Parachute update

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For more information just call Karen or Clare on 01625 424717 and see Call in and see us Monday, Tuesday & Thursday 10.30 – 3.45 or Wednesday afternoon 1.30 – 3.45.



SUSO Parachute 25-27 Old Park Lane Macclesfield SK11 6TJ Tel: 01625 424717


SUSO Parachute Drop-In For Adults With Learning Disabilities and Additional Needs 2014

TELLING OTHERS We think that raising awareness about SUSO Parachute is vital to help people understand about learning disability and to make sure we are involved in the community. We do events that local people can come to, like our recent Christmas Fair, and our display in summer – ‘Celebrating You – Why You’re Great!’ We have made 2 short films, and have even posted them on Youtube – ‘The Future Is Not Rubbish’ and ‘SUSO Parachute – Our Story’. The link is: We have a website and Twitter @SUSOparachute. We do Facebook and we get lots of stories about Parachute in the local press or radio. We are having an exhibition in March ‘Who Do You See?’ to make people think about how they look at others who are different. JUST HAVING FUN We still make time to have fun. There was a party in September and an X Factor Karaoke night in November – definitely one to remember! We had a DJ workshop and went to a lovely family concert at Macc. Methodist Church before Christmas. In 2014 - in February, Barclays are kindly hosting a Valentine’s night for us at their regional offices at Radbroke Hall – WE CAN’T WAIT!! VOLUNTEERS – WE NEED YOU! We couldn’t do any of it without the help and support our volunteers. We have lots of roles and if you think you might like to join our fantastic team, please get in touch for a chat. Experience is not needed – and we give full training and support (of course DBS check essential).

Lots of people from Macclesfield and the surrounding areas with learning disabilities and additional needs such as Asperger’s, autism and general social difficulties, come to SUSO Parachute now. SO - we thought it was time to let everyone know what we have been doing and what we are going to do in 2014.

WHAT WE OFFER We are friendly, affordable and accessible and think everybody should be valued. We have a chill room where people can chat with friends and catch up with news and information. We have 3 computers which are all on-line. We do different activities – words and numbers, art, workshops, games and quizzes. The first three months of 2014 are: January – ‘Something New in 2014’ – health, new interests and life choices. February - Friendships & Relationships March – ‘Who Do You See?’ - How people see those with learning disabilities. WHO CAN DROP-IN? We have lots of things planned for the 2014, and look forward to welcoming anybody with a learning disability or additional needs. If you have a specific support issue please bring support. Some people come with support for just a few visits until they feel happy enough to come on their own, some people bring support each time.



We asked, ‘What is the best thing about Parachute?’

We think if you can do something, you should do it yourself. Of course we are happy to help you if you need it. And we like people to help us too - things like:

Richard – “Helping out, helping is good and doing Facebook” Emily – “Seeing my friends; and doing puzzles and stuff.” Darren – “I have some fun and learn as well.” Sarah – “Friends. And quizzes too.” Andrew – “It’s nice and calm, time goes much quicker.” Peter – “It is a good meeting place for different people.” Philip – “Lots of people come in. I like it when we talk” Sara – “When you are with people it makes you feel better” Maddy – “I like the computers and the internet” Donna – “I like doing drawing and making new friends” Richard – “Seeing different people”

GETTING OUR VOICES HEARD We have been involved with some important learning disability projects. - The North West Self Advocacy conference in Blackpool. - The learning disability Health Day in June at Moss Rose - A Hate Crime event run by Salford’s ‘Being Heard’ - We sent 25 surveys to the Equality and Human Rights Commission – they are going to the United Nations! - Andy Mills of CWP NHS ran a drugs and alcohol workshop

- making a cup of tea for somebody new - helping to set up activities and answering the phone - helping with discussions - being friendly and we love to hear people’s ideas. Even if we can’t do all of them, they might give us great ideas for something we can do! We have 2 month voluntary work placements. Things like laminating, looking on the computer, helping with mail, and photocopying and the display boards - we give lots of help. The first two placements were done by Richard and Emily, they did a great job! We are sure our new work volunteers will do a great job too!.

OUT & ABOUT AND INCLUDED It is really important to be part of our local community - we like to do the same things as everybody else. Last year we did lots of things in Macclesfield -

The Barnaby Parade (we won first prize for best adult float) Stalls at the Treacle Market The Rotary Club’s Charity Bazaar St Michael’s summer art project ‘Is The Future Rubbish?’ - we won a prize for Justin - St Michael’s Christmas display (because they liked Justin so much) And we’ll be doing it all again this year!



