Taekwondo v14i03

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VOLUME 14 | ISSUE 03 JUNE 2009

TANG SOO DO New, Safe Beginnings!

BACK TO BASICS For Beginner to Black Belt & Beyond

I.T.S. Fight Night A Dynamic Evening of Fight Action!!!

Visit the TKD-KMA magazine website at www.taekwondomag.co.uk


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TANG SOO DO By Master David Allerton (5th Dan)

New, safe Beginnings! or life af ter 1966 Consider for a moment, creating a school in the aftermath of world war, expanding it to include the majority of your countrymen and finally, positively touching the lives of tens of thousands of people across the globe. This is a measure of what Kwan Jang Nim Hwang Kee achieved in his lifetime. He had a wish that through the Moo Duk Kwan, students would find peace, enjoy friendships, be loyal, disciplined and learn to avoid conflict. How ironic this is considering he had to endure so much personal hardship in order to achieve his goal. Through his determination to succeed we are the proud inheritors of a system which gives personal protection, balance of mind and body, the strength to overcome and the humility to realise our own weaknesses. Following on from last months account of GrandMaster Hwang Kee’s early history I shall now continue the story from his 1966 Supreme Court victory over the Korean Government which made safe the Soo Bahk Do (Moo Duk Kwan) for future generations.


By the 1970’s sanctions were eased and Moo Duk Kwan schools were established in the UK, USA, Greece, Germany, France, Belgium, Italy, Switzerland, Netherlands, Puerto Rico, Argentina, Malaysia, Brunei and Australia. The United Kingdom Tang Soo Do Federation was established in 1974 as a designated branch of the Korean Soo Bahk Do Association. It was headed by Master Lee, Kang Uk then a 7th Dan. He was promoted to 8th Dan in 1979 and later formed his own organisation in 1989. Now that Tang Soo Do was flourishing worldwide KJN Hwang Kee published the Korean Soo Bahk Do Dae Kham which was followed by the English edition Tang Soo (Soo Bahk) Do in 1978. It con-

tained detailed analysis of technique, Pyung Ahn and Bassai hyungs , theory of the scientific use of power in Tang Soo Do, advice on correct training, explanation of the Sip Sam Seh and a copy of the MooYei Do Bo Tong Ji together with Hwang Kee’s own translations. It was an inspiring work. Here are a few guidelines “Our basic charter charges all members to protect life, even that of an enemy”. “As everyone has a different face, so will everyone have their own special abilities, according to the method and level of training or physical conditioning”. There are many more jewels in this comprehensive book and I would advise any student who has not seen a copy to make every effort to acquire one!

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Then in 1982 at Atlantic City, USA, Kwan Jang Nim aged 70 years gave the first public demonstration of the “Hwa Sun” hyung formulated directly from his study of the Moo Yei Do Bo Tong Ji . It must have been an electric moment for all who witnessed it. Further progressions of the art followed when in the mid 1980’s GrandMaster Hwang Kee and his son Hwang, Hyun Chul made several visits to the UK with the purpose of introducing the Chil Sung and Yuk Ro hyung together with Moo Pal Dan Khum (8 brocade energy exercises). The new and highly complex movements were a major change of direction from the hard Okinawan style forms we had been used to up to that point. Now 25 years later I feel comfortable with the forms and see them as the “middle way” or natural progression from hard to soft. Technically, the Chil Sung (7 star) successfully blend Tai Chi (Tae Geuk) movement with Tan Tui (Dam Toi) and So Ho Yun and no doubt reflect his training with Master Yang in 1936. On the other hand the Yuk Ro series (6 paths) represent GrandMasters interpretation of the MooYei Do Bo Tong Ji text. Those early seminars stick in the mind as the highlight of my Tang Soo Do career. Receiving instruction from the founder was memorable enough but so too was the incredible skill and power of Master Hwang, Hyun Chul. Even the 180 degree jumping crescent/chop kick in Chil Sung Sah Ro was executed flawlessly. He also appeared very humble and dedicated to his father. He now carries on the tradition as Soo Bahk Do GrandMaster. 1992 saw the publication of the second volume of Tang Soo Do (Soo Bahk Do) Moo Duk Kwan. It contained hyungs not included in the first book such as Naihanchi, Jindo, Lo Hai, Sip Soo, Kong Sang Koon, SeiShan, WangShu, Jion and O-Sip Sa Bo but curiously excluded the Tae Geuk Kwon which I understand was shown in

the Korean version of Soo Bahk Do Dae Kham. Nonetheless, it did confirm that the principles of Sip


this book demonstrate Yuk Ro and Hwa Sun . GrandMaster states - “ I sincerely wish the discipline of Yuk Ro hyung will be passed down from generation to generation, for the betterment of the practitioners balance of mind and body”. Sadly, KJN Hwang Kee passed away on 14th July, 2002. He was an inspirational figure who epitomised what a martial artist should be. His legacy will be long lasting and continue in the hearts and minds of future generations who practise Tang Soo Do (Soo Bahk Do) Moo Duk Kwan. To pose questions or just give feed back please email your comments to: David, the author at: allerton@cytanet.com.cy

