VIP Global Magazine Vol 3

Page 78

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HOW TO Read this Magazine ...
42 42 CONTENTS 07 LETTER FROM OUR EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Pasha Carter 08 VIP GLOBAL MAGAZINE About Us 10 MEET OUR CONTRIBUTORS 11 AMAZING STARTUPS TO WATCH IN 2021 19 GOING GLOBAL Four reasons to expand internationally; Doing business in Dubai 29 RAJENDRA SISODIA
conscious capitalism & strategies to transform your company from the inside out 32 VICTORIOUS BY DESIGN Entrepreneurs... let’s write money & business VIP
Chantel Jiroch Juicing her way to millions 35 YOUNG MODELS ON THE RISE
Scott KIDS VIP list VIP health & fitness VIP 49 THE 20 BEST BUSINESS COACHES Accelerate your entrepreneurial success 75 TANJIE BREWER How to build Glam Glutes for the summer 78 SUMMER HAIR TIPS 81 FIVE WAYS TO BE A GIRL BOSS 84 TRAVELING MOM & TODDLER TAKE ON THE WORLD inspiration VIP 39 YOUNG MODELS ON THE RISE Janae Scott PUBLISHER & EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Pasha Carter Managing Editor Ann Marie Bryan Contributors Tanjie Brewer Bindu A. Chowritmootoo Melanye Maclin-Carroll Ceirra Smith
Jayla Carter & Janae

VIP GLOBAL MAGAZINE is a business media outlet that brings entrepreneurial resources to the forefront of digital media. Our content encourages aspiring creators and entrepreneurs to apply actionable advice and develop small businesses into industry-leading organizations.

We feature everything entrepreneurs and business leaders want to know about creating, marketing, and maintaining profitable companies. No matter where you are on your entrepreneurial journey, VIP Global Magazine is the ultimate resource for anyone looking to take their business to the next level.



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TANJIE BREWER Personal Trainer & Nutritionist

Tanjie Brewer’s award-winning programs and fresh perspective towards fitness and wellness, has transformed the lives and bodies of countless women and men around the globe. She is a Certified Personal Trainer, Certified Nutritionist, Author, Motivational Speaker, Wardrobe Stylist, and CEO of Stylish and Fit. She has an unrelenting passion to see others rock their purpose with vitality and increase their esteem for a lifetime.


indu is an entrepreneur, writer, motivational speaker, and certified life and career coach. She is the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Ignite It, LLC, a company built on women’s empowerment initiatives. Bindu is also the Founder and President of Precise Venture Consulting, LLC, a company that offers full service start up, operational management and business development services. She began her professional career in Boston, MA, and is currently a resident of Frisco, Texas.


Melanye Maclin, M.D., aka ‘Dr. Mac,’ is a celebrity dermatologist who is passionate about educating the masses on skin and hair via multimedia. She has appeared on several outlets including The Steve Harvey Morning Show, Sirius XM, Radio One, WHUR (Frankski, Weekends with Ed Gordon, Daily Drum), FOX DC News, Chris Rock’s film Good Hair, Rock Newman TV, Sister 2 Sister, and Hype Hair magazine, for which she is also the Medical Director. Dr. Mac is the CEO/President and Research Development Dermatologist for Innovative Hair Technology, Inc. which she founded in September 1999.


CEIRRA SMITH Freelance Writer

Ceirra Smith is a twenty-something adventurer who grew up traversing the globe, first through the pages of books, and then in reality. She’s currently a freelance writer and ghostwriter for businesses, influencers, and several magazines including SheKnows, Essence, and Black Enterprise. Ceirra’s a lover of Jamaican food, romance novels, and online shopping. When she’s not surrounding herself with words, you can find her baking cookies or exploring nature with her fur baby Sasha.



StartupsAmazing to Watch

Benefit From It. Dream It. Plan It. Live It.

Nykole Wyatt Alicia Bean Joan Wilson Reginald Smith

Nykole Wyatt kole’s keys real estate

VIP Global Magazine turns the spotlight on Kole’s Keys Real Estate and its owner Nykole Wyatt for making extraordinary strides in the real estate industry. Kole’s Keys Real Estate was established by Nykole during the global pandemic. The company’s mission is “to assist anyone that has a desire to own real estate achieve that goal and assist anyone looking to sell real estate to do so while maximizing their profits.”

“Life comes at you fast,” says Nykole. “When God told me it was time to move from my previous real estate brokerage firm, everything that happened thereafter was a whirlwind. I had no plan. I had no guidance. I had no savings. All I had was the mindset to be obedient to what God was saying.”

The brokerage has a growing team, and recently celebrated

their one year anniversary with a roof top brunch for clients. The company’s first year was phenomenal, but it was riddled with ups and downs. Nykole, however, declared “we are here and here to stay!” Contact Kole’s Keys Real Estate, “Your Key to All Things Real Estate.”

VIP: You indicated that the past year was filled with ups and down, what has been one cons-

tant thing that you do every day to ensure your continued success?

Nykole: To ensure my success, I start each day by getting my mind right. I do that by listening to prophetic declarations and affirmations. Affirmations were actually something I learned about when I was in network marketing years ago. However, after meeting with a friend who is also a minister, I

money & business

began listening to the prophetic declarations. After that I listen to a message on the “Law of Favor,” followed by a message on “Declaring Favor.” I listen to all three every single day. This one consistent routine I believe ensures my continued success. Now, of course there are other things that go into my success, but ultimately, it starts with getting my mind right for the day.

VIP: Tell us about your biggest client success story.

Nykole: My client success stories are always the ones that end with clients coming back to do it all over again or sending me other clients. As a real estate agent and broker, the bulk of my business comes from referrals. Nothing makes me smile more than having a client send me another client. Even though, I do get tickled when a client buys me a thank you gift. Ultimately though, the best thank you is a referral so keep them coming!

VIP: What’s your advice to someone looking to open a real estate brokerage company?

Nykole: Save, save, save. Put a plan in place. Read your contract with your current brokerage company to ensure you know what happens regarding any pending transactions. Get a coach and

“To ensure my success, I start each day by getting my mind right. I do that by listening to prophetic declarations and affirmations.”

mentor if you don’t already have one. Lastly, and above all else, keep God first in everything you do and everything else will fall right into place.

VIP: What are three things that you would encourage an aspiring entrepreneur to do to ensure success?

Nykole: 1. Always dress for success. Over the years it seems that people forget to maintain that one thing. No matter how big you get in your respective industry, always dress for success. I learned a long time ago in corporate America that you don’t dress for where you are; you dress for where you want to be. 2. Take your craft/product/

industry seriously. Study hard and keep studying, the only thing constant is change and you must stay on top of all the changes. 3. Branding is key. You are a walking billboard. What do you want the world to see and say about you and what you have to offer? When it comes to branding, don’t be afraid to ask for help. There are many branding specialists and even marketing specialists that can help you bring your vision to life. Seek them out. Remember it takes money to make money. Invest in yourself to ensure your success.

VIP: Any parting words for our readers?

Nykole: Whatever you want in life, make the decision to go after it. Don’t let naysayers and negativity keep from all that God has for you. Whatever sacrifice you have to make, just tell yourself that this is a short-term sacrifice for a longterm gain. You got this! Click & Visit koleskeys Facebook. com/koleskeys koleskeysllc koleskeysllc NykoleWyatt
Be sure to follow nykole on the following social media platforms

Joan Wilson

Digital Content and Servicing Systems

Joan Wilson is the founder of Digital Content and Servicing Systems, a business coach, content strategist, and course creator who helps entrepreneurs meet their business goals. The services offered by Digital Content and Servicing Systems include product creation, content curation, curriculum and program development and pricing, business branding, and social media marketing. The Digital Academy offers VIP Content and Curriculum Mastermind where participants learn to create their desired program, price, and market it, and automate the delivery.

"I answer them by saying that every successful entrepreneur knows that they have to invest in themselves to gain the knowledge, skills, and abilities to win and be profitable in business"

What is an everyday ritual or action you do that ensures your success?

I am a sponge for learning innovative techniques and tips about content marketing. My services help authors, coaches, and entrepreneurs to turn their books into coaching courses, create compelling content strategies, and develop lead magnets and products.

What has been your biggest customer success story?

The #1 objection—”I don’t have anything to sell, so why would I pay you?”

I answer them by saying that every successful entrepreneur knows that they have to invest in

themselves to gain the knowledge, skills, and abilities to win and be profitable in business.

My biggest customer success story was working with a client that had a lot of ideas but could not execute them. During the coaching sessions, I realized that she wanted to be an author, but she was not a writer. For each assignment I gave her, she simply could not finish it. I noticed that she loved to talk, and I already had her permission to record the sessions; therefore, I started out asking her what her book cover would look like. You guessed it, in 2 weeks, she had talked through her story, gave Scriptures and tips (which we used to create her workbook), and transcribed, edited,

and published her book.

But the work didn’t stop there. I told her that if the Bible required explanation, her book needed the same. So, we turned her book into a course with a script and worksheets and sold the course and included the book. So, now her book was worth $297 for a 4-week course, instead of $14.99. And now she sells the recorded sessions on autopilot.

The success was recognizing that she had some obstacles, getting in her corner, and coaching her to the finish line so that she could conquer her fears!
money & business

Alicia Bean

Oh So Sweet Scrubs

At VIP Global Magazine, it’s our pleasure to highlight individuals who are walking in purpose and using their talents and abilities to positively impact lives. That’s why we are excited to feature Alicia W. Bean, a woman of God, wife, mother of two, a Houston, TX native, and owner and founder of Oh So Sweet Scrubs, LLC. Oh So Sweet Scrubs specializes in handcrafted, all-natural, cruelty-free vegan skincare products.

In a candid conversation with us, Alicia discussed her daily activities to ensure success and her biggest customer success story.

What is an everyday ritual or action you do that ensures your success?

