November 19

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Wednesday | 11.19.2014 | MaceandCROWN.COM | Vol. 57, Issue 11

Monarch basketball off to roaring start Mass pumpkin casualties Jessica Perkins Staff Writer A crowd of people gathered outside of the Batten Arts and Letters building Thursday afternoon to observe countless pumpkin casualties, and a few victorious pumpkin catches, at the Annual Pumpkin Drop sponsored by Old Dominion University’s Society of Physics Students (SPS). At about 12 p.m. the north lawn of BAL was a frenzy of students taping up boxes, blowing up balloons and stuffing containers with newspaper as they made final preparations to their pumpkin catchers. At 12:30 p.m. the catchers were ready to go and a freezing crowd waited anxiously to watch pumpkins race down towards their unknown destiny of either unscathed victory or, what happened more frequently - exploding pumpkin pie. This year, there were 16 teams that participated in the event, surpassing the amount of team entries last year. The ODU Children’s Learning and Research Center actively participated in the event by entering their own pumpkin catcher for the first time. The crowd roared when the center’s catcher had one of the few triumphant catches of the day. Cont. A5




This map shows all crime reported to the Norfolk Police Department and ODU Police Department from October 8, 2014 to November 16, 2014. Source:


What is ODU doing about crime?

Letter from the editor David Thornton News Editor

Since I first started attending classes at ODU almost a year ago, one issue has polarized the campus more than any other: safety. Paul Johnson was murdered less than two months into the spring semester. Phones, laptops and other personal items disappeared from the Student Recreation Center on an almost daily basis. Fights broke out at parties just off campus, and students were

hospitalized. All of this led to an outcry from students, parents, community members and media outlets, all of whom wanted to know the same thing: what is ODU doing to keep students safe? Unfortunately, there has been a major communication gap between ODU and the community. Whenever an ODU official says anything about crime, it’s the same old story: Be responsible and aware. Drink in moderation. Don’t walk down Killam at night. Its very rare for ODU officials to do much besides regurgitate the same non-an-

swers and tired advice. This lack of communication just leaves students even more frustrated. Thus, we at the Mace and Crown have taken it upon ourselves to bridge that communication gap, and provide a contextual view of crime and safety in the ODU community. What are the most serious issues? What do the statistics show? What are the ODU Police, administration and Student Government Association (SGA) actually doing about it all? We’ve endeavored to answer these questions to the best of our abilities. It is our hope to provide students

with the information that they need in order to more effectively communicate their concerns to administrators. We also hope to encourage the administration to be more forthcoming with information in the future. Unfortunately, there isn’t enough room in the bylines to give everyone involved in this project the credit they deserve. Sean Davis and Jugal Patel were instrumental in obtaining interviews and attending meetings that Adrienne Mayfield and I could not. They also did an excellent job with translating the data we collected into accessible infographics.

We also want to thank Elijah Stewart and Jason Kazi for creating the crime maps featured in the paper and on the Mace and Crown’s website. Finally, we’d like to thank Patrick Wilson of the Virginian-Pilot for taking the time to advise us and provide contacts for this project. Unfortunately, crime isn’t going anywhere. With that in mind, a well-informed community is safer than one kept in the dark. Regardless of future developments, the Mace and Crown will continue to provide information on this issue and others to the ODU community. Cont.A3.

Men’s soccer wins #CUSAChamp Finals with 2-1 score over USC The Mace & Crown




M&C| WEDNESDAY | 11.19.2014|

Face In The Mace

Hashtag #ODU to see your face in the Mace. I nstagr a m

Mace & Crown Staff : Adrienne Mayfield Editor-in-Chief Sean Davis Copy Editor David Thornton News Editor Veronica Singer Arts & Entertainment Editor Public Relations Manager Nathan Budryk Sports Editor & Distribution Manager Zachary Chavis Photography Editor Alyse Stanley Technology Editor Elijah Stewart Senior Graphic Designer Jason Kazi Advertising Director Noah Young Webmaster Jugal Patel Content Strategist

Staff Writers: Brian Saunders Carlito Ricafort Michael High Mitchell Brown Matt O’Brien Rashad McDowell Robert Williams Seann Barbour Symmion Moore Victoria Wood

Staff Photographers: Joshua Boone Dawit Samson Nicolas Nemtala Joshua Caudell Sam Dawit Alan Martinez

Mace & Crown is a newspaper published by and written for the students of Old Dominion once a week throughout each semester and once in the summer. Originally founded in 1930 as the The High Hat, the paper became the Mace & Crown in 1961. The Mace & Crown is a primarily self-supporting newspaper,maintaining journalistic independence from the university.All views expressed in this collegiate paper are those of the author, not of the University, Mace & Crown, or the editors. Contact Information: Phone: 757-683-3452 Advertising: 757-683-4773

On Friday a Mace & Crown employee mistakenly posted a tweet from the Mace & Crown Twitter feed confirming Whitehurst Hall as the residence where a rape happened on Nov. 8. That tweet was released under the assumption that the information in that statement was confirmed. The student who released the tweet found out within 10 minutes that the information was not confirmed and retracted the tweet. Unfortunately, ODU students saw the tweet, screen-shotting it and spreading the rumor further. The Mace & Crown are deeply apologetic for releasing unconfirmed information on a public forum. We hold ourselves to a higher responsibility to confirm our sources before publication in order to keep the student body up-to-date with the correct information. The student who released the tweet has been addressed and understands the severity of his actions. We apologize again. Thank you, Adrienne Mayfield: Editor-in-chief


M&C| WEDNESDAY | 11.19.2014|


To view a photo gallery of the Diwali Festival of Lights visit

Many students who are considered “off campus” live within a mile of the campus - right outside of the ODU PD jurisdiction. Mace & Crown archives. From A1.

That time I got robbed near ODU Adrienne Mayfield Editor-in-chief

I might be a touch too secure, but until recently I’ve never felt unsafe in Norfolk. Not even this past summer when a drive-by shooting killed an innocent teenager close to my old house. Not even after I moved closer to campus, and a man tried to follow me into the house as I was coming home at 3 a.m. from a party. Just like Norfolk, I’ve always felt especially safe and secure on ODU campus. Even after Paul Johnson was murdered. Even after a girl was raped at the District, and Jerica Carmichael was shot at random near campus. I just wasn’t scared. Unfortunately, my charmed Norfolk existence was disrupted last month when my car was broken into. The thief stole my wallet and used my debit card at two 7-11 convenience stores. They also got $1,300 of personal items, including a Canon camera, two Canon lenses and a designer purse. I was living off campus at the time

- not in student housing, but within a mile of Webb Center and an area that many ODU students live in. I filed a police report with the Norfolk Police Department immediately. I spoke with several police officers that day. I didn’t get the feeling that anyone was taking me too seriously. They told me that more than 500 larcenies are reported to them weekly and that they are overwhelmed. They said that they wouldn’t be able to get my stuff back for me because I didn’t have serial numbers for the equipment. They told me they would call me in a week to follow up on the report. It’s been almost a month, and they still haven’t called. The police did have solid points. With so many larcenies happening in the city they are overwhelmed. I didn’t have serial numbers for my stuff. They couldn’t get it back. What they could have done is go the 7-11 stores that the man used my card in and gotten the security footage. I know they could have done that, because I did. Regardless of what the police could have done or not, when I was robbed Norfolk’s crime became real to me. I became another case number in the crime log.

