District Cycle Station

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CYcle station

Architectural integration of systemic cycles in urban space, for a new central district. a master thesis at the department of architecture of chalmers university by Maarten Hermans

Jury on May 21st. 2010 Presented on May 31st. 2010



CYcle station

Architectural integration of systemic cycles in urban space, for a new central district. a master thesis project in design for sustainable development at the department of architecture of chalmers university by Maarten Hermans

District Cycle Station/ Architectural integration of systemic cycles in urban space, for a new central district/

Overview 0.1

0.1 Overview 0.2 Goals 0.3 Methodology

examinator supervisor

Jury members

Michael Edén Barbara Rubino

Chrisna du Plessis Mika Määttä

Jury session on May 21st. 2010 Public Presentation on May 31st. 2010 in Göteborg, Sweden

1 3 5

From a site … 1.1 Järnvågen district 1.2 Departure point 1.3 Systems analyis

7 11 15

… to a concept, … 2.1 Abstract cycles 2.2 Tactile cycles 2.3 Elementary cycles 2.4 District cycle station

19 25 29 33

… pragmatically applied. 3.1 Projected expectations 3.2 DiCy in Järnvågen 3.3 SWOT comparison 3.4 Model conclusions

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39 43 49 51

0.4 Conclusions 0.5 … from here we go on 0.6 Acknowledgements

53 55 57

Appendices A Sustainable Development III B Worldly comparisons VII C Reading areas XV D Reading places XXIII E “Kringloopatelier” (B) XXXI

“I am myself and what is around me, and if I do not save it, it shall not save me.” José Ortega y Gasset, Meditations in Quixote, in “Recycle”, page 117


Maarten Hermans

District Cycle Station/ Architectural integration of systemic cycles in urban space, for a new central district/

Goals 0.2

When the work on this report began, the vision was to use the situation of Järnvågen as an opportunity to see how an architect – or the master thesis of an architecture student – could interfere in a process of urban planning and re-development. Since no definite master plan for Järnvågen existed, and no clear program or list of demands had been drawn up, the subject could be approached much more freely. In looking for something to hold onto, and start a design process from, it became gradually clear that I needed to question the approach of city planning as a process.

If we endeavour to work towards sustainability on a district scale, where is it that we can achieve such things? There is little argument in talking about wall insulation and photovoltaic panels on the roof. These things belong to the discussion of buildings’ sustainability. The same is true about public transportation or zoning concepts, this belongs on a city scale. From here, the intention became to identify what is really going on in a city on this district scale. What are the systems happening on this level, and which are the factors that contribute to their being sustainable or not? It is expectable that an analysis of such systems would require a certain level of abstraction. Since the intention is to find and intervene in the core of the workings of a district, one could see how this core would be generic and theoretical. Having the Järnvågen with us in this project, gives a site to which any theories and concepts can be tested. [1]  The interpretation of the word “sustainable”, here and in the rest of the work, is clarified under appendix A, page III.

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This report separates the work into three main sections: one in which the district is analyzed in topics important for this work, the second an abstract analysis of systems that leads to the forming of a pragmatic model, and lastly this model applied to the previously investigated district. It is not the intention to create a workable, ready solution for either Järnvågen specifically or a city district in general. The pragmatic model described here forms an approach. It highlights some issues that are often forgotten or neglected in standard processes and attempts to show how outcomes might be different if these issues are placed first rather then last. In a next step, the model should only be specified deeper, the remaining cycles (and their integration) identified. Once a full list of all possible elements – of which only some have been handled here – exists, implementing the model on actual sites is easily feasible.

Project progress line

C Reading areas

A Sustainable Developement 0.2 Goals

3.1 Projected expectations 1.3 Systems analysis

1.1 Järnvågen district 3.4 Model conclusions 1.2 Departure Point

3.2 DiCy in Järnvågen 3.3 SWOT comparison

B Worldly comparisons

2.2 Tactile cycles 2.1 Abstract cycles

D Reading spaces 0.4 General conclusions

2.3 Elementary cycles 2.4 District Cycle Station

E Kringloopatelier (B)

0.5 Going on …

Maarten Hermans

District Cycle Station/ Architectural integration of systemic cycles in urban space, for a new central district/

Methodology 0.3

This report is the final result of my master thesis. A selection from its contents will be presented through posters and on a digital screen. Written here is a brief statement of how to read and understand this document. A diagramatic representation of the timeline this project went through is shown to the left. As with any project in architecture, the final result is never what was expected at the start of the work. Some of the studies that I made, if pursued further, would have lead towards an entirely different project. Because of the decisions made however, these studies are now additional chapters breaking off from the main timeline. They do not give concrete information regarding the work itself, but may help the reader to understand how I see and interpret the world around me.

The dotted lines give some indication of how the different pieces of the work have influenced eachother. A design process – or design-based research – is not a continuous and obvious Chalmers Univerity of Technology/ Department of Architecture/ Design for Sustainable Development

flow from start to finish. It requires constantly looking back and questioning of previously established opinions.

The coloured shapes in the background of each page are most often simply layout elements. I have however intended that they might help group objects together on those pages that would otherwise have seemed cluttered.

During these months, there were several consultations and presentations. Sometimes they gave grounds to perform new studies, sometimes they showed me it was time to double back and re-think my work. Aside from the support of my supervisor, there were a couple of external sessions that provided a much needed different light on things. These took place both in the early beginning of the work and at the end, just before the forming of my conclusions. I hope that the ideas put forward in this report will be picked up by others and further developed.

Location maps: Sweden/ Göteborg/ Järnvågen Järnvågen is a name that not many people today have heard of. Not so surprisingly either. It is currently a no-man’s-land, a barren waste of parking lots and bypassing traffic. That’s about to change though. This work means to take a position in the debate concerning new urban development. The commodification of space or empty spaces, unused and underused facades; basically inefficient design … it all conflicts with increasing urbanization and demands for densification.

Maarten Hermans

District Cycle Station/ Architectural integration of systemic cycles in urban space, for a new central district/

Järnvågen district 1.1

Allow me to begin by zooming out a little in order to pinpoint what location we are talking about. On the west coast of Sweden lies, (still) the largest harbour-city of Scandinavia, namely Gothenburg/Göteborg. As with many other harbour cities around the world, industrial activities are starting to leave the cityscape. Whatever the drive for this may be, is irrelevant for our story. What is relevant however, is what these industries leave behind. Brownfields, greyfields, and a whole bunch of squatted buildings that need lots of cleaning up before they may entail any new purpose. This cleaning (often with hazardous chemicals) costs a great deal of money, so luckily for us the areas are also considered to be prime real estate, with their close proximity to the water and city centres. Järnvågen is currently to be considered as a greyfield . It is not that much polluted, but nevertheless a piece of scar tissue in the city fabric. [1]  “Greyfield” is a term used to describe economically ob-

solescent, outdated, failing, moribund and/or underutilized real estate assets or land. The term was coined in the early 2000s as a way to describe the sea of empty asphalt that accompanies these sites. [cf. Wikipedia]

Walking westwards from the very heart of Göteborg, we are suddenly struck with some credulity. Something appears missing. It’s as if a giant bulldozer swept through the area, turned it all into a parking lot, and left only the landmarks standing. There is no sign of any construction sites though. Architects and planners sometimes speak of a tabula rasa approach but this is ridiculous, no? A small historical sketch might clarify to us what has happened here. Göteborg started out as a small fisherman’s village, which in the industrial revolution grew out into a huge city known for its wharfs. Over time, the industrial activities spread all over the riverbanks. In the area named Norra Masthugget – just west of the old city centre, most of these facilities have gradually had to make room for our increasing needs of mobility and transport. On the Eastern end of Norra Masthugget, lies an area we hereby refer to as Järnvågen. Until recently this area

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was covered by the ending points of a highway, dissipating into the city. In 2006, the Göta tunnel was finished, which directs all traffic in a highway tunnel underneath the city centre. The entrance to this tunnel lies just within the Järnvågen district. As it was finished, the space above the tunnel was left behind empty, to be reclaimed for a new life. The Skepsbron area lies just East of Järnvågen, on the other side of Rosenlundskanalen (also called vallgraven). The redevelopment proposals for this area were made public late 2009, and now the discussion shifts to Järnvågen. Citing now the landmarks in the district, we begin in the southeastern corner. Järntorget is one of the busiest public transport-hubs of the city and will soon be reorganized to accommodate for the new rail connections (to Skepsbron fe.). Folkets Hus resides directly north of this. Aside from the obvious cultural

Järnvågen map: landmarks and photo locations Stena Line terminal

Göta tunnel

Älvsnabben Skepsbron


Rosenlund Power plant

Göta älv



6 10

1 Va ll



av en

12 2

Folkets Hus

9 5





Haga Maarten Hermans

District Cycle Station/ Architectural integration of systemic cycles in urban space, for a new central district/


Göta tunnel, one of the smaller entrances


Järntorget, coming from Första Långgatan

impact, the building is quite large and provides a definite challenge for planning integration, especially at its back (north façade). The Stena line terminal covers most of the waterside on the northern end of our site. It represents a source of much noise and traffic on one end, but also a people magnet and quite a sight to behold at arrival and departure of the huge ferryboats. The eastern most buildings of the terminal may yet be moved elsewhere. Beyond that, in the northeast, we have yet more public transportation, where the line-ferry (älvsnabben) requires a new docking station. Just opposite the Rosenlundskanalen is the power station, one of Göteborg’s most visible and well-known landmarks. Almost in the middle of the area then, we find the entrance to the Göta tunnel as previously mentioned. All else that remains within the area currently is just parking lots, connecting roads and an office building or two… It all clearly makes for an area that is bound to be busy and noisy, pretty much the entire day, and all year round. Ironically, this is completely in line with the area’s industrial history. This characteristic is a label

Chalmers Univerity of Technology/ Department of Architecture/ Design for Sustainable Development

Site/ Järnvågen district

for the area, though mysteriously enough the area itself lacks a recognizable name to stick this label to. Järnvågen is technically only a small part of the district, and almost no one has heard of the name. In fact it’s usually seen as a spelling mistake. A suggestion was made to use this name for referring to the project area. If not merely for referral or publicity, establishing a proper name for the area is definitely necessary to be able to identify this part of the city as different from the rest. This individuality in turn, can provide a good basis for argumentation. This question now, is to be kept in mind for the progression of this thesis. How do we deal with this busyness in a contemporary city district, in a time when the need for ever stronger densification needs to fight against people’s desires for introverted ‘peace-and-quiet’ as we demark our territory, where we want nothing to do with even our closest neighbours?

Graphic impressions of Järnvågen & surroundings


Rosenlund power plant


Parking spaces & Göta tunnel entrances


Järntorget, towards Folkets Hus 10


Första Långgatan, towards Järntorget


Shipyards across the river


Rosenlundskanalen (vallgraven)


Första Långgatan, towards Stena Line terminal


Göta älv, älvsnabben & Stena Line dock Maarten Hermans

District Cycle Station/ Architectural integration of systemic cycles in urban space, for a new central district/

Departure point 1.2

Density is a relative thing. Myself being a foreigner, I can imagine my view on it is quite different from that of the average Swede. The average inhabitant of say for example Strömstad, would probably have quite a different opinion compared to the average person in Göteborg.


Straight line of parkingspaces


Street besides Rosenlung plant

In a field like architecture, so many things are left subjective that one can say the only real ‘departure point’ is their identity. I was born and raised in a small city in Belgium, where my family has lived for countless generations, and spent most of my life in cities and very densely built areas. Belgium’s landscape is quite different from the Swedish. The country has an average density of about 350 inhabitants per square kilometre (compared to about 20 in Sweden). Some describe it as “one single, giant city”. You can almost literally follow a string of buildings from one side of the country to the next. This probably also has something to do with the very queer principles of city planning (if existent at all). The guiding rule, if one would try to find one, seems to be mostly row houses along every available stretch of road, combine this with being in the centre of Europe, and one of the most dense and intensely used traffic systems known to man. On the other hand, I have lived in Göteborg for almost three years now, studying in the “design for sustainable development” program (MPDSD) as a specialization to my architecture degree. All this makes

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me see the concept of densification through different eyes. On page 12, is a development proposal for the Järnvågen area from Stadsbyggnadskontoret. The map could represent the point the internal discussion of city planners and developers had reached when the work on this thesis first began. By looking at this map, and the interview that went with it, we can try to derive some intentions and problem issues. Excerpts from this plan, as well as several other rudimentary designs, are used throughout this report. One must keep in mind that they are simply illustrations to a particular topic, made for that specific purpuse, they are not completed urban designs. Immediately noticeable in the map, is the attempt at creating a city-quarter structure of the built environment that much resembles the neighbouring districts. Though still a rudimentary map, it also shows intent at filling up the area with as many buildings as it can hold. These are to create a city-block grid with which to solve the traffic problem that comes from the many streams colliding here (tunnel, boats, trams, buses, pedestrians, bicycles…). 11

Development Proposal for Järnvügen Map from Stadsbyggnadskontoret, Januari 2010


The tendency to occupy all available space with buildings correlates with the definition of a quarter structure, as well as the (mainly economic) arguments for the average development company. One might wonder however, if this is the best way to create a sustainable city district. There are only two real distinct approaches to creating a dense urban area. Firstly stacking: the creation of high-rise buildings to free as much ground space as possible for public use, traffic or other purposes. The other is tight quarter-structures; with little more open space then necessary (streets & courtyards). Initially, this last option seems like the most logical thing to do, since GĂśteborg is most definitely not a high-rise city. One may always discuss the precise shape, size, number or locations of such quarters, but the use of its principle has long been proven. When talking to the planners, two issues emerged that may carry us away from the empirical: firstly the busy, loud image of the area, and secondly the aspects of social sustainability in a very dense area. Being a student, I have the prerogative to assess these topics Maarten Hermans

District Cycle Station/ Architectural integration of systemic cycles in urban space, for a new central district/

with more creative criticism and a mind free of consequence. Considering now the first issue, it is clear that a small area with this amount of heavy activities (traffic & industry) will always remain defined by congestion and a certain degree of noise. As such, attempting to match this area to neighbouring districts such as Haga would be a definite disillusion . The latter issue of social sustainability is somewhat less lucid. The term social sustainability is coming up more and more frequent. Since no one-sided definition of it exists, interpretations are seldom aligned. This is even more apparent here then with the broader term of sustainable development. There is some fear that this term too is, or will be, misused as a means for branding or publishing, rather than an actual changed approach . In this case, social sustainability may be better understood by their explanation as “how [1]  For more information, turn to appendices B & C. [2]  We can already see the overkill of ‘ecological’ or ‘environmental’ produces & labels with questionable definitions of sustainability. My partial can be found in appendix A.

to deal with contemporary urbanization and densification, and the social conflicts that emanate from it”. After some discussion, this question seemed to become quite closely related to the previously addressed topic. The increasing need for density in urban areas leads to conflicting interests. More functions need to occupy the same space, and functions with seemingly contradicting demands need to be placed in close proximity to one another. The business-as-usual approach is not ready to deal with these conflicts and will need to assimilate new values, as it is still doing with ecology. The standard process, with its problem-to-solution way of working is accustomed to applying technique as a means. This works to a large extent for ecological demands, but when dealing with a tactile subject such as social relations, it no longer does. The need for process-approaches rather than problem solving becomes more apparent.