We asked, ‘What is the best thing about Parachute?’

We think if you can do something, you should do it yourself. Of course we are happy to help you if you need it. And we like people to help us too - things like:

Richard – “Helping out, helping is good and doing Facebook” Emily – “Seeing my friends; and doing puzzles and stuff.” Darren – “I have some fun and learn as well.” Sarah – “Friends. And quizzes too.” Andrew – “It’s nice and calm, time goes much quicker.” Peter – “It is a good meeting place for different people.” Philip – “Lots of people come in. I like it when we talk” Sara – “When you are with people it makes you feel better” Maddy – “I like the computers and the internet” Donna – “I like doing drawing and making new friends” Richard – “Seeing different people”

GETTING OUR VOICES HEARD We have been involved with some important learning disability projects. - The North West Self Advocacy conference in Blackpool. - The learning disability Health Day in June at Moss Rose - A Hate Crime event run by Salford’s ‘Being Heard’ - We sent 25 surveys to the Equality and Human Rights Commission – they are going to the United Nations! - Andy Mills of CWP NHS ran a drugs and alcohol workshop

- making a cup of tea for somebody new - helping to set up activities and answering the phone - helping with discussions - being friendly and we love to hear people’s ideas. Even if we can’t do all of them, they might give us great ideas for something we can do! We have 2 month voluntary work placements. Things like laminating, looking on the computer, helping with mail, and photocopying and the display boards - we give lots of help. The first two placements were done by Richard and Emily, they did a great job! We are sure our new work volunteers will do a great job too!.

OUT & ABOUT AND INCLUDED It is really important to be part of our local community - we like to do the same things as everybody else. Last year we did lots of things in Macclesfield -

The Barnaby Parade (we won first prize for best adult float) Stalls at the Treacle Market The Rotary Club’s Charity Bazaar St Michael’s summer art project ‘Is The Future Rubbish?’ - we won a prize for Justin - St Michael’s Christmas display (because they liked Justin so much) And we’ll be doing it all again this year!

TELLING OTHERS We think that raising awareness about SUSO Parachute is vital to help people understand about learning disability and to make sure we are involved in the community. We do events that local people can come to, like our recent Christmas Fair, and our display in summer – ‘Celebrating You – Why You’re Great!’ We have made 2 short films, and have even posted them on Youtube – ‘The Future Is Not Rubbish’ and ‘SUSO Parachute – Our Story’. The link is: We have a website and Twitter @SUSOparachute. We do Facebook and we get lots of stories about Parachute in the local press or radio. We are having an exhibition in March ‘Who Do You See?’ to make people think about how they look at others who are different. JUST HAVING FUN We still make time to have fun. There was a party in September and an X Factor Karaoke night in November – definitely one to remember! We had a DJ workshop and went to a lovely family concert at Macc. Methodist Church before Christmas. In 2014 - in February, Barclays are kindly hosting a Valentine’s night for us at their regional offices at Radbroke Hall – WE CAN’T WAIT!! VOLUNTEERS – WE NEED YOU! We couldn’t do any of it without the help and support our volunteers. We have lots of roles and if you think you might like to join our fantastic team, please get in touch for a chat. Experience is not needed – and we give full training and support (of course DBS check essential).

Lots of people from Macclesfield and the surrounding areas with learning disabilities and additional needs such as Asperger’s, autism and general social difficulties, come to SUSO Parachute now. SO - we thought it was time to let everyone know what we have been doing and what we are going to do in 2014.

WHAT WE OFFER We are friendly, affordable and accessible and think everybody should be valued. We have a chill room where people can chat with friends and catch up with news and information. We have 3 computers which are all on-line. We do different activities – words and numbers, art, workshops, games and quizzes. The first three months of 2014 are: January – ‘Something New in 2014’ – health, new interests and life choices. February - Friendships & Relationships March – ‘Who Do You See?’ - How people see those with learning disabilities. WHO CAN DROP-IN? We have lots of things planned for the 2014, and look forward to welcoming anybody with a learning disability or additional needs. If you have a specific support issue please bring support. Some people come with support for just a few visits until they feel happy enough to come on their own, some people bring support each time.

For more information just call Karen or Clare on 01625 424717 and see Call in and see us Monday, Tuesday & Thursday 10.30 – 3.45 or Wednesday afternoon 1.30 – 3.45.



SUSO Parachute 25-27 Old Park Lane Macclesfield SK11 6TJ Tel: 01625 424717


SUSO Parachute Drop-In For Adults With Learning Disabilities and Additional Needs 2014

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