The Ripples: October 2023

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Lakewood PROPERTY OWNERS ASSOCIATION Smokin’ in Lakewood | Around the Neighborhood Fall Festival | Board Updates & Pending Amendment The official magazine of The Lakewood Community October 2023 Changing Seasons
2 The Ripples // October 2023
NOW OPEN IN LAKEWOOD! All Major Insurances Accepted! Including Medicare! 721 NE Lakewood Blvd Lees Summit MO 64064 816-607-7180 (Located behind Mr. Goodcents and Lakewood Local, Across from the Fountain) Most 5-Star Reviews in Lee's Summit

LPOA Committee Chairpersons


ARB/ARC // Judy Alyea

Appeals // Steve White

Election // Barb Burns

Executive // Jon Snow

Lakeshore Townhomes // Sheri Hartman & Jerry Baxter

Lakeshore Condos // Kevin Wiley

Lakewood Bay // Chris Farrell

The Landings // Doug Allen

Water’s Edge // Kevin Ingram


Activities // Meg Young

Facilities Development // Emmett McClintock

Finance // Dave Stackelhouse

Food & Beverage // Jahala Kinser

Insurance // Cathy Pec

Lake Use // Scott Lankford

Association Staff


General Manager Mark Reid //

Accounting Supervisor Machelle Seiler //

Staff Assistant Sherry McNamara //

Administrative Assistant Nichole Melvin //

Membership Accounting Cari Brown //

Receptionist Sharri Goodman //


Dir. of Comm. Relations Sean Bachtel //

Compliance Officer, Department Supervisor

Tim Martineau //

Community Services Reception Ann Bellinghausen //


Art & Communication Director

Cariann Dureka //


Chef Eber Altamirano //

Argyle // 816-541-2452


Maintenance Manager John Thomas //

Board Members


President Debbie Stalnaker (At Large)

Liaison to Facilities Development Committee


Vice-President Jon Snow (West Lake)

Liaison to Activities Committee


Treasurer Tom Maloney (East Lake)

Liaison to Finance Committee


Secretary Larry Fields (At Large)

Liaison to Insurance Committee



Kim Curran (At Large)

Liaison to Food & Beverage and Golf Committees


Andrew Crocker (At Large)

Liaison to Appeals Committee


Joseph Pec (Multi Family)

Liaison to Multi-family Parcels


Dave Petet (At Large)

Liaison to Lake Use Committee


Rob Regier (At Large)

Liaison to ARB/ARC Committee


LPOA Office

651 NE St. Andrews Circle, Lee’s Summit, MO 64064

Monday through Friday - 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

PHONE 816-373-4326 COMMUNITY SERVICES 816-373-1500


4 The Ripples // October 2023

From the General Manager, Mark Reid

As we are settling into the routines of the school year and winding down on big family trips and events, it is a good time to dust off the items we may have forgotten on the shelves, so to speak. In particular, our Rules & Regulations. It may seem like there are an overabundance of them, but they have been visited and revisited by the resident Board of Directors and staff time and time again, establishing their continued relevancy and necessity over the years. When you purchased your home in the Lakewood Community, you automatically became a member of the association and you became responsible for following all its rules and regulations. These rules and regulations are not meant to be seen as a sword hanging over our heads, but as a way to uphold the standards of the neighborhood and association for everyone. Everyone should want to follow the rules due to the fact that the primary purpose of having community rules and standards is to protect your investment as a homeowner.

Everyone should want to follow the rules due to the fact that the primary purpose of having community rules and standards is to protect your investment as a homeowner.

Some of the benefits of our rules and regulations are:

– To provide protection for the community

– To retain property values

– To give guidelines that are agreed upon as a community

– To allow enforcement when there is non-compliance

Like speeding on the highways during the pandemic, whenever you see laws not being enforced, you see a rapid increase in lawlessness. Enforcement of our rules and regulations is not always popular but it is critical to maintain the harmony of our community. Again, approved rules and regulations that everyone agrees to live by is the very essence of why people choose to live in a community that is managed by a Property Owners Association. This month, lets remind ourselves to show appreciation for the staff of our Community Services Department and take a moment to refresh yourself on the Lakewood Rules & Regulations which can be found in the under the Community tab then select Governing Documents. Following the rules is not optional, it is what you agreed to do.

