15 minute read
At Large Election Candidates
by mac-lpoa
John Edward Holmes
5532 NE Northgate Xing
How long in Lakewood?
20 years
4. Board members serve on both the LPOA and LHC Boards. Please list your involvement, if any, with either organization. I have had no involvement with the LPOA or LHC boards, other than attending LPOA board meetings.
5. Describe any training, education and/or experiences that you can bring to the Board. I have a Bachelor of Arts degree from William Jewell College, and a Doctor of Dental Surgery degree from UMKC. I have been a partner in a group practice, sole owner of a dental practice, and for the last five years have been in partnership with Pacific Dental Services as an Owner Dentist. Ownership in each of these types of practices has provided me with a multitude of experiences and challenges as it pertains business operations My wife and I have also had a real estate business for about 15 years. In addition to running dental businesses and a real estate business, I have invested time and resources in business management and leadership coaching. I am a big believer in coaching, and somehow found time to manage and coach multiple competitive baseball teams in both Texas and Missouri the past eleven years. That chapter just ended last fall, and most certainly gave me valuable leadership experience in an arena outside of dental business.
6. What was your motivation for becoming a candidate for the Board of Directors? I have a great appreciation for what Lakewood has to offer. After living in Lakewood for seven years, my family and I made the difficult choice to move. At the time we did not realize how unique Lakewood is. We landed in the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex. We searched for a community that resembles Lakewood and could not find one there. It was then we realized how lucky we were to have lived here. It is for this reason I have decided to run for the Board of Directors. I am so happy and thankful to have moved back to Lakewood in 2015 and want to give back to the community that has given my family so much. I simply want to be a part of making, an already great community, better.
7. What impression would you like potential homeowners to receive when visiting Lakewood, and what are your suggestions to achieve those goals? I want potential homeowners visiting Lakewood to drive away from our community knowing we have the greatest, most unique community in the Greater Kansas City area, and in the region for that matter. I suggest we do this through continued investment in our homes and resources. We have a beautiful lake and landscape. Our homes and amenities are well maintained, and I think it is important we continue with this standard. I am also sensitive to the investment it requires to live in Lakewood and to maintain our resources, so I want to keep sensibility and fiscal responsibility at the forefront of all decisions made on behalf of our great community.
8. What do you hope to accomplish over your 3 year term? In the three years I would serve on the Board of Directors I want to continue to develop community pride through preserving the natural beauty we enjoy, and by being a part of the decision-making process for activities and amenities that will make our already great home better. I believe it is important we continue to make Lakewood a highly sought after community while also being fiscally responsible to keep dues as affordable as possible.
9. Please tell anything else about yourself that you would like your neighbors to know. I have been married to my wife, Jennifer, for almost 23 years. We have two sons, Karstan (20) and Max (17), and three dogs. We are very much an outdoors family and are thankful to be a part of such a great community!
Justin Eslick
3624 NW Primrose Ln
How long in Lakewood?
7 years
4. Board members serve on both the LPOA and LHC Boards. Please list your involvement, if any, with either organization. I have attended and spoken at many board meetings this past year. This experience has allowed me to gain an understanding of the challenges our community faces along with hearing the concerns of other residents that have spoken during public comments.
5. Describe any training, education and/or experiences that you can bring to the Board.
• Financial Advisor- serving over 900 high net worth clients in the greater KC area

• Former Active-duty Army Armor Officer; achieved the rank of Captain; served 7 years
• Lead Planner for a 4000 Soldier Brigade Combat Team
• Tank Company Commander, Led 62 Soldiers, 14 tanks, and over 28 million dollars in property
• Scout Platoon Leader-Operation Iraqi Freedom
• Extensive experience in logistics and operations
6. What was your motivation for becoming a candidate for the Board of Directors? This is an amazing one-of-a-kind community to live and raise a family. I want to do my part to make sure it stays that way for generations to come.
7. What impression would you like potential homeowners to receive when visiting Lakewood, and what are your suggestions to achieve those goals? I want potential homeowners to see a beautiful community where they can live, play, and raise a family. I want future homeowners to feel they are moving into a safe neighborhood and feel like they are truly part of the community I think we can achieve these goals by enhancing our methods for community feedback and engagement, and ensuring projects are focused on maintaining and improving property values
8. What do you hope to accomplish over your 3 year term?
• My first goal is to bring greater transparency and communication to our homeowners.
