Imagination Showcase

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ABOUT THIS ZOOM EVENT Welcome to our Undergraduate Imagination Showcase. We are happy to have you with us. Here is some useful information for our Event:

o To attend this event, you will need a ZOOM account. So, if you don’t have one, please take a minute to open a free account at

Once you have your account, just click on on May 8 Or, the meeting number is 985-3335-3448 o Meeting will open for guests at 7:25 o ZOOM uses a lot of battery, so make sure you are plugged in. o When you enter your mic will be muted. Please keep it this way to avoid environmental unwanted noise (sirens, beeps, cries, kitchen sounds and others o APPLAUSE: shake your hands!!! As mics will remain off during our presentation (except for the performers), they can see you. o CHAT: you can share your thoughts on CHAT as you are watching every piece. Remember: everyone will be able to read it. Be courteous and short. o You can always react within the program (only applause and thumbs up are available)

Additional information that might be useful for you:

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ABOUT AUDIO You can always set up you microphone, and your audio settings from the options that unfold by the microphone on the bottom of the screen:

Leave Computer Audio ON or choose your set up

Audio Settings

AUDIO ECHO in a meeting has a couple of reasons easy to fix by the participant: 1. A participant has both the computer and telephone audio active: choose one source 2. Participants with computer or telephones speakers that are too close to each other: keep cells and computers microphones and speaker distant. HOW TO SEE (VIEW) Options provided either at upper right corner of your screen on in the bottom of it. You will see icons and some choices See everyone Gallery View: you will see everyone in many small windows Speaker view (RECOMMENDED): you will see the active microphone so you will always see the student presenting the piece.


Mic control. Please keep it muted until the end.

Video: Camera control. If on, we can see you. If off (as shown) we will only see your name.

Chat will open a window where you can type feedback to everyone. If you are having technical problems choose me on the chat so I can help you without disturbing everyone

Reactions: only applause and thumbs up are allowed at the moment. It will appear on top of your screen End Meeting. You can always leave meeting here.

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How does it work? Each project will be introduced to you. After that, and in order for you to have the best quality possible in video and audio, click on the links provided.  As the program advances, after each piece has been introduced, you will click on the hyperlink of each piece, so you can see it on your own device with the best audio and video quality possible. The links are unlisted YouTube links.  Links will be posted in the CHAT as well. Each computer is different, so know how yours work: o if the link is active, click on it and enjoy o if it’s not active, try right click + open (open in … Safari, Chrome, etc. ) o If none of the above work for you, have your program handy: the hyperlinks appear in the program and in each student page. o worst case scenario: copy & paste each link as they are presented. We will always take 5 seconds before and after each project, so you can catch up.  At the end of the piece, you can “clap” (shake your hands). The previous “PERFORMER” will present the next piece for you, so they will see you as soon as you have finished seeing their piece.  PLEASE REMEMBER TO KEEP YOUR MICS OFF so your surrounding sound does not leak into everyone’s experience.  I will run the links on my computer in mute as well, so we all know where we are in the program.  THANKS YOU for coming and enjoy

