Dropper inner newsletter 2014 v2

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Airwaves Dropper-Inner Edition Autumn Newsletter 2014

Produced at SUSOparachute Drop-In by Adults With Learning Disabilities and Additional Needs

Note from the Editor Welcome to the first edition of our Dropper-Inner newsletter The Parachute Drop. Thank you to our DropperInners for all their ideas and articles – I really struggled to fit them all in!! We’ve had a really busy year and the stories you read are our Dropper-Inner’s own thoughts and feelings word for word. We hope you enjoy their articles – and we would love to know what you think too!

SUSOparachute raising money Reach For the Skies - Sarah Buckley & Kathleen Clayton

Oakleigh House, Friday 17th October We ate hot pot and pavlova. People won lots of prizes. We had drinks . Dancing to different songs. It was really good

Thank you to everyone who helped – We raised a staggering

£4,200 !!!!!

Assertive Training - Sarah Baranska & Adrian Talbert. Pictures by Alex Steel. We learnt the training rules at the start of the course which really helped. My favorite character was assertive Annie because she is confident, happy, friendly and cheerful. The course was nice and relaxing and it helped me be more assertive. The models to help us learn were Passive Pete, Assertive Annie and Aggressive Al. Learning this with friends was fun. David Rutley MP visits us - Patrick Murphy & Richard Webb MP David Rutley came to visit in October he gave a talk and answered our questions. He said he’d give us a tour of the Houses of Parliament and he’d come and help me collect litter because it was great what I was doing. I enjoy collecting litter - it’s important to keep the streets clean and tidy. I wear gloves and use a litter picker to put the rubbish in a bag. I do this every Sunday. My First time at Parachute - Sarah Wilshaw I’ve just had my first day at Parachute and had a lovely time. Before I went I was quite worried that I wouldn’t know anybody and that there would be nothing to do but I felt happy and relaxed. Staff and volunteers were very friendly and they gave me a guided tour. I knew lots of people and I also made lots of new friends. So if you are feeling worried about joining Parachute, don’t be and I’m sure you will be having lots of fun in no time! I like Parachute - Steven Crouch I go to Parachute to do things sitting with others and chatting with the people at Parachute. I come with support – eating sandwiches together and chatting. I like the people & enjoy meeting people. My big article - Sian Worthington Its lovely. Everyone's lovely. Everyone’s kind. Everyone’s cool. Lovely building.

Work Placement - Andrew Bradley When I first came to Parachute I got involved with the activities and I enjoyed meeting new people and I started helping out with washing up and hoovering. Clare told me I could get involved with the work placement “Pride in Parachute” officer. It kept me busy and I enjoyed it. Makaton - It’s easy to do! - Helen Martin If I don’t feel like talking I can communicate or to help with talking to friends by using Makaton. People in NHS should use communication with patients using Makaton. Parachute - Maddie I enjoy coming to Parachute to catch up with my friends and use the computers. I also really enjoy joining in the art with Jennie & my friends.

Friendships & Relationships Going Out with friends - Sarah Buckley Noor and me go for lunch at Weatherspoon's. Jackie and me go to town - we buy lots of stuff. I like my friends too much Jackie takes me to Costa we had a drink. I met Noor and Jackie in Marks & Spencer's and had lunch there. Meeting People at Work - Andrew Cheetham I work at Sainsbury’s in Wilmslow and I’ve been there 11 years. It gets me out of the house and helps me to meet people. It helps the time to go quicker. It is great to meet new people such as public, colleagues and managers. Going to Town - Carol Fielding I like going to town with friends and staff and food shopping with my mum. I have a girlie night in with my friends and dance as well. On new years eve we stay up and share snacks and on new years day we have roast lunch as well Best Friend - Sandra Bogan My best friend is called Victoria. I spend time with her and her mum on the Monday night at the Leisure Centre seeing the sound of music.

Things I like to do - Chris Preston I like Manchester City, films, cafes. I go to Parachute and use my computer. I see more friends from town. I go to my parents at Christmas they take me to restaurants. The staff take me to see Man City. I love going to Bryce House. Friendship - Neil J Rose We’ve been talking about making friends and how to help us develop friendships now. Being at SUSO helps me to bring myself out of my shell. The group helps the local community get on with disabled people.

In the community Visiting Fallibroome High School - Darren Rimmer

I ENJOY COMING TO PARACHUTE TO CATCH UP WITH MY FRIENDS AND USE THE COMPUTORS. ALSOwith REALLY JOINING IN THE I went to help IKaren DonnaENJOY to talk about learning disability and volunteering for us at Parachute. We used PowerPoint and ART ACTIVITYS WITH JENNY & MY FRIENDS. MADDY.

I read out a script to tell the Sixth formers about what we do then showed them the “Who do you see?” video and the “Barnaby “ video. We gave out leaflets. Everyone enjoyed it and the headmaster would like us to come back again next year. The Remembrance Day Parade - Richard Webb It was a very nice parade to remember people who died in wars. It was very interesting seeing the poppies and meeting the Mayor and hearing her speech and seeing all the other people in the parade. We went to the Town Hall and had coffee and cake afterwards and I would like to thank everybody that helped out. Barnaby - Phillip Rowley Enjoyed myself at carnival parade. Lot of people there. People cheered for us and took photographs. The mayor was there. Us dressed as airplane pilot next to the plane. Girls had headscarves. We pushed the plane to the church.

Out & About with SUSOparachute Parachutes Lunch at the Brocklehurst Arms - Ben Comrie & Richard Webb I went to the pub. The meal was nice I had a lemonade - well 2! The weather was horrible it was nice and warm in the pub. It was fantastic to see my friends. I had chicken n chips. Richard had gammon and chips and he sat with Donna and Philip and Chris and Kathleen on the big table. Philip had a knickerblocker glory. Picnic - Donna Gleeson

I went to a picnic with parachute at west park in the summer. I saw my friends. I enjoyed taking photos of flowers and I did some sketching of a tree and I played some games - I played Frisbee, bowling, badminton and I visited the museum which I enjoyed. We were lucky because the weather was nice and I visited the gardens . Blackpool - Helen Jones I went to Blackpool Hotel to a conference and I was talking to Friends. I did different things there. Playing the question game pushing the button. That was good. We went in a minibus. It was good meeting different people. It was good food there. Witches of Eastwick – A SUSOparachute review - Emily Haworth Kathleen liked the scenery and special effects the flames. Phillip thought the person being sick was funny, and there was lots of music and dancing. Patrick liked the music and comedy. I liked the singing and dancing and the witches flying on wires. Darryl Van Horne was the villain he was scary.


- Richard Webb

We want more volunteers to help us out at SUSOparachute.

SUSOparachute 25-27 Old Park Lane, Macclesfield, SK11 6TJ

For more information just call Karen, Clare or Helen on 01625 424717 info@maccsuso.org.uk Website & Social Media www.maccsuso.org.uk Speaking Up, Speaking Out @SUSOparachute Macclesfield Speaking Up, Speaking Out SUSOparachute

Our Registered Charity No. 1150367

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