Mid-America Messenger-Winter 2020

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EVANGELISM CONNECTS TO DISCIPLESHIP WHICH IN TURN PRODUCES EVANGELISTS—IT’S A BIBLICAL CYCLE THAT LEADS TO THE CROSS AND LASTS A LIFETIME BY DR. MICHAEL SPRADLIN “Be imitators of me, just as I also am of Christ.” (1 Corinthians 11:1, NASB) At Mid-America, our heartbeat is evangelism. Sometimes, I am asked about discipleship because to some minds, a divide exists between evangelism and discipleship. In fact, no such divide exists. Any evangelism that does not result in disciples for Christ is not biblical evangelism. Further, any discipleship program that does not produce evangelists for the Lord Jesus is not a biblical discipleship program. In a sense, a seminary or Christian college degree can be a part of discipleship if done properly. Any Christian training must, first of all, promote a reverent worship of the Lord Jesus as the Creator of the world and the Savior of the repentant. Second, an unbending commitment must exist to the Bible as the inerrant Word of God. The Bible must be considered not only true but also sufficient in all areas. Finally, we must build into the life of a believer an understanding that discipleship is not a course of study but a lifetime of service. When can believers in Jesus ever say they have arrived as fully formed disciples? Even the most experienced believers still have the adventure of learning more about loving and living for Jesus. May God strengthen your walk as a disciple of Christ while you read the articles in this Messenger. Know also that as you pray for and support Mid-America financially, you are taking the Gospel to the nations and making disciples everywhere the name of Jesus is proclaimed and exalted.

contents VOLUME 48, NUMBER 2 | WINTER 2020 Published by the Mid-America family of educational institutions

PRESIDENT Michael Spradlin, PhD EDITOR Nathan Cole MANAGING EDITOR Bryan A. Murray DESIGN Eternity Communications

DISCIPLESHIP DISCIPLINES The theme of this winter issue of the MidAmerica Messenger is discipleship, a value of Mid-America that goes hand-in-hand with our emphasis on evangelism. Read on to discover the many ways in which the Mid-America family is involved in making disciples.

CROSS-CULTURAL DISCIPLESHIP Cultural differences sometimes create walls between people, but Bible-based discipleship transcends all cultures and connects all people. Dr. Matt Akers, Mid-America Professor, shares his own story of cross-cultural discipleship.

GIVING OF THEMSELVES The Bible teaches that before we give our money, we need to give ourselves. This is precisely what Mid-America’s generous donors do by investing not only their finances but also their lives by personally discipling students.

INVESTING IN WOMEN The Mid-America Women’s Institute helps disciple student wives, alumni wives, students, and alumnae. See what participants are saying about this vitally important ministry begun 13 years ago by Lee Ann Spradlin and Susan Thompson.

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SALVATION Deliberately repenting of sin, placing faith in Jesus Christ, Who died for our sins and rose from the dead, and receiving Christ as Savior and Lord. PRIORITIZATION

TRANSFORMATION Dedicating mind, will, emotions, spirit, and body to worshipping God through specific actions and attitudes.

Intentionally cultivating a personal relationship with Christ that focuses on the glorification of Christ, not satisfaction of self.


INCORPORATION Diligently studying Scripture to be wellinformed about spiritual truth, but with the additional goal of applying that truth to life.

Incorporating these disciplines to minister to people in Christ’s stead.



Accepting personal responsibility for living in a right relationship with God and with other humans.



o be clear, there are no defined progressions of sanctification. While some people may have a closer walk with Christ than others, the nature of their growth

through toward spiritual maturity. Perhaps we do better by thinking of the disciplines of Christian disciples. We need to start then with a good definition

as disciples cannot be stratified. It’s not a step one, step two,

of a disciple. The best I’ve heard actually came from a Southern

step three process. Our relationship with Christ often waxes

Baptist missions education program for boys called Royal

and wanes, leaving even the most committed Christians with

Ambassadors. Their goal was to be “well-informed, responsible

a spiritual history of mountains and valleys. Discipleship

followers of Christ.” Christian discipleship as a process would

is an organic process, not a series of stages one works

involve developing the following characteristics:


A disciple is, first of all, a saved person. Scripture teaches that salvation is initiated by God through the death and resurrection of His only begotten Son, Jesus. God further acts as His Spirit convicts people of sin, righteousness, and judgment. The individual has a responsibility to respond by repentance, faith, and receiving Christ as Savior and Lord (Acts 3:19, John 3:16, John 1:12–13).