• I want to make sure that every dollar received from the community is being allocated properly and in the best interest of all our residents.
• I want to see the board address the concerns of increased crime in our neighborhoods and implement policies to deter and reduce such instances
9. Please tell anything else about yourself that you would like your neighbors to know. I have been married to my beautiful wife, Heather, for 13 years and we are blessed with two amazing children Addison (9) and Austin (6). I am the head coach for my son’s flag football team and am an active member in our church. Hobbies include competition BBQ (2022 Smokin’ in Lakewood Grand Champion), golf, fishing, and spending time with family.

Kim Curran

613 NE LaCosta
How long in Lakewood?
47 years, property owner for 24 years.
4. Board members serve on both the LPOA and LHC Boards. Please list your involvement, if any, with either organization. I have participated in numerous activities over the years, from the July 4th activities to enjoying the Concert on the Rock. I have truly enjoyed the activities that are offered. I have also been a member of Lakewood Oaks Country Club since 2006 and served on the Women’s Golf Association Board for two years.
5. Describe any training, education and/or experiences that you can bring to the Board. I earned a Bachelor of Education degree from the University of Kansas and was in public service in municipal and county government for over 26 years, the most recent is 19 years as the Superintendent of Recreation for the City of Leawood, KS. My duties included; budgeting, contract management, staff supervision and facility operations which included an aquatic center and rental facilities. I am currently a Property Manager for KC Skyline Property Management and an Appraiser Trainee with Veritas Appraisals.

6. What was your motivation for becoming a candidate for the Board of Directors? To ensure Lakewood continues to be a well run Homeowner’s Association and that the current amenities are maintained to the “Lakewood standard”. Also, I believe maintaining fiscal responsibility is very important to keep this community viable and a consideration when adding future amenities.
7. What impression would you like potential homeowners to receive when visiting Lakewood, and what are your suggestions to achieve those goals? I would like for potential homeowners to see Lakewood as a premier resort community with the amenities that are offered including; the lake, swim beach, pleasure docks, swimming pools, playgrounds, tennis courts, golf course, restaurant, etc. and they would desire to call Lakewood home.
8. What do you hope to accomplish over your 3 year term? Dues increases are one of my most pressing concerns. With the recent astronomical inflation, I recognize the challenge ahead of us: digging deep to find solutions to keep our treasured amenities listed above as viable as they can possibly be, while keeping dues as low as possible for our residents. It will be a difficult and ongoing balance to strike, but I will give my utmost determination to uncover changes and improvements that can be made to achieve just the right balance Security for Lakewood is also at the top of my list. I will be committed to finding affordable but viable solutions for improvement where & however possible that is appropriate for Lakewood. I want to use my previous experience in public service to serve the residents of Lakewood and continue to make the community a premier place to live for current and future generations. This is important for maintaining our quality of life as well as our property values. I want to recognize what is working for us and strive for improvement. Our amenities are the key to keeping our homes values high. Creating a long term monetary outlook plan can steer our budget and investing, along with community involvement for people to be more involved as to where their dollars are going.
9. Please tell anything else about yourself that you would like your neighbors to know. There. I grew up playing tennis. I loved watching my parents, Mike and Audrey, as they participated in numerous tennis tournaments throughout the years. I spent many hours fishing as a kid with Sunday afternoons reserved for spending the day on the lake with friends and family. Dave and I are currently residing in our “forever home” with our two cats, Beau and Twilight. I am thankful for this community which gave me the opportunity to spend a lot of quality time with my friends and family developing such a great foundation in my life. I have many fond memories in Lakewood and hope to help ensure future generations do as well.
Rob Regier
4806 NE Pebble Beach Street
How long in Lakewood?
13 years
4. Board members serve on both the LPOA and LHC Boards. Please list your involvement, if any, with either organization. I have served the last 4-5 years on the Facilities Development Committee.
