foundation Annual Report Fiscal 2009



The Sullivan family believes in helping neighbors help themselves Fundholder David Sullivan, Jr. is a lifelong resident of Fairfield and Bridgeport, Connecticut. Nearly 20 family members, close friends and I started the Sullivan Family Fund in 1990 in memory of my mother and father. My wife, Lyn, and I learned from our parents the importance of sharing your good fortune with those who aren’t as fortunate. We taught that same lesson to our children. We also taught them personal responsibility, and not to rely on others to solve their problems. Each year, our family and friends make gifts to the fund, and we engage in serious discussions about our giving. Although we’re spread across America, we appreciate our origins in the Greater Bridgeport area. We give to Bridgeport nonprofits that help people help themselves. Our daughter-in-law’s mother and our neighbor, Gioia Riccio, makes her charitable giving through the Frank J. Riccio, MD Fund, established in 2006 in memory of her husband. She’s been a lifelong volunteer in Bridgeport, starting in the St. Vincent’s Medical Center pediatric unit when she was in college. She’s served on numerous boards of community organizations, including St. Vincent’s and the University of Bridgeport. We believe that giving back to our community is a responsibility—and a privilege. The Fairfield County Community Foundation helps us build a better future by investing in our community.



Top: (L to R) David Sullivan, Jr. and Lyn Sullivan; son David Sullivan, III; grandson Timothy Sullivan; Gioia F. Riccio; granddaughter Francesca Sullivan; daughterin-law Dr. Gioia J. Riccio Bottom: (L to R) The Sullivans support Bridgeport’s Mercy Learning Center, where David Jr. is an English tutor, and Burroughs Community Center, where Dr. Riccio serves as an officer.



Bill and Audrey Knobloch believe that with good schools, all things are possible Fundholders Bill and Audrey Knobloch grew up in Stamford, Connecticut. We’ve lived in Stamford and New Canaan all of our lives, except while we attended college. We grew up during the Depression, and learned from our parents it’s important to help those who have less. We became interested in the Fairfield County Community Foundation because the staff study and know the community, understand your areas of interest, and come to you with recommendations for addressing community needs that match your interests.



Much of our giving focuses on education. Our parents believed education is essential. Audrey’s mother taught art and music in Stamford for 39 years. Her parents sacrificed to send her to college.


Above: (left to right) Fellows Leonard Cerlich, Charmaine Worthy and James Martinez are now principals of Danbury, Bridgeport and Norwalk public schools. Bryan Olkowski is now an assistant principal in Stamford.

It’s critical that we educate our youth. Years ago, we made our own goods. Today, many of those goods are made offshore and jobs that don’t require much education are vanishing. We’re a more technological, advancing society because of education. We need well-educated people to compete in a global economy. The Foundation told us about its Urban School Leaders Fellowship, an important program that trains educators to become effective principals and lead our urban public schools. This is an excellent example of how charitable money can improve the school system, and we’re thrilled to support it. When we invest in improving our schools, we are creating a better future.

Left: A summer boot camp kicks off the year-long Urban School Leaders Fellowship program. 2

Fairfield County Community Foundation



Domus believes a better future starts with hope, love and a fair chance in life Mike Duggan has been the executive director of Domus since 1991. I was raised by parents and educated by Jesuits who taught me to help those less fortunate. At Domus, which is Latin for home, we help disadvantaged children, teens and young adults who have lost all hope. Our donors’ generosity allowed us to begin an endowment. Rather than manage it ourselves, we turned to the Fairfield County Community Foundation. We already had a relationship with the Foundation’s leadership, we knew they had expertise in managing endowments, and we appreciated they understand nonprofits. Entrusting our endowment to the Foundation allows us to concentrate on helping kids turn their lives around. Many have been shell-shocked by neglect, homelessness, violence and sexual abuse. Understandably, they’ve failed in school. We help over 600 children and their families regain a fair chance in life by building loving, trusting relationships in structured, respectful environments. They learn how to focus on their strengths and make good choices. Gradually, we watch hope return. For example, at Trailblazers Academy, over 160 middle school students attend small classes of 12. Their grades go up and their social skills and emotional maturity improve. They’re on track to transition to high school and college.



Top: (L to R) Mike Duggan and Steve Baker, Domus board chair, are proud of the media center at Trailblazers Academy’s new Stamford site, where certified therapy dog Logan offers unconditional love. Bottom: Domus teaches the most troubled youth in Stamford how to successfully transition from one life stage to the next. The result: happier, healthier people who can fully contribute their talents to the communities where they live and work.

Every minute of our day is focused on believing in a better future.


Fairfield County Community Foundation



Ginny McColough Keeshan believes that by honoring her parents’ legacy, the future will be brighter for many

What do you believe is essential for a


Fundholder Ginny McColough Keeshan has lived in Greenwich since 1969. My father, former Xerox CEO and avid sailor, Charles Peter McColough, never took his success for granted. He felt strongly about giving back, and established the Bluenose Foundation (named for his Nova Scotian heritage). My parents relished supporting causes important to them.

Which causes ignite your passion — or break your heart? One decision can shape the future, beginning today.

When he became ill, there was much to look after. My brothers and I weighed continuing the foundation, disbanding it, or turning it into a donor advised fund at the Fairfield County Community Foundation. We chose the Community Foundation because they simplify the grantmaking process. They recommend local organizations they’ve vetted, and tell you about great programs in your interest areas. You recommend where you want your grants to go, and they handle all the paperwork and filing. My father passed away, and my brothers and I were entrusted with the Bluenose Fund. He liked to create opportunities for young people. I like to help teenagers who can’t afford college get vocational training, and help women who head households reach their potential. As I make grant decisions, I think of my father asking, “Is this a smart use of the money? Can it make an impact?” I’m very proud that the fund is being tasked correctly and efficiently. I know we’re helping to create brighter futures for many.


Fairfield County Community Foundation

When you choose the Fairfield County Community Foundation to be your philanthropic partner, you gain access to expertise and innovation that bring about real change.


A BETTER FUTURE Top: Ginny McColough Keeshan values how the Community Foundation simplifies the grantmaking process. Bottom: (L to R) Bridgeport Area Youth Ministry, the Women’s Business Development Center and the Danbury Regional Child Advocacy Center are among the nonprofits supported by the Bluenose Fund.

BEGINS WITH YOUR PASSION Your charitable desires are transformed into smart philanthropy. Your giving becomes more meaningful, and more effective at producing the most good from each dollar. And you make a difference in your own backyard and beyond.



Fiscal Who What

Thank You, Mike Dear Friend, Despite these challenging times, we continue to believe in a better future. Our belief is not based upon wishful thinking. It’s based upon you. Over the past year, you gave to those who would have foundered without help. You supported causes beyond your passions because you recognized the overwhelming need. You rallied behind our initiatives because you understood that tackling our most critical issues is the only path to lasting change. Like you, we sustained losses. We established new priorities, significantly trimmed expenses, collaborated with new partners, and moved forward.

2009 by the numbers

we are The Fairfield County Community Foundation, in

$9.1 million $1.3 million

partnership with fundholders and donors, promotes smart philanthropy to make our communities healthy, vibrant and supportive to all.

brokered for additional grants


awarded in grants

• Serve as a leader, advisor and catalyst for effective philanthropy

$9.3 million in contributions

• Create and manage charitable funds

$114.7 million in net assets Above totals include agency endowments

• Identify and respond to community needs with strategic grantmaking, partnerships and initiatives In short, we help you make a difference in your own backyard and beyond.

we do Provide you with philanthropic advisory services that connect you to causes you are passionate about, share our insights and expertise on local issues and introduce you to nonprofit organizations—large and small—that achieve excellent results. We professionally manage fund assets, and handle all administrative tasks and reporting. Help nonprofit organizations improve their effectiveness and sustainability so they can accomplish the most good with every dollar. We provide grants, professional development opportunities and other resources that strengthen their services, management, staffing, structure and operating methods (learn more on page 13). Tackle critical community issues by creating and leading regional initiatives. We bring together policy makers, nonprofit leaders, community leaders, fundholders, contributors, private funders and other experts to work in concert for measurable change.

Grants by Fund Type ■ Donor Advised ■ Discretionary ■ Field of Interest ■ Scholarship ■ Agency Endowments ■ Donor Designated TOTAL


$5,579,295 61% $1,297,569 14% $1,007,985 11% $ 517,520 6% $ 516,573 6% $ 226,847 2% $9,145,789

Fairfield County Community Foundation

To meet immediate needs for food, housing, medical care, job training, and protection from domestic violence, we created the Safety Net Giving Circle. A generous donor agreed to match contributions up to $100,000. Thanks to your response, we awarded over $200,000 to 10 local nonprofits that serve struggling neighbors throughout our region (see page 15). To address less urgent—yet critically important—needs, we continued building a pipeline of qualified, committed and enthusiastic principals to lead our region’s most challenging public schools. We reached a milestone in helping low- and moderate-wage women with dependents attain economic security. And we advanced the supply of affordable housing (details on page 12). To help Fairfield County nonprofits survive the recession, we co-produced a half-day conference with the Connecticut Council for Philanthropy, where over 300 nonprofit leaders learned how to compete for stimulus funds. We also launched The Center for Nonprofit Excellence, and presented 30 workshops attended by more than 890 nonprofit executive directors, board chairs and staff.

Welcome, Barry We are pleased to announce that Barry C. Hawkins, a board member since 2004, is the new Board chair. Barry is a partner in the law firm Shipman & Goodwin LLP. He and his wife Lilyan live in Bridgeport.

We awarded $9.1 million in grants (for highlights, turn to page 27), and aggressively brokered an additional $1.3 million in grants to address community needs. None of the above could have been accomplished without your support. On behalf of those whose lives you’ve changed—and continue to change—we thank you for giving us so many reasons to believe in a better future. Sincerely,


Broker our knowledge of specific community needs to private and public funders. This generates millions of new charitable dollars each year to address local and regional needs. Provide private foundations and corporate funders with philanthropic advisory services, management and administrative services by contractual agreement.

The Foundation extends its gratitude to W. Michael Funck, who, in October 2009, completed three years as our distinguished chair. His actionpacked tenure included a merger, a move and a financial crisis. We are grateful for Mike’s wise, steady leadership, and that he will remain on the Board as chair of our new Advisory Council. Mike and his wife Ellen live in Greenwich.

W. Michael Funck

Susan M. Ross

Chair, Board of Directors

President / CEO

New Funds


Regional Initiatives






Create a Legacy


Grant Highlights


Governance, Advisors, Committees


Financial Highlights


Where Are They Now © 2009 Fairfield County Community Foundation




Meet Neighbors Who Established

New Funds

When you want to give back, the Fairfield County Community Foundation makes your charitable giving meaningful, effective and easy. You can establish and name a fund at the Foundation, then give to any nonprofit organization in the state, county, city or town of your choosing. In addition, you can give to existing funds at the Foundation that match your charitable passions, or support our countywide initiatives that tackle regional problems. If you already have a charitable passion, we identify corresponding organizations that make a difference in Fairfield County. If you don’t, we can help you target your philanthropy to support values important to you. Depending on your level of engagement, you’re invited to site visits at local nonprofits, donor briefings and special conferences, and introduced to like-minded donors. In addition, we tell you about new giving opportunities, and you have access to our research, including program evaluations in your fields of interest. You are freed from drafting documents, accounting and reporting requirements. Your contributions are professionally managed and overseen by the Foundation’s Investment Committee and Board of Directors. You receive quarterly fund reports. We invite you to become acquainted with these new fundholders and the stories behind their giving.

Mickey Lione Sr. Memorial Fund

Mickey Lione Jr. Scholarship at Trinity Catholic High School Michael F. Lione Sr. and his son, Michael F. Lione Jr., both affectionately known as “Mickey,” were star athletes who became dedicated coaches and mentors to youth later in life. Each made a profound impact on the Stamford sports community.

Fairfield County Community Foundation

The goal of the new funds is to continue the legacy of Mickey Sr. and Mickey Jr. by providing grants to organizations that teach the values and ideals of sportsmanship and teamwork, and foster the development of responsible youth in the Stamford community.

The Massad

Two new funds established by their family and friends join the Mickey Lione Jr. Scholarship Fund, created in 2000, which has awarded more than $200,000 in community support, including $167,500 in scholarships to Stamford high school students.

Family Fund

Mickey Sr., a 15-year member of the Stamford Police Department, coached Little League from its inaugural year in Stamford until his untimely death in 1954 at age 46. He led national championship teams at the Little League World Series, as well as two Little Bigger League championships. In recognition of his work with youth, Lione Little League Field was dedicated in his honor at Scalzi Park, the city’s Little League National Division was renamed the National-Lione Little League and Michael F. Lione Memorial Park was dedicated in his honor.

Growing up in Darien, and living in Norwalk for the past 18 years, Tim has a history of civic involvement, including having served as president of the Norwalk Community College Foundation and as vice chairman of the Norwalk Redevelopment Agency.

Mickey Jr. coached for 37 years, including as head baseball and hockey coach at Trinity Catholic High School and assistant football coach at Trinity Catholic and later New Canaan High School. He coached six state championship teams, was twice named Connecticut Coach of the


Year and, in the year of his passing, was honored with the tri-state Frank McGuire Foundation 1999 Outstanding Coach of the Year Award.

For Timothy Massad and his family, promoting educational opportunities and economic development was the motivating factor in creating the Massad Family Fund.

He has seen how support for educational opportunities can help the region’s low-wage residents find a path to economic security. The fund’s support for vibrant educational institutions will help working adults acquire new skills and provide opportunities for lifelong learning.

The Doherty Family Fund The Doherty Family Fund is a donor advised fund at the Foundation.

The Domus

Wilda Morgan Hayes

Dr. Robert B. Cooper



When two generous donors made contributions significant enough for an endowment, the Domus board of directors and leadership team had to decide how to best steward the money.

At Ann’s Place, The Home of I CAN Cancer Support Services in Danbury, “hope” is the operative word for families shattered by a cancer diagnosis. More than 650 Fairfield County residents turn to Ann’s Place each month for counseling and services.

Oncologist Dr. Robert B. Cooper has championed the care and needs of cancer patients in the Greater Danbury region for more than 20 years. In 1987, he helped lead the creation of The Ann Olsen Endowment, then, in 1991, he helped create I CAN.

The organization recently completed construction of a $5 million facility. Its leadership wanted a secure and reliable funding source to offset costs and maintain services.

In 1995, Dr. Cooper helped guide the evolution of the two organizations to form Ann’s Place, The Home of I CAN.

“Our research found that others could manage our endowment better than we could,” said executive director Mike Duggan. “We trust the Fairfield County Community Foundation’s leadership. We already had a relationship with them. We know they know how to protect and grow endowments, and they understand nonprofits.” Domus helps over 600 struggling young people in the Stamford region turn their lives around through its educational, residential and community programs. It runs the Trailblazers Academy Charter Middle School and Stamford Academy Charter High School, the Chester Addison Community Center, the Lion’s Den Out-of-School-Time Program, three residential programs for teens and young adults, and other programs for high-need youth.

The Wilda Morgan Hayes Fund was established to recognize the work of Wilda Morgan Hayes, executive director of Ann’s Place since 1997, and provide financial security and stability for the organization. It joins Ann’s Fund, established at the Foundation in 1997.


The Dr. Robert B. Cooper Fund was established to recognize his work and provide perpetual operating support for Ann’s Place programs and services. Through the fund, cancer patients and their families will receive the support and services they need during a difficult period in their lives.

