Surrealism 2

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ART HISTORY 4450 Surrealism

Salvador Dalí (1904-89) • •

biography: son of prosperous notary training: Academy of Fine Arts (Madrid) – read Freud w/ enthusiasm – expelled for indiscipline (1923) met Gala Eluard when she visited him w/ her husband, poet Paul Eluard (1929) – became Dali's lover, muse, business manager, and chief inspiration WWII: clashed w/ Surrealists who were predominantly Marxist – fascination for Hitler – relations w/ Surrealist group became increasingly strained after 1934 – break finally came when D declared support for Franco in 1939 – Dali and Gala escaped from Europe, spending 1940-48 in the United States • Breton gave him nickname  Avida Dollars (anagram of his name) in 1940



Dalí • • •

aesthetic: illusionistic space & textures narratives: distorted, abstracted, fractured credo: “Surrealism is destructive, but it destroys only what it considers to be shackles limiting our vision.” (Declaration, 1929) method: pure psychic automatism – “paranoiac-critical” • ability of the brain to perceive links between things which rationally are not linked • system for undermining waking logic and conventional systematic thinking • considers images of external world as unstable, transitory, or suspect – “uninterrupted becoming” • ultra-confusing activity rising out of obsessive idea • randomly selected from personal obsessions and fantasies

Dalí •

The Invisible Man (1929-31) –

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aesthetic: illusionistic • to materialize images of concrete irrationality w/ precision method: “paranoiac-critical” • a spontaneous method achieved simultaneously w/ automatism and other passive states • based on critical and systematic delirious associations • aims to systematize confusion and discredit completely real world system: undermines waking logic and conventional systematic thinking subject: sexual fears and anxieties forms: liquidly metamorphosize into another perspective: linear & aerial brushwork: blended; academic



Dali’s The Persistence of Memory (1931)

Dalí •

The Dream (1931) – – –

method: “paranoiac-critical” aesthetic: illusionistic theme: Freudian • mother – Classically formulated – ants clustered over mouth  death & decay – eyelids  sealed, bulging • Oedipus – seated on Classical volute – amputated foot – bleeding face (re: blinded) – column grows from man’s back & turns into bearded face (Freudian father) • embracing males (background) – holds golden key  symbol of unconscious – son’s sexual fantasies



Dalí •

Premonition of Civil War (1936) – – – –

alternative title: “Soft Construction w/ Boiled Beans” method: “paranoiac-critical” aesthetic: illusionistic narrative: allegorical • civil war  “delirium of autostrangulation” • break w/ Surrealists came when Dali supported Spanish dictator, Franco, in 1936 figure: grotesque • dismembered & contorted • ecstatic grimace • petrifying fingers & toes landscape: lifeless

(Left) Dalí’s Surrealist Premonition of Civil War (1936) vs. (right) Goya’s Romantic Saturn Devouring His Son (c. 1815)



Dali’s The Enigma of Hitler (1939)


Crucifixion; or Hypercubic Body – –

date: 1954 relate to Renaissance/Baroque: • figure along CVA • aerial & linear perspective • naturalistic musculature, shadows, color, drapery variance from Renaissance • floating forms • misplaced nails & absence of wounds • figures’ reversed scale • averted facial features deprives of C’s human emotion



Rene Magritte (1898-1967) • • • •

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nationality: Belgian biography: mother committed suicide training: Académie Royale des Beaux Arts in Brussels (1916-18) exhibition history: – 1927: first exhibition in Brussels; critics heaped abuse – depressed by failure, moved to Paris where he became friends w/ Breton aim: to challenge pre-conditioned perceptions of reality & react to everyday life contrary to expectation difference from other Surrealists: – more fascinated by puzzles and paradoxes than by nature of unconscious method: disjunction between context, size, or juxtaposition of object style: illusionistic; deliberate literalism narrative tone: cliché

Magritte’s False Mirror (1926)



Magritte’s The Murderer Threatened (1927)

Magritte’s Lovers (1928)



Magritte’s The Treachery of Images (1928-29)

Magritte’s The Palace of Curtains (1935)



Joan Miró (1893-1983) •

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biography: Catalan – remained in Paris from 1936 to 1941 – returned to Barcelona; moved to NYC after WWII training: initially went to business school as well as art school – abandoned business world for art after suffering nervous breakdown aim: "assassination of painting" career: – 1918: Barcelona solo exhibition – 1921: settles in Paris – 1924: joined Surrealist group relation to Surrealism: – realm of dreams and fantasy – evokes subconscious recognition gained through automatism forms: schematized & whimsical iconography: sources from Catalan heritage

Miró’s Tilled Field (1923-24)



Miro’s Carnival of the Harlequin (1925)

(Left) Detail from MIRO’s Carnival of Harlequin (1925) vs. (right) detail from MATISSE’s Harmony in Red (1910)



Miró’s Dog Barking at the Moon (1926)

Miró’s Still-life w/ Old Shoe (1937)




