1 minute read
Girl Zine
if you keep it up; you can do as you please when you start paying bills; college is the only option after high school; go do your homework; go clean that kitchen; don’t mark up your body or puncture holes all in your ears; keep up with your appearance; you eat out too much – stop buying food; where you going? – you’re not grown; I never said I was grown; where do you think you are going at this time of night?; whose party is it? - who’s going to be there?; go get those bags out the car; you want somebody to look at your goodies; all you do is sleep; he’s just your friend? - what’s his name?; you can’t go out this weekend, you just went out last week; fix your face; there’s food in the house; put your phone on my dresser by 9 o’clock; When you enter a room speak; Smile and greet anyone you come in contact with; well hello to you too - you didn’t sleep beside me last night; that room not gone clean itself; if it was a snake it would have bit you; get off that phone - tell your friends you’ll see them tomorrow.
As twilight falls Upon the misty valley, Only illuminated by Dying stars of aeons past, An elder one recalls A flow of current, Gathering time in her path.
Where divine bodies once gathered To welcome life into the void, And flora and fauna grew Coloring the terrain, So too anomalies of shapes and sounds Welcome young ones to the plain.
And on this landscape Of orchestral harmony, Lies the birthmother Of all living beings, Sacred is the water Which flows from her, Pure as a virgin’s wedding ring. But as time moves on So do children, Grown and ready To conquer the world, And lay waste to the Once serene land. And until the little ones remember How they came to be, The mother of life lies patiently, Waiting for the day when The children return to her, And once again play gracefully By the crimson colored waters.