May 2020
From the LOCC Golf Club Committee As everyone continues to abide by the ever changing COVID restrictions, the Golf Committee would like to thank all those at the club that maintain a safe environment for golf play. The joy and fun of golf is a great relief, especially now. As the 2020 golf season gets underway, we ask that while on the course, if you notice potential issues or concerns please convey those to a member of the LOCC Golf Committee. After that, the committee will participate in the research and discussion of the topic in our monthly meeting then bring those recommendations to the LHC & LPOA Board of Directors. We are sure that you have noticed the removal of the wood split rail fencing. We ask you notify the pro shop if you see non golfers on the course and/or cart paths, for safety issues. There is a plan to replace the split rail fence along the tee boxes on #6 with black wrought iron fence, again for safety reasons. With the volume of play, the course is being utilized to the fullest of capacity given the circumstances. The committee would like to remind golfers of our “Caring for the Course” initiative that has been recently implemented. What can I do to assist in “Caring for the Course” during COVID? • Replace or tamp down divots on tee box or in fairway. • Repair unattended ball marks on the green. • Ensure yourself and players in your group are entering the sand bunkers from the low side. • Take note of anything on your hole that you think is array and bring it to the attention of Brian Bateman (Head Golf Pro). What hole on the courses am I assigned to? Last name starts with:
A: #1 B: #2 C: #3 D-E: #4 F: #5
G: #6 H: #7 I-J: #8 K: #9 L: #10
M: #11 N: #12 O-P: #13 R: #14 S: #15
T: #16 U-V: #17 W-Y-Z: #18
See you on the course!