Nov/Dec 2013
“Then the angel showed me the river of the water of life, bright as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb.” - Revelation 22:1
Dear Friends,
atching Top Gear in a rare moment of cable TV availability, Jeremy, Richard and James are challenged to find the true source of the Nile - in three second hand estate cars. If anyone knows anything about Africa, it is that bushwhacking requires a certain degree of 4x4 mania to arrive intact.
“The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, He has anointed me to preach the Gospel to the poor; He has sent me to heal the broken hearted, to preach deliverance to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised, to preach the acceptable year of our Lord. Luke 4:18-19
Undeterred, the trio charge off into the unknown with their usual sense of camaraderie and sense of humour, dotted with questionable theories. They have to find the source, and they only know one thing, that it is out there.
and Richard, but still the thrill of seeking adventure is felt in every raw moment. Drama at it’s best. What directions would you give someone looking for the source of life? What fun would you have along the way? What jokes would you play? What excitement and anticipation would you feel as you climb that final hill? What encouragement would you give when it was realised you still had to keep looking?
Our source is at the very throne of God. The river of life that flows from it is what rejuvenates, heals, People all over the world and strengthens us. It IS are searching for the source our source, whether we - whether or not they know know it or not. Those who it - and many doubt that can reach it and drink of At The Source the there is even a source. They it and live in it, know Jesus as a are searching for the meaning of life. Why friend, Saviour, brother and Kting. When are we here? Where did we come from? you can identify your source, you have They explore all avenues along their ex- direction. You have a way to go and and pedition, turning back and trying another assurance that you can get there. Visit it way when one thing doesn’t work, until often, and you will find yourself in the esthey give up from exhaustion, die of ex- sence of His life, His calling, and His desposure, or actually achieve their goal and tiny and purpose for you. succeed in their mission. Don’t hold back, there is no better place to Of course, the camera crew was always be, and no other place where you will be nearby to keep an eye on James, Jeremy more welcome.
Double Portion Graduation...
Baptism on the Beach before the games begin.
ll our students have now gone home... and we are wrapping up the end of our year in excellence. Graduation this term was very special, starting with that most joyous of occasions - Baptism! As we headed down to the beach for our games festival, we invited some of the precious new converts in men and women who work at Afrika Wa Yesu to make a public declaration of their commitment through being baptised. At first four responded, but only two followed through. We thank God for the courage of these two in stepping out publicly in a largely Muslim area, and ask that you pray for a quickening in the hearts of those who have accepted Jesus, but lack the boldness needed to take this step of declaration. Singing and dancing and praising God, celebrating with the angels, and amidst such beautiful creation, what a unique and privileged way to kick off graduation celebrations! After this we started playing games, and had so much fun with sack races, relays, tug of war and a form of ‘capture the stake’, and of course football. The Do-It-Yourself class was pitted against the Carpentry Class, and the competition was tough, especially when the team and teachers decided to take sides!
The competition was astounding! Who knew there were such techniques for sack races...
The afternoon was a frenzy, getting the hall ready for the FEAST and the graduation ceremony in one. Pastor Armando come to encourage us and shared to word, and it was a lovely evening of being with the students as well as special team members who we won’t see again until next year. All the students were so proud as they presented their letters of thanks to the staff and also put on some songs and choruses. They received their diplomas with joy and had a great time laughing at themselves afterwards as we showed video footage of their beach antics that morning! As many of our team travel across Mozambique holding Pastoral, Leadership and Equipping conferences, some visit family, and others go overseas, please continue to hold us all at Afrika Wa Yesu up in prayer for safe travels and divine opportunities wherever we go, so that we may never miss an opportunity to direct someone to the true source of all life. Thank you for all you have done for Afrika Wa Yesu throughout this year. We are so looking forward to continuing our race in 2014 together for His glory!
Chris and Deborah, Gabriel, Ashira and Mikayla and all at the Afrika Wa Yesu Vocational Centre
Enjoying the presentations, the Word, the worship and the dinner.
Praying blessing over Jeff and Nicky as they depart for the USA.