Domus’ success stories are backed by results: Trailblazers students raise their reading levels, on average, by 1.5 grades in a school year. “When you can read, you can be a lifelong learner,” Mike said. “It’s economically wise to help kids overcome social challenges, educate them well, and help them mature into productive adults who give back to their communities. “We are serving a fraction of the kids we could help. Very large gifts can change an entire community. We can make sweeping reforms and transform many more lives. We are fortunate to have donors so passionate about what we’re accomplishing.” www.fccfoundation.org


Regional Initiatives Help You Tackle the


Single mother Tangela Smith is in the first class of the Fund for Women and Girls’ Family Economic Security Program. She tells her story in a Fund for Women and Girls’ video, which you can view at www.fccfoundation.org.

Most Critical Needs

Fairfield County’s most critical needs are too complex to address alone. One of the roles of a community foundation is to unite resources to tackle those needs. When you support the Foundation’s regional initiatives, you help us bring together community leaders, policy makers, nonprofit leaders, private funders and other experts to collectively tackle our most critical needs. We invite you to join us in transforming lives in your own backyard, today and far into the future.

Help Low- to Moderate-Wage Women with Dependents Achieve Economic Security In Fairfield County, 38,500 households are headed by women with children under 18. To just “get by,” a family with one adult, one preschool child and one school-age child needs an income of $62,000 in Greater Danbury, $65,400 in Stamford, and $70,200 in lower Fairfield County. Yet women who work full time in Fairfield County earn a median income of $46,778. Higher education is a proven path to better earnings, yet a simple college scholarship is not enough for women supporting dependents. Even though many have the drive to improve their financial situation, they face barriers they can’t overcome alone. Juggling child care, work, class attendance, study time and running a household make it nearly impossible to pursue the education they need to move up to better-paying jobs. Solution: The Family Economic Security Program


Fairfield County Community Foundation

The Foundation’s Fund for Women and Girls initiated a partnership with Norwalk Community College and the Norwalk Community College Foundation to launch the Family Economic Security Program, an adaptation of the Annie E. Casey Foundation’s Center for Working Families model. This program resulted from the Fund for Women and Girls’ research on the status of women and girls in Fairfield County.

In this five-year pilot program, qualified students who are working heads of their households and enrolled at Norwalk Community College receive a comprehensive suite of services and assistance to help them earn an Associate degree, a Bachelor’s degree, and ultimately achieve family-sustaining employment. The Women’s Business Development Center provides the financial coaching. The Fund for Women and Girls has made a five-year $1.25 million commitment to support women in the program. At the end of five years, the goal is for 100 students to have participated in the program, earned their Associate degrees and moved up to better paying jobs, or enrolled in a four-year college to earn their Bachelor’s degrees. Over the same period, an additional 1,000 low- to moderate-wage students enrolled in the college will have the opportunity to participate in a range of services, including financial education and career planning seminars, and life skills classes. Providing that the Family Economic Security Program meets its benchmarks, the Fund aims to replicate it in other communities. Results to date: Twenty low-wage students with dependents attending Norwalk Community College are enrolled in the program’s first class, with another 20 enrolled in the second class. How you can help: Contribute to the Foundation’s Fund for Women and Girls.

Help Urban Children Succeed in School

By 2014, half of the current principals leading the 92 public schools in Bridgeport, Danbury, Norwalk and Stamford will retire, and there are few qualified candidates to take their places. At stake: the education and futures of 60,000 children. The Foundation’s Urban School Leaders Fellowship is training 60 superb future principals to lead our most challenging schools.


The Foundation’s research uncovered that by 2014, half of the current principals leading the 92 public schools in Bridgeport, Danbury, Norwalk and Stamford will retire, and there are few qualified, local candidates to take their place. At stake: The education and futures of 60,000 children already facing one of the largest achievement gaps in the nation. No other philanthropic entity was focusing on this important issue, and no nonprofit organization addressed this need in Fairfield County. Solution: The Urban School Leaders Fellowship To turn this crisis into an opportunity, the Foundation brought together the four city school districts, the Connecticut Center for School Change and the University of Connecticut’s Neag School of Education to design a program that trains a new generation of superb urban school principals. While good teachers are crucial, it’s the school principal who establishes the vision for the school, creates its culture and is the instructional leader. It’s the principal who inspires teachers and staff to excel, recruits the community and parents to help children succeed, and nurtures an environment where children feel safe and can reach their potential. Thanks to your generosity, the Urban School Leaders Fellowship was created with the goal of training at least 60 qualified, committed and passionate future principals to lead public schools in Bridgeport, Danbury, Norwalk and Stamford. This one-year Fellowship program begins where academic preparation ends. To qualify, applicants must be an educator with an 092 endorsement on their teaching certificate, and be committed to becoming a public school principal in Bridgeport, Danbury, Norwalk or Stamford. All candidates are nominated by their school districts.

Results to date: The first class of 29 Fellows graduated in June 2009. The second class of 38 Fellows will graduate in June 2010. As of September 2009, 11 of the Fellows had been promoted to positions of school principal, assistant principal and other leadership roles. How you can help: Contribute to the Foundation’s Fund for Academic Excellence.

Improve the Effectiveness and Sustainability of Local Nonprofits As government-funded programs are reduced or eliminated, residents and communities rely more heavily on nonprofit organizations. There are over 1,340 nonprofits in Fairfield County working to make a difference. Yet too often their effectiveness is hampered by insufficient funding for basic operating expenses, ongoing professional development and board member training. Solution: The Center for Nonprofit Excellence

accomplish the most good with every dollar, and improve sustainability. Results to date: In the last year, the Foundation presented more than 30 workshops covering financial leadership, grantwriting, collaboration, program evaluation, marketing, publicity, public speaking, donor relations and more, attended by 890 nonprofit executive directors, their board chairs, and staff members. How you can help: Contribute to the Foundation’s Center for Nonprofit Excellence; contact us about creating and presenting a workshop.


Thanks to the support of people like you, the Foundation’s Center for Nonprofit Excellence helps Fairfield County nonprofits become more effective and sustainable.

We award grants to strengthen financial management and fund development, and offer workshops and training in strategic planning, leadership development, program assessment and other topics. This multi-faceted support helps organizations operate at peak efficiency,

The Foundation’s Center for Nonprofit Excellence helps local nonprofits become more effective and sustainable. Over 890 nonprofit executive directors, board chairs and staff members attended 30 workshops covering financial leadership, grantwriting, collaboration, program evaluation, marketing, donor relations and more.



Regional Initiatives continued

Safety Net Giving Circle


Nonprofit affordable housing developer New Neighborhoods organizes a work crew at Madison Smith Apartments in Stamford. Pooled contributions to the Fairfield County Collaborative Fund for Affordable Housing have helped create housing for over 5,000 low- and moderate-wage residents.

Create Affordable Housing for Low- and ModerateWage Families The high cost of housing in Fairfield County is causing an exodus of young adults, young families and seniors, and is clogging highways with commuters who can’t afford to live near their jobs. The lack of affordable housing chokes businesses needing low- and moderate-wage workers, towns relying on retired residents for civic leadership, and the region’s potential for economic growth and vitality. Solution: The Fairfield County Collaborative Fund for Affordable Housing The Foundation brought together corporate and family foundations, individual donors and United Ways to form the Fairfield County Collaborative Fund for Affordable Housing. Through pooled contributions, the Collaborative Fund makes general operating support grants to leading nonprofit affordable housing developers in Fairfield County. This helps free the developers from fundraising so they can focus on increasing affordable housing.

The fund is managed and held by the Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC), an experienced national nonprofit focused on housing and community development. Results to date: More than 1,080 affordable housing units are under management throughout Fairfield County, and 700 additional units are in the pipeline. Thanks to $1,355,000 in grants to nonprofit developers, over 5,000 residents can live in houses and apartments they can afford. How you can help: Contribute to the Fairfield County Collaborative Fund for Affordable Housing at LISC; recommend potential funders for the Collaborative Fund.

GRANTS Food Assistance $46,800 Catholic Charities’ Morning Glory Breakfast Program serves a free, hot breakfast to homeless and very low-income Danbury area residents. Neighbor to Neighbor’s food pantry serves over 1,000 needy Greenwich families and seniors each year. Food Bank of Lower Fairfield County provides food to up to 100 nonprofits and programs serving residents of lower Fairfield County.

Housing $73,000 Southwestern Connecticut Agency on Aging makes interest-free loans to low-income Greater Bridgeport seniors for security deposits, utility deposits and home repairs. Person to Person provides emergency assistance for housing, medical care, clothing, groceries, infant needs and more to Stamford area residents. Operation Hope offers shelter, food and support services to the homeless and nearhomeless in Greater Bridgeport.

Health Care $25,000 Norwalk Community Health Center provides medical and psychiatric services to low-income residents in the Norwalk area.

Job Training $20,000 TBICO teaches low-wage women in the Danbury region to manage their personal finances and improve their job skills, and provides job placement.

Protection from Domestic Violence $40,000 Domestic Violence Crisis Center provides shelter and counseling to lower Fairfield County residents affected by family violence. Center for Women and Families helps residents of Greater Bridgeport address issues arising from domestic violence and sexual assault. In addition to the Safety Net Giving Circle, the Fairfield County Community Foundation awarded $30,000 to Operation Fuel for home heating assistance.


Fairfield County Community Foundation

Your generosity created a safety net for thousands of struggling neighbors The cumulative blows from the past year’s investment losses, layoffs, foreclosures and credit collapse drove poor and even middle class neighbors to local nonprofits for help— just as contributions and government grants to those organizations plummeted.

“I’ve never been through anything like this,” he said. “I went to ten fast-food places and at least as many donut shops. The work retraining programs were all full. Just to put your name down, you were waiting a couple of months.”

More than one nonprofit leader told us, “Last year’s donors are now our clients,”

As the weeks wore on, the bills piled up. Ray ate at church hall dinners twice a week, applied for food stamps and filed for Social Security earlier than planned, reducing the amount he will ultimately receive.

At our request, one of our fundholders agreed to match all contributions up to $100,000 to support local organizations providing residents with food, housing, health care, job training and protection from domestic violence. This generous, anonymous gift allowed us to create the Safety Net Giving Circle, offering you the opportunity to help struggling neighbors and have your donation doubled. Within months, donations more than matched the $100,000 grant. Your generosity made it possible for us to award $204,800 to ten vetted nonprofits serving local families, seniors and individuals throughout the region. Thousands benefitted. Here’s the story of one man you helped. 64-year-old job seeker saved from eviction When Ray Zabiega, 64, lost his job as a cashier at a wholesale grocery store, the Bridgeport native was confident he’d find a new one. Living off savings, he began applying for jobs throughout the city. Instead of paying $4 for a day’s bus pass, Ray rode his bicycle to businesses he hoped might be hiring. As the months passed, the downturn worsened and his savings dwindled. Ray realized finding a job would be more difficult than at any other time in his life.

“But every single day I am looking for work,” he said. “I want to get that paycheck.” He fell behind on rent and faced eviction. Every morning he stuffed his financial and medical records, family photos and most cherished items into a backpack. He didn’t know when he’d return to his apartment, find that the locks had been changed, and suddenly be homeless. Ray was just three days from eviction when he received a $994 loan from the Southwestern Connecticut Agency on Aging in Bridgeport, thanks to a $25,000 grant from the Safety Net Giving Circle—and your donation. The loan let Ray move to a more affordable apartment. Although still looking for work, Ray is not in imminent danger of becoming homeless. How to continue helping neighbors The Safety Net Giving Circle has concluded, yet you can still apply the power of collective giving to help struggling neighbors. When you contribute to the Foundation’s Fund for Community Leadership, you tackle the root causes of Fairfield County’s most pressing issues.



Contributors to Community Leadership Work In addition to serving donors and strategic grantmaking, the Foundation develops and leads initiatives to address critical community needs, educates donors and residents about those needs, strengthens nonprofits that provide solutions, and increases the effectiveness of philanthropy. We are grateful for those who contribute to this community leadership work.

Leadership Gifts

“I have always had organizations which I supported, but when it came to Fairfield County itself, I was uninformed on the needs and where I could be most helpful. That’s where the Foundation came in, helping me identify opportunities to make a difference.”

United Illuminated Company

Hans Hopf Redding Fundholder since 2000


We are honored to recognize and thank these generous individuals, private foundations and corporations for their significant gifts: Altria Group, Inc. Anonymous (2) John T. and Sheila B. Becker Foundation The Bridgemill Foundation Citizens Bank Foundation Ann Elliman W. Michael Funck GE Foundation Jane Halliwell Fund J.P. Morgan Chase Foundation Lone Pine Foundation, Inc. Ann S. & Stephen F. Mandel Susan & Stephen F. Mandel, Jr. MBI, Inc. The Edward S. Moore Family Foundation P.B.O. Fund Sheila & Charles Perrin Seth Sprague Educational and Charitable Foundation David J. Sullivan, III & Dr. Gioia J. Riccio, MD

Key Supporters We thank these contributors for gifts that support our community leadership work: Alexandra Falconer Austin Fund John L. Anderson Andrews Family Foundation Edwin C. & Patricia S. Andrews, Jr. Peter & Anne Ardery Bernicestine M. & Harold Bailey James R. & Kaye E. Barker Joan & Ed Barksdale Michael F. & Allison Barry Kevin Batterton Allan & Nancy Bernard Edwin L. & Jane Bescherer Dorothy Blaustein David & Anne C. Campbell

Fairfield County Community Foundation

Chapin & Bangs Co., Inc. Joel & Neva Cheatwood Hon. John P. Chiota Milton L. Cohn, Esq. Rev. & Euna Coleridge Jean Collier Lincoln W. Craighead Thomas D. & Louise M. Cunningham, Jr. Daniel L. Daniels, Esq. Delco Associates, Inc. John & Mary Donohue Leete P. & Marjorie S. Doty Charles & Judy Eaton Karl & Nancy Epple R. Bradford & Barbara Evans William & Judy Ferdinand Fred & Arlene Fine Robert L. & Linda J. Fiscus Madeleine G. Fox Linda R. & George Franciscovich Andrea Gartner GE Foundation GE Capital Marty & Roger Gilbert Amy J. & John Gillis Global Impact William O. & Faith Gray Susan M. & Edward Greenberg Stephen K. & Janet McCarthy Grimm Richard C. Harper Anne & James Hoban Harris Mike & Sally Harris Edward E. & Myrna G. Harrison Barry C. & Lilyan Hawkins Bruce & Josephine Hawley Hearthstone Foundation, Inc. Peter & Jackie Heneage Jane Henson Foundation David R. Hermenze, Esq. James A. & Mary Himes Hobbs Family Charitable Trust Joseph & Sharon Hoffman Hans Hopf Nathaniel S. Howe, Jr. Bruce & Michele Hubler Eliot & Philip M. Jacobs Allan Jay Troy & Diane M. Jellerette Dahlia Johnston JP Morgan Chase Foundation - Matching Gifts Henry R. Kelly Mary Lee & John Kiernan Matthew P. LaMalva Joseph & Kim Lazaroff Harold Levine Steven Levy George & Betsy Longstreth Frank & Natalie Lyon James & Mary Ellen Marpe Phyllis G. & Philip R. Marsilius Joseph J. McGee Fred & Ivy McKinney

Contributors to Foundation Funds Daniel S. & Irene A. Mercer Moffly Publications, Inc. Barbara V. & James V. Moltz Gilbert C. Mott Peter T. & Janet Mott James J. & Barbara A. Musante Gordon & Diane Myers Wafaa Naggar Donald & Sara Nelson Loretta Nolan, CFP, AEP Ronald & Renee Noren Edward & Barbara Oppedisano The Overbrook Foundation Panwy Foundation, Inc. Gregory & Jane Perry Robert & Patricia C. Phillips Thomas V. & Marianne B. Reifenheiser Hans F. Reiss Relyea Zuckerberg Hanson, LLC Lunsford & Bea Richardson John W. & Pamela W. Ritter, Jr. Curtiss & Leslie Roach Daniel K. & Betty Roberts Family Foundation Rockledge Institute, Inc. Gilbert J. Rose Joan Rosenbaum Gerald & Elaine Rosenberg Susan M. Ross & Charles MacCormack Gene Rostov Charles M. & Deborah Royce Schilthuis Foundation, Inc. Rita & Richard Seclow Betsey & Arthur Selkowitz Viola Spinelli Richard & Christie Stone Frank Strohm Harold & Greta Sutphen Ileana Velazquez Jimena Vignola Helen B. Wasserman Katharine & Curt Welling Linda F. & John R. Whitton, III Wiggin & Dana LLP