Lakewood Property Owners Association
October In
5 From the General Manager 6 From the Boardroom 7 Board Meeting Minutes 8 Calendar of Events 9 Lakewood Activities Committee Calendar 10 Welcome New Residents 11 Veteran’s Day Dinner 13 Rules 15 A Reception to Remember 17 Fall Festival 18 Clubs 19 Bass Fishing Club 20 Resource Directory 21 Resource Directory 22 Maintenance Update 22 Community Service Report
This Issue

From the Boardroom

Hello neighbors, October has arrived, bringing with it cooler days and the beauty of changing leaves. It is also the time of year when LPOA Committees, Staff and the Board are hard at work on putting together the 2024 Budget. This will all culminate with our annual Public Budget Meeting on November 2nd. If you want to know more about the budget process, I encourage you to read Mark’s article in the September issue of the Ripples. It is an informative and educational piece. In keeping with the “educational” theme, I chose this month to talk about what to expect when you attend a Board meeting. During my time on the board, I’ve witnessed that residents aren’t always sure when they can speak and who they should be addressing. I hope you will find this information interesting and informative as we embrace this fall season together.

Anatomy of a Board Meeting

Your LPOA/LHC Board is comprised of nine (9) directors. Each year, officers are elected by the board – President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. These officers make up the Executive Committee. Meetings are facilitated by the President or other Officer. LPOA board meetings are scheduled for the second Thursday of every month, 6:30 PM at the clubhouse. The purpose of the meeting is to conduct the business of the LHC and LPOA. These meetings are held in open session, with all LPOA members invited to attend.

The agenda for the meeting is set the week prior by the Executive Committee. Residents, staff, and board members may all submit topics for the agenda. All submitted topics may not make it to the actual agenda.

The agendas and supporting documents are distributed to board members the week of the board meeting for review. This allows board members to review the documents, ask questions, and come to the meeting prepared to conduct business. Being prepared allows for quicker decisions and keeping the meeting moving forward.

We utilize Roberts Rules of Order, which provides common rules and procedures for deliberation, debate and improves the efficiency of our meetings. It is


October 12 •

considered the “standard” for facilitating discussions and group decision making.

Since the LPOA/LHC is governed by one board, each is conducted as a separate session. We start with the LHC business, then move to the LPOA. Each entity will follow the same format listed below.

Call to Order

The President or presiding chairperson calls the meeting to order.

Roll Call

Roll call is taken by the GM to establish a quorum. A quorum (five) is the minimum number of directors present to conduct business.

Communication from Membership

This is an opportunity for a resident to address the board. Raise your hand to be recognized by the President, then step forward and state your name, address and/ or lot number. Comments are typically limited to 2-3 minutes. Once you have made your comment, you will be thanked and will return to your seat. On occasion, a board member may ask a question, however, this is not meant to be an open dialogue with the board. If you have a topic that you wish to present to the board that bears

November 9 •

December 14

Meetings take place at 6:30 p.m. at The Lakewood Oaks Clubhouse.

6 The Ripples // September

discussion, it should be submitted as an agenda topic in advance of the meeting. During the LHC session, comments should be limited to topics related to the golf course. During the LPOA session, all other association topics are welcome.

Communication from Board Members or Staff

This is an opportunity for a director or staff member to make any comments or updates.

Approval of Agenda

A motion is made to approve the agenda.

Items to Receive and File

Items included here may include Committee and Parcel meeting minutes, the Community Services report, etc. The Board has access to the supporting documents and the GM makes acknowledgement of receipt.

Consent Agenda

The consent agenda is used to streamline the meeting by collecting routine, non-controversial items into a group to be passed with a single motion and vote. These items may include Board meeting minutes, Executive Committee meeting minutes and Parcel and/or Committee member ratifications. An item can be removed from the consent agenda and discussed separately as a new business item.