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Program Jack Johnson 1975-

Banana Pancakes Alex Burch, soprano link

The Petrojvic Blasting Company

Into The Unknown Zane Hall, baritone. link

Richard Strauss 1864-1949

Die Nacht, Op. 10, No 3 Sofía Piña, soprano link

Johannes Brahms 1833-1897

Alte Liebe from Fünf Gesange Op. 72 Emma Zahniser, mezzo-soprano link

W.A.Mozart 1756-1791

O Isis un Osiris from Die Zauberflöte, K. 620 Derek Hale, baritone link

W.A.Mozart 1756-1791

Deh vieni, non tardar from Le nozze di Figaro, K,482 Sydney Perez, soprano link

Gaetano Donizetti 1797-1848

Prendi, per me sei libera from L’elisir d’amore Laurna McFarland, soprano. link

Gaetano Donizetti 1797-1848

Una furtiva lagrima from L’elisir d’amore Nicholas Ryland, tenor link

W.A.Mozart 1756-1791

Dans un bois solitaire, K.308 Anna Duong, soprano link

Camille Saint-Saëns 1835-1921

Printemps qui commence from Samson et Dalila Veronica Lopez, soprano link

Henry Purcell 1659-1695

When I am laid in earth from Dido & Aeneas Esther Hernandez, mezzo-soprano link

Gian Carlo Menotti 1935-1995

The sun has fallen from The Medium Anneliese Sandoval, soprano link

Leonard Bernstein 1918-1990

Somewhere from West Side Story Sabrina Ellis, soprano link

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Stephen Sondheim 1930-

Children Will Listen from Into the Woods Michael Follis, baritone link

Aaron Copland 1900-1990

Once I thought (Laurie’s Song) from Tender Land Cameron Weger link

It’s a surprise

Full Ensemble Surprise link


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link Alex Burch soprano

Jack Johnson (1975- )

Banana Pancakes She is performing from Austin, TX Well, can't you see that it's just raining? There ain't no need to go outside But baby, you hardly even notice When I try to show you This song is meant to keep ya From doing what you're supposed to

Telephone singing ringing It's too early, don't pick it up We don't need to We got everything we need right here And everything we need is enough

Like waking up too early Maybe we can sleep in I'll make you banana pancakes Pretend like it's the weekend now

Just so easy When the whole world fits inside of your arms Do we really need to pay attention to the alarm? Wake up slow, wake up slow

And we can pretend it all the time, yeah Can't you see that it's just raining There ain't no need to go outside

But baby, you hardly even notice When I try to show you This song is meant to keep ya From doing what you're supposed to

But just maybe Halaka ukulele mama made a baby Really don't mind the practice 'Cause you're my little lady Lady, lady love me 'Cause I love to lay here lazy We could close the curtains Pretend like there's no world outside And we can pretend it all the time And can't you see that it's just raining? There ain't no need to go outside Ain't no need, ain't no need Can't you see, can't you see? Rain all day and I don't mind

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Like waking up too early Maybe we can sleep in I'll make you banana pancakes Pretend like it's the weekend now And we can pretend it all the time Can't you see that it's just raining? Ain't no need to go outside Ain't no need, ain't no need Rain all day, I really Really, really don't mind Can't you see, can't you see? You gotta wake up


link Zane Hall baritone

Lawrence Hall keyboard

The Petrojvic Blasting Company Into the Unknown Led through the mist, By the milk-light of moon, All that was lost, is revealed. Our long bygone burdens, mere echoes of the spring, But where have we come, and where shall we end? If dreams can't come true, then why not pretend? How the gentle wind, Beckons through the leaves, As autumn colors fall. Dancing in a swirl, Of golden memories, The loveliest lies of all, The loveliest, lies of all.

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link Sofía Piña soprano

Fernando Obradors (1897-1945)

Con Amores la Mi Madre I would like to dedicate this performance to my mom, Katy Ann. She supports me, takes care of me, and loves me and my family unconditionally. My favorite thing about her is how kind she is to everyone she meets, and how she taught me to treat others by her example. When I first heard this song, I thought about the times I was a child not wanting to go to sleep, and she would read to my sister and I. As an English teacher and avid reader, she was the best at creating imagery with the words, and if she fell asleep, we would wake her and beg her to finish! I love you mom, you are the light of my life and my best friend. Que el amor me consolaba Con más bien que merecí. (That love consoled me more than I deserved). Happy Mother's day! Con amores, la mi madre, Con amores me dormí; Así dormida soñaba Lo que el corazón velaba, Que el amor me consolaba Con más bien que merecí. Adormecióme el favor Que amor me dió con amor; Dió descanso a mi dolor La fe con que le serví Con amores, la mi madre, Con amores me dormí!

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Due to your love, mother, With loving, I fell asleep; While sleeping, I dreamed What was in my waking heart, That love consoled me More than I deserved. I was lulled to sleep through the favor Of your love given to me lovingly; I was allowed to relax from my pain Through faith which supports me Due to your love, mother, With loving, I fell asleep


link Emma Zahniser mezzo-soprano

Johannes Brahms (1833-1897) Alte Liebe from Fünf Gesange Op. 72 Alte Liebe

Old love

Karl August Candidus

English Translation © Richard Stokes

Es kehrt die dunkle Schwalbe Aus fernem Land zurück, Die frommen Störche kehren Und bringen neues Glück.

