Classroom Jokes
Classroom Jokes, show how witty and funny you are in your talks and impressing others in classroom. Find these collections of funny classroom jokes and crack a joke even though your quota of jokes is finished. Classroom jokes in English are helpful for teachers to raise stude ts i terest a d ood fro the monotonous ways. Mix fun in your classrooms. -
It was oral examination in the standard two. The class teacher asked various questions to the students. “he asked To , Ca you tell e a a e of a a i al that starts with alpha et E ? To
replied ELEPHANT
Tea her asked hi To
agai to a e a a i al that starts with alpha et T .
replied Two Elepha ts
Teacher asked him the same question. To
replied Te Elepha ts
Annoyed teacher, asked him name an animal that starts with alpha et M To
replied Mother Elepha t
The angry teacher repeated the same question. Cool To
replied May e a elepha t
Teacher asked the students to tell the most common word used by students in a classroom. Suddenly a student got up and said Ca t “ir ! Brilliant! You are right, the teacher said!
Johnny asked to Sam what they will do that night. Sam said we will flip a coin