The Mace & Crown

What is the ODU PD doing about crime? David Thornton News Editor What exactly is ODU doing to ensure the safety of its students? This is the question that many students, parents and faculty ask every time a safety alert or news report reveals an incident involving students. Unfortunately, the answers are frequently unsatisfying. “The answers seemed unrelated to the true concerns of students. When they were related, it was the same things we’ve been hearing for years,” Jeffrey Rozines, an alumnus of ODU, said after the police held an open forum in September. There is a major communication gap between the university and its students on the subject of safety. Whenever concerns are expressed, students are repeatedly told to control access to parties, drink in moderation, and avoid certain areas after dark. This has been the standard response for years. So what is ODU doing to ensure the safety of its students? Quite a bit, it turns out. The ODU Police have been implementing a


number of new strategies and increasing their presence both on and off campus to improve the situation over the past year. The most important strategy is the increased collaboration between ODU and Norfolk Police Departments. Strangely, neither department seems eager to publicly explain what these collaborations entail. During the open forum in September, Rhonda Harris, ODU’s police chief, was asked for details about this collaboration. “Officers are supportive of one another. Both [departments] are hustling to help each other. Calls are prioritized better,” she said. Norfolk’s police department was even more vague when asked for a statement. “Both NPD and ODU have kept, and will continue to keep open lines of communications, working together to provide police protective services to all students, faculty and residents living on and around the ODU campus,” Officer Daniel Hudson, Norfolk police department’s public information officer, said in an email. However, according to both Norfolk and ODU community outreach officers, Norfolk’s police department has buttressed the ODUPD with increased patrols in off-campus neighborhoods with high student popula-


tions, especially on weekends from 7 p.m. to 3 a.m. This area, as featured on page A1, is referred to as the “concurrent jurisdiction,” wherein the ODU and Norfolk Police Departments share resources, manpower and responsibility. This area “extends south from Magnolia Avenue to 38th Street, west from Colley Avenue to the Elizabeth River,” according to the ODUPD’s website. “[Norfolk police] cooperate with a lot of people because they’ll bring their bike patrols, they’ll bring some of the detectives… regular patrols. You’re talking a good collaboration of about close to 100 people all together to cover a lot of area,” Officer Damaso Medel, ODUPD’s community policing supervisor, said. This strategy seems to have been at least somewhat effective. The numbers of robberies and larcenies have been cut almost in half, and burglaries have fallen by almost 75 percent in the concurrent jurisdiction in 2014. Police also claim that violent crimes have seen a decrease. “By and large, violent crime is down from last year. We haven’t seen as many call outs as used to be the case,” Officer Ronald Janka, of the ODU police department, said. However, the statistics don’t seem to support this statement. The num-


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bers of aggravated assaults and sex“We’ve made huge progress in creual assaults both on and off campus ating a safer environment within the have not changed significantly since formal boundaries of the institution,” 2010, and the David Harnage, “The answers seemed unre- ODU’s Chief conc u r rent jurisdiction Operating Ofsaw its first lated to the true concerns of ficer, said in the murder since meeting on Nov 2011 in Feb- students. When they were re- 6. ruary, with These efforts the case of lated, it was the same things have now exPaul Johnson. tended to offThese staareas we’ve been hearing for years,” campus tistics also as well. Accordonly take ing to Officer –Jeffrey Rozines, an alumnus Janka, many into account activity up to high-crime Oct 19, when of ODU areas around they were recampus, like quested. Thus, they do not reflect the Killam Ave., have streetlights that recent incidents of Oct. 25 or Nov. 2, are obscured. Officer Medel has been both of which were assaults involv- coordinating those surveys. ing multiple suspects and resulted in In addition to lighting, the univerinjuries to students. sity also conducts ongoing landscapHowever, when compared to the ing surveys. This involves trimming statistics from other universities trees to improve the sightlines of with similar student populations in video cameras, and reducing the areas Virginia, ODU is roughly compa- where predators could find concealrable. While, in 2013, ODU had the ment, or even trap students. highest amount of burglaries, it also So far though, the ODU police have tied James Madison University for had the most success with reducing the lowest number of sexual assaults. burglaries and larcenies, both on and Many students operate under what off campus. On campus, so far, ODU ODU police are referring to as a mis- has seen two-thirds less burglaries in guided perception: that many of the 2014 than last year. Similarly, larceperpetrators of violent crimes around nies have dropped by almost a third. ODU are residents of nearby neighA number of new practices have borhoods. played a role in these changes. Off “Apparently, gangs of young people campus, ODU police have conducted who are not members of the ODU safety inspections, and alarms have community are harming our students been made available to students. On for no apparent motive other than en- campus, new door locks and burtertainment and intimidation,” James glary-resistant window screens were Owens, SGA senator and member of installed. ODU’s Rugby team, said in an email “The Student Recreation Center sent to ODU’s student leaders, ad- used to be a sieve,” Officer Janka said. ministrators and student media or- “I have gotten comparatively few [larganizations. ceny reports] since we’ve made policy The email called for a town hall changes.” These changes include immeeting to be held on the subject of proved admissions procedures, more community safety before homecom- lockers and more cameras. ing. On Nov 6, student leaders and The Student Recreation Center administrators held a round-table isn’t the only place with new camdiscussion, and again James Owens eras. The university installed over expressed his concerns. “People are 1,000 new cameras across campus targeting us to do harm,” he said. However, according to local news sources, individuals arrested for violent crimes perpetrated around ODU in the past year are just as likely to have come from other cities as from Norfolk itself. The primary suspect arrested for Paul Johnson’s murder came from Prince William County; the man arrested for shooting the ODU student in September hailed from Newport News; the three men arrested for the assault on Oct 25 were from Virginia Beach. In light of this, a “townies vs. students” explanation seems somewhat simplistic. Another strategy to improve safety that ODU police have undertaken with the help of the city of Norfolk is lighting surveys and upgrades. At least as far back as 2011, the university has been regularly examining and improving lighting levels in order to reduce crime.