PRIORITIZATION Discipleship does not happen

by accident. Believers must be intentional about their relationship with Jesus. While sanctification is a work of the Holy Spirit, we cooperate with Him by seeking communion with Christ, primarily through prayer and presence. Our goal is not to feel self-satisfied with some spiritual attainment, but to glorify Him (John 17:17–23).


No one can seek to know the Lord without listening to Him. We cannot follow Jesus as He walked the Holy Land, but we can hear His words, observe His deeds, and learn His teachings through the Scriptures. Our goal is not merely to gain knowledge, but to be well-informed about spiritual truth so we might apply that truth to life. That’s the difference between knowledge, wisdom, and understanding (Colossians 1:9).

DR. JOSEPH SHIN Adjunct Instructor

“I was raised in Seoul, Korea, by strong Buddhists. My father was an alcoholic, and my mother suffered from depression because of her unhappy marital life. When I was a sophomore in high school, I attended a revival meeting where Pastor Kim powerfully preached about the love of God. Since my parents did not show much affection toward me, I experienced unconditional love for the first time. I realized that God loved me so much. Through Christ, I found true love. I am so grateful for Pastor Kim and his commitment to making disciples.”


Vice President for Institutional Advancement

“After the best year of my 18-year career, I was thanking God in prayer. ‘You know this job is what I’ve always wanted!’ ‘Yes,’ I heard God say, ‘but is it what I’ve always wanted for you?’ This thought was confusing because God had consistently provided progressive career opportunities. I began to pray, ‘God, help me want what You want me to want.’ After several months, I knew He was asking me to leave my career and join the leadership team at Mid-America. Every day is not easy, but there is nothing more rewarding than waking up each day knowing I am honoring God by doing what He wants me to do with my life.”


Associate Dean of Doctoral Programs

“I had the privilege to lead a man named Hector to faith in Jesus Christ. Since Hector had very little exposure to Scripture before his conversion, most aspects of the believer’s walk with Christ were new to him. Like a thirsty man in a scorching desert who suddenly found a pool of cold, clear water, he gulped down as much of God’s truth as he could get. He began to study Scripture, pray regularly, and lead his family in family devotionals so he could share what he was learning with them. Hector continues to grow in his faith and is eager to help others find the treasures that God has revealed to him in the Bible.”





As we understand more about the nature of Jesus, we accept our role in living rightly. Discipleship involves a right relationship with God and with other human beings. How can we say we love God, since we have not seen Him, and not love our neighbor whom we have seen? (1 John 4:20) Much of Jesus’ teaching and the apostles’ writings focus on having this mutual dedication to love God and to demonstrate that love by the way


Executive Assistant to the President

“Paul called Timothy a ‘true child in the faith,’ and raising children is an excellent analogy for discipleship. Spiritual children eventually become teenagers—an exciting and trying time in the discipleship process. Inevitably, the discipleship relationship changes as interests, maturity, and callings develop. Because of the amount of love, energy, and time invested, letting go can be difficult but is necessary. It can be painful when the nature of a close relationship changes, but we know we can trust the Holy Spirit to guide the individual just as He is faithfully guiding us.”

we interact with one another.


Disciples do not focus much on themselves and where they are in spiritual progression. Instead, they concentrate on allowing Jesus to live His life through them. We minister to Jesus by ministering to the least of these whom He called brothers (Matthew 25:40). Our ministry has not the goal of feeling good about ourselves, but doing good in Jesus’ name, for in doing so, we glorify Him


Associate Dean of The College at Mid-America

“Several years ago, my heart for discipleship was strengthened as I read through the book of Ezra. The prophet wrote, ‘For Ezra had set his heart to study the Law of the Lord, and to do it and to teach his statutes and rules in Israel’ (Ezra 7:10). This verse led me to develop a motto—READ IT. BELIEVE IT. LIVE IT. Today, I use this motto to disciple others and train ministers. When believers learn to trust God’s Word and apply It to their lives, Jesus promises to ‘love him and manifest myself to him’(John 14:21).”

(Matthew 5:16).


The ultimate characteristic of a disciple involves worshipping God. Certainly, we worship corporately at church, personally, and in family devotions, but worship involves the totality of the believer’s person in the totality of his or her life. It is not segmented into bits and pieces of a week. It is not singularly focused on a place or a time. Worship involves every aspect of our being and every part of our lives (Romans 12:1–2, 1 Thessalonians 5:23).