The dark swallow returns From a distant land, The pious storks return And bring new happiness.

An diesem Frühlingsmorgen, So trüb verhängt und warm, Ist mir, als fänd ich wieder Den alten Liebesharm.

On this spring morning, So bleakly veiled and warm, I seem to rediscover Love’s grief of old.

Es ist, als ob mich leise Wer auf die Schulter schlug, Als ob ich säuseln hörte, Wie einer Taube Flug.

It is as if someone Tapped me on the shoulder, As if I heard a whirring, Like a dove in flight.

Es klopft an meine Türe, Und ist doch niemand draus; Ich atme Jasmindüfte, Und habe keinen Strauß.

There’s a knock at my door, Yet no one stands outside; I breathe the scent of jasmine, Yet have no bouquet.

Es ruft mir aus der Ferne, Ein Auge sieht mich an, Ein alter Traum erfaßt mich Und führt mich seine Bahn.

Someone calls me from afar, Eyes are watching me, An old dream takes hold of me And leads me on its path. Translation © Richard Stokes, author of The Book of Lieder (Faber, 2005)

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link Derek Hale bass

W.A.Mozart (1756-1791)

O Isis un Osiris from Die Zauberflöte, K. 620

SARASTRO O Isis und Osiris, Schenket der Weisheit Geist Dem neuen Paar! Die ihr der Wand'rer Schritte lenket. Stärkt mit Geduld sie In Gefahr.

SARASTRO O Isis and Osiris, Gift the spirit of wisdom to the new pair! Guide their steps As they wander Strengthen them with patience when in danger

Laßt sie der Prüfung Früchte sehen; Doch sollten sie zu Grabe gehen, So lohnt der Tugend kühnen Lauf, Nehmt sie in euren Wohnsitz auf.

Let them see the fruits of their trial; But should they head to their grave, Then reward their bold attempt And take them into your home.

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link She is performing today in Austin, Texas.

Sydney Perez soprano

W.A.Mozart (1756-1791) Deh vieni, non tardar from Le nozze di Figaro, K.482

Sydney Pérez is a third-year Choral Music Studies (Education) major at the University of Texas Butler School of Music. Opera performance and education are her greatest passions, and this fall will be her 6th consecutive semester with the Butler Opera Center.

Voice, animation, audio recording, and editing by Sydney Pérez. Piano by Manuel Arellano, video recording by Sabrina Ellis, text and translation from The Aria Database. Animated using MikuMikuDance, created by Yu Higuchi (樋口優), 2008.

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Deh vieni, non tardar

Oh, come, don’t be late

Texto by Lorenzo da Ponte

Translation by Naomi Gurt Lind

Giunse alfin il momento Che godro senz'affanno In braccio all'idol mio Timide cure uscite dal mio petto! A turbar non venite il mio diletto. O come par che all'amoroso foco L'amenita del loco, La terra e il ciel risponda. Come la notte i furti miei risponda

The moment finally arrives When I'll enjoy without haste In the arms of my beloved... Fearful anxieties, get out of my heart! Do not come to disturb my delight. Oh, how it seems that to amorous fires The comfort of this place, Earth and heaven respond, As the night responds to my deception

Deh vieni, non tardar, o gioja bell Vieni ove amore per goder t'appella Finche non splende in ciel notturna face Finche l'aria e ancor bruna, E il mondo tace. Qui mormora il ruscel, qui scherza l'aura Che col dolce susurro il cor ristaura Qui ridono i fioretti e l'erba e fresca Ai piaceri d'amor qui tutto adesca. Vieni, ben mio, tra queste piante ascose. Vieni, vieni! Ti vo' la fronte incoronar di rose.

Oh, come, don’t be late, my beautiful joy Come where love calls you to enjoyment Until night’s torches no longer shine in the sky As long as the air is still dark And the world quiet. Here the river murmurs and the light plays That restores the heart with sweet ripples Here, little flowers laugh and the grass is fresh Here, everything entices one to love's pleasures Come, my dear, among these hidden plants. Come, come! I want to crown you with roses.

