Epokhe lookbook s01 2017

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Season 01 2017


E nt er t he wor ld of EPØKH E, a n e xte ns ion of a lif e s t y le more tha n a p ro du ct . Bre d f rom the f ound e r s inna te impuls e to e xplore a nd expe r ime nt f rom the oc e a n a nd into the unknown. EPØKH E is ins pire d by the c la s s ic optic a l s ha pe s of the ye a r s gone by w it h a mo de r n high f a s hion t wis t, ta king s ub tle s tr uc tur a l c ue s f rom indu st r ial des ign a nd a rc hite c ture. S mooth, s trong line s , b old s ha pe s and c l ass ic c olor -way s a re f und a me nta l to the EP ØKH E f e e l. Creat ed f or thos e s e e king ha nd mad e e ye we a r b uilt a round a s olid f o u ndat ion, with ind us tr ia l und e r tone s re minis c e nt of the c le a n line s of mid -c e ntur y mod e r n d e s ign. Al l EPØKH E f r a me s a re d e s igne d in Ita l y a nd ha nd c r a f te d f rom r a w acet at e and me ta l. Epokhe e ye we a r is ma nuf ac ture d us ing ‘ Epokhe Op t ics’ . 100% UV prote c tion / Optic a l qua lit y / S c r a tc h re s is ta nt.

EPØKH E wa s f ound e d in 2012 by Dion Agius , M itc h Cole b or n & K a i Ne vil le.



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Black Polished : Grey / Havana Polished : Bronze



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Black Matte & Black Matte : Black / Tortoise Polished & Gold: Green



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Black Matte & Gold : Blue / Tortoise Polished & Gold : Green



Black Gloss : Black

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Tortoise Gloss : Green NOPA is bold yet subtle. With a strong, unique flat brow carved & polished from premium acetate to achieve the perfect f inish. The NOPA is the epitome of class mixing European lux with a robust edge. NOPA is quality controlled in Italy and incomparable in quality. This strong, angular piece is the latest addition to the EPOKHE range.



Gold Antique : Green

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Silver Matte : Green Polarized The NOTOMY captures the timeless look of the Aviator family and then advances from the classic teardrop shape of the XOA with modern cubic angles. Featuring intricate detailing, unique shortage of the nose-bridge & custom Italian riding temples. The NOTOMY is a new iconic look in the EPOKHE family.



Black Gloss / Silver : Black

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Long time friends, Dion Agius and Imogene Barron have spent the last two years designing the perfect f rame to represent Imogene’s unique approach to style. Imogene Barron is a f reelance stylist, creative director and consultant who lives and works in Los Angeles. Previously, she edited and published cult independent journal Love Want. Her latest publication, Junk Magazine, launched in October 2013.



Black Gloss : Green Zero

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EPĂ˜KHE presents our exclusive collaboration with Dylan Rieder. Designed and developed under the guiding eye of Dylan, his debut signature shade was perfected over the course of 18 months, to meet Dylan’s premium standards.



Gold Antique : Blue Zero

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EPĂ˜KHE introduces the all new Zero Base XOA available now with a subtle yet modern take on the original XOA. The ZERO base lens creates a f raction of light off the lens, mirroring the effect in a natural reflection without using high reflective coatings.



Black Gloss : Black

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Butterscotch Polished : Black For the boys and girls who live fast, we introduce you to ‘Candy’. A new frame designed by Creed Mactaggart. If James Dean was dealing speed he would wear the ‘Candy’. She’s that f ierce kind of sexy…and packs a mean punch. How does Creed feel when he is wearing the ‘Candy’? UNTOUCHABLE.



Black Gloss : Blue

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Black Matte : Green

Cr r ystal Gloss : Green Gradient “I wanted to design a sleek shaped glass with an evil feel behind them...” D ylan Rieder

Dark Tortiose Matte : Green



Gold Antique : Grey

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Gold Antique : Rose The XOA has a timeless look with the unmistakable teardrop shaped lenses. This style is reminiscent of the Aviator and has that iconic look that has endured for nearly a century. The XOA takes on its own original vibe with its intricate detailing and shortage of nose-bridge. A modern opus in the EPĂ˜KHE Range and one we are all highly excited about.

Silver Matte : Grey Chrome



Black Matte : Silver : Grey

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Dark Tortoise Matte & Gold : Green Drawing influence f rom the timeless, slightly tear-dropped shape of many iconic brands over the last century we present POEZD. Constructed out of alloy metal to be extremely light weight, the POEZD is a comfortable, strong and durable frame. The POEZD is designed in Italy and hand crafted from raw acetate and metal.