Director of Library Services

“Throughout nearly four decades at Mid-America, I have witnessed my ‘walk’ intersect both profession (librarian) and Christian faith (life in the Lord Jesus). When I arrived at Mid-America, I thought that I would stay a year or two, but the Lord had other plans. While not called to pastor, I began to sense over the years that God had placed me at Mid-America for a purpose—to labor in my own patch, as unto the Lord. Consequently, the Lord used me to assist countless students, faculty, and staff, even in a small manner, as they prepare to impact the world for Christ.”

REFER A STUDENT TO MID-AMERICA AND YOUR IMPACT REACHES BEYOND ONE LIFE. YOU HELP LIGHT THE WORLD. Know someone looking for the right college? Or someone who wants to become equipped for ministry? Share Mid-America with them. We’ve prepared two special resources for you to share—viewbooks for The College at Mid-America and for Mid-America Seminary. Also, send us their name, and we’ll follow up. Just contact us at admissions@mabts.edu. You’ll be helping to change not just one life, but generations for eternity.


Missions and Ministry



Since our beginning nearly 50 years ago, practicing ministry and missions has been an integral part of the Mid-America education. We believe students have much to offer long before their diploma is in hand, and we understand that practicing missions while still in training builds a bridge to a lifelong love of taking the Gospel to all the world for Jesus’ sake. Here are three stories from recent missions and ministry experiences of our students.

KATHERINE LONG NOLA CASON I work in a high school ministry focused

I have the privilege of serving youth


on equipping students to love God, love

girls at a local church in Hernando,

spend time together. That’s what God

people, share Jesus, and make disciples.

Mississippi, by leading Sunday

wants—to spend time with these little

During this pandemic, God has allowed

morning Bible studies, organizing

children. Teaching them who God is and

me to shepherd students as they learn

discipleship opportunities between

that He wants a relationship with each

how to follow the Lord in a season full

older and younger women, and

of them is what I do. My call is to spend

of unknowns. Even though the ministry

organizing evangelism-focused

time with the children teaching them

has been challenging for me in a world

fellowship outings. Each of these

from the Bible, making the life of Christ

affected by COVID-19, I know that this

activities creates an environment for

known to them, so that they will know

pandemic has not halted God’s mighty

young ladies to meet Jesus, grow to love

Him and learn to trust Him personally

hand or stopped His ability to save.

Him through the Bible and prayer, take

by using games, object lessons, and

Psalm 126:3 encourages me to daily

faith-filled risks, and become radically

other Bible activities. Since the start

choose to trust in God: “The Lord has

obedient leaders wherever the Lord

of the ministry work in Frayser, three

done great things for us; we are filled

places them.

children and two mothers have accepted

with joy!”

Katherine (right) equipping students

As with any relationship, you must

and believed in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Nola (center) with her youth girls


Nancy (center) discipling children

He came as a witness to testify about the light, so that all might believe through him. —John 1:7 Mid-America is inviting everyone to join us in committing to Witness One:Seven. It’s a commitment to witness to at least one person every seven days—just like MidAmerica students do every week. If you’re a pastor, consider leading your church in the commitment during 2021. If every reader of the Messenger took the challenge, more than one million people would hear the Gospel during 2021. Please contact us at communications@mabts.edu to let us know you’re taking the Witness One:Seven challenge.





understanding of marriage. Somehow,

excuse for him to contemplate cheating

he’d gotten the idea that because a

on his wife because he was lonely.

government official performed his

Remembering many from Carlos’s

wedding service, he was only legally

country held to this faulty notion of

married within the confines of his home

marriage, I changed strategies. “Carlos,”

country. Carlos reasoned that since he

I began, “could you remind me again

now resided in the United States and

about your conversion experience?”

his wife remained in Latin America, he

“Of course,” he said as his eyes

was free to pursue a relationship with

brightened. Carlos enjoyed telling how

The apostle Peter was one of the

another woman in the Memphis area.