Old Business

This is business from a previous meeting that has not been completed.

New Business

New business topics for discussion.


Meeting is closed.

At the adjournment of the LPOA session, residents are asked to leave, and the board goes into an Executive Session.

Executive Session – simply put, an executive session is a private meeting among the board that takes place outside of an open board meeting. Executive sessions are private because confidential, legal, or privileged information is discussed.

Lakewood Property Owners Association

Board of Directors’ Meeting

Actions taken September 14, 2023


• Election Committee recommendation to be implemented starting for the 2024 Election Process

• Meyer retain boat slip with conditions

• Employee Health Insurance Renewal

• Staff and Legal to coordinate Shores Villas Covenant Amendment

• LPOA Signage Purchase for Outside the Clubhouse and in the Argyle


• Clubhouse Repair - Auto Owners Insurance

• Lake Drive Traffic Control

• Parcel Reserve Study, Woods of Chapel Ridge Phase One

• Lakewood Bay Dumpster Design

• Community Service Department Staffing and Hours of Operation


• Office Furniture Purchase

• LIP - Clubhouse Deck Replacement

Lakewood Property Owners Association // Serving Our Members Since 1973 7
October 2023 Updates
you are unsure about who is a chairperson for a particular committee or parcel, check out the “Board of Directors” tab under Community on the LPOA website. H O L E S H O M E S S I G N U P N O W ! (816) 282-4461 LAKEWOOD GOLF TOURNAMENT M O N D A Y , O C T O B E R 3 0 , 8 A M - 3 P M HIT THE GREEN AND SUPPORT HABITAT FOR HUMANITY - IT’S A HOLE-IN-ONE! NEED HELP REGISTERING? CALL KIM GLASER! fore OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER 9 LPOA & LHC Board Meeting 14 LPOA & LHC Board Meeting Lakewood Calendar of Events 7 Smokin’ in Lakewood 12 LPOA & LHC Board Meeting 28 Halloween/Fall Harvest

Clubhouse Construction Update

We are hopeful to regain occupancy of the front offices in October and will inform residents of where to find staff once our move occurs.

Home Watch

The Lee’s Summit Police Department offers a House Watch to be used when you are out of town. If you wish to be added to their House Watch List, please contact LSPD at 816-969-1700. Don’t forget to contact the LPOA Office at 816-373-4326 so they can notify Community Services to keep an extra eye on your property as well.

Digital Ripples

Do you receive The Ripples both in print and digitally? Please help us save money and trees by letting us know to remove you from the printed copy. Simply email

Lakewood Property Owners Association // Serving Our Members Since 1973 9

New Lakewood Residents

Dennis & Sherry Couch 803 NE La Costa

Robert Freeland & Kimberly England 4531 NW Bramle Trail

Garrett McNamara 148 NE Bayview Drive

Piers Denney 3825 NW Cimarron

Paul & Linda James 3912 NE Independence Avenue

Trenton & Jane Trueper 720 NE Shoreline Drive

Pontoon Rentals Notice

Notice: Lakewood Pontoon Rentals will end for the season come October 15th, 2023.

If you have not been receiving our weekly Eblasts to your inbox, and would like to, visit our website at and at the bottom of the Contact page, click “Subscribe” and enter your email. E-Blasts, which are sent out every Monday and as needed, contain all the need-to-know Lakewood Info and upcoming events.

ARB/ARC deadlines are the 1st and 3rd Monday of every month. The meetings are the 2nd and 4th Tuesday at 6:00 pm. All meetings will take place at the Community Service Office, 735 NE Lakewood Blvd.

Want to "Go Green"? The Ripples

If you would like to stop receiving the Ripples by US Mail and would like to access it online (, simply email Cariann at


If you would like to stop receiving statements by US Mail, please contact Cari at or access the “Going Green” form on our website at Please be advised that our current accounting system does not have online access, so by not receiving a statement you will not be notified if you charge any additional items to your account (ie. Snack bar and Argyle meals, boat stickers, boat rentals, etc).

