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Poinsettia Sale

Lakewood Garden Club Poinsettia Sale
Delivery/Pick-up Date: Tuesday, November 29, 2022 Cost: $17 for 6.5 inch pot (Red, White or Jingle Bell) $30 for 8.5 inch pot (Red, White or Jingle Bell)
Colors Available: Red, White or Jingle Bell (Red with White Specks)
• Make checks out to “Lakewood Garden Club” • Please mail or drop off your order with payment to
To order online, scan or click the QR code below:
Lakewood Oaks Country Club 651 NE St. Andrews Cir., Lee’s Summit, MO 64064

• Questions may be directed to Vicki Vest—vestv88@gmail.com Caroyln Hall-Evans—dchomes@sbcglobal.net Deb Morgan—rolrsk8t@gmail.com

• Deadline for ordering is November 11th.
Lakewood Garden Club Annual Poinsettia Sale proceeds benefit community beautifcation programs and local teachers' gardening or agriculture programming ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ ORDER FORM
How did you hear about the Poinsettia sale? Ripples_______E-Blasts________Name___________________________________________
Delivery/Pickup Option:
o I will pick up my order at the Augusta Room in the LOCC clubhouse on Tuesday
November 29, 2022, between the hours of 10:00 AM and 5:00 PM.
o I am a business and have made arrangements and understand my order will be delivered free to me on Tuesday, November 29, 2022.
*please write your total below
Pot SizePot Size
6.5” or 8.5”
Color Color
Red, White or Jingle Bell Quantity Cost
$17 or $30
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