God had changed his life. “I was a young

privileged few who became a firsthand


man when Jesus saved me. Before I

witness of Jesus’ transfiguration (Mark 9:1–8). He, James, and John caught a

to show him the error of his way, I

glimpse of Jesus’ glory, which identified

emphasized Jesus’ words in Matthew

Him with God (e.g., Exodus 14:20;

19:6: “What God has joined together, let

33:18–23; Hebrews 1:3). In spite of this

no man separate.”

unforgettable event repeated to his

“That’s what I’m trying to tell you,”

audience in 2 Peter 1:16–18, his main

Carlos countered. God didn’t join us

focus in this section of the epistle is

together; it was a government official.”

came to the United States...” “That’s such a shame,” I replied, interrupting as gently as I could. Carlos looked at me strangely, not following my line of reasoning. “Are you saying you think it’s a shame I was saved?” “All I mean,” I continued, “is that if

the infallibility of Scripture due to its

you were saved in Latin America, then

divine origin (2 Peter 1:19–21). Peter’s

you’re saved there, but not here. You

point was that while only three disciples

need to be saved all over again in the

witnessed Jesus’ revelation of His glory,

United States.”

all Christians have access to His Word,

Carlos knew me well enough

a reliable guide for faith and practice

to know I was joking, but he didn’t

(1 Thessalonians 1:3).

understand my point. “Brother Mateo,


you know it doesn’t matter where a person was saved. If he’s saved, he’s

know ourselves gave us Scripture,

saved everywhere!”

the Bible is applicable to every people

I quickly added, “And if a person is

group and is a necessary component

married, it doesn’t matter where he was

of discipleship. This factor doesn’t

married. He’s married everywhere!”

mean, however, we always teach and

The Lord allowed this point to hit

disciple in exactly the same way. Jesus used the imagery of the new birth to

its target, and Carlos soon realized how In Carlos’s country of origin, many

wrong he’d been a few minutes ago. An

describe salvation to Nicodemus (John

Christians believe that even if a couple

understanding of his culture along with

3) and of living water to the Samaritan

obtains a marriage license from a court

a grasp of biblical mandates regarding

woman (John 4). Scriptural truths never

and the state recognizes this union, the

marriage was necessary in order to

change, but we must make certain

couple isn’t truly married if they don’t

understand where Carlos had gotten off

we communicate the Bible’s message

have a religious service. For this reason,

track and to begin discipling him on this

in ways our audience can accurately

Christians often have two wedding

matter. Jesus discipled by explaining

understand and apply to their lives.

services: one before a judge, and one

timeless truths in ways that connected

Years ago, I had the opportunity to

their pastor officiates. In Carlos’s case, a

with his audience. May we do the same

disciple a man (we’ll call him Carlos)

faulty understanding of marriage from

so that we disciple well!

from Latin America who had a faulty

a biblical perspective had become an





THE ANECDOTE IMPRESSED ME, and I began considering how

you kindly give this to him?” handing

purchasing someone’s meal might not

problem,” she said.

only demonstrate human generosity communicate the generosity of God.


That Monday, I determined to translate

the following, including my name and

my idea into reality.

contact information:

but also provide an opportunity to

Equipped with a copy of “Would

her the tract with my note attached. “No

You must be wondering,


You Like to Know God Personally?” a

“Why would someone purchase this

It was a normal, abnormal Sunday

Gospel tract by Cru, and a personal note

for me?”

morning. My family was in the living

I created to accompany it, I pulled into

room, my tea was in my hand, my Bible

Smoothie King’s drive-through. When

cashier and hear “It’s already been

was next to me, and the television was

someone pulled up behind me in a

paid.” You can put your credit card

live-streaming a local church service.

Nissan Maxima, I briefly said a prayer

or cash back into your wallet or

The pastor started his sermon with a

for the driver to be receptive.

purse and enjoy the meal!

personal story. He was standing in line at

“That will be $9.45,” the cashier

It feels good to pull up to the

Two thousand years ago, Jesus

said. I gave her my credit card. When

died on the cross to pay for my sins

McDonald’s. The woman immediately

she attempted to return it to me, I asked,

and yours. One day you and I will

ahead of him secretly purchased his

“Can I pay for the meal of the person in

“pull up” to God and have to settle

meal. When he arrived at the cashier

the car behind me?” “Sure,” she said,

the account for our sin. If you’ve not

and learned of the woman’s generosity,

surprised. When she returned

he did the same for the person behind

my credit card to me, I

him. That person did the same for the

followed up. “Would

next person. Soon these strangers were smiling at each other, recognizing their shared generosity. It was a throwback to the 2000 movie Pay It Forward.


Read the first in the “Evangelism in the 21st Century” series. Go to: tiny.cc/evangelism21-1

accepted Christ, you


won’t be able to pay the debt and will


be sentenced to death (separation

What are ways you can use generosity

from God forever). The good news

to open the door to share the Gospel

is that if you receive Jesus Christ’s

with others this week? Keep a note

payment for your sin, God will tell

in your car, stapled to a Gospel tract.

you, “It’s already been paid.”

