The "MAC3" user's logo


Ceramiche MAC3 appartiene alla storia ceramica del comprensorio più importante e qualificato del mondo. Fondata nel 1968 a Baiso di Reggio Emilia, MAC3 è costantemente impegnata nella ricerca e nello sviluppo tecnologico e offre un catalogo ricco di proposte per interni ed esterni, di sapore sia moderno che classico, adatte per ogni stile di vita ed ogni target di età. Ceramiche MAC3 has an important place in the history of of the most important and highly qualified ceramics district in the world. Founded in 1968 in Baiso di Reggio Emilia, MAC3 is constantly engaged in research and technological development and it proposes a catalogue that offers a wealth of different ideas and products for both indoors and outdoors, suitable for both modern and more classic tastes, for all kinds of lifestyles and age ranges.



June 28, 2017

Cotti Collections

June 28, 2017

Outdoor collections

June 28, 2017

Colors Gloss & Matt

June 28, 2017


June 28, 2017

Woodcraft and more

June 28, 2017

Lui | Lei

June 28, 2017