We are pleased to recognize and thank those who gave $100 or more to funds of the Foundation:

A-B Kenneth and Nira Abramowitz Foundation Jeffry Ackerman & Andrea Goodman Mr. & Mrs. Bernie Acre J.C. and S. Adams Fund of the Community Foundation of Jackson Hole Jon Alander Mr. & Mrs. George R. Alcott, III Anne Altchek Tiffany A. & Christopher G. Altschul AMS Real Estate Lois & Harlan Anderson Roberta Anderson Andrews Family Foundation Edwin C. & Patricia S. Andrews, Jr. Julia H. Andrews Andrew J. & Anna M. Andriuk Ida & Joseph Angland Ann Taylor, Inc. Ann’s Place, The Home of I CAN Anonymous (11) Bob Appleton Peter & Anne Ardery Maxine Armstrong Richard W. & Arleen B. Arnold, Jr. Daniel E. Aron Brooke B. Ashforth Kap Ashworth Alexandra F. & David Austin Richard A. & Nancy Axilrod Bernicestine M. & Harold Bailey Emily Bajus Benjamin Baker David & Gwen Baker David F. & Lucy Ball Banco Santander Central Hispano Virginia Banerjee Lucy Baney Bank of America Foundation Kim Bankston Louis F. and Virginia C. Bantle Charitable Foundation, Inc. Patricia Barakett Al & Gina Barber James R. & Kaye E. Barker Joan & Ed Barksdale Michael F. & Allison Barry Steven & Tammy Barry Kenneth G. Bartels & Jane Condon Nancy J. Bassett Jim & Ellen Bassett Kevin Batterton Carol & George Bauer Beach Concerts, Inc. John T. and Sheila B. Becker Foundation Alfred Beers Shelley Behrman George B. & Mary L. Beitzel

George & Carol Bello Cricket Benevento Jay & Mary Bennett Fred M. Bering Andre M. & Caren L. Berk Berman News Service Melanie & Charles H. Berman Allan & Nancy Bernard Stuart S. Bernard Alan Bernstein Edwin L. & Jane Bescherer James & Nancy Better Susan Bevan & Anthony F. Daddino Leslie Bhutani Milton I. & Pamela C. Bickle R.C. Bigelow, Inc. Judith L. Biggs Biosphere Medical, Inc. Andrew W. & Holly E. Bisset Rae Elizabeth Blair Wendy Block Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts Barbara Bluestone Leonard C. & Bonnie L. Blum Richard & Cynthia Blumenthal BNY MELLON Wealth Management Barbara Bodine The Michael Bolton Charities, Inc. Bottomline Technologies, Inc. Jennifer Boyd Janine Zappola Bradley Greater Bridgeport Bar Association, Inc. Reginald K. Brack Geoffrey S. & Melissa B. Bradshaw-Mack Spencer & Dulcy Brainard Eileen C. Brancucci Catherine M. Brennan Elisabeth H. Breslav Jonathan Breslav Family Marc A. Breslav Patricia & James Brett Edie Brickell The Bridgemill Foundation Kerry Brock & John Seigenthaler Mary Brock Harry Brodbeck Trust Susan E. Brode & David S. Schwartzman Dr. Nancy L. Bronson Kathryn Brooks Louise Brooks Nancy C. Brown Patricia T. & Douglas L. Brown Ruth W. Brown Foundation Spencer L. & Wendy S. Brown William H. & Carol D. Browne Susan Brownwood Marianne F. & William B. Buchanan, Jr. Elizabeth H. Burke Ross Burkhardt Annie O. Burleigh Mara Burnett Emily Wilson Burns Gordon & Frannie Burns Michael E. Burns & Amy E. Bauer

Patricia Jenkins Burns Stacey J. Burton Michael P. & Elena E. Byrne Thomas J. Byrne Donna & Robert Byrnes

C-F Dave & Libby Cable John & Anita J. Caggiano Kevin R. & Kathy Callahan Paula C. Callari Cambridge International, Inc. Camp-Younts Foundation David & Anne C. Campbell Maureen Canary Robin & James D. Carey Mark & Carlotta Carley Mary Alice Carmichael Susan & Trent A. Carmichael Penny Carroll William J. & Sharon Ann Carroll G.C. & Nan R. Cartwright CastleKeep Investment Advisors, LLC Robert P. Castrignano & Theresa M. Cribb Mary Cattan Mary Ellen Cavanna Ellen Celli Central Connecticut Coast - YMCA Chapin & Bangs Co., Inc. Karen L. & Edward Chaplin Joel & Neva Cheatwood William J. & Elizabeth F. Chepolis Carroll G. & MaryJane Chewning Joan E. Chiota Hon. John P. Chiota Frances F. Chiou Amy & John Cholnoky Octavio G. & Nela Choy Billy C. & Rosamond G. Christensen Susan Christian Jeffrey & Rona Citrin Rob & Cindy Citrone Evan Clark Kim Clark-Powell Andrew M. & Carole G. Clarkson Vidal S. Clay Paula Cleary Jeanette Clonan Milton L. Cohn, Esq. Kristi Colburn Leslie Coleman Rev. & Euna Coleridge Britt Collins The Commonwealth Fund Como & Nicholson, Inc. Vincent J. & Patt Como Connecticut Coalition to End Homelessness Connecticut Commission on Culture & Tourism Connecticut Performing Arts Partners-The Meadows Music Theatre Craig A. & Debra A. Connors Contemporary Group Acquisition, Inc. Concerts Division Donna Conway

Dr. Milton Cooper & Lilla B. Cooper Mary Corson & Jonathan Sackler Susan C. & Robert Cotter Leonard & Anne C. Cotton Sally A. Countryman Covidien Matching Gift Program Lynn C. Crager Lincoln W. Craighead David & Jane Crandall Vicki & David Craver Malcolm & Virginia Crawford Robert & Linda Cremin J. R. & C.E. Crespo Mrs. Kevin Crimmins Charlotte C. Crosby Andrea K.and David M. Cross Jane E. Crossley & Anne W. Samsami-Mohajer Beth Crump Marvin & Karen Cruz Kenneth J. & Fredrica T. Cryan Richard Cryan Robert Cryan Janet Crystal Sarah Lindsay Culbertson Thomas D. & Louise M. Cunningham, Jr. Pam Manfredo Curtis Julie Cusimano Daniel L. Daniels, Esq. Georgia Davala Barbara Benton Davis Fund Kathryn & Edward G. Davis Laurie A. Davis Ginny & Christopher Day Mary Ann Debnar Deer Creek Amphitheater Concerts, L.P. Janet DeFrino DEJ, LLC Gonzalo de Las Heras Delco Associates, Inc. Joseph P. Dematteo Roberta D. Bowman Denning & Steven A. Denning Jennifer C. Desmarais Devan Acura of Norwalk Wendy & Robert Dewey Laura di Bonaventura Kim DiBella-Farber The Dibner Fund James and Judith K. Dimon Foundation Robert & Carol A. Dinmore Robert K. & Marie S. Dix DLC Corp Show Account Clear Channel Entertainment Brian & Laurie Doherty Marie & Patrick D. Dolan Jen Donnalley Donors Choose Dorothy E. & Robert J. Doran Kenneth D’Orazio Benjamin V. & Cynthia L. Doto, III Benjamin V. & Elisa Doto, Jr. Brandon V. & Holly Doto Bryan V. Doto Leete P. & Marjorie S. Doty



Contributors to Foundation Funds Amy C. & Tony Downer Barbara E. & Edward S. Drotman Bettina Drummond-Hay & Peter Hay Mrs. Henry B. duPont, III Michael Durkin Bradford R. Durrell Nancy & Donald S. Dworken Martin A. Dworken, Esq. Myron I. & Carol Dworken Christopher J. & Patra N. Dwyer David & Pamela Dysenchuk Charles & Judy Eaton Warren W. Eginton Deborah & Archie Elam Electric Factory Concerts, Inc. Electro-Optical Engineering Inc. Ann Elliman

“When I retired, Eileen and I agreed it was time to expand our support for the local community, but, while some targets were obvious to us, it became clear that we had little detailed understanding of the area’s broader needs. To solve this problem, we set up a donor advised fund with the Greater Bridgeport Area Foundation, which later merged with the Fairfield County Community Foundation. Our fund has helped us support the institutions we know and understand, while allowing the Foundation to suggest additional areas of need.” Colin and Eileen Green Southport Fundholders since 2003 18

Robin G. Elliott Earl E. & Anne W. Ellis Gina Ely Mrs. Gay Empson Page Englehart Karl & Nancy Epple Kenneth & Wendy Epstein Sheldon N. & Lillian E. Epstein Dr. Gary Epstein-Lubow & Divya Epstein-Lubow Kim Marie Evans R. Bradford & Barbara Evans ExxonMobil Foundation Ann B. Eydt Arthur R. & Regina A. Faller Debra D. Farrar Patti & Eric Fast Susan C. Feil Esta Feinsod Fender Musical Instruments Corporation William & Judy Ferdinand Eric N. & Anne Ferguson John J. Ferguson, Esq. Victor M. Ferrante, Jr., Esq. Douglas & Tracy Fincher Fred & Arlene Fine Betsy and Jesse Fink Foundation Douglas A. Finkelstone Grada Fischer Robert L. & Linda J. Fiscus Gloria Fitzsimons Forester Capital, LLC Vincent J. Formato & Christine Steccato-Formato Mary-Jane Foster & Jack E. McGregor Madeleine G. Fox Linda R. & George Franciscovich Mary Anne Franco Jane Frank Jennifer Frascella Mika W. & David N. Frechette Robert & Carolyn Frederick Laura Freeman Ruth French Friedberg, Smith & Co. Frosty & Donald R. Friedman Maria Friedrich Jean D. Ford Mr. & Mrs. Edward F. Fox Sarah Fugelsang W. Michael & Ellen Funck

G-J Andrew L. Gaboriault Mike & Lynn Gagliardi Robert R. & Jane W. Gallagher John M. & Diverra M. Galvin Valerie Gammage Garden Catering Andrea Gartner Susan Gatto GE Foundation GE Capital Nancy W. Geary Kiersten O. & Francis P. Gehring

Fairfield County Community Foundation


Bruce & Keryn Geller Marty & Jeff Gendell Jennifer A. & James. T. Gengo Edward L. & Mildred Gerber Christine Stiassni Gerli Lauren W. & Paul B. Ghaffari Marty & Roger Gilbert Craig M. Gilkes Amy J. & John Gillis Global Impact Arthur B. & Barbara M. Gnaedinger Elisabeth & Arthur Golden Goldman Sachs & Co., Charitable Services Group Edward B. & Dee Goodnow Tracy Goodnow Leslie & Adele Gordon Lorraine W. Gordon Jay & Virginia Gould Kristine K. Granetz Ginny & Taylor Gray William O. & Faith Gray Colin & Eileen Green Holly Gordon Susan M. & Edward Greenberg Greenwich Country Day School Maggie & Jim Griesing Carolann Grieve Stephen K. & Janet McCarthy Grimm E. Bulkeley & Lila Griswold Nora Grose Sarah & Skip Grow GSAC Partners Mark & Mary Grace Gudis Emanuel Guella Gaetano & Antonina Guella Colin Gunn Joanna Gwozdziowski Haffenreffer Family Fund Arthur R. & Leslie M. Hahn Kenneth H. & Susan Hahn Shahpar & F. Isaac Hakim Jane Gade Halliwell Fund David & Jill Halper Dana Hanson, CPA Leslie & Myron P. Hardy Elizabeth S. Harleman Richard C. Harper Anne & James Hoban Harris Mike & Sally Harris Edward E. & Myrna G. Harrison Neil & Janice M. Harrison William B. & Anne Harrison Christopher & Maria Hart Susan Hart Thomas G. Hart The Darrell Harvey Family Foundation Inc. Karen Nichols Simpson Harvey H. Darrell & Robin Harvey Donna & Glenn Hascher Roberta Hatch Estate of Dorothea Havighorst Barry C. & Lilyan Hawkins Bruce & Josephine Hawley Mary Pat Healy

Hearthstone Foundation, Inc. Joseph T. Heavey Helping Hand Foundation Peter & Jackie Heneage Mark J. Hennessy & Tracey Crane Hennessy Jane Henson Foundation Mickey Herbert David R. Hermenze, Esq. Helen D. Hermes Ann Herrero Jennifer E. Herring Judith & James H. Higby Christine Hikawa Thomas J. Hilliard, Jr. Henry L. & Elsie H. Hillman James A. & Mary Himes Colleen Hines Leslie Hines Debbie Hires Ingrid M. Hirsch Hobbs Family Charitable Trust Robert and Gerry Hodes Family Fund of Jewish Communal Fund Ellen Hoeffel Joseph & Sharon Hoffman Mrs. Harrison B.W. Hoffman Richard & Wendy Hokin Judith K. & William Holding George & Mary Holland Holloway Family Foundation Mary & Steve Holmes Gilbert L. & Alice Homstad Jon N. & Maureen S. Homstad Hans Hopf Steven & Anne J. Hoss Housing Development Fund, Inc. Harold & Alice W. Howard Pat & Shirley Howe Nathaniel S. Howe, Jr. Yu-Chi Huang Michelle R. Hubbard, Esq. Bruce & Michele Hubler Libby & Mark E. Hudson Becky C. & William L. Hughes Betty Beall Hughes William J. & Mary K. Hughes Elizabeth R. Hulme Human Services Council of Mid-Fairfield Lydee Conway Hummel Boo & Hank Huth Hynes, Himmelreich, Glennon & Company Thomas & Eileen P. Hynes I.M.A., Inc. Deacon Daniel Ianniello The ILA Foundation Jeffrey & Andrea Immelt Karen & Anthony F. Izzo J.A.G. Asset Management LLC Shaun Jackson Eliot & Philip M. Jacobs Robert S. Jacobs & Delores Kuhlman Marina Jacobson The Jaffe Family Foundation Juanita T. James Lorraine W. James

Raymond E. & Karen Jankowich Shirley Jankowich Marta & Jorge V. Jasson Allan Jay Sarah B. Jenny Grady Jensen Thomas F. & Kathryn S. Jensen Barbara P. & Carl F. Johnson, Jr. Ellsworth P. & Susan L. Johnson Kaki Johnson Katharine Johnson Mystique E. Johnston & Manuel E. Mejia Lynne M. Jordal Sally & Ramsey E. Joslin

K-L Nancy & Marcos A. Kail Diana J. Kalman Amy C. Kaplan Jessica Kaplan & Steve Symonds Peter H. & Joan M. Kaskell Henry and Joan Katz Fund Phyllis Kaufer Judith A. Keefer Jacqueline C. & John Keeshan Jane & Thomas P. Kellogg, Jr. Cordy Kelly Henry R. Kelly Vasso Kelly Pat & Philip Kemp Bim & Donald M. Kendall Martin & Betty Kent Susan F. Khanna Victor & Gail Collins Khosla Jane Kiefer Mary Lee & Jack Kiernan Lesley King Libby King The Kite Key Foundation Kenneth M. & Barbara K. Kleban Lenore and Howard Klein Foundation, Inc. Larry Kluetsch Kathy Klingenstein & Robert Miller Pat & John Klingenstein Joseph & Judith Klyde William R. & Audrey Knobloch Koegel Foundation, Inc. Philip S. & Edith Kovar Daryle J. & Susan Kowalsky Clifford & Alyssa T. Kraft Kuriansky Foundation Brian & Robin J. Kurtz Mickey Kydes Norman W. & Celeste LaCroix Ryan C. Lallas Matthew P. LaMalva Martha Lane Doulgas C. & Elizabeth Anne Lanette Heather Lange Jennifer W. & Mark Lapine Jan Laster Steven Lau Cory Laverack Sally & Larry Lawrence