Activities that start my day include prayer, mediation, and a 30-minute walk, not to mention expressing my thankfulness to God. Without these activities my day will be off balanced. My strength and belief in God and Jesus Christ ensure everyday success for myself, my family, my personal goals, and the decisions I will have to make. Each day, I wake and seek God daily for strength, peace, clarity, and the desire to be a blessing to others. There has always been a longing within my heart that leads me to want to help others freely. Whether personal or professional, no matter what stage of my life, it has always been my goal to help someone feel good about themselves. My passion is to strive to be a beacon of love, light, and hope to everyone that crosses my path.

What has been your biggest customer success story?

It is fascinating to meet so many individuals from all walks of life with different backgrounds but share one thing in common—to feel good about themselves. Our goal is to strive to help people feel good about themselves, inside and out, and to have that Oh So Sweet skin afterward. I aspire to connect with my customers as authentic, vulnerable, and relata-


ble. I want to serve people from all walks of life, in the way God would have me do it, and provide them with good quality products that they can trust.

I desire to incorporate confidence and self/soul care into the lives of others. I wish to give not just one customer a success story, but every customer. We learn something new from each customer. Of course, not all success stories come in the form of something monetary. Now I understand we all have to make a living and pay our bills and provide for our families, however, I believe God has blessed us with a greater purpose than making money. In my opinion, we are doing God’s will by serving others. During this journey of running and operating my business, I have inspired, touched, and motivated many people. To me, that is the most remarkable success story. Click &

that start
day include prayer, mediation,
30-minute walk, not to mention expressing my thankfulness to God
and a

Reginald Smith STL Pure Heat

STL Pure Heat is one of the fastest-growing Black-owned lines of gourmet sauces. Pure Heat Gourmet Sauce started because its owner and CEO Reginald Smith, aka Reggie D, had a passion for pure flavor. Pure Heat Gourmet Sauce is based in St. Louis, Missouri, where Reggie was born and raised by two strong black women, his Momma and Granny. Reggie’s passion for whipping up delicious meals has been nurtured since birth. Pursuing his passion through many business ventures, Reggie thought about when people were the happiest and that was when they were eating his famous Pure wings with his secret sauce.

"Pray and always review what I've already done to ensure that I’ve maximized my potential and product ability."

Pure Heat Gourmet Sauce is a coveted family recipe that flawlessly blends peppers, spices, and locally sourced vegetables into one sweet and tangy marinade. The sauce can be purchased at over 30 grocery stores across the nation or online at

What is an everyday ritual or action you do that ensures your success?

Pray and always review what I've already done to ensure that I’ve maximized my potential and product ability. I have a huge responsibility as a minority-owned business to provide a quality product, which also gives other minority-owned business or potential owners a glimmer of hope that they too can be successful and provide a quality household name and product.

What has been your biggest customer success story?

My price is the most common objection, and I answer them by telling my customers that quality cost… never dummy yourself or your product down to appease anyone. Know your worth.
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GOING Global

4 Reasons to Expand Internationally

In today’s global economy, many companies consider expanding internationally. Are you thinking about taking your business into foreign markets? If you are ready to deal with international business, best practices indicate that you must create an expansion plan that will allow you to move into the overseas market, capitalize on economies of scale, grow your brand, and attain higher profits.

Taking your business overseas is enticing but a product or service that sells well in a home country might not necessarily be as profitable internationally. While no major business decision is without its challenges and risks, international expansion has a unique set of hurdles. Nevertheless, when properly executed, expanding internationally can bring many benefits to your business.

Global reasons to go

Revenue Growth

Expanding into foreign markets will create a larger customer base for your business. Therefore, if the product or service you offer is successful, then you will achieve revenue growth. In addition, with new customers come the opportunity to create new products and services, which will in turn create other streams of income.


Gain Access to More Talent

When businesses go global, they have access to a larger talent base with unique skills. Advantages of a new talent pool include new mindsets on products, enhanced market knowledge, additional language skills, more diversity, and increase productivity.


Additional Foreign Investment Opportunities

As the business succeeds internationally, the company’s image will also improve, creating brand recognition supporting foreign investment opportunities that could be beneficial to the company. Expanding into foreign markets can give businesses access to new resources, strategic partnerships, tools, technologies, research and development incentives, and systems that may not have existed in their home country.


New Market Share

One of the main advantages of taking a business global is the diversification of the markets, reaching more consumers, thus increasing sales. An increase in market share helps businesses develop cost advantages in comparison to competitors. Importantly, it positions businesses to ask for better prices from suppliers, hence increasing their buying power.


Doing Business Dubai in

It was a pleasure to talk with Steve and Pasha Carter who are working on multiple business projects in Dubai. Pasha is the Founder and Editor-in-Chief of VIP Global Magazine, and she and her husband, Steve, are owners of VIP Global Network. In addition to managing their online eCommerce businesses, digital banking services, Cryptocurrency investment, and running a magazine, the Carters thought it was an opportune time to expand internationally, and Dubai was an ideal location.

The forced shutdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic gave the Carters the space to brainstorm potential business ideas. “The effects of COVID-19 have given entrepreneurs who want to level up the perfect opportunity to recreate their own rules for success, just as Steve and I have done,” says Pasha.

With its world-class business landscape plus government incentives, excellent infrastructure, easy business setup, and socially and culturally vibrant lifestyles, Dubai remains appealing to entrepreneurs. Plus, Dubai’s geographical location makes it easy to do business with the rest of the world. “There are many factors drawing international business investments to Dubai,” Pasha states. “It’s a great location for leisure, entertainment, and doing businesses such as R&D, technology, and banking and other financial services. In fact, starting a business in Dubai is not at all difficult. Having a great product or service,

With our recent trip to Dubai, I fully understand why it is among the top countries to do business with.

doing market research, creating a business plan, and gaining a good understanding of Dubai’s business laws and regulations will make it easier to push your business to the next level. There’s something about Dubai that makes me feel unusually calm. I love the beauty, the cleanliness, the serenity, the out-ofthe-box and over-the-top thought processes that go into just about everything, and the food is amazing.”

Expanding your business beyond your country can be an exciting venture that brings many opportunities. We recommend that you engage the help of an advisor with the experience and knowledge of going global to help you create a rock-solid plan.


Co-founder and co-chairman of Conscious Capitalism Inc. as well as co-author of Conscious Capitalism with John Mackey, the co-founder and CEO of Whole Foods, Rajendra Sisodia discusses business leadership, company culture, and why Conscious Capitalism is the way of the future.

“People are living close to the edge of ruin. From depression and sleeplessness to migraines and chronic diseases, all of which result from stress at work,” says Sisodia, the FW Olin Distinguished Professor of Global Business and Whole Foods Market Research Scholar in Conscious Capitalism at Babson College.

The founder and leader of the fast-growing Conscious Capitalism movement continues, “Traditional capitalism reduces payrate and health benefits of hardworking citizens to create more money for investors. These companies have a surplus of

“The right way to be successful is to have a positive impact on all the lives you touch.”

self-interest and lack compassion and empathy.” Conscious Capitalism reimagines business and capitalism to make a positive impact on customers, employees, their families, and their communities.

“People are suffering, and they need help. Conscious businesses will help evolve the world so billions of people can flourish, leading lives filled with passion, purpose, love and creativity,” says Sisodia. “Conscious businesses have authentic and caring cultures that make working in that environment fulfilling both personally and professionally.”

Significant progressions have happened for humanity, but misuse and exploitation of capitalism’s power has caused a relentless pursuit of maximizing profit. This myopic way of thinking has and will continue to harm hardworking men and women. Raj highlights essential competencies that are key to successful business development using The Four Tenets of Conscious Capitalism. Higher Purpose: Every business should have a purpose that includes, but is more than, making money. By focusing on its Higher Purpose, a business inspires, engages, and energizes its shareholders, employees, and customers alike.

Stakeholder Orientation: A business should create value with and for its stakeholders (which include consumers, personnel, vendors, investors, and surrounding communities). Doing so creates a cohesive relationship between business and one’s conscience.

Conscious Leadership: Conscious Leaders understand and embrace the Higher Purpose of business and focus on harmonizing the interests of the business stakeholders. These individuals recognize the integral role of culture and inspire others to cultivate Conscious Culture.

Conscious Culture: Values, principles, and practices underlying the social fabric of a business, uniting all aspects of the company to achieve a common goal. This notion challenges traditional business practices and empowers people to think beyond in order to accomplish more than what is thought to be possible.

Sisodia lists four ways that businesses can elevate their humanity and become successful, conscious companies with a positive culture.

Start with WHY


Ask yourself, “Why do I have this business?” When you have a reason that goes beyond profit, dedication and innovation come naturally; and you’ll have the motivation it takes to maintain a company.

Understand the power of business

Use capitalism and your brand, social influence, products, etc. to implement healthier/sustainable practices and change the dynamic of business culture.

Make your business a solution

Operate with purpose and values that help solve challenges. Be innovative and utilize your passions to benefit customers, employees, suppliers, communities, and investors. Connect with people and discover what communities need, then work towards accomplishing that goal.

Be mindful of investors and leaders

Partnering with investors who believe in your company’s mission is crucial. Creating cultures where employees enjoy their workplace requires leaders and investors who have a deep sense of purpose to restore and improve the lives of others. Success in business should never come at the expense of customers, investors, or employees.

makes all the difference. CEO of Southwest Airlines Herb Kelleher says, ‘The business of businesses is people. Yesterday, today, and forever.’ If Conscious Capitalism can transform major companies with tremendous success, imagine what it can do for your business.”

“The right way to be successful is to have a positive impact on all the lives you touch. When organizations create healing, loving environments where they focus on the people who take care of the business, then the business will thrive at a much higher level.”

“Every business should have a purpose that includes, but is more than, making money.”

While there’s no shortage of entrepreneurs, Sisodia encourages business owners to establish symbiotic programs, internships, and environmental outreach initiatives within their companies. When businesses help solve issues in the communities of their consumers and employees, it shows immense compassion and love.

“The way we work isn’t working. People want proper leadership, positive workplace environment, competitive pay, good benefits, and incentivized work programs—all of which are completely doable. Conscious Capitalism creates positive energy and mutual gratitude, which is the base of changing one’s business culture.”