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link Laurna McFarland soprano

Gaetano Donizetti (1797-1848)

Prendi, per me sei libera from L’elisir d’amore

Vocal Performance major studying in the studio of Professor Darlene Wiley. Performing from Portland, TX

Finding the Beauty in Our Individual and Communal Perspectives In Adina’s second act aria from L’Elisir D’Amore, she abandons her freedom as a single young woman but is eventually rewarded with Nemorino’s love. The carefully chosen coloratura passages that deliver the message rise and fall and span both the highs and lows of emotion. When prompted to choose a single image to represent the piece, a rainbow came to mind. The rainbow has the power to symbolize so many aspects of life. Including human connection, resilience, positivity and observing the many perspectives or true “colors” of a situation. In this instance, the image represents the beauty of sacrifice and the range of possibility for the aria's interpretation by the performer and its reception by the audience. Prendi, per me sei libero Resta nel suol natio Non v'ha destin sì rio Che non si cangi un dì Resta! Qui dove tutti t'amano Saggio, amoroso, onesto Sempre scontento e mesto No, non sarai cosi.

Take it, because of me you are free, stay on your native soil. There isn’t a destiny so cruel that can not be changed in a day. Stay, here where everyone loves you, wise, loving, honest Unhappy and miserable, you will not always be this way.

Laurna was our cover Adina for our Spring Production of L’elisir d’amore 5/7/20 8:11 PM


link Nicholas Ryland tenor

Gaetano Donizetti (1797-1848)

Una furtiva lagrima from L’elisir d’amore

I am a third-year Vocal Performance major from Austin, TX. I’ve been singing and playing the piano since I was a little kid, but while we’ve been stuck in quarantine, I have picked up the guitar and enjoyed it very much. When I’m not busy either keeping up with my classes or making music, I’m either working out or watching baseball (my favorite team is the Houston Astros, and yes, I know we cheated but we don’t talk about that anymore). I’m really thankful for every minute of participating in this prestigious program, and I’m excited to hear everyone’s projects! A Furtive Tear This famous tenor aria is performed when Nemorino is convinced that the love potion that he bought from a traveling doctor is working. The potion turns out to be a cheap bottle of wine, but when he sees Adina weeping, his confidence goes up. He is confident that he in love with Adina, but she isn’t interested in a rustic man. This aria is basically Nemorino’s big chance to proclaim his love in an almost desperate attempt to win her over. Una furtiva lagrima Negli occhi suoi spuntò, Quelle festose giovani Invidiar sembrò. Che più cercando io vo? Che più cercando io vo? M'ama, sì, m'ama, lo vedo, lo vedo! Un solo istante i palpiti Del suo bel cor sentir! I miei sospir confondere Per poco ai suoi sospir! I palpiti, i palpiti sentir, Confondere i miei coi suoi sospir!

Nick was our cover Nemorino for our Spring Production of L’elisir d’amore

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link Anna Duong Soprano

W.A.Mozart (1756-1791)

Dans un bois solitaire K.308 Anna is a current freshman double-majoring in Vocal Performance and the Plan II Honors Program. She is also pursuing a minor in French and certificate in Museum Studies. She is looking forward to joining the Dedman Distinguished Scholars Program in the fall as a new member of the Sophomore Cohort. Today, she is performing from her hometown of Jackson, Mississippi. Dans un bois solitaire

In a Forest

Dans un bois solitaire et sombre Je me promenais l'autr' jour, Un enfant y dormait à l'ombre, C'était le redoutable Amour.

I walked the other day; A child slept in the shade, It was a veritable Cupid.

J'approche, sa beauté me flatte, Mais je devais m'en défier; Il avait les traits d'une ingrate, Que j'avais juré d'oublier.

I approach; his beauty fascinates me. But I must be careful: He has the traits of the faithless maiden Whom I had sworn to forget.

Il avait la bouche vermeille, Le teint aussi frais que le sien, Un soupir m'échappe, il s'éveille; L'Amour se réveille de rien.