Chalmers Univerity of Technology/ Department of Architecture/ Design for Sustainable Development

Site/ Departure point

So this is where the work for me begins. An official debate for the area is ongoing but nothing discernable is fixed yet. There is a general desire to include a multitude of functions in the area (housing, offices, commercial space, education, culture…). A clear identity, image for the area has been agreed upon as mentioned above. Yet with all this, no drawing has been agreed upon, no exact list of functions has been written. In short, we don’t really know anything aside from a vision of where to go. The education of an architect tends to include, to some extent, all general levels of the profession, including that of the (city-) planner. I have always had a greater empathy for the smaller scale. Being it either buildings, or yet smaller the detailing work. A first reaction could thus be that this area is not a good place for me to start a thesis work on, since there is no singular building site available and we can’t design buildings for a site that doesn’t exist. I disagree. And I will show you why.


Pragmatic analysis of systems River water (Göta älv) Sewage (black water) Drinkable water Collected waste Electricity (District) Cooling network (District) Heating network Information network


Current situation



These images form a crude graphic analysis of the systems going on in the area. The left-most image represents the current situation. Most obvious are the presence of the Rosenlund plant (only active in the cold season) and the river. Other grids like water, sewage, internet… are present as expected but every single system is hidden away, invisible. Waste collection in this part of town is based on an individual, private, point-by-point system. Almost every building has its own drop-off point. This is usually a dark dusky basement room, poorly lit and worsely ventilated. Such an approach is detrimental to care, increases demands on maintanance and actively lowers the level of recycling that might otherwise be attained. Maarten Hermans

District Cycle Station/ Architectural integration of systemic cycles in urban space, for a new central district/

System Analysis 1.3

Most – if not all – systems happening in a contemporary city district are hidden away behind corners and walls or beneath some feet of dirt. This is not just true for the technical systems; we can notice the same principles in more tactile subjects. The cause is most often consumption-based.

Easiest to identify and understand when talking district-scale elements, are the technical systems. The images to the left show three different stages of the Järnvågen district: firstly the current situation, then a projected image of the discussion map and next an envisioned, radically alternative state. The gridlines for all systems have not been included, as they would clog up the image. There’s not so much to say about improving them, we will always need to reach every point on the map . By revising the way we approach our systems from step one, we begin by re-thinking their organisational impact. Take two different systems; the electrical grid and the waste management system. In the district, electricity is a pure grid-system. It exists in lines of supply, the input being entirely generated centralized and off-site. For waste, we see a decentralized point-orientation. Each building has its own collector, which is periodically emptied towards off-site output. What happens if we

[1]  cf. chapter 1.2, page 12 [2]  An overview of all current gridlines exists in “Förutsättningar”, Älvstranden Utveckling AB.

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turn these two examples upside down? Decentralized, point-by-point electricity means local generation there where we need it, virtually no transport losses. The possibilities are not unlimited and with current technology (and economy) this may not be fully feasible (maybe not even desirable at all). Centralized waste management on the other hand means larger facilities at certain points, handling larger volumes, making maintenance more cost-effective and also giving more options to actively do something with it . Decreasing the number of points is however limited to the necessary effort one needs to take to make use of them, much similar to maximum walking-distances for bus stops and mailboxes. The built environment of the last map shown above is largely the same as the second map. One particular remark however, is the removal of a full building block for the collection point placed in its stead. Clearly most of this ‘space’ would be recovered in other buildings, though [3]  A line-based system does not seem very credible. We can dream-up some pressurized piping system, but this doesn’t seem too positive an evolution. (cf. appendix D, page XXIII) 15

Pragmatic analysis of systems River water (Göta älv) Sewage (black water) Drinkable water Collected waste Electricity (District) Cooling network (District) Heating network Information network


Super-imposed on stadsbyggnadskontoret map



The second map shows the same principle, now super-imposed onto the discussion-map from Stadsbyggnadskontoret. What we see is basically just more garbage rooms. Lastly shown is a first sketch of an envisioned state. What could it become if we threw all current principles overboard? Could we not produce heat and electricity exactly where we need it, collect the (minimal) waste in one joint station that gives us some extra possibilities to do something with it, which is well in sight - adding to care - and lowers maintenance demands. What is the district going to look like if we close all those cycles within it, which we couldn’t close in the buildings? Maarten Hermans

District Cycle Station/ Architectural integration of systemic cycles in urban space, for a new central district/

Site/ System Analysis

it represents a certain statement that would need further justification. Is it worthwhile? These technical supply-chains are not the only systems going on in a district. The flow of people, and what these entail, is much harder to quantify. We can however draw a couple of parallels with how these streams are – possibly subconsciously – managed.


Envisioned state

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There is a great tendency to hide anything undesirable to consumption or other ideological models of perfection. When talking tactile systems, this effect can be seen in the suppression of certain ‘undesired’ cultural effects or economic models. Skateboarding youngsters or more often seen as a noise hindrance than as a normal city-activity, graffiti (even the best kinds) are destruction of private property and ruin the cityscape (unlike bright coloured commercial signs), flee markets are illegal yard sales instead of the second-life cycle of products that they could represent… and so on.


Identifying system cycles Neighbourhood

River water (Göta älv) local suppliers

Sewage (black water) Drinkable water Collected waste Electricity (District) Heating/cooling Information network


All major city flows


local users


The diagrams here show the major cycles happening in a city district as they are now. Input from the grid is always on the left-hand side, output to the lower right. Within the neighbourhood or district, the system connects suppliers and users. In general we can state that the consumption largely exceeds the local production if there is any. We know that the size of our current flows are beyond reasonable proportion, but only a habit change can affect this, not the system itself. We can however improve the efficiency of the systems within the district by use of technology. Local supply can in many cases be created, if not from a local resource, then a technological product or from ‘waste’ of other processes. Maarten Hermans

District Cycle Station/ Architectural integration of systemic cycles in urban space, for a new central district/

Abstract cycles 2.1

In older times our needs were limited to just finding shelter from nature. So we built a construction for it. As society evolved, the list of needs grew larger and the quality of demands increased. In the second half of the previous century we started accepting it as normal to have bathrooms within our shelters. At the same time, other evolutions demanded that we optimize some previously established solutions for our needs. In the first oil-crisis we saw that a simple brick wall wouldn’t supply us with protection from cold at an acceptable cost, so we started insulating our constructions. In our contemporary western society, the list of needs has grown quite long, and the situation now dictates that we need to think about finding optimal solutions to meet these needs. Isn’t it about time we stopped addressing each need at a time, finding individual solutions for all of them when they are presented?

Before we can optimize a situation, we must first come to agree on how the systems in a city (should) work. A large part of controling systems is managing the input and output, the rest is optimization within. The diagrams on the left show the major flow cycles happening in our district. They are somewhat simplified for the purpose of this discussion, but in general we can say the following for each of them: We start with an input from the grid and supplement by any possible suppliers within the district (fe. solar panels providing heat). After the local consumption is deducted, which is most likely to exceed the amount that is locally produced (if any), the remainder is sent back to grid – often meaning refuse to be somehow disposed of. The question put forward here now, is if we can come to a better situation when we choose to integrate the issues surrounding cycles into the first steps of the planning process, rather then viewing them as products to be delivered to each household in the last stage of city development. [1]  A cycle may well be incredibly organized and controlled; it will never reach its optimal potential until it works together with other cycles.

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The existing systems aren’t just operating invisible or sub-optimal. All too often do we find reports in the news of the vulnerability of our current systems. Entire neighbourhoods falling out of power or water with little to do about it but wait and be patient for someone to come and fix the problem. Does anyone remember the waste problems in Napoli? Of course not all anomalies can be covered for, but it is evident that the possible reprecussions of a large system failing are far greater than those of smaller systems. Smaller failures can more easily be augmented by redundancy of nearby suppliers. This is only one argument why it is important to endeveaour closing cycles as close to their source as possible . Another one is ‘transport’ losses, which happens in all systems in some form. To make a substantial difference in a system, one does not start by trying to improve the output of a system. The real potential lies at controlling input. What would happen if we cut the input of our city’s major flows? Everything [2]  cf. chapter 3.4, page 50


Identifying system cycles Neighbourhood



local users


Electricity cycle 20

local users

local suppliers

local users

Waste cycle

Water & sewage cycle Neighbourhood


local suppliers


local suppliers


local suppliers

local users

Heating/cooling cycle Maarten Hermans

District Cycle Station/ Architectural integration of systemic cycles in urban space, for a new central district/

River water (Göta älv) Sewage (black water) Drinkable water Collected waste Electricity (District) Heating/cooling


Information network

Excluding some negligible (private) investments, we can say that all cycles are working entirely separated from each other nowadays. Aside from being separated, it is hard to obtain information on any of them. The only way is by contacting each individual supplier. The box “local suppliers” is more often empty than otherwise. However, for the network we strive towards this will have to be very different. The grey arrows indicate some kind of (possible) interaction between cycles. For example; sludge waste from cleaning water would interact with sewage and refuse cycles. Biogas from waste could interact with refuse, energy and heat cycles. In the case of the water diagram, only tap water and sewage were fully drawn out. There is an annotation of river water for use as grey water.

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Concept/ Abstract cycles

would have to come from within. If we maintain some degree of realism and limit ourselves to currently available technology this is not possible for most cycles, but we can come pretty darn close… In a next step, our district can even create surplusses, and deliver these to other regions where certain practical limitations exist. The river gives Järnvågen excellent access to a source for cooling for example (cf. ‘local suppliers’). This is already used for a few buildings in Göteborg, though no specific data except the general area supplied is available.

Planning for optimal systems from the first drawing allows us to think about interactions between systems. How can they support each other? Interaction requires some kind of technical intervention. Do we tuck this away in a dark corner like we’ve always been doing? Or do we choose to put it purpousfully in sight? Subtle visualizations can help to subconciously make us aware of cycles, and by doing so, help to create some change away from our current habits . [1]  cf. appendix D, part 1, page XXIII


Identifying system cycles Neighbourhood

River water (GÜta älv) local suppliers

Sewage (black water) Drinkable water Collected waste Electricity (District) Heating/cooling Information network



local users

Disrupted input


Maarten Hermans

District Cycle Station/ Architectural integration of systemic cycles in urban space, for a new central district/



Concept/ Abstract cycles

local suppliers

local users

Beyond self-sufficiency?

Chalmers Univerity of Technology/ Department of Architecture/ Design for Sustainable Development

What happens to a city if we cut off its supplies? A self-sustaining district would have no effect from it. This sounds very promising, but current reality is quite different. Not only is everything 100% dependant on outside supply - not just on a district scale, but sometimes even nationally - we also have no idea of what, or how much we are taking in. All systems are neatly tucked away in basements, crawl spaces and under pavements. Consume! consume! consume! And don’t worry too much about the district output either, there’s plenty to go around, isn’t there? Limiting input is definitely step one. The output will automatically be controlled. In order to maximally decrease district input, we need to make optimal use of everything we take in and - where possible - create own suppliers. But what if we take this a step further? Every district generating as much as it can of what it can. Järnvågen can supply its hinterland with water and cooling from the river. Similar systems can be thought up for other cycles. Technology can already take us pretty far in this direction, and we can only expect it to get better still. 23

Identifying system cycles - The ‘cycle’ of information is a continuous flow River water (Göta älv) Precipitation water Sewage (black water) Drinkable water Useable water (grey) Water cleaning element Water basin


Sedimentation & natural cleaning Information network


Information access point

Flow information on the choke points of cycles already exists. It must exist, for otherwise the system cannot be managed properly. Yet the data is not available, it is hidden away. If we can’t see how much we consume, it is after all easier to consume more. Increasing interactions and efficiency of the system will increase the need for management-information. 24

Maarten Hermans

District Cycle Station/ Architectural integration of systemic cycles in urban space, for a new central district/

Tactile cycles 2.2

Heat recovery element

local suppliers

(District) Heating network (District) Cooling network Other power types (fe. biofuel) Electricity Collected waste


Compost waste

local users

Unknown - unconnected

Fertilizer (from compost) Urban furniture

If these interactions are visible in the city, they can entail a secondary purpose as information carriers on any of the three levels (cf. text). Information is both verifiable and comparable. Verification is necessary for management, comparison on the other hand can stimulate competitivety. What about a free barbeque-event for the inhabitants

of this year’s neighbourhood with the highest recycling rate or lowest energy use?The individual cycles work almost entirely separate now. Not only separate from eachother, but also unconnected to the information network - at least for an average person. Employers may be able to access the data they need on the systems, the ‘hardware connections’ do exist. Everything is tucked away neatly underground. Somewhere it goes in, somewhere it goes out, and we can see the taps and bins and boilers in our house… but what does really happen in between?

Chalmers Univerity of Technology/ Department of Architecture/ Design for Sustainable Development

A city’s systems are a complex collection. Even the most simplified diagrams quickly become hard to read. Having information is the first step of awareness, without awareness we cannot control - let alone change - our habits. One problem with cycles is that we – as inhabitants of our city – have no clear view of what is going on. There is no feedback from our flows, save perhaps a billing statement at the end of the month in some cases. This limits individual control. With the way our society is currently organized, each cycle – or some times even each step – is mainained by a different organization. This entails that none of them have an overview of how things really fit together. This second problem limits societal (organizational) control.

Both problems can somehow be seen as indirect results from the way our society has historically grown, currently forming very consumption-oriented patterns. How a product gets to our house, or what happens to it after consumption is not important. Only how much is available, at what (monetary) price, which varieties… Even for those professionals who need reliable statistics to be able to do their jobs the data proves to be hard to obtain. Not just a student, but city planners and legislators all give the same testimony. When we re-organize 25

Tactile cycles in the city Youth-initiated, shared decisions with adults


Youth-initiated and directed Adult-initiated, shared decisions with youth Consulted & informed Assigned but informed Tokenism Decoration Manipulation


To the left is a popular representation of the different levels at which an initiative can be considered ‘participative’. Higher levels require greater investment and effort, though are also met with a greater chance of succes. Decoration works as long as people don’t think for themselves, manipulation eventually leads to revolution. If we consider something as simple as a one-sided design for an urban park, the revolution is also simple; benches get trashed, bins set on fire, flowerbeds littered. The lack of participation walks hand-in-hand with the repression, or ‘hiding’ of certain urban elements. Population groups that are not reached, or activities that are banned lead to furstration that eventually leads to the failure of a project.