5. Describe any training, education and/or experiences that you can bring to the Board. After receiving a master’s degree in constitutional law, I worked at various non-profit lobbying organizations in Washington, D.C., as well as in my home state of South Dakota. That is to say I’m well versed in understanding the legal landscape, non-profit organizations, working with multiple political factions, and being accountable and transparent with taxpayer/donor dollars.
6. What was your motivation for becoming a candidate for the Board of Directors? Moving to Lakewood was actually my wife’s and my 10th anniversary gift to each other. After living in cold, dreary South Dakota, we explored the Midwest to find a new home, including Lee’s Summit. When we turned onto Lakewood Blvd, it was love at first sight. Our family has been engaged from the start—my wife Tammy served as president of a swim team, where we both volunteered; I serve on Lakewood’s Facilities Development Committee; my daughter Nadia lifeguarded at the East Lake pool; and, my son Rex worked for Lakewood Patrol. Unfortunately, there has been some recent turmoil and division in our community. I’d like to help restore some civility and unity, as well as faith in the process of running what is essentially a large town.
7. What impression would you like potential homeowners to receive when visiting Lakewood, and what are your suggestions to achieve those goals?
To me, Lakewood feels like a resort—almost like a permanent vacation. When we lived in other areas of the country, we were always sad when we came home from vacation. But not with Lakewood—here, we’re always happy to be home I want potential homeowners to be as excited as we were when we first moved here … about our kids coming home from school to run down to the dock to play in the water; going to an actual waterpark that is a bike ride away; getting on a paddle board, canoe, or pontoon to laze the day away; and, playing tennis or golf whenever we want. For the most part, our LPOA and LHC have done an excellent job, but I believe there’s room for improvement in maintaining and beautifying our entrances into the neighborhood, our common areas, and the clubhouse. No overgrown grass and weeds. No broken fountains, docks, and fences. No litter. Modernize the club house. The saying goes, “if you look good, you feel good.”
8. What do you hope to accomplish over your 3 year term? First and foremost, I want to keep dues at a reasonable level. We’ve had necessary increases the past few years to make up for deferred maintenance and improvements. But, we need to be careful we don’t price well qualified homeowners out of the neighborhood. Second, we need increased security. As a victim of three actual and attempted break-ins, I’m tired of sitting around waiting to be a victim. I will press for immediate action. Third, our restaurant and pub are underperforming. I’m not looking to turn the Argyle and the Pub into Summit Grill and Lakewood Local. But, they do need to cater to more than just the small crowds that currently patronize those amenities. Last, there are several other issues that need to be eventually addressed, such as desilting our coves and ponds, as well as other lake and dam maintenance. Also, there are questions about how best to keep homeowners informed about board and administration activities, and about our HOA’s financial relationship with the golf course and aforementioned restaurant. I think it’s time for a healthy discussion
9. Please tell anything else about yourself that you would like your neighbors to know. I don’t confess to knowing everything, and I’m far from perfect. Please know that I will be open-minded and ready to listen. I will always do my best to be civil, respectful, empathetic, appreciative, and full of grace.
Travis Hux
5492 NE Northgate Xing
How long in Lakewood?
9 years in August
4. Board members serve on both the LPOA and LHC Boards. Please list your involvement, if any, with either organization. I have had the pleasure of attending numerous board meetings and interacting with various board members over the years. I have spoken during public comment period and offered ideas on a variety of topics.
5. Describe any training, education and/or experiences that you can bring to the Board. I am a school administrator and have worked with boards for more than 20 years. I have a good understanding of their functionality. As a school superintendent I have overseen the finances of multi-million-dollar budgets, have significant operations experience, have led large-scale facility improvements, chaired various committees, and specialized in assessing needs as well as planning.
6. What was your motivation for becoming a candidate for the Board of Directors? Lakewood has been a destination community for 50 years. It is one of the best places to live in the metro-area. I am running for the board because I love this neighborhood as much as you! I want to do my part, just as those who came before me, to help ensure a bright future for the next 50 years.
7. What impression would you like potential homeowners to receive when visiting Lakewood, and what are your suggestions to achieve those goals? I would like for Lakewood to remain a destination community, where people desire to become residents. While Lakewood is an amazing place, there is always room for improvement. I would like to focus on making the good things here even better through utilization of the following values:
• Listen to and inform members;
• Aim for planning with safety in mind;
• Keep LPOA members top of mind;
• Ensure projects are based on improved property value; & Sustainability in costs for members.