The Mace & Crown

over the summer. “They have been instrumental in our investigations. We have a much better view of campus as a whole,” Officer Janka said. New cameras have aided the ODUPD by providing suspects in a number of cases. Cameras facing off-campus allowed the ODUPD to identify the man who was arrested for shooting a student on Killam Ave. in September. However, they are not the final solution. “[Cameras have] improved our situation, but it’s not panacea,” Officer Janka said. There are still many areas of campus where cameras simply cannot be installed, and even when cameras do provide a suspect, that does not guarantee an arrest. Because of this, many of the larceny cases that still occur on campus remain open. Most of the time, this is because police have no way to identify stolen property. “Please, record your serial numbers [for electronics], put identifying marks on your bikes and textbooks,” Officer Janka said. This does not mean that the ODUPD simply stops investigating these cases. “We pursue them until they’re closed,” Officer Brian Aultman said. Upon examination of the ODU crime log, it becomes clear that larcenies tend to happen in trends. Barring a few outliers, they often occur in clusters of eight to ten over the course of two to four days. Examples of these clusters include Sept 3-5 (ten larcenies), Sept 17-18 (8 larcenies), and Oct. 7-10 (8 larcenies). When police do catch a suspect in a larceny, they often wind up closing multiple cases. “Many times, when you see these spikes [in larcenies], it’s the same suspects,” Officer Aultman said. Although members of the ODUPD seem happy to share these details on an individual level, many students question why more information isn’t shared during public meetings, and why the university seems so reluctant to hold a town hall meeting on the



M&C| WEDNESDAY | 11.19.2014| subject of safety. Many students have suggested that ODU keeps quiet about safety issues rather than publicly confronting them in order to preserve the university’s image. However, Rhonda Harris disagrees. “It doesn’t benefit us to hide crime,” she said at the Nov. 6 meeting. However, this trend may be changing. On Nov. 7, Giovanna Genard, acting AVP of marketing & communications, sent out a highly detailed message announcing the arrests of three suspects in the Oct. 25 assault, updating the ongoing search for suspects in the Nov. 2 assault, and providing some details about the increased patrols being implemented by the Norfolk police department. Is ODU beginning to take steps to better inform their student population about crime and safety on campus? If so, it would go a long way towards easing frustrations and reassuring a concerned populace.

What is ODU administration doing about crime? Adrienne Mayfield Editor-in-chief This summer President Broderick challenged the incoming Student Government Association (SGA) to empower students to be safe and responsible on and off campus. “Federally mandated Clery Act data supports the fact that Old Dominion has a low crime rate compared to other large metropolitan universities,” he said in an email. “Still, we need the campus community to be engaged in promoting safety and awareness, good citizenship and participating in safety initiatives.” These safety initiatives include larger campaigns like “It’s on Us,” which aims to prevent sexual assault, however the University has also taken a series of smaller steps

to keep students safe from the day to day dangers of living on and around campus. These new initiatives cover concerns like getting students home safely, and helping them be mindful of getting other Monarchs home safely too. “We want to empower students to look out for each other. When I think of Monarch Citizenship, I think of One ODU,” said Chris Ndiritu, student body president. This is a list of some of the safety programs available for students at ODU. It’s alarming There are free door alarms available for on and off campus students at both the offices of the SGA and Division of Student Engagement and Enrollment Services. The alarms are simple to use. They come in two parts, with the first attaching to the door frame and the second to the actual door. When the alarm is turned on, it makes a shrill sound when the door is opened and the two parts of the alarm are not touching. SGA was originally issued 1,000 alarms. Each student is allowed to take two alarms, and they have given away at least 80 through SEES. Alarms are available on a first come, first serve basis. Taking it home Any student who wants to have a safety expert evaluate their home can now do so through SGA. An expert will come to any student’s home, no matter the distance, and offer a safety evaluation of the property for free. The expert will not enforce change at the residence; rather, they will offer suggestions on how to make the property safer. Few students have taken advantage of this opportunity, said Connor Norton, the SGA officer of finance. LiveSafe ODU ODU police endorse the LiveSafe app as one of their most useful

Students stand in piles of pumpkin flesh. ZachChavis | MC in a few words. From A1 However, the Pumpkin drop Team Berry (students Ryan Stanger, Kylie Hulett, Moe Salem, wasn’t all just about the effectiveness of the catchers. SPS also did and Ryan Waldrop) also built an experiment to honor Galileo’s a successful catcher, and gave Law of Fall by dropping a large partial credit to the Mace and pumpkin and a small pumpkin at Crown due to the fact that a large the same time, to watch as they portion of the catcher’s core was dropped at an equal speed. stuffed with Mace and Crown newspapers. Though there were many “Physics driven tomfoolery,” unsuccessful catches, many of the said Biology major Adam Trusty, students were able to obtain extra when asked to describe the event credit by participating, and to

The Mace & Crown

safety tools. The app is connected to the myODU app and allows users to interact with the police in numerous ways, including messaging the police during an emergency through text if they cannot talk, share photos of suspicious persons complete with exact GPS coordinates and a direct access line to the police department to express their concerns. The app takes advantage of GPS to keep students safe, including the SafeWalk function that allows users’ friends to track their location in realtime. It also automatically provides the police with the users’ location, within a few feet, as soon as they contact the police. “The most important feature is the location feature. I can’t do anything for you if I cant find you,” said ODU officer Janka. The app also has a regularly updated interactive crime map, allowing students to avoid hotspots of crime , and officers to push out timely alerts. Due to its current design, the app has to be open to receive the alert. Conclusion: Other safety collaborations include SafeRide transportation services on campus and an ad-hoc committee dedicated to advising SGA and SEES on safety concerns. This year, ODU’s administration is also placing a heavier emphasis on off campus students, and there are plans for the university to join forces with the Lambert’s Point Civic League to bridge the gap between students and the outlying community. “This year we wanted to increase our awareness and support [to off campus students]. The initiative focuses on safety, being a good neighbor and successfully navigating the off campus living experience,” said Don Stansberry, assistant vice-president of SEES, in an email. “Each year we have students living in the nearby community and we want them to successfully transition into living off campus,” he said. Although Ndiritu believes that the

ODU administration and the police department are doing significant work to provide students protection on and off campus, students need to be active by standers when it

top it off they were given slices of consolation pizza. Unfortunately, despite the lighthearted mood of the event, no pumpkin made it out alive. All of the pumpkins that survived the first drop were rushed back up all nine stories of the BAL to be ceremoniously tossed off the roof with the few remaining pumpkins in the pumpkin dropping grand finale.




comes to Monarch safety. Broderick agrees with the idea of collaboration, saying “Together, we can foster a safe and thriving campus environment.”