8 levels of communication

Unwanted parts of the city that are hidden or repressed whenever possible 26

Maarten Hermans

District Cycle Station/ Architectural integration of systemic cycles in urban space, for a new central district/

our approach to planning and integrate cycles from the beginning it would be easy enough to connect it to the information network. Management and control systems for companies already measure parameters at key points to maintain the operation of the cycle. As such, not much more would be needed than making this information – where it is useful – available, and not just internal. After all, awareness is the first step – before the changing of the technical system. Without information there can be no awareness. Making information available can happen on three levels: One; subtely and subconciously as stated before, secondly large, graphic, visible elements in the city space such as; information panels, scale bars, thermometers… and lastly access panels, either at key points or, more straight-forward, on organization’s websites. The three levels have an increasing level of amount and detail in the information, linear with an increased need for personal effort to access and read the information. These three levels can easily be implemented into the creation of DiCy stations. However, even with optimal information, and full awareness, we do not necessarily get a change in habits just yet. A habit-change is most easily achieved if the target group is actively involved. A sense of belonging, ownership and responsability

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Concept/ Tactile cycles

makes all the difference towards the success of an initiative. DiCy in itself cannot solve problems, the root of its faith begins earlier, in the planning phase. Though participative design is often seen as cumbersome and costineffective, for an initiative such as this one it is of utmost importance.

All the elements mentioned above are not the only systems in a city with problems. We can draw pragmatic parallels to many other ‘urban elements’. Crudely, any non-official activity, product or expression that does not in some way support consumption is perpetually hidden away. Refuse is an unwanted product from cities that is hidden away. The same thing can be said about graffiti, unregistered trading (flee markets)… they are all products from our urban life styles. Just as the fore-mentioned systems, these elements too deserve their rightful place in the cityscape. With integrating DiCy we must endeavour to not just create some showcase, provide some information on a grammar school-level, but give all information needed for full awareness, and wherever it is possible allow for thorough participation of inhabitants/users. This is the only way to make the station run optimally. The technology is after, just a tool, to be used or not. 27

Understanding individual cycles DiCy Station

Water cycle

This is one of the most elaborate cycles in a city. Water is the source of all life, not just city life. Depending on its purity, we can use it for different purposes. Drinking water either comes directly from deep ground water layers, or purified from natural surface waters. Either case is most efficient in a larger facility, from which it will be piped to users. It is and probably will always remain the most invasive cycle. Lightly contaminated water, after first usage (sinks, showers…), can very easily be cleaned on smaller scale equipment. This ‘grey water’ can then be used for non-drinking purposes like washing, toilets, gardening… Water from rivers or rainfall can be used in the same way, provided we can store it until needed. More heavily contaminated sewage (‘black water’ from toilets or industrially polluted) can - technically - still be purified enough for these last processes or release into nature. However, considering the amount of such sewage produced in cities and its limited re-usability, it makes more sense to process it more thoroughly and efficiently in larger plants. Detailing of this process is not included here.

Other DiCy Processes

Compost cycle

DiCy Station 28

Composting is a typical example of a cycle that can be solved in a very local scale, with low-tech equipment. Re-useability of fertilizer soil is limited within a city. Most of it would probably need to be transported, and transport automatically means loss. However, the fertilizer will present a lower quantity then the compost product and as such mean less transport. Furthermore, from the composting process we can extract any combination of heat, biofuel, electricity… depending on the technical solution that is chosen. Biofuel would most likely need to be refined in larger (off-site) plants, but the other by-products are immediately very useful within the city. In certain buildings a private composter could be installed. The DiCy can take care of all remaining compost, including that coming from the public space itself. “Please help heat our district’s buildings.” Maarten Hermans

District Cycle Station/ Architectural integration of systemic cycles in urban space, for a new central district/

Elementary cycles 2.3

River water (Göta älv) Precipitation water Sewage (black water) Drinkable water Water cleaning element Water basin Sedimentation & natural cleaning (District) Heating network Other power types (fe. biofuel) Electricity Compost waste Fertilizer (from compost)

Before more can be said on the specifics of the ‘district cycle station (DiCy)’ we will take a closer look at some of the system cycles. For the purpose of this report, four different cycles have been identified. The overview they provide is by no means complete, but it gives sufficient grounds to make the claims put forward. The four cycles that were chosen each have a distinctly different modus operandi. The water cycle is well established in our western cities, but could be optimized to a large extent. District heating/cooling is present in Göteborg and may yet be expanded. Lastly, paper & compost are examples from the refuse system. The remaining cycles are either largely comparable to any combination of these, or not appropriate for a discussion on district scale. Most of us are aware that composting can easily be done in a low-tech bin. It requires little-to-no human intervention. The higher the technological principle applied, the more we are likely to get from our input. Paper is a

Chalmers Univerity of Technology/ Department of Architecture/ Design for Sustainable Development

waste type that represents a large portion of our total refuse weight (about ten percent) . Contrarily to compost, few know that this can easily be recycled in a standard kitchen. Clearly here, the end result would not nearly be of the same quality as an industrial plant and ecological effluents cannot effectively be collected (to say nothing of the time we would have to spend). District equipment could however recycle a portion of the load into low-grade paper for less demanding usage, thus reducing transport needs. It provides a (free) by-product to inhabitants in the same way as fertilizer soil from compost. Two main principles are always to be kept in mind: First, cycles should be closed as quickly as they can without compromising efficiency. And second, indirectly from this, an appropriate scale exists for every cycle. You can wash and re-use a glass jar in a toilet sink, but re-melting glass for new products requires an industrial scale facility. Those cycles that can be closed within a home or building should be, but we cannot and should [1]  cf. chapter 3.1, page 40


Understanding individual cycles Paper cycle

DiCy Station

Other DiCy Processes

Heating/cooling cycle

Among (building-) physicists heat is sometimes referred to as the “lowest value” type of energy. Usage (conversion) of it always meets with large losses. For a large part, heating and cooling cycles are pretty much the same thing, so in theory they should also be able to use the exact same infrastructure, albeit inversely. Practice isn’t always that simple though. With temperature, good insulation and recovery on site (where possible) is the first and most important step. Local production is a necessary supplement to it. District supply may augment very well, and if all the installations are well constructed, the local production part could become redundant. Heating isn’t so challenging. We learn from the passivehouse technology that a well insulated building can be heated with just appliances and people. Cooling is a different story, but here too certain natural elements and techniques may be applied to avoid energy intensive engines. 30

Aside from compost, paper makes up a large portion of a city’s waste (cf. page 22). This particular waste, in contrast with other types such as plastic or metal, can actually be recycled on site into a new product, albeit at a relative cost of quality and efficiency. In fact the recycling process of paper is so simple, a child could do it in a back-kitchen. It works as shown here: Sorted paper is mixed with water (coming from the cleaner within DiCy) and heated to make a cellulose mixture, any metal is removed with a magnet and the mixture is spun around to filter the fibres. Next, in a basin, air is blown through to remove inc (floatation technique). More water is added, the whole is sprayed onto a screen, drained and pressed dry between rollers. Finally we cut it into sizeable pieces and out comes a low-grade product ideal for purpuses such as mouse pads. A free by-product, just like the fertilizer soil. High grade paper (colour, strength and softness requirements) needs to be produced in industrial plants, but do we really need high quality for everything we write on?

Maarten Hermans

District Cycle Station/ Architectural integration of systemic cycles in urban space, for a new central district/

Heat recovery element (District) Heating network (District) Cooling network River water (Göta älv) Useable water (grey)

Chalmers Univerity of Technology/ Department of Architecture/ Design for Sustainable Development

Concept/ Elementary cycles

not force contractors to build a whole collection of high-tech machinery in their buildings. Secondly, the whole purpose of a city is so that each part of the city can rely on the other. For a medium density city like Göteborg, the district is the first ‘public’ level. The first level where the public sphere can provide that which the intimate or private does not. It is here that we can intervene from outside the first time, and where as many cycles as possible should be closed. One subject deserves particular mentioning. As hinted at above, re-use is always preferable to recycling. When today we look at for example bulk refuse (large household waste, grovsopor), we notice that much of its content is not necessarily at the end of its lifespan. Yet, it is sent to recycling facilities (ÅVC) to be demolished, taken apart, and its constituent parts burned or recycled. This is a usage of transport and embodied energy that needs not happen .

[1]  cf. appendix E, page XXXI


Cycles working together

DiCy Station 32

Maarten Hermans

District Cycle Station/ Architectural integration of systemic cycles in urban space, for a new central district/

District cycle station 2.4

River water (Göta älv) Precipitation water Sewage (black water) Drinkable water Water cleaning element Water basin Sedimentation & natural cleaning

Following the analyses from previous chapters, we can say that the ‘District Cycle Station’, or DiCy, is a collection point of systems. It is a place where systems come together, in an effort to close cycles and/or improve their operation. This place exists both on a tangible, physical level and on a tactile, human level. The physical manifests itself mainly in the form of technological elements on public space, the tactile resides with its planning approach, its societal effects and the attitude of its approach.

Heat recovery element (District) Heating network (District) Cooling network Other power types (fe. biofuel) Electricity Compost waste Composter Fertilizer (from compost)

Even one of the cycles - simplified into a diagram - can sometimes be hard to comprehend. When we need to put all of them together it becomes even harder. And yet, this is exactly what we need to do in order to find all possible interactions that can increase our potential. This diagram contains ‘just’ the four chosen cycles and is already quite complex. It does give us a view though on what we may expect to find INSIDE the DiCy station, and OUT of it.

Chalmers Univerity of Technology/ Department of Architecture/ Design for Sustainable Development

When we try to place just the four cycles mentioned above into one diagram, the resulting image is already fairly complicated. When the number of cycles involved grows, this complexity will only get worse. The combined diagram does however give us a view of what exists within the DiCy station (interactions) and what belongs outside of it (grids & built environment). In our example, the interventions can be arranged in two groups. The first consists of interventions within one cycle; heat-recovery systems, partial cleaning of previously rotated grey water… Secondly we have the inter-cycle interventions; heat, biofuel electricity being gained and used from composting, cleaned water being used in the paper-recycling process…

Zooming in to each of these cycles shows us that they are – technologically speaking, relatively straightforward. A simple Google-search for each interaction shows plenty of products currently on the market for any scale. The [1]  Using biofuel as a power source is a combustiontype of power supply. This technology can now be called mature and efficient, using it from renewable sources (like compost) is often called carbon-neutral. Nevertheless, it remains a combustion process. Also, it would be more efficient in large-scale plants then locally. (The Rosenlund plant runs mostly on gas though, transport would in this case be negligible…)


Technological interactions between systems

Mobile biogas plant

Biogas facility

Pipe-heat recovery

Compost machines

DiCy Station DiCy Station Plate-heat recovery 34

Compost machine

Even though it seems very complicated at start (and may still be on an engineering scale) each of the interactions have relatively straight-forward solutions. For most of them, ready products are available on the market from a multitude of companies - for all types, sizes and applications. The only question here is, why haven’t we used them together yet, on a district scale? Above are a couple of products for three of these interactions. Two types of heat exchangers (the older pipe-system above, and a newer plate-technology below). For composting, one could opt for different options depending on the desired output (more compost, more biogas, more electricity, or heat). To the right are some water filters, differences here lie in the filtration technique and supply demands. Maarten Hermans

District Cycle Station/ Architectural integration of systemic cycles in urban space, for a new central district/

Water cleaning element Water basin Heat recovery element Composter

Water purifiers

Chalmers Univerity of Technology/ Department of Architecture/ Design for Sustainable Development

Concept/ District cycle station

desired outcome of each interaction will dictate what type of product needs to be applied. For example; compostable material may be converted entirely into fertilizer and some residual heat & water. Otherwise one may opt for the newer technology of transferring it largely into biofuel and less into other products. Let’s make a small mental excersize, and make an abstract analysis of a city district. It is in its essence a collection of material objects in which we move around. Each object has its intrinsic purposes and requirements. An apartment protects from rain and cold, but needs foundations in the ground and energy supplied to do so. A public trash bin collects waste orderly – keeps the streets clean (passively) – but it needs to be emptied sometimes, and like the building wants something to stand on. Similar rules can be drawn up for any other material object, large or small. All of these objects are connected by a network of systems that allows them to function. We see the city now as a loose space of individual material objects, a network of systems that allows them to function, and of course us – as living objects, which its all there for to begin with. The current way of working says we place all objects first, and then try to get all of the necessary systems connected to them. This does not make a lot sense. A roof will stop the 35

Plug-in model diagram

Grid connections

Public furniture 36

Private furniture

DiCy station Maarten Hermans

District Cycle Station/ Architectural integration of systemic cycles in urban space, for a new central district/

River water (Göta älv) Water cleaning element Sedimentation & natural cleaning Heat recovery element (District) Heating network (District) Cooling network Electricity Urban furniture Information access point

Giving priority to the efficiency of systems allows us to place them optimally. When we place them close together, we can create interactions between the cycles there where it is most useful. This group of interactions can be tucked further away as things tend to be nowadays, or we can chose to let it claim its rightful place in the city. All of the city’s functions start working together as a collective, a society of functions. This is what makes are cities work, this is the real strength, that which makes our way of life possible. So why are we ashamed of it? Why do we hide it? Consumption was the key word for the previous way of acting. Having everything in sight is detrimental to that, but now we can and need to take a new approach.

Chalmers Univerity of Technology/ Department of Architecture/ Design for Sustainable Development

Concept/ District cycle station

rain no matter if its ten or fifty meters above the ground, trash bins will collect waste no matter if they are emptied daily or weekly, standing next to the road or in the middle of a square. It is in the systems that effeciency is important & achievable, not in the objects connected to it. The reason people started living in cities was to be closer to each other, not for ideological or social reasons, but for the technical and professional. Smaller distances meant they could all use the same watering well and didn’t have to push their carts so far. The systems are the reason why our cities exist, the systems were not created after the city. Or more clearly; people come to the city because the system’s benefits are already available. The system is always expanded beyond the immediate need of the ‘current population’. The systems are the core of city life, the glue that binds it together. So if they are the most important thing, they should also be the first thing we do, to make sure they exist as optimal as possible. In doing so we can more easily intervene between the systems, and allow them to work together where that is beneficial. After the system is there, the ‘material objects’ will automatically find their ideal position. The city is now not a collection of buildings (or other material objects) connected by supplying systems, but rather a grid of systems into which the objects are plugged. 37

Population density projection

Basing anticipated population on neighbouring districts 38

Maarten Hermans

District Cycle Station/ Architectural integration of systemic cycles in urban space, for a new central district/

Projected expectations 3.1 Technical systems in a city cannot be planned without having some idea as to the magnitudes of their flows. As mentioned before, the eventual goals are to make a shift in habits so that these flows become much smaller then they are now, but such change does not happen over night. To have an idea of what we are dealing with, some mathematical projections were made.

