12 minute read
Golf Like a Pro
by mac-lpoa
Some quick updates on World Handicap System over the next few months. Our Active Handicap Posting Season runs from March 1 through December 31. Conversely, our Inactive Handicap Posting Season runs from January 1 through February 28. So any rounds played at Lakewood in the months of January or February are not eligible to be posted (unless guidelines are changed by the USGA).
Inactive season is more important going into 2021 because our Golf & Handicap Committees, along with Central Links Golf Association, have completed the process of rerating the golf course. Both committees have reviewed and approved all recommendations from Central Links Golf Association regarding the rerating and changing of Stroke Index Allocations.
These changes will go into effect January 1, 2021. This will give the membership two months (although not the best two months to play golf) to familiarize themselves with the changes. As you will see in the following tables, the golf course, course rating, and slope remained relatively unchanged. However, the Stroke Index Allocation (hole handicap ranking) did change drastically. If you would like to get into the nuts and bolts of the process, please go to https://www.usga.org/content/ usga/home-page/handicapping/roh/ Content/rules/Appendix%20E%20 Stroke%20Index%20Allocation.htm.
Brian welcome all questions and suggestions, so feel free to contact him 816.541.2455 or brian@logc.org.
Lakewood Oaks Country Club Master Pending - Female - Green*
Lakewood Oaks Country Club Master Pending - Female - Green*
Difficulty Odds/Evens Course Measurements Hole Difficulty Value Ranking Odds/Evens Distribution Hole 1Stroke Index Value 1.92... Ranking 4 Distribution 1 Stroke 3 Index COURSE MEASUREMENTS Lakewood Oaks Country Club 2 1.92... 3 1.11... 4 0.71... 1 1.92... 4 1 3 2 1.92... 5 3 7 LAKEWOOD OAKS COUNTRY CLUB 5 13 17 3 13 15 7 13 15 3 1.11... 13 13 513 0.67... 18 17 17 All Measurements in Yards 4 0.71... 5 0.67... 17 18 15 17 6 7 15 17 1.71... 1.48... 8 11 7 11 1 11 6 1.71... 8 7 8 9 1 1.68... 1.91... 10 7 9 5 9 5 Black Black Black/Gold Black/Gold 7 Gold1.48... Gold Gold/Green Gold/Green 10 1.92...11 11 11 6Green 8 Green6 Hole PendingFemale - 77.4/148 PendingMale - 70.8/129 PendingFemale - 76.1/143 PendingMale - 69.4/128 PendingFemale - 74.9/1398 1.68... PendingMale - 68.8/125 10 PendingFemale - 72.5/1349 PendingMale - 67.0/11811 0.73...9 PendingFemale - 70.6/12816 18 PendingMale - 65.9/11718 9 1.91... 7 5 125 0.90 15 16 16 1 518 518 518 518 10 500 1.92... 500 6 8 480 136 4802.20 3 480 6 480 8 2 373 373 351 351 11 3510.73... 351 16 18 329 14 1518 3291.02... 2.41... 14 2 329 14 4 32914 2 3 338 338 338 338 12 324 0.90 324 15 16 285 1616 2851.33... 12 285 12 28512 4 117 117 117 117 13 99 2.20 99 3 6 99 178 993.22... 1 99 2 99 4 5 127 127 127 127 14 1221.02... 122 14 14 122 1814 122 1.71... 9 105 10 105 10 6 402 402 373 373 15 3732.41... 373 2 4 307Instructions 2 307 307 307 7 519 519 496 496 16 496 1.33... 496 12 12 430Below is a description 12 430of each column heading. 430 430 17 3.22... 1 2 4 8 412 412 353 353 18 3531.71... 353 9 10 297 297Difficulty Value – Calculated value based on This value represents the combined strokes10 297 297the recommended formula within Appendix over par for Scratch and Bogey Players. E of the Rules of Handicapping. 9 359 359 359 359 337 337 323 323 323 323 FRONT 3165 3165 3032 3032 Instructions 2955 2955 2672Ranking will have 26552672 – This is the raw ranking value of each hole based upon all a ranking of 1 and the lowest Difficulty Value will have the 2655 holes Difficulty ranking of 9 or Value. The highest Difficulty 18 (depending on how many Value total holes are available for the tee set rating). FRONT NINE PAR 36 36 36 36 Below is a description 36of each column 36 heading. 36 36 36 36 Odds/Evens Distribution – The Odds/Evens Distribution applies only to those tee sets that have 18 holes. Based on the 10 412 412 396 295 295396 396 396 396 396 value of each holes Ranking, the front nine holes will receive odd number values and the back nine holes are given even number values. The lowest value on the front nine based on the Ranking value will be assigned the number 1. The highest value on the front nine based on the Ranking value will be assigned the number 17. The lowest value on the Difficulty Value – Calculated value based on the recommended formula within Appendix E of the Rules of Handicapping. This value represents the combined strokes over par for Scratch and Bogey Players. 