• In Love w/a Woman (1941) – subtitle: Ciphers & Constellations – aim: to cast viewer adrift in one’s own unconscious mind – subject: woman as muse – forms: schematized & whimsical • flattened volumes • abstracted likenesses • playful associations – color: vibrant & complimentary – light/shadow: absent – spatial order: incoherent

Paul Klee (1879-1940) • • • • • • •

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biography: Swiss painter who spent most of adult life in Germany until expelled by Nazis in 1933 career: taught at the German Bauhaus process: “psychic improvisation” influences: related fields of natural history, anatomy and anthropology – nature characterized by permutation scale: small mixed media: watercolor washes often combined w/ elaborate line drawings aesthetic: coloré tradition – wrote extensively about it; lectures Writings on Form and Design Theory – conceived as moving around central axis dominated by primary colors settings: mysterious dream world tone: satirical & ironic; gently humorous iconography: Jung’s “collective unconscious” – archaic signs and patterns – allusions to dreams, music, and poetry narratives: simultaneous, independent themes – distillation of personal experiences



Klee •

Twittering Machine (1922) – – – – –

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scene: evokes abbreviated pastoral that fuses natural w/ industrial world tone: contrasting sensibilities of humor and monstrosity technique: automatic drawing technique of Surrealists aesthetic: comparisons to caricature & children's art forms: imaginative likeness to nature • wiry, nervous line • creatures bear resemblance to birds only in beaks and feathered silhouettes • closer to deformations of nature spatial order: flat color: pastel washes light/shadow: subordinated to color

Klee’s Ad Parnassum (1932)




Embrace (1940) – – –

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process: psychic improvisation • relate to “automatism” forms: abstract spatial order: flattened perspective • use of “negative” space • ambigous setting composition: dynamic color: muted light/shadow: quasi-atmospheric brushwork: gestural; unrefined


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MAN RAY. Salvador Dali (1929), photograph. DALÍ, Salvador. The Invisible Man (1929-31), Oil on canvas, 140 x 81 cm., Reina Sofia National Museum, Madrid. DALÍ, Salvador. The Persistence of Memory (1931), Oil on canvas, 9 1/2 x 13 in., Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), New York. DALÍ, Salvador. The Dream (1931), Oil on canvas, 96 x, John L. Severance Fund, Cleveland Museum of Art. DALÍ, Salvador. Soft Construction with Boiled Beans: Premonition of Civil War (1936), Oil on canvas, 39 3/8 x 39 in., Philadelphia Museum of Art. (Left) Dalí’s Surrealist Premonition of Civil War (1936); and (right) Goya’s Romantic Saturn Devouring His Son (c. 1815) DALÍ, Salvador. The Enigma of Hitler (1939), Oil on panel, 46 x 55 cm., Salvador Dali Museum, St Petersburg, FL. DALI. Crucifixion (“Hypercubic Body”) (1954), Oil on canvas, 194.5 x 124 cm., Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York.




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Photograph of MAGRITTE. MAGRITTE, René. The False Mirror (1926). MAGRITTE, René. The Menaced Assassin (1927), Oil on canvas, 59 1/4 x 76 7/8 in., The Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), New York. MAGRITTE, René. The Lovers (1928), Oil on canvas, 21 3/8 x 28 7/8 in., Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), New York. MAGRITTE, René. The Treachery of Images (1928-29), Oil on canvas, 25 x 37 in., Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Los Angeles, CA. MAGRITTE, René. The Palace of Curtains, III (1928-29), Oil on canvas, 32 x 45 7/8 in., Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), New York.


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MIRÓ, Joan. Self-Portrait (c. 1925). MIRÓ, Joan. The Tilled Field (1923–24), Oil on canvas, 26 x 36 1/2 in., Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York. MIRÓ. Carnival of Harlequin (1924-25), Oil on canvas, 66 x 93 cm ., Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo, N.Y. (Left) Detail from MIRO’s Carnival of Harlequin; and (right) detail from MATISSE’s Harmony in Red (1910). MIRÓ, Joan. Dog Barking at the Moon (1926), Oil on canvas, 73 x 92 cm., The Philadelphia Museum of Art, Philadelphia, PA. MIRÓ, Joan. Still-Life with Old Shoe (1937), Museum of Modern Arts, New York, NY. MIRÓ, Joan. Ciphers and Constellations, in Love with a Woman. (1941), Gouache and terpentine on paper. Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, IL.




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Photograph of Paul KLEE. KLEE, Paul. Twittering Machine. (1922), Transfer drawing, oil, ink, and watercolor on paper mounted on board with gouache and ink border and ink inscription, 25 1/4 x 19 in., Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), New York. KLEE, Paul. Ad Parnassum (1932), Oil on canvas, 39 x 49 in., Kunstmuseum, Bern. KLEE, Paul. Embrace (1939), Paste color, watercolor, and oil on paper, 9 1/2 x 12 1/4 in., Collection Dr. Bernhard Sprengel, Hanover, Germany.


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