Projected population equivalent for the Järnvågen area, based on densities of surrounding districts. The number is purely mathematical and does not incorporate issues such as “district identity” or alternative functions like commercial space. It is purely an indicator for further statistical analysis. The current population in Järnvågen is 0. Järnvågen is incorporated within the Olivedal area (Primärområde), the current density of Olivedal without Järnvågen is approximately 26.810 inh/km2. cf. Göteborgsbladet, Gateway to Sweden, EuroStat & Wikipedia

Population equivalent

Europe Sweden Göteborg

104 Stigberget 105 Masthugget 107 Haga 108 Annedal 109 Olivedal 115 Vasastaden 116 Inom vallgraven Järnvågen






[inh./km 2]

731.000.000 9.300.000 500.181

10.180.000 450.000 450,0

71,81 20,67 1.112

7.244 10.882 4.136 3.913 10.876 6.430 3.733 2.038

0,5610 0,7464 0,3174 0,2606 0,5787 0,5522 1,0776 0,1731

12.910 14.580 13.030 15.020 18.790 11.640 3.464 11.770

Chalmers Univerity of Technology/ Department of Architecture/ Design for Sustainable Development

The population densities (and square footage) of the surrounding official districts (Primärområde) were used to calculate an equivalent population we might expect, should all of the buildings contain a similar mix of functions as the rest of the city now does. It is expected – from the vision for the area – that the eventual population would be less than the calculated two thousand, since there is an intention for a larger focus on offices, commercial activity, etc. Nevertheless, these functions also consume and require as housing might. Though their patterns are different, this should pose [1]  The expected population-equivalent calculated by Älvstranden Utveckling AB (in charge of this area) and the city planning office (stadsbygnaddskontoret) is – though calculated differently – almost the same.


Flow projections Energy consumption


District heating Electricity


per capita









Energy consumption

8,709 Järnvågen population

17.750 2.038


per capita





Total waste




Combustible (restafvall) Compost Bulk refuse (grovafvall ÂVC) Hazardous waste Electrical appliances Packaging & paper of which paper cardboard plastics glass metal 40

Järnvågen population

128.642 8.741 31.088 1.088 5.423 39.616 23.759 4.352 830 9.814 860

257 17 62,11 2,2 10,8 79,15 47,47 8,695 1,658 19,61 1,718

524 35 125,6 4,5 22,0 161,3 96,74 17,72 3,379 39,97 3,501

Household waste statistics, year 2008. Hazardous waste is excluding impregnated wood, bulk refuse refers to ‘Grovafvall ÅVC’/25% internal production subtracted.

The calculations shown here, are based on the projected population equivalent for Järnvågen (cf. page 39). For both waste & energy, the average per capita rate for the city was taken and projected onto the expected population. This gives us a rough estimate of how large the flows in the district would be - IF no changes to the system are made, and all habits remain the same. For good understanding; the required electricity could be produced by two average size 5MW-peak windmills.

Below, the total numbers from the waste statistic have been made a bit more ‘graphic’, to make them easier to understand for us who are not used to reading such data. What is a ton of waste? How many glass bottles, platic bottles or square meters of paper would that be?

Crudely we can say that - with the habits and systems of 2008 - the expected population of Järnvågen would produce enough waste (weight) to cover the entire district seventy times with paper (80g/m2). cf. Annual reports of Göteborgs Energi, Renova & Kretsloppskontoret Maarten Hermans

District Cycle Station/ Architectural integration of systemic cycles in urban space, for a new central district/ Pragmatism/ Projected expectations

(District) Heating network

no problems towards our ‘population equivalency model’.

Electricity Collected waste

Waste weight equivalents of:



448.974 2.993.160 2.806,9

1.830 12.200 11,4

Glass bottles (75 cl) Plastic bottles (75cl) Printing paper (80 g/m 2) Järnvågen area size

[1000 #] [1000 #] [km 2]

0,173 km2

Waste percentage per fraction Combustible Compost Bulk Hazardous Electrical Other Packaging & paper

57,3 % 3,8 % 13,7 % 0,5 % 2,4 % 4,7 % 17,6 %

Paper 10,6 % Cardboard 1,9 % Plastic 0,4 % Glass 4,4 % Metal 0,4 %

Chalmers Univerity of Technology/ Department of Architecture/ Design for Sustainable Development

From this expected population base, we can then calculate some order-of-magnitude projections to estimate the flows. The most important one to keep in mind for the progression of this report is the waste flow. Note particularly the percentage that the fractions bulk refuse, compost and paper entail. The compost fraction could be much higher, if all compostable material is kept out of the ‘combustibles’ fraction. Bulk (combined with electrical), also called ‘large household refuse’, could be much less if the cycles were organized better . The data represented here has all been verified to accuracy. It is however an arduous process to obtain such numbers, even to the professionals who plan these areas. The flow of information is a system that clearly shows some glitches here. It might not be solvable on a district scale though, and is probably not inherent to it. [1]  cf. Appendix E, page XXXI


Pragmatic implementation of DiCy This is a purely conceptual map and should not be read as an actual city-plan. The built environment was drawn based primarily upon the findings from Appendices 2, 3 & 4 and made specifically to show how a district cycle station could be integrated into Järnvågen. It has not been designed on a detailed city scale.

Plugging-in the city’s objects 42

Maarten Hermans

District Cycle Station/ Architectural integration of systemic cycles in urban space, for a new central district/

DiCy in Järnvågen 3.2

Järnvågen provides us with ideal circumstances to field-test the theoretical model from the previous chapter. There is nothing standing in Järnvågen, and at the same time there is a lot present to work with, in a sense of cycles. Being in the middle of a city means having all grid connections already present. Furthermore there are some particular aspects that can add a new dimension. The river can easily provide power or water cooling to buildings in summer, as it does already to a few other areas or to the Rosenlund plant when it is operational (winter, for district heating).

Since the first purpose of the DiCy-concept is to increase efficiency of existing systems in a city, it is also its priority for finding an optimal location. The technical systems (water, heat, power…) are most affected by imperfections, so they get first attention. Each system has its own demands concerning connection lines, but in general their objective is always to connect as close to the users, suppliers and grid as possible.

The second purpose is increased efficiency by integrating interactions. The objective of these interactions is to help close cycles in a smaller loop. As has been stated in previous chapters, if we can close a cycle within a building this is always preferable but such things are not always possible. The district is the smallest level of public space in the context of cities, and as such the first level where we can intervene. The resulting products that are generated from the closing of one cycle can flow back to inhabitants (compost, paper…), take the form as ‘local supplier’ for other systems (residual heat, grey water…) or in a last option, be sent outside the district. In the system’s analysis, we can view upon the inhabitants as another flow. Determining the efficiency of this ‘flow’ is dependant on issues like how much effort it takes someone to take their trash bin from their kitchen to the collection station. This demand means distances must be kept minimal, having the stations along logical paths (for example between an apartment and the bus station) may help

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reaching better levels towards it. This would almost automatically give it a central, visible place, which indirectly improves care, correct usage and through that decreased maintenance (cleaning) needs.

With its intended purposes (functionality) and design rules now being known, we can take a closer look at the DiCy station itself. It is a collection of technological objects, combined for mutual benefit. We can see it as an engine that makes the district run (better). Everything within the district is in some way plugged into this engine . The DiCy optimally connects local supply with local users, attempting to mimic nature’s model of using the output of one cycle as the input for another. Where needed, additional supply or return is found in other districts or the grid (city/region).

The visible presence is one element adding to the informational impact of DiCy (subconscious level). A good design of the mechanic interventions can deliver information and stimulate [1]  cf. chapter 2.4, page 36


Pragmatic implementation of DiCy

Conceptual integration - District 44

Maarten Hermans

District Cycle Station/ Architectural integration of systemic cycles in urban space, for a new central district/

Pragmatism/ DiCy in Järnvågen

awareness on the second information level . An example of this is the use of transparent receptacles to collect certain refuse types, or for the by-product produced from them. It confronts us with the volumes. Other existing examples are more engineered, more directed at the information in specific (large info panels; a digital scale-bar showing the balance of input and output of heat-energy…). The third level information requires a bit less designer-input. Access-panels or information boards are more static – a constant presence of information. The information here is more elaborate, is specifically aimed at someone who wants to know something and is willing to take a (small) effort for getting it. Aside from the awareness – the habit changing – purpose, the provision of information also has an educational use. School children walk to the park or a forest in every season to learn about nature. We can now send them here as well (since the stations are spread out over the city, there’s always one close by) to learn about the city. Chalmers Univerity of Technology/ Department of Architecture/ Design for Sustainable Development

[1]  cf. chapter 2.2, page 25


Pragmatic implementation of DiCy

Conceptual integration - DiCy


A Section map 46

On the previous page, and in the image above, we see a conceptual visualization of the DiCy concept. DiCy is in its essence a collection of technological elements, grouped together for mutual benefit. It has a central position, in a courtyard and along a logical path, but in sight from the main street. It is both a drop-off point of goods (waste), pick-up of resources (compost, paper) and an information point. Though the sketch placed here is rudimentary, the intentions of an open structure are clear. It offers what minimal protection from the elements is necessary, and becomes a part of the urban furniture.

Each element has a distinct purpose. Having all systems present in one location, means that it is easier to quickly make use of new inventions that might come on the market. As soon as an element wears out or becomes obsolete, it can be replaced with another, with minimal construction effort. It is a social meeting point, connecting the offices and homes in the area. A large contributor (and user) of the DiCy is the cycle store, here placed immediately next to it. The DiCy-manager could work a part time in the store. Maarten Hermans

District Cycle Station/ Architectural integration of systemic cycles in urban space, for a new central district/

With this latter paragraph we come to the social impacts of the DiCy concept. The most direct effect is that the DiCy station adds an extra function onto the public space. Any present function implies more user-activity by its usage, and thus stimulates meetings. DiCy can be seen as a pit-stop drop-off for the waste, but it can become a destination by itself (fe. the information panels), since the DiCy station is a function in public space that would be used regardless of season. Adding more life to the cityscape may – in the long run, and in combination with other initiatives – have some positive effect on turning around the individualization of our societies, drawing people out of their cocoons more often. One can easily image school children taking a trip here, to either learn about the workings of the city, or to pick up supplies for their class. They already go to the forest in every season, learning how nature works is important after all. Learning how the city works is equally important though.

Coming back to the discussion on bulk refuse and other related cycles, having a ‘cycle store’ and/or flee market near at least some of the DiCy stations would further increase the value of both .

With all functionality we endeavour to attach to DiCy, it is likely to become a complex organisation of elements. Even if each of the individual elements is simple enough, having a large collection makes things complicated. We can already see in simple separated-refuse collection stations that some people do not wish to take the effort of understanding what needs to go where.

[1]  The workings and social impact of ‘cycle stores’ is described in appendix E, page XXXI.

Chalmers Univerity of Technology/ Department of Architecture/ Design for Sustainable Development

Pragmatism/ DiCy in Järnvågen

Our intention of having an all-over, single solution contradicts here with the need to change habits. Secondly, the active approach of actually doing something with the systems – instead of just collecting – means maintenance (repairs) will go up again. As said before, each of the interventions are technologically quite straightforward, and easy to understand (if one is willing to take the time and effort). Training a low-skilled employee to work at a DiCy station will provide extra social interaction to the neighbourhood by his presence. This also again lowers the effort-need for inhabitants as the necessary information is more easily obtained. Asking the caretaker is generally easier (less effort) than trying to read icons and lists of permitted contents of a bin. This communication generates a fourth level of information.


standard approach

dicy approach






• higher density, more built • larger population base • more economic functions

• fewer public space • transport connections • individuality-privatization • lower system efficiency

• growth & development • continuity of city fabric

• clogged traffic situation • promote negative habits • system vulnerability

• high resilience of area • easy in new-built area • easy input new solutions • new economic functions • increased social life

• takes (unavailable) space • large re-construction cost • chance of failure • sensitive to mal-practice

• societal impact • easy new technology use • efficient closed cycles • system independency • unique example

• requires “political courage” • business as usual is easier • over-complexity of system

Maarten Hermans

District Cycle Station/ Architectural integration of systemic cycles in urban space, for a new central district/

SWOT Comparison 3.3

A popular way of analyzing a city is by breaking it up into several layers, like different pieces of transparent paper stacked on top of one another. I purposefully avoided this method, and looked for a different way to see the city. The city unplugged, broken into constituent parts, helped me to look for what is really the factor that binds it together. This SWOT gives an empirical analysis of two options for Järnvågen’s development . It gives us an overview of how implementing DiCy would be different from a more standard approach. A first remark we can clearly make from the images is that the DiCy approach means a different arrangement of public space, more particularly, an increased amount of public space. This means less built space, which in turn means less financial gain to be made. Making that conclusion would be cutting corners a bit too easily though. DiCy is aimed at making things [1]  Remember that neither of the maps are real proposals, they both discuss a conceptual model; an intention of development.

more efficient, higher efficiency means lower losses. The DiCy approach also mentions the introduction of new elements to the cityscape, which may mean new income revenue (fe. cycle stores ). It is true that there will be fewer apartments, offices, shops… but the economic value of the area is not necessarily lower, just different. And change is exactly what we want. “Yes, but what about my parking space? Take the bus! Or build your parking space underneath the public space instead of on top of it.” Adding more functionality to the public environment has clear advantages to the city, the DiCy is a year-round function – unconnected to climate patterns (though of course somewhat effected by it). DiCy has an active effect on the social parameters of our district by increasing and stimulating interactions, it has a passive effect by drawing us a bit more out of our selfimposed prisons. It forces us to step out of the

[2]  cf. appendix E, page XXXI [3]  “The best projects are based around the principle of finding ways to move the maximum number of people and volume of goods. It should not be about moving vehicles.” cf. Hazel, “Making Cities Work”, page 137

Chalmers Univerity of Technology/ Department of Architecture/ Design for Sustainable Development

building to throw our waste bags. After all: “Nothing draws a crowd like people.” To complete the sustainability diagram , DiCy obviously impacts the third “E” (ecology) of our district as well. This is its starting purpose of existence.

There are some things we need to be aware of, before becoming overly ecstatic. Increasing the complexity of a system (by adding interactions) implies an increased chance of failures. This can be partially negated by good design and maintenance, but it also makes it easier for the system to be affected by intentional mal-practice or neglectful behaviour. Basing decisions on this latter argument would mean we could never do anything at all though.

[4]  cf. Gehl, “New City Life”, page 108 [5]  cf. appendix A, page V 49

Holistics for applying models

Scales of operation - Building/ District/ Town /… District planning

Youth-initiated, shared decisions with adults Youth-initiated and directed


DiCy Station

DiCy maintenance employee

Friendly contacted

Access panel / internet

Easily accessible

info panel (duck architecture)

Visibly iconic

Sedimentation basin…

Subtlely integrated

8 levels of communication - DiCy’s level of participation 50

Adult-initiated, shared decisions with youth Consulted & informed Assigned but informed Tokenism Decoration Manipulation Maarten Hermans

District Cycle Station/ Architectural integration of systemic cycles in urban space, for a new central district/

Model conclusions 3.4

District cycle stations – as previously introduced – are aimed at increasing the resilience (robusthet) of a district. This resilience translates in improved functionality by better system organization, improved efficiency by interactions between systems and in increased levels of control and independency, both to the management of the district as to the inhabitants.

