AGM Report - July 2016 Contents
Introduction Practical Courses
Mobile Equipping School
Outreach and Evangelism Media
e have been much blessed this year (July 2015 – June 2016) as we have been able to extend beyond our previous limitations and start to open new ground, slowly making our way along the road to accomplishing our 2020 vision! These new advances are attributed to the growth of our staff. Although it has been a year of much training and settling in, we have also seen our new members grow and accomplish much. Raquel has come in to travel with Maria, opening a whole new area of mobile ministry to children. João and Abel have been very helpful to both Chris and myself as they learn to do many jobs which free us up to take care of other things. In December, 2015, we graduated 16 students, two of whom went on to join the Novas Fronteiras program, and in June we graduated 12 students.
Class of December, 2015
Class of June, 2016
Practical Courses Carpentry The course continues to grow and improve as Pedro gives his all to those he teaches. We can see through the follow-up report that this skill really is making a difference in people’s lives, and is helping in a practical manner to strengthen the local church. Each term the students produce inventive and well-finished work. Business It has become a real goal to emphasize the gifts of the Holy Spirit for every day life – they are not only for once a week Sunday morning or prayer meeting... they are tremendous tools that have been given to use so that we can bring heaven to earth in all areas of our lives – not only for ourselves and our families, but also to enrich the lives of those whom we come into contact with. We sure need all of these things in business – discernment, wisdom, knowledge, faith, miracles, healing, teaching, prophecy, tongues and interpretation – and so many more – administration, helps, pastoring, evangelising, service your work can be your ministry, if you allow heaven to flow through you, when you are anointed for business. Farming God’s Way This is definitely a long term project, it will take much perseverance and patience to see the lies uprooted and the truth planted in the minds of those who for so many years have been bound to an inferior way of farming – Africa needs deliverance from poor farming beliefs! But in the areas where the people have implemented what they have been taught faithfully, we are already seeing rewards. One man in Macomia harvested 8 bags of rice from his machamba this year! Natural Medicine Mae Maria has been to 4 Animed Training seminars in the last 12 months, each time they instruct in different techniques and treatments for different ailments. Starting August, 2016, we will be teaching Animed in the Vocational Centre to the men, along with other practical health care. The AWY health care booklet has been typed up and is now going through a final proof read from Victor before it will be ready for printing and use in the school. It will have a section containing Natural Medicine tips.
Mobile Equipping School
Mae Maria has been incredibly effective over the last two years in strengthening the local churches and especially in her ministry to the women. Since last July, she has been travelling with Raquel, Pedro’s sister, and they are doing a great work. Raquel ministers to the children while Maria meets with the women. Together they teach Farming God’s Way and Natural Medicine to the churches, many of whom are women who are unable to come to the Vocational Centre – both due to the fact that there are not enough facilities for them at the Centre, and that they have familial obligations keeping them at home. It is very exciting to us to be filling this gap in practical equipping of the people of Mozambique, and we really look forward to this project growing and taking off across the country. They have been focused in Nampula province up until now, just last month they ventured out to Niassa Province, and the churches and cell groups accepted them eagerly and joyfully, and were receptive of the lessons taught, acknowledging that they are bringing life. We realise that there are many finer points which need to be honed on this project, especially in regard to the relationships and friendships between the Team who travel and the Pastors of the churches – we need to guard each other and remember that we all have the same goal. That said, we fully believe in the potential of this project of ‘travelling equipping school’ and know that the growing pains are what make our roots go down deep to produce fruit that will remain. A big thank you to all the pastors and team who are constantly working with us in all areas of Vocational Training as we endeavour to practically equip the people of Mozambique.
Outreach and Evangelism
Since June, 2015, the cell group at Salinas has grown to 43 participating adults, with 28 of them being absolutely constant and coming to every single service. The growth and enthusiasm we have witnessed there has been largely determined by the frequency and consistency with which the VC team and students have been imparting into the area through church meetings, cell meetings and evangelism. The church is seeing many healings and much deliverance as signs and evidence that Jesus is with us. These things are happening frequently, and it is a sign of growth that they are now moving in this area on their own. Every Wednesday and Sunday they testify of the miracles God has done since the last meeting through them and in them. In December we baptised 15 people and we are now preparing for another baptism service. Two more women who came to the women’s conference were baptised, as well as some youth who went to the youth conference in Ribaue earlier this year. A young man from Salina has just graduated from Nacala Bible School and he is growing well and has always accompanied us to the Salina during his time here. Our biggest challenge is in relation to a meeting place. Currently we meet on the porch of some members, but as our group has grown so much, we are becoming a bit of an inconvenience for them and need to fin our own church place. We have also, this term, sponsored the students outreaches to Navavene and Merenguze, where Bible School and Vocational Centre students have had a lot of input into the local churches, with good progress reports. It is a blessing to be able to sow into the church of Christ in this way.
Inhaminga ~ Mineses Tole
Macomia ~ Cosme Domingos
Macomia ~ Pr. Aquimo & Alex
Inhaminga ~ Branco JosĂŠ
Nicoadala ~ Gomes Gulamo
Macomia ~ Arlindo Antonio
he orders have been coming in slowly, just enough to keep the wages paid and the staff all happy. There has been an economic slump in the nation lately and it has affected even Nacala, despite all the international investment that has poured in. But things are stirring in town again and people are beginning to pick up their business, we continue to pray for peace and believe for a miracle which will stir the hearts of the people and the leaders of the nation to realise that we all need each other, and that Mozambique will be able to learn from the nations around them and the kingdom of God within them, that the church will manifest and declare a new day for the nation of Mozambique, spiritually, socially, economically, physically, completely and utterly, dedicated to God.
eborah has really enjoyed finding a niche that suits her creativity and technical abilities and also benefits the ministry. She has been helping Rodney with formatting Jesus films in different languages, making short films for use on the internet as well as for showing during evangelism and outreach, working on translations and layouts of various coursework books and materials for printing and distribution, and coordinating various reports and newsletters. She finds the work very fulfilling and the fact that it allows her to be at home with her family at the same time is an added bonus! Thank you for the time you took to read our report. Together for His Glory,
Chris and Deborah Maas
and all at the Vocational Centre