10 The Ripples // October 2023
ARB/ARC Information
Lakewood Property Owners Association // Serving Our Members Since 1973 11


Lakewood has a lot of rules and architectural guidelines, evolving over 50 years of member and committee input, and ultimately Board approval. I always joke that the first set of LPOA rules published in 1973 was probably a single page that simply said, “Behave yourselves”.

architectural guidelines and property maintenance codes. Lakewood is a big place, so it stands to reason that we have dozens of open violations at any given time. If a home is becoming a blighting factor, landscaping or trees are becoming unsightly, a lake infraction is observed, or any number of violations occur, we have to begin a detailed process according to the governing documents. This process includes detailed records of the violation and written notification with deadlines for remediation. This process of notification, if ignored or no remedied according to deadlines, can result in citations and points against the members LPOA account. An accumulation of 12 points in a calendar year results in a 90 day suspension of amenity privileges. Additionally, if you are a lessee of an LPOA Boat Slip, paragraph 10 of that agreement contains a list of the violations that can result in termination.

But, the reality is that whatever the first rules were, they evolved naturally over time, in order to reflect current times. For instance, there was once a rule that stated that pickup trucks couldn’t be stored on the property. Lakewood once only allowed wood, tile or slate roofing. Not that long ago, ARB/ARC meetings lasted hours because the committee had to review every application for house paint colors, roofing, and dead trees, most of which can now be approved by our staff without waiting for an ARB/ARC review meeting.

The Community Service Department is tasked with enforcement of the rules,

My goal is to issue zero violations, and instead to ensure that everyone is educated. I urge everyone to read your governing documents, and if you are ever in doubt, please call or email me and ask. It’s a lot better to get a quick answer than to begin a violation process that can result in a less than ideal outcome for everyone.

Go Chiefs!

Lakewood Property Owners Association // Serving Our Members Since 1973 13
My goal is to issue zero violations, and instead to ensure that everyone is educated.
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Lakewood Property Owners Association // Serving Our Members Since 1973 15

Get recharged,

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• Tech-ready meeting and event spaces for up to 300 attendees

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• Award-winning hotel and Airbnb accommodations

• On-site coffee shop

• Flexible catering options

our friendly events team at or scan the QR code to book a tour of our property. 1901 NW Blue Pkwy. Unity Village, MO 64065
you’re working.
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Lakewood Property Owners Association // Serving Our Members Since 1973

Lakewood Clubs

Bass Fishing Club

Lakewood Lakes Bass Fishing Club: Join our Facebook group or contact our president, Walter Hammond, at or 816-699-1091 to get involved!

Bridge Club

If you have an interest in playing in a bridge card group either regularly or on an occasional basis as a substitute, please email Joe Casebolt using the email address

Garden Club

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Refreshments - 6:00 to 6:30 pm

Program - 6:30-7:15 followed by the Business Meeting Lakewood Oaks Country Club, Banquet Room

New Developments In Our Community

Our elected City Council representatives, Phyllis Edson and Beto Lopez, will update us on developments coming to Lee’s Summit including Downtown Market Plaza, Discovery Park and the new fire station. They will be showing a video of the Market Plaza and handing out copies of a city document that lists new projects for Lee’s Summit.

Phyllis has long been interested in governmental affairs. She was an intern for Gov. John Ashcroft and Senator Kit Bond.

Beto has held numerous leadership roles with various civic organizations. He has been a member of the Lee’s Summit City Planning Commission and is currently Mayor Pro Tempore. Join us and learn about our wider community. Note that this is an evening program followed by the August business meeting.

Ladies Club 50+

Attention Fabulous 50+ Ladies

Join in on the fun! Our next meeting, “Ghouls Just Wanna Have Fun” will be held Monday, October 23 from 11:00 am-3:00 in the Augusta Room. For more detailed information, please email Stephanie Atchity at

Moms Club

New to Lakewood or lived here for years? Lakewood Moms Club is the way to connect with our amazing community. We have events for moms, kids and families. There is always something happening. Come join the fun!

