1 minute read
From the General Manager
From the General Manager, Mark Reid
For the past several months, Staff, the Finance Committee and the Facilities Development Committee has been busy putting together a comprehensive budget recommendation for the 2023 budget. We are grateful to the members of these committees that have volunteered much time and we appreciate the fact that both committees have agreed on the Operating and Lakewood Improvements Program budget proposal that will be presented to the Board in their November 11, 2022 Board meeting. Prior to the
Board meeting, the Chairpersons of the Finance and Faculties committees will host the Open Budget Meeting on November 3 at 7:00 pm in the Banquet Room of the Lakewood Oaks Country Club Clubhouse.
There are reasons to be concerned these days. Inflation is one of them. However, National financial policy and National energy policy is set in Washington D.C by our elected officials. The LPOA only has the ability and duty to react to the resultant effects of national policy. So when we have periods of high inflation as a result of national policy, then our covenants allow the Board of Directors to perform their fiduciary duty and raise dues by the current level of inflation, to simply maintain our operations at their prior year’s level, and then add an additional 50% of inflation in order to improve the community.
On a larger level, November is a month that reminds us to be thankful as well as grateful. For every reason to be concerned, there are thousands of other reasons to be joyful and thankful, and for that, we are truly grateful. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday.
In This Issue
5 From the General Manager 6 From the Boardroom 6 Board Meeting Minutes 8 Calendar of Events 10 Welcome New Residents 12 Smokin’ in Lakewood Recap 14 Multi Artist Exhibition 15 Get Lit for the Holidays 18 Clubs 19 Resource Directory 20 Poinsettia Sale 22 October Maintenance Update 22 September Community Service Report