Sisodia highlights several companies exhibiting Conscious Capitalism, proving this new way of business is that of the future. “Conscious companies like Whole Foods, Container Store, Costco, Starbucks, and Southwest Airlines are built on compassion and love. They love their

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Let’s Write!

Release the Book you’ve been Dreaming About

Do you have an idea for a book? Perhaps you don’t know where to start. Whether you’re a brand-new writer or a seasoned author, let our writing experts at Victorious By Design (VBD) help you turn your idea for a book into reality. At VBD, we deliver a wide range of topquality literary services tailored to your specification. Using our writing skills, creativity, knowledge, and experience, we will produce the right result for you.

Leave the rank of aspiring author and become a published author. Now is the time! Let’s write the book you’ve been dreaming about. Your book is your legacy, so write it to:

• Influence change in the world.

• Establish industry authority.

• Increase credibility by highlighting your expertise.

• Elevate your brand and expand your reach.

• Generate more leads in your business.

• Develop strategic partnerships.

• Inspire others to write.

Let’s Write

Writing your book could be the


most important thing you ever do. Don’t put it off any longer; get your book written. It’s achievable!

From my experience as an International Bestselling Author and Founder and CEO of VBD, there will never be a perfect time to write, and there is no magic formula. Writing is a discipline. Keep at it, day by day.

If you have been hesitating because of time, fear, or simply not knowing where to start, let us help you. We will teach you the writing process, from start to finish. Your writing journey will be exciting, cathartic, and rewarding.

Leave the rank of aspiring author and become a published author. Now is the time!

Author Coaching Programs

Enroll in one of Victorious By Design’s author coaching programs. During your coaching period, we will motivate you and provide insights and practical tools to help you:

• Get and stay organized.

• Discover your message.

• Develop an outline.

• Find your writing voice.

• Craft your signature story.

• Develop your ideas.

• Create compelling content readers will love and value.

• Choose an engaging title.

• Identify where your book fits in the market.

Now that you know, what’s holding you back? Get started today! Let’s write!

Click VBD Author Coaching Programs or email for more information.

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The modeling industry is incredibly competitive as many young talents are looking for their big break. The rise of social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram have created opportunities for aspiring models to join the ranks of runway stars. Nevertheless, building a successful modeling career requires hard work, dedication, and discipline. The adolescent model typically falls somewhere between12 and 19 years old and where the rules and limitations are significantly different for adults, the opportunities for young models can be exceptionally rewarding.

For those who choose this vocation, there are several factors to consider at the start of your modeling career. Do you become an independent model or have the assistance of an expert agency? What guidelines govern your career as a young model? What is your strategy to get noticed to kickstart your modeling career?

Notwithstanding the considerations, the joys experienced by a young model can far outweigh the drawbacks. VIP Global Magazine sat down for a chat with young models on the rise Jayla Carter and Janae Scott, who both enjoy the vocation and are signed to top-of-the-line agencies. Let’s get right to it.



American-born model Jayla Carter has far more to offer than just her exquisite look. She’s a breath of fresh air on the modeling scene. Jayla started her modeling career four years ago at the age of 13 when she was signed to an agency.

“It all started with my love for having my picture taken,” Jayla told us. “Eventually, I learned to trust my intuition and go after my dream. Of course, chasing my dream is not easy but I don’t let fear or doubt get in the way.” Smiling, Jayla underscored the importance of family love. “Family is everything.” Her family includes her father, mother, a sister and two brothers. “They are my biggest fans, and they have been supportive of me since the beginning of my career. They are my comfort when the world seems upside down.”

It all started with my love for having my picture taken.

Jayla has twice graced the cover of Cheerleading Magazine, and appeared on the cover of MizCEO Magazine, along with her mother, Pasha Carter. When Jayla is not busy doing photo shoots, there’s nothing she loves more than working on her other passions—skincare research and dancing. While COVID-19 has slowed opportunities for her still-burgeoning career, Jayla is now focused on expanding her modeling career from print to commercials, acting, and influencer marketing.

Hearing Jayla articulate her achievements and aspirations will leave you inspired. Get to know modeling’s next big star.

VIP: What inspired you to become a model?

JAYLA: I think it’s natural because while growing up, I have always enjoyed being photographed. I’m also inspired by models who stay the course and succeed with effort. I’m naturally confident, so I’m using my platform to help others improved their confidence, self-esteem, and self-image. VIP: Are you involved in other entrepreneurial activities?

JAYLA: I’m passionate about creating my own skincare line. I always had an interest in the skincare industry, and I’m hoping to create and launch my skincare product line in the near future.

My parents are successful entrepreneurs and me and my other siblings have always been motivated by their successes. We’re constantly expressing

our interest in owning various businesses so it’s natural for our family to have conversations about entrepreneurship and leadership. Also, I love that my parents get to conduct their business activities from their home offices or anywhere in the world.

VIP: What’s your advice to aspiring models?

JAYLA: I know so much more now—about the modeling industry, clothes designers, publications, and branding—than what I knew when I started. My advice would be to start early, create a plan, embrace your individuality, believe in yourself, go with your heart, do

research, connect with professionals in the field, and keep up to date with the industry. Taking acting and dance classes would be an asset. Modeling can be for any personality type; you just need to maintain your drive and passion to be successful.

VIP: What’s your favorite movie?

JAYLA: I love watching reality shows but my favorite movie is Akeelah and the Bee.

VIP: If you had the option to have a superpower, what would it be?

JAYLA: My superpower would be reading minds. I have an interest in psychology, and I believe I’m pretty good at reading body language.

Follow Jayla on Instagram @jaylacarter_


With natural hair taking over the runway, Janae Scott will undoubtedly slay, thanks to her timeless beauty and gorgeous hair. The way Janae rocks her afrotextured hair has helped to solidify her in the modeling arena, while showing others that it’s okay to wear natural hair.

Janae is a native of North Carolina who was raised in a large family with five sisters. She first became interested in modeling at around age 14 and was influenced by models she saw online and in stores. After receiving numerous compliments on her beauty and height, Janae decided to make more of her hobby. Since signing with an agency, Janae has done numerous photoshoots and acquired prominent castings within the modeling industry.

It was easy to be won over by Janae’s lighthearted personality as she candidly answered our interview questions. Today, Janae continues to pursue her modeling career and is working hard to make her dream a reality.

VIP: What inspired you to become a model?

JANAE: I was inspired by kind compliments on my height and beauty. Further, I was influenced by progressive models like Candice Swanepoel, Jourdan Dunn, and Karlie Kloss.

VIP: Are you involved in other entrepreneurial activities?

JANAE: My parents are entrepreneurs and I assist them with their business. In addition, my sisters and I are currently launching our very own T-Shirt line called Gratefull, to be released summer 2021.

VIP: What’s your advice to aspiring models?

JANAE: It’s important to know who you are and love yourself first, but more importantly, allow God to lead your career.

Working through an agency is key and doing well in a modeling interview is a way of getting your foot in the door. After that, be confident, do your research, hone your skills, and the rest will take care of itself.

VIP: What do you do for fun?

It’s important to know who you are and love yourself first, but more importantly, allow God to lead your career.

JANAE: I enjoy working out, reading and binge-watching movies like How to lose a guy in 10 days and Girls Just Want to Have Fun.

VIP: If you had the option of having a superpower, what would it be?

JANAE: Reading people’s minds.

Follow Janae on Instagram @janaescott_

Chantel Jiroch Juicing her way

What happens when you give a juicer to a hard-working mom with dreams of inspiring health and wellness in others? You get the Lucky Lotus Juice Bar.

to millions
cover story


ucky Lotus is an artistically inspired labor of love,” says founder and owner Chantel Jiroch. “Our aim is to encourage the public to embrace the benefits of a healthy lifestyle. We also wanted to connect Atlanta’s growing community of like-minded and health-conscious go-getters. Above all, we hope to empower people from all walks of life to discover their body, mind, and spirit connection.”

With those reasons in mind, Chantel created a plan. “The recipe is simple,” Chantel explains. “A delicious menu of smoothies, juices, and Acai bowls. A laid back, creatively inspired, down-to-earth environment, and bold flavors anyone can enjoy. We are firmly rooted in the belief that without our health, we are nothing. This philosophy is at the heart and soul of everything we do.”

Chantel started her juice journey 10 years ago, after she had her daughter, Lotus, whom the business is named after. The moment she

gazed on her little girl, her entire understanding of love was re-defined. What legacy would she leave for Lotus? She knew immediately—her love and passion for a healthy mind, body, and soul. This is the passion that continues to drive Chantel with every squeeze, mixture, and blend. Now a mother of two, this momtrepreneur is not holding back as she provides delicious plant-based smoothies, acai bowls, and cold pressed juices to men, women, and children.

It’s summertime and the heat is on! Grab a cold juice at the Lucky Lotus Juice Bar and listen to the amazing businesswoman behind it all. Best of all, she makes healthy look possible.

VIP: How did you get so passionate about juicing?

CHANTEL: It was a natural progression for me. As a dancer growing up, I’ve always been health conscious. I moved to Los Angeles after college and began to live a holistic

lifestyle. Once I became a mother, I knew I wanted to share that same way of eating with my daughter and juicing was the easiest way to introduce her to it.

When she turned two, we started making juice recipe videos on YouTube. As our page grew, so did the idea of opening a juice bar and I’ve been in business 10 years now.

VIP: What are some of the biggest misconceptions about juicing?

“ “ Lucky Lotus is an artistically inspired labor of love
cover story

fun facts

Favorite quote? “If you want to lift yourself up, lift up someone else.”

Favorite movie? Big Fish. Coffee or tea? Coffee.

Beaches or mountains?

Beaches. I’m a Jamaican /Florida girl.