We are coming from the conceptual model above, of a technical box to which all buildings and facilities of the city are plugged into, combined with an ideology of how to incorporate more tactile (social) issues. Sustainable practices tell us to close cycles as early as possible, and generate supplies there where they are needed. There is something to be said about the benefits that scale sometimes offers. The burning of waste for energy is not sensible in every household. An industrial plant is much more efficient, reliable, safe… A solar panel on the other hand, which also generates heat,

will be almost as efficient with just one panel as with one thousand. Processing sewage into drinking water is currently not possible on a local scale, but cleaning systems from grey water to water useable for toilets, washers… can be placed into an average size cupboard. The stations are placed in key central positions, with all other city elements grouped around them. The station contains those functions which cannot (optimally) function within a building, but which can be solved in a district without a the necessity of transporting to a plant miles away . We can envision examples such as photovoltaic (electricity) or solar (heat) panels on rooftops, precipitation basins integrated into courtyards, centralized recycling circuits, benches with information panels… In the placing of both the individual elements and the stations, it is important that we place them well in sight. An intelligent design provides information on all three levels . [1]  cf. chapter 2.3, page 29 [2]  cf. chapter 2.2, page 25

Chalmers Univerity of Technology/ Department of Architecture/ Design for Sustainable Development

The central station makes data collection and management childsplay. Having the stations on our most common routes makes it more likely that people will make good use of them. The amount of ‘effort’ is decreased. To further encourage the right behaviour, and with such equipement in place, an engaged city council could create some competitivity between districts and reward those with the best performances.

Providing information is just one side of a coin, it is not real communication. The communication diagram shows how DiCy takes a place on the ladder of participation. Because of its nature it is situated rather low on this ladder, but a machine cannot really participate in a social sense… A real participatory process is to be achieved much earlier, before the actual DiCy model comes into play. Opting for the DiCy model should be a result coming out of participatory city planning, not the other way around.


District Cycle Stations, or shortly ‘DiCy’, is a concept that has come to me as a seemingly logical consequence of the analysis of systems in a city district, and the attempt to organize them. The concept entangles a drastic change in the material fabric of our cities, but a drastic change is exactly what is needed – not just materially. The concept would be most easily implemented into a new district – or even a new city, but sooner or later changes are going to have to be made to the existing structures. Things cannot continue as they are now. Considering how profoundly we need to change our simplest routine habits, a large material change may be just the thing we need to shock us. It will force us into a new environment where we have to re-think ourselves either way, this will make a habit shift away from the business-as-usual easier.


What is stopping us from making a change, any change? Really, what is? As the author of this document it is quite evident that I have no idea. To myself, the facts seem clear enough. People tend to be afraid of what they don’t know, and change always requires a leap of faith into uncertainty. The ruling model and its holders are also afraid, for fear of losing their positions. Also, changing requires effort, a whole lot of effort. Finding courage is probably the hardest thing to ask a person, the rest is just execution. I leave this discursive to you, or to sociologists. So if we are going to make a change, why should it be this one? One theory we remember from this report is the importance of scale and the necessity to close (system) cycles as closely as possible.

Maarten Hermans

District Cycle Station/ Architectural integration of systemic cycles in urban space, for a new central district/

General conclusions 0.4

We can, with current technology & economy, already make self-sufficient buildings in terms of a few systems. The inside of a building, even the big ones, is subject to the private sphere. We cannot and should not force people to make the right choices. They need to be (made) obvious. The district is the smallest material area in which the rules are dictated by society, and not contractors, owners or tenants. Furthermore, the whole benefit of cities is for buildings to work together. Even if we could solve everything within the building, it would still be better to do it in the district. Currently we try to solve things on city or regional scales, because the historical scheme said that a large scale makes things (economically) better. We have since learned that too large cycles are detrimental to issues like transportlosses, dependency, redundancy, risk-manage-

ment… The DiCy concept provides a pragmatic approach to working on the district scale.

Organizing system interactions in a way such as shown here requires space to be occupied which would otherwise be used for other things, presumably a building. Is it worth demolishing (or not placing) this function in exchange for this “district cycle station”? When crudely assessed we can reformulate this question as; “Does the increase in system-efficiency from this station exceed the productivity from the function that would otherwise be there?” I believe it would, and though only an actual physical testing could prove this, I hope after reading this report you do as well. Perhaps the most important ‘change!’-message brought forward in this report, is the way we

Chalmers Univerity of Technology/ Department of Architecture/ Design for Sustainable Development

implement things, the priorities we give in the design of our (city-) spaces. No matter if we consider technical systems or societal behaviour, anything that is considered by the majority to disrupt an individual’s calmness and (consumption) pattern is hidden away. We damp the noise from all minorities, or sometimes just from everything. Children at day care can’t play outside, because the noise bothers us at the office. Skateboarding youth should go anywhere else but on ‘our’ square because we can’t hear our tv-sets. Graffiti should be punished because it’s ugly… Wasn’t that last one a bit subjective? “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.” Yes, yes, but this is vandalism! Stop hiding, stop being ashamed of the systems, styles and practices that make up our cities (and their results). Cities are one of the biggest accomplishments of the human race, so stop tucking everything away, show how we do it and be proud of doing it better! [1]  Similar phrasing can be dated as far back as the third century BC. This exact quotation is most often credited to Margaret Wolfe Hungerford (née Hamilton) in “Molly Bawn”, 1878


Archigram’s concepts of ‘The walking city’ (top) and ‘Plug-in city’ (bottom) are shown here. This is where the ideologies that coincide with the contemporary thinking around this report began. The ‘Plug-in city’ in city in particular, we can relate to the DiCy station’s concept. Bare in mind that Archigram existed in a time where sustainability was merely an idea - separated from reality. Today the situation is different, and our understandings have changed.


Maarten Hermans

District Cycle Station/ Architectural integration of systemic cycles in urban space, for a new central district/

… from here we go on 0.5

Imagination is a necessary requirement when dealing with conceptual thinking. To some extent, it is considered an art form. Art is never finished, neither is talking about a concept. We can draw lines through history and see how concepts and ideologies evolve through time as they pass from one actor to another. Only now, during one of my last consultations, did I discover the analogy between DiCy and the idea of the “Plug-in City”. As Archigram was a large part of my teachings when I just started my education, it is no surprise to notice their influence. For those who still remember,

Archigram was (maybe still is) a very influential group of young architects in the sixties. Their ideas were marginal at start, but were quickly taken up all over the world. We can see in their thinking the starting point of a debate this thesis work also means to be a part of. Is drawing this parallel taking things a bridge to far? Are we talking completely different understandings of the words ‘plug – in’ or is it an evolved understanding? Looking back on both this project and my education, I believe it is the second. Archigram was active in a time where issues like sustainability, ecology or ‘living within the planet’s limitations’ was still a very vague idea . Now, fifty years later, it has become a science. Dealing with these issues is no longer just talking about concepts. Today we have the know-how, and sometimes even the courage, to make our designs become reality.

[1]  I do not mean to say that the contemporary interpretation of sustainability was the thing that Archigram worked for, simply that they worked in the time when it rooted.

Chalmers Univerity of Technology/ Department of Architecture/ Design for Sustainable Development

A Google-search on the keywords of the concept gives us more actors and interpretations to add to the timeline. One distinct example is the “unplugged”-concept from the music industry. In the late eighties and nineties, several artists unplugged their instruments from the electrical grid to go back to their basics . It let them see their work in a different light, and helped them to understand what they were really doing. Abstractly, this is exactly what I have been trying to do in the process of this report. To un-plug the city, take a step back, think about what we’re doing and then put it all back together again.

Now that we have come to the end of it, can we try to envision how it would be when this stream kept on evolving? We can’t really look into the future without resorting to science fiction. The first next step is an easy one though. Spread the experience! Let others learn what we have now learned together. [2]  A TV-show called ‘MTV-Unplugged’ ran from 1989 until 2001 in The Netherlands, broadcasting acoustic sessions. It was picked up again in 2005. 55

a master thesis project in design for sustainable development at the department of architecture of chalmers university by Maarten Hermans examinator supervisor

Michael Edén Barbara Rubino


Cecilia Strömer, Älvstranden Utveckling AB Anne Svensson, Göteborg Stads Miljö

Jury members


Chrisna du Plessis Mika Määttä

Jury session on May 21st. 2010 Public Presentation on May 31st. 2010 in Göteborg, Sweden

Maarten Hermans

District Cycle Station/ Architectural integration of systemic cycles in urban space, for a new central district/

Acknowledgements 0.6

A word of gratitude…

Having reached the end of this report, and my work, it is time for me to extend my deepest thanks to those who have helped me in making it become a reality. Before anything, I would like that thank you – the reader – for your interests in this subject. I hope it may inspire you to a continued debate. If there is one message I wish to give to you in the spirit of this work, it is never to accept an existing principle without consideration. “Question everything, then look for arguments.” This has become my professional motto.

This work would have never come to be without the supervision of Barbara Rubino. I thank her for her patience with me, and for always telling me exactly what I needed to hear, whether it was detailed comments or widespread referencing. She confused me when I was obsessing, and helped me to structure when I was lost. A special mentioning is reserved for to Cecilia Strömer and Anne Svensson, my external contacts. The information they provided and the opinions they gave proved invaluable to my work. It added a much-needed frame of reality within which I could let my creativity go free. Without it, I would not have had a foot to stand upon. My parents have always supported me in whatever way I needed. They helped me make my own choices, even the ones they did not understand themselves. It is because of the opportunities

Chalmers Univerity of Technology/ Department of Architecture/ Design for Sustainable Development

they gave me that I have managed to attain the professional identity that can give me fulfilment. The many friends and family I now have, in Belgium, Sweden or elsewhere have given me the life I was looking for. The path to this ending point of my studies has made me who I am today. I am happy to have shared it with so many.

For myself, working on this report has enabled me to rethink my role as a professional and find a niche that I can feel comfortable in. In doing so it has strengthened my identity as a person. Credit for finding this identity belongs entirely to the support I have received from all the people around me. The greatest examples to myself are – and always will be – my grandparents. The rich and rewarding life they live(d) is nothing short of perfect.


Library material CERFONTAINE Caroline, “The Vauban District in Freiburg in Breisgau”, Living in a Holiday Destination, Knowledge and Membership Development Department, UITP, In: “Public Transport International Magazine”, 2007, issue 5 GEHL Jan, Genzøe Lars, “New City Spaces”, The Danish Architectural Press, Copenhagen, 2001 GEHL Jan, Genzøe Lars, Kirknæs Sia, Sternhagen Søndergaard Britt, “New City Life”, The Danish Architectural Press, Copenhagen, 2006, 180 pages HAZEL George, Parry Roger, “Making Cities work”, Wiley Academy, Great Britain, 2004, 192 pages KARLSSON Marianne, “Göta Älv River Risk Governance”, A case-study of consensus style regulation, CEFOS Center for Public Sector Research, Göteborg University LEYDECKER Sylvia, “Nano materials”, In Architecture, Interior Architecture and Design, Birkhäuser Verlag AG, Basel-Boston-Berlin, 2008 MCCORQUODALE Duncan, Hanaor Cigalle, Siegle Lucy, “Recycle”, The essential guide, Black dog publishing, London, 2006, 255 pages NORDSTRÖM Christer, “Möjligheter för miljonprogrammet”, Svensk Byggtjänst och författaren AB, 1999 PERSSON Bengt, “Sustainable City of Tomorrow”, Bo01 - Experiences of a Swedish Housing Exposition, Formas, Stockholm, 2005 SADLER Simon, “Archigram: Architecture without architecture”, Cambrigde, Massachusets, MIT Press, 2005, 253 pages “Autonomous Global Gothenburg”, A scenerio for moving gothenburg towards semi self-sufficiency, Gothenburg University, Chalmers & Various Authors, Göteborg, 2008, 28 pages Articles, brochures & annual reports (cf. institution websites) “Bra avfallshantering i verksamheter”, - med inbyggt kretsloppstänkande, Kretslopp, Göteborgs Stad, Oktober 2009 “CH2 - How it works”, Melbourne “Fem steg för bättre sortering av biologiskt avfall”, Kretslopp, Göteborgs Stad, February 2006 “Föreskrifter för avfallshantering i Göteborg”, Kretslopp, Göteborgs Stad, June 2004 “Förutsättningar”, Program för Norra Masthugget., Älvastranden Utveckling AB, oktober 2009 “Göteborg & Miljö”, grundar på “Miljörapport för 2002, Miljöförvaltningen “Göteborg Energi Annual Report 2009”, Göteborg Energi “Göteborg Stads kretsloppsplan 2003”, Uppföljning av kretsloppsplanen 2008, Göteborg Stad Kretslopp “Göteborgsbladet”, Statistik Göteborg, May 2009 “Hantering av grovavfall I flerfamiljshus”, Kretslopp, Göteborgs Stad, Oktober 2005 “Så här sorterar du ditt afvall”, Kretslopp, Göteborgs Stad, March 2008 “Så tar du hand om det farliga avfallet”, Information till hushållen, Kretslopp, Göteborgs Stad, August 2009 “World Resources 2005”, The Wealth of the Poor, Managing Ecosystems to fight Poverty, World Resources Institute, Washington DC, 2005 “Årsredovisning 2009”, Västsveriges ledande avfalls- och återvinningsföretag, Renova, annual report, 2009 58

Maarten Hermans

District Cycle Station/ Architectural integration of systemic cycles in urban space, for a new central district/


Reference list

Websites and e-sources Australian Broadcasting Corporation Development Education Eniro maps Eurostat Forest Practices Board Freiburg - Vauban Gateway to Sweden/ Quick facts Google Aerial Images Göteborgs Energi InterEnvironment Institute Learn English Today Melbourne City NE Nationalencyklopedin Nelson Education Oregon Public Broadcasting Renova SMARTe Statistik Göteborg/ Områdesfakta Symbio City Vancouver Public Library Ventura County Star Vlaamse Kringloopcentra Werkstatt Stadt Wikipedia World Resource Institute

http://www.abc.net.au/science/slab/consconf/glossary.htm http://www.developmenteducation.ie/glossary/ http://kartor.eniro.se/ http://epp.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/portal/page/portal/eurostat/home/ http://www.fpb.gov.bc.ca/content.aspx?id=1202 http://www.vauban.de/info/abstract4.html http://www.sweden.se/ http://maps.google.com/ http://www.goteborgenergi.se/ http://www.interenvironment.org/wd1intro/glossary.htm http://www.learn-english-today.com/environment/env-vocabulary.html http://www.melbourne.vic.gov.au/Environment/CH2/Pages/CH2Ourgreenbuilding.aspx http://www.ne.se/lang/göta-älv http://www.environment.nelson.com/0176169040/glossary.html http://www.opb.org/programs/oregonstory/land_trusts/glossary/index.html http://www.renove.se/ http://www.smarte.org/smarte/home/index.xml http://www4.goteborg.se/prod/G-info/statistik.nsf http://www.symbiocity.org/ http://www.vpl.ca/bcscienceclusters/glossary.html http://m.vcstar.com/news/2004/Mar/11/land-use-glossary/ http://www.kringloop.net/common/kvk.asp http://www.werkstatt-stadt.de/en/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sustainable_development http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Europe http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greyfield_land http://www.wri.org/ (last consulted: 2010/05/03 17:00)