Layng Interiors Joseph & Kim Lazaroff Mariko & Matthew LeBaron The Lebensfeld Foundation Janet Lebovitz John & Mary Lee Veronique Lee Katherine C. & Gary L. Leeds Susan S. & David G. Leibowits Anne S. Leonhardt Melissa A. Leonhardt William G. & Meg Lerchen, III Christine Lesko Mary Lee Lesko Michael T. & Martha M. Lesnick Harold Levine Arthur & Leslie Levine Janet Levy Steven & Leora Levy Liberty Mutual Insurance Group Joyce & Larry Light Martha Lightner Barbara Linder Phillip E. & Donna Lint Gerald & Susan Lione Deborah A. Lionetti Michelle Litt Susan Littlefield Littlejohn Family Foundation Live Nation, Inc. Live Nation Music Cleveland, LLC Live Nation Music Group Cecilia O. Lofters Lone Pine Foundation, Inc. George B. & Betsy B. Longstreth Angela Lovely Meghan Lowney Kathleen Lozier Andrew & Florence Lozyniak Sarah Smith Lubarsky Bruce & Anne Lynn Frank & Natalie Lyon

M Peter B. & Laurie A. Maglathlin Patricia & Jeremy Main Wesley M. Malowitz & Lauren Soloff Ann & Stephen F. Mandel Susan & Stephen F. Mandel, Jr. Hank Mandel Connie S. & Betty Maniatty Fdn. Inc. Marybeth & James E. Manley Ruth Mansfield Kristy C. Marcus Winifred G. Marion Mark Family Fund Anna-Karin Mark Mary S. Halsey Marks James & Mary Ellen Marpe Donald E. & Mary E. Marquardt Linda & Jenkins Marshall Phyllis G. & Philip R. Marsilius Brian R. Martin Frances D. Martin

Henry E. & Christel Marx Beth & E. Wellford Mason, Jr. Frank & Sarah Masso John S. & Maria J. Matluck Kay & John S. Maxwell Richard & Diane Mayberry John C. Mayer Lauren A. & David Mazzullo MBI, Inc. Susan & Stuart McCalley Helen F. McClure Maria McFall Joseph J. McGee Melanie & Thomas H. McGlade Dennis P. McKechnie Fred & Ivy McKinney Sonnet & Ian McKinnon Therese & John B. McKitterick Pamela McKoin Peter & Barbara McSpadden Laurie & Peter McTeague Meadow Ridge Residents Assocation Lizanne & John Megrue Joel & Ellen S. Mellis Alice P. Melly Donna R. Merrill Tracy & Joe Merrill Christine & William Merritt Lisa Metz Randolph W. Meyer Virginia & Juan M. Meyer Violet T. Millenbruch Barbara B. & Henry Miller Bruce & Maria Miller Morlee J. Miller Robert B. & Joan R. Miller Milwaukee World Festival, Inc. Ivar W. Mitchell Karen Mitchell Andrea T. Mitchelson Dominick & Michele Modugno Moffly Publications, Inc. Barbara V. & James V. Moltz MOMS Club of Stamford-North William A. Monness Joan Oliver Montross The Edward S. Moore Family Foundation Frank Moore Anne W. & David Moran Janet Rose Mordecai Morgan Stanley Charles E. & Juliette K. Morris S. Scott & Patricia R. Morrison Ben & Leanne Mortell Paul A. Mortell Frances Kenney Moseley Gilbert C. Mott Peter T. & Janet Mott Katherine & Kenneth Mountcastle Marian Mule Kathy Murphy Marci Murphy Barbara Murphy William S. & Kristi Murphy Gordon & Diane Myers

N-R NEJA Group, LLC- The Tweeter Center Allan J. & Sadie Nelson Donald & Sara Nelson Sanford E. & Joyce G. Nelson Laura Nestor Gregory W. & Sue K. Neumann Robyn R. Neumann Leo Nevas New Canaan HS Boys Hockey Team Karen Newman Albert G. & Dana Nickel Lorna Niebergall, Yvonne McAndrew, Bonnie McKinnon, Barbara Watson Claudia Breslav Nielsen Deborah & William J. Nightingale Henry E. Niles Foundation, Inc. Loretta Nolan, CFP, AEP Robert B. & Elizabeth Nolan Ronald & Renee Noren Richard R. & Linda Northrop Northstar Capital Funds, LLC Wendee Nussle Carolyn & Donal C. O’Brien Marita O’Hare Eleanor & Henry O’Neill Beverly Lisa O’Toole Eileen S. Oakford Robert W. Obrecht Rolf H. & E. Irene Ochsner Constance & Jon Old Catherine D. Oliver Janet & Jonathan Olmsted Jill & Brian Olson Helen Ong Paula & Bill Oppenheim Lindsay & David G. Ormsby Beverly Miller Orthwein Thomas & Linda Ortwein Kate & Bart David Osman Richard & Cathleen L. Ostuw The Overbrook Foundation James & Susan Ozanne Pace Music Group-Post Gazette Pavilion L. Patricia Palombi Panwy Foundation, Inc. Janice Park Laura & Stuart Parker Kathy E. Parks Partnership for Strong Communities Lynne Pasculano Anne Patterson Pavilion Partners - Charlotte-Verizon Wireless Amphitheatre Pavilion Partners-Tweeter Center at the Waterfront Grant A. & Jo Ann R. Peacock Davie D. & Christopher F. Peck People’s United Community Foundation Sherry Perlstein Mark & Karen E. Perman Dana & Christopher J. Perriello Sheila & Charles Perrin Gregory & Jane Perry William J. Peterson



Contributors to Foundation Funds

“I rely on the Foundation’s leadership and experience in identifying needs and opportunities to make a difference that I would not have known about on my own. At the same time, the staff has been excellent in reviewing and vetting the causes I care about, ensuring those organizations are making effective and efficient use of their resources and giving me peace of mind that my donations are being put to good use.” Judith L. Biggs Greenwich Fundholder since 1999

John S. Petterson & Jill Gottlieb Petterson James C. & Wendy M. Petty Robert & Patricia C. Phillips Margaret Crotty-Platka Platter Family Foundation PNC Wealth Management Suzanne & D.S. Podejko Laurence M. & Ronnie Byan Polansky Marianne & Edward B. Pollak Portable John, Inc. Scott L. & Susan L. Portnoy Marc H. Possick & Tanya S. Futoryan Dina H. Powell Graham A. & Diane M. Powis Peter W. Preston David & Gigi Priebe Kathy A. Pulkownik Quedan Construction Amy & R. L. Rabenhorst


Jill Raker RBS Card Services Redding Life Care, LLC R. Donald & Connie Reich Thomas V. & Marianne B. Reifenheiser Diane & Paul Reilly Hans F. Reiss Relational Investors LLC Relyea Zuckerberg Hanson, LLC Revson Charitable Trust Gioia F. Riccio Nanette & John Rich Lunsford & Bea Richardson John W. & Pamela W. Ritter, Jr. Curtiss & Leslie Roach Daniel K. and Betty Roberts Family Foundation Charlie & Ann E. Robertson Leah Robinson Daniel D. & Doris A. Robinson Rockledge Institute, Inc. Walter G. & Elizabeth Rodiger, Jr. Brian C. Rogers Jeffrey & Judith Rogin Kit Rohn Pamela Rollings Lori Romano Marshal Elton Root & Deborah A. Slocum Gilbert J. Rose Gail Rosen Joan Rosenbaum Lil and Julie Rosenberg Foundation, Inc. Gerald & Elaine Rosenberg Drs. Henry W. Rosenberg & Katherine M. Hicks Susan M. Ross & Charles MacCormack Gene Rostov Lauren Razook & John M. Roth Round Hill Community Church - Gathering of Women Stephen & Frances E. Rowland Royce Family Fund Charles M. & Deborah Royce Karen Free Royce Edward T. & Susan Ruddock Russell Matching Gifts Program Cristine Russell & Benjamin Heineman W. Henry Russell Patricia Russo & John Karr Ruth Asset Management Co., LLC Ruth Camp Campbell Foundation

S Peter & Katherine Sachs John & Shelby Saer Christie C. Salomon Charitable Trust Claire F. & Randy Salvatore Saugatuck Property LLC Gregory A. Saum, Esq. Dorothy M. Savage Charitable Lead Trust Scott R. & Lisa A. Savage Deb Sawch Casper A. Scalzi Everett M. & Sarah E. Schenk Steven L. & Susan Scher Schilthuis Foundation, Inc.

Fairfield County Community Foundation

Contributors to the Fund for Women and Girls


John & Sally Schlachtenhaufen Eric Schlaefer & Nancy Chin-Schlaefer Richard R. & Joan Schmaltz John A. Schoenbaum & Olga Rakich Jane Schoenholtz Dr. Francis J. Scholan & Gail Scholan Stanley E. Schulman, D.M.D. Judy Schurman Janet Prindle Seidler Foundation Betsey & Arthur Selkowitz Deirdre A. Sergerson Brian & Marilyn Shannahan Anissa Shannon Megan Shattuck Stefani Shavel Debbie & John C. Shaw The Shaw Family Fund John F. & Dorothy Shaw The Betty R. and Ralph Sheffer Foundation Ann Sheffer & Bill Scheffler Marsha K. Shendell Janet M. Sherin Russell A. Sherman & Lisa R. Weitzman Martha Simms Katie M. Simon Nancy & Gilbert Simpkins Jay Paul & Lisa Ann Singer Brian J. Skerry & Teresa Guella Shirley & Bill Sklar Anita Vogel Sklarsky Kathy Slocum Anne G. Smith George L. Smith, Esq. Heidi & Scott Smith Marny Smith Nancy K. Smith Sean T. Smith & Lynne M. Krupa Walter S. & Karen E. Smith Jonathan & Cleo Sonneborn Daniel M. & Tania C. Souza Matthew Spengler Viola Spinelli Seth Sprague Educational and Charitable Foundation Jean-Paul St Germain & Sheila Gates Wendy Stahl Thomas G. & Ronnie Stanford Staples Ice Hockey Booster Club David P. Staudinger Michael S. Stein & Ellen Schwartz Joline Stemerman Andrew T. Stern Warren & Susan Stern Emily Sternberg Amy Stevens Douglas & Caralyn Stevens Kerry Y. & John W. Stevens Debbie Stevenson Ann Stewart Russell P. Stockman Patricia L. & Hudson G. Stoddard Richard & Christie Stone Sally & Charles Stone L. Deborah Strane Frank Strohm

Lisa G. & Scott Stuart Shaw Stuart Laura & Paul L. Sturz Charlotte & John Suhler David J. Sullivan, III & Dr. Gioia J. Riccio, MD Susan B. Supple Eileen Lynch Sussan Harold & Greta Sutphen Julie Swearinger

T-V Mimi D. & Marc Tabah Theodora L. Taggart Robin Tauck & Peter Romano Julie Taylor TBICO Conrad & Adele Teitell Ernest & Cecilia Teitell Caroline Temple Edward & Cheryl Terino Robb & M. KarinThompson Tiffany & Company - Matching Gifts Tisch Foundation Inc. Peggy Toce James G. & Margaret S. Tompkins, III Richard A. Toomey, Jr. Ellen P. Tower Katie Traynor The Ernest and Joan Trefz Foundation Cameron C. & Jean Troilo Alison & Michael Troy Christel Truglia Nikki Tsairis Libby Tuttle Joan & Dick Tweedy United Concerts The United Illuminated Company Diane & Victor Ugolyn Richard R. & Emily D. Uhl Elizabeth & Gary Unger Ralph A. Unker Brook & Michael Urban John & Judy Urquhart U.S. Trust, Bank of America Private Wealth Management John & Cindy Vaccaro Christina Van Munching Peggy & Leo Van Munching Ronald & Janet L. Vanmynen Margot Vaughan Ileana Velazquez Venman & Co., LLC Verizon Wireless Amphitheatre Encore Park Julie Vichot Kathleen Viery Vineyard Vines, LLC Robert & Judy Vogel Nancy M. von Euler Alison & James A. von Klemperer

W-Z Kenneth J. & Shelley B. Wagers Mary S. Waldron

Christine Walker Walnut Creek Amphitheatre Ruthann Walsh Timothy & Mary Walsh Joan M. Warburg Taylor L. Ward Jeffrey & Sheri Warshaw John C. & Olga Washburn Helen B. Wasserman The Watermark at 3030 Park Wear Your Music William W. Wedge Audrey Weil Lawrence & Marjorie Weinreb Janet Weintraub Joan & Fred Weisman Jeffrey & MaryJo Weiss Robert M. & Joyce Weiss Kelly Weldon Dana & Thomas B. Welles Katharine & Curt Welling Valeria Wells Ann White Diane E. White & Steve Harrington Linda F. & John R. Whitton, III The Malcolm Hewitt Wiener Foundation Wiggin & Dana LLP Kyle Wilcox Dudley Williams Jane S. & Brian Williams Kirby Williams Mikel H. & Rebecca E. Williams Annette Wilson Deborah R. Wilson Elisa & Thomas B. Wilson Sandra & John Hill Wilson Winokur Family Foundation, Inc. Marybeth Wise Richard H. & Jean Witmer, Jr. Meg S. Wittman Nancy & Greg Wolcott Karen & John Wood Terrie E. & John F. Wood Robert W. & Edythe P. Woodruff Robin & Richard Woods Richard & Jill S. Woolworth, Jr. Westport Sunrise Rotary 21st Century Foundation Ralph M. & Lotte Wyman Toni & Ralph Wyman Susan Wyper Yardis Brothers, Inc. Louise Whitton York Stephan & Janice Yost Richard & Sandra Yu Beth Zadek Donna W. Zalichin & Barry Kramer Jacquelyn Zehner John & Sarah Zimmermann John C. & Jody Zimmermann Jon R. & Lauren Zirn Amy & Matt Zolin Carl Zuckerberg, CFP, AIF Mary Zwecker

We are pleased to recognize and thank the following who contributed $1,000 or more to the Fairfield County Community Foundation’s Fund for Women and Girls: Tiffany A. & Christopher G. Altschul Andrews Family Foundation Ann Taylor, Inc. Anonymous (3) Peter & Anne Ardery David F. & Lucy Ball Joan & Ed Barksdale Kevin J. Batterton, CFP Carol & George Bauer Leslie Bhutani Judith L. Biggs Richard & Cynthia Blumenthal Edie Brickell Mary Brock William H. & Carol D. Browne John & Amy Cholnoky Jeffrey & Rona Citrin Vidal S. Clay Kristi Colburn The Commonwealth Fund Mary Corson & Jonathan Sackler Susan C. & Robert Cotter David & Jane Crandall Vicki & David Craver Barbara Benton Davis Fund at FCCF Roberta D. Bowman Denning & Steven A. Denning James and Judith K. Dimon Foundation Marie & Patrick D. Dolan Amy C. & Tony Downer Patti & Eric Fast Betsy & Jesse Fink Mika W. & David N. Frechette GE Capital GE Foundation Marty & Roger Gilbert Goldman Sachs & Co. Kristine K. Granetz Haffenreffer Family Fund William B. & Anne Harrison Barry C. & Lilyan Hawkins Helping Hand Foundation Mrs. Harrison B.W. Hoffman Richard & Wendy Hokin Lydee Conway Hummel Thomas & Eileen P. Hynes Jeffrey & Andrea Immelt Kaki Johnson Mystique E. Johnston & Manuel E. Mejia Pat & Philip Kemp Bim & Donald M. Kendall