“Juices don’t contain enough protein.” This is the biggest misconception I’ve heard from customers over the years. “ “

CHANTEL: “Juices don’t contain enough protein.” This is the biggest misconception I’ve heard from customers over the years. Anyone concerned with their intake of protein while on a juice cleanse can add healthy ingredients like plant-based protein powder, chia, or hemp seeds. Juicing allows you to get a full spectrum of nutrients. Most animals get their protein from plants, where all protein originates. In fact, some of the largest and strongest animals on the planet, including elephants, rhinos, horses, and gorillas, are herbivores.

VIP: Tell us about your favorite juice recipes.

CHANTEL: My favorite recipes are usually green based. I always start my day with kale, banana, blueberries, lemon, chia seeds, vanilla protein powder, and water. It’s better than coffee for sustainability and energy.

For kids, my go to is banana, almond butter, strawberries, and almond milk. This is a classic PB&J.

“ “ I’ve always been health conscious.

cover story

My favorite form of detoxing incorporates intermittent fasting. Giving your body a moment to digest last night’s meal and regroup, while drinking lots of water and lemon is the best form of self-care and a great way to detox.

VIP: How were you able to pivot during the pandemic with Lucky Lotus Juice Bar?

CHANTEL: Fortunately, we were only closed for 2 months. I received a lot of support from the city, and our customers, to help keep the doors open. The pandemic was a teachable moment as a small business owner. As a result, we are currently in the process of launching a juice truck next month, as well as a ready-to-blend smoothie kit that will ship to your doors this fall.

VIP: What are 3 tips for running a successful brick and mortar business post pandemic?

CHANTEL: First, I would say be creative with your brand. Customers are constantly looking for a unique experience, and a delicious meal to tell their friends about. Next,

engage with people online. Social media has been a great way for me to connect with followers and hear what they want from us. It’s also a great way to have fun with your business. Finally, I try not to take things too seriously. My business is a representation of me and my personality.

VIP: What is the most important lesson you’ve learned since becoming an entrepreneur?

CHANTEL: Entrepreneurship is like a rollercoaster of emotions. One day you may feel like nothing can stop you, and the next day you feel like a complete failure. It’s in those moments that you remind yourself why you’re doing what you do. My career is my passion, and it challenges me every day which is what I love the most.

VIP: What is one thing people would be surprised to know about you?

CHANTEL: That I’m terrified of flying. I refuse to put my feet on the floor during take-off, and I’ve walked off of a plane twice, right before they shut the doors.

Chantel’s Favorite Smoothies

Complete Protein:

*Strawberry, *Banana,*Almond

*Butter, *Hemp *Seeds, *Dates, *Vanilla Protein, *Almond Milk.

Kale Quencher:

*Mango, *Pineapple, *Kale, Lime, *Basil, *Spirulina, *Apple Juice.

VIP Magazine was happy to share in the life of this powerhouse mom and entrepreneur. You can connect with Chantel on Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube. For a healthy summer treat, you can also visit any of her locations at Ponce Midtown and Kefi Buckhead, Atlanta, Georgia. Click & Visit

I try not to take things too seriously. At the end of the day, I relax and rejuvenate. “ “
cover story



Nicole Roberts Jones is uniquely gifted at one thing – drawing out what’s best in YOU and helping you take your Brilliance to The Bank. Nicole works with women through her Brilliance Mastery Academy to create multiple streams of income from what they already know in order to build an empire from their expertise.

What is an everyday ritual or action you do, that ensures your success?

My daily ritual starts with what I call Jesus time. Taking at least 2030 minutes to read my devotional, write in my journal, and/or sit in quiet time with God, gets my soul ready for the day.

The gap I fill is helping women create multiple streams of income from what they already know. Most women when they are starting their businesses work harder than they have to and what I do is help them create a strategy that allows them to serve more people by number 1—making money in their sleep.

What has been your biggest customer success story? Why do you think it was a success?

When I have an opportunity to work with someone that has already established a servicebased business, say a lawyer or an accountant, they do not believe I can help create ways they can serve more people without having to give more hours in a day of being present in their business. I absolutely love to show them how effortless it is with the right strategy to create additional revenue streams in their business. One of which is to do what I call making money in their sleep.

One of my absolute favorite clients I have had the opportunity to work with is Dr. Deborah Tillman, you may know her as America’s Super Nanny. When she came to me, she could not figure out how to serve more families in her business. She was speaking all over the country, owning childcare centers, and coaching families; yet there were still more families that were requesting to work with her.

What I have found is no matter how successful you are, if you do not take the time to create what I call a blueprint, it hinders your ability to serve more people.

Well, Deborah was a little resistant at first to create a blueprint as she takes pride in tailoring her coaching with families. However, after taking her through an exercise I use with all my clients, she was blown away. From this discovery, she was able to create a blueprint from her methodology and from it we created what she calls her GPS = Greater Parenting System, and from it she now has group programs, online programs, and multiple ways she can serve more families that need her. All this without her having to be present. Now, Deborah can give even more time to her already busy schedule.



Born and raised on eastern shore of Virginia, Frances is a God lover, Amazon bestselling author, podcast host, international speaker, wife, mother, philanthropist, and an award-winning coach. Frances provides Godly wisdom principles in coaching, public speaking, services, and products to help women recover from life’s setbacks to keep their purpose zeal.

What is an everyday ritual or action you do, that ensures your success?

Every day I show up. I show up ready to take action. If you only talk about success but never take the steps to pursue your visions, then your words are in vain. Faith without works is dead. I know that God will do what God does but we still have a part to do as well. If you don’t take action, then success will only be a fantasy.

What has been your biggest customer success story? Why do you think it was a success?

One of my biggest customer success stories was watching one my clients walk out of an abusive relationship. After life coaching her for some time, she decided to take her joy back. This

was a success to me because the moment she left was the moment she began to live again. Success isn’t always just about material things. If you can gain back the physical things that were stolen from you such as your joy, peace, and strength, in my eyes you are internally and externally successful.



DDaijah Barnes is a personal development coach that helps women become the best version of themselves. Her coaching program also facilitates raising healthy, happy, and healed families. She compassionately shares her life experiences of surviving life’s obstacles as encouragement to her clients.

What is an everyday ritual or action you do, that ensures your success?

I learn something new every day. My slogan is “As I learn you learn and that is what makes us better together.”

I provide workshops, workbooks, and one-onone coaching for mothers who were or are broken and need that shoulder to lay their head on before finishing the race of becoming better and not bitter. Through my coach program, clients become aware of their new progressive opportunities while recognizing their limitations and forgiving themselves and others to rebuild relationships and eventually set themselves on a path to succeed.

What has been your biggest customer success story? Why do you think it was a success?

How do I know this workshop and sessions will work? I offer a 10-day money back guarantee if there’s no change within the first 14 days as long as its visible work has been done.

My greatest success story is about being able to preserve life. A woman was down and out because the father of her child had fathered another baby while she was pregnant, and she was prepared to have an abortion. I worked with her, one-on-one for 3 weeks and she cancelled the appointment.



r. Jena Bell is a Women’s Game Changing Based Leader and Destiny Visionary. In addition, she is a Global Award-winning Author, Strategist, International Speaker, and Entrepreneur. Her services are uniquely designed to help women find their voice, find their home and become the woman they desire to become.

Tell us about your coaching services.

As a Transformational/Strategy Coach and Speaker, I create experiences that change lives. From my own life experiences including over 30 years in the corporate and entrepreneurial world, I have experienced many disappointments and setbacks while achieving great successes. But despite my success, I often found myself questioning my own worth, because of those disappointments. But it was purpose that changed the game for me and led me to coaching full time. I know how debilitated you can feel when setbacks happen. My mission is to empower women globally, who like myself, rose to the top, only to realize I lost my true self, to rise in the fullness of who they were been created to be, to become the woman they desire to be.

I offer VIP Elite Coaching Services and Women Destination Renewal Retreats. I serve as the trusted advisor to Women C-Level Executives and Entrepreneurs who have climbed the ladder to success only to realize that she lost herself in the process. With all the demands on her time, the mental load, the countless sacrifices, the acquisition of material things, she feels lost and question her game. I help her find her way home.

This is a place where she restores her soul, finds inner peace and fulfillment, including her authentic voice, and her joy. She goes from questioning her game, to being the game changer, the woman she always desired to be. She gains control over her life, creates the life she desires, and can now give more to helping others. She changes the game for herself, her family, and the people she serves with greater joy and fulfillment. My services create a community of women who are repositioned and aligned to serve authentically, with purpose, and with greater love for herself, which extends outward to others.

What are the most common objections you get about buying your product/service? How do you answer them?

The biggest objection I have found over the years, is the unwillingness of some to see the value of coaching in their lives and to invest at a level comparable to the result they wish to achieve. My services are unique and customized to achieve results. In listening to my clients, I understand what they need, what they truly desire and develop a custom program to get them there. It’s customized because no two people are the same.




JJoi Brown is a Career Strategist, Certified Life Coach, International Bestselling Author, Empowerment Speaker, and Entrepreneur known as the “Positive Energizer.” Get ready to be educated, equipped, and empowered to unlock your passion, purpose, and potential. 3eee Consulting provides customized coaching, conversations, and workshops.

What is an everyday ritual or action you do, that ensures your success?

After the alarm sounds, my day starts off with having a gratitude mindset. Gratitude is being thankful for who I am which encompasses my gifts, talents, expertise, skills, personality, etc. I declare and decree who I am by using I affirmation. I am ambitious, beautiful, caring, competent, confident, determined, faithful, fearless, fierce, intelligent, prayerful, powerful, smart, strong, a survivor, etc. I am enough. I am all those words and more. I give thanks for being a “Joi” to the world. I also give thanks for what I have in my life. I am grateful to see the world and discover all of life’s opportunities, paths, and roads that I can explore. Thankful to wake up in my right mind and speak life over me and my situation. One of my favorite Scriptures is Proverbs 18:21 “the tongue has the power of life and death…” Your words can either speak life or speak death. The tongue can build others up or tear down.” There is truly power in the tongue.

What has been your biggest customer success story? Why do you think it was a success?