Membership information:

Want to hear quickly from someone? Text Alexandra Davison at 314-368-0957.

Pilates Club

Pilates has returned to the Augusta Room for meetings. Tuesdays 5:30 - 6:30 p.m. Barre Pilates/mat Pilates

Wednesdays 8:00 - 9:00 a.m. Barre Pilates/mat Pilates

Fridays 9:00 - 10:00 a.m. PIYO/mat Pilates

Barre class size and space is limited because we use chairs for stability which take up a lot of room so check with Cathy prior to attending to confirm availability. While Barre requires reservations, spots are often open but please first check by calling or texting 816-305-0632 or email Friday PIYO does not use chairs and is walk in. For all classes multiple modifications are cued so everybody from beginners to advanced benefit. Signed waivers are required prior to attending first session.

Sail & Paddle Club

The Lakewood Sail & Paddle Club is celebrating its 21st year of providing “On The Water” access for Lakewood residents. Family – $75/yr includes personal use for your family and your guests with you. Single – $50/yr includes personal use for you and your guest with you

Contact Steve Bertken at to fill out the 2023 Membership form. The 2023 Members Welcome and access passcode will be emailed after signup. Online Payment options: PayPals, Venmo, Check or Cash.

Stitchers Club

The Lakewood Stitchers Club meets the second Thursday of each month in a residential home, from 1:00 - 4:00 p.m. Feel free to bring your knitting, crocheting, needlework, or other portable craft. Join us in a neighborly chat, while seeing all the creative ideas. If you would like to learn to knit, crochet, or learn any other needleart, we are happy to provide personal instruction as well. Contact Wendy at for more information.

Tennis Club

Drop in Tennis

Is an Adult program that meets every Thursday evening at the Main courts on Lake Drive. The time is 6:00 pm. We will have pickup matches and instruction (if requested). So, dust off that racquet and come on down. If you would like to receive regular e-mails from the club, send an e-mail to Jack McLaren at lakewoodtennis64064@ That way you can keep up with all the tennis news in Lakewood.

Any questions about Lakewood Tennis call either: Jack McLaren 816-868-4933 or Steve Winship 816-809-2924

Water Aerobics Club

See you all May of 2024!

Yoga Club

Yoga has now returned to the Augusta Room for meetings. Please bring your own mat and props. You will be asked to sign a waiver on the first visit. Consult your health care provider for approval before starting a new activity such as yoga and follow any restrictions recommended. All levels of experience including beginners are welcome.

Monday 5:30 - 6:30 p.m. medium level class

Wednesday 5:30-6:30 p.m. all levels

Saturday 9:00 -10:15 a.m. active level class

18 The Ripples // October 2023

2023 Tournament Schedule

5 Fish Limit Per Boat

$50 Entry Fee/Boat + Optional $10/person

Big Bass Side Pot

Please check in at least 15 minutes prior to launch East and West Marina to be communicated prior to each date.



(Must have finished in at least 3 tournaments during the season to participate)

Saturday October 21st

7:00 AM–2:00 PM

$100/Boat • $20/person

Big Bass Side Pot

For more information on Lakewood Bass Fishing contact Tom McFarlin at 816.269.9099 or Steve Allen at 816.808.0303

Work Request Form Notice

We have available a work request form to address common grounds issues or repairs. These forms help our maintenance team address issues in a timely manner and keep track of them for future resident inquiries. These can be downloaded by going to and clicking

Work Request Form”, or or give Ann Bellinghausen a call at the Community Services office at 816-373-4343 and she can submit one for you. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation!

Block Party at the Cottages

The Country Club Cottages parcel held a block party on Sunday evening, September 10th. The weather was perfect and the group enjoyed snacks and fellowship with one another.