Cr ystal Matte & Gold Polished : Bronze



Matte Black & Black : Grey

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Tortoise Matte & Bronze : Bronze The Nazar takes on the distinctive EPĂ˜KHE appearance. Evolved from the Kozara frame foundation with cellulose acetate upper-brow and temple tips, it has an original feel and modern essence. EPĂ˜KHE Ambassadors drew f rom past favourites including the OSTRA to take the Nazar into a world of its own. With a reinforced stainless steel and acetate frame, the Nazar creates an extremely worldly, polished and highly wearable frame for any occasion.



Black Gloss : Black

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Matte Black & Black : Grey

Caramel Polished : Brown Gradient Taking inspiration f rom the hard edges and exposed construction of brutalist architecture the Boris is a solid handmade angular frame. Its hand cut from large sheets of raw acetate and f inished with an exposed sand blasted matte quality. The Boris is a big character with a modern style.

Tortoise Matte & Bronze : Bronze



Black Gloss : Grey

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Tortoise Gloss : Green Meet Klara, a sleek curvature cat eye style saturated with oval androgynous cool, 90’s grunge meets 60’s class

Cr ystal Gloss : Grey



Tortoise Gloss & Gold : Grey Polarised

Black Gloss & Gold : Blue

Black Matte & Black : Grey

Tortoise Matte & Gold : Bronze

Cr ystal Gloss & Gold : Grey

Black Matte & Silver : Green

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With the Anteka, we created a style that takes references from the timeless Aviator f rame. By morphing that classic style with a combination of industrial titanium and acetate we created a f rame that looks super clean with a very modern feel. This is an extremely wearable style to put on and feel comfortable anywhere.

Honey Translucent : Green Gradient



Black Matte : Grey Polarised

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Black Gloss : Grey

Cr ystal Gloss & Gold : Green Anteka 2.0 is an evolution from our best seller the Anteka, due to it’s success in the market we decided to remove the bar and re-release some classic colour-ways. Then by morphing that classic style with a combination of industrial titanium and acetate we created a f rame that is minimal and modern.

Tortoise Matte : Bronze



Tortoise Matte : Bronze Polarised

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Black Matte : Grey The Renaca is one of the larger frames in the EPOKHE collection. A very strong, classical shape and something that extremely wearable for both men and women. It’s for those looking for a very smart, timeless handmade piece built around a solid foundation.

Tortoise Gloss : Bronze



Translucent Honey Gloss : Black

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Bla ck Matte : G r e y

Cr ystal Gloss : Grey Inspired by the oversized f rames of the 1960’s. Featuring clean, round and sexy curves, it has been designed to suit both girls and guys alike. The Oha is the largest frame in the EPOKHE collection featuring an all handmade acetate f rame for a look that is overflowing in glamor and style.

Tortoise Gloss : Bronze



Cr ystal Gloss : Green

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Another of the f irst shapes to make EPOKHE’s debut collection, the Ostra is a timeless piece. Inspired by the classic safety glasses of the 1950’s. With its elegant, enduring and svelte silhouette, this sophisticated frame is the epitome of classic, understated style. One of the smaller f rames in the Epokhe range the Ostra can also be f itted with most prescription lenses.

TRADING TERMS * Appro ved 3 0 d ay acco u nts to b e p a i d s t r ict l y 30 day s from dat e o f i nvo i ce. * Fre i gh t to b e c h a r ge d a t sta nd ard cou r ier r at es. * O verd ue acco u nts w i l l b e re f u se d f u r ther credit u nt il t he acco u nt com p l i e s w i th EP ØKH E t er ms. * Any d i s cre p a nci e s on i nvo i ce s mu st be adv ised in w r it ing w i th i n 7 - d ay s o f i nvo ice. * O rders a re acce p te d i n acco rd a nce w it h o u r t r ading t er ms * A l l o rd er confi r m a ti ons mu st b e c h e c ked and any discrep ancies ad v i s e d i n w r i ti ng. * I n c o rre ct go o d s re ce i ve d a s a re su l t of an erro r in an o rder c on fir mat ion w i l l no t b e acce p te d f o r re tur n u nl ess adv ised as abo ve. * C an c el lat ions mu st b e i n w r i ti ng a nd wit hin 14-day s of EPØKH E o rd e r confi r m a ti on dat e. * Any ret ur ne d o rd e r s w i l l onl y b e acce p t ed if a ret u r n au t hor iz at ion nu m b e r h a s b e e n i s su ed.

C O N TA C T Unit 1 7-17 Br iga ntine S t By ron Bay, NSW, 2481

TRADEMARK USE T h e n am e “ EP ØKH E ” a nd a l l a sso ci at ed l o go s are regist ered t r ad emarks, i t i s th e re f o re ne ce ssa r y that w r it t en p er mission be o b t ain ed by th e acco u nt f rom EP ØKH E , b ef ore o u r name or l ogo c an b e u se d o r re p ro d u ce d i n a ny f o r m o f adver t ising, si gna ge o r p rom o ti ons.

phone : +61 2 6680 7403 fax: +61 2 6680 9358

e m ail : s a le s @ e pokhe. c o

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