Next time you go to a drive-through,

To learn more, read the booklet stapled to this note. Have a great day!

I’ve realized that evangelism in


determine if you can afford the meal of the person behind you, and if so, pay for it. Then ask the cashier to give the person your note and tract.

the 21st century has to go beyond adaptation to an ever-changing environment to something that becomes more effective and innovative because of a changing environment. Creative thinking has resulted from enrolling in Mid-America, where the emphasis on sharing the Gospel causes me to overcome social-distancing and find other ways to go to all the world for Jesus’ sake.






Discipleship Resources




effort Phillips has invested in creating

primarily for them to make a certain

discipleship materials, he still recognizes

grade,” Phillips said. “Although I hope

one of the keys to real discipleship is

they do well, the main goal is that by the

mentoring. Phillips recommends Sunday

end of the semester, they’re more like

School teachers consider stepping into

Jesus than when they started.”

the role of mentoring.

The other change occurred a few

Even with all of the time and

“We can do certain things in a

years before joining Mid-America;

classroom setting as there’s a lot of help

Phillips also stepped into a new aspect of

for the teachers in the materials,” Phillips

discipleship when he started writing for

said. “But if they would [mentor], it would

At the end of his earthly ministry,

LifeWay Christian Resources. Through

be tremendously effective in helping

Jesus gave the Great Commission

LifeWay and a few other publications,

their class members be more like Jesus.”

and commanded His followers to, “Go

Phillips has published over 300 articles

Phillips said he could remember a few

therefore and make disciples of all

and three books to date. Many of these

godly men who invested in him in this

nations.” For the past 2,000 years, this

discipleship materials are being used

way when he was younger. These men

has been the mission of the church. For

in roughly 100,000 Sunday School

spent time with him, discipled him,

the past 50 years, this has also been the

classrooms across the country.

and cared for him. These men pushed

mission of Dr. Jere Phillips in his ministry.

Phillips believes his writings can

Phillips to live a more Christ-like life.

Through obedience, God has used

fill a few essential roles in forming

Phillips, a practical theology professor

Christians to look more like Christ.

at Mid-America, to disciple tens of

He says some materials are intended


thousands of people across America and

to instruct believers how they should

humankind was originally made in the

the world.

cooperate with the Holy Spirit through

image of God. Then, as a result of Adam

prayer, Bible reading, and other spiritual

and Eve’s fall, humans can no longer


reflect that image. The Fall is why each person must be born again in Christ and

or staff member. Around the turn of the


millennium, things began to change

and come alongside Sunday school

being molded and made to look more

as God placed Phillips in new roles

teachers to disciple their members. To

and more like Jesus. Discipleship, as

expanding his opportunities to be a part

him, teachers must see themselves as

Phillips sees it, is all about changing to

of the discipleship process. One of those

disciple-makers and not just teachers.

reflect Christ as accurately as possible on

opportunities was the chance to join the

Recognizing this is a challenging task,

this side of Heaven.

faculty of Mid-America. As a professor,

the materials Phillips publishes are

Phillips sees his purpose as more than

intended to help teachers learn how to

has taught and the resources he has

one of merely academic instruction. He

bring about spiritual formation in the

published, Phillips is happy he has

still sees his goal as discipleship.

class members.

dedicated himself to discipleship as

For the first few decades of Phillips’ life as a minister and disciple-maker, he served in local churches as a pastor

enter into the sanctification process of

Looking at the many students he

spiritual formation. “It has been a joy to be a part of that and to write with that kind of focus.” But Phillips isn’t done. He will continue his discipleship ministry until the Lord calls him home. Dr. Phillips was Editor of the Mid-America Journal and will become a Professor Emeritus in December 2020. He has published three books, over 300 articles, and is also Pastor of Peterson Lake Baptist Church in Collierville, Tennessee.



to spiritual things. What if a Christian

Would you offer to provide some help or

friend from church called and invited

service during her difficult days?

you out for a cup of coffee. As you visit

While any of these responses

over coffee, your friend tells you that

might be helpful, they would all miss

her anxiety is getting the best of her

the opportunity to provide biblical

in the current chaos. She is struggling

counseling. “But I’m not a counselor,”

with various thoughts and speculations

you might say. In reality, we are all

which are causing her to be very

counselors whether or not we recognize

concerned about the future. She is

it or want to be. People come to us


feeling extremely discouraged. The

for counsel, and we provide it even

thoughts have become so prominent

though we might not consider it to

The year 2020 has been a year of

they dominate her time and negatively

be counseling. Our natural response

uncertainty, insecurity, and chaos.