Being the Joi and providing a positive impact on the lives of others is my biggest customer story. I am blessed to walk in my passion and purpose and help people and organizations through my classes, services, and workshops.

When I kicked off the new year with a vision board party, people were empowered not only to write the vision but also to command their future. Focusing on health and wellness, 22 women allowed me to coach them into transforming their bodies and minds and achieve their health and wellness goals.

As a facilitator for a leadership offsite, I kept the team honest on the hard truths, delved into root causes, and made them face the mirror as a team. Creating an engaging and conversational environment where openness and diversity are welcomed will foster change and impact. Furthermore, being able to educate, equip, and empower people to have their dream career through my career and job readiness services is truly a blessing. My greatest success is helping you unlock your passion and purpose and step into your potential greatness.


Founder & CEO, Ignite It, LLC

Bindu Chowritmootoo is an entrepreneur and certified life and business coach that recently launched a women’s empowerment company, Ignite It, LLC. Bindu’s passion lies with empowering others to be the best version of themselves both on a personal and professional level. Bindu provides 1:1 business and life coaching as well as product/service group coaching within small businesses and corporate level platforms. Services include leadership coaching, team building activities and retreats, organizational changes and operational improvement strategies, and strategic workshops.

It was our pleasure to chat with Bindu, a woman on the move with a brilliant smile and quiet power. We absolutely love this statement by her, “Perfection is not achieved by a perfect body, or perfect hair, or perfect skin. Perfection is achieved when you embrace who you are, as you are. You are enough.” Dive in and learn more about Bindu.

What keeps you going when things get tough in your business?

In my mid 30’s, I had to completely rebuild my career. I decided to leave my comfortable, predictable job in corporate America and leap into entrepreneurship. I had such a strong drive to prove to myself and others that failure was not an option. I often think about where I was then and where I am now. Success is a product of hard work and determination. I never take opportunities for granted. I believe the power of manifestation will reap huge rewards. You need to want something bad enough for it to become a reality. When things get tough, I remind myself that I have done it once and I can overcome any challenges that life throws my way.

What 3 things does anyone starting in your industry need to know?

1) Create a Business Plan - Breathe life into your vision by creating a business plan. Once you put your vision in writing you will be able to clearly articulate your purpose. If you struggle with this process, then perhaps the reality is that you are not ready yet.

2) Establish Your Credibility - If you want to be seen as an expert in your industry, then establish your credibility. Find 5 different ways to share your knowledge with others. Establish a social media and Google presence. When people want to know more about you, the first thing they will do is a Google search. Build your professional reputation.

3) Understand Your Competition - To offer your products and services, it is always best practice to understand your competition. How and why would your services be different? Why should a consumer consider utilizing your services? The more due diligence you complete, the more prepared you will be to build your company in a successful manner.



Kearn Crockett Cherry is called the “Butts in the Seats Queen.” She is a speaker, coach, entrepreneur, and 10 x #1 Bestselling author. She is the creator/host of Power Up Summit and Level Up Summit. She is co-founder and director of Success Women’s Conference with over 17,000 attending virtually. She is the owner of PRN Home Care for 24 years with over 35 years in healthcare. She is a Visibility Coach and Create Your Own Event Coach. Mrs. Cherry is the visionary author for her #1 Bestselling book anthologies called Make It Happen. She is also the visionary of “Trailblazers Who Lead I & II.” She has been featured twice in Essence Magazine as the “Comeback Queen” and Black Enterprise Magazine. She often says, “When one door is closed try the next one, if it’s closed go around to the back, if not Create Your Own, but never give up.”

What is an everyday ritual or action you do that ensures your success?

I am always looking for ways to increase my own visibility. I believe you cannot teach what you are not willing to do yourself. I spend a lot of time connecting with other people and forming effective collaborations. In addition, I try to speak on at least four stages a month. I also make sure that I support other individuals by attending Clubhouse meetings, sharing their social media posts, and supporting other individual’s conferences.

What has been your biggest customer success story?

Why do you think it was a success?

As a Visibility Coach, I have seen many of my clients’ visibility increase overnight. Some of my biggest success has been through the visibility campaign that I do with my own book anthology and my conferences. By creating speaking tours on several platforms, many of my authors have gone on to start their own book anthologies, new businesses, new collaborations, and have been featured in major magazines.

As a coach, I encourage people to stop having big parties and instead create profitable events. This has helped many clients increase their revenue while decreasing their expenses. Many conference organization’s need solutions in order to be successful and to get “butts in the seats.” I help them create a plan, multiple streams of revenue, and successful ways to promote their event.

Kearn Cherry is offering a Free “Create Your Own Event” Masterclass and “Increase Your Visibility” Masterclass. You can register for FREE at

I am Kearn, the Master Collaborator, also known as the "Butts in the Seats Queen" and "Master of the Pivot" My expertise is in visibility. I also coach business owners, Organizational Directors, and Entrepreneurs how to launch their own profitable events, conferences, and anthologies.

As co-founder of Success Women's Conference, Creator of Power Up and Level Up Summits, I am a 23+ year entrepreneur that has been throwing successful summits and collaboration events for over years. Are you looking to increase your visibility? Do you need to grow your individual platform, your business, and your bank account? If yes to any of these, the answer is simple...

You need to increase your visibility.

I have created Visibility Packages sure to take your business and brand to new heights. Visit the link below to get started.

Master Collaborator • Author • Speaker • Coach Master Collaborator • Author • Speaker • Coach Kearn Kearn Cherry



April L. Ervin is Founder and Chief Peace Officer of Sustainable Leadership, LLC – a missiondriven consulting firm dedicated to helping organizations sustain effective leadership and create healthy organizational cultures. With 25 years of diverse management experiences, April intimately knows the challenges leaders face. Like far too many, she spent years working to the point of exhaustion sacrificing self for the sake of mission. She supports her clients seeing there is another way. “It is possible to serve your purpose and live a healthy, sustainable life.” April is an avid believer that a more holistic approach to leadership development will have a transformative impact on the state of our world.

What is an everyday ritual or action you do, that ensures your success?

The theme for my daily discipline is “simplicity for sanity’s sake.” A simple daily action is setting my top 3 goals and a daily prophecy speaking success over my business for the day. The gap my consulting services and books are filling is helping individuals and organizations acknowledge the extreme burnout we all face and how to overcome that challenge. My most recent book, The Burnout Factor on Leadership: Managing Burnout In a Time of Unprecedented Change, provides concrete strategies to help leaders and their teams process all they’ve experienced in the pandemic and maximize their inner resilience to overcome burnout once and for all.

What has been your biggest customer success story?

Why do you think it was a success?

My biggest client success story was with a CEO of a rapidly growing organization. This leader was blessed with a high level of support; however, the challenge was how to effectively manage all that was on her plate while overseeing a rapidly expanding team. Below are two quotes from the CEO and a senior leader on the team.

“April’s powerful spirit and passion for supporting leaders as they navigate stress, uncertainty, and imbalance is remarkable. Her commonsense coaching techniques are relevant and applicable. Our entire team grew from her coaching, leadership workshops, and more. If you’re looking to put in the work, you’ll grow in more ways than you can imagine.” - CEO

“April is thoughtful and experienced. She helped us to focus and narrow our goals/scope at a time where we were headed in multiple directions. She also helped us assess each of the team’s individual workload - this was especially helpful to hone our aspirational approach vs being realistic with time and capacity. She helped us rede ne our mission and vision which we constantly return to. April’s staff retreat was a blessing, she is a delight, she is masterful, and so thoughtful in her approach. Highly recommended!”Senior Director



Carine Emile-Joseph is a mental health counselor and certified life coach with over 10 years of experience. She is bilingual in Haitian Creole and English. She holds a master’s degree in Social Work and a bachelor’s degree in Psychology from Florida Agricultural & Mechanical University (FAMU). She is EMDR certified. As the founder and CEO of Citadel Counseling Services, she looks forward to connecting and collaborating with clients.

What is an everyday ritual or action you do, that ensures your success?

I make sure I protect my mental peace by practicing daily gratitude. I am a woman of faith, so prayer is a big part of who I am. In addition, I surround myself with positive people who reflect my future. I also practice self-care daily.

What has been your biggest customer success story? Why do you think it was a success?

My biggest customer success story is how authentic and transparent I am. I am not afraid to share my success and my struggle. I connect with my clients so that they feel like they are not the only ones going through the roadblocks we face every day.

After writing my book, Seeing to Self-Care: A Guide to Self Exploration and Restoration, many women contacted me to thank me for voicing what they could not put into words, that the imposter syndrome was a big one. I encourage women, reminding them that they belong at the table, so there’s no need to be afraid.



Tomeico Faison started Therapeutic Solutions just two years after graduating with a master’s degree in occupational therapy from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. “I am a serial social entrepreneur on a mission to aid at least one million therapy entrepreneurs and leaders who help underserved populations. I partner with therapists, organizations, and universities to increase therapy business ownership and innovative therapy programs globally!”

Tell us about your business.

Faison Consulting fills a gap in the community by partnering with therapists and organizations to help create innovative businesses and programs for underserved populations. These entities often serve people in the community, such as people with vision deficits or mental health diagnoses who normally would not get services in their natural environments. As an experienced serial social entrepreneur (CEO of Therapeutic Solutions of NC and Low Vision Rehab Solutions), I have developed coaching and consulting skills that focus on social impact as well as financial sustainability.

I have also learned how to contract at the local, state, and federal level to meet the needs of marginalized populations. Examples of therapy owned businesses that I have partnered with include health care staffing agencies, mental health organizations, and low vision rehab organizations. Most recently, I am consulting with a large behavioral health organization to help expand their community-based occupational therapy services across North Carolina.

What has been your biggest customer success story? Why do you think it was a success?

My biggest customer success stories come from therapists who have been struggling solopreneurs. On the surface they look like they have a business but within the first consulting session, I find out that they are in the red and trying to do everything themselves. They have yet to delineate the difference between being a good health care professional and being a good business owner. They don’t have systems in place or understand how to look at data and reports. Consequently, the business suffers financially, the therapist suffers, and ultimately the population they desire to serve is unable to get what they need. I even had a therapist call me crying one day because she could not afford to pay her bills.