Victor & Gail Collins Khosla Mary Lee & Jack Kiernan Lesley King Sally & Larry Lawrence The Lebensfeld Foundation Janet Lebovitz Anne S. Leonhardt Christine Lesko Lone Pine Foundation, Inc. Peter B. & Laurie A. Maglathlin Ann S. & Stephen F. Mandel Susan & Stephen F. Mandel, Jr. Mark Family Fund Melanie & Thomas H. McGlade Sonnet & Ian McKinnon Peter & Barbara McSpadden Lizanne Galbreath Megrue & John Megrue Lisa Metz Katherine & Kenneth Mountcastle Kathy Murphy Barbara & William Murphy Albert G. & Dana Nickel Richard R. & Linda Northrop Jill & Brian Olson Helen Ong Paula & Bill Oppenheim Lindsay & David G. Ormsby The Overbrook Foundation Pepperidge Farm, Inc. Sheila & Charles Perrin Neuberger Berman, LLC PNC Wealth Management Gilbert J. Rose Lauren Razook & John M. Roth Cristine Russell & Benjamin Heineman Peter & Katherine Sachs The Janet Prindle Seidler Foundation Shaw Family Fund Janet M. Sherin Nancy & Gilbert Simpkins Joline Stemerman Charlotte & John Suhler Julie Taylor Alison & Michael Troy U.S. Trust, Bank of America Private Wealth Management Peggy & Leo Van Munching Mary S. Waldron Christine Walker Joan M. Warburg Audrey Weil Katharine & Curt Welling Linda F. & John R. Whitton III The Malcolm Hewitt Wiener Foundation Jane S. & Brian Williams Elisa & Thomas B. Wilson Winokur Family Foundation, Inc. Richard H. & Jean Witmer, Jr. Louise Whitton York Beth Zadek Jacquelyn Zehner

“Women are the tip of the pyramid when it comes to making positive, lasting changes in Fairfield County. The Fund for Women and Girls is the most efficient way of supporting women who have the confidence, motivation and desire to help themselves. Plus, as a local initiative, I am able to see firsthand how my support is making a difference in the lives of women, their children and our entire community.” Mika Frechette Greenwich Contributor since 2006



Funds of the Fairfield County Community Foundation Donor, Family and Corporate Advised Funds These funds make it easy to actively participate in your charitable giving. You recommend grants from the fund to any qualifying public charity in the U.S. You can give anonymously. You can access our knowledge and philanthropic expertise for guidance about community issues and local nonprofits. You can name advisors and successor advisors. We handle all of the paperwork and reporting. Advancement of Norwalk Fund Anonymous (2) Ashkins Family Fund Delbert L. Auray, Sr. Fund

Auxiliary of Park City Hospital Endowment Fund Avalon Fund Back to You Fund Anthony Ball Memorial Fund Lucy and David Ball Family Fund Bannow-Noren Fund Banyan Tree Fund of the Leo & Ida Davidoff Family James R. and Kaye E. Barker Fund Barksdale Family Fund John P. and Nancy J. Bassett Fund Louise Baum, Eastern Bag & Paper Co., Inc. Fund Beard Family Fund Jane M. & Edwin A. Bescherer Fund James P. and Elinor Upton Biggs Fund Judith L. Biggs Fund Bisset Family Fund Bluenose Fund Richard P. & Barbara A. Bodine Fund Bosworth Fund Daniel Brennan, Sr. Fund Brew Family Fund James and Margot Butler Family Fund Casale Family Fund Octavio & Marianela Choy Fund Thomas C. Clark Fund Clarkson Family Fund Mildred (Aunt Mimi) Cohn Fund Como & Nicholson Fund Hugh and Eleanor Curran Memorial Fund Daffodil Fund

“Investing in children now, by working with high-risk parents to reduce the incidence of child abuse, generates economic and social benefits by decreasing the need and expense of services in the future.” Sue Thomas Executive Director Danbury Regional Child Advocacy Center


Fairfield County Community Foundation

Dalluge-May Family Fund Barbara Benton Davis Fund Delany Family Fund Bern Dibner Gift Fund Doherty Family Fund* Donald J. Donahue Family Advisory Fund Benjamin and Frances Doto Family Fund George and Mary Dunbar Family Fund Henry B. duPont, III Advise and Consult Fund Fath Family Charitable Fund Ferguson Fund Betsy and Jesse Fink Fund Flaherty Family Fund Douglas and Olivia Floren Fund Forester Community Education Fund Irwin E. and Micheline Friedman Fund Joseph P. Ganim Foundation Fund Paul and Robin Garavel Fund Gately Fund Leonard Geller Memorial Fund Jacob E. and Judith A. Goldman Fund Goloff-Spector Memorial Fund Goodspeed Fund Colin and Eileen Green Fund Joshua Greenberg Memorial Fund Jane Gade Halliwell Fund Peter Hanson Fund Mike and Sally Harris Fund Percy, Edna, and Edward E. Harrison Fund Thomas C. and Mary Ann Hays Fund Winlow and Marian Heard Family Fund The Heidenreich Family Fund Hellogood Fund Hopf Family Fund Pat and Shirley Howe Fund Louis Joseloff Fund Peter H. and Joan M. Kaskell Fund Henry L. and Joan L. Katz Fund Keeper of the Hearth Fund Knobloch Fund Mathew Kosbob Memorial Fund Julie Kovar Fund Indiana B. Langston Fund Anne S. Leonhardt Fund Barbara A. Leonhardt Fund Melissa Anne Leonhardt Fund John A. Leslie Fund Sol and Rebeka Lieberman Fund Light Fund Phillip E. and Donna M. Lint Fund Mickey Lione Sr. Memorial Fund* Littlefield Fund Tom Liu Memorial Fund Lockhart Jennings Family Fund Longstreth-Pullman Family Fund Laura Lustig Fund Stephen F. and Ann S. Mandel Fund Mandel Family Fund Bonnie and Gene Markowski Family Fund Philip R. Marsilius Fund The Massad Family Fund* McCullough-Wilkinson Families Fund Peter and Barbara McSpadden Fund Mellis Family Fund Christopher T. Miller Fund Millstone Farm Charitable Fund

Stephanie and David Mixter Fund Moran Family Fund Gilbert C. & Rosemary F. Mott Fund Gregory and Sue Neumann Fund Nevas Family Fund Paul Newman Fund Melissa Nickel Memorial Fund Charles F. & Anne Meckes Niemeth Foundation Fund Norgren/Mahon Family Fund Edward Vernon and Grace M. Nunes Fund Ostuw/Leather Family Fund Graham Overbrook Fund Norman K. Parsells Rotary Memorial Fund John A. Klein Leadership Fund Perrin Family Fund Pollak Family Fund Rainbow’s End Fund Anthony M. Ray Foundation Fund Frank J. Riccio, M.D. Fund Betsy and Jack Rich Legacy Fund Ridgefield Community Foundation Fund David E. & Leah D. Robinson Fund Rockledge Fund Gil & Anne Rose Family Fund Anthony J. and Martha F. Ruscito Fund Dorothy and Frank L. Savage Family Fund Harold L. Schine Fund Rosamond Stephenson Shannon Fund Richard and Vivienne Silver Charitable Fund Skaarup Trust Fund Samuel and Esther Rachel Sobel Fund Theodore and Mariadina Steiber Memorial Fund Sternheim-Gardner Family Fund Stiassni Family Fund Suhler Family Fund Sullivan Family Fund Tauck Fund E.C.R. Teitell Fund Turtle Fund Turtle Insurance Policy Vacheron Family Fund Venman & Co. LLC Fund Clarence C. Walker Fund Weintraub Family Fund Fred & Joan Weisman Fund Wellborn Family Fund Who Wants to Change the World Wiehl Fund Joanne Woodward Fund Marie and John Zimmermann Fund *Funds established FY09

Donor, Family and Corporate Advised Funds with Grant Focus Auxiliary of Park City Hospital Endowment Fund Leonard S. Baer Fund Bluefish Foundation Fund Bordman-Beardsley Fund BRAD Fund The Jessica Lee Brett Memorial Fund Bridgeport Public Housing Resident Support Fund Eye Care for the Underprivileged Fund Food Bank of Fairfield County, Inc. Fund

Freeborn Fund For Youth Philanthropy Heidmar Fund Milton H. and Isabelle V. Friedberg Fund John Ira Hunter Cancer Research Fund Lester Johnson Memorial Fund Brenda H. Kaplan Music Fund Kimball Cancer Cure Fund Ruth I. Krauss Fund Early Childhood Development Ladysmith Fund for Women’s Health Olga Fund Fund for Pete’s Sake Lil and Julie Rosenberg Foundation Inc. Fund Stephen J. and Madelyn M. Santa Environmental Fund Jonathan M. Todd Accounting and Finance Higher Learning Fund The Truglia Thumbelina Fund Hilda Tooher-Corcoran Charitable Fund Upton Family Child Care Fund Florence and Bill Vermeulen Fund Yankee Doodle Fund For Music

Community Development, Urban Affairs

Discretionary Funds

For Countywide Grantmaking

Alvord Award Fund Bridgeport Community Response Fund Arthur and Gladys Lunin Humanitarian Award Fund Janice Park Social Justice Fund Stamcag Fund Herbert B. West Award Fund

These funds allow you to ensure that your charitable giving is addressing the most pressing needs in Fairfield County, even as those needs change over time. The Foundation depends on Discretionary funds to address changing needs, to support initiatives that tackle community and regional problems, and to help make the communities of Fairfield County healthy, vibrant and supportive to all.

Elizabeth Wingfield Barnett Fund Carr-Earle Fund Fairfield County Endowment Fund Elizabeth Farman Fund Mary Elizabeth Hill Fund Impact Fund Memory Fund Nancy J. Pilgard Fund Edmund C. Spencer Fund

Education Theodore H. and Margaret S. Beard Excellence in Teaching Award Fairfield County Fund for Academic Excellence Fairfield County Fund for New Americans Sandra Alpert Nathan Memorial Fund for Children with Learning Disabilities Rabbi Harry Nelson Memorial Fund Norwalk Fund for Excellence in Public Education


Field of Interest Funds Your contribution to a Field of Interest fund is pooled with gifts from other like-minded contributors to collectively support your favorite Fairfield County cause or issue. You can give to any existing Field of Interest fund or establish a new fund. The Foundation makes grants in perpetuity to nonprofits that serve your field of interest. Arts & Culture Marian Anderson Award Fund Arts for Youth Fund Bridgeport Arts, Entertainment and Recreation Fund Bridgeport Energy South End Fund Charles Ettl Fund Sarah Wheeler Frassinelli Arts Fund

Children, Youth & Families Bridgeport Energy Campership Fund Anna K. Dziuba and Eleanor K. Borcz Fund for Children Fairfield County Fund for Women and Girls Fairfield County Woman-BF Goodrich Childcare Scholarship Fund Mia S. Holthausen Fund Edward Mck Holly Fund Jean Gregory Richmond Fund Ridgefield Community Foundation Fund for Youth Ridgefield Youth Leadership Fund Treasure Chest Fund Westport Sunrise Rotary Young Voices Fund

Fairfield County Fund for the Environment

Health & Human Services Fairfield County Fund for Health and Wellness Interfaith Council Fund for Respite Care Peter & Rose Levinsky Memorial Fund Arthur and Gladys Lunin Fund Stella Margaret McHenry Fund Interfaith Council-Virginia Schroeder Fund Sight Handicapped Fund Louis and Ruth Sternbach Fund For People with Disabilities Barbara J. Stockman Memorial Fund Timothy Fund Ginny Yurch Memorial Fund

Strengthening Nonprofits Fairfield County Center for Nonprofit Excellence Fund Financial Management Assistance Fund

Community-Specific Bridgeport Rotary Club Memorial Five Town Endowment Fund (Norwalk area) Greater Bridgeport Community Impact Fund Greater Danbury Endowment Fund Greenwich Endowment Fund Miriam and Elizabeth Kriegler Memorial Fund (Greater Bridgeport) Mac Cart Fund (Stamford) New Fairfield Community Fund Gota M. Norell Fund (Greater Bridgeport) Elizabeth Bissell Northcross Fund (NorwalkWestport) Raymond J. and Veronica O’Connor Fund (Stratford-Bridgeport) Julia C. Palmer Fund (Greater Bridgeport) Ramer Fund (Norwalk) Remington Products Inc. Fund (Greater Bridgeport) Southbury Community Trust Fund Stamford Endowment Fund Trumbull Community Trust Fund

Carl B. & Marian C. Adolphson Memorial Fund Earle G. & Betty M. Anderson Fund John M. Berkowitz Fund David H. & Theresa L. Bresky Fund William & Margaret Buckens Fund Philip H. & Cecelia K. Burdett Fund R. Ward Chapman Fund Arthur Clifford Fund Albert L. Coles Memorial Fund Leete P. and Marjorie S. Doty Fund Robert B. Factor Fund Nancy Flint Fund Jeanne C. Gerber Memorial Fund Murray R. Glass Fund Grabau Family Fund John E. and Clare M. Hampford Fund Edward E. Harrison Endowment Fund Edward and Myrna Harrison Fund Samuel W. and Florence Hawley Fund* J. Walker Hill Fund Zalmon S. & Ethel P. Hirsch Memorial Fund Michael and Ida Hoffman Family Fund Emil & Mali Kriegler Memorial Fund A. George Lindquist Fund M.& F. Foundation Advise Fund Maddever-Harrison Fund Ann Adams Mandeville Fund Masonic Family Fund N.M.K.M. Fund #2 Herbert and Margaret Renert Fund Willard H. Sahloff Fund Norman Schaff, Jr. Memorial Fund Schwerdtle Family Fund Frederick B. Silliman Memorial Fund William S. Simpson Fund Ralph & Marian Washburn Sprague Fund Anne W. Stokes Fund Bernard H. Trager Memorial Fund Bradford Newman Warner Fund Zarrilli Family Fund

Designated Funds A Designated fund is ideal when you want to support a specific nonprofit organization in perpetuity. You may name one or more organizations to receive annual grants from your fund. If any of your designated organizations dissolve or change its purpose, the Foundation ensures your original charitable objectives are continued. 3030 Park Grants-in-Aid Fund Advertising Council, Inc. Fund R & E Aiello Fund Ann’s Fund Aaron S. Avery Fund Edward F. Bodine Fund Bridgeport Learn Not To Burn Bridgeport Public Education Endowment Fund Bridgeport Rotary Club Endowment Fund Cecelia K. Burdett/V.N.S. of CT, Inc. Scholarship Fund William and Philip Carlson Fund Fund for the Center for Global Studies Charlton Trust Fund Fund for Connecticut’s 9/11 Living Memorial at Sherwood Island The Paul Corwel Fund Sally Dickson Fund Richard O. Dietrich Fund Domestic Violence Crisis Center Fund Gellatly Family Fund F.H.S. Class of ’41 Fund A Gift for Bridgeport Children Girl Scout Campership Endowment Christian I. & Hilma A. Gravesen Memorial Fund Greenwich Board of Education Fund Anastasia P. and Peter S. Hardy Fund Percy C.K. & Edna Morgan Harrison Fund



Funds of the Fairfield County Community Foundation


Organization Endowment Funds

“The biggest obstacle to a woman starting a business is a lack of financial understanding. Micro-enterprise training provides the tools women need to start their own business, helping create jobs and driving local commerce by supporting other businesses.” Fran Pastore Executive Director Women’s Business Development Center

