A General Theory of Meaning (Empiric Informational Fundaments) Marcus Abundis Aarau, Switzerland 55mrcs@gmail.com B¨ on Informatics
Abstract. This essay examines a meaningful void in information theory noted by Claude Shannon and Warren Weaver. It details ‘scientific meaning’ (the standard model in physics, the periodic table, etc.) in relation to information and consciousness — where a scalable bridge is framed to join these disparate topics. That bridge conveys a ‘natural informatics’ or a general theory of meaning, via three empiric informational types: materially non-adaptive, discretely adaptive, and temporally adaptive. Informational types thus recast conflicts seen in the above informational roles, using Bateson-like ‘differentiated differences’ to detail a dualisttriune informational continuum. This paper extends an earlier a priori study of the nature of information and intelligence, by detailing general empiric features (15 pages: 6,200 words, rev3/2018).
Computer Society, IEEE, IEEEtran, journal, LATEX, paper, template.
Humanity holds adaptive skills beyond those of other species. For example, as informational adaptations: the standard model in physics, the periodic table, genomics, and Darwinism detail scientific fundaments that have wide acceptance and utility. Those ‘scientific informational strategies’ are then enlarged via serial discovery and the adoption of new ideas. Humanity’s varied use of these-andother informational strategies drives a broad ‘cultural ecology’ as an adaptive trait that surpasses the adaptive capacities of other species. The most successful of our informational strategies is science. But despite plain scientific gains, explanatory gaps remain, marking an incompleteness in our scientific views. Given the prior gains, understanding our scientific lapses is of interest as they imply a ‘latent potential’. To address those lapses this paper explores two such gaps: 1) questions of consciousness, and 2) the nature of information. Using informational analysis, this paper posits a Shannon-Weaver [26] theory of meaning to reframe those gaps. It presents information science or a ‘natural informatics’ as a way to jointly assess science and consciousness, detailed as general informational wherewithal.