impact relationships with her family

to someone who comes seeking

Amid such turmoil, there is a dramatic

and even the Lord. What would you say

informal counsel is to share common

increase of life challenges which

to her? Would you try to provide words

sense advice or advice based on our

impact everyone, including Christians.

of encouragement? Show compassion

experience. When we do this, we miss

As believers, we should look at such

and tell her you were struggling as well?

an opportunity to minister God’s Word.

seasons of crisis as times of great

Would you give her some advice based

opportunity. People in crisis are open


on your experience or common sense?

essence, helping people find answers




DISCIPLESHIP in God’s Word to their struggles. It

your requests be made known to

the spirit of your mind—“by prayer and

is intentional, intense discipleship.

God” (Philippians 4:6 NASB).

supplication, with thanksgiving.” Put on prayer—“Let your requests be made

anxiety. When I first began to be

AS YOU HAVE COFFEE WITH YOUR FRIEND, you could do biblical

intentional about ministering God’s

counseling with her and walk her

a formal biblical counseling class, you

Word to others, I started making notes

through the verse. You could tell her

can counsel using God’s Word.

in the blank pages in the back of my

the Bible says to be anxious for nothing.

Bible. The first one said, “Anxiety—

Even though currently there might be

verse to your friend. Discipleship

Philippians 4:6.” I recognized this verse

many apparent reasons to be anxious,

is relational. As you walk with her,

would be very helpful in ministering

the Bible says we should be anxious for

continue to counsel her with Scripture

to someone struggling with anxiety. I


following the directions of Paul in 1

Scripture has much to say about

wrote it down in the back of my Bible

The Bible is not just a book of

known to God.” Even if you have not had

It is not enough to just teach this


because I knew I might forget it and so

“don’ts”—“don’t do this” and “don’t

I could locate it when I needed it. I have

do that,” but the Bible teaches that to

advise) those who are out of line

since used the verse many times to help

truly change, we need to follow the

[the loafers, the disorderly, and the

people struggling with anxiety.

counsel of Ephesians 4:22–24. In short,

unruly]; encourage the timid and

put off, be renewed in the spirit of

fainthearted, help, and give your

but in everything by prayer and

your mind, and put on. Philippians 4:6

support to the weak souls, [and]

supplication with thanksgiving let

teaches just this. Put off anxiety—“be

be very patient with everybody”

anxious for nothing.” Be renewed in

(1 Thessalonians 5:14 AMP).

“Be anxious for nothing,

“Admonish (warn and seriously



OUR DONORS ARE INVESTING NOT ONLY THEIR FINANCES IN STUDENTS, THEY ARE INVESTING THEIR LIVES BY RAY HELTON “Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations.” —Matthew 28:19 These words, referred to as the Great Commission, come from Matthew’s Gospel and resonate with all believers who take an active interest in spreading the Gospel. “Make disciples” is one of the last recorded commands Jesus gave before returning to Heaven, and fulfilling it involves a deliberate plan to respond in faith. The only command in the Great Commission is to “make” disciples. This happens while you are going, while you are teaching, and while you are baptizing.

DISCIPLEMAKING IS A PROCESS by which you reproduce your life (your knowledge and experiences) in another believer to the extent that the person being discipled can not only stand spiritually by

themselves but also faithfully reproduce

Mission Mid-America

Colossians 1:28–29 says, “Him

themselves in others who can do the

we proclaim, warning everyone, and

same. While individual efforts to make

teaching everyone with all wisdom, that

disciples will differ, it is useful to have

we may present everyone mature in

a framework for being an intentional

Christ. For this, I toil, struggling with all


His energy that He powerfully works



within me.” This verse makes plain

should focus on “presenting everyone

to their financial contributions to

that the goal of our disciple-making

mature in Christ.”

Mid-America, donors have befriended

efforts is Christian maturity. A believer’s

students to encourage their pursuit of

warnings about sin and God’s judgment,


and toil in the power of the Holy Spirit

maturity of our students who are called

discusses important spiritual areas with

to full-time and lay ministry. In addition

students over a meal. Additionally, this

proclamation of Christ, teaching,

God’s call on their lives. A donor recently shared how he

donor has shared appropriate fears, struggles, and victories that allow students to see God’s power at work. Through the involvement of donors as disciplemakers, students see how God guides, teaches, and encourages His people over the decades. The memories and relationships being developed between students and donors are precious.

