Zhongshan Zou zhongshan.zou@aaschool.ac.uk
The Sympathy of Things, Mapping raw materials of smoking pipe. ↑ The Sympathy of Things, Remaking a pipe from its raw material. ← ←
Alba Gu Bràth, Unit7, AASchool, 2019-2020
The Disease and The Remedy, Unit2, AASchool, 2018-2019
Global Gardens Project, Welsh School of Architecture, 2017-2018
CARE FOR THE EXISTING Alba Gu Bràth, Unit7, AASchool, 2019-2020
Historically, Glasgow and its arm’s length housing associations have consistently preferred to demolish and re-build, rather than undertake the difficult, complex and labour intensive work of serious maintenance and renovation. “There is hope in honest error, none in the icy perfections of the mere stylist.” Inspired by mackintosh, this project is an argument for an approach to regeneration and urban planning which rejects a tabula rasa approach, resists widespread demolition and rebuilding, instead, argues for a renewed investment design work, both technical and spatial. Focusing on careful, detailed and involved treatment of the existing; Looking at ways in improve spatial qualities, technical performance and extend life spans without demolition. In this project, I argue that it would be possible to re-direct money that would normally be spent on demolition to create a maintenance strategy that retains the existing, using a permanent, inhabitable scaffolding system to both provide access for maintenance, increase thermal performance and create a plenitude of new communal spaces. These will both combat loneliness, and isolation, also keep existing communities in place and together.
A view of the main courtyard.
Alba Gu Bràth, Unit7, AASchool, 2019-2020
Material study
Domestic firewood in the UK
During the wood harvesting, those branches don’t meet the market standard will be quickly turning to fuelwood, most of the time becoming domestic firewood. And turning branches into firewood has generally accepted as part of wood recycling, therefore most of the wood recycling study is forcing on wood waste from construction, demolition, pallets and wooden packaging etc. The Wood Recyclers Association, a trade body made up of most of these high-volume wood recyclers, estimates that in 2011 around 2.8mt (or 60%) of all wood waste generated in the UK was recycled, and turning those small timbers into firewood takes a large percentage of the recycling rate. However, I believe that those branches have more potentials than simply turning fuelwood.
Alba Gu Bràth, Unit7, AASchool, 2019-2020
Wood joint study.
Alba Gu Bràth, Unit7, AASchool, 2019-2020
Two types of joint.
Alba Gu Bràth, Unit7, AASchool, 2019-2020
Wood joint study type 1.
Alba Gu Bràth, Unit7, AASchool, 2019-2020
Wood joint study type 2.
Alba Gu Bràth, Unit7, AASchool, 2019-2020
Wood joint study for scaffolding system. 1:1
SHADOW PLAY The Disease and The Remedy, Unit2, AASchool, 2018-2019
Classrooms with no windows, so as to make of each learning activity an immersive, intense, memorable experience. The relationship with the outside is carefully curated through the design of a series of vaulted roofs, which allow for: A controlled manipulation of the natural light (suitable for the autistic condition); A subtle play with the rain, celebrated through the drawing of animated, dreamy waves in the ceilings, produced through an effect of reflection (like in caves and in the subterranean rooms of colonial Guatemala). The spaces gradually open themselves to internal courtyards, each corresponding to a stage of development in the student’s journey, from apprentice to voyageur. Towards the end of the journey generous spaces allow for more intense social interaction, now mediated through a series of trompe l’oeil ceramic murals (an allusion to the public spaces of modern Guatemala), created with the aim of constantly reminding students and the wider public of the internal landscape of the autistic (and also of the so-called normal) mind.
Trompe l’oeil ceramic murals, a dream of an autistic kid may experience under sensory overload. ↑ Arm length cell room, for lighting control; meltdown; escape; recharge. 1:20 →
The Disease and The Remedy, Unit2, AASchool, 2018-2019
Study room, the shadow is constantly changing through the different time of the day, the roof of each classroom opened itself to the outworld, it could collect the reflection of the fluid, soft, and yielding rainwater, as if the fragile inner mind of an autistic kid. 1:20
The Disease and The Remedy, Unit2, AASchool, 2018-2019
Section model of the Lecture Hall, ceramic mural stage. 1:20
The Disease and The Remedy, Unit2, AASchool, 2018-2019
Section model of the Lecture Hall, entrance. 1:20
The Disease and The Remedy, Unit2, AASchool, 2018-2019
Section model of the Lecture Hall, entrance, structure study: proposed roof structure with the existing brick wall. 1:20
GLOBAL GARDEN FOOD HUB Global Gardens Project, Welsh School of Architecture, 2017
This hub is situated in the Flaxland Allotment Cardiff. The project is to create a new spatial proposition focusing on the sustainable consumption of food whilst generating new collective experiences for communities in Cardiff. The client Global Garden(GG) needed 3 functional space: a large cooking area which people can cook together and share their cooking skills; a space which can hold caonferences, lectures and exhibitions; a meditation room. Design proposal phase 1. 1:50 → Design proposal phase 2. 1:50 → →
Zhongshan Zou +44 7365553541 zhongshan.zou@aaschool.ac.uk