Hawley Memorial Trumbull Library Fund Charles M. Herbert Barnum Festival Seymour I. Hollander Fund Invest in Fairfield County Fund** Sanford D. Katz Fund Agnes W. and Ernest W. Kaulbach Fund Julia Keefe Scholarship Fund Robert G. & Jean D. Lee Fund Byron S. Lindley Memorial Fund Mickey Lione Jr. Scholarship at Trinity Catholic High School Fund* Lord Fund Arthur and Gladys Lunin Funds to benefit: Ahlbin Center American Cancer Society American Health Assistance Foundation American Joint Jewish Distribution Committee American ORT Anti Defamation League of B’Nai Brith Arthritis Association Heritage Institution of Ellis Island HIAS Jerusalem Foundation Jewish Community Center Jewish Federation of Greater Bridgeport Juvenile Diabetes Foundation Kennedy Center, Inc. Kids in Crisis Arthur and Gladys Lunin Youth Funds to benefit: Congregation B’Nai Israel Jewish Community Center


Stephen Lyman/Greenwich Workshop Wilderness Fund Marjorie and Mabel Fund Rocio Garces Martinez Fund Robert and Sophia Mitchell Memorial Fund William H. Moffitt, IV Cultural Arts Fund Edward J. Morgan Fund June & Rachel Muhs Fund Norwalk Senior Center Community Lunch Fund Norman King & Laura Eales Parsells Fund Person to Person Reserve Fund Phillips/Lansdale Fund Dr. Charles E. Reed Fund Amy Louise Rich Memorial Fund Kay and Ed See Fund Jeff Shoup Memorial Fund Dr. Harold G. Simon Fund Theodore B. Smart Fund St. Gabriel School Scholarship/Financial Aid Fund Stratford Jaycees Community Fund J. Richard Tiano Memorial Scholarship Fund Weston Lacrosse Club-Paul Scheufele Endowment Fund WHHS Class of 1948 Award Fund Thomas Berry Willson Memorial Fund W.I.N-W.I.N Fund *Fund established FY09 **Includes contributions from funds established by Elizabeth Farman, Russell Frost III, Ralph Sheffer, and Ruth and Albert Sims and gifts from the Perrin Foundation, Edgar See and Constance Scanley

Fairfield County Community Foundation

A nonprofit can establish an Organization Endowment fund to create a stable financial future. When an organization establishes a fund it becomes part of the Foundation’s investment pool, and benefits from robust investment diversification and economies of scale. The fund is stewarded for the long-term needs of the organization with oversight by the Foundation’s Investment Committee and Board of Directors. The organization’s donors are assured that assets are held separately from its operating fund. The Foundation handles all administrative responsibilities, including regulatory reporting, ensuring compliance and freeing the organization to pursue its charitable mission. Alpha Community Service YMCA Fund Barnum Festival Fund Bridgeport Rotary Community Service Endowment Fund Greater Bridgeport Symphony Endowment Fund Camp Hi Rock Endowment Fund The Jane Norgren CLC Fund for Children Connecticut Audubon Society Memorial Fund Dr. Robert B. Cooper Fund* Council of Churches Community Endowment Fund The Domus Fund* Pat Hart Scholarship Endowment Fund/MACH Endowment Fund Wilda Morgan Hayes Fund* George T. Hewlett Fund Janice Martin LGB Scholarship Fund of the Bridgeport Regional Business Council Mercy Learning Center Fund Norwalk Symphony Endowment Fund Person to Person Endowment Fund Ridgefield Community Center Endowment Fund School Volunteer Association of Bridgeport-Alan E. Gustafson Memorial United Way Endowment Fund United Way of Eastern Fairfield County Endowment Ettlinger Fund VNA Corporations, Inc.-VNS of CT Hospice Free Support Fund Y.M.C.A. Endowment Funds *Fund established FY09

Scholarship Funds These funds support the educational advancement of students based on criteria of your choice. Scholarships often memorialize a loved one or honor a special person. The Foundation appreciates the work of generous volunteers who review scholarship applications. Maurice W. Anderson Memorial Scholarship Fund Charlotte Aquino Nursing Scholarship Fund Aspblom-Graham Nursing Scholarship Fund Ernest J. Badillo Scholarship Fund Barquin-Bullard-Thompson ABCD Scholarship Fund Nancy E. Barrelle Memorial Scholarship Fund Arthur C. Bass Memorial Fund/Les Treize IV Nancy J. Bassett Oncology Scholarship Fund John P. Bassett Scholarship Fund Florence Batchelder Scholarship Fund of Class of CHS ’31 Edward R. Bernstein Memorial Scholarship Fund Bethany Congregational Church Scholarship Elizabeth Bigelow Ballard Fund Richard P. Bodine, Sr. Scholarship Walter Breslav, Jr. Scholarship Fund Brooklawn Country Club Caddie Scholarship Fund Robert W. Brown Scholarship Fund Wilson R. Burns Scholarship Fund May Camp & Webster Upson Walker Scholarship Fund Thomas E. Carroll Fund Chiota Family Scholarship Fund Christopher Chute Memorial Sportsman’s Award Fund Raymond E. Clafin Memorial Scholarship Fund Megan Cobbledick & Jason Kern Fund Edward J. Crotty Scholarship Fund Leona Bedient Crouchley and Charles D. Crouchley, Jr. Scholarship Fund Mario D’Addario Scholarship Fund Charles A. and Eleanor Naylor Dana Scholarship Fund DeBlasio/Christopher Scholarship Fund Richard DiSalvo Scholarship Fund Pastor Shearon Dudley Memorial Scholarship Fund Ulysses J. Dunne & Ulysses J. Dunne, Jr. Scholarship Fund Edward A. Dworken Memorial Foundation, Inc. Dworken Family Fund Dr. Frank G. and Edith B. Elliott Scholarship Fund Nicholas & Anne Nagy Fabian Scholarship Fund Fairfield High School Scholarship Foundation Joseph R. Farkas Sr., Engineering Scholarship Fund Victor M. Ferrante, Sr. Memorial Fund Thomas J. Gardella Memorial Scholarship Fund

Phyllis S. Garrison Scholarship Fund GBAF Scholarship Fund June Goodman Scholarship Fund Greater Bridgeport Bar Association Scholarship Fund Peter Hanson Memorial Award for Humanity Peter Hanson Social Justice Scholarship Fund William L. Hawkins Scholarship Fund Edward C. Hawley Scholarship Fund Health Related Studies Scholarship Housing Authority of the City of Bridgeport Scholarship Fund 1 Housing Authority of the City of Bridgeport Scholarship Fund ll Bessie Hunter Memorial Scholarship Fund-Les Treize V I Have a Dream of Norwalk, Inc. Scholarship Fund Olga and Dimitri Jankowich Fund Eugene and Betty Jones Engineering Scholarship for Minorities Kindergarten to College Collaboration Scholarship Fund Edward R. Kasparek Memorial Fund Jeff Keith Scholarship Fund Irving Loeb Kornblut Award Dorothy Weitzner Kornblut Scholarship Fund L’Ambiance Scholarship Fund LA DANZA Scholarship Fund Leonhardt Scholars Program Fund Les Treize Scholarship Fund I Les Treize Scholarship Fund II Les Treize Scholarship Fund III Bruce G. Lockhart Scholarship Fund Arthur Lunin Learn A Trade Fund Maccalla Family Trust Les Treize Fund Bertram and Sally MacMannis Scholarship Fund Margret McDonald and Lucy Blood Memorial Scholarship Fund Ralph McIntosh, Sr. Memorial Scholarship Fund Frank J. McKee Scholarship Fund Meadow Ridge Scholarship Fund Amanda Martin Meloy Career Choices Scholarship Fund Charles J. Merritt, Jr. & Virginia B. Merritt Fund Peg Mortell Scholarship Fund Theodor Muller Scholarship Fund Jack and Roselyn Goloff Nowitz Musical Scholarship Fund Frederick W. Nowlan Fund Helen F. Nowlan Trust Fund Oristano Foundation Fund Kurt A. & Jean B. Oster Memorial Christine Palombi Scholarship Fund P.C.H. Medical Staff Scholarship Fund E. Cortright & Nancy Phillips Scholarship Fund Julia Peyton Phillips Scholarship Fund Edward Pickerstein Memorial Scholarship Fund Caesar Pina Fund George E. Pipkin, Jr. Scholarship Helen Redding Scholarship Fund Marcy Sallick Scholarship Fund Kay and Louis Samotus Scholarship Marion Sanford Scholarship Fund Richard K. Schmidt Aquarion Science Scholarship Fund Schofield-Blauvelt Scholarship Fund Sumner Simpson Scholarship Fund

William E. Smith Scholarship Fund Sonneborn Scholarship Fund Spanish Merchants Association Scholarship Fund Ralph B.and Charlotte G. Sperry Fund Stamford High School Class of 1951 Scholarship Fund William E. Stratford Memorial Fund, Boys’ Club & Girls’ Club of Bridgeport, Inc Margaret F. Taylor Scholarship Fund Karen Telickey Scholarship Fund James E. Tisdale Memorial Scholarship Fund Jettie Tisdale Scholarship Fund John T. and Violet Totilas Memorial Scholarship Fund Ernest and Joan Trefz Scholarship Fund Helen Varaljai Memorial Scholarship Fund Leroy Vaughn Scholarship Fund Lt. Robert W. Vogel, USN Memorial Scholarship Fund Magnus Wahlstrom Leadership Award Fund William Wolper School and/or Community Service Award Fund Emanuel Zimmer Scholarship Fund

Greenwich Scholarship Association Board of Directors Eryn Ament Bingle Janet Blasberg Anne Bourne Judy Chapman Allison Coleman William Dylewsky Terri Haidinger Marie Hertzig Barbara Hindman Catherine Holden Mary Anne Hume Allan Jay Diane Keleher William G. Kelly Jen Lynch Ann Robb Winston Robinson Katherine Sanford Adrianne Singer

Janet Sotzing Geoffrey Thaw John Vecchiolla Sharon Vecchiolla Dora Williams Linda Woods Donna Zeale

To learn more about funds of the Fairfield County Community Foundation, please visit www.fccfoundation.org.

For scholarships available to Greenwich students, the Foundation works with the Greenwich Scholarship Association. Volunteers gather, review and process applications, then award scholarships to graduating students in Greenwich. The GSA selects recipients for scholarships from the following funds: Jane C. Bausman Memorial Scholarship Fund Justin Scott Brown Memorial Scholarship Fund Susannah Chase Memorial Fund Tod Clonan Scholarship Fund Michael Jon Greenberg Memorial Fund Hallenborg Fund Dr. & Mrs. William Hennigar Scholarship Fund Hopetown Scholarship Fund Charles W. Jensen III, D.M.D. Memorial Scholarship Fund Allan Kitchel Jr. Memorial Fund Lyman/Reynolds Fund Elizabeth Matthews Memorial Scholarship Fund Nancy J. Michaud Fund Brett M. Miller Memorial Scholarship Fund Martha Moxley Memorial Scholarship Fund Wataru John Narita Memorial Fund Osgood Lichty Scholarship Fund Sunny Hill Children’s Center Fund Michelle Yee Memorial Scholarship Fund Matthew Yee Scholarship Fund

“Our programs are designed to cultivate mentoring and skill-building. We use technology in a real-world setting to equip Bridgeport youth with the skills they need in the business world.” Elliott Calderon Director of Programs Bridgeport Area Youth Ministries (BAYM)



Create a Legacy Shape the Future through Planned Giving

Competitive Grant Highlights

Which causes and charities do you want to support for decades to come? What would you like to preserve for future generations? What would you like to change?

You shape the future of Fairfield County when you give to or establish a Discretionary or Field of Interest fund. These funds give the Foundation the greatest flexibility to address our region’s changing needs—now and for generations to come.

With a planned gift to the Foundation, you can support local and national organizations, as well as the work of the Foundation in meeting pressing community needs. Changes in the tax law will likely create new planning opportunities. We can work with you and your professional advisors to create a legacy that will meet your charitable and financial goals.

FAQs about Planned Giving By Linda Franciscovich, JD Vice President of Development and Philanthropic Services What does the term “planned gift” mean? A planned gift is a strategy for funding a gift using a variety of assets. Many people find that a planned gift enables them to accomplish more philanthropically than they had thought possible. Some types of planned gifts allow you to receive income for life, then benefit charity after you’ve passed away. Whatever your philanthropic goals are, a planned gift—a simple bequest, a charitable gift annuity or a more complex trust arrangement—can help you achieve them. What can I give other than cash? You can fund a gift using assets such as real estate, securities, retirement accounts, life insurance or other tangible property. Planned giving options may include charitable remainder trusts or charitable gift annuities, which can offer a donor income during their lifetime and may reduce estate and/or income tax. How do I benefit from making a planned gift to the Foundation? By including a bequest in your will and designating certain assets, such as a retirement account, you often can significantly reduce taxes that would be applied if that assest was left to your heirs. By setting up a charitable remainder trust or charitable gift annuity during your lifetime, you are eligible for a current income tax deduction for the amount that will ultimately be received by the Foundation, and you and/or other designated beneficiaries enjoy income from the gift. Why is it important to my favorite nonprofits? A planned gift helps ensure the sustainability of nonprofits that are important to you. You can include a specific provision in your will or trust so your charitable wishes will be carried out for generations. What are the types of planned gift vehicles? Bequests, charitable remainder trusts, charitable lead trusts and charitable gift annuities are some of the most widely used vehicles. We encourage you to work with your professional advisors to determine the type of gift that is right for you. In addition, talk with us. We’ll help make sure that your wishes are clearly understood in the present so they can be carefully carried out in the future. 26

Fairfield County Community Foundation

Legacy Society When you let us know that your estate plan includes the Foundation, we welcome you to our Legacy Society. You’ll be informed about our activities and initiatives, and receive invitations to Foundation events and community gatherings.

Thanks to your generosity, the Foundation awarded $9.1 million in grants to nonprofits, including $2.2 million in grants from Discretionary and Field of Interest funds.

$2.2 million in Grants from Discretionary Funds

On behalf of future generations, we thank our Legacy Society members for their generous commitment to making a difference in their own backyard for years to come: Members Millette Alexander Anonymous (2) James R. & Kaye E. Barker Elizabeth Crotty Susan Titus Glascoff Edward E. Harrison Lori Hashizume William R. & Audrey Knobloch Barbara Littlefield Jeremy & Patricia Main Ann S. Mandel Thomas R. McCullough Roy G. Neumann Leo Nevas Albert G. Nickel Janice Park Cheryl D. Reedy June Rosenthal Edgar T. See Richard A. Smith, Esq. Betty & Samuel Z. Smith Mary S. Waldron Joan & Fred Weisman Muriel Wilson

■ Education and Youth Development* ■ Economic Opportunity* ■ Health and Human Services ■ Arts and Culture ■ Environment ■ Strengthening Nonprofits

Remembered Carlton Anderson, Jr. Donald C. Baldwin Elizabeth Wingfield Barnett Nancy Bassett Charlton Lyman Ida Davidoff Barbara Benton Davis Frances Marian Deas Sally Dickson Anna K. Dziuba Robert B. Factor Mary Elizabeth Farman Jane Gade Halliwell Eduvina Hennigar Dorothy Herrmann Mary Elizabeth Hill Mia Holthausen Elizabeth Matthews Stella Margaret McHenry Helen Muller Elizabeth Bissell Northcross Edward Vernon Nunes Grace Nunes Nancy J. Pilgard James Powell-Tuck Jonathan Prince Philip W. & Frances Ramer Jean Gregory Richmond David E. Robinson Dorothy M. Savage Harriet S. Sherman Edmund C. Spencer Ruth Sternbach Edward Warren

We gratefully acknowledge the generous grant from the Frederick H. Leonhardt Fund in the New York Community Trust, which significantly enhances our discretionary grantmaking. Anne S. Leonhardt, advisor to the Fund, is a member of our Board of Directors.