WHO CAN BE A DISCIPLEMAKER? All believers in Jesus can make disciples in their church, family, and neighborhood. MidAmerica encourages you to be a disciplemaker. You can be a direct or indirect part of the spiritual maturity of our students through your gifts of money or time. Why not consider being a disciple-maker today? For more information, call our Development office at (901) 751-3030.

Discover more or give today at:



Women’s Institute


engage in soulwinning.” During the first year, Spradlin and Thompson brought in faculty and ministers’ wives

“Go, therefore and make disciples,” Jesus

as guest speakers to help

said (Matthew 28:19). Like most of His

address these topics. Later, they

commands, this is easier said than done.

expanded the curriculum and began


Trying to make disciples can surface

rotating the topics quarterly for three

need to

feelings of inadequacy. It can stretch our

years (the average time it takes to earn a

know how to

capacity and our willingness to readjust

seminary degree). They have continued

run to the Lord

to an already busy schedule. There is

to expand the curriculum and adjust

for help and

concern over opening a “Pandora’s Box”

their approach to embrace the growing


of revelations in the lives of all individuals

numbers of single women attending the

involved. Let’s face it: making disciples is

college and seminary.

13 years, Spradlin

not easy, but it is immensely rewarding—


and Thompson have

that’s what Lee Ann Spradlin discovered.


For the past

trusted God to use them to

raising children, homeschooling, and

help women become better

seated), wife of Mid-America President

helping their husbands in ministry.

followers of Jesus. Spradlin

Dr. Michael Spradlin, and her close

Time is usually in short supply, and

has learned one valuable lesson,

friend, Susan Thompson (standing), wife

when it comes to making disciples, the

“Trust the Lord no matter the

of Executive Vice President and Dean of

time demand can be very great. “I felt

circumstances, and trust Him

The College at Mid-America, Dr. Bradley

overwhelmed as I realized these women

always. It is easy to get caught up in the

Thompson, were invited to start a

did not have many people to confide in.

drama of the person’s situation and forget

discipleship group among the wives

Not everyone understands what women

that the Lord is Whom we must turn to

of seminary students. Neither felt

in ministry might need. It involved much

so we can love the people as He does. He

qualified for the task. While they

more of my time.”

has the answers. His Word is where we

Thirteen years ago, Spradlin (at left,

had experience teaching children

While Spradlin was having women in

turn. We must pray without ceasing.”

and youth, neither had taught

her home and spending more time with

adults. They sensed God’s direction,

them, she never forgot her goal: “to work


however, and determined to give

myself out of a job,” she said.

for Spradlin. She often receives notes

discipleship a try. It did not take long

“That is my goal in helping these

informing her of the lasting influence she

for Mrs. Spradlin to see why God led

women. I want them to realize that the

and Thompson have made in the lives

them to work with these women.

Holy Spirit is strong and powerful. These

of women—an influence she hopes will

women need to learn to draw on His

continue through generations to come.


power, not mine, another woman’s, or even another Bible study’s.

If you are a woman seeking to become a better follower of Christ? If so, Lee Ann and Susan want

“A wife may or may not be called to

They will live in

seminary herself, but she needs to be

many different

you to join them. Please visit

equipped. She needs to know how to


mabts.edu/women to get

study the Bible, build a thriving prayer

even some

life, counsel with other people, run her

with very few

home effectively and efficiently, and


Turn the page to see what women are saying about the Mid-America Women’s Institute.


My journey with the Women’s Institute began in 2008 when my husband started in the MDIV program at Mid-America. Then it was called the Seminary Student Wives Class, and it served a wealth of knowledge and support for me then. Prayer time was memorable as we spent time with the Lord praying for each other’s needs. It was a moment of sharing and pouring out our hearts and watching God answer prayers. The lessons were always needed and preparatory for the different paths in ministry. I still have and use books obtained during that time. I met ladies with whom I still keep up with today and will cherish that time always.

Benita Lewis

The Women’s Institute at Mid-America was exactly what I didn’t know I needed. It helped in equipping me in my role as a minister’s wife and gave me wisdom on how to specifically pray for my husband. What it unexpectedly brought me was lifelong friendships with sisters in Christ who are walking this same path.