Arts &

M&C| WEDNESDAY | 11.19.2014|

To read a review on Whitechapel at the NorVa visit


Grab your popcorn:

Eric Barnett Staff Writer Christopher Nolan amazes crowds again with his creative and thoughtprovoking concepts with his science fiction film “Interstellar” starring Matthew McConaughey. What Nolan is able to do is take an idea and spin it in a way audiences have never seen before. Nolan is known for his science fiction/ thriller film “Inception” but he has been blowing people’s minds since the late 90’s. “Memento” was his stepping stone into mainstream film. His films make you think on a different level than you normally


would. One can’t just watch his movies and think you will get it the first time. It might take a few times to completely understand some of his work. “Inception” dealt with dreams and how in the near future people are able to extract information from dreams. It is seen as a form of mental piracy. Each person has levels within their dreams and the plot of “Inception” has the characters going into those levels. “Interstellar” played on that idea but seen from the aspect of outer space, mostly wormholes. In this film the future is bleak. Food is becoming extremely scarce and farmers are the most coveted job to have

The Mace & Crown

during this time. Teachers in school rather teach about farming than engineering. Matthew McConaughey plays Cooper who was a NASA test pilot and is now a farmer. He lives at a farm with his father-in-law, son and daughter. A wormhole has been discovered recently and at the end of that wormhole are inhabitable planets. Those planets have been explored but more results are needed to ensure that the people of Earth can live on the most inhabitable planet they can find. Through a mysterious chain of events, Cooper is recruited by NASA to be the pilot of a top secret mission along with a crew to find a suitable


planet for the human race. “Interstellar” may be a science fiction film on the surface but if you look deeper, it is a drama. The love that Cooper has for his daughter Murphy runs deep throughout the film. It resonates with the audience because you see the undying love he has towards his daughter and you can relate that to someone in your life. He wants to protect her, his family, and everyone else on Earth, even if that means he has sacrifice his life to do so. Most directors that are comfortable with certain actors like to have them in their films again and that is no exception to Christopher Nolan.


The cast of “Interstellar” includes Anne Hathaway and Michael Caine. Their roles respectively are Catwoman in “The Dark Night Rises” and Alfred the Butler for the Dark Knight Trilogy. What this film did was push the boundaries of how people view outer space. Outer space is a beautiful yet mysterious entity that we don’t fully understand. “Interstellar” showed audiences what could be past our universe if we had the advanced technology to allow us to get there. This film opens up your imagination to ask the question, “What is really out there in space?”.


M&C| WEDNESDAY | 11.19.2014|

Q&A with musicians of 94 Abdirahman Mohamed Staff Writer The group 94 is composed of four unique and talented individuals that share a passion for music and a love of singing. Comprised of three female singers and one male vocalist, 94 plans to touch the lives of people through their voices, and hopefully positively impact and uplift others. The four members include Charles Deline, Veronica Lewis, Alani Richardson and Deona White. Deona White is an ODU Senior double majoring in physiology and dance education, and is originally from Richmond, Virginia. Charles Deline is the male singer of the group from Newport-News, Virginia majoring in health science with aspirations of becoming a physicians assistant. Veronica Lewis is also from Richmond and is a human services major and has hopes of becoming a life coach. Last but not least, Alani Richardson is a junior also from the 804 who is currently working on her degree in science and business administration double major. Alani also sings and plays the piano. An open mic performance sparked the idea of the group’s formation and the rest was history. The idea of the group name stems from all of the members being born in the year 1994. What influenced you guys to sing/ rap? Veronica Lewis: We like to sing stuff that means something, or a lot of times things that are fun. It depends how we feel when we want to perform it. Alani Richardson: We’re a group that sings anything, regardless [of] how we feel. That’s what we like to convey, that we like to have a good time and we like to give positive vibes with what-ever we sing. Deona White: Ultimately, we want to appeal to all audiences, not just one group. We want to bring our energy together collectively to bring to our peers. Charles Deline: That’s all really what it is, we’re each our own artists, we can contribute something different, that’s the unique part of the group. We enjoy putting our own individual into a group and making it work. Some members of the group have recently performed three songs at the T.R.U.S.T. open mic event earlier this semester. As a group, they have things they want to work on, but after each performance, they take away something new that they each can work on. 94 has also performed at the ASA event ‘African Student Association’, Africa After Dark which will take place on November 22. Is there any message you would like people to take away from the group 94 or your music?

VL: We just want to send out positive vibes. We want to uplift people. We want to bring love to the people. DW: We’re really passionate about music. It’s a holistic approach, mind, body and soul. As long as they [the audience] take something with them and influence them in some type of way. CD: Young people getting together committing to something [is] good for everyone to enjoy. I honestly want people to enjoy us. That’s the reason why we do this. I treasure each one of our talents. AR: At the end of the day, we’re a family and we just want other people to see that it is a family of people who are talented, and…happen to be African Americans, but we still put in the time and effort and work hard to appeal to all masses of people. In 5 years where do you want to see your group? Relationship-wise, musically, or maybe individually? DW: I feel like we’re going to be lifelong friends because that passion you share and those vibes that you send off are everlasting and most

The Mace & Crown

importantly genuine with us. We are individuals but we all come together because we share that love. CD: As a group, our ODU career will continue with music. We’re all go in on our different paths eventually but we want to continue doing music while we can. I’ll always do music because that’s what I enjoy because God leads it my way so i’ll continue to do it and will always love to do it. VL: As far as individually, I’ll probably still be singing causally but I probably won’t make a career out of it, but we’ll [the group 94] be life long friends. It’s not a fake [the relationship], we really love each other. It’s like a family setting. AR: I can see us coming back later on and doing reunions and family events if one of us has a wedding or something, but I can see us just singing later on in life. We’re not trying to make fame and fortune with this, we are genuine with what we do. Quick questions: Who’s the best singer in the group? AR: If you’re into more of a Jhené Aiko, it’s Deona, if you’re more of


a Frank Ocean [fan], it’s Charles, [and] if you’re going to Church, it’s Veronica. Any singers growing up that influenced you? AR: Erykah, Erykah Badu” DW: “I would say Lauren Hill or Beyonce. CD: I would say gospel music in general because that’s what I grew up on. VL: I would say Amy Winehouse. What’s the hardest part about being in a group? VL: Time is everything. Since it’s four of us, all of us are completely different. To come togeth-er sometimes, it compromises certain things such as song selection. Also committing to it because all of our schedules conflict with each others sometimes. AR: Those are the two biggest things, one, time and two, we all listen to different things. I listen to Kid Cudi and most people don’t listen to that. CD: The commitment part because if one of us can’t make it to a rehearsal or one might not feel like


it. Just overall being committed to the events. Lastly, what would you all want the people to know about the group, but more importantly you as individuals? VL: We’re talented and we believe in progression. DW: That we are all passionate about music and we want to share that with others. AR: We are individuals coming together for the same goal. Not just individual people, but individual voices, individual style, and individual personalities. CD: We chose to commit our time while many other students or individuals chose to do other things. We chose to commit our time to a group effort performing for students. Driven by the pure essence of singing, 94 has no intentions for the fame or fortune, but solely for the love of music. You can catch the group at many upcoming ODU events and possibly impacting many peoples lives in the foreseeable future.