Lakewood Property Owners Association // Serving Our Members Since 1973 19

Committee Member Wanted

Lakewood’s Architectural Review Committee (ARB/ARC) is currently looking to add a member to its talented group of volunteers. You can find the Committee Interest Form at or contact Sean Bachtel at for details.

Serving on an Administrative Committee is a great way to give back to the community, meet and work with your neighbors, and best of work more closely with me, which has to be considered a huge bonus!

I look forward to hearing from any interested candidates. If you’d like to attend a meeting and observe before considering taking on the obligation, you are encouraged to do so.

The ARB/ARC is an Administrative Committee tasked with reviewing improvement applications, determining if they comply with LPOA Guidelines, and ultimately approving or disapproving those applications. They meet twice monthly, in an open session, and the duties include field work to visit each site as well as meeting attendance.

The current committee is a makeup of diverse experiences in design, landscaping and engineering, however experience in those fields is not mandatory.

20 The Ripples // October 2023
Serving on an Administrative Committee is a great way to give back to the community, meet and work with your neighbors...

Lakewood Resource Directory


The Horn Law Firm - 816-795-7500

Douglas Horn


Classic Carpentry | Kitchens Baths Basements

Home Repair | Electrical | Plumbing

Mike Fanara | Call or text 816-308-6784


Lakewood Chiropractic - 816.373.3373

Sara Horn D.C.


Trey DeRousse – Newmark Zimmer –816-868-0526


Mary Kay Cosmetics - 816-686-3388


Sun Deck & Home - 816-522-DECK (3325)

LW Residents 25 years in the business Winter discount through May Snow Removal Services


Newhouse Periodontics - 816-373-6800

Dr. Nancy Newhouse |

Implant Dentistry • Periodontics • Regeneration


Lee’s Summit Electric, Lamar Smith. 816-695-8548


Vest Professional Placement - 816-282-6288


Drew Reynolds - Edward Jones - 816-795-7529


AFC Heating & Cooling - 816-347-8388


ATM Home Inspection - 816-886-0186

Home, Radon, Termite, Mold & Sewer Scoping insp. Evenings and weekends available.


Newhouse Periodontics - 816-373-6800

Dr. Nancy Newhouse |

Implant Dentistry • Periodontics • Regeneration

Judgements Awarded

Thomas Crowley II (5328 NE Northgate Crossing)

Joshua & Sheliece Knox (411 NE Medford Dr.)

Brooke Dayley & Zachary Lacy (223 NE Bayview Dr.)

Blake Berwald (5477 NE Wedgewood Ln.)


Kimberly Downey Noble (State Farm)816-833-1180

Bev McFee - 816-525-8558

The Insurance Group

Chris McNair - 816-352-2364

Farmers Insurance


Kansas City Orthopedic Alliance (KCOA)Blue Springs |, 913-319-7600

Dr. KC Doan and Dr. Daniel Reinhardt


Mitch Shipman | Bug Baron, Blue Beetle Pest Control, Text my cell at 816-305-8518


Angi’s Art - 816.853.4491 | 816-822-9100

Established 1978 | Master Photog | Lori Hahn


Summit Strength Physical Therapy 816-524-7040


Golden’s Plumbing - 816-350-2927

Regal Plumbing - 816-368-1550


Kim Glaser - 816-282-4461

KW – Kim Connects HOME Team

Aaron Potter | Alexander-Potter Homes

816-797-8282 |

Bev Fowler Spencer - 816-289-4654


Marcia Wallace - 816-251-1550 (office)

Reece & Nichols


Mr C’s Vac & Sewing Machine Center


11808 E. 23rd Street, Independence, 64050 Sells Most Brands. Free estimates on repairs.


Lakewood Animal Health Center 816-373-1098

Lakewood Resource Directory

• Lakewood Resource Directory listings are $10 a line, per month, and available by contacting

• Open to Lakewood residents only.

• All charges will be made to your member’s account, on a monthly basis.

• New listings need to be emailed to by the 15th of the month prior to when you want it to appear in the magazine.

