Elementary Parents Handbook 2013-2014 | 3
Dear Parents, Welcome to the enriching, dynamic environment of our Elementary School! This handbook will help you understand the programs and procedures that help make CAC the place to be! Please read it carefully and keep referring to this handbook as needed. It is an important resource that will help explain what we do in Elementary School and why we do it. Here at CAC we strive to make learning an exciting, meaningful and engaging experience (our mission). Within a safe, respectful and responsible learning environment (our positive behavior system), students learn to be global caretakers, critical thinkers and effective communicators (our learning outcomes). Parents, you are partners in helping us achieve these goals, so please take the time to read over parts of this handbook with your child. Your support and participation is a vital part of your child’s education, as we believe a strong partnership between home and school will help all achieve these CAC goals. The CAC Elementary School has a strong community commitment to learning, healthy living and participation. We value parent support in a variety of ways including helping with periodic classroom activities and field trips. You can also help with our Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO) and the Community Advisory Team (CAT), school committees and being a classroom parent. Your presence sends a supportive message to your child that an education is important to you and that you believe in quality education. Please keep this handbook in an accessible location and refer to it often. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to call us at the school any time. We look forward to another wonderful year of growing as learners and as global citizens. Sincerely, Mrs. Julie Jackson-Jin Elementary Principal
Ms. Marci Carrel Assistant Principal
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1 General – Elementary Office
Questions about school events Switchboard 2755-5555 Urgent messages for your child or his teacher Questions about ATTENDANCE ES Office Secretaries Mrs. Mary Greiss or Mrs. Fides Urbiztondo - Ext. 5202 or 5203
2 Buses
Bus registration Change of address Questions about transportation Bus Supervisor Mr. Gamal Abdel Nasser - Ext. 5562 or 5567
3 Health Services
Questions about any health concerns When your child is not feeling well When your child is on regular medication Health Office Secretary Mrs. Naglaa Osama - Ext. 5533
4 Activities
Questions about after-school activities Activities Coordinator Ms. Ereeny Gawdat - Ext. 5208
5 Library
If you have any questions about checking out books, magazines and/or videos Questions about library hours Questions concerning overdue books on your account Librarian Mrs. Ann Coster - Ext. 5541 or 5543 or 5547
6 Guidance
Questions or concerns about counseling ES Office Secretaries Mrs. Mary Greiss or Mrs. Fides Urbiztondo - Ext. 5202/5203
7 Admissions
Questions about the admissions process Questions about withdrawing from school Change of any personal information previously stated on the application Office of Admissions - Ext. 5507 or 5508
8 Fees
Questions about school fees Tuition fee clearance Tuition / Accountant Mrs. Mona Abdalla - Ext 5515
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Philosophy and Mission
MISSION Cairo American College is an international, independent day school dedicated to preparing Pre-kindergarten through 12th grade students to succeed in schools and universities of their choice. Our mission is to ensure that each student achieves his or her educational and personal potential in a safe environment. We challenge all students to envision new possibilities, empower them to achieve their aspirations, and inspire them to serve a global community and contribute to a sustainable future. We collaborate through a partnership of motivated students, exemplary and caring staff, and involved families within a dynamic American educational model, enriched by our multicultural and diverse student body and the school’s unique location in Egypt.
BELIEFS We believe that: • Each person has intrinsic worth. • Our community models and promotes respect, responsibility, and integrity. • Student learning is the focus of all school activity. • Honest and compassionate communication is essential. • The pursuit of knowledge, understanding, and truth is a life-long process. • Embracing diversity strengthens community and enriches life. • The well-being of the community depends upon the peaceful actions and contributions of every member. • No institution has a more profound effect on the individual than family.
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Campus Rules Schoolwide Behavior As guests of the country of Egypt, CAC students are expected to behave both in school and outside of school in a manner which will bring respect and honor to both the school and their home countries. Students are expected to act in a responsible manner and to exhibit courtesy toward teachers, staff members, and their classmates. School rules apply any time a student is on campus or involved in a school-sponsored activity.
