4 minute read
by mac-lpoa
Lakewood Clubs
Bass Fishing Club
Lakewood Lakes Bass Fishing Club: Join our Facebook group or contact our president, Walter Hammond, at waltfish13@gmail.com or 816-699-1091 to get involved!
Garden Club
Wednesday, June 22, 2022 Refreshments 9:00-9:30 a.m. Program—9:30 a.m. followed by Business Meeting Lakewood Oaks Country Club, Banquet Room
It is always fun to discover a hidden gem to explore so close to home. Crestview Dairy is offering us just that. We will enjoy a guided tour of the property including 17 gardens, all bordered by walls that used rock from the Lee’s Summit Road widening project. Crestview Dairy is a 120-year-old historic landmark and private estate including 31 acres of beautiful landscaped countryside. We will stroll around 8 truly authentic buildings surrounded by 100-year-old trees, spectacular views, private walkways, and a 3500 sq. ft deck overlooking Crestview Lake. Hal Oppenheimer, the owner, will give us the history of Crestview and how he and his wife, New York Natives, became interested in purchasing the property in 1983. Guests are always welcome.
Moms Club
New to Lakewood or lived here for years? Lakewood Moms Club is the way to connect with our amazing community. We have events for moms, kids and families. There is always something happening. Come join the fun!
Membership information: lakewoodmomsclub64064@gmail.com Want to hear quickly from someone? Text Lizzie Johns at 816-547-5538
Pilates Club
Tuesdays: 5:30 – 6:25 p.m. Wednesdays: 8:45 – 9:40 a.m. Meets in the Augusta Room, downstairs of the Clubhouse. Please check availability prior to attending with Cathy at lakewoodpilatesclub3@gmail.com as pre-approval is required on a class by class basis. While class size is limited due to space and to maintain some distance, there are often spots open in a particular class. While all fitness levels benefit from the barre Pilates method that we follow, please check with your physician for approval - a waiver is required prior to attending the first session. Clubhouse protocol are to be followed with respect to masks.
Stitchers Club
The Lakewood Stitchers Club meets the second Thursday of each month in a residential home, from 1:00 - 4:00 p.m. Feel free to bring your knitting, crocheting, needlework, or other portable craft. Join us in a neighborly chat, while seeing all the creative ideas. If you would like to learn to knit, crochet, or learn any other needleart, we are happy to provide personal instruction as well. Contact Wendy at wgriffen@sbcglobal.net for more information.
Sail & Paddle Club
The Lakewood Sail & Paddle Club is celebrating its 21st year of providing “On The Water” access for Lakewood residents. We are returning to our normal annual membership fees from the last 2 years of Covid reduced fees. Family – $75/yr includes personal use for your family and your guests with you. Single – $50/yr includes personal use for you and your guest with you Contact Steve Bertken at SailLakewood@gmail.com to fill out the 2022 Membership form. The 2022 Members Welcome and access passcode will be emailed after signup. Online Payment options: PayPals, Venmo, Check or Cash.
Tennis Club
Drop in Tennis We meet every Thursday evening at the Main courts on Lake Drive. The time is 6:00 to around 9:00 pm. (It’s ok to be late). We will have pickup matches, drills, and instruction (if requested). So, dust off that racquet and come on down. Junior Clinics This month, the Lakewood Tennis Club will sponsor three FREE clinics for kids. So, save these dates for bringing your kids out for some fun and tennis: Saturdays June 11, June 18, and June 25. 9:00 – 10:00 a.m. – Ages 6 to 12 10:00 – 11:00 a.m. – Ages 13 to 18 Drinks, snacks, and prizes will be given for all those participating. No prior registration necessary. If you would like to receive regular e-mails from the club, send an e-mail to Jack McLaren at lakewoodtennis64064@gmail.com. That way you can keep up with all the tennis news in Lakewood. Jack McLaren 816-868-4933 or Steve Winship 816-809-2924
Water Aerobics Club
Water Aerobics will begin Monday, May 30 at the Lakewood Oaks Pool. Two sessions: 7:15 a.m. and 8:15 a.m. We look forward to seeing you! Water aerobics will be canceled if the temperature is below 60 degrees, and/or there is inclement weather. Check the daily forecast.
Yoga Club
Yoga will meet live in the Augusta Room in the Lakewood Clubhouse. Please bring your own mat and props. You will be asked to sign a waiver on the first visit. Consult your health care provider for approval before starting a new activity such as yoga and follow any restrictions recommended. All levels of experience including beginners are welcome. Monday 5:30 - 6:30 p.m. medium level class Wednesday 5:30-6:30 p.m. all levels Saturday 9:00 -10:15 a.m. active level class
Activities Committee
LakewoodActivitiesCommittee@gmail.com Follow on Facebook: @LakewoodActivitiesCommittee