• Your listing will run until you notify us to discontinue publishing.

• Should you decide to discontinue your listing, contact by the 15th of the month prior to when you want it to stop. (Example: If you ran a November listing and don’t want it to run in December, notify us by November 15.) If notified after the 15th, your listing will run one more month and your account will be charged.


• Lakewood Classified Ads will be $7.50 a line, per month, and available by contacting

• Open to Lakewood residents only.

• All charges will be made to your member’s account.

• New ads should be submitted to cariann@lpoa by the 15th of the month prior to when you want it to appear.

• Your ad will run for one month unless you notify us to continue.


Laurence & Jane Kopek (205 NE Landings Dr.)

Lakewood Property Owners Association // Serving Our Members Since 1973 21
Newsletter design by Ampersand.

OCTOBER Maintenance Update

Autumn! What a great time of year. Football, barbecue, great fishing, pumpkin patches, hot apple cider and enjoying the outdoors in Lakewood. Get out there and enjoy your association. Here’s what is going on in your Maintenance Department.

Maintenance Department Activity

• East & West Lake Marina dock electrical service


• Monument and landscaping bed maintenance

• Monument landscaping bed restoration

• Common area and parkway over seeding and fertilizing

• Common area core aeration

• Common area tree trimming

• Common area lighting maintenance

• Trash & pet waste station servicing

• Common area & shoreline trash collection

• Playground maintenance & repair

• Sports field maintenance and over seeding

• 23 acre walking trail maintenance

• Tennis court and wind screen maintenance

• Pleasure dock maintenance and repair

• Marina dock maintenance and repair

• Marina and pleasure dock goose waste removal

• Retention pond water treatment

• Retention pond aerator removal

• Clubhouse maintenance and repair

• Resident work request completion

• Aquatic winterization winter maintenance

• Sports court maintenance.

• East and West Lake overflow maintenance & cleaning

• East and West Lake slope mowing

• Common area leaf clean up and mulching

Lakewood Improvement Projects

• Site work for new ELV parking lot expansion

• West Lake dead tree removal

AUGUST Community Service Report

22 The Ripples // October 2023
Sean Bachtel, LPOA Director of Community Relations Co mmunit y Service Repo rt Augu Re c e iv e d Ca lls : 2 3 9 ID Che c k s : 1 0 3 T re s p a s s ing : 2 9 Nuis a nc e s : 2 0 Re s id e nc e Che c k s : 2 1 ARC Ins p e c t io ns : 2 6 P a c k e t D e liv e rie s : 1 9 0 M a rina Ga t e Op e ning s : 2 6 2 S t o ra g e Lo t Op e ning s : 6 0 B o a t s T o we d : 8 J ump S t a rt s : 3 Fue l D e liv e rie s : 1 Received Calls ID Checks T respassing Nuisances Residence Checks A RC Inspections Packet Deliveries Marina Gate Openings Storage Lot Openings Boats T ow ed J ump Starts Fuel Deliveries meta-char t com Co mmunit y Service Repo rt August 2023 Re c e iv e d Ca lls : 2 3 9 ID Che c k s : 1 0 3 T re s p a s s ing : 2 9 Nuis a nc e s : 2 0 Re s id e nc e Che c k s : 2 1 ARC Ins p e c t io ns : 2 6 P a c k e t D e liv e rie s : 1 9 0 M a rina Ga t e Op e ning s : 2 6 2 S t o ra g e Lo t Op e ning s : 6 0 B o a t s T o we d : 8 J ump S t a rt s : 3 Fue l D e liv e rie s : 1 Received Calls ID Checks T respassing Nuisances Residence Checks ARC Inspections Packet Deliveries Marina Gate Openings Storage Lot Openings Boats T ow ed J ump Starts Fuel Deliveries meta-char t com Projects and work done in September 2023.

651 NE St. Andrews Circle, Lee’s Summit, Missouri 64064 Phone: 816-373-4326

PRSRT STD US Postage Paid Permit No. 111 Lee’s Summit, MO Resident or:

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