11 211 211 187 187 187 187 187back nine based on 187the Ranking will be 115assigned the number 2. The 115highest value on the back nine based on the 12 330 330 330 330 Ranking will have 269 269 – This is the raw ranking value of each a ranking of 1 and the lowest Difficulty 253 253253 253 Ranking value will be assigned the number 18.The Odds/Evens Distribution is described in Appendix E within Rules Handicapping. If a tee set is only nine holes, then the odds/evens concept is not applied and is ranked 1 through 9.hole based upon all holes Difficulty Value. The highest Difficulty Value Value will have the ranking of 9 or 18 (depending on how many total of 13 500 500 500 500holes are available for 481 the tee set rating). 481 481Stroke Index– 481Maintains the Odds/Evens 434 Distribution (for 18 holes) but 434 includes the “Triads” concept described in Appendix E of the Rules of Handicapping. 14 139 139 139 139 Odds/Evens 124Distribution – The 124Odds/Evens Distribution 109applies only to those tee 109sets that have 18 109holes. Based on the 109 15 371 371 339 339value of each holes 339 Ranking, the front nine339holes will receive 319 319 Nine hole tee ratings will also use theodd number values and the back 319 “Triad” concept.nine holes are given even 319 16 163 Lakewood Oaks Country Club 163 163 163 number highest values. The value on the 152 lowest value on the front nine based on 152 120 120 front nine based on the Ranking value will be assigned the Ranking value will be assigned the number 17. The 120 the number 1. The lowest value on the 120 17 436 436 416 416 416 416 403back nine based on the Ranking will be assigned the number 2. The highest Ranking value will be assigned the number 18.The Odds/Evens Distribution 403value on the is described 403back nine based on in Appendix E within the Rules of 403 18 530 530 Course Rating and Slope Rating 512 512 512Handicapping. If a tee set is only nine 512holes, then the 463odds/evens concept is not 463 applied and is ranked 4631 through 9. 463 BACK
BACK NINE PAR 3092 36 3092 35 2982 36
2982Stroke Index– 2876Maintains the Odds/Evens 2876 Distribution (for 18 2731 * Calculated using holes) but includes 2731CR Par the “Triads” concept 2511 described in 35 Appendix E of the 36Rules of Handicapping. 35 36 35 36 2511 35
TOTAL Certified By: 6257 6257 6014 Central Links Golf 6014Nine hole tee ratings 5831will also use the 5831“Triad” concept. TOTAL PAR 72 71 72 71 72 71 Authorized Golf Association Lakewood Oaks Country Club COURSE RATING AND SLOPE RATING Jacqueline Madison
5403 72 5403 71 5166 72 5166 71
Certified By:
Course Rating and Slope RatingName * Calculated using CR Par
Director of Member Services
Central Links Golf
A Course Rating is the evaluation of the playing difficulty of a course for scratch golfers under normal course and weather conditions. It is expressed as strokes taken to one decimal place, and is based on yardage Authorized Golf Association30-Oct-2020 and other obstacles to the extent that they affect the scoring ability of a scratch golfer. A Slope Rating evaluates the relative playing difficulty of Explanation: Jacqueline Madison Effective Rating Date a course for players who are not scratch golfers. The lowest Slope Rating Name A Course Rating is the evaluation of the playing difficulty of a course for scratch golfers under normal course and weather conditions. It is expressed as strokes taken to one decimal place, and is based on yardage and other obstacles to the extent that they affect the scoring ability of a scratch golfer. A Slope Rating evaluates the relative playing difficulty of a course for players who are not scratch golfers. The is 55 and the highest is 155. A golf course of standard playing difficulty has a Slope Rating of 113. Course ratings are determined, by permission Director of Member Services lowest Slope Rating is 55 and the highest is 155. A golf course of standard playing difficulty has a Slope Rating of 113. Course ratings are of the World Handicap System, in accordance with the Course Rating Title determined, by permission of the World Handicap System, in accordance with the Course Rating System™ for the purpose of providing a uniform basis of which to issue a Handicap Index. Course Rating, Slope Rating®, and Handicap Index® are marks owned by the World System™ for the purpose of providing a uniform basis of which to issue a Handicap System and may only be used in connection with the World Handicap System™. Handicap Index. Course Rating, Slope Rating®, and Handicap Index® are 30-Oct-2020 marks owned by the World Handicap System and may only be used in Effective Rating Date connection with the World Handicap System™.