Chalmers Univerity of Technology/ Department of Architecture/ Design for Sustainable Development



Maarten Hermans

District Cycle Station/ Architectural integration of systemic cycles in urban space, for a new central district/



Chalmers Univerity of Technology/ Department of Architecture/ Design for Sustainable Development

Sustainable Development I Worldly comparisons V Reading areas XIII Reading places XXI “Kringloopatelier� (B) XXIX

Definitions of Sustainable Development

… is a process of change in which the resources consumed (both social and ecological) are not depleted to the extent that they cannot be replicated. The concept also emphasizes that the creation of wealth within the community considers the wellbeing of both the human and natural environments, and is focussed on the more complex processes of development rather than on simple growth or accumulation. Sustainability is the ongoing process of achieving development or redevelopment that does not undermine its physical or social systems of support. (cf. SMARTe)

(ecological) … is using, conserving, and enhancing the community’s resources so that the ecological processes, on which life depends, are maintained and the total quality of life, now and in the future can be increased. It closely incorporates environmental factors into economic growth. (cf. Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

… is development with the goal of preserving environmental quality, natural resources and livability for present and future generations. Sustainable initiatives work to ensure efficient use of resources. (cf. Ventura County Star)

… is improving the quality of human life while living within the carrying capacity of supporting ecosystems. (Caring for the Earth, IUCN/WWF/UNEP, 1991) (cf. InterEnvironment Institute)


… is maintaining environmental resources so that they continue to provide benefits to living things and the larger environment of which they are a part. Sustainability is the ability of an ecosystem to maintain ecological processes, functions, biodiversity and productivity over time. (cf. Nelson Education)

… is a philosophy of resource use and management intended to meet society’s present needs without compromising the resource for future generations. (cf. Oregon Public Broadcasting)

(cf. Vancouver Public Library)

(cf. Development Education)

… is the act of pursuing economic growth and social advancement in ways that can be supported for the long term by conserving resources and protecting the environment.

… is the reduction of hunger and poverty in environmentally sound ways. It includes the meeting of basic needs, expanding economic opportunities, protecting and improving the environment and promoting pluralism and democratic participation.

… is economic development which ensures that the use of resources and the environment today does not compromise the needs of future generations. (cf. Learn English Today) … is preservation and protection of diverse ecosystems - the soil, plants, animals, insects and fungi, while maintaining the forest’s productivity. Sustainability is a state or process that can be maintained indefinitely. The principles of sustainability integrate three closely interlined elements - the environment, the economy and the social system - into a system that can be maintained in a healthy state indefinitely. (cf. Forest Practices Board)

… is a pattern of resource use that aims to meet human needs while preserving the environment so that these needs can be met not only in the present, but also for future generations. (cf. Wikipedia)

… focusses on the goal of creating and maintaining a favorable life experience for a given population without consuming more of nater then nature can renew in the process. This environmental dimension is envisioned as a frame in which all activities must take place. The tools used to achieve this goal are seen to exist within the frame and are economic, political, technological, educational and design related. (cf. Chalmers & Gothenburg University Master Studies Group - Architecture & Planning Design Competition Cities Beyond Oil - “Autonomous Global Gothenburg”)

Maarten Hermans

District Cycle Station/ Architectural integration of systemic cycles in urban space, for a new central district/

Sustainable Development A

Many different interpretations exist when we mention “sustainable development”. Making a project, with particular attention to this subject, cannot begin without making some statement about one’s opinion on the matter. Even if only to make sure we understand each other. The most-known definition is probably that of the Brundtland commission (1987); “Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” This is a very general definition that is clear in its understanding and applicable to society as a whole. However, it requires to be defined more exactly, depending on what field one is operating in, so that we may translate it into an actual frame for operation.

Listed on the side here, are just a few of the existing understandings of sustainable development, and/or sustainability. They all, more or less, revolve around saying the same thing with different words. There are some distinct differences though, in which some definitions can be considered as more inclusive (or more sustainable) than others. In these latter, we usually find that the concept of development becomes synonymous to growth, the guiding principles are then derived from an economic system. In others, the sustainable part is reduced to environmental approaches. Clearly this is not the overall-system thinking that we hope to attend to. Rather then formulating my own ideology on this concept, I picked out one definition that I feel I can strongly agree with . It was formulated by a large group of students from several different professional fields, nationalities and backgrounds. This gives it a strong foundation. It is very inclusive, and comes with a clear [1]  Project definition for sustainable development, cf. “Autonomous Global Gothenburg”, Cities Beyond Oil Competition, Chalmers University & Gothenburg University, 2008

Chalmers Univerity of Technology/ Department of Architecture/ Design for Sustainable Development

explanation. Any personal definition I would give, would never hold the same validity and would simply get lost in the endless streams of interpretations that already exist.

The most common visualization for understanding sustainable development is the image with the 3 intersecting frames, also referred to as “the 3 E’s”: economy, ecology (environment) and equity (social). The three terms are here viewed as separate, distinctly different and equally weighted parts. Though this is a common image, and though it sounds understandable enough, it is not very clear how exactly we are supposed to put it into actual practice. Vague explanations like this, which do convey a certain concept but do not provide real infill, open the door to misuse of terms, unintended or otherwise. “Autonomous Global Gothenburg” avoids these polemics. They see the term ecology as a frame for all life, and social sustainability – or a sus-


Definition of Sustainable Development from “Autonomous Global Gothenburg”

[…] Our definition of sustainable development is twofold. It focuses both on society’s capacity to create and maintain a favorable life experience for its population, as well as the long-term ecological sustainability of the planet in terms of this experience. Instead of seeing these two dimensions as equally weighted portions of sustainable development this definition views social sustainability as the main goal of sustainable development, while ecological sustainability is the boundary within which social sustainability must remain. In order to reach and maintain the goal, five major tools are employed. They are politics, technology, education, design and economy. The frame represents the ecological system, which enables all human activities. For ecological sustainability to be achieved, society must not demand more of nature than nature itself can renew. In other words,


the scenarios are created with the aim of achieving a socially sustainable region. None of the tools employed to achieve social sustainability, should cause the region to become ecologically unstable. This would be detrimental to the achievement and maintenance of the goal. FRAME To assess if the frame is functioning as intended, the concept of an ecological footprint was chosen as an evaluation tool. Although it does not give a full assessment, ecological footprints provide quantitative information about the use of land and resources and can be used to compare districts. […] GOAL Social sustainability, or the capacity of a society to create and maintain a favorable life experience for its population, is thought to be achievable through the following subgoals: Security includes food, water, economic and physical security, or the maintenance of a certain level of resilience within these areas, with resilience being defined as the ability to withstand or recover from disturbance or disaster in the system. Safety refers to one’s personal safety in terms of crime rates, traffic safety etc, and to an individual’s perception of safety in her/ his surroundings. Public health is the availability of, and access to, an affordable health care system, as well as, the actual physical health of a population and access to information regarding health and health care.

Participation in society alludes to the feeling that one has relevance in society and in the actual act of participation. Participation in this sense means being involved in decisions that affect the individual and her/his society, and even more simply interacting with other community members, effectively creating a social structure. Equality is defined as equal opportunities in relation to all demographics, including but not limited to gender, socioeconomic, cultural, ethnic, sexuality, disability, and age groups. Integration refers to the mixing, both physically and socially, of the abovementioned demographic groups. Satisfactory living environment alludes to the contentment with and respect for one’s surroundings. Potential for self-realization is about having access to resources believed to contribute to self-realization, such as education, leisure activities, employment opportunities, funding etc. The sub-goals have been placed in a hierarchical relation, based on Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs (Maslow, 1943), which is often expressed as a pyramid where the bottom needs are the most crucial for healthy development, and the higher needs become more important as the lower needs are met. If the factors fitted into the lower layers of the hierarchy are achieved, they will form the conditions necessary for the potential for self-realization to be achieved. (Simons et al, 1987)

TOOLS In order to fulfill the mentioned subgoals of social sustainability, five categories of tools are suggested. These tools are to be used within the boundaries set by the ecological frame or in order to maintain the boundaries of the ecological frame. Political tools: Political decisions with the purpose of creating changes to reach a goal, such as laws, restrictions and incitements. Examples include legislation against discrimination or the establishment of a nature reserve. Educational tools: Educational measures aimed at raising the knowledge level and stimulating life-long learning within all demographic groups. Examples include museums or education on equality in the workplace. Economic tools: Economically oriented decisions and actions resulting in consequences to the economy of a society or an individual. Examples include congestion charges or emission licenses for industry and companies. Technological tools: Technological solutions aiming to increase the possibility of reaching the goal without exceeding the frame. Examples include low-energy cars or communication systems, which decrease the need for transportation such as video conferencing. Design tools: Creative solutions aimed at increasing the sustainability of products and structures. Examples include urban planning and architectural design.

Maarten Hermans

District Cycle Station/ Architectural integration of systemic cycles in urban space, for a new central district/ Appendix/ Sustainable Development.

Sustainable development schematic The 3 Es



Bearable Sustainable Environment


tainable human society – as an organism that needs to remain within this frame in order to be able to maintain its own existence. The definition with its clarification becomes more of a philosophy as such, and becomes a ready guideline for any sector. Opposing with the most common image, the three E’s here have a clear hierarchy and relation to one another.


One critical reflection that remains to me after reading it is the following: The goal of social sustainability – defined by its six sub-goals – appears as a readily achievable thing where we will inevitably be lead to as subsequent parameters are met. This contradicts for me with my understanding that (sustainable) development is a process. A process has no

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beginning, nor end, but is continuous . Secondly, we could ask where in this explanation comes the issue of closed-cycle-thinking, which is so important in my professional approaches. The answer to this latter question, could possibly be recursive though, and be found within the ‘design tools’ if anywhere. There is one important aspect that needs to be remembered for the remainder of this report. Though my personal ideology on sustainability is one of inclusiveness and overall approaches, I cannot individually hope to achieve a project that manages this. First off, sustainability implies participation. In an architectural project, in a dense city, there are numerous actors present, which I cannot hope to reach in the scope of this work. Secondly, I have almost no knowledge or experience relating to the economic reality of our society. Including this part of the diagram is equally beyond my reach. I will nevertheless do my best to keep these two issues in the back of my mind. [1]  I suppose the ending of civilization – and human life with it – could be seen as an end of some sorts if you really wish to look for one. It’s not a very amiable one though.

Waterfront Main traffic (square, park, …) Public space Buildings

Satellite picture & analysis: Top/ Järnvågen - Bottom/ Vasastaden




Maarten Hermans

District Cycle Station/ Architectural integration of systemic cycles in urban space, for a new central district/

Worldly comparison B

Since no plan for Järnvågen has yet been decided upon, it was interesting for me to begin my work by looking at some other districts. The basis of comparison they provide changes the understanding we have of how districts of this size can or should work. This chapter was a way of starting the work for myself, its effects on the eventual result of the report is mostly beneath surface of things, on the ideological level. By making a short critical analysis we can learn some interesting lessons from the districts mentioned in this chapter. They all have a decent history and each have their own character and surrounding conditions. They have been selected with the intent of being able to compare them to Järnvågen. Even if any city,

or any area, is intrinsically different, we can learn something from looking at these other areas. A SWOT-analysis is a common way to get a quick overview and analysis of a complex system, and to look for strengths to follow and weaknesses to avoid. The choice of districts may seem random at first, but is mostly based upon the following parameters; building typology (quarter structure), city & district density, city size, proximity to waterway/port, presence of heavy functions (industry, traffic), distance to city centre. The origin of the examples is of course still intuitive and related to personal encounters. The resulting list gives a good overview of possible development paths. Combining a satellite picture, graphic analysis and the SWOT give us three layers of information to understand each example.

The first aerial shows Järnvågen itself. We immediately notice here the large white areas, the lack of existing ‘content’ . The highway (northern most traffic line) is the main artery of transportation here. The southern horizontal, as identifiable in the analysis next to it, consists of Första Långgatan (Western half ) and the extention of Nya Allén (Eastern half ). The vertical line is Linnégatan, all of them meet at Järntorget. The thickness of the line gives some indication to the amount of traffic, as used similarly in all images here. There are some areas defined as ‘public space’ in this area – not in the least Järntorget – but the quantity of these is considerably less than in other parts of Göteborg. For instance, when we look at the area immediately East of this (Vasastaden), the difference is quite clear.

[1]  Several other options were also investigated but found ‘not sufficiently comparable’ for a variety of reasons. These were for example; Bonn, Duisburg, “Ciudad de la ciencas” in Valencia…

[2]  There are only four different types of information present on the analysis map. To make it easily readable, only distinct elements were represented. It remains clear that there are for example still smaller roads in between the ‘built’ blocks. Sidewalks are to some extent of course also considerable as ‘public space’.

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Waterfront Main traffic (square, park, ‌) Public space Buildings

Satellite picture & analysis: Top/ Stockholm - Bottem/ Rotterdam




Maarten Hermans

District Cycle Station/ Architectural integration of systemic cycles in urban space, for a new central district/

As said, any district is always different from another. The second set of images shows the largest part of Vasastaden. The building typology here is relatively the same, as is the distance to the centre point of Göteborg. Public space is much more abundant though, but there is no real ‘heavy function’. Main traffic lines are much more structured and separated from other parts. Though the district functions very well, there is a very clear typology here, with one type of public space dominating the area. Since the areas are adjoining, Järnvågen could be made to fill in that which this area does not offer. With the third set, we step out of Göteborg. The area shown here is a part of Stockholm, just south of the city centre. It is a bit further away from the centre point than the previous areas, but is otherwise quite well comparable. There is a ferry terminal here, just as in Järnvågen. Unfortunately for our example though, the hilly terrain provides a strong barrier between [1]  Larger white areas on this map and the following indicate residual space, such as: parking lots, unused hillsides… or irrelevant space like private courtyards.

the road and the terminal, and the rest of the district. That doesn’t mean we can’t learn anything from here. There seems to be a plentiful amount of public space in the area, but there is equally a lot of space that is not clearly defined, not clearly used and/or designed. Much of the residual space is to be blamed on the structure of the terrain, though the planning hasn’t done much to help accessibility and usage. In the next step, we go a bit further still and start looking outside of Sweden’s borders. The fourth set shows a part of Rotterdam (Netherlands), more particularly the area just north of the Erasmus bridge. The area holds no real industry – save office buildings and commerce, but its extreme density, high amounts of traffic and close proximity to the centre point of the city make it very interesting. The area has a very good mix of functions and quite some public space. This district is a clear example though of how traffic can cut an area into pieces, and put a serious strain on the amiability of an otherwise perfectly planned urban area.

