Office refurbishment - City - reception 1 Bartholomew Lane
Bank of England
Office refurbishment - City - toilets
Private residence - Isle of Man
External elevation of portico
Detail through cornice and rainwater outlet
Private residence - Isle of Man
Scale 1:25 @ A3
Scale 1:5 @ A3
Detail at first floor slab edge revised for oval
Private apartment - kitchen
Private apartment living room
Floor plan
Private residence - Belgravia - master bathroom
Elevation A
Elevation B
Elevation C
Elevation D
Elevation E
Sitting room - plan
Private residence Belgravia - sitting room
Elevation A
Elevation B
Elevation C
Elevation A
Private residence Belgravia Elevation B
- dressing room
Elevation D
Dressing room - plan
Elevation C
Private residence - Belgravia - dinning room - proposal
Private residence - Belgravia - swimming pool - work in progress
Manor Farm House bookcase - redesign
Pastel and mixed media drawings