$764,760 $645,990 $398,250 $235,365 $120,980 $ 63,048

34% 30% 18% 10% 5% 3%

* Includes grants from Fund for Women and Girls

All grants are listed on www.fccfoundation.org. The following grant highlights illustrate how you are changing lives now and far into the future.

Arts & Culture Arts organizations increase the vibrancy and sense of community in our towns and cities. Children who receive instruction in the arts make strides in academic achievement and social development. The Foundation’s goals for Arts & Culture grants include increasing opportunities for urban youth to participate in quality arts education programs; cultivating new and diverse arts audiences; and helping local arts organizations collaborate with each other.

Barnum Museum, Nonprofit Finance Fund Institute for Arts Organizations The Barnum Museum in Bridgeport was one of five Bridgeport area arts organizations that participated in a two-day, four-part institute to strengthen financial and capital planning. In partnership with the Connecticut Commission on Culture & Tourism, the Foundation organized one-on-one and group training with staff from the national Nonprofit Finance Fund. Following individual meetings with each organization, the group met for two full-day sessions focused on financial management, defining and creating a business model, communicating their financial story and setting capital planning goals for large projects, programs and undertakings. For Kathleen Maher, executive director of the Barnum Museum, the workshop was a major step in addressing the museum’s fiscal and operational growth, and developing a strategic plan to expand its presence and profile as a center of cultural enrichment in Bridgeport.

The Barnum Museum has preserved and interpreted Bridgeport’s industrial and social history since 1893.

Since the institute, the Barnum Museum has adopted a new mission statement, created a strategic plan and stabilized the fiscal health of the organization, despite the economic downturn. Admissions revenue is up 8.7% compared to the previous year. The museum’s training was bolstered by a $20,000 grant from the Foundation for general operating support, which has allowed the staff to focus on implementing the strategic plan and improve programming and attendance. www.fccfoundation.org


Competitive Grant Highlights


Economic Opportunity


The Foundation’s goals for these grants include helping low-wage women achieve economic security; allowing seniors and low- and moderate-wage residents to stay in Fairfield County by preserving and increasing affordable housing; and improving low-and moderate-wage workers’ job skills.

One of the joys of living in Fairfield County is its beauty, yet the region’s 900,000 residents disturb ecosystems and encroach on open space. The Foundation awards grants to improve the health of Long Island Sound and its watershed; increase green space in urban areas; and promote smart growth initiatives.

Catholic Charities of Danbury, Family Loan Program For many families, lack of collateral or poor credit can prohibit traditional bank loans. Yet access to loans for buying a car, making a security deposit or paying for child care are essential for maintaining employment and financial stability. The Family Loan Program of Catholic Charities of Danbury extends small, low-interest loans to working families to help with job-related needs. The organization also helps clients learn to manage personal finances, and build credit and assets. Regina Gordon turned to Catholic Charities seven years ago after leaving an abusive marriage. Not only did she receive a loan to purchase a car, the organization’s program director drove her to the dealership and helped her choose a suitable family vehicle. A few years later, Regina received a second loan to move her two children from a cramped apartment into a rented house. “Where I come from, nobody helps you like that,” Regina said. A $20,000 Foundation grant helped Catholic Charities continue providing loans to a growing clientele. Loans are up 24% over the past two years. Over the past eight years, the program has provided 327 loans totaling $640,000, with a repayment rate of 90%.

Education & Youth Development The primary goals for these grants include reducing the achievement gap between low-income and upper-income children; improving the quality and affordability of after-school and youth development programs; and increasing the quality of early childhood and school readiness programs.

Stamford Achieves, At the Beach and In the Sea During the lengthy summer break from school, children lose important learning acquired during the year. Children whose parents can’t afford quality child care, enrichment programs or summer camp suffer the most regression. The Foundation awarded $20,000 to partially fund Stamford Achieves’ summer program, “At the Beach and In the Sea.” Working with Stamford’s Yerwood Center, CTE and Boys & Girls Club, Stamford Achieves designed a science-based summer program. Over 120 Stamford children in kindergarten through third grade enjoyed hands-on interactions with the many creatures inhabiting Long Island Sound.

Students enrolled in Stamford Achieves’ “At the Beach and In the Sea” summer program enjoy hands-on exploration of local marine life and minimize academic backsliding.


Fairfield County Community Foundation

The briny activities, combined with instruction and lessons, channeled the students’ excitement and creative energy to improve their critical thinking and math, science and reading skills. Children were given baseline tests for comprehension in math, literacy and science concepts before the program, then tested at the end. More than one-third scored higher than 80% in science concept testing at summer’s end, representing gains of up to 41%. Further results of the summer program will be measured throughout the 2009-10 school year.

191 Hillspoint Road Committee, Sherwood Mill Pond Preserve Ten years ago, Westport residents voted to purchase the Allen’s Clam House property on the banks of the 80-acre Sherwood Mill Pond to prevent commercial development and protect a Long Island Sound estuary. The Town of Westport planned to establish a park that would preserve the fragile tidal wetland and educate visitors about the native flora and fauna. In 2008, a town committee was appointed to reinvigorate the park’s creation and develop a restoration plan that incorporated educational kiosks and native vegetation planting. A $5,000 Foundation challenge grant towards the restoration work sparked additional contributions that topped $20,000. The funding allowed local volunteers to create kiosks describing native wildlife along the edge of Sherwood Mill Pond. Planting and restoration efforts began in the fall of 2009, transforming an eroded gravel lot into a healthy park buffered with native plants that protect the shores, water and wildlife of an important Sound estuary.

In Westport, preservation of the former Allen’s Clam House site is protecting the 80-acre Sherwood Mill Pond tidal wetland.

Health & Human Services The Foundation’s goals for these grants include supporting medical, dental and mental health care for uninsured and underinsured adults and families, and improving the quality of life for residents with disabilities.

Christian Community Action, family furniture donations For Norwalk families struggling to cover essential food, housing and medical care, beds and furniture are unobtainable luxuries. Christian Community Action, a nonsectarian nonprofit based at the South Norwalk Community Center, works with a large group of volunteers to give families new and gently-used donated furniture. Too often, the families seeking help are barely able to pay their rent. The majority are headed by single mothers who have recently moved from a homeless shelter and by women escaping abusive relationships. In the past year, Christian Community Action delivered over 3,000 pieces of furniture, including beds to 27 children who had been sleeping on the floor. The organization had previously rented trucks to transport furniture and deliver large quantities of food for its food pantry. However, the growth in need and limited storage space required more frequent deliveries. The Foundation awarded a $5,000 grant toward the purchase of a truck. After a truck was purchased, Christian Community Action significantly increased its furniture donation program. In August 2009, 360 pieces of furniture were delivered to 100 families—a 36% increase from the previous August. Nonsectarian Christian Community Action delivers donated furniture to low-income Norwalk residents.



Competitive Grant Highlights


Governance and Committees

Strengthening Local Nonprofits Goals of these grants include increasing the efficiency and sustainability of nonprofits, with emphasis on strengthening financial management of small and mid-sized nonprofits.

Leadership Development Roundtable National forecasts predict a turnover of 600,000 nonprofit leaders in the next decade as baby boomers retire. A new generation of qualified leaders is needed to preserve the health of the nonprofit sector, which, in Connecticut, employs over 165,000 people.

Forecasts predict a national turnover of 600,000 nonprofit leaders. The Leadership Development Roundtable coaches early- and mid-career nonprofit professionals for future leadership positions.

However, management and leadership development opportunities for early- and midcareer nonprofit professionals have become casualties of the recession. For the second year, the Foundation awarded $10,000 to the Leadership Development Roundtable, a program that coaches up-and-coming nonprofit leaders in critical management skills, including fundraising, advocacy, working with boards and volunteers, and increasing employee engagement. The Roundtable is designed and delivered by Meghan Lowney of Ripple Effect Consulting. The Partnership for Strong Communities is the fiscal agent. Participants expanded their experience and understanding of a nonprofit’s entire operations, and learned necessary skills for future leadership roles.

Fund for Women and Girls Red Key Grants The goals of the Foundation’s Fund for Women and Girls Red Key Grants are to help low-income women find and stay in safe, affordable housing, and help girls acquire skills, build confidence and become leaders who create positive change in their own lives and, ultimately, in their communities.

RYASAP, Finding Her Voice High school girls in the Bridgeport area have few opportunities to lead efforts in their schools and communities to address issues that negatively impact their lives. The Foundation’s Fund for Women and Girls awarded a $20,000 grant to Finding Her Voice, a program that provides support and mentoring to 40 teenage girls. The Fund has awarded grants to this exemplary girls leadership program for seven years.

Bridgeport high school girls who participate in RYASAP’s “Finding Her Voice” learn how to lead efforts in their schools and communities to address issues that negatively impact their lives.

Participating teens identified topics important to them, such as body image and peer pressure, and discussed the social, emotional and behavioral implications behind these issues. In small groups, they developed a plan of action for engaging their schools and communities on these topics. By taking a leadership role in promoting open discussion on these issues, the girls developed confidence in their ability to express their opinions and increased public speaking skills and selfesteem. Please visit www.fccfoundation.org for a complete listing of fiscal 2009 grants awarded from Discretionary, Field of Interest and Donor Advised funds.

Board of Directors W. Michael Funck, Greenwich, Chair Bernicestine M. Bailey, Westport Edgar W. Barksdale, Jr., Darien John P. Chiota, Trumbull Vicki Craver, Riverside Mary-Jane Foster, Bridgeport Andrea Gartner, Ridgefield Robert C. Graham, Stamford Barry C. Hawkins, Bridgeport James A. Himes, Cos Cob Joseph Hoffman, Trumbull Bruce Hubler, Bridgeport Mary Lee Kiernan, Greenwich Anne S. Leonhardt, New Fairfield Barbara Leonhardt, New Fairfield George B. Longstreth, III, Fairfield Susan Mandel, Greenwich Phyllis G. Marsilius, Bridgeport Joseph J. McGee, Fairfield Fred McKinney, Trumbull Peter T. Mott, Fairfield Gordon Myers, Stamford Ronald Noren, Easton Sheila Perrin, North Salem, NY Lindsay Reimers, Greenwich David J. Sullivan, III, Westport Ileana Velazquez, Danbury Katharine Welling, Wilton Linda F. Whitton, Wilton

Emeritus Directors Ed Bescherer, Wilton Wilmot Harris, Jr., Greenwich Edward E. Harrison, Fairfield Harold Howe, Jr., South Kent Ann Mandel, Darien Leo Nevas, Westport Janice Park, Bridgeport Edgar See, Westport Ruth Sims, Arlington VA

Officers and Executive Committee


Fairfield County Community Foundation

W. Michael Funck, Chair Barry C. Hawkins, Vice Chair Sheila Perrin, Vice Chair David J. Sullivan, III, Treasurer John P. Chiota, Secretary Edgar W. Barksdale, Jr.

Andrea Gartner Susan Mandel Fred McKinney Gordon Myers Lindsay Reimers

Arts & Culture Committee Steven A. Wolff, Chair W. Michael Funck John Lawson Ann E. Sheffer Yolanda Vasquez Petrocelli Eileen Wiseman

Audit Committee John P. Chiota, Chair Ed Bescherer Ralph DePanfilis, CPA W. Michael Funck Allen A. Raymond David J. Sullivan, III

Development and Communications Committee Susan Mandel, Chair Denise Davidoff W. Michael Funck Joseph Hoffman Harold Levine Gordon Myers

Economic Opportunity/Health and Human Services Committee Fred McKinney, Chair W. Michael Funck Barry C. Hawkins Deacon Daniel Ianniello Pat Kemp George B. Longstreth, III Janice Park Ed Rodriguez Ileana Velazquez

Mary Lee Kiernan Susan Mandel Phyllis G. Marsilius Joseph J. McGee Ellen S. Mellis Sheila Perrin Susan Sweitzer

Environment Committee Robert C. Graham, Chair Christine Cook W. Michael Funck George B. Longstreth, III Jim Motavalli Marny Smith

Governance Committee Andrea Gartner, Chair Susan Mandel W. Michael Funck Robert C. Graham Barry C. Hawkins Ileana Velazquez Ronald Noren Bernicestine M. Bailey

Seated, L to R: Peter Mott, Ronald Noren, Robert Graham, Michael Funck, Bruce Hubler, Bernicestine Bailey, Gordon Myers, Anahaita Kotval* Standing, L to R: Steven Wolff*, Vicki Craver, Phyllis Marsilius, Andrea Gartner, Mary Lee Kiernan, Edgar Barksdale, Katharine Welling, Linda Whitton, John Chiota, Lindsay Reimers, Barry Hawkins Not pictured: Mary-Jane Foster, James Himes, Joseph Hoffman, Anne Leonhardt, Barbara Leonhardt, George Longstreth, Susan Mandel, Joseph McGee, Fred McKinney, Lizanne Galbreath Megrue*, Sheila Perrin, David Sullivan, Ileana Velazquez *Joined the Board in FY10

Investment Committee Edgar W. Barksdale, Jr., Chair Edwin A. Bescherer, Jr. Christopher D. Brown W. Michael Funck Amy J. Gillis Robert C. Graham, Jr. Wilmot L. Harris, Jr. Allan V. Jay III, CFP William R. Knobloch Gordon Myers Arnold D. Pearlstone, M.D. Lunsford Richardson, Jr. James D. Seymour David J. Sullivan III John A. Vaccaro Thomas E. Vacheron

Education and Youth Development Committee

Legal Committee

Gordon Myers, Co-Chair Linda F. Whitton, Co-Chair Leslie Alexander Bernicestine M. Bailey W. Michael Funck

Barry C. Hawkins, Esq., Chair Hon. John P. Chiota W. Michael Funck Wilmot Harris, Jr., Esq. Peter T. Mott, Esq



Governance and Committees


Advisory Council and Professional Advisors Council

(continued) Fund for Women and Girls Executive Committee

Fund for Women and Girls Luncheon Committee

Fund for Women and Girls Program Committee

Fund for Women and Girls Advisory Board

Lindsay Reimers and Katharine Welling Co-Chairs, Fund for Women and Girls Vicki Craver and Sally Lawrence Co-Chairs, Luncheon Committee Amy C. Downer and Virginia Meyer Co-Chairs, Program Committee Mary Lee Kiernan and Sue Mandel Former Co-Chairs

Nancy Axilrod Bernicestine M. Bailey Carol Bauer Belinda Bralver Marianne F. Buchanan Annie O. Burleigh Mollie Callagy Amy Cholnoky Rona Citrin Susan C. Cotter Vicki Craver Amy C. Downer Suzanne Einstein Mary-Jane Foster Mika W. Frechette Valerie Gammage Andrea Gartner Marsha Glazer Elisabeth Golden Anne Goodnow Julie Graham Susan Hart Judith Higby Alexandra Hokin Lauren Hokin Libby Hudson Becky C. Hughes Andrea Immelt Kaki Johnson Mystique E. Johnston Leslie Kaskel Jacqueline C. Keeshan Cordy Gould Kelly Mary Lee Kiernan Kathy Klingenstein Martha Lane Sally Lawrence Janet Lebovitz

Emily Bragg Vicki Craver Amy C. Downer Mary-Jane Foster Frosty Friedman Marty Gilbert Elisabeth Golden Sandra Greer Carolann Grieve Michelle R. Hubbard Pat Kemp Janet Lebovitz Virginia Meyer Marilyn Ondrasik Lindsay Ormsby Jody Osborn Lauren Razook Roth Mary S. Waldron Kyle Wilcox Darlene Young