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Appendix/ Worldly comparison

The next two sets I am personally most familiar with, as they are from the two largest cities of my home country. One thing we must mention when comparing with Belgian urban districts is the intrinsic character of Belgian urbanity. To the average observer (myself included), Belgian planning will appear rather messy and erratic. It is quite rare that two adjacent buildings will look alike. Furthermore, it is one of the densest nations in the world. The evolution of cultural life in Belgium has dictated that there is far less public space per square kilometre, yet far more traffic and privatized (gardens, courtyards) space. Individual, privately owned buildings – row houses mostly – make up the quarter structure in these areas. A single cell of such quarters tends to be much larger, and almost completely filled up with ‘additional constructions’ in the middle. Antwerp is one of the largest harbour-cities in the world. The area shown lies just outside the inner city, and is quite close the northern docks (a channel lies just north, outside of the


Waterfront Main traffic (square, park, ‌) Public space Buildings

Satellite picture & analysis: Top/ Antwerpen - Bottom/ Brussel



Maarten Hermans

District Cycle Station/ Architectural integration of systemic cycles in urban space, for a new central district/

image frame) . The traffic here has created even stronger barriers than in the Rotterdam district, previously shown. Though, because of the thorough privatization and density there are no real ‘residual areas’. If we dream about a time without car-dependency, districts like this would automatically get a good space balance. It is mostly characterized by housing and industrial buildings (at the edges). Secondly, Brussels is not immediately known for its port (nowadays), but it has one nonetheless. The area shown is on the edge of the municipal areas of Koekelberg, Schaerbeek and Brussels Centrum. I cannot really speak of a distance to any centre point in terms of Brussels due to the shear size of the city and a relative homogenous structure. It is a relative distance from the historic old centre, but the city has long since expanded to include several other ‘villages’. This particular district

[1]  For those who know Antwerp, the arena called “Sportpaleis” is just a couple of meters west of this image. It is well known as a venue for very large cultural events. [2]  This is still very much within the so-called ‘pentagon’, the common term for what people consider as the border of the city.

contains a good balance of industry, offices, housing, cultural and commercial space. Public space is rather limited, because of previously mentioned reasons.

Köln, Germany, is the last set of images shown. The district is a bit outside the city centre, but the presence of functions and typologies still makes it interesting. The highway (just north) cuts the district a bit off from the city, but plenty of connections can exist. Secondly, the busy road currently separates the district from its waterfront, even if the waterfront area is readily accessible. The aerial shows office buildings under construction and a small harbour already there. We can imagine this waterfront area being used more intensely and efficiently still, though this is perhaps not immediately needed since there are plenty of other alternatives for space usage. This area is somewhat

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Appendix/ Worldly comparison

less dense, but the way of filling in means that very little space becomes ‘residual’.

The information provided in this chapter, and especially in the SWOT-table is very subjective. Again, the intent is that it will serve as a starting point, and a source of inspiration for the rest of the work. It would have been possible to continue using the examples shown here, or similarly with other districts, and use them as guidelines for a development project in Järnvågen. However, collecting sufficient data on a range of different districts is a very time consuming process. This would have lead to an entirely different project, which might have been interesting to investigate. We can ask though, how relevant or valid it is to base the entire workings of a project on a couple of other districts. Järnvågen is a complete district within its own rights. Simply copying elements – even if it’s only the ‘correct’ ones - is definitely not the path we wish to follow.


Waterfront Main traffic (square, park, ‌) Public space Buildings

Satellite picture & analysis: KĂśln




Maarten Hermans

District Cycle Station/ Architectural integration of systemic cycles in urban space, for a new central district/

Appendix/ Worldly comparison





• much green public space • organized traffic layout • strong unity/identity

• lack of space diversity • singular type of functions • systems are invisible

• little or no residual space • little changes needed

• one function taking over

• plenty public space • organized traffic layout • decent connection to city

• traffic forms barriers • public access is limited • singular type of functions

• proximity to different areas while holding a defined identity/space

• getting seperated from other districts & turning into ‘sleeping district’


• very close to center • diverse functions

• functions not optimally connected • traffic cuts through area

• large density • large diversity • easily adaptable

• overdensifying • traffic congestion • safety issues


• extreme housing density • good access to city center

• extremely privatized • very dominant traffic • very little public space

• change in traffic behaviour makes perfect space usage balance

• individualization • car dependency • industry influence

• extreme density • close to city center • good mix of functions

• traffic forms barriers • dominant traffic • lack in space diversity

• urban chaos gives automatic high diversity

• no green space • network hard to adapt (no district systems)

• plenty public space • good accessibility

• cut off from city & water by road/highway

• space for development • water can be accessible

• possible singularity of functions, ‘sleeping district’





Table of a simplified SWOT analysis, to compare different city districts. The objective is to give some

referential ideas of where we want the Järnvågen district to go, and what we need to be carefull for

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Quantity of public space


Quarter Structure

Broken quarters XIV

Maarten Hermans

District Cycle Station/ Architectural integration of systemic cycles in urban space, for a new central district/

Reading areas C

The object of this chapter is to discuss a couple of key issues that would otherwise be pushed aside or blur the debate. It is important to be able to address these matters free from any context that might distract the attention. The topics listed here should be judged as such. Any other information one might think to find in the text or images here is purely exemplary.

An appropriate balance between public space and privatized space (built or un-built) is very important for the good functioning of the district. The balance correlates with not only the functions within the district, but with what happens in adjoining areas as well. The bottom image roughly sketches how a series of broken-up quarters might provide such balance without comprimizing the city’s connections and general character. Fully built-up spaces, with only ‘public’ space, mortgages the pedestrian connections and human-scale life (top left). On the other hand, a space that is left fully for public use (top right), regardless of activity type, will break the city pattern much in the same way as the parking lots do now…

There is one question to be kept in mind while we address these issues: “What is it that we want for a new city district, and for Järnvågen in particular?” Good planning eliminates the need for dealing with backsides and residual spaces. In reality however, districts gradually evolve through the course of history and these leftovers automatically appear. Nevertheless, when we are faced with a relatively empty plot such as this, it is our responsibility to think things through thoroughly, so as to make sure the limited space is used efficiently. In previous chapters, we spoke of Järnvågen as having a loud, busy character. This is what makes it distinctly different from the surrounding districts. Note here again that this is not a bad thing. In our cities there is a need for every type of space and activity. There is no use in making every area according to the same ideal, rather strive to make them compatible and mutually beneficial for the city as a whole. With this in mind, the following topics will be addressed in a general way. Choices and conclusions are aimed at Järnvågen, but the issues are relevant for every region.

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Public space: quantity balance & typologies

A correct balance between public and private space is obviously very important. Equally important is a good balance between different typologies of both spaces. If either privatized, public or any particular type of space dominates a region we create a petri dish for trouble. Look back for example at the images from Antwerp and Brussels, Belgium (cf. previous chapter). Space here is predominantly private, with whatever public space is left being consumed almost entirely for transportation, this transportation being almost only privately owned cars. The societal situation keeps working only because the missing typologies exist elsewhere, but the consequence is more traffic movement in an already very congested region. Not every type of space use can exist in every district. They need to work together and complement each other, but every type of space use (clearly: type, not actually every function) needs to be present within a reasonable range (cf. polemics on accessibility & mobility). XV

Type of public space

Square - activity



Activity XVI

Art - square

Traffic - square Maarten Hermans

District Cycle Station/ Architectural integration of systemic cycles in urban space, for a new central district/

Art - park


Park - greenery Balancing the quantities of public space is not enough. There needs to be space in our cities for every type of people, every type of activity. With respect to the surroundings and what is already present in the area, it is quite clear that calm and quiet parks would not be appropriate. Like before, an over-dominant traffic situation isn’t what we want either. A good question to ask is: “What is currently missing in the city?” My inclinations go towards ‘activity’. Perhaps not the one shown on top… but closer to the bottom images, and similar typologies. These could be linked to the rest of the city in ways such as the two art containing pictures. I have no personal amenity with skating or its subculture, but personal feelings are irrelevant in the planning of a district. There needs to be space for everyone.

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Appendix/ Reading areas

For Järnvågen specifically, we can ask ourselves how much space should be devoted to public usage. Neighbouring districts like Vasastaden (cf. previous chapter) already have a relatively large percentage of space devoted to public use. Turning Järnvågen into some kind of “Älvskogen” would as such be superfluous and pointless, inefficient. Oppositely, occupying the entire available district with only buildings (of whatever type) might also not be the best option, considering the consequences it will create for its liveability. Rather, a good balance between both could help other issues. Well-placed and connected public spaces will facilitate mobility and help induce a feeling of safety . The typology of public space within Järnvågen should be representative for its character, while maintaining some level of variation to accommodate a good mix of different users. It is a loud and busy district, so a green park or art-space might not be ideal. Oppositely, giving every available square meter to road traffic and parking spaces doesn’t sound like a good idea either. [1]  “Eyes-on-the street” ideology, cf. Gehl, Hazel


Acces & utilization of the waterfront

Quick-sketch map

Current situation

Average discharge rate: Mouth average discharge rate: Peak discharge rate: River width at Järnvågen:

Stadsbyggnadskontoret map XVIII

River power stations: Vargön Olidan & Hojum Lilla Edet

Flowdata on Göta river. Cf. Nationalencyklopedien

575 m3/s 150 m3/s 1000 m3/s ± 350 m 26 MW/ 5m drop 235 MW/ 33m drop 39 MW/ 4m drop Maarten Hermans

District Cycle Station/ Architectural integration of systemic cycles in urban space, for a new central district/


In the plans for Skepsbron - just to the northeast - there is a lot of attention for public access to the waterfront. It would be logical to continue this line along this side of vallgraven for as much as is possible. The largest part of the river side is and will remain occupied by Stena Line (west side). So how do we use it? The top-left image shows the current situation, the bottom image is an excerpt from the discussion map of Stadsbygnaddskontoret. It shows some intent at extending onto the water, combined with the new älvsnabben dock. Extending the built area further on the water is no longer a real technical challenge. The extensive width of the river here also means traffic would not necessarily be hindered. Some of the expensive real-estate land value in Järnvågen might be cleared for public use if we can create some more sellable space elsewhere, like on the river.

The waterfront: access & utilization

Water is a lot of fun for many reasons, but it holds some drawbacks and dangers as well. There are plenty of regions in the world that know the consequences of flooding all too well. Draughts are another possible danger, though this seems less likely in our case . With climate change so present on the agenda, some attention needs to be paid to the issue of rising sea levels. Realistically we cannot do anything about this within Järnvågen, except keep it in mind when we plan our constructions. Any effect this phenomenon has on Järnvågen will be shared by the entire city; the strategies for tackling it should also be taken on that level. Since the dawn of humanity, we have always been drawn to the edges of the water. This district is right on that border and, because of [1]  Risk management policy concerning the Göta river is mostly focussed on the possibility of landslides at times of peak flow, cf. “Göta älv risk governance”. A flooding diagram related to rising sea levels was drawn up by Älvstranden Utveckling AB, in their document titled “Förutsättningar”.

Chalmers Univerity of Technology/ Department of Architecture/ Design for Sustainable Development

Appendix/ Reading areas

that, a very valuable land resource. But what good does this do us, if we can’t actually reach the water? The plans for the adjoining area Skepsbron show a good access being planned at the water edge. It only makes sense that this access is – in some way – extended on this side of vallgraven. One important element here is the determined need for a docking station for the line ferry (älvsnabben). If we look at the plan from Stadsbygnaddskontoret, we see an intention to extend some constructions on, or over the water. The purpose of this remained unspoken, but with the issue now having been brought up, one could imagine taking this a step further. The technology for building on water (regardless of water level changes) already exists, and is well used in countries like The Netherlands. The extra buildable (sellable) space that is thus generated might help to clear up some space inland for public (non commercial) or other


Urban life forms - Unplanned/ Unexpected/ Accidental A good city is a city with life. Life cannot be planned. Shown here are some examples of cityscape activities, which can never be expected or planned for. Though their existance may seem cumbersome to some groups, they are a part of urban reality and must be allowed their rightful place. Examples shown here include: post-it installation in Vasaplatsen tram stop (actor unknown), “Green Movement” to symbolize the spread and support for the Iranian people’s resistance in Gothenburg (cf. B. Khosravi), ‘unwanted’ graffiti in accidentaly matching colours on Gibraltargatan (actor unknown), weekly junk market (Geraardsbergen, Belgium), ‘organized’ legal grafitti walls in Malmö (left: artist(s) unknown, right: M. Jenkins).

Green movement in Göteborg

Matching grafitti, Göteborg

Weekly flee market, Geraardsbergen

Post-it installation, Göteborg

Legalized grafitti walls, Malmö XX

Maarten Hermans

District Cycle Station/ Architectural integration of systemic cycles in urban space, for a new central district/

use. Since the river here is well over 300m in width, it should not give any problems for the boating traffic to use at least a part of it. Having such elaborate access to the river might open up options for other things as well. Easy summer cooling, flushing toilets, or why not even generating electricity? There might be some practical constraints to our creativity, but the possible benefits surely make it worth investigating? 3.

Informal places & activities

City planning in a central district such as this one must be done thoroughly and well thought through. Contrarily, it must not be ‘over-planned’. Leaving room for (urban) life to evolve, is just as important as making sure there aren’t any gaps in the city fabric. An ideal urban district would use all of its resources to maximum efficiency, not in the least the spaceresource, and arrange them to the service of all users.

Graffiti is one example that is often seen as a hindrance, an act of rebellion and frustration or even a crime. To some extent this is often true. Gang signs or obscenities on historic or important buildings are clearly not desired. Nevertheless graffiti is before anything else, an urban art form, born from and active in any average city district, all over the world. Temporary art installations, skate-boarding youngsters, street artists, second hand markets, yard sales, the accidental beauty, room for the unexpected… These types of life are just as much included in the concept of ‘efficient space utilization’ as the provision of public transport, commercial space or housing. If we try to purge such aspects out of our cities, it will inevitably lead to frustration, misunderstandings, and conflict. What do we take with us from this chapter? The intent was to come up with a set of design principles, guides for the further development of the area and its public space in particular. In view of the area’s characteristics, we can

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Appendix/ Reading areas

agree that Järnvågen is most likely to be a quite densely built area. It has excellent connectivity already in place. Though there is a high amount of traffic in the area, it is important to make sure that some of the space is maintained for other purposes that do not yet exist within a reasonable distance. More noisy city-activities may not be amiable to some city users, but these are more likely to find their leisure in areas such as Haga. We shouldn’t be listening to one particular group, rather make sure that every group has its own place to be, and to identify with. The waterfront is the most valuable resource in this district. Its usage should be reflected in the planning, going from accessibility to more complicated questions like technological applications (summer cooling, grey water usage…) and seemingly simple things like allowing a maximum of views towards the water. The area shouldn’t be too sterile, too uniform or too strictly planned, but rather allow for the type of life that it means to characterize itself with.