Two years later, she is hiring staff, making a huge impact in her community, and earning money! I have seen this success repeatedly and it always makes me smile to know that health care professionals, including therapists, can be amazing business owners when given the right tools. In fact, I believe they are a perfect fit to be the owners of health care organizations because of their prosocial concerns and have found that quality is not compromised for quantity which unfortunately is the case with some health care organizations.




ome women dream about wealth, and some talk about it. Then there are the women who demand wealth—and then take it. Dr. Jennifer Harris is that woman.

Known as the woman with the “Midas Touch”, everything she touches turns to legacy. A true advocate, Jennifer has devoted her life to creating financial freedom for women around the globe. After achieving explosive success in residential real estate, she knew that she could leave no sister behind. So, she founded Buy It and Flip It Women, an investment consultancy which turned everyday women into real estate moguls. But she couldn’t stop there.

As the CEO of the Purses, Pumps & Power, Jennifer has ignited a worldwide movement for black women to step into their destiny of wealth. Her newly released book and soon to be blockbuster documentary, “The Black Woman’s Declaration of Independence” will be the beacon call for black women everywhere to rise to new heights, seizing the economic power that is theirs to claim. She continues to pave the path to financial freedom with the introduction of The Black Women’s Trader’s Academy, where she teaches black women her exclusive blueprint to building an investment portfolio that would leave a lasting impact.

So you can call Jennifer many things. A real estate expert. The #1 Wealth Strategist for Women in the World. But she simply calls herself a real friend to every woman.

And friends don’t let friends live life with an empty purse.

Raise your purses. Embrace your power. And step into your destiny of wealth with Jennifer Harris.

What keeps you going when things get tough in your business?

What keeps me going when things get tough in my business is faith and prayer. I have had to lean on my faith a lot over the last 20 plus years as an entrepreneur and business owner. There were many times I wanted to quit. When I lost my mother to cancer in 2007, I wanted to quit, get a job, and just throw it all in. But during that difficult time, I knew that I had to pray and ask God for the strength to continue. When the housing market crashed and I watched my clients lose it all, I relied on my faith to not only get them through but also to sustain and grow my business. Then just four years later my father died suddenly of a heart attack and my world was crushed yet again. So losing both my parents before the age of forty has been hard as anything I have had to overcome. Lots of faith and daily prayer continues to this day to bring me through and help me stay on top.


Co-Owner & Co-Founder,

Iam resilient. I am fearless. I am a black woman and multi-millionaire who will birth many more multimillionaires that will and won’t come from my womb. I am a successful 7 figure business coach with a proven record to assist in the growth of your business. My coaching provides blueprints, strategies, and education guaranteed to produce great financial success.

What is an everyday ritual or action you do, that ensures your success?

My everyday ritual to ensure success is creating and following my task list as well as stating my daily affirmations.

My company fills the gap in the community between creating a business and executing a successful business. In my community and in inner city schools, business education, credit education, marketing, and so much more are not taught as a part of the core curriculum. My coaching and digital courses fill that void and contributes to the community by not just creating businesses but by creating 6 and 7 figure businesses that thrive.

What has been your biggest customer success story? Why do you think it was a success?

One of my greatest success stories is from Deidre Brown, a student I never met but she took my virtual course after learning about me via Facebook. She started her business in 2016 but after learning several strategies and creating the ultimate blueprint from what she learned in my courses she made more money in 2020 during a global pandemic than in 2016, 2017, and 2018 combined. She posted this in my Facebook comments one day and it brought me to tears that I was able to touch the lives and bank accounts of people I’ve never met. She’s a single mother and because of what she gained financially she paid off over $50,000 in debt and she’s headed towards homeownership to leave a legacy for her little ones.




Danita Hayes is a Norfolk, Virginia, native, wife, and mother of three who owns several companies. She is a real estate broker and co-owner of Victory Allegiance Realty, co-owner of Wall Street Cafe, and owner of Global Home Investors, Inc. She teaches the Principles of Real Estate course required for individuals to obtain their real estate license as well as a real estate investment course for women called Women Flip Houses Too.

What is an everyday ritual or action you do, that ensures your success?

My everyday ritual is to wake up at 5 a.m. to spend time alone with God. It is a necessity for me to be able to complete the tasks I have for the day. In addition, it gives me quiet time alone and the environment and space I need to be creative. As an entrepreneur it is important to be creative and innovative in your business.

I believe Women Flip Houses Too educates and shows women how to make money as real estate investors which is a male dominated industry. The movement is empowering women and giving them the foundation they need to build a solid real estate investment business. This equips them to build generational wealth and leave a legacy for their families.

What has been your biggest customer success story? Why do you think it was a success?

We just started in August of 2020 and a few of the women who have joined the movement have already begun to implement what they have learned. Some of the women are working on their first flips and a few are starting to find wholesale deals. I think this is a major success because oftentimes we go to seminars and take classes but never implement the information because of fear. For this reason, I created the Facebook group Women Flip Houses Too to keep in touch with the ladies and help them along the way as they embark on this real estate investment journey. We also offer one-on-one coaching to those who are interested after taking the course.



I help women find their authentic voice, remove the fear of becoming an author, speaking, and using their story as a powerful platform in building their brand.

Dr. Missy Johnson has survived three neardeath experiences with an occurrence where doctors only projected a three percent chance of living, but through her fearless faith, she has created an empire of courageous, bold, and resilient women worldwide.

Dr. Missy is the CEO and Visionary of Fearless Women Rock LLC ™, a BET Health Initiative screenwriter of her movie The Party, premiering October 2021. She is also an international speaker, coach, and 3x Amazon best-selling author.

After leaving corporate America and transitioning into another career and starting a business, she discovered that women’s struggle on how to begin or reinvent themselves without starting over. The flagship service Dr. Missy offers through her signature program is Courageous Women Find Strength During the Storm, an anthology book where women can share powerful stories. She also offers her Bookit Brandit Bankit ™ sixmonth program for women seeking to create a personal brand footprint as they evolve into entrepreneurship. Write your book, brand the product, and create a bank from seven streams of income, and we show you how. Dr. Missy’s belief is that you have a powerful story, and the world needs to hear it.

What would you say to a business owner that is currently struggling?

Sometimes, we look like we have it all together, but struggling is a part of the journey. It is very hard but trust the process. When this occurs, it is time to remember why you started. Pray first and foremost. Ask yourself, what is the one thing that is most important that is income-producing? Seek help if needed because you cannot build a business alone. That means invest in yourself and get a coach because that will be the game changer in your business. Finally, take time for self-care.

What keeps you going when things get tough in your business?

Family keeps me going in business. It is important to me that they see that it can be done. I am a church girl from Detroit, and I want to see people win. Many times, people look for role models on television, and it is great. However, if they see a family role model in front of them, it sends a message of hope and inspiration they can achieve their success. Change your mindset and trust the process. Dr. Martin King said it best; “Take the first step in faith. You don’t have to see the whole staircase; just take the first step.”



Dr. Jennifer Jones Bryant is a bestselling author, award winning certified career coach, strategist, and motivational speaker. She is the Executive Founder of Reaching Within, An Empowerment Journey. Jennifer obtained her coaching certification from Coaching Federation. In addition, she has over 25 years of demonstrated expertise helping individuals and teams become high performers and more marketable through her leadership and certified career and life coaching program.

What is an everyday ritual or action you do, that ensures your success?

During the pandemic, Reaching Within, An Empowerment Journey, LLC has been helping people to get back to work in the community through various essential career development solutions. As a result, my company has exceeded its goal of getting at least 100 people back to work, promoted, or transitioning to new careers through various ways including webinars and individualized coaching and consulting services. Some actions my company has taken to fill an employment gap since the pandemic are providing career strategies to further enhance the clients’ marketability and job search by holding career elevation webinars with human resources industry experts on the panels and delivering online webinars with the following topics: from goal setting to execution, resume, and interview webinars for clients from universities, small business development centers, the corporate world, and the federal government.

Reaching From Within, An Empowerment Journey, LLC’s strategic mission is centered largely on inspiring and empowering others to overcome personal challenges which will enable them to meet their professional goals for success. Services include but are not limited to accelerating clients to the next level in their careers through leadership, professional, and personal development. Other services include career consultation, goal setting to execution, resume updates, accountability calls, and personal and professional development coaching. Reaching From Within, An Empowerment Journey, LLC’s mission is to supply coaching that inspires, empowers, and motivates clients to reach their career goals by using our well-versed techniques.

What has been your biggest customer success story? Why do you think it was a success?

My biggest customer success stories include reviews from clients who have shared that my coaching company has made a difference in their career success through my well-versed techniques.

“Dr. Jennifer Bryant was extremely professional, insightful, and a wealth of knowledge. She took the time to answer clients’ inquiries and provided individualized career advice to further enhance their job search and prospective tips for the process. Having her partner with our organization was a true delight as she was proficient, fun, and prompt in delivering her materials. Would certainly recommend her to others!” - Salisbury University Small Business Development Career Center

“I want to send a special shout out to Dr. Jennifer Jones Bryant who through her career consulting services assisted me with rebuilding my resume. I can now finally let the news out of the bag that in a few weeks I will be a State of Maryland employee. I’m telling you that her professionalism offending leads to career advancement work wonders. Thank you again for your service!” - Michelle Boulden-Hammond.

@ ReachingWithin






Dr. Shellie Hipsky is the CEO of Inspiring Lives International, the Executive Director of the Global Sisterhood, a World Class VIP Coach, and the editorin-chief of Inspiring Lives Magazine. Dr. Hipsky’s EmpowerU Master Class supports women leaders in their journey toward inspiration, empowerment, and balance through a proven curriculum and powerful resources.

What is an everyday ritual or action you do, that ensures your success?