8. What do you hope to accomplish over your 3 year term? The following tenets, with corresponding values, are those I would subscribe to as a board member of the LPOA. These tenets would be used to guide my decision-making regarding any potential accomplishments during my term as a board member.
Tenet 1 | Communication
• Proactive, especially regarding changes
• Use expected methods which are modern & timely
• Two-way (Surveys, committees, town halls, etc.)
Value 1: Listen to and inform members
Tenet 2 | Safety
• Orchestrate the development of a safety assessment

• Utilize a Safety Committee for ongoing improvement
• Reduce crime through deterrence techniques
Value 2: Aim for planning with safety in mind
Tenet 3 | Transparency
• Form a Policy Committee to review policy and procedures regularly
• Open to questions from members
• Lead with rationale regarding decision-making on policy and procedures
• Keep processes open and legitimate
Andrew Crocker
16401 Poplar Ave
How long in Lakewood?
3 years
4. Board members serve on both the LPOA and LHC Boards. Please list your involvement, if any, with either organization. Attends monthly Board meetings.
5. Describe any training, education and/or experiences that you can bring to the Board. I have been a home owner since 2007 and have lived in various communities from San Diego to here. I have always stayed active in the community. As a former Navy SEAL I have designed and budgeted activities, as well as spread knowledge and information to the SEAL community. Currently, as a KCMO fire fighter I work in helping people in some of the worst times of their lives and assisting them in stressful situations. All of this will allow me to work well with this team and community in any issues that are needed.

6. What was your motivation for becoming a candidate for the Board of Directors? Lakewood is an amazing place to live and needs continued support of its property owners. Being a part of the board would allow me the privilege to be directly involved with major decisions and polices that affect our community.
7. What impression would you like potential homeowners to receive when visiting Lakewood, and what are your suggestions to achieve those goals? Every potential homeowner should feel the community atmosphere and safety of Lakewood. The community should be inviting, welcoming and supportive to all neighbors. My vision is seeing families walking their dogs, individuals working in their yards, kids enjoying the parks/pools and golfers on the beautiful Lakewood course. I understand that this is a dream neighborhood with well sought after amenities and beautiful landscaping that need to be carefully budgeted for, for continued desire and property upkeep. My goal is to listen to all groups within the neighborhood, while working to make the best decisions for the greater good. I will afford transparency with finances and work on the budget in order to make this an affordable place for people to move into and for the current residents.
• Support documents being readily available to members
Value 3: Keep LPOA members top of mind
Tenet 4 | Facility Planning
• Focus on needs through assessment
• Involve stakeholders
• Review and revise the determined projects
• Stick to a budget
• Timeline the improvements
Value 4: Ensure projects are based on improved property value
Tenet 5 | Fiscal Responsibility
• Necessitate efficiency by setting goals to improve revenue and reduce loss
• Oversee accuracy of budgeted expenses and revenue
• Watch out for members’ dues
Value 5: Sustainability in costs for members
9. Please tell anything else about yourself that you would like your neighbors to know. I am retiring from public education in June and plan to be fully committed to my role as an LPOA board member. I am married with an eight year-old daughter and we have three cats. I love to play golf, enjoy boating, and landscaping as hobbies. I would be honored to have your vote!
8. What do you hope to accomplish over your 3 year term? Over a 3 year term we can accomplish a transparent Board of Directors and leverage our social media to get information and direction of our community out to the homeowners. Our amenities are the key to keeping our homes values high. Creating a long term monetary outlook plan can steer our budget and investing, along with community involvement for people to be more involved as to where their dollars are going.
9. Please tell anything else about yourself that you would like your neighbors to know. What you see is what you get. I am a family man with a wife and 3 children. I value honesty and working hard as well as serving others. We were drawn to this community based off of all it has to offer and feel a great sense of pride to be able to raise our family here. I enjoy spending time with my family, walking with our dogs and biking around the lake and I look forward to helping progress this wonderful community.