He had lips of ruby, His complexion was also fresh like hers. A sigh escapes me and he awakes; Cupid wakes at nothing.

Aussitôt déployant ses aîles Et saisissant son arc vengeur, L'une de ses flêches, cruelles En partant, il me blesse au cœur.

Immediately opening his wings and seizing His vengeful bow And one of his cruel arrows as he parts, He wounds me to the heart.

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Va ! va, dit-il, aux pieds de Sylvie, De nouveau languir et brûler! Tu l'aimeras toute la vie, Pour avoir osé m'éveiller.)

"Go!" he says, "Go! At Sylvie's feet Will you languish anew! You shall love her all your life, For having dared awaken me." In a lonely and somber forest

Sophie Duong: Co-Director and “Unnamed Man” Anna Duong: Co-Director and “Sylvie” Leila Duong: Cupid Jorge Méndez's "Cold" from Album Silhouettes "Dans un bois solitaire" accompaniment provided by Pianopal Channel on YouTube

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link Performing from: Austin, Texas

Veronica Lopez mezzo-soprano

Camille Saint-Saëns (1835-1921)

Printemps qui commence from Samson et Dalila A 3rd year Choral Music Studies Major at the Butler School of Music. Currently pursuing a minor in French and a member of Nikita Storojev’s studio.A huge thank you to everyone who has helped me on this project, including but not limited to: Prof. Nikita Storojev, Prof. Tamara Sanikidze, Maestro Douglas Kinney Frost, Prof. Chía Patiño Ton souffle qui passe, de la terre efface, Les jours malheureux

The beginning of spring Bringing hope To the hearts of lovers,

Tout brule en notre ame, et ta douce flamme Vient secher nos pleurs, tu rends à la terre Par un doux mystère, les fruits et les fleurs

Your sigh passing Above the earth blots out unhappy times

En vain je suis belle, mon coeur plein d’amour Pleurant l’infidele, attend son retour Vivant d'espérance mon coeur désolé Garde souvenance, du bonheur passee

Burning in our soul, your sweet flame Comes and dries our tears, rending the earth By a sweet mystery, the fruits and flowers In vain I am pretty, my heart full of love

A la nuit tombante, j’irai triste amante M’asseoir au torrent, l’attendre en pleurant Chassant ma tristesse, s’il revient un jour A lui ma tendresse, et la douce ivresse Qu’un brûlant amour garde a son retour

Cries for the infidel and waits for his return Alive with hope, my desolate heart Protects its memory of a past happiness To the falling night, I will go a sad lover I sit by the stream, I wait in tears Chasing my sorrow, if he’ll return To him my tenderness, and the intoxication That a burning love will keep on his return

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Esther Hernandez mezzo-soprano

Henry Purcell (1659-1695)

When I am laid in earth from Dido & Aeneas Esther Hernandez, Dido and piano Jennifer Hernandez, violin

Esther is a second-year Vocal Performance major. She is also pursuing a Business Foundations minor. She is performing from my hometown Kingwood, TX.

Thy hand, Belinda; darkness shades me, On thy bosom let me rest. More I would, but Death invades me; Death is now a welcome guest. When I am laid in earth, May my wrongs create No trouble in thy breast. Remember me, but ah! forget my fate.

Video Editing: Esther Hernandez and Jennifer Hernandez

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Anneliese Sandoval soprano

Gian Carlo Menotti (1935-1995)

The sun has fallen from The Medium

THE BLACK SWAN The sun has fallen and it lies in blood. The moon is weaving bandages of gold. O black swan, where, oh, where is my lover gone? Torn and tattered is my bridal gown, And my lamp is lost, and my lamp is lost. With silver needles and with silver thread, The stars stitch a shroud for the dying sun. O black swan, where, oh, where has my lover gone? I had given him a kiss of fire, And a golden ring, and a golden ring. Don't you hear your lover moan? Eyes of glass and feet of stone,