M&C| WEDNESDAY | 11.19.2014|


ODU Soccer Monarchs win #CUSAChamp Final 2-1.

ODU Athletics | Facebook

Lady Monarchs clamp down on blue hose Michael High Staff Writer

The Old Dominion Lady Monarchs basketball team opened the 2014-15 season by defeating the Presbyterian Lady Blue Hose 41-26 Friday night at the Ted Constant Convocation Center. ODU held Presbyterian College to 26 points. Friday night’s game tied the Lady Monarchs’ record for the fewest points given up in a season opener since the Towson opener in the 2001-02 season. 26 points is also the fewest the Lady Monarchs have given up since 1995-96 when they

gave up 22 to UNC Wilmington. The Lady Monarchs used their height advantage, team depth and free throws to keep the game close during the first 12 minutes of the game. Coming out of a time-out at the 7:28 mark of the first half with both offenses being ineffective, ODU freshman guard Ashley Jackson banked in a 3-point basket. The basket extended the Lady Monarchs lead to 5, and sparked a 13–4 run to close out the first half, leading Presbyterian 22–11. Both teams struggled with their shooting, as they combined for a total of 9 for 33 in the first half, and 23 of 93

for the game. ODU frustrated the Lady Blue Hose all game long. Their defense caused at least four shot clock violations and 19 turnovers, combined with shooting 22% for the game. The Lady Monarchs’ frustration was self-induced by missing an excessive amount of wide open close range shots, shooting just 27% from the field, as well as going just 15 of 31 from the free throw stripe. According to ODU forward Jennie Simms, “The aggressiveness on defense was one of the keys to the game, and we expect the offense to improve as the team chemistry improves. We

have five or six new players, and we are all getting to know each other’s strengths and weaknesses better.” Several times in the second half, certain veteran players on the team made backdoor cuts and passes for easy baskets or fouls against the opposition. This suggests that it is only a matter of time before the team’s timing and chemistry improve. Head coach Karen Barefoot used 11 of 12 players available with nine of them playing at least 13 minutes. “I like this team, and it does not matter who we start or who finishes, I think we are talented, and we just want to find which players will get us going,”

said head coach Karen Barefoot. Jackson was one of those that came off the bench that Coach Barefoot was excited to talk about after the game, “She is a player that you cannot fall asleep on; she is a big time guard.” ODU has two games left on this current home stand. They will host former Colonial Athletic Association rival William and Mary on Monday, November 17 as well as national powerhouse Duke on Thursday, November 20. Both games will be at the Ted Constant Convocation Center and begin at 7:00 PM.

Transfers shine in basketball Monarchs season opening win Brian Saunders Senior Writer The Old Dominion University Monarchs men’s basketball team opened their 2014-15 season with a 76-56 victory over UNC W i l m ing ton Saturday

night, behind stellar performances from transfers Trey Freeman and Jonathan Arledge. The Monarchs started the game slow, admittedly full of first game jitters, trailing the Seahawks 12-4, unable to capitalize on easy offensive opportunities. Unable to take control against the scrappy Seahawks, the Monarchs trailed 32-28 at halftime. The ability of Seahawk guards Freddie Jackson and Craig Ponder to penetrate in the paint and score or draw fouls troubled ODU in the first half. The two perimeter players combined for 18 first-half points. Freeman, who transferred from Campbell after two seasons in 2013, relished his opportunity to finally

suit up for the Monarchs. Starting at point guard, instead of junior Keenan Palmore, he controlled the pace for ODU. Playing a team high 30 minutes, Freeman scored 23 points to lead all scorers, flawlessly connecting on 8-8 free-throw attempts and adding four assists and four rebounds. Arledge had a great game as well for the Monarchs, scoring 19 points. Arledge adds a post presence that can dominate down low, and stretch the defense on the perimeter with his 3-point shooting. Arledge comes to ODU from George Mason as a graduate transfer. “Everything was feeling for me as if I was a freshman again,” Arledge told the Virginian-Pilot. “I didn’t

Josh Boone | M&C

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want to come out there and just stink it up. The Monarchs hit the Seahawks with a furious run in the second half, outscoring the opposition 4824 scoring on 60 percent of their buckets. Lost in the spectacular debuts of Freeman and Arledge was Senior Richard Ross’ five blocked shots and sophomore Denzell Taylor’s 12 rebounds including five offensive rebounds. “They did not disappoint. They were the attacking team,” ODU head coach Jeff Jones said of his teams opening night performance. The Monarch hosted the Richmond Spiders Tuesday, Nov. 18.


M&C| WEDNESDAY | 11.19.2014|

Monarchs come from behind to top No.4 vs. Lobos Matt O’Brien Staff Writer

After being down a goal well into the second half, Old Dominion Men’s Soccer was able to come from behind and get a 2-1 victory against the New Mexico Lobos. The victory comes in the first round of the C-USA Championships tournament Forward Sydney Rivera was able to capitalize on some late offensive opportunities and put away two goals in less than ten minutes for the Monarchs. “We played really well all 90 minutes. It was a fantastic effort, lots of heart and great desire I’m very proud of the boys tonight,” said head coach Alan Dawson. Not much separated the two teams as the Lobos came in the four seed (11-6-1) and the Monarchs were the fifth (10-6-1). They had only met once this season with the Lobos claiming a 4-0 victory on their home turf. Both teams played very tight defensively throughout. “I couldn’t be more proud of our back four’s effort defensively. It really does feel great to get this one in front of our home crowd,” said defender David Macsicza. Coming out of the gate the monarchs looked a little jittery, and were unable to get any solid possessions.