Our basic charter charges all members to protect life, even that of an enemy”. “As everyone has a different face, so will everyone have their own special abilities



Sam Seh were very important in his interpretation and application of hyungs. The special sections of Hwang Kee & son



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I.T.S. Fight Night Event 1 - Worcester


March the 28th saw an extraordinary night of points fighting in the first of a series of Independent Taekwondo Schools competition style events scheduled for 2009. Over 140 spectators and 50 competitors squeezed into the venue in Worcester, West Midlands, and it proved to be an excellent stage for some flamboyant and exhilarating bouts. DYNAMIC


The junior competitors started the event and quickly established the tempo of the evening. Notable performances came from Dynamic TKD’s Paige White who clearly highlighted her intent and progress since her last competition in 2008 by convincingly beating her opponent. Also Verve’s, Lauren Rhodes continued her dominance and rich vein of form by beating her opponent by 16 points to 0! The pick of the junior bouts had to be the black belt fight between Verve TKD’s Joseph Andrews and Kevin Smith from Cobras TKD. Both competitors technical ability was noticeable from the outset with fluid kicking and hand blitz’s being exchanged literally point for point over the first 30 seconds. Having said this, once Joseph found his rhythm, he began timing Kevin’s attacks and ended up counter kicking his way to a convincing 11 point victory.

After a short interval came the adults and a diverse array of abilities, clubs and grades. The first adult bout bought together Verve’s Kieran Turrall and Ian Humphries from Dynamic TKD and the enthusiasm and sportsmanship was to be applauded. Following a tentative start and Ian scoring some good single punches, Kieran stepped up through the gears and scored a series of head kicks leaving him victorious at the end of the two rounds. The closest and most keenly fought adult bout of the evening was arguably the fight that saw Scotland’s Ross Fisher from Fife TKD take on local Cobras TKD student Mark Adams. The 2 x 2 minute round bout was literally battled out point for point and saw them have to fight through 2 overtime rounds. Points were scored from every pos-


sible position, angle and technique going and the progress and technical abilities of Mark Adams were very evident but ultimately Fisher came out victorious with his better use of basic and efficient Taekwondo kicking. The bout raised both the bar and the roof! A large amount of credit and thanks must be go to the supporting I.T.S. club instructors and officials as well as the students, families and members from Verve Taekwondo, Verve Kickboxing, Dynamic Taekwondo, Cobras Taekwondo, Endurance Martial Arts, London Chinatown Taekwondo and Fife Taekwondo. Other events to look forward to this year are the I.T.S. British Champs in May and also the 2009 Verve UK Open, check out the website for more details - www.its-taekwondo.co.uk or contact Mr John Swift on 01562 827437.


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JUNIORS RESULTS (endurance MA) Riley Grazier 10 - 7 Chelsea Smith (cobras TKD) (cobras TKD) Kyle Pugh 8 - 4 Brandon Louth (verve Kb) (verve Kb) Daniel Rhodes 8 - 3 Callun Toon (verve TKD) (dynamic TKD) Paige White 7 - 4 Jasmine Beardsmore (verve TKD) (verve TKD) Lauren Rhodes 16 - 0 Faye Davies (dynamic TKD) (cobras TKD) Lewis Dec 2 - 0 Alex Pilot (cobras TKD) (endurance Ma) Kieran Grazier 8 - 7 Harry Bridgford (verve TKD) (verve TKD) Jamie Stanley 11 - 3 Luke Holland-bowyer (cobras TKD) (cobras TKD) Adam Blything 5 - 4 Nathan Stanley (verve TKD) (verve TKD) Joseph Andrews 15 - 4 Kevin Smith (cobras TKD)

