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3rd Quarter 2022 Financials

1. The LPOA Association is in a controlled group with LHC for purposes of the IRS code and is the only equity member of LHC. The two organizations share a Board of Directors.

2. Revenue is above Budget and YTD 2021 due to strong new membership growth.

Membership total is currently 358.

3. Operating Expenses are slightly over Budget due primarily to added payroll and repair cost and over 2021 due to payroll, repair, and maintenance, and utilities.

4. Net Income is better than Budget and 2021 due to added membership.

LAKEWOOD PROPERTY OWNERS ASSOCIATION Financial Statements with Affiliated Parcels 9/30/22

Balance Sheet 12/31/21 2022 YTD

Dec Sept Cash Chg. Comments Unaudited

Total Cash/Short term securities 4,678,364$ 4,559,978$ (118,386)$ Cash Strong, LPOA cash total is $3,679K Total Inventory 25,991 42,714 (16,723) Total Accts Receivables Net of Allow 349,080 397,816 (48,735) Total Land, Building & Equip Net of Dep 10,874,324 11,583,438 (709,114) Spending on Playgrounds, Grounds & Marina Total Prepaid Expenses 491,666 222,270 269,396 Total YTD capital is $1,175K Total LHC Notes Receivable 963,116 963,116 Total Assets 17,382,541 17,769,331

Payables Other Liabilities Central Bank Loan Line of Credit w/ Central Bank Total Members' Equity Total Liabilities & Equity

569,013 743,436 174,424 Increased Trade Payables 473,325 341,368 (131,957) Amortization of prepaid income items 2,879,789 2,646,443 (233,346) Loan paydown - - 13,460,415 14,038,084 577,669 17,382,541 17,769,331

Statement of Revenue and Expenses 2022 2022 Q - 3 Q - 3 B/(W) Actual Budget Budget

Total Revenue Total Expenses Revenue Over (Under) Expenses

5,235,954$ 4,494,087$ 741,868$ 4,658,285 3,905,493 (752,792) 577,669 588,594 (10,925) Parcel Net Revenue 42,534 - (42,534) Rev. Over (Under) Exp. Excldg Parcels 1 535,135 588,594 (53,459) 1. Revenue over Expenses was unfavorable to Budget for 2022 due to dilsiltation. The Argyle was favorable to Budget and favorable to YTD 2021.

The financial performance of LPOA continued strong in 2022.

Revenue And Expenses Comments

Notes: - 1 Revenue over Expenses was unfavorable to Budget for 2022 due to dilsiltation . The Argyle was favorable to Budget and favorable to YTD 2021. 14 The Ripples // December 2022 The financial performance of LPOA continued strong in 2022.

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