ODU’s defense was busy, as the Lobos were able to generate seven shots and five corners. “Well I thought our effort was sound defensively. We didn’t create as many chances as we wanted to in the first half and it hurt us,” said Dawson. ODU surrendered a free kick in the 38th minute and midfielder Chris Wehan was able to put the ball in the top corner of the net, just out of the reach of goalkeeper Alex Tiesenhausen. “That goal was special, that is about as good as you get in the college game,” said Dawson. The Monarchs went into the half down a goal with their season on the line. Coming out for the second half, the Monarchs remained poised and the crowd seemed to be reenergized. “The guys really got after them in the second half, ran at them hard and were able to really tire them out. Big Syd up top was definitely a handful for them,” said Dawson. The Monarchs were able to outshoot the Lobos and seemed to control the ball for most of the half and in the 74th minute they were able to capitalize. After a Jesse Maralrio cross, Sydney Rivera was able to tap one home and tie the game. With momentum shifted and the crowd behind their team, ODU kept

adding more pressure and in the 84th minute Rivera struck again, scoring a goal on a spectacular through ball from midfielder Geoffrey Hill. “It was a great ball by Geoffrey; those types of plays need to be executed quickly. He got me through and I just took my chance, thank god I was able to finish it off,” said Rivera. With just about five minutes left

the Lobos were still threatening. With a total of ten corner kicks and a dangerous last effort cross, goalkeeper Tiesenhausen kept the Lobos scoreless in the second half. “Alex really stepped up tonight and made some really great stops for us especially at the very end,” said Macsicza. The win contributes to a three

game winning streak. ODU can’t enjoy their thrilling comeback win for very long, however, as they take on No. 1 seed Charlotte Friday at the ODU Soccer Complex. “We are at home, advantage for us. Just have to play with some great intensity and with the crowd behind us and we are going to roll,” said Rivera.

Taylor Heinicke: From FCS to NFL?

Alex Brooks Staff Writer

Taylor Heinicke is a big name around the Norfolk area but recently his name has started to resonate with NFL scouts. This 6’ 1’’ 21 year old QB is starting to move his analysts’ draft boards. Heinicke has a track record of over 14,000 passing yards, 127 passing touchdowns, over 1300 yards rushing and 22 rushing touchdowns. His award shelf is filled with awards like the Dudley Award and the Walter Payton Award. With a resume like that, it is hard to not look into the star quarterback from Old Dominion. These career stats and awards have landed him a chance to play in the East-West Shrine Game at the end of this season. This game will highlight his talents to NFL scouts as he competes with some of the best players at the collegiate level. Heinicke’s success is not all about the stats though. Coach Bobby Wilder said, “You can talk about other intangibles, whether it’s character or leadership, and Taylor has those intangibles.” According to, he is the ninth best QB in this year’s draft. With QBs like Jameis Winston, Marcus Mariota and Dak Prescott, being rated as the ninth best quar-

terback is nothing to be ashamed of. The website also says that this would land him going somewhere in the seventh round. Mel Kiper also has the senior quarterback from Old Dominion in the top 10 of quarterbacks, at tenth. He said, “He has impressed me in the few games I’ve been able to go through.” Since August 7, Old Dominion has had scouts visit them 42 times. These visits include teams that are hunting for a QB like the Titans, Jaguars, Bills, Rams and Texans to name a few. He may not be that all-star quarterback coming out of the gates, but give him a couple of years on a team like the Rams, who have solid pieces and he could become an everyday starter for them. He also would be a low-risk pick if he were to go in the seventh round like projected. Heinicke is not the polished quarterback like some of the others coming out in this year’s draft, but he is a mobile QB that stands in the pocket and will run if needed. He does not have the greatest arm strength, nor is he the tallest out of the bunch, prompting the offensive coordinator for Old Dominion, Brian Scott to say, “some guys are worried about his size and his arm strength,” continuing to say, “but the guys who like him, really like him.” He has the stats and the intangi-

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bles and according to Coach Wilder, “the scouts are looking for decisionmaking, the ability of a quarterback to process information quickly, and I’ve never seen anyone better at that than Taylor Heinicke.” He’s not going to come out of the draft and be a day one starter like the QBs drafted in the first couple of rounds, but give him a couple of years behind a QB like Drew Brees, and he may develop into a quality starter like Ryan Tannehill. One of the biggest knocks against his draft stock is Old Dominion’s level of competition, due to the fact that the Monarchs play in the C-USA conference. It also has to be mentioned that he may be playing against talent that doesn’t compare to that of SEC but he also doesn’t have all of the talent around him like the QBs in the SEC. He may not have that talent but he has some great receivers how have helped him on his way to the seventh, and most likely sixth in all-time passing yards by a quarterback at the division one level. He has made the best of his situation, going from a low-end recruit coming out of a small town in Georgia to the top 10 quarterbacks coming out in this year’s draft class. If this football thing doesn’t work out for him, he can just use his degree and become an engineer.


Taylor Heineke scrambles during the game against Marshall. Ariella Gould | M&C



M&C| WEDNESDAY | 11.19.2014|


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Parkupine takes the sting out of parking in Norfolk Victoria Wood Staff Writer Searching for parking has been a thorn in the average commuter’s side for years. Few things are more infuriating on a Monday morning than weaving through all five levels of the North Constant parking garage in search of a parking space, only to find them all taken. Now, thanks to the new app, Parkupine, it looks like that part of the daily grind may become history. Parkupine is an app designed to reduce the hassle involved in finding parking in Downtown Norfolk. Users can input their destination into the app before leaving their homes, and Parkupine will provide the location of the closest parking garage or lot to the destination. The members of Team Parkupine recently won the top prize at Develop Hampton Roads, a local hackathon for developers to create products to help the Hampton Roads community. One of the team’s members, Fred Rose, explained the app’s purpose very simply. Citing issues with parking as one of the larger reasons people from neighboring cities do not venture into Downtown Norfolk often, Parkupine’s purpose is to help encourage visitors to make the trip. While the app is intended for Downtown Norfolk visitors, Rose ensured that the features work for

ODU’s campus parking areas as well. “An organization like ODU could use our app as a platform for their own parking services. The app could be branded as ODU’s own, but powered by Parkupine,” said Rose. There will also be a feature for participating venues where the app provides real-time updates about the amount of spaces left in a parking garage or lot. If a parking garage or lot is more than 75 percent full, Parkupine will notify the user of the next closest parking area with available spaces. Parkupine can transmit information to the user not only through the app, but by text message as well. To utilize the texting feature, users simply text the name of the location they plan to visit to the Parkupine number, and it will reply back with the name of the parking area, its address, the available number of open spaces and the amount of time it will take to arrive at your location from the parking area and the price to park there. Downtown Norfolk is not the only area Parkupine is servicing. The app can provide parking updates for areas in Virginia Beach, as well. Currently the app is in public beta, but those who would like to tinker around with the app can access the beta link through Parkupine’s Facebook page. Once the app is officially released, Rose confirmed that it should be free to users.