Explanation: A Course Rating is the evaluation of the playing difficulty of a course for scratch golfers under normal course and weather conditions. It is Course Rating™/ Front Front Tee Back Back Total expressed as strokes taken to one decimal place, and is based on yardage and other obstacles to the extent that they affect the scoring Length Gender Slope Rating Nine Nine ParName Nine Nine Par Par ability of a scratch golfer. A Slope Rating evaluates the relative playing difficulty of a course for players who are not scratch golfers. The lowest Slope Rating is 55 and the highest is 155. A golf course of standard playing difficulty has a Slope Rating of 113. Course ratings are 6257 Men 70.8/129 35.4/131 36Black 35.4/126 35 71 determined, by permission of the World Handicap System, in accordance with the Course Rating System™ for the purpose of providing a 6014 Men 69.4/128 34.6/133 36Black/Gold 34.8/123 35 71 uniform basis of which to issue a Handicap Index. Course Rating, Slope Rating®, and Handicap Index® are marks owned by the World Handicap System and may only be used in connection with the World Handicap System™.5831 Men 68.8/125 34.3/132 36Gold 34.5/118 35 71 Gold/Green 5403 Men 67.0/118 33.2/121 36 33.8/115 35 71 Green 5166 Men 65.9/117 33.1/121 36 32.8/113 35 71
Black 6257 Women 77.4/148 38.8/148 36 38.6/148
Black/Gold Gold Length Gender
Course Rating™/ Front Front Back 6014 Women 76.1/143 38.0/141 36 Back Total 38.1/144 Slope Rating Nine Nine Par Nine ParNine Par5831 Women 74.9/139 37.6/136 36 37.3/142 Gold/Green 6257 Men 70.8/129 35.4/131 36 35.4/126 5403 Women 72.5/134 35.9/130 36 Green 6014 Men 69.4/128 34.6/133 36 34.8/123 5166 Women 70.6/128 35.6/128 36
35 71 36.6/137 35 71 35.0/128 36 36 36 36 36 72 72 72 72 72
5831 Men 68.8/125 34.3/132 36 34.5/118 35 71

Below is a description of each column heading.
Difficulty Value
Calculated value based on the recommended formula within Appendix E of the Rules of Handicapping. This value represents the combined strokes over par for Scratch and Bogey Players.
This is the raw ranking value of each hole based upon all holes Difficulty Value. The highest Difficulty Value will have a ranking of 1 and the lowest Difficulty Value will have the ranking of 9 or 18 (depending on how many total holes are available for the tee set rating).
Odds/Evens Distribution
The Odds/Evens Distribution applies only to those tee sets that have 18 holes. Based on the value of each holes Ranking, the front nine holes will receive odd number values and the back nine holes are given even number values. The lowest value on the front nine based on the Ranking value will be assigned the number 1. The highest value on the front nine based on the Ranking value will be assigned the number 17. The lowest value on the back nine based on the Ranking will be assigned the number 2. The highest value on the back nine based on the Ranking value will be assigned the number 18.The Odds/Evens Distribution is described in Appendix E within Rules of Handicapping. If a tee set is only nine holes, then the odds/evens concept is not applied and is ranked 1 through 9.
Stroke Index
Maintains the Odds/Evens Distribution (for 18 holes) but includes the “Triads” concept described in Appendix E of the Rules of Handicapping.
Nine hole tee ratings will also use the “Triad” concept.

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