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Shells for teeth and weeds for tongue, Deep, deep, down in the river's bed, He's looking for the ring. Eyes wide open, never asleep, He's looking for the ring, looking for the ring. The spools unravel and the needles break, The sun is buried and the stars weep. O black wave, O black wave, take me away with you. I will share with you my golden hair, And my bridal crown, and my bridal crown. Oh, take me down with you Take me down to my wand'ring lover With my child unborn, with my child unborn


link Sabrina Ellis soprano

Leonard Bernstein (1918-1990)

Somewhere from West Side Story Sabrina is a third-year choral studies major, with a minor in the liberal arts area of study, Core Texts and Ideas. She will continue on to grow as an educator, performer, and advocate in the rest of her studies at the Butler School of Music and beyond. Performing from her apartment in Austin, Texas. Sabrina Ellis – Soprano Jen Hancock – Pianist (recorded track) Sydney Pérez – Video There's a place for us, Somewhere a place for us. Peace and quiet and open air Wait for us, somewhere. There's a time for us, Some day a time for us, Time together with time spare, Time to learn, time to care.

Ft. clips of singers Olga Kulchynska, Nadine Sierra, Jessye Norman, Luciano Pavarotti, Anna Netrebko, Rolando Villazon, and Jamie Barton. Also including clips of freelance musicians playing from their homes, dancers from the Dancers Unite movement, and the Butler Opera Center Animation created using Krita Video edited using Windows Video Editor

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Some day, Somewhere, We'll find a new way of living, We'll find a way of forgiving. Somewhere, Somewhere . . . There's a place for us, A time and place for us. Hold my hand and we're halfway there. Hold my hand and I'll take you there Somehow, Some day, Somewhere!




Michael Follis baritone

Stephen Sondheim (1930- )

Children Will Listen from Into the Woods Senior, Vocal Performance. Performing from Katy, Texas.

Careful the things you say Children will listen Careful the things you do Children will see and learn Children may not obey, but children will listen Children will look to you for which way to turn Co learn what to be Careful before you say 'Listen to me' Children will listen Careful the wish you make Wishes are children Careful the path they take Wishes come true, not free Careful the spell you cast Not just on children Sometimes the spell may last Past what you can see And turn against you Careful the tale you tell That is the spell Children will listen

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How can you say to a child who's in flight 'Don't slip away and i won't hold so tight' What can you say that no matter how slight Won't be misunderstood What do you leave to your child when you're dead? Only whatever you put in it's head Things that you're mother and father had said Which were left to them too Careful what you say Children will listen Careful you do it too Children will see And learn, oh guide them that step away Children will glisten Tample with what is true And children will turn If just to be free Careful before you say



Cameron Weger mezzo-soprano

Aaron Copland (1900-1990)

Laurie’s Song from Tender Land Cameron Weger is a first year Vocal Performance major, and is enthusiastic to pursue her passion through the Butler Opera Center.She is performing from San Antonio, TX Accompanist: Tamara Sanikidze Director: John Weger Cinematography: Maggie Weger Editor: Cameron Weger Once I thought I’d never grow tall as this fence Time dragged heavy and slow But April came and August went before I knew just what they meant but little by little I grew, and as I grew I came to know how fast the time could go Once I thought I’d never go outside this fence this space was plenty for me But I walked down the road one day, and just what happened I can’t say But little by little it came to be, that line between the earth and sky came beckoning to me

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Now the time has grown so short, the world has grown so wide I’ll be graduated soon why am I strange inside? What makes me think I’d like to try to go down all those roads, beyond that line above the earth and ’neath the sky? Tomorrow when I sit upon that graduation platform stand, I know my hands will shake when I reach out to take that paper with the ribboned band Now that all the learning’s done, oh who knows what will now begin? Oh it’s so strange, I’m strange inside The time has grown so short, the world so wide

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And our last surprise for our audience: TO BE ANNOUNCED!


Dr. Tamara Sanikidze Douglas Kinney Frost Chía Patiño Miguel Campinho Margaret Jumonville Manuel Arellano, Shih-Han Su

For more information about Butler School of Music concerts and events, visit our online calendar at Become a member of The Butler Society and help us successfully launch tomorrow’s brightest performers, teachers, composers and scholars. Make a gift today at


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