Sierra Butler

As I began my journey as a student at The College at Mid-America, I realized I would need the support from older and mature women in the faith to help me grow more in my walk with the Lord as a Christian woman. I have attended the Monday evening classes for two semesters and have been so encouraged, enlightened, and stirred, even having my flames rekindled. I truly trust and believe that the Holy Spirit guided me here for the purpose of being equipped for the work of the ministry. My passion is to help guide and steer young women in the direction of the Lord. The Women’s Institute helps in preparation for this passion. For this reason, I strongly encourage the women of Mid-America to consider joining us at the Women’s Institute.

Nancy Sundling

I’m grateful for the wide variety of classes offered by the Women’s Institute and the relevance they have had to my own experiences since leaving seminary. The tools I gained in these classes have been so helpful as we’ve navigated full-time ministry as a family. In one class, I got the opportunity to hear from several pastors’ wives. Their testimonies of God’s faithfulness and Scriptures that helped each of them to persevere in their ministries have been such an encouragement to me.

Sara Kimbrell

It has changed my life! I look forward to it each semester because it is always a blessing! I’ve grown so much in my walk with the Lord and strengthened my prayer life. I’ve learned how to witness and interact with people of other religions and cultural backgrounds and made significant, sweet, long-lasting friendships.

Sarah Hays

Mid-America News




Founders’ Days was

In September, Mid-America was

like most things this

proud to host the Conservative

year—different. Some

Baptist Bible Conference, sponsored

things, however,

by the Conservative Baptist

remain the same,

Network. More than 10,000 people

even if the situation

experienced via in-person or

changed. Therefore, in keeping with our tradition, we celebrated the Miracle of Mid-America with

livestream dynamic preaching, Dr. Brad Thompson, Dean of The College at Mid-America, and others preached messages online during Virtual Founders’ Days 2020.

worship, and a clarion call to remain faithful to the Bible. As a celebration of the 2000 Baptist Faith and Message, the evening was also a terrific

Dr. Michael Spradlin,

reminder of the beliefs that make

President of Mid-America, sharing how for nearly

Baptists distinctive.

50 years our institution has been sustained by the faithfulness of God and His people. Moreover, the other longstanding tradition we honored this year was to have each faculty member sign and attest that he or she wholeheartedly still affirms our Articles of Belief. We do this to ensure our students are not being taught beliefs incongruent with the school.



Watch a video of Dr. Michael Spradlin sharing the Miracle of Mid-America at Virtual Founders’ Days 2020, as well as messages from all three days. Go to: mabts.edu/foundersdays

Mid-America’s own Dr. Lee Brand Jr., Dean of the Seminary, preached at the conference along with other nationwide leaders committed to the Bible.

SUFFICIENCY OF SCRIPTURE SERIES, VOL. 1, COMPLETED The first volume of the Sufficiency of Scripture Series is complete. With four issues now available at mabts.edu/sufficiency, people worldwide are better able to understand some of the critical debates within our churches regarding the sufficiency of the Bible to bring about change in our society.


Read all four issues in Volume 1 of the Sufficiency of Scripture Series. Go to: mabts.edu/sufficiency

MID-AMERICA HISPANIC INSTITUTE EXPANDS INTO EL SALVADOR The Hispanic Institute at Mid-America recently began its third year of providing biblical instruction to Spanish speakers. The course topic this semester is Matthew– Acts. Students from Mexico, Central America, and South America are eager for their knowledge of God’s Word to grow deeper. Many of the learners live in the Memphis area. This year the Lord has provided the institute with an exciting opportunity to minister to people who live in El Salvador. Pastor Rigoberto Jimenez Cruz (right) once lived in the United States. He sensed God calling him back to his home country to serve as a missionary to his fellow Salvadorans. Through recorded videos Rigoberto is studying the same material as the students in Memphis, and then teaches these same lessons to Salvadorans who are hungry to learn more about Jesus. He has found opportunities to expand his sphere of influence by presenting these teachings on the local radio station. Rigoberto is a faithful example of Paul’s admonition to teach other Christians, who, in turn, teach yet others (2 Timothy 2:2).

P.O. Box 2350 • Cordova, Tennessee 38088-2350 901-751-8453 • info@mabts.edu • mabts.edu

MORE INFO OR TO REGISTER: UNDERGRADUATE collegeatmidamerica.com/previewday

GRADUATE mabts.edu/previewday Also, be watching our websites for more details about Personal Preview Days this Spring!


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