March 12, 2009
Principal's Note Important Dates Announcements
Sunday – Homemade beef sausage in a bun + carrot sticks = 15 LE Monday – Pizza + drink = 15 LE (Cash only today!) Tuesday –Baked fish fingers + roasted potatoes + green beans = 15 LE Wednesday – ERD—Students Dismissed at 11:30 for afternoon Parent- Teacher Conferences Thursday – Parent- Teacher Conferences All Day—No School
Important Dates
Max’s coupons may be used on Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Coupons are available in the ES office or at Max’s Restaurant, 10 for 150 LE. All Max’s meals are served with fresh fruit and a drink option of milk, juice, or bottled water. Second portions of Max’s meals are available at a cost of 8 LE.
Sunday, March 15 3H/3L/3T Field Trip 8:15 a.m.- 2:45 p.m. Bel Hana Farm ES Snack Sale 10:00- 11:00 a.m. Near ID Office
Principal's Note Conference Time
Monday, March 16 ASPSG Meeting 2:00- 3:00 p.m. Room 600 Tuesday, March 17 Board Open Session 6:00- 8:00 p.m. Board Room Wednesday, March 18 Early Release Day (ERD) ES Students Dismissed at 11:30 a.m. Parent- Teacher Conferences (p.m.) Thursday, March 19 Parent- Teacher Conferences No School for ES Students
Time to meet and celebrate With all their terrific teachers My child’s growth and learning In academics and social features Accomplished and future goals So proud of my little one I’m so happy I took the time To share in all they’ve done My special time with their teacher Definitely just can’t be late Happy to learn more about my child Parent Conferences-just can’t wait! We are very much looking forward to welcoming you to conferences next Wednesday afternoon and Thursday morning. We have had another fantastic response to our online booking of conferences. Conferences are a wonderful opportunity to discuss your child’s progress with his/her teachers and to gain insights about your child as a learner and member of their classroom community. Your individual schedule of appointment times will be sent to your e- mail address early next week. We have worked hard to accommodate your requests for appointments and times. It is important to realize that our specialist teachers have over 200 students and it is
Friday, March 20 Spring Break Begins Sunday, March 29 School Resumes
impossible for us to schedule appointments for each and every child they teach. If you were unable to secure an appointment with a specialist teacher and really feel that you would like to speak to a particular teacher, we would encourage you to e- mail that teacher to set up an opportunity to talk outside the conference day. In addition if you are unable to make a scheduled appointment, we ask that you contact Darla at 2755- 5203 or email Darla at as soon as possible to notify us of your change in plans. Please note that due to Parent Conferences, elementary children have a half day of classes on Wednesday, March 18, with dismissal at 11:30. There will be no classes for ES students on Thursday, March 19, and then it is on to a well- deserved Spring Break for all!