SENIORS RESULTS (verve TKD) Kieran Turrall 18 - 6 Ian Humphries (dynamic TKD) (verve Kb) Carl Trevitt 11 - 4 Richard Belcher (cobras TKD) (dynamic TKD) Karen Davies 16 - 15 Emma Mosley (cobras TKD) (dynamic TKD) Stuart Pearson 8 - 7 Brian Williams (verve Kb) (verve TKD) Joshua Moseley 14 - 8 Luke Pilot (cobras TKD) (verve Kb) Nathan Wilding 14 - 11 Richard Haskoll (cobras TKD) (verve TKD) Carl Adams 12 - 7 Ray Evans (cobras TKD) (verve TKD) Jason Leung 13 - 2 Laurent Akesso (cobras TKD) (cobras TKD) Joshua Middlebrook 10 - 8 George White (dynamic TKD) (cobras TKD) David Bowyer 9 - 8 Jack Morton (verve TKD) (fife TKD) Ross Fisher 11 - 8 Mark Adams (cobras TKD) (dynamic TKD) Steve Waghorn 18 - 16 Martin Blything (cobras TKD) (verve TKD) Matthew Cartwright 16 - 6 Paul Higgins (cobras TKD)

TEAMS RESULTS DYNAMIC Taekwondo 11 - 10 COBRAS Taekwondo



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THE FUTURE'S BRIGHT THE FUTURE'S YOURS!!! For the first time EVER the doors of access to the UK’s most senior graded WTF Master are NOW OPEN!!! ●

Would YOU like to train with the UK’s most senior WTF graded exponent?

Are you looking to study WTF style Taekwondo without getting involved in politics?

Are you looking to grade up to Kukkiwon 7th dan kup and dan Certification?

Would you like to receive help and advice without losing your independence?

Are you looking to have your current grade acknowledged by Kukkiwon?

Available for; Gradings, Courses, Seminars, Presentations, Training camps, Referees courses, Advice, Help and Support.

Also available; Summer school camps for the UK and abroard.

If you study WTF style Taekwondo, are sick and tired of the politics and restrictions placed on you and your development then contact me NOW!!! Lets work together to develop WTF and Kukkiwons presence throughout the World WITH THEIR SUPPORT!!! Please contact me on the numbers below or arrange to visit my full time school, I would be most pleased to meet you and help you in any way I can. Grand Master Tony vohra. 8th Dan. Kukkiwon registered. Nottigham School of Martial Arts, Ilkeston Road, Nottingham, NG7 3FX

Tel: 0115 9780439 Mob: 07980041864 E-mail: info@martialartsvohra.com Fax: 0115 9785567

Web: www.martialartsvohra.com I LOOK FORWARD TO WORKING WITH YOU! SSV001/01

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For beginner to black belt and beyond.........

Poomsae By Grand Master Tony Vohra 8th Dan. Photographs by Master Jeff Scott-Smith 5th Dan.

Last year I was fortunate enough to be selected to referee at the 3rd WTF World Taekwondo Poomse Championships from the in Ankara, Turkey. This type of event on a World stage reinforces the importance of Poomse in martial arts training. Poomse are fixed patterns of movements and techniques that display attack and defense scenarios with balance, power, accuracy and composure. In reference to the articles of the past 4 months, we have covered the fundamentals of the ready position; basic blocking and stances which help build an excellent foundation for perfecting techniques. These fundamentals in conjunction with Poomse, promote an understanding of how to progress from one technique to the next with dynamic form and precision as if in a real fighting scenario. The philosophy and meaning that is associated with the Taekwondo forms is extensive and should be researched in depth to achieve a greater understanding of Poomse. The focus of my articles over the coming months however, will deal with the deliverance of techniques,


consecutive movements and timing. * Remember it is crucial that you start & finish on the same spot. * The end of one position becomes the start of the next. * Move smoothly from one position to the next. * Hold each technique firmly but don’t maintain the position too long * In Poomse, sideways movements use a walking stance and forward & backward movements are in long stance. * There are 20 movements in total in this form but snap/front kick, balance and moving into a walking stance performing a mid punch, are classed as one consecutive motion - giving a count of 18 moves. * From command Sijak to end of form should take between 18 - 20 seconds. * One Kihap only at the end of the form.


* *

Standing at Charyeot and moving to Chumbi at the beginning and Baro at the end of the form, are each done with breathing (inhale and exhale) - taking 5 - 6 seconds. Look in the direction of movement. Relax whilst moving but tense abdomen/midriff on completion.

Master Tony Vohra is always pleased to advise individual students, instructors and clubs and can arrange demonstrations, courses & seminars to suit any individual or groups both at home and abroad. For further details please contact: President Grandmaster S. S. Vohra (8th Dan), International School of Martial Arts UK HQ, Nottingham School of Tae Kwon Do, Ilkeston Rd., Nottingham NG7 3FX, England. Tel: 00 44 (0)115 9780439; Fax: 00 44 (0)115 9785567. Website: www.martialartsvohra.com Emails: info@martialartsvohra.com


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