June 1, 2018 http://bit.ly/ PrinterFoundation
PrinterNet - Thuchila
The PrinterNet Was Born In Malawi in the District of Mulanje, in Thuchila area
PrinterNet Thuchila installed Wi-Fi a month ago. People from the villages are already using the wifi to access the internet, computing and video shooting. Today, school has started. Students are overcrowding in the office to learn how to study computer. The first study topic is how to understand a computer, how it works, types of computers and many more.The second study topic is about Microsoft word, excel, power point, sage line 50 and internet. THE TRAINER IS JONAS FADWECK, the founder and leader of PrinterNet - Thuchila. The main goal of the training today is to equip young people with computer skills for easy communication, interaction and access to job and other opportunities via web. The 1 week training will help the students to access to free internet service and also help them to deal with other problems and also youth behavior change campaign as many youths will be busy in office rather than doing other bad acts. The training will help the students to study computer, typing skills etc needed for school studies, social network communications, creation of jobs and many opportunities via web log in and able to learn how to raise fund on the web. GIVEN THE HIGH DEMAND, OUR NEXT CHALLENGE IS LACK OF COMPUTER AS WE ARE USING ONLY ONE LAPTOP COMPUTER AGAINST 10 STUDENTS.
PrinterNet Thuchila anakhazikitsa Wi-Fi mwezi watha. Anthu ochokera kumidzi ayamba kugwiritsa ntchito wifi kuti adziwe intaneti, makompyuta ndi kujambula mavidiyo. Lero, sukulu yayamba. Ophunzira akukwera mu ofesi kuti aphunzire kuwerenga kompyuta. Nkhani yoyamba yophunzira ndi m’mene mungamvetsetse kompyuta, momwe zimagwirira ntchito, makompyuta osiyanasiyana ndi zina zambiri. Sukulu yachiwiri yophunzira ndikukhudza mawu a Microsoft, apamwamba, mphamvu, ndondomeko ya malemba 50 ndi intaneti. Wophunzitsa ndi Jonas Fadweck, yemwe anayambitsa ndi mtsogoleri wa PrinterNet Thuchila. Cholinga chachikulu cha maphunziro lero ndi kukonzekeretsa achinyamata omwe ali ndi luso lapakompyuta kuti athe kulankhulana mosavuta, kuyanjana ndi kupeza ntchito ndi mwayi wina kudzera pa intaneti. Maphunziro a sabata imodzi amathandiza ophunzira kupeza mwayi wa utumiki wa intaneti komanso kuwathandiza kuthana ndi mavuto ena komanso kusintha kwa khalidwe la achinyamata pamene achinyamata ambiri adzakhala otanganidwa kuntchito osati kuchita zina zoipa. Maphunzirowa athandiza ophunzira kuti aphunzire makompyuta, maluso ojambula ndi zina zotheka pa maphunziro a sukulu, kuyankhulana kwa ochezera a pa Intaneti, kulengedwa kwa ntchito komanso mwayi wambiri kudzera paweweti ndikudziwa momwe angakhalire ndalama pa intaneti.
Printernet inayambila ku Malawi mdzinda wa Mulanje, mdera la Thuchila
MALAWI NGO LIST ADRA Malawi claudio.sandoval@adra.org.me
Bena Charity Trust benacharitytrust@gmail.com
Marys Meals
martin.swinchatt@marysmeals.org Serving the local population since 1982 ADRA Malawi operates across three crosscutting sectors: food security, nutrition, and economic empowerment. These sectors encompass improved farming methods and innovations, crop diversification both to increase nutrition and decrease flooding, and development of and training in small-scale irrigation skills and harvest techniques adra.org/country/malawi
To change the mind-set through generosity with charity that is dedicated to improvements and set examples of livelihood sustainability… http://bit.ly/2khrW36
Girls Empowerment Network mercym84@yahoo.com
We envision a world where all girls believe in their power. www.girlsempowermentnetwork.org
African Centre of communication for development african.ccd@gmail.com Facebook http://bit.ly/2rXCjgO
AGE Africa director@ageafrica.org Advancing Girls’ Education in Africa’s mission is to provide life-changing opportunities to young women in Malawi through targeted initiatives in education, mentoring, and leadership development. ageafrica.org
Angaliba Foundation
pankukujonah@gmail.com Working to increase the vegetation that attracts rains, they are showing us that every organization is critical in as far as contributing towards tree plantation in Malawi,” The Foundation has promised to cover Malawi by planting more trees by 2021.
Hunger Project Malawi salome.chavula@tho.org
The Hunger Project works to build sustainable community-based programs using the Epicenter Strategy. An epicenter is a dynamic center of community mobilization and action, as well as an actual facility built by community members. http://bit.ly/2rXKmu0
Malawi is home to our largest school feeding programme. We reach hundreds of thousands of primary aged children across the country, where we work closely with schools and community volunteers who help prepare and serve the nutritious meals every school day. http://bit.ly/2GF7emy
Mothers to Mothers
mothers2mothers’ (m2m) presence in Malawi has expanded over the last few years in response to the country’s implementation of Option B+ in 2011. Under Option B+, all HIV-positive pregnant and breastfeeding women are eligible to be put on antiretroviral (ARV) drugs for life, regardless of their clinical stage.
Malawi | Mary’s Meals http://bit.ly/2GF7emy
Joshua Orphan Community Care
Plan International Malawi
chimwemwekapichi@plan-international. org
We support community-driven sustainable development projects in Malawi, helping HIV/ AIDS orphans, vulnerable children and their families.
Helping poor children to access their rights to health, education and food security
Umunthu Foundation peterdias48@yahoo.com
The Umunthu Foundation is the only organisation delivering vital HIV information, counselling and testing to local people of all ages. The partnership enables the community to