Lucy Ball Kaye E. Barker Edgar W. Barksdale Jr. Nancy C. Brown Andrea K. Cross Mary-Jane Foster Marty Gilbert Tracy T. Goodnow Julie Graham Wilmot L. Harris Jr. Patsy Howard Emily Tow Jackson Mary Lee Kiernan Anne S. Leonhardt Barbara Leonhardt Ann S. Mandel Sue Mandel Lizanne Megrue Katherine Mountcastle Lynne Pasculano Sheila A. Perrin Marianne Pollak Leslie M. Roach Katherine C. Sachs Ann E. Sheffer Sally Stone Charlotte Suhler Diane Sierpina Ellen P. Tower Peggy Van Munching Mary S. Waldron Joan M. Warburg

L to R: Katharine Welling, Vicki Craver, Lindsay Reimers, Sally Lawrence

Katherine C. Leeds Christine Lesko Laurie A. Maglathlin Ann S. Mandel Sue Mandel Phyllis G. Marsilius Beth Mason Melanie S. McGlade Pamela D. McKoin Lizanne Megrue Barbara B. Miller Marci Murphy Dana Nickel Carolyn O’Brien Ellen G. Oppenheim Lindsay Ormsby Marianne Pollak Diane Reilly Lindsay Reimers Nancy Rivero Lisa Mueske Ruggiero Cristine Russell Claire F. Salvatore Jeanie Shaw Nancy Simpkins Amy Stevens Sally Stone Lisa G. Stuart Julie Taylor Jennifer Toll Katie Traynor Alison Troy Joan M. Warburg Katharine Welling Linda F. Whitton Elisa Wilson Louise Whitton York Torrance B. York

Left: The Fund for Women and Girls 10th Annual Luncheon, “The Power of 10,” drew over 650 supporters who celebrated 10 years of women helping women and girls in Fairfield County. Right: Keynote speaker Dina Habib Powell held everyone’s attention with her stories from “10,000 Women,” Goldman Sachs’ global philanthropic initiative providing a business and management education to 10,000 women in developing countries and the U.S. She praised the Fund’s Family Economic Security Program, saying, “Now is the time for women and girls. Local initiatives like this are the beating heart of a global movement.” Some of the gentlemen guests included (L to R) Tim Mackenzie, Robert Arnold, Mike Harris, Robin Graham, David Ormsby, Art Reimers and Curt Welling 32

Fairfield County Community Foundation

Advisory Council

Professional Advisors Council

The Advisory Council was created to help the Foundation accomplish its mission: promote smart philanthropy to make the communities of Fairfield County healthy, vibrant and supportive to all. The following members live and work in towns and cities throughout the county, and were selected for their community knowledge and strong interest in advancing our mission.

The Professional Advisors Council is a group of volunteers from the legal and financial community dedicated to furthering philanthropy through support of the Fairfield County Community Foundation. We are proud to recognize members of the Council for their devotion to this region and their understanding of the role philanthropy can—and must—play in building a better future.

W. Michael Funck, Chair, Greenwich Thomas C. Appleby, Norwalk Lucy Ball, Darien Kaye Barker, Darien Nancy C. Brown, Greenwich Michael Critelli, Darien B. Cort Delany, Greenwich Jeffrey Erdmann, Greenwich Elizabeth Fath, Fairfield Eric Ferguson, Darien Jesse Fink, Wilton Per Heidenreich, Cos Cob Mickey Herbert, Southport Wilmot L. Harris, Jr., Greenwich Peter Hurst, Bridgeport John Kline, Danbury Thomas D. Lenci, Bridgeport George B. Longstreth, III, Fairfield Peter Malkin, Greenwich Sue Mandel, Greenwich Peter McSpadden, Riverside Jonathan Moffly, Weston Robert Neiman, Stamford Paula Oppenheim, Greenwich John Patrick, Ridgefield Daniel K. Roberts, Stamford Gene Rubino, Stamford Charlotte Suhler, Darien John Vaccaro, Westport Thomas E. Vacheron, Fairfield Lewis J. Wallace, Danbury Joan M. Warburg, Greenwich Kelli List Wells, Stamford

David Ball UBS Financial Services Kevin J. Batterton, CFP BNY Mellon Wealth Management Deborah S. Breck, Esq. Pullman & Comley, LLC Catherine M. Brennan Catherine M. Brennan Attorney at Law LLC Paul H. Burnham, Esq. Rucci, Burnham, Carta & Carello, LLP Michael Cacace, Esq. Cacace, Tusch & Santagata Edward J. Capasse, Esq. Nevas, Nevas, Capasse & Gerard, LLC Daniel L. Daniels, Esq. Wiggin and Dana, LLP Amy L. Y. Day, Esq. Day & Levy, LLC John J. Ferguson, Esq. Ferguson, Aufsesser, Hallowell & Wrynn, LLP Carolina Fernandez Citi Smith Barney Global Wealth Management Richard S. Fisher, Esq. Cacace, Tusch & Santagata Richard B. Freeman, CFP Round Table Services LLC W. Michael Funck, Esq. Hynes, Himmelreich, Glennon & Company, LLC Leslie E. Grodd, Esq. Halloran & Sage LLP Peter B. Guenther Hudson Valley Bank Wilmot Harris, Jr., Esq. Ivey, Barnum & O’Mara, LLC Gregory A. Hayes, Esq. Day Pitney LLP David R. Hermenze, Esq. Hermenze & Marcantonio LLC

Ellis A. Hiltz Ellis A. Hiltz & Associates Mary E. Hoyt, CPA Blum Shapiro Michelle R. Hubbard, Esq. Hawthorne, Ackerly & Dorrance, LLC Leonard Leader, Esq. Wiggin and Dana LLP John M. Leask II CPA/ABV, CVA John M. Leask II CPA, LLC David T. Leibell, Esq. Wiggin and Dana LLP Frances D. Martin BNY Mellon Wealth Management Patricia L. McDermott, CTFA US Trust, Bank of America Private Wealth Management Frank Moore UBS Financial Services, Inc. Peter T. Mott, Esq. Brody Wilkinson PC Leo Nevas, Esq. Nevas, Nevas, Capasse & Gerard, LLC Loretta Nolan, CFP, AEP Loretta Nolan Associates, LLC Ronald B. Noren, Esq. Brody Wilkinson PC William J. Peterson Neuberger Berman, LLC Gregory T. Rogers RayLign Advisory LLC Gregory A. Saum, Esq. Cummings & Lockwood LLC Marc A. Silverman, CPA Mann & Company, CPA’s George L. Smith, Esq. Smith & Grant LLP John S. Traynor PNC Wealth Management Kevin A. Walsh, Esq. Whitman Breed Abbott & Morgan LLP Carl Zuckerberg, CFP, AIF Relyea Zuckerberg Hanson LLC

“The Fairfield County Community Foundation has two separate roles which make it an effective partner. First, it assists charitable organizations by advising them on current developments and management best practices. The Foundation also provides the research and analysis to donors that allow them to understand how they can best support the causes that they’re interested in. You don’t get that from the commercial donor advised funds.” Cort Delany, Esq. Cummings & Lockwood Greenwich www.fccfoundation.org


Community Advisors



Community leaders, well-known in their towns and committed to the mission of the Foundation, serve as community advisors. They provide a link between the Foundation and individual communities, and support our development and program efforts.

Susan M. Ross, MEd. President/CEO

Thomas Appleby, Norwalk Kaye E. Barker, Darien Judith L. Biggs, Greenwich Nancy C. Brown, Greenwich John B. Caron, Greenwich Andrew M. Clarkson, New Canaan Carolyn Cleveland, Greenwich Robert Cooper, Brookfield Denise Davidoff, Norwalk William Dylewsky, Greenwich Ann Elliman, Greenwich Karl Epple, Bethel Pam Fadner, Wilton Livvy Floren, Greenwich Mary Franco, New Canaan Richard B. Freeman, Fairfield Lile Gibbons, Old Greenwich Marty Gilbert, Norwalk Susan M. Greenberg, Stamford Stephen K. Grimm, Greenwich E. Bulkeley Griswold, Wilton Leslie E. Grodd, Weston Marie Hertzig, Greenwich Michelle R. Hubbard, New Canaan Alice Hyman, Danbury Dahlia Johnston, Stamford William R. Knobloch, New Canaan Percy Lee Langstaff, Stamford Harold Levine, Westport William R. Lynch, Greenwich Patricia Main, Ridgefield Ann S. Mandel, Darien Nancy Marcus, Danbury James S. Martin, Stamford Deidre McClain, Ridgefield Ralph McIntosh, Bethel Barbara T. McKelvey, Cos Cob Peter McSpadden, Riverside Ellen S. Mellis, Stamford Katherine Mountcastle, New Canaan David Nee, Fairfield Leo Nevas, Westport Albert G. Nickel, Wilton David Nurnberger, Naugatuck Michael Osborne, Sandy Hook Gregory Perry, Weston Patricia C. Phillips, Stamford Marianne Pollak, Stamford Allen A. Raymond, Westport Elizabeth Rich, Bloomfield Lunsford Richardson, Norwalk Rosamond S. Shannon, Greenwich Ann Sheffer, Westport Richard J. Slagle, Greenwich Caralyn Stevens, Greenwich Sally Stone, Darien

Jennifer Branstrom Donor Services Associate

Fairfield County Community Foundation

Charlotte Suhler, Darien Conrad Teitell, Old Greenwich Ellen P. Tower, Fairfield Lewis Wallace, Danbury Joan M. Warburg, Greenwich Joan Weisman, Brookfield Dana Welles, New Fairfield Kelli List Wells, Stamford Robert J. Wolfe, Danbury Mary Jane Wood, Redding John Vaccaro, Weston

Dorcas T. Blue Program Director

Karen R. Brown, MPA Vice President of Programs Yolanda Caldera-Durant, MS Program Director Linda R. Franciscovich, JD Vice President of Development and Philanthropic Services Sharon Jones Program Administrative Assistant Morlee J. Miller Manager of Administration Sallie Mitchell Communications Director

Fiscal 2009 Financial Highlights Each fund established at the Foundation reflects a trust in our ability to invest resources wisely. The following is an overview of investment policies, and summarized financial statements for the year ended June 30, 2009.

Investment Committee and Investment Managers The Investment Committee of the Foundation’s Board of Directors is responsible for determining the broad allocation of Foundation assets among various asset classes, designing the investment structure for each asset class, retaining investment managers and other professionals, and monitoring investment trends and performance. In fiscal 2009, the Foundation’s portfolio was invested with Vanguard funds; Neuberger Berman; Dodge & Cox; Steinberg Asset Management; Artio International; The Hartford; Loomis Sayles; Forester Capital; Aurora Offshore; The Investment Fund for Foundations (TIFF); Silchester International Investors; Colchester Global Investors; DG Capital Management; Champlain Investment Partners; Siguler Guff; Metropolitan Real Estate; and Dimensional Fund Advisors. On a long-term basis and in the past fiscal year, our portfolio has outperformed established benchmarks.

Alanna Morton Development Assistant/Event Coordinator Sharon L. Reiss, MA Director of Philanthropic Services Sonia C. Rivera Finance Assistant Nancy M. von Euler, MPA Program Director

“Even though we’ve always had a family foundation, I’ve loved working with and through the Foundation because of its knowledge of the community and its ability to match a wide circle of donors with needs and ideas that matter, and increase the power of our giving. My personal interest is in the arts, but through the Foundation I’ve been able to also contribute to programs for women and girls, underserved youth, education, and a range of other critical needs in our community.”

Jeff Yates Communications Manager Mary E. A. Zwecker, CPA, MBA Vice President of Finance and Administration

Investment Philosophy The Foundation seeks to safeguard assets entrusted to us, and, at the same time, generate total return for grantmaking that responds to current and changing charitable needs in the community. These criteria dictate our investment philosophy:

Net Assets by Fund Type (in millions) ■ Donor Advised ■ Donor Designated ■ Field of Interest ■ Administration ■ Temporarily Restricted ■ Discretionary ■ Scholarship

$50.0 $12.3 $20.9 $1.2 $0.2 $13.7 $10.9

46% 11% 19% 1% 0% 13% 10%

• Primary emphasis is placed on preservation of asset purchasing power through investment growth and total return • Moderate growth of principal and total return is expected, consistent with maintaining safety of principal • The Investment Committee focuses on asset allocation among equity, debt and other investment opportunities. It seeks a return in line with the Foundation’s spending policy as it relates to long-term grantmaking goals.

Asset Allocation Asset For a complete set of the financial statements of the Fairfield County Community Foundation, as audited by O’Connor, Davies, Munns & Dobbins, LLP, call 203.750.3200. To learn more about the Foundation’s investment policy and asset allocation, visit www.fccfoundation.org.

Target Allocation

■ Large/Mid Cap Equity ■ Small Cap Equity ■ Non-U.S. Developed Equity ■ Non-U.S. Emerging Equity ■ Aggregate U.S. Bonds ■ Non-U.S. Bonds ■ Absolute Return Hedge Funds ■ Long/Sort Equity Hedge Funds ■ Private Equity ■ Direct Real Estate ■ Real Assets/Commodities

27.5% 5.0% 15.0% 5.0% 12.5% 5.0% 8.0% 8.0% 5.0% 5.0% 4.0%

Ann Sheffer Westport Contributor since 1998 www.fccfoundation.org


Fiscal 2009 Financial Highlights


Statements of Activities

Statements of Financial Position As of June 30

Assets 2009 (unaudited)


Revenues 2009 (unaudited)

Cash and cash equivalents




Contributions and other receivables



Investment return, net of investment expenses

Investments, at fair value

116, 500,102


Change in value of split-interest agreements


Split-interest agreements



In-kind contribution



Prepaid expenses and other assets



Other income




Total revenues



Total assets



Fairfield County Community Foundation



Expenses Program: $

Liability under split-interest agreements



Liabilities Accounts payable and other liabilities

Edgar W. Barksdale, Jr. Chair, Fairfield County Community Foundation Investment Committee

Liabilities and Net Assets Grants payable

“The Foundation’s investment portfolio is diversified across a broad range of asset classes and investment strategies. This structure has served us well, containing the damage during the recent financial crisis and delivering returns which exceeded our market index benchmarks in 2009.”

Years Ended June 30



151,370 88,287













Grant services, research and evaluation




Donor fund development




Deferred rent payable



Custodial funds



Total liabilities



Supporting services: Management and administration Merger and strategic planning non-recurring expense

Net assets – unrestricted








Donor advised



Donor designated





Field of interest



Total expenses











Change in net assets before merger



Available for administration



Total unrestricted net assets



Temporarily restricted net assets



Total net assets



Total liabilities and net assets





Net assets received in merger with Greater Bridgeport Area Foundation, Inc. effective January 1, 2008

Change in net assets


Net assets – beginning of year


Net assets – end of year




46,240,688 37,766,140 94,134,266 131,900,406



Where Are They


Katherine Cifuentes is a senior at Norwalk High School and continues performing with the Norwalk Youth Symphony, including a concert at Tanglewood. She’s looking for colleges with strong music and psychology programs.

In last year’s annual report, you met five people who’ve benefitted from your generosity. Here’s an update.

Iris Ortiz continues working at Bridgeport Area Youth Ministries, where she’s now a case manager and works in development. She is pursuing her dream to become a veterinarian by attending classes at Housatonic Community College.

Fairfield County Community Foundation

383 Main Avenue, Norwalk, CT 06851 Tel: 203.750.3200 www.fccfoundation.org ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED

Nate Snow concluded his Teach for America assignment at Barnum Elementary School in Bridgeport and is now Director of Individual Giving for Teach for America Connecticut. He’s running for election to the Bridgeport Board of Education.

Ana and Genesis Rodriguez still love their affordable New Neighborhoods Inc. apartment in Stamford. Ana continues her job at a local hotel. Genesis, now 8, spent the summer with family and friends in Texas. She’s in the third grade and busy with homework.

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