One action I practice daily which supports my success is meditation in a state of pure gratitude. Through my Global Sisterhood, I am grateful for the lives of the women and children who our charity is able to support through our #PopUp Giving and our projects such as our entrepreneurial school in Tanzania and our award-winning Inspiring Lives Magazine. In my coaching practice, I am grateful for the transformed lives and the success stories through my EmpowerU Master Class and my World Class VIP clients. In my world as an international bestselling author, I love that my 13th book Ball Gowns to Yoga Pants: Entrepreneurial Secrets to Create Your Dream Business and Brand is guiding people towards reaching their goals. In my personal life, I reflect on the gratitude I have for a loving family and incredible life-long friendships. It is through gratitude that the abundance flows, and we can manifest our best lives.

What has been your biggest customer success story? Why do you think it was a success?

My World Class VIP coaching client is currently preparing to do a travel experience together to celebrate her incredible success. Christine Furman was my former undergraduate and graduate student when I was a tenured university professor. She was trained as a teacher and yet she desired more. Christine dreamed of being able to work with her children while she taught others. During our EmpowerU Master Class On-boarding session (as we sipped delicious pomegranate martinis), I had her close her eyes and envision the lifestyle she wanted and her dream business.

My signature EmpowerU curriculum taught her what she needed to learn to make that dream a reality. Now, she runs her thriving company Momspiration412 International which involves her children who she is homeschooling while supporting others in their motherhood journeys through her EduPlay activities and subscription packages.

I believe Christine Furman is such a success because she listened to her heart, she sought me out as her mentor for life, and she is dedicated to being a lifelong learner as she continues to go to the next level. She invests her time and money in her coaching experiences as she did her tuitionbased classroom learning because she knows that to get to the next level you must be educated by the best.



r. Mary J. Huntley is a servant leader, and Chief Executive/Encouragement Officer of an exclusive consulting organization. She is a 5X international bestselling author. Through her coaching services, she empowers clients challenged with low selfesteem and rejection, by helping them set S.M.A.R.T. goals to reach their desired results.

What is an everyday ritual or action you do, that ensures your success?

First and foremost is acknowledging God and trusting Him to direct and guide my steps as I walk through His process. Daily I pray for divine connections, divine appointments, and God’s divine revelations that allow me to have a laser focus. Secondly, it is paramount that I believe in myself as I navigate my lane of brilliance. Thirdly, setting S.M.A.R.T. goals has allowed me to accomplish major feats and remain focused. My goals must be specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and time bound.

I must do what I love to ensure daily success. As a certified master life coach aka Master Motivational Mindset Coach, I coach clients challenged with low self-esteem and rejection by motivating them as I provide high-octane motivation® through S.M.A.R.T. goal setting to ensure that they reach their desired results.

Though I am a certified master life coach and certified motivational speaker, I am also a motivator and encourager. Through my coaching services I help clients navigate the challenging maize of life.

What has been your biggest customer success story? Why do you think it was a success?

I am sharing a recent testimony I received that really made my day.

“I believe that every Christian reaches a point in their walk with Christ that you get sick and tired of being sick and tired. Everything in the world seems to be changing so rapidly and it’s a fight for our lives. Such was the case with me. After being saved and preaching the Gospel for over 25 years, I found myself silently struggling in ministry. I was stuck. I felt my God visions had left and I no longer felt dressed for the war. I had the opportunity of meeting Dr. Huntley in October 2019 but it would be seven (7) months later that God would allow us to connect again. Through my session with her, I found a woman of God that’s the real deal. She has a heart for God’s people and is able to give insightful and spiritual guidance through the Word of God that stirs and refuels dreams and destiny to which we are called. During my session, I was able to recognize and strategize a plan to finish strong the race before me. Through the ministry of Dr. Huntley, God has raised up a voice for this generation to answer the desperate cry for God’s people and prepare an end time army.” Minister A. J.



I am extremely passionate about seeing couples thrive in their marriage and not just survive.

Dr. Sakeisha Hylick and her husband Eric established The Marriage Can Win Academy to help build strong marriages, teach couples how to balance marriage and business, and provide them with tools to build generational wealth.

What is an everyday ritual or action you do, that ensures your success?

Everyday my husband and I spend time together in prayer and set aside time for just the two of us to ensure that while we are helping others thrive in their marriages ours is not neglected in the process. While we are developing plans for other couples to succeed, we make sure that we are practicing what we are teaching others.

Our services address two of the most common challenges that marriages are facing today. This “Great Divide” in marriages is communication and finances. Not only do we share our journey of how God restored our marriage, but we also provide principles that couples can apply daily to work on their three areas. We focus on helping couples Build Strong Marriages, Build Successful Businesses, and Build Generational Wealth for their families.

What has been your biggest customer success story? Why do you think it was a success?

The most common objection that we have received about buying our services is that one spouse is not readily available at the initial meeting. To start, we inquire about what would keep them from moving forward. Also, we provide the couple the opportunity for a discovery call to see if we would be a good to work together. Further, we offer a payment plan if needed, so finances won’t be a hinderance to the couple prioritizing their need for assistance in overcoming challenges in their marriage.

Our biggest customer success story was after I had been interviewed on a radio show, I gave the host a copy of our book, Marriage Can Win, and at that time, I had no idea that she was planning to end her current relationship because of all the challenges they were having. She read our book, talked with her fiancé, and applied the principles. They are now happily married.



Iam an author, life coach, motivational speaker, and mother to an angel. I am passionate about helping people achieve their goals and dreams. My books reflect who I am and what I bring to the table. I hope to save or change lives.

What is an everyday ritual or action you do, that ensures your success?

Every day, I wake up in the morning and thank God for giving me another chance at life and I tell Him to take care of my son for me. I always tell myself that I’m going to make it and that is what pushes me to get my things done because I know I will make it, I feel it. I have all the right tools in order to succeed. My son is continuously pushing me to inspire others and I’m just following what God made for my life. I am following his path.

I am a work of art, and I am consistently working on becoming the best version of myself every day. I am an author and I create books to either change or save a life because I know my books can help someone. I am also a life coach. I help everybody dig deep down to figure out why they are not where they want to be and most of the time, people are not in the right head space, therefore, we work on that together! Getting into a positive headspace, the right mindset, with the right affirmations and with surrounding themselves with the people that aspire them to be better! Being a coach, being an entrepreneur, being a mother and being a businesswoman is being a problem solver.

What are the most common objections you get about buying your product/service?

What has been your biggest customer success story? Why do you think it was a success?

One of the biggest objections that I received was a customer who did not feel that my book about selfcare was worth $20. She felt that I should have sold my book for $10. Yes, my book is only 62 pages but that is 62 pages of solid information. I replied to her and let her know how many hours I spent writing the book, how many hours were spent in designing and editing, finding a publisher, finding the right printing company, research on what size my book should be, and the time I spent creating “thank you” cards, business cards, stickers, self-care packages, poly mailers, and shipping costs. Once I explained all the time that goes into it, she got the memo. After I told her all of that, she told me that I should even raise my prices. Nobody knows what sacrifices you make to get here, they only see the product, the success, and the support but they do not know what you are doing behind closed doors.




Nyala Thorpe is the Owner of Market Your Message, LLC, Marketing & Income Strategist, Speaker, and Trainer. In the last 16 years, Nyala has owned several successful businesses both offline & online in various industries giving her a unique approach to fundamental brand building, creating systematic frameworks and processes, and building strategic and lasting business systems. Nyala is best known for her straight shooter teaching and extensive experience in marketing and sales.

What gap is your product/service filling in the community?

90% of coaches struggle to acquire clients because they don’t know how to clearly articulate the value they bring to the market, and they struggle to market in a way that gets their ideal clients to stop and take action. I help my clients find and market their unique message so they can consistently sign highpaying clients.

What has been your biggest customer success story? Why do you think it was a success?

One customer success story that comes to mind pertains to my client Stephanie Lawerence, a Credit Repair Specialist and Wealth Strategist. When Stephanie came to me, she was overworked and underpaid. She already learned the value of investing and she put everything she had into learning her craft. She was helping people fix their credit, but she was not in the financial position she wanted to be in. She did not want to be just another credit repair brand. She wanted to create a brand that was authentic to her.

Based on her story and experiences, Stephanie wanted to work with more highpaying clients, and she desired to do all of that because she wanted to create experiences for her daughter who was sometimes sick. She aspired for a different life, so she put her baby in our hands. We helped her craft her captivating story. We facilitated her creating a signature system that no other credit repair brand has and we helped her launch it. Within a year, she was making $15k+ every single month working with her dream clients and living what she calls a laptop lifestyle. This just makes me happy.


Accessories can always change, but one that seems to be the consistent glam highlight and statement piece for everyone is the glutes. This holds true for men and woman alike. The glutes, also known as the peach, can provide form to an outfit but most importantly, they bring beautiful posture and strength to so many parts of the body. Whether you desire to lift, expand, or tone the glutes, this can be achieved with a bit of focus and discipline. Before you know it, you’ll have glutes that will give the shining summer sun a rival.

The glutes consist of three muscles: the gluteus maximus, gluteus minimus, and the gluteus medius. These gluteal muscles hold an enormous amount of power. The gluteus maximus makes the most impact as it’s the largest muscle in the body. However, they all synergistically work together. When focusing on each one properly with effort and resistance, they will give you the fabulous look you desire while preserving the very structure of your body. Here are the top exercises for each one.

The Heavyweight Derrière

The heavyweight derrière is about adding a weight that challenges the glutes during simple exercises. For example, one of the best timeless exercises to build the gluteus maximus is the bridge. To do this exercise, you want to lie with your back kissing the ground. Next, bend your knees while keeping your feet firmly planted on the ground with the challenging weight placed on your lower core. Once the proper position is achieved, it’s time to perform the exercise. The key is to ensure your focus is on lifting the glutes with the weight, while driving through with your heels. Please note, that it is very important that you keep a neutral spine and ensure that you are not arching your lower back as you power your hips up towards the sky. Depending upon the heaviness of your weight, I would recommend doing at least four sets of 12 to 15 reps.