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M&C| WEDNESDAY | 11.19.2014|

Forget “Big Brother;” Your neighbor might be watching Rashad McDowell Assistant Technology Editor The peculiar site has over 73,000 security camera feeds and not a single one belongs to the website itself. That’s because all those camera feeds belong to people and businesses around the world who still use default passwords such as “admin” or “admin1234.” Many of the cameras that Insecam have hosted on their site are CCTV and simple IP cameras. They span the range of bank cameras to baby cams and pull from the United States, the United Kingdom, South Korea and over a hundred other countries. Techcrunch explains that running the feed of “unpatched” cameras has been a practice for several years now. The difference in what Insecam has done lies in the fact that no other site has ever aggregated so many feeds into one website. reports that many security camera companies, including Linksys, Foscam and Panasonic, preload their products with simple, easy to remember passwords. They leave instructions for customers to change their passwords after setting up their networks, but a large number of people neglect to do so. This seems to be the issue that Insecam is trying to bring attention to, albeit in a very grandiose way. “To

show the importance of the security settings,” is the site’s stated mission. There’s been no indication that Insecam has informed the owners of the camera feeds of what they are doing. CNET’s Bridget Carey commented, “This guy who made this website is showing that look, I can tap into all these homes because all these people still have ‘admin’ as their password! And these people don’t know. That’s what is really scary here.” One of the most disturbing pieces of information that accompany the feeds is its longitude and latitude, along with helpful links into Google Maps. Though there is no way to search for a specific feed, the geographic information seems a bit much. Owners of cameras that feature on the site can have their feeds dropped simply by changing the password. Since attention has been brought to the issue, several thousand feeds from the United States have gone dark. Foscam COO Chase Rhymes told Motherboard that the company has changed it security protocol, forcing customers to change their passwords immediately. Other companies have followed suit with similar changes. Dropcam and Samsung make users choose their own username and password from the very beginning. International media attention has led to feeds around the world, not just in the United States, going offline.

Though the method may be questionable, Insecam’s mission seems to have achieved a modicum of success. As

more feeds go dark and awareness is raised on the importance of stronger security measures, the likelihood of a

Mario Kart 8 DLC is gr8

Noah Young Webmaster The DLC for “Mario Kart 8” finally released on Nov. 13, adding eight tracks to race on, four vehicles and three characters all from iconic series ranging from “F Zero” to “The Legend of Zelda.” The tracks are split into two cups, the “Egg Cup” and “Triforce Cup,”

and feature three returning tracks and five brand new tracks. The “Egg Cup” features “Yoshi Circuit” from “Mario Kart Double Dash,” “Excitebike Arena,” “Dragon Driftway,” and “Mute City.” “Excitebike Arena” is based on the NES game “Excitebike” and is a unique track in that it is randomly generated with ramps and speed boosts appearing in different places.

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The track plays out similarly to “Excitebike” where players getting speed boosts by properly using the ramps is the key to victory. “Dragon Driftway” has the player driving in and on a statue of a Chinese dragon. The course almost entirely uses the zero gravity feature. The track is a lot of fun with lots of twists and turns. The eastern music playing in the background is awesome


and helps build the atmosphere. “Mute City” is based on the “F Zero” series and was included to complement the new kart “Blue Falcon,” also pulled from the series. Like “Dragon Driftway,” the track takes place entirely in zero gravity. The track feels a lot like a proper “F Zero” track, with the track at one point going straight up into the air, and at another passing over itself upside down. Also, little boost pads are included on the ground along with rainbow strips that refill coins and walls that electrify the player when hit. The “Triforce Cup” adds “Wario’s Goldmine” from “Mario Kart Wii,” “Rainbow Road” from “Super Mario Kart,” and the new tracks “Ice Ice Outpost” and “Hyrule Circuit.” “Ice Ice Outpost” features two platforms, one green and one yellow. These platforms occasionally meet and often pass by each other, giving the player plenty of opportunities to switch paths. “Hyrule Circuit” was added to complement one of the game’s newest racers, Link. The track has the player driving around Hyrule and through Hyrule Castle, even passing by the Master Sword. The track replaces coins with Hyrule’s rupees, piranha plants with deku babas, and bats with keese, helping the track feel


situation like this repeating itself goes down. Complacency, at least in this regard, has been tackled.

like it was pulled from a Zelda game. There is also a secret shortcut that can be unlocked, and when it is the classic Zelda secret jingle plays. Hyrule Castle guards can also be seen in the crowd. Link also possesses one of the new vehicles, in the form of the Eiji Aonuma approved “Master Cycle.” The “Master Cycle” includes triforce tires and a parachute with the bird and triforce emblems on it. Link is rendered in a somewhat odd style to help him stylistically fit into the game. His voice clips are pulled from adult Link, clashing slightly with the way Link is rendered. Ultimately, he is both menacing and cute. The other new vehicles are the “Tanooki Buggy,” a large orange ATV and the “B Dasher,” a hotrod cart returning from “Mario Kart DS.” The other characters added to the roster were Tanooki Mario and Cat Peach, though Link ultimately steals the show in this DLC, which should make any Zelda fan happy. At $8, this DLC is definitely worth it. However, Nintendo has announced that they plan to bundle it with another DLC releasing next May for $12, cutting $4 off of the price of buying each DLC individually. If the next DLC is as good, the combined pack is a deal to not pass up.


M&C| WEDNESDAY | 11.19.2014|

Hottest video game bundles for the holiday season

Morgan Engelhardt Contributing Writer

Looking for a gift for someone who loves video games this holiday season, or even trying to find good deals on video games for yourself? With Black Friday and Cyber Monday coming up, there are multiple bundled sales going on at many stores such as Target, Best Buy, and on online stores. Some of the newest consoles, such as WiiU, PS4, and Xbox One are on sale in most stores and even include games for the console itself. Some of the biggest bundle deals for the season include games that come with their consoles. Both Target and Best Buy have a $400 PlayStation 4 bundle available with the latest version of “Grand Theft Auto 5” and “The Last of Us Remastered.” Originally, both games would be $60 each and the PS4 would be $400 on its own, saving their customers a total of $120. Dell is also offering the same deal on the bundle online. Walmart is offering its own PS4 bundle, but with different options. It comes with the console, a choice of one game, and an extra controller for a total of $459, netting customers a savings of $60.