Stormwater treatment, Bo01, Malmรถ

Precipitation drain strongly vizualized

Stormwater run-off (houses & streets)

Analysis diagram XXII

Water basin for sedimentation & cleaning

Sediment settling & purifying with plants

Open channels to sea (area beautification)

Open channels as aesthetic elements Precipitation has in a very subtle way been integrated into the public environment. Instead of piping it down from the roof, into the under ground sewage channels, the channels have been extended and accentuated. Where normally we would have seen a paved area, is now a sediment basin with some purifying weeds growing in it. Open channels carry the clear water straight to sea. To the unknowing eye, these are just ponds and creeks. A child could learn what is really happening though. Just tell the people once, and every time they next pass it they will remember - at the very least at a subconcious level. Subtle interventions like this are what can change our behaviour towards the cycles. Maarten Hermans

District Cycle Station/ Architectural integration of systemic cycles in urban space, for a new central district/

Reading spaces D

As we progress in framing the planning guidelines for Järnvågen, we zoom in to smaller subjects and spaces. Like the title states, this chapter will bring us from the previous wider discussions down to the human scale of city space. When the discussion targets get smaller, more factors come into play. Since issues such as culture and habit become more and more important, I make an effort here to look for examples closer to our district to support my statements.

City life in the 21st century: 10 dimensions

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Transport Work Sustainability Recreation Health Social interaction Information and inspiration Democracy and diversity Friendliness and a feeling of security Room for the unexpected

cf. Gehl & Gemzøe, “New City Life”, p15.

Just as Gehl stated , the pedestrian experience is crucial to the workings of our modern day cities. After the automobile wave of the industrial revolution, we adjust our cities again to meet the human scale. Cars are no longer a dream ideal (in our western cities), but rather a part of normality that now has to be brought back to a manageable proportion after the ‘initial surge’. Gehl formalized 10 dimensions in which human interactions in the city take place. Some of these seem obvious, others have been mentioned above. The object here is to show some city spaces where one or more of these dimensions have been followed particularly well or badly. It is often stated that in order to bring our society to a more sustainable level, we need to change our habits. Changing a person’s habits – let alone a whole society – is not so easily accomplished though, and will require continuous effort and reminding. To change a habit, the changed behaviour must become a logical choice. This can be accomplished by [1]  cf. Gehl & Gemzøe, “New City Life”, page 15

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increased awareness of consequences, and/or making the desired action more easy, more simple (than the undesired). Increased awareness can be achieved by visualizing the appropriate cycles into daily life. To the left here are some pictures from the Bo01 housing area in Malmö. They show specifically how the cycle of storm water was made visible in a very subtle, yet effective way. Instead of paving area’s shut – as is the ‘normal’ way of doing things in urban areas, open channels were created. These not only ferry the water to open sea, but have been constructed so as to purify the water along the way and provide beautification to the area. Coming back to the re-conquering of our cityscape, the two pictures from Landalagatan are taken on opposing sides of the same street, both looking in a southerly direction. The buildings are almost identical and were built at the same time. The problem here is that they were constructed with the ‘ideal’ of the motorized car-city in mind. As a result, we see one façade of each building shaped and scaled after XXIII

Façade usage, Landalagatan, Gôteborg

These pictures are a clear example of how planning in the previous phase of urban planning was oriented differently. The two buildings - two sides of the same street - are almost identical. They have two distinctly different façades. One aimed at slow (small) pedestrians, the other at faster (larger) cars. With increasing urban density - and the need to decrease private-car dependency - a new urban district will need to avoid these blank walls, which make the city very uncomfortable for pedestrian movement. Furthermore it is a very inefficient use of the very valuable space where the building (private) meets the public space.

West-facing façade XXIV

East facing façade Maarten Hermans

District Cycle Station/ Architectural integration of systemic cycles in urban space, for a new central district/

Appendix/ Reading spaces

‘Järnvågen is abandoned, now comes the time when we re-conquer it.’ Terminology from Gehl &Gemzøe, in “New City Life”

fast moving cars and one for the pedestrians. As we now (re-) build our city, we must learn to scale the built environment down again. If space becomes one of the most valuable resources, then we cannot afford these ‘back sides’ in the densest urban centres. Unused and/or unattractive façades have a negative effect on the urban environment that is not to be underestimated. It is very easy to see in this picture how such an environment impacts most of the 10 dimensions. The solutions are almost intuitive, even medieval cities knew how to cope with it. In architectural design, the optimal use of space is even more apparent; more built space means higher construction costs, higher maintenance & heating costs. The minimization of corridors and passageways is a clear indicator for efficient building design. We can draw a parallel to the urban scene from this image. The left hand picture shows an urban corridor, only used to move from one end to the other, with nothing happening along the way. The right hand picture is made to human scale, allowing

for several secondary functions along the way and providing a more interesting walk.

One of the most impacting habits of our urban life is how we handle our refuse. It is often tucked away in dark and twisty corners, far out of reach and out of sight. In a society that is based on consumption, nobody wants to be confronted by everything we throw away. Yet this is a habit, which is not so hard to alter, provided that the (urban) facilities are properly arranged for it.

A first point of decision is the manner of collection. Separated collection, for example in Belgium, happens individually to each household. This makes sense, given the country’s urban arrangement . Different bags for each of the refuse types are collected at fixed intervals. The bags or bins are put out on the sidewalk on the appropriate days. Göteborg’s centre is used to a collective system of recycling stations or rooms. The two stations shown are both servicing a part of the housing area ‘Olofshöjd’ [1]  cf. appendix B, page VII

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in the Krokslätt area. One is placed in a back corner, tucked away. It is almost always messy and smelly, even though the bin-technology is fine and located in open air. The other station is right in the middle of a place where people reside for many of the 10 dimensions mentioned above. The individual bins are of much simpler design. Yet, because of its planning, it works much better. In districts like Masthugget, the most common refuse collection is done in a corner room of a basement. These have an obvious bad reputation for being smelly, messy and often ‘brake down’. Approaches with better planning require less maintenance and can help to provide a platform for changing habits. Just being in sight brings a constant reminder. The last set of images is another example of motorized traffic having gained a superior status over pedestrians. The images are from Landalatorget, more precisely the entrance to a garage and the delivery dock for a Coop Konsum supermarket. Unfortunately we can find similar examples all over the city. XXV

Façade usage, Landalagatan, Gôteborg

Hamnhuset, Göteborg (cf. B. Rubino)

Separated collection, Belgium & Germany XXVI

How we handle our waste is one of the most important cycles that needs to be altered. Like with anything, the greatest potential lies at the source - the input - but this is hard to control when doing urban planning. Consumptionism however, has lead us to hide our waste. After all, if we would be confronted by it frequently, we might be inclined to buy less. The top-right picture is an example of the recent solution of ‘chutes’. It decreases the impact of waste stations on public space, making them look ‘cleaner’. Where the waste goes is less clea(n)r. Also, it is easy to be mistaken of which chute to throw which waste in… To the left are images from Belgium and Germany where a separate collection system is in place. The transparant bags have rules to which content is allowed, and their storage in the house and out (temporarily for pickup) visualizes the amount of consumption. Maarten Hermans

District Cycle Station/ Architectural integration of systemic cycles in urban space, for a new central district/

Appendix/ Reading spaces

Eklandagatan, Olofshöjd, Göteborg

Gårdsten, Göteborg

Motgången, Olofshöjd, Göteborg

Here are three very similar waste stations, all in Göteborg. The top-right image is from Gårdsten and reportedly works quite well. It is located next to a parking lot - in between the houses and people’s way to work. The image to the left, though exactly the same technology, works less efficiently. It is placed in a back area, where nobody gladly comes. The result is either a dirty smelly area, or an extreme cost in maintanance… Both images on the left are from the Olofshöjd living area, but the bottom one works much better, being placed in the middle of an area where people reside and having a very simple transparent structure. It is a transpartent wooden structure, with glass façades on the short ends. Inside is a collection of simple containers and bins (on wheels).

Chalmers Univerity of Technology/ Department of Architecture/ Design for Sustainable Development


Delivery dock, Landalatorget, GĂśteborg

South-western approach

Analysis Diagram XXVIII

Eastern approach

The situation here depicts another inheritance from the previous ideology of city-planning. The delivery dock (temporal activity) has been given priority over the pedestrian path (permanent). The convinience of consumption is more important than the safety of an individual’s movement - that is to say; an individual without a car. Maarten Hermans

District Cycle Station/ Architectural integration of systemic cycles in urban space, for a new central district/

As we got more used to having vehicles everywhere, we grew to expect everything being literally delivered to the doorstep. In this image it was clearly not enough that the delivery of goods had a place, but that we should be able to roll them off the truck, into the store with ease. Even if this does not happen frequently, and at limited times of the day, this need was so important that pedestrian traffic should be completely and permanently cut off for it, creating a potentially hazardous situation for the brave walker that would dare to get across.

Have we become so lazy that it is unacceptable any other way? Look for example at the city of Venice, Italy. The situation with its waterways has forced the human hand to maintain an older – more work-intensive – way of handling transport. Transport cods are unloaded at the side of the water channels onto a pushcart, and from there the remaining meters to the store. Every inch of this latter usage of space will permit other users and activities to walk over the same ground, when there is no unloading taking place.

Chalmers Univerity of Technology/ Department of Architecture/ Design for Sustainable Development

Appendix/ Reading spaces

“A good framework for fixed, flexible, and fleeting events is an important prerequisite if many different activities and many different people with many different opinions are to meet and benefit from the varied life that the city’s public space now offers.” The facilities of the city need to accommodate a large variety of activities. The right principles must be maintained when planning the infrastructure. Do we want to give priority to the most invasive activity that happens once a week or day, or to one which happens on any day and at any time? We can arrange city activities here by their facilities as fixed, flexible (temporary) or fleeting (loose, highly mobile, very temporary). This usually coincides with its invasiveness but not always. In this the constant must also not be forgotten. Before the fixed infrastructure of a bench that we may sit on, there is the need for a path to walk upon.

[1]  cf. Gehl and Gemzøe, “New City Life”, page 36


(re-) Cycle stores, Belgium

with everything you give us, you’re helping someone to find a job. your re-useable goods

helping people get a job

“Again & Co.” entrance, Lier

a circle that works

profits to jobs and training

The Belgian cycle centres operate on all levels of sustainability (cf. appendix A). They help the ecological cycle by increasing the life span of products, offer jobs to all kinds of people and create a new economic market. There are almost no limits to the type of goods they handle, pretty much anything that can somehow be put to a new use. Their social impact is not to be under-estimated, as they are one of the largest employers of low-skilled and (mentally) disabled people in the country. Almost the exact same system exists in many other regions (for example the Netherlands). XXX

Free pick-up service, Anzegem

sold in our stores

Cycle store, small goods

Cycle store worker

Cycle store, furniture Maarten Hermans

District Cycle Station/ Architectural integration of systemic cycles in urban space, for a new central district/

(B) Kringloopatelier E

Bulk refuse, large household waste (grovsopor), is a waste fraction that represents large volumes and tonnage, mounting up to a fifth of all disposables . With the economic situation and consumer-habits even large and expensive objects like furniture, electrical appliances, bicycles… have become substitute to fashion and are thrown out long before their possible lifespan has been reached. A change of customer behaviour is crucial to change this trend, though there are some ways to intervene half way in this particular cycle type.

Below is a translated introductory text from the website of the association of Flemmish Cycle Centres . It explains their purpose quite thoroughly. Decent products are purchased at low price from private owners, or when considered as refuse simply ‘collected’ . For the owner, it [1]  cf. chapter 3.1, page 40 [2]  The name “Cycle Centre” is a direct and literal translation (in Swedish; kretsloppscentralen, not återvinningscentralen-ÅVC). They are not recycling centres, but rather commercial entities with a specific market. [3]  Note that these stores handle almost any type of goods that could be re-sold, though some specialize in a particular market.

at least negates at least the effort & cost to toss it. The products are restored, refurbished or stripped for parts and then sold again at submarket prices. Similar centres exist in most of the Netherlands, and other initiatives exist in most other regions. The Swedish countryside is mostly accustomed to the idea of “informal organized auctions”, some second hand retailers also do exist but for some reason this sector is not nearly comparable to the Belgian case. There seems to be an established habit of organizing exchange-events for clothing, but still no collection points seem available, except directly to certain NGOs.

A well-organized second loop in the cycle increases the usage time of products. Even if all products and their constituent parts were recycled into new ones, the loss of transport and production would still be enormous (embodied energy). This centre-principle avoids these repeated losses to a large extent. As a second layer, these centres and their restoration workshops often work with the employment of lowly skilled or (mentally) disabled workers who would otherwise have a very hard time finding a job. These centres are thus a good example of sustainable practice, influencing ecological, social and economic parameters.

Large Clean-up? Emptied a basement or attic? A Cycle Centre (kringloop-centrum) collects sacked, but still useable, goods for free at your address. We sort them en take care of any small repairs. De refurbished goods end up in our Cycle stores towards a second life. There are currently 104 of these stores, spread out over Flandres. Come noze around in one of our stores. There is a wide and varied assortiment waiting for you, from books to dining rooms, from electrical appliances to clothing, from toys to bikes, etc. Looking for that perfect fifties chair? Feel like browsing around for a unique sale? There’s a Cycle store in your neighbourhood too. Both tossed and second-hand goods are collected there and sold as decent second hand products. This website offers a bunch of practical information and interesting scoops. You can take a look at the page of the centre in your area and follow any special offers or actions. cf. Organization of Flemmish Cycle Centres http://www.kringloop.net/

Chalmers Univerity of Technology/ Department of Architecture/ Design for Sustainable Development


Architectural integration of systemic cycles in urban space, for a new central district. a master thesis project in design for sustainable development at the department of architecture of chalmers university by Maarten Hermans examinator supervisor

Jury members

Michael Edén Barbara Rubino

Chrisna du Plessis Mika Määttä

Jury session on May 21st. 2010 Public Presentation on May 31st. 2010 in Göteborg, Sweden XXXII

Maarten Hermans

Maarten Hermans examinator Michael EdĂŠn supervisor Barbara Rubino

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