The Keister Kicks

When desiring to sculpt your glutes, it’s important to also work the gluteus minimus which focuses on the hip abductors and adductors. An exercise that’s great for this are keister kicks also known as fire hydrants. However, it’s all about challenging the body. Therefore, adding a resistance band while performing this particular exercise will help expedite your results. Here’s how you do it. While positioning your body on all fours, keep your legs bent and lift one leg out to the side while stopping at the height of your hip. Remember, the key to getting optimal results is realizing where to focus your resistance. Therefore, when lifting the leg against the resistance band, be sure you are lifting with your hip and feeling the burn in the area. With this exercise, do 12 to 15 reps and 4 sets.


The Perkilicious Pulse

The exercises represented above help with two of the important muscles that make up the glutes, however, you cannot leave out the gluteus medius. It’s the third muscle to help you get that full and well-rounded showstopper look. I’m calling an exercise to help with this muscle, the perkilicious pulse. This includes using a challenging weight and the good old never out of fashion squat. To perform this exercise, grab your weight and be sure to check that you have proper form to prepare for your squat. Let’s cover the form. It’s important to ensure that your feet are shoulder width apart, your body straight and proper alignment of your spine. While holding your weight with both hands belly button height, lower your body while carrying the weight with your glutes and quadriceps. Once you are lowered, stay there, and do mini pulses while pushing your glutes out. You will feel the burn while you firm!

The next time you look at your rear view and you don’t see a spotlight, just know that you have the power to transform your glutes into glam. It takes focus, discipline, a challenging resistance, and a focus on the synergy (the gluteus medius, gluteus maximus, and the gluteus minimus).



Summer is here! Just as it is important to protect your skin from the sun, you must also shield your hair and scalp from severe damage.

Sun shining ultraviolet (UV) rays on your hair can be damaging. This is especially true for hair that is chemically processed with hair dyes or relaxers. Additionally, heat exposure from blow drying, curling irons, or ceramic flat irons can really damage hair more. Excess sweating and scalp oil production can further cause issues. And let’s not forget the chlorine exposure in pools causing bleaching and drying out of hair.

Signs of summer hair issues include excess hair breakage shown by different lengths of hairs in your comb or brush. You may also experience severe split ends and changes in hair color to a lighter or even reddish tint.

Here are nine tips to protect your hair during the summer:

1. Wear Hats to reduce direct sunlight if spending long hours outside. Some hats come with ultraviolet protective fabric. Printed head scarfs are protective and stylish too! The key is to limit sun exposure to hair and scalp.

2. Use UV Hair Sprays if you plan to be in sun hours especially if wearing a short or bald style.

3. Wet Hair and even coat it with conditioner before going into pools to reduce chlorine absorption.



4. Wash Hair Immediately after swimming to get rid of chlorine, sand, or dirt followed by a moisturizing conditioner. Pay extra attention if hair is in braids or locks to get between areas.

5. Wash Hair Weekly to avoid yeast buildup on scalp from sweating. This can cause a dry itchy scalp called ‘seborrheic dermatitis’. If so, apply a medicated shampoo to the scalp, leave on for ten minutes, and then wash out followed by moisturizing shampoo. Consult your doctor if it does not improve.

6. Deep Condition Weekly with olive oil left on overnight before washing, moisturizing conditioners, hot oil, or hydration steam.

7. Trim Ends at end of summer and then have your stylist repeat this every eight weeks to reduce split ends from excess dryness due to heat and UV damage.

8. Have a Scalp Review by your stylist every six months and report any dark areas or bumps to get further evaluation by your doctor. Be aware that persons of color can get melanoma skin cancer in scalp, ears, feet, and palms.

9. Nourish Hair from within with dermatologist developed BellaNutri Supplement containing special marine proteins and collagen proprietary nutrient blend. Hair will have less breakage and grow faster, longer, thicker, and healthier.

5 Ways to be a Girl Boss

I am Beautiful. Motivated. Strong. Deserving. Blessed. Empowered. Intelligent. Bold. Driven. Unstoppable. Prosperous.

What is your definition of a Girl Boss? Do you aspire to be one? Do you know one? Perhaps you are one! (All power to you Girl!) Being the founder of a women’s empowerment company, not only do I love being a Girl Boss, but I also love empowering others to unleash their inner Girl Boss!


5 Ways to be a Girl Boss:

1.Step out of your comfort zone – One of the most important decisions that you can make is to completely step out of your comfort zone and try something new. Get uncomfortable. As a matter of fact, get uncomfortable on a regular basis. Why is this important? As a Girl Boss, you will never forget when you were the most uncomfortable. When you are in an uncomfortable situation, you begin to come face to face with identifying and building your strengths. It also prepares you to be resilient and handle changes that come your way.

2.Manifest your passion – In order to be a true Girl Boss, wake up every morning determined to find your passion. Breathe life into your goals. Be determined to crush them. When you train your mind to think positively, you begin to attract everything and anything that supports your passion. I realize this is a mindset change but trust me there is a huge return on investment when you begin to think and believe that you can accomplish anything you put your mind into.

3.Celebrate every milestone – As you begin your personal journey as a Girl Boss, it is important to take time to celebrate all your milestones. Cherish each moment of your personal and professional growth. Share your successes with others and take time to recognize and celebrate how far you have come. Celebrating your milestones allows you to continuously set the bar higher. A Girl Boss finds multiple ways to be successful.

4.Work hard, play hard – Have you ever gazed at someone and wondered how is it that they have it all? The career, the spouse, the house, the car, the kids, etc. As a Girl Boss it is important to find a balance. Most entrepreneurs will find themselves working over 40-50 hours a week. It is their passion. The wheels are constantly turning. At some point, you need to hit the refresh button. Work hard but find ways to play hard as well. Once you take time to relax, it allows both your mind and body to be refreshed.

5.Recognize and celebrate other Girl Bosses! The biggest form of a compliment is when a Girl Boss takes the time to recognize and appreciate you. When women take time to uplift and support each other, you

strengthen and empower women in the process. As you walk the journey of a Girl Boss, take the time to motivate and inspire other women who aspire to be a Girl Boss.

Being a Girl Boss is an opportunity for you to shine bright like a diamond. You deserve the opportunity. You serve the success. You deserve the recognition. Hold your head up high and enjoy being a Girl Boss.


Travelingwith Traveling mom and toddler take on the world

TeAndra Taylor, avid traveler and mother of four-yearold Carson, has no shortage of inspiring quotes to motivate you to travel. She makes you think about how to travel, how to prioritize it, and how it would alter your worldview.

“To show him that as a black male, he belongs anywhere.” These are the words that stood out as TeAndra explain her reason to travel with Carson at such a young age. Her other reasons were just as compelling: help Carson garner an independent nature, teach him responsibility towards the nations and cultures he interacts with, teach him adaptivity, create in him a nature of exploration... and the list goes on.

TeAndra reminds us that

feeding the elephants in Bali. Even if, as TeAndra explains, “he does not retain that specific memory, the character he builds while experiencing those memories, is just as valuable and outlasts any inconvenience in traveling with a small child.”

Meet the Taylors

TeAndra Taylor is no stranger to traveling. She mentions, “I was quite the traveler as a child.” She credits her knowledge of the benefits of traveling to having grown up as what she terms an “Army Brat.” She recounted the memories she had of her mother taking her and her sister to visit surrounding areas while the family was stationed in Europe.

This memory of exposure, family bonding, and learning at the hands of the real world, stuck with TeAndra, and she did not hesitate to give Carson the same experiences, even promising to forgo the cost of birthday parties and invest in travel experiences instead.

Carson took his first domestic flight at 4 months old to Denver, Colorado, and then his first international flight at one-and-a-half to Cuba.

The impact

When TeAndra started out, she had no idea of the impact she would have, nor that it would continue to grow. She





followers on Instagram and 2.9k followers on Facebook. And this isn’t all. She has been featured by People magazine, Essence magazine, Travel Noire, and news outlets such as

While TeAndra did not need to be encouraged or convinced to travel with Carson at an early age due to her own upbringing, she recognized that traveling was not an experience many parents had themselves, and so possibly did not think of it as beneficial for their children. Interestingly, TeAndra, has inspired even those without children to travel so that they too can keep learning and exploring the world.

While the theory behind traveling with children is important to TeAndra’s work, she leaves no stone unturned, thinking about and addressing every aspect of concern that parents may have traveling with a little one. From webinars on how to budget and plan for a trip, to getting through TSA with breastmilk or a stroller, and even how many diapers to

This is just the beginning for the Taylors. TeAndra often reads books about traveling and exploration to Carson to continue his love for it. However, she noticed that Carson’s identity was not reflected in any of the books. She wanted him to be able to continue visualizing himself as a traveler and to internalize that others who look like him can participate in any and all adventurous activities.

So, in the spirit of independence and adventure that she hopes to teach Carson through their travels, she set out to create her own book series that Black children could relate to while learning to love travel. TeAndra published the first book Captain Carson series in July 2020, titled Captain Goes to Bali, which was influenced by their trip to Bali, Indonesia.


The inspirational travel duo

The duo’s story is no doubt one of a kind, and their impact cannot be contested. For TeAndra, there was always a limit to what school could teach. What she cares about and seeks out for Carson are lessons that use all five senses: taste, touch, see, smell, and hear. From feeding the elephants in Bali and standing by the pyramids in Egypt, to swimming with the dolphins in Belize, Carson is gaining a one-of-a-kind experience.

COVID-19 has not slowed TeAndra’s mission, but simply shifted her tactics. Not being able to travel to the 10 countries she had planned before the pandemic, she has been taking Carson on trips to different states instead, exploring the domestic sphere. This detour has also influenced her move to write the next book in the Captain Carson series. Rather than exploring abroad, Captain Carson will take other kids along with him as he explores the United States of America.

Due to COVID-19 traveling restrictions easing, TeAndra is back in the game, her most recent trip to Egypt. Here, she shows us the pyramids, beaches, and communities of Egypt. You can watch here as she explores Abu Simbel and Nubian Village in Aswan, Egypt and explains their cultural significance.

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