General Campus Rules 1. Bicycles, tricycles, skateboards, scooters and roller blades are not permitted to be used on campus. When arriving on campus on a bicycle, keep the pathway clear for other bikers by parking your bicycle in one of the racks near the Administrative Building. 2. Dogs are not permitted on campus. Our fields are safe with clean play areas for your children. We can maintain a clean campus by not allowing pets either on or off a leash. 3. Students may enter and leave campus through the entry gates, but must be prepared to present their CAC identification card each time they enter. 4. Students should not arrive at school before 7:40 a.m. 5. Students may line up and then enter their classroom after 7:50 a.m. when the whistle blows. 6. Gum chewing is not allowed in school. 7. Weapons or look-alike weapons are not allowed on campus including knives, pellet guns, toy guns, slingshots, etc. 8. iPods, MP3 Players, CD players, electronic toys, or any other items such as these are not permitted at school. These items will be confiscated and may be picked up by parents at the office. 9. It is recommended that mobile phones NOT be brought to school. If they are brought and used during the school day, they will be confiscated and returned to the student after-school. 10. Students should leave school upon dismissal at 3:05 p.m. unless engaged in an organized after-school activity. Grades 4 and 5 students are permitted to use the library after-school hours. Drivers and/or parents must pick up their children on time since CAC is not responsible for supervising students after the close of school. 11. Students on campus during non-school hours (including weekends and holidays) must be accompanied by a parent or guardian (non ID holders/nannies may not accompany children).
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Campus Waste And Recycling Please comply with using the appropriate bins for rubbish and recycling. Everyone is welcome to use the water bottle refill station for fresh water in your reusable bottles.
Dress Code Students should appear neat and clean. Proper dress is that which is acceptable to a majority of our community and is in good taste for school attendance. The school administration reserves the right to make final judgment on acceptable attire of students. We ask that care be taken to keep the sensibilities of our host nationals in mind by avoiding immodest dress. • Flip-flops are not allowed to be worn during the school day. • PE uniforms are required to be worn on PE days. PE uniforms are available for purchase from the School Store. • Wearing hats outdoors and applying sunscreen before school are highly recommended as sun-safe measures.
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The enrollment of the Elementary School is approximately 500 students in grades Pre-kindergarten through five. Students holding U.S. citizenship account for about 55% of the school population, though more than fifty nations are represented. Nearly all of the Elementary School’s 65 teaching staff are trained in North America. While the exceptional nature of CAC’s location and the diversity of its student body are taken into account, the curriculum is based on practices and standards of the best public and private schools in the United States. The full PreK-12 campus is approximately 11 acres in size.
Daily Schedule Arrival
7:40-7:50 a.m. - Students on campus School begins at 7:50 a.m. *Students arriving before 7:30 am must be accompanied by an adult or they will not be permitted to enter the campus, as there is no supervision before this time and no nurse on duty. y
Grades PreK and KG at 2:55 p.m. Grades 1-5 at 3:05 p.m. (Buses depart at 3:15 p.m.) *Students arriving before 7:30 am must be accompanied by an adult or they will not be permitted to enter the campus, as there is no supervision before this time and no nurse on duty.
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Attendance Policy CAC’s instructional program is based on the assumption that students will attend school regularly. Daily class attendance is a condition for general academic progress at school. If your child is absent, please send a note to his/her teacher or to the elementary office explaining the reason for the absence. In the case of an extended illness, we ask that a doctor’s note be supplied. If a student is absent all day, he/she is not permitted to participate in after-school activities. Minimum student attendance in all school divisions is set at 85% of the enrolled school/course days in a given marking period. Student absence is recorded regardless of the reason (i.e. illness, student travel outside of the country because of family matters, etc.). Official school field trips by an entire class or grade are not counted as absences.
Students who miss more than 15% of the school days in a trimester will not receive grades on their report cards. This does not include extenuating health concerns or a family emergency. If a student will be absent for more than 5 consecutive school days, parents should request permission from the principal. When your child’s absences reach 10% of the school days in a trimester, you will be sent a letter reminding you of the attendance policy.
Cairo American College 27555.555 support@cacegypt.org