The Xbox One is also going on sale at stores like Walmart, Target, Dell, and Best Buy. All are offering the “Assassin’s Creed Unity” bundle, which includes both the new “Assassin’s Creed Unity” and “Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag” with the Xbox One. Target is selling this bundle for the best deal at $330, which also includes a $50 Target gift card with purchase. Starting the week of Black Friday, Best Buy and Dell will begin selling it for $330. Walmart, however, is selling the bundle for $349. This holiday season Nintendo is offering sales for both their Wii-U and Nintendo 2DS systems. They’re releasing a “Super Mario 3D World” bundle which will include a Wii U Deluxe and copies of both “Super Mario 3D World” and “Nintendo Land” all for $300. These items together have a retail price of $390, saving gamers $90. Nintendo is also releasing a “Mario Kart 8” Deluxe Set bundle which will only be available in Walmart stores, and will include “Mario Kart 8,” “Nintendo Land” and a Wii U deluxe. This bundle will sell for the same price at $300. For a cheaper system and deal, Nintendo is selling the Nintendo 2DS

with “Mario Kart 7” and “Mario Kart 64,” both digital copies, for $130. For those looking to save money on previous generation consoles, there are also deals available this season. Walmart is releasing an Xbox 360

bundle with an Xbox 360 500GB Blue Edition and both “Call of Duty Ghosts” and “Blacks Ops II” for a grand total of $249. As a bonus, all online buyers of this bundle will receive free shipping. Walmart is also

offering the PlayStation 3 starter edition for only $179. Besides bundles, there are multiple sales going on for single games including buy-one-get-one free sales at Target, Walmart, and Best Buy.

“Five Nights at Freddy’s 2” doubles down on the scares Seann Barbour Staff Writter

The sudden release of “Five Nights at Freddy’s 2” on Nov. 13 caught the indie gaming scene by surprise. The game was scheduled for release at the end of the year, but its creator decided there was no point in waiting around for an already finished product, and released the game early on Steam. Like the original, “Five Nights at Freddy’s 2” casts the player in the role of a security guard recently hired to work the night shift at a family restaurant not unlike Chuck E. Cheese’s. By day, the place is full of children laughing and playing while animatronic characters sing and dance for their entertainment. But at night, the

animatronics wander around, and the player must keep track of them via security camera, because if they get inside the security office then the player can look forward to a very short life expectancy. Whereas in the first game, players could control doors on either side of the security station to block out the animatronics, “Five Nights at Freddy’s 2” removes all doors. Now there is a hallway leading directly into the office, and a vent on either side that the animatronics can crawl through. Luckily, the player no longer has to worry about the building running out of power - cameras remain operational throughout the night, and at any point players can put on a mask to trick the roaming characters into

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thinking they are a fellow animatronic. However, the player’s flashlight has a limited battery. Since the flashlight not only allows players to see in dark places, but also to scare off deadly robots, conserving the battery is vital. The original “Five Nights at Freddy’s” had four animatronics, along with a special haunted one called “Golden Freddy.” The sequel, meanwhile, has at least eleven different characters out for the player’s blood. The original four have been replaced with a shinier and cuter new generation of machines, but the decaying original models are still active at night. New characters have also been added, including a child animatronic called BB that can disable the flashlight, and a puppet hidden in a music


box that must be wound throughout the night. If the player forgets to wind the box, then the puppet will pop out and rush to the guard office for a quick kill, mask or no mask. Foxy from the original game and his new counterpart Mangle are also undeterred by the mask, making the flashlight the only defense against them The large and diverse cast of adversaries makes “Five Nights at Freddy’s 2” much more hectic than the original. Each animatronic has its own patterns and strategies, and some require different tactics to ward them off. These elements all come to together to create a tense atmosphere where the player can never relax, lest they be caught by one of the murderous machines.


However, this also makes the game extremely difficult. Especially when compared to its predecessor, “Five Nights at Freddy’s 2” is unforgiving. This leads to many jump scares as the characters attack, but it can also be very aggravating. Replaying the same night over and over again diminishes the fear aspect, as bit by bit the tension of the game is replaced with frustration. Luckily, there’s enough tension in the game for multiple playthroughs, but there is eventually a breaking point, and “Five Nights at Freddy’s 2” comes dangerously close to it. Still, at only $8, the game is a steal. “Five Nights at Freddy’s 2” is a tense and terrifying game that players won’t soon forget.


M&C| WEDNESDAY | 11.19.2014|


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Top Right; Jake Maines: Left Column and bottom right; Nicolas Nemtal Diwali

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M&C| WEDNESDAY | 11.19.2014|

Deatcore/metal band whitechapel played the NorVa on Friday, Nov. 15, 2014. Sean davis | Mace & Crown

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Social Media Continued



M&C| WEDNESDAY | 11.19.2014|


Submit your creative pieces to the Creative Enclave by emailing

E NC L AV E Worl of Mine by Mouri

Lover of Mine by Mouri

I am the boy walking with his hood up, earphones in, chain wallet clinkin’ I am the woman with the scarf around her neck, pencil skirt, sunglasses shinin’I am the businessman with his pressed suit, sharp tie, briefcase, phone ringin’ I am the girl with the pigtails, the braces, walking proud, chin high, always smilin’I am all of these and none of these For you don’t really know me.

Sensual is a loving seductive word with lips caressed by tongue and slender fingers curving Sensual, sweet as honey but terrible in its fury, a trembling thunderstorm raging upon the seas and a testosterone temper tantrum when I turn away - but don’t you see, sweet sensual seductress your honey is vinegar dripping from your withered, poisoned lips.

I am the dragon raining fire upon you, wings pumping, tail sharp, scales shinin’I am the knight upon his stead, helmet down, armor bright, sword brandishin’I am the warhorse whose hooves cave in your frail skulls, shrieking, snortin’I am the peasant with the borrowed helm, the old leather armor creakin’ I am all of these and none of these For you don’t know the real me. I am the crafter of their minds, of their persons, of the lives they livin’ I am the molder of their fates, my hands dutifully dirty as I remove excess runnin’I am the gentle caress of their thigh, the loving kiss that sends them goin’I am the tug at your heart, the cry of both passion and pain, the screamin’I am all of these and none of these For you don’t know the real me. I am the author, the poet, the writer, the playwright, words always scribblin’I am the painter, the inks bright against stark white nothingness, illuminatin’I am the boy on the bench, his nose in a book larger than his arm, devourin’I am the girl in the studio, her easel stained with years of caked paintin’I am all of these and more You don’t know the real me.


Mind of Mine by Mouri A cigar in one hand And a wine glass in The other - a creator By birth, but hoped to Be an engineer. They Wanted a boy, they Wanted a mathematician What they got was A painter, a poet, an author You trained me to be Strong and independent But you can’t let me go Your expectations bow My weary shoulders Strain my frail spine Break my sweating brow But you crack that whip DO BETTER, WORK HARDER But always remember Be yourself - and what we